f I,nt but not l eant. NEW ARRIVAL OF.-.: FAIL AND WINTER GOODS I Ira T. Clement CO. 1, CORKER OF MARKE7 SQUARE, HA8ju.t received large supply of Fell and Winter Good. , H will continue to eell Dry Ooode and Gro eriee CHEAPER thin ever, e hii gooda art ipnpht cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident wilh hia eierienca and ihillty, that ha can compete with the . World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate arlklis if time and apaca would permit. It ia enough to aay that he kaa everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stock of Ready-Mad OliOTHING, BOOTS AND SJfOES, frc., fie, thai ia kept in aay other atore in town, and Hi. banner ia on the bree. And Ion; mar It ware O'er land of the free, And tlie home of Ihe brave While her Stsrs end her Swipe Phinenat like the San, Trtlin; all nations Thnt Frrjwloni'a begun. This ia a free country aa waa election of Buchanan over the proved Wooly by the Horse, therefore it i free for all to do their trailing where they can BUY ho CHEAPEST. All ara invi. ted to call and nee. TI1E COUNTRY, aa well at the town are respectfully invited, and vet wraon. rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markkct Square, opposite the Court House. j. g. He ia not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No eharga for showing gooda. Al kinds of produce taken in eichange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1856. my msfflftOk ass?. 7! E. "ST. DHIQIiT Oe SON, HAVE just received from Philadelphia to Kail Road, and ate now opening their third aupply f WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unusually large, and will be disposed olT at the lowest figure. We respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Stock, an J remember that "a penuy saved is a penny made." txf The highest market price paid for Country Produce. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, January 17, 1857. SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest aasortmcnt in the United 8 tales. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be fold on as Good Terms, as can ba obtain, d from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 56 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Cuming of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 27, 1807. RaADiaa, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, io re? pectl'uliy report, that we taw the two tiafes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and vuns &i Watson, placed side by aide in a fur r.ace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster cf tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his ollice at Rending, manufactured by Farrels Ac Herring, and the bale in use by H. A. Lautz, in his store, manufactured by Evana At Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Tliejfire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until fotir corda of green hickory, two cords dry ouk and haifchesuut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes wera then cooled off with water, aflcr which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to 11. A. Lantz'a store for public exam ined and marked by tho Committee. The books and papers taken from tho Safe manufactured by barrels V Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, mora than those taken from Evana & Watson'a Safe. believe tlie above to nave Dccn a lair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sales. JACOB II. DYSH ER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide wilh the above statement of the condition of the papers and hooka taken out of the respective Sales. O. A. NICCLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES Mil. HOLLAND. March 51, 1857 A1TD SHADES! IS"" OF NEW STYLES. .J H- J. WILLIAMS. JN'o. 12, Xorth SUth Street, Philadelphia, MAMiFtrnKEn ok VENTTTAW HLTVnR. "WTELV ET and GOLD BOKDEKED and W PAINTED SHADES, of beautiful de. signs. BulV, und all other colors of Holland UHcd for shades. Fixtures, Trimming, &.C, dtc, Wholesale und Ketail, at the lowet cash prices. Ptore Shades Paintep to order. II. S. W. thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits ihe public to call and examine his new and large assortment, before purchasing eUew here. rS-'-WU STUDY TO PLEASE." J Philadelphia, Mareh 31, 1MD7. c3m PLATFORM SCALES. fT every description, auitable for railroad J Ac, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every seals is guaranteed correct, and it alter trial, not found aali. factory can bo telurned with- Vharge, than twetiM the Old Stand, established for mora StreetB, 'uilidelf. corner of Ninth and Melon Successors to fciROTT & CO. Philadelphia, March 7. 1867 ejAbbotL H.VAXID, Mnnnti SB tiuu m BTRAW OOOUO ""' 77 Nu"1' sd reet, l'I.U(puV m mi loi-eji VI. . a. ' w AND Sc CO t....... u...s P1 , r,... audi I'siniing., N. 120 Arch S,rcet,aho fc (Late of S 18 North Second Sr) PHILADELPHIA. Ottiaaus oris o.iit to vi.itoss. Merchanta and others visiting the Cii. k. may want anything in our lino will d, give us a call. Fekruaiy 83, 1857 RIB To Build3ra & CarpenterB. Do rs. ,d.,w blinds, Window Shutters, and .1 aire, of W indow 6l.h, all of which w.'ofli, t tba lowest price WH,-g. B.V.B RIGHT 0.V. 8r.. s l:rft, Hud ik.onl.le B-.illirr,, f 7 r , ...will neuausual.y tar . ie I..,, . X i " .o.'.T' vi y..,,r eM,-,al atteM t t;, deparliiii If." CENTRE OF ATTRACTION 1 LAROB ASQOIITMENT CXF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. HKAP-IIAKIIkO VIE DURABLK, THEflJ qualities combined, the public will fiud by calling at the Store of E. Y. BRIGHT 4 SON. Their assortment is large, and has been selected with great care, aad will be dis posed of ale small advance. TUi: X.ADT.S3 Will find among our l)ry Goods Wont Plaids, Blnck and Fancy Silks, Plaid Lama Flannels, Alpacca, solid colored and Fancy Delaines, Ve beares, Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per sian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghnma, Calicos. Delane and Debege Robes, Florence SilL; n'ool Hoods, Opera Cap, i and Woolen Cuffe. LADIES and CHILDREN WOOL TALMAS Gum Belts. Belt Ribbon, Mohair Head Dresses,, Ribbons, Needle-woiked and Bugle Collars, Thread Laces, Flouncing, Inserting, Swiss, Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, .Burred Muslin. Brilliantine, end a general assortment of white Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes embossed table covers, tickings, sack flannel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every variety, Russia Crash. Linen and Cotton Diaper. , TI1K GENTLEMEN will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths Doeskins, Black and Fancy Caasimer, figured 6'ntinett, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, Satin, Plush and Silk Velvet V esting, ISeck-tics, Scarfs, Collars, Gloves and Stocks. B XI A X) IT-MADE CLOTHING. Hats and Caps of all sizes and prices. OCR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large stock of Carpenter'a Tools of the best manufac ture, files of every description, picks, grub hoes, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window aash of all sizes, grindstones, Circular and Mill Saws. The QiiernMvare Slock is composed of Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups and aauccra, together with a varied assortment of Glassware, embracing the latest styles. OIR GKOCEKIES are fresh and pure, among which may be found, O. A. tlt, Mackarcl, Shad, Ccdlisn, boxed oni pickted Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The best or teas, sugars, coltee, &c. We return our thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and rcspecrfullv invite an examination of our stock, aa we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. C7 Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT dt SON. Sunbury.Nov. 29 1856. HERRING'S SAFE AOAIX THE CHAMPION 1 1 The onlg Safe which, in every instance, pre served their entire contents in the late Extensive Fires, AT the burning of the Artiznn lliiildiliirs, April loth, nmt in Ihe UK EAT KIRK ill Marker St May 1st. Ife5tf, the genuine Herring Safe preserved tlie Jewelry of Geo. V. Simmon, tc ltro. Books, l'a- Eire, tic , of Fisher Dio. and ilwnrd Semans Ac Co., nfter re maining expoed in the burning ruin, for nearly Forty Hours, aiu. proving cnncHi.ively what wehnve alwnva elatnied for them, their great superiority over all securities now known. In these fire', the IIF.nniNG'S SAFE, standing side by side Willi those advertised as "warranted to Hand 1(1 per cut. more hie than llerrina'.," eame lortli the ae kiiowleilufd viclol not only preserving their contents in en-client order, hut heine Ih-inaelve. in a rendition to through another ordeal, while the l.onnted 'fnlamantle a' of oilier maker, nie lanlly used up in every inalanee, and ill some ease, tilth entile : iitrtnf. completely destroyed. To Ihe public we V"i:l'' ini?Iv say. that, during the 14 year, the Ileirihit's Saf- hns lieen before them, more than two hundred have pi-used through accidental lire, without the occurrence of a single to... We would, therefore, caution purchasers nmiinst the misrepresentation of iulerrsted patties. The Herring's Patent is Ihe only Fire-proof Safe made in llm city wiiieh ii protected by a Parent Right, and we will guar antee it to resi.t more than double the amount of heul of any oilier Bafe now known. Fai rclsJ & Ilerrlnpr. Hole Manufacturers in this State of ' 'HERRING'S PATENT CMNOS SAFES," 34 Walnut St., Phihuia. ft B. "Kvnns Watson's Improved Saluinandcrs." 'Oliver Evan's," C. J. Unylel's," and Spin's Aslattua," Iron Chetls. (a inrge assortment having heeu taken in part pavmeut lor'llerrine's') will be sold at low puces. llnla.,June 21, 1950 ly. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, N. 141 Chistkut St., aboti Fouhth, Phiiadii.phia, Kery cWantry an h.tnd a fplcndid affljrtmcnt ol Readj-made Clothing. Good mad t Okdih arb Wamantiu to riT. Not. 49, 1856. y SA511EI, M. IrlCCXTCIICX, Mill Wright and Burr.Mill Stone Manufac turer. Role Prcr-rioto. f J.lmron'. Iiility approved ami much improved smut and Screening M chine ; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, 4be Premium Machine for Millers. KeaiJcnce : No. G4 Queen Street, (18th Y anl.) U'lilicss heusingtoii 1'ost t'tlice. Shop : Hayduck Street, below Frent, Phila delpluu. Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, f'mutt Machines, Patent Mill Hush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement und Screen Wiie, Square Meshed .Bolting Cloth.. February 2d, 1W57. 3m w5J IDEJM TISTRY (iKOItOE UENN, A NNOUNCr.8 to the citizens of Sunbury and viciuty, that he has opened an otiiceiii Sun bury, above II. J. Wulvcrlon's ollice opposite C Weavers Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profesei in the latest and most unproved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1S.')6. Wall Paper & Window Shades. J- X ISAACS & BROTHER, 133 North Second Street, below Race, ..- PHILADELPHIA. II At I NO con,,.. . , ., of 1I1. nli,,.iir,n. . ,,e" 're tssortmem Trade; would respectfully n'in8 nd """. of Purchasers to ihe same. Thei! ","'1'",on beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be wi,' They Hv. eonstantly on hand every descrip tion yf Cold and Painted Shades, UuQ Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Paper., Cmtains fire Hoard Piiuta. Border., icl.ll of Xh they oiler .1 lower rate, than can lie hal at an, other establishment. Call and examine. ' J-1'IACSA.URO. JII II. & CO. Koe. Chesinut B.r (.,,,, beluw ( 1 cans,, Xx ooo-was. Huvsa ., ,u. Cut I Warn, warr..;c. , sl.Jif ''i, V '"' U Cool., Hru.h; e ,f all i, Z Z."" P "' atannue our si.a k e""e. rieaae call aud Kubruary it , loo? 1, w GOSHEN CHEESKiu. ! .-, LEVI ska Kuot-p.'J Aril 11. im, "ta lygsiff Ut. JlYIOE, CHEAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, topposito In Mount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 19 K, ea ses, $28 j Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Pit ver Lepine, do., $9i Quartier. $3 to $7; Gold Spectacles, $4 60 to $10 Silver do., $1 60 I Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 totll ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 76 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 85 to $5 Gold Pens end Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All gooda warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma aonio Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phils., Oct. 4, 1866. I yw. COLEMAN'S OHEA.3? CTJTLEBTT STORE, Ao. 21 Forth Third St., below Arch, rniLADELruiA. OUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods Here, pay higli rents and live like princes. Constantly on hnnd a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buffalo, bone and wood handles, Corvers and Forks, Ac, Butcher Knives, Dirks, .Bowie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, A c. Also a large assortment of Aecordeons, 6Ye. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855. ly. Importer BEDDING & FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tlie subscribers respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally, that they have connec ted wilh their Bedding Ac Furnishing business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, at their old stand No. 83 South Second Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. They have associated with them W. S. .Brown who has been for many years ongnged in the principal establishment of the kind in this city. The stock of Goods now on hand comprises every description of matersnls used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz ; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Jed Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Coffin Handles, Ac. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Sealing, Curled Hair, Looking Gluss Plates and Frames, Glue, Varnish, Sand Paper, iinrlnps'iilack and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing; 1 wine, Sacking Bottoms, .Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Bedding Department, Hsir, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather .Beds. Bolsters nd Pillows ; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush tons lOinlortahles, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheels, Pillow Ca?es, Linen and Cotton rowels, able Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov- ers. Moreen, Deinusk and Plush bv the niece. Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. J he Hair beating and Curled Hmr is from the Pbila. Manufactory of D. cfc J. Noblit. N. B. Hotels, Steam Boats and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. NOBLIT, BKOWN & NOBLIT, 83 South '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 9, 1850. ly. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11EFFNEU OESPnc'i'rri.LY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened splendid stock of r a Li. and "Winter Goods. at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers. Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes), Gingham., Lavriitt, MoiiNNCliiie Ue lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou and Steel, Nails, dec. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEEXSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS Si. SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, e. And a great variety of other articles such aa are auitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Ui Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. l.uner Augusta, -ev. 2 I806. BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT P. W.G HAY'S STORE, Market Street, Sunbury. "MUST received and Aliened a splendid Stock y of FALL & WINTER COObH, consist ing in part of Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimtre, An assortment of Dry t foods, vis: Merinos, Cashmeres, Detains, Calico, Woolen Plaids, Ginghams, Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Ac. Trimmings in Great Variety. HARD W'AKK, GROCERIES, QUKENS WARE, Ac. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Raisins, Tobacco and Cigars, Cjueeuswure, Uoots, Shoes, Hats and Cups, and a variety of Goods too tedioua to men lion. Call and examine my Stork before Turchas' tng I Isenhere, A Reasonable Discount will be taken off for all cash Sales. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest murket price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury.Nov. S , 185C tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 135, aV. 3d Street, nilLADErPHIA. INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS &3 SHDE3a which they will dispose of on the moat reason- sine terms. Nov. 3, 1866.- ly OYSTERS! OYSTK11S!! Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND VANDENEKER, Northumberland Pa., Will furnish Kestuaranls and private families Superior Baltimore Oysters, (by the Can or hul Can. All orders promptly attended to oil the shortest notice. JAMES VANDYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct 18, 10&0 tf WJ?,rH7 & SCC1TS, otaks.L COMMISSION MERCHA" and wholesale dealer Fish. Cheese fc I No. 47 North Wharves, (below PHILADELPHIA., Having con.lantly on band a I of Fish, Cheese and P prepared to sell at the LiT ORDERS pron February 21, l.r)7 IJORTand MADE Schnapps, Wild C and Lavender brandiee March i,'h1. AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) tat Mtns re CtEAHW TKI BLOOD AHD CTOS TH klCK. Invalids, "-oilier., Wethers. l-ry .lemns, Phlliilhroit.t, rl their KITrets, tad jrte of thslr Vlrln.s. ran tub ct)K or Ilcneritrke, Stck IIedrche,Fnl Stomnch. flTTK.l'M, ft-, Mv 1, ISFiS Ta. l.C. araa. Sirs t bavs re.t'lij cure, ia? tin mart hMxtaHi. ant Wixty r" bavs hy a Awe jt two irfyinir Pills. It srrnri li,ar!lriaililsae!,lilr Uny rlmaw st our. H li"V ill r MUmn m Uur s, tlietrtl.wiirlhkiinlii. Ttair. witii iint rat, . w. ritKltLK, Clerk f S'mr VUiriim. Rilleas DUor.cre und Uver Complaints. Psrrvs of tn Intsiuo. .,os.ii.v. D. C 7 Trb., J Sm: I H.v nrf .ir lilts In mf aanenl and ln.ill mi tl ever Ha v'na ws l Hwni. '! rsnnut liNltat w ? fhey i tlie It elli.rlle we unpluy. Th.lr mm laiina selian .a tlie tteer I. quirk and itet-iiled. eotiMnent y tliey .re .11 .dlntrsMe reaieity Sir r.nllient irf tli.t i.ii. 1 n h-J. 1 hv seelisn Saiad mm uf bilimu dtfr mm su nltlii.te Iliat il did nut mtdllv jl-ld Su tliera. Fmleraslly yowl, AI.O7.0 IIAI.L, M. O., Dysentery, Ilelni. nnd Worms. Prwrpmrs, llsn.SD, Liv.O)., Mies., Nov. Ill, 1Si. Ps. AtkS! Yuar fills see tli rfeetlun of niedlcins. They ti dni niy wifr- iikm ! rlmn I rn tell yMi. rtm nil oeen pirn nna mnnK ......... off lo h iwtorel t srest ei', lait pit no lietter. 8h. tlx eenimenifl tkin y..ur Pill., wiiieh win rnred hr, hy etIMiia l.rfru aimiilltie. of worm. tdeil) from her h.lT. Th.'T sllerwants cured liar anil our two elilldira nfW.lydv-lilry. One ii,arneilir'"h.'l il osd.and it wH enred lilm wltli two of y""r Pill", while otiier. anmnil 11. ld fo Sv to twenty dollar, dortorrf bill., .nd liwl much tln. wlllimit I'lnn em-eil entirely van then. Hnrl, a ni,s. Ine a. yours, w likh is actually guvd aad IwoMt, will be tirrd tiere. Ol;o. J. ortlFFIM, rhtlmaiter. Indigestion nnd Impurity of the Itlood. firm Hrr. J. V. It:mn, Iiltnr uf Ahtn (Vmreh, JMm. In. At: t liavs need your Pllln with enti-annltnary nrreai in my tamilvaixl anionR tlioee 1 nm railed leviflt In ditre. TV reauUte Ihe oiirsn. of dlaeatinn and pin ifyv lh lilil they aia tlie very heat remedy I liavs ever Snown, and 1 ran cnnflclently ncvnimend them to my Mend.. Your., J. V. IIIMKS. TVlKw, WvoKlKO Co.. S. T., Oct. 24, 1H6S. Pun Sis : 1 ai uninc v.mr t'alhartle Pills in niy .rnc tiee. aud flrd them an exeellont pnrcnt've to elraiiw lb. sy.teui and liurify the k..iintains of tho hiood. ' JillIN 11. MKACIIAM. M. t). Erysipeln., Scrofulu, Kine's EtiI, Tetter, Tnmiirs. nnd Nnlt Rheum. Trm a l-r,ecinli,.r it.nhant S . Iami, tb. 4, 18S. PR. Atiis: Ynr Pills are the .ra..n of all that i. S-iest In medl.-iiie. They have enred my liltla daughter of ulrerona anr, upon Iter hanls and feel that had proved incnmhle for v-ais. llor ninitirr h; taM.n l-Mif. crievoea. ly aftlieiwd with hlotrhaa und piniiilea on her akin and tn liar hair. Aller our child w cured, aha ala, triad your Pilla, and th.y have eur. d har. AA MnliHItllNIIS. ICheuiiintism, Ncurnlgin, nnd Gont. r.tntltt A'ee. lr. ll.iwl.tt. aI M.ilmM Kpis. Chunk. Vyxmji llovss. SAVANKAn. O I.. .Ian. , W.H. Ilouonrn Sl : I ahonld ha niinmh ful for the relief your kill has hrounht lue if I did not report my raae to yoq. A iid'l a. tlied III nir lioil and hmniilit on escrnciatina; nauralKi'' pallia, " hi' h snoed in ehronlc rheiiuialiajn. KotwithetaM'iinc 1 had the l..il ot phvairiam. Ihe diaeaas jraw worae and woraa. until, hy ll.e advice of Tour en I lent nifnl in Pallimor. in. la,keni, I tiled y.air I'illa. Theh '".'Tta wars alow, knt aura, lly peiaareiiUK is Iho uw of them 1 am now entirely will. Sais Ckaxs'S, Satos Koto. !..., 6 Pec., P. Avkr ; 1 lotve been aiilirely cured liy your Pilla of Hhciinialie Uout S paial'ul dlaea-c that Imd Btili, led me tor years. VIM'KXT I-1.IDKI.I.. Tor Dropsy, rktliorn, or kindred C'otn plalnla, reituuiui; an w.tint puia, they sr. an enel lent remedy. for C'oslivenesa or Conslipntion, nnd na a Dinner Pill. Ihav ate ai:ieaitle nnd -IImi lual. Fits, Snppreasion, lnnilis, Inflnnitnn tlma, and eni Ueail'iie.s, and I'nrtlwl lillHal lie.a, hv, Uau euiad y the allsraliie action of Ihea. l'iila. Moat of the pilla In market rorilaiii Mercury. wVl.h, al Uioueh a valnal Is rrnie.lv In skilful hands, la ihoireroul In a uut.lie Hill, frctn the drrailtul "liviii, area Ihll fra- auenllr Mlnw iw inesuliona oj. Tlieae euuwiu no sicr- eury or adueral .ullaiice whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL rOR THK RAPID CIT.K OP COT'GIll,CtI.I.llOAKHV.rKJ!l,1XFI.l'. K. t, HltO.Vt II1T1!), WllOIIPIa. lUlVll.tHOIP, ASTIMIA. f-IHIICN'l' CII.NSI WPTIO.V and for the r, '.laf uf con.unii.tive r,itienle in advaaced ut,- of the diei-ase. H"a need not aiiaax: to the piihlle of It. virtues Tliroi.-hout .v.rv town, and nlmoat every hunilal the A ion in, n Slates. IU, wuudcrfol run. of pulmonavv roin- nl.o.ta have made il alria iv known. ev. hw ait II; r.u,ili-s i so rl,-ili.w.l con.ilrvnti this (tirifilient witheol siana iwraotial eiuariem of lit cflacl. ; and Irwrr yal Iho eoniniilloliaa anv wuere wnirn na m., a-oons no-. iiviior tnadiv ot it. vlttoiv over tlie auMlie at.fl uau. naroua dieeaaea ol tlie Ihnavl and lunra. . hile 11 la llie miaii nowenu auii'ioit, 1,1 air-- in. .... ........ .l.l.u ami .lunaarou, di.rnaea of the pulmonary organs, il Is also the plra.siilest aud aafral remedy tkut tan tie em- 1. ..1M.1 lid- 1,1 ants antl V'Milnr ivi woia. i nrcio. .iiook. liare M in .tore atainat t'ie iiia.dioiis enemy that eleaU iilm Oieni unpn paiid. r i have ahuiuiniit nmnnila lo uellere llie t H ar.l r,:i"roa.L anvra ni-an .1, .y uniptiona It prwoi!s than lh" it rulra. Keep II by w,, run. 10111 ndita while Kiev are eiiraMe, nor natf- Lv I them iinlil no hiuiiaii akiil ca:i luaater the ini soralde M..k.T tkaiioal 00 Ihe vital., eota vour hfr awny. All know lie, draadfnl tnlality uf Imur illa,irdrn, aud aa ttiey kniaa- too the virtue, of (hoi reuicdy. v.e need iiwt do ni.aro than to aaalll. them it Ia alill li.ixle tha lal it ran be. vis. pare no nut, no ears, no toil to pnwtiue it llie out ivrfi-rl tvaisil la. and thus afl'oid thoaewla. rely 00 It the l.t Sirent wiiieh our .kill ran funtish for thrO ciira. PKEPABED BY DR. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Xass. AXD SOLD BY A. W. Fisher, Sunbury : Bird John, Shamokm W Wieniei, NortbamberUuid ; J. V. Csslow, Miltoni Hays k MrCorniick, McEwinsvUle and by all Druggists throutfh'ojt theeounty. Aus"t 10, l ly THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PlIILADKI.rill V AOAISST THE ITORSD. EVANS & WATSON, No. 2(5 SouVi Fourth St., Philadttjihia. FYuwFlV.'? Have had the au M!? 'IfiVS tiosi in the foilowi lil-inSM''t tlml lhvtT uwluv imvc uau nix; aii'm xitriiif rimiia' Hlg (Jcilitii-utfi, nuciure oi rsim. huii at UmikiIj fully wurruiiltxl tUtj runreneiitiition -llfel'f Jii'.-ii winch hi pi, bsULu flj-f-' :--jf lemleriiip itive beeit iii;ule uf them an ututoulttfd aecurity mr leruiic cieuifia PtiiLAOtLrm a, April 1Jt!i 150 Mfsara Fvnni .V W:itii ; OtnU : It HlfonU ua tlie higliftrt KUisiuL'iion t't amie i yuu, Utut uM tii to the vrn nrntwlive qujiliiifa of twit of the iluiuniu!cr Ssft-a nhu- we purclmaed ol y u u noe few month aint-u, we auved a In r ue pertUHi tif wii Jewelry, lxikai. Hitjwra, Ac, eXKi- Ail in the cuiitniihmui fire in Kuiitieiiu I luce, iu tiiumoru iiik ol the 1 llli iniet When we reflect thnt tlieae Suiea were ltcnted in the ti'Urlh ti'my ol the liuiltt.uu we iHTupml, and tluit they fell Buliwipieiilly. into a lieiip of iHinniti ruuia. where (lie vut rii('tiiliatiin oi'heHt c;iu8-4, the bma plulea to nirli, we cannot t'Ul reHril the j)rea.-rvutioii of the v.iluutrle con teuta na moat e"iiviucii)j jnoof of the great aeeurily ador deil hy your Silica. We himH Uikc much pkasnre in reeomniPiidiug them U raeu uf buviiK'Sl aa a lute ie!uui-e HiininT lit e. Oeobok W.tiio.N8 Ik, flao. PjjiLAVSf.iniA, April 12.1. eftTa. Evani 3c Watanu I h:ive l oiit-r you my tea Union) in fnvtH 4 Ihe irreat aecuriiy utlontcd to iny entire ati-vk of jewciry, hooka, uiKara. JVe.. tluring the rctvtit diMiatToui I'oiiliurution in Itiitiattiul plm-e, troiri the luct thnt ihe atone wern roiitmned inlwuofth uiauuindcr tNiif iimauiiirturt J by you. Iluvini? Inllcii Irom the hfth ttoty of tho Artisun Build inff, where tlnty werf previoualy pluedd and expoiwd M u vuitl hcut for n dui tune, the preservation f (lie vuluahle de;vaila beeined to everyone who wituetwe.t llie opiuiiitf; and i liter tot examination, a matter uf profound aatoiuh inent, T nil who mny require a perfect plot eel ion froin the ravnseaof tire, 1 ahnll not hemtute to ret'oinim-nd ihe uae of your Sit en, aa t wumder they liav imw judeione the lU'Wl trying teat. N. E. .Moug4N. Thiladelfhu, April Mt 1i50. Measra Kvana k Wiitaou (ieulleini'ii S'o dmiltt you will be deeply fnutified toltmrn the fftHKleoiitliti iit in which 1 discovered inv Uok, pttlu-y of insurimee, eertitir.iica of t(M'k,aud other valuxbte rio'Uiiieiiti, wlteuuii t-'ridny luat 1 otH-iifd the ante made hy your fanu. With my knowe-Jge nf ita uiciit exposure, both to the iutenaity o ihe heut fr m hot a fiie ua lint which de atrnretl tlie Artimii Ituildintf, aa ulao from the force ot the fall from iu loruicr elevntwt poailtuii in tlie third atory, 1 could cutcrtuiii hut aleiider uope prior to ita interior in pec t ion, that the contenta which I once ao highly prized would ever lie tl" my aervu-e to nm, hut aa tlieae fema are now iuippily removed, 1 feel it otily due to any to you tliat I ran hence for iti recommend the ua ttf your l.tfca u all who ni'iy wiah to feol a confidence in the perfect ae curiiy winch em-it itluuiia provide againat ao inhtful an element. Kuwaib Uahll, Dookbiudrr. Cominnilyon hand Futcut Powder and Thief Proof Ijorka for Ifnuka, Storea, &e. April 20, IcHi. ly Cheap Watches cj Jewclrj YtniOLtiSALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- ' phiu Watch and Jewelry Store," Nj. 96 M' cond Street, corner of (Quarry, 'eHZZ.ADEX.PHIA. atrlree, full K weleil, is carat eases, l-. tf-MMU Fine Silver 3Kt,u'lc. lit.UJ UruealcU, I .Ml 'cwllej, 3 IHI 1,00 s,ou 1 ailua' IjuUI rniu-ils. a. Silver Tea suoinis, set. T.Ool l and Oliver IIoMer, ,oe ;s, 37J cenU to 80 Watch cenU; Patent, 6; Lunet, iu proporUoiv. All goods war t they are aold for, CFFERcV HARLEY, Id and Silver Levers and the atMre pricea, VALUABLE PE0PEETYF0B, SALE. rmHE aubscribera. Execntore of the estate 01 JL Henry Masser, doe'd., ofler at private sale the following property vixi A large two story Irame dwelling house, togeiner wun uu. f.n ACRErTOF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining landa of Daniel Kaufman and othera Dow in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store end dwelling. The house ii new and the location a rood one for business. Also a Tit ACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, In said township on the river about 6 miles be- low Sunbu. y, adjoining landa of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 80 acres. The toil ia productive and containa limestone end other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on Ihe hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hens of the lata Jobn Conrad and othera. There ia, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.U. MASSKK, ) P. 13. M AS8F.K, Kxecutore. FRANCIS BUCHER. J Sunbury, January 19, 1856. if MOUNT CAUMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. fVH IS large and commodious Hotel ia aitua- BL ted nearly half way between Sunbury and Pottsvillc. The acenery the salubrity of the atmosphere end the cool mountain breexes, make it one ol the moat deligtitlul summer retreats in (he country. The Hotel, is new structure, four stories hirjh, fitted up with all the modern cote vetiiencca. The pure mountain water ia intro duced into every chamber. The plare ia easy of accets, be in a: but one and a hall hours rule from Sunbury. over the Philadelphia end Sun bury Knil Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paul try the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. Jf.SSt. KlUt.. Mt. CarmcLMay 54, 185G. tf PETFR SIMKS, JAS.S. STOVER. Iitenf the firm of Stevens, Late ef tlie Union Hotel. llnlUllK.llflld eC UO. NATIONAL HOTEL, (late white awAir, Race Street, above Third, PIIILADKU'IIIA. niHE above well-known Est.iblishment, hare- A ine been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly lur- nislicd throughout, will be ppened for the recep tion nf Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfortof theirguests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to cive satisfaction to their patrons. Carrioeea will always be in readiness to con vey paseengcrs to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. Mil US Cf HI UV kit, Race Street, above 'I hud, Philadelphia, August 30, 186. ly NEW CONFBOTIONABY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR HART, TAt? just received a new and excellent ansort inent of coihU at hi Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STKtiET, Sunburv, ! where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary. Ac, Wholesale and Hetau. at Philadelphia price. Among lus block of t onlcctionancs, may be found : Trench Secrets, Burned Almonds, t?rt.nin White, Imfa Rose. " Viiinlla. Common geciets. Liquoiu-e, Gum Props, all kinds of scent, jj"ve limps, .Mint Ofiptt, red aad white. Jdlv I'Hkrn, Tiuit DropB, Si irk Cuiulfes, of all sceitta KtH-k Ciinrfy, Almond Candy, FRTJIT. Bansnnt, l)ntr, Curriints diied, Almonds, Rsisnns, Prunes, Kics, Citrons, Nuts ef a'J kmds. LEMON SYKUP of a superior quality, by the single or doien. A suiHrior quality of tSegars and Tobacco, and a variety ot Uonloctionnries, Iruit, &c, all ol wuicn is oll'cred cheap at viholcsale or retail. IC-ES CHEAM. He has also opened an 'ce Cream Saleon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 31, 18o6 ly THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their trie aide and the public in general that they have received at their Store in I'pper Auguxta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klines drove. Their Kail and Winter goods are opened to the public a full assrutmeut of merchandize &c. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cans niers, batinetls, Checks, Kentucky Jeans Under Shirts and Drawers and all kinds of Fall and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Cloathing, consisting of I sats and V ests. Ladies Dress Goods. Shawls, Ginghams, Ueroge Dentins, Calicoes, black bilks iVc Also a fresh supply of Druga and Medicines Grocerins A-c, uf all kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Queensnare, wooden ware Droonis J-c. Also a large assortment of Boots and 8hoea suitable for uieu women and children. HATS AND CAPS. Also an assortment of School Books, Statione ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publications, dec Fait, Cheese ire, and all gooda usually kept in a country store. Come and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the same. A II of the above named stock of gooda will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or tn ex. change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., Not. 8, lo6 tf Fariucrs of this Neighborhood, ran supply themselves for their Sl'KI.XU CKOPPS, with Leiuau's Pure Done Dust, " iSupcr Phosphate of Lime, at $40, per ton, " IN itrogened Phosphate of l.inie at 50, ' American Fertilizer, at $25, per ton. These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash, fcc.j they have have recehed the Diplomas of Four Slates, to viz : New Jersey, new sork, Penn sylvania and Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all kinds, Poudrette, Ac. Country Produce re ceived iu payment fi r the above, at market ratea or Di ufis on good liau.es, or Cash registered wilh orders, promptly attended to. GEO. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, "New Fire Proof Store," No 16 South Fiout St, Philadelphia City, Pa. February 18, 1857 4m w PHILIP H. PTJB.BT. WHOLES. LI 1ID BETall Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E, cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly aupplieil at tlie lowest prices, October 4, 1856. tf AMERICAN HOUSE, WJLLIAMSPORT, PA., X II. KELTO.V, rroprletor. J At. T. II ALL, Ast'U Sept. 13, 1S56. tT FOR RENT. filHE Store Room in Market street, occupied X by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad Joining. Apply to th exaeqtoa tf U. Masser, oWccaseel. U'amiar1. IT, tlST. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR A MAUVULLrOlS AOEII IIOLLOWAY 'S OINTMENT. TIIR fiRAVn P.TTERKAIJPEMW.V. Bv the aid nf a niirrofCfdic. we see millions or little openings on tlie sorfnre of our bodies, Thnni(th these this uinimciH. wneii runt ten on the skin, is cornea to nnv orgnn or inwnrd pryt. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Isiver, nflectioits of thfhenrt. Innammntion of the Lungs. Asthmas, toiitrhs and Cnlils. are bv its menm eftec- tUHlly cured. Kvery house-wife knows that sn!t passes ireriy tnrongn none or meat 01 any thtcknera. This heal. inff Ointment fur nrnre rendily penetrates throneh anv bone or fleshy pnrt of the livlns; body, curing the most aanemui mwarQ cuinpuHiiis. wiai eaimoi ue reacneu oy mnir means. EltYBIP EA9, SALT RlfF.VM AND SCORBUTIC I L'MUl.S. No remedy hs ever dime so much fot the enre of dV seAiea of thekin whiitever form they mny assume, as tins Ointment. No vase nf gelt Hheum, Scuivy, Stue Heads, Scrofula 011 Erysipelas, can long withstand Its in fluence. The inventor hos travelled over ninny parts of globe, visiting the principal hmpitnls, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its application, and has thus Iwen tiis means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS. SORE RR EASTS, WOUNDS AND Some of the most scientific sure-eon snow ret v snlev on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to copa with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, gtan- nuiar sweiungs, and tumors, frolessof HiUloway nus, ujr -iiiiiiiiiiiu ui 1 mis Aiueu unverumeutB, uispaicnen vi tho hospitals of the East, large shipments nf this Oint ment, to he used under the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst canes of wounds. It will cure anv ulcer glandular swelling, stitTneKs or contraction of the joints, even ofttu years' standine. These and other similar dim return.? rnmnlninta ran be effectually cured if the Ointment be well rubbed over the parts affected aud by otherwise following the printed di tectums around each pot. Both the Ointment and Pills should he wed in the following cases : Bunions Lumbago Sore I.egs Swelled Clsnds Bums Mercunul Sure Breasts Stiff Joints Chapped Hands Eruptions Sire Heads Ulcers Chilblains Piles Sore Throats Venereal Sores Fistulas Uhenmatism Sores of all Wounds of all Gout Stilt Rheuia kinds kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollowat 90 Maiden Iaue. New V'ork. andiill Stmnd. London, by aiirespeetnhle Uruiretsts aud Ueulers in Medicine through out the United States, and the civiltiud world, in boxes, at 25 crntH,6Jl cents, nnd SI each. iv inereu a consiue ruble saving by uocinc me lergsr aiizei. IS. I). Directions for the ruidunca of DStients ia every disorder are affixed to encli box. Match s2, ca rjHE auhscrilicr respectfully in'iirma the citi JL zens of sunbury anil the public eenerallv. that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east ol the Kiver. lis has engaged the services of Mr. Hinr. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are resnccttully invited to call, All orders Irom a distance will be promptly attended te. P. M.8HINDEL. Sunbury, Feh. 5, 1856. tf WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. rTHE subfcribcr respectfully announces te his old friends and tho public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, the White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantoge sts in the Borough ol 1'ottsville. J he house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as any other Hotel in .Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend hy careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. I o travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comlortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 185".- tf SUNBURY, PA. rrlTP ...t.a.fl;i.n sa.nKAr..iiM :..r i. t.i r ism dui'oliiuu isaintviUIIT IIIIUIIIII III! IW1MIC 1 that she still continues te keep the above named public house. She haa also received a new aupnlT ef rood liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her nouse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May Si, 185G tf. Patten's New York WINDOW SHALE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, PHlLADDLnilA. Window Shades, Gilt Cornices, Liu IT, White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curtain Pina and Trim mines. Urocatelles, Satin de Laines, Worsted Damasks, Centre Tassels, Gimp and Loope, Curtain Bands, Lace and Muslin Curtain a, Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shadea or Dra pery, got up a the shortest notice. Curtaine cut, made aud put up ly the most experienced hands. Patt' Naw Yok Storb, 303 Chestnut St., Melnueon Uuilditigs. May 3, 1856 J. ii. j ami;, Jus'ice of the Peace. mount ca.h:m:ei.. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomptly attended to. Mouies collected and all ordinary wriiinga done. Mount Carmel, June 14, 1856. ly ArtU WAKKA ; IS. The highest price "-"will be given lor Land Warrants by Ihe sub- cribei H. Ii MASSER. M'ETEH P. Zl.V.JlBR.tlJ.Y, OESPEOTFULLY informs hia friends, and the public generally, that he has just receiv. ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller a Mill, in Lower Augusta J own- ship, and that be ia prepared to aell gooda at the lowest prices. Hia Stock consists in part of FALL 6c. WINTER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &e., and every variety usually kept in ft oountry Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. l.ower Augusta twp, uec. 27, 1SS0. U nVfE-NT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo B bar botllea for ante by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, IDAS. BURNING Fluid, Camphene, fluid Wicks and Lamps, for sale by J. r. & I. F. KLINE. Klines Grove, Nor. S, 1856. tf GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale by H. U. MAUSER. Sunbury, Due ST. 185S- CEDARWARE, Hollow-war. Clasa-ware, and a large stock of Queensware, embracing th newest patterns, for sale bv Nov89,'o6. E. Y. BRIGHT tk BON. SILVER WATCHES. A few double ease Bngliam Silver W etches, for sale at very lew W BBB .VsT At aaksft W9 D tec by - n. m eianaa. Swbwy, April U, 1R. Bhamokia.White Ash Anthxacit Coal. From tho "Old Vtin" in the GapCoUiery, T H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PURSEL, auccesaora to Kase, Keed V Co., will ron tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, umicr the firm of Zimmerman dr. Pursel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in ftunbury, NorlhiiBiber- and county, Pa where all oidera for the varioue kinds of coal, ii I,nrnp, Broken, Egg. Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received nd promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1885, . SosBrnr, Jclt , 1885. The firm or Kase, Reed 4- Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at 8unbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman 4 Pursel, would take great pleasure in rciomnirnd ing our customers and othera to the new firm, i they will be able to tell them prepared cpbI ef the best quality, KASE, RF.EI) A CO. V"ARDWARE.-Tal.le Cutlery, Razors, Poek et Knives, Hand saws' Wood saws in n-nmes, Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, am) Ilinpes, Hnnd Belli, Waiters, jut received and for ,e "J - I. VV. TEN EK &. CO. Sunbury Dec. , 18S4. 1865 Special Express Notico. 1S50 HOWABD Ss GO'S EXPRESS. HAVING ohtaii ed full express privileges over the CATAWISSA. BUNUL'KY' AM' ERIE and WILLIAMSPOKT & El.MIHA RAILROADS, we are now prepared to loiwarC' all descriptions of Express Gomls by I'sst-ener Trains, daily, between Philadelphia mid Elmi'ra,- connecting at Elmira with all U Western Ex press Companies. All goods lor J amaqna, Summit, fJatlnwisna, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Klmira.nnd also to Northumberland and tSunliury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Ea h train in charge of our own Special M essenger. Philadelphia Ollice, 98 Cheanut Street. Office Elmira at United Stales Express Office April 13, 1856 I y HAYCOCK & FIDDLEB, TEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will JL' continue the business at the old .land f James B. Fidler, No. i'2 South Second Street. PUU.AUEI.l'HIA, Where they anlicit an examination of their larce and varied stock, lecling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with anv oilier establishment in the city. They have now oc hand a line assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, CwiIitv. Fancy Goods, &r., dec. N. B Repairing of Watches and all kinds f Jewelry attended te with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALE28. AMMERMAN WBITZZL rjESPFCTFLLLY Inform the public ,lnt "' they have leased the new collierv. r.iu.i ii.. Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal ef auperior quality, and of a variety of sizes prena- red en their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the 6rm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. A Is EX- . Itl.Y As y MAKcricTcmvRa f TRUNKS, VALISES, kC. -"rm"' vircei.jront cj Jones Utel, fHlLADELPHIA. HAS on hand th, eheujiesl, tnd best assortment of TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, tvtK Uf rRED TO THE PUBLIC Sole Leather, olid Riveted. Iron Fm..... !,..,. Hound 1 ravellidir Trunks: 1 ' N f L i 1 1 a . I . . V l. . Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet BaKasaiclu-u'. ic., by the quantity or singls article, lower than .. t, U L , 1 "", , .ou.lh' ,l nJr olher P1"" '" !' a city. '"" JAlli23 T. CALBSEATH'S tADIftg FANCT SPIOE STOEE, No. 69 North Eighth Street, Above Arch, East side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes m:iJe to order in the very test style and woikmanip on a few daa notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always eu hand. May 10, 1656. lv HENRY I) ON EEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attenliflii to business in aitjoiniii!' Counties. EAGLE HOTEL, Ol'POSITK WEST HltANl'H BANK, "WILLIAMSPORT, WiLiaOI II. II4V. I'roiu it-tor. C. A. Stbini, ilssittant. N. B. An Omnibus will run to an! fuim the Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free of charge. September 18, I8ftg. if DANVILLE HOTEL, roiiisr aDEEisr, jn., Market Street, Danville, Pa, r1HI3 ia one of the largest and most coinmo A dious hotels iu the interior of Pruiislvania it has been reeently fitted up, in excellent style, with all the modern ceiivetneucts. Dalivilied, ciept. 'ii, leoo. TILES for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, Jtc, Ueatty's edee tools, nlanrs and bench screws for aale by E. Y. BRIUHTtV SON. Nov. 29 18SS. A RNOLD'8 WRITING FUTD and Adhe aive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MANSER. Sunbury, Jan 10, 185(1. Fairbanka' Platform and Counter Scales foj aale by . E. Y. BKICiH V 4 fcUN. Nov. 29, ISSfl. HAM, Shoulders, Cheese, Mackarcl, Salmon and halt for sate bv Irish May 31. 'SS E. Y. BRIGHT 4 PON. GEORGE 6CHALL & CO. MANtFaCTl KW or BLASTING POWDER, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, l'a. May 10, 186 wwriLEY'a covgh cndy. An excel For sal tf lent remedy for coughs, eelds. at this orfio. December 4. 1856. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Execution., (Summons Ve., foi aaleb IL U. MASSEK. Sunbury ,Apri S, 1858 STOVES- FOR gALE an excellent second hand Cook? ing Slov, lo several CylinJer Coal Kiovee. F.niuire ail this otflca. BLANKS. LANK 3 of every deeeripaett ran be had Vy pp via at tb eflice of tit .turh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers