! - POB SALE. ""PHE subscriber offer for Mia a Farm in Upper Mahonoy townhip, containing 97 acre, ad- Joining I'eler lleisel and Ur. Rimnky. The im rovoment are a Two Story Log House and a Bunk Burn, an orchard of choir fruit. Twele arm are meadow, 16 acre Woodland and the reinsinder cleared. Possession given on the I it of April, 1857.' Apply to ' Jacob strawser, ' Upper Mahonny, December 13, 1850. Ct Eatnte or C'nlliarliie Sllvcrwood dcec-nscd. "JVOTICE is hereby giren to nil pctjons in tercstcd that the undersigned appointee Auditor, to distribute the iuWlg in the hands of William V. Kilverwootl, Aditi itiisl in t or nf Catharine Silverwnod, deed., nt-curtling to law. will attend to tno ilntieg of Iiir appoint mi nt nt his ofliee in tlio borough of .Suilburv, on Friday the 2d (lay of .Tunuury nest, nt 10 O clock, A. .M. WILLIAM I. (jREENOUGH Dec. 13,t85b'. 3t Auditor. 4 NNOUNChSto the tiiizcna nl t-uiilitry an vicinly, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, ahovo H. J. Wolverton'e oflice opposite C Weaver' Hotel, where lie ia prepared to attend toallkindi of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved atyle. All work veil doiiC and warranted. December 13, I85G FAIR !SrOTIC3. A LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber by note, book account or other- wise, are icqucsted to make n promt before the 1 f;ili day i.f the first months (January), I ban, or their accounts will l c placed in the band ot a Justice for collection. 8. N.THOMrSOX. L. AugufH tp, 13th day, 12th me, I65. AVALUABLK FARM-foil SALE rpHE subscriber offers for Kale th follow- iii valuable farm, containing 331 acres, more or situated in Locust township, Columbia county, about 6 miles from Mount Camel, and ubout the snmo distance from Sliuniokintowii, on the waters of Ronring Creek i upon which are erected s good two itory frame house, n bam and out-house;?, ubout 90 acres am cleared, with iiliout C acre of meadow, nil under a tolerable state of cultivation. Tim public road feuding from Bear Gap to Ciittuwissa passes throtie.li the snid farm ; there nre also two never failing springs and a thriving young orchard on the premises. A lnrpe portion of tlio uncleared land in well timbered with pood white pine and oak, t Iiti being ulso ii sufficiency of water power to drive n saw-mill or other machinery a good part of the year. There eau bo ubout 30 acres, of excellent meadow made on said premises. This prop erty lyinir handsomely, the soil of the red shell order, will not only make fancy, but produc tive farms, ll will be sold in lots or in a bo dy, to suit purchase rs, and if not sold before ibe 1st of the 1st month (January) next, will then be oQVrnd for rent imply to ELinX'JOJIX. A pent for JOSEPH WHARTON. December C, 18.)o 4t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of rVorlhuiulierland county will be exposed to public sale, upon the premise on Saturday the '-'?ili day of December, I8.jQ, the fullowing de scrilted Real Estate to wit : A ceitoin piece or parcel of Land, situate in bliainokin township, Northumberland ccunty, bounded by binds late the estates of Alexander Thurp, dee'd., Peter Shull, John Purinau and Lewi Chamberlain, eout iining Forty-itiue acres and twenty-three perches. Late the ctUtc of Alexander Tburp, dee'd. ule to cnmiiience at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the term will lie msde known by DA ME I. E. St :Hi. EG EL, Trustee. Uv order ot the Couit ) C H'PL'liSEL.CIk. O. C. S Suuburv. Dec. B, lSSO. t PUBLIC SALE. rjllE sttliscriber will olTei at public sale on -- the preiiiUes, on Tuesday the ?3d day of December, next, the following propjrty belong ing to the estntc ol Catharine DeGrtichy, dee'd., Kituate in the nornngh of Northumberland, coun ty of Nnithiinibeihiiid, Pa., TWO LOTS OK GROUND, bounded by North way Orange and Wuter streets, numbered in the plot of said b roug'i Nna. SS and 58, on which are erected a Two-St..ry Brick House and a two story leg weather b mrded House, and Barn. There is nl-o a well of water, und fruit trees on the premises. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the condition of sale will maoV known by J. R. PRIESTLEY, Attorney in fact for Executor of the estate ot Catharine DeUruchy, dee'd. December 6, IbfiC 3t ATJSZTOB 3 NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that the undersign- cd Auditor, appointed by '.be Orphans' Court of Nortliuuilieriaud county, to dutribute the assets remaining in 111 bauds of illiam Dep in, Kxecutor 6c ,of John Leader, deceased, U ai d i u oi g ho. e iet-id'y (Milled to the b..mc, will attend to the dulii of bis appoint ineut at bis ullice in the Borough of Huubury, Pennsx Ivnia, on Friday Ibe GtH day of Decem ber I85G, at 2 o'clock P. M , when and where all persons iutetolcd inav attend if lliev see proper. J. B. PACKEit, Auditor. Sunbury. Dec. 6, IBSS-St AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IJOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ' Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland couutv, to distribute the as kcts, remaining in the hands of William M. Kockelvllcr, i'sq., Administrator &c ,of Nathan iel Kelly, late ol Rush township, dee'd, to and among the persons legally entitled, thereto, will attend to the duties ot' said appointment, at his ollice, in the Borough of .Suuimry, fennsylvatiia on Friday the SGlh day of December, 185U, at 10 o'clock, A M , when and where all persons inter cited may attend if they see proper. J. B. PACKER, Auditor. December 6, 1856 31 AUDITOR 3 NOTICE. John W. Friliug, ) vs V No C9 August T. 1856 Daniel Druckeiniller ) Notice is hereby t'iven that the undersigned A uditur appointed by the Court of Common 1'lras of Northumberland county, to report the fads in relation to the Judgments against the defendant in this case; which have the priority and the amount due on each, will attend to the d miis of bis said appointment at hisollice in the Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the tidili day of December A. D. 1856, at 10 o'clock A.M., of said day, at which lime and plane all persons inlcrc.led may attend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. December 6, 1856 4t Auditor. Notice I 3 hereby given that letter of Administration OK BO. Ml tiui hive been granted to the sub scriber on Ibe estate of George Eckert, late of the Borough of Milton, Northumberland county, deceased. All person indebted to said estate will please make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will please present them properly attested for settle ment. JAMES BARD, Adnt'r Sunbary. December , 1856 6t Dissoicrxioisr.. NOTICE is hereby given that thelste partner tiio existing under the firm of Smick Jt Renn, Dentist in the Borough of Sunbury, was dissolved by mutual consent on the SOth ot No vember leak JOHN E. SMICK. GEORGE REXX. FusViry, Dcee-aVr 8, l?rc.--6t PROCLAMATION. 1VOT1CE i hereby given ihnt tlio aereral ' Courts of Common Plea, General Quarter cession oi tne peace, and Uprhana' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for tlio county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough oi Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the filh day of January' next, and will continue TWO VEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta Idea in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper pcr sons, with their rolls, records, innillsitions. and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollicca appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of tlio Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and thcro attending in their proper persons to prosecute against bun, aa shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tlio time appointed agreeable t their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbiiry, the 1st day ot December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six and the Inde pendence of the United States of America the 79th. God eave thn Commonwealth. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. SaKairr'a Omen. ) Sunbury. December 0. 1856. i List of Causes, ji"" "" m me ourt ot l ommon Pleas " nf lVrrtl,.Hl.Al...l t . -SB r n . - i . , n .... T., A. D., 1857, n vuuniy, ai January rLAINTU'Ff, DEFENDANTS. v G. Morris vs Henry Eckle & nn vs Michael Wcrtman O. Leisenrinir P Donahue Samuel Hilener I lie 1'reshyterian Co v W U Kase ( icddes. Msrsh & Co v Wm Csul Daniel Robbiu ve Thos Ratr d- J Barr v Dotnjle A Leithenthaler vs Hegins A Dnnncl vs C. W. Hegins et at vs C W Hegins vs same vs P. ShealTer vs Israel 'J'aitgart ' vs Thoini Drum vs S It Wood Jacobs Hsrtman Machan "p.ith'sex'r. same same P Dickison M eil and Dreifu Isnsc Vincent Ex'rs Abott for Justice Daniel Zartman vs C Dower adin'r vs Ira T Clement George Adams Ex'rs azirus Meir v Thomas Burr vs Henry Itohner vs John P Summer vt J. B Mssser vs John P Summer Jonathan llrosiou Wm McWilliame obn uowen Jacob Mower &c J K I.eil. ve H H Vasiina V Will an, I If P.. ,!.. 'In I, Dewart Knm,,i.l lr..... -...uw .luiuii m e rs vs same Wm Friti vs ',ver5Cer' or llie P' f .ci tie towusbi) David Miller vs Christinn Bower' adm'ra Ira T Clement vs K Y Bright Wm McWilliame vs John P Summers Jonas Wolf and wife vs Isaac Vincents Ex'rs Philip Fox vs Henry Fernwalt J Nisbit vs Sbe.'ler and Null Henry Get vs snmo Reynolds and Mcl'adcn v same Win L Dewart vs H II Maaser Haniet Long vs A Gilger' ex'rs. The Church Council of the Lutheran Church at vs Jacob Mcnges Ac Turbutvillo U. M Priik vs Abner A Joseph Iceland JAMES BEARD, Proth'ry. Frolhonotary' Otlice I Sinibury, Dec. 3, 8$6. J ALTS?. &VILLirTClT, mvrxo removed to tiixik xaw STOIII, No. 112 South Front Street, below Walnut Philadelphia yi7"IIERE they purpose doing exclusively a Wholesale Liquor Business, invite Dea lers in this article, o examine their Mock, con sisting ol Imported Liquors and Wines, of every variety both of quality and pscksge, either from Store or in Bond. Also, a constant supply of Pure Rye, Monon gahela and Bourbon Whiskey, highly improved by age. toccther with a full assoitmenl of Cor dials and Fancy Liquors. Pure first and fourth proof Spirits, all of which will bo aold en liberal terms, and delivered free of Porterage. December 6, 1656. ATJDITOK'S NOTICE, fjllli undersigned oppo nteJ by trie ui.i.,.. Court of Northumberland county, Auditor in matter of exceptions to the account of Calvin Haughawout, surviving Administrator of LclUrt Haushawout, dee'd., will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his ollice in the Borough of Sunbury, on Satuiday the 3d day of January, A. D. 1857, at, 10 o'clock A.M. All persons interested will take notice. HE.NKY DOXXEL, Auditor. December 6 185G A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING RUN. ESPECTFCLLY inform the public that he ha replenished his Store with an ex cellent assortment of New Goods just received from Philadelphia, which he will sell on terms as reasonable as any other establishment. Hi assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A SATTINETT, Winter Wears for men and boys, all styles an J prices Ladies Ircs floods. Consisting nf Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacas, De Luines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Trim mings, Ac. Alsualrcsh supply of GROCERIES of all kinds. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedurware, Brooms, Ac. Also a large assort ment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store.1 All the above named siork of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, Nov. S9, 1856. ly Eargains at the Old Stand. riULING & GllANT 4 RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, eni' bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Taney Broadcloths & Cassimcres, Winter Wares for Men and boys, all stylus and prices. . DRESS GOODS. SII.KS Plain and Fvjured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe snd Figured Fan cy Dress Silks at unusually low prices, Mus. De Lains, Debegcs Ac, GINGHAMS from ti to !i5 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 121 " AY 11 IT E GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobj- nelt. French and Swisa l.aces, bilging, tfe. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Tick, Check, Towlings, Table Diapera, 4 c. ocr.iii"s. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster bait and Fish. Alao tresh supply of DRUG J AND MEDICINKB. Thankful for past favors, w hope by etrict ettention a nd e desire to please, ettll to meet will) Lb nurov&! of our friend. Gr Country produce of all kind taken at the highest market priee bunbery, Nov. S9, 1856. ly. O AISIN3, Fig, Ju'ube Paste. Bock Caudy -l- Jo'.ly Cake and Gum Drope for sat by JlayBtM WM-A. BFV'KEK FRY'8 CHRISTMAS A NEW YEARS PRESENT A very rich assortment of elegant and tifterul goods of the newest European Pro- uuciion. 128 Arch St., above Gth Philadelphia FRY'S Wilting Deski, Papeterie. Jewell Ca e, work Hoses, ate., warranted manufactured in our own work shop, from material Masoned iu aufi sue ciuiinie. 1S8 Arch Street, above C:h Philad'a. FRY'S Dressing Case of wood or leather, for travelling or home use. are all fitted with article ot real utility and warranted Cutlery, the largest assortment in the city to select from 188 Arch Street, above 6lh rhilad'a. FRY'S Caba. Satchells, Portmonaiea, Tra velling Bags, Eutouis Cases, Scissor in esses, Portfolio'. Segar case, Ac., as low as similar good can be purchased in the United States, las Arch Street above 6th, Philadelphia December 6, 1856 4t e oct 4 iim w VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 'TMIE undersigned will sell nt Private Sule, oeiween iNovetnuer no and January 10 18.r7, the following Keol Kstat. aitimiM ill the Uorough of Northumberland, and coutity vi a- vi Liiuiiiueriuuu, l-'OUU CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND in said Borough, numbered in Plan of eaid Bol OUCh N'OS. CS. flfi. 67 Utld fiS frnitlmir on Kinjr street, containing 60 feet front by 240 feet deep. Also, four contignoua Lots numbered 3S3, y. ana d:io, ironting on Eight street, voiiiuiiiiug oo oy Also, two lots Nos. 159 and lfiO front! n rr nn Queen street, contttitiing CO by 240, adjoining t,a i r. ui II II II-r. AJso, another lot numbered 377 fronting vuaviug biici-l, containing uu uy 1'4U leet. Also, another lot fronting on King street No. 115 ; containing CO by 240 feet. Also, un out-lot. containing 3 Acres and 31 2 perches, adjoining the road leaditig to lyunviiie. Also, all those certain out-lots, situate in the said Borough, bounded on N. E. l.y lands of J. C. Horton, S. E. by the North Eust lirnnch of Snsmieliaiuia. and S. W. hv I oi v. j. uoyti ami otners, containing fill Acres ..rf T i, i . ... - J . more or less, on winch is a Dwelling House, bunk Ham, Orchard, Burruck nnd a irood pump of water. 'J'he land is tinder good cul tivation. Terms will be niudo easy, and an inilisputuble tillo piven by GJt A N III A M 1. TACGART, for the Heirs of Jas. Taooai.t, dee'd. November 2G, 1S.".6. BARGAINS TO DL HAD AT P. W. GKAY'S STOKE, Market Street, Sunbury. JUST received and opened a splendid Stock of FALL A WINTER GOODS, consist, ing in part of UlacK and Fancy Cloths ar,.l Cummtreit, An assortment of ' Dry Goods, vis: Merinos, Cashmeres, JJelains, Calico, Woolen Plaids. Ginghams, Muslii.s, Linens, Hanncls, Ac. Trimmings in Great Varioty. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, QUEENS AY A RE, &c. SALT and FISH.Cheeie. Raisin. T and Cigars, Queensware, Boots, Shoes. Hats and taps, and a variety of Goods too tedious to men lion. Call and examine my Stock before P,.r, l,.. ing 1 Isewbcrc, A Reasonable Discount will lie taken oil for all cash Soles. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Nov. 3 , 1856. tf CENTRE OF ATTRACTION ! LAHQB ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. II K A P-II A S D&O M E-III. It aiilf, IHEiSE qualities combined, the public will - find by calling at the Store of E. Y. BRIGHT 4- SON Their assortment is large, and has been selected with great care, and will be dis posed of at a small advance. THB LADIE3 Will find among our Dry Goods Vv'ool Plaids, Black and Fancy iSilLu, Plaid Lama Flannels, Alpacra, solid colored and Fancy Delaines. De siaSn Twill'. CobuVlf,ViSin"?Cu.liAliiLeaiK'o Delane and Dcbege Robes, Florence Silk, Wool Ilumls, Opera Caps, and Woolen Cuffs. LADIES and CHILDREN' WOOL TALMAS Gum Belts. Belt Ribbon, Mohair Head Dresses., Ribbons, Needle-woiked and Bugle Collars, Thread Laces, Flouncing, Inserting, rwiss.Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, 2jrrd Muslin. Brilliaiitiue, and a general assortment of while Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes embossed table covers, lickings, sack tlaiinel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every variety, Russia Crash. Linen and Cotton Diaper. THE GENTLEMEN will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Doeskins, Illack and Fancy Cassiiner, tiguied alinult, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, Satin, Piush and Silk elvet eating, Neck-tits, scarl, Collars, Glove and Stocks. HEAHY-mADE CLOTHIKO. Hat and Caps of all size and prices. OUR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large slock ol Carpenter 1 ools ot the best inanutac tutc, files ol every description, picks, grub hoes, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window sash of all sixes, grindstones, Circulur and Mill Saws. The (Inceiiftwaro Stock is ci in posed ol Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups a..d saucers, together with a varied assortment ot Glassware, embracing the latest styles. out c; ROC Kit IKS are fresh and pure, among which may be found, G. A. Suit, Mackarel, Shad, Codfish, boxed and pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The best of teas, sugai, cotlee, cVc. We return our thank to the public for our increasing patronage, and respecrluily invite an examination ot our stock, a we Ueem it plea suro to show our Goods. Cir" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT dt SOX. Sunbury, Nov. 29 1856. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chctkut St., above FotMH, PhILADILFiIU, Keep conllamly on fund 1 fplecdid fl jrtmcnt ot Ready-made Clothing. Goow mads to Order and Warrantiu TO KIT. Nov. 59, 18S6 y CEDAKWAUE, Hollow-ware, Glass-ware, end a Urge stock ef Queensware, embracing the newest pattern, for sale bv Nov. 89, '66. E. Y. BRIGHT & BOX. P A TENT BK1TTANIA 8TOPPERS for bur bottlee for eale by H. B MACSPft B jjjbury, July 19f 18S, ..... Hew Goods for the People t BENJAMIN IIEFFNER tJESPECTFULLYInform the public In gen ersl that he has just received end opened a splendid stock of Fall and Winter Goons. at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hi stock consist in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kind, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO!' Callraen, Citngliam, ItTnt, Itloumsclluc tie i,h!iics and atl kind of Ladies Dress Good. Groceries', Alao an assortment of Hardware. Iron nd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, or various styles and patterns. Also an easortment of HOOTS A SHOES. HATS it CA PS, a good eaietiion. Salt, Fisli. isc. And a great variety of other article uch a are suitable to the trade, all of which will be eold at the lowest prices. CtP Country produce taken in exchanje a the highest prices. Lewcr Augusta, Xev. 21856. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS. j. r. &. 1. r. kline. Respectfully announce to their friends arid the public in general that they have received at their Store in L'pper Augusta township, Northumber land county la., at Kline Grove. Their Fall and Winter goods are opened to the public a fall assrolmeiit of merchandize Ac. Consisting in psrt of Cloths, blark and fancy Cass me rs, Satinet!, Checks, Kentucky Jeans i-imer oiiiris anu Lirawera and all kinds of Fall and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Cloathing, consisting of Caat and Vests. ladies Dress Goods. Shawls, Ginehainr. Berate Delains. Cull. f.l 1. w:o. f ' ' Ulv: nilkl OC. Also a fresh supply ofDruaa and Mmlli.,.. n : . . 1 - r . 0 -"' oroccrnw q-c., ot an kind a. A new aupply of Hardware. Otirenw. muouen ware uroomsq r. Also large assortment of Boot snd Shn. suitswe lor men women and children. II VPS AND CAPS. A Iso an assortment of School Books, Station?. ry. huveloies, Ink and cheap publications. &c. Sslt, Cheese d-c.. and all oods 1ISIIB llv aepi in a country store. Corre ond see. Come one, come all. Cneaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of roods will b sold positively at low pricea for cash, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., Nov. 8, 1"56 If OF STJ-JNTBTTli-V-. PA ET5 ESPECTFCLLY ibvile their friends and tfc, the public to inspect their new stock of WINTER GOODS, just received fiom Philadelphia, being convinced that their interest is best promoted by a strict continuance of their old plan of "Small profits and quick Sales." they shall still abide by their previous course. Amongst their stock will be found for GEN TLEMEN, a large assortment of READY MADE Coats, Vests and Fantalooin ; Cloths. tWi.n.rxi. tSatinetts. Vestii.cs, l'uJtr-Shi;t., rbirt Bosoms, Collars and Cravats FOR LADir. Black and colored Silks, De Bege lobes, De ie.gss r renin Aleriuos, Gashmeres, Madona Cluths, Coburgs and Alpacas. Delaines both plain and printed. Keadv-Madc Cloaks, JJrocha and Woolen Shawls, Tabby Velvet in various colors. Quilted Skirts. Sack flannel various col ors Red and white Flannel. ALSO : A general assortment of Ladies and Gentleman BOOTS, SHOZTS & GAITERS. Men's, Boy and Children' Hats and Caps. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Ccdarwarc Stone and Earthenware Drue. Taints. Fkh Salt, Cheese, Nail. Oils, etc., dc. A good supply of school books and conv books with printed copies on each page. ouniry.j;rojiij;e.Jukj:u.jii exchange forcoods. I. W. TEXEK& Co. Sunbury, Nov. 22, 1856. Jcw York Uxpress r 18.17 Hie place the " WEKUl.V KXIMtLSS" Ut -rc a wide circle I" icadeir it will u luluru be oubh-lieU Ujku Uic cash ftvftiem. Willi iheciuh nlan, ilk price vi, I be retimed to a ra e wli)jh will eiutble all who with u ol.Lun it, to dti ai the price ul'tbo cheupeat oi tlio wtiiclciri'uUicU ,'ujn;fi oi New York. The ''Weekly LxnreH' will contain in addition to the uiuul pnlitu-'l. gcner.it new. nuceltoneiuiioinl other rrutt in? innttcr of an Bfjr cubic immly nji, tiie New wA .Murkete, tt K-k uikI money murk( ui the Country, iud ucli ioreiga market! at are oi guieiul iutcrcat TEH. Ma : Pii'glc copies S8 per annum. Three cojuc 6 Kive copies H Ten copies lU Twenty Conies to addrcM. ?0, and an extra conv to the pctter np up of the club. ivcnty cpiei t,r over to the aildrcaa of eucli subscriber, fcU,'Hi Hpeciinuii sent, tree upon iipplioiliou, to any undress audns uiuuy us inuy be wanted. To uiergjiueu, uic wecuiy wm ue icHiioruiic nuiuir per umium. Tlie ttcmi-Weekly Kx press" hna been reduced U Three Dollars per omiuiu, and will bo supplied to Clubs upju the tullwing terms: Mugle copies a J w per Siiiium Two copies 6.-0 Five copies It. 25 ' i The Duilv Kxnrers, Mrninr or Kvenin? F.dtt on, ut the Sflccthm of llie sultscribei,) will hareallir be stt by mail ut six dollars per anuunt aiwayt puvtiMe iuadi-Hoce. loeuubleull who prelcr 10 jiuige iho -hxpren upon its merits for themaelves, Specimen Copies wilt be bent lice to Miiy utidress upon application to i ix. r.. nuuun, Comer of Wall und Nauau sirt t-ts, Norember 52, 156. 4wPI 3 New York. O! YES! O! YES!! A LL manner of persona, old or young, big or little, are hereby notified that 1 will place an note and book accounts, lor Merchan dize and Brick due me longer than six mouths, in the hands of F. Lazarus, Esq., for prosecution and collection, by the first of December next, without respect to persons or parties friend or foe. JOHN YOLXO. Sunbury, Xovember IS, 1856. NOTICE. . 18 hereby given that letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors of the estate of David M' Williams, late of S'ba luokin township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to nuke payment, and those having claims present them lor settle ment. NV'M. V. M'W1UXMS. DAVID X.M'Wll.LIAMS. Shamokiu top , Xov. S9, IS.'.O Vt To Builders' & Carpenters. The auhsrribera are agenta for the sale of Doors, Window blinds, Window Sllutters, and all size of Window bash, all of which we oiler at the lowest price. Xov. 29, 'A6. E. Y. B RIGHT & SON. BE0DHEAD & ROBERTS, Ao. 185, N. Zd Street, riIIZ.ADBZ.rHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES,' which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov.O, 1850.. ly Fairbanks' Platform and Counter feralea fui eale by E. Y. BKIUHT St KON. Nov. SS, 1858. BLANKS. 5 of every descriiJion T LAX ICS of every description can he had Wy 5 tpf rmt at tM otfiea ol t9 Amiu EXECUfOtfS SALE. rpHZ nderignrd Executor of the estate of Jacob Painter, dee'd., late of the Bornuph of 8unbury, by virtue of a power contained in the last will and testatment of said deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable Real i'slste, via 1 SEVERAL LOTS OR PARTS OF TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in Market Square, in the Dorouqh of Sunbury, fronting 4 5 feet 011 Market Street, being part, of lota No and on which aie erected Three 1 ramo ijinniingg. j iie dwelling 1 a two story frame Building, with the usual outbuildings, stable, &c, late tlio residence of snid deceased. There is alao on the front of said lot, two two story frame huilibni;, occupied aa a store, shop, Sec., with a good Well of water before the door. ALSO; A FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, containing about 160 Acre, ituate between the Caltawiwa and Creek roads almut three-quarter miles from Sunbury. The improvements arc a frame two-story dwelling llo.se, and a large Bank Barn and other outbuilding:. Ther mm several fine Springs on the premises, one near the home, and also a number of fruit trees of various kind. , The term and condition of sale will 1, mud. known by application to the undersigned. rri,ti(. near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Geo. A. Fbick, Ex'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1806. tf "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own IT! cchnim. ISAAC M. WILKEKSON, Respectfully announce that he has taken the stand lately occupied by George Renn. v. here he is prepared to manufacture all kinds o" FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stvle. rTHL subscriber respectfully calls the attent'iAi of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality nd price ef . t!AltICT.WA!ti: which cannot fail to recommend itself to every ne who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid linish, inndn up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort i spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. His stuck consists of Mahigany Sofa., DltntiN and Ijounprrs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, liKKJKFAST AM) IIIMG TABI.FS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to I'uila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AN I) CAXDLK STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND ' EXTENSION TABLES, In ahort, every article in this line of hi business. Ho also manufacture all kinds and qualities, CIIAIltS. ncluding varieties never before l be had ir Sunbury, such as Msuoosnt, Black Wnxti ClMlLKII MsPLB UllKCIAK ; AMI WllllMIR CHAIRS, ami riser Piaso .Stohlh. wbw-li r. of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured jn illc Cities or elsewhere. 1 be subscriber is determined that there sbnll be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained iiou' tlie quality and linish of their ware and Chairs. Thefle articles will be disposed of on as Bond terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. I I'-vUKit I AKING. Having provided handsome He Lndcrtaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from thU place. IX 1 hcM are Room is in Fawn tttreet. bc- ow Weaver's Hotel. Hi AC M. WILKINSttX. Sunbury, Sept. 13. 1H5C tf. PFNlYLiviAbiRlAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED I1C lV. OFl'Kll.-S young nu n nil the advantage of a tliorniieji Buniness Educaliou. THE COURSE OK STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Bnok-ICeeping, a aj plied to Wholesale, Retail, ( Vmmis-doii, Man ul'dctuiins, 6'hippiug, Kteain Boating, Individ ual Psrlnershiji, and Compound Company Busiiieiis. rUM AN.S1UP LECTl.RKS on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas 41. Cocbiau, Esq. For Circulars, ic-, address the unileisigncd. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September 0, 1 Kofi. 6m. CLOTHING iTLOTHINa! ! Wiioi.ksaii: ami Retail. fHE subscriber would respectfuly inform the readers of the American, that he has just opened a New REFORMED CLOTHING STORE. No. 208 Market Stieet. (2 doors below Ninth, I soulh side) 'hilaJclphia ; where he keeps con stantly on hand one of the best assoitiucn's of Ready Made Clothing, in ibe city ; also, a huge assortment of t'lotbs, Cassiiuors, &.c, which .will be made to Order, in the bet manner, and at the shortest notice; all of which will be sold at the lowest possible Cash prices. Reader will you please give us a call ! DAVID MAUL, 20H MARKET Street. X. B WILLIAM SHAFFNER. will be pleased to tee his friends at the above Clothing Store. Oct. 25, 1850.- wilmS PLATFORM SCALES, every description, suitable for railroads Ac., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trinl, not found satisfactory can be letumed with out chaise, Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty yesrs comer of Ninth and Melon Mrcets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO. Sucressors to Kllicolt & Abbott. Philadelphia. Sept 13, 18511 c3m. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! ! Fresh fiom Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND YANDENEKEIt, Northumberland Pa., Will furnish Restuarant and private families Superior llaliiino e Oysters, by the Call or lal Can. All order promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES VAN DYE. JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. IS, 1850. tf "DR. J. FUFsGELL, Formerly of Berrysburg, Daujdiin county, Pa OEREBY announce to the citizens of Sha inokiuand vicinity, that he has periusnent ly located himself in the above place, and hoe that an experience ef several years, in all lb various branches of his profesfion, will insur him a liberal share of their patronage. He may at all times lie found, when not prnfcejiouslly engaged, si the National (Weaver's) Hotel. Shainokin, October 25. 185(1 3m statiouery. A largo supply of fancy Nolo O 1'aper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink. Sand, Ac., at May8l.'6U. WM. A. BKUNKR'S. BURNINO Fluid, Camphene, Huid Wirks and Lampa, for sale by J. F. & I. F. KLINE. ' Kline Grove, Nov. 8, 1850. If FILES for Machinist, carpenters, Ac., ic., Beatty'a edge tools, planes and bench screws Cut eale by B. V. URIGlITsV 60N. Nov. St), 1850. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, nn TUB RAPID COTUt OF Cold's, Cong-fis, mid lloarsjciicsx. ratMnii.ti, Mw 201 h ., lsw. Br. i. O. A rrs : Id,, nn hmltste to my 11m kiMl remfdr 1 hnn rv.-r l.mml l oueln. IlimrwiiMi, lultiwnxs sml ths WMiiumusnt rmi,iuis ir t '.,14. 1 r..r I.UIUT I'RTOUI. It milwtAtlt limit! I")- prsrlice snj tny fnuiilj t,ir II,. lMt tun jrsm hm alfovrn It .. riur tlrlus f,r th trAaimnni ,.f ,h..' eomplnlnt. KIIKN KMuriT. M ti. A. 11. MonTI.KV, lq.,or t;net, n Y writ-, m pursw patent. With 1,-vl el,l Hi" imi Cronp, Whooping Conch, Inflnrnrn. n , . wriiui, Miss., K,.b. 7, Anj 1 " "' f"ii.v .iir;y,,; Vn.At i p."-'dli-etH.t dlv,. of chlhlreu. wVT T"or fis ternii.v in lli .s,,u,, ,,,,,.!,! ,uur ,ki UlllAM CONKU.V. XI. n. AMOS T.F.r, E.fl. MoOTssrr, Ia write. M Ja3.,t4r !ri.r'. "i "1k ,ni"'.'1''"e' "illiunt r,llr: 11,. Bin d. r, lid tho ,1T, in my thnS aJi' tangs : lrtlisa ..n.llftfcs (.alls ms,l. mi c,m,H,n"v wll. v our mwllcniM nr ti,o chonimtt sa ll si llir Ua l r csn iny. ,,.! , a,,.,,,, ,u jjr"rt. dlM, s llio puiir man s MnnJ." ' '- Asluinu or rhthlsic, nnd Hronchlli. rn! h!.r"y I.';"k'"AI-,U P""i"t aMU-v.ll5a cnro In this imction. It hiu reii,,rd rrora arln. V I coiisuiaptl.. snd Is nw curiu s ,n.n wbi lias Ulrd imdvr sn att. tion of ths tunas fvr lbs ....,..,,... IU..IHI i,. J-AKKS, McrrliAlt. A. A. IIAMSKT. V.D.. At.srn. Mn.n. r wnn-,. g.pt , During ,n.v practice of mn,,,,. I hsv. tmnd null, in; ,uiU t.. vr Cii.r.si PscroMi. for alTinir f&w snd rHlW to cunssmjiUro patimiu, or carina such ns are ruible." 1 W mlaht mid volumes of srUsncs, but Ui mo,t eoa vtnclua proof or ths rirtses of Uiu nmtjf Is found la its (Tocts upon trial. t ,. CoMsnmptio. rpUMy noons rvmnly h.v. svsrliwn kc.wn whirh eurod so ninny snd such dansyroiu civi ss this, goms no human sid cn rmcti; but svnn to them rho Catxat 1'liTOR.il. affords n'll..f nU comfurl. AHTon llnf. Nrw Yohk Pitt. March S, 1SB. Pictok ATS. IawsU! I fcl it s duly snd plMunirs o Inr-Tlii you what yrair Cluaav IVthhii has d, fur my ilo. him had Wen ttve nmnlhs lalwilnic mnlsr Ih daiiTrmns yuiilrinia or ricnnniti.n, from whii h no al.l w could prneini. envr her inin h relief. She swi steadily fiulinir, until Dr. HlMnK. of litis rllv, wh-n wc hare eom'e fir ad.lcv, irconisiendtl a tllal of vonr nicilirlnti. w j litkinin..M, aa wu do your skill, f..r she has rerov 'rnu that day. Hm ia not yet iw stinns as the used to u. hut Is fre tiuin hr eoaxli. nrt imIU hcrntlj well, lonrs with nititmli and reirnnl, UK LAN DO M1LI.UY, or PnftBTVltu. 0sii,;rfirs, do nt.t dmpalr till Ton have tried Aria's Cnsnst I'm-TOHAI. It ia made t,v n'neor llo. Wsl nu ilicsl ehrniitia in the world, and ila oiiivk ail around ui Usnak tho hiph uiiiiitsofiu virtues. rMiulrlpliu Utlgtr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills! rpilK scienres of Chemistry and Medicine hare lcn J. laxd tholr utmost to proluce Ihis host, most perfrct purgative which ia Snovru to man. IiiuumciaUe proofs are shown that these 1'il.M have virtues which suritaes la excellence the ordinary medicines, snd that th y win un precedented uK)ti the eateem of all men. Tin y are snfs nd pleaaaul to take, hut powerful to cure. Their porio tinting proportiss stimulate the rital activities of the body, remove the obstmrtlons of its organs, purify the bhiod, and expel diswise. 1 hey ptn geout llie foul humois which breed snd (trow distemper, stimulate alttiifrtsli or disor dered orjjam into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they euro the ercry-day complaints , every body, but also foinii'laldc and dangerous diseases that have haMled the boat of human skill. W hila they produce iKiwcrful effects. Ihey arc at the same time, in ilimiimhed dc, s, the safest and Unl physic that can bo employed for clillilre n. lSciiia iiiFiMonted, they are plea-ant to take; and being purely voluble, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been aiade which siin'aas belief viers ihev not snk stantia'od by men of such eaalte l itin and character as to forbid the suspicion of imtiutli. Many eniinant eleriiyiMon and physicians have lent their sanies to certl fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth ers have sent me the assurance of their conviction thst my l'reimratluns contribute liuiociuc'v to the relief of niy .muo.1, ,.,srin, r.iw M.H. Tlie Ascnt Isl-jw named is plesseil to furt.kh grnlis my Autrican A.siariac.ioriuiiiiiui direction. foi Iheiruseatid ew tif. oates of their cures, of the f dlowin; complaliils : Co.tiveiiaM, llilious Complaints, hhennr.-uism. Dntsv, lixaitliurR, llen laihe arii'iiitc from u foul Stomach, ,u sca. Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the llowclsand l'alti ari.it ir t:iei-e?'roni. I-Intulc ney. Uun of Appetite nil t'lc-r-ous ai.d O'titftneoiis Ili-ea-es vviii'.h rcquae nn eviicu uit .MtHiicine, rcrorula or nine, Lvil they also, by piu-ify-li.g liie bkMsi and stiiniilalliix tlie cvs'tein, cure many compiiuiits v.hii-h it Vonld tut be u'pted ther could p.sv'h, such as deafness. I ai li.il l!liudne. Neural,.''" and Nervous Irlitubility, Deiaiigement,. of the Liver an i Kid lles, lloiit. and other kindled f o.nplrtitns arisin; nom a Ijw sla;e of the Iki-Jv til obstruction of iu ftilietions. Dj not bv put i IT by unprincipled dealers with some nthec pill tli-jy make more prolit on. Ask for Ariut'i 1'lLLs, and take notliina; clrs. No other they can giro yen compares with this in its Intrinsic value or curative poweis. The sick want the test aid tbciv is for theu. and they should have It. I'leinuod ly I5r. JT. C. AVKU, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell; Mass. Pans JO C-.s. rts llsx. Fivs Toxts roa $1. V Wirmei, Noriliuinberiaiul ; J. 1-'. Cuslovv, .Millon; Il'os iV McCoriiiiek, McKwinsv.l'a and Ly all Urufjlsls tUrouchout the county. Augihit IU, IcM y A PERFUMED BREATH. 7HAT lady or gentleman would remain un- dor the curse of a disagreeable brealh when by usiinr the ' Ualin of a Thousand Flower," a a dentril'ue would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster 1 Many per sons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. I'our a single drop of "Ilalm" on your tooth brush and wush the teeth night and morning. A lifty cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion inny easily be adjured by usinrr the 'Hulm nf a Thousand Flowejs." It wid remove Ian, pimples and liecMcs from ths skin, leaving it of a soft rofcate hue. Wet a towel, pour un two or three drops, and wash the fice night and morning. SHAVING MADK KASY. Wet your shaving brush in either in wann or cold water, pour on two or three drops of "Unlui of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well and it wilt in.ike a beautiful soft hither, much I'.ieili tating the operation of shaving, l'rice only fifty cents. iV-wnre of counterfeits. None genuine unless rigucd by V. P. FE'IMDGE A CO. FrunMin ttijuarc, New V'otk. Sept, 57, IS.'iC Iim Cheap AVatches Jeweln lTIIOI.i:sALK and Itetail, at the rhilndel- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 08 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. (Jold l.ever Wstrties, full leweletl, Is wirnl euses, 9.00 Gold Leiiine i:k. S'it.OOIKine Silver ro.laclcs. l.SU I Silver l.ei. full Ji-wHed, S?!l.tli.il.l Hillitl.ls. H.HI Silver Li ver, lull jev. l'J I J ! utiles' Uold I'eneils, l.lio rAiilwiior tjuuriiets, 7 wlvet Tea spiuu, set, 6,00 l.olj .leclml.s, f.lKli Gold Pens, Willi Pilicil soil r?,lver Holder, l.l (Jold Finger Kings, 37 J cents to $3(1 ; Watch (Jluases, plain, 12$ cents; Tatent. 11: Lumt, SS ; other articles in proportion All goods war ranted to be what they are sj'J Kl'ALKl'tiR Ai HAKl.LV, On hand, som Colli ana cuver i,evera anu i Lepines, atill lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, 1856. ly. 1C. ATISS. CIIKAP WATCH AND JKWELKV STORE No 72 North Second Street, oyposilt th jlount Vernon lhitse.) 'Philadelphia. GOLD Leer Watches, full jeweled, !8 K, ea ses, V8 ; Silver Lever do,, do.. 12; fil ver Lepine, do.,3: yuarlier. ft to 7 : (Jold Srtacle. 4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., I 50 ; Silver Table Spoon per elt, I4 to Silver Desert do.. do.,'J to 8 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 1 75 to 7 60 ; !old Fena and Gold fa ses, 3 85 to 5 j Gold Pen and Silver do.. t; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry. Uoid Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted ta be aa icpieacnted. Watches anJ Jewelrv, rojiaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. II. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. C OUNTV CRDEKS. County orders token aa canh fo. goods, and on nolo or b.s)k c counUy E. V. UKIGHT 4 SON. Nov. S3. 1858. FLOUR, FEED & OE0CERY WOE. CHARLES GAELNGEIl, RKSPKCTFUI.LT Inform. ,h. citieen. of Sunbury end the rreiehtmrinff country that he ha purchased the Orocery Hlore in Water street, In the rear of the wharf, recently kept by V'etse & CltUient, and that he has jftst replen isbed hi slock which he will sell at reasonable price. He -will keep a constant snpply of "r"''' nlv f eed, Bread, Fish anil licese, Hams, Wlmulder and Herring, v.'offie, '.'"' """.Mulssse. '1'eas. Hpices end Fruit, iuts, ;onfectionariM of all kinds, Boots and Nioes, Lathe Gaiters. Misses and 'l;hiMrr.,V . KKM.also ljueen.ware, tJedarwaro,' Hardware and Notions, &c&.c. Clti,.ct,s arereq,,c.tedto ,en,l in their order Mv., .rr md ?nJ (,rwil nd he will de liver them properly. Nunbury, June 14, I85C ij JOHN FAHEIl'sA. No. 284 Market Street, clove Hi,.. 1? II f a Tvt-e tr-iewi . JMJTJllTEK. Mnnufiic'ti'irer Vnd dealer in all kinds and oonlitiea ..r ranr. r. i . , . , .... i , '. J. u,,1j inn., nn i.suies nd (yhtldren. J. P.. sve, 1.1 ell , T - - Diiruiion of the Ladies mid others to his immenfe asrert ment, beinrj the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my furs. I fee rmiflJent in saving that I can oiler the prentcst indi'ceinrnts to'lhoso in want and at the same time will hate one oi the largest assorfneiil to select from. Storekeepers and the trade will r.lesse eive m a call before purehsin?1 a, mv wholesale depiirt- ment I Well SlIlMllieil In m.l ll. .1.. .i r . i , - ...... (,c ueiiiniio nir every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturers Prices. JOHN' FAfiElIjtA. , Vrt 4 Market Street. Philadelphia. Sept. if), If fi. 4mw, AME1UCAN HOUSE, WJLLlAMsrORT, PA., J. IB. KKLTO.Y, 1'iopi Iclor. Jas. T. II am.. Ass t. Sept. in. ls.-.o. If It 1.11 BY, LAIVIHOM K & tO PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS. ENVELOPE & RAG NO.Z MINOIl sniLin; puiladfva 100 tons Kags wanted for Cash. . August 23, Irtflli Km PHILIP a. PTOCT. WIIOLESALX AMI RETAIL Grocery, Vine and Liquor Store, 6'. cur. Walnut and Water Slretts, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. 1850. tf HERRING'S SAFE AGAi THE CII AAdlIOT 1 7 he only .s; which, in creri instance, pre-aen-ert thiir entire contents in the bile JZxUuxire Fires. YCiO"" 4 T llie bornins: of the Ariinn tl0'ntftrp-'i3 Hinliliiu-e. April loih. und in jiLTsTtaTlsf -I. "K" tltKAT K1KU in .Market ft 1J1 ifl IW"', 'V 1st. Iit.tliee.-nuiiwlleriiir iil 5 , u pj,.,,., vnl , ,e-Jt.M ,.rv , f tiei.. !VAMpiaif Pl w- Amnions It Hm.; Hooks, I'a L t t'i rers. Ac., oi Kitinr i Hm. nnd Ill'Otthl wfl -' vv.ira Seiiitms ,v Co., inter rc 1. 1-."' V I P.'lsi.l? inaoiiM;? esnojed m t lie burnini; li:.:l M.l. .S ruins Tor o.-orl.- P,..,.- II. .or ... ruins ("or iu-urlv Fcrlv H"ur, mu proving ctuicluajivly wlmt wthuvo iilwysi riiiliiitil for tlitin, thfif grt' a; feiiiierk'ntv over uli ti-i-it""'- now known. In tliese Mre", the UKHRIXG'S fAFK, .anil1m? fi4!e ny kuU with ih f nlvertiie(l im "wiinrniti-d to mami (t per Ceiiit. more fire tlm" Jtvuiue ciuue lorth tlio ui irnowioriieu viciui. nor only prt-'Htrvin tlivir t'mi-ntu ia execlk'nt urilur, Imt bcinff flii-iitstlves in a conditioii to Tr thmmdi nnollitr oMwil. u lnle if:e 1v.hiH "rtt-imniifa s'of it!ier Mii.kt;i5 are l cully ul up in fvry inri)in'c, hi id in f i line frt.seB rlieii eiuirt; I'mtiftiiN eompklcly ilr-nrr. To tlie pnhlic we woul't aiinp'y ny. Uilit. tliirine the 14 . y':irs tlie llriniiu'k Sutu hm lntn bet ore them, more tliun IWo litnuirr.l Jiave p'i-il thrmish acciiicutul fires without the o?curTt-we 01 u Single toi. We w to lJ. therefore, ctiuiioii ptirchaserR ntrtiiifit the miart-preR-jntut.oii uf hirerfttuil piuttes. '1 lie llrrh.Hr'a PatKi:! irt the on!v Kirf,roif SnO nin-fe in thin nty whtih in prjtct-a hy n rarcit Kiht, and we will p.ior Jintt'e it to rcc isi m. .re than iU;ub!t the uniuuiil of iieul ol" mX other Safe now known. FarrcM & Herring:, S-le Manufacturers iu tiiis State of 'nERRINC'S l'ATEXT fUAJIPlOS SAFES," 31 Walnut Pt., Philada. N I?. oftvmji. A Wnisnn's Improved S-diiinfiudsrs," ruviiieul'ior 'IliTriiiJ'a') will'Cf:'SoVi,'twt.!,;"lt's Aslirtos," i'lnla., June SI, l.Vi ly. oart Cil-IEYVIT 5 ELACII, ?!i.m:uh ami suirrEiis or Y7IIITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the Big Jleiuntain Colliery si.'amokin, Ntutrirti cor.NTV, ri:.-A. Addre.-s bhcafl'cc Ulacl;, Sunbury. cr Sha- inukin, l'a. Sunbury, May SI, IS'fl tf COLEMAH'3 CHEAP OTJTLERY STOHB, No. 21 AortA Third St., bcluic Arch, PIlILADELnilA. COl'NTKV .Merchants can save from ten to fifteen percent, by purchasing at the above stores. Uy importing my own goods, paying but littl' rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their (ioods here, pay high rentB and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and rocket Knives, Scissors dnd Itazors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buffalo, bone and i. ood handles, Carters and Forks, Ac, Uuteher Knives, Dirks, i'owie Knives, Revolving a;id p.ain Pistols, &c. Also a large assortment of Acconleons, Ae. AIko fine LiiglUh Twist and Herman t7ttns. JOHN M. COLU.MAN. Oct. 20, 1655. ly. Importer. 1 KE.TIO.Vr, TIIE MVSTANG CANDIDATE. SF Col. Fremont had as many friends a the Mustang Liniment, the opposition could not dinw a corporals guard. Mr. Fremont remark ed, in his dispatches to President l-'il niore, while transporting hores an I cat t the pUms of Me.ico, 'l liiit it the ov.ernmcnt would send on a liberal supply ol Mustang -'"nent, it Would save So i.er cent f hie losses. ' 1 his ia very imiiortaiol for all Farms end Liverymen to ki.i'W. V'lis Mustang Liniment is a wonderful at tide for man or beast. It should always be used for Sores, Swellings, Still' Joints, 15 urns, Kruieos, llbeumutic Fains, c, and for Galds, Sprains, Spavins, Kingbone Ac., upoa horses. 15i ware of imitation. The Muntang is eold by all respectable dealers everywhere. 4 KARNES A- PARK, Proprietors, -New ork. I let. 19, 185C Im. l't. lent reuico; ior w"-i at this olVu f . December -t. 18.'.C. V nitlMa IfrnilS. A fresh swlnirnt " ., received by WM. A. BKI NEKJ . Jui.e SI, l5'6. .bsITEN"c1iiEEcii..-J rriJ!.I.?v tor sale by KEASlIOLTZ I'EI K. Sept. 13, ISofi. ""suairc'iTriTA'M.-A b.t Ws,.; and for sale by. SEASHOLTZ & 1'L 1 UV. Sept. 13, IS60. ANN'8 LETfEM PKKS8ES. wiw lH books.i nk. anJ 4 ct :'' Ju" J":'.:'"' ..nlTor.al. by H. B. MAoct.iv. . Sunbury, Juno 4, 1853 UAM, Pbouldere, Cheese. Martarel, Salmon aud Salt fr ssle l My SI '89. V. V.UKlGnt 4 BO-,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers