ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA. AT HALIFAX IjATBlTniOM klJBOPK, Briling of the Telegraph Cable--Return of (he Fleet to England Another Attempt 10 be madeArrival the India Mail Del hi not Fallen. UiurAZ, Aognat 2. Tbe Ilnyal Mail steamship America arri Ted at half-past ona o'clock this morninjr, with Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 15tli in. slant, being three days later tban prenoni 0dTheAtlnntic Tolcgraph is broken nod ope- rations Tor the pr. sunt suspended. 1 ho Dri tish steamer Cyclops returned to Valentia with Mr Field on board. That gentleman Immediately repaired to London to confer ih. dirvrtrtra as to futore movements. lie telegraphed the following to Mr. Stuart, the agent of tbe Associated l'ress at Liver-. pool : London, Saturday, Aug. IS, A. M. "Her Majesty' Rteamor Leopard arrived at I'ortsmotitu on Friday evening, tho 14th hut , and reports that tbe Atlantic cable was lost at a quarter before four o'clock on rues tin, morning, the Uth Inst, arter having paid out successfully 3:15 nautical miles, and the last 10U miles of it in water over two miles in depth, and the greater part of this at the rate x,I - moro than four knots an hour. U tho time the accident occurred there was a heavy swell on. The Niagara was go ing at tho rate of four knots per hour, and as the engineer found that the cable was run ning out in too great a proportion to the ppeed of the . ship, be considered it neces-nry ti direct the brakes to be upplied more !i mi le when unfortunately the cnl.lo parted al some disUuce from tbe stern of tho ship. Tho Agamemnon, Niagara and busqueuan na aro to remain a short time where the cn liio parted, to try some experiments m tho sleep water of that part of the Atlantic (two thousand fathoms), which, it la considered will be of great value to tho Telegraph Company, and then all go to Plym u h Kngland. Tho Cyclops was sent back with despatch es to Vuleiitia, and tbeo to juiu the Leopurd ut Portsmouth. Although the unfortunate accident will postpone the completion or this great under tailing for a short time, the result of the ex experiment has been to convince all that took hurl in it, of the entire practicability ol the enterprise, for with somo slight alterations 111 the paving out machinery, there appears to be no "great difficulty in laying down the ca ble, nnd it has been cleaily proved that you can telegraph successfully through twenty live hundred miles of tho cable, and know that its submersion at at a great depth had no percept ible influence iu the grout electric cur- rLThero is no obstacle to laying it down al the rate of five miles per boor, in the great est depth of water on the platean between Ireland and New foundland." The experience now obtained must be of great value to the Company, and it is under "lood that the directors will decido whether it ia bout to have more cable made, and try again immediately after the equinoctial gales are over or wait until another summer. In Liverpool an impression prevails that anoth er trial will take place iu October. A Liverpool paper reports tho arrival or Nia"ara, Siiaqiielianna, aud Agamemnon, ut Plymouth 3 Friday, but doubtless a mis luka. INDIA. Volhi bad not fallen up to tbc27lk of June The rebel had made several desperate sor ties, but each time were repulsed with great slaughter. Tho city was reported foil ol sick uud wouudod, and the cholera prevailed. Jteiiiforcemeuts cuutinued reachmg the Dnt jsh camp. There are floating rumors, as there were in the receipt of tho last mail, of the capture of li..ll,i hutihov are wholly unreliable. Kurilior victories in several districts bad been reported. , . The British force beforo Delhi is stated to be from seveu to eight thousand Europeans und live thousand natives. Tho native por tion of the troops had proved entirely tiust- W The whole or the kingdom of Oude had ri cn, but Sir Henry Lawrence, with bis email force, kept the enemy in check. FUKTI1KR F011K1GN NEWS. T11K VURV I.ATKST INTELLIGENCE. New. York. August, 30. The following intelligence was telegraphed from London to Liverpool on tho morning of Wednesday, lb. j 1st previous to the depar ts 0 of the Atlantic-. T11K RUMORED FORGERIES. Th Times soys, "a rumor lias been circu lated that a merchat at Liverpool, lately do cased has left liabilities estimated at $300,. J0il, of which 100,(100 are upou forged ac ceptances. Tho preciso facts havo not trans pired but tho statement is believed to be true.' The death of the defaulter is stated to have teen by suicide, and bis loss are sup posed to have been incurred by heavy specu lations in cotton aud shares." EXPORT OF SILVER TO THE EAST. Tho amount prepared for transmission by ibn steamer of Wednesday reaches l,'2:0,- 000 being tho largest shipment ever jet made. Tl,r is reason to suppose that the very large quantity of silver exported this year may have produced an effect in the East whiMi h..r,ir the lartso of many months, will tonJ considerably to check the magnitude or these operations. Meanwinie, me ueuiauu for silver for the East has become less active in consequence of the quotations received by the last mail. BANK OF FRANCE PURCHASING BULLION AGAIN. The IJank of France have renewed their rtiticial purchases of bullion again, on a Boale which. 6hows that the reduction in their tate or discount last J uue was aitogctuer pre mature. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH STOCK 't'lm i'l 000 shares of the Atlantic Tulo graph Stock havo bceu offered in London at U UlSCOUDl (II AJU. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. LATEU FROM EVBOI'B. THE TELEGRAPH CABLE. New York, August 30, Tim steamsdiiD Atlantic arrived this morn ing, with Liverpool advices to the nineteenth instant, four days later than by tbe Amer ica The Atlantic passed the Europa on the 20lh inst , the Persia on the 24th, in lat. 50, long. 41, and the Fulton on the 2(itk off Cape Rice. . The sloamer Asia arrived ot Liverpool on the lGtu iust. The vessels lavin? the Telecrranb cable bad arrived ut Plymouth, and the Directors or tbe Company were to assemble on tbe 10th kL London, to deliberate upon future proceed ings. It is believed that the company will take immediate steps to recover tbe lost por lion of the cable. Fully one half, it is tboughl ran be saved, and that tho ultimate loss to the Company will not exceed 25,000 ster Tho recent storms and floods bave occa tioued much dumage to tbe crops in England t ut the weather ess sicce lmprovKO. THrS ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. On Saturday, some of tbe leading members ui vn expcuiuou vuii ccumpsuieu. me ieio graph squadron, during tbe week, arrived in town, and confirmed in full the directors, at the company's office, the fact of the failure of tne Atinntio Telegraph. Mr. Cyrus Field was tha first to arrive in London, and made the following official re- port 10 mo oireciors. rue report alluded to appeared in tbe columns of the Ledger on Thursday. it aoes not appear that the accident was owing in any way to the too great weight or tne paying out machinery and gear on tbe Niagara, but the machinery is susceptible or considerable improvements. Borne or the gentlemen in command of the expedition ur ged tne desirableness or raising up the 300 miles, or of splicing that quantity on to the shore end again, nad going on towards the Newfoundland shore, in spite or the catastro phe that had occurred ; but it was evontually determined to return borne, as it would in all probability be found that the expedition would neither have enoogh "alack" nor avail able cable to complete tbe length to be sub- .merged betweee snore end shore, there were two representatives or tbe luifsian Gov ernment, one or the French Government, two or the British Government, and two or the American Government with the expedition, togcthef wilti Mr. J W. Brett, the well known father of sub-marine telegraphs be tween Kngland and France, and the Mediter ranean, who arrived in town ou tiuturduy, shortly arter M r. Field. The directors of this compnny hold a spe cial meeting on Wednesday next, to consider and determine whether attempts shall be re newed in October next, after the exquinoxial gales, or whether the further prosecution of this enterprise shall deferred until next sum mer. Various opinions are afloat with refer ence to the strength of the cublo ; but it is asserted that, were it either stronger or weak er, the desired end in view would not have lieen arrived at, and that upwards or sixty diuVrout kinds or rope were experimented ou More the present form or cable was deter mined on. This is tbe first electric cable that h is been sunk either in this or any other country to the extent or three hundred and thirty-five miles; bat it is a singular Tact that with the exception of the Norwegian tele graph cable, of some niuety miles long tdie first attempt in every previous experiment for laying down a subuiarino cable bas been a failure, although the second attempts bave been successful. The entire length or wire, copper and iron in the cable amounts to 332,- 500 miles, or enough to go thirteen times round the earth. With reference to the arrangements on board the Niagara, for regulating the. "strain" which unfortunately caused the cable to break it appears the cable weighed one ton a mile, and could bear a direct strain of four tons upon its strand. When, however, according to Professor Whitchouse und Mr. Bright, the engineers, it was immersed in tho sea, its relative weight was diminished, and its down ward pressure on the salt water was little un der 11 cwt. per mile. The greatest depth over which the vessel would have to pass in depositing the cable was little moro thuu two miles, and this depth was reached uttho time that the cable broke ; consequently, if enough of the rope were suffered to bang motionless from one or the vessels, to reach tbe bottom in this depth, the train to be borne by the cable would be one ton and a half. According to the arrangements, however, for tho paying-out, the cublo would be con stantly in motion, with only a sufficient re strains power upon it to control and regulate its passing from the Niagara until this was increased by a rate slightly faster than the progress of the vessel. In this condiliou of things, another modifying influence came in to operation, to act further in relief of the strain. Tbe cable would not only be some what buoyed up, so to speak, by the w ater, but also by the influence or friction. It would not descend as it was paid out in a vertical liue, because the friction of its sides against the water retarded tho sinkig of the mass. The amount of this retardation, and tbe length that would lie between the Btern of the vessel and tho bottom or tbe sea, were determined by tbe rate a which the cable was paid out, and at which the paying out vessel moved. In Tact, so for from there being any rain, consequent on the weight of tbe cable ufficietit to injure its iutegrity, it was gener illy thought and expected that there would be just pull enough to drag it gently out of the vessel over the revolving sheaves. 1 he arrangements in the event of anything going wrong, were to oacu the Niagara as rapidly as possible, aud so slacken the cable the break being bouud down on the fric- on drum to arrest the outrun of tho cable. he ropo would then be hauled in on board, and on . its being discovered, the imperfect part cut out, iu place supplied by splicing in fresh cable, aud the paying-out resumed us usaat. The expectation, in the event of success was that, witluo u month at the lurthest messages niigh be flashed through both Eng land aud America ; uud it is now, even in the face or temporary failure, supposed that grand international result may be regarded mure, merely us a matter or time than or actual aud possible accomplishment. FRANCE. The files given ty Napoleon un the 15th passed off will, though marred by wet wea ther. It is rumored that France intends to de maud the extradition or Ledru Rollin, and that he is about to leave for America. It is stated that 'France is about sending a naval expedition to Cochin Chiua, to domand satisfaction for insults to her tliig. Death of Commodore Caskin. Tho ven erable Commodore Stephen Cassiu died at bis rosidence in Georgetown, 1). C, on Satur day in tbe 70th year of bis age. He eutered the navy nlty-seven years ago when a boy, and seived under Perry at tbe naval battle on Lako ivno, whore he distinguished bimsell and was promoted, lie was a terror to the pirates who infested the Atlantic ocean and on the 2Blb and 20th September, 1822 bo cap tured five piratical vessels, lie also comman ded tbe Jicondcroga under Commodore McDonough, on Lake Cbamplaiu in JS 18. I n consequence of ill health be had Been but 11 year's sea service and was on the reserved list at the time 01 ins death. RoBnEnr of tub Pennsylvania Railroad's Exl'RKS Bl'RTllKN TRAIN KBOM PllILAIJEL- uiA. The express buitben truin from this city on 1 uesday last, was robbed of about one tbousaud dollars ol dry goods beyond Uillersville. 1 ho goods were traced lo bouses in Lancaster. One that or Jacob llerzog, givts information that be bad purchased them from a German named John Frumpy. Two other persons were suspected or being out in the country selling other portions or the goods. One of them, Henry Levun, a half brother or llerzog, was arrested aud tbe officers are now in pursuit 01 the third person implicated. Tbe robbery was effected by entering the cars immediately after the agent bad examined tbem, and by throwiug out tbe bales and bun dles into the road for accomplices iu wagons to picK up. A Camel Load. Tbe Government camel new at work in Texas carry 600 pounds or corn ot a load and travel 3i miles per bour without difficulty. Their great value is not so much on account or greater strength than tbe borse, but on account of their ability to make Xbtjomado del muerto, or journey of death, across tne desert plains of Westei ioxas. Handsome Bkqi'ests. Tbe will of tbe late Alexis J. Dupont contains among other do nations, $10,000 to Trinity Cburch, Wilming too, Del., $6000 to St. John's Church Brandy. wine V illiuge and tfouvu 10 tne " 11 it hop' tuna." New Advertisements. TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. TNnnwnelnlh TH1RTF.F.NTH Ainiunt Villain of J. the 8CIKNTIFIG A.MKKICAN, the Publisher re arm.fnlljr Inform the pahlie tliftt hi order to incmnwe end nunamte tne lormatinn or eiune, nty pmpnee to ofler ONE THOUSAND FIVR HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASIt PRRMIUMfl for the flrtren Inrgput IIMa of nbtcrllier tent In by the Itt of January, lbo8 1 mill premium lo be dittributed H For Ihehrceel Hal, f.100 Sd, t9B0 H9)0 th, I30 j Sth, Slue 1 mli, tuOj J1I1, HUj eth. roi uth, ami; imh, 50 lllli, 10 I llh,KU llfth.KWi 14th, tSS; ISth.lMO. Nome of eultarribere enn be tent in at dim,,,,! limM and from different Poet Offirra The cah will be paid to the ortlera of the aucceaafiil eoinnstli.,ra. immwi;.,.!. aftrr the let of Jnnnury, jf-JB. Southern, Weetern. and Canada mnnn will h tnkn far aubecription. Canadinii aubaeriliera will plraae to ruinit Twenty-aix cent extra on each yeui'a eubecriplioii to pre-pay p. TKH.M3 OF StWSeniPTION T.n nll.r. . V.r or One IMIur fur Six Month . UL.UB KATKP. Five Copica, for Wx Montlia, 1 j Five Copiea, for Twelve Mntitha, Ten Cnpiua, for Six Montha, f8 1 Ten Copiea for Twelve Moulin, VIS i l wenty Copiea, for Twrli-e montha, For all Clulta nf T,v,.tv n.r.r II. I.m..Im. lion ia milv 1.40. . The new volume will be minted unon fine oaoer with new type. ine general ehatapter of the SoixsTirie Axirk-a la Well known, awl. aa herefifim.. it u.,11 Im, mtipHv il.vnlfl to the promn'frntiofi of infoimationu-latinx to the vnnmia Merhanieal am) Chemiml Arte, Miinafarturra. Agriculture, Piitenta, Invrnlinna, Kiigineeiine:, Mill Work, niKl all illtereata Which the lie lit of Hiaellml Science ia ralmilutrrf to advance It ia iaaiicd weeklr. in foiin for bindina I it contniiia annunjly from fiOO to '6110 finely executed F.ngra- nnu .ioucca ot American nnu K.uropcnn Improve menu, tosether wlih aa Officinl l.ial of Am,., ifnn I'nletit Vienna puiHirnca ivecmy in advance of nil older pnpera. It ia the aim of the Kditora of the t'ciiaTll'ic A ManirAK to prraeut all eulijecle din-uasnl in ita columne in a pmcli. cat and popular form. They will alao endeavor to mnin. tnm a candid irarleunraa ill conilmliuc ond rxnoaing fulae thcoriea and plncticea ill Scientific and Mechanical uinttera. ami Ihua preerrve .he character of the rVlxxtirir Ami- bicak aa rrliaiile k.icyclopailia of lacful and Enter taining Knowledge. th Specimen copiea will be emit sratia to anv nnrt of c oountrv. M UNN ft CO , PnMiubcre and Pntent Agcnla, No. I'M Fulton ilrcet, New York. August S3, 1857. Ffttnte of Felix Lcrcli, deed.. MOTICE ia hereto given, that letters of ail w minietrntion on the eatale of Felix I.e rch. late of Mount (.'nrmel township, Northumberland county, deceased, have lieen granted to the anh scriber. All persons indebted will please make immediate payment, and thoan having claim regent them duly aniliciilicalcd for actilemeul. AMOS V8T1NE, Adm'r. Shamokin twp., August 22, 1857. fit ICE1 ICE 11 ICE 1 1 1 FOR SA1.K EV M. C. GE AKII ART. Sunbury, August 15, IHC7. The $10 and $15 Single and Double inreaaea impire Family Sewing Machines. AN AGENCY for tbe sale of thcae Brwing Machines can he secornl on liiiMml tiir.n r.. the County of Northumbrian ,1. Nil nnu neeil pply without capital sufficient lo conduct the huainess properly and who cannot hrinir refer ences as to reliability and capacity. A personal ppiication win up iipccrwary. The peculiar adanlation of theas Machinn for II purposes of Family Sewinir. will, wl.e re ever they are oflered for sale command a ready and uiimiicu ucniann. JOHNSON 4 GOOUtl.I,. E. Corner of Olh and Arch Bts., Fhiladel'a. August 15, 1857 tf To the Electors of Northumberland County. 'TMIE suhscritier hereby offers himself as a -- candidate for PHOTHONOTARY. Having always hcen a steodfHst Democrat, and considering himself comjietetit to perform the duties of the office, be would respectfully ask of the Democratic party of the county a nomina tion at the primary election. Among oilier qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the nglmli and Oermau hinguace would enntila im to attend satisfactorily to all havine businena in the office. DANIEL LECKLY. Trevorton, June 20, 1857. Candidate for Prothonotary. To the Vutert of Northumberland County. 4 T the solicitation of rr.ny friends from dif- fnrent nnrtd nf thx hmntu il,A : I asconacntod to become an Independent Candi ate for the office of PROTHONOTARY at the ensuing election. Should he he successful, no effort shall be spared upon hid part to peiform mo uuues 01 tno oiuce wiwi Uuulily, promptness and impartiality. JAMES BEARD. 8unhury, August 8, 1857. te. Candidate fur Mierlir. To the Voters of Northumberland County. A T the solicitation of many friends from dif rl- fcrent parts nf tbe county, tho undersigned as consented to become an Independent Candi ute for the office of SHERIFF at the eiifuinu lection. Should he be successful, no effort hall ie spared uiion his part to perform the du ties of the office with fidelity, promptness and impartiality. JAMES VANDYKE. Northumberland, June 27, 1857. Volunteer Candidate. To the Electors of Northumberland County. THE undersigned hereby offers himself as a Volunteer ('undulate for COUNTY TREASURER, At the ensuing election. His motive for so do ing, is that approaching old age, and an injury caused 'J a nroken collar rone, renders him unable to work at his trade, of Carpenter, lie- leving himself capable of perlnrming the duties of the office, he earnestly solicits your suppart. I'ETEIl 1UL.1S.MAN. Sunbury, June 27, 1857. te J. I'ALMLR & Co. Murkot Street Wliarf, Philadelphia. DK.AI.I'.IIS IN FltIl AND PROVISIONS ; HAVE constantly on hnnd an untortineut of Mackerel, fluid, llerriiiKi, Codlieli, llecf. Pork. Und. kUioultiefS lliiina, eidea, Cheese, Uive, &c. iiluruu wl, oiu .I01SA S. II LAUD, -A.1"TOJ?tISJ'i3V -A.T LAW, OJJice in Macket ft., opposite the Court House, EUNBTJRY, FA. Collections mad and Professional Business generally attended la Promptly and Carefully. PiiiiiDEirnii RtrtRKxez i llullitt lr Fairthorne, Diehl Werlz, Davis V llirney, F. Tylot & Co. Sunbury, June 80v 1857. TMIE Glasgow Poisoning Case. Particulars -- in the National Police C inzelte, for sale by August 1,'57. II. Y. FRILING. THKWarTruil or the Hunt of the Wild Horse by Capt. Mayne Reid, for sale by August I, '57. II. Y. FKILINO. lOOO lbs ol Carpet ItagH VVANTED at the store of K. Y. Bright & ton, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public tbe largest and most uesirauie assortment. July II. 1857. OATCIIOULY, JOCKEY CLU1I, SPRING IL FLOWERS, Ac, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store or A. W. r IS11LK. fiunburf. Aug. I, 1857. nYDROLEtJM PAINTS, These paints a mixed with water, thereby saving the co re cost of oil, for sale by March H, '57. A. W. FISHER. COUNTY ORDERSCounty orders taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT 4; BON. Nov. 2. 185ff. PORTER'S Spirit of the Times for sale by , , H. Y. FRILING. August I, 1SJ7. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. OTCE is hereby given that Joseph Wolvcr A ton, Eiecutor of the Will nf Isaac Wolver ton, dee'd., In pursuance of an order of lha Or phsns' Court, of Northumberland county, granted at August Term, 1857, will eipoaa to sale by public outcry, on TUESDAY, THE S7th DAY OP OCTOBER next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., al the dwelling house on the premises, all that certain FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, situate in Rush township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Abraham Hoffman, Simon Interline, John Ves per, Samuel Gilliuger, Jacob Weaver and a lot of the widow Wolverton, (cut off from the farm.) containing 166 acres, on which are erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Barn and Outbuilding", and on which are an Apple Orchard, a good Spring House, and about 100 acres of well cultivated land, It is about fjur miles from DanviMe. TERMS OF SALE Ttn per tent, down, one half the balance on the Istof April, I85H, the other half on the 1st of April, 1859, with interest from lat April, 1858, to be secured by Bond and Mortgages on the prcmiaa. JOSEPH WOLVERTON, Ex'r. uy order of Ibe Court Court ) O. C. 8, 1857 )ts V. li. Purscl, Clk. S'ltibury, August 8 ..v zt.n.nBnjrtJiA; RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and " the public generally, that he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at Dnvid Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that bo is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. His Slock consists in part of SPHINO & SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Quecnsware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower August a twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf Till. LAItGUST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF UAL TIM ORE. XTATIIIOT'S Gv Street W nrcroonn No. ilL and 43 Ninth (Jay street, near Favette, llnlliinorc : V3 where la kept ntwnva ou'hnnd, or mnce lo older, every atyleof French TETK-A-TETKS, ill 1'luali, lluir, Clotli or lirocntcllc. French Full Stuft and Mednllion Tarlor Ann Chuirs, In Pluah. lluir, Cloth or Iirncntclle. French Fullftufl'Cnived Purlur Chairs in acta, with Plush, lluir, Cloth or llrocatrlle. s o .r a s . Ifnlf French Ppring Mahogany and Walnut Tarlor Chitira, in Hnir, Cloth and IMuth. Hocking Cliuira vnrioua designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plnnh. SiulTSpiiiio; Innirea a large naanrlment alivnja en hnnd, or any pattern made or covered with any goods to order. CHAKBOB SUITS. In'Miibofrnny or Wulnut, complete, from g.15 up. Cnne Chiurs and Hocking do. the largeM neu.rluirnt rc.'idy made iu any one house in the United Stutca iroiu Sl-i a dozen up. U:ir Kooin, OITice and Diiliiia; Cliaira, in Ouk. Walnut or MuIhtiii)', wilh Cnne, Wood or Sluliul Scuta an m-aotimeiit en.lnat'ing over 50 dozen. Wood sent Cluiis uud ik'tteea uml Rocking Cliaira. over loo dozen. (Jilt and Plain Frame T.ookin)' Gl:isc, of every variety. All kinda of Ueds, lluir and Uimk .Miiilmmcs. A. MATIHOT. Nos. 23 and &i N. Cny at , near Fuyeltn it , Unltimoro. August 1, 1857. ly -A. XuJJDr. riIO HAS BEEN CURED OF GREAT ? NERVOUS DEBILITY, after many years of misery, desires to muke known to all fellow-sufferers the sure means of relief. Address enclosing stump to pay return postage, Mrs. MARY E. DEW ITT, Boston. Mass., and the prescription will be sent free, by next post. August 8, 1857. 3m I't Fruit and Ornamental Trees. IT F. GILBERT is iu town again, and will IT Jit remain for a short time for the purpose of taking orders for Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Ac, Arc , from II. E. Hooker & Co., celebrated Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. These Nurseries were established in 18110 and now contains about 150 Acres. You can rely upon their trees being just as they are repre sented. August 1, 1857. riXILADELFUIA Wood JIouldiiiK Hill, miluw Street aboce Twelfth, North Side. MOT L D I N G S suitoble for Carpenters, liuilders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, worked from the best and thoroughly seasoned material, always on band. Any pattern work ed from a drawing. The subscriber having purchased tho cn ire interest, will continue the business with increas ed facilities. Agents wanted in the various towns in this portion ol the Slate, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. SAML'KL B. HENRY. July 18, 1857. 3m 2jp Gu.tuu ! Guano!! Guauu!!! Al.l. KINDS. IXlNAU'9 81'PF.n PHOf fHATE OF LIME. 7000 TONS. tW FARMERS! For your wheat crops, use LK1N At'S Super Phosphate of l.line, at til CIS., a lh. or tills Ton ; or Use I.F.I- N A li ' A .M Kit IUA1H I i-.ii 11 at if j.xi a inn. or W a ton. One buriel of either is suihcieni for an Acre of Wheat. TUKfli Allli rf.lf.MA.-Ni;M-.MAMJItl.!, made of reliable Cheiuical F.leinents, and huve been in successful use for the past Six Years, improving the soil aud increasing tbe vulue of the laud Foul Uiplomas iroin tne stale Airricuuurui iocieiy 01 Pennsylvania ; New Jersey ; Delaware and the Crystal Pulnce Association of the City of New York, have been receive! fol these Valuable Fertilizers. Pamphlets 111 the r.utrlish and Oeriuuii Iiuguage can be hud bv appllcutiiul ut the Olhce. A liberal discount to Wholesale Dealers. 'i'heattove Fertilizers, delivered FHl'.K of Cartace to anv wliarl in the old Proper. (Inters sent by Mull accomiaiileil Willi cam or urulls, will be promplly Shipped to any purl of the World. UKOKUK A. I.MNAU, Proprietor. No. Ifl South I' rout street, 1'hiladclplna lily. July 3, IW7. 4iu w I'citusylvunia. Wall Paper & Window Shades'. A. ISAACS, No. 103 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. TT A VlNG completed their large assortment "of the above Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to th same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and Variety cannot he surpas sed. Tho have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Uulf Hollands, and Shade Pictures. Wall Papers, Cuttaitis, Fire Board Prints, Border. &c., all of which they oiler at lower rate than can be ba l at any other establishment. Call anc examine. A. ISAACS. 103 North Second Street. March?, 1857 Cm w PICKLES of various kinds, LoUlers, Sar dine, Ac, etc, just received and for sale at in Drug Store of A. w. 1 tout. it, Sunbury, August I, 1857. rTVlbaoco and Segars. 20,000 Imported begara of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fin cul tobacco it A. W. FISHERY Bunbury, March U, 1857, NEWS FOB THE MILLION I MERHONS United States Magazine, Sa turday Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune, Magistrate, Nick Nax and Yankee Notions for sale by H. V. r KIl.lIW. N. B. Persons living at a distance can have a list of prices forwarded by addressing aa above. Magaiines, Pnpera and Book not on hand, constantly ordered. Bunbury, July 18, 1857. tf A CALL TO FARMERS. Farmers, drop your Tools, Faust a little, Head this and Reflect I THE FARMER'S PROMOTION BOOK. A new and Scientific Mtinminrr at)atcin, for the Cultiva tion of all kinds of (Jmina, Grneaee, Fodder and Pasture, npon all kinds of Boil ; Proved by actunl K.xiieriinents and hnscd on evident trullia j Designed to improve Airiicultiire iu all ila hinnchca; represented hyupwnrds of one hiindred and til ty engruvinga of tlte most valua ble Urnascsand Plants counectedwith the aystcm. Ily Or. V. G. HLIMIULD, DOAI.SBUno, CENTRE CO., PA. IN this trcntire H will be seen that the oliject has ben to give the Fanner that kind or information vliich euiihlcs him to mrika practical upplicnt ion lo fertilize his Linn and increase his grain, fodder, and pasturage, 1'lie doctrines ns tnue,ht hy this umuurins;, and foilder and (ma ture cultivation system are rational, clear and evident, and suggest an iin, rovcinent in the mode of ngriculture hither to unknown lo our fnruicrs. und which, if ntlooied and carefully pinctii;ctt, cannot fail to advance the interests of me iiiruiing community, r-ucli a work lata lecn milcli wanted, t.a it fills a void which lins long been felt, hut which there has hitherto liccn no nltcinnl to snrnlv . and as fanners of Centre mid Huntingdon enmities, we recom mend the work to every furincr.ns w-e fully hclicve thut tricy will rinp ttio greuicst possilitc heitcht it Daniel Moaser, Philip Moycr, Christian Dale, Jacob Moycr, tieorge Utm, Henry Moycr, Jacnh Mosser, Ktmuct (Jillllaud, John Dailcy, (reorge Jack, Himucl lliiucnu, John llaruiau, Jona. AlcWlllinina, Ocorge llucliunnn, (ieorge (Juyei, Jr. Fralit-is Alexander, John Carper, John Neil". Sen'r. John llitpson, John M,aT.T, rainue. Wilson, Chiisliau lloffcr, lieorce W. Meek, Joseph linker IV Tlic nliove work IS fol Sale hv Ilev. J O. McKEF IIAX, Milton, Noillnimiicrluud county, Pa. Plica tfiU Aiigusi i, jino II U S S E Y ' S AMERICAN llEAPElt, FOIl t I TTI.Mi UU I II GRfilN AND GRASS, iUEAT improvements for 1857 This Ma- f chino was put in suceasful operation in 1833 and continued to be tho only 7ieaping aud Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1N IO twelve years after its introduction. Other Reapers are now offered with glowing ad vrrtimunents. Certificates, Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, &c. But the Farmer in search of the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter. had better see a little further. If there is any value in 21 years experience in building Reapcra, aud using them in the har vest held, and in the improvements made during that long period, OBED IIL'SSEY.lhe Futhcr of Renpers, ran claim it. All who are satisfied with the Best A caper and Mower, a-jn bo sup plied hy sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a Urge demand, and we can not have over 200 Rcadv for the vast harvest of 1 857. We guarantee that this Reaper and Mower can not be beaten on fair trial by any other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 1857, and we also insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine in we. We would respectfully invite banners to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, aud satisfy themselves of its superiority over all others. During the last four years, the subscribers have sold between 500 and 600 of tliete Machines, to the best and most successful Fanners in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. 1 he subscriber have '.he exclusive riuht in the lolloning counties: Mouluur, Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry, Mitllin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. UfJUUEs, .MAKS11 ot CO., l.cwULurg, Union county, I'u. July 11, 1857. SMITH'S Essence of Juinulcit f.fngcr. THIS urticle is cnrefully pteired from the best Jamaicn limpet, ull the vuluublc medicinal propcilies of winch it is warranted lo piscss iu u concent luted and conve nient form. It is nn excellent rcmedv in tlvsocnsui. flatulence, ch.v lie and impaired mid feeble statu of the digestive lime lioiia. From ils refreshing stieimth and pmperucs as a gentle stimulating tome it is well adapted to counter act ine aeiiiiiiating mllucuce of the extreme. Heals i.l sum iner, theeflecta ol sudden changes, Ac. to laniny sliouid be without it, ns its timely use will ve them from iiiauy an serious muck of lilueus. I'lice 05 cents per bottle. 1-orsuleby June -JO, c57. I III STORE. MISS LOUISA S11ISS1.ER, respectfully In forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, thut she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, nt Trevor ton in Shainokin street, nearly opposite K house's i avern, where all kinds of llonnets and fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia (lie best manner and latest style. April 25, 1857. tf PAPERS & MAGAZINES. riUE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag X of our I rnon, r rank Leslies Illustrated iNcwspaper, Uiillou s rictonai, national t'olicc Gazette, Weekly Nove.llette, Wuvcrly Maguzine, and Harper s Weekly Journal Civilization. Also, Harper's Magazine, Gode's Ladv's Book and Putnam's Magazine, just received and for sale hy II. V. FRILING. Bunourr, July 1 1, 1857. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. No. 2:!4 h41(5 .V. Third St., Philadelphia. JOHN CLY1MEP., Proprietor. (Successor to Dami l DiLiitr.) rj"MIE Proprietor returns his thanks for the - librnl patronage bestowed on this well known house, and respcctlully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring his many fiends of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that 110 pains shall be spared lo render comfort aud plea sure to all whb may give him a call. TElf.Ms' !jjil,00 PER DAY. Philadelphia, July 25, 1657. 3m Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby eivpn that the firm of Bird. Douty & John, of Big Mountain Colliery, was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John. JtJr.l'U iilKH, JOHN B. DOUTY. J. J.JOHN. The business of Mining and Shipping Goal trout the above named Colliery will liereaftcr be carried 011 in the name of Bird & Douty, who ill adjuat ull llie uneetllcd account of the late firm. JOSEPH lllltl). JOHN B. DOC TV. Shamokin, July 18, 1857 tf It I'll red l'llVhltlail. 75 vest of age, having lost his Father, two Brothers, Daughter, B1111-111-law, rscpuews anu nieces, ny mat urcau ful disease, Consumption, and aull'ering with 1 Cough himself, determined lo visit the East In dies, Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a Preventive and Certain Cure lor IvOlus, l.ougns, Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and Asthma. His cough was cured immediately ; he relumed, cured his velativrs, who Inherited tbe disease, and in connection with his son Lav employed it in their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others. For the purpose of rescuing aa many of hi sull'erinz fol low beings as possible he is sending the Ilecipe to all who wish it for 10 cents ; 3 of it to pay the postage, and Pie balance printing. Address Dr. Hiatm 101 Spring street, opposit St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. June 13, 1857 3m Sro IJItOWN'S and Breinig's Essence of Ginger and Husband' Magnesia at March 11, '67. FISHER'S. aSCCAIf CUBED HAM A lot just received and fur salt by. LEVI SEASHOLTZ. April 1657. ED. IT. BRIGHT & SON, STJJSrBTJR-Sr, NORTHUMBEBliANr) COUNTY, HAVE JU8P RECEIVED A LA RGB SUPPLY OF Dry Good, ltcnriy made Clothing, Stools n ml Shoes, I3nrd wnre, r!rocericM, dilasit, Uiu-f usivarc, Ac, Among our present 8lock may be found French Lawns, Poplins, Fetiry Kilka, Plaid Dnral, TifHiet, Bereges, Dehegea, Challl, Black Silks, Alpacca, Glnghama, tSwita Mull, '1 srllon, Cambiia. Nuht' sook, I3rillianU, Dimity, Honk Muslin, lk-linctt Collars, Swiss Flouncing, Inrettii.g, Lares, Itib' buns, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS. Embractng the moat beautiful st) lea, all iiiutlilles and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Pinnies, Oil Cloths and CarpcU. Hummer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware enihiacine; all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the bsst manufacture, Fllta of every dcscru tion, Cutlery, Shoo 1 hidings, Lasts, &c I'ormcr fjllurtn MirpanNcd In ;tiati1Ky and ((unilty. In addition to our former Hton Koom, we have fitted up the second stuy of our establishment whicli yon will find well stocked with Ueady Made Clothing, Hoot and Shoes rotnhiiiiurr hrauty durability and cheapness. W o shall continue to receive Goods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering ou assortment at all times complete, another inducement to all who wish to purchase. NEW GOODS AT LOW V R I U E 3 We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully invite an innpc' tion of our Goods, aa wa deem it a pleasure to Watt on nil who may favor us with a call. COUNTRY" PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Kill Saws, Vindow Hash) Grindstones, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pish, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &c., always on hand. .Sunbury, May 3, 1857. tf E. Y. BRIGHT V- SON. SUPREME COURT NORTHERN LI3. j TRICT. .Ik'oiiut. is hereby given ttiat the Supreme ' Court for tho Northern District of Pennsyl vania, will hold it session on October Term for said District, in Williamsport, Lycoming county agreeably to the following order of said Court, a certified by the Prothonotary of the Eastern Dis trict. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Prothonotary, 8. C. N. Di Prothonotary' oflice, June 27, 1857. Ill the Supreme Court of IViinsylvnniu : NORTHERN DISTRICT. AND now, June 23, 18S7, It is ordered that a Special Terra of the Supreme Court bo held under I lie Act of Stith April, 1855, a Williams port, Lyccmiug county, to commence on the first Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of hetr ing arguments on writs of error, appeals, Ac, from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland and Montour, and such other cause from any of the counties composing the Northern District as may he by mutual consent argued at the said tune and place. 7 he said special term to con tinue a long aa may be necessary. Certificate Jrom the Record. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of June, A.D. I8.ri7. J. F. BELSTEIIING, Tro Proth'y. July 4, 1857. tc Spring andlSummer Fashions for 1857 -A.T IE3. -W. G R.A.T'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. JV'OW received and will continue to receive, -' the largest und best selected Stock of Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Cussinetts and Vesting., Ar. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz : Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Lain? Uaregcs, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Linen, blenched and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'illowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarwore, Groceries, Quecnsware. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Scgnrs, Tobacco, Snulf, &c, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mentioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to assure our old friends and llio public that no cllort on our part shall bo wanting to merit a continuance of our patronage. Country produce taken iu exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GKAY. Bunbury, May 30 , 1857. If HERXIINCTS SAFE. TIIH Al'KlVI.Kl)l.l IJ (i'.Biirr 2 champion 1 1 ! V l" T,IK HKCKNT TKIAIS a l'li-ri,,M'' ' Rcoilina have cinlurscil the ciinea 'QllAMitj ' P'T- J 1,1 pal'" opinion, ana conlirinct Z -X - liit L' 'ft ine vcinici ui lll'trc inui, jciiu jni' r f -i1-- ';' k ocn'al lircs, proving conclusively ''1 i I ri Iflf'-fl "lleir'ne's" isiliconl) -SAKE ' U 1 that will nut 1,11111. "Ayx'j I'.xtracl fiom Ilia Omimiltci 'a fr;, iicnoil on ine iiiui ui iiuu ;raici at Uouiliiiir ; ' On the SOili "f Fchrnary all the nieinlrs of ihc Com mitlee met tti w.tncKs the Sill's anil h,Mks null papers, (placeil in tlicin) iiiui were perfectly salislil Hint all was riRlit. Trie it.iy lull.. wine, tne miming )iace. uiincr the ni.TiMteii.l,'iirc ol tho Connnitlec. After a fair ami iinnartuil lairninff f,r rive hours, the Stfe of McShrs. r.vaus 4 was first upend, the Safe l-n.c on (lie inside, mill the corneals partially nnisumni, wane tne con teuts in the Safe of Messrs. Parrels & liming wtue 111 good condition, and no tire inside." Kcarlinir. Malcll 'j, lHr,7. iSo.unl.t II V. FK.I.1V. PN COI.K.MAN, Committee. A. II. PKACtH'K. And e-utoranl l.y over 50 of Hie heat men rif Rnuliiig. 't'lie alMiveSiiles can le insnccll at IH Walnut Sueet, ..'lier ll, nlil.lie Cillt sallSlV I llCIUSelVCS tlf tllC CTMlt SllPe- norilv of the 'lleirina s I'atent t tiainiiloll," over ins defeated and useil up "inside Iron Poor Sulmumler." Fnrrcls & Ilcrrlne;, 31 Walnut St., Vhiluda. Only mnkers iu this Slale of Herring's Patent Cliatnpioa ftifea. . , Tlieulleinpt made hy other panics to uamer up tiiu reputation ol ll Nile which has lulled so aignniiy u acci dental hres ill I'lilladeli.liln. (Itansteuil Pluck.) Iiy taking one out ol an incut's st.irc, (II A. IjiiiIz.) mww .touUe thiekileaa. (eilferent from tliose they sell) to burn up" one ,! Herring s (nail us llilchj nas iiiui win. v- ....I. ,1, ,,lv r.-li;.llc life now liuide is"lleri nil" 8 wanl. Hernial s Sale count not ue uunn, i. ... ,., of w hich over 15.1KM are now in aclual use. ami mors tlian --KIO have la-en tricl by lire without a single, loss. Plnla., June SO, 1-57. IV. THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS ! GOV- GEA "Y'S ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS Lnrgo 12mo. SIS pages, ll'ift a complete History of the Territory. UsTtt. Ji-se, 1857. l'liilimcins a full account of its discovery, fieoeraphy, Kill, Clliliale, Products, its orcaiiization as a Trrnloiy, transactions und rveula und. r Oovein ns Itchier and Sliuitnou. polilieal rtiseussions, Personal Ueiicoiinlcis, l .lec. lion frauds, Imtlles and oulrniics, Willi I'oltullsol pmlil iieiiiuct nsthereiu.ull fully uuthenlieuitd By JOHN II. illltl, M. I). Private Sccretaiy to Ijov. Geary. Carefully compiled from the Official documents on 61s in lha ilepultiilenl ,f Plate at Washington anil oilier pa pers ill ll.e possession of the Aalhor, Willi full account of the Invasion of Kansas Iroiu Missomi j lha rnpluie, trial anil Irealnieot im the t'rea Klate pris-aiers. Hie clianu-ler and uiovemenlsof the Missouri Holder Kuduus, I lie luur l!er of llulluill and others. The Controversy hetweeu Governor Ccary and Judne Lrcoinptn. The piiH.-etliirrs of th Tenitoriul Lcgislat ire, ol tlis pro-slavery conventual, and the orgunizalioii of llie Nu ti, awl Uem.K ratic Party. Willi a skelch of Kanaaa during ita early trouhles under Uova. Heeler and tShuiimin. Us Invasions, llulllca, Uuirugcs aral Murders. A oopy will oe seal to anv purt of the United Suites, by mail, free of postnar, on the receipt of retail price. A liberal discount lo tho inula. I- loud Agunts wanted. Price iu Cloth l. Paper, 50 Cts. CtlARI.Krt O. HllollKS, Publisher. luquiier lluikluig, l'liiladcli'lua. July 1, 1S4T. Iia. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl STK i: OF Till! PHAGE, Ojjtce in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School JIuuse. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, April 25. 1867. tf A I.MONDS, KAISONS. FIGS, I.KMONS, Ac. Ac. nist received a fresh. iiiiily and for ala at the Cunfcctionarv store of M. V: GEAIiH AIM' ftunhury, May t, 1857, New Goods fur the People ! 15 EN J AMJ N 1IKFFN K It IJESPECTFl'I.I.Y informs the public in gen' erul that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SrillNG AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stuck consists in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassluets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton aud worsted. Al.SOt ChIIcocm, fsliiKliants, Lnnm, ?lontsclIue Io Lnincn and all kind of Ladie Dress Goods. Cirotcrles, Also an assortment of HardWntC Il'OH and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTS &. SHOES. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a great variety of other articles surh as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Ci? Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lswcr Augusta, June G, 1857. fubureT"euekittoe iT THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFEKED IN SUNBUKY. FnNlitoiiablc, Clieul aud t'sttr.l THE subscriber, long estnbliulicd as a Cabinet andChnir Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4c, embraces EVF.ItV VABIETY, t'SEFl L A.D ORSA RiRITAt. in housckerpiiiff. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that limy he required iu his ine can be had at moderate prices, Uhcnp lor Cash, or Country Producetakcn in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Muriel Square. XjF knowing themselves indebted it the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. funburv, April 4, 18.07 tf Isn't It So ! I l.'sc ARTHUR'S Celebrated ell-Scaling Cans aud Jars, and you will havo fresh fruit Fresh Fruit all the year at Summer prices. Full directions for puttirg up all kinds ofJ Fruit und Tom toes, acccuipuny these cttiisand jars. Tkcy are made of Tin, Glass, tjueensware and Fire and Acid prool Atone Ware. The sizm IN WINTER .are from pints to gallons. Theso ans and Jars aro entirely open it the tops, and nEbt, to secure conomy in transportation. I or sale by s t o r e k e e p t r a hrougboiit the United Status. Descriptive circulars sent on ipplication . Orders fiotn he trade solicited. Bo sure lo ask for 'Mrthur's." t has stood tho tent of two scu onn, having been used by huh Ireda of thousand of families, lolcl and boardiug-houso kec cr. We are now making them or the inillion. BETTER THAN Sweetmeats 'Arthur, Burnham & Gihov, i ....... i . . . r I '.auuiuciurcrs unuer tne riileut N. E cor. Tenth & Georue Si. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, June 13, 1857. 3tn ISAAC 31. WJLkEIJSON, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, EMvniiN ami I,ouiih Eureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) UIMMJ TAlitliS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, coua! to Phi:a. delphia manufacture. UEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CLTUOAUDS, WOU1C AND CAN 1)1. K STANDS, TOILKT TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLKS, In short, every article in this line of his business rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the atlonliui ot the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CAI.ET-WABSU which cannot fail to retommend itself toevery er.e who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of tin best stock tube had itt the city. No el'.ort l spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilwr is determined to keep tip with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds' and qualit ie cilATKS. ncludin; varietie never betore lo be had ir Sunbury, such 08 Mmutiixt, Black Wnvrr KII ClDLtll MiPLE tlHICliN ; iD WlMIS'lit C1IA1KS, ikii rsvrr I'uvn Stools, which are of thb latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere: The subscrilicr i determined that there shall he no excuse for person to purchase furniture in tile cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware ai.d Chairs. These article will be do-posed of on a good term a they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. tS" UNDERTAKING. Hivinjr providej a handsome lis use, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place. tlT The Ware Room is In Fawn Street, be w Weaver' Hotel. ISAC M. WILKERSO.V. Sunbury, April IS, 1857. tf. l!LlKS: IILAMtSS BLANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bond, Warrants) Attachments, CoiniuitmntiU, Summons, (u pa'iiaa. Executions, Justices' and Col. stables' Fee Hills, 4c, Ac, run be had by applying at this office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers