in ft but no'Lva!, NKW ARK1' AL OP FALL AND WTER G00D3I Ira T. Clement 'tt I, COtNEt OF MAIiKE'l SQUARE, STJ 1ST &TJIZ?9 I3 -A.-, j HAS ju.t received largo aupply of Fall and Winter Good. He will continue to Mil Dry Goode anil Oro rriea CHEAPER than ever, aa hia gooda ara ought cheap thi'y will be eold cheap. Ha fec-le confident with Ilia experience and hillty. tint lia ran eomiie with ilia rVorld at large and Sunbury in particular Ha would enumerate articles if lima and apaca irsuld permit. It it enough to eay that ba hia everything in lit line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A lar;;e Stock of Ready-Made . oisOTUxno-, BOOTS AND SHOES, jr., that ia kept in aay other a ore in town, and IIii banner is an tie brass. Ami long iner it wira O'cf lend or Hi free, ' And tl keaua of ths bran While htr Aura and her Swipes Shiu out lilt Is. Ban, Telling all a.tioe. Thnt Freedom', liegua. This ia a free country aa waa proved by the election of Buchanan over the Wnuly Horse, therefore it ia free for all to do their trailing where they can Bl'Y he CHEAPEST. Ail ara invi ted to call and ace. THE COUNTRY, aa well at the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hi-ii or low. bond or free are invited to cull at No. I Markket Square, opposite Ilia) Court House. P. 8. He ia not to be tindrrso'd by any nan or combination of men. No eharge for allowing gOtHlH. Allkinda af produce taken in aichanga for gaoila. 8unbury, Dec 10, 1858. 33. "ST. BHIOHT 5c SOW,. AVK ju.l received from Philadelphia bv Kail Road, and aia now opening their third aupply of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment ia unusually large, and will he disposed oil' at the lowed figure. We respectfully invite the Public to call ami eianiiiinuur Stock, and remember that "a penny aavrd is a penny made." i t' The highest market price paid for Country Produce. 12. V. BHIUH i'& SON. Sunbury, January IT, 1857. Bargains at the Old Stand. riULING 5c GRANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, em bracing an emtio., variety. Their alock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres. Winter Warea for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Block. An assortment of Plaid Stripe snd Figured Fan cy Dre.s Silks at unusually low prices, Mus. De Loins. Deticgcs A c, GINGHAMS from 6 to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 ' 12J WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetts, Swiss, Tsrltnn, Mull, Bohi- licit, French and Swiss Lares, Edgings. Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, 'Cowlings, Table Diupers, 4 c. r.itiM i;iur.N. HARDWARE and Q.UEENSWARE. Cadar-ware, Hoi low-ware. Iron, Steel, Plaster1 Salt and Fish. Alao a fresh supplv of DRl'OS AMI) MKDICINF.S. Thankful for past favors, we hope by atrirt attention a nd a desire to please, atill to meet with the apurnva! of our friends. Ed Country produce of all kinda taken at the highest market price Kunburv, Nov. SU. IRSB y. PUBLIC SALE or VALUABLE MARKET ST. PROPERTY. riTlE subscriber will expjse to public sale an JL I I i.iSDAV, the 1st day of May, next, at tha House, iiunbury. the valuable proper- ty i V' aiket Square, Sunbury . bite the resilience of E lwatd Gobtn, deceased. The lot is 60 front and I SU feet deep, on which is erected a two atory Brick Dwelling,' 2d feet front, wiih two story brick back ItuitUing, containing dining room and kitchen, There is also on I lie premi ses a frame two story Dwelling, with frame back buildings 20 feel front and bl) feel deep. There is nUu on the lot a good frame stuble and other necessary building with an excellent well ol water. The lot can be divided into two equal parts uf 30 feet each, so as to acrtnniiiodate two families. This properly is one of the most desirable locations in the borough, and is in good condition. The terms, will be made known on tha day of aalo be CHARLES GOUIX. Acting for himself and other beira of Edward Gubin, deceased. Banbury, Feb. 2S, lH.r7 U ICTJPwPET & XOOITS, 6 KN Ktt A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale dealers in Filii Cheese & Provisional No. 47 North Wharves, (below Race Street) PHILADELPHIA. Having constantly on hand a large assortment of Fiab, Cheese an I I'rovbion., which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible rales. 17" ORDERS promptly attended to. February 1, 1 8V 3m wS L. C. IVES' rroduie and Fruit More. Vo. 13 North Whurves, PhiUtdtlphia. fchipping and Ceuntry Oordera promptly tilled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealerk' Produce Sold on Com ciisiuii. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pptes, Dried Fruit, Unions, Orartjes. Shell Uuiks, Raisins, Beanc, l emons, White & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Craiihrrties, Potatoes, Puuliry, Oraches, (JruUiid Nuuts, ChesuutP, Egi;s, Ac. Foreign aiid Domestic Produce and Fruit gen erally, February 23, 1657. ly Wall Paper JL WliKlntv Shatlta. J. i. Isaacs & caoTHin, iVo. 133 Worth 'Second Street, Ulow lUce, PHILADELPHIA. 1 A VING com le-ed ihnr largo assorlmen of the above n noils for Spiing and Summer Trade; would 'respectrully iuile tha elteuiion vf Purchasers t the tame. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and var.ety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have eon.iantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Hull llollaiuis, an J ShsJe Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuitaius, J-'ue Board Piinls, Borders ic , all of which they oiler at lou w rates ibun can be ha I at any other e.lablulHiient. Call and examine. J L. 1SHACS At UKO. 133 North Second Street, beloar Race. March 7. lS7 .-6m w GGS11EN ChtESE-J est rrceivrd and lor1 Hl y ievi fcEAHOLT2 Aytil II, 1S0T. CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! LAROB ASSORTMENT OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS. lieAP-MAKURlMIE UlftABLK, PT1HE8E qualities combined, the public will find by calling at the Store of E. Y. 1) RIGHT 4- SON. Their assortment ia large, and ha been selected with great care, ad will bo die pored of at a small advance. TlHB X.ASI n Will find among our Dry Goods Wool Plaids, Black and Fancy Silks, Plaid Lama Flannela, Alpacra. aolid eolored and Fancy Delaiure. He beges, Scotch I'laida, Figured Cashmere ( Per aian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Oinghame, Calicoa. Delane and Debege Robes, Florence Silt, Wool Hood, Opera Caps, ana Woolen Cvff: LADIES and CHILDREN WOOLTAI.M AH Gum Bella. Rett Riblion, Mohair Head Drevsea,, Ribbons, .Nfedlc-woikad and Bugle Collars, Thread Larea, Flouncing, Inserting, Swisa. Mull. Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, ferrad Muslin. Uiilliantine, and general aaaortmeut of white Goixla. Wool and Cotton Carpeta, Gil Cloths, Oil Shades. Rockdale blankets. Turkish euunterpnnes einbosHril tnhle covers, licking, sack flannel, scarfs, kid, ailk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of (very variety, Russia Craal , Linen and Collun Diapar. TIJE GENTLEMEN will find Pluck. Ulue and Urown French Clothe. Doeskins, HI irk and Fancy Caaniuier, ligured Satiiutt, Overcoal'ng. Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, Satin. 1'lusli and Silk ) elvet Vnting, Neck-lies, scarf, Collar. Gloves and Slocks. BEAUT-NADU CLOTHING. Hats and Capaof all sites and prices. OCR HARDWARE Embraces all kinda of building material, a large atock ol Cerpenler'e Tools of the beat manufac ture, files of every dcsciip'ion, picks, grub i.oes, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and nils, window sash of all sizes, grindstones, Circular and Mill Saws. The QueeiaStYfia'c Mcuk is crm posed of Stone China Seits, Fruit dishes, Cako plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups a..d aaucera, together with a varied assorliutiil of Glassware, embracing the latest at) lea. OCR GKOl'EltlE!) are fresh and pure, among which may be found. G. A. Salt, Macknrel, Shad. Codfish, boxed and pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The bent of teas, sugars, collec. &.C. Wo return our thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and resnecrfullv invito an examination nf our stock, aa wo deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. C7" Country produce taken in exchange at the higheat market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT SON. Sunbury, Nov. 29 1856. HERRING'S SAFE AGAIN THE CHAMFION11 The only Snfe which, in every inntance, pre served their mlire content in the late Extensice I'iret. T the liuriime of the Artisan .0 mm ! l-jlwnrd tSenoitis ft Ci.. Mt"t?r re- niHimiig fxteil in the burning ruin fur iiwirly Forty H"UT, an. VJ--,JjLr It- I'rtiving CNicmsjivci) HiiatuciHivr greut stipciiurity over nil Mscuritirt nw known. In llictf r.r , the nr.RIMXG'SAFK. tnnHinc 9vW by nit with ttiie ntlvi'ii iKtl u "wnrrHiititl ti Miuitl 10 pi r wiir. tinm fit thxn llrrimt1 " rnmr lrth lht nr ktpvlwticil virtm h it niily preftTviiiff their ciiU'iila in ew'ellent nntfr, hut heimr iheiTmelve in h ptu-lii im tit ( tl ugh UMMiher nntrtil, while tlie hi mured 'SiilMnmiirte aUm ni er imikem ri luidly uited up in every iiistunre. Hiid in i" e futiL's their ertiie i'infeiits eiMiiileirly ilittriiypil. To I he pnhlie we timpty awiy. thnt. during I he 14 vcur (he Hrrriii' ft hn li-eit lirfnre ihein, m-tr ihnn l wo hiindrc4. have piiRffd ihnut;li aeriiieiitid fire withou the tiecurreife if h i(ii?1 Uf. We w Mild, therefore, eiuitioii nurrlmsn iipntnat thr miireprfHfiiritiion of ititc-reeteil lwnt.eii. The Uerrintr' pMleut ia the only Fir'-.. Mf Siifa ninde in thin city which it pntti by n IMfent If irhl, mid w will ftntir Hiitee it t it ( more timn doublf the umou;it of heat of ny other fe mw known. Sole Mniiufiictur in this State nf "HEBIllNG'S l',TE.T ClUHPIUJl X,IFKS,'' 34 Walnut St., Philwh. N H "Evans A Watson's Improved Hakiintinilers." -Oliver Kviui's," 'C.J. Oiylei's," ami Skill's AklieMsi" Iron Chesls. (a larseassorlilient iuivina lieen lakeit m pari payment lor 'IlerroicV) will be sold at low piiees. 1'inla., Jane ill, 1938 ly. R. OiiCOu t& CO. Clothiers, Na. 141 Chmtxvt Sr., aiovc Fovth, PHlLAntLF.-llA, Kp conftantly'ort hund a fplcridij a"ortmcnt of Rcdj-madc Clothing. Goow MAS TO OHMR AKB WaHXaM I tit to fir. Nov. 39, 8 y BKODJIEAD & ROBERTS, No. 135, .V. 3f Street, PHIX.ADJ3I.PajA, INVITE the aitention of country merchant ami iiibera to lln ir htnilt of BOOTS 3c SH-iE3, which ihey will dispose af 011 the mo.i reason able terms. Nov. 9, 1 808.- ly OYSTERS! OYSTKIIH! ! Fresh from Ualtimnre every Muming. VAN 1Y K KAN l V A NDKN KK ER, Northumberland Pa., Will furnish liestuaranta and private families Superior Ballimo e Oysters, by' the Can or hal Ceu. All orders promptly attended to ou the shortest notice. JAMF.S VAN DYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. IB, 185G. tf .Am'fr-.i, ni. tii;XTt Hill- Wright and Burr.Mill Stone Manufue turer, 6il Proprietor nf Johnson's hiehly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma ; Improved Iron Concave Urau Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. liesideuce : fit). 61 tjucen Street, (I (till Word.) ailiiress Kensington Post I'llice. hlu.p : HuydocU Street, below Fient, Phila delphia. Coralieu Mill Htones, Mill Irons. Kmutt Machines, Patent Mill IWh, I'oruble Mills, btretehed Ueltiug, t.'einent ami Screen Wiio, Xipjaro Meshed JVoliing Cloths. February 'id. :hn w.')J 3D33Xst TISTRY. U-:OItGE ItENN, 4 NNOUNCKS to the ciliiens nf Sunbury and vicinty, that he tins opened an office in Hun bury, ahove H. J. Wulverlon's ollice oppjsita C. Weaver's Hotel, wiere ba is prepared to attenJ to all kinds of work belonging to tha profession, in the latest and most improved atyle. All work I wen uoi.o anu warranted. 1 l!l ISU JOl, II. A I. I.I, X. VO. Nf and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water ) (Tsjs OLOf.i Wooa-wsaa H ic.s us tas Ciiy ) ' MAN L CACTl RIOItH .,,.1 Wholesale dealer, i Hatw alacnme uaals uaoo.V.a, ule,ii ur,d cda" r'il'' "rulci - '' h""- W01J and Wiiiow-tVare uiw our stock. " Fatxuarjr M, 187 ly r JtriMFTf r.'f.2' as. uiinnies, April luin, aim in JlTWrFJl ",e GI'KAT KlItK in Market Si LllBS-,-J'tf-'4r IMH. the genuine llerrine. t"iciiL'ilsiNE ftifeprrseived the Jewell y of U. M tlAijTTf'i f'-J1' W.Siinrmaia Bro. ; Ho-.ks, t'a. .trS'slt. .Ji tMTf tiers, ic-.. of Fisher llio. and IK. ATI3E, CHEAP WATCH AND JKWELRY STORE No 72 Nortk J-'rconi S'reff, (oooosi'e th ifount Kerrion House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lover Watches, full jeweled, 1 K, ca aea, $28 1 Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., f 9 1 yuaruer. 5 to $7 1 Gold Speetacles, $4 SO to $10 t 8ilver do., 1 60 1 Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do.,$U to $ 1 1 1 Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to $7 60 t Gold Pena and Gold Ca tea, 319 2S to 5 t Gold Pane and Silver do.. $1; together with variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Toh Chaine. All gnode warranted to lie aa represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. D. Allntdera tent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phils.. Oct. 4. ISftf,. lyw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OUTLEBVSTOKK, No. 21 North Third St., below Arch, ' PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants rnn save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By impoitiiia; my own goods, paying but littl rent, and living economically, il is plain I can tinderenll those who purchase their (ioods here, pay hieh rents and live like princes. Constantly on hands large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, bufi'abi.bone and wood hanillee. Carvers and Forks. Ac, Uutcher Knives. Dirks. JJnwie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, A c. Also a I a rue assortment nf Aecnrdenna, Aa. AlBofine English Twint and (ierinan (iuns. JOHN M. COI.EMAN. Oct. SO, 155. ly. Importer. BEDDING A FUHN ISIIIN i BUS I N F.SS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The aubscribera respectfully inlorni their friends and the public generally, that they have connec ted with their Ueildiiig A Furnishing biisiiiei a larue and well assorted atoek of Cabinet Maker, Findings, a their old viand No. 83 South Second Street, beloic CheMnut, rhllailcliihln. They have associated with them W. P. JJrown who has liein for many years imitnged in the principal establiibmrnt of the kind in this i it. The slock of d'oods now on band vompriM s every description of matrrsals uied by Cnbini l Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz; Hardware 1I1 pnrtiiient. Locks. Hinges. Screws Castors, Jed Screws. Chair and Sola Springs. Coffin Handles. Ac. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Renting, Curled Hair, Looking Class I'lntes and Frames, (ilue, Varnii-h. Sand Paper. "J m hips. 7,'ack and Fancy Silk mid Worsted i 'tap. Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine. Sacking Lottims. vorewood. Mahogany, Walnut and A.aple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Hedding Department. Hair. Husk, Moe, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. F nther JJeds. Uolsters and Pillows ; Flush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Ci'iiiforlah'cs, Counterpanes, l.inen and Cotton Sheets Pillow Cases, l.iuen and Cotton Towels. Table Cloths, Table l.iuen. Table Cov era, Moreen. Deinask and Plush by the piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. Toe Hair Heating and Curled llnir is front the Phila. Manufactory of D. & J. Noblit. IS. D. Hotels. Steam II oats and Ships fur nished at the shortest not ire. NOJMT. BKOWN ft NORI.IT. H'.i South 'bid St., Mow Chttttnut. (Nearlv opposite Dank of 1'ennsj hanin.) Philadelpliin. mtu-l A, litffi. 1. of :hi Neiuhlioihoocl, can supply themselves for their SPHINU CHOI'Pe). wnh l.eiuau's I'ure Hone Dust, " uper Phosphate of Lime., at $40. per ton, " NitroKutied I'bospliate nf I. tine at iliO, American lei iiiic r, at f'-tri, per ton. These Fertiltieia are compiMPd of reliable Chemieal elements, alHiutidiug in I'ot Ash. Ac; thev have have receixed the Diplomas of Four Stales, 10 via : New Jersey, New Ymk, I'eun 8)lvania and Delaware. Alan, for aale CliAiNO, all kinds. I'ouilrette, Ac. Countrt Proilnce re ceived in pay nient fcr the above, at market rates, or Drafs oil good houn'S, or Cash legi.tored with ordeis, protupllv attended to. tiEO. A. I.EINAU. Proprietor, "New Fire Pro.if Store," No 1 9 South Front St., Philadelphia Cily, I'a. February SH, IKS J 4 m w WIIOI.KSll.S 1 Ml MKTsIL Grocery, Wine and Litjuor Store, S. E. cor. Wu! nut and Water Streets, Pilll.ADKl.l'HIA, DEAI.EI'S and families will be promptly supplied at the low em prices. A. Ifofi. tf New Goods lor the People ! IIENMAMIIN IlKFKNKIt ESPECTFl'I.I.Y informs the public 111 gen eral that he has just received and opened a splci.did stuck of Kali, ami Wintku (Ioods. at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hia slock consuls in part of Cloths, Cassimerj, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CallfueM, GliipiiHiiM, l.rmnH, DtuuNNvlliic l I .ti I ties; and all kinds of Ladies Dress floods. (rurerlcN, Also an assortment id llui iluni e, IritM ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also sn excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, ! variuus styles and pailf ins. Alao an assortment ol HOOT1 Jk. MIOII. H A I S & CA PS. a good selection. Salt. Fish, . And a great variety nf other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will las sold at the lowest prices. L?" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusts. Nev. Z1 IRAS. B A HO A INS TO HE HAD AT P. W. OKAY'S STOKE, Market Street, Sunbury. TJVST received ami opened a splendid Stock 9 of FALL A W1N JER OODi, tonsist ing in part of Black and Fancy Cloths and Carfimtren, An assortment ol Dry (ioods, vis: Merinos. Cashmeres, Detains, Calico, Woolen Plaida. (jiiighams, Miiilius, Linens. Flannels, Ac. Trimmings in Great Variety. HAKDWAUK, UROCKUJKS, QUJiKNS WAItK. ic. ? SALT and FI.--H. Chee.e, Raisins, Tobacco and Cigars, Queeuaware. Hoots, Shoes, Hals and Caps, and a variety uf Goods too tedious to men tions Call and examine my Stork before Pun-has- ing 1 Isewliere, A Reasonable Dise ' taken oil' for all cash Sales. Country produce take highest market ' Sunbury, N AMI',! a WILL Jai. . Hept. 1 ' T b; r joiiiiiifc,. ) daeoao'' X'" AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, ton, tiiw rapid cuna or tfHmnK!.ot M ku antli tec., ItM. tin. 3. 0. Ayr : ! ilv njt l.jiint K.wjf Ui rrmiljr 1 hnv ft4 f Conijhi. Iloitrwruvst, liillniiM 'Hl couatoiltsiHt Tinptoiuttra Cultl.krur C'lKTHIT ('ftcriiaML. 1: ft'H'AItt III tu my Ticf. . anil my failljr ftr th lt tMi yran Hma ulL.wtl It li ptmwm mtm ritir tlrtim fr tin trvmrtiimt tht Cumnlnltiu. KlIilN KMJIIT, M. M. A. n. M KTIKf , Ki.,of Dt?.V.irrit.: ! br na(Hl nir I1 cnRAi mywlf atnl in my finiUy trwr iio yu i.irttiiffhi it. bii I wn timln hi f c Its mrM far Mit out. With bru. eMA I atKHtM wner ny twenty fH a. VHrt l m butil I ban Ju without it, ur Uikf ny otU-.-r reinfdy." Crotin. Whooplnc Couch, tnAtieiiTA t HmiNnriii.ii, Mitts.. th. 7, 1966. Bmmna I will chew. hilly tifji tlfy your PiiToiul. In tho rMiii'jily wa pnawon ff the rum of H'm y'f Qtuh. V nitJ thn cli"t ftiwauaa (f clrtl-lrcii. V r jtwr fri.trilty in tht Sunt ft ttrt. your akill, m,ud ctnuiiwnd yunr metUciii to our iiil. Hill AM CONK 1.1 V, M. I. AtOS LEW. K-Q.MrTCTtT, t.,wr.. M Jn..1M: 14 1 hrtl a totiiotis Infftirrrwi, whKh cunftnvJ me in Wni ''j wcki tFk many ntftilii iimi wlttumt rl.f: Dually trlrl voiir I'l.'T-wt!. ly tli atlvlmif our vi r"ynmn. Tli Omt tlno itlivp.t tha tor hum In tny tliruat aiitl Inntra: llimt ohi Imirtliu little matU iw itanplatcly well. Yo'ir MitiilldnM ate tle cVi'.H-tt anwU ai tht lwfit we catt Iniy hI ty e(ia ytni, Ivor, and your rnt a thv fMMr ninn'ii ririiil.' Asthinn or Phthirir, nnd Kronrhttti. W (tf MM-lK3TKlt. !.. 4, 1HM1. Pn : Ywir Ctirr I'.m t.iiial it i-friVrmiiag marv Horn enret In tlili MHtiun. It Itiu irli;vtt Mvaml fnm alarm lim rtiiptiiij nf oiniiititiii, ati'l ti ""w t-nrinit a tanft whti na Irtlftrett nn.ivr an aflVvtirm tlio Iiimk for tha liut fijrty yeara. UtMiY I. I A It It 8, .Vwhant. A. A. R AM8KY, M.D.. At.m s, MoNBnt Co, low, writes. R. Vbb: liiirinar my nv ti.rt of ntiiny yrapi 1 have fotin l ntiMilmt equal ti yunr Ciikart Hwtiwa!. for iclviiiefti.i ami if lief t cmiiiniifvaj j .aiia n Ut or cm lug luch a air cuihIjI-. ' We tn tRli aiM Tuliimra of fri.lnre. but the mnt ntf vlti'itig inrnf I he ti ttnw uf tlili renifly b fouiil In lti ffwti upon tritl. Conainnptioa Pmlally nn ) tviiKl U.w ewr leeii knawo whlrb cur, n muny ami inch lanjr"roHn Mf a tila Soma no liumnn a(l ran tvavht Iml pvn to iIium the Ctrniir I' alTurda P-tlcf nri-l O'tnforl. A ron IIiU'B Xkw V i:k Citt. Marrh 5. 15. Porroa Art.a. Imt'.i.: I ftl it n rlnty atid a ileHKtire to Inform ynn whir ynr On i:rt I'tto!, h.w rtmna f.r my wif. 'llir Iml ten five tii'iitht lalitrlnjt i:n Kr th dnnroni yiiipti'H nf t,Mtiaiiiiii,il t'tn it wlil- h no ai1 we coittd prttcniv jnive htr niiii h ri-llf f. i h xii tvlily fKilUiR, until in. Ptrrmjc. of lhi rftr. whtTf Wf hurp nme ft atlvicH. nnimMi'nd a dial of imtlirlm. e IiIcm hinkin.Iiitnii. ai w U yuur ikill. for ah; haa rt-i-or-trHl that dHy. Hie i not yel a atron an wlm w& to l. but l IW from lirr coukIi. ami nll h mclf w'l. Yonre ntlh (fratitnd anil iTicnnl, ' OKLANDU HIIKI.IlYt or 6Hri.itTVjt.Li. OmtumpliMi do not d-mir till oii have fried Arta'i CnntRT 1'EcT.mAi.. It ii uiade ly oiioof tho brt mwliml rhfiiiitiaj In the irM. ami tt enrr. all nromtil im trtii;ak the high niiTite of ita virtuea. rdtt'ljluu Istt.jrr. Ayer's Cathaitic Pills, fpilK arlsni'ss of Oiem's ry nml !eUs-lne lia. Ieii 1 taxeil their utmost to piolin-e tin. Wst. mo-t .irfect piu-friitlvs wlili-li Is known to limn. InnmlH'rnltle pi-oofs are siiowa tlmt tliese Tills liave virtues vrlileli suriiM la excellence tils ulilitisry liieUeinrs anil that tlity win un preeedentedly iikib tha ssleeni of all men. They snr ar ami leaaant to uks. lint puwerfiil to cure. 1 lieir ien trating properti stiaullste the vital aetivitip. or tilt Unty, remove Hie obstructions rt Its organs, purity lbs Mood, and eipul llv. Tiny pnrgewit the fnnl InimeiT whit Ii brecil anl grow ctisteiuM-r, stiii-.iitate sbipiriKb or itisor d.ra.1 nrgans intollirii nulnral nrtloii ami iiupiirt braltliy tuas with strength to the whole system. Not only ito th.y eurs the every-iliiy romplHiiits of every Imiy. hut also Hirtnl lslile suit dangerous itisiws that have liafiied the but of human skill. -V iola they produce worfnl sfleeta. they are at the same tine, ill diminished dH?s. the aaiest and best physic tliat can be employed f.T rhildnn. Being lur-coste'l. they are plranaiit to take ; and Iwlng partly vegetable, are Tree Tivm anv risk of harm. Cures have lawn made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted rltlu ami character as to the susplelou of untruth. Many eminent rlorrymen and physicians have hslit Ilieir unlini; tn certi fy to tlie public tha reliability of my remedies, while oth er, have sent ma Ilia assurance of their conviction tlmt ttty Wciaratioue contribute immensely to the relief of ni) sfficted, sutteriiie reHow-msn. The Aftsnt below ,'anied is pleased to furnish Brat is my Amelhnn Alsianaccuntaluinis directions for their use mid vsi tin-ate. of their cures, of the fi-lliwlne romplaints : t'ostlveniMS. Ililious Coml.iints, lilisiimstism, Di-u)sy, Ituartbiirn. lleadnche ai-i.ltiK Irom s foul Hlomach, Nsu sea liuli.tion. . Morbid liuation uf Ihe novels ami Vain arl.luc theri-ff'in. flnlillency. lai. of Appetite. -all Ulcer ous ami Cutaneous' which require an evacaant Meil!ciiie. arrofula or Kinx's i:vil. They also, by purify ing the blood snd Mimnlallhg tlis syto, lure many complaint, which It would not V .upul Ihey could reach, sneh a. heitfuem. Partial lllindiiess. NSaraleia and Nervous lirilalrtlity. ieraiiteiiienl A tire Liver and Kid neys. Ilout. snd i.thnr kili'lrej comi)lnliitii ari.itig ti-inn a low slate of th tiody or obHtructioti of its function. Do not be put ell by nnpiluciiiM dealfs with some oilier pill tbsy make mora pmltt an. Ask for Area's ruxs. and take notlilna: !.. No oilier they can give yeu eomres with this in it Intrinsic rslae ur curativ. powers. The sick want the Wet affl there is for them, and tliey shoal J have It. lrcprfU ly Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analylisal Chemist, Lcwall, Haas. I'stci On. na Fivs Boxu roa f 1. giL0 lV . V. puller.'i ir; llird k J 'ha ttliain ikiu W YViemei, Notllnni.berlsnd ; J. F Csslow. Milloe; llavs A MeConmek, MeKwtnsvills and by all Drue ; throitaleialllie eouutv. August III, iy THE SALAMASDEIt SAFES or niii.tDi-i.Ptti r.tsv thk wo m KVANS eV WMTsOX. JVb.2C Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. iV?itr"uI ?? -T'-.'?a Ilnve haJ the aiireat ileinoiifitni' frij.T:;,; iimml i Siti-a laiiiil Uiith faily f'sr fVr-i vv.iiraniftl ih rreeiiituti Mi K:yirfiCfifci:?'ir iwv urcii mtiiie h ihrtu IMtlLADi-LfhiA, Annl h IS5, MeMia Kiiina .V Vat.iu: iau : H utfnl na the liTkhrftt Mil ishii't ion ti ita'e ! vi u. tlmt ow iittt t I lie 1 1-rv mteciive q.m!itift of iw i !' Mm !ih n tiitler ica wltit'li we purchufted nf V'HJ a.Me few iii 'iititat iniev, we aiiveil a birce K-rti n n' out Jewelry, liinki, Ihhts, Vt!., rx( tvrtl t the r'lliiniitunui lire lit Uuuetuid I'luce, on ttieiU 'tu inf 'f (he I lih inat XVIirn we rerlfct that theae Sufee were lv.iletl in the I urih atnry f the tmihliufi we (vujiiet, h t hut tltt-v V1 1 Mlae(iifHttv int'n h')it .' luifiiinif itiins, wltt-re tlie vmm iMii'-eMlrn'.i'Mi cauaetl the hrt i-tntra to inrli. w C;Mui"t I till r(itrtl tlie rca-r v:tt i n of tht- v ilnut.le m it at a tnt c i.viiK'ing Hoi. of the afc-cin ity etTor dcil hy y nr KilVa. We el ttke m irh piea-iire in reeominv-nding them t men of huiiiiei ua a lute leiintc- ii'iiusi fire. 4 UitoitaK W. StttoM k Itio ratLADKlf IH4, .l'fil Vi lV."6 Meagre Kxai Wnt n 1 true -'(Tcr y u ni t lim'ihv in i'iiviii nl the great avtirilv .tflnlt-l i-. my i ntii i ai'H'k -if jaawrlry, Ini knt jiapeit Ar., ilunnti I ho nt-nit iijti'r iui eoiiiiitrijiioH in lianntrntl pl u'tt. itmi ilie lai-t that the a-nnr were tMiitaineti in lw ol t;ie iSalaui'iiiiUi tNifVn m-iiiuta-!nreil ly yai. Ilaiiinr lalleii I nun the tifih at ry itflhe .VrtiKin linli ini, where thy wete prei'i m um'I tXiiiinl I a viifct hent Tor a I ma; linit. the irfarMUon the iseiiaiiMe iier ai a aermed to every on who wMiiraatil tlie upeitinir and inteiiof rxuiniituUuii, a inuUer of iro'ound atniih luent. To nil 'vhi may iefiiir n perfect protection from tin ravaee'tf fire I alia II nut herniate to reewinienit the me of your SuiVa, ua I cnjitider tltey lm'e ii"W jmriMtie the lit al Irving teat. V K .MoRCN. rniLADVLfnu. April 14, I&6S. Mara Kvnua ft Viitiiii.rniiciiuit- No d -u.m ym Will ine deely c?MtihHl tolmrn the f Mstle-nuhti 11 m u riirh I dtanivered my h "t. plu-y of iiiinrnnre, ii-rlifiiMfr tf Mtoc li.N'id ihcr v Iuh Me docunieiitai when on t'ridny tut I oMiifd thf mfe liv yom him. With my knowdjre ! itfrift ex p ten re, hoth o the intenaity o ihe Htnt fr in hot a fire aa lhat which ile irycd the Artivaii lluillniir, nv nla fr iti Lti fn-e o the fail fnun it f .rinnr eifvaied paiii n in tha third al'-ry, 1 e'uld ciitt'iinin hm elfttder nop pri r to He inti-rior in prctitii, that the eMiiitt which I onrn a-t hifflily pnzrd "uld ever he of any wrvti- t ine, hut jb ihrae fema are ii'w hanpily rni'vd, I iVel i' "nl line to my to im lhat I ma h-acforih na.'iiuniiit the n f r ur S.iia to nil wh m iv wnii to ft el a coidi-kiHti in the prfn a cnriiy which aucti meiani pri-vid ay a mat to Inhtfal un element. r.DwB fiAaAKtlL, B -'khiiiiler. Conatantty on hand Patent Powder and Thief Pr -a-f Ir-tcUt f..r rieiiiks, l-Horea, Ae. Aprils, esii Watches ?j Jeweir '.KSAl.E and- Ketail. at the "IMiiladcl Vauli t.J Jewelry felore," No. 66 Street, corner of Quarry, 'HILADELPUIA, lica, full jewtrled, H carat ctu tW,w . .Mi. Kin Mlver Viaattaclea. 1 ,50 lle.1, SU J1..1.I wl'il It 1 '. silie.' tioltl Peneils. l.uu Silver Tea spoons, set, i,hU 7.ISI eucil and Silver Holder, iiiKS. U7( cents to $80 Watch 13$ cents! I'ateiit, IS j j l.unet, '.ii proHtrtion. AU goods war ihey are sold for. 'AUFt'ERcV IIAKI.KY, liold and billet Lovers ajsd - than tha aba nrtoas. VALUABLE PEOPERT Y FOE 8ALE. rpilE auWribers, Execntitrs of tha estate of 1. Henry Masaer, dee'd., olfef nt private tale the follow iim iroperty via t A large two eti-ry frame dwellui( house, together with abaut j 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoir.lnf landa nf Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. The house ia new and tha location a good one for business. Also a TrtAUT OF LIMESTONE t-ANP, in aaid township on the river about ft miles be low flunbu.t.ailjm, inT lands f J. T. M'l'haracti and others, containing, about 90 acres. Tha soil is nrrxlocltve and csutaina limsstona ar.d other minerals. ' . Also a trsct of Land, containing about 35 icres on the bill, shout two miles below Sunbury, adjoining landa of the bene of the lata John Conrad and others. There is, en this tract, ainull orchard of sJioire fruit. . r'or further particulars apply to tha auheeribera. II. II. MASSKK, ) P. U. M A8MKR, VExacMtora. - FltANCIS UUCHER.) Hifnhury. January ID, 1850. if MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, 1 KOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. T 'tlllS) larue and commodious lLvtel is situa ted nenrlv hall wsv between Sunbury and 'ollsvilli'. . The sceiiety the salubrity of the niiunaohrre ami the cool mountain breezea, mske it one nf the most ilehthtful summer retreata tr the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con venience The pure mountain water ia inlro dm'ed into every chamber. The place ia eas of a--e-s, being but one and a hall hours ride Irom 8tnihiirv,tvrr the I'liilauelpliia mil fun bury K.iil Road. From Potuville, it is 17 miles. I. very atteiiilsiice will be paul by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JKSSKKICK. Mt. :armel. May 24, I85R. If t'Kt e:rt Mllt.i, Uiteof the firm nf Stevens, jas.1. srovF.n. Ile .ftli. Uiiian Hotel. lioiinnisiienn ,v tii. NATIONAL HOTEL, (L1TK WHITS SW!V, . .' Street, abort Tltiri, rmr.ADFi.riiiA. 'IIIK nbovo well-known Kstabliahment, have 1 iitnr been entirely remoilel -d, introd, citig all Ihe modern improvements, snd also, newly fur-I'i-ihed tlirounhout, will be opened for the recep tion uf (incst nu tho FIRST DAY 01? SKPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests 11 liter tlieiii-elves with the conviction that they will be able tn give satisfaction to their pslronx. Curriog-s will nlwsvs be in readiness lo con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Uailroad Depots. . MORS 4- STOVER, I!ace Street, above '1 htrd. l'hiladclphis, Auffnsl :10, I8h6. ly NEW CONFECTIONAP.Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, I I AS just received a new snd excellent assnrt mrnt of k'u1s at hia Confectionary and Fruit Siore iii M A WKET MTKEKT. Stinhurv, where be mniiiifaclurra ai'J keens on hand, at nil times, the most choice Confectionery, Ac, wholesale ami l.etail, at I'lnladelphia prices. Among hia slock of Coulectionaries, may be found : French Secrets, Hurned AIiimiihIs, Creniti White, liintia Rose, " Vunilh. Cotiiiri'.i Seeiets. I.iquoriee, Gum Drops, all kinds ef sesnt, l.ove Dions, Mint limps, red sad waite, Jrllv Cakes, Fruit Dmps, Stick Caisltee, ef al scants Koek Csudy, Almond Caadf, FRTJIT. nananna, Prnnet, htt, Fia Curranii diied, Citrona, Altniiidat Raitrmn, KuU f aR kwda I.K.M0N SYRUP , of a auperior qunlity, by the aingle or dozen. A superior quality of Scjtara and Tobacco, and a variety of ('oniectionarien. fruit, Ac. all of which is dllced cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM, lie has el-io npe'ped an 'ce-l'ream Soleon, and will at all times ba ready to serve his customers with lea ('ream. Sunbury. May 51, 1816 ly J lir; LATEST AIUUVAL OF FA I.I. AX U V INTER OOOUS. J. T. & I. F. KLINE, liespeclliilly anuoiiiice lo their Iriead. and the public in general that they have received at their tiiore in l.'pper Augusta township, IS'orlhi mb r liiiul i-oiiiily I'a., at Klines lirove. Their Kail and inter Kooila are opened to the public a lull assroluienl ol merchandize Ac. CiiUKiMinn in pari of Clolhs", black" and fancy 'ai-s niers. Suiinelis, Checks, Kentucky Jeans I'mler Shirts and Drawers and all kinds of Kali and Winter liooils. A lot nl ready made Cloathing, cansiiting of Caals and Vests. Ladies Cress Good, Shawls, timijham., LSeru(;e Lleldiin, Calieoea, blin k i I k h iS c. Also a Irish supply of Drugs and Medicines (rociirios $ c, of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Queensware, wooden ware Uroniiis ij c. Also a large assiiriment of Root and Shoes mumble fur men women ami children. II ATS AM) CM'8. AIo an assortment ol School Booka, Statione ry. Envelopes, Ink and chenp publications, Ae. e-all. Cheese Jc, and all goods usually kept in a country store. Cotre and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past lavors we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit continuance of the in,e. All of the above named stock of goods will be s hi positively at low prices for cash, or in e chHinte lor country produce at tha higheat mar ket price. Klines (Jrove, Pa., Nov. 8. l5 tf I'HTKH f. Z.W.T7;.Tf.f.V, OOt'Ei TFIJM.Y inform, hia friends, and - ihe pul lie grnerallv, tbut he has just receiv ed a .ew St.u k of tiOl)l), at bia new store, at liavul Miller's Mill, in l.owr Augusta Town ship, and that he is prepared to sell-goods at the lowem puces. II i. Stock consists in psrt of FA I.I. A VVINTE R flOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &e and every variety usually kept ill oountry Store. Trevorlon prices paid for al) kinda of produce. Lower August twp, Dec. V7, Id5fi. tf H a ATE. NT URITTANIA STOPPERS fo 1 bar bottles for eala by H. D MAMSER. KunlMirv. July 19. I .". OOTS, Shoes. lists. Csps and Cum Shoes, just received and for aala by 1.1. 7 lA4. TEX ER C IH'H.MXU Fluid, Cainphene, fluid Wicks " and l.ampa, for aala by J. F. is, I. F. KLINE. Klines Grove, Nov. H, I8.MI.If ("i OLD PENS with and without cases, of H very superior quality, juat received. Alao a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aala by H. U. MA68ER. Sonbiirt. 1W. 7. A- JlUAKW ARE. Ilollow-wsre. Class-wsre, and a lr, e stuck el Queonawaro, embracing tha newest patterns, for sale bv Nov 19. .. E. Y. B RIOHT A BON. SILVER WATCHES A few double eaU English bilvor Watches, for aale at very low "" by II. B MAcXSER. (Hinbtiry, Apiil It, IHS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOIC A MAUl-:LIOC AGEJI IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT; THE GRAND F.XTKRKAf. RKMKDV. By the aid of a mierosr.oic. we see millions of little openings on the rurfuefl of oui' bodies. Tiiroush tliest- tlns Ointment, when ruhtieil on tlie skin, is earned to sot orenn or inward pnrt. Disens of the kidneys, disorder nt the I.iver, alteelion. ol the heart, liitlsnimslion ot tht LuiiB, Astlimns, ronchssiHl Colds, sre nv us me.ih. eiTtit-- tnully cured. I'.very house-wife knows thnt sn!t pssse. ireeiv tlirougn none or tneni ot nny tliieKness. This henl iusr Uintment fur more renditv neuetialcs throueh snv honeor fleshy pnrt of the living hody, euriiiir tlie mosi diiigeMtis inwatd coiaplaints, that csiiuot be leached bt other menus. s ERVSIPE A8, SALT RIIRI'W AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. No remedy hit. ever thine so much for the cure of di seases or the Pkut whntever form they mey nssume, n this Oililment. No caa of Milt Rheum, (tenirv, Bore iienus, reroiun on r.rysipelus, can hnifr witlielanil its l fluencr. The inventoi Ims travelled over miuiy piirt. Slob, visiting the principul hospituls, dispensing this liiitinenlf giving advice vs to lis a,-plicntion, ntid bus thus been the means of restoring uuniliers to hrnllh. SORE LEC9, 80Rn Rlt RASTS, WOUNDS AND 9ome of the most scientilie siirgo'iu snow relv solet on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when htiving til cope wim me worst eases ol soles, woumis. ulcers, gi:m dulur swellings, and Illinois. I'rofrssor llollownv Ims. by foninituitl of the Allied Governments, dispatched to oie nospiunsoi me rjisi. mrire sliipmi-nls or this (Hut ment, to lie used under the direction of the Medical SmiT, ill the worst esses of wounds. . It will eurs anv uleer glnndiiliiT swelling, stiffness or contraction tX the joints, even of 30 venrs' stioirfina These and other snnilst distressing eomplsints enne effeetuullv cured if Ihe Ointment he well ruhhed over the nnrisuneeten ana nv otherwise folluwing the punted di ivutu'ns srouiia cuvn pov. Both the Ointment and Pills should . le uted in the following cases : Bunions i.umlsigo Sore Legs Swelled Glands Minus - Mereuntll store Hri-iiFts Slid Joints Chnpped Hands F.ruptions Sire Fletiils Ulcers innt'itiiiis files 9ore Ihr'ints Ve-ierenl Sores r'lstiiliis Rheumutisin Sore, of all . Woumlsof all bout Salt Ithenin kinds kiinl. Skin Dismsea Sprains Scald. atnfc" at the M.nnfsetorles of rrofensnr Hollow. v fit fthiinen Uiie, New V ork, and tilt Slniiul. I guidon, l.y nu respeeiuiiie urtiilgisis nuu ueillers III .leilli'lue inrough ont the United State., suit the civilised world, in boxes at Its cents. C'Jl cents, sod ft ench. if Tiiere is a coiiBideruble saving by taking the larger Size.. N. R Direetlon. for the guldnnce of patient, ia every uisiirtier are amxeu to enc-D tsz Muiub -ti, lyca BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- BEING desirous ol disposing of my entire stock of Hook, and Stationery, comprising some 30,000 Volumes of Law, .Medical, Reli gious Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Booka. Also, 100 Resms of letter pspcr aid a lot ol wall paper, ateel pens, wafera, Ac. I will dispose of the whole stock at public rale sale at my atore, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday tha 7th day of April, 1856 at 1 o'clock, P M.-, and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock i. said. WH. McCARTY. Per JOS. H. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 16, 1850. tf THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi zens of Sunbury snd the public generally. that ha has commenced the manufacture of all kinds af EARTHENWARE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tha River. He baa engaged the servicea of Mr. Hinr. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will ba promptly attended to. P. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 3, 1851. if WHITE HORSE HOTEL. P0TTHVII.LE, PA. rHE subscriber respectfully announces to his -f- old friends and Ihe public, thsthe has taken that old and well known establishment, tha White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantnga sts., in tlie Borough of Puttstille. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering il quite aa comfortable ar any othir Hotel in cchuvlkill county whib tha stables arc large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, stlenlivo, prudent hostlers. To travellers snd others who may st ip at hi. house, he promises i very attention calculated to render tbeio coin lor I able and satisfied. JOS. M. KECER. April 5. 185p.- tf SUNBURY, PA- fWyll E subscriber respectfully informs tha public JL that she still continues to keep tha above named public house. She haa also received a new aupply of good liqunra and winea, and trusts that she wiU be sbla to giva satisfaction to all who may visit her House. MARIA THOMPSON 8unbury May 1. 1856. tf. Patten's New York . WINDOW SHALE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., nppositt Jones' Hotel, rillt.AUr.LI'tllA. Window Shades, Gill Cornice, Buir. White and greea Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curtain Pins and Trim. llroratelles. Satin de I.ainrs, Worsted Damasks, Centra Tassels, Gimp' and Lonpe, Curisiu Hands, Lace and Muslin tilings, Curtains, Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shadea or Dra pery, got up a the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and put up by tha most tperiencetl hands. lVrrsVs New Yoag Sreas, 303 Chestnut St., Melodeon Buildings. May 3, 1856 DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JJR., Mti let Street, Danville, Pa, fMI3 ia one of tha largest and most eommo. L dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania it has been resently Sited op, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 22, 1355 J. II. J.VUIaM, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All bu.iness piomplly attended to. Mouiea collected and all ordinary wirings done. Mount Carmel, June H, IK56 ly AND WARRANTS Tha highest price '-'will bo given for Laud Warrauta by the aub- cribei II. U MAriSKK. I)LANK Parchment Paper Deeda and Mortgagee, Bonds, Executions, Su. Ac. fur aala b 11. B. M A Sunbury - A iri SA. Ig.SrI STOVES- . COR fjALE an axcellent acond - ing Stove, also several Cyln- Klnvsa-Enqiiirsi at this otTiee S'" BLANKS of every deseri, v apf viag at ttMoffic of OV-, Shamoklu Whit Ash Anthracite Coal, Eton tht "Old Vein" in the OapColliery. 1 H. ZIMMEIiMAN &.JXO. 1. PLRSEh. " successors to Kase, lieed A Co., will mo tittua mining, shipping aid selling coal from the above well anown'Colliery. ttitlrr the fmn ol oimwerman cr. l ur.el. I he tiint Ol shit twill' ia at the lower wharf i Hunbui v. Norihuu.ber land county, 1'a., where all onlers fur the vattiMis kinda of coal, ii i Lump, Broken, teg, Move. ...o viimnu, v,oai, win tie thankfully isccivod and promptly attended lo. Sunbury, July 14, lg05, . . fcl'RBl'ItT, JtJLt 5, 155. The firm of Kase. Keed 4- Co. h.ii... .u their lease in the Gep Colliery ami interest in the wnari at nunl.ury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A I ursei, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new fiim. as they will ba able to acll tbcin prepared coal ( tha best quality, KASE, RF.EU A CO. ARDWARE.-Tal,le Cutler.. Ramrs. IV, k Knives. Hand saws' Wood ..... i frames, A tea. Chisels, Door f.nctia.'and llite. a. tlaml Uells, altera, & r., just received and lor I. W. K.N KR A l. Siinbiiev Jlrr. 9, nf,i. 1606 bpooial lixpress Notice. 1S58 ' XIO"W-A.niD cte GO'S Exnuvss. HAVING obtnii e,i full express privileges over the CATAWISdA. M INIUM AM) ERIK and WILI.IA MSrORT & KI..VIRA RAILROADS, we ire now prepared Im IoivshI hII descriptiotis of Expires t.'nnls by Ire-ii .er Trains, daily, between Philadelpbis iin,! Kln-iis connecting at Klmira with all the e.teri. Kr press Companies. All gooda for Tamsqna, Summit, :ttswissa. Danville, Milton, Williatnspuit, Klmira. nt rf .In to IS'orthumberlnnd and Sunbury am! ell n.t.r mediale places, delivered the same ihi. ,, h train in charge of our own Special M'e-wengrr. Philadelphia Olhce, t-J Cbesriui Nire.-t. Office Klmira at l.'niteu States K.i re tire.e April 1 3, 1836 ly HAYDOt'K & FIDDLER, riEALEUS in Watches and Jevelrv. will . continue the business at the old sianil of J a inss B. Fidler, No. 12 South Second Street. PIlll..LiKl.i ni t, Where they solicit an examination of their Is; fv ..... niinj essuirn ttist the evi e- uence both of them ba ve bad in th business, and tha facilities they possess l-r pro.i,rii. oods on Ihe most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorablv with , 0.a. establishment in Ihe city. Ti,, Wav. ..r , hand a line assortment uf WATCHES. CLOCK .S, JKWEI.KT, -Silver, Plated and Urillani. Wate. t i,, ranry Roods, Ac, Ac. '.' N. B. Repairing of Watches and ail kinds .1 Jewelry attended to with preasptues. and is, greatest care. Phila., Aptil 7, 1855. if. TO COAL DEALT 8. AKKISMAK, ZViHK & "WUTZIL ESrTCTKCLLY inf.rm ,h, ,M,.,lr ,., they have le.w.l the new celher,. c Lambert tolliery, and are rea.iv lu divc , ,M .. superior quality, and of a varief of urM red en their new coul nresker. AH .!. r,.mi ,. attended to by addressing the fm, flli, Sunbury or Shemokin. Sunbury, Juue 30, 1855. .t fsii t.. ji7u kiTt a it , auatrii'TcmRs r TRUNKS, VALISES, kC, 146 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' tfottl, rilll.ADELrHlA. HAS on hand ihe cheapest, aae best assortment of TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO TII R PL B Lie. Sole Leather, Solid Rivi ted. Iron r'rsn,e. lreN Hound Travellidg Tiunks; Pacsing do. aliws ; Ladles' Bonnet Cases; Carpel Haas. tSaul ,l'. Ae., by the quantity or single ani.le. lov.ri ihati can ba bought at any othir piste in tue c t July , 1858 JAMES I. CALEREATK'S uium fa.nct SHOE STOBE, Nt. it North Eifihth Street, Avwe Arch. Ea't tide. FHlLADKLnilA. I.adiea fram the ceunlry. can have shoes ,J, to order in tha veiy Irst style sn ...,ip on a few data notice. An ri.eHem as.oita,rai to select from, alwsvs on hand. Mar I", 1856. 'if HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAT. fJic opposite the Court House. Sunbury, Northniabeiland County ?&. Prompt Rlteiiiion to bnsinos. in a.ljninino ,omilie. HOTEL, OPPOSITE WKST BIIANi ll KNK, WILLIAMSPOHT, 1'.. YIIIXItM II, lit), frupriMwr. C. A. STaMt,i4asistatit. N. B. An Omnibus wil run to an. I fi.iin tlie Depot and Packet Landings, to tin. Hotel, lie of charge. September 13. I .,. if J. STEWART DEIUY & 0!?S. Importers and Dealers iu Cttrpatints Matonic Hull, Chestnut St.. irlmr ',;,. IVOL'JiI) lespeetlullv invite tou In tell end examine their Inro and well .cliMcd .i.ek of Carpets, Oil Clothe, t.'ooa sn.i ('.ii.i.mi Mai lings, Druggets, Hearth Kucs. Dr m. ,1.-. which they will sell to thr trad at such prices us wi.l male it desirable for those who wih lo pur chase, to rail and examine their stork, before, purchasing elsewhere 1'hiladrlphia, April I J, l5fi. ly I. KS for Machinists, cuipn.tirs. Ac. A -.. Baatly's edge to.ds. plmr. jo.l bein h s, iev.s for sale bt E. V. lih'lt;HT.V ?m. Nov. 29, IIS6 A RNOLD'S WRITIM. 1 1! lit and A.lh aiva and legal envelopes, lot ., . H II M KR unbnry, Ian 10. I AMI Fairbanks' Platform end 'onnier Scales foj aala ry E. V. UUK.H V A ON. No. 39, lii. YYHll Paper a splendid bit just receded ' and for aala by l. w. Tr..r Senbu'y, June II, IfiAS. HAM, Shoulders. Chre.e. ' Salmon and Sill lr sle l Mae .11. . K. V Li- OEOKGE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers