TAMHOWS A!tO 'HS. rftftfl ft,r fr a fiever greater, per tin u tiir pif ft'i.lf! Bum promiaes. Vor Ut ct ji'uu Ihu truile 1ms gradually in- u in extent, ana importance, till furs have become an almost Indispensable 's of ladies' apparel. The style has cd since the last season, by the widen the "victorine" into a cape, so that, in tuats, it is substituted for cloaks and 9. Tailors ingeniously' contrive so to heir styles, particularly as to the length its und waists, as to compel an obser i "f their whims. liUo tmtnner, furriers create a demand -w patterns, by rendoring the former (unique and distasteful, and many who, r s.nce, provided themselves altogether I f.ishion, and under the necessity of fur ouLUy and the aid of tho furrior. The Milile, or American mink, has suddenly ue very popular, from its resemblance to o Russiun sable, and will be the fur most this winter. Though costing not more one third as much as the real suble, its miince often gives it a preference. The commonly known as the Russian sablo, illy the HudstnUay sable, and which or S:tOO to $500 per cape choice, as usjgSOO. 10 genuine Russian sable is very seldom in the United Stats and a set muff, uml cuffs cots SHOO to $2000. The e martin, from Germany and Greece, the r being the best, is still much worn, in ) capes, and is among the handsomest Good sets are to be had from $30 to ) ; extra $125. Ermine costs $4 to $500 si;t. The oppossum (mountain martin) ie staple for medium priced furs, particu ' lor tho country trade, and black fox sil lox, squirrel, &c, are cheaper still. The e of all kinds of furs are slightly in ad ce of last year. The mink is very much dvance, and the manner of making up all riptions still further enhances their cost. Y. Jour Com. Joffek is Maine The Rural Intelligcn states that a friend, residing at Mount rnon, Maine, has raised in the open air, his place, for the last three years, the ver )!e coffee plant, the seed of which was ught thither five years ago from Cuba. jroTis about two feet high, and produces IiiTiits in pods something like peas. The ut.i, he says, have matured, even this sea , and tho berries ripened without injury in frosts. IIUW TO BREAK I P A t OLD Or. Hall, in his Medical Journal, gives the lowing directions for breaking up a cold: i bad cold, like measels and mumps, or aor similar ailments, will run its course put ten days, in spite of what may be done it, unless remedial means are employed thin forty-eight hours of its inception, sny a useful life may be spared to be in ua.siugly useful, by cutting a cold short oil, the following safe and simple manner. On e first day of taking a cold there is u very .plensaut sensation of dullness. The mo i' nt yon observo this go to your room ami iy there ; keep it at such a temperature as U entirely prevent this chilly fueling, even it inquires a hundred degrees Fall. In nd tion, put your feet in water half K'g deep, f not as you can bear it, adding hotter water om time to time, for a quarter of an hour, that the water shall be hotter when you ike your feet out than when you put them i, than dry them thoroughly, and put on arm, thick, woolen stockings, even if it be nmnier, (when colds are most dantrerous,) nd for twenty-four hours eat not an otom of wu, but drink as largely asyou desire of any ind of warm teas, and at the end of that i:;ie, if not sooner, the cold will bo effectually .M)len, without any medicine whatever." I'liis t henry is no doubt, good for weak con .Utiil ions, but lor a hale hearty person we vo.tl.l iHcomineud the substitute of cold water irinks in tho place of hot tea. j, I'oilkd For Fif. Take two quarts of np tti!8, pare, core and quarter, then put them into a pot or kettle, and sprinkle on a little iii.uar. grated nutmeg, and pour in water 'iMimigh to boil them. Then make a light rnUmtiis crust and roll one ir.ch thick, of the -ir e el the kettle, and lay it on the apples j r..i U'.vee-lourths ot nil hour without cessa- Ia!:. Prepare tho sauce in tho sumo way us U t a ijiru 8 nest pie. unto ! aimer. To Whiten Linen Turned Yellow. Cut up a round of fine white soap into a gallon of ',;!;', ami hang :t over a tire lu a wash-kettle. ,en tho soap has entirely melted put in 1 li linen and boil it half an hour. Then tako i' out : have ready a lather of soap and warm waer: wash the linen in it. and then rinse it tLroiiuh two cold waters, with a very little blue at the last. IJird's Nest Pik. Take a deep baking tin and jet as muny apples in it as will cover the bottom. Fare them and remove the core from one end ; make a custard, and till each npplu as it is placed in the dish. Then make a thick flour batter, pour over the whole and li ike one hour. Serve with nour sauce. Ohio Farmer. To Takr Ink Octoe Likrn. Saturate the t pots with melted tallow, then wash in suds. This is the best way I ever saw. Kossuth, according to reports, is prepar ing fur revolutionary attempt in Kurope as soon us the proper time may arrive. We may then look for a revival of the Kossuth uts and revolutionary fashions. But we doubt not the Philadelphia public, no matter what may be the changes in dress will still continue to provide themselves with clothing from Rockhill & Wilson's cheap and elegant clothing store, No. Ill Chestnut street, cor ner of Frauklin Place SUNBUKY PRICE Cl'UKEST Wheat. Rti. Coax. Oats. Potatoes, Beeswax . Heckled Flai. Bctteb. Fogs. Poaa. Flaxseed. Tallow. 200 112 SO j5 35 ts 10 22 12 10 las is New Advertisements. NOTICE. T. O. O. F. -The members of Sunbury Ledee. No. 203, are hereby notified that 'a question of importance wi(l be brought before the Lodge, on Saturday evening, the 1st of December, nt. By order of ths Lodge, MA CLAY GEARHART.Ssc Sunbury, Nor. ti, 1855. 2t ORPHANS' COURT SALE.' N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court J- of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on MONDAY, the 17th day of DECEMBER next, on the premises, the follow, ing described real estate to wit I The undivided one half part of a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Kituate in ths township of 6hamokin county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Joseph Wilkerson, Jacob and Deid Bead, Wm. H. Muench and others, containing HeveBteca Acres, or therea bouts, with the appurtenances. Lata the estate of Rev. J. P. Shiudei, dee'd. Sale to eemmence at 10 o'elurk, A. M. of said day, wheat ths terms cf sal will be made known by J. O. 8 8HINDEL, . . M. L. SHlNDiJL, E,tort. Bf order of the Court, ) JNO. P. PUU3EL, Clk. O. O. I Sunbury, N. 155- NOTICE. Estate of Em ami o D. Cookley, of Shamokin, TOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors and A all others interested in Mid atate, that 1 have been appointed Auditor to bear and deter mine upon the exception filed to the account of William W. Rankin, assignee of said E. D. Cockley, and will attend for that purpose at toy fRce, in the borough of Sunbury, In Northum berland county, on Tuesday, the 11th day of December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. I. GREENOUGH, Auditor. By order or the Court of Common Pleas, North' umberland county. James Beard, Proth'y. L. S. Sunbury, Nov, 24, 1855. td ZIBA BIRD'S ESTATE. NOTICE ia hereby given to all parsons con cerned, that the undersigned appointed Au ditor in the matter of tho exceptions to the ac count of Joseph Bird and Samuel Reader, exec utors ofZiba Bird, dee'd, will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his office in the borough f Sunbury, on l'riuay, the 14th day ol Decem ber next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day. WM. I. GREENOUGH, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 24, 1855. td Estate of JOSEPH IAHR, dee'd. 1V"OTICE ia hereby given that letters of Adini nUtratiun upon the estate of Joseph Lahr, late of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumber land county, dee'd, have been granted to the un dersigned, residing in Georgetown, in said town ship. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them without de lay for settlement, and all personsindebted are desired to make immediate payment. GEORGE LAHR, Ad'tor. Georgetown, Nov. 21, 1855. 6U NEW SUPPLY OF LIQUORS. MRS. THOMPSON respectfully informs her friends and customers, that she has receiv ed a new supply of superior liquor of different kinds. Sunbury, Nov. Si, 1855, 3t COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! SECOMD YEAR. ARRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual Collection ol' Ibis new and popular Institution lur the dill'usion of Literature and An, have been made on Die most exten sive scale. Among the works already engsgad, is the far-Crimed "GENOA CRTJCIFIX," which originally eost Ten Thousand Dollars. Ju farming the new Collection, the diffusion of works of American Abt, nnd the encnurHgruneiit of American genius, have iii-t been overlooked. Comniirtninns have been issued to many of the moat distinguished American Artists, who will cnntiihute some of their finest proline tionl. Among them are three Marble Uinta, executed by the greatest living Sculptor Hikam Powim : GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country : BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The Philosopher j DANIEL AVEBSTER, The Statesman, A iecial Hcent lias viailed Europe nnd mode careful nnd judicious stltviiotis of foreign works of Art, both in Bronze mid Mantle , Sfutuary nun choice l'tuuthitrs. The whole lorminff a la rue nnd vulunhle collection of PaintinffH and Stittuafv, to he distributed frf.b umons the mcmben of the Association for the Second Year. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. The pivment of three dollar constitutes any one a mem ber of thin Association, mid entitle him to either one of me .oiiowm; .tiaizmea lor one year, ana ai a ticket in the distribution ot the Statuary and Paintings. liic i,iteiittiire issued to sti user inert consists of the loi lowinc Monthly Magazines : Harner'a, Putnam. Knicker- b'ckr, Blackwood'. Gruhum'tj, Godey'i Lady's Book, and Household Wonts. P rsons takmc five memborshinsare entitled to any five of the Mrigazinca for one year, and to six tickets in the disirtnuiioii. The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the ensu ing year. THE ADVANTAGES SECURED by hecomimr a member of this Association, ore Ivt. All persons receive the full value of their subscrip tions at lite stun, in Liie saape oi sterling Magazine lite rature. 2d, Knch member is contributing towards purchasing eh' nee Works of Art, which are to be distributed among themselves, and ore at the une lime encouraging tho Arts of the count, y, disbursing thousand of dollars through its ugtticy. Persons in remitting funds (or membership, will please give their post -ofli vn address in full, stating the nioiuk they wish the MufMziiie commence, and have the letter rt-Kibiereu hi me roi winc in prevent vn, on me re ceipt of which, a certificate of membership, tocelher with the Mug.iziue desired, will be forwarded to any part of ine country. Those who purchase Magazines ai Bookstores, will ib- aerve that by j lining thi Association, they receive the Magazine and tree ticket in the annual distribution, all at the same price they now nay tor the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated Catalogues, giving full deserip. tions, sent free on application. Fur Meinl-erslttp, ad:lies C. I.. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. At either of the principal offices "Knirke.b cker Mmrazine" office. 3H Broadway, Ke V York, or, Western Uifice, 186 Water street, Sandusky, O. WOT. 17, ISM. PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at public sale, at the Court House in the borough nf Sunbury, on MONDAY, the lOtli day of DECEMBER, next, ths Two-thirds of the undivided half part of all that Certain Tract or piece of Land, Situate in Upper Augusta township, Korthurn ticrland county, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Z. Haas, Martin Gass Samuel Lantz and others. Also st the same time and rate: John G. Markle who holds the absolute right of the one-third of the ef.resaid undivided moiety or half pait of said tract land anil premises, oilers his interest for sale, and will muke a title therefore. Terma of sale will he made known by MARY MARKLE, Guardian. Sunbury, Nov. 16, 1853. 8t Fashionable Ilats and Caps. ASHBY & E0CAP, jVo. 136 Market at., PHILADELPHIA. NFORM their friends snd the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, got up of the best material and in the lutesi ana best style of workmanship ana hnu.li. Country merchants and others wilt do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere Phila., No 10, 1S55. tf. The Scientific American Eleventh Tear Splendid Engravings and Frizes. The Klevente Amiftal Tuluine of Uiis useful publication commences on the 17lh of September, IB66. The "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN" is sn Illustrated Periodical, d.voted chiedy to tlia promulgation of lufor- imiiuu rciiuins. 10 in. various Mecuumc sou crieimc Arts, I nominal Manufactures, Airncullure, Patents, Inventions, l.iiRineerinjt, Millwork, and all iutereits winch the light neixirts ul u .a. Futt-nts granted are ulao nnl.li.hl .v. ery week, includina urhi iul comes of all ihaFainu I'b.m. toeether with news and informMtion unon thiiM.iria .J 1 he coutubutora to th. Bcieatifie Amenean are among the most eminent scientific and nractimil miir th 1 He editorial department u universally .cknowtekied to tM eooaueted with great ability, .nd to be diuingui.l,ed, not only for the excellenc. and truttil'uhiess of itsduk-us- uous, out lor in. lewricsauess with which .hoi is com. Duietl onu luise lueunesar. esuUHJca. Mechanics, Inventors, kngiueers. Chemists, Msnufi turers, Agriculturirts, Slid iieopl. of eveiy profession in life, will lind the Bvioulihe Ainesitmn to be of great value lu their respective cuuing. itseuunccls and suggesltoiu will snv them hundred, of dollars .miually. besides arfi. ding them eonttnual source of knowledge, tbe exporienc. Ol wuicn is oeyoiiu peeuiuHiy wunaie. The Scientibo American is published once a week t everv number contains sight large quarto page, forming aiauiully a ooinplet. .nd splendid volume, Ulustratad with several BUiKirea original cngrvviiiga. KsT boeciuisn eoptes seut gratis. XJT TERM3.r8tiigle Subseriptinns, year, or 1 for six months. Five copies for six months. Si4. for a vear SS. For further Club rates and for the statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscrip tions. - Letters should be directed (pest paid) to ML'NN & CO, . 188 FuJton Street, New Tik. New Terk, Norerobsj 10, 1S5B. Bargain! at the Old Stand. FIIILING 8t GRANT ,4 RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of FALL and WINTER Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths- tt Cawumeret, Winter Ware for meri and boys, all stylet and prices. DRESS GOODS, SILKS Plain and Figurtd Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe end Figured Fan cy Dress Silks at unusually low pnres, 8hellie,Braxee, Bras DeLains, Mus. Da Lain". Lawns. cVc, GINGHAMS from 6 to 85 cents par yard. CALICOES " 3 " m " " WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, $c. OROCEHIES. HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-wnre, Iron, Steel, Plaater Salt and Fish. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. tV Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1855. ly. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1PSUF.D under thpSrnl, Snnrtinn snd Authority of th. Ullivemty of FHKK MKDIOINK nnd poplar Ir iow. lenni!. Chiiittred bv the Slole i.f I'eniisylvanis, April 89, 18o5, with n Cnnitol of IO(),tKiO, nininly for the purpose of .rrfstinir the eviisof flpuiions and worthless Nostrums; . I... F. I..!... tl.. r...n..,...lu Mtt. VBlialtla !?..,- dics wherever s 'Competent l'hysiciun cannot or will not ILir luppiwill( hi. win. 7 . - ... ...f be emu lived. This Instil titution has purchased fromDr John H. Howakd, his Cclehrnted Hom ami's Tonic mixture, Known for upwards of twenty-five years ss the only sure and sale cure fur FKVI'.H anil AGL'K, fir., nnd his ines tiiuitlile Itemedy for KOWKLCOMl'l.AINTS, Kowand's Compound Pyrup of IHnekberry Koot, which highly ap proved and popular Remedies, together with The Uni ver.it y is Remedy for Complninta of the Lungs; The University's Kemedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion; The University's Remedy fur Costive-Howels; Also, the University's Aimnuac may b. lis had, at th. Branch Dispensary, ur Stor. of WILLIAM DKPPIN, Nor. .1, ltS. Mahanoy P O. For the latest arrival of Fall tSj Winter Hoods. J. F. & I.fT KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, thut they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., at Klines Grove, their FALL anl WINTER Goods, and pencd to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, onsisting in part sf Cloths, Mack and fane; usKimeres, dattinetts, I Hecks, Drawers ana Under Shirts, and ell kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. mads Coats, Vests and Pants, dec. Ladies Dress Goods, Consisting of Ulack Silks, Merinos, Alpacos, Co berR cloth, plain and fancy nil wool lie I. sines. Calicoes, (linchams. Muslin, Comforts, Bay State Long Shawls, Trimmings, Ac. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Queenswnre, Cedarware, Brooms, Ac Aleo a larpe assortment of Hoots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hals, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaiier than the Cheapest, Thankful for post favors we hope by strict atten tion to biiHineis, to merit a continuance ot the same. All of ihe above named stock of goods will be old positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, INov. 3, 1855. GREAT EXCITEMENT 1 La, est and best arriral of the Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Square, has Juft reeeired his Stock from 1 lMatet)lua, consxnting oj Full and Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress ami Fancy Goods. The following comiirisea in part a list of my ex tensive and elegant stork, which for variety and cheapness cannot he exrcllcd in this market. FOR THE GKNTLKMF.X, Black nnd Fancy Cloths and Cassimcrcs, Rl Suttin and Fancy Silk Vestings, Shirting Muslin, Drawers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans, Velvets, Blankets, Ac. FOU THE LADIES. Black Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored snd plaid ull wool. Mimlin ilc Lain, a large lot of Prints, of Ihe best brands and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid Linseys, Flannels red, yellow ami white, grey Drills, Tickings Cambrics, Dress trimininiis, notions, laces, cloves. hose and irish linens, and olher things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS if CAPS. HARDWARE it, CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE, FISH & SALT, Groceries of every variety . Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Cnudlea, Soap, Ci ackers, Brooms, Lead, hhot, lied Cords, flough Lines, Class 8x10 1012, 11x16. Starch, Fluid, Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at ths highest market prices. Sunbury, Uct, 87, 1S5S tf. Saddle and Harness Maker Thomas H. Tucker,' Successor to G. W. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs tin p'm citizens of Sunbury snd the pub iHu. lie generally, that he lias liken. ; aA establishment lately occupied by W. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work iu his line equal to any inaue in wis hciiuu u. cuunujr Orders promptly execeted and all kioda of pro dues taken in exchange. Banbury. October U7, 1855. ly EXECUTOR'S SALE. X 1TILL be sold at public sale, on 8ATURDAT T the 8th of December, next, o'H (he premises of Barah Hoover, dee'd, in Upper Augusta town- snip, Northumberland county, tbs followiui sonal property of said deceased . Two Bureaus, A Mantle Clock. A Cooking Stout, a Parlor Stove, Thru Reds two Kttctien Dressers, a Copper Kettlt, . an lrou Kettle, Tablet, Chain, Carvetinas. Ac. Alia Wheat, Rye, Oats, Buckwheat aud Potatoes ky the bushel., Also Hsy by th ton. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms of sals will be made known by ANDREW HOOVER, Ex'tot, Upper Augusta, Nov. 16, 185S.3t LAND WAKKAPi IB IM nigQeat pries will bs given for Land Warrants by the sub- JsEERTSBTJEQ SEMINARY j AND BOARDINO CHOOL. ' Ttmmt LadlM us OraUsma, r fTTHIa Instltulion will commune, it tml u Winter Session of eleven weeks, November 13lh 1815. Its object Is to quelify young Ledies nd Gentlemen for Ilia more tctive duties of life. Parents msjr rest assured thet ver eiertion will be made for the Morel and Physical, a wel! at Intellectual Improvement of all who are pi seed under our care. Everything sectional will be discarled. TERMS PER SESSION, Boarding Room Furnished, SS3 00 Common English I) ranches, 4 00 Higher English and Mathematics, dec, 6 00 Greek and I.nlten, ' 8 00 French, (eitra) I 00 Music on Piano Forte, 8 00 Half of the Quarterly expense Invariably paid In advance. Any information will be given promptly by addressing either the Principal or Proprietor. JOSIAH Fi KENNEDY, K.M.,Printirl. AARON P. LARK. Proprietor. Bertysliuig, Dauphin Co., i'a., i October ?8th, 1155. 5t Ilitoliilion or Tartiiersliip. "VTOTICE is hcreliy given thnt the firm of Clement & Krttm wasdulv dissolved on the 31st day of October, A. D., 1855, and that the books of the firm are in th hands of Ira T. Clement. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said firm will pleass come and make settlement immediately, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them. CLEMENT it KRAM. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1855. Sm. NEW MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. AOF.NTS WANTED in every town and eo.nly in tlis United Stales, to sell the beautiful picture of th. GRAND LODGE ROOM. In the New Majosic Halt., Philadelphia. This Plat, is selliue; very rapidly, nnd elicits the ndnuration of all, for the correctness and fidelity with which the Ptatuakt, FitKro lAirTiNfi and FfatiTras ar. represented, and theartietic beauty nnd harmony of th. colore. Siz. of Plate, W X a. Price 3 no. Uooksellrrs and Picture Dealers wishing intake agen ties for it, will plesss address, for further information. L.N.ROSENTHAL, Lithographer, Philadelphia. October fi7, 1855 If REMOVAL. J. S. DEPUY &c SONS, At 223 North Second Street, ahove Vine, and at Eiyth and Spriny-Garden Street FHXZ.ASEi.PHXA, Are selling off CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, tie... At reduced prices, Expecting to REMOVE to CHESNUT Street, (under the New Masonic Hall,) about the ISth of Novkmbeh, to which place they would invite their former cuslomers and others, as they expect to keep a better assortment there, than they ever have kept. Oct. 27, 1855.- ch. Sept 22 Sm W $50 IE"W-A..rJ. riHE subscribers offer a reward of fifty dollar -I. for the iliKcovcrv snd conviction -of the per son or persons, who cut snd destroyed the bands on the Machinerv of their Uoal ttreaKer, at ma Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and Mt. Carmcl, on the night of the 9th inst. ( The above reward will he paid to any one giv ing inform ion that will lead to the conviction of the offenders. CLEAVER, FAGELY & Co. Shamokin Oct. 27, 1855. tf. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, A'e. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at tho above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but littlx rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Hoods here, pay high rents and live line princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slag, buffalo, bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, &c, Butcher Knives, Dirks, .Bowie Knives,' Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. Also a large assortment ol Aecotdeons, Oct. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JUHIX M. L'ULEMAS, Oct. 20, 1855 ly. Importer. GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE LAnOEUT PI ANO FORTE, MF.Lt iTlEON AND MUSIO KiOH r. l. THK u?l rnu r. Tl-.s, Will be onened October I.ltb 1S55, in Ihe Mtsomc Unit. DO'G. t'liesnut Street, ah ve hovellth, Philadelphia. llvJOHN MAKSil, Hie Nile Aiieiil lor Boiirclnisn, Gruv & Co.'s celehrntrd IVIoe C'unipnns Attachment Pimm Fortes, nnd C v . r isk Jr. Lo's Premium Rlelo. rieons Also. Pimio Foites and Altil-Kleoiis of other dis tinguished makers. J. M. has obtained u leuse for eeveial Vents in the new, niaeiiiro-eni nnu wen Known rtmsoiiic Uuililinr. where he intends keepine Ihe larseat slock snd nnaorlint-ttt of Pmno bortes. Mrlodcoii, Music, nnd Mu- sicil Instruments of eveiy description, oil of which sre carefully selected liy himseit, anu warruiues to give per fect sutil'aetion in every luilaiice. October V!7lli. fM tl 3STEW FALL AND WINTEE GOODS. W. Tj:m:u & Co., Sunbury, Pa. I ESPF.CTFULLY announce that they have iust received a large and varied stock of splendid goods suited to llie season ; an insiiec- UOn OI WHICH IIICV nuucil jruill mrii ifinm, nnu Ihe public they will lie sold at low prices, ss they still adhere to their old motto: "Small profits and quick Sales." This in the end pays lest, whils it beat serves their customers. 'I heir stock now consists of Cloths, Caasimeres, Vesting, Ladies' Dress Good, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coburgs, all wool de tains, Calicoes, cVc.i with a large assortment of dresa trinuuiugs.-B roche, . Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuffs, sleeves, chemisettes, J c. A new stock of Ready mads Coata, Vests, and Psntaloons, of superior style and workmanship, Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes together with s general assortment ot Hardware, ijueens- ware, Groceries, Provisions, Cedarware, Drugs, Paints. Oils snd Nails. Come and see, no charge is mads for show, ing Roods. j . Country produce taken in exohangs for goods, at ths highest market prices Sunb'ury, October 13, 1855. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FARM,' . ... Lvini in Shamokiu township, Northumberland county, containing about 130 acres, more or less within i mile of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, adjoining lands of Chsrles Leiaenring, George Kiick and others, rn which are erected A large two-itory Dwelling House, Barn and Out houses. About 80 seres of said land are cleared, and in a piatty good slate of culiiyatiot ; the residue ia good timber land. There can bs about 40 acres of very superior ir.eadow made on said premises. There are two good bearing Orchards thereon, never-failing snrina- of waier, and a good well at ths door. For further particular apply to the aubscri btrs, or to Elida John, Bear Gap P. O., North umberland county. Pa. ' , i .') . P. 8. Ifaaid premises are not sold before ths first bay of ths first month (January) next, ths same will Be offered lor rent on reasonanis irnie, SARAH JOHN, ELIZA 8. JOHN. Shamokin twap. ) llth mo. 3. 1865. ( wo . ..NOTICE. . A II persons f pawing themselves indebted ts Irs T. Clement, on Bgok sccauut, notes sr othsr. wis. r requested to call snd pay up witheut delay, othsrwiss thsir accounts wiu os piacea I ths bands of a magistrate fur collection. Sunbury, Nov. 17. 1865. tf I3AHNE8TOCK Vermifuge, for sal bv I May l, .... WCWEF fc BRUNBH SILK AND SHAWL STORfc . , 196 Cantfivt Jrrf, PHILADELPHIA. . , WE tsltt leava to Inform the Lailies of Sunbefy ami vl einitr, thnt we now have open a full stock of Fall end Winter Goods, just arrived by Hons and Liverpool Btaapaers. IN OUR SHAWL ROOM will bs fonnd the most extensive assortment of Brncha. Long and fVintre BHAWU9 Stella and printed bordered BHAWLH, iiitherjty. whsle mil CUMKH, TALMAS and MANTILLAS, In Velvet Cloth andMoirs Auliqus, eaiiuot be sui passed. SILK AND DRESS GOODS, This denajtment is supplied with all ths newest styles o' llrocnde, Plsid, ftrlne, Plain, Moira Antique and Black Bilks. White Moire intirme for bridal dresses. Rich ffilk Rotie Dresses, printed Cashmeres snd DeLaines, Lupines, Merinos and Cashmeres, a larga assortment ef all colors and very cheap. umiiroiaenes, Kiurions, uinves, 0. MOURMffO GOODS, Of t.vptns, Rnmbrisines, Cnshmeree, T)e Lsines he. Ws earnestly solicits call trim our country friends, feeling confident from our great fucililies for puichssing foods, we can offer great bargains. AONF.W CO. P. S Constsntly receiving new goods by tlis European StTimers from llnvre snd Liverpool. Uct. tin ltttS 3mw. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th Mount Vernon 7otise ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ra ses, $28 Silser Lever do., do., I2; Sil ver Lepine, do., 9 i Quhrtier. 5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to $ 10 Silver do., $ 1 60 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to 18( Silver Desert do., do., 9 to SI I ; Silver Teado.,1 do., $4 75 to $7 50 I Gold Pena and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. , $ 1 s together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Wstches and Jewe.lrv, repaired in the' best manner. A lso, M a sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sen( by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 22, 1835. lyw. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. JOHN FAREIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fanoy Furs No. 281 Market Street, (above Eighth,) PHILADELPHIA . Having now completed my v(ry large and beatiutifnl assortment of all the different kinds of Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all the different styles and fushiona that will he worn during the present season by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small profits it will be to the advantage of Ladies and others to give me a call before purchasing. N. B. STOREKEEPERS and Ihe trade will do well to call, aa Ihcy will find one of the largest and best variety of stock to select from the city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 22, 1855 4 mos. FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his large and valuable FARM, situate in Shamokin town ship, Northiiiubeiland County, between Sunbury and Shamokin, two miles from the Koalroad and five from Trevorton, containing upwards of 600 ACRES, almost 30b acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the other well timbered with Oak and Chesnut. The improvements art two dwelling Houses and two Barns, with good Spring Water. It is well calculated for three more furma, wilh Meadows, Urchards, arc. Persons desiring level farms easily tilled, should examined the above. He will sell on reasonable terma either the whole, or parts of 60, 100 or 500 acres. If not sold by the first of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October 6, 1855.- tj6 '56 Fruits & Confectionery. REMOVAL. The subscriber has removed , to No 26 Maiiket Strket, above Front, (Three doors above the old aland,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in his line ; consisting of Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea son Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, plain and roasted : Pickles and preserves of all kinds ; to which he invilct the attention ot Dealers and others vit-i ing tho citv. Goods packed at this establishment warranted to carry safe. S. L. HERRING, No. 38 Market St.. above Front, South side. Phila.. Sept. 23, 1855. 3in c3. Cireat Arrival or Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT NFOKMS his friends and customers that he just received an eleirant assortment of FALL AND WIMTER GOODS ! ! I At his Sloio in Market Btreet, Bunbury, which he oflcrs to the public at the lowest prices. His stock, consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Alusltiis, Linens, Calicoes, Muslm dc Lains, Lawns, Ginghams. Berates. Also a large assortment of (,'I.OTU INO. A large assortment of Dools and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. IM:itcr. GrvOCERIES nf everv variety- Sugar, Tea, Coifce, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, FUh, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Tit i Iron and Bteel, Nails, Files, Saws, 4c. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc CP Country produce of all kinda taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Oct. 80, 1855 NEW REFECTORY. THE subscribers .respectfully inform the citi tens of Sunbury snd the public generally, that they have opened a Refectory and Eating Saloon in ths basement of the New Three Story brick building of J. M. Simpson, in Market street, which haa been handsomely fitted up with every convenience and comfort for their customers.--They will constantly have on hand ths beat quality of Oysters, and alt other deli cacies of ths season. JOHN E. RMICK. . . O. W. 1IILEMAN. Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1855. F A 1. 1. 8T0 C K of N E W Ooode. Seasonable Shawls. Fashionable Silks, Full stock lack Silks. Ureas Goods, all kinds. Blankets and Flannel. . l.inen and Cotton Sheetings. Staple Housekeeping Goods. Cloths, Caasimeres and Vestings. , l)VKrt ci LAMJELL, FOURTH it ARCH Sts., PHIL A IV A. P. S. Storekeeper and other net cut A bnytri anpplied with scarce and desirable . Dry Goods at low rates. BARGAINS from Philadelphia nd new York Auetiona daily. ... , N. B. 8 eases French Merinoes, til colors, wholesale from 65 to $ 1 ,25. " Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855 3m w3. CAME to the premises of th subscriber, near Bear Gap. about thrse weeks sine, light brindle COW shout 12 years old with a abort tail, snd had on a small bell. Th wnr ia re quested, to jeflltt forward, prov property, pay charges and Uk ber sway. - WILLIAM THOMAS, , Locust tp., Columbia. , et 20, IS65. 9m. 1NOELLIBLS INK st Ms l.r Birs. fcW GOODS I NEW GPODStl t- t mmopue Attraction atJEJabergB Stor At'JWiuhington wan first in tem peace, fre.. to Elsherg't Clothing Start it first in receipt of NEW GOODS. , ..i THE subscriber having recently returned from ths city has just been receiving an j opened to-day a splendid assortment of all kinds of Goods iu his line. Having selected with rare, and from his being early in ths market, purchasing cheep he flatten himself In being able to offer to his patron! and the public in general, such goods is will suit all in styles, quality make and prices. In addition to Coata, Pants and Veata of tweed jeans and other stuffs suitable for fall wear, may be fotihd all kinds of winter wear, such as Over- coats, Business Coata, Dress Coats, pants and Vests, mads of all imaginable stuffs of different colors, from light to heavy gradea, cheap to good qualities. In fact such an extensive assortment of Clothing as will not fail to suit everybody. Also a large quantity of boy's Clothing and all sorts of Under-clothing. HATS and Caps of all kinda and stylet) ths Kansas-Nebraska Hat, latest style. A good assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, tmong which are good calf-akin ahoes made to order; Also Ls dies' Gums nf different , kinds. As usual he has on hand a good assortment of Jewelry, accordenns, revolver,, various kinds of pistols, fine cutlery, shirts, collars, hosiery, gloves, port monnois, besides a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will lie sold at reasonable rates. Call and aee and judge for yourselves. . ALBERT El.SBERO. The Store ia in Market Square, opposite the former Post Office, a few doors below Masscr'a printing office. Sunbury Sepl. 92, 1855. PHILIPS, STEYKEB, & JENNINGS, WnoLtMALB DEALRSS IK BRITISH, FRUMII & AMERICAN BOUGHT KXCLCS1VKLT AT AUCTION, Nos. I j- 3 Bank Street, below Market, Between Serond and Third, PHI LADKLPU1 A . tV Tocavh or abort time buyers ws will sell ai n very small atlvnnra on Auction rates Phila., Sept. 22, 1855 2mc2j. S- E. Cor. 7th & Chesnut 8U: Th Iiistitutinn, which was Oril tublialied in tptemher, ltU, and number! among in gruduiitea huii- Icq 55 1 13? ! r" ; WW - ' cc ?wr 4ft urfdi of the buiitiPM men in tliis, aiiri other citit'i : wui on Jun 4th. . 1S5, ChRrterett. nnd eetabliilicd at a CHrf(t?, in accordance with Act of fjfjl I I.egialHturR. The Covrvi or Ixstbkctto? is nf a fsr J thimiuffhlv nr.iptical itharnctei and WHitnina all ihnae bnnicltfa netiennnry mat- ' lor use in buainraa; brmm'i which mrrl the punila have the privilege nf nitfii ri dunce uni hi n ciume nf IjKCTUHiiS HE- UI'ON COMMKKC1AU LAW. de- i-) live red fur their esrciul use, by emi- nent pracmjnnerft. For the nreBent sen won. the How, JiTooi Sharswood'i irrvicej are en gacrwl iu Ibis drpnrtmpnt. l. If. CIIITTKNDKV. Principal. Cutiilottuca will be lent to any addreen, on applicntion bv letter. Alan. CR1TTKN DENS' HOOK KKKP1NO, on rereipt per mail of the price, ftl,5K Key to tome 50 cU Philadelphia, Oct 13, 1955 6mA. FALL MILLINERY GOODS ! 1855- J-OHJST BTONE s soistS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now prepared to ofl'or to their cua tomere, and to tlia trade, (of their own im portation.) the largest and hmdsomest assort ment of Millineiy Goods, in this city consist ing in partof Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, he A;C. Which will be sold at the lowest prices, and on the most favorable terms. Philadelphia, Sept. S2, 1855 5mp2. "CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. PEKRY cV ERETY, invile the attention of 1 merchants and others to their large stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentatiou Booka in all ?tv lea of binding; Standard Theological, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from tho manufacturers and Im porters, everv kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Aote Tapers. Lnvelopes, uolu ami Steel Pens, Pencila, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Ac, &c, at the InweRteash prices. PERRY & ERETY, S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September 22, 1855. tf - FILES AND BASP3. J5EW ST11EET FILE WORKS, PMladelpMa. rHE subscriber is constantly Manufactur ing Files and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to ths best im ported goods, and much cheaper. MAIN ur ACTL'RERS it M EC II ANICS can have their OLD FILES RE-CUT and made equal to new, ai about half the original cost. Mat 12 inches $2,00 per Doz. ; Flat, 14 inches $2,75 per Doz. ; Saw-flies, Half Round, Millsaw and other Filca in proportion. . Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at th same rates, and warranted satisfactory. S. B. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Rac and Vine dc Second & Third Sts. Philadelphia. Philada. diistust IR, I $55. 3m. . SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, MATHEMATICAL Instruments separata and in cases. Thermometers of various aires, py Glaasea of every description, Platina points for Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic otijecta, Galvanic Batteries, Electrical Machines, Surveyer's Com passes, Surveying Chains ckc. dee. McALLlSl 1SU & BROTHER. . . (Established in 1796.) . 194 Chestnut Stroet Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) with 150 illustration furnished on application, and aent hy mail free of charge. Phila. Sept. 8, 1855. iF every description, suits' le for Railroads, " 4 c., for weighing Hay, Coal, Or snd Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, v ciy scale ia Guaranteed correct, and if, after trial not lound satisfactory, can b returned without chance. C" Factory at Old Stand, established for more than twenty years,, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. . ABBOTT ci Co., . -. . Successors la Elliot dc Abbott. Phil. Sept.. I, 1805. 3mC. . TJ. S. OZP -A.. "God and our Natim Land." CUSQUEHANNA CAMP. No. 19, of th C. of the U. S. A, holds its stated sessions every Moooit evening in their uew New Hall, opposite E. Y. Brights store, Buuburv, Pa. Xullitation snd regalia, $2,00. ' . . P. M. SHINDEL, W-C. Esj't Wjivxst.R. 8. Sunbury Oct. 20, 1855. , O. OF TJ- JVC. CUNBURY COUNCIL, No. 30, O. of U. A. M. meets, every Ttisdst svening in tho AmsrUsn, Jlsll, opposit E. Y. Bright' store, Market street, Snnbury, Pa. Members of ths rder ar respectfully requested to attend. . P. M. SHINDEL, C. A. HeoTX. R. 8. Sunbury, 0U 80, ISM. . TRICOP1IEROUS 6 doT for sal by . ' May 19. WEISERek BRi!!. WINES and Liquor for Medicinal pursue, tt WE18ER A VRUMK'8, ismkurr. My .t. !. Q-AVIIsTO FXJ2STT3 , ,r, , , .be tHB , - UNITED STATES iNSURANCK, - Annuity, ihi .Trust Co., , -8. E. vomer Third and Chestnut Stt PIIIIjADFLrHIA. ', CAPITAL t450,00C, i, nVET is rnraived on denosit dnilr. Ths smnanl I deposited is entered in s Denosit Book and given 1st h. tl.,.,l,,r ir nreferrec . a eettltil'SIS will ne erven. All sums, larseand small, are received, and the amount pnid tmck on deinanit, wilitoai iioins. in fen ench deposit ia paid to the depositor, or sailed lotneptinci pal, ns he msy'preOr. ' Tlte Crnniainv heve nnw apwsrds of 3,609 depositors inthe Citv of I'hila'lelplna aluna ' Anyadlhlnsl information will be fivsa by Iddrsasing ths Taattsma. : DIRKCTORS Stephen Tt. Crawford, Tres't, Wiliie.m M. Oodwla, Irtwretiee Jnhtison, Vice Pres't, 1'sol B fiodlstd, . Ambrose V. Thompson, 6e.ir;e Mi-Henrf, Ilettjsmin XV. Tmgley, Jnmes Devereui, - Jacob I.. Floronce, Ouitivus Kns;lish. Hecretai-r and Trensn-er, PI.IItT FISfT. Tti.t. and InTsaeRaiES, J. C. OEHLSCHLAOKR. l'hilsdelphia, Sept. 8, 16i5 1r. ; r : ; new coicp-BOxiotir WHOLESALE AKD EETAIt. M. C. GEARIIART, RKPECTFULI.T announce to ths ehuess of Northumberland and the silininini coun ties ll.st ha have opened a Confcc'lonar and Fruit Store in MAKKBT ntjuAKta, untmrT, wliere he manutsctures and eepa on nanu, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Kclail, at Pliiladrl'lua (mesa,, , Anions his stack of C'oiileclionarics, may l( found t ' French 9ecrs. Burned Almonds, Cream White, " l.oinoa ' Rose, Vsnills. Common Sestets. Liquork-s, OumTrnps, all bds of soeat, I.ove Droiis, Mint Drops, red and Wliiee, Jellv Cskes, . , i . i . Fruit Drops, Blirk Csndtes, ( all Merits, Rock Csndy, Almond Canctv, JTEUIT. I.fmnat, Dutei. Currant! Pritnes, F.'5'i , Ciirntis, ! Almondi, Raiiimtt, n uta et ail Mass LEMON SYIIUP of a superior qunlily, hy ths aingla or dozen. A auperior quality of Bcgars arid Tobacco, and Taricty of Conlectionnriea, fruit, AVc, all of which Is offered cheap at wholesale -or retail. Coma and aee ho will try to please. Orders from a distsnce promptly s (tended to. Sunbury, Au.4, 185S. ly. Cheap Watches Jewelry VVHIOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadal " " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 8 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, rHII.ADEI.FHIA. Gn!d Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 curst esses, MS.OO Oold Lepine 18K. S'il .00 Fine Silver Spectacles. 1.60 Hilver Leo. full jewlled, 9. Oulil Brneelets, 3.0f Silver Lever, lull jewl'd i 1 adieu' Gnld Pencils, I.UO Superior (juartiers, 7. Silver Tea spuons, set, i,00 Hold Spectacles, 7.00 , Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,0ft, Gold Finger Kings, 37J cents to 80 f Wjtch Glasses, plain, 13$ cents; Patent, 18j; Lunet, 85 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bs what thev are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. C, 1855. r ATTORNEY AT IAW, 8UJTBURY, PA., Aided by some eight years experience in ths practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or will in the line of his profession. Office with Chutlcs J. Bruner, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, lgM, tf , Trusses! Trusses M Trusses Ml C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. 5. II". Cor. of Twelfth and Ract Streets, Philadelphia- MPORTER of fine French Trusses, combi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured f atients can be suited hy remitting amounts, aa below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side allected. Cost of Single Truss, 3, $3, i, $5. Double $", H, $8 and $10. Instructions as to wear, and how trj effect a cute, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector .Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Bells, Suspensories, Syringes male and female. VW Ladies' Rooms, wilh Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8. BTJET0N & FENT0N,. S. W, corner Sixth and Arch streets, .. rHILADKLl'HIA. TEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full and choice asaortnicnt of black and green Teas of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 40 506070 tj 75 cts. per lb., warranted to be superior to any to be had else where at the same prices. We know and confi dently recommend tl.cm to be SO per cent cheap-' er than any fur sale iu Ihe city. W have also a very superior assortment of CoiTee, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayra, Maracaribo, Rio and Cape Hay tien ColVee. New No.. I Mackerel and Shad in i and i bid. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cresm Cheese al-' ways on hand. Soap brown and white ; also H. L. Kendell & Co'a Chemical Olive Soap, on lb. of whlrh will go as fir a 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch nf diflWent qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an cboveya, tic, with full assortment of Fancy Goods, to which we invite the a tention of th public to call and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for sole hy BURTON & FENTON, Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W.-cor. Sixth and Arch sts. y N. B. Good delivered to all partt of th cily free of charge. : Phila., Sept. 2?, 1855. apl y GREAT TOY & FANCY BT0R. JOHN DOLL. No. 90 .YortA Second St. between Ardfr Rac Philadelphia, . MAS received a large assortment of Toys of Wood, Tin, China, (turn, 4-cn also fancy Baskets, Work boxes, Porte Monaies, Pocket, Bonks, Segar Case-i, iHulf snd Tobacco boxes,. Pipes. Cards, H armonicals, Accordeop.s, Violin snd Strings, Marbles, Balls, Rings, and sn end-, less variety of other articles toj numerous to mention, fbraals Wholesale 4, Retail, at regular prices. Phda. Sept. 8. 1855.3m. ASTBAT. WHITE 80W about two years old, cam f th premises of th subscriber, residing near th Northumberland - Bridge, "during thj month of Msy. Th owner is requested M coin forward, pro pronerly, pay charge and la' her away. , - , FRANCIS EGLEMAN. Sunbury Sept. J, 1855. , FOR SALE I . .. f TEAM ENG1NE8 90 Her powsf each,' tiZ with boilers. Would make excellent pump-, ing engines, together with 3 larg blowing tvlin ders, suitable for blast furnace. - Apply l. HENRY LONGENECKER CO; eihaaiokin ftoti Works, Shamokin, P hamakini Ju! f 1, 1855, . WALL PAPER A Uig snd (plendcd ssortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa par, nd Oil Shadea, just received and for sal by I. W. TENERA 0. tonbury, Mj , ) leiem ia pain ai me rnw w nra r-n -t-ing from the dny nf flrponit, and-crMing fonrt i nwv.Mii to the withdrawal f the mormy. . 1 as . AOTT1- k. Af iirjamiorv. in Mrh vr. lite mtereH or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers