CfcStftfl 'Of ATTRACTION ! .Antm ivBJ3otiT3vc!jt.T'r b'r . FALL AND. WINTER GO 32)8. IIKAP-IIAWDSOMElUjn.Mll.f, rHESE qualities combined, the public n ill find by calling at the Store of K. V. BKIOHT SON. Their assortment Is largo, anJ has ien selected with put cart.', and will be dis isedofata mall advance. TUB LADIE3 'ill Gnd among our Dry Good Wool Plaids, lack and Fancy, Silks, Pin id Lama Flannel. .Ipacc, aolid colored and Fancy Delaine. l)e ;gea, ttcotch Plaids, Figured Cashmete, I'er au Twill, Coburg Cloth, Oiiighsms, Calico. Dolane and Delcge Robes, Florence Silk, Wool Hands, Opera Cap, and Woolen Cuff. ADIESond CHILDKEX WOOLTALMAS urn Dells, licit Kibbon, Mohair lfesd Drew,, ibbons, Nceille-woiked and llugle Collars, 'hrcad Laces, Flouncing. Inserting, Swiss, Mull, .'ambrie, Nainsook, Dimity, A'arred Muslin, Srilliantino, and a general assortment of white rood. ' Wool find Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cil 'hades, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes m bossed table covers, lickings, ruck flannel, carfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen glove. Df every variety, Russia Crash, Linen and button Diaper. THE GENTLEMEN vill find Black, LI 1 tie and Drown French Cloths, loeskins, Black and Fancy Cassimer, figured Satinett, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, S.ttin, TlusV and Silk Velvet Vesting, Neck-lie. Scarfs, Collars, Clove and Stocks. KrABY-MAEE CtOTIIIKG. Hats mid Caps of all sizes and prices. OUR HARDWARE Embraces nil kinds of building material, a large stork of Carpenter's Tools of the best manufac ture, filei of every desciip ion, picks, grub i ocs, Mason hammers, bur iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window sash of ull sues, grindstone, Circular and Mill .Saws. The Queens ware Movk is composed of Stone China felt, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups fti. d saucers, together with a varied assortment of Glassware, embracing the lu'.est styles. arc fresh and pure, among which may be found, (.!. A. Salt, Mackerel. Shad, Codfish, boxed and pickUd Herring, (ioihcu ami Suge Cheese. The best of teas, erig'irs, collee. &c. We muni our thank to the public for our incrcatiii, patronage, und rcepecrfullv invite an examination of our stock, ss we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. Country produce taken in exchange at the holiest market prices. U. V. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Nov. 29 1838. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRXklNCx 8c GR.ANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Full and Winter Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Winter Wares tor men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Clad: An ossoriment of Plaid Stripe ami Figured Fan cy Dress Silks at unusually low priies. ,Lw. Me Lain. Debegca A c, v GINGHAMS from Gi tr 2." cents per yard. CALICOES " a " 12J " VrillTK GOODS, Cambric. Jaconetts, Swiss. Tariion, Mull, Bohi- tiett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings. &c. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, J-c. CiKOCKKIK. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, I'laster' Salt and Fish. Also a fresh aupplv of lilllGS AND M1:DICINK3. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a de.iro to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. Est" Country produce of all kinds token at the highest market price Sunlmry, Nov. 29, ISSO. ly. lirDECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chestnut St., above Fovrth, Philadelphia, Keep ccwihntly 0:1 h.inj a fplendiJ ufTortmcnt of Ready-made Clothing. Goom :ads to Order and Warrants to FIT. Nov. 29, 1 850. y EXECUTORS SALE. 1 : I l. f . 1. r T . , uiiiif'i pi ijucu laciui 'i ui iiiv imio wi Jaloh Painter, dec. d., late of the Uormiuh of Sunbury, by virtue of a power contained in the lust will and testatment of said deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable Real iistatc, viz : SEVERAL LOTS OR PARTS OF TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in Market Stjunre, in tho Borough of Sunbury, fronting 45 fret on Market Street, being parts of lots No and on which nre erected Three Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two siory frame Building, with the usual outbuildings stable, Sic. late the residence of said deceased. There is also on the front of aaid lot, two two story frame buildings, occupied as a store, shops, &c.,"with a good Well nf water before the door. ALSO; A FARM OR Tit ACT OF LAND, containing about ICO Acres, fi'.tiat between the Cattawissa and Creek roads about three-ipmrier rnilcs from Sunbury. The improvements ore a fiamo two-stoiv dwelling Ho .se, and a large Bank Barn anil other outbuildings. There aro several fine Springs on the premises, one near the house, and also a number of fruit trees of various kinds. Tho terms and condition of pale will be made known by application to the undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Gun. A. Fhkw, Ex'rs. ' Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1SSC tf BRCDHEAD & E0BIRT3, X). 13f, A". '3d Sh eet, rHIXiADflX.FHIJl, JNVITE the attention of country merchant! and others, to their stock of BOOTS 3c SHJE3, which they will difposo of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 18o3.- 1y i'KTEU J". Z.V.TJJSJ.T.f.v, TJ ESPEOTFULLY informs his friends, and the public grnerally, that lie haajuht receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at bis new store at David Miller' Mill, in Lower Auu.usta Town ship, and that he is prepared to sell good at the lowest price. Hi fclock consists iufait of FALL & WINTIR GOODS, Groceries, Quceusware, Hardware. &c, and every variety usually kept in a oouutry t t)lor,. Trevorton pv (aid for all kinds of produce. - Lower Augusta twp, Deo. 27, IHbaWtf .TJOL'NTY ORDERSCounty orde. 4aken caab for food, and on uoie or book ao count by B. V. BRIGHT uV DUX, Has, n, 1856. ' Tltli'iiA'l'icST AhRIVAL ' Of" FALL AND VINTF.R GOOLW. ' : .7. r. i:x. r. xn,srnx . Respeclliillj auiiwui re l il tn tr.cuds m.d .he public ill cent-nil thai tiny b.ive itteivtd at llirii Store in Uppesr Augusta township, NorthumlH'r land county Pa., at K lines Grove. , Their Fall and Winter goods are opened to the public a fall arsrutmeiit ol 'merchandize 4c. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and f.imy Cass mers, SHlinetls, Clieiks, Kentucky Jeans Under Shirts arid Diaweisand all kimls of Foil ond Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Clouthiug, consisting of LVats and 'ests. Ladies BrcGg Goods, Shawls, (iiiighmns, Bcrage Delaine, Calicoes, black filks u, ' ' ' Also a fresh snjipty of Drugs and Grocerins r., of nil kinds. ' ' A new supply of Hardware. Qucerisware, wooden wnre Brooms ij c. Also a! large assortment of Pools ami SShoes suitable for men women and chihhen.' ' ' - H VPS AM) CAPS. - Also an assortment ol School Books, Stallone ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publlcntioiis, Ac. Ssll, Cheese Vc, and all goods usually kept in a country store. Coii eiiiul see. Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past bivors we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the samp. All of the above named stock of goods will be sold positively nt low prices for rash, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., Nov. 8, 106 If I. V.T. TEXTER & CO., OP SXJKriiXTJR-S-, PA., ESPECTr Ul.l.Y invite their friends and the publn: to inspect their stock of V7XNTE3 QOODS. just received fioin Philadelphia, being convinced that thrtr interest I-. best promoted by a strict continuance oftheiruld plan of "Small projils and quick Sales." they shtill still aliido by their previous course. Amii!sl their stock (vill be found fur GEN TLUMLN, n largo assnrtmciil of RL.Ai.iY .MADE Coats. Vests and Pantaloons; Cloths. Cussuueres. Satinetta, Vestiugs, Under-Shi is, Shirt Uosums, Collars and Cravats FOR LADIES. Black and colored bilk, De Bego Robes, Do Be.gos French Merinos, Cashmeres, Mrtdons Cloths, Coburgs and Alpat as. --Delaine both plain and printed. Kradv-Made Cloaks, Ifrocba and Wooicu Shawls, Talibv Velvet in various colors, yuihe I Skiita. Sjck flannel various col ors Red and while flannel. ALSO: A general assortment of Ladies and Gentlemans BOUTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Men's, Boy's and Children' Hots and Cup. Hardwaie, Qurcusttare, Groceries, Cedorware Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Paints, Fish. Salt, Cheese, Nails, Oils, cVe., c. A good supply of school books und copy books with printed copies oil each page. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices I. W. TENER & Co. Sunbury, Nov. '22, I806. HERRING'S SAFE AGAIN THE OH A.XviCP'ION 1 1 The anty Safe which in every instance, pre served thtir entire contents in the lute Kxtenaivc Fires. . p i in 4 T tho burning nf the Arnzan vt&t-tVZ&ft n.iiWi.i, ArH loth, uikI 111 .1 -t -iTvPl i S Elrf f' Mny let. IH.1U, Hit; pt-nuiite Hvrring ilt&Str' St,le I'ifseived tlie Jewelry of Gtai. riCJiAlJoTiu!; & i!l W.immousA. Hro. i Jio -ks, r-'JTi-l I". &f . of I ikht'r & Bm. ml P'nfi fj ' : l"-tw"nl teiT.iins A Co., niter re fj v- j miihiinp cjipottil hi tho burning KuJ I ' Miiri 1 ruin fur nearly Forty tl-ur, an. Jj-lryf proving c iir!nivply hoi wchnve KtSha3mcjf' uvtyt clmmtnl fr them, their great auperiority ver nil tei:uriues nmv known. lu llieic fira . the HKRTITNO'S S vPR. taiulini tnlc ty ndc with thouc fidvertised u wunmilcHl to ilaiul 111 per cant, more fir c than Ihirrina'.M tuirm iorth the iu itii"WletVrti( viotni not only preserving their contents in excellent onler. hut heinp themselves in eontiition to g,, thruigh another ordeal, wJiile the bmstert'PhlmnuiiUe s'ul other uuikers nie Imdly used tip tn every nmtaiife, Mid in mne roses then entile contents cnnpleiely destroyed. To the puhltc wo would simply siiy. thnt. ilurtng the M years the Ilerrii.g's Piife h is ln-en hef're ihem, mom than iwi hundr.t1 hare nssed through oceiilenut fires wit fit m' the oceurren'e of a sintrle loss. We w mitt, therefore, ctiution piirehaspTB niinst Ihe misrepresentation of interestl parties. The Merril l's Patent is tSe only Fire-proof S;ife niude in this city which is pnuetfd by n Parent U ighf , and we will guar nntee it to resist more than double the amount of heal nf any other $ufc now known. Farrcls & Ilcrrliiff, Stle Manufacturers in this State of "HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES," 34 Walnut St., Philada. N H. ''Evnns fc Watson's Imirnveil Siilnmnmlers," ' Oliver Evan's," -'C. .1. G:i) lei's," amlS-ott's Aebetm." Iran Cliests, (a Inrpe nssorrnM iit linviiig been tnken in part pnvtneiit for 'Ilerrnic's') will be sold ut low puces. i'liilu.,June21, 1 -SO IV. New Goods for the People ! liEXJ A MIX 11KFFX Eli RESPECTFULLY informs the public in Een erul that he has just received and upened a splendid stuck of Fall and "Winter Coons. at bis New Store, ill Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassitners, Caasinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CntlcovM. GliiglianiN, Law us, niouHNelluc l)e ltilit'H und all kind of Ladies Press Rood. CiocerlH, Also an assortment of ll'.tl'd Wftl'C. 1 1 OH an. I Steel, Nails, &c. Also an escellent assortment of QUEENS WAEE, 't vaiioua style ami put If 1 1)8. Also an assortment of ROOT St SIIOVM. HATS it L'AI'S. a good eleelion. Sail, Fish, ttc And a great variety of other articles such as aie suitable tu the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowcol prices. fT Country produce taken in exchange a tho highest prices. I.Mwer August:!, Nev. 22 IH.'iO. UAROAISS TO BE IIA.'J AT P. W. QUAY'S SlOlWi, Market Streot, Sxtnbury. JJ L'ST rpcr'.vid and rpened a splendid Block 5 of FALL Sc WIM'Ell tOOLm, consist iiig in paitof Black and Fancy Clotht and Cassimtres, An assinimi lit of Liy (!oods, ia: Merinos. Cashmeres, Ui'latn', Calico, Woolen 1'laiJs. Oinglinms, Mui'.ius, Linens, J'lannels, Ac. Trimmings in Great Variety. IIAKDWAUi:, (ilUK'KIUKu, tiUUEXS WAKE, ic. SALT anil FISH, Cheese, iiaisius, Tobacco and Cigars, Queeiiswara, Hoots, Shoes, Hals and Caps, and a variety of- Cioads tuu tedious to men tion. Call and examine my Stork before Purchas ing 1 Isevtheie, A Keusonablv Discount will be taken oil' lor all cash bales. Country prutlucr taken in exchange at the highisl market price. P. W.GKAY. Sunbury, Nov. 3 , 1856. tf AMK1UCAN IIOUSK, WILLI AMSrOUT, 1'A., .1. II. lilHYI OY, l i tti H(or. J ai. T. Uai.i.. Aaa't. Sept. 13. lW If. (1 OLD PENS with and without cases, of H ery suerior quality, just received. " " A 1011 fresh upiJv of Wriilrig Tluid, for nl iff H. U. MA6SWL SuaUiry, Isc. S7, IMS- ' ; "AID AND COMFORT," . To Tour fin ii Mechanics). ISAAC. M. AVILKEKSON, Kespertlully snntiunce that lie ha taken the tnrnl Int.-ly occupied by Uorge Kenn, ahcr ha is prepared to manufacture all kind nf FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'FHE smhsvTiber respectfully call! the attrutioi of the public to his large and splendid As signment of every quality and price ef 1 ' r.iii.ijT-WAi: which cannot fail to reiommend itself toevery sme who will exnuine It, on account of its durable workmanship. and spleiidhkKnisli, made up nf the best stock to lie had in the city. No elliirt is rpared in the manufacture of his, ware, and the atibacribcT'le determined tu keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany . ,;. SCtA, UI, UIIH I.OIIII4'l . Bureaus, Secretaries. Sideboards, SIIPA, lih'liAKFAST AM) DIMM, TABLES and also VENETIAN IM.INUS, equal 16 I'hi a ' ' ' ilelphia innntifaclure, . UEDH'I'EADS. . of every pnttern and price CUI'BOAHDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAIU.EP, In short, every article in this line of hi business. He also manufacture nil kinds and qualities, CTIAI1JS, tK'1tlhni( varieties never before to be had ii Sunlmry, such as Ma-.-ooamt, Ui.sck Wi,mii CfllLV.II MaPLK (iltKt ' I ATS J AMI" WlXllSOM CHAlliiS, anii VANt r J'iaho Sroiit.s, which are of the latest siyles, and warrnntcd to be excelled by none innntilhcttiml in the Cilies or elscwhcie. The subscriber is determined that there shall lc no excuse for person to purchase furniture in the cities, as every eonlidence can be entertained about the rpinlity and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will he disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Rr UNDERTAKING. Having provided a liainlsoine IFsiikk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. CSP" The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, he ow Weaver's Hotel. I'M AC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1SC tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72- North Second Street, opposite th iilonnt Vernon House.) Philadelphia. t"JOLl) Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea SB scs, 2H ; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lcpine, do., : yinirlicr. $5 to 7 . Gold Spent aclcs. $4 f.u to 10; Silver do., $1 60; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., -lo.,$i) to $1 1 ; Silver Ten tin., do., $4 7ft to $7 fit); Gold Pens and Gold Ca fev, $3 S5 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together wilh a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Tub Cluiins. All goods warranted to be as ivpresented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pius. cVc, mado to order. N. U. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila.. Oct. 4. ISfiB. lyw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, iVo. 21 Xorlli 't hird St., below Arch, PIlILABELrHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can savo Trom ten to fifteen percent, by purchasing at tho above stores, liy importing inv own goods paying but liltl rent, and living econumicully, it is phtiii I can uiidcrsell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large ii-uiliiient of Pen nod Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razora, Table Knives and porks in ivory, stag. bulliilo,boiie and wi.iil handles, Carvers and Porks. Sic, Uiilcher Knives, Dirks, inwic Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, iVc. Also a large assortment of Aecnrdeon, cVe. Also tine EuglUh '1'witt mid Cerimiu Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, ISfio. ly. Importer. UEDDIN'U & FURNISHING HUSIXEiaS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscriber respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, thnt they have connec ted with their Reddiuu & Kurti'ii-hiug business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker' findings, at their old stand No. 83 South Second Street, below Chestnut, IMiHndcli.ltla. They have associated wilh them W.S. Brown who has been for many year ongeged in the principal establishment of the kind ill this city. The slock ol Goods now on hand comprises every description of matersal) used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz; Hardware department. Locks, H ingus. Screws Castors, ifed Screws, Chair and Sola Springs, Collin Handles, &e. Cahinec Maker' Materials, Hair Seating, Curled Hair. Looking Glass Plutes and I'ramr, Glue, Varnish. Sand Paper, i'nrbips, iilnck and Fancy Silk and Woistcd Gimp, .Snl'.i and Chair Web! iiig. Twine, Sacking liotioms. A'orcwood, Mahognuy, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screw, &C. Redding Department, Hair, II usk. Mo-, Wool and Cuilon Mattresses, pi ulher cds, Roisters and Pillows; Plush, Damask and M rccn Cush ions Couifurlublcs, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheets. Pillow Cases', Linen and Cotton ToweU, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov ers, Moreen, Rcinusk and Plush by Ihe piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. The Hair Sealing and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of D. & J. Noblit. N. LI . Hotels, Steam Duals and Ship fur nished at the shortest notice. NoJLir. BKOWN & NOBLtr, 83 South '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Rank nf Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, iHogtfl 9, lSSO ly. FLOUE, FEED & GROCEEY STORE . C11AULES OA RINGER, KSPKCTKL'LLY inform the citizen of n Sunbury and the neighboring country that ho ha purcliuscd the Grocery Store in Water slnei, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by Wvise & Clement, and that he ha just replen ished his stock which he will tell at reasonable prices. He will keep a constant supply of I'lour, Grain and lied, Bread, Pish and Checre, Hams, Shoulder and Herring, Colli e, Si gsr and Molasses, Teas, tipic-e and Fruits, Nuts, Confrcliuiiariea of all kinds, Roots and Sine, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Children Shoes, also Queensware, Cedarwure, Hardware uinl Ntiiiuns, cc.,&c. -itiLt!ii are requested to end in their order for Flour, Peed and Groceries nd be will de liver them '.ropcrlv. Sunbury, June 14, 1858. tl f FFNIISYLVAHIA C0MHEECIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED I3sT VORK, PA, OF PLUS young men all the advantages of thorough business Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY . Embrace Double-Entry Rook-Keeping, i ap plied to Wholesale, Retail, Commusion, Man ufacturing. Shipping, Steam Rotting, Individ ual, Partnership, and Compound Company Uusiness. FENMAN8HIP in all the Aacient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Tunina E. Cochran, Esq. For Circular, die., addre the undeisigned. T. K. WHITE, . York, Pa. September ', J83fit flm, '" , .. OOaUUN ttlEESE. Jast receivetl and tur by BEA8HOLTZ FETKY. Ssrnu IS, ItM. n - CHERRY" PECTORAL, 90 Tttl RAMI) CURR Of . tofd, Cbtipln, nna Di.j.o.Atim: itkinthMltAttiwy th (rMt remty I hnt over fiund f OuukIii, HonnwnnM, lnftnii-s u l th cooiinlfjt ymp(onii (if (Mft tn ymr C'lusnt I'kvora.. iImmjtMt n In my lrfrctir att(j mv Cmaily tar Hie ItMt tru jr:ir 1 1 sim nJiown It tu pi tf-, itr virttt'-t for the trinmnl tf tln A. n. MOMTl.KTt liMof Unw.N. Y.. wriHw: I ht iwl yntir traroHi. my?tlf uinl In my fUuilly trr k lnrrn:. It. ftihl lwHv U h Utw4 aiffldn ft. iu fturrvMr uTtft rtt out. Witk lnwl col l I hotil(t mmr mr twenty-live dullMr f .r UniK) thuii Ju without It, or tiifce any nilnr fcm.r.M ' ' Crou,., Whooping Conyh, tntlneNia . i i . HPRiNoniun Mibs., Vb. 7, IWH, ItnvrnK Arnn: t will ch(hi Ailly cvrtit.v your lMTokt tn th. Irt r-jin(W wo nwi) fin thm rure of iflttvtpiha OuiffH. C ., nnil tli cltuit ill-team of clilldi-tii. Ve i yuitr firuttrnltjr Ui the Htiulh iipi'nH'inte your skill, and cnnuuftij your uietlirlne tu our jUHrttlp. HIKAM Ct)NKLTN, M. D. ' AfOS t.RW. MoTrtimiT. Ia., writ. 3.1 .!u., 1V: " 1 lunl a tvcUotn liiiluenrjif wltii-li conn tied m Ju tloiri nix wrki: tk inrtny inetlititH-n wittiiMit rvtinf; ttunlty trieJ y-mr I'kt1l hy tlm Hilvlrtj of our olftl-jiyman. The flnt iliwe rcllcretl Hip sortmcM in my throiit mitl lurikCi; onn tlmn oim hnlf tho bottls miulft tu uoiiiplett'ty well. Your moiicInc nre tho r tump'' it niwfll w- the beat ffr tti luij, ntiil wo Mteem vim, lH;tor, unit your rctnt- iIf)"J. flltfl pOT Itlillfl frioiitl." Asthma r I'lifhini?, nnd Ilronchitiii Wrvr Manihkhter. I'a., rb. A, 1861. Pit : Your Cum by INctoral Ii (ii'ifonntug mavvvllonj ctirrn ttt thin ik'ct.ion. It liat rtili-'ved nevfi-al frnm aUnn inp Avinptonitt tf itii9uiiiptlon, nntl In now cttrliift a tnnu who li;u) I ilntl under nti nff tiott of tho lungi for tho liwt forty jrinn. III. Ml Y L. PAUK8, Merclmut. A. A. K AMST.Y, Alihox, Mayitoi- Co., Iowa, wrltM, Sept. P, lf5 : Dnrtii); my practice of many yeiut I h:tvp rotim! untiling tMpml to your tin krtiy I'kttoral for Kivinp we atiJ iili-f to conKHinpttvt pationti, or enring HUfh OA iiro ciirabip." W't misfit AM volunif1 of erltlonre, but th mont eon vint-liij5 piffof the virtues of tliit rrmeJy ! found in Its ' efhK-t) npon trial. ConsiimptioTt Pi0.aliy no ono iviat'ily hn ver leen Vnown wliicli cnrr-tl ho ninny aril much lnnf?imiii M"M m tlila. Som Miit ran reavh: tutt even to thow tha Ckkhry rcciortAL uffori r'-liyf nn J comfort. ATort .roVM. New Y-kk City. March 6. 155. T)TTOi A y F.Tt. Otwct i,: I fi'-l (t a duty and a plt iuniro to int'iriu ytm wli.t yrmr ('it :rniY Pfctokm, hut done for my w!f. She li t ! heiMi Hve ino'iiTm laUirititf ntider tho dun' mm -ivniptuniR of n"Miiiptioo, ti'tmi which no aid we could pructiio pive hvr much nd (('. hhe wa f tmlily fniHiiK. until lr. S Ton jr. of thf city. wh're we have romo fr ndvlc, rfcomnindttl trial of your medicine. bKti liinkirdii''", a we d your Bklll, for kIi hai rtfov eii'.l from thnt day. Mie i not yet m trnttp n lie ihciI to tit, tuu If five tiom her cough, nml calli heiovlf Hvll. Vonm with frrntitudi and reunl. OULANDO SliKI.ItV, or SrfF.LHYVti.t.R. fimtHmptiiwt, do not doipair till you Iwtp Ivletl Avrr'a OnKKfiY rtcrnnAt.. It U made by one of tho leit medical chemintti in the worM. and it cures nil around tin tMtjp'k tli high merits of its vii tiiea. I'hiiadrlihia Lutytr. Ayers Cathartic Pills, rpilK Molenrea of Chenilt ry and Medicine havo been X taxed their utmost to produce this host, incut perfict purgative whlth in known to man. Innumerahlf pr.f me i!iovti thnt these have virtues which sttrpruts in excelloiice the ordinary niediefnes. and that they win un prectfdentedly the esteem of all men. They are snfo and plvasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pent trating proierties stituulatu the vital activities of tin. body, remove th obstructions of Its orients, pniify the Mood, and expel dispute. They purge out ihe ft nil humors which bleed and grow dititouipor, tii.-.uUtr nluRginli or dis-r dered orn;iN into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with utienjEth tn the whole syetotn. Not only do they euro the evnry-dav complaints of every body, but also formidable and dnuerous difio s tint have buttled tho best of human skill. While tln-y prtNlncf powerful erTfcts. thy are at the same Unit, in diminished dowes. the afpsl and bosf physic that can be employed for cliildi tn. UeiiiK sui;iir -coated, they ure pleasant to take; and being purely viRet.iMe, arc free from any rik of harm. Cures bavu boen mude which surpfws In lit. f were thvy not sult itantiated by men of such exulted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physiciium have lent tln-ir muncs to certi fy to the public the reliability of nty remedies, while oth ers havo snt me tho essuniia'e of their conviction thai my I'repiirations contribute Immensely to the relief of ni) aft' it ted, sufTiM iuif fellow-men. The Aj;ent below named is ptt4Led to furnish gratis my Aiuei-ican Alumnae; containing directions for their nxr and certificate of their euros, of the foi tewing complaiutH : .'i)s:ivene,4. Hilions Complniuts, 1 Itcumatism, Iropiy, Iltiutt iii it. Ilea lnchi' anting fivu a foul Moumch. Nau-t-'H IridiKfAtiiUi, .Mot'liid liiUL'tioii ol the i low els nnl l'ttili ari.ihd thi iefp m. KlatuVncy. l-ss of Appetite, all L't-er oi'.t find rutanoitus liwasos whh h reouiie an evacuant MfMiiriue. Srrolula or Kihy n t.vil. They also, by piirify in) the lUi and rilimulsttfii); tbo Mteni, rule many coii)p-u"ti wliith it Mould Hot Im snrKod thrV could r-.i It. mich M lienfiies-'s. I'artial blinduetis, Nemnlc'i nd Nrrvotift !uiilility, l'frHiiK'innts of the Liver und Kid upys. tiotit. flutl tlier kiiulted coniplHinis uriim from a low it rile of the body or obst ruction of iti fiuii-tions. pt not lie put eft' by tin principled dealers with some of I n i' i ill they mttke inor-t profit on. Auk for Aykh's Pif.LS, and takrt nothing t-Ne. No other tliey can give you eninpjii'fS with this iu its intriiuic value or curative powetrs. The sick want the lu'Ht aid titer is for ihciu. and tln'y should have it. rriici-l ly Dr. .1. C. AVTR, Fractical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kasa. Pit it '4 cn. nn I'. t-'ivK Uoxt ruA $1. Win. A. Bruuer, Sunbury; Ihid A. John, Stminokm XV Wiemei, Northumberuind ; J. V . Cuslow, Miltop; TJuys k MfCormick, McKwmsvd!; and by oil Druegists tlinnn-hout thecountv. August Iti, Ib56. iy THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PHILADELPHIA AOAINST THE WUltSO. KVAXS & WATSON. Ao. 20 Sou'h l-imrth St., Philadelphia. tluil ill llie lllllnwill CcllillL-utes, lliut uiiiiiul'uclure f Salii. inuiiil r fulo. Iuii ut length fully wurruiiteU Ilia rcprt'seuuitiuii. wliit-h lM'e liut-ii iniitlc nl tlii-in coitlt-riiisr uu umlotililnl sreunty aKaiust llic lerulic element : 5f ; m riiiLAUKi.riiiA. April lilli INSfl Messrs. Kvnns .V War.nn : Grill: It iiHiU ns the hiprhest sutisrst-luui to slate In you, ilmt ou iiit tn the very protective qualilit of tvv of the S:il:iiiiiiiuler times which we pnrch.-isetl of ynu snnie Tew inonlhs since, we save.1 u fcirue pertion of our Jewelry. Hunks. 1'npers, A e., eXio seil tn ttiecnliimirunus tire in JtanBleuil i'lnce, on the nuni in! of the lllh inst When we reflect Ihut ihese Safes were located in the l.'iirlh story of ihe liiiililiitg, we necupietl, unit tlicy fell sulisruuently into a heup of hurnni). itiius. u hcre the vast cnnceiitrnt inn nfheul cuuseil the hruss plait, to tnell, we cniiiiot l,ut ref-iird the preserviilinii of the rnluuhle con tests ns most c-iiiviiiciiig proof of the great Munly urTnr deil l,y your nfes. We shiill t-ike mncli plenure in recommending iheia to men of business as u suie leliunce iitrmiist tire. tiKoaai. W.Simoss A. ttao. ruiLADiLrau, April li. IS.',8. Messrs. Kvans ft AV'utsnn I have to orTer y-u my tes limony in fuviii ot the great security url'oriled to my entire lock of jewelry, Isi-ikt, juipers. Ate., during the' recent dimisrous cniiflii;rutioti iu Itnuslrud pluce, Imin the fact Hint the some were cmituiiiecl in two uf (he Salamander Safes m uiufiuliired hy ymi. Having ml lei i from the riflb smry nf ihe Ariisnu timid ing, where they were prevmuslv plucdd and exposed In a vast heut for a bug time, the preservation of ihe valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and interior examination, u mutter of proluuud astoiisb ineiit. To nil who muy lequire a perfect protection frnm the ravages nf fire, I shall ma heiitute tn recommend the use of your (Safes, as I consider they haw now jndergniie the rnngi trying test. N. U. . Morgan. Philadelphia, April 14, Ifslfl. Tessrs. F.vans A: Walsnu lieiillemen o Uiiht vou Will he deeply poitilird totniru Ihe g mdcnnditi u which 1 discovered mv n-mk, policy nf insurance, certificates of lick,a.l niher v.ilujhle duniei,u, when on Friday latt 1 opeuetl the safe made hv your firm. Willi my kuwclge of it. gicat espnsure, hnlh to the ititeiiany of ihe heat fr m , hot a 6re as lhat which ,le siroyt.1 Ihe Artisan liiiililiiig, at also from the force of ihe fall from its f.irnwr elevated i titl in in Ihe third storv, 1 could entertain hut slender un;es prior to its mlerior in. speclinu, that the contents which I nnce s- highly prized would ever he of nv Mrvice tn me. Inn as the fenis are now happily removed, 1 feel it only due tn say to ynu that I can henceforth recommend the use of yHir ftifcs to all who ni-iy wish tn fool a vnufideiii-a iu the perfect se curity which such means provides against so frightful an eiein.ut. , Kdwasd Gassill, Bisikhinder. Constantly on ham) Patent Powder and .Thief Proof (sicks for Uankt, Store., Ac. Aprils, 11-40. ly Cheiip Watches tJewelrj VyTHOLESALE and Retail, at the i'ltilatlel. " plita Watcli and Jewelry Store," No. 68 North Second Htrect, corner uf Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IB carat Ms, S8,rjO uniu ipiu ns. tAi.imtr ms cover opeLtscle. I. Ml r-uver irfrp. lull jewlled, u. ttilvef l-ver, full jewl'd 111 upii,,r Uuaniers, 7- Gold Oruceleta, 3,00 ! wlies1 Qoiu Pencils, 1,00 lvr Tes spooua, set, i,U0 Gohl tinecuu-iet. T,0n Gold I'.ia. with Pencil and (silver Holder, ,00 Gold ringer Kings, 37 rent to 980 ; Wttcb Glasses, (ilain, IS cents; Patent, ISj( Lunet, ti ; other articJes in proportion; - All good wu rented to b what they n aold for. -, . KTALTFKH & HARLST. ' ' On Und, torn Gold nod Silver Lovew kud IsWnea, Mill Vow kw Qt stsns prion. Oot. 4, ly, VAITJABIE PROPERTY FOR SAtft HE suliscfilicrs, Eierntors 6( the estate of t, , , a. . -. '.. usury masscr, ucc o., oner nt prrvaie sale followillfr firntierl vim. A lirita I.N the tram dwelling house, together with thout 50 ACRES OP LAND. . , Hitiiile In Lower Augusta township adjoining land of Daniel Kaufman and other now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman a store and dwelling. The house ii new and the location a good one for business. 1 ". Also a TrtAuT OF LfMESTONT? LAND, Said toWnllil, nn Ilia .!vr K tw. low .funl.u. y, adjoining land of . I. T. HTherson and others, rontaining, about 90 acrei. The soil is productive md contain limestone and other mineral. Also a tract nf Land, rontaining about S5 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heii of the late John Conrad and others. 'I'born is. nn ibl. i,u . small orchard of choice fruit. ' r or further particular apply to the subscribers. ' H. 11. MA8HKK, ) ' P. B. MASSL'R, jT.xculor. FRANCIS BUCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 18S0 tf MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. HIS large and commodious Hotel ia ilua ted nearly hall wav lietwren Knnlmr. -,..1 rottsvillo. 'i'he scenery the aulubrily of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most tlrlisrhiful summer retreats in the country. 'I'he Hotel, ia a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con venience. The pure mountain water ia intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, being but one and a hull hour ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charpes mode-rotr- JF.SSE KICE. ML Carmel, May 24, JSftfl. if AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyusta temimhip, at the Junction oj the Tulpehncken and J'lum creek roads. fTWIE subscriber having returned from the city wilh n new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Fanners, Mechanic and oilier to the same. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimerct, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, i'estings, Tweeds, and all kinds of Spring and Summer Wcur, LADI ES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginahams, Herages, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, 'e. Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, &.C., &c. IJni'ri tvui't', Nails, Screws, Files, Saw, Knives c Forks, A.c Queens and Glassware, of various sty lea and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A lurgc assortment of Boots and Shoes, for man, women and children. Hats Cai-s, Vc, ol various size and styles. Resides a large and general assortment of Inshioiiable goods. Call and eiamuie lor your selves. ITF Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 5 mo. 24, 1856. PETrn Mni-.s, js. s. srovtiit. Ijite of the firm of Stevens, I,utc of the Union Hotel. HnllttiKShead .tc Co. - NATIONAL HOTEL, (late wurrr. swam, 7i'tice Street, above Third, riiii.ADKi.rniA. rjHH above well-known Et.ililislimcnt, have L ing been entirely remodeled, introdi eing all tlie modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will bo opened for the rerep lion of Guests on the 1'IUST DAY OF SEPTF.MDER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort ol their guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will he ableto give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriage will always he in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDES J- STOVER. Race Street, above '1 hird. Philadelphia, August 30, 18b6. ly NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAUIIAKT, f I AH just received 0 new and excellent ossort inent of goods at his Coiifccliunarv anil Fruit Store in MARKET STKEKT, Sunlnirv, where he manufactures ard keep on hand, at all limea, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Among hi slock of Conlcclionaries, maybe found : French Secrets. Gtira Drops, all kiiul of ssent, llurnctl Almoiuls, I. nve Urons, Cream White, Mint Dm,,., rcd and white, " Irfinon Jelly Cakes, ' Knse, Fiuilllrop., " Vanilla. Slick ('undies, of all sc.nls Common Secrets. Itock Csnrty, l.iquniicc, Ahnond Candy, FRUIT. Itan.nas, Prunes, Dates. Fi, Cnrrunls dried, Citrons, Ahnomls, Raisons, Nuts ofU kiail LEMON SYItUP of a superior quuiiiy, by Ihe single or dozen. A superior quality of Secar and Tobacco, and a variety of Coiifectionaries, fruit, &c, all of which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOB CREAM. He ha alio opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will nt all limes he ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream,. Sunbury, May S I, 1836. ly Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, l'HILADtLI'lllA. Window Shades, Ltrocatelles, Gill Cornice, Satin de Laine, Uuff. White and green W orsted Damasks, Hollands, Centre Tasaels, Picture f.'orJ, (imii ami I.oope, Patent Rollers, Curiain Bands, Curiam Fins and , Trim- Lace and Muslin "''8i Curtain, Piece Muslin. Store, Steamboat and Church Shade or Dra pery, got up a' the shortest notice. Curtain cut. made and put up hy the most eipericnced hands. Pattch' Niew Yoiik Stobr, 2U3 Chetnul St., Melodeon building. My 3, 1856 J., ii. jami:, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. - Allbusincs piomptly attended to.- Mouie collected and all ordinary wriiing don. Mount Carmel, June 14, 18IS6. ly IIUKMMi Fluid, Camphene, fluid Wick and Lamp, for l by J. F. 6t I. F. KLINR. Kline Grov, Nor. 8, I8SB. tf i SUGAR CUBEU 1IAM. A lot ut reoeWed and for ! by. ' BA81iOL77 cV PBTRY. sUyC 13. I8ft. BOOTS, Shoe. Hat., Cap Mid Out Sko, jut received ttA for ai Vy Oct. 7 18S4. TEXIX C . A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A M.illVRLI.Odg AE!I IIOLLOWAYS OINTMENT. tllfi GRAND EXTERF.AL RKMF.Dy. BMhe air) ol a microso.slic, we see millions of little opening, on Ihe surfsea of our bodies.- Through these this Ointment, when ruhurd oa the skin, is carried to any orgnii or inward pvt. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders nt the l.lver, srTectimis of the heart. Inflammation of the t.tiinrs, Asthmas, Couahssnd Coals, are by its oieans erTee tually cured. K.very hnuu-wife kno-s that sslt psmcs freely through hone nr meat of sny thickness. This heal, in. Ointment far more readily penetrnira through any h sisot deshy pnrt ol the living body, curing the meet dangerous inward curaplsinls, that cannot be roached hi other menus. - ' 1 I.RV8IPELA9, 8.1LT RHF.UM AND SCOTlBttTIC IIUMOIUL' ... No remedy hns ever done so much for the cure of di sease of the Skin w1nftee'r form they may assume, "as this Ointment. No caw of bait riheam, Bcuivv, Snra llf-nil.. . f... i !.,... l. :. , ,a ull r.t j a,riuB, chi, long .vnil.uinu n. in auence. The iuveiitor hos travelled over many purls of glnhe, visiting the principal hnsnitsls, dispsusing this Ointment, giving advice to its application, and hits thus heen the mesiis uf restoring countless initnliers to heslth. , SORE LLCS, SORK BltFASTS, WOUNDS AND L'MJUKS. Some nf the most cieiitiilc sunrson innw faH on the uae of hnrinc to cope with the wor.t eases of sores, wounds, ulcers, jinn rlular swellings, and tumors. Professor Hollnwnv hns. hy cnminnnd of the Allied Governments, dispntcned to the h ispitalsnf the East, Inns shipments of this Oint ment, to he used under the direction of the Medical StofT, m Ihe worst cares of wounds. It will cure nuv nicer glsndulnr swelling, stisiicu or contraction of the joints, even of 90 yeurs' standing These and other .iinilur distressing complaints can be errectunliv cured if the Ointment he well riihhsd over the parts affected and by otherwise following the printed di rection around eocu pot. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the'follou-ing cases : Bullion t.nmliago Sore I,r Swelled niand. Hums Mercurial Sore Urenrts PtitT Joints Chapped Hands Eruptions Sore Heads Ulcers Chilblains Piles Sore Thronts Venereal Sores Fislulas Rheumatism Sure of all Wounds of all Gout SoltRheuin kinds kinds Skin Diseases tjprsins Scalds S..HI nt the Manufactories of Vrofc.snr Hoiiowat SO .Maiden l ane, New York, and li!4 Strand, tendon, bv nil rcsprctalilc Druggists nuU Dealers iu Medicine through ont Ihe United states, and the civilized world, iu boxes, ut tf.i cents. 60t cents, sud l each. t" There ia a consideruble saving by taking the larger si 2m. N. n Pirectinus for the guidance of patients is every disorder nre nffix.-d to each box. March ii, IMO I yea BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- S1CI.NG desirous ol ilisposlug of my entire slock of Uouksaud Stationery, comprising soino 80,1100 Volume of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific,, Musical, School aud Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 lieama of letter paper and a lot ol wall paper, steel pens, wafers, &c. I will dispose of 111" whole stock at public Rale said nt my t-tcrn, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7lh ilny of April, IRiili, at I o'clock, P M., and continuing, every nftcriioou and evening until the whole stock is old. WM, McCARTY. Per JOS. H. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 15, 1856. tf JOHNSOK5& BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. V4 iorth Second Street, firBt door above Christ Churcli, Philadelphia. JKRSONS in want of I) ureaus, Tables, Sofas. -- Chair, lledslead, and every variety ol household furniture, would do well to call, as those article are made up in the best styles and old at the lowest price. April IS, 1850 ly EABTHEKWAKE- flHE subscriber respectfully in'orms Ihe citi I tens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he ha commenced the manufacture of all kinds of EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square cust of the River. II has engaged the services of Mr. Haiif. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.8IIINDEL. . Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1856. tf WHITE HORSE HOTEL. . POTTSVILLE, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his old friend and the public, (hat he has taken lhat old and well known establishment, the . White Horso Hotel., At ihe corner of Centre and Mahantogo sis., iu the liorough of Pottsville. The house ha re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite a comfortable as any olher Hotel in .Schuylkill county whitt the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To traveller and olher who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated t render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. KEGER. April 5, 185' - If SUNBURY, PA. nplIE subscriber respectfully informs the public JL that she still continue to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new aupply ef good liijuor aud wines, and trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 21, 1856 tf. J. STEWART SEFU TJTSOKS, Importers and Dealers ia Carpetings Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., below Kighth, lTOL'Ll) respectfully invite you to call and ' ' examine their lurge and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths. Cocoa and Cuntoii Mat tings. Druggets, Hearth lings, Door Mats, Ac , which they will sell to the trade at such prices a wi.l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 12, 1856. ly WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, FA. a. S. BROWN, Proprietor. Norlh'd, June T, 1856 6m. ill.Kti fur Machinists, arpenter, Ac, &e., llaalty'i edge tools, plane and bench screw fur sale by E. V. BK1G1IT A SUN. Nov. 9, 183B. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adbe iva and legal envelope, for 1e by H. ii. MASHER. Hunburv. Jan 10. IWI.- Fan-bunk' piriform and Counter Scale foi ale Ly E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Nov. , 1656. Wall Paper-l splendid lot just , and for ull by reivetl I. VT. TENER A CO, &.nbury, Jnnt 11, 1154. H AM, Shoulders, Ch, MelurI, IrUh Salmon and 8slt for l by - "'u e. y. BRIGHT 4aGrc ! BLANK Parchment Paper Deed and bUtk Moriaaie. Baud. Eiecotion. Summon Vc. for mIi b IL B MASSEK.. . (hltiUory ,Aprl , 1154 ,8hftmoVin White Aih Anthracitu Qtxi. ! Prom the "Old Vein' in IheGopCollitrf. It H. ZIMMERMAN V JNO. P. PL'RSEL, , uf,or. U Kiw, Reed eV Co., will co. tiuue mining, ehipping and telling toal from the lne well known follrery. tinder the firm of .iminerni.n & Pursel. The point of thipmrU. is at the lower wharf In Sunbury. Xorthu,ber. and county, P., where all order for the v.rtou kind of col, ii t Lump, Broken, Egg, Move. nd Chestnut Cat, will bt thankfully reoeiv.d nd promptly attemled to. Sunbury, July 14, lg5t . . . , ,, SlMBMlf, Jtxi , IgJJ. The firm of Ks. Reed o O. hving sold (heir lease in the fJap t'elliery nd interest In n, wharf at Sunbury, tn Messss-. Zimmermnn dr' Pursel, would take great pleamr iu recommend ing our rustomera ntl others tlie new firm, a they will he able to wll them prepared cual or the beat quality, ' XA9E.'RKEDtV CO. AKDWAIIE.-TsUe Cillery, Kssors. l ock - et Knives. Hand aows Y ood raw ii frame. Ales. Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinge,. Hand Hells, Waiters. ie., just received and for sale by . ; 1 . I. W. Tk.N EH t.O. Ninibiirv TW. t. I . --i,. t idrjti bpeciul Express Hotteo. 1855 KXVHKSS. A VINO ohtati s i full express privileges over 1 the .CA'fAWlSSA. t-L'Mil liV ANL KllIK and V ILLIAMSPORT A, LLMIRA1 ItAll.ROADs, e ie now to torwarif! all descriplion ol Lkjresa ti'ouiU by I'as.enger' Trains, daily, hetvui-u I'liilmielpl.iii hiul Klinira. connecting at Llimia wilh all the esiern Kx- press Companies. All goods for Tamatia Summit, Callav. ina.. Danville, Milton, Wiiliaiuspon, Llmira . and alsi. to Northuinberl.ind ami Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same duy. Kaeli train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia OlhVe, 9S Cbesnut Street. Office Klinira at United SiHtes Kircss Ullice. April 1 3, 18.)6 I ) HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, XEALLUS in Watches and Jcwelrv, will continue the business at ihe old stand of James 13. Kidler, jVo. 12 South Second Sh ut, fllll.ALlKl.l'lIM, Where they solicit an exaiuiiialiou of their large and varied slock, leeling assured thai the exe rience both of them have had in the l.usinees, and the faitlilies they possess for procuring goods on the inort a,U niiluteniis terms, wilt ena ble them to compete favorably with any oliier establishment in the city. '1'iiey have now on hand a lino assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, I'hited and liiiliaiiiti Ware, Cutlery, fancy Goods, &c, Ac. N- H. Repairing of Wulthes ami ail kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the gientest care. Phila., April 7, lrto.V tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEKMAK, ZUEEN & V.'EITZL'L OESPKC I KCLLY inform the public thst they have leased the new colliery, uillnl lb, Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver ,-onl ot superior ilitaliry, and nl a variety of sues prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All unlets t atlended to by adihrsHing the firm, either at Sunbury nr Shsmokiii. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. A J B . iriCKKT &K il i , ItlNLFACTtHhUS or TRUNKS, VALISES, kC, 14C Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, CTj PHILA DELPHIA. ;ys Ljte4 HAS on hand ihe cheapest, ond MI II l'llin I assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFKKKD TO THE PUULIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iron Hound Travellitlg Trunks j Psckiug do, Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpel Hans, Satchels. Sic, by the quantity or single atticle, lower than can be hnughi at any other place in the city. July fl, 1850. jameVf. cTlbreatii's I.AUIKS FANTV SHOE STORE, .Vo. 59 Xorth Eighth Street, Above Arch, East side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes made to order in the very lest Mle and workmanship on a tew da notice. All excellent assortment to select from, alwuvs on hand. Mav 10. ,850. 'lv DANVILLE HOTELS JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Daiuiille, Pa, ia one of the largest ami most cotnmo--- dinus hotels iu lilt tiiteiior of Pennsylvania, it has been recently filled up, in excellent sly!, with all the modern conveniences. Daii ille, Sepi. S3, Hbf THACHER Ss WODDROP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, So. 101 Arch Street, ip Stairs, licl wei-n Third iSi. Fourth Sta., upper aid near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bag and V'aliees of all descriptiaas. CHARLES F. THACHER. KOUEUT .. WODDROP. Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 85B. tf 1 4 ALL PAPER A large and spleudcdi " assortment of Wall Paper. Winilew Pa-. per, a ml Oil Shades, just received and fur sale. by I. W. TEN EK A to. Sunbury. Mav 2H. I si.S . AND WARRANTS.-The highest price ""will be given lor Land Warrants hy Ihe sub. cribei n. t MASr-EH I N K Uoureau' celebrated ink, and also t 'oiv ijres ink for sale, whohaale and retail bv Deceiwlver IH.Mi. H K M AS.VEK F.DARTi: IIS, liars Uuckei. Painted ttuok ets. Meal Teiulerers, Corn Urnoins. Iia kets, Children' Wagon, and Vauksa ( lock ust ireeited and for sale bv May Sti. IS5ri. I. W.TENk B ' HENRY D0NNEL, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court Houst, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjointi g Toiintiea. EAGIiE HOTEL, Ol'POSlTK WFSTBJtANCU BANK, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., WIIXItM U. UiV, Proprietor. C. A. 8TKIHt,iSitDt. Nt B. An Otnnibu will rnn to and from lh Depot and Packet Lauding, la lh Hotel, free of charge. September 13. IB" if GEORGE SCHALL & CO. ULFCTUHtH ... or BLASTING POWDER, AA. Carmel, Northumberland County, May 10, lfiS WmILEVSCOCai CJNDY. jtnncM lent remedy (or coughj, cold. For mi at thi enho. - .' - Doeemrri 4. IS." 5. - - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers