BEDDING A FURNlSniNU BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, i The subscriliers respectfully Inform thrlr friends and the pulilic generally, that they have connec ted with their Ue.Ming ft Furnishing business Urge and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, at their old aland Ko. 83 South Second Street, Ulow Chestnut, IMiIladelpliltt. They have associated with them W. 8. Brown who hi leen for many Team ongaged in the principal establishment of the kind in this rity. The stock of (iiiodn now on hand comprises every description of materials used by Cabinet Mukers. consisting in part of the following, vir.; Hardwnre department. Locks, H inges, Screws Castors, .Wed Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, Ac Cahinct Msker's Materials, Hair Resting, Curled Hair, Looking Glass IMates and Frames. (Slue, Varnish, Snnd Taper, Burlaps, Block and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Wrliiiinir. Twine. Sarkintr llottoms, Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, ic. Bedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather V.'mls, Bolsters and Pillows Tlush, Damask and Moreen Cush- l'.'"". "arortables, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton She.-,.., Ca , iupn nJ Uot(on Towels, r able Cloths, , - , . TMe c era, Moreen, Deinask and 1 lusli l.j (. Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. ' The Hair Seating and Ourled n..u j, rrom tBe Thila. Manufactory of D. & Noblit. 83 South '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Dank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 0, 1850. ly. Feiui Ivnnia Wire Works No. 68 Arch St. between Second &. Third, (Opposito Bread Street,) PHILADELPHIA. Sieves, Riddles, Screens, IVoven )Vire Of all Meshes and Widths, with all kinds of plum and Fancy Wire Work. 1TEAVY Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens ; Pnper Maker's Wire ; Cylinder and Dandy Kolls, co vered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fen cing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' fieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. BAVLIS8, DAUBY & LYNN. August S3, IS5G. c3m HERRING'S SAFE A0A1X TUB CHAMPION 1 1 Tic onlg Safe which, in every instance, jre served their entire contents in the lute Intensive fires. VT the burning of the Huiidillus. Anril Hull, nml nt Ihe GRKAT FIKK in Market St May 1st. Ic5ll, the genuine Herring Side preserved tin' Jewelry of Geo. W. Simmons ,V Hro. ; Hooks, Pa per., ftc . of Fisher & llio. and Kdwnril delimits tc Co., nfler rc ninilline exposed in Ihe liurniiiir 'I' ruins for nearly Forty Hours, inn. J proving conclusively whnt we have aiway claimed for tliein, llieir creut unerinrilt nv.r till i.ri,i..a IWW ItOOWII. In these (ire , the IIKRRIN'G'3 SAFF., stniulitij idc by side Willi those advertised as "warranted to stand IU tn r cant, more lite thuii II i rrnijj cuuie lorth the ac knowledged viilot not only preserving their coitteiils ill excellent order, hut being themselves in a condition to , through another ordeal, while the housttd 'Hulainamle s' of oilier makers aie badly used up in every instance, mid in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public we would simnlv kiv. tluil. .litrm., ,i.ll years the Herring's Safe has been before them, m ire than two hundred have passed through accidental (ires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, cnutiou purchasers against the "ic-ireaciiiaiou 01 iiueresteit parties. Tlie Herring i i aieui it the only h tre-proor Safe made in this city winch is protected by s Patent Right, and we will inr. antee it to resist more than double the amount of huit of any uuicr caie now Known Parrels & Herring, lllilUU.IU i) ui L,.y . t Sole Manufacturers in t turers in IIii8Stnte of 34 Walnut St., J'hilada. i.mi V r o ,,"!?"" " ''"P'oved Salainamlers," Oliver Evan s." "C. J. Gaylers," ,,d S:otf, Aslt. Iron Chests, (n large assorlluent having lieen taken in nart payment tor llerniiff,a't willl, ...i.l . i . Ph1ta.,Juue 41. liob.-ly. " ' SHEAFF &; BLACK, nixuis isn siuprEiis or WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the Big Mountain Colliery SIIA.MOKIX, .NOHTH'D COUNTY, I'K.N'.VA. Address bheafl'& Black, Sunbury. or Sha mokin. Pa. Sunbury, May 34, 1856. tf PRE MWM IMPROVED Super-Phosphate of Lime. rilHK only Silver Medal yet awarded by Arri Artie U , .17.. rC "",B'n l?. s"l'eur -I iiiKvivaina otate hsir at Jtarrisburg. as a Fertilizer of the best quality for Wheat, Com, Out., Grew mi,! Totaloes, KaUing Heavy Crops, and greatly Improving the Soil. J ,a subscriber respectfully informs i7. .i " V T r . prepared to sup V' r un ucmanu wan this superior und well "''"I lit. ICs loJed" AgenU WantcJ A lil,cral discount al. aiu.-ino. 1 Peruvmn and Mexican Guano Soap. Ac, of the best quality, ut the lowest n . ,o . JXO '"POMEnnv 9 4-10 South Wharves, bel. Market St. JWiiladuliihia. -3m3jc August 10, 185B.- NOTICE. TV'OTICE i t,rl... -:. ., . ,a,i.7 . : ' r.T". '""p!!i,,od will ma, at the session of 1857, far ,i . .Z " - . ''"''"ure ol I'ennavlva. ie creation of a corporate body will, banking ,nd discouaii located at fehamokintown Northumberland Co Pa., with a capital stock of 1 50,000, with the prmlego of u.creasing the same to 300 000 if necessary, v 'uuu bham .liin, June 14. 1856 firn J aplin, Silk Lustre. Delancs. V',iu i, ' heges, Barerres.TiMaii-. m..b ... i V ' 'e Scotch. Lancar .1 7" V r"".cV i . w "U i.niMiari Just received by Gi lllg- ,. . K. Y. BRIGHT & SON frunbury. Mav 31 lgjo. 20C0 cA"?'!8 "ihe '' Union Canal VV lyto KOCKAFELLOW; lih Cash. A p. Ktpp&co. at Heading, l'a. TOCK Oh' CLOTHING uu:it..:JKr;rd!n8 ini should not fsilTcall ' tU,l Vl"M Persons iiol..l.i.i ., are re- 8nbury,Ju.S8if'l'MOX. ft B,B. W -s. - - - r W reco'"'uei.ded to ih, llotiL X Wagoners, Livery istabla koetir. be tir Siietu.ou , .'i . oelers, dtc tivtlii,, r.i. . '. traduced. As it ,loe ,., ' auia ever in. is much mora mora dur.l.l. ...i ' 7.' ,,e'' Rum upon nle ,eg the weaiher, remainintr tl.. ' .. 1,d b, la winter, and "i sumuior as , aim put up in tin canisters at 37 , t2J cents, nd June 2 stationery A l.,g,.u 'ly of fa; MJI. 66. .f. K. lIRL'NUR's. BEMIYSBURG SEMINARY. . The Academic year of this flourishing In stitution will commence on the 2d Monday or August next. . , It is located at Derrysburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., on one of Mia healthiest and most beau tiful valleys, in the old 'Keystone Statu. The design of the Institution is to prepare younff Ladies and Gentlemen for the respon sible duties or lifo, and for Institutions of a higher grade. Kvery facility will be afforded to thoso who are desirous of preparing them- Jroi tnr 1'nachina. Tl. irovernmcnt of the scbool will be strict ly parental, nnd it shall olwns be the pleasing duty of tho Principal to instil into the mind of his pupils such sentiments, as, if followed, will lend to houor and happiness. Tuition per Sessiou (22 weeks.) Oreek and Latin. " M Modern language (Extra,) 1 00 Common English (1st (Jradc.) ft 00 ' ' (2d Grade.) 4 00 Sciences, (Surveying, Chemistry ire., 50 Printing and Janitor Services, 25 Music (Piano Forte) 8 00 Excellent Hoarding can bo liml from 81,50 to $2,00 per week. Lectures will bo deliver od nvorv wpek on "Clmmistrv Philosophy" Ac, to which the pupils are admitted frea of charge. Thero is a good Library connected with the seminary to which the students nave bc. cess for a small fee. The School will bo es excised in Composition and Declamation once the best Colleges 1KT..6 praduato of one of csnerienco us a Teacher flatters").'?., having heretofore, to give general satisfaction to 2ft who are placed under his tuition. JOSIA1I 1 KENNEDY A. 1?, Principal. llerrysburg. July 12, 185C NEW SPRING AND SUMMER O00SS. JUSTRKOKIVKD HY I. tV. TK.ER & Co., Sunbury, Pa., VYTK ueg respectfully to announce to our " friends and Ihe public tUat we are now re ceiving a very large and well selected stock of goods suited to the season, which we are deter mined to sell cheap as heretofore, finding our old motto of "Small profits and quick Sales." to work well we shall continue to adhere to it, our stock consists partly of the following viz: LAUIKS GOODS. Gros Do Rhine and Summer Silks, Chilli, Dc bege, Barege, painted and plaid Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Robed Dresses, Va lencia Skirts and Skirting, Grass, Crrd and Crinoline Skirts, Jiconol, Cambric, Swiss and Barred muslin, Bishops Lawns l'laid, Dot- ted and Figured Swiss Muslin, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, Chemisetts, Collars, Culls and undcrsleeves, printed cashmere, thibct and itlur shawls, ginghams and calicoes in great variety, Ready made mantillas, parasols, Kansoc. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. Cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, Vestinga, sunmer goods in various styles for coats and pantalaons shirt bosoms, collars, cravats, besidce a large as sortment of Ready made coats pantaloons and vests, togather wtth a general assortment of La dies and gentlcmens Boots Shoes and Gaiters mens, boys and childrens Hats, and Caps Hardware, tjucensware, Groceries, Cedarwarc, Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Paintx, Fish, meat, salt, nails. Tar, Oil 4c &c. A good supply of school books and copy books with printed copies on each page. Come and see, no charge is made for show ing goods. I.W. TENER&Co. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at tho highest market prices Sunbury, May 10, 1855. THE WEST BRANH INSURANCECo! or LOCK HAYEK, PA Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchan dise, Farm Property and other Buildings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITA is $300,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Di RECTons. Hon. John J. Pearce, John B Hall. I harles A. Mayer, Charles Crist. Hon. G.C. Harvev, T. T. A brains, P. K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. Peter Dickinson, lion. U. C. HARVEY, Pres. ,, ... , T. T. A biiaks, Vice Pres. J hos. A Uchen, Sec'y. II. CIIAS. ULMAX, General Agent. REFERENCE: Samuel H. Lloyd. J hos. Bowman, 1). D. A. A. Winegardner, L. A. Mackey, A. White. James Quiggle, Join, W. Maynard, Hon. Simon Cameron, Wm., Win. Fearon, Dr. J. S. Crawfjrd, A. Updegru!!', James Armstrong, Hon. Wm. lliglcr. W. CRAY. Anent. Sunbury, June 31, 1856 6m TIIE SALAMANDER SAFES OF RUB t lis-s w.... . ....iii-ni AH4I.$T TIIE UOItkU. i a.o oc w .l&UN, Ao. 2G Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia, Have had the surest demonstrn Hon in the following Ceiliheates, tills I tl.Mir ,,,. , .. . ' "-" iuimrtr n iNlbt- ntiiiid r tSaica humi c,iaiU i,iiv warraute! the reprtuuuitHw w .- uuvti iweii made ol tliem .ssociiii an uutu turned accurav BUaillSt ills Ifmh.. . ' " vivstitill ; xt . ... """"'' nia. nitrn i in ikw Iiiglie., ...isfae,,,,,, , aTe", ' ttalwi" "truii. r.Lnni .v War....... i. .- . tothecalamitnoushVe "I1" ins of the 1 1 Ui inn naiistead 1 luce, on tlieiuorii. Vhei, U'n r..nM. ,,.., ,, e lourtli storv of ih. I...M. i Z . ..rrf l,H'"1"1 the we caiuml but regard the i.reervui,,,7 .7 JV. '. 1 "Ielt n"M,h bireeommending n.em u, leu ol busiuess u a suie lellam-e nnime fcr. B m tisoaos W.Simoss A Bao. Messrs. Evan. xv... l"V"',,D"' April It. 0. tililoiiy in t favoi ol the cent aeeurov ., ... ol the great Mcurity afforded to niv e,,i- (.. It-vvriri- lusiks .... a , "1 i"'i"-ssa nr.. uuriiiir ia ru...,i till Hint Ihe fame wet oitiai,iej tuifs muiiulttclurd Uv vs... aiumtaiu pmrr, in Mil lilt 1'iiot 111 twu t,f tU buliuiiauiJer lluvintr liilleit ff.mi tl,- li'nw , ... . ... . snd i.ite.,., exa..i:,u.l.o.;. ZZZ. .. 'ZTT.' mem. ' " ,',wmji unu lisil' l!.wJ'0,n"'':,"lir." Perfect protection from ih. U,gf l'j.t ' U"""1;r tav" "t? Me,s. Kvaa. Mr W..F""-"L""''' APri' - use e Ihe UUtiAH. niSu.rSf oV ta UKk.aml otlw vah,.I.U iy "' ""ur", of troyed Uie Artilui? Ilail l?.r ? "' """ which .Ie full fr.Mn ... f, ok, "T 1 lr'"n of ihe ..uldentcrl , lw, ,t,ljM '""""" '" I'ord .u.ry, I .peetlon, II.. ,uc'atu w! K I1""" "? '"""' -would eve, Ih, , Z i 1 , .,,-"7 .' '" "ivMi are now happily re, , ,ed l VI- i, ', '"i1 " (tM' that I can he ,.f"r ",' '"' '"'l- due u. suy u. you ail who ,y Wl.n ' " '"' ' 1 hs use of y,a,r K.v, u, eurity wua'h sueh mean? Jnia l,ut Pe'nt eleuieul. "ul l",,v'de sSau, tig1Uu , Conaiilyoa haiaj 'l?"?"!''- Lock, fo, Ua,.,., ,, 4, " TBwr Prouf L1llAU-fu i f 0-I1ZT"-lT.".l,;W cash- border. re' "hJ . , I'suieu illK S lawl. iuat W,,. V-UUIUUT.""1 IMPORTANT TO TIIE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT THE subscribers respectfully invite the public to call and examine their stock of NEW 000133, embracing every variety. Our Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and our assort ment cor taint the latest styles, both of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have also made arrangements to receive goods direct from Phil adelphia every few weeks, by this means we will be enabled to keep up our assortment We return our thanks for the liberal patronage be stowed during the past year, and trust that by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we will continue to receive a share nt the same 10. Y. URIGHT & SON. Sunbury, May 31, 1850. NEW ARBANOEMENT 1 l'resh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS," OILS, &c. TIHE undersigned having taken the store for A marly kept by Weiser and Hrutier, is now ready to (ill crders and prescription at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRiriT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of tho choicest brands. Fancv Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes evcrv variety. ( am,,.... . ntir Flu(l aJll,a!l, on jian(l Customers will fttid his ...... Pomp,etei com B, i,t:S i, is uiipuHBiuie ncre i enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Rememlter the place, next door to E. Y. B right's Mammoth Store. ' W.M. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. A. J. CONRAD. HOLLOWING RUN. RESPECTFCLLY informs the publ ic that he lias purchased the Store recently kept by J. R. Kuulitnan, and that he has replenished the same by an excellent assortment of New Goods just received from Philadelphia, which he will sell on terms as reasonable as any other establishment. His assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SATTIXETTS, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices ndirs Dress Good. Consisting of Black Silks, Mcrinns, Alpacas, De Laiues, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Trim mings, Ac. Alsoalresh supply of GROCERIES of ell kinds. HARDWARE and QUEENS WARE, Cedarware, Brooms, &c. Also a large assort ment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hals and Cups, Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. All the above named slock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, ut the highest market price. Hollowing Run, June 14, 1856. Iv NEW CONFECTIONABY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR1IART, AS just received s new and excellent assort- nient ot gootis at tils Oi.,,rc,,,.y j Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &.C., wnoiesaie anu iictuii, at i In' Among his stork ..jectioiiarics, may he Trench rVcrett, Jluriit-il Almonds, Croon White, .piiii ' Hie. " Vmiilla, Common bccicls. Liqusrii'o, Hum Drops, nil kinds of seem, live Droits, Mini Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Knot Drow, Slick Ca.Klt,.-s,ol all scents Kock Cnmly, Almond Camly, FRUIT. Rtinmins, Diitcs, Currants illicit, IVuuefl, . Kick, C i iron, Nut of it II kinds AilUOUUS, LKMON SYllUl r oi a superior quality, by the single or down. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and variety of Confetti, ma ries, fruit, &c, ull of which is ollcrej cheap at wholesale or retail, ICE CEEAM. He has olo opened an Ice Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers wiiii ice i ream. Sunbury, May 24, 1856 ly Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STOIIE, UJ C ;s;it(f .sf., oppostte Jones' Hotel, 1'lllLADfcl.rHiA. Window Shades. Urocatclles, Satin de Laiues, Worsted DumuskH, Centre Tassels, (iinip and Loope, Curtain Hands, Gilt Cornicca, Hull'. White and Hollands. green Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curiam J'jns and Trim mings, Lace und Muslin Curtains, Piece Muslins. oiore, oieomtioat and Church Shades or Dra pery, goi up a' tlie shortest notice curtains cut, made and put up by the most v yi iviiut - iiaiiu., 1 IV - . . ... u , i , . . K B'ro"i 203 Chestnut ti., nieiuueun uulluillgs. May 3, 1 856 .1. II. JAM US, J.ustice of the Peace. MOUNT OARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomplly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wriiings done. Mount Carmel, June 14, 1850. ly NOTICE. ATOTICE is hereby given that an application will bo made to the cxt Legislalure. of I ennsylvaniu. for a Clirir !.. . Saving liank, with discounting privilenea and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a iwf,"?'. ONE " k'NDREU 'JHOI.SAND UOl.L AUS. to be located at Siinburv, Northum wrland county, and called the "Discount and Uepout Bank of Sunbury." KNEL, J. W. FlilLINC., H. IJ. MASKER. inilv ,, ul-t. I. T. CLEM ENT. vT w r vSn-n Sunbury, July 5, 1856 6m NOTICE. NOTICHia herebv ceived the Pamphlet Law's for lsrifi, an,) thut u.r" yuj' "r uistiiuutioo to thoso IfL'ul ly futitled to rccuivtt the namo. JAMTfj DKA1U), I'rotL'y. rrothonoturi's UiricM. ; Kuubury. July 12. 1850. FUKNITUEE POLISH. H. RAE'8 Premium l'Ht,,i e.. poit-i,.Ti,i. polish i. hiob : z v ""u? ing th. polish on all kinds 'of Purniture. wZ, Carnage Hair Clo.h, ic. Alsofor r.I moving spots, hiding scratches, &c, 4c. War " -- uuu n. nnni It u June 81, 1850. 'M. A. BRUNER. in ix nil with ik.iu. ik i r . ufoil.forsaleby ' s ss.iavu wiiu waier. inurniiv i way ji, so. WM. A. BRUNEI!. I UNDKRSLEEVE8, ChTimWu, ( rn, i7 and Needle WorkeJ Collars Kl ' Thread Laces, Inserting .ndtg" Pur sale by E. V. URIUHT 4 V My 81, 1858 1 6U:V JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, ' wiscrACTumt or WIRE, SILK &. HAIR-CLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium and fine In mesh t Isrge, middle sire snd small in diameter. Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, Of the best qualities, various sixes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to HO inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered to many spaces to a lineal Inch, and cut tc suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on band SCREENS, For Coal, Hand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Bumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Coffee. Spice, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs, Ac. Together with an as sortment of bright and annealed Iron Wire. All ef the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front St., Philadelphia. ay 31, 1858. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. TOTTSVILLE, PA. ' HE subscriber respectfully announces to his -J- sld friends and the public, that ho has taken that ld and well known establishment, the WhiteJ Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo ate., in Ihe Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and other wiso improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the st nulcs aro large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, re promises every attention calculated to render ticin comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 185'.- tf WET 18 nK4SO.lI TOGKTIIK. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. WHY AUK WE SICK? It htsbrcn the lot. of the huinnn roce to be weighed down by lisense nnd suffering. HOMiOWAY'! 111.1 4 lire siieelllly mlnptnl lo the. relief of the WKAK, the .M-.KXUrg, the DEI.ICATK. and the INFIK.M, of all clones, iir s, sexes, and conslitutious. Professor Hollo- vay persoiHlly nnerintemls the mnnufnctuie of his med icines in he tinted suites, snd Hirers them to a free mid enlightenel people, ns the best remedy the world ever saw lor tie lemovnl of disease. TIIK5K PILLS I'UHIFY THE BLOOD. These funous l'i Is nre expressly combined to opnrnle on the sloiiui'h, tlie liver, the kidneys, Uie Innpi, the skin und the dowels, correcting uny derniiKetnent in their fune thins, purifying the blood, the very lounuim of life, und thus curing disease In all its forms. DYSPEPSIA & LIYKH COMPLAINT Nearly half the human race have taken there Pills, has heeti proved in all pans of the world, tliat nothing has been found etpnil to them in cases uf disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They spoil give a healthy tone to those uruaiis, however luucli oerniifed, und when ull other means have failed. GESERAL DElilUTY, ILL HEALTH. Many of Ihe most despotic (iovetnnieiiti hove opened llieir Custom Houses to Ihe introdui lioii of inese Pills. I hat they may liccome the meilleiue of the mosses. learn ed Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for peisons of delicate lienlth, or wliere tlie system hns been iinpniied, ua its lin igcnutnig niopertics never fail to ull'ord relief. FEMALE COMPLA1STS. No female, young or old, should he without this cele brated medicine. It corrects und legulates the monthly courses st all ierials. acting in many cases like n churin. It isnlso the best and Ktl'est medicine that can be given to Children of all ages, mid for any coiupluiiit j consequently no lamily should be Without it. llolloicat's l'ills are the lest mnetlg hiotvn in the world for the following disease: Astlnnn, Fever nnd Aitue Stone and travel Howl Complaints Peionle Compluints Se,oiid;iiv !vinp Couglis Henilni liiK Inward W'eakneM Colds Indigestion Liver CoUlnlaiiitH Chest Diseases Intlueu-eu liwnessof Spirits wni-mRi iiinaiiniKKion 1 lies Dyspeiwia Vetlereul Alfei'tioiii lininni'S w. a, ll kl.l Uropsy 1'tLF.SAND FISTULAS. Sold at the Mtinufuctorles of Professor IIom.oway Wl Muiden Lane, New York, und !il4 Strand. Iindon, by all : res(wcjul;le llruegists mid Dealers in Medicine llirousli- at "e.!,'i ,T i U"f' ""'i' ", -.vil'Sed world, in boxes, at Mo cents. 0-.M ceuls. and Sl each. 1 f There is a ci deiable saving by taking the larger sirue. ... n N. H. Direciions for the gui.lnnce of uiticnU in every disi.rder are alhxed to each box. Murcli IKM. lyca pORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes ul Kin., o, en ii... . ...t..- oiujr ill, u. WM. A. BRUNER. Citrate of Magnesia OH TASTKLES8 SALTS. FIHIS preparation is recommended as an ex celleiit laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from an unpleasant taste reaemuiu.g lemonade m flavor, prepared and sold "J 1. A. UKLNER. Sunbury, June SI, 1856. 1LACK, blue and brown cloth, ulain and fan cy cassimeres, Kentucky jeans, sattinetts. ui.!r.n.l 1 ,. , . . - ' ...,,.Uvj toaung, uuca unen, tweeds, grenadine si.K, si ik velvet, plonl and figured vesting, for miir. uy e.. X , UKJUH T & SON May 31, 1856. SUNBURY, PA. IIHE subscriber respectfully informs Ihe public X that shn still continues U keep the ubove named pulilic bouse. one lias also received a new supply ef good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction lo all who may ler MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 51, 1850 if. OHOAD AXES, hand axes, adics, hatchets, hummers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saws. ". augurs, piuncs, plane bits, files, com passes, screw drivers, brace and bills, hand vices, .pmi levels, irrpe lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches. Dinners, nlvers. siiriniT eallii,. pers. pinchers, oil stones grind stones, cranks and futures, chisel and augur handles for sale bv May 31 '56. E. Y. URIGHT & SON. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpHE subscribers. Executors of the estate of Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the following urouertv i A 1,.... Irame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OP LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and H, I, .,;.,.. . good one for business. , Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE" LAND, in said towushin low Sunbu. y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Phersou and others, containing, about 00 acres. ' Th j soil is productive and eonlaii,. i;.... .... i oioer minerals. a i... . . . . . . u a iraci 01 l.ainl. coi.ta in nir about IIS acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining a,,d. of ,ie hei.s of the late John Conrad and others. There ia. ,1.;- ...... . inDll ..C . I : r -. ' ....... viuiaiu ui cnoice iruiu I or lurlher particulars apply to the subscribers. H. B. MASSKR, ) P.B.MASrtER, jKxecutor. FRANCIS IJUCHER. ) Hunbuty, January 19, 1856 tf PT MONAIES, Tooth .d Hair UhZ II qualilies.aud any quanti y, for aale by , W M. A. 11RUNEU. June 8 1, '56. 31 lyTVA pa,in d Fancy Ribhon, Silk, i. "ted anJ Liln Uruid, Mohair Head Dresw, Milts. Gloves, Stocking., French era broiderded and Flourishing Thread. For sale by E. Y. URIGHT & SON. May 31, 1856. Table and Pocket Cutlery, a large selection of various pallems for aale by May 81 . K. V. BRIGHT A HON. To Builders & Carpenters. The eubacriber. are a Rents fur the sale of Doors. Window blinds. Wind..- h..,. all sue. uf Window Kash. ull uf u,l.i Z 1. . .r . atlhe lowest i,,i.... M.yaa'iu. L. V. UHIGHT A BON. ' 1660 Special Express Notice. 1858 1 ! . EXIUIESS. nAVINO ohtaii ed full express privileges over the CATAWIS8A. SUNBURY AND ERIE and WILLIAMSPORT & ELMIRA RAILROADS, we ire now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express Uoodt by Passenger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Elmira, connecting at Jclmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All goods for Tamaqua, Summit, Cattawlssa, Danville, Milton, Willismsport, Elmira, and also to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia OlTice, 03 Chesnut Street. Office Elmira at United States Express Office. April 13, 1850 ly " BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- BEING desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Books and Stationery, comprising some 30,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 Reams of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, &c. I will dispose of Die whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, 1850 at t o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTY. Per JOS. H. McCARTY. Sunhilry, March 15, 1856. f New Wholesale Drug Store. N. SPENCER THOMAS. No. 36 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, in - Druixs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American Wlnto Zinc. Window Glass, (Iis8wares, VarnUher, Hru.hcs, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually kept by Druggists, including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c, 4C. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. uonus.sent to any ol the W harves or Railroad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, 1850. ly TIIE LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPUING AND SL'MMKR GOODS. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klines Grove. Their Spring and Summer goods are opened to the public a fall aesrotmeiit of merchandize &c. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass'niers, Salinetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans and all kinds of Spring and Cummer Goods. A lot of ready made Cloathing, suitable for men and boys. Ladies Dress Goods, Shawls, Giughaini, llcrage Delains, Calicoes, black Viilks dc. A Iso a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Grocerios Ac-. of all kinds, A new supply of Hardware, Quecnswarc, wooden waro Drooms c. Also a large assortment of Roots and Shoes suitable for men women and children. Hats anil Cnps, such as Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn, Silk jc. Also an assortment of Books, Stationery, ink, Pictures and Picture frames &c. Fish, Salt, Cheese 4'C- and all goods usually kept in a country store. Com mid see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past ti.vors wo hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of ihe same. All of the above i.nmcd stock of goods will lie ' sold positively at low prices for cash, or in e- f change for country produce at the highest mar- j ket price. I Klines Grove, Pa., May 17. 156 tf 1 JOHNSON fclEmOTliERT ' CABINET MAICEHS. No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Church, Philadelphia. DKRSONS in want of Bureaus, Tables, Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads, and every variety ot household furniture, would da well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 12, 185C ly atlKTHEHWAHE. rTHE subscriber respectfully infonns the citi--. lens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of ull kinds of v KAKTIIF.NAVAKK, at his manufactory in 'Whortleberry Street, one square east of.thc River. Ho has engaged the services of Mr. II a lie, and you can therefore depend on haing a good article. The public uic irai'cuuuilY llivueu IO Call. All orders from a distance will be promptly ai.ciiucu P. M. SHIN DEI Sunbury, Feb. t, 1850. tf J. STEWART LEPUY & SONS. Importers and Dealers in Carpetings .uasomc JuIl, Chestnut St., below Eighth, yiTOULD respectfully invite you to call am! examine their larac and well aclcrte.l .1,.,-L 01 uoriets, Oil Cloths, Cmoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. &c, which they will sell to the trade at such prices as .., iiuu 11 uesiraoie lor I nose who wish in i,i. chase, to call and examine their stack, before purciiasiiig eisen liere. 1 hiladelphia, April IS, 1856. ly IT'ishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. ton and Linen Lines. Out Lines K Co Grass by the yard, finoods. Flies, Kirby, Limerick an. vurusie hooks, Kods, &c, for sale by may ji, ai,. VVM. A. 1IRUNER WASHINGTON HOTEL, KOItTIIUM DEIIL AXD, TA. C S. BROWN, v ., ,. . Tropnetor. North d, June 7, 1850. 6in. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAMKACTlKtll or BLASTING- POWDER, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. Muy 10, 1850. 'I'ODacCO and Segars 20,(l00 Imported oeiiun ui various uranus. bldorado, Fig, ,ji,cuum. auu line cut looacco at WM. A. URUNER'S. Sunbury, May SI, 1856, HENRY E0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ujjxct opposite tht Court Houtt, Sunbury, Northumberland Countv Pa. Prempi attmuion lo lusiues in adjoining wounlies. TfJAlNSOOK, Bishop Lawn, Cambric Mus- tin, Jai anett, Hook Mushu, Plain and dot ted Swiss, Curtain Muslin, Corded Diiuitv and 11.... I I 1 . . .. J w,.M. viu, r uw mus uy E. V. BRIGHT A BON. May 31, 1856 tJAWa Saws Spears and Jackson's hand, pannal, rio. couiuaas. tenant I....L framing, circular, cross cut and mill r..l sale by E. V. BRIGHT A tSON. May 31, 1858. ROWN'tS and Breiniir's Essence of Ginger, " and Husband'. Ms;iitia at .Msyji.iu. WIUNCK'W. . .r.1 f .. .EAI.ER3 in Watches and continue tht butineit X the tinmnn r.r L 1 v.. 1.1 c.,,i e i OiJt mm.... Bf""0 ,1'HILADELI'HIA, or tijii Whsa suit.., sn vamin.t'.ssJCfl.A . HAYD0CX& fidle;;; ' ! r'"V ajie imniss.. v, ...v ... ; j and and varied stock, feeling assured ;hll hiattnr rience both of them have bad in ' and the facilities they possess ,0n&ri anj nnr. goods on the most advantageous 'an, , P rofn ble them to compete favorably V" ; nn J hestid T: esublishment in the city. They ;s to flm trav ,i hand a fine assortment of Is ia JJe cost WATCHES, CLOCKS, JE'""''"! it to the Silver, Plated and brittania yVJ7 mniinopp Fancy Quods, Jte., &c. Jf - 's ox-' N. B. Repairing of Watches and i!" rio ton3 Jewelry attended ta with promptness. JJ. (jJ0' 'in n Phila., April 7, 1855. If. more than Tn rrtAT rwkjvoa ...s'n AV WVAAJ ATJWAAiUUOi US AMMERMAN, ZUERN Si WEI1 OESPFCTFUI.LY inform the publir"af,on a-m' Uiey have leased the new colliery, called tttg Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal ;e superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepn red on their new coal Breaker. All orders prompt-, attended to by addressing the firm, either at, . i l: Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, ,.; Successor to McCleesfr German,) WOULD call the attenion of the puh only to the superiority of Ihe Dap ,c, "ot tvpes, the Hyalograph, (by some railed .fucrreo tvne. and the various stvles of Photo' Ambro- paper ; but to the fact, that parties at ' 'i"pl'y on possessing a small daguerreotype, tnr a distance y, bv send- nig it to' No. I fill Chestnut St., ha it by the means of Photography, of the best Artists, a portrait of ie made from snd the talents sjcr strE, from a small I.oeket to the full size i A small nook containing de . j(. .. A' ...ill l.n .nr., nr.t'.m t . . ' u 'if life. senptton, prices, VV . , Ik V. , . . , 1 .ic D, II . 1 OLIO , W king the request. Mr Philadelphia Photograph Esi No. 161) Chestnut Phila., July 31, 1855. tf. any person ma- GLEES' ablishment, st., below 7th THE UNIVERSITY'S REMEDIES FAMILY IPSiri'.D Hllilcl the Seal. Saiiclinn r ' I'liivcrsily of FKF.K MUICIN -nil Authority af the Ictltte, Cluirtcreil ly the Hale of K anil poplar know- Wllli a Capital ol SIISI,ISI . rciinsyivaina, April S!, arrcMinj. the cvn. of Opinion. , mainly for the purpow die. wherever a Oiiipeleut . "iiily with reliable Kcinr be emplnved. This Instill I'liy.ieiaii cannot or will 014 Jona 11. ItowiMi, hi. Ce lla. purchiiBcU from III im aiippiyuiK ine viiiii w,HiiiirM .-.H.inini. Rowantl'X ,.. . Known lor upwanl. of I OIHC HIITHrC, ami safe cure for VK't tjveuly-live jenrs as llif only snro lininlile Hcineily for I ,) A,JI ,;' " bis iiim. Coiiip...uiil Svtiip 01."'" I-M-'O.MPI.AI.NTS, KowaiuP, proved anil popular '' Hweklwrry Hoot, which highly up. The tlliver.ity Kemeilie., toftelljer Willi The t .lliversitv' "emeily forfoiiiplniuls of the f.nniis ; The Viiivei.n: Beiueily for Uyspcp.ii. in- I11.l1eu.t10n ; Also, the fur' Kemcily forCostive-Uowels; llrunch l)ipci- ''ersity's Aluiui.iic muy lw he hail, nt the , ' isury.orStoru of Nov 3, It., WILLIAM DKPl'IN. . .Miihanoy P. O. CHEAp BOOKS & STATIONERY. PF'7:RY &. ERETV, invile the attention of ,.. "chants and others to their lar?o stock of uook y lound H-'rmn Booli"' rr,iyrr . - ' Albums, and Presentation Rooks in all Mil lmulinK' nJard Theological, Medical, ellancou. and School Books, which tliey ,a) received from Trade Sales and are selling a .xtremely low prices. Mso direct from tho manufacturers and Im- 1 .ters, everv kindot I'lain and Fancv Writing. I Mter and Note Papers. Envclones. Gold ,l .. . v.,-, ciit iin, is, w rapping J" lers, ifcc., Ac, at the lowest cash prices. PKRRY & KKKTV. S. W. Corner, 4th and Race fits. Philadelphia. September 23. I DS6. if Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & ROCAP, . Aii. l:iG Mnrltt st., IaaI !.... it :i ... PHILADELPHIA. jM'OKM vheir friends and the public generally, that they continue to keep at ineiij aianj, a i,rge aud extensive assortment of hats caps, Ac, git up of the best material and 111 the lnesi and best nyle 0f worknmriship and hiiish. r Country merchants anl other will do well to cal lyai.u exaiMne bclore puhasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 1855. tl. NEW MASONIC SALL, PIIII.AUr.l.PillA. AfifcXTH WANTED in every town ,, rmmty j ,,e I intcd Male., lo acll I lie beautiful piclurttrf t,e GUAM) LOIMJKKOOM. In Hie Xkw Maomc Him.. I'liilailrliliia. l,iK Plate i. rlliiar very lapi.lly, and elniutlie admiral ion ,f f, threorrciMitrasaiul n.lrtity willi winch Hie S4TraV. Fkkco Paictinu AKn Kuskitcrk are reprcitt-d'and tliearlislic beaiitv anil lianuony of the uolor.. liyH ,,r Plate, t X H. Price .! (HI. " 1 lii,iksellcrs iiikI Hlclure Deulrrs wi.liilu to take am,, cic. lor it, will)ileaK address, lor fuitln-r iiif'irniiilinii. I..N. KOSKNTH.U., l.itlioaruplier, Phlladeliihia. 0. l,,l-r!!7, IMS. If GREAT MASONIC HALL THE I.AHGCST PIANO KHRTK, MKLORKON AXO Ml SIC STOltf. l. TI1K L'MTKU STATKt, Will be opened October l.'ilh 153, in the Masomc lluil.nrvr.. C' Street, ulmve Sevcnlh, Philadelphia. By JOHN MAHSII, the S.lo Aeiil for H.rdinaii, (my Ac Co.'. eclcbraleil Dolce t'aiiipaua Attaehmenl Piano Fours, and C W. Kisk 4 Co'. Pmiiium Melib ileoui. AIki, Piano Foite. ami .II,kI,-oiis of nlhrr dis. llli!Ul.lied uuiker.. J ,M . ha. olilainnl a Iraic for irveral yuan ui the new, iisiguiKenit ..nil well known Musonie IIiiiIcIiiir, where he intends keeping the liiritcst stock mid ssortiiienl of Piano Fortes, Melisleoiis, Muic, and Ma sicul Instlililienlsof eveiy detcriptioii. all of w hich are curefully sWectrd hy Inrnielf, and warranted lo an a ner fei't ftitifaelioi. . u every instance. Oa-tolwr 'JJlh, t.-M tf THOMA8jLMER7 COMMISSION M Kit CHANT, No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples. Peaches. PI inns. lVnrd f Minr- jics, 4c, Green Applss in Uarrels or by the bushel ueans, l'ejis, Cranberries, Onions, Sweet I otatoes, Lemons, Shell'-arks, Raisins, Chestnuts, Pigs, fi round Nuts, 'runes, Oranze. limits Mercer Potatoes, Poultry. Eggs, Duller, t neene. And all kinds uf Poreicn and Uomeslia l'rn. duce. April 12, 185C ly surriiTtisiRi or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 140 Chesnut Street, front of Junes' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on hand Ihe cheapest, and best assortment of TRUNKS Sf CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE Pl'lILIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron liouud 1 rav.llids Trunks: Packiua do. Valium Ladies' lionnet Caes : Carpet Baas, Satchels. &c, by the quantity or single article, lower than can be bought at any other place in the city. ju.y o, loou. . JAMES F. CALBKEATHTS 1.A1IU3 FANCV SHOE STORE, Ao. 5'J yorlh Eighth Street, Abort Arch, Fast side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes aiade to order in the very best aula and workuisnsliii. on few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. may in, 1856. Iv rls)ta l.lucu, muslins, cheeks, licking, table diaper, furniture check aud Turki.1i counter. panes lor sale by May Jl 'i E. . BRIGHT 4 PON npj sh Anthracite tool, in the Gap Colliery. I & JNO. P. PURSEL, Reed & Co., will con. hd selling coal from the liery, under the firm of The point of shipment 8unbury, Northumber all orders for the various 'P, Broken. Errr. Hir,. t IBJ we il be thankfully received' 55, , 'I'ssvsr, Jolt 6, 1855. , neeu a- uo. having laj ip Colliery and interest in the . , to Messrs. Zimmerman Ac .4 great pleasure in recommend , s and others to the new firm, as le to sell them prepared coal of "y. ' KASE, REED & CO. ED STATESlldTEL: Jhesmit Street, above Fourth i'LlhS fLI'AN' (l,,"0f Jo"""' Hotel) t has the pleasure lo inform hi. fried, .' j .i b s 7::?' -& .or;eVro1&..,nJ " "W ment arto'1''' rrrUe "'",'li'h- first rate order- tl, ,J . . e lcr" T"' m ventilated. The T, we ake the UniiP.I ft.'.S. " w""'ng to 't : noiclm the Quaker City ,u Phila., July 8, 1854.-1 t . . . . riJUiil 111 fnn,r... . . SAMUEL S. FETIIEIiSoS'? " r .... ''KALKR IX AAD CAyitELRRAS, .,,.- riI,IDELPmA( ; Il-andaofe 'r'0 h of Lamp. i A.'X, t "er,n'"'" furnish Pine ol , m L T "' Lard.ndOilLam ,, a ' ' " 7""K Kluid' Olas. Lamp, l i wia' "I'"'' "'! ,'"Uern' over anclion price. 'Sein8 Vf " ",)v,,"re Healer of 'i, e nil n,. 3 alMa.,ll,'' and u,l,i..k ...!.. B ,"' ,.Ur"'g Fluid ni,d Alenl...! I "ices .ha, U-evwillfi,, l0;;-,"' such e lo f i ,;, R. .. ' ' " " uiass ware of all descrip. ; ,,. ., , ,,,nl "ei prices. IM,il..Ul..l.: l-'ceh. 1 .-: ... BOYD, ROSSER & GO ' -BasAXD.Hiri-a,f ' wo sl;vautl)vacitc From the Anbury, April " W5,f""T"- " JJARDWARE-Table'cuUery, et Knives, Hand saws' liazors, pock ood saws it . J, ,. lll!,"a. Door L llntul Mi, u w..:.. . ockH, and IH ul.uryDec. 3. ,8. J ER & CU- DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN- DEEN ' mr V"'t' '-"'"'' """'. P','' it ha. been recent J n,ta , W'-"f lcmi"-is. wini.all t,,. renTnci'a"""'"1 Dville, Sept. 28, isi53.. THACHER WHOLESALE Ao. In I, Ircti Atriet. tin Si,,!.-. ,n, . .- ' u""" ' niru oc tourtli Sts ,. I ..;.... Lr..-, ' "Pper siJe, ....... -1, ion i tuiei, Philadelphia, Carpet Rags ami I Vi;.es of all decrip(1.. II A RI.KS K. TH s.CllK'1' ,,.... Robert . wod'diiop. Philudelphta, Jan. is, 1S5G. tf yM.l. PAPER A large and nM . j"" i ami tor su o - I. W. Tl'vrii i. Sunbury, May SH, 1855 ' ' LwiUb WAKRANTeWI'lio highest" prie. will b, ,, for LttIlJ Warrants by tJfXil' H. 1) MASSER. 7""': inkTan7;i7;ou gres II k for sale, wholesale and retail bv !F H. H. MASSER. rjEDAR Tl.IiS, Horse Buckets. Painted Buck . . e'8'M' lendcrers, (Jorn Hrooms, Has kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee Clock ist received and for sale by May 2fi, 1855. I. W. TENFR 4 r m ATTORNEY AT LAW, i oiituiiiy. PA.. Aided by ,ome eight years experience in th- a lttmLHern,,6,"W'. 8He"J ith a 1 matter aprta.ning to or witl in 1C ( hi. profes,011. offlc will, Charles j. Rru'ier Esq., Market street. "runer, Sunbury Sept. lb 1855, tf TJjuLr hu",'e', oirer . ,e",rd r fif, '" ,or ,ho discovery and conviction of the ir son or persons, who cut and destroyed the b.'.Td. on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, a, ,,B Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and J Carmel, on the night ,,f the 9th in.t. I he above reward will 1 paid , any 0I)e jr xta-r'"""'1"- Shamokin Oct. 27, 1855. if. SPECTACLES SsSik !Uver Elastic stecI 3JATHEMATICAL lmni !nJ C88ei1' 'omelera of various sues Spy Glasses of every description, Platina iKiinlefor Lightning Rod, Magic Lanterns will r.ptural, astronomu al and tem,r,ce designs. Microscope . and Mtcrowopic objects. Galvani. Electrical Machines, Survever's Com passes, Surveying Chains 4c. Ac. McAllister & brother. ,.., (Established in l7tfo.) r, t, , k'K'stnut Street Philadelphia. Our 1 need and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pacesi with 150 illustrations fii.l..,l .,l...ii. ami sent by inti f , hr- 11 Phila. Sept. 8, le'05. sT1 Kl) 4 If v a hi.- it. . " ZT. " ...... jiunuw-ware. Ulaas-ware, and a large stock af Q ueensware, embracini: Ihi newest patterns, for sale bv Muy 81 '56. E. V. URIGHT A SON. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gum Shoes just received and for sale by Oci. 7 1854. TEXER 4 Ce Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foj hy . E. V. BRIGHT A SON. nlay 31, 185 COLLINS MXLEESTE1VS TYPE FOUNDRY and Printer! Fumishinir Warehom. aV. 1 Lodge AlUi,lack of nt Masonic Halt, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 12. 1858. BLANKS of every description ran he hid ky IT mf ' 'he office of ihe Aiuem an any
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers