P. MELANCHTON SHINBEL, J E STICK OF TlIK PEACE, STINBTrtRTTi PA. Office in Deer Street, immediately vppotit (h Public school noun. ' All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. ' Sunbury, April 25. 1867. if NOTICE. Toe stoeltholders of tbe Shamolcio Steam Ferry and Tow-boat Company will take no tic that an election to chose five directors for the ensiling year will b held at the oflic-e of th- Company, Snnbttry Pe""f-. ?! he.lh dnv of May next, at 10 o'clock A. M. .,y or May nji DON N EL, Sec'ry. April 24, 1857. PTJBLIO SALE Of FOUR CANAL BOATS. rrM'E subscriber will sell at Public out-cry on 1 8 Vl'i: RIMY, the 83d day of MAY, atone o'clock' P. M.FOVR 15 AN A I. BOATS, now lying in tho Trevortoii Coal Company Basin. Terms, one-third coh ; one-third in three month and balance on wist months credit for 'approved notes. These Boata will be positively e,ia to thehighct bidder. Ira SAYR3. Port Trevorton, April SR, 1857. ta A Retired rhyslclan Whose sands of life have nearly run euf, die- covered while in the East Indies, a certain I cure for Consumption, Asthma, -Brone hitis. Cot.tths. Cold-, and General DeMllity. - The remedy wnrf discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, wss given up to die. ish inn to do as much good ns possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-bcing aa request it, this recipe, with full and evplicit directions for making it up and successfully using it. He re quires each applicant to enclose him one shilling three cents to be returned as postage on Hie il.e remainder to be applied to the .'irih; advertisement. Adress Dr. II. JAMES, No. 19 Grand street, ret Jersey OttJ, . t April , 18ST. Im BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE The British quarterly Review Great inducements to Subscribe I COST RF.DCCKD 60 TO ?J PER CENT. L SCOTT fc CO., New York, continue to paaliah the following leading ItritisU Fell'idioal, vis : t 1 HE LONDON QUARTERLY, Conssrrstirs. 4 THE KD1NBCRG REVIEW, Whig. 3 THH NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, Frss Ctask. THE WT.3TMIN9TF.R REVIEW, Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S KPlSBL'ItO MAOAZINK, Tory These Periodicals ably represent th lhr great politi cnl piriirs .if Ureal Britain Whiff, Tory and Kndical b it p-iliti-i u.rme only "e ft-atuwe of their diameter. As o ,iii ..I 'i he in t pMlound wiiterson Science, l.itera tuYe Mornhlv unit Kcligi'li, Ibey amnd.as they ever huvs i.HHl.niiiivallrd in tins world of letters, being considered indispensable in Hie scholsr and the proteasioual man, while I" Hie inteihavip render or every clans they fannali a nun correct mid satisfactory record of the current liter unite of Hie day, throughout the world, than can lie poasi l.ly obtained t r. in miv other source. FUU.Y COPIES. The receipt of Advance Stiests fr.mi 'lie Hritiah publishers eivea additional value to these Hepr-nts, iii as much ns they can now ba placed in the liam'sof suIim ribera shout as sjonss lheoriiiil sdiuoiis. TERMS. (Regular Prices.) rar snnim r. r any one of die foor Reviews, F..r any tw" of the lour Reviews, Fur miv three of the four Reviews, For nll'i'.nir.il the Reviews, Fur BliicUw. od' Mucnat.ne, F .r liliu'kw.nal ilinlthr'e Reviews, For Ul.ii kwiiod und the four Reviews, t'uvmems I" tie iiw.le in all cuies in advaner. 3,00 a so , 7,00 S 00 3,00 S.00 10.00 Money car. r ,,. ii .. ... tvii.tu- nunc. I. will He received ai our I'USTAliK TI.e P-.stinri- to onv part of the Untied S ates will he 'but TWKN'TV-FOV'K CF.NT9 a yeat for Uiackwiaid," nd i.ut FOURTEEN CENTS a year for ra. ll..l the Reviews. At I he above prices the Periodicals will be fuitusbad f,T lfc37. PI.i;NDID OFFERS FOR 19i AND 1MT! Unlike the in re ephemeral Maanzoiesof tl.s day, thesa renoduuls l-.se iill e. Iiy use. Hence a full year of the . (wnli no iiuiiii'wioui.) for Ib6, may liereenrd uearly ,.. v.il.ml.le :iaf,.r HOT. We nmpi.se to furnub US IWtf ...pu ... it... .u.itii rttreicalv low ratss.Tia : I r IIiikWw... Magarie, F. r liny "ne Review, "C f.,, u.,i- IIL'.I ltVlf.l S U'J F.ir Ula.-kw.a-d iinil one Ra:rw. ,M Fi-r lll.ickwi.iHl und two Reviews, J,00 F.'riliiee Reviews, '-1'0 For U!nckwo..(l unit thres Renews, jt.Ud F-T the I. mi Reviews, JJ.O0 F.,r HhM-kW'HN-t mid tlie four Reviews, J 00 I',, nvi.i.l fractions, ' tony - remitteS f ir Biaeiwo-Ki f .r wiii. ii we will forward that work for both years, m" h Tnc nriee ill Grrnt Britnin of the Eva Peiiodi- nu. ... ..... I Mluii.t A.--.I ner ailnum As we shiili never ns-iin ha likely to oasr sush ludses- me ill us Hi. .re licr presented. A'oio i A 7ii to Subscribe ( rs" R.nnittnnces nuwt, in nil cases, be made direct to the PuLlmlitra. f.r at these prices no commission can bs a.!ou-ed to Auclils. Addresa, 1.EONARH SCOTT CO. No 64 Gold Sliest, New York. April M.1S57 BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision "tore. JSrouilicay bduw blackberry Street. L EVI SEASHOLTZ, jrUSPECTFL"M,Y inform the citiiens ef " - tninliury and vicinity that he has removed to I lie etore lately occupied by C. Geliringer in lir oadway near the ituil Koad, and is receiving a choice supply ot ? AIRILY GRCCERIES, coo'istinH iii purl of Hums, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herrint?. White 1'iih, tod Fiah, (Salt Presctved Kruit. I'lcklea, Crueller, Cheese, Molasses, liice, fcusr. Collee. (ercen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Vooni liysou. Gunpowder and I! lack Teas, CcJar-wure, Stone-ware, tSoape, brushes ii!ow ami wash lines, boots and shots, tobacco, vciars, At-., toncther with every article usually lootid in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the .lowest prices, either for cash or country nroduce. He baa also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, tircUel ami rukesot every kind. N . U. The highest rash prices will be paid for 'juttur and tfi', corn, oats, rye ana wheat. euiibury, April II, 1857. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. Tins hair dye needs only a trial to autitly all or HI per. teeunii a as u Dye. udd llie foliowiutr tealitnouiul friaa iiiui eini.ient Aoniyiie Clivinist, Pioressor Booth, of the U. tf. Mint, will only contiiin what thotissuds have pre viously ii'iine leBiiui-iuy n, "LASoiutoay roa Practical CnsutsTir, 1 U. Sleoheii's I'b.ee, ( PlIlLiDELPlIU, l'eliiualy 17th, 1667. -'Uroix welt acquainted with the aulislioicee i-ompoaing llo 'YKK'S I.1QC1D I1AIH IYG, I Sill BJllhliea laul l,yollow the s.in)le (lire'tious given for Its use. It will uot l.ijuie the liair .r hkiu, but will give a naiuial and dura ble color to tne ii. or. JAMES C BOOTH, Analytic Chrmiet." HOI IV Kit 'S WIliriNii INKS, iiuluoiug Hmirrr's F!uid. and H-tiv-er's IndeiUUc Lika, aia ta, well known and iiitioduced to require any aoditioual teauinoiiy of then eliaiaeler. The aalea have been increasing since i heir first iutroduf lion, givine; evidence that the articles truly a seaj that intrinsic uieiit claimed at Irst fur tticra by .ne Miuiura.-turer. Onleia ail.lressit t.the Manufaetnrv, No. 1 RACE street aluive FOl lTH, (old Wo. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive pr-unpt intent ion t.y JOSI'.PH F. HOOVER, Maiiataelajat rmlnileipliia, April u, 157. ly '1 MIR suh,criber offsrsfor sale hie 8HANTY, Uook-Stove, eVc, on the Rail-Road belot Trevorton ktridge. Apply soon to H. B. MASHER. Sunbury, April S!5, H.ST. ' NOTICM IH hereby given that letters of Administralion on the estate of Henry Hannabach, lata of Lower Auijusta towuslup, Northumberland eoua- ty, di c'd , have been granted to the subscriber. A I, iiersons nulebted art reuuestea to make tin niediute payment, and those having claims or ilr-inands against the same will present them fur seillemeut. JUfcL. wutr, Aum r. 1,. Augusts twp., April IS, 1857. U rOR SALE, flood second -Lvaaa) Baggy. eld. A Apply al ibis FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE 1 1 THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN BUN BURY. Fashionable, Chai and I'aeful THE subscriber, long established aa a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer In Sdnbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits continuance of the public, patronage. Hit stock ef Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C, embraces EVERT VaRIETT, tmEFl'a. AND ORPtA a.KNTAt. In housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that snsy be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment - South East Corner of Market Square. E7 These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige Lira by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Bunburv, April 4, 1867 if SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1856 AND 1857 TOGETHER. , UNLIKE the more ephemeral Magaxlnea'of the day, these Periodicals lase little by age. Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omissions, for 1856, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for 1H57. We propose to furnish the two yeara at the following Extremely low Rs.es, vis: For Blackwood's Magasina, . . 4 K0 For any one Review, 4 00 For any two Reviews; 6 00 For Blackwood and one .Review, T 00 For Blackwood and the two Reviewa, 8 00 For three Reviews, 8 00 For lilackwood and three Reviewa, IS 00 For the four Reviews, 1 1 00 For blackwood end the four Reviews, 14 00 To avoid fractions, S3 may be remitted for Blackwood, for which we will forward that work for both years, post paid. N. U. The price in Great Britain ef the five Periodicals sieve named is about (31 per an num. Aa ae shall never again be likely to after such inducements as those here presented. Now is the time to Subscribe 1 1 y. B. Remittances must, in all cases, be made direct to the Publishers, for at these prices no commission can be allowed to A dents. AJdrcss, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gold-street, New York. April 4, 1857. tf ALEVi!VIF.U KERR Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 33 South Wharves, Philadelphia. X ASH TON Fine, Liverpool Greund, . T.,,L. Tul.,..l .,,.1 l,,lr fil, - . -.. J V....- atantly on hand and far sals in lets to suit the trade. April 4, 1857. 6m nYDROLKUM PAINTS. These paints are miird with water, thereby aaving the exist of eil, for sale by March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER. Valuable Town Property FOl SALE, 'T'HE aubscribers, desiring to go west, offer for - enle a House and two Lots in the town ef Shamokin, No. SO and 21, Block 14rt, opposite the Oil J Fellows' Hull, on the corner of Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The house is a two and a half story brick building, well finished, with tf good store room, and a basement story. Also a stable and other out-buildings and water conve nient. The property, which ia aituuted on the main street and business part of the town, will be sold on reasonable terms. For further patticulara apply to DANIEL FELIX. JEREMIAH MARTIN. Shamokin, April 11, 1857 tf Estate of Alfred It Iloivland, dee'd. 1RJOT1CE is hereby given that letters of X Administration Imve been grunted to the subscriber on the estate of Alfred Li. 1 lowland, dee'd., late of Trevorton, Northum berland county. All persons indebted are requested to make immudiute payment, and those having claims to present them duly autuetilicaleu lur settlement. CKO. MOWTON, Adm'r. TrevortoD, April 11, 1857. 6t ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa, DlvaiiN and Lrfjuiiges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA. limhUNT AND DIM. Mi TAliLKS and also VENETIAN BLINDiS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. llfcbSILAUs, Ol every pattern anil price CUFUOAIJUS, WUUK AN L) CAN DLK STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of h'ls business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the atteutiei 1 of the public to hia large and splendid as sortment of every quality and pries el - which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery anr who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanr-hip and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being snaile. Ha also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CIIAIKS. Deluding varieties never before ta ba had It riunbury, aucll as Miuooisr, Black VVauit inn Ct-HLku Maple Gttr.ciA.v ; amd W intnsoa CHAIRS, A!t tajict I'iaio Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie subscriber is determined that then shall be no excuse for persona to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the ijuality and finish of hia ware and Uhsirs. These articlea will be disposed of on at good terms as they csn be purchased elsewhere. Ceun- try Produce taken in payment for work. ry IJNDEKTAKINU. Having provided a handsome lliiin, he ta now prepared lor Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this plsce. Vr 1 he Ware Koom is in r awn street, be- ow Weaver s Hotel. ISAAC M WILKEKSON, Sunbury, April 18, 1867. tf. AUDITOR'S REPORT. Rkport of thk AftiToitit ok Nortul-uber- land CoCMr, voa tiik viar, 1856. George Bright, Esij , Treasurer of Nortfoim- (teriana loviity, in uvcuum wun mi tamw. Dr. To amount of outstanding tax for 1855 aud previous yeurs, $9,412 71 " amount of couuty tax assessed for 1856, 17,310 64 " amount of county, road aud school tax, for 1854 & 1855, 8,761 42 cash received for lury funds, rent of Court House, &c. 198 17 " order given to Oeorge Kunt overpayment of tttule tax for 1850, 36 02 " order to D Buoy, overpayment ot State tax lor 1M50 30 81 " order to 1 M Swartz. over- paymaut of State tax for '55, 14 98 " order to Ueo Kt eler, overpay ment of State tax for 1855, 17 86 H order to M Bacbman, overpay ment of Slate tax, 3 04 " order to D M Swart, over payment of State tax, . i 67 H order to P Hilsman, overpay- " order to J Simpson, 0Trp ment of militia tax, . 1 IS 930,821 45 ci. By outstanding County tux fof 185R, stid previous'yenrs, 812,114 97 " Exonerations ollowed'colloc- tors for 'fiG, and previous, 698 86 " Commissions, do C48 76 " Cash psid on Commissioners orders issued in 1855, 3,499 22 " Cash paid on Commissioners orders issued in 1856, 13,305 55 " Treasurer's commission oa $16,804 77$ at 2$ per cent, " Cash paid Kusteru Penitenti ary, " Treasurer's commission on - $119 12at2t percent, " Treasurer's services for county " Balance duo the County by the Treasurer, 420 11 119 12 2 97 3 25 108 63 $30,821 45 George Bright. Esq., IVeasurer of Northum berland County, in account vith the tame respecting State tax on real and personal property. Dr. To amount State tai on real and . personal estate, for 18.55 and previous yAurs, as per Audi tors' Report of 1355, S7.006 06$ " amount of State tax assessed for the UBe of the Common wealth for 185C, as per state ment of the county Commis sioners Clod with the Trea surer, " amount of said tax received on unseated lands for 1855 and previous, ' Interest on D P Caul's du plicate for 1S53, 17.1C4 47 1,582 02 12 50 23,705 05 C. By cash paid State Treasurer oo account of tax fur 1856 and previous, as per receipt dated July 22(1 and December 17th, $1-1,G81 09 " Kxunorations allowed Collec tors for '56 and previous 751 09 " Commission do 1,069 36 " Treasurer's commission on $ 14,7b I 09, at 1 per cent, 146 81 " Outstanding tax lor 185G, and previous yeura, 7,503 05 " l-'ive per cent abatement on Slute tax for 1856, 578 94 " liitlunce due tbe Common wealth by the county Treas'r, 1,033 81 $25,765 05 George lirirht, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland county, tn account mill the same. respecting larern, Distillery, and Eating House Licences, g-c. To amount of Tavern- licenses grunted by tbe court of (Quar ter Sessions for 1856, 1,350 00 " I.iconsos granted, January, lb56, for selling liquor, 30 00 " amount of Kutuilers license for 1856, 1,006 15 " Eating house and Restaurant license fur 1S56, .- 140 00 " Distillers, Uriiwers, &c, 200 00 " liillmrd Tables, and places of amusement, 55 00 " Lumber and Coal, 15 50 " Buluuce due Treasurer, 10 32 2,800 97 Cb. By cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt uatetl Jluy zuth, 1850, Cash paid State Treasurer as pur receipt dated December 17th, 1856, Cash paid J G & A A Young man lur publishing Mercuutile Appraisers list, CubIi puid C U liuchman for same, - Treasurer's commission on $2 631 50 at 6 per cent, Exouorations allowed, 1,491 50 1,140 00 15 00 14 90 131 00 14 00 2,806 97 George llright, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland (.aunty, m account with the tame respecting Militia Fines. Dit. To amount of said fines outstand ing for '55 and previous 21,673 96 " amouut of militia tines asses sed for 1856, 976 00 $2,649 96 Cr. By amount of said said fines ro- luuimng uncollected lor 1856 and previous years, $1,206 77 C32 51 46 64 " Exouorations allowed collec tors fur '56 and previous, ' Five per cent, commission al lowed collectors for 1856 and previous years on $932 80, " amount puid county Commis sioners for time occupied m military busiuess in 1855, 18 00 8 00 " amount paid for books and sta tionary used by Commission ers for uiililury purposes ia 1855, Outstanding Tuxes for 1856 and previous years, on the Zst December, 1856. Names of Collectors, Jacob Bingeman, Wm B Irwin, f.Tatnes Beard, Martin Uuchman, t J unies Eckbert-, "Michael Reefer, John Simpson, tJames Beard, S Drumheller, t Martin Buchmaa James Eckbert, A J Conrad, ' 'J Dunkelberger, fJames Lynn, Tf hisenuart, tJ Boyer tD W Haas, tC Boniboy, f KlllrS, tD M S warts. tO Ktahlnecker, tJ R Clark, t Jacob Carman, tJ Raker, tJ Hoeennoebler, tf A Keeler, tJ Bloom, tJ Miller, Win Johnson, tSuniuel Hales, tPetei Pursel, tJ R Rigle, J KrkinaD, til Haas, 'Solomon uillman, fM K Mauly, Those Collectors marked with a () have I have since paid in part and many pearly all. We the uudcrsi-ncd, Auditors of North niberland county, in the Commonwealth of- rvnnsylvania, ilo certify, that In pursuance of the 4th section of an Art, entitled, an Act regulating counties and townships, passed the I'oitt day ot April, Jcd4, we met at tbe com missioner's ODice, in the borough of Kunbury on the 5lb day of January, and adjourned imni time to tune, and did audit and settle the several accounts, required of us agrees- " amount paid county Com mis ioners for time occupied in ' military boeiness in 1856, 18 00 " amount paid for books nd . stationary ttsed by Commis. sinners Id military business ia 1856, 8 00 " amount paid assessors for as sessing and furnishing lists of delinquent militia men, 26 70 ' amouut paid J. 11. Zimmer. man, Brigade Inspector, for inspecting ' Companies and publishing brigade Orders, 81 &0 " amount paid Oadwallader Infantry for 1855 75 00 do do for 1856 75 00 " Amount paid Mahanoy Unards for 1855 60 00 do do for 1856 50 00 " amonnt paid Na;lonal (Junrds for 1855, 75 00 " Amount paid Peppinville Cavalry for 1852 60 00 " do do for 1853 50 00 " Treasurer's commission oa 8533 40 at 1 per cent, 6 33 " Balance due the Common wealth by county Treas'r. 178 51 $2,644 96 Expenditure! of North' d county for 185C. Views of roads, bridges, 4c, $28100 Building and repairing bridges, 1,681 39 Grand, Traverse, Petit, and Spe cial Jurors' pay, 2,245 60 Sherifl's Foes, 440 18 Fox Scalps, 38 15 Court Crier's pay, 118 C2J Assessors' pay. 380 87 Prolhonotary's Fees. 330 06 Constables' pay for diDurcnt ser vices, 336 60 Commonwealth costs, 312 68 Election officers' pay, 1,007 G3 Stationary. 217 52 Public Buildings, 184 93j Prison Expenses, 34 00 Refunding, 157 85 Damages for Roads, 989 75 Fuel, 93 75 Prosecuting Attorney, 167 00 Incidental Expenses, 100 03 Auditors' pay for aauiliog ac counts for 1855, 72 00 Wm Rockefeller for auditing pub- lie account, 25 00 Clerk's pay ia port for 1855, in ;full, 184 38 " " for 1856, 370 48 John Robins for printing to Jan. 1, 1856, John R Ki k, oa contract, John Rubins, " $25 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 55 00 II B'Masser' in full J O A A A Yonngman, on contract for 1855, CO 00 " " in full, 25 00 J R Eel, in full, for 1856, 30 00 Cummmt'oners' teaget. George C Welker, ia full for 1856, $40 80 Philip Renn, ' 159 00 Frederick Haas, " 237 00 U llottenstein, " 133 50 255 00 70 30 'Jreasurer's account. Puid F Bucher, lute Treasurer, in full, " Jacob Young, i, , " G Bright, Treus. for 8 Docdd, tc. $158 82V 1,111 00 247 01 31 00 1,547 831 Eastern Penitentiary, Agricultural Sociaty, Road tax ot, unseated lands for 1854 & 55, School, - Coroner's Inquests, 119 12 100 00 815 95 1,755 67 117 23 $14,690 60 Amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds, and to uhom paid. Plaintiff. Deiendant. To whom paid, Am't. Com'th. P McBride, not puid $1 00 Jacob try John try et al J Beard 4 00 Com'tb, H J Wolverton do 24 00 " N Burget not paid 4 00 " " 4 00 " J Brooks " 4 00 " J Johnson 4 00 1) I eas J bweuey s adm Beard 4 00 II Huff Isaac Cumpbell 4 00 Bright & Clement P & S R R C - 4 00 II Stettler's ad J Car & co. not paid 4 00 is Wolverton R Fegely 4 co. Beard 4 00 J Barnhart John Purdo " 4 00 Lechtenthnler F Wilhelm ct al " 4 00 Cressler & Resides M Kestetter " 4 00 C J Engle M Ahlum not paid 4 00 McCay & Puterson D C Caul Beard 4 00 W E May J as Cameron uot paid 4 00 S n rub Sweney John Roosb " 4 00 h, Scott Al Urubam " 4 00 E Bright D Druckeruiller Beard 4 00 Ueddes & Marsh W Cane not paid 4 00 Ann Deners Fulmer et al " 4 00 School Dir Shamokin llensel Beard 4 00 Jas Kiigon C A Corsan not paid 4 00 J 1) Fisher H Kline Beard 4 00 J h Leib W h May not paid 4 00 J B Masse r J Hummel " 4 00 Thomson & Eisely O W Stroh " 4 00 W Colman Jas Yundjke Beard 4 00 Dun'l Conrad S Savago 4 00 A Osmua T Duuver " 4 00 Com'tb Gideon Desh not paid 4 00 Townships, Year, County, State, Militia. Lower Mahanoy, 1851 $G 00 Delaware, 1853 $82 13 J 293 04 59 50 Delawore-, 1854 17 10 Lower Mahanoy, " 44 50 Milton, - 32 50 Upper Augusta, 16 50 Chiiisquaque, 1855 470 58i 489 17 30 72 Delaware " 224 78 19 95 Jackson. 17 97 67 02 39 00 Lower Mahanoy ' 218 C5 59 S7 Milton, " 261 09 263 49 33 50 Zerbe " 187 73 19 00 Little Mahanoy " 114 52 Shamokin, " 219 06 Coal, 1856 630 19 324 54 97 50 Cameron 192 16 117 80 18 50 Chiiisquaque 926 55 624 40 61 00 Delaware 1.307 16 672 51 47 50 Jackson, 209 99 73 24 9 50 Jordan 309 08 26 43 36 00 Lewis 659 59 354 08 69 50 Lower Augusta 762 71 292 17 63 50 Lower Mahanoy " 673 02 46 89 64 50 Little Mahanoy " 84 81 34 18 6 50 Milton " 402 23 22 77 66 60 MtCarmel, 684 71 674 26 46 50 Northumberland, 2X5 60 217 15 28 60 Point, C81 14 436 1 24 50 Rush, " 359 93 J 19 03 26 00 Shamokin, " 215 29 54 80 19 50 Sunbury, 621 24 319 44 39 50 Turbut. ' 1,931 69 269 12 37 60 Upper Augusta, " 199 36 232 05 21 50 Upper Muhanoy, " 206 58 2C4 19 22 60 Washington, - 67 00 12 87 24 00 Zerbe, 554 34 526 34 67 00 $12,114 97, $7,503 05 $' since raid ia full, and those marked plements thereto, according to t our judgements and abilities, ar ther certify that opotl a due r tbe expense book of tbe count, ness of tbe same yet unpaid it. 332 85. In witness whereof we to set our hands and seals, tu February, 1857. JOHN YOUN WMTFOHS AUM rUUPV, Xbtlce of Dissolution of Partnership. riMlE partnership heretofore existing under the firm name ol I. W. Tener 4- Ce of Sunbury, Pa., In the retail Mercantile I5oinrss has this (1st of April,) day been dissolved by mutual consent The business of the Isle firm will be settled by I. V. Toner and J. H. Engel either of whom hereby authorized to receive all debts due to a late grmand to pay t-ll'all liabilities. Those who know themselves indebted ta as by note or book account are requested to make immediate payment, aa the accounta must be collected forthwith. I. VT. TENER & CO. Sunbury, April II, 1857. DlMftolutlon of rarlnerahlp. NOTICE ia hereby given that the Partner ahip heretofore existing between the sub scribers, in the name of Hcasholtx 4- Petery, in the Grocery business, In the borough of Sunbury, aa been dissolved by mutual consent. us books, jlaima, Ac , connected with the late Br in ill be settled by Levi Heaaholtr.. LEVI SEASIIUMYi, HENRY PETERY. 8unliury, April II, 1 H.S7 AMBROTYPE, MELAINOTYPE AND AMBROGUAPII GALLERY. EO. Y. WEISE will continue for a few days only, to titke pictures upon Oluss, Iron, or Paper, at his room on 3d story Brick Building above the Post Ofliee. Persons lshiuir a really euotl likeness und better come at once and secure those truly beautiful embossed shadows of a living substance. Persons wishing instructions In the Art, can receive them, by applying immediately. Sunbury, April 11, 1H57. 4t mooKEii & n.kP.mt, Auctioneers, ND COMMISSION MF.KCH ANTS, No. Ml, lata 167 Ninth 3d alri-et. 1 door heiovr Vina, PIn'nHrl- phia. Hnlcs of IKIOTJt anil F IK IKS. DltY GOODS, UUNS, IIAKinVARF., WATCIIKS. FANCY OOODS, c , every evening. n Country Ston-kei-pc rs ano1 otliera will always find at nur Kvenlrg Snli-s a Inure anil desirable asaoitmeiil or the bove goKls, to In aoM in lots to suit buyris. aH,o,,4fl nncseti on tne premises lur country trace. March SJ, l7. 3inc. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed ta public sale, on SA TURD A V, the 137i day nf June, next, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit: A certain lot of ground, sit- nted in the town of Shaiuukin, count v afore said, whereon is erected a two-story Frame Building; bounded by lots ot John Bonghner and others. Luto tbo estate of huniuel ri Haas, deceased. Sule to commence at 10 'clock, A. M of said day, when the terms will be made known by JOHN VANZANT, Admiaistrator. By order of the Court, C. BOYD PURSEL. Clk. O. C. Sunbury, April 11, 1857. Northumberland Bridge Company, A N election for Officers of the Northumber land lit idee Company, to serve for one ear, will be held at the house of Mrs. Burr in Northumberland, on MONDAY the 4th day of MAY nexw The election will open at I o'clock M., and close at 4 o'clock P. M. The Hooks and A ceo nits of the Company will he submitted to the stockholders for their inspec tion at the same lime and place. D UKAL TIG AM, Presidenk Northumberland, April 1, 1837. 4t "Eishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot A. , ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines c-ea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, &c, for sale by March 4I.57. A. W. FISHER. PAY XT 2? 1 THE subscriber having disposed of his Drug Store in Sunbury tuAtbertW. Fisher, de sires those indebted to him to make payment by the first nf April next. Payment can be made at the Drug Store. WM. A UKUIN bK, Sunhury, March 14, I$fi7. Consumption and all Diseases of the i .m.oa nnil Thnmt are positively cjruble li iiihal-ition. wlia-li coiivejs ll.e reuitclies to the cavities in Ilia lungs through llie uir p.iJi:iKfS, lllul cailllig III oifect contact Willi llie libt-ae, lieuirauzt'S ire luucii-uiu. innin-i, aiiujs the i!;iui:h. causes a free in iti easy expectoration, bi-ula tin, lungs, purilK-s llie iiioml, iwiulru uuewed vitality t.l llie t.e. v.. us si stein, civme llial lone ami energy so nijisiien- M.le t ,r ti.e ti:tonuoii of licallli. 'I o Ik: ai.le to atata c.mlult-itily llial Coiisuiupli-ill tscuralile liy iiiliatiitn.ii is to n. m a. .urea ol unuuoveu tiiensiire. ii is ,..ui;ii iii.ni-i the control m mistical trealmeiii as any i.iaer lonniu iuie disease; ulHety iiuli-l i-vtry liumlsi-d cases can l.e cured in the lust st'-aes. nnU lull per ccio. in me pe.-.,:i ; uul in the third singe it is niiporsible to save ru. re than five per e.-i.t . loi tea liiur.s are so cut up by llie disease as to Did ... ii ...... io m.Htieiil s-.il. Kven, however, in the lust ala. ii.t.i.liot.iii iill.iros eXira.-rillliary r.iri 1.1 u,e suui-iiuir atteudiUK tins leailul ae--ur((e, winch annually destroys lllneiy-five lliousand pi-raonslll llie I nitid Slatesul nej Slid aeorreel calculation shows i..;u o. o.r p.i-n. (hh u..i-ti-.n ol the i-artii, eighty millions ure rlestiiie.t to BM llie Consuiiiitive a Brave. Tr.i.v i .m nuiver oeain mis ii-j iiu ,u.u. . suiuplioil In all litres u n.is iM-rii ine Kn..t ci.cni) ui me foi monies neither air icr sea, I.ut swecis..3 ul.e the brave, the iK-JUlilul, the snicelul, and the liiltetl. By the Uelpol' iluil fupreme Ueirn. irom whnm ciiieth eveiy .ri and nerfi cl aill, 1 am t-iw'uled to ...Ter to le afiln-led a perinanent und wcdy cure in rotisiiiiipli .it. I ..e hrst iuiko'Ius ia lnni impure blind, and the immedi ate liliccl. pnaluceil by their llisp- anion III the Iuiicb. i In ,.reV.,i.L Lie lite Ui!lll.S-il"ll ui ,u, ."ii-. -.- .-. 'ilun surely it is unite rational In eipeetrealergood lioin ...... i. .,, ,. llie uivitit-sol llie laiiits Ulan Ironi ,.i.k.. a M-cakeneu vii.i.i' .."""i" v - th-.se adniiiiisteied Ihroush the stomach j the panentwill ulways find the Iumrs Uee aim tne uieniiiina: ea.y aucr 111 Iih i nir reilli'iliea. I rue. inn... .... -- , enheless it uela coiist.tuli.'iiany, snu wun iiioin i.et I'.. pi..ve the powenul und ilire.-t inrlueuce In this tn.ide ,.r,. ...... i ii.n rt-iuei i-B iiiiiiuii.su i., i'- . ...,,. .. ofuiniinisiral ion, ihlooiloriii nniaieii win enure.) iivsi.i.y ..i.iih.l ... M I...W III UUl.-S, 1W... ...C ... .It. - v.his a sle.ri. s i that a limb may be amputated wilh out t!io ahgnt. sl pun; inmiUug the oruinaiy uunnug gas w.uue- ... ... lo.. ... a tVwIio.irs. .,.,...( ion ill UltlinotllB Vll. riH.nc l.ic ,.ri,l w..r raintiiigor lippurenlly dead. I tie iworni niany 1 1 mi medicines is pen eplible lit Iheskni n lew ules after iw.;.,.. ;i.:.l.l mill uiuv be imiiiiately dite-t.-. in the lilo.nl A coiivinciua proof ol tlie eouslitulii mil tUVolsnf iuhala. ti.. ii the fact Ill-it li. kuess is ulways produced by breaihins f .ill air. Is i.-t Ihis positive ei ideni- lhal pro per raiiiedics carefully prepared and judiciously a.lmiiiis tere.1 tlo-.iif h the lmin, sliotiUI produi-e llie inosi happy lesullst Uuiins eifhieeii xears' pra.-lice. mnilv III .usau.ls suffering (r-'iu diseases "f the lungs and Ihrnul. Imvo been udel my care, unn I nave uni-.-icu even ufler the sufferers hail been pronoun.-cu in me iusi aces, which lully sillslies me tnai r .nsuuip .... lonier a laml disease. Ml treatment in e hi-ii.t p.i"ii original, and loi.uded on long expeiieoce and a thorough Vlv iMsrteet ,-tll-ilillali'-e wun me imj.i.io ... .... ... enahles me to .lutniguish, readily, the vaiirms forms of disease thai simulate tonsu-npll.-il sua appo- me P"'i'" remedies nirelv being mistaken even III a single i-.se ..... faiuilinrilv ill c.iiii.-li"i! Wl'h certain pill,-.logical and micr-iK-opic discoveries, enables me to relieve li e luui-s from li. effects of co.itia.-tid chests; I" enlaige the .lust, purify the Wood, mtnart to It lenewed vitality aivuil eneigv and t-aie to the eulira sistein. U;.x ft.1, Posioff"e, U W.fiKAIIAM.M.P. Ooe 109 Filbert t-treet, t.rl .W TlVelllh, I'll.ludc'plllS, Pa. March SI, IM7. 3m OI'NTY ORDEKS. Counly orders Inken aa cash for goods, and on nolo or hook ac count by , K. V. IS Itlli Mi l)- tiiJiv. Nv. M. lofi SL'GAU ClKED HAM A lot jiial received and for sale by. Hi VI BEASHOLTZ. AprlHl I". BOAT AND MULES FOR SXjILJ- rrHE anbsenber ollrrs at prii -I GOOU MLLKiS.aiida good till A W N i- L BOAT, with fixtures. The above will be seld aheap, snd oa reasonable terms. P HCOU eSKAsHOLTZ.sgSnt IN U LACK. 19, 1857. tf . , - as t A S.M OR A. Tel. trael Whasf, Philadelphia. ' IHH AM) I'ltOVISllWS; 4 hand tots .rtrr.a.tt of Mackerel, ', Fork, Laid, fchouldcra Leathor t R.MAN, ii and feueralLeather t. Fhiudelphia. da ui Lwihar ktoroaoa, COAI COLLIERY . TO RENT, N Middle Coal Field, Northumberland' eOnrlty, eonneeted hv a short branch with the Phila deldhia 4- Sunbury Railroad, Known M the Li-lIBEP.T COLLIERT with upwardi of 500 Acret of Supwior Ceai Land, : bclongirg te tlie New York and Middle Cos! Field 11. R. end Coal company, with Breaker Engihk of 30 horse-power, Miner's Houses, &c, already erected and in good order. Several coal Veins above Water level hate been opened, and a number of others are of easy access, which may be opened wilh little expense. Persons desirous of examining and leasing the property are referred to J. H. Dewhrs, agent of the company, at Mk Carmol, for further in formation. Froposala for leasing the same will be re ceived it the enmpkny's office, No. 88, South Fourth street, Philadelphia. J. OODI.tY, Presidenk P. 8. For the purpose of facilitating the transportation of coal from the company's mines, the company have 60 cars at thtir disposal, for the use of their tenants. March 28, 1S57 tf. MT. CARMEL COAL COLLIERY IPOPt RE1TT. PROPOSALS will be received by ths New 1 York and Middle Coal Field R. R. and Coal Company, for leasing this colliery, situated en the Isaac Miller tract, wilh upwards of 300 Acres of first rate Coal Land, adjoining Mt. Carmel, and immediately cn the Philadelphia & Sunbury Railroad. This colliery ia now in complete working order, having an extensive Tunnel and Gang ways already opened on several veins of excel lent white-ash coal. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horse power engine, Miner's Houses, Ac, are now ready for use. The property will he shown to parties desiring to take a lease by J. H. Dewees, agent of the company, at Mt. Carmel. Applications will be received at the office of the company, No. 68, South fourth atreet, Philadelphia. J. GODLET, President. P. S. The company own fifty first-class coal cars, which will he appropriated to the use of tenants for facilitating the transportation of coal ui montei. March 2S, IHB7 tf TUe World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal! AWARDED TO C. MKYER, For the Tu o Pianos, London, October, 15, '61 t,!5PC I FULLY informs his friends snd the public generailyt that he has constantly en nanu 'launs eipial to those tor winch he re ccived the Prize Medal, in London in 185 1. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same, He has received during the last ISvears. more Medals than any other maker fio.n the Franklin Institute ; also First Premium at Kostou, and Premiums at New Yoikand Baltimore. Warerooms, removed fiom 62 S. Fourth, to No. ISO ARCH Street, below Eighth, south side, Philadelphia. April 11, IR57 3tn Writs, F.tuit nil ;las WHOl.lAt.K WARKIIOUfB, Coiner of Tenlh and Market tMreets, (offics iu Setjond Story,) PHILADELPHIA. "XITE invite stteniioii tu our enlarged stock of Drugs. v T I'aiuls, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., seiecled expressly tor our sale,, ,1,1,1 voinprisiug one of the linest assort ments in the tallied States, tvli.tu w offer at luw puces, 1'ji cash or approved creilil. WK MAM' FA CTC RE vary extensivsly t I'reiniiiiil Pure White Lead, (ucsl,) Kenni.igton Puie W hue Leud, I'earlSanw Willie Lead "Vielle Aloiitu-ne" French Zinc, (heat) I'ute hn-.w tule Amei-i.-un Zinc. l'hiijdt-lphiu fijiow White inc. Silver's I'mslic l'ue und Weather proof Tsints, Ciirome Gieeus, Yellows. a:id c-ulora generally. AliK.NTS FOU : Porter's iiiK:rior Alkaline Vilidow Glass, tieiiuiue Freneti Plale Glass, (warreuted) 'Hie .New Jersey Zinc Couijiany's pi.aJusta, 'J'llileti and .Nephew's .N. V. Valuisties, llr-jokiyuPreiiiium Pure Wiiile Lead, HutuiMleii Prtiiiiiiieut lireens. Pure Ohio Cuinwha IJraiidy, 4e., kt. l.MI'OKTF.K (IF: French and Iaiill Plate Glass, I'reneh and Eiii;!ib1i t'yltiii-r Cless, Coloiedaud l'airaijed Wiodow (iiass, lnr;u,-rri-.ityie tili.hs, llaiiimered Plate for Fl-iori and Sky-llgktS, Di-iijts. t'heiiiicnls, I'erl'nmerv, Ac. Will )LIALE DKALKKs I.N : illllsts, Atti.-lcs e-ent-raily, rmntias' Tools of ull descriptions, Ilydiaulic and Koiuaii Cement, t'ulcinedaiHl Laiitl Plaster, Puper Maker's Clay. S-.tm White, Jf..r. I IIFACH, ItlCHAKI'.S A CO., Store, N. W. cor. ol Tenth and Market Streets. Fact irv. Junction Yoik Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets. I'hilaih-lphii. April 1 1, Ie57 Jot e (3 MIS3 A. M. TOMER, fbr Successor lo Mrs. M. Hill, aVtsiutuuatl lrut ad JtlllMuer, No 3?l North Se-ond Street, below Nohle, opposite Rod Lion Hotel, Philadelp ia I)ATTFRN Honiieta made to order. Orders respect fully solicited and prompt!)' alluuded to. Muicli s-i. Jo7 3,il w liew Wull Paper Warehouse, BURTON & LANINO, M ANITA MTRKItS and importers. No. HI, Arch street, secud dor atiove sixth, Pluludelphiu. wlieie m.iy be louuu llie largest unu neat aeieeiea aiocs in ins C.ty. ClIl.NTRY ri RtllAM-.KH ninv here be-aet-ommo- dated without the inconvenience ol looking further, and may be usslireU Ihul Ihuy Wilt rei-eive the adviiutaee of Ikeir llloiie" HlKTdNA I.AMNC. 1-.I ARCH street, above Sixth, fhiu.de pii a. Mau-h 2b, l-07 llnc. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHAITNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Rending Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, 110 miles below Pottsville.) wilh the Northern L'cnttal R.iilrnaJ, at Dnuphin, nil the Susquehanna, and "illi the l'l.liusylvaiiiii Railroad at Kockvillp, (5 miles above llarrisburg,) and runs om passenger iruiu in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn aud Harris, burg, each way, daily, Sundays exccpted,) jo times orruiiqed to connect properly V;,'! g'rris roads; with the OuntberUnd Vai"i(a,rristiurg, burg snd LaiK-aster Ka;! ' , -u BQrlh. and with the Catlawissa,,. " ' . rv.it L luilon. ari, connections a. u Moia;ls Eng. e,pt. MilA I, IBOf. OUl.pu. JOHN STONE & SONB, No. 45. Second Street, Philadelphia. ul-..e.i.lnrr llirii sprina importation L of MLK and M1LLINKUY GOODS, co,,. ling in part ol Fancy. Cap and Bonnet Lib- BlMlllluT ill I . . . -,.1.. .n.l Mantua IMibons, Glace and liona. vj...... - , sli u Plain Silke, Mafceline ana i loirmr., M.kIcs, French and r-ngiisn x raj.ra, .,......e, Maliuo and Illusion Laecs, rSe. Also, a lull ttgsorlment of French and American flowers. which thev oiler to tne truoe on ia...ui. .w...-. March 8, 1857. lin., P. "Citrate of Magnesia oa TASTELESS SALTS. T .HIS preparation ..re- ,l r.l.rLall6. i-M. Irrttil MI1V Ull NEW jLt.TLj.-t&'BiMFB2rr I Fresh Arrival f DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, & nnHfe Undersigned having taken the store fj X merly kept by William A. Rruner, It no ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a rr. ments notice, lie Das a large ana wen seiecu stock of fresh anil pure imtTGS. CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Psints, Olsas, Fatty, and t kioda of Patent Medicines; FRLTT AND CONFECTIOftA RT Tobacco1 and Imported Peg&rs of the choices brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brush of every variety. Camphint 6ml Fluid always oh hand. Customers will find his stock complete, cord- prising many articles it is impossible here te enu merate, and all sold at ntdderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. T. U right's Mammoth Store; A. W. riSJHElf. Sunbury, March 14, IS 57. Stationery ,A large supply of fancy Note Pnper and Envelopes, MOitrhing. Letteri Snd Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, Ssnd, Ac, at March 14, or. A. W. FISHER S. TJORT MON.ME3, Tooth and Hair all qualities, and any quatiti y, for si Brushe sale by A. W, FISHER. March 14. '7. L. C, IVES' Produce aud Fruit fltor, No. 15 North Wharves, ritiladetphia. Shipping snd Cauntry Oorders promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold oh Com mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples, Dried Fruit; Onions, Oranges. Shell Darks, Raisins, Deans, Lemons, White & Sweet Fies, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, 'eachee, Uroutul ISunU, (Jheanuts, Eg;s, tVc Foreign and Domestic rroduco and Fruit gan erally, February 89, 1857. ly PATEXT WHEEL, GRE49E. Tills Grease is recommended to the notice of Wagoners, Livery citable keepers, Ac, as being Suriaton to anything of the kind ever in troduced. Aa it does not gurri upon the axles is much more durable, and is not affected by the weather, remaining the same in summer as in winter, and put up iu tin canisters at 37 and 75 cents, for sale by A. W. FlSHEH. March 14,1857. front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON, COX & Co,, No. 48 North Front Street, corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, Philadel phia., manufacture of suparior quality, tlmss aF.d Iron Wire Sieves, "of oil kintla ; Itrass niul Coppei Wire Cloth for Taper Makers, ftc. Cylinders and Jjainly Rolls co vered ill the best manner. Heavy Twilled Who for Spark rateliers, Sieves for Brioig and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wira, Sa lea. Traps, Pish Covers, Cost snd Sard flcreeas, 49. Fsney Wire Work of every descripliun. March 14, 1Si7. 3m c JOSEPH FlMElX, L'MBntLLA no Pmsoi.Mist rACTcass, No. S North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of Market, Philadelphia. HA3 now on hand an extensive r.ssortmeiit of the newest and mest desirable kinds, in cluding nuny NEW STYLES not heretofore to be had in this market. An examination cf our atuck is solicited before purchasing elsewhere: March 7, 1857. -3ra c JAXVIES BROWNS' GRAMATICAL WOKKS 'T'HE first book of She limit r.aljstem ofEng -s- libU Grainmnr. S6 eta The second book of the Rational system of F.nglish Grammar, designed to teach the process of Analysing llie EnRlii.ii Lanungo with sound judgment; and the art of using it wilh gram matical propriety. SI cts. These works are now used in the JPublie Schools in the first School District of Pennsyl vania. The third book of the Rational System of Eng lish Grammar, designed to enable the learner Id become most thoroughly acquainted wilh the nature and use of the Prepositions, and may be read by him either in or out of r choo'. 60 c BROWNS' Uramatical Readr-r. This Book sefs aside the old Grammars, exposes their ds'fccts demonstrates the little use of attending to them, and presents to the teacher the unerring snd only way to ths Grammar of the Englieh Lan guage. 4 ns. For sale fcy PoUr Ciiffce, 118 Arch f tract, Philadelphia. February 21, 1857 3m w5 LEASE OF VALUABLE CCAL LANES. riHE Northunilwiland Improvement Compa Jl ny invite proposals for the Lease of a por tion of their COAL V KIN'S, siluain on thrif property in Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, two and half miles above the town of yhai tonkin, and directlv on the line of the Philadel phia and fuiil'ury Rail Road. The Veins of Coal are will located for easy and profitable operation. Apply to lO.KPH S. EI.nN. Agent, Mount Carmel. Pa. er to CHAS. S.FOLUEI L. cicc'y. IS South 3 J street, Philadelphia. Masch 7, 1857. 3m FURNITURE POLISH. . 8. TtAF.'.S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for rt-stor. inrr the relish on all kinds of Furniture, Uiassr, Citrrinre Bodies. Hair Cloth, &c. Also, for re moving spots, Uiuinor scratches, Ac, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss, Price 50 cts. per botlls. Sold by r A. XV. FISHER. March 14, J8o7. FJrsr UP 1 l.L persons Indibled to the subscriber cii i- Note, Zi'oek Account or etherwise, are re spectfully requested to pay up immediately, as the accounts will be plated in tho bands of 4 J uslice fur collection. IRA T. CLEMENT. Bunbury, December 20, 1656. Die.olution of vnorUxvtti rilHE partnership licrtrViicr, 'iliomas Rosser 1- U. M. Hoyd, Qc)er the fiun tiBine Boyd, a d James Ji; w'as dissolved by mutual coment Kostlrst day of January, 1"?. u ' fe business of the late Cr ul I J. & T. Rosser, who win conn....- - - ' .1,- 1...V. Fiddler Col'.cry. or by J.m..ll.yda.tUsir.geu.(Snn..ti. JNO. ROSER. THOS. ROtSKER, JAMEtSBOYD. Ths onderaigned will continaa Ihs business ef 1 " . ?. ... ..i t, Sun ,iiiv. vtliera ve will plea. those ad Irens Lira. Fcb.tl, 18.'.7. JAMES BOTD miru'v iii.lVF. OIL for labia ese,-two st at 371 and CI cents : ... -lost received by A. W. FISHER, Msrch 14, '57. iiKDWYH and Breinia; Essence ofeinger- M.9 ad Husband'e Magiar.a as riirr.R'H- Warob U.V.7. FOft SALE. 4 CAAL BOAT FOR SALE, en S A aouable terms. Apply 8rKFR HENRY LONlsENECKfcK, of Shamokin, r H. D. MICH AEU Hnk rehrusry SI, 1S5T.- Est ef militia tsu for 1354, I 00 bl t Its HTrl Acts of Assembly, sad sap-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers