JAMES BARBER WHOLESALE RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second Chestnut 9ls. rHXZ.ASBX.rHXA. Where may be found, one of the largest nd best assortment of Clock end Time Pieces In the United Stntcs, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a tingle Clock, to one thousand Clocks cinhrscinf every variety of style and manufac ture, sui'allo for Churches. Hulls, Counting Houses. Parlors, Sleeping apartments, si.d Kitch ens. Steam end Canal Bunts, snd liuil roud Curs, N. U Clocks Repaired and Warranted, ("lock Trimmings for side. AUo, Manufacturer of Barber's Celebrated Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill pen. in addition to which the 4luraliilitv f the metal is lullv associated and developed. Gold and Siher Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Pbilcd Ware, &c, wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to purchase are invited to cull. JAMES BARKER, S. E. comer Chestnut and Second Sis., Phila. Philadelphia, June S3, 1855. ly, Extraordinary Arrival of fllHE subscriber tnkes plcnsure in informing J- his customers and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices us the same quality can bo purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Ho takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks for tho liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of pruduce taken ii exchange. EDWARD V. BRIGHT. Sunbury, May 19, 1855. latsTarrival Of Spring 2$ Summer Goods. J. F. 6c I. P. KLINE, TJESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., at Klines Grove, their Spring anl Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fane; Cassimers, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds SPRING k SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. niado Coats, Vests and Pants, etc. Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin dc Laiues.Ac. Also Black Silks, &c. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, such as Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama and Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 12, 1855. DR. A. B. MADDOCK'S CELEBRATED WORK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Asthmii, Rrriichiti, and other Hikcufee or I he lleftpirotory Orgaiu, by Medical luhululion. WITH NOTF.S AND ADDITIONS BY DR. CllAI Gil.K. First American edition, from fifth Loudon edition, where it lias hud an unprecedented sale. This Is ft valuable work aud should he hi the tnudnfal invalid, and the .Medical Profession genirrally. For wunteil free of churge. by mail, on receipt of HFTT CkNTS : cloth (2dt) ONE P a I.AB. C. W. VAN MORN CO. Xo. 32 Xorth Xiitth St., I'hitwhtjJtia. We subj an n few, from m oiy c untnendatory notices ami reviews fr an tlie lvili&h and Aiuericuu Mctlica and "tluT J 'iiriia1 -l)r M id lucli in the s mi of the late Henry Madd u-k, F.f., M P , tlie well known hurriMti, and pmuuitrB t risi. in hiM own prni'i'fM'n. inns euiiuent a dfjjice us his ivirciit. . . . The svsteni fnitiiilati ai) nropust-ti as thn in 'St elTecrunl tii'-ttind of unplyiutr a ictunly to a j f 1 1 1 n of 1 the ti'steiii which eauiiot. be directly leached hv ine.tieine "i irpi.K" . . . We recommend our readers to purchase the ' Work.' Ues'eyuii t.hr micle. ImnI ii. Feb. ll. I&45. -Ve ree nuncnd ihe Woik t-i our renders, at it np pears to be luily iimtured, cleanly written, nnd entirely divested of anv (uufktry or pell-seeking tendency. The Work Well deserves pern ml, and the pructiee, at fur as our knowledge nnd experience extends, will repny not only a serious ronsulfnitcin. hut a patient trial ot us merits' iuiiuon medical jiairunl, Uectunlier 1j. 1n5. ' W( think that no one can use from ill pe wsnl, without being tatisfiel ilint it is the work of a pnic leal nnd experienced man ; and that it ought, for the Kike of thie who tufler from consumption, nsihinu, or bioiu hi tis, to be brought into extensive circulaii-n. It is, in the strictest tense of the term, a valuable Work." Oxford Vuiversity Heiald. November, 7. IS16. "A Ke-Pnnt of the London F.ditiou of Mr. MntfdiKVi 'Wuilt on Consumption, Krouehitit, Asthma Ac.; wilh Notes. &c.t by Dr. Chat. Greene This Woi k will he found worthy the attention of our readers, for they may learn from it what con be expected from this mode of trebling Consumption and other nuec'iom of the air-passages. Dr. M. it evidently - nun til' considerable intelli gence nnd whatever theie it of P'hkI in inhalations of medicated vnpors, he seems to have ability to extract, miy, we pu further, add am, that we fear that the Pnw leision have mt piven sufficient atteuiion to this miwle of a'leviutiiix the SHtTeriups those laboring under this elast of diseases," New Jersey Medical Reporter, June, ISM. (From Professor Jnt. Bryan, I'ditor of the "Philadelphia Medical uiul fcuipiewl Journal. " "Dr. Madikkx's book on luhnlation is one of tlie few which have been issued from the Knptisli pi est on this ubiect. Itt re-pnl 'I lent ion in this country, with the judicious Notes of Dr. (Greene, will add to the medical literature of the I'm ted Whites, und, it is hopetl, excite souia Interest m the tuedienl Professi u on the subject of Inha lation, as a means of treating puhnonary afTeciions. With tU addition of modern discoveries in Physiology, this mode of treating these diseases should have a fair trial and some atonement made for the long n eg I eel which In h Itt ion has kuileredut the )andtof medical men. Jamks HnvN, M . D . Prof, of Surgery u Philadelphia College of Medicine A CARP. Till. GHKI'.NK will Irit DI8P.AW.S OF THH l.t'.NUS nml Alll-PASSAIil.S, oRrrwil.ly to the innlB r i iiiccrstliilly uliipted in tlie pniclicu of Dr. A. H. Mini d'irk. anil iiihtr umiiu'iit physiciuns of Kurop. Itv this mode in' Irennni'iil lire rtn.'a.cl titriuee nf tl. e Hminlii a nil Lungs are (tiiectly arteri upim, the vutinn ituiliciilul vii- rir liciilK ennied to the most inihllle riiinifiL'uliiiis ol'llm uiiK, pr.Hlucniff hfiilthy acliMii; whre u cnnpk't: dis iruniniiiin It;, not wkcii phice Ihe lient rcmilu nlvviivs sltrnd this fenmre nf I'r'iclire : in riicl, Willi wnliihle sdjiincls, it is ihe ntily rcliubln form nf trailing dim-imcs v( the Kespirutnry Orpnm. He intciuls ("evirtiiiff his mils sl'enllmi l.i this inniculitr hi'inrh of Ins pmri-Minn. 'J'hnst-dchirtius of Ui'iisuhing liim can do so Ly letter sd dreiccil to cms. rni:i;K. m. d. HcxSi, 1'hilu.la. V. O. PhilaJa., June St, 1P5S C:ii. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUERN & WEIT2EL, IlESPFCTFLLLY inform the public that they have leased Ihe new colliery, tailed Ihe Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of tizea prr red on their new cwal oreaker. All orders prnnipt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or bhamokin. Sunbury, June 39, 1853. SILVER WATCHES. A fewd7uble case English Silver Watches, for sate at very low prices by H. D MASSt'R. Buiikury, Apri lit, 1S1 r I LEY'S COLO C.NDY. ln excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For tale t true ottice. December 4. 1953. . IHAIN PUMPa K email number of these excellent pumps hava beea received and are cCirH for aale by H. B. MA5SER, Funrmrv. Jan 4, 1853. HUSBAND'S Mismesia for sal by May 19. WFrPEIl A BKl.'NER Pennsylvania Magistrate's Law Library. 1. BIUWS JUSTICE, A KB BUSINESS MANY) LEGAL GUIDE. Xtio and Sixth Edition hringing the late down to 1855. A Trwrtlse on Die office nnd dutle of Akfermnn "nr. JnBtu-wof the Pence In Ihe Cmnmoiiwenlth of Pniniyl vnnin including nil tlm rpquhrd Kornii of PiufrM nnd DiM ket KntrieP ; mid einhnrivin ' ly whatever mny iHMH-erncd vtilunble to JroTinen or Tim Pkacr, hut lo Isfliiriliwls, TrnnnlB, mid (trncrul Apm.; nnd nmking (bis volume, what tl propmui in be, A ravk I.R'.al Gut hi r-m IIusinbm Mm. Hy John Himu, Inte AMrriimn of Widimi Ward, in the city nf Plnhdilnhm. Th tixth Kildion. Kevtsid. mrrrrttn., nnd pTPly nhir?td by Frederick C. ItriubUv. Kt-fj., Anihnr nf 4,A Trntiife ii the lnw Hft'nili'," ,T.uiiy Jnrimdeiice,M 4N Print Heiwifit,nKditiii of "Purdm UieeBt," V. la one thick volume, Octavo, Price only M.m. COMPANION TO HINV8 JUSTICE. 2. (iRAYDON'H FORMS. Forms ot' CMne ytiiichtir, nnd of Practice iti the court of CniniiHin Plrnr.Outirlei TMimiB, Over and Terminer, the Supreme nnd Orpli'in's Ci-uris, ttncl the cfticei of the viirinim Civil nllireri nnd jnrtiees of the Peuee. Fourth etlili'in, revined. corrected, enlurpeil, nnd ndiiptctl t the present siateofthi! luw ; with cot.irui cxpliiiittmiy N,m- nnd IJetereneeji. nnd a new, lull.utiU c tiitpMieiisive luili-x, llv ilnlwrt K. Wright. In one thick Octavo volume. Puce only $?J,5U. ALt', 3. STKOUD AM) BUKSHTLY'S PURDON'S DICiEST, 1Y00 to 18."j5. A Pijr'!t of the l.awi of TYiiiiSytvnnm. from the ywf ni Ttuiutwnd S'iven Huudrrd. to the Kiultili day of Mtiv. One Tlnmmnd Kinh llumlret. nnd Fifty-Five. The rirnt Four .Milium bv the Inle John Piirnon, r.. lite Mith, Sixth nnd tfeveiilh. Uy the 1 1 ni George M. Fir.-ntl. ! Kmlith l-klitiim. Ucvncd, with Muminul lint retire. Punt I NotfMo the Jndiciid I)ctii in ; Aunlyticnl Cuiitenti ; a lip?nod SvllnhUB of nch Title ; nnd a New, Full, nnd '' FxhmiBtive Index. Hy Ftedeiiik C. Uiii;htly. Ki , An jtliorof UA Tienheu on the Irftw of Costs, " Wvinhy. i Juri.-prudcnce," "Nisi Print Ken"rt,M Kdilor of Uiun's ; Justice. : A-e. One thick Hoynl kvi Piiceonlv ?),nu IV The freshins nd pennnncut vnlue of Purdon't Digest nre preserved by ttie p.ildicutitiu annuidly of a Piitcst of the I nws enacted in e-.irli year. Tliee nmiual I l)iueft(s nre mruiijit'd in precise etul'iti'tnity to the plmi of Purdons Dief. They are, eurli of theni. leptiblished nnnnilly; are connected l.-pcher by n General Index ! nrennrfd anew em h venr.) which einhraceH the contents of the l-uws (il'et'ch year since the puUtrntmn of Pur don't Uieent, in one Alphabet ; nnd nre hound up with Pnrduu-B niiie?!, and a!o Kold it.irately. Tlius the pnrehafer f Pardon's lMgest will always he in n.nmessioii of the complete lnly of the Shitnte Uiws of Pennsylvania down to tli very hour when he pur chasi'S it' Thi se who have already purchnsed Pardon's Digest may always complete it to date for the sum 1 1 sum o; Fifty Cents, the price nf u volume containing ull the nnnnal Dieestt issued since the ftrwt luihlicattou of the preL'ut edition of Purdon's Oiircs-, as hfretnfitrc stated. ' KAV & nUOTHKIl, Law BuoKKLi.Rns ami l'i BMnrss, 17 A 10 South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut. FiT"" Oiders or letters of inquiry for 1jUv Cookt from the ivuntrv. prompt I v attended to. Tliila , June 30 .'lftS 3tn3. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS! IRA T. CLEMENT BJ NFOUMS liis friehda nnJ customera thai hp just received an elpifant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At liU Store in MarUet Street, Sunliury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest (irices. Ilia stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Clolhx, Cassimers, Cassmcts, Jeans, Drillings. Muslins, Linens'. Calicoes, Muslin lit Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Berates. Also a large assortment of CJ.OTHIXU. A large assortment of Doots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. (Master. GROCERIES of every variety. .Sugar, Tea, Collee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Xails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENSWA RE, Tia Sells, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, fi'e LIQUORS, Win p. Brandy, Cin, Rum, Whiskey, ic Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 185ft ly. IJOC! io'lt VOl K. SKI, Ft THE POCKET sESCt'T.APlUS: On, EVERY ONE HIS OWN TIIYSICIAN. THE FIFTIETH Kdi tion, wilh One Hundred Engr:ningH, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being ol'the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. It' Di- M m. Young' Let ii" fiiltier I.- 8liilThil t l present n eupy "f tlie -I'.S-Cl I.AI'II S in hit i-1 1 1 1. 1 It limy siivo linn mini nil early srn-e. l.i t te yiliic liliill nr w.hiiuii enler intn Ifce i";eit:( utiliiriti'Min "1" iiiiimffl life Wltlumt reftitinp lite IHH'KKT .KSC.'l.'I.M'll'!. Let no 'me mll'i-nnii from linckiiieJ O'liuli, Piiin in tlie Siile, r-lle ni(!lils. nervous freliiiRn, anil llie wh"!e tniili i'f Uyiiellc seliKiliiins, ,11ml given up liv tlieir plivneinn, In? nii.'lhel lli'Mllent willioul I- siiHiui! tlie .Et'l'LAI'll'S llnve tlie iim.iieil, or th"e ninMll I" lie ninrrieit nny impediment, read this truly unelul ti ik, lis it lins leen llin nieniin of snviiir lli uisiiids of un furl u.mle ereaiures frin the verv j,iVH ef rlenlli W Anv persm eiiilin T !-.. I 1 - r I v r. . r. I eneliweil in n teller will receive one enpy "f lliis lixik, liy mull, "r live e spies will lie sent f'M one flullul. Ad.liens, . VOl'VO, No. I5H r-l'KLCI-: Street, PHILA- Dri.rtiiA." fust psiit. riilb.lclpliiil, September 8, IW3 ly Baltimore Card. a it it, . e:ii; & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB T1IK RAI.B OF FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. llT Agents for Newark an J Rosendale Co Cement and Plaster. (. A. and Fine Salt, constantly fur sale. N. 1).- Liberal CASH advances made on con signments on receipt." Baltimore, March 17, 1855. dm. HAYDOCK & FIDLEr! "TkEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the ulj stand of James 11. Fuller, No. 12 South Seeond Street, rilll.ADKI.l'lll.l, Where they solicit an examination of their large and vaiied slock, feeling assured that the expe lienco both of them have had in the business, and tho facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WA'iVMKS, CLOCKS, J KWELRY. Silver, Plated and Uritlania Ware, Cutlery, Foney Ootids, &c, Ac. ?s. D. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. If. BOYD, ROSSEB & CO., MINrUS AND SlltPi'lKS ow Ucb sl) 5ntl)vacitc toal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd Conpty, Penna. AdJress. Boyd, Rosser & Co., Sunbury, Pa. li. n. both i. auksr.a. J is. aura. t. rosseii. Sunbury, April T, 1R5S tf. aHAN.VS LETTER PRESSES, with iV U kooks.i ik, and all cc mplete, just rr.eeived, snd for sale hy H. B MASS Kit. Sunbury, June i, 1SS3.- INK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con. gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December SD 18.MI. H H MAS.sF.H. BEBEKINE, Verstris, Chinordine and Cin chonis. pt't received by May 13. f i'i. WEISER & BRUNER. PAINTS . Mm U. l etery description just received by VEIEK 4 BRfNEK. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON, No, 26 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 18S4. Evans 4- Watson'e Salamander Safes Trinm pliant, as they always are when put to the test. PiiiLAtir.i.PHt , Dec. IS, 1854. Messrs. Etas 4- Watsos, N. 29 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. fientlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in w.int of a secure means of preser ving their hooks, papers, etc., from fire, as the one wo purchased from you ahout seven months since has preserved our hooks, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, hefore the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire Mock ofhuildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The ahove safe was in use in our ofl'ice, on the second floor of our Imilding, from which place it fell into the cellnr, and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we Intend to put it in use again. havi..g perfect confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully. l.ACY iV PHILIPS. Evans 4' Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use:; U. S. Mint, Philada ; Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila i Samuel Allen, Kail., High SnerilT, Phila; John H. Hen derson. City Controller; Caleb Cope 4- Co., No. 183 Marke; St. ; Richard Korria 4- Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Bancroft 4- Sellers, Machinists, corner lGth and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pcnnsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.) Lacey 4" Philips, corner fith aud Minor Sis; Sharpless Bro., No. 32 South Second St..; James Kent & Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Thitd St.; Smith, Williams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Ome, No. 184 Chestnut St. A large assortment of tho above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent more fire than any Herring's Safe now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fireproof Vsults for Banks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. 2G South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. HEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., ncxtjoor to E. Y. Bright' Store SUNEURY, VA., OFFER to the public the largest and best selected stock ever opened in this section of countrv, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS', Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyc-stuH's, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck nml Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams Tobacco, Segars, Port Mouias, Stationary, Con fectionaiies, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. t OCT" Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. U. WEISEIS, WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, Mny 20, 1859. Spring and Summer Goods ! TETEIUV. GRAY, JNrOKMS his fiicnds that he has just received m a good assortment ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Stole in Market Squaie. His slock con sisls of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Casiiimers, .S'attinetts, Jeans, Drillings, Baragcs, Murage De Laines, (iinghains, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Winter Shawls, DrcssTiimmii g and all items in the Dry (ioodc line. Also, a arire assorlniel of SlnifH for Men Woir.t n and Children. Hats aud Caps, Grorciies of every variety Teas, C'oU'cc, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt, Fish, &C. Elai'iUi art'. A general assortment ol Cedar Ware Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards, Utooms, Brushes, &c. (ji'EENswiitii a general tissortment. Country produce Uken m the highest market prices. Sunbury, May 19, 1855. tf. riltST ARRIVAL At S. N. Thompson's Store, 7n Lower Auiiistn township, at the Junction nf the TuljH'hncken nnd Plum creek roads. TTMIE suliccriher having returned from the citv with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully culls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. Sl'ttlXU AM) SUMMER GOODri, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans. Drilling, Muslins, I'estinjzs, Tweeds, and all kinds of Spring und Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginchams, Brrapes. Hobes, HWcns. Flannels, fyc. f.KOt'RKIKS, Sugar, Teas, Collee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, Ac., &c, 4c. E3nrlu;it'C, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws. Knives & Forks, &c Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOS9. A large assortment of Doots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, &c, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fushionuble goods. Call aud examine lor your selves. ITf Country produce ol all kinds tuken in exchange at the highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855 NEW STORE. (At the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.) FIM1E Biihscrihcr respeetlully informs the peo 1. pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has ta ken the Store lioom lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, in Market iitreet, Huiibury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he has just received and opened a handsome assortment of SPBING & SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queeusware, Hats iV Caps, Boots & Shoes, Fish, halt. Meat. ic. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce tuken in exchange at tU highest market price. 11. II. VASTINE. Surbury, April 81, 185S I BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. THE subscriber having received the necessary forms and insrucllions from the Department, at Washington, it prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrant at th shortest notice. H. B. MASSE R. Sanbory, AfjJ T, l5l. TAMES MoCLINTOCK, M.D., Lata PROFKSSOR of Anatomy and Surrery In the Phil adelphis Cullene nf Meilirine. suit Aeling Professor of M.'twifory one nf the Consulting; Physiesns of the Phil, mlelpliia Hospital, Dloekley Istt meinner of the Naliounl Medical Amoeintiotl member "f tha Pliilndelphia Medi pal rViciety memhsr "f ths Mfxtu-o-Cliirurgical Collest of Pliilsdrlphia formerly President snd l'mfeunr iif Anatomy ana Surgery In Cnitleton Medienl Colic?, Ver. inonl ; snd nlso, lute Professor of Anatomy snd Plivslol. nny in llrrkslura Medical Institution, Pittsfleld, Mass., c, ?.,(!. ' lins lately introduced in a popular form severs! of his favorite prescriptions for ths principal disenss "f thift elimnie. The nnmc nf enrh article will Imply the discast for which it is intended to be used. DR.McCI.INTOCK'H Pi;CTORALYRt;P. PriceHI IH. MeCLI.NTOOK COr.D AND COUOU MIX TI'HB H'or ('"Ids. Cniifhs, Ac. Price as eis. Ull. McCI.INTOUK'! ASTHMA AND HOOPING CtU'OIl RKMKI1Y. 1'iiceBiiets. Dr. MeCI.INTOCK'S TOXIC ALTF-RNATIVH BVKt P r'or Purifvinl the HIihhI. Pries f. Ull. McCLINTttCK 8 BYWKPTIC KLIXIU For giving tunc to the stimmeli relieving puins alter rating, hearlliurii, and nil disagreeable symptoms arising fiuin iuditfestiim Price SI. Dlt. MeOLlNTOCK'S RIirXMATIC MIXTl'lIF. A Purely Vegelitlile lleniedy fur internal use. Price 50 cts. UK. MeCl.lNTOCK'S RIIKU.MATIC L1MMKNT Fer Itheuinutiim, Ciirnins, dwellings, Ac , Ac. Price 00 cents. DR. MeCf.tXTOCK'9 ANODYNK MIXTCRB Km Pnins. Tooilmche, Hendnche, Neuralgia, he. Ac. Price 60 cents. Dlt. McCLINTOCK S FF.VER AXB AOLK fspF,. CII'IC A eerlmn cure fur nil Intermitlents. PriceSI. )H. MeCI.INTOrK'ls 1)1 R.UH(KA CORDIAL AXD CIKII.r.KA PNKVI'.NTIVK A snfe remedv. DR. McCLINTOCK t VI'.GKTAULK PI ROATIVh PILLS Fin C'lstiveness, llendnclie. Ae. Price jicls mi. Mcci.i.vrocK'H AN TiHii.iors pill v Irregnlnrily in the Functions of the Liver and Butvels the npl Liver Pill mmlp Price '2S CIS. a lvix For Side by Dr. J. McCLlNTOCK, at his Medical Dc. nut, N W curuer ninlli nnd Filliert sts , Philndelphirt.nrt at nil Druggist! nml Dealers in Medicines. All nruggisls nnd Denlers in Merlicines who wish to lie nceuts, will please oilililress nr. McClistock, furnishing reference, linmc nf Pnnt-t iffice. ciiunty and slnle IV ForPnle bv Weiser ft Itrinier, Punlmry nnd Phn. rn'ikin ; Wm. Weiiuer, Northumberland ; C. Brown, Mil ton ; K. P. Lutz. Blo'imsburg; Jtienli Hnrris, Huckhnrn : nihil Vunk'cio, Liglit Strnet ; 1 Sharpless tc. Sou, Cuta- WiSRH. Jnnunry C, ti5. Ots. HENRY bTfUSSELlJ Mixi-ricTi'iiKii or Umbrellas Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD STAND, J o. 2 Aorth Fourth St., Philadelphia. y Constantly on hand a largo aasortmeii to which the attention of Dealers is requested. Phila.. Sept. 10, 1854. Boarding! Boarding! KS. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or 10 respectable boarders. Location : North-west corner of Market Square, fnnbury. Persons wishing a comfortable home will find this a desirable place. Sunbury, April 14, 18."i5. if WiTsos Di:rur. Thomas Dtrui. J. S. DEPUY & SONS, An. 223 .Voi7i Second Street, below CaHowhill, and S. II. Corner FirMi and Spring 'Garden Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WOULD lespectfully inform their former customers and others, that they have just laid in a splendid assortment of Carpet, Oil CIoUin, Mattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, &c, &c, at very reduced prices Wholesale & Hetail. TAKE NOTICE. We will sell our goods as cheap as any other hcuse of the kind in the city, Pnila., April 7, 1855 w3ms 3mf. liiitisli Periodicals EARLY H'll: SEf lRED. Premiums to ?'cw Subscribers ! ! .' T.KOOARI) srn'I'T ( I'll, New York, c intinuc to re publish the following HritiiiU PcmiaIicuIs, Vl. : THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW ( Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S KDIXBUliO MAGAZINE (Tory). r ... . . . ... ..... ........................ !!M pulthrahH.i.ll.u.y1.lly mterestu.s during the loith- e.munK ear. i aey will ncvitpy a muUle ground hetwtvii : uk- . I , ,u,,r -l-"'i""-f , ins ' uiiiura oi the daily Ji-urual, and the ponderous I.m.w of heln tiire I. si or mu, wrMten niter tl.t l.v.nir intereal and cxem-u.ent t the reat pol. lea events oi the tin.e hail hae nas-t-d away. It is ti these IVnodicuts ttiat ri'ti'liMs must Imik fur llifi only really intiMliuililt' nnd rtrlia- lik limtnry ol enrrenl rvi'llts. nml us surli, in nttlui to their wrll-t'StnMitiliril llti-Kiry w-ii'iitlfic. nml tlieoli;inil elinrnctt-r. v urge iliclu upon tliti cuuBitlcrulliilt ot the rivlilin Mililic. IV Al raiiyeini'iits nre now pi'rmnnently lniule for the ri'i-Mpt of 1 Airiy rlictts from the ltntin!i Pnlilishers, liy wlm-ii we nr enuliKil to plucu nil our Heprints in Ihe hnnils nf fciilisor;liei"s, uUiuttis soon asltieycmi hr i"ur:iishtnl Willi llin f.irriiiii eopirs. Althoii.h this involves a viry Inrue otitlny on our part, we shall continue to I'uluish the lViliilirnls nt tlie siiiiii' low rules ns hi-relol'ore, togetjai) Willi the fuhnwiiii; IVeiniinns to new Siiliscriliers. TERMS AND PREMIUMS. See list of Premium Volumes below Per mm. For nny one of ihe four IteviewsanJ one Prein. vol. jl no I'or uny two ' " ouu o 5 110 For nny three , " two " 7 IS) For nil fi.ur of the neviews " two " r-ou For HlaekwoiMrs .Mnctiziite " one u 3 00 For illurkwiHxl nml Ihree Hevirws three " S 00 For IlliK'kwoiHt k the lour Reviews three " luOU Bailments to be made in ull cases in advante. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. Thv I'reiriinnis coimiat of ths following; works, IncW V"luines of whti'h will lie siveu to new Suliiicllrt:rS iiecor iliuir to the number of periodiculs ordered, us sliove. cx pluiued : PREMIUM VOLUMES. FoRkigx Quartkbi.ev Kivikw (m year 'e Hla KWiHiii' Mauazink (six in)iiths). IlNO N tifARlKHLV liKVlEW (OiC CUl). Kiinbi g Ki'.view ((ue yeur). MeTRiipitjj tax Magazihk (six mnntlii) Vksimi.Ni4TKH Rkvikw (me yem)- ('iittccutivt' Pieniiuin vnliuutfB cm. not in nil rapes tj furniithft), exi-fjit of th Koreiiii Qtififierly Ueview. 'V prfveui ttisutpiviiHltnetiL tlierft'ire, where llmt wk i not bIdii Wiinlfil, IuImh rilierii will pleti; nrtler nitiuy diflVi cm work nr prciiiiiiina at mere are vuicmn 10 wuicn tliry uiuy be cutulwl. CLUBBING. A iWnunt of tweniv-five per l ent, from the almve pri ces will ) alkiwed to Clulis orileruift four or more eopirs of nny one or more of he slmve works. Thus: Four copies of b'uekwood, or of one lleviewr, will he sent to one snnrew lor m ; lour copies of tlie lour Keviews aud Uluckwood for fc:j0: nml so on. PPSTAfi E. In nil the priu.Mpal CiliLauit Towns. t!iene works will he delivered, tnolliili Asenls, FBKK OF I'OSTAtiB. When sent hy mnil, Ihe l'ostni;e to any nnrl of Ihe I'uited fisies will he but Twenty .Four tents a year for 'lllm-kwood," and but Twelve Cents a yeur for eacb of Ihe Reviews. Iteininaiices sml eomrnuniestions should always be tddiessetf, post.paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., 51 GOLD 9TRF.F.T, NEW YORK. N. 11. I.. S. tt Co. hnve reeentlv puhhshed, snd hnva ow for sale. Ihe "FAH.MF.It'S Ot' lDK," hv Henry Si. phtiis, of Faliuliurfili, slid Fiof. Norton, of Yule College, New Haven, eoinplele in two vols, royal ocbivii, controlling I si napes, 14 steel and 000 wood engravings. Price in IIIUNllll liliullllff, ftf). IVThis work Is sot the old "Book of the Farm," lately RKrriTATEDiliid thrown upon the Alaiket. New York, December lii, tPAt. WIvT. P. POTTSj IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, helow 13A, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Phila., Dee. 30, 1854. ly. HENRY D0NKEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining bounties. L. L. BE VAN, SEAlrlOZIlT HOTEL, Shamokin Pa- riMIE subscriber hegs leave to inform his li iends 1. and the public generally, that he hat tuken tho above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. Shamokiii, July 8, 18t4. CAMPH1NE and Fluid of the best quality For sal by WEI3KR BRUNER. Bunbury, May 19, 1S3. . IIOOFLAND'iS Bitter at " , May 1. WEISXR V BRUNEI'S. Just Published and for Sale by , WM. McOARTY, Dooksoller, ! m. . . 8nnbury, P. The American rLEADERS' ASSISTANT t TJning a collection of approved declarations, writs returns anu proceeuings tn the several actions now in use in the United tatos. Br Collinsom Rked, Esq., Ipsae legit viva vox With notes and additions, together with short system ol conveyancing. l)y A. Jordan. Pies Went Judge of the Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. fShiiidcl, of Ihe bar of Northumberland county, Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pea' son of Harrisburg t . HinnisBCRo, June 30, 1653. After a careful examination of youf "Amer Iran pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thus offered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need ot a correct svstcm ot pleading, adapted to our habits of business, nnd the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly will lie a aving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safetv and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PR ARSON. Hjn. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindcl, Esquires. W. MtCAtiTT, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more than a year ago a copy of "Reed.s Tleaders' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some cure soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it ile cidedly valuable as a inanucl for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were cencrally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which arc often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, &c, J. S. IJLACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in Ihe above commen dations by the .Chief Justice. OEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 3'J, 1851. CHOICE GROCERIES. BURTON & FENT0N, 5. II. comer Sixth and Arch strctts, niu.ADF.i.riii , TJAVING refitted their Store anew, and re - plenished their stock bv Ihe addition o every t!ii "g wanted in a Select Family Ciroeery Store, so as to make np a full and most complete assortment, now oilers for sslc to their friends and the public, on the best terms the following excellent Ooods, viz : Jollies of all kinds ; Pre serves; Fresh Fruits in bottles and tin cans White Clover Honey ; Latonr and other brand of Olive Oils ; fperm and Stearine Candles; al the best bran ', .1 of Groceries ; Crackers, with a choice assortment of all the staple articles, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please give us a call. BCRTON & FENTOX, Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Phila., April 7, 185.". 8 ly. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. SZfA Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality Ton SALE AT THK LOWEST CABII PKICES, AT WM- B. ELTONHEAD'S, Xo. 184 South Second street, between Pine and L'uion, west side, PHILADELPHIA. assortment enihrfH-eB a Isaree nnd grlei't Stock of Fine WiitclieP. Jewelry, Silver Wure, Allmtu Ware, fluted Willi fine iler, in pomm. Forki, Lndles, kv.- Jet ii.mitij, Faiif n!n KniH-y Artielri l" a mipmttr t)uality, me het ki.ln at tin l'Wt'Jit l-oli I'necii. lavjlir H pril(.tll,,, kl),u'le.lae of tl.r 1i.ui.iess, ami all nvilll;lt,H: llt(.(iltlt.s tr l.uportu.ff and .Mf.miiaeturn.s. Hit. ; sHhsi-nlier roiifalenllv invites niin-liam-ra. I.elievimj that tie j ,,, v lein lrruia ,-!lVlir!1i)1(, u8 ulher c8tttb. ; lwhnwi j either ..f the Allnniie t.tiea. A, kmM (- J((im im , ,V: I Jewelrv and Silver w.., ,r.i t.., ...... IT Watches, Jewelry unit Silver Wure faithfully re pai.eil. wm. ii rjrnxm: n; -. 1-1 S null Od St ., a few doors alKiVe ihe tfd .Muikct Wen! Side IV" In tlie S, tilth Window of the Store, may lie seen the fani'iiitt HIUl) CKODC, which commands the admiration of the scientitie and ennons. llnla , Oet. 7, IUI. ly Furniture ! Furniture ! Xo. 157 South Second (abort Spruce,) east siilc, PHILADELPHIA. riHE subscriber would respectfully inform Ihe leaders of Ihe Sunmry American and the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices, being a practi cal mechanic, and hating all his goods manufac tured nndcr his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting jut such articles as are represented. Luunges with removable arms, also new patterns of Sofa Eedsteuds. Those who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, IS7 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. AprifSN, o5. w8 ly, i. s. rvNrcjr. THOS. C. KNIGHT. .S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AXD DFALEKS IN Fish and Provisions GKNKHAI.LT, Vo. 17 .Yorth JVfiarves, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1851. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE So 72 North Second Street, (opposite th alount Veruon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $-8 ; SiUer Lever do,, do., $1"; Sil ver Lepine, do., jf) : Qonrlier. If 5 to $7 : Cold Spectacles, $4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 60 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $t to $ 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,i do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Cold Pens and Cold Ca ses, $4 25 to $5 j Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; lofiJher with a variety of fine Cold Jewelry, Cold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in Ihe best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pius, Ac, made to order. N. B. All nrbers sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept 16, 1854 ly. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. C SIMON, late of the firm of ti. Schnurman & 'J' Co., respectfully inform the citiien of rtunbury and vicinity, that be will continue th above busincs in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on Ihe way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore reptcl fully solicits the patronage of th public. Sunbury, Sept. 16. 1854. tf. IR. H. H. II IG BEE'S remedy for cough --'colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of tbi TaluasI median just received and for sal by n. U. mabscu. fiunburv, June 4. 1853. OOTS, Shoes, lUts, Cops and Gam Shot, 9 just received and for tale by Oct. 7 1851. TENER 4 Co New Goods tot the People f BENJAMIN IIEFFNER F ESPE CTFULLY informe the public in gen eral that ha hai just recaived and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. consists in pari oi of it 10,tns' Cassimers, Bassinets. ' an kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Callcoee, Gingham, Lawns, MouNsellne Oe Lalnea nil all kinds nf Ladies Dresa Gooda. droeerle.- Also an assortment of iiardtvare. Irou ateei, Mails, &o. A1" "n excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of varioui style, and Tattfrn. Also an assortment of ROOTS & SHOES. .... . , 0 B gqgu selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety or other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at me lowest prices. tlT Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. C1 J- MacLEM.AN, (late of Jones' Hotel,) ' has the pleasure to inform his friends anil he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantagesof this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rale order: the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that, no effort on his part shall be wanting to make the United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Candclabras, A'o. 152 S. 2d street, alov Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. Y7aviiiK enlarged and improved his store, and having one of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, filass Lamps hy the packatre, at a small advance over auction prices, being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohel, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. Philudelphia, Oct. 14, Idol. WM. M'CAllTY, BOOKSELLER, Mirket Street, SUNBITRY, PA. TU8T received and for sale, a frcsn supply of F.Y.tXGCMCAL Ml'SIC for Singing Schools. He is also opening at Ibis time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School nnd Children's Hooks, Bibles ; School. Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1831, price only $6,00. Judge Heads edition of Blackstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at ? 10,00, and now ollcred (.in fresh binding) at the low price of 80,00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re speeting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Cordon, price only $1,00. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. "February, SI, 1855. tt. Liquid Glue. 4LWAYS ready for use. A new articlu of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of either Porcelain or Class. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles a' 25 cents each, or $2 a dozen. All ordors promptly executed. WM. C.MASON, SOt Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf. REMOVAL. ;hl Light! Light! Mi M P. Dl'OTT & KKIVT have rsmovej to tlieir New Store and Factory, Ao 74 Soutlt second street, PIIU.AUKI.IMIIA (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer chants and others, Gas Fixtures and Lamps of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer s prices, and unsurpassed in quapty or ap pearance by any in the country- Our stock em braces DYOTT'S PATENT PINE OIL LAMPS. (the best in the world) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for Cis, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Classes, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. 13? Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1854. ly. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelrj WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- plua Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 9$ North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, Gold Lever VTatclies, full jeweled, 18 carat eases, t2,O0 Gold l.time Itk. -21.isiFine Silver Spectacles. I.S0 Silver 10. full jrwllwl, . OoW Brarelrls, 3 rj,, Silver Uver, full jewl'd 14 I sdies1 Gold Pencils. 1.011 Supeiior (.(uiiriieis, T. Silver Tst spoons, set, t,U0 tiokl Speeun-les, T.(Kl) Uold Htm, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 18 Lunet, 25 i other articles in proportion. All good wax. ranted to b what thev are sold for. KTAUFFER & HAKLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Lover and l.epines, still lower than the above price. Sept. 80, 1854. It. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description csa be had Wy PP Tins-at the omc nf the American, rjROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna " mou, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger. Liquorice, Ac, dec., at Nov. 18, '54. YOUNG'S STORE. A RNOLD'8 WRITING FLUID and Adh iv and legal envelopes, for sale by , . H. B. MA8SER. Sunbury, Jaa 10. I8AS. SHOES-AU kind of Soot Shoe. ,nd .lip. nra fur uU K G. ELSUERQ & CO, Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbunr, Oct. 8. I."i3. "DLANK Parchment Paper Deed aud buna Mortgages, Bonds, Ciscutions, Summon &e tot 1 H. B. MASSTER. 6anbury ,Aprl 16, 1 IB '"AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Jflecliftnicw GEOttGE RENN . MANUFACTUIlER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stj le. THE subscriher respectftllly culls the nttcntloi of the pullic to his largo and spIenJid assort ment of avery quality nd price of CABINET-WAUIi which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made np of the best stock tola had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly ir'vp, made. 11 is stock consists of Mahogany , Sofa, IMvanit and I.cnrvnr- Bureaus, Secretaries, Sidrlo?r.' SOFA, BREAKFAST I.N" PWMi T',i;;.L and also VENETIAN BLIjNDS, equal to delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and ,.r,c. ClTPr30APS, WORK AXf) r AND l v. STANDS TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAJiLES. In short, overy article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of ClIAIKS, Snnl r T'1". tn be I ml ir Sunbury, such ..Mn.,,, Dla.Vi.m-t rHuwS"" Ma"-a; ad W..-. of the latest styles, and warranted to Vc r-,. . lied by none nmniifactnreil in the f 'itie. Or els. v. here. 1 he subscnlicr is detennined that there-.-'. be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture ir e y coniiuenee Can he entert:,i,-d about the quality and finish of his -nj Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on -A terms as they can be pur. l-.nsrd elsewhere. Com,, try I roduee taken in payment for worK . . IIJERTAKING. Havin, r,. ,oi himself with a handsome Heahsi:, he U prepared for Undertaking, and attending l,., 'r. als, m this vicinity, or at any convenient ,ls. tanee from this place. P'?.'he XVare llwm in Mar''ct Sum below 1 hompsun s Store und Weaver's Yawrn t , , CEOEGE KL.m.N. bunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. ki:i:yi: i . kah. i , Suecctior la Hartley Ktiight. BEDDING- Sc CARP&T WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, dee doors abvvt Spruce street, JPHILADELrHIA yiTliere he keeps sonstuntly on li.ni. I n full assortment of every article in his line ol business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair. Mom Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet Tn pestry. Tapestry. Brussels, Three-PIv, Ingrain, enclian, List, Hug and Hemp Curpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mutthas, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and f-tait Druggets. Hearth lings, Door Mats, TuWe end Piano Covers. To which he respectfully inutcs the attention of purchasers. Phila- Oct. 7, 1854. ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Fiona lit Franklin IiiRtilute, PhilnrklpMn, trim AinrrK'xn limtmile, New York, and FIVE FIKST PUEMIUAIS From Different Fairs in New England. City Diigueri-potvite Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If ICO Chestnut Street, Philadelphn, Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass o;,J . Wcstfteld, Muss. Portrait Painting ond Tulhotyping, in Cm highest state of perfection, done in all tho bot Establishments. JSkv-Liglits used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally as well by llinn in clniulv as in clear weather. Phila., May 27, lSo4-tf. To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. VOTICli is hereby given, Unit all persons x ' found trespassing upon, or injuring the. In. of the Phil ailelphia and Sunburv 'i'elegruiiii uill be dealt with according to the act ol" Asscmblv m such cases made and provided. H. U. MASSER, Pre'! rhila. ond Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, IS54. if. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared bv WEISER & D RUNE IV This prepaiation is recommended ;is m, er cellent laxative and purgative, it operates r,:,:Cx is entirely free from any unpleasant t.i-,v, k sembling lemonade in llavor. This ineili. iiir-1-highly beneficicl for diseases peculiar to tumuitf and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1801 PERR7 8c ERBTir, BOOKSELLEUS, BINDER?. BLANK POOK MAM KAf'Tl II.'lls AND STATION F. US. 5. H'. Corner of Fourth A- Pace Sire:!:. PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855. tf RY GOODS, Cloths. Cassimers, S:,--i-. Vestings, Tweeds. Summer ...,i!, . u cord. Pickings, Checks, Muslins, &c. i.si rrc'J and for sale by WM. A. K.UiiB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854.- PA RASOLS of ah sorts. Umbrellas. M'l1 bags, willow baskets and cedar rt i all kinds, just received and for sale by , . WM. A. KXAuo. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour li. ' Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, ton'" Nuts, Raisins, snd Prunes, just recene.l ,i".i i1'. M' " WM. A.KXAtU. ' Lower Augusta, May 854. ATS AND CAPS. A .pe,ll oi of fashionable Silk. 'tuA sal lil Vnr H jlfc. also Cleth, Fur. Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap for sal low by G. EI.SBEI5C4 CO. Market street, opposite the Posl Oii e. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 lOLD PENS with and without cs f cry sujienor quality, just rer.re'. AUo a frch supply of Writing Fluid, for by . H. U. M Sunbury. Pec. 17. 151 IfATS and Caps, Silk, Beser, Fur snd Slouch, Panama, Leghorn. Braid s. d l'J"l' for men and boys. Ladies Bonnets of all si) lis, just received and for aale by May 6.1854 WM.A.KXADB- sure, Tvr l nf titfld ud J. CUIV I . .A vies . SUver Pencils and Pens, for ssle cheap uy G, ELSBEKU U-. Market atreet, opposil to Tost l"- Bunbury. Oct, 8, 185J. 8T0PPEKS for B MAPSL'n. PATENT UKITTANIA bar bottles for sale hy Sunbury, April, U, 1851 llOOTS .nd fTu$ 1 Children, Ladies1 Mf'a ,d for black and colored Gaiter, KNABB. l by Iai.' I.r Aujost, May . '
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