!ri!ULw'.mj.mii , M M Alt-WAV tl Tboro is no improvonic. tiotv that we ""J0! lht.it iho adopt itnT V; ore k"" 'o fil,d ,,,ut,tif In and InBupnee or V Join T. Oarlt. In Ibnt advocat the rr.i"fTil ' element of economy, ctt What lh7 "ay 'rtpon worthy of nttenl 011! ' A nmptr.ptic tPlPBfupti. exclusively by tlio comp adjunct for ever? railwa great safety which, it utToiM d th economy which It cUoc miming trains, sliotild con. fworiibla consideration cr c The practical working oT this . JiilitoJ nron tlio New York ai where it Us been in one woe c 6 concurrent testimony of all of U tendi.nl. of that road, it .has iMed its cost every year. lhe moda ot thoro, will therefore be dwriW rlifyinf its universal applicability. r i operator UCmpl0Td on every the line, and m03" ' vl j ..-.l niirl.t onerntors. Th. mere nro i.v - -r. . . f men nluced so ns to hava a fair icw of ll. tracl. ore r..nU;r(i to not. the exact 1i.no ol I he arnv..l .IrpartniB or passage of .very rain n id to lrinsn.it the same by telegrpl. to the proper (.nicer. On each, divwon (of "onto Hundred mile.) there an olbcer u ho i called -train dispatcher," whoso da y ?s to constantly keep borore him a luemo.-u..- lnm nf ti.e potion of every tram upon Ins Son. ascertained by tUe telegraph." report from the several "tutions. Tha trains are ran upoolbw road , n the same manner as upon all printed ti.no table und re-jo aiioiw. When i ev become deranged, the telegraph is then i ney ut co.ni . d U)V0 t,cm nisj usco w " - ., . -i B - ,. .... fo-ward. Whur. truins upo" w-jv" road are delnyed, the f-ct ; ,u"u . 'i . .. ih.. nearest station. und eomm inieai"u " . . from thence by telegraph to every elation en -Uo road Appro-bioK tram are thus wante'd of the danger, and ecci, out. ro thin cause are prevented. hen one or Sreol hVtrei.!.. from ..J P like tint or snow, storms, etc, haa been IcUrded e,Vd are likely to product . delay, .n I.e other trains, the tram dispatcher is no 4r sed to move ttem forward by telegraph. n" rt certain rules which have been arranged him schedule of the time I ...... ,llaK' M its tlOSll.'O" iv ....... i jtceurucy for hi rrK'iTicr.t with snlucwnt Uc&l means i ;."-, . UU k0 us to nettns ol exir.K..6 ' . ..ti ... to 1 ,v dan-cr of collision l fulll'l,r -r.-?" n " L thea tulecn.pl o .neb - - :J;nu. ,.,.7rs to ulationss are nucessary, some trains to lay by pe u. r nnlU certain trains have potted, at d i . ..ri.uu stations una thero awa.v . i ..v to rnocec'J to cerium "V'oprXnUny error or mis.noerstj, . . ... .1. l,..e nr.; the COt.dtiCtCM further orders. .Ttra . Wired to -iteorder in the telcffMiih operator's book ; tl.eope.a tor ho regies tie mcasaw w dJo nter it unon his liooU. e l to til up to tVd I cepies. one of which he bam s to ho iodttctorP.rrtra. ;ne. 1 uuctor! clhing hia. the m e.lkm " How lo vou ..ndersat.d tn.v me. ' to which tl.e conductor is rcqmrod to l repeiUin? the fub,tauc. ol the mcssa ' . repij. . ! - ,i.rt.-l a.nv urror which but in otuer v.ofu--.. - - ralor. mav have been mado by tuo optraU s "vhen the dispatcher has received this repl;., j U .e Vrn8 tinea-uK "All r.h , gou .. i ., until this Unal nioaaogo X-aiS. train can be moved on tlw roilb te.i g.aph. A tl ongh Iron, this d.wlpti.Hi r the -cefs cf directing the .rraeyvet'inpraeiiir;i,1tftkes but a few l. iii nteB, bv csir- abreviations, such us substitr. ti-j certain letters ond liunibers lor the names of hi at ion?, truius and the ordinary tuitions and answers. . . . In this av. it' a passenger train is to.syio M hour or incre, all of the fivip'.t trains which would bo held by it nt the severe fixations unJer tho genera', roles, are moved forward to such other puFbing placo 8s they are certain to reach before the ilelayeU train would overtake them ; and thus it frequently liappeus that, in a tingle day. the tram, which would otherwise bo delayed, are moved lward bv teiegraph a distance equivalent to the UKo of two or threa engines and trains. Amirican Rtiilway Tine. Pkbfi'mes At. rnrvryTivEs ok Mol-uhsbs. Mouidit.esi is nceasioi'.ed by the growth of minute vegetation, ink paste, leather and seeds most frequently suffer fry it. A clove will preserve ink ; any essential oil inswers oaallv well. Leather tuny bo kept free from m'i, th Kiime Bctistawces. Thus, It us- ia leather, which is perfumed with the tar of birch, nov.ir becomes nvo-jwy; mueeu. rrerenU it oceurnng in other bodies. A fow drop or any essential oil will keep b'OKs rntirelv live from it. For lmriiess, -H 01 turpentine 1 recom-.nendev!. Alum ud rosin Hre used to preserro bookbinder e p"', out inciTectiia'.ly i oil of turpentine eueoeeas fieitersb.il. by r.ma'.l nuantit.cs of oil .ol peppermint, anise, or sassia, paste has Ijceii priitrvkd for seven.lv. .is. Pf. Ma-nlloch r-c.iu.inen.ls the addition to tho flour and water of some Lrowu supar unu u little cor rosive sublimate : the ii.'ur keeping it flexi ble when dry, mJ ho sumituuw preveoi.. 11 from fertnentii.e-.' uuJ from being uttackeu , by insects. A lew drops of any of the I'ssentiul oils mav be udded to the paste when it is made. It dries wnen expureu w v.. air, an.1 may be used by merely wetting it fieeds tnav also be preserved by the essential oils; and 'this is of great consequence when thoy are sent to a distance. Of course, jnoisture mut be excluded as much as possi ble, as tho oil of ottos prevent only tho bad Affects of moulds. I'umity friend. Yankf.e 5-rtniT. Col. Hiram Pearson, of California, is now travelling in Europe. JCecet.t foreign letters lay that, having wrivod ut Viuimu, he oppliod to thu proper aulhoiilies for perini6si.ui to iusp.ct the povernmeut buildings, ilo wus refused nil the yround that no ouo but a member of the Europoau Cougrass of ticienco, then in session in Vienna, could bo admitted. Thereupon be applied to bo reeuived io tlw Congress ns a uioinber, stating that his diploma had b. o i destroyed by the great coiillugmlion in b.iii rr.ucisco. This demand was complied with, tint! ha was trcutetl with the greatest cot.bid rat oi by till the members of tha body, except tho Archduko Churles, who Uok . e.c.)iti(.!i to his admission, ns ho had no diploma. Col. l'euraon, feeling himself u griuved at the maimer in Sv-hich tho Arch diiku'. objections wero minli', challenged bint; wuoieupon tho Archduko descended from his dignity, apologized, explained, and all wus -tisfuctorily sottlod. Col. Pearson was udmitted to the chuir of riurgcry and named a. Vice President of thu Congress ! The Lakd 8ai.es of the Illinois Central It .a I for September, wcra SSM.SOO the earn ings of tho road were 3uy,oi)0. IIard WKATnin w Nrw YorK. The suo last Friday was no heaey on Western Kaw York ruilroad. as tobriug suow-ploughs into use. St. Paul, Minneiota.V? a ceiieus rocentfy tali si. tha population of this city amounts to U.H73 sonla. Tko Pioneer and Pemenrat 0iih?s 6 it it ft'.ittrury. , M I " Tnp Nnstrrtt pr Vottm The whole white J male population of the Luited .States, for in Tt. ' alancc?, over 21 years of nge, nnd, to lie t re iy numtd. entitled lo rote, is about f). 1 00,000, ,'(. and yet (he votes rust nl a President ml elec d- tion enldnm exepeil 3.100,000, leaving 2.000,. id 000 oriiilinljjtnnts whoilo rot "s their frnn r, chisff. In theStnte of New Vork in l8.r2, ,t the voting popnlatinn rJtPeec'fM) 800,000. Jet t. thn Votes returned did not much Mceed fM0, II COO. , In Mnssachnsetts thn white males over twenly-c.no nro nearly 300.O00. nnd yet thw i vot6 in 18.12 wns only 133,000. showing that f nearly two-thirds of the adult population, lor j some cnusf" or other, had staid awnv from tha , polls. Ana the proportion is nearly as great " iu several other .States. ' . . . i . , .! ; i- . - Kr.w ntn rurorsa. Tie i discoverer soys, "Use brandy externally until the ' hair prows, ana tiieu luica it interaallr to clinub the roots." " : . s On Tueso'ay mVht last snow fell lit Ilari sonburfr, V'a. totho depth of three inclres. In Liberty, Bedford co., and Uhnstii.nbMrf?, Montgomery, the tame indication of winter appeared. , , , New Advertisementj. l'.tu.Tio.vr, THE MUSTANG CANUIDATE. r Col. rrnnor.t hid n mny fricr.dn u the 1. Mustang Liniment, the nppotiiiuu could not ' . n corporals guard. Mr. Fremont remark diaw dispatches to President Fillmore, while ed, ili'ii. ,rlinu hnrw's anJ cattle over the piling of tr.inilii. i.'I'Kn. .,' 1 ...... i , . i , mi iiib -r,vc. .....nl, ni.uiu Fenu on Mexico supply of Mustang I. inimrnt, it would a lil'l ,.;r cent of bu Iu5rs." This is very nave S3 pt- ( for paruia and Liverymen to iinporlatxl . M Mustang Liniment is a wonderful know. The n or (,,,,, t ,,uj Biwny lie article fjr mr. Swelling, Stiff Joints, Hums, used for Sore, Jatic pgillSi &c 11(j for Gnltlt Kruisos, Khcuit i;ingbone &c, upon horars. Sprn.n., Spavin ,, n.c M ustang is sold by Uewarc f inntall. r. every where, all respectable dealt AK.NES & PAIK, " Proprietors, New Vork. lm. Tt. Uet. 18, 185B.- " AN WOMAN DO J WHAT C Ttrc, . 'r"J ,,rok by T- s- Arthur, is 1115 long exp., r .fgi-iit, ani Canvassers. It now ready to ;. ,.nn.i,i,i ni. is naving mi. nnint In it will I found Mr. Ar- ol his lel vnoris.1. v.T.i ..,: , thur's viev-s on rhV " WOM?'a RIGIIT5' i as a sister wifo and And what she can d& m":l,er: . v mail on receipt of Specimens copies sent 1 . tha price, Sl-pO. . "''.7TV. Buhlisher. 48 . Oct. IS, IHftG. X. PT.ATTfVmvT KCAf-'-k jES. , . . . . for railroads gar every ucacrip.io.., q nd J : weights Hay. to,, nfl run no risk Mercbai.ilise ceneraliy. rnrcnascn .nd if after , very scale n Kuaromc-ru ru.iu... -)le(i witli tr.'al, not founJ satisfactory can be lelu. l,Faetwy 'at the Old Stand, established 5"', than jweiixy ; nimir v. .'.,... .n. x Streets, yiiiladeiphia. ABEorr & t o. Saccesaors U Ellicolt Si Abb.1 PUiladeTphia. iVpt. 13, 1B50 c3m. OYSTERS! OYSTEHS!.;. Fresh from Hallitnore every VorninR. '' - . - r -i- r- r V-Tl Vivnr V V If V Tt' 4.tiniw.A..-." a XortMimlcriiitul Pa., I Will fiirnii.il Restuarants and private families j .Superior iUltimure Oysters, ly the Can or hat fan. All orders promptly attended to on thtj shortest notice. t JAMT.S YANDVr. ici'it VANDE.N'EKEK, 18, If - Oct. OF EHA5I0KIN TOWN LOTS. There will be sol J at Public .u':.le, at tW hctipe r William M. Weaven in tho low ' Shamoliin, on SATL'ltiM, Novembr 8. IboG, at 2 o'clock. P. M ... followinT lots in (l.o town of Shamok-ti, Norlhupberlund coiintv, l'a. Clock 13 14 S3 25 SO 37 S8 47 61 M bi f5 60 57 .i8 02 67 C'J 72 73 71 Lot Clock 76 78 Lot 3 1 8 3 7 2 6 11 6 4 13 1 II 6 3 1 2 C 3 3 i 82 b3 Hi Sf. 90 US 102 llllt 107 1US 10'J 110 "10 & 12 111 117 119 121 122 121 127 106 182 ' 8 " 1 1 G t 1 M 4 ii i ii 24 " ih the pur- Terms of Ea'e aro 20 payment on clno ol tho lot. One quarter of bnl., pnyablo April 1, 13.7. do do do do lt:"ih. rio do do do 18.VI. do do do do 18ti0. ".Villi Interest. Tho Town of.Shan.okin is pleasantly Btlua led ut tlio outlet tr tho pihatnokin Coul Ue tfiun. on tho Pliiludelpliia und iSiinbury Kuil roao, 20 miles from 1'ottsville, 211 miles from Suubury und Norlhuinberlund, 121 milea from Philadelphia, und 132 miles from Kltniiu. It is thu priiicipul tou inlliis Coul Uegion, and i a good chut.ee is hereby (.tiered lor invent uieut. J'or further uurliculurs enquire of V. W. l'eul, at Shamokin. The lots arc staked off aud can bo examined at any time previous 10 day uf sale. i 1 KX RY B A U M UARDX Kit. JOHN' J COCIJKAN. Oct. 18, 18oti. 3t. DISOLUTfON. The co-poi tncrship heretofore existing be tween the undersigned ... tho linn of "Siheull' ii ltlack" is this day dissolved by tniituul con sent. All pertons indebted to the suid tirin of SheullW Cluck will iniike payment to John .1 SheufV I.nncualer, Pernio., and all persons having claims against the said firm will pro scut them to tho sauio for settlement. J. A. SIIF.AFF. TllOS. CL.4CK. Lancaster. Oct. 18. isr.C 1850. 4t. ' CxII.Vr.R WATCHES A few double cas O English Bilver Watches, for aale at very low i prices by H.U MASSEB. hunhuiy. April I?. 1R''C ANN'S l.F.TTEH PKESSES, with If Ibuolis.t nk. and all ccn.pletc, just r.ceivcd, and for sale by H.U. MA&ibK. Kun'nury, Juue 4. 1853.- Iil.ES for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, ire., Uestty's edge tools, planes and lunch screws for sale by E. Y . UUIOHT Av B N. May ai, 1856. tJHICEM, sugar, coffee, molssaaa, tea, cocoa t3 Water and Hugsar liseuit for sale by May 31 '60. . E. Y, U RIGHT &, SOX. tiOtsil K.N CliEF.SK. Jast received and for .aleb nBAf 1IOI.TZ it i'BTR.Y. ' bargains nt the Old Ktfuid. rUILING & GRANT A liEtww ttpening a new and eery dKiralit lora ef spring and .ounmrr. Goods, em Lrnclng ' an enillesa variety. Their alack -eon- iats in rart of . I Black & raacyEroadcIoUisccCassiirtorcs, fiuromor Wares fur men and boya, all styles and '! V ! price . i i DRESS GOODS, i '., STI.KSVli and Figr4 DlacL. . An aanorlmrnt of Plaid Stripe and Figured Pan cy l)re Silks at unusually low prices, . Shellies, Brazes, Craio I)e Lains, Mus. I)e Lains. I.awna, cfc, (3INGUAMS f.om t, to 25 cents peryarj. CALICOES' " 3 15J " WIIITK GOODS. Cambric, Jaconctts, Swiss, 'Iarltnn, Mull, Eobi oett, French and Swiss l.aca, Edgings. Ac. Drown and blenched Mucins, Tlrillings, Ticks, Checks, rowlings, Table Diapara, 4 fmOfJERIKN. HARDWARE And QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, IlolIoW-Ware, Iron, Steal, Plaster Salt ami Fiah. Alse a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINE". Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the nrtiroval f our friends. Clf Country produco of all kinda taken at the Inchest ti'arkel price Hunhary, May H. 185C. ly. Flour, Feed and Provision store. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, tirnathtay, lt!u:ten Market Rlackherry St OESPECTFLLLY inform the citizens of Wunhury and vicinity that they have just received a large and well selected assortment of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Suit Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar. Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Jfyjon, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first claa Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the It-west prices, either for cash or country produce. We arc also prepared to sup ply the citizens with besb bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels nnd cokes of every kind. N. B. The highest ros.'i prices will he paid for butter nnd egg, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunhury, May SI, )85C.- MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, .MOUNT CARMEI-, Sttrthumlerland County, I'tnnsyluania. THIS large and commodious Hotel ia situa ted nearly hall way between Stinbury nd .Putisvillc. 'J'he scenery the aaluhrity oi'tbe atmosi.herr nnd the rnol mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in J the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. I lie pun. mountain water is inlro- j din'cd into every chamber. The plure is easy of access, being but one and a halt hours ride from Sunhury, over the Philadelphia emf 8un bury Uitil Koj d. From Pottsviile, it is 17 miles. Evf ry attendance wilt lie paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charpea mode rate. JKSSB KICK. Mt. Cartnel, May 24, 1S5G. tf PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby given that thn several Courts of Coniaion Pleas, General Qnnrter ,ionBof18 ,vai.,., ,! Oprhans' Coort. Court 0f Oyer and Tei miner and General Jail Delivery, m n'ml for the rounty of rs'orthutuln?rhind. lo commence at the Court IKu.se, in the borough ol tfunliury, nt lOo'ckck, A. M. on Monday, the 3.1 day of N'oven.bav nsxt, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The cwfuner. Justice ol"the I'eare and consta bles in and f&rthc county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and' there in their proper per nios, with their rolls, reco.'ds, inquisitions, and tther remembrances, to do Uio.ie things to their ..vcrnl ollirc appertaining to' 1 done. And oil .vitnres prosecuting hi beha.'f of the Common wenlth against any prisoner arc aUo requested and comniaiuled to be then and there att.ii.dinj in .heir proper pe.Ku.is to prosecute against him, as shall be iiiat and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at thu time appointed agreeable te j their notices. I l . .l C. ,1,. l.l.'n,..,.1 VI1VCH Ulllr. Illy iil.uu ny miiu.j. . . Oct.'biT in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and f.fty-t-ix ami the Inde pendence of the United States of America the 7'Jth. God save the Commonwealth. HF.NKY WEISE.ShorirT. SncauVs Orr.cr., funbury, OcIoImt , 185fi. List ol Causes, rt? tar!..! In fl.aa frtllft rtf r'imilirn PTaa'iw of NorthumbcrlanJ County, at November T., A. D. 1856. TLAINTIFl'S. J B 'n.iih's cx'rs. same same Jacob liarnhart rnrtNDAXTs. vs C. W. Ilegins et al a O W lleeins va same vs J U Master va fame vs Ira T Clement vs J Furiiswuilh vs D .! V ond ct al vs Chas Weaver vs Vai.dvke va Catharine Pollock I came I same ! (ico l Xiuyera cVc. Connelly lor Cramer lber and Io d Win ('oleinan K-.igual & Co 1 Dickisou Daniel Conrad vs 1'. rSneall.r vs Samuel Cchringcr vs John Fagcly vs D Duninover ' i Matthias TUrd (! Kinetic!) Wu. Fritz s John II Kccd ic J U Masst r Overseers of the Poor of Zeile townahip vs Frederick bhell va C Eaton et al vs Ira T Clement vs H II Vastine vs (' A Kutz Ceo Adams ci ra J F, Uih U U Miller Wiu L Ucvvart vs Wm and R Fegely .Samuel Hunter's el'rs vs ssnie Peal John Yotinar ys J " Isaiah Morgan Mary J Farley aama v Ann Farley J Nesbil vs fheller and Noll Henry Gets vs same Reynol.la and McFaden vs ssme V in Mengess vs Peter D Uentler Coii.monwealth Le vs Ji pi. H Kline Harriet Long s A Oiler's ex'rs. JAMES EEAUD, I'ruth'ry rrothonotary s Otiice Sunburv. Kent 'il, IH0 JFi.WSYLVANIA C0MMEHCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED I1NT YOBK, TJ. OKFEK4 young men all the advantages of a thorough Lluaineaa Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Hook-Keeping, as ap plied to Wholesale. Retail, Commission, Man ufacturing, Shipping, Hiram Healing. Individ ual. Partnership, and Compound Company Uuiues, PENMANSHIP in all tho Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esrj. For Circulars, &c, address the undei signed. T. K. WHITE. York, Pa. September 8, 185C 6m. vAll.S, apikes, hammered aud horse slice 1 ' nails, canal shovels, picks, grub hues ai.J mason hsmmere lor sale by ' ' May 3 I'M E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. "WTHnlllU lUllrir A fresh assortment ' j ri received by WM. A. UK UN EH- ' June 41'. t-'.e. AYER'S Cathnrtic Pills, , (tcGAjt co Arm.) UK. ft. ADS 10 t. tOOS AND CTTP.K nrs RTrnr. Inrnll.ia, fruitier, Alnlhera, I'lislelnna, i'l.llarul.rnpUtr, renrt hlr KlT.cn, stud JrrtRa of thlr Vlrtvtt.. M)K tJIK ttn Of- : " IlennChe, sitrk Hi'ni1nrhc.lonlNtomnrli. . . - . . 'nrnaaae, Ia- j;r 1. !.-,(.. Ti. J.r. Arm'. Mr; t lim ln i.iiwifv .mvit vt tlm w.,n.t )im b-lHl nnv l,tlv rn htvp by n iYw ftr tto 1'fT.x.r I'llla. Jl tni-tarfhir.niliit.DiwJi,v,,fc, linn . !-.!, at unre. If trill t u, oUien mi lli.y ,a ai. tlw tart a. w.th Vimolng. Vwsiih arait rw, ' Vl. W, VltKHLB, .. , ... ClaeV y Sb runtr Vimion. Bilious 'Unorders nnd liver fomplsiints. ' ' liRsmtnaNe ri no: IrfKhian,. I . , ' Mwia. I.C7 rk. laC. Rim I Imvi nmv rmr l'ill in my Bnoml anJ lin,ital tw1lv v,.' rtnix. nu nm'te f IM, alirt ranmT litltntMa . tli an- tlio ut mUiartie nmploy. 5'li.ir rum. tln a. I.n an l. I,r kxiijck anl 'lr.Jl.l,n.Mn. ly lli'y a.v u 0n u-k',!,. ivniflr for dmnK''mtit nr 0,n ..aii. In.lM't, I ham Mlrioki fgun l a cxm nTtoiouaVi. ru. no nlUiit t.Mt li did i,t remllly yttlij t.. tlirm. trawriiallv jruura, AI.ONO iAl.U it. n., Pltticim 0 Ut ,V.ir.n It, y Hal Dysentery, Itelnx, nod Worms. Vt Ornea. lUliruMD, Lit.Co., alien.. Nor. 16, 1SC6 lit. Ara: Vniir fills um tl.r pnrlrctloii of pi.)i-ii,' Tl.ay liava d .no my if m.,r (piod tltnu I rn M run Sho Urf U.n fkli bii.1 iiniiiKuwv f,- mentl't. Vtnni ,tr t .tttoi-rtd at sri'iC rtNT.e, but rvt no bettor. Ittia lieu oorninthiMS titkinic your l'ilin.w).lcl, ao.a ciinH r, I'f exrllina; lure. qiniiijij-.i if worms (uewt) rnanhar l-.v. Tliov anortrar'ta rmu.l l.nr nm! onr 'o (liiiin, ef Ult.!y.lyiih.ry. Of! ifotir M-lgtilmhail !. tni'J.aiid my wtfrt cnr'd liiui n-HI, i.to .ton's of ynur I'il!.-, vlillw vthara a-rmnit lis ymi from It... M tt anty dollars ihetori liillv, aait kwt marh tlaii. withoiir. leiiiK cniv.1 r,t rr'r i'.ii l!wi. i:r a mil.elno an youra, tihlcli li actually Rvod aud honcat, will bv prl! Iiia. itiO. J. tillim.V. Putmaln, In.VisoHtiou and Impurity ol the Hlood. Vom Mr. J. V H.rntM, I'.iitor Admxt. C.urdi, tiim. Tr.. Arsa: 1. hi'.va iiaed your Tills with oxtm'ttlluarr fn. In my foully anil nmoni; tlnna I m rll'i.o visit in iiuirvifl. -OlvffiiiloUinoiiati.or(l.rMiMnMln.,.-ir.. tha blood tiny kiw tha vry bit roniacly I turn ava'r Vn.jwn, and 1 can foi;lltl..iitly rooolM.ii-n.1 lh.r, to rev Intn U. Yours, J. V. H MKS. ' Wbsiw. Wyowrvo Co.. N. V Ort. Si IMS. Tin in R: I nai itiine your ( alhartlc Mia in my .rar tica. and And tlitm an axn.ilntit prrritWa to ck-aii. Um fjitfm and purify Uia Knintniaa u tha bin.xt. JOHN 0. MKAMtAM, M D. Eryslpel.ts, ScrofnlFt. Kinsr'a I'vil, Tetter, Tumors, mid Snlt Rheum. rrtm tt p.nmnlttig il'rchmt f 8 . J.uuit, Hb. 4. 19.V,. Ps. Arsr. t Your Pills ar tha nnraaun ef all f!:.e is KiM.t in mo!i?im. Tht'y luw curod my litflo iinirht-ir of nU-n.iiH st'i-, npuu lurr 1.U-..U and iW tliat l.n.1 .riyad incurul.lp f,.r ly KfllicUtd wirh iiltrJiiia pud jini!eft cn h(r kh .irtil in Iter hair. Afier our chiltl m curvl. tht aUo nir.t yunr tills, nnd thij liflvn cujtH her, ASA MOU(HIk;K. IMirumiitifm, Kearnlgin. nnd f.tut. r.orn (Ac Jt'ev. Ifr. uwAn. eJV M'tHii Eynt Church I'llii Hot sje. S.ta!.k. Ua.. .Inn. V 1M. IIovoKkiv Km : I uliouiU l unpnitiful f.-r tin- Ii-f your kill h:w tit-iiuht itio if I did nvt leptirt my vm loym. A tul( fttirti in my limit utid Itronubt unMoiM iHrinn ti mini lq ic jmin vhk'h n'M in cnimilc rlioitJiKtisun. NolwithnhiuHinir, 1 had tli lwit nf bynjViHnii. r.ie ri-vw Mrvrtr fttrl wur6, Hiitjl. br tlm ndvice of w:ir r.xrvl. I"iit ajj-f nt in Haltlrnun. lr. Mnrkvini. ! hWtmii IVItn. Their yfirrti rfivNivw. kit m-o. 'y j-enwvftint to iii uv of tvm I am tit;w t-iitimly .vate ONAMnin, 1:toi UmoR, t.. & iw., ICS. T)B. aYK : 1 li IxmtH tntiivly ntiTit ly yutir Pill of KlsOiinmUcOwit pUnlul uisr'as tlmt liru'l mi;i'fJ me rvrytan. Vl.NCK.NT MLlIii:i,Ii. For l)rojPf riethorn, or kindred Com tflntftts., i-tfljuirtit; ait nvtivo purge. Uh-j ntv mi xil lint rein-'iy. Tor Coj-iivrncis or i onslipnlioiunnd ns 1Iiii Pill, ihfy are jfitwl'if iimi ttt.,l. Fitfi, MnpprofiHion. rarnlyni. liiflninmn tlou, itnd f.vn lrnritfne, ami I'm (In I ltlnl tien, hava Iwjn cured hy the (literatim action of U.fe J'ilK Mot nf th rMi" In n.nrltrt contain Mcfiirr. wlilrli. nt- lw '.ifRli n i!mtl 1. rvnifVy in f1 tHiil )),tn.!, is tleTijcvrmn in a inil il' i-lll. firm tho Uip;idful cohju nrt tint fii. qumty Vll-w n im-aiitiou nt. ihuM cuntajti no mrr cury r ni.erl sulnitjinr whurpp. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Frt TUB KATID CURI. OF COt'UH,:OIaDif .llOAItFNKSft.lA'PM' lZXZA, nuot.ff IT1S WIIOOPIINU COVOII, ClIODPf AKTIIMA, IN CiriET COl:PIPTIOX, nd f-r tlm rrlb-f of coi.HUinUve tioou In advanced t.tfA of dnjte. neard not ff)rnk to the p.lIi of viihipn. TimtiiRlinut aviy town, and Rlnmtt evry )inmlt f the AinrhtMit Siftt.w. wotxtciTnl nirt'i ol 'iilrr.(nry ff-iu iiliuntK lntv nm.tf it nin-adv knon. Nar, f .w m n thp frttlllllfa HI illj t.itIW.J ......-.... Sl.li nn't,,, ..! ltl...iil aptftonal nnrn-in f if f1!r(ai : t.ri tVwrr ytt tlw ct'iiuiinnitit ny 1nrt wldh i.nv imi hiu ii iki,i (jiui livijr ir'j'liy (.f ii ! tcy ovr tlio pnl rie and dan Kivi:a tist f-p rf tlif tlin-nt nnil lnnp. V Li I It ih tTie nio"t ptiwfi-ful untiilo'e yt k ! to ninn fr rrtn f.tmii ilaMo and diMiKorrnw diiM-n' of tin- !ttycvr-- i-tnnii, ir i aim Hu .nnn iwt I'iMAuy iV-nt mni-' hi i.ioyi l lev ii.i'miiU T''iiiff fHraon. ru-i-nta tJioiiid have it iu tr iii;.iii!itt ll e i,iidjoi.n int-ny tliat ti tls tip-.n t;t'in niifi' iUMi'd. r ..iv tt'timUut vr'iiiiJ to Lt?Heve tl C h Mi. t i,J.t T'ti. mvm mw IivH' l-y tha run Miinj.tit.H it (.ri-Ta-ntii than 'li ii curv. Kwi it liy v ,n. slid ftin.' imr i'sdd.1 .vhtli tiirv hi' c.iiVI ni nrjr 'Ct tht ni until nt ltiFtatn ii " iMJwTur tin ir xi-inl ic canltvr that, f u ton.! fi thn vltaK ! y-iir life itwr.y. All kiK-wUiA .'ivxlfiil tu'ftiity nt lunj; dH'T.I'T. and u thev k'K.w tfo tlio virtue ."liil1 Trmily. v.i niv-d r -t do more than t ritntn-e ll.rni It it uUi mde th lrl i -ai unaro ic r..t. tj'i cu. f' :il to pir.Jtirf it ti.f lltnat yvvtvet and Uiiti d tl:"-.wU leiy nn il the Uut ftrut w!iUii wiraUilicHiil.Ji'ui.'U fyi UUi Cuiv. PRKPAHED BY DR. J. f. iiER, rractical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kass. A.I .10 ID BY Wm. A. Itruner, Sunhury ; Bird & John, ghamnkin W Wiemei, Northumberland ; J. K. Cuslnw, Milloe; Hays i MeCiffinietr, .McEwmsville and by all DrupR.nli ttir'.nahi.iit the count j. August 10, li-r.tl. ly A PERFUMED BREATH. AIM! AT lady or gentleman would remain un- ' der the curse of a disagreeable breath when by using the ' Ualm of a Thousand i lower," as a denlrilice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white ns alabaster 1 Manv per sona do not know their lirenth is bad, nnd the subject is so delicate Iheir fricn.U will never mention it. 1 our a siui;le drop of 'lifllm on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night and moniinj. A liily cent hottle will last a year. A beautiful completion may easily he scoured by using the ' liiilm nf a Thousand Flowers." It wi l remove tan, pimples and freckles from tha ai.in, leaving it of a soft roseate hue. Wet a towel, poor on two or three drops, and wai-h the face night nnd morning. rill A VINO MA Ci: FASY. Wet your shaving brush in cither in wa.m or cold water, pour on two or three drops of "Ualm oi a Thouhatid Flowers," rub the beard well and it will maUe a lieuutiful soft lather, much facili tating the oration of shaving. Price only fifty i cents, beware of counterfeits. .None genuine unless sigued by W .P. FE7KIDCE & CO. Franklin Square, Now i'ork. Sept, 27, 18.16. fim . NOTICE. VOTICK is herehy given that Joseph Hound, Ksq., committee He Luneitico of Jacob Burger, Ims tiled his Recounts in the rrothonntnries oflice, nnd that it. will be presented to the next court for confinniition. j a.mw jir.auu, from ry. , Oct. It, 18'lC. ; Cheap Watches tJewelr "IXTROLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- phia Watcli and Jewelry Store," No. 86 North Second Street, comerof Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Wulehrs, lull jeuvinl, IH carat enses, 85,00 (Jol.1 lupine t-. Ml is'iKine Silver S.Uiclea. I.5U f iIvm l. fall jevrlled, n.l(iolil llrueelels, . 3.110 Silver lver, full jewl'd l ! nillea' Uold IVnoill, 1.0(1 rfupenor luailieia, 7.jSilvcr Tea apooi.s, set, 6,00 flolil Sv-UiiMn, T.Hi Gold fwm, Willi Penril ami Mlver Holder, 1,00 Cold Finger Rings, 37 cents to $80 ; Watch Classes, plain, 12.) cents; Patent, IfiJ ( l.unet, 25 ; other articles iu proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they aro sold for. HTAUFFHH & HAKI.EY, On hand, some Cold and silver Levers and Lcpiuea, atill lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, IS50. ly. A PENNY SAVED. J.S A PEXXY GAINED I WE have just received direct from Philadel dhia a fresh supply of guoiis, suitable for the fall trade. We are now disposing of our Summer Stock, al VERY LOW i'UIC ES, to make room for our winter supply. Now ia Ihe time to se cure bargains. E. Y. BRIGHT SON. Sept. 13, 1856 NOTIOE. ALL persons having claims unsettled, against Uowen Marti At Master, or liowen fj- Mas ter, will pleas band them to the subscriber .!.!. M A HSBR Ausnvarv, feet f, lftfla." f JOHN FAREIRA, 'AV J84 Morltt Rtrtft' chovt C,' . I ' " 1 l'im.ADEM'IIIA. ' i , ; I MPOKTF.R. Maiiulncturer and dealer in all kind and rjunlitiea of flincy furs, fur Ladies and Children. J. F., would esll. lite attention of the I.ndio" and others lo his iinmence naiort ment, beinjr the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my fura. 1 feel confident In savii.R that I can oiTer the greatest inilrcementa lo llio e jn want nnd st the same timh will bars one ol the largest assortment to select from. Storekeepers and the trnde will please nve me a call before purchasing, s my wheleaole depart ment ia well eupplied to meet the demand for every article In the Put line, and at the lowest possible! Manufacturers Prices. ' jomn PAnrcirt A. ' , 2Hi Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept.' V0, IMC. 4mw. oppositk wnsTurtANcfi hanic, WILLIAMSPOIIT, PA., WILLI m II. BI1V, 1 oprititoa-. C. A. Hthisi, sitant. N. B. An Omnibus will rnn lo and fram the Depot and Packet l ondinrra. to this llnt.1 ofel.nrre. September 13, 1R08 tf DISSOLtTTIOM. . . rTMIE partnership heretofore existinj bct-vern Ihe underaieri.'d. under tlm firm ..f Wiikar. son & fienn wns this day (Sept 0 IN56,) dissol- vj niuiuai eonscni. ISAAC M. WU, KERSOK, JKCOI1 JtEXiV fept. in, isr,G. tf, THE C0MIKGH0LIDAYS t Oretit Prepnrat:o:it, i r,t..r..i.. maiiks to his numerous friends nnd residence of Sunhury nnd vicinity for theii very liberal patronage, and anticipating an increased demand for articles nf his own Manu facture and Importation, baa made extensile preparations to supply the same, in his slock (surpassed by none in the eily, and to whirh ha ia constantly receiving additions from Europe of the newest styles,) can always be found a choice selection of articles suitable for Bridal, llirthday and Holiday Presents, of tho most recherche and unique description, comprising in part Rich Dressing Cases, Writing Ilesk, Cabas. Fans. Uronzs Bisque and Pariaw Figures, Mu sics! Boxes, Opera Glasses, and a rich variety of the useful and ornntnontnl in Ormolu, llronin. Shell, Mosaic, Papier Marhe, &c. Also, Combs Urnshesand Toilet Articles. WM. T. FRY. 128 Arch St.. (opposite the Theatre) I'hii'a. October 4, IS5G 3rt.w IC. ATISE, CHF.AP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE Ao 72 Nortk Sccoud Street, opposite tk itlownt Vernon House ) Philadelphia. fOI.t) I.ever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca- ses, Slid; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9: Qunrticr. !f5 to $7: Gold Speelacles. !i4 50 to $ 1 0 ; Silver do., $ I S0 ; Silver 'Fable Spoons per sett, !?I4 to ?Ji 1 9; Silver Peserl do., do., $J lo 8 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 4 75 to 7 f0 t Cold Pens nnd Gold Ca ses, : 25 to $5 ; Gold I'cna nnd Silver do.. If I; together with a variety of fin Gold Jewelry, Gold Cerb , Guard aud Fob Chains. Ail goods warranted to he ns represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired hi thehest mnnner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, ic, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail. or otherwise, will ht punctually ntter.ded to. Phita., Oet. 4, IHflU. lyw. "AID AND COMPOIIT,'' To Your Omii .TScchnnirM. ISAAC 31. WILKEHSON, llcpectfully a..no... je hM t slaml lately oeeupied liy lieu.. . he is prepared to mmufacture all kinds o ' FURNITURE AM) CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi of the public lo his larpc and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of vAata.vivr-w'AKK which cannot fail to re.ominend itself toevery one who will examine it, on aeeoonS of its .Unable :orkmaiiship and Silendid finish, made up of the best '0ck lobe had in the city. No effort is spared in !'e moiiuf.ir.ture of hi wsro, and the subseribcr I.' uV'enniiied to keep up with the many improvement 'hich are con.tantly heing made His stock eoiuu's "r M'hognny MoTas. MIvuiki n.;l ,""?,n Bureaus, Secretaries, SiuObCojdf, SOFA, UiibMhTAST AM) IHXING ViBuSS and also VENETIAN lil.IN DS, equal to Phi a- delphia manufacture. BEPSTnATIS, of every pattern nnJ price CU .'HOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his buair.ess. Ho also manufacture all kinds and qualities CTIAIItS. nctuding varieties never helorc to be bad it Sunhury, audi m iM uinr.iM, Black Waisut ivvCi!hleii Mii'uliuerus; axn WiNnson CHAIRS, AJiii risrr Piimi Srooi-s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled l.y none mnnu'actured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suhsciilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained I about the quality and finish of their ware and I Chairs. These articles will bo disposed of on aa good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pa v ment for work. IjT UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IltiHSK, he is now prermd for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at auy convenient distance f.o.u this place. try The Ware Room ia in Fawn Street, bc ow Weaver's Hotel. I.4C M. WILKINSON. Sunhury, Sept. 111. 185C tf. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, Li Lower Auyusta township, at the Junction oj the TolpeiiocLen and Plum creek roatls. r11IE subscr.lier having returned from the city A will, a new and extensive assortment ol fashionable goods, respectfully calls Ihe attention j of Farmers, Mechanic and others to the ssme. I h-FRINU AXD SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Clolht, Cusstnif res, Cussincts, Jtans, Prilling, Muslins, Ves!itis, Tu-teds, o-id all kinds oj Spring and Suiuiucr Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, t'aftcoM, Mnstin de Ltui., Lawns, 6'iii'jaiinJ, Uerapvs, Holts, H'lwltnt. Flannel, ifC. OiutC l.ltl, Sugar. Teas, CelT. e, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, fctpiccs. Salt, &c, cte., &e. Ii:ir!vna't', Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, ic Queens and Glassware, of various style and patterns. SOOTS AMD SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for 1 men, women and children. Hat. Cars, &c. of various sites and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and ts.uine for your selves, i ty Country produce ol all kinds taken In eAChance at the highest market price. . S. N. THO.' 1 1 Kf'N- Ia?r .Vitgnat, B me. 21, IRoi. i .' j 18J5.1 ,ALI'KTOCK,NKW UOOJ3.185S. 1. Merinoea. nil rnlnra, -TT-' OtoM Cloths. i a.": N aljlM ,M.K.i --f- VST a. il IIITB. I rVhretings, Table T. vjj c. RtoreWpers are invited t.. vfi l l -Ooods. r.milie. enn be weiJ ' . 1 kind of l)ry Goods. t , we tna'ie P.llt. Silks and Sliw lieleal'.ir Wholrs.ileins. I'. . JfiL 'II re. rived Hi Phils- 'IhiIv from the Auctions of New York a dclphiri. ' ITs Tkams Km Cisit, . Sept. 6, '50. w.tmo Cancer Cured. "1ANCF.BS, 7'nmera, Mens Ulcers, .CrrofuU V tutr Swelling Ac., cured without Surgical operations by Dr. Laiius'ierry. Dr. L's l'amphlet (2nd, 3.I..) on thn t-enlment and cure nf Cancers, Tumors, A-e will bo rent to any addiesj (Irce) oa receipt of i Ii03n;e stamp Olilce llnj WALNUT.!., Philadelphia.. S'ept. 6, I8&0. Srrt furnn ttn.., Lntsnf tlie f.im rf Strvons, il.'MinffSliwi'l ,V l,. . J4.N. .l Ov l.lt. Lute of Hie Union Il.-tnl. NATIONAL HOTEL, (latk v.ihtb swa. Race Streil, nhnrt T..'i(, r,,,iII;A1)Ill.-,;'.,;..,,hli.hT.rnt. have- rpiIE shove, i.ie modern improvements, and alao. newly fur- nilieil thrnug'i.out, will ho opened for the incep tion of (Jucsis on Ihe FIRST DAY OF SKPTF.MBER. The proprietors, from their cleterminatinn to devote their attention to the commit nf their guests flutter themselves will, the conviction (hat they will be able to give n.lisfaction to their patron. Carringca will nbvays he in readiness to cm Viy passengers to and from Stoomboat Landings Bi:.i Kailroud Depots. SIDES AsTOYER. Race Street. nho 'I bird, rhiiarifipbin. A.i;n-i Uf), is:.'?. tv AMKUICAN HO USE, WILLIAM.SPORT, PA., .T. ii. J.HICI.TO.V, lkroiilcCor. Ja9. T. Ham.. Ass t. Sept. in. IMSfi. tf Aotlce to Tax-Payrr9. ! (VOTICE is hereby jjivpn to the I'elinqnrnt ' Collectors of" Northumberland County for the year 1855. that they are culled upon by this i notice to settle of their duplicate on or heforo I the November Court next, otherwise luey will he dealt wit.', according to law. I'lIIl.lP P.rNN. F.'UDEMH'K H AA.'. CHAS. HOTJ'ENs'IINE. Cotnmiss'.nnrrs' ollice. ) Commiasioucrs. Sudbury. Ane. If. lh.'C- S 'i".ilSSJ.v.S THIS MltSIIHOn- Grmreri nt' hent ami I;r. use J.evinu a i picers "T ...... .t p Super Phot, 'iate ff Lime, if' ?nn want t.ewy si Crohs. or Lein.'tu' Amrricnr. J'ertiliier. ' j p I'piIESE vnlualle .Manures have been used fc.r the past six j.ars succes'f.illy for the Grain nnd Tobacco Crr. in Virginis, Pennsyl vania, New Jersev. Dci uv "re, Maryland and the thiamin of Bermuda und Bu rhadoes A barrel. ("5U lbs) is sufficient for an .4 ere of Land. -The above Fertilizer cemv o""' nf reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase the Crnti and iinnrove the roilino-. eV'.il ''n the v.il. i tie ol tlielaml. rnceoflhe I'hosp. la. . o i.ime. j is S40 CO n ton. Nitre;etied -'i0 00. the Ameri cm I'eii.lizcr 5 3 00 per Ton, or M " j liairel. I a Keg; also, every var.'"ly "' j tluHiio. Pure Livid l'i..'tT. l ot Ash, Nitra'' 'i ' OT.O. A. CKrNAl'.'iVSPi'rf" t". No ID South Frnnl Street, pniirAi.ni. phi a. Goods delivered li.e ot cliurge. To Wholesale Dealers, a libcrrl discount l'amphlet in Eiijt.h and German Languages J liialis. Onh'ia at a di'anee, Cash accompany- j ing or Draft, promp'ly nltended to by I G. A LEIX AU, Proprietor. ' I'illAD'.V Pa. N. B. Diplomas, have been awarded from the Pciinsylvnnia Agricultural Society ; Nqw Vork j Crystal I'alace A 'snciaiion and New Jersey j Slate Agricultural Society. J Philadelphia, Aug. Ifi. ISf.fi Sin. w. I itiriiti, tL4.. s . .v i., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPE & RAG .vo. r. mj.xoji stj:i-:et, puh.adll'A 1 0(1 tons Rags wantedfer Cash. August 23, IS'' Cm" TDEiN. TISTETT KM1CIC .t EENX. Antinnnce to tlio citizens of Stinbury, nn.l vicinity that they have opened an ollioe in ai.a .trior enst nt fho Post Ofiit'n. """.' " . .. . : .' where thev aro prepared tonttemi to nil l:in!s . . i . c : : i . . i . of work belonginR to the profession iu tlio test ami mo't improved si mo. Suiibnry, Augui 23, Ls.it'. tr. Kew Goods for the Feoplo ! TIEN.? A 31! N TIKFKNEIi f"ESPE('TF;LLYinforms the public in gen eral that he fiaB just received and opened a splcr.did slock of SPRING ANJ) SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hi stock consist in part oi CIctA3, Cassimers, Casstnets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton a.sd worsted. ALSO: Cnllrocis, Gliife!iai3, S.awns, Moiisst iltto in- l.ulutai and all kinds of Ladies Dress Good. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron und Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEN3WARE, f various styles and paiteius. Also an assortment of 1IUOT3 & SHOTS. HATS in CATS, a gooJ selection. bit it. X'lSll.CvC An.l a Kreat variety of other .nicies such as are suitable to the trade, all of wlucll will ne o..i at the lowest prices. Uf tJountry proiiuce taaen in ricn.! a the hiffhest price... Lwer Annusta, Mi.y 51. lr.B. - WIIOIKSALE vn tTt".l Grocery, Wine aud Liquor Store, S.K.eor. Witinitt and U'ultr Strttts, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest priced. Ocobcr 4. ISoB. tl IPJTiT TJT2P. I 4 LL perrons indebted to the firm ol Fri'in,? i V i Grant, on Note, Book account or other- ' wio aro respeclfully requested lo come lorwaul and pay up between this and the 13th inst., as thev wish to so to the cilv to lay in th. ir Fall t fcunbury, Oct. 4, leSC-tl "1:rviiir of all kinds, floor and tsble Oil Cloths and t.l shsdes o,ih la.tet stvl for .le by P.. Y. PiilCi! i v I-ON. PROCLAIM IT TO Tmij jx, u; , Ira T.ncriiit; Aft 1. iXVlJU.ltOI'MAHKlil .(AIrC -STjrxT-jBTjrrjH , 2?A..g U AYS cooly. holdl.T and deliln-rateiv, t'...r he l talus the lorein.wt sli.n.l on . g,:u c.,val- esra ot Dry Gum!. Merchant efouiiimry. He shnll ronlinne to sail Dry ;c.. ,ls; n'ml t.io- ceri.s (.'lirAI'Ll! ii,.n rtCr. as Li. are' boiighl cheap they will be sld Chrrp. t lie fee's confident wiih bis tpeiienm nnd aoiaij, th;it he enn rompe'e 'ith ll,o T.oriJ at large aud Sraicrf ia pai t;r'j!sr.. He would ennmcrsio orUclew if linn, and sluco would tmit ,ut , niy r MOUNT ER-JUM PINO NOVIO?; cin .Jo thai he will nv, a , ,hc , , Dry Gcodp, GrcceiJcG, noprs axd snotx. $., 5-,., l ,t '"l11 i" any oilier sioro in town, am! ' his h9nnr it mi tli broesa. a.-1"1 miv it v:ivs V l:u 'i of IV fenr, . ... Ai.v' tVll.V ujii'inie nrtha I rr.ve 'r "'urn mid J;m Siri,-, Piiine ft ll Tt'lini itJI 1 li';c tlierjun, T'i-.t Free.! -., iT----" n ("-..f v III U r-relo-e It j. fmff fnral'to .1, . T esn IJt. V hr "If !; A P- Tbi, CO , in are tec. in. their u-idiiiJ whe' 'h; .lid h. ...i.'.U'sa or tln- rroea nn ! sour lo . , f ;v mcrchanlH. Al', are' invited to r:il! nnd sr. j Trin v.v iKL . vreil at the town are respectfully Invite,', nrel i every t.ers n, rich or pd r. bi-n or low. bono .r t . .,11 irvf are I'lvnru .1. . Come one ennie all ami stop yoe.r r.-,eril, hav: rohIs pimhu'i. f.Tiii in nr.).t ; The bovs tlieiiisuives i'.i v Hi""' porta, A tln' n.e e:i:l ji'y a li'-Si. C .'cr n'.lier in t.e tovu Tin S'i ffinir Vo & li.ivi; .V'.'i reinvn, Fcr st'Ki'1 lie Cii ;i;,cil nnJ iu'- best, And aeilaig Iiwre tlin oil ll'' rest. Hurrah, Ilurnli ! O'er hill oml plain, Accept my tliiinks nr.d cull p.-iiin; Anion; out asso.nac.it y.j";i u.-eys find, O ioUsIn Chum! please t!is ntiiul. We've on lmii'i miv1 nlnnya w.r::iii!r. To fell cui piiids .li.'d enill n s'oliin, Po h";d ynrir liorsi-s mi'T r'me litis wny, V b!pi!1 !m i-::il to see y on iinyciny at No. 1 Markkct Sriuaic, oj.;oite the Court House, P. S He wishes !t JU.inctly tnijeretnod, tint he .!s .Mtto he underso'd bv any man .. r com! inj lion of men. Nrt charge fur showing e;.. o.!s. All kinds cf prodvetj taken in c.cha.'.::e for goods S nhury. Ju'.i? 21, IS.'r!. iXJJNT NOTICE. AXD .: E W W U !! F F L E I N , Importer nnd Manufacturer of C;tu:i, Sii.lcsi, ristol. .Vo. 122 North k'ernrtr) ?!nt, PhilnMpMa. S Tll UK E in' iire's eoiiii iiillv on hand n gen ' r r.il assortment of fine dnuMe nn.l lir.plo barrel Shot (inns, hrc iluclr rriiii.-. rifles nnd pisio!., n nil kinds. -l!so, the celebrated enst teel rifles witu tricrei"e I twistu. to shout Ihe pointed hull of his own unite; nib: b.u lels. abut baqa, nonehes. Ve. lie iovitel persona wishing to purchase goods in his line, to call ano exnn.ino his stock beiore puiclia-ing cbe'.vlu rc. aa be is de tern.incd to sell on the must reasonable terms. 1F Purti'-vilnr attention paid to .epaitiug ia nil its branches. August K0, l.''r, r.Sm FL0UP., FLED & GROCERY STCRS CilAKLKS GARLVGEU. SJS EsrECTFULLV informs the citizens of W "ft f unliirv :... the n.-tgUh.ni.i,; .-..outrv t'i(.t has purchaed the f .i.i'-erv Store in Waler -eet, i" lite c.r ,,( t!:e wharf, recently kept bv i('iei his sioilt ',i'i''i .ic 'ill sc'l at rt fiFoiial'le p-!,'s!S. He will l.ceii n conMnnt supply ol I'lo'ir, Griin mid T-'ccd, P. read. Fish and Cl.ee. 'C Ham's'; Shoulders nnd Herring. Cofl'ee. .-..r and .Molasi.e, '!'. as. .ipicei. and Fruit.1, v.'i r-. miction. .riea nf a!! kinds, lionts nnd .shoe.-, La.!'e Gu.iers. .Mis-e and Ciii! ben's siioe also LJncen.-ware, Cedarware, H .rdv'aro .',,, 'Jti-ms. .'-c, .V. Citins a'e naiie-ted to send in their orders c,ir j.',',ur ,"ei.'l and Uroceiics and he will dtw (i, ,.r ,,' , rp,., ty. Snnlmrv June 14. i8jfi. ti . '. cor.'irAU'S CHEAP CUTLEYSTOBi;, .Vo. 21 .V.o-fA t'iur'l St., fit'oto Arch, ,ne?r vr r A COITNTRV Me.-cii.mt rnn s.ve from ten lo fifteen per en', by purchasing al the above iioirs. liy importi.i n y e-.vn goods, paying but .itll r-'it, and living ecounintriitiy, ill h.in I can undersell ihoe who uirr!rii-.a their Goods here, pay lci;h rent nnd live hue princes. Coudtntitly i n banJ a large assurlment of Pen nr. I Po.:krl Knives, Scissors i'i d If iors. Table j Knives and Forks in iv..ry. Hg, hulliibshoiie end wo.ia t.aniUrs, t ar.er. ami rors. .vc, iu.car Knives, Pirkn. ,'owic Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, Ac. Also a laruc nnsoiimcn cf Accnrdenns, ... i-..i; . 'I'..: . ..ic j '" i...s..u t .... ... . .. .ll)H M. I.Ol.i. .l.A. ct.i.r.'iAN. Oct. 50, !?r.." '. I.n porter. "ul.'NTY Olir E!'.s. Cc as cash for eeod. ai J en miv Prilcs ta!ien note or l,o sc- ! cocnt l'v ye-,,,;: P. IHIIGMT .', WOK- ! S.ri. Si'.w, cotton nnd linen IUi.'..c'i!.i. Is, f.mry j neck lies, "en's' chars, cotton, npera tack and Welsh Flannels, port mnnnais and the best ns sortuient of Hat and Cups in tow n for sale by Mav ill T.f.. E. Y HBKiHTft SOV. aA.'Ct!lt,M. Brain. Entflinh on.l G.rmar. srS5' S brier scythes ami smathafnr side bv May 31 V.. E. Y BRIGHT & SON. SUGAR CUnr.D HAM A lot jnt received and fir sale bv. frEASHOLTZ & l'l'TRV. Sept. 13. I'C. nnlJ Fajer a splendid lutju.t received aud for tale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunhury, June 51. la'fi. " LABUHER3 VAi.'T.ViH. V NUMB EI! of pood Laborer am wanted ci Section of Ibo Northern Central b'i.;l I lioad. Iwlow Trrvortoa blidie. (Inn 1 wascs paid I aud ihe best kind if seeomm.idatio:! plren. Ap- j ply to W M. G ALGLEic, nn ;no wor!.. or to H. v. masi:r. ! f 5'.l f Sunburv, Pi CMIAIN PUMPS.- A small tiiin.ber of thrsp J ci.i ;it :.. uiup have Ifto rccctvcJ aud are nf.'er'H for fAc by il U. MAi-nr.. Siiivonrv. .tune 4. ItfiC ,ANii Par. 'nm ih i'liper i'tcil an. I blai.iv Vo, t '". Ii aids. Executions. un)o,r.ns t.c, f.wsuieb IL I. ..tAsSEh. ! Sunburv A.ri 10. IU'd ILL COV.Ull C'.l.jv. jiit , XCc'i : uale v V I"1' remedy lor ouii tt this ollice. IWembcr 1. IR.'.fl. bis. l'v KNOLD'S WRITING FLUID eil Adhe A aive and legal envelope, Cr sale b II. U: MASSER. Runburv. Inn 10. 1S"8 j ,up,.riOT. nua'itv. just rceciv ,d. i AUa a fresh supply of Writing fluid, f r mlt l,y ll. H. M.ScviiK "tirimrv, TW. ST, 1 Wei
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