JEDDIXU'A FURNISHING "BUSINESS - Cabinet Kaker'i Findings, T"he wlwt it-era respectfully inform thrir friends and the public generally, that they have rnnncc trtl with their Eedding tt Furiiishiutr, a Urge mid well aartcd stock of Cabinet Meket'e Findings, ( llirir old tltnd Ko. 63 Soulh Stcand Street, ielow Chestnut, They havt associated with (Itrm W.S.JJrown Who bus been for m.ny years nngagcd in tlie principal establishment af the kind in this city. The stork of Goods now on hand comprieca every description of mutrrsalc ud l.y CaMurt '.'inkers, conaiotiiiar in part of the following, vie i Hardware department. Leek., Hinge., Screws Castors, iTed Mcrcw., Chair anal Sola Kpiings, t'oMi 11 Handles, Ac. Cabinet Makcr't Material, Hair Petting, '.'urled Hair, Looking tilset Flele. and Frames, ''sup, Viiiih, Sand Paper, tfurlaps, iluck and I'nirv Hiik and M araud tiiniii, Sofa and Chair v ci.hing. Twine, Packing Holtomt. ftosrwnod, "V'lu j,nny, Walnut and ilsplc Kuuba, Glasa Vcrews, Ac. 13f tiiliiia; Department, ITair. H ink, Mom, Wool and Cotton Maltresaet. 1'ralhcr jffeds, Holsters und Pillows; i'luth, Damtsk and Moreen C mill ions Comfortable., Counterpanes, Linen and ( lotion SheeSt, Pillow Case, Linen and Collon Towel, Tab! Chitha, Table Limn, 2'uhle Gov Moreen, Demak and l'luali by the piece, Moss and Husk by the bale of pound. 7'iic Hair Seating and Curled Hair ia from Ike Tliila. .Manufactory of D. fV. J. Noblit. N. II. Hotels, leam boats and Ships fur nished at the shortest mil ice. kobiat, bkowx, S3 Soulh 'lmt St., Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, -aUigust , lsoS ly. IVniifcjIvanK'i Wire Vsis- No. 60 Arch St. between Pccond 4. Third, (Opposite Uread Street,) p u 1 l a d i: l r li i a . Sieves, Ttidilles, Sen eif, M'oren Wire Of all Meshee and Widths, with all kinds sf plain and Fancy V.'ire Work. HEAVY TwilleJ Wire for Spark Catchert; Coal, band and (travel Screens ; Paper Milker's Wire ; Cylinder and IXsnilv Rolls, co vered in the beat uiiiniier; Witt and Wire Ken cm?. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. 11AYLISS, DAKUY & LYNN. August S3, 1856. cJiu 1S55. FALL STOCK, NUtY GOO JS.-lSoG. French Merinnea. all colors, Fashionable Cloak Cloths, Full Silks the style. Magnil'.ceat New DeL.iites, lieu Stlc. Fall Calicoes, Very large Slock uf .New Shawls, Flunneis, Welsh, English and American, Cloths, Vesting, and all kinds Mens' Wear Wiettisit, Table Linens, TWIi.igs, &c. UK A LANDELL, 4th., A ARCH bis., Philadelphia. Storekeepers era invited to eiaroine aur New Goods. Families cau be well suilej in every kind of Ury Uoods. Wc make lllk. Si'ke and Shawls leading ar ticles for WLulcsaleing. 1'. t. JOU received daily from th Auctioua of New York and Fhila ilclpliia. IV" Tinas Kr.T Cjish, Sept. ti, '6 w:imo OTICE is hereby pi .n that application will to the next leuislature of Pennsylva nia, at the, bcmioii of 1857, for the creation of a corporate body with linking and discounting privileges, to be called Hie iCumus,H Uxkk," located at hamokintown Norlhuinherland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of f 150,000, with the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin, June 14, luSO. Cm - Cancer Cured. A CU lis. Turners, Mens l.'lcers, Scrofula White Swelling ic, cured without Surgical operations by l)r. Launsbcrry. Dr. L's Pamphlet (and, 3d..) on the treatment and cure of Cancers, '-Tumors, &c, will be tent to any address (tree) on receipt of postage stamp Ollicc mj WALNLTbt., Philadelphia. Sept. 0, ln.'iO Urn (he firm of Stevens, Late ef the Union H al iioliinKlit ad .V t'o. HATI0ITAL HOTEL, (liti wiu ra uris, 7?ufe Street, uhwe Third, PHILADELPHIA. rflllK above well-known Kstablishme nt, have a. iriR been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern implements, and also, newly fur iiislicd throughout, will bo opened for the leep tion of Liuests on lha FIRST DAY OF SKPTRM IJKR, Tho )roprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests Hatter theinselv. with the conviction that they w ill be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carnages wiil aUaya be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and iiailroad Depots. SIDHS 4 STOVER, Pace Street, above "1 hud. Philadelphia, August 31), 1HJ6 ly ca-TJisr notice! ANDKE W W L' 11 F F L E 1 .1 , Importer and Manufacturer of timid, itiiJe ruioN, Ac., Ko. 122 Kurth Stcund Strret, Philadelphia. VirHERE he keeps constantly on hand a gen eral assortment of tine double and single barrel Shot Cunt, la'ge dUck guns, riiles and pistols of all kinds. w41so, the celebrated cast stert rules, with increased twists, to shoot Ihu pointed ball of his own nuke; rifle barrel; shot bags, pouches. &c. He invites persons wishing jo purchase good, in hi. line, to call and c.auiino li w stock betore purchasing elwhere, as he is determined t0 w 0 ,()e le.uMt all ifs bra7;hUs"r tei-l'' y August 30, 18.1G .ain MOUNT CA11MEL HOUSE, iMOTJJ.'T CARMZL. Anrtlwmbtrlund County, Pomtylvnnta. fBlIU.S large and commodious Hotel is .-.tu,. J';i',fariiV:al ' '.-"'."bury and " " eiy ina salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes nisk. on. of n;).t dclightfal summer retre. . ?! the count,. " , n i :.. . irrai. in .ton., bin. . :r. rm venienccs ThTT ' mo.lerii con- duceT?' ' ' water it iniro- tvc.y.uendance.iu,,;""''-; rate. gUCSU f-.ble. , 'hargel u! JMtC.rm.UIa, 21, 18Sfi.lVf mt' unbury. Dec. :7,1HJ6- " M AtSKK ui.U.rjr,Apri fl.l856; 'SSKK. Cy'MPS.. A imalI umberof thw sT.,wt4ils.("BMA5wm; 1'ttOCLAIM IT TO THB'PE0rLE;i I r a T. C 1 e m e n t A O. I, COHX Kit OF MARKE1 SQUARE, SAYS eooly, bolJIy and deliberately, that ha takea the farcmoet stand on the grand caal csa of Dry Ooods Merchants of8unbury. He ahall continue to sell Ury Cooda and Ore eerie s CHEAPEK lhu car, at his goods art aontlit cheap Uiey will be sold chesp. liefivls confident with his experience and ability, that be cau compete with the v Werld at large tnd Sunbury in particular. He m ould enumerate articles if time and space wauld permit but as any COL'NTUK-JTMPINO NOVICE csn (In that he will leave it to the verdants and uninitiated, it ia tuough to'sy that he has every thing in the line uf Dry Goods, Groceries, HOOTS JX1 SHOW, i-c, ic, that is kept in any other store in town, and 11 i banner ia on tlis tiresZo. Ami loud may it wsve O'er land of tlie free, And the home of ihs lravt While her Plnrsand her rirs fhine out like the Sun, Telling all nations Thai Kreedom's In f un. This is a free country or at least will ba oi when all arc free, therefore it ia free for all tn do their trading where they cau IllTY he CHEAT Kb T regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogv merchants. All are invited to call and aee. THE COUNTRY, as well at. the town are reectfu!!y invited, and every pereon, rich or poor, high or low, bond or tree are invited to call. Coma una come all and atop your apeed, I have g 'fits enough for all in need ; The boys tiisinselves ure nt their posts, And they alone can supi!)' a host. Over other dealers in the town These same Uys have won renown, For selling the Cheaiiest nnd the best, And selling more than ull the rest. Hurrah, Hurmh ! O'er hill and plain, Accept my thanks and call agnin ; Anions our assortment you'll always find, Goods to tit and plene the mind. We've on hand and always willing, To sell out goods and earn a shilling, io hold your horses and come this way, We shull he glad to see you any day At No. 1 Merkket Square, opposite the Court House, P. 8 He wishes it distinctly understood, that he is not to be undersold by any man or combina tion of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, June 21, 1656. THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF rHILADEI.PIIIt AfJ.AINiT THf UOltiD K VAN'S at WATSON, Ko. 2C Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. Have had the surest demonstra tion in the I'oMovvhu; Cerlilicaus, Mm. ip. ii lu.tiiimx-iiire oi maud r Salts hus at li ui;lh tally warranted the representations which huve huen lutnle of them Tendering an uiiuoulttcil security SKnlusl the teniae ektucnl : rillLATIKI.rillA. April l-'th IF.VI McBrs. r.nns .V v atfou : (ients: It ulloids ns the highest salisluctini! to state to you. licit owinit to the verv protective ipuilitiea ol two ol thu hil'iinuinler wlucli we purch.t&ea o( you S'tiue lew mouths since, we saved a large pinion of our Jewelry, Hook. Papers, Arc, eiw- eil ' nun iit III ail3lL,U A lUL'C, I'll IOC IIHTII- me of the I till illEt hen we relleet that these Safes were located in the totirtn story o. me nunilmir we oecumeil. and that thev fell suli'(pH'utly into a heap of l.uriiiutr ruins, where the vnat c ineeiiiiiiiion oiBnem eunsci me laufs plules to melt. wc i-uiui',i reLono me )iebervauou oi me valuulile eon- rests us most coiiviueiug p.'ool ol the great sectirily ultor. deil hv vour Kif.-s. VV sliull tnke inueli pleasure in rej-immcnding them to iucii vi uunnicss a. s suie iruiiuce nifaiusi nre. Ukoiiob H'.Smos. ft Hue. riiiLsvn.rnrs, April 19, 1VI. Mer. Kvnn. Vutoi, ,:iVe t.n-tler you my t,. iine.iij hi invoi oi me ereal ecurily ultonlnl to my entire ..-...,., nni,, n--na, iniers, xc, uiiruifT trie refent dljaslrou. eou!hi);riiliou in tinuslejil plnee, from the lact lh:il the same were contained in Iwo of the Salamander c-ut, iimiiuiu'-mreti oy you. h.iviiik la.len irorn l!ie li.lh story of the Artium Hnild- iiik, wnere mey were previously plnedd and eapoaed t a.l ne-it lor u long tune, tlie pr, nerval ion of the vnhlaMe ur,..M. neenien to every our who witnessed tlie lipeiiini; and uiteii'ir vauiuiiiatiou, a mutter of profound iisto.iali- IIICIO. To all who may lequirs a perfect piotret,: ff, ... uj ,I,B .Tj. r,.g;, rHIHtiKl.miA, April 14. 1.'. Mews. I.vnns V at., in lienHeinen No il.-ul.t y,.n will be deeply ciHtified tol.-im the .il coi.ddiu,, m which inn. ,,,, i, , ,n iipiiiN, peney oi insurance, cert indues i,f n,- ins, when on I-rnluy l:,.t 1 opened the sale made hv your fiim. With my kmiwelp' of 'us meat exposure, both to the niteiRity of the heal fr.un si h it n fire ns lhat which ile. siroyedthe Arlis-.n lluil.liiis, lis ulio from the l',,r. . n b fall from d I inner elevated position in the third et.TV I coul-t entertain hut slender u.ipes prior to iu interior 'in. speed on. Unit Iheeontenls which I , e hishlv prized would ever lie of m,y service to me, hut us these lems nre now hnppily removed, 1 feel it only due to sn to you that I can henceforth recommend the use of your'S de. to sll who may wnh to feel u conridenc. in tli. perfect pe ciirny which such me.nn provides evainst ao friKhiful uu e.euient. KcwAarj aj1,,,.L) B n.khinil.r. Constantly nn hant J-steut P.nvd.r ant Thief Proof Lock. f..r Hanks, Store., he. April it, 'M. ly AIMIEKS OP THIS MUHillHOIl- IIOOll! firmrers of When! mi, I Super Phosphite, of lime,' if ym, want henry Crop,, or Ltviau's American I'ertiHur. rriHEsE v.lual le Manures have been u.ed for u.e pasi bix years successfully ;ior the Ciram and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsvl- vinia, ivew aersey, Uelawsre, Maryland and Mauds of Herimida and Ilarbadocs A bai (2S0 lbs) is stitlicient for an Aero r.f T.. the barrel Land. The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical KlementH, w hich largely increase the vrop am. improve the soiling, doubling the ti.. ue of the land. Price of tho Phosphate of I.ime, iviirecneil .",o 0(, the Ameri .rc'.,.,"z; J ? ,,u lr Ton, or ;f.l M .--...i, ... s nf? also, every variety of , ure ...n.i riaster, Pot Ash, lVitrate of ouu, uonr unsi, rowdcreil Charcoal Ac OKO. sl.I.KI.NAi;, Proprietor, Ao 1 9 ,5oti;. Front Street, rnii.ADKi.pniA. Sends delivered free of charge-. UT Tt Wholes.1. Dealcrn, a liberrl discount rsaiphletsin hiigliali and (ierman l.anru.e. - ..... v,,r.. a i a uisianee, i.ash accompany lilt IM llrufl .-.......,.. i . . ' ., ,!, ,v Hueniteu to ny 0. A LE1NAU, Proprietor. N u l ,;.!. . PHI. a IV A Pn P.....i...:J . T-'"-"e neen '""'".trave been awarded from the CI.. -' I i uurai Society J Trk Cty.tal alJ(.. (ttc.iioQ ,a ytw Slate Aencu lurs Hoei..i.. Jersey Agricultural Society Philadelphia, Auir. 10, IH.Vt ,. I'PEUll'U l.MPUOVLh MiI)ti.j.I,,!Jiiae oi Limc. AM.cle at the last Pennsylvania State itarnsl.urg, aa a Fertiliser of the best ui . ' ljst.- III 111 superior Fair at llul Ollnlifu C... 'heu i j. . ' --, uia, uruss uud rolutoes, Fam....' .. . ,7 7" u 'peeully iufonn i-iy th. Fatr. ?V!?1' :p- tested arti. le superior and well IV lowt-d. "n'r41 Journal. sop. Ac, of th. bt.t , market rates. ' " ' e IOW" , ,xo-L.POMEROY 810 South Wharves, bel. Market fit. gu.t 16. 1856.3n.oic ,,,U,"d',l'. cuyciuiws, ior sale by H. D. MAW8EK. JSTE-W CONFEOTIONARY .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAMIART, T A3 just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at hit Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET HTKEET, Sunlmre, where ht manufacturet and kcept on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, cVc, Wholesale and Ketail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hit stock of Coulcctionarict, may be -found : French Peerets, Burned Almonds, t'ruam While, " lteinon ' Hoe, " Vanilla, Common Pceieta. Liquorice, Oum Pmpt, a k lnla 0( teeut, Mint Uro'wi, rJ and white, Jelly CrAt'B, Fnnl Dmpn, Htirk rmi(ltt:i.f all ciiU Kurd Citndy, Almottd Caaiitiy, FRUIT. Prune!, C lift Mid. Ran.nn., Dale., Currant, dried, Aimoniis, Itiityin. NuttofiH kinds LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the ainule or dozen. A tuperior quality of Srgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Conl'ectionaries, fruit, Jtc, all of which ia oll'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CHEAM. He hat aNo opened an Ice Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with let Cream. Suubury, May 24, 1856. ly Patten's Now York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., op)it.ite Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Window Shades, liroc atelles, (ilt Cornices, Satin de l.ainea, Hull, While and green Worsted Dumnaks, Hollands, Centre Tassels, Picture Cord, Gimp awl Loope, Pstent Rollers, Curtain Hands, Curtain Pins and Trier.- l.aet and Muslin uiiwgs, Curtaina, Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shadet ar Dra pery, got up a' the shortest notice. Curtains cut, anade and put ue by the taoat eiperienced hands. Patth's Ni Yoaa: Sroaa, 3U8 Chestnut St., Melode.H. Dutldings. May 3, IH.'iU J. 2i. .i vi:i, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT OABMEL. Northumberlaud County, Pennsylvania. All business piomptly enemled to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Mount (,'annel, June' 14, 1SSB. ly jToticeT- TOTICE is hereby given that .n application ' w ill ls made to the next Legislature, of Pennsylvania, for a Charter incorporating a Saving Bank, with discounting privileges and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a Capital i.f ONE HI' NUKED TlIOl.'SA.ND DOLI.AIftS, to be located atKunburv, Northum U rland coiinlv, and called the "biscouat and Deposit Hank of Suubury." HENRY DONNEL, J. V. FRIMNG, H. 1J. MASSER, JOHN COOl'ER, . T. CI, EM ENT, E. WII.VEKT. fctinbury, July 5, 18S6 6m lMitur lHim, f;iu:itr. rjllll?! drcasi' is recommended to the notice of Wagoners, Livery SUM keepers, Ac, as lieint; Hrcmioa to any thinir of the kiud t ver in troduced. As it dues nut gum upon the axles is much more durable, and is not ullccted by the weather, n maiiiing the same in summer ss in winter, snd put up in tin cambers at 17 and iiii cents, tor s-ils by M. A. UKLNliK. June 21, 185H. pOliT MONAIES, Toistl. und Hair llrushce -- all qualities, and anv quanti v, tor sale .y ' WM. A'. B RUN Eli. Jnne SI, '.'iG. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auiusta township, ntthe Junrtiim oj the j uipttim'k'en ana I'lum creek roatls. rIHE uh.erilr having returned ftom the city A- with a new and extensive assortment o( fashionable goixls, respectfully calls the attention of funnels, .Mechanics and others to the same. WPPtVl IVIl S,!' M.M.s'U 'f i IiJ l)vy (iootls, vi : riL- n r t..... , v-ioi.,i risArfficrex, L.-SS(er5t JttU. II nil III in Alusttni, .jfng, I utetls, ann" all kinds oj Spririjr it'l .Simiincr Wear, LA DIRS DRESS AND KANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dc Lains, Lawns, (jinuhams, I'.naces, Ruins, Woolens, Flannels, fyc. ;tM)t i'.itii,., Sugar, Teat, Coficr, Kn e, Molasset, Cheese, Spites, ralt, Ac, Ac, &c. B I'd ware, .'Nulls, Screws, 1 lies, Saw s. Knives A Forks, Ac Uuecni and Glassware, ol various styles ami patterns. Eocrs and ionn. A larne assortiiient of Boots and hoes, for men, women ntol children. HsTt (,'aes, ar., of snout sires and styles. neonics a large and aer.ersl artmeiit of lashionatilc goods. Call and examine fur eour- selves. l Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market p'ices. S. N. TIIOMrwON. Lower Antusta. 5 mo. 5t, l.ri6. HEKIl YS 1J UK( SEMlNA KY The Aciidoniii! year of tlitet ftiinrishincr Tn. otitotion will commence ou the 2d Monthly of August noxt. It is located at Horrvfburg, Dauphin Co Pa,, on one of the healthiest and most heau tiful valleys in the old "Keystone Htatf." The ihisitfti of the Innt itti'tion ia to lironori J-otiD": Latlii-snnd Gentlemen for the respon. sihlo duties of life, anrl fr Institutions or a itRher g ratio. Kvry facility will he atTonleJ to those who at desirous ol prtparinK them- v o IUI A t.-ixJillll;. The government rr (he school will be strict ly parental, and it ihull clwaa ho the pleasintf duty of the Principal to instil into the mini) of Ina pupils muh srntiment, as, if fulluacd will lead to liouor and happiness. ' Tuition tier Session IT1 weeks (Jreek and Lulin, Modern laiifruaKe (Extra.) Common Ktn-lith (1st Grade,) . " " CM Giade,) Sciences, (Surveying. Chemistry Jlc Priiitine; and Janitor .Sertices, Music fl'iuno Fnrd 00 CO 00 on no Kxcnllent Hoarding can bo had from f 1 SO to 2,00 per week. Lectures will he deliver ed every week on "Chemistry ri.ilo.ophy" chnrge r0 udn,iUt;d lrtlt T There is a good Library connected with the Hen.inury to which tho students have ac cess lor a small fee. The sj,.i.r...i .:n u 8 00 ercisettin Uompusiiiou and b.-rlumnt;.. The princigal being a graduate of one of . s vuiieirua iu mo Union, and hvii, exneriHiicn us a 'lv.,.i... a... i .. b I, i t t r ""v-"lir "Jiiers tiimsell, ns heretofore, to eive troneml s.atiof.,..;,.- ,J -n wlio ure placed under big tuition. ouai.iu b KENNEDY A. B, B.rrysburg.Julyl2.185C. l''laCiA E-A.O-IjE hotel Ol'POSITK WK8T BRANCH BANK WILLIAMSPOrt -c U WILLIAM II. HiY. rroprlclw. L. A. 8tribe. st4Hiulitnl. B, An Onillihllal (will aaa 4. 1 a . Dtpat.nd Packet L.,lin. .u .... iM f charge. " -". re. jitemker 18, !. if i.Fr is nivASow togktiik. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. VI1Y ARK WE SICK t Tt hss been tTislot of the human race as ke w.ichail wn hy disease and suUerlutf. lKU.t.tJWAY'S fll.Lst sre s .Ntll e apaciaily sdnnled to llie relief of the W HA K, the tltVoLS, the Ul'.l.lCATK. ami the INKIIt.M, of all lues, ages, sexes, snd constitulhsis. Profesaor Holki- climes, wav iieraoin.llw .M.ii,lei,dii the inHiiufnctut. ot his med. icmes lit ttit Lulled Slates, end offers them lo a free and enli(ilitened peode, as ihu best ..irisdy the wurkl aval saw for lh tsiuuval of disease. TIIKSE PILLS PUrTfY THE BLOOD. These fumons PI Is are exnresstv comliuisd to ormrate nn the stomach, the liver, the kulneja, tlie lunaa, the skin nim rue iHiwels, correeilnff nny uerniiFjtenieiu m meir lune lious, purifyine the likssl, the vary louiilain of lile, and thus curiiie disense in all lis forms, ...... . v . . , i". . . i t t m Nearly hit If the lininnn rnro hnv tiikcn llic Pillt. hiin lifeii irovetl in h II pnrii of the wnrlil, tlntt unlliiiif( ii us oteii louiiu (uui lu mem in cnmi m (iiwniHrB mi trie livt-r. lveni:niiu. :nitl itonucli cninnlnintK irpncrullv. Tht-v win iv tt heiililiy Ume b thote nrunn. howevcf much iraiigcdt and when !) oilier mtwiii liuve btik-d. f; EX F.HAL DFJULirr. JIX HKAT.TH. Mnnv of tlie miHt ilennotic Onvprnmfiita hnve nifncd tint thev niny Uvww mi int'dinur of the mnnnrt. I aeiirif l Cnllecft urt.ui) thai Ilits irriliciiM' in the rrmeiiy ever known f-)f penoniof ik'lienlu hintth, or w her the yttem hn tx-en impnuct, tia its iiivigortiting prna)urtiui never mil mi uii'-ru reuei. FEMALE COMPLA1XTS. No female, vmuiib or old, ahould I without thin erle- liffttnl iiittiwinc. It mrrpoii mul irtfuluti-a the monthly nuiTSfa nt nil periixla. irtinif in many cut! like a trliarm. It mn lu the I lent aitU KiliMt mwuriie tint rail he fliven to Chiiilrt n of ull iikci, ami fur ny coiniiluiiit ; consequently imj lainily ahoultl bv without it. Holloway't Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following disease: Aathnia, Fryer mid Ague 9t-me mnt Grovel B'wdCorapuintal'nnle Oomnhinta Veiind.iiy yui;- Coughs IlesdttcTics Inward WsnknesS I.iver Comtitiuts UoldS Chest Disesses C stiveness l)ystsp.ia hiarlirea llldlKestioil llltluenxn lullamniatinn Venereal Alfections Worms, uf ull KinJe Irfiwnessof Spirits files Dropsy ni.KSAND FICTUT.AS. Sold at the Manufactories rf Vrofe.nrltott.owT fl .Maiden lime, Mew York, anil JU H'ruud. Isnidou, l,y nil reserts!ikf llrusaists and jle.ilers in Medicine thronpli out thet'niteil Sta'.es, snd the civilized world, in boxes, ut 'lH cents. .J centa Mud .1 each. (7 There n s coiisidsrulile snving by taking the lurser Sles. N. B. Pireetioiit for the guidance of patients in every uteoruer are iirnxed ro esen Oox. .M ilch -ti, lyca IJORTand MADERI.V WINES, Schiedam Pchnaupa, Wild (;herry brandy, l)lacklrry and Lavernler brandies for medicinal purposes at Mv3l,S0. V'M. A. uKrNEK. Citrate of Magnesia on TA8TKI.E88 SALTS. rBHI8 prepnrition is recommended as an ei - cclhnt laxative and purifutive. It oprrntes mildly, ieentirelv tree from onv unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared nnd sold by WM. A. UULNEK. Sunbury, June SI, 185C. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE. T HE subscribers, Executors of tha astste of Henry Master, dee'd., offer at private s.le the following properly vir. : A large two story Irani dwelling liouse, together w.t.'i atiotit 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situc'i in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a alore and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TTJAUT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said toM.iship on the river about A miles be. low y, adjoining lands of . I. T. M'l'hersou and others, containing, about 10 acre.. The soil is ,nnluciive ami contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing nlinut :).ri acres on the hill, shout two mtlea below funhiiry, adjoining lauds of the hriis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further psrticulsrs spply to the subscribers. H.B. MASSKR, ) P. B. M AUSER, Executors. FRANCIS BUCHER. J Sunhury, January 19, IH'iC. if THE WESTBRAKH IHSURAJf CE CO. !' LOt'fii HAY BIN, 1M Insures Detached Buildings, Store, Merrhen dise, Farm Property and other Buildings, and their contents at moderate rates, C II A 11 T E It T EK T E T U A L . Diatr tons. Hon. John J. Tearce, John H Hall. harles A. Meyer, Charles diet, " Hon. f.'.C. H.rvev, T. T. A drama, D. K. Jackman, W. White, Thnmss Fitchen. Peter Dickinson, Hon. G. C. HARVEY, fraa. rw ,,, . ... i. j.aatas, vice ries. ' am. nitrften. ec tt. Se H. Clf AS. ULMAN, Central Arent. K F E Htmue! H. I.h.vd, A. A. Winegardner, I.. A. Msckrv, A. White. ' lames tuiiiK-!e, Johr. V. Mitvr.nrd, Hon. fsiinor. Cameron RENO E : Thoa. How man, D. D, Wm. Vanderhrlt, M'ni. Feuron, Dr. J. !. Crawfjrd, A. I'prlrgrafV, James Annstrung, Hon. Wm. Digler. P. W. f.KAY, Agent. Sunhury, U,e jj, jhsb 6ln NEV ABHANaEMENT I Fresh Arriral of DRUGS, PAINTS," OILS, Ac. rJMIE undersigned mving taken the store for A inerly kept by Weitcr and llruner, is now ready to till enters and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large und well selected stock of fresh and pure ERUGS, CHEMICALS. Dy.-slufls, Oil. P-ints. (ilass. Putiv. .n .tt kinds of Patent Medicines. FRI'IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Scears of the rhoie.t Lrauds. Fancy Notions- toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair llru.l... of every variety. Cam thine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his slock complete, com. ptising many article, it is impossible here to enu merate, ana an sold at moderate prices. neiiiemtwr ine place, neit door te E. Y Bright's Maui moth Store. WM. A. DRL'NER. Sunhury, Mty Si, mH6. OTICE. NOTICE ia hert hv civen tlmr T t,... . cc.reu iuo i ampinet x.uwt fr l,;,fi, an,l that .i , . . . " ....... i c ,e reaiiy ur (iibtriuulion to those leful ly entitled to reccivn tho same. J A M I' a HKAUD, Proth'y. rrothoDOlnry's Oflico. ) ' Suubury, July 12, 185C. ETTHNITrIlE POLISH. S. ItAE'8 Preniiim, Pl.., V... I n . pi;.,i. .. . . . """iei i urnuura . "is poiisti is litghly voluahle for restor, ngthe poluhon.ll kind, of Furniture. Carnage Uodiet, Hair Cloth. Ac. Also, for re! moving limit, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain ita gloat. Price SO cU. per bottle. Sold by , . 'WM. A. BRUNER. June Ji, jgfl6. Vall Pa per-a tj.lendid lot just received r ' end for tale by . . . I-W. TENEU A CO. Bunbuiy, June 81, 1856. . , NOTICE. A LL persons having daunt unsettled, against Uowen Marti A Matter, ur Uo. a. Li ter, will please band them to the subscriber ar . J. B. MA86ER, 1855 . Bpeoial Express Noticd. I860 HOWABD Sz CO'3 EXPRESS. HAYING ohtaii ed full tjpresa, privilege, over the CA'JAWHSA, 8UM1UKY AND KHIK and WlLI.IAMSrORT it ELM1RA It All.KOAUci, we are now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express Goods hy Passenger Trains, daily, between l'hiladcliihin and Klmira, connecting at Klmira with all the Western Ex press (Join panics. All (roods for Tsmnqun, Summit, Cattawissa, Danville, Milton, Willianiaport, lilmira, and also to Northumberlinu and Miinhury and all inter- mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Ulrica, 03 Chcsimt Street. OlBca Elmira at United States Express Office. April IS, 1856 ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this war for Bargains. KINO desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Hooks and Stationery, comprising some 20,(100 Volumes of I.uw, Medical, lieli- gious Scientific, lllnnk, Musical, school and Miscellaneous Hooks. Also, 10(1 Iteains of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, waters, ic. 1 will dispose ol lliewi.ole stock at putdic Rate sale at n.y store, opposite the Court House, comment ing on Monday the 7th day of April, 1850. at I o clock, 1 M., and continuing, every afternoon ami evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTV. Ter JOS. II. McCARTV. Punhury, March 1, 1S56. tf Now Wholesala Drug Store XT. BPENCEK THOMAS No. ttti South, Second Street, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dvc st tills, I'uints, Oils, Colors, While Lend, French and American White Zinc. Window Glass, Glisswares, Varnisher, brushes, Instruments, (round Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually kept hv Druggists, including lio- rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, I'otath, Ac, 4c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants ure invited to call and examine our stock belore purchasing elsewhere. Goods'sent to any of tho Wharves or Railroad Millions. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, 1850 ly JOHNSONl&IBROTIIER, CABINET MAKEBH, Ne. !M North Second Street, first door above Christ Church, Philadelphia. LlERsONS in want of Bureaus, Teble. Sofas, Chairs, bedsteads, and every variety ol household furniture, would do well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 13, I8f)8 ly rHIHE aubscriher respectfully in'ormt the citi- I. 7-ens of Sunhurf and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds of KAUTHKNWARK, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. H has naeed the aervicea of Mr. Hiar. and you can therefore depend on havirg a good article. The public are resuectfullv invited lo call. All ordera from a distance will I promptly attended to. P. M.9HINDEI. Sunhury, Ttb. 3, If JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, MAi:ricTcaita or WIRE, HILK eV HAIR-CLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh j large, middlt size and small in diameter. Mctnlllc CioMiii or VVli-, Of the best qualities, various sixes of mesh, from Nos. I tn 80 inclusive, and from one to tii feet in width. They ere numbered so mtny tpacet t a lineal inch, tnd cut tc suit. The subscrilrer also keeps constantly oa ktnd SCREENS, For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, (irain, Gravel, (Juano, Sumac, fugar, Salt, Bone, Coffee. Spice, Drutrs, Dye-Stutl's, Ac. Together with an as sortment of blight and annealed Iron W'' . .v ....oo .sie or retail, by J. A. NEEDLE, S4 North Front St., Pliiltdelphit. May 31, IRSfl. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTs VILLE, FA. rIHE stihscriher respectfully announces ta his old friends and the public, that he ha. taken that old ai.l well known establishment, the Whito Homo Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sis., i the Borough of Pottsville. The hour, lias re. cently beet, very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as any other Hotel in A'chuylkill county tahile the stables are large, m good condition, and tt tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. 1 o travellers and others who mav ttou at hi house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and eatisfied. JOS. M. Fh'GER, April 8, lS.-i".- tf SVNBUJiY, PA. rpiIE subscrilier respectfully informs the public JL that she etill continues to keep the above named public house. ohe has also received a new aunrlv af iron, liquors and wines, and trusla that she will be able to give satisfaction, to all who may visit her HUSK, MAW A THOMPSON Bunbury May 81, 1858 tf. J. STEWART rEPUY & SOjffs! Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Masonic Had, Chestnut St., leluw Fiahth. VO:.) respectfully invite you to cull and examine their laroe and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocgji and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Hugs, Door Mats. Ac, uiey win sell to the trade at such prices aa wm make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to cijll and eiainino their atock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 18, U5C ly IiBhing Tackle. Red Cork, Orasa, Cot ton and Linen i.inca, Out Lines, kr Glass by ths yard, .Snoods, Flies', Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale by May 31, '5(i. WM. A. UHL'NER. WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. c. a. bowit, . Propriotor. Nonh'ti, June 7, 1856. 6m. GEORGE SCIIALL & CO. MAJM. ACTl Ktll or ELA6TINO POWDER, Ml. Carmel, KorthumUrland County, Pa. May 10, 18o6 pobaCOO and Segar8 80,00U Imported Begart of various brands. Eldorado, Fig Cavendish auj line cut tobacco at WM. A. BRUNER'd. Bunbury, May 81, 185U, "WAJM TED. 9fififi 1'ABOI!Ens on the line of tha Union tyVV Si 12 Cash. An ply to ROCKAFELLOWj Kl PP A CO. JulypB,lR58. alReadiny Pa. HATDOCK & FIDDLEB, ' DGALEKS In Watches and Jewelry, trill continue tin business at the old stand of James 1). Fidlcr, Ko. 12 South Second Strtet, 1 HILAUF.l.l'lllA, Where they .illicit sn examination of their large and varied atock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete fuvorahly with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEAVKLTIY, Silver, Plnted and Driltania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy G.ods, Ac, etc. N. D. Repairing of Watches tnd all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7.185S. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEHMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL RESPFCTFL'I.I.Y inform the public, that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and uf a variety of sizes prepa' red on their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt. attended to by addressing the firm, either ut Sunhury or Miuinokin. Suubury, June 30, 18:5. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! ANEW ERA III ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClecs Gtrmon,) "l7'OrLD call the attenion of the public, not ' only to the superiority of the Duguerreo- tvpes, the Hyalogruph, (by some called Ambro- type,) and the various Btvles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a nmall daguerreotype, may, by semi. ing it to No. 1(10 Chestnut at., have mad. from it by the means of Photography, and tha talents of the best Artists, a portrait ot akt bus, from small Lneket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, trices, Vc, Ac., will be sent gratis to any acraon ma king the request. .McCLKLS' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, N. Ib0 Chestnut st., below 7th Phila., July 18S.V tf. lMUWERMTYilFAaiLY REMEDIES, 1WUf.H nnt.f theSfnil, Hmn-ii-m nnd Aiillmrity f thu l.'mverHity of FKKK MKOIi.'INK tiiul iHtblar kiinvr- l.tluf, t hiuttTt-d hy the State if IVinisylvaiim, April ', 15, WiUi H Ctiitttnl f 9KMI.IKHI, nciiiily for the purn.. of nrrrntim tli evii nfsJpHiintw mul worthless S'ostrumi; A!n t tor nupplymx the Ciniiiiv.inity with reiiaiiit Kcnie tiits wtirrevtr :i Coniiwt? tit Vlijficitiu riiniu.t or will int he emi-lny'). Tlu f itntitntioii luu purchfiacd from Vr Jons It. Howanp, his CetcbruU-J KoHrtnxVH Tonic !!vfur9 Kiiiiwn for upvrnrt! of twenty-five yesirs h the only sure uikl rite cure f"f FKVKIt nnd AW K, &r.T mid hi inm tuinhle Hfim-dy for HOWKI.COMFLAlNTS, KowmiU'i Ci'inpoutiil Syrup of Hlnrkhprry Kmt, which highly up proved mul popular Ketiirtlitn. tttgelher with I ne i niveriiy'e tt;nie(i ior . tnipitniii i iue i.uii" Tli I'nivtriity's KfinHy for Dynpepuiuor liu!igeatioii Th I'nivrriiiy Kfiufily furCostive-Boweln; A!i, the t'liiversity's Altnnnnc tuny b lie had, at the Brunch Diipenairy.or riture of WILLIAM DF.fTIN, Nov. 3, Midmnoy p. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. FEKRY A ERETY, invite the attention of merchants and others lo their large stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation. Books in ajl styles of binding; Standard Theological, Medical, .Miscellaneous tnd School Books, which they have received from Trade Halca and are selling ateitremtly low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, evervkindof Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelmiet, tiold and i"Mel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Aic, Ac, at the lowest eah prices. PKKKY it KKK'I'Y, S. W. Corner, 4th and ktace Nt. Philadelphia. Heptemher , U.Vi tf fashionable Hats and Cp. A8KBY & ROCAP, Ko. 13C Market it., Fiitt.A0Qi.rniA. INFORM their friends and the public 12 genarally, that they continue to keep at thtir old aland, a largt and intensive assortment of hats, ctps, Ac, gut up of the best material and in the luteal and best style of woikiuanship ami mush Country merchants and others will da well to call and txtmine belore purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, lHfto. tf. HEW MASONIC HALL, niil.AUKLriiiA. AfiJWT! WANTKD iii every town and eoaiity ia lln I'mted States, to sell tht aenatu'ul (ucturt ( ths OUAN'I) LODGE KOOM. In the Nkw Mx'osic Hall. 1'hiliiilelplnn. This Pline is sellinc vary r:ipitly, :uul elicits ths ailiniriilioii n( til, t ! the eorrectuess anil G.lelitv Willi wlucii tlie SrAlc.av, Psictinos and FcSMTCks ure retrsentoil, sii'l the artistic tieuutv unil li.irmony of Hit eolort. tit ol' Plate, i X . Price M 00. Booksellers and Picture jlealers wishing to tsk sfen cieS fur it, will pleitse udttress, Tor nuttier iMforiii iti.iu, L.N. KU!KITIt4I., Lithooruotier, Plulsael.'liia. October 7, His tf GREAT IJASONIC KALL. THK I.AHOI'ST TIANO KOHTK. Mi;i.(irKON AND MLr-IC UTtlltl-: IN THK L.M'I f.U I'ATKM, ' Will lit oiienerl ticloher Isih 115.5, in the Masonic nrn.Diio, Cliesnut Street, abive fevenlli, fliiLuleliitaut. HyJuHN MAKSII, the Sole AkciU for B.sililinuil, firsy A ITn.'s celetiraleil Dolce C.'iiiipiin.i Attacliinent 1'uino l'ortes, unit C V. Kisk A Co's Preuliaai Melo rleons. Also, PI11110 Koil. s ami AleKleons of oilier ilis tinsiiixhcil nuikers. J. Ii.n ..huoneil 11 Unse Tor seeentl yens ill the new. minriiitictnt unit well known .M,iniie Huilihur, wh"re he inlenils kecpinit the brifi sl slm'!.' ami iiuorliiiont of Piano Korlcs, Meloitcins, Music, unit Mu sical Insiinmeiils of eveiy ileicritiou, all f wluoli ure curefiilly selected by himself, 1111, 1 warranted lo rive iier fert siilirsction in ecery iiitaiu'e. Oeloher S?lli, 5o. If THOMAS A-LMEn, CO 31 M 1 S 81 o;.V ;M K It CM A XT, No. 35 North Wharves, .Philadelphia, Whert tht following goods are received and old on commission : Dried Apiiles. J'eaches. Plums. Pears f'h.r. jies, 4-c, Green Appls. in Barrels or by tha bushel I'""", Kweet Potatoes, Lemons. 1 eas, Shell'-arks. V Cranberries, Cheatnuts,' Figs, Onions, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Mtrctr Potttoes, Oranges, Graies, 1 oultry, Errs, Butter. Cheese. And all kinds of Foreian and Domestic Pro. mire. April 18, 158. ly Af.i: Is. IIICKEY & !S., MAScrAcrcutRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, AC, 148 Chesnut Street, front 11 Janes' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and nesi assortment ol TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVEK OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, fcolid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Hound Travellidg Trunks; Pocking do, Valises; Ladies'" ('ases; Carpet Hags. Satchels. etc., ny u.e quantity or a.iigle article, lower than ran he bought at any other place iu tht city. July li, lUfA JAMES F. CALBREATH S LADIKS FANCY SHOE STORE, Ko. 59 Korth Ei'jhth Street, Above Arch, Fant title, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from tha country, can have shoes mad. to order in the Very leaf style tud workmanship on a few dayt notice. An eicelleut assortment to select from, always 00 band. May 10, 1856 Iv 1 1 YDKOLEUM PAINTS. These paints are iniicj wiiu water, thereby laving tht coal, for salt by Ma, Ji, '(16. WM. A. BKrNER. Ehamokin White Atih Anthracite Coal.; From the "Old Vein" in theGapColliery. , T II. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. r-CRSEL, ' ' successor, to Kase, KeeJ & Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under tiio firm of Zimmerman 4. Tursel. The point of shipment i. at the lower wharf in Suiihurv. NorthnmW. land county, Pa., where all orders for the varioua kinds of coal, via ! Lump, Broken, Eire. Stove. rM.a....... I u.:ii i . ,.CBt a..,. u,. wn. oo inaimiully receives and promptly attended to. Bunbury, July 11, 1B55, Suaai-nr, Juir I, 1855. The firm of Kase, Heed A- Co. hnviinr .,.u their lease it. tho Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunhury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman & i urset, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new firm, .a they will be able to sell them prepared coal of the best quality. KASE, REED St CO. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Chesnut Street, uhaee Fourth. J. MocLELL AN, (late of Jones Hotel,) n the pleasure lo inform hi. friends and the troveling community, (hat ht his leased this House for a term of years, and in now pr pared for (he reception ofCucsta. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known td need comment. The House and Furniture have been put ia first rate order j the rooms are large nnd well ventilated. The Tables will always he a ipplit d with the best, and the proptietor pledges himself that no elfort on his port shall be wanting to make tht United States equal in comfuitsto ar y Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July , 1854. SAMUEL S. FETHERS0N, Mute ix LAMPS, LAXTEHXS, CWAXDSLliCRS AXU CA XI) EL h HA S, A's. 152 S. Id Street, ul.nre Struct PHILADELPHIA, IfAVINO enlargtd and iaiproued hi. slere, and havinir one of the largest .ssnrinieau of Lamp, in yhihulelphia, ia now prepare! to furnish Pine Oil. Can.phfne, atvirniug Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns (Jluss Lamps by the package, ut a i.mall advance over auction prices. Deing Manufacturer and Dealer of 'nte Oil, Burning j.-uij All,ollu which will be furnished to Merclmls at auvh prices that Uiey will find it to their advantage ,.uj. m, ioiuh'iioiu u.ttsswure 01 all dascrio. thins at the lowest market prices. ' Philadelphia, Oct. 14, IH5 I. BOYD, ROSSEll Si CO., MiNtt. and snit-esa. er ftt5 Vs!) 3.nt!)vaciU ca!. From lh Lnk Fidler Colliery Shamokm, North'd County, Penxio. Address.Boyd, Rosser A Co., Hunburv, Pu. n. nr. aorii. j. posrH. ja. neii. 1. aJssna fSunbury, April 7, 1S5S if. jf F A R D W A KE .-Table Cutlery, R.2Pr3 Pock et Knives, Hand sw' Weod saws iu frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinsjss, H1111J Bolls, Waiters, c, just receivej aiid'for " L W. TEN ERA CO. Wunburv Dec. 3, 18M. DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN 0DESJSJ-, Jit., Mnr.'.ci Stre't, lhm.iile, PI.'IM is one of l Inrs t r.,,d moKt coiwo dtou, hotels i t interior of i'tnnsvlvania. it bat boen recently fitted u,,, j excellent stylo, with all the modern convenience. Danville, Sept. 82, IM55 WHOLE3ALS UouTKHOE A TRUNK WAKEHOI.yf, Xo. KM .!, Street, tip Stoirt Di-iweeu inirooc r uurth fis., tfl" "idc. si'.i t uiott i.otei, FliIladcIpLis, Carpet I'.sas and Valices of sll desi riiit;,. CHARLES F. ill At MtK. Roue ut s. workup. J'hilaJelphia, .la... 12, lssc U" y-W-L PAPER A l,lr,e and k,,..d,a assortment f Wall Pupcr, V ii.d'w r.. per, and Oil Miades, just received and for tale y , TENER A t, S?UJlbury, May 2, L?."'A.K--T'- higher pr-e cribei ,w, i.iua arronis iiv tin H. M A lf Fk. NJk Bourcai, eelebruted ink, cud also Con S'es ink for sale, wholesale and retail by iWeikber INS11. H H f.lAS.SEK. nEDARTi ns, Horse Buclets. Painttd Hurk l 's'",'. T""dl'r'. '' Brooms, kets. Children'. Wagons, and YanUe CJwkt ust received end for sale by May 8(1, HM. I. VV. TEN Fit if. ijtjtu corityn ' att0eey at law, fSCNHCKY, PA., Aided by some eight year, experience in tka practice ol the Law, will attend with fidelity to all mailer appertaining to or will i , i,' uf Ins profession. OHice with Charles J. Brurer. Li., .Market street. Sunhury Hept. 15 18A5,,f $50 HEWABD. rnilE subscribers oirer reward of lift, lor the discovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who cut and desiroved the band, m. the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth tollierv, between Mi C'armel, on the night of thr y,, iutU ' '1'he above reward will he imi.l i. 0. :.. ing inform. 10,, that will lead to th. coiivutior. ol the ollenders. Khamokin Oct. 87, 1H55 if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames Y A 1 H EM A PICA L In-trumcts-separuto and 111 cases. Their.ioineters of variona sizes. Hpy Classes of every description, Plalina po.msfo, Lightning Rods, Magic Lantern, with scriptural, astronomical and temperance desi .ns. Microscopes and .Microscopic object.. Oalvanio Ualt.ries, Electrical Machines, hurveyer's Cow passes, Surveying Chains Ac. Ac. McAllister a ukother. (Established in I79.) 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our I need tnd Illustrated Catalogue (Hi page.) with 150 illustrations furnished ou application anil tent by u;i.; 'ree of charge. Phila. Sept. U, le-Oo- OOTiS, Shoes, Hals, Caps tnd Gum SiUota, just received tnd for suie by w- 1 TENERjC. COLLINS & SI'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY nd Printers Furnishijio- Warehouse. K. 1 Lodyt Alley, hack of new Ma,onic Hall, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 18, I85S IJROWN'S and Ureinig't Essence of Ginger, M and Husband's .Magnesia ut May 31, '66. URUNER'H. HENRY DONNEL, ATTOnNETT AT LAW. - Gict opposite tht Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prampt attentran to bosines. jn edminipr -ounliea.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers