arr iv Aii oFrrw; America AT HALIFAX, LATER FnOM EUROPE. llAi.irix, April 24. Tie Royal Mail Steamship America, Capt Lanjt, from. Liverpool oh the 11th instant, arrived bere at six o clock on laura-uny eve ning. EFCLAND. The elections io Eugland aro nearly over. The Ministerial net gain so far is'Gu. lion. Sidney Herbert is spokeu of us the new Minister of Wur. anil Kvolyn Donison s the Ministerial candidate for Speokor. The English Uovcrnment furnishes three stenmships to assist in laying the Atlantic Ti-legrnphic cable. The cable will bo com pleted iu Jane, and will be laid iu July. . , FRANCE. The rumored, attempts to assassinate the Emperor are unfounded, but several arrests have beeu made iu l'uris and the Depart weals of persons connected with a secret So ciety. STAIN. A letter from Madrid Btatce that .active communications are taking place bctweeu fcipuio, England und Fiance, on the subject of the Spanish and Mexican diflicnlty. The Spanish government he pes to obtaiu the mo ral support of these powers, and in caso the question goes beyond a war between Mexico uud Spain, their material support also. AUSTRIA. An Austrian circular states, respecting the Austro-Sardiniau rupture, that should a mediation between England and trance prove unsuccessful, Austria will seek mea sures Tor her own protectiou. Tho authenti city of tho circulur is doubted. RUSSIA. A loiter from St. IVtersbnrg says that operations Tor riusing the sunken vessels at Sevastopol have cotmnonced. Sixteen ves srls havo been already rescned, including the Chersonese steamer. Four of the raised steamers are alfoat and iu active employment The t'hersoueso is undergoing repairs ut Nl colaioff. TEIIHIIILR EXPLOSION O TUB DELA WAIIE AND KABITAS CANAL. The Trenton Uawlto of yesterday contains the following particulars of the explosion of a propeller ou the Delaware and Rantan "iThorrible explosion, attended with loss of lire, occurred on tho propeller Funny tinnier on Saturday morning. Tho Fanny Uarner is one or the new lino of propellers recently started between this city and New York. She had tuUcn on a cargo nt the lower bnsin on Friday und started for New York. When about a mile this side of Honndbrook, where she is owned, at 2 A. M., her boiler suddenly exploded whil greut . vio leuce, injuring the bout greatly and killiug ihe captain, Mr. Hird. and four or the crew. The news wan tclegruphed to this city on .Saturday. The boiler is said to have been nearly new, calculated to curry about 75 pounds Rtcftin, and only CO pounds were gauged at tho time or the accident. A part i,r the boiler, weighing nearly huir a ton. was blown about U1IU yards over the top or a large walnut tree, upon a hill, aud a large piece or copper pipe was blown into the woods nearly u quarter or a mile distunt. Nkw ISite.NswiiK. Aprd 26. The rollowing is a correct list or tho killed aud wounded on board of the steumer : Killed Cornell Hird. Cupt., leaves a wif nnd one child; Michii'l Nugout; James Mc Maun, leaves u wife ; Patrick Comford j John Thornhill, body not round, leaves a wire Wounded James l Harnett, engineer, badly; William McEvoy, fireman, slightly; t;orge Mitchell, pilot, slightly; Andrew J. McCarty, Steward, slightly; Mr. IMant, passenger, severely injured. The steuiner lius on tho bottom of tho canal a perfect wreck. A part or her boiler, supposed to weigh COO lbs., was thrown SM leet 011 a lull 'HI teei uuove mc tauni, over a tree 31 feet high. A part or tho face of one of the killed wus round on tha oppo site, tide of the Millstone river by a dog. A pin t of the boiler was found near it. The concussion was terrible, breaking windows and forcing open doors. Tilt COAL TRADE. The quantity sent by Railroad this week i8 29,817 10 tons' by Canal 25,048 07 for th week .rj.4'Jj 17 tons. Total by Railroad .M7 -TT (I2 nsuinst 5GG,C'J7 19 tons. Ditto by Canal f'.X'-n 01 agaitist 80,790 0" toos- to sumo pernio lust year. The shipments this week are less by 3.9G7 tons than lust week, and 26,649 tons less than for tho corresponding week last year. The tnido is rapidly on tho decline from this Region, wo are now 11.587 04 tons behind tho shipments to same period last year. Wo think tho shipments will contiuue to f ill off Tor the ensuing two weeks. There is a determination on the part of a large number not to push their Collieries at present prices for Coal and it was stated yesterday at the Coal meeting, that those who had naked the highest price for Coal were doing the most business. Tho low prices at which some Coal is ottered causes consumers to suspect tlmt it is worthless. And there is inst cause for such suspicion, becnuso we know that tonio of the Coal offered for salo at these low rates, has been stocked on wharves for a year, and gome even two years as unsaleable. Miner' Journal. The Murder tt Attoona. Yesterday after noon a young man, named Michael liouncr, mas brought before Aid. Enue, by Mr. Wil liams. lliuH Coustuble of Old Chester, on the rlmrpo or having in his possession a letter from I). S. Mchlim. now conGued in the Hol iiday&burg juil, on tho charge or murdering Norcross, tit Alloona. Mr. Williams teati tied that he hud urruested llouner, near Ches ter, und found on his person a letter, signed by McKi n, desiring Bonner to come to his (NlcKiin'p) rt'itue, uud testify iu such a man ner as to preveul him from being couvictod uft ho crime or murder. The letter directs Bonner to swear that he was with the writer in Pitlxhnrg on a certain night, and that then he (McKim) left tho cars, and he (Homier) continued on to Philadelphia. It also con tains directions about the manner in which McEitn came iu possession or the gold which ho was known to have. Botuier had been summoned as a witness for the dt fence. He was await a communication from 'strict Atto'iney at llollidaysburg. queer Bpectulatioas of the day j Nuwport (Ky.l Aeics, which iiosiliou is ia contemplation to id iibirroes owned by slave 'ieir present valua f the slave bidders ' u proposed pual New Advertisements. Totho School Directors of Northum berland. County t GanTiaaJta I offer myself as a Candidate for tba oflic of County superintendent, at the ensuing lee ion on the 4tU of May. Humbly believing Ibat I possess the requisite Literary and Scientific sc iuirements ( skill and experience in the Art of Teaching ability to impart Knowledge, and to give (information publicly as well as privately ; and alto, possess energy or character anu love for the. work." After having been a cemuion school teacher fur twenty years, deiire a recess from mv arduous labors, to attend to the duties t( said office, and therefor respectfully solicit your voles. If elected, will attend to my duty faithfully and impartially, and wili tealously en deavor to promote and sustain the cause of Edu cation in the county. V. M1LF8. ' References I -Board School Directory Carlisle, Pa. " .' : William-port, Pa. Milton. Pa. D. Shelly, Co. Snperintcndenf, Cuml erland co. D. Ileckendom, do Union A. Snyder co. J. W. Barret, co. do . Lycoming co. J J. Reimensnyder, da Northumberland co Dr. V. W. Shindel, Sunbury, Pa. Milton, April 85, 1857. 2t - . To the' School Directors of Northumber- ' ' land County : Gkntlrvr.v j.1'--- ' "' As it is generally. known that we are a Candidate for re-election to the ffico of County Superintendent of Common Schools, it was not our intention to say any thing on the subject publicly, but as there seems to be "disposition, with a Tew, to make a wrong impression, we reel it our duty to write these lines. There ore a lew individuals, who are anxious to oppose us, and who therefore de sire to irrge an objection, however groundless if may be. Hence we havo been told that a Tew contend, that the Superintendent must havo been quite recently, or niust now be, en gaged in teaching school. This is not the ca.i He must be "a person or literary and scientific acquirements, and skill and expe rience in the art or teaching." This tho law requires and nothing more. A brier state ment will show, whether our qualifications, in this respect, meet the demands or the law. In addition to about two years employment, as a teacher, we had the care of a high school lor years, which was relinquished only, on our removal to this Slute. Wo were entrusted with the selection or the teachers nnd the Superintendence or the school. Some or them bourded, and all studied with us. We visited tho school frequently and gave instruction in the art of teaching, government, Ac. As the teachers thus selected wo College studeuts, whoso object was to teach during the duy, aud study with us in the morning and evening, and as we were in a certain sense, responsible for their success, we felt it our duty to visit the school often, and give coun sel and instruction concerning it. This we did. as already stated aud also read the best works on the art or teaching. It was in this school, whilst under our care, that Her. J. I. Crnmbarigh, a very superior scholar, who has recently beon appointed as County Superin tendaut of Lancaster county, iu this State, was prepared for College. Since that time wo have bad nearly three years experience as County Superintendent; witnessed many dif fer cut modes or touching, and had opportuni ty to judge their comparative merits. We have ulso, siuce we assumed the office, read new works on tire best and most approved modes of teaching; delivered many lectures on teaching and education ; held a number of Institutes, sonie of which were attended by Frofessors and Teachers or I Ugh Schools aud received their highest commendations. The public are able to judge from these facts, whether we ought not, by this time "possess skjll and experience in the art of teaching." I am, very respectfully, your ' obedient servant. JOHN J. REIMENSN YDER. April 23, 1857. 'Jt. BLACKIVOOD'S MAGAZINE -AKD The British Quarterly Reviews- . Great inducement to Subscribe! COST RKDUCKJJ SO TO 71 I'KIl CKNT. PCOTTA SO., New York, continue t publish ij me lueiiwiug leaning llrllult 1'ell'KliCMl, via: THE LONDON Ql'ARTKRLY, Conservative. THE F.D1NBIRO REV1KW, Whig. 3 Til B NORTH BRITISH REYIEW, Free Cbirch. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S KdINBL'RO MAGAZINE, fory Thee Prriitflicull ltlv rrnruient the thrta rrrat mtlili, ral purlin of Greut llnuiii Whig, Tory and llmlicol but xilitu- fi.rnie only one fcjiuic ill' tlwir character. As orruns of the most profound wi iters on Science. Litera ture, Morality und Reliiiou, thev staml.ns thry ever hare stood, unilvulled in the world of letters, being considered inilispeiisuble to the scholar and the proi'i-Mional man, while tu Hit intelligent reader of every elass thry fantiah a mote correct ami suilsiactnrv recu.d ortlie current liter mure of the duy, throughout the work!, thau cum be nossi lily olitained from any other source. 1:aRI.Y COHII-M.Tbe receipt of Advance Sheets from Ihe British publishers liivcs udditioual valua U thaaa Ren'rilits, in as iniu-h aa thev can now be nliicM in iha ham's of subai riben aliout as in aa iha original editions. TEH. MS (Regular Prices ) Per annum. I- or any one nf the four Reviews, 93 MO Kor any two of the four Reviews, s,o For any three of the lour Renews, V,eo For all lour ol tbe Reviews, S.H0 For Blockwood'u Mufruzitie, 3,00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 0,00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews. 111,00 Payments to lie made in all eases in advance. Money cur rent iu the flute where issued, will be received at par roSTAOt:. The Pi since to any imrt of the United Sikhs will be but TWENTV-KOUIt CENTS a yeai for 'Black wood," aud but FOU RTEEN CENTS u year for eucn or me iteviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished ' for lbS7. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR I8H AND 1S47 ! Unlike the more ephemeral Mugnzluea of the duy, these Periiidiciils loae little by age. Hence a full year of the Nob (wiih no ouindsaionn) for Ic-66, may lie regard nearly oa valuable for lb.")7. We propoae lo funinh the two years ut the following extremely low rates, viz : . For Blackwood's Magazine, ai.50 o ' . .... r, i uii iOT iiciicw, t.lNI For any two Review, $00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7,00 For Blackwood sod two Reviews, e,ui For thiee Reviews, For Blackwood uud three Reviews, l-i,ntl For the fout Reviews, 11,00 For BluckwotKl and the four Reviews, u 00 To avoid fractions, &3 may be remittee1 for Black wood for which we will forward that work for both years, post-paid N II. The price In Orent Britain of the Sve Pcriodi cula above named la about X1I per annum. As we shall never again be likely tu Oder such induce ments us those here presented. A'oto it the Time to Subtcrihe! t cf" Remitumcea miiat, in all cases, be made direct to the Publishera, for ut these prices 110 commiaaiou ceil be alkiwcd to Auenll. AddreaN, LEONARD SCOTT X CO. No 51 Gold Stieet. New York. April S3, 1MT HOVEE'8 LIQUID HAIE DYE. This hair dye needs only a trial to satisfy all of its per. feclion as as a Uie, add lliv following taalimiatial Inan tlmt eminent Analytic Chemist, Pioreaaor HihiIIi, of tba U . a. aunt, wu ouiy eouuiiu waat UiohssihIs nate pre viously tiorue lesliioouy lo. "Laboiatobt roa Pscnci. Cuihistsv, 81. tftepheu'e Placa, ( PaiLAUitrnu, I ebiuniy 7Ui, ISS7. "Heine well aequuiuted wits the auhstaueea compoeiiif IIoivss"s l.njciD Hais Uti, I am salisfied taat hy follow ing tlie simple dircctioaa given for iib car, it will uut injuia tea) Hair of Skin, bul willgive a natural auddsra Ua oolor to the Hair. JAMKHO BOOTH. Analytic Chemist." nrvtvr.R'a WUlTI.Mi INKS, liwluding Hoover's and H'Miver's lodelllhle Inks, eie too well known 'tiodueed to require soy additional testimony' of Hiaeiec. joe sales nave oeeu iMreasiug snuu iutroducluiu, giving avideoca lliut Ihe srliclas thut iicroisic meiit clauned at first for them ulttcluier. 'dressed t''tie MauufaeUiry, No. 4)8 RACE FOt'HTU, ("Id Hi. 144,) Philadelphia, will lptutieotion tiy . 1 irwL'nll 1 1 ri.' r. i. k. ji,.-r.i - . . r.n, niauurociurer , April aa.lW ly .oWeribsr oflirs for sal his SHANTY, '., ate., on tns nau-Jtoaa below idge. Apply soon to H. B MASfiRR. pril 18ST. . NOTICE ' ; ' A MEETING of the Stockholder of the Trevorton Coal and Rail Koad Company, will be held at Ihe Uirard Houm in Pbilad.l phia, on TUESDAY, the 6th day of May, next at 1 1 o'clock, A.M. By order F. L. JOHNSON, April 18, IS 57. . Secretary. NOTIOH THE annual election for a President and Directors of the Trevorton Coal and Rail Road Company, will be held at the Girard House in Philadelphia, on TUK8DA V. the 6th day of may, next, roll win tw open Irom 12 to 1 'clock, P. M. II v order. F. Li JOHNSON, Secretary. April 18. 1857.' NOTICE F8 hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Henrv Hannahach. late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, dec u., have been granted to the subscriber. All peraons indebted are reqaested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them for' settlement. JOEL WOLF. Adm'r. L. Augusta twp., April 18, 1857. 61 ISAAC M. WILKE11SON, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style.' Sofas, Divans nnd I.oungrii - Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AMI DINING TABLES and alo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila- ciciimia manulacture. BEt)STEADS, of evrry pattern and price CUPBOARDS, VVOKK AND CANDLE - STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. . . In ahort, every article in thia liite of bia business. 'THE aubscribpr respectfully calls the attentiai of the public to bis large and aplcndid aa- urtment of every quality md price f . t vnii;i-WAui; which cannot fail te reLOinmend itself tocvery eric who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and aplendid linixh, made up of the best stock lube had in the city.' No effort is spared in the manufacture of his waro, and Ihe subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being aiadc. Ua also manufacture all kinds and qualities. of CirAITlS. ncluiling varieties never before te be had ii Sunbury, such as Mauooawt, Buck W'alsct ANII UUHLKD MiPLE liUKCIAS ; AMD WlWIISOB CHAIK8, Awn vahct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled Ly none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I he subscriber is determined that thore shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the citjes, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and L. Inure. These articles will he disposed of on as Rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ttT UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Heahsbj, he is now prepared for unuariaKing, and atteniluig funerals, in tins vi cinity, qr at any convenient distance from this place. tr I he Ware Boom is in Fawn ow Weaver's Hotel. lAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April IP, 1867. tf. ORPHANS7 COURT HALE.' IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court oi Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on THURSDAY, the 1th day of May, next, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit : X certain tract or pinco of LAND, situatud in Shamokin township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands of .Mcuolas xocurn, now J as. Yocum, John Replry, the cetitre turnpike, Jacob Haas. mow SuuMiel John, Solomon Fagely, tbe heirs of A bia John, now LI. E. Martz, and Sam'l. Sober, now John Fisher, containing sixty-six acres and fifty-two perches, and ullowance more or less, on which are erected two Dwell ing Houses, a Hum, Carding Mill, Saw Mill, and other out buildings, and also an inter est tor the term or uinety-niue years, from the Cth day of February, 1838, in a certain tract of Land adjoining tho above piece, for the parposo of a mill-race. Luto the estate of David Martz, ilcc'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when tbe terms or sale will be matte known by HEXKY K. MARTZ, Adm'r. Hy order of the caurt, ) 0. li. I'ursel.Clk. O. C. V April 11,1857. J Valuable Town Properly FOB SALE. THE auhscribers, desirinz to go west, offer for - sale a House and two Lots in the town ef Shamokin, No. 20 and 81, Block 14, opposite Iha Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner of Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The huuscis a two and a half story briek building, well finished, with a good store room, and a basement story. Also a stable and other out-buildinas arid water ronvc riient. The property, which is situated on the main street and business part of the town, will be sold on raonublo terms. For further particulars apply to ua.mci, r M.I A., JEREMIAH MARTIN. Shamokin, April 11, 1857. tf IMute of Alfied It Ilowluiitl.dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administration have been granted to the subscriber on the estate or A II red It. liowland, dee'd., lute of Trevorton, Northum berland county. All persons indebted aro requested to make immediate paymeut, and those haviug cluims to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. CEO. MOW TON', Adm'r. Trevorton, April 11, 1857. 6t AL.EXANUF.ll KERR Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH I ON Fine. I. vemool Oroi.n.I Turks Island ami Dairy Salt, constantly-on hand and for sals in lots y 4o suit the trade. April 4, 1857. 6m BE0ADWAY FAMILY GE0CEEY ! Flour, Feed and Provision atore Broadway below lilaclberry Strett. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, lESPLCIi VIA.X inform the cititeus of Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed to tbe store lately occupied by C. Uehringer in Broadway near Ihe Rail Hold, and is receiving a choice supply of FAMILY GFsOCEFJES, consisting in part uf Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, While Fish, Cud Fish, Suit Preset ved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Collee, (irreeu, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, UunpowtJcr end Black 'leas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretxels and cakes of every kind. - N. B. 'I he highest cash prices will be paid for buller aud eggs, corn, oats, rye and wltcat. Sunbury, April 1 1, 1857. Leather ! Leather I Leather I HENRY W. OVERMAN, 1MPOHTEB of r'reis h Calf Ptlriiand general Leather dealer. No. gouth Third street, Philadelphia. A soneral assortment of all kinds of Leaihsi Moroeae, Jrc.Ate. , Kad aud Oak ffele Leather. Kehruar) g, J8. ly v SML-JJ.-) .11'-Jul" Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Fill IE partnership heretofore existing under tho firm name ol I. W. Tener r Co., of Sunbury, Pa., in the retail Mercantile Business has this (1st of April,) day been dissolved by mutual consent. ' . ' ' The business of the late firm will be scttlsd by I, W. Tener and J. II. Engel either of whom is boreby authorized to receive all dobts due to the late firm and lo pa off all liabilities. . Those who know themselves indebted to us by note or book account are requested to make immediate payment, as the accounts must be collected forthwith. I. W. TENER A CO. Sunbury, April II, 1857 DlMolutlou of Partnership. TOTICK is hereby given that the Partner- ship heretofore existing between the nub cri'ri, in the name of HeasholU 4- Frtery, in the Grocery business, in the borough of Sunbury, has neen dissolved by mutual consent. The books, .'laims, Ac, connected with the late film will be settled by Levi 8aiho1l. LEVI SKASIIOt.TZ, HENRY PETERV. Sunbury, April II, 18!7. AMBBOTYPE, MELAINOTYPE AND AMBROORAPII GALLERY. GEO. Y. WEISR will continue for a few days only, to take pictures npon Glass, run, or i'apor, at his room on 3d story Brick Building above the Tost Office. Persons wishing a really good likeness had better come at once and secure those truly beautiful embossed shadows of a living substance. 1 ersons wishing instructions in the Art, can receive them, by applying immediately. Sunbury, April 11, 18oi. 4t imooKEii & nitiisig, . Auctioneers, NO COMMISSION MKHCI1ANT3, No. artl, late L 1117 Noith 31 street, I tloor In-low Viuv, I'liiiiotel. nhia. Sales of BOOTS ami SHOi;. DUY llouliS, ULNS,IIAII1WAKK, WATCIU FANCY tiOOUS, ete , every eveoiiifr. tV Country Storekeepers ann others will alwnvs foul lit our Kveniiifr Soles a lniie aud ilesiratilc UHSoilinuiit of the above giHHls, to he Bold in lots lo suit liuytna. vuooiib pnekett on tue premises tor t.ouiitr J racte. March Sf, 1857 3ine. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN' pursuance of an order or the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public tale, on SATURDA Y, the 13f A day nf June, next, on the premises, the following described real estate, to wit : A' certain lot of ground, sit uated in the town of Shamokin, county afore said, whereon is erected a two-story Fratno liuildmg; bounded by lots ol John lioughncr and otbors. Late the estate of Samuel li. Haas, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M of said day, when tho terms will bo made known by JOHN VANZAM', Administrator. Dy order of the Court. C. BOYD rt'RSKL, CIU. O. C. buubury, April 11, 1857. Northumberland Bridge Company' AN election for Officer of the Northumber land Bridge Company, to serve for one year, will lae held at the house of Mrs. Burr in Aortliumberlqnd, on MU.NDAV the 4!h day ol MAY next The election will open at 1 o clock P. M., and close at 4 o'clock P. M. The Books and Accounts of the Company will be submitted to the stockholders for their inspec tiah at (he same lime and place. D. BKAUTlGAM, President. Northumberland, April 1, 1857. 4t PUEITITUEEI FUENITUEE ! ! TH LARGEST STOCK EVER 0FFEUED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap aud I'scAil THE subscriber, Imig established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of Ihe public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, oc, embraces KYt.RV VARIETY, USEFUL ASD ORNA MENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to onumc rate, as anything that may be required ji his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap fur Cash, or Country Producetakeu in echunge Establishment South East Corner f Martet Square. UT These knowing themselves ii.daldcj to the subscriber would oblige hint by making pay meiit. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857 tf SPLENDID 0FFEES FOE 1356 AND 1857 T0QETHEE. VTNLIKU the more ephemeral Magazities'of 4J ma uay, ttiese Periodicals Itise mile by age. Hence a full year of Ihe Nos. wilh no omissious, for 1856, may be regarded lie.rly aa valuable as for IN57. We propose to furnish the twojears at tbe following Lxtrerucly low Kales, vu: For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 50 For any one Review, 4 00 For any two Reviews; 6 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and the two Reviews, U 00 For llircs Reviews, N 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 12 00 For the four Reviews, 1 1 CO For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 14 00 I o avoid fractions, S3 may bo remitted for Blackwood, for which we will lor war J that work for both years, post paid. N. B. The price in Great Britain of the Gve Periodicals above named is about i'M per an num. As e shall never again be likely to offer such inducements as those here r resented. Xuw is tie time to Subscribe .' ! N. B. Remittances must, iu all cases, he made direct to the Publishers, for at these prices no commission can tie allowed to Agents. A Jdress, LEON A R U SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Guld-strcct, New York. April 4, 1857. tf NOTICE. To the School Directors of Northumberland County. GENTLEMEN : In pursuonce of the 43d section of the Act of 8th May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet iu Convention, at the Court House in Sunbury, on tbe first Monday in May, A. L). 1857,beibg the fourth day uf the month, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of Directors preseut, one person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experience in the art of Teaching, as County Superintend ent, for Ihe three succeeding years determine the amount T compensation lor the same, ar.d certify the result to the Stale Superintendent at Hurrisburg ; as required by the U9ih and 40th sections of said sot. JOHN J. REIMENSNYDER, County Superintendent. of Northumberland Cuuuty. Neap Mttaui.'a., April 4. Ii57. BOAT AND MULES FOR THE snWriber offers at private HOOD MCLUM.and a good '' BOAT, with fixtures. The abuv aheap, aud on reasonable turais. JACOB KEASHO for JOHN BLACK. -Sunbury, March 88, 1857 t J. FA LSI Fit & Market Street Wharf, Phil,. DKAI.KRrtIN FIll AMI Pitt HA VE ennstantly mi harnl an asso-' bhad, Hwroips, Oialhiri, Uecf, tlxiisi, Hides, Cheese, Kite, te. Slarck 111, 1S67 3m BROWN'S and Br.iuia.'s 1 and Husband's MignSsi Msrfh 145,. Tho WorM' Orcnt Exhibition I'rlze Metlall Awarded to c. meyer, For the Twb Piannt, LonJvn, Oelober, 15, '51 '." IAW slWI1"?!!' 'H Hi ill I F1 W-W' Mill 'r,fi Ail I "a CO IT?. AD ME7EP.. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends ami the public generally, Ibat ho has constantly on hand 2'innos equal to thoso for whlcll ho ro ceived the Prize Mednl, in London in 1631. All orders promptly attended to, and great rare taken in the selection and packing the same. lie has received during tbe last In years, mora Mcilabithsn any other maker from the Franklin tistiliite t alsol irst Premium at Boston, and Premiums at New York and Baltimore. Warerooms, removed fiom 54 S.-Fourth, to No. 180 AKCH eUrflet, below Eighth, south side, . hiladelphia. April 11, 1837 3m ijrti, rahifnnil rilriv UHOl.liSALK WAPKItOUtfK, Coiner of Tenth and Market Streets, (ulTico in Second story,) riiii.Anr.i.rniA. Wr. invite attention to our enlurrff d stock nf Ilmea, I'aiutB, Oils, Viiruishus, Ac, selocted exnri'snlv ior mr snlt'S, rtiiil eoninrisintf one of the finest nssrirnneiits in the L'mtril flutes, which wui lTcr ut low prices, for cash or apprised cretlit. VK MANVFACTL'llE very iitcnsively i i-rciuiuai t'ure line juuu, (Ucst,J Kensint Hi I'uie While. la.aud, IVarl!fji'iw White Lend "Vielle .Monluiiue" I'reorh, (best) Pure tu-'W tote rue-: k-oii Zinc. riiiluilt-lphiii rluow While .inc. Silver's Fiustic l-'ire and Wether-proof Turnta, Chrome (iiecos. VuUows. und colors iienurullv. AliKN r!'()U : 1 ortc-rs superior Alkuline Vindow Otnss, ijenume French I'lale iiluss, (wurrenleiy The New Jeisey .ioc r'onipJioy's products, Tildenaiirl Nephew's N. Y. Vainislies, llrooklyu Premium Pure While Lend, 'lluiiipilcu Permanent lirccns, Pure Ohio Cnuiwbu ltrandv. te . 1c. IMPOHTi:il8 OF: French mid Fn?linh Ptute Ohms, French und F.oplish t'Y'ioder Itlcss, Oolorcd uud Knmqi-d Window tilnss, Daguerreotype Ulan. Il.onmeied 'pltite for FliMira and Sky-lighta, Vrnun, Chemicals, Perlilioerv, WIliil.l'.SALF. UKAlJ'.ltS IN : Diogu;iRlK' Articles penoriilly, Pamreia' Ttxila of all descriptions, llydruuhc and Kointm Cement, t'-alciueilimil liud PliibtiT, Paper Muker's Cluy. titin White, p..if. FltF.NCIl, lilt.HAHI)! fcCO., Sl,,r V W nor ,,l TeiiHi n. id Market Streets. Factory. Junction Yolk Avuhac, Crown uud Cullowilill Streets, Philadelphia. April II, Ib07 am e FOE SALE. Good second-hand Buggy, ollice. A Apply at this MISS A. M. TOMER, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner, No 321 North Pecnnd Street, below Nohle, opposite Red Linn nuiel, l nilauelp in J)ATTKItN Ilonnets made to order. Orders respect fully aolieited and promptly attended to. Alureli 1b57 am w Now Wall .Paper Warehouse, BUET0N & LANING, MANUKA :Ti:itKKS Slid importers, No. 121, Arch slreet, second door above siMh, INiiludeltihin. where may- lie found iha Lugcst uud hest selected stock in the City. COUNTRY Pl'RCHASKHS mnv here tie accommo dated without the inconvenience of looking further, end nuy ue ussureu tlmt tnuy will receive the niivtimnee ur their money. lil'KTON I.ANINO, 1'JI AUCH Atreet, above Sixth, I'luMe phia. March 25, IdoT. Umc. JOHN STOaVE & SONS, Xv. 45, Second Street, i'hiludcphin. RE now receiving tlioii sprinrt importation of SILIC and M1LLINKRV GOODS, eon- risting in part ol Taney, Cap and Bonnet Rib bons. Mitin and Mantua Ribbons, tl,ice aud Plain ilks. Marccliues and Florences, Black Modes, French and English Crapes, 'i'urlatane, M aline and Illusion Laecs, 4-c. Also, a full assortment of French and " A nierican (lowers. which they otler to Iho trade on favorable terms. March S8, la7. 2m., P. 2. Citrate cf Magnesia Oil TA8TKLKSS SALTS. rTHIH preparation is recommended as nil ex--- cellent luxalive anil purgmive. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasunt tuste resiiiitiling lemonade in fluvur, prepured and sold by A.W. FISHF.R. Hunbury, Marth 14, IRSfl. liehing Tackle Red Cork, Grass, Cot-. - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, S.c, forsalu by March 41. 'S7. A. V. FISHER. HIII K iubperiber hftvinj dijtuHt'tl of hU Drut; fetoro ia bunhury to Albert V, r iher, i!e aircn those indebted to him to make imminent by the iirnt of April next. Payment can be in ado at the Drug iStore. VM. A DHUNEK, IVunbury, JTorch II, I8.r7. Consumption aud all Diseases cf the Luiia and Throat ure poniiively curab'e h intial itiou, wlucli vtmvvMt the luiiuHiu li the t?avilif in 1L0 lunv tlirtu;u the utr iKiMuea, unJ c 'iinng ludiivut cti.Uiot Willi ilie die:tbC, IKH'J u'lnt the ttllHrti nl:ir mutttT. lt:t tlic c" U;li, cnuaiis a lice may txjucti'ra!i'iit. Ucald the Ituu;, punlica tlte UixhI, nuparu r .uti; wed viiitlily m the IlllVUUk lMtUlll, glVtlig thill tt-iir Unit eiltTgV SO lll'll j,t'll- tulili- lor Hit icBlurjiu n uf I1e.n1 h . In o ai l.: Iobui'u C Milult'iitly tlutt CiJtmuii;iti u m cuiuLic ly niliriLtt. n i t nie wurt'o tl uuutluyttt pleiTyure. It ishh much uiidt-r (tie ci'iur"! ' nu-ttu-iil iicuttuent iisiiny otht-r I'oriuitJ.-ible (liMt-HHf; ninety t'Ut i t-viiy ImmUr. t'ltmra c:in he t-urctl in the tiritt t'j, ami fitly per mi, in the (ctMii'J ; hut in the 1 1111 (I tlugM it ) iJiipofkitilc lo nve mure than live per cent , loi leo inhf'tt ait ko cut up hy the (litcutte u to bul Uctuni-c tu iiitxJieiil fcill. Kvt a. h wcv vT. in the last fcU g. ihlt:il.itioii uir.'rdu extnemitnurv relict to the utrrmi; atteu liij Una teunitl n-HJif-'t:, whu li unnunliy Jeirt.) nuiety-tive thus:ii.d pti'ii tlie t'liiittl Siait at.ine j und a correct cnlculul!'U aliowi th;it ol Itie prt wui jvij ulu lin hi ihe eaith, eighty unUi'ii ure do Lined w 1.11 the Coiinmptive, tfruve. Truly thu quiver dentil ha ii irn'W fnlut ui n fu;uptioit in all itgi i li h m ln t'11 Ihe ieat em-iuy i-f Jn ("oi it iuiei ticit her iitfe 11 r mu. tmt weeps I'tt'alic 1 he brave, the beat it 11 h I, the Knieeiiil, nnd thf pilled. I Jy the litlptd ttiitl rn1reniu it iit m"mi wihuii i,!i'iiifti( every j.'i1 und prrl'ect gill, 1 mil et tabled t-i oilVr to the ttfllit U-d u permanent ami ityuerly c.ire in (.'ouMiniptioM. Tlie limt cuiiHC o tubercleu ia I rum impure blinnt, und the ntinicdi ute uilWt. produced by their ibupoiition in Iho lunn, 1 to prevent tae tree udatuuiou uf uir iuU. the utr cvlU, which c.lUea u weakened Vitality tluouh the rnHrtj iviiuiii. Then turely it uiorc ruianiiiltti txpect'tji rater uond iioiu meilit-inra eiiteiinff tho euvitiei 01 the huari tli;iti i'imi Uioueadminiittered llirough the st 'inat h ; tlie ;itienl will always tiad the luui;i tree uud the bieathimt ruiy after ill baling' reiuedien. True, ili 'ii us a l eai r rncly, nev erlhelcMi it uet omttitnii 'itally, nail with iiuae power ami certiiini) llum remedit u administered by the ut much. To piove ihe poweriul mid inllufiice 01" thin mode uf udminibirulion. chloroform udmU-d will entirely roy m u lew tuiuutti, paiulyttiux ihe eniiie lit r voiil aem, i thut a limb limy te amputated without ihe jfk lit-! puiji; iuliidnur iheordtnaty turniiig uh will Uc Hoy life in u few hour. The iu halation tf uinin ni:i will rutiae the U'm when luinhuftur uppureiitly dead. Tim inlor ot many j the medteiiW perceptible in IheHkin 11 few mniinVi ufti r bemtf .mailed, uud may be imedmtcly dettt-ff-d 111 ihi l.tNn A cuiivitH'iiifc' prod ( the eoimttiutioiuil luYeti of inhala tion, is liiH fuel that iekneM ! ulwavi prmineed by la'eMlhiuit foul air. ! not hm pitive that pto per r.imeiliea carvtutly prenand und alniuitif tcred ihroth thu liiini-S fcaould produce the mont ha(.p iftaltk? l)uimtr eighteen year' practice, many Ih-iuannda lAjtaaif Iroiu diaeawa of the (uu and ihrout, have Iteen y,,.t . aud 1 have nifeeled many rt-mai kable cuiea rert !t;td LeX'ii prououuet-d in the Lutf me tlmt e-wmmplion ia 1.0 irumnent nf c maumptioii ia ' '-uce uud a tlioroub '' J of tubercle. Ac vuiioua forma of Hnptv th proper ,tile easM). Tina -.o'oiful uud .diievu tlie luiira lo eidatpe iha , I cue wed vnulile. "ox fttt, Kowt ra t.ikc'i boii' :4 COAL COLLIERY to nEUsrf, IN Middle Coal Field, Nortburhberlend county, connected by a abort hrancli wilh the Phils aVldhia o rjulibury Railroad, Known as the LA3UES3DRT COLLXEK7 ici'M upwards nf 000 Acre of Superior Coat Land, belongirg to the New York anJ MiJJte Coal Field R. It. and Coal company, with Breaker Engine of 30 horso-powei, Miner's Houses, Sic, already erected and in good order. Several conl veins above watrr level have been opened, and a number of others are of easy access, which may be opened wilh little expense. Persons desirous of examining and leasing the property are referred to J. II. Dewees, agent i( Ihe company, atMt. Carmel, for further in formation. Proposals for leasing the same will b re coived it the souipany's ollice, No. 88, ftonth Fourth street, FhiloueJuliie. J. GODLE Y, President. P. S. For tbe purpose of facilitating tho transportation of coal from the company's mines, the company have 90 cars at their disposal, for the use of their tenants. March 8, I8GT. if. JIT. CAKMEIi COAI. CCLL1EKY FOB 3R,I3ITT. y3ROP08AL8 will le received by the New 4. Yoik and Middle Coal Field P It. and Cool Company, for leasing this colliery, situated on the Isaac Miller tract, with upwards oi SCO Acres of first mic Coal Land, adjoining Mt. Carinol, and immediately cn the Philadelphia it sunbury Kailroad. This colliery is now in complete working order, haviug an extensive Tunnel and ti ang wavs already opened on several veins of excel lent white-ash coal. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horse power engine, Miner s Houses, &c, are now ready for use. i he proporty will be shown to parties desiring lo take a Icano by J. II. Do wees, agent of the company, at Ml. Carmel. Applications will be received at the omce of the company, No. 88, South fourth street, Philadelphia. J. GODLE Y, President. P. S. The company own fifty first-class aoal cars, which will be appropriated to tho use of tenant lor facilitating the transportation ol coal to market. March 28, 1857. tf JAMES BROWNS' GRAMMATICAL WORKS', HHE first bouk of the Patii ystem of Eng libh Grammar. SScta The second book of the Rational system of jriigUm urammar. dOHigncd to teach tho process ot Analysing ihe rnRiisn Language with 6ounu judgment; and the art of using it with gram matical propriety. 31 cts. These works are now used in the Public Schools in the first School District of IVnnsyl vanin. The third book of the Rational Silem of Enz lieh Grammar, designed to enable the learner to become most thoroughly acquainted wilh the nature and use of ihe Propositions, and may be read by hnn cither in or out of schoo1. 60 c aUKOWNS' (iramntical Reader. Thia Huok sefs aside the old GrammarH, exposes their defects JemnnsCralcs toe little uite ol nttendnif; to them, and prtsents to the tcucher the unerring and only way to tbe Grammar or the Kuglish Lan guatje." 37i cts. For sale by Peter Griflee, 113 Arch Street, 1 hilailelphia. February 21, 1857 3m w5 imiet veis:e:l catrisE. fjHId Grease is recoinmemb d to tho notice of J. Wagoners, Livery Stable keepers, tic, as heiniy 5iteiuob to anything of tho kind ever in troduced. As it does not pum itpnn ihe axles is much more durable, and ia not a fleeted by the weather, n inaining the same in summer as iu winter, and put up iu tin canisters at 374 nd 73 cntB. tor sale by A. V. KlsUKK. March 14, 1837. 'rorA Street Wii-e Manufactory. Y ATSO., COX & Co., No. 40 North Front Sirrat, corner of Conuili's Aller, tlwceu .Murket ami ftluilwrry (Arch) Streets, riiilnlcl nliiii., mumifiiuiurtj oi suvri(ir it'isliiy. Uruss si.d Iron "tff Sieves, nf Nil kill Jh ; llmm anil Cnpir Wirt t'luth for Taper Mnkeri. Ac. Cylinders and Dandy liulia co vered in Ihe ht'Hl niminer. Heavy Twilled Wiic f,.r Fpr.rk raleh-ra. Sicvra f..r PriiBs and linn Knniiileis, Screen Wire, Wind. ivv Wiir, SU'hs. Tiaps, liisli Covers. Cral and Kind Sscrccss, 4.C. Tuney Wire Work ti every descriiilinii. March U, lf.')7. 3in c UMBnKLn ixu PiiiSciLMirrci nis, No. 2 North Fourth Street, N W. Corner of Market, Philadelphia. TSAS now on Land an extensive assortment of the newest and mest desirablo kinds, in eluding mmy NKW 8TVI.KS not heretofore to be hud iu this mnr.tet. An examination of our stock is solicited before purchasing rUcwhere. March 7, 1857 3m c LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS. fllllE Northumberland Improvement Compa 1 ny invito proposals for the Lenc nf a por tion ol their COAL VKIXS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Pennslva nia, two and half miles above the town nf Sha mokin, and direetlv on the line of the Philadel phia mill Sunhurv Kail Itond. The Veins of Coal are Well located for easy and profitable operation. Applv to JOSEPH S. DIX., Agent, Mount Curmcl. Pa. or to CM A3. 8. FOL WELL. tWy. . 13 South Ud street, Philadelphia. March 7, 1857. Urn FURNITURE POLISH. it. liAK'S Preniiuin Patent Enamel Kuiutture Po'.i.sU. This polish is highly valuable for rcslor, ing the polish ou all kinds of Furniture, (Jljss, Carringe Uodirs, Huir Cloth, &c Also, for re moving sjuts, hiding serutches, &c, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain ks gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold hy - A. W. FISHER. March 14, JS.i7. THE DAU2HIN : SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the J'.eadini Kailron l at Au burn, on the Sehu) tl.ill, (0 miles la-low IViltsville,) with the N.irihern Central Kjihosd, at Duupbin, on tho usipaehauua, uud wiU the Pr.uusy Ivunia Kuilroad ut ltockville, (S miles above Harris'ourg,) and runs u.nk passenger train in winter, and iwo passenger trains in summer through between Auburn und Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted ) ou times arranged to connect prupeily with these roads; with the Cufliberland Valley and Harris burg aud Lancaster liailroitds, at HarrUhurg, aud wilh the Callawis.a Kailroud, and its north ern connections at Port Clinton. ELLW OOD MOUKIs, Eii(. At ?u t. March 7, lsi7 Cm-id. UVDHOLEl'M PAINTS. These paints at mixed with water, thereby saving the cost of oil, for sslo by March 14, Y)7. A. W. riSIICR. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paier and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Hand, ckc, at March 14, '57. A. W. FISHKH'3. pOKT MONAIES, Taolh and ilair llrushe all iiualities, and any quauti y, for sale by ' A.W. F1SHEK. March 14. 'I7. IJOllTand MAl'KKIA WINES, fcchWam Schnanus. Wild Chtrrv brandy, L'lackbtrry ' ' 'sen,ler l.ratidic. for i.tedicinal purposes al tchn.'a:. a. v.n-ncH. NEW A toANOEMEN: i Hi Arrwtl of . DllUGS, P.VlNTSi OILS, riHE tmrsigncl ' lke" '' J. inorlv kopt l.y W ' 11!Hm A.' ' reaJy W liil trrjf rs snd Prij.lion. U merit, notice. .He bui. ro ami well totk of rrbshahd pure . DRUGS, Cn.EM.iaw, Dy.stulT., Oil, PainU, sJlnss, 1 t'y. und kinJs of Patriit Medicines FRlMT AND CON f ft CTIO. A RV Tofcscco and Iinported fccgnv " of brands. Kanoy Notions' tnilrt articles, a',i I'i" fumcry of all kinds. Tooth aid Hair J5f i'sl of cry variety. Catnphine and Flutd alwayt on hand. Customers will find his stock cotipltrt, con prising many articlr-s it is impossible Jiere lo cm incrati', anil all sold at moderate prines. llcmotnlier tlie place, next dour to E. Driiilil's Mammoth 3luro. A. W. F18IISK. fui.nury, March 14, 18;i7. M!IOTACTl'ia B DIALXa I BTIiyW GOODS, No. 7? ft. 79 Nurtli S. iiil rjlrcet, riiJailrlihis. Aro nmv ri'ivivmc lln'ir Spiins Sirxk, which will prise n l:irs;u ami ilesiraMe Hsniiilinont , .1" nil kiiir! i hTJtAW anil LACK liONNK, Tr. Their sinus ,,l ll.iw prs will hs uiiu9uii!ty lorpi; this sff-iBon, nnd t!itrloii it vile yiur especiiil ntlniritui lu thut ili.'p:irlinent l'li-ti. cull iiml r'XHiiuim tlieiu buforu inukmg Jour tiuri'iiaits March II, JW. n NBWLA5jDoV CO. LsoKliif Wlnssrs, l'lctiirn l'rnmes,, Kusruvlajt liuil Paintings, So. IS6 Arcli Street, aboe Siitb, (Late of 2 18 :orth Sccuiid St.) PHILADELPHIA. CiAiLintr.a ot-ix tiut to risiTons. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything irj our lili9 will do well lit give us a call. f estuary xw, 1857 Bin EAIAMAKDEH FIEE . THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The lamest assortment in the United Stutes. Warranted to be equal io any now made, and will be sold on as Good Tonus, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVA.MS ol W ATJ5IIA 3 28 South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Mflrt Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to tuj er tend the Burning cf the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 21, 1857. KkjUiso, March 4. Tho undersigned, members of the comruiltoo, do respectfully report, that wo saw the two buto originally agreed upon by Parrels ot Herring and Kvans Watson, placed sido by side in a fur nace, vil : The Safe inuse by the Pay : master cf the Philadelphia and Keading Ifailrocd Compa ny, in his oflico at Ksuding, majiufacturrd by Farrcls !& Herring, and the Snlb in use by II. A. Latitz, in his store, manufuluroj by Avails & Watson, aid put is books and papsrs prcci-ly alike. Thejfire was sjirlcd it 6J o'oleck, A. M.,nal kept up until four cords el" green hickory, twi.; cords dry oak and hajfehesuut top vrsed irat entirely constuiied, thewhoiu under the su; rri.i tendence of tho subscriber, members of the Cum in ittcc. 2'hc Safes were then cooled off with water, aflcr which they were opcncJ, and tl.'o books and papers taken out by the Comtnitti and sent to H. A. 1. anil's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. Tlieboo'.a and papers taken from '.he Sale manufuctuied oy Parrels V Herring wero in our judgiuciu. damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those from Evans it Wutson's Safe. Va believe tim above to have been a fair ami impartial triul of tho n spcclivo (jualitica ofbulU Safes. JACOU H. DVSHIfR, DANIEL S. Hf.NtEr.. Having been absent duiing tho burning, wu fully coincido with the above statement of condition ol the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. li. A. NlCOLi.8. H. H. ML'HLKNUERt;. JAMES MILHOLLANU. March 21, 1857. BLX1TDS A1TL0 GZ.DEt3! lyOK NEW STYLES. .j U- CT. WILLIAMS. Y. VI, Xi'ith Sirlh Street, Philadelphia. MAMi ACTUBUrt Ol- VENITIAN BLINDS, "9ETELVET and fiOLD BOKDEKED B it) V PAINTED SHADES, of Lcauuiul de signs. Buff, auA all other colors of Holland used for shade. Fixtures, Trimmings, itc, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest cash pricus. Store Shsdes Paintep to order. E. S. W. thankful for past patronage, rcspiVt fully solicits the public to cull uud examine new and largo assortment, before purihuiu j elsewhere. nr-WE STUDY TO PLEASE." Philadelphia, Marh3l, 18o7. c3m PLATTOSM SCALES. OF every description, i.i, italic for railres.l &c, lbr wcighiig Hey. Ccal, Oie, aid Merchandise geni rally. Purchasers mil liu rik every stale is fuarnnhej cor.erl, ou.l il sl'er trial, not fuuud sti faclory can be ivturucd wiih out charge, Factory ut tko Old Maud, f stabli; hed than twenty years corner Ninth and Mihn Streets, 'hi'adi 1; Ina. At31!OTT & CO. Successors to tliiteat i; AbboM. rtilad.lphia, Maich 7, 1&07. c3m. To Builders & canontcrs. The subscribers are agents for the sale if Doors, Window blinds, Window Shelters, und all siies of Window fc'tsh, all of which we oiler at the lowest prices. Nov. 20, '5ti. E. V. 1J RIGHT & SON. XJ 1 LL persons indebted to the suKeiibcr on i- Note, Uut'ii Account or otherwise, .no re spectfully requested to pay t'p iinuuuialely, as the accounts will be placed in the hands of d Justice lor collection. IRA T. CI. KM EXT. Sunbury, December 20, ISoti Dissolution of Partnership. PIHE paitnership heretofore iiisling iM-tween -S- 1). M. Hoyd, John Josor. 7'liouus liuNu r a id James lioyd, under the ihm name Uojd, I'.obscr & Co., was dissolved by uiuluul consent ou the first day of January, lhS7. 'i'he business of the lato firm v ill be settled by J. cV T. Kosser. who will continue the luiiiss of Mining al tho luke Fiddler Collery, or by James Bovd as their agent, at Sunbur?. )). M.lJOYD. jXO. HOssEIT, 7'HOS. IJOssEK, JAMES BOYD. The aviHrrsigtifd will continue the businrsa vending end shipping tfual at Sunbury, vbsia those iu want of this celebrated Coal will plfjMi address lain. JAMES BOYD. Feb. 81, 18.'i7 11CRE OLIVE OIL for table use, two mri at 37 and G'JJ cents just received by A.W. FISH IR, March 14, '37. FOJJ SALK. CAVA I. BOAT FOll SALE, on tea-L- sonable trrms. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKKR, of Sharjiokin, or H. V. MfC U.VEL, r.i.buis. Tibruiiv VI, 1ST
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers