' SUNBURN AMERICAN ALMANAC FOH 1855. IMS It Far' 21 4 l jLT. S It 14 13 is! in so: Hi ii 13 14 14 15 10 17 15 181171 40 41 si m m.m 43 ss 471 44 43 41 37 U W 38 31) 31 S,30i31 ! 1 I 3' W! Am 4 8 6 7 14 81 8', 71 14 13 14 K 9 10 11 1518i17 18 44' 43144 .35 111113 is IB 171 9 19,40 l 43,44j 199041 48.47 48 .85 SS,7ilB 49! 30 31 Si 3 . 7l I 14 13 14 U 19.40 41 34 88:87 98.89 41 5 1 1 Bart. a 3 4 0 1011 11H413 14 1.1 16 I7, is 19 2ii.ai.ai 21 18 17'18 5.S,87 SH.89I3U 31 143 41 85 130 I I 1 I Am. s 4 5 a1 7;' 10 11' 14 13' 14 Oct. 41 18 3 4 8 6 III 1l'l4l3 1711S 10 0 7 114 15 18 10 17 IS 19 411 41 44 83 31 S3 48 47 49 ;313'J 43144 85 48:47 ,34 30 I I S3.4U 30 31 Mat. S 3 Oho 16117 Nev. 91 3 8 til 8i 7i 4 8 13 14 II 14 13 16,17 33 44 18 19 90 41!4 44 39 30,31 !S5 46 87 4f,49 JvB. Die. 8 8 7, S' 4 lOllI It III 13l1314 IfliSII 41 13 13ll4 15 19.40:31 S3 18 17 19 44 4' 1 3d 30 30. 143,44 95.38 87 43,49 t)0'3ll I I ' I Jf. inner 's department. A DIG" IS THE RIGHT DIRECTION. The Southern Planter, published at Rich tnond, Va., strongly condemns female eques trian exhibitions at our agricultural fairs, and pitches into the "North" as tho quarter of our Republic, only, tolerating it. In this we believe the Planter is right, and we so hear tily agree with it that we annex most of the castigntion it inflicts, with a vie to benefit the "strong-minded" bipids upon which the blows full. It says s It is one of the greatest triumphs of Chris tianity that it has raised wom.m from the po sition which Heathenism had assigned her, nnd has transformed her from the slave of man's passions and domestic needs to his com panion, his friend, his angel on earth. Hut this position can only be maintained on the conditions that produced it, of modesty, deco rum, reserve, delicacy not only of fueling but deportment and an admission to the world by all her acts that she is his dependent help mate, and not his impudent rival. "When women so far transgress the ex press commands of the Bible, that holy char ter of their privileges, as to exhibit themselves in any such public capacity, as many now ns- sume, at the North, they may as well take leave of all the gentle attributes that attract men to them, and become once more as fero cious as Medusa, as cruel as Medea, as volup tuous as Sappho, as bibulous as Circe, as shameless as Lais. The woman of the Bible once thrown off and there's no stopping this side the nether regions. We betide the country whose women rise superior to the teachings of Paul. "If they choose in other lands to exhibit themselves in 'lectures,' or by beastly baby shows and an exposure of the most sacred mysteries of home to the rude gaze of ribald ry, to brine maternity into contempt, and by a series of such acts to degrade themselves and demoralise their male associates, we do not feel that it is any particular business of ours 10 castigate their lolly and presumption. Bat when they invade cattle shows, compete for premiums with cows and sows, and for 'admiration with bulls and rams, we have a right to protest, in the name of 'man and beaut,' against such 'entertainment,' against the disrepute they reflect from themselves upon a noble festival, and against an abuse which does introduce, and has introduced, the worst form of rowdyism into what should be excusively an area of quiet and respectable rural competition." Now, if this be an "institution" of the North, to which it is particularly wedded, we shall assist our Southern cotemporary in pull ing it down and scattering it to the winds, as we think, with it, that it is an abomination that cannot be too soon removed. And it, in consummating this, the North chooses to withdraw from the Union of these States, be it so. We should rather at any time that a dissolution should take place, than that this Bible-defying practice should continue. Ger. Telegraph. GROUND OATS. We have time and aernin printed facts and statements relative to the increased value of ground grains over whole for feeding both to horses and cattle. A late number of tho American Veterinary Journal contains the following article ou the value of Ground Oats, which we deem of sufficient interest to transfer to our columns : Ground Oats. Ground oats furnish more nutriment, and keep the bowels in better con dition, than when served out whole. By grinning me oats we separate tnem into a myriad of particles, and present them to the gastric solvents in a form calculated to secure their speedy digestion in fact, they are in a condition lavoruble to speedy nisalivation. Ground oats are more nutritious than whole, for the same reason that flour is more so than ongroiind wheat. Ground ouU contain more of the nitroce noes, or debit making principle, than any other Kind ot iiorse tood ; at the same tune they furnish a mixture of coarte and fine food the busks of the oats constitute the first, and meal the latter. The coarse material serves to keep the bowels in a soluble condition irritate and excite the mucous coat, and thus obviate the necessity for drastic medicine. This kind of food is decidedly the healthiest fur workinsr horses Thev reauire. however. a certain quantity of sweet hay, in view of distending the stomach to a healthy capacity, IIi'SK Beds. No one who has not tried them knows the value of bask beds. Cer tainly mattrasses would not be used if busk beds were tried. They are not only more pliable than mattrasses, but are more durable, iiie first cost is but triGintr. To have husks nice, they may be split after the manner of puiiing Btraw lor braiding. 'J he finer they are split the softer will be the bed, although tuey win not be likely to last as long as lion nicy are put up whole. Three barrels full well stowed in, will fill a tood sized sack that is, after they have been split. The bed will always be light, the kuska do uot become mauca down like feathers, and they are eer lainiy more healthy to sleep on. Feather beds ought to be done away with, especially - ,. . ual"or or spring, summer and lull, nusK beds oueht to ba "all the irn and such undoubtedly will be the case when they re once brought into use. There is no bet. ter time to procure husks than a hen corn is Leiug harvested, and the husks will be much nicer and cleaner when corn is cut up at the uvttuui ant, put iu slacks. 1 uey ao not be come so dry and weather-beaten. It ii -al culated that a good huRk bed will last from iwenty-uve to thirty years. Every farmer'i daughter can supply herself with beds against lime of need) at a trifling; expense . which is quite an inducement Dow-a-dars X' j j 1-. ' Miytuiia farmer. VAU7ABI.B Rgciri Mr. A. Bronson, of "utiim, ri tays, trotn tiiteen years' ex. penence, be finds that Indian meal poultice toyeroo; ever with young bysoo tea, oftned with hot water, and laid over burni or froieu , nea, as not as can be borne, will relieve the r-.M . uti minutes. 11 blisters have not arisen before, they will sot after it ia nut n ua that nt poultic is generally sufficient gilai a mm Hn! AYER'S PILLS, AN aw una slngulsrly successful remedy rnr ins cure"'ijl Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsv, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma. Bonn, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side. Heck, end Limb. Female Complaints, Ac, Ac. Indent, very few ere tne diseases in which Purgative Medi cine Ii not more or less required, end much sick noun end suffering might be prevented, if a harm less hut effectual Cathartic were more freely used, v.. -an fnl w.ll while a contiTa habit of body prevails t beaidea it won ceneratwe leriout and often fatal diaeaeei, which might have been avoided hv the timely and judicious uee of a good purgative. Thi ia alike trae of Coldn, Fereriah symptoms, and n;n.. it,.rnnint. Thev all tend to become or produce the deep aeated and formidable dietemperi which load the hearaea all over the land. Hence a reliable family phyaic la of the firat importance to the public health, and thit Pill ha been perfected rith ennaiimmate akill to meet that demand. An t.niv trial of ita virtuca bv PhVMcians, Profei ...r. mA Ptunta. haa ihown resulta aurpaaainft any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Curea h.;,. i..n (r1 hovoiid belief, were thev not sub- tantintcd by peraona of auch eaalted peaition and character aa'to forbid the auapicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of theae Pila, we may mention : I h. A. A. Hayfs, Analytical Chemiat, of Boaton, and State Aaaaycr of Haaaachuaetts, whoae high profeasional character la enaoreeo. oy me Xtnu Ki.w.un Everett. Senator of the T. 8. Honr.KTC.WiNiHB.op, Ex-Speaker of thellouae of Representatives. ABBOTT I. a whence, Mininter Plen. to Ftia-land. t John B. FlT7.PATKtcK,Cath. Bishop of Boaton. Alao, IJB. J. K. VIllLTON, . radical vuemiav, ui aw Ynrk Citv. endorsed bv Hon. v. L. Makct, Secretary or state. Wu n A arnn. the rictieat man in America. S. I .blakd & Co., Propr'i of the Metropolitan Did apace permit, we couia give many nunorea certificate!, from all parte wnere tne rme nni ht evitlenre even more convincing than the experience of eminent puDiic men ia lumiu Theae Pills, the reault or long investigation ano tudy, are offered to the public aa the best ana most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themaelvea, but of tho medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner aa to insure the best results. This avstem of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and nils Dotn, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any procesa. The Teaaon is perfectly ob vious. While by the eld mode ot composition, ev w md;iuA i hnrrlened with more or leas of acri j t: nui;,;Au k jnh inrli. viduttl Tirtue only that is desired for the curative elfect ia present. AU the inert and obnoxious qual- ttio t imrn au iBiance emniovea are icib uviuuu. mw curative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia self-evident the effects should prove aa they have ttrn-ttrl mnre mirelv remedial, and tne rills a aurer. more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. Aa it. is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Phv.ieinn. and aa he could not TJrnrierly judge of a remedy without knowing ita composition, l have supplied the accurate Formula" by which both my t ectoral and j'liis are mane wj me wnuic uuuj ui Practitioners in the United States and Britinh Amer- 1 Provinces. If however there should De any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded bv mail to his addroaa. Ul all ine raieni meuicinea vni mc ""tim, few would be taken if their composition waa known ! Their life consists in their mystery. 1 nave no mviteriea. .... The composition of my preparations is lam open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. T he Cherry t'ectorai was pronounced by scientific men to ue a wonaermi medicine before ite elfects wero known. Many em inent Phvsiciana have declared the same thing of my Pills,' and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized oy ineir enccia upuu m.11. They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to ourifv the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, ana omer organs ui mr body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherover they exist, such derange menta as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and heme purelv vegetuhlc, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. ror minute airectiona, see wrapper on u m. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price SS Cents per Box. Tive Boxes for $L hold lY Weiser t Bruner. Sunburv: Bird A John, Bhsmnkln W. Wiemer. Nofthuinlierlaiid i J. F. Caslow. Mi lion 1 and hy all umcgists 111 nortiieni rennsyivuuia. juneiu, lBsa ly. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON Sc cox, Sievc, Riddle, Scbbbk and Wike Cloth Mascfactcrkrs, No. 46 North Front Street. Coraar of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Area) bireeis, Philadelpaia. CONTINUE to manufacture of superior qual ity, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds: Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers &.c. Cylinders and Dandy Kolls covered in the best manner. Extra Heavy Daster Wire of Superior quality Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire Windew Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and sand screens, dtc. Fancy Wire Work of ev ery description. Philadelphia, Kept. 1, 1855. 3mU. STOVES! STOVES! We respectfully solicit the attention of the pubht to our asaonmeni 01 MacGREGOR HF.ATING 8TOVF.S. for Stores, Halls, Churches, Parlors k e, warranted to rive more heat with one third the luel, ttiuu any other Seating 9tve in use. Ths large number which have been sold in this and other cities and the constant and inerensiiiK demand for them, is sufficient guarantua their superiority over all other Heating Stoves, and w cheerfuly invite the strictest investigation of our claims to the most nerfect article of the kind in use. We alao have a auperinr CAULDRON, for farming and ehemical purposes, made on the same principle, for which we claim only a trial to be appreciated. We keep constantly on hand an assortment ot the leadiiur COOK and PARLOR STOVES ; and are sola Agents m tnis ntnte or ui r.r.Ts s rnn I Ani.r, r unur.a. HLTK'S PATF.NT COOKING STOTF.S. Slid BARSTOW8 I'NRIVAI.LKD COOK & PARLOR KTOVKeV Wholesale Dealers will he supplied at tbs lowest foundry prices. nr,.UA.i or i Aii.iin., Wholesale Retail Stove Dealers, N. F.. Cor. of SF.CON D A RACK His. Philad'a IT" For aula by H. B MASSKR, of ibis place. Philadelphia, August !. 1835 3m. JOHN O. MAEKEL, M. D Tl E8PECTFULLY informs the citirens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has commen eed the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the calls of all who may desire his professional services. H is nltice is a the residence of his mother, Mary Market. Sunbury, July 14. 1855 3mpd Land Warrants Bought. TTIGHEST cash price paid, and money remit ted bv firat mail. The best rale re nee can be given. Apply or add reus SAMLr.li BECH TULIJ. jr. No. 00 North 61I1 street, Philadelphia. ITT Bounty Lands and Pensions procured and Warrants located a usual. October 6, 1855.. oirTl fi ROCERIEH Meaara, Coll'.e. MoU-.es JK Spices, Oils. Brandy. Gin. Wine. Marker el, Herring and Salt, jual received and for sale y VM. A. KN ABB Lower Augusta May 8, 1854 A DIES' Dreas Goods, Spring and tSumms BLi fchawls, B luck silk, silk poplins. De Laine uingnaroa, ue uage. Lawns and calico, just r ccivau ana lar eale by W M . A. KN ABB. Lower Augusts, May i, 1854. jtnai,i.r,nnr,MULiiB riLLN A certaiu ' cure lor rever and Ague, for sale by . WEIdER it BRI NER Sunburv. ulv . U.K. I EDAR TUBS, Horse B uckau, PaiuteU Buck eta, Meat Tenderers, Corn Brooms, B set. Children's Wagona. and Yankee Clock ttsS reowvod and for sale by - .May M, IBM. g, W.TSVBI 4 C GEirrjINE HOJTEY SOAP, THE pnrity, fragrance it mild emoliient properties of this Soap, renders it especially de serving a place on evert toilet. For chapped hands, and various diseases of the akin, it is unequaled Each cake ia stamped WM. CONWAY, 168 Booth Becena sireei, Philadelphia. Na other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted Ui Wish in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap has powerful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirl,&c, from every desciption of goods without injury to them. ror all domestic purposes it is superior to any other soap In use, and 80 per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Each bar i stamped. WILLIAM Villi WAY, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and staple soaps, sperm, slearine and tallow candles, importer and dealer in sal soda, soda ash, rosin, &c. Orders by mail promptly attended to Phils. August 35, 1855. if. To Iron Masters and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia, SIEVES, KIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers wire, an Kind, cylinders and Dandy Rails covered in the best manner in or out of the city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder s Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, brickdust, dec., dec. BAYLISS, DARBY Jr. LINN, August, , 1855. O 3 m DR. A. B. MADDOCK'S CELEBRATED WORK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and atlirr aiiseases or me iiespiraiory urgent, by Medical Inhalation. WITH NOTK9AND ADDITIONS at Da. Chas Gaxcua. First American edition, from fifth London edition, wkers 11 nas nau an unureveaumea sate. This is a valiinhle work and should be in the hands of si invalids, and the Menical Profession generally. For warned free of charge, by mail, 011 reeeipt of ririt csxis 1 cluth (gilt) oir. dollar. C. W. VAN HORN & CO. No. 32 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. We subjoin a few, from many commendatory notices and reviews from the E'lgliih and American Medics and other Journals 'Dr. Maildoek is the son of the lata Henry Mnddock, K.iq., M. V , the well known bariistei, and promises to rise, in his own profession, in as rminent a degree as his parent. .... The system (inhulntiou) proposed as the m- t enectnnl method of applying a remedy to a portion of the system which eauiiot be directly reached hy medicine itself. . . . We recommend our renders to piircltnse the Work." Weslejun Chronicle, 1Mid.n, Feb. 111. IS45. We rec miinend the Work to our renders, lis it appears to ihs luny fiiHiuretl, cleanly willlen, and entirely ilivesled of nny quuekcry or peil-seeking tendency. The Worn well deserves perusnl, anil the pructlce, as lar as our knowledge and experience extends, will renity not only serious consideration, lint a nnlieut trinl or us merits" London Medicnl Journal, Decemlier 13, H5. ' We think tluil 110 one enn rise from its ne- usal, without lieiug sntisried that it is the work of a pmc- leal and experienced mmi ; and thnt it ought, for the asks 1 tlitise wno suflei Irom consumntlon. aslhina, or monchi- to lie nionglit Into extensive circuluii'Mi. It is, in Ins strictest sense of the term, a vnlunhlc Work." Oxford Univeistrylleiuld, November, 7. ISIS. A tte-rinit ot tne imhi m Edition ni Mr. Alaiidoek's Work on Consumption, Bronchitis. Asthma, Ac. : with Notes. &c., hy Dr. Chns. Greene This Woik will lie found worthy the attention of our readers, for thev may leurn Irom it what can lie expected from this mode 01 trailing Consumption and other nfleetious of the air-pm suaes. Dr. M . is evident.) . -uuii of conidertthle intelli. geuce and whutet'er theie is of g.HKl in inhalations of ineilicuted vnpors. lie seems to have anility lo extract, iihv, we go further, add anv. that we feur tliat the Pro fession hnve ii'it given sufficient atlenti"n to this mode if alleviating the snnerings of those Inhornig tinner this .'i.iss 01 diseases." ,vew jersey medical itepouer, June, lu55. (From Professor Jos. Bryan, Editor of the "Philadelphia medical nun ffurtficni journal." 'Dr. Madd-ick's BO'.x on luliNlntion is one of (he few which have been issueil from the Knalish mess on this sunieei its re-puniieation m tins country, with tne udicious Notes of Dr. Greene, will add to the medical literature orilie United Htiitee, and, it is hoped, excite aomi interest in the medical Profession on the subject oflnha. latinn, as a menus of treating pulmonary affections. With th addition of modern discoveries 111 Physiology, tlm mode of treating these diseases should huve a fair trial and aome atonement mnde for the long neglect which In naiation nui tunereu at tne nanus ot meiiicui men. James HavAM. M. D.. Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicine A CARD. DM. GREF.NE will (rest D1SF.ASPS OP TIIR LUNGS and A1R-PASSAGKS. eereealilv to the ni'nls ao successfully adopted in the prnctice of Dr. A. B. Mad. ditck, and other eminent physiciuns of Knrope. By this moue 01 trenimenl thediscnseil surface of the Hronchi nnd Lungs are dnectly acted Uon, the vniious medicated va. itr iH'ing curried 10 the most minute nimihcat ions ol tin .uugs. npKlucuitr heullhv aelion: where a eomnlete disorgannrion hns not roken plnce the Itcst results a!w:ivs attend this feature of Practice : in fact, with suitable rounds, it it the, nil v reliable form of trentine diseases of the Respiratory Organs. He intends r'evoling his sols aiieuuoii to tins nurilculnr tiruncli or ins nrotession. j uoae uesirous 01 eonau Line mm can nn so nv tter aa. CHAS. GRI'.F.NR. M. D. Box -joes, Philada. P. O Philada., June 21, 1S5J, 8iu. Booksellers & Stationers, A KE now selling off their entire stock of Books and Stationary, saved from the fire of the 15th tilt., at very low prices. The stock embraces every variety of miscellaneous Books, School Hooks, and all kinds of Blank Book also domestic and imported Stationary of every description. As we are selling out at low prices it will oe wen 10 call early and secure bargains, I'lSKKY & KKETY, 8. W, corner 4th and Race streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June S3, 1855 tf. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal. From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PURSEL, " successors te Kase, Reed &. Co., will con Uuue mining, shipping and selling coal from tl) above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman V rurwl. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, .Northumber land county, Pa., where all orders fur the various kinds of coal, viz t Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, snd Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. sunbury, July 14, 1855, SiNBi-at, Jcir 5, 1855. The firm of Kase, Reed ir Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman it Purael, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new lirmas they will be able to sell thein prepared coal'of the best quality, KASE, RF.ED & CO. SEGARS-- El Neptuno, El Dorado, El Duende, Rio Hondo, Recreadores, La Curiosidsd, La Seiniarmis, Csnalos, Plantation, Havana Cheroots, For Sale at WEISEK & BRUNER. Sunbury, Msy 26, 1855. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. nnilE subscriber informs Dealers snd Farmers A that he has greatly iinpromed the quality of hia Super Phosphate of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured hy him, assi'rzaioa to any in the market. You are invited to tall, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candles, Soap, &C-, at the lowest insrket rstes. JNO. L. POMERUY, Successor to Thoa. '.V. Morgan, No. and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 1T Fanners ran loud on two private alleys, l anu avow me rrnwuru wnarl. Phila., July l. 1855 c6m. A Fin lot of Wall Paper just nvrivmt and tor aUby WM. MeCARTY, Market Street. Sunbury, Juee 1,1 Sta. - ,j PAINTS of every description jual reetivad by UsrfSt. WWIItlinili NEW FAMILY GROCERY, Flour, Feed and Provision tore. BEASHOLTZ & PETERY, Broadway, between Marlcel Blackberry Stt. E8PECTFULLY inform the public tat thev have iust received a large and well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting In part of Hsma, Shonlders, Mackerel, Herring. White Fish, l-od riah, Walt rreservea Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Uheese. Molssaee, Kire, Sugar. Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, bruahes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco , segars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class urocery oiore, an 01 wnicu will be sold at the lewest prices, either for cash er rnuntrv or od lice. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lnhon, etc. roricr, nir, neer, sarsaparilla, Ire. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretrels and cakes 01 every Kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and rgga, corn, oats, rye and wheat. 8unbury, July 7, 1855. miuxnvs INDIGO ULVE. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now wet established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles, ah housekeepers will find it much cheaper and leas trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several imt tatiena. Storekeepers and consumers will be careful to get Bkkjamih Baiilow's, put up at Alfred Wiltberger's Drug Store, No. 169, N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Orocers and Druggist they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Drugs, Chrmirale, Paints, Varnishes, Dyt Stuffs, tVc with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WILTBERGER, Druggist 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. SUNBURY, PA. rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the public X that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be sble to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June 23, 1855. tf. BOYD, ROSSEB & CO., Mimas asd sairrtss ov llci QVol) QVntljracitc oal. From the Lake Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Fenna. Address. Boyd, Rosser St Co., Sunbury, Pa. I. M. BOTH 2. miSSER. JAS. BOTn. T. RUSSEB. Sunbury, April 7, 1855. tf. HAYD0CK & FIDLER, rEALERS in Watches snd Jewelry, will continue the businexs at the old stand of James B. Fidlrr, No. 12 South Second Street, rillLADKM'HM, Where they solicit an examination of their larpe anJ vaticil stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of lh rn have had in the business, nd the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the mont sdvantagcoua terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine axsortnif lit of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, I'lnted and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, Sec, Ac. N. B. Repairing of Watches snd all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness snd the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEBM AN, ZUERN & WEITZEL n ESPFCTFULLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, Successor to McClees Germon,) WOULD call the attnnion of the public, not only to the superiority of the Daguerreo tvpes, the Hyalograph, (by some called Ambro tyne,) and the various styles of Photography on paper ; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 1G0 Chestnut St., havs made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ot ant sisi, from a small Loeket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, &c, Arc, will be sent gratis to sny person ma king the request. McCLEES Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut St., below 7th Phila., July SI, 1855. tf. IMPROVED SIPEH PHOSPHATE OF LINE, O 5 00 bbls. of the most superior manufacture. Also, GUANO of every description, Cal cined Plaster, Cement, &c. rjy Produce of all kinds bought and sold on commission. R. B. SELLERS 6c CO., Forwarding and Commiasion Merchants, No. 65 North Wharves, between Race and Vine streets, Philada. Philadelphia, August 4, 1855, 3mc. DOCTOR YOURSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS: OK, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. THE FIFTIETH Edi tion, with One H undred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ity iir Win, Woiiug- Let no father be ashamed lo present a cony of ths JF.9- CULAPIUFJ to bis child. It may save hi in from an early grave. Lt no young man or woman enter into tne secre oliliaiitiiais of married life without rending the POt.'KKT .4vSCl'LAPIUd. let no one eufleriue: fnaa hueknied Cough, Pain in Ihs Side, restless uiahls. nervous feelings, anil Ilia whole Iruiu r Dyapeptie sensations, and given up bv their physician, lie aii.Hhei moment without rim- suiting Ilia jTiSCULAHIU Have the ma. 1 led, or those ahoul U he married any impediment, read Ihis truly useful nook, as II has heen the means ot saving thousands or ml. fortunate creatures from the verv imwb of rienth IV-Any pers.ni sendina TWK.NTV-FIVK CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one e.ipy of this lk, hy mail, or five eopiea will he sent fm we dWiai. Addieas, 11a. w. yui .Tin, in. iki sriiuib su.eel, riiiLA DI'.I.I'IIIA " Postpaid. Philadelphia, rVpteinlwr 8. 1A3 ly CHAIN PUMPS- A small aumber of these excellent pumps hsve keea received and are e(ler1 or sale by H. B. MASSER. Kunburv. Juae 4. 1855. fXT ERMIC'EI.I.I, Maccaroni and Com Starch just received by Msy 19, 1855. WE1SEI BRUNER. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment at May 19. WEISER 4 BRITNER'S. TOOT3, Shoes, Heta, Caps and Gum Hbaos, BJ 9 just received and for sale by Oct. T 154. TENER 4C BEBERINE, V.raleia, Chmardwe ud clsenia, just rssaajvsd by Cia- War ! - Extraordinary Arrival of I TH E subscriber takes pleasure in Informing his customers and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one liundreth nsrt of the articles would be useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at ts low prices ss the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quick Salei and Small rrofiti." He takes this method of presenting to the nublic his thsnkef&T the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, ha reanectfullv solicits a continuance of the same. It ill he advisable for purchasers to call and eiamine his assortment before purchasing else. where. All kinds of produce taken in eichange E1IVMKU X IJKIUHI. Sunbury, Msy 19, 1855 MOUNT C ARM EL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. mil IS laree and commodious Hotel is situated A on the top of the Locust mountain, neirly half way between Sunbury and Pottsville. The cenerv the sa utintv 01 tne airnoauucra anu il rno! mountain breetes. make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country The Hotel, is s new structure, lour stories mgn fitted up with all the modern conveniences. nore mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, beng but one and a half hours ride from 8unbury,over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From Pottsville, it can be reached ny me mine nni Rail road to Ashland, and from thence to ML Carmel 4 mile, by Omnibus. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmsl. June S3, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS A WATSON. ' No. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut k Fifth Streets. Friday morning, December 35th, 1R54. Evans 4- Watson's Salamander Safca Trium phant, as they always are when put to the test. "PHitAiistrHis, Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. Evans Ir Watson, Ns. 89 8outh Fourth St.. Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re- commending your Salamander Safes to Merchants snd others in wsnt ol a secure means 01 preser. ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our bonks, papers anu casn in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great tire of this morning, which destrnved the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth etree's. The above safe was in uae in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, snd remained there until the fire was out. The Snfe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1 000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. VY ill you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use sguin, having perfect confidence in its tire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, I.ACY 4- PHILIPS. Evans If Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their afea in use: U. S. Mint, Philada Farmers' nm! Mechanics' Bank, Phila ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sncrifl', Phila; John H. Hen derson, City Controller; Caleb Cope if Co., No. 1S3 Marke. St. ; Richard Morris J-Son, Loco motive biuldris, I'liiloua; Baucrolt A sellers, Machinists, corner lGth and James Su.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Penneylvauia Railroad Co, rhila.; Lacey If Philips, corner 5th and Minor Sts.; Shsrpleas Bro., No. 33 South Second St..; James Kent St Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Thitd St.; Smith, WilliumscV Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Orne, No. 184 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safca always on hand (warranted to aland at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring s Sale now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Dash, lor making tire-proof Vaults tor uanks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. 26 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. NEW STORE. (At the old Stand of S. N. Thompson.) PIHE Subscriber respect'ully informs the peo. J. pie of Sunbury snd vicinity, that he has ta. ken the Store Room lately occupied by 3. N Thompson, in Market btreet, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he has just received and opened a handsome assortment of FAIL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswsre, Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. Ac. All of which will be sold st the lowest prices. All kinds of produce tsken in exchange at In highest market price. tl. rl. VASltrsE. Surbury, Nov, 54, 1855 ly ch JAMES BARBER WHOLESALE RKTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, E. cerner of Second Chestnut Sts. FHIX.ADEX,FUIil. Where may be fou d, one of the largest and best assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the i'niled States, in quantities to suit purchasers of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; embracing every variety of style and manufac tore, suital le for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, 1'arlors, bleeping apartments, and Kilch ens. Steam and Canal Bouts, and Rait road Cars, N. B. Clocks Repaired and Warranted. Clock 1 runmings for sale. Also, Janiiucurer of liarber't Celebrated Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal is fully associated and developed. Gold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, Sic, wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to purchase are invited to call. JAMES BARBER, S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., Phils. Philadelphia, June 23, 1855. ly, HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vjpxe opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining utilities. HOOFLAND'S Bitterest May 19. WEISER 4k BRCNBRS. mm ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with IT I books,! nk, and all cc mplete, just rrceived. and far sale by H.I. MASSER. Suaeury, Jasas 4. PATENT BRITTANIA bar battles far sale by H. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 STOPPERS f. B MASSER. SILVER WATCHES A few double ease English Silver Watches, far sale at very low ri.ee by H. B MASSER. ruaknry. Apr It. MI ; "KTiLEY'a eoua.ff mndy. An excel' lent remedy for soughs, eeUa. Far eale at Ibis office. Bweesaberfl, , , FIRST ARRIVAL ; At 8. IT. Thompfon'if Store. In Lower Auyutta tovnthip, at the Junction of tne iviptnocKen ana rivm crttz roaai. THE subscriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of r armers, Mechanics and others to the same. SPRING AND SUMMER U00D9, consisting in part of ' Dry Good9, viz : CIofAs, Cfl.Mtmrres, Cosiinefs, Jeant, Drilling, jrivsiins, r r jitngj, j veiat, ana ail Atnfll 0 Spring aud Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicon, Muslin dt Lnint, Lawns, Ginzhamt, Beragts, Robtt, ?Coo!nt, Flannels, c. OltOCERIES, Sagar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Arc, Ac, tec. Hard ware; , Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives it Folks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles snd patterns. BOOTS AND BHOBS. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, Ac, of vsrious sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your' selves. f7 Country produce ot all kinds tsken in exchange at the highest market prices. 8. N. THOMPSON Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 58, 1855. WlC. F. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market tlreet, btlow 3th, north tide, PHIX.ASBZ.rHXA. Thila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly. Furniture ! Furniture ! No. 157 South Second above Spruce,) test side, PHILADELPHIA. riHE subscriber would respectfully Inform the A. readers of the Swniwry Amiriean and ths public generally, that ha has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufac tured nnder his own superintendence, purchasers msy rely on getting just such srticles ss ars represented. Lounges with removable srnis, also new patterns of Sofa Bedsteads. Those who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April'28, 55. w8 ly, BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. r'r'H E subscriber hsving received the neeesssrv forms and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty L.sna srrsnts al the enorte-t notice. H. B. MAS3ER. 5aabary, At-" T, 1155. L. L. BE VAN, 3ZA1CI1T HOTEL, Shamokin Fa. fllHE subscriber begs leave to inform his Iriends A and the public generally, that he has taken the above well known stand, and will ba happy 10 accommodate all who may give bim a call. Shamokin, July 0, 1854. NOTICE. jOTICE is hereby given that spplicstion will 'I be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl vania, at the session of 1NS6, for the crestion of a corporate body, with banking snd discounting privileges, to be called the "ciaaMoaiir Bisk, located at Shamokintown, Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stork of $150,0I'0, with the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin, May 22, 1855 6ns. "MWDRUG STORET WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Drucrcrists, Market St., next door to E. Y. UrigaCs Store sDNDUnr, rA., flFFLR to the public the largest and best selected stock ever opensJ in this section of country, consisting ot FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spires, Psints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glsss, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of faint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, ail and Khaving Bruahes, Dressing, Side, Neck snd rocket Combs, rancy Soaps, Miaving Creams looacco, feegare, l'ort Momas, stationary, Con. racuonsrics, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use, English, French and A meri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists getiersny. tt Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, UEO. U. WEISER, WM. A. BRU.NER. Sunbury, Msy 28, 1854. TOBACCO, &o. StrswHenry, Congress, Eldorsdo Fig, Eldorado Cake. Sarsaparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cat, Andersons " For Sale at WEISER A BRL'NER. 6unbury, May 26, 1855. T)R. H. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for eeughs, --'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply ef this valuakle medicine just received and frr aala by H. U. MASSER, Stanharv. June 4. A RXOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe x - sive ana legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Ian 10. 1852. SJHOES. All kinds of Boots Shoes and slip. pers for sale by U. ELSUERG & CO, Market street, opposite the Post Office. Banbury, Oct. 8. 1853. TV ATS AND CAPS. A splendid let ef n I faahionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats, alae Cluth, Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military uaps mr sale low by G. ELSBERQ d CO. Market street, opposite the Pesl Office. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853 4 OLD PENS with and without eases, ef vJM very superior quality, just received. Alse a fresh supply ef Writing Fluid, far eale by U. B. M ABBaSK. rronbury. Dee. 2T. 1S OLANK Parchment Paper Deeds snd lJ Mortgagee, Bends, Executions, Sun blank Summons Jtc, for sale b H tS. 185 B. MASSER. Sunbury , Apri BLANKS. i of every description c - - - - A.av p BJ JLANKS of every description east be bad by urn 1 epp Tins- at the office ef the Americas. J ROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna snou, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger, i.iquonce, ate., eke., al -Nov. , '64. YOUNG'S 8TORE lEWELRT A nice assortaeot ef Geld and Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by G, EL8BERG CO., Market street, opposite the Peel OSaee Baabury, Oe. S, ISsJ CAMPHINE and Fluid of the beat quality WEItSB m- BstlTNXB- SMakajay, May !, IN. Vnt Goods ft t&a Feopk ) BENJAMIN HEFFN ESPECTFULLT inferme the public . V h,hM ) teceived aad splecdid stock of Fall and Winter Goot at tils New 8trre, In Lowet Aagaste, te Hie stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassineti sf all kinds, ef linen, cotton and worsted ALSO 1 Calico!, Ginghams, Law niouHieiine ue Laluea anl all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries. Also an assortment of Hardware. na steel, Mails, &c. A'o an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles patterns. Alse an assortment of BOOTH Ik, Sf HATS It CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, fcc. And a peat vsriety of other srticles such suitable to the trsde, all of which will be the lowest prices. tr Country produce taken In exchs the highest prices. Lower Augusts, Nov. 10, 1858. - United States Hote Chestnut Street, abort Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. J J- MacLEI.LAN, (lata of Jones' vy has the pleasure to inform his frien. he traveling community, that he has least House for a term of years, snd is now pn for the reception of Guests. The Local sdvantagesof this favorits esli ment are too well known to ncod commen The House and Furniture have been first rate order: the rooms are large ami ventilated. The Tables will always be su with the best, snd the proprietor pledges si that no effort on his part shall be wanli make the United States equal in comforts b Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854 SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON nr.Ai.cs in Lampi, Lanterns, Chandelier, and Candcla He. 152 S. 2I street, ahovt Sprues, rnii.SBti.rnu. Ifsving enlarged and improved his store, having one of the largest sssortmen Lamps, in I'hiladeltihta, is now nrennred to nish Pine Oil, Cainphene, Burning Fluid, : ana Lamps, ami Lanterns of al nntt Glass Lamps by the package, at a an.oll adv. over suction prices. Being s Manufacturer Uealer of Pins Oil, Burning Fluid and A let rhicli will be furnished to Merchants at 1 prices that they will find it to their ndvantsj buy. Also, Household Glassware of all dest tions st ths lowest market prices. railailelpnia, Uct. 14, 1854. AVM 7 I 'C A 1 IT Y7 OOK SELLkR, Market Slrett, SUNBURY, FA. Tl'ST rtssivsd snd for sals, a frsia aspply r.TAXGICLICAL, MISI4J far Singing Schools. He is also onenina this time, a large assortment of Books, in evi branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, Historv, ISovels, Romances, Scient: Works, Law, Medicine, School anil ChilJrei Books, Bibles; School. Pocket and Fsmily, be tith snd without Engravings, and every of va ety of Binding. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and fur salt, PurJont I gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 113 price only $6,00. Judge Keads edition of Blackstones Commf taries, 111 3 vols. S vo, formerly sold st S10.U snd now offered (in frssh binding) at ths lo price of 6,00. A 1 realise 011 the laws of reimsvlvama r specting the estates of Decedents, ly Thomas 1 (iordon, pure only 31,00. 1 ravels, oy:iges Slid Au.mlures. all 1 rhich will I r soU low, cither for cash, er coal try produce. February, 21, 1853. tl. "AID AUD COMFORT," Your Own 7Itt liauic. GKOKGE RKNX. MANI.rACTliKER or FURNITURE AND CHAIM Of the moit Fashionable Style. 'VHE subscrilier respectfully calls the aitentiut ef the public to his lariie and siilendid assurt msnt of evi ry qunlity and price of c aisim: ,;r: 'hirh cannot fail to retommend itvelfteeverv an who will eiamine it, on account of its duialil workmanship and splendid finish, made up of Ih. best stock to be had in the citv. s ell'urt i spared in the manufacture of his ware, and III subscriber ia determined to keep up with th many improvements which are constantly bsia made. His stock consuls of Mahogany Snfaa, Dlvniisi and Louug Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND IIIXIMJ TAIUB aud also VENETIAN BLINDS, cqurl to Phi's uelplua manutacture. BEDfTEAU.S, of every pattern snd pries CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS. TOILF.T TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every srtirle in this line of his btisines. tie else manufactures all kinds and qualttiss CIIA1KS. ncluding varieties never before te l.s ha J . Sunbury, audi as Maiiunam, Blick Wuntr Lt'sun Mtri.i (isr.i us ; axii Wi.misok CHAIRS, 1x1. lAser I'i.0 Stools, uliirhare of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscriber is determined that there slml! be no excuse for persnna to purchase furniture in. u cities, as every conlidence can be entertaiueJl about the quality and finish of his wars ant Chairs. His articles will he disposed of en ss coed terms ss they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. tF" UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hun, he ia new prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient sis lance from this place. OT The Wsro Room is In Market fclreet, below Thompson's 8tore and Weaver's Teversv GEORGE Rfc'NN. unbury, Jan. 10, 185S tf. NOT1CK To Trespassers oa the Teeerph lins. TOTICE is hereby given, that all persons x' found trespassing upon, or Injuring (lis litis of the Philadelphia end cJunbury 'J'ele;ru.li wik vm uean wiui according to the art ol Awemuiy ia such sases made and provided. H. B. MASKER, Frcs't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June a, 1S54. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, ' st Tasteless I alts, Prepared by -WEISER k BBUNEI. This arepaiation is recorasaended as aa aa eelleol relative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free front any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in favor. This medicine is bighly beneficial for diseases aesaliar te ssaisaar end hoi weather. Sunbury, July 1. IS. TNK Bouraau's celebrated ink, and also Cast ires ink for sale, wholesale and 1 and retail by S MawaHH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers