t U . in llanalltr MUuarl Canpromli itMliin f Ik iiirni Cnrt la tha Ord Intl Caa. .1. i Washtxotoi, March 6. The opinion of h Snore Coart fn the Dred Kcott case, was Tieliveied to-day. by Chief Justice, Taney. It was'n full end elab orate statement of the views of tha Court. They have decided the following all fmpor- . 1ant point : First That negroes, whether slaves or free, that is. men of the African . race, are hot citizens of the United States by the Constitntion Second That the ordi nance of 1787 had no independent constitu tiomil force or legal effect subsequently totho adoption of the Constitution, and could not operate of itself to confer freedom or citizen, ship within the Northwest Territory, on ne groes not citizens by the Coustitution. Third, that the provision of the act of 1820, commonly called the Missouri Compromise; in so far ns it undertook to exclude negro slavery from, end communicate freedom and -citizenship to negroes in the northern part vt the Louisiana cession, was a Legislative nit exceeding the power of Congress end . yvoid." and or no legal effect to that end. In dfciding these innin points, the Supreme Court, determined the following Incidental mints t First The expression "Territory end oil er property" of the Union in theCon Miiiiiiim. applies, it) "terms" only, to such territory s tha Union possessed at the time of Hie adoption of the Constitution. Second The rights of citizens of the United States. emigrating into any Federal Territory, and the power of the Federal Government, there, depend on the general provisions of tha Con stitntion, which defines in this, ns in all other respects, the powers of Congress. Third As Congress does not possess power itsilfto make enactment relutive to the persons or property of citizens of the United States in fe 'eral territory, other than such as the Con stitution confers, so it cannot constitutionally delegate any such powers to a territorial government organized by it under the Con stitution Fourth The legul condition of a slnve in the Stnto of Missouri is not afflict ed by the temporary sojourn of such slave in nny other State, but on his return his condi tion still depends on tho law of Missouri. As the pluinlilfwiis not a citizen of Missouri. . and therefore coulJ not sue in the Courts of the United Stutes. the suit must be dismissed for want of jurisdiction.. The delivery of this opinion . occupied about three boors, and it was listened to with . profound attention by a crowded Court room. Among the auditors were muuy gentlemen of eminent legul ability, and a due proportion of ladies. Jiixt ice Nelson stated thejmerits of the use. the question being whetficr or not the removal of Scott from Missouri with his muster to Illinois, with a view of temporary residence, worked his emancipation. He iniiintuined that the question depended solely on the law of Missouri, and for that reason the judgement of the Court below should be affirmed. Justice Catron believed the Supremo .Court li'. jurisdiction' to deride the merits of the r.te. Me arirued that Congress could notdo d r.-ctlv what it could not th indirectly. If i. e nd I exclude one species of property it i veil. I an. t her. With' regard to the tcrrito (a ceded. Congress could govern thum ouly wiih the restrictions of the States, which .-.-.led i hem, and the .Missouri Act of 1820, vi..iiel the leading features of tha Constitu tion, ind was therefore void. Ho concurred t' itli bis brother Judges that Scott is a slave, and was so when the suit was brought. Several other of the Judges are to deliver their view to-morrow. lb Dred Scott Case Judge McLean's Dissent ing Opinion. - Washington, March 7. In ihe U. S. Supremo Court, this morning, 'Justice McLean delivered his views, arguing ltliut slavery is limited to the range cf the JStute where established by mure muncipal law. If Congress deem slaves or free color- eil persons injurious to tho territory, they - have the power to prohiqit theut from becom ing settlers therein. The power to acquire territory carries with it the power to govern tl. 'i The muster does not curry with him to the territory th law of the State from which lur removes hence the Missouri Compromise -is constitutional, und the presumption is iu favor of tho freedom of Dred Scott and his family, who were free under decisions for the . lust twenty-eight years. 'Justice Curtis dissented from the opinion . of themajority of the Court, as delivered by Chief-IJustice Taney, and gave bis reasons for dissenting. 1Ie .maintained that nntive born colored persons can be citizens of the State and of tha United Status; that D:ed Scott and his family -were free when they returned to Mis souri ;that. the power of Congress to make all needful regulations respecting territory, was iinl, as tho majority of the Court ex- pressed..; limited to territory belonirinir to the CuiimhStates at the time of the adoption of t!ie Constitution, hut husbeeii applied to five eubse.uiMit acquisitions of lands ; that Con : jri-ess -bus-power to exclude slavery from tho territories, having established eight tetntori nl governments without it, and recognized slavery in six. trom the days of ashiugton to John Ooincy Adams. These opinions occupied five hours in de livery. Justices Wayne, Grier, Campbell and ujiiioi, iuul papers expressing their views on .certain points of the opiuion ef the Court, 'but out atraad them. The Court .then adjourned until the time .u.vea by. law. Rlr Httctuiuau's Cabinet The Appointments Connrmfd. Wasiiikotov, March 6. Tho President this afternoon sent in the following nominations of Cabinet Officers : Secretary of State Lewis Cuss, of Michi C in. Secretary nf the Treasury Howell Cobb, oi ueorgiu. Secretary -of War John U. Floyd, of V irginm. .Secretary of 'the Navy Isaac Toucey, of Seerttnry ef the Interior Jacob Tbomp- dwii, oi .utesissippi Pnttniastcr -General Anson V. Brown, -oi i ennessee Attorney General Jeremiah S. Black, of a ennsylvuuia. The nominations were immediately con finned by the Senate. Affair at WusUluglou Appointments. Washington, M arb'9. Ex-Secretary Dob. . inn ten io uav in tnesieamer water witcn lor Norfolk, en -routo for Vorth Carolina. TJh vessel was .placed at his disposal by Mr, Secretary Touewv. A lame number of hia friends assembled at the Navy Yard to take 1 av0 of him. The presentation of a set of silver plate in Es President Pierce took place to day. It was presu med by Senator Toymba.on the part wi i u viwzens tii savannah. The following appointments by the Treii. dent have been cunurmed bv the Senate : Samuel 't reat, to be Judir of the United States Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. - M. M. Parsons, to he United States Attor ney for lue western Uistrict of Missouri 1'homus II Duval, to b Jadge of the Uui ted fctate Court for the V esters District of Texts., ' - i W in. C. Young, to be Marshal of United btates for the Western District of Texas. PJcburd. U, Hubbard to be United Slates .Attorney for the same district. - , . Jne L. Jones, to be Mershal of the Uni ted btatos for lb Wtra District cf ill. oaru , " , ' 1 1 ( MttUag ! Us CaMaeW Tke ieeUT Saw j fKlBlmraU. WAsmnftTow, March 9. The Cabinet isli session this morning, engaged, it i generally believed, fn considering the policy to be pur sued relative to the Executive appointments. All the Department bare furnished list of office who hold place under limited Com missions. The opinion prevail that such officer will be permitted to continue until! the expiration of their commissions, to be ap pointed or not, a the Adminstration prefer. But a a general rule, such vacancies are to be filled by new men, which some of the pres ent ineubent already understand s and this will be the case especially in New York, Philadelphia, and other principal cities. The minor places will of coarse be affected by this policy, which i regarded as one of rotation Almobt an entire change of Foreign Minis ters and Consul is anticipated. The Democratic members of the Senate, in caucus, have concluded to adjourn on Satur day nest, provided the President has no occa sion to-delain them beyond that time. (Jen. Cass, has rented the dwelling now occupied by Gov. Marcy, - New Advertisements. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, wilt be exposed to public sale on SATUKDAY, the 4 ill day of April next, at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury, the following describ ed real estate towit : The undivided moiety or half part of all that part of a certain tract of land, situate in formerly Shamokin township, now Coal township, county aforesaid, bound ed on the North by land surveyed in the name of John Hoyd, on the West by lnnds surveyed in the name of Frederick Kramer, on the South by lnnds surveyed in the name of Esther Kramer and Samuel Scott, and Kastwardly by lnnds formerly owned by Henry Fisher, now the hoir of S. .1. Packer ar.d Gideon Markle, deceived, continuing in the whole 102 acres and 35 perches. Being the undivided half part of the western part of a certain large tract of land, surveyed in the name of Magdalene Kve Leverson. Late the-estate of Joseph Marshall, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day. Terms of sale to be cash. ABM. A. VAN ALLEN, Administrator. By order of the conrt, 1 C. H. Pursel.Clk. O. C. March 7tu, 1857. J JOSEPH FISSEI-L, UXBhKlL AND P.niSOlMAHlrriCTCRER, No. 3 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of Market, Philadelphia. YTAS new on band an extensive aortment of the newest and mast desirable kind, in eluding mmy NEW STYLES not heretofore to lie had in this market. An examination of our stock is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. March 7. 1857 3m c Taken Adrif t. WAS taken adrift on the Susquehanna river during the late freshet, a lot of ROL'A U LOGS and some square TIM BEft. The owner requested to .coma forward prove propertv, pay charges and take them away, or otherwise thry will be sold according to law. LEWIS LE IV II ART. Sunbury Ferry, Snyder co., March 7, 1R57. 3t NOTICE S hereby given that the St. John'a United German Reformed, and Evangelical ulharan Church, in Upper Mahanoy township, Northum berland county, have filed their petition prayinj for an act of incorporation under the name and title above mentioned, and that tho court have fixed the first day of next term for hearing of the same. JAMES BEARD, Prothonotary. rrothonntary's office, 1 Sunbury, March 7, ld57. J LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANES. fllHE Northumberland Improvement Coinpa M. ny invite proposals for the Lease of a por tion of their COAL VEINS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, two and half miles ahove the towu of Sha mokin, and direcllv on the line of the Philadel phia and Sunbury Kail lioad. 1 he Veins of Coal are well located for casv and profitable operation. Apply to lUSEI'H S. DI.i., Agent, Mount Carmcl. Pa. or to CHA8. S.FOLWEI.L. Sec'y. 18 South 3d street, PhiUdelphia. March 7, 1857 3ra I)ROV.N"8 and Dre'iuis's Essence of Ginger, and Husband's Magnesia at March 14, '57. FISHER'S. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. -MONNECTS tho Reading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below Pottsville.ywith the Northern Central Ituilmad, at Dauphin, on the Susquehanna, and wit.i the t'r.nnsylvaiiia Kailroau at Kockville, (ft miles above HarriaUrg,) and runs usk pasxengcr train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Hani burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted ) on tunes arranged tu connect properly with these roads with the Cumberland Valley and Harris burg and Lancaster Kailroada, at Hurrisburg, and with the Cattawista Kailroad, and its norlli ern connections at Port Clinton. ELLWOOD MORKIS, Eng. & Supt. March 7, 1657 Gm.pd. NOTICE YS hereby given that the Methodist Episcopal - Church at Shamokintown, have filed their petition for an Incorporation under the uaineanj title ahove mentioned, and that the Court have fixed the first day of next term for hearing of the same. JAMES BEARD, froth'y. Prothonotary 'a Utlice. Sunbury. March 7, 1857. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following named persons nave Died their petitions in the Prolhonolary's office and thut liey will apply to the next Court of Quarter tvssious of the Peace or ottbumueriunu cjunty lor License for Javerns and Hestaurunt ic. Godfrey B, Rebock, petitions for tavern license iu Washington township at his old stand. -llenry B. Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense in Trevorton, Zeiby township ut bis old stand. Elias Shaffer, petitions for tavern license in Jordan township, at Daniel Swartz's old stand. Marhb Thompson, petitions for tavern li cense in the borough of b'uubury at her old stand. J. Galen Smith, petitions for tavero license in Jackson township at bis old stand. Henry Haas, pelilious for tavern license iu the borotgh of Northumberland ut bis old stand. Benjamin Koonse, petitions for tavern li. reuse in Trevortou in erby, towuship ut his old stand. Peter Weikel, petitions for tavern license in Cameron township at his old stand. Elizabeth Raker, petitions fur tavern li ceose in LilUe Mabauoy township, at ber old stand, . -, James Corert, petitions for tavern license in the borough of Sunbury, at bis old stand Elias Emerick, petitions for tavern liveucse la Lower AagasU townsnip, at his old stand. Robert K. Porter, petitions for tavein li- cense in Shamokin, Uoal township at his old stand. tsamnel Clark pclitious for tavern Uctoes sJachsel WHrert, petitioss, for tavers li cense in the borough of Sunbury. Peter Ilanselman. petitions for laverti li cense In the borongb of Northumberland at his old stand. O. 8. Brown, petitions for tavern license fn the borough of Northumberland at Lis old stand. Daniel riolslioe, petitions forfsvern license in Point township an old stand. . John K. Weiel, petitions for tavern license in Jordan township. . Thomas Fowls petitions for tavern license in Trevorton. Zerhy township nit old stand. Abraham Osman, petitions for tavern li cen so fn Shamokin, Coal township at his old stand. Charles I.cijrnring, petitions for tavern li cense in Shnniiikin township at his old stand. Charles Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense in the Borough of Sunbury at his old StBnd. . i Daniel Herb, petition for tavern license in Upper Mulianoy township at his old stand. . Samuel B. Reed, petition for tavein licenso in Pottsgrove, Chiliscjtiuque township an old stand. i ' Henry J. Eckbert, petition for tavern li cense In the borough of Milton nt his old stand ,- n Wm. Ashman, petitions for tavern licenso in Trevorton. Zerby township. - John M. Huff, petitions for tavern licenso in the borough of Milton nt his old stand. Peter S. Yeuger. ppfit.tions for tavern li- cenp, in t on! township. t Ins old stand. Win. M. caver, petitions for tavern li cense, in Shamokin, Coal township, ut bis old stand. Elizabeth Strieker, petitions for tavern li reuse in the borough ut Milton at her old stand. Alexander II. Blair, petitions for taverr. li cense in the borough of Milton ut hh old stand. "' James Leech, petition for tavern license in Delaware township. Thomas Search, petition for tavern licenso in Chilisn'iniiio township ut his old stund. John 1 rymire, petition for tavern license, in Tiirbutville, Lewis township, ut L a old stand. Isaac Reader, petition for taveni license, in Turbutville, Lewis township, ut his old stand. Adam Dimick, petition for a tavern license, in Shamokin township, lit his old stniid. . Win. II. Lurch, petition for lavvin license, in Mt. Carmel, at his old stand. John llenry Adam, petition for n tavern license, iu Upper Mahanoy township, old stand. Daniel K renter, petit ition for tavern li cense, in Cameron township, old stand. Daniel lleim. petition for tavern license, i.VUpper Mahanoy township, old stand. Jacob Straub, petition lor tavern I. cense, in Jordan township, old stand. Goorge Riffla, petition for tavern license, in Chilisquaque township. Jonathan High, petition for tavern licenso, iu Delaware township, old stand. Henry J. Header petition for tavern license, in Delaware township, old stand. Abraham Hoi liar md. petition for tavern license, in Lower Mahuiioy township, old stand. J. G. Smith, petition for tavern license, in Jackson township, old stund. Eliis Weist, petition for tavern license, in Lower Mahanoy township John Biiigamin, petition for tavern license, in Lower Mahanoy township, old stand w in. v arrow, petition lor tavern license in Shamokin township, old stund. JacoDLeisenriug. petition tor tavern license. in Shiimokin township, old stand. Perry A. Frost, petition for license for Selling Liquors, in quantities not less than oiio gallon, in Llelaware township. ucssh uice, petition to sell Liquors, in his store in Mount Caruiel, in quuulities not loss man one gallon. It. M. X'rick and Leuus Stout, petition for license to sell spirituous and vinous liquors in quantities not less than one gallon in the uorougn oi .Millon. Sayrts and Fors.vlhe, petition for license to sell spirituous und vinous liquors, iu quan tities not less than ouo gallon, in thu town of Trevorton. Iia T. Clement, petition for licenso to sell spirituous and v. nous liquors in quantities not ! s than one gallon, in the Borough of suhourv. Win. E. McDonald, petition for the sale of spirituous liquors iu tho B.roueh .' Nor thumberland, ut bis Rectifying Establish ment. Charles Culp. petition for license to sell spirituous uuu vinous lienors, in (luiintitics not 1. ss than one gi.llon. in Mount Carmel. George Winters tunl llenry llinnv, peti tion for license for selling spirituous, malt, or brewed liquors u.id rectifying, in the town of 'I t t . . l i ivorion. erou lowiiMiip. Miancs llonnincer, petition for license to sell vinous, malt und distilled liquors in con nection with goods, wares, und other commo dities, in the town of Shamokin. John Kohr, petition for license to sell vinous, spirituous liquors, iu quantities not less thai) u gallon, in thu Borough of Milton. David J. Lewis, petition for license to sell viuous, distilled, mall and brewed liquors, in the town of Mt. Caruiel. G. W. Ililemaii, petition for restaurant lict use, in the borough of Sunbury, at bis old statin. Kdward Gass. petition for restaurant li cense, in thu borough of Sunbury, at his old SlIIIIU. Josiah Henry, petition for restaurant li cense, in toe borough of Sunbury. Chuiles Guriugcr, petition for restaurunt license, in the borough of Suiiburv. Sjrah J. Davidson, petition for restaurant license, in Tin hut towimhip, nt her old stand. John L. Gehrig, petition for restuurunt license, in the borough of Milton- Joseph Harris, petition lor restaurant li. cense, in the borough ol Milton. Robert Whiteside, petition for restaurant license, in I revortou, Zerbe township. uouetu isrymno, petition for restaurant license, in I revortou, Zerbe township. Jacob Stuhl. petition for restaurant li cense, in Turbutville. Lewis tow nt hip. 1'... t -l t 1 . t; i iii. Aiiuinii, peimou lor resiauruni li cense, in Trevorton, Zeibo township. w in. fistier, petition Tor restaurant license, in the Borough of Milton. llenry 1 Libera, petition for resto.auut iiceiise. in Lower Augusta township. John W. Ruch, petition for restaarant license, in the Borough of Ni rthumbeilund. John. M. Keperling, petition for restaurant license, in tho Borough of Northumberland, old stand. S A. Berkinbriue, petition for restaurant license, in the Borough of Northumberland. JAMKS BEARD, Protu'y. Prothonotury'a Office, 1 Sunbury, March 7. 1857, J Come and Settle up. A I.L persons knowing themselves indebted to us either hy Note or Hook account, are re quested to call at our store iu Sunbury, and set tle, as after the first of April we shall I obliged to place all unsettled accounts in the bond of a Justice of the Peace fur immediate culleation. ' I. W. TENEK& CO. Sunbury, Feb. 8H, 1 057 JOII II. AI,LI . Ai JO. Nos. i and 4 Chestnut Street, (south sida, bslow Water,) (Ta Ulbcsv Wooa-wsaa liosta.ui ma Cm ) MANUPACTURKilaVMia WavWaswaaolacaibraUMt Staclilao lastla liUOOM. Putcnl bna.vnl Crdar. Warn, warranted uul lo sin ink, Wu.l and Willnw-Wars Corrts, Uruskus, 4 a ,uf aU SsscripUuiia. f kasa call and us aims our auk. fobraair , IbST Ijr w . Leather ! Leather I Leather I ItBCNRY W. OVERM4SI, IMPORTER nf Prsurh Csk' Mint sad atacral UaUia dealer, No. S South Third street, I'hitaiU-lphw , A rmcjui ussoitiutut of ail kinds vt LcaUiar Muroeos, ko., . , Hed ail rU eWk Lniksr. ' . i Vvaairys. t. lv'. PROCLAMATION. 1VOT1CE is hereby given thnt the apteral ' Oourts of Common Pletls, General Quarter Seasons of the peace, and Oprhans Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for tha eounty of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol Kunbury, t 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tha 6th day of APRIL next, and. will continue TWO WEEK8. . .- The coroner, Justices of the Paara and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, record, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do Uioae thing to their several oll'icos appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting In liehalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute ngainst him, as shall be juat aud not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable t their notices. ' Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 8d day ol March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-aeven-i-and the Inde- pandence of tho United States of- America the slat. - . God save the Commonwealth. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. - Hsairr's Ot-rics, Sun.'mry, March 7. 1657. i " tt iiiiiioum of Tart ition. No.4. April T. I8.i7. y.loxauder Jordan, vs. Wi'liam Davis & George F. Lee. ex'trs. of Thomas Davis of Philadelphia, dee'd., end also Trustees fur the widow and heirs of said deceased Joseph Warner of Philadel phia, and Williuui McCnrty of Sunbury. Summons in Partition. Northumberland County, ss. 'Ihe Commonwealth of J'enntylvania to the Sheriff of Northumberland County. Gkf.ktino : iF A lesumler Jordan make you secure of prosecuting his claim, then we command joti that you summons by good sumiuuiiers William Davis and George F. Lee, Executors of Thomas Davis of Philadelphia, deceased, and also trustees for the widow and heirs of said dee'd., Joseph Warner of Philadelphia, and William McOarty, of Suubury, so thnt they bo und appear before our Justices nt Sunbury, ut our County Court of Common Pleas, there to be held the First Monday of April, next, to show wherefore, whereus thaJ said defendants und the said plaintili', tJ9! gelheraud undivided do bold Light .Lots or Ground in the town of Shamokin as originally laid out by William McCnrty, Thomas Dims, Joseph Warner, aud Alexander Jorduii in the county of Northumberland, and num bered iu tho plan of said town, numbers four hundred aud thirteen ; four hundred and thirty-six ; four hundred and fifteen ; four bundled und fourteen ; four hundred and twenty-nine f four hundred and thirty-seven ; four hundred am! thiity-eiglit, nod two hun dred und fifty. Partition whereof between them to be tnadu according to the form of the slutiites in such case tnudo mid pro vidud, thu said defendants do gainsay, und the same to bo done do not permit vety unjustly null contrary to tho i'ollil of the statute, aforesaid, &c. Witness tho Honorable Alexander Jordan, President id' our said Court at Sunbury, Feb. 17, 1857. ? JAMlkS UKAKU, notary. Prolhonotary'a Office ( inhury, Jan. 21, ) Sun) ,otii:. In the Court of Common Pleat of Northumler land county : John Creech, ") Alius Subpoena for a I Divorce. V8, j To Jauuury Tei ni 1857. Ellen Croech. J No. 47. To Lu.ks CitKK.ru, You are hereby notified thut John Creech, your husband, has tiled his petition in our Court of Common Pleas for Northum berland con nty. to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony 'entered into with you, and. yon not being round in our uuiiwick, inc suupu-ou r..r it die, ire., irraoteil liV Our Said Court WU8 duly to returned, wneietipon an alia subpa-na was granted j yon me therefore to take no tice that the said Uoiilt win no neiu m nie lioroimhof Suiiburv. on Monday tho bill day of April, A. D. 1B:")7, ut 10 o'clock A.M.. when and where you can appear unu snow cause, if any you have, why the said John I'.eei li id.ould not bo divorced from tho bonds of matrimony contracted with you. 111'. Mil i'.ISE'i oireiiu. Sheriffs Office. 1 Sunbury, Feb. 28, 1857. ) Mar. i, 5i 4t ENGINE TOR SALE. riHE subscriber ofl'ers for sale a 20 horse 1 power Engine, nearly new, with all ihe necessary fixtures late the property of the Paxi nos Furnace. There are three boilers belonging to the engine, 23 feet long, each, which have been only six wceka in use. The engine is po linhed and built of fe very best materials, and is otli-rcd for sale because the subscriber baa no use for the same. JACOB I! FED. Paxinos Furnace, Feb. 28. J8S8. 6t PUBLIC SALE or VALUABLE MARKET ST. PK0PEKTY. 'IHE subwrilier will eupjte to public sale on L TUESDAY, the 1st day of May, next, at Ihe Couit Houi-e, ISuiibury, the valuable proper ly in Market Squore, Sunbury. late the residence of E 'ward liebin, decessed. l'he lot is till front and I HO feet deep, on v-hicli is elected a tw o story Uriclt Dwelling, 28 feet front, with two story biick back Ituildiug, eouluiiiing dining room and kitchen, 4-c. There is also on the premi ses a frame two story Dwelling, with frame back buildings SO feel front aud b0 feel dti-p. There ia abu on the lot a good frame stable and other necessary buildings with an excellent we. I ol water. The lot can be divided into two equal paita of : feet each, so as lo accommodate twu families. This properly is one of the inor.1 desiruble locations in the borough and is in good condition, The terms, will be made known On Hie day of sale by CIIARI.K.SCOUIX, Arting for himself and i t'ler heirs of Edwnrd liubill, deceased, Sunbury, Feb. 28, Inft7.-U . A-TJIDITCm'Q NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby given that tha under signed Auditor appointed hy the Orphan's Ouurt of Northumberland County, lo Audit the exceptions to the accounts of James McMahau aud Emanuel lieck, Kxecutors ut . Adam Crita, deceased, to examine the account and make dis tribution, will attend to Ihe duties of bis said appointment at the house of John D l'lU'ender. fer. at the east end of the I.ewi.btir bridge in Chilliloaciie township, Norlhuiuherlaiid runuty on FKIDA Y, the '.Uthof March, A. D. 1A7. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at which time and placa all persons interested may attend if tbey think proper. WM. M. KOCKEFKI.LEIl, Auditor. Sunbury, Feb. 88, I8S7 , , TOR SALE, i CANAL BOAT FOU MALE, on re, sohable terms. " Apply to HE.NRY LONtiENfXKER. of Shaniokiii, or II- D. MICHAEL, bunhurv. February tt, I8.'.7. CILVER WATCHES. A fear doubts English Silver Watcbea, for aa.hu at V-jr low W l.,,v. ; ... II.D..VhSEK, ' Boimwy, Aprl IJ, lS3..f v-' . "! DAMUIX ft!. Ml UTf - Mill- Wright and Burr Mill Stone Manvfae. turer. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chi.te Improved Iron Concave Uran Duster, the Premium Mschina for Miller. Kesidence I No. 64 Queen Ptroet, (18th Ward.) address Kensington Post CfTne. Shop I Huydoek Street, below fient, Phila delphia. Cocolico Mill Stones, Mill Irnna.s mutt Machines. Patent Mill BiihIi, Portal. Ic Mi; Is Klrel. hej Belling, Cement and Screen wl-e, Square Meshed TJolling Cloths. February S8, 1S7. Hm wSJ Fnriuct'M of this Neighborhood, can supply tbeinMlvo for their PKliG CHOI'PS, wim l.einau'a I'ura Bone Dust, " Super Phosphate of Lime, at prr Ion, " Nilrogviied i'hosphate or Lime at $50, ' American Fertiliser, at ijTJS, per ton. These Fertilisers ate composed or reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ah, kc.( they have have receied the Diplomas of Four Stales, t via I New Jersey, Mew York, Peon sylvuniojand Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all kinds, Poudmtle, Ac. Cnuntr Produce re ceived inpayment fcr the altsve, at market rates, or Drafta on good houses, or Cash registered with ordeta, promptly attended In. CEO. A. LELNAU, Proprietor. "New Fir Proof Store," No 1 r-oulb Front St., Philadelphia City, I'a. February S8, 1837 4 in w isTisr E W 1ST if) 5c C Looking Ulas.rs, 1'lcture I rnines, S.gravis and Paintings, No. IU0 Arch Street, above Sixlh, (Late of a 18 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. G A LUIUHS UPKN DA1LT To VISITOMS. Merchants and others vieiting the City who may Want anything in our line will do well t i give us a cull. Fcbruury 28, 1 857. Rm KEMOVAL. . G01T?ADlrIEYE?. OESPECTFt'LLY inform his friends aud the public generally, that he has removed his PIANO WAREROOX.I, From No. Month Fourth Mrcet. to No. 180 Arch Street, below Eighth, south side, Philudel phis. February 28, I8fl7 L.C.IVBS'' Produce uikI Fiiiit Stoic, -JVo. 15 Aorta Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and Country Onrders promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dralera' Produce Sold en Com mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Diied Fruit, Onions, Oraogca. Shell llarks, Uaisins, Ueaua, Lemona, White Ac Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranbcrrica, Potatoes, Poultry, Peaches, Ground Nunts, I'heaiiutf, Eggs, &c. Foreign and Potpestic Produce and Fruit gen erslly, - February 28, 1857 ly L'atalc ol lt ll.B-tA.11 I tKIl, dee'd. iV OTICE is hereby given that Idlers of Ad J miniHtration upon the estate of William Curr, late of the lioroughif unhurv, Noilhiim berland county, dee'd., have lecn granted to the undesigned residing iu tho t"vn-lnp of Kush, county atorcsaid. All persons having claims or demand agai.int the said decedant are triuesied to make the same known to the undersigned without delay, and uil perona indehled are dc sired to make immediate payment. PHILIP 11 L'r F, Adm'r. of William Curr, deceased. Rush twp, Feb. Ul, I8f)7. Ot DiBsoluticu of Partnership. THE pBtlncrship heielofore existing between D. M. lioyd. John liosser, 'T.ioiuas lioiitr a id James lioyd, iiinh r the li m name lioyd, Hotter V Co., whs ilnwoUed l.y hitUo.il content on the first day of Jatiua'V, I8.'7. The business ol Ihe late linn ill be setlted hy J. Sl T. linwer, who will lontioie the In.-iness ; of Mining at the Luke Fiddler Collerv. or hy Janus tijjd as tiieir aeot. at Sunoury. II. M. IIDYII. JXO. Kt).SER, Til OS. KOtfnKK, JAMEMliOVD. Tho undersigned w ill continue tho business of vendiiiguiidi.hippingCi.nl tit Sunbuiy, where those in wuntot this celebrated Coa! will please address him. JAMES BOYD. Feb. 41, 18'.7 PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, auitahie for railroads Sec, for weiguing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. 1'iiri bascrs run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and il after trial, not found satisfactory can he icturued with out charge, Factory at ihe Old tand. established for more than twenty years corner of Nttilh uud Melon Ktreeta, Philadelphia. , ABMOTV & CO. SuccfHFors to Ellicolt & Abbott. Fhiladelphia. March 7. 1857. cam. Wall l'apcr & Wludnw Kliadcs. J. tt. ISAACS & BROTHER, A'o. 133 Xorth Second Street, beluw Jlace, PIIll.ADEI.rilfA 1 1 A VINO completed their large ustorlmen 'v.- of the above lioods for Mpiiua and Summer Tiade; would respeetttilly invite the alleiition of I'lirehasera lo ihe same. 1 heir stoc K.r beauly, cheapness and v-neiy cannot be surpas sed. The have emistan'ly on hand evrrv desCiin- tion of li'ihl ami I'n in led Miade, Hull' Hollands, and IShada Fixtures. Wall I'uperr, tJi.ilains, Fire Hoard Piints. Uordeis Ac, all of ulneh they oiler al I mer rates tlian can lie ha I at hi.) oilier establishment- Coll miii! exauiine. J. I.. I (MAC 8 .V II RO. I3S Noiih ecoi.d Sueet, b 'loA liaec. March T, IK-'i7 lni w To Builders & Carpenters. The ati!iciil's arc scmix fur Ihe sain of llmvty U'iiiiloiv blinds. M indow holler, hi .1 all sites ol Window Sash, ail of nhitb wr olb r at the Ion est prices. ' Nov VO. '.6. K. i II Ki'tll t A Mi.1, 3D EISTTISTX"'- 'fHE subseiila-r re i ifullv oilers bis pros -Sl li-slorial service lo the laiho'aiel ceiilleiueii of Muiii'iirv and vieinity. lie is prepared t attend In all the various operations in lleiiii-irv, and is provided with the latent improved PORCELAIN TKIJTII. which will I" inserted on pivm. silver o- 'id plate, lo look a; well a the n iiunil r All work wanantcd. OF) KF. iu Mai krl street. ;l, doors east of the Tost i.tli. e Mui.hiny, Pa. Feb. 7. IH&7. JOHN L. V.I K. VI, I. persona indehlrd In Ihe eatals ol Jain's Tattgart, dee'd . or Iu Juines TayKart it ou or (o liraulham 1 Tstgart. aie respecilnllv re quested to make payment on or helnre Ihe '- Hi of Match, next, or Ihe accouMa will be placid iu lbs bauds ol an oliirer lor oolleetion tiliA.NTHAM I TAGUART. "Northomlii'rlai.d, Feb. 14, ih;7 VI. I. a rsi.us imU bii I to tbe subscriber on , ole, xVuok Account or oiherwise, are re- ! aclb.lly ri quean d Iu pay tip iu.undiulely.ua' lh aeiuiiis will . plan U iu the bauds ul a J ustu e tor collet uou. lit A T. CLEMENT. ' Sunbury,' December .0. If;6. I - BLANKS. syLAN'K5 oivrj oWriptioa eubsUv liS p Vistf kt iirffi rif itte AaT.M! ' SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a certain writ of Ven. Ex. to me directed, will be exposed to public Sale at the Court House inrjunbury, on Saturday the 28th day of March nest, the following ro fierty to wit: All that certain Lot of Ground, lying fn Leans, township, Northumbrrlund county, containing twelve ncres more or leps, where on urn erected it story and a hulf Ltg House Ulnl L"g Ktable, joining litndt, west .Michocl Urobl North, John Widler ; Eust, Fligin ger j Won t li, Amos J. Bissel. Seined. uke ill eXeCHl ioll Slid tO he Sold ns the properly of Daniel Ruth and Elisabeth Both. ALSO. By virtue of n certain writ of Ven. Ex. to ine directed will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in butibury, on Saturday, Ihe 28th day, ol' March next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following properly to wit I All that certain tract or piece of an out lot situate in the Borough of Munbtiry, uud county of Northumberland, and marked in the gen eral plan ofsuid Borough No, 8, and descri bed us follow m beginning at u post ut the north cast end of an ulloy which inter sects Cranberry street Ht the tnd of Fawn street; thenco north 05 degrees, west 25 per ches to a post at the corner of out lot No. fi; thence sunt It 24 J degrees west 18 perches anil 3-10 loo post; thence sonlh C5J degrees east 25 perches to u post on tho west side of said alley thence nlong said alley north 21 J degieea east lb and 3-1(1 peichea to the place of beginning, containing two ucres and 13$ perches. ALSO i Upon nil that certain Irart or piece of land in tho Borough of Sunbury aforesaid, described as follows: beginning al tho south west corner or out lot No. 2 thence 1 81 degrees west 18 mid 1-10 perches, to a post being the corner of the fence ns it now stands in out lot No. 1, and the adjoining out lot south C5 degrees eat 40 mid rj-10 perches to a post, in the north 25 east 18 perches lo ml lot No. 3; thotice by said out lot, nnd out lot No 2 south 05 degrees, west 48 end 7-10 perches, lo thu plum of hejjinnitjr, containing 5 ncrvs und nil perche.i. AND ALSO: Upon till that certain lot f ground, mtuaH in the borough of jstiil bury, iiforesiiid No. 5. bounded nnd dtsenbed its follows: Beginning ut a post on the norlh side of Cranberry street; thence by out lot No. 8 54J degrees, eutt 35 nnd 8-10 perches) thence by out No. fi north 054, de grees west 21 itiid 1-1(1 perches to ti post ; and thulico by an alley south 2-1J degrees west 35 and 8.10 perches to a posi; thence by Cranberry HI reel aforesaid, south 05 j degrees east 21 tud 8-10 perches to tho place of be giuing. coi.iuitiiiig5 acres andOl) peichesstrict measure, being the stinie premises which the fSunbttry Catnil end Water Power Co., pur chased from William McCut ty, by deed dated the 7th of January A. 1). 1852, all or which said bind is cleared and npnn w hich are erec ted a Steam Saw Milll with n Brick Engine House und Stack n suiull frame shop, aud part of an inlet lock there is ulso u canal cut through Said land. Scizecd, taken in execution and to be sold ustlifl property of the Sunbury Canul and Water Power Company. ALSO. Atthesnino time und place, by a certain writ of Yen. Ex. to me directed, will be expo sed to public sale, the following described pro ci ty to uil. t A certain half lot of tjrounti situafe in the bornunh of iSiinbiiry. Northumberland county bounded on the south by Ulnckbery street, on t lie north hy an alley, oil the east by lot ol Jacob VVeimer, und on the west, by lot of Klizalntl. Mullen. Containing in width (on Blackberry street and the alley.) ubont 30 feet and in length or depth 230 feet, whereon is erected a two story Log House, weuther boarded und painted w hile, fronting on Muck berry tlivet, some small bnel; buildings, and t-oiiiu fruit trees, being the same premises now occupied by Jacob Cubic, , Seized ittkrn iii execution and to bo sold as the property Jacob Cable. ALSO. , At the same time uud place, by n certain writ often. Ex. to me directed, will bo expo tcd at public sule,thu following described property to w'it : Among other property It certain tractor piece of Lund, sit unto in the Borough of Sun bury, nod bounded on the north und north east, and south by Sliainukin creek, and on the south west, by land of Benjamin Hendricks, nnd on the north west, by land of Jacob 15. Musser and Ceorgc Wr-iser, con. laming 17 acres more or less, till of which is cleared, und whereon is erected a large Saw Mill. Seized taken irt execution and to bo sold as tho properly of the Suubury Canal and Wa ter Power Company. A LSO. At the soma time und place, by a certain writ ol' Lev. I'a. to me directed, will be expo sed to public sale, tho following described property to wit : All that certain two story with the base merit three story Brick building, intended to bo used us a College bv the defendants mes suage und tenements, situuto in the town of Shuiunkiu. Coi.l township, Northumberland county Pn., being one hundred feet in front by fifty feet in depth. The Hull, or niuin en trance thereof being twenty feet in wiJih, and thu wings upon either sido of tho hall. forty feet tipiaro, nun fleeted upon block No 57 us niurked und (lesignuletl iu tho gen eral plan ofsuid town of Sllainnl.iii, bounded by Arch street, Eiglb. street, and Chccliiut street. Seized, t ilcin iii execution and to he sold ;i I lie propeliy td' the Shallioliill Collegi ate Institute, HENRY WEISE.fheiiir. Mie-ill's Office, funhury, Fchruuiy SI, I K.ri7. ' fi U M A T J C A I. W G1!KS, ' ! ' 11 K first book v he If itioiml stem ol Kne li-!l in . nut. 2- els 'I he KfCOl"! l-oitk of the h'atlenal hleniol ! En". i.li t.ii.nin.sr .1. ii.md to teach ihe prnciss nl A ii.il i.t.(. ihe l'o;!ih l.itigiii;e with sound I j ...;---. t t anl the arl of to-iiig it wbh grum , uia'iiiil iiu,:r!cly. ftl c a. I The-, .ir ate now used in the Public 'r'.no'- b. li e fir-t School Disliictcf Peimsyl ( V4I.M. 'I he lliird h.i.ik oflhe Itationat System of Eng i lull liriimiuiti. lipvi a ik-,1 l.i enable, ihe learner lo i-eioii.e in st lliinoughlv acquainted with the natioe and use of the Piepnsiiinna. ami maybe nndbv bint enhei in or out of action1. 60 c in;YVV t.'r hlii-Hl beuder This 1) ok sea a'lde ihe old firauimara rx pores their delerta ileiuoiisiruies the liille use of aliei dinij to them, ami prewnis to the teacher ihe imcrr nir and .nl'. wav lo ihe Grammar of the English Lau lio.iae. 37 J eta. K..i sate by I'eUr G illeo. MS Arch Street, l'hila.leli!in. rehruar ttl, lft'.7 3m w3 ! lC"J?.r::T & .KCCITS, j UlSsll.L j t OMMUiSlON MERCHANTS, and wholesale dealer in j rials, (.litttiu X. rroTinioasv j No. -IT North Whaites, (below Race WlreeQ IMULABELPHI... Ilaviiiueoi.alanily on baud a larjr sjaaartiHaut of l is i, I. l.ei ai d I'rovisioiis.whiph they aro piepated I sell at ihe lowest possible I a tea. I V OltUr.KS prruiptly ailendid to. Kebruaiv Wl, ISJ.iT dm WS FOR SNrx. flAHC S'.oia Room iu Market stre' oecuuiad J. by P. W. Gray and the dwH.Li hgk ad joining. .Apply W tU iCUl4M ti Ut MsaMT, dcaMd- . E-V A.2STS Sc CO'B GREAT GIPTBOOK SALE. 09 BRODTAT, JtW toaE. Pint Cold Jewelry given ettag to Pwchtti of Books. All Books will bo aold e low ts ran be b at other Htorea, many of them for leas Ne Books received daily. A Gift varying in vlt from 35 cents to $100, given with ertchtbock i the time it is sold. Having on hand a ..ver lariiestock of new and valuable Books, and s ottr motto is "Large sales and small gains tha ran be had elrewhere. Any I ook published I New York or Philadelphia will b promptly aer gift included, nn receipt of publisher' price. Catalogues of Books and Presents, containin full explanations will be sent free lo all parts t the country. The mnt liberal Inducements Sro ofTerid t Agents. Any person by sending us n order ro tenbooks, with money inclosed, w ill be entill. to mi extra Bonk and Gift. A II orders for books, containing money, (t. ensnro perfect safely.) should be registered the Post Ollico where they are mailed, and dirvc te.l to Evan & Co., 400 Iiroadway, New York Reference. M. Thomas & Mor,s., Souih 4il street, Philadelphia J. B. Lippincntt Co. Philadelphia ! D. Appleton k Co, Broadway New V'ork s Derby 4 Jjckson, Nassau street New York. CBEND FOR A V,.TA,OC.VE.) EVANS A. CO., Ptineipal florc 409 Broadway, New York. Jiraueh Stores at 15 t.'hetnut Street, 'PliilarJel phia and at WnshiiiRlon, I). C. December 20, 1 8 fi 6 1'Jm 4 I,nl lut not Lcnst. N E W ARRIVAL O P FALL AND VNTES GOODS f Irit T. Clement NO. 1, CHXEIt OP MA UK El SQUAr.E, AS just recrived a large supply of FuIIand Winter Goods. Ho will continue to sell Drv Goods and Gro ceries CH EAI'ER than ever, a his goods are hmmht cheap they will he sold cheap. He feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at largo and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is enough to sjy that he has everything in the line of Diy Goods, Groceries, A larfC htoek of Rcady-Mado CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOE Jc, that ia kept in any oilier store ni town, and Ilia banner is on the breeCeV Aiul long may it Wave O'er Inint of the free, And the home of Hie brave While her Stars aad.lier Stripes Shine out like the Sun, TelUntr all nntinns Thnt Freedom's begun. This is a free country as was proved by tha election of I) uchaunn over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they con BUY ho CHEAPEST. All are invi ted to call and see. THU COUNTRY, as well Sl tha town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markkct efeiare, opposite tne Court House. P. S. He ia not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. 20,1850. ZDEJN! TISTRV GEORGE BEXX, 4 NN'OUNCES to the eilijsen of Punhury and vieinly, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, ahove 11. J, Wolvcrlon'a olbce opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where ho is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1N56. OYSTEHS! OYSTEKS! ! Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND VANDENEKER, Northumberland Pa., Will furnish Restuarsnts and private families 5uperior Baltimore Oysters, (hy the Can or hal Can. AU orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES VANDYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. IB, 1856. tr loggia fe. "V. BHIQHT Sc SON , HAVE just received from Philadelphia bv li;iil Itoad, and aie now opening their third supplv of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unusually large) and will be disposed oil' at the lowest figure. We respectfully invite ihe Public to all ami examine our Stork, and remember l!iat"a euuy saved is a penny made." I7 The highest market price paid for Country Produce. E. Y. UKIU1IT& SON. Sunbury, January 17, 1S5V. How Every Family Can Make their t-vc BROOMS. OrriX" 6o cents. C'OU SO CENTS I will send piinteJ auftuc-- lions plain aa the label on a boitl of medi-. cine how to make Corn Uroonis. The avesssarv nporatus can he made by any blaekuujth lor less tliHii 5U rents. When a broM!i is worn uul, another can ha attached to the aw handle in I ft minute. I positively guarantet this to. ho no catch penny advertisement to fli sie ths cred ulous uul of their money. Satisfaction given or the money returned. If afraid to risk SO cents, tlien send two 3 cent stamps for i.ore informa tion, or refer to the Post Master here. I also give information aa to the best mode of raising and curitig the com. Address, P. K. FISHER, Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Pa. Jan. 31, 185V. 2m XJISSOt.TJTIOjN'. NOTICE i hereby given that the late parrvr- ship evisting under the lirtu of Saiick &. ilile.miin. Keslurant keepers, in tho Borough ef Suiiburv, wua dissolved by mutual consent c the 20ih of January, last. Tho claims ut ilia tale firm will be Milled by fJ. W. Hileman vvbrf will continue the business at the old stand. JOHN V.. SMICK. O. W HILEMAN, Sunbury, January St, 1857. 6t WUOltailS lit BCTilL Grocery, Wine and LJquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut und Wat-r Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS' and far.iliea will he promptly supplied al ihe lowea', prices, 0wbr 4. I5. tf EUAUVARE, Hollow-wara, Cla-ware. and x arge .lock al yueenswarv, bracing in U'jKirU patterns, fcr sal bv r.ov 5. 16 K. Y. BKK3IIT At SOV. ITsATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS f jd Ut bottU for sale by II. B MAfcffR, Bui.Kury. July 19. IH.MI. STOVU3- V)R a LE au xclwN.t soo.. J baud Cock toy Stoya, Ja aruJL CluhsW Cxat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers