ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance in order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be ex posed to pablie .r., on SATURDAY, th. 89th t)s of SEPTEMBER, next, the following Real Estate, to wit I Two certain , . T-. LOTS OF GROUND, Bltiialo inthotownofTreTprton, county afore- aid, being lot No. 10 in Ulocit wo. i . . " No. 8 in Block No. 181. which mU Mm ' contain twenty five feet In front and lftO feet in depth. Late the estate of William Stanton, do ceased. To he sold as the property of tho minor childreenofsaiddeceaoed. . . .. c.i. ... m.nce at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the Icruia of eala wil be mado known PETER WALSH, Cuardian. Ev order of the Court, 1. P. PURSEL. Clk, acbry; Cept ), 166 sho Voters of ffortknmberland Connty. At tho solicitation of number of my frienda, I oCar c-.yeelf at an independent candidate tor COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at tho ensuing election. Should I Le elected, I will discharge ita dutiea faithfully and impartially. ADAM LENKER. Lower Mabanoy, Sept 1, 1855. te. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkllow Citizsms Urged by a number of my friends throughout the countv, I hereby offer roveetf to you n an INDEPENDENT CAN DIDATE for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. Should yon avo proper to exert your influence for jna, sad I be eleclcii, I will discbarge ita Ju liet faithfully and impartilly RICHARD A. FISHER, tilbury, Aug. II, 1855. te- SHAMOKIN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. IE fourth action of this Institution will commence on Monday, tho lOlh ofScptem and will continue 14 weeka. uitioix at follows : tirnarr Departments per session, $4,00 cademic, " " $0,00 Jollejiate, " $8,00 Tuition due at Hie middle of the session. Arrangements will be made to acommodate ardere in respectable privato families at rea dable rates. For fnrther particulars address Rev. C. J. .htehart, Shamokin, 'a. Shamokin, Aug. 18, 1855 4t. Estate of SAMUEL B. HAAS, deo'd. "jTOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin iiitration upon the estate of Samuel B. Hans, Into of the town of Shamokin, Norlhum lierlnnd county, dee'd.. have been granted to John Yanzint, residing in Shamokin township. All persons having claims against said deceas ed, are requested to present them lor settlement, jiml all persons knowing themselves to be indeb ted will n uke immediate payment. JOHN VANZANT, Ad'tor. Shamokin tp., Aug 11, 1855. 6t- To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the earnest solicitations of friends, I have been induced to present myself before the public, as a Volunteer Candidate for the oilice of REGISTER AND RECORDER. Should I be elected, I pledge myself that I will faithfully unit impartially discharge the several duties appertaining to said office. J. D. REED Milton, Sept. 1, 1855. te. BEBEIUNE, Veratria, Chinordine and Cin chimin, just received by May 10, 1855. WEISER & BRIBER. AUDITORS' REPORT EsroRT or thk Auditors or Northumber land County:, rou tub Year 1854. Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in accowfl with tht same. Dn. To amount cr outsf rinding tax for li-.")3 mid previous years. SS.989 COJ ' amount of tax assessed for lSIU, 11,003 20 " ntnotint of Connty, Road and School tax or unseated lands for 1353 nud previous years, 3,413 58 " amount of rent from Public buildings, 21 50 ' balance due Treasurer, S39.fc4J $21,207 73J Cr. By amount of outstanding; tax for ls'5-1 and provious yenis, " uinount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for 1851 and previous years, " uinount of commissions al lowed Collectors for 1654 and previous, ' " Cash paid out on Conimis ioners' Orders. " Treasurer's commission en $13,011 26 nt 2 per cent. $5,775 06 449 46 C73 6-1 J 13,044 2G 326 10 S21.2G7 73J Francis Bucher, Efq., Treasurer of Northum berland Count;, in account with the tame respecting State tax on real ami personal. Dr. To amount of outstanding State tax for 1653 and previous years, $1,915 07 " aeirrvgiito amount of said tux assessed lor 1H54, 15,664 08 " amount of Stato tax received on unseated land, 1,186 61 " interest on State tax, 1171 'balance due County, 2,843 C2$ 621,629 09J Cr. fly amount of outstanding tux for ' 1351 ond previous years, $5,75112 error in duplicate, 3 75 . Treasurer's reeeint from State Treasurer, dated July 20th, 1854, 13,967 61 ii (i.utement allowed collectors 735 14 , 'jveasuvi-r's per centage on $13,067 61, at 1 per cent, 139 67 . commissions allowed collec tors, 763 63 ."exonerations, 468 17J $21,629 09J frauds Bucher, Esq., Treasure of Xorthum. lerlauil County, in account with tht tame respecting Militia Vines. To uggregato aniouut of outstand ing tax fur 1653 and previous years, $868 60 emouut of tax assscssed for 154, 947 50 balance due connty by Trca surer, I.E34 63 $2,651 13 I XI. Dt tmount of outstauding tax for Cr. $1,752 30 . amount paid 1 rcasurer of Washington Guards, for ctolh'wart Guards, 1854, f ,i0 l),.ppenvillo Cavalry, '51 m do Cadwuhider l"futr, 5 do Shamokin Guards. 61, do Farmers ond Mechanic ... nil 60 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 9? 55 82 00 f 99 Artillery, o, do Cadwaluder Infantry, 53, uu - " j K..rthM '1 roon. . '53. do J.ewaii. "-""-',";. do Shamokin Guards, 5-, do J. H- ZimnierBian, J3r -do paid Asseor for wakintr list of delinquent wi.it i "Trlajuifcr'i coiumission on 699 65 t 1 per rnt u jo I'ewan uu"i exoneration allowed colleo- , tors for 1654 and preriotui t 'TmmUwion allowed Collto tort for 1854 and prarioos years, 361 00 40 29 $2,851 13 franrit Bucher, Esq., TYtatwtr in- account with tht Connty respecting Ilttailtrs Licen trt, Dr. To aggregate Amount of said li cense for 1854, as per list fur- nitrued treasurer by the Mer cantile Appraiser, $960 20 10 37 " amount of Licensa granted by Count Treasurer, $970 62 Cr. By amount paid Yonngman k Son for publishing Mercantile Appraisers List, " amount paid II. B. Masser for samo, . " do do Germnn, , , " Treasurer's commission on $976 62, at 0 per cent. " balance duo by Treasurer, $11 90 11 90 11 90 48 53 886 39 $970 62 Francis livelier, Esq., Treasurer of Northum- J I f n ... a vtn itiriu K uurtty,in ucvuum u'im me same respecting Tavern License. Dr. To amount of said license granted by the Court for '54, $545 00 Cr. By Treasurer's comaiission on $545, at 5 per cent. $27 25 " balance due by County Trea surer, 617 75 $545 00 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County respecting Beer Houses and Oyster Shops. Dr. To amount of said license as per list furnished by Mercantile Appraiser, $89 00 - ' amount of said license granted by County Treasurer, 50 87 $139 87 Cr. By Treasurer's commission 8139 87, at 5 per cent. " balance due by Treasurer, on 700 132 87 $139 67 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer in account with the County respecting Distillers, Brew' ers, and Rcclifycrs of Whiskey License. Dr. To amount ofsnid license furnish ed by Mercantile Appraiser, $13 00 Cn. By Treasurer's commission on $13 at 5 per cent.. $00 65 " balance due from County Trea surer, 12 35 $13 00 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in acconnt with the County respecting License granted for places of amusement. hit.- To amount received from Circus, $50 00 " do billiard table, 30 00 $80 00 Cr. By commission on $80 at 5 por cent. " balance due by Treasurer, $4 00 76 00 $80 00 County. $52 02$ Expenditures of Xorthumlerlund Premiums on fox sculps, CI It's w., G. Martin, '53, $85 29 " " '54. 363 35 i 448 64$ 285 G8i 269 63 1.710 61 306 36 365 78 446 78 1,079 33 189 40 608 86 2,618 18$ 55 66$ Assessors' wapos, Road and bridpo views, Building & repairing bridpes. Constables fur makiug returns, Ac, Refunding, Public Buildings, S'ueriiFs Fees, Commonwealth cost, Election expenses, Juror's wages, Fuel, Chas. Weaver, '53, $41 00 54, 270 00 311 00 Simon Snyder, '53, $24 00 '54, 60 00 Jos. Nicely, 1854, Geo. C. Welker, " 74 00 95 00 25 00 8 30 Philip Renn, " Outstanding Taxes for 1854 and previous yean on the 31st December, 1854. Names of Collectors. Townships. Michael Evert, John Leisenring, John Leibijr, David Stithlnecker, Thomas Burr, David Stahlneckor, John I.eisenring, Jucoli Beck, Dennis Buoy, Henry R. Johnson Oeorpe Kuntz, Conrad Kershner, John l.eibip, Jacob Eckman, John I lino, Peter Rttch Henry R. Johnson Upper Augusta, Northumberland, Coal, Delaware, Lewis, Delaware, Northumberland Sunbury Chilisquuque, Rush, Turbut, Sunbury, Coal, Upper Augusta, Cameron, Northumberland, Rush, Lewis, Coal, Lower Mahanoy, Cameron, Chilisqunque, Northumberland, Sunbury, Lower Augusta, M ilton, Turbut. Lower Mahanoy, Chilisquaque, Delaware, Lower Augusta, Milton, Rush, Sunbury, Zerbe, Coal, Jordan, Shamokin, Turbut, Lewis, Lower upusta, Lower Mahanoy Little Mahanoy, Milton. Northumberland, Point, Rush. Shamokin, S tin burr, Turbut Upper Augusta, Upper Mahanoy, Zerbe, Coal, Cbilisqnaqne, Oimeron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, David Wilson, Solomon Mart 7, Jacob Binpeman, .John Iline, ,ueob Kline, 1 uter Kuch, I'eter I ursel, acob R. Clark, James Buoy, Abraham Kissinger, Martin Bachuian, J. 1'. Caul. Wm. R. Irwin, Daniel D. Conrad. James Buoy, Henry It. Johnson, J t'ter llileman. .ereniioli I'eunppacker, r.uus r.iHViiiinn, Daniel D. ioliner, Samuel Hales, .4braham Kissinger, l' reilertcK l ot, Jacob It. Clark, Martin 7)achman, Enoch D. Raker. Joseph Eckbert, c is. hnnth. Joseph Vankirk, . I'LilipHile. Samuel Hales, Peter Hileman, Jacob Stnrmn, Michael Kioffer, Jacob II. Kaufman, Jeremiah Penenpucker, Eliai Eisenhart, John Simpson, John Ztayer, James ifeard, Nicholas Drumheller, Daniiil D. .Conner, WE, the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland County, In the Cbmmoatrealth of Pcnosylvam, do ooiufy that, in pnrauanee or the 4tb section or an act entitled an act regula ting counties aud townships, Ax., passed the 1Mb of j4pril, 1834, we met at the Cbrpniisaion ers' Office, in the borough of Bunbury, on the first day of January, 1855, and adjourned front time to time, and did audit, adjtmt and settle the several accoupts required of us, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplements thereto, according to tnobett of our judgments and abilities. Witness our bauds and teals, this 22d day of Jauuarr, IdSS1.' . . M. J. P, WITHINGTON, fL. S J J. HOOVER, fL. 8.) JNC TCCfrOMAN, fL. 8 Ooort Crfcr'i wagea. Printing, Incidental expenses, ' Diet Aty, O. W. Tharp, '64, Stationery, County Engine), Ooronor'a Inquests, Road and School tax oa snsea lands, Auditors' pay for 1853, Prothonotary's fees, Eastern Peuotentiary, Lunatic Hospital, Prison expenses, Register and Recorder's foes, Agricultural Society, 134 13 3R2 6T 165 40 150 50 116 09 83 75 ' 133 05 i 2,448 64 145 00 282 63 37 61 225 79 84 35 16 90 77 50 $13,455 22 Amount of Court Finei and Jury Funds, and to whom paid. Plaintiffs, Defendants, To whom paid. Roclsefellow, llorton, not paid $4 00 Com'wealth Hilemau et al Beard 3 00 " Elliott 80 00 " Marta " Geringer Kiefler Wolfingcr Martin Troxcl Good Cummings Crawford Billmyor Masser Purdy Wilholm Wilholm Winchester Watson Bowen Thompson 40 00 40 00 4 00 4 00 not paid Beard 4 not paid 4 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Beard Rhonds Wertman " Bnsh &. wife Saxtou adtn'r not paid Hilliard Hartman jr. " Cabcl Bachman ot al " Ewing Cummings C r Wapgonsellor K ipp ct al Beard Wetzel Garman et al Neidig Fisher Conrad Fishor ct al Cabel Bnrr not paid Beard Ttrosinua Tajrgart et al U A M A tl A II A cot paid 4 " 4 Gossler Bank of N'orth'd Wagner Holowell Com'wealth . Reed Clement Hanegan Clement " Stepp Caldwell et al not paid Waldron Buffir.gton " Apsley 14 Ilarmun " Zerbe Rur. co " Frecse " Bobbins ct al Beard 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 Davis Walter Simpson Hilbish Rhoads Philips Herbst Tracy Com'wealth eise " " Fisher not pt White 4 Mervine Bower Gosh co li aid 00 !eard4 00 Cummin" Hunt ct at not paid 4 00 " 4 00 " 4 00 Drnokoniillcr Seasholtz Seinfried Whitesido Cash account between Francis Bucher, Trea- ! surer, ana tie county oj iortnumneriana. Dr. To amount of cash received on County tax for 1854 and previ ous years, $10,412 64$ " amount of cash received on un seated lands for road, school ond county tax for 1852 Ar '53, 3,413 58 ' cash received for rent of Pub lic Buildings, 21 50 $13,847 72$ Cr. By amount of cash paid out on county orders, $13,044 26 " Treasurers commission ou $13,044 20 at 2$ per cent, 326 10 813.370 $477 36 36 Balanco in Treasurers hands, Sfafe Funrfi. Dr. To amount of State tax received for 1854 and previous years, 14,004 03 " State tax received on unseat ed lands for 1853 & "53, 1,186 61 Cr. 15,190 63 By am't paid State Treasurer. $13,967 61 " commission on $13,967 61 at 1 per cent, 139 67 $14,107 28 Balance in Treasurer's hands, 81,083 35 Militia Funds. Dr. To amount of cash received on Militia tax for 1854 .and pre vious, Cr. By amount of cash paid to differ ent military companies, " Treasurer's commission on $699 55 at 1 per cent, 782 50 $699 55 6 99 $706 56 $76 96 Balance in Treasurer's hands, Years, County, Bute, Mditia 1846 $34 00 1848 $43 07 16 00 1 95 1849 $4 03 11 50 45 53 13 0 " 34 50 31 43 1850 61 41 127 59 45 00 133 05 29 00 19 29 " 7 24 59 50 " 29 00 " 4 09 1651 36 66 12 .14 7 35 159 67 179 73 41 00 " 106 52 J 67 31 28 00 139 724 13 95 " 6 00 1852 17 28 25 13 13 30 247 64 343 09 172 78 6 00 " 9 72 8 35 " 24 50 6 50 1853 42 01 67 35 3 40 92 16 34 11 21 58 " 292 51 402 94 59 50 " 124 67$ 40 62 60 00 " 340 7r 63 3S 69 50 75 33 96 42 29 00 " 160 48 217 53 64 50 " 32 45 73 05 14 50 " 43 261 11 50 63 00 17 60 1854 225 59 70 19 23 00 " 155 69 73 40 82-50 ' 48fi 12 363 80 67 50 153 72 107 90 13 50 283 76 62 36 32 50 198 56 59 50 37 00 534 00 857 19 21 60 - 154 64 70 54 17 60 395 10 62 27 67 00 645 24 245 89 60 00 - 237 65 97 74 7 00 416 07 446 81 21 00 258 53 61 24 23 60 S50 63 483 41 65 00 - 309 60 402 15 194 00 " 624 30 450 21 84 00 79 58 47 22 14 00 738 07 260 61 60 00 220 40 26 04 31 50 " 312 63 97 63 41 50 te,nt mi w,7i ts tn,w as Front 8treet Wire Manufactory. . WATBON Ss COX, Sibvr, RroDLR, Sorker and Wirh Crorw MANrFACTTRKBS, Jfo. 46 Korth Front Street. Corner of Ouorub's Alley, between Market and Malberrjr (Arch) Streets, Thiladclpaia, fJONTINUE to manufacture of superior qua! ity, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Pspor Makers cVc. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered In the best manner. Extra Heavy Punter Wire of Superior quality Heavy Twilled Wire for 8prk Catchers, 8iees for Brass and Iron Pounders, .Screen Wire, Windaw Wire, 8afes, Traps, Disb Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &C. fancy Wire Work of ev ery description. Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1S55. - 9inC. TO LADIES SUFFERING PHYSICIANS. Mra lirtts' Crletnated Hiipportcrs have lieeii used wuh uiifhlerrupttft sucrem Tor ttie lBt twenty yearn, by niuiiy IhiHjmnd hidies. 1'liyate wnm with me and comftirt, being williout anv Mrtnllic Hiringi wiiutevrr, and liive given immediiite relief in a large iimnber ofeiiHeH where other less ttlccesnfut aiipluinrrt huve fHilrd. ladies ean dewiid on the m"st prompt Mtleutmn, by relfing un Mrs. Betis, 341 Wnlnul Klrret, Phlludrlplilu. The Mupptirtora eun besnt rasa by mail. Trices, $, tfti, antl $M. 1'hiludelphia, Srptemtier 1st, IMS. Im. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, Frederick Lazarus, Administrator of the estate of Chiistiatt Bower, deceased, will expose to public sale, on the premises, on MONDAY, the first day of OCTOllKK, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., all that LOT OF GROUND, In tho borough of Sunbury, situate at the north west corner of Fawn & Pokcbcrry streets, con taining in Front on Fawn street, about 140 feet and running back westward on the north aide of Pokeberry street, about 120 feet adjoining a lot of Samuel tiusslet on the north, and lot of Mary Doctor on the west, on which ate erected At the corner of the street, and a small House or Office and a Barn. The same being parts nf two lots, numbered 204 & 206, and will be of fered in the whole or in two parts, so as to suit purchasers. To be sold for payment of debts. Terms of aale will be made known on the day of sale. FKED'K LAZARUS, Adm'tor. By order of the Court, the Court, ) SEI Clk. V pt 1, 1855. ) J. P. PURSEI Sunbury, Sci FILES TiJtSFS. MEW STREET FILE WORKS, Philadelphia. THE subscriber is constantly Manufactur ing I iles and Rnspa of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the bct im ported goods, and much cheaper. MANUFACTURERS V MECHANICS can have their OLD FILES RE-CUT ond made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches $2,00 per Doz.; Flat, 14 inches $2,75 per Dot. ; tSaw-files, Half Round, Millsaw and other Files in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at tho tamo rates, and warranted aatisfactorv. J. 13. SMITH. NO. CI NEW STREET between Race and Vine & Second & Third St. Philadelphia. Philada. August 18, 1855. 3m. Trusses! Trussoa!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. S. Cor. of Ttcclfth and llace Streets, Philadelphia. IMPORTER of fine French Trusses, combi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can ne suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, 3. J3, J4. S5. Double $5, ?G, $8 and $10. Instructions as to wear, and how to clTcct a cure, when possible, sent with tho Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Banniiig'8 Improved Patent Body Brurr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri : Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes male ami female. ft' Ladies' Rooms, with T. ri.lv attendants. I'hila., Aug. 4, 1 r.5.". 1 y ' 8. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the quulified voter of Northumberland countv, as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of suid office faith fully and impartially. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, Aug. 11, 1855. te. To tho Electors of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified votera of Northumberland county, a a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of said office faithfully and impartially. PETER HILEMAN. Sunbury, June 23, 1855, te. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I offer myself to your consideration aa a candi date fur COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should a majority of my fellow citizens elect me to that office, I will discarge its dutiea faithfully and to the beat of my ability. JOSEPH VANKIRK. Point tp., Aug. 11, 1855 te. FOll SALE ! fj) f TEAM ENGINES 00 Horse power each, wun ooiiers. w ouiu make excellent pump ing engines, logerher with 2 large blowing cylin ders, suitable for a blast furnace. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER k CO. Shamokin Iron Works, Shamokin, Pa. Sharoakin, July SI, 1855,. J. B. DOBBINS, " JVb. 22 South Wkartte, ADOTE CIIKSTXUT 8TRRET, PHILADELPHIA. BtlLtB 1ST WMPROVED Super Phosphate of Lime, Too.- drette, and Land Plaster. Having every facility for supplying all articlea in the above line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar. ket prices, would most respectfully Solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Spices, ckc Sunbury, July 21, 1855 e3m. rjE D A R TU B"iTlTo7BuckeU. Paintedu7k eta. Meat Tenderers, Corn Brooms, Bas kets, Children's Wagons, an J Yankee flocks ust received and for sals by May 86, 1855. . W. TESTER t , OSlERY Mens' wool and cotton Bocks. Ladies and children's stockings just open ed a YOUNG'S STORE. Sunburv N ov. 18. 1854. GLOVESBuckskin Gloves and Milts, do Gloves wool lined, Ladies Gloves, Cbil dren's do.. Mitts, 4c, at Nov IB, '53. YOUNG'S STORE. 1NDELLIBLE INK at May 19. WEISER dc BRUNER'S. (LACK Putty a good article for sale by May 19. WEISER oV B RUNE It. pAMILY MEDICINES-Brown's Fever and Ague Paiwders, Fshneslock's Vermifuge, Dr. Ja'oe's celebrated saedicinsa, iic, for sale at Nav. SS, 'Hi yVlKG'5 8TCTRB. WHOLESALE AKD TSXtJL. M. C. CEAItlURT & CO., UFPl'ECTfl'LI.Y announce tu the cititena of Northumberland and the adjniniwrcmiti tia that they bate 0ned a Cntifr. tieiierv and Fruit Store in MAKKKT SQUARE, Sunbury, where tliey manufacture aiMl keep on hand, at all times, tho most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholtwnln and Retail, nt Philadelphia prices. Among their stock of Conlcclionaries, may be found : Trench St-ersts, llarnd Almonds, C.tmm White, Itnou Kose. " Vsnilla, ' Cnmaioii Seereta. Liquuiue, Gum trps. aH kinds of scent, I.'ire Drops, Mint !rr.pii, red aud while, Jelly Culm, Flint Dropi, Suck remltaa, of all somi's, It'vk Candy, Aim nl Candy, FRUIT. Prone, F'. Citrons, Currants dfted, Altnouds, tnis, Nuunf alt kinds. LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dotcn. A superior quality of SegsM and Tuharco, and a variety of (Joiifoc.tionarie, fruit, Ac, all nf which is offered cheap at wholesale or relni!. Cdine and aee we will try to pleaso. Orders from a distance promptly nllrndrt to. Sunbury, An. 4, 1PC5. ly. J0HJT G. MARKEL, M. D., RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens rC Sunbury and vicinity I hut he has commen ced the practice of Medicine and Surgery, am will promptly attend to tlie rails of nil who may desire his prolessionnl services, 1 1 it oliico ii at the rcsiilcnro of his mother, Mary Market. Sunbury, July 14. 18.V). "mpd. To Iron Masters and Donlers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE W0K.KS, ao. 21 -4rri Street, alnre Front, Philadelphia. SIEVES. KIDDLES. SCREEN'S, WOVEN WIRES, of all medics and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covereJ in tho best maimer in or out nl the city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder's i Sieves. AH kinds of Iron (Jro Wire, Wire mid Sieves for Seed, Grain, Band, Starch, Snuff, Brickdust, &c, &c. BAYLISS, DARBY &. LINN. August, , 1855. C 3 m im rnovED Sl'PER rilOSI'lllTE Or 1.11 F. 2 5q0 bbls. of the most superior manufacture. Ah-o, GUANO of every description, Cal cined Pbister, Cement, fee. Produceof all kinds bought and sold on commission. , R. B. SELLERS A- CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. C5 North Wharves, between Race and Vine street:!, I'uitada. Philadelphia, Atizust -1, IS55 onic. To the Voters of Northumberland Comity The subscriber re-pectfulV infirms hi friends and fellow citieis that be will be a candidate fir the office of COUNTY TREASURER at the ensuing election, and promises if elected, to discharge the duties of said otliee with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB YOUNG. Sunbury, July 1 L If te, BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now well established as tho best urticle ever oll'ercd for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less trouMc than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it haa brought out several imi I at ion. r. Storekeepers and consumers will be careful to get Bcnjimim BvnLow's, put up at Alfre d Willberger'a Drug More, No. 10'J, N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocers and Druei.-,ts they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Driip., Chtmica't, 1' units, I uniisncs, Jhje Stuffs, iVe., with a firt-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers-, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rales. ALFRED WILTBERGER, Drtijuist. lf,9 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1S55 ly. IMI'IIOYKD SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. r"lllIK subscriber informs Dealers and Fanners that be has gieutly inipromed the quality of his Super I'hosphate of Lime, And now confiJently . recommends the article manufactured by him, asscrKitioa to any in the market. You are invited to tall, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican liuuno, Oils, Candles, Soap, it., at the lowest market rale. JNO. I.. POMEUUY, Successor to TIij". .V. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 .South Wharves, Philadelphia. .7.Farmera can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wharf. Phila., July SI, 1855 c6in. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Coutt of NorthumlH rbnid comity, will be exposed to public sale, on BATI.'RDAY, the 29tti day of September ueit, on thu premUes, tho following described real estate, to wit: a certain t it Act or land, situate in Jordan tunisbip, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Nathan Sehraber, Frederick Tysen, lieore 'I'rautm in. and mountain bind, whereon is erected a double Log II ouse, bank barn and other outbuildiiics, containing s'lout one hundred acres, more or less, about two thirds of which are cleared. Late the elate nf Andrew I.entz, deo'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'el.u k, A. M., of suid day, when tlie termsof Silo will be made known by BENJAMIN LEITZEL. Adni'r. Zj order of the Court, JNO. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. auinbury, Aug. 18, 1S55. ts. W0NDEES OF NATURE. riMIE present Proprietor of the newly discov I ered 1NF1FLB CAVE (l.metoi:e) in Dry Valley, Union county, hereby gives notice that the cave will not be open on Sundays for Visitors. It may be titited by Ladies and lieu tlenien, en Saturdays of every week, when es pecial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. W All persons are forbidden to break olf, injure, or take away anv specimens from the Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12J rents only is icquired of every person before entering NOAH WALTER. Dry Valley, Aug. II, 1855. 3m. VTMBRELLAS Overshoes, Pocket Books Mj Portmnnies, bilk Pocket-liuudkerchict, Neck-lies, Spring-atocks, Suspenders. Ac, at, Nov. 85, '54. YOl NU'S STOKE. "JOMBS Back, Children's Iing, hide and fine combs Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, for sale at YOUNG'S STOKE. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 18o4. CHALLENBERGER'H PILL8.A couiiii cure for Fever and Ague, for sals by WEIsKKot BUCNER. Buubarr. uly 32, 1(54. 'I'lfALL PA PER-A Urge and splendcd .Mortment of WaU Paper, Window Fa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale b, v .. W' '' ENER & Co, Bunbory, May 88. 1S5 GROC E R 1 EtS 8egsr'a.Co"flee Mol Bpices, Oils, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring aud bait, just received and for sale by - .. WM. A. KNABB. Lswef A ii fusts Ms , 1854 NirwrAMltYCP.OCERY, ncrar, Teed end Trortni tu, "JA J MASHCLTZfcrMZaY. ' r"C'"-C.l H U.rn, -, .i t relerlnd aoMnient of rtl tm Mint tl-nll choice Famit r.r:,;.... i - .. .'I'tiiiners, I'ish, X.lt ?!"Mer.. Meckel Fruit, Pickles, Crackers. a,L V, ' r'rewrvcJ Suiriir. Cnlf.. . n' "eeso. Molsssee.lii,,, pcHai. y,na::rzd less, Cedar.ware, Stone-w.r,, plow and wash ltm-s, Loot. ...j .J,t' segars, &c, together with eveIy Brriclo ' fotmd in a first class Grocery Store, all f wl.irl, will be sold at the lwo.il prices, either ..r rnM. nt country produce. We also keep on ban I ehoir Liquors, Tort, Lisbon, eke. Prtc, Alo, l,rer aaraaporilla, 4c. We are also prepared to .up! ply thn citirena with frceh bread, twist, rolls, pits pretzels and rakes of every kind. ' N. 0. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and egga, corn, onta. rve and wheat. Hunbtiry, July 7, 1855. ' ,. IJOS. 21 & 22 SOUTH SLXTH SIREET, j PHIX.ADEI.rUIA. Agricultural Implement Matiufaetory, Bristol, I pa I Seed Grounds (370 Acres) BloomsJate, near i Bristol, Pn. riiibi., June IP, 855. 3m- p3. Fhotog-raphy ! LagneTreotjije 1 1 A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. KcCLEES, ( Successor to McClets j- ticrmon.) "SHOULD call the altenion "f the public, not ' only to the superiority of the Dagucrrco tvpes, the Hyalograph, (by some called Ambru- ' type,) and the various aty lea of Photography on ! paper; but to the fact, lliut patties at a distance. posses"!!!!? a small daguerreotype, may, by send ing it to No, 1U0 Chestnut ft., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait nf ixi fciZK, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, Ac, &c, will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLEES" Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. lhO Chestnut at., below 7'.h. Phila., July 51, 1H55 tf. AYEIl'S PILLS, k new and sinaularly successful remedy f.-r the il cure of all llilioi.i diseases Costivrncss, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Kheuinatisin, l evers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Iiifhtimnu tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, bide. Back, and Limbs. Female Complaints, &e., ke. ImlccJ, very few are me diseases tu which a Puriutive Mrdi cine is not more or less required, and much Kick, nes.s and sulfuritig might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which minlit have becti avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish svmptums, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or nmrtnpe the deen sentr-d mid ffirtiitil:,!)!,, liitpmnpra ; which load the hearses all over the land. 11 nice a reliable family phytic is of the first importance to the puhlic health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto knonn of any mcdieinc. Cures have been etl'ected beyond belief" were they not bub stantiatcd by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untnuli. Among the manv eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of thcoc l'i'.'.s, we lnay mention : Un. A. A. Hayes, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, end Slate Assnyer of MuiwachuKclts, whoso hiyh professional character is. endorsed by the Hun. Kdwaud lirntKTT, Senator of the V. S. Kim r.UT C.Wivi iiuur, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ainu it Lawkknck, Minister Plen. to F.npland. t John B. FiT7.ivsTUKK,l'ath. BUhnpof Boston. aim', l'K. J. It. I liii.niN, 1'ractical Lhtnast, OI New Yrk t'itv, endorsed bv Hon. W. L. Makcy, Secretary of State. M'm. B. Astoh, the richest tnan in America. S. I.glako & Co., Propr'a of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, wo could give manv hundred ccrtilicates, fiom ull parts where tho Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent publio men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation aud study, are offered to tho public as tiic best and most complete which the piesent state of niedical science cau afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as t iusure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry rcctor.d and lMlb. both, to produce a more erlicieiit remedy than had hitherto bceu ob tained by anv process. 'I he reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the eld niedo of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this caidi indi vidual virtue only that is dcsttcd tor the curuttvo cried is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance cmpliryed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained, llcncc it is selt'-evidciit the ctlcvts mould prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful u.iliclote to disease than any other uudicmc known to the world. As it is frcqucpt'y expedient that my medicine should tic taken under the coonvcl of ra attending Physician, aud us he could not properlv judee of a remedy without kuov.ii.g its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate i'ormula? by which both my federal and rills arc made to the wuoin uouy tu Practitioners in the tinted States and British Amer ican 1'roHiiccs. If uoucvf there should be any one who has not receive.l them, they will be promptly forwarded bv nn.il to his address. Of all the Patent .Medicines that are ottered, how few would be taken if their composition was known I Their lile consuls in their mystery. 1 hae r.0 nivsttrics. The composition of my j reparations is laid open to all men, and all who lire competent to jude on the subject fieely acknowledge the.r ronvictwtis of their intrinsic merits. '1 he Cherry Pectoral wa pronounced by scientific men to be a wonder. al medicine before its etlccts wero known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the ijiw thing of my Pills, and even moro confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were mcie than realized' by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purifv tho blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the atomaeh, bowels, liver, aud other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are tho tirst oripiii of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are ploasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm cau arise trouj their use iu anv quantity. Fur ininuts directions, see wrapper on the Boa. IPKrAULU JAMES C. AYER, Practical itud Analytical ChviiiUt, LOWELL, MASS. Fries SS Cents per Eoi. rive Eases for $L BOLD BY Wri A Bruner, r?un!iiry Hut .V J lni h"1" .Vin W. Wiemer. Nurlhaiitl-eilanit ; J. F. t'ari Milloa; aii't l.y all Utitists in Norit.cin Pcnusliauia. Juac W, ItSi IT- fBHASK'S Alttgnelic Ointment at A May 19. WEISKU & BlU'NER'S. 4 Fine lot of Wall Papi-r just received and for sale by M. Sunbury, June J.I855. Mccarty. Market bttceb UAKDWAKE and Queensware in great va rleties and of aU descriptions, just received and for sale by I.nwei Augusta, WM A. KNABB May 18S4. I I ATS & CAPS- iilk sud Slouch Hats, 11 Military and cloth Caps lor men and boys, also Gum boes of various s'xes, just received and for ssle at YOU-NO t BTOFH. ffuftbury Nov. tr5,185 Is'EW SriUNfi AND Fn.'.JTEit CG3- CTS GEJ 530 e I- W. Ti.fi IR & Co , Gvnbnty Pi. I I AVE just reretvei' a urw and sp!cr..'id as rotneiit of r.ooJs, si :l!rd tu tho Meuil , smr.t'qt whirl, are: ' C'V.tli,., Cesimerrs and Velvtte, Teady innda t llothes, Eticlisb, French atid A mericnti Cing bains, plain and painted Chadi. rfo. do. Lawns, Barege nud Bareuc Eel.ains. plain and painted Tissue, Tiwue Barege, '1'bilK-t Milk, fringsd MibwIb, Eiii luotdcred eft J Damask Crape Shawls, Fancy ManlilliiH, ftn pril and checked Linen, Ta ble Covers, Metquiuo ,eu. Fsnn, Parasols en.' f rn bioilss, tnijatlirr v;tu a genrsral n-Hitl-raer.t of Dry Cow!. lists, (:,,,, Boots, M,oe, Il3r,!..Tate, Urj QHr,w Bl0, .J.,' . lvN''' ic Ao., all U which us wio encap lr ca.h or Country Pra iluca. Muuhury.May 5, 155S. j Booksellers & Stationer:, I A "Vr VW !'ilin ofl' "'tito at.wk of I r Tt "?d SlHUon"y. d rron, the f,8 I of ,!ie ,5tl' ' very low ptirei. Ti0 ,tuc-. ; embraces ctrry virietv or miscellaneous Buoka" Hchool Ceoks, and nil kinda of Blank lt.,.,t." 1.-.0 ilomoslic and imported f-tationarv ,it ,i, , ir. ,u .c m .i. mi out ai low priee it will bo Well to call euilv nr.d secure l...v 'ains i al i;m',rv, 8. W. cornor4thand Race ft,- Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 2, 1S5.". if. StTNEURY, PA. TIIE subscriber rcapectfully infmrms t!, publi; . that she. still continues to keep the abova named public house. She has nUo rcccied a new supply of ood liquors and wines, aul trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her houso. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June 53, 1855. tf. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, . MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. ; rsMHsJ large and commodious Hotel issituulcd on the top of the .Locust meuntair, nsrly Irolf way between Sunbury and 1'oltsviile. Th scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere arid the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. Tho Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, lilted up with all the modern conveniences. Tho P'ire mountain water is introduced into every rhamber. The place is easy of access, beng but one nud a Imif hours ride from Sunbury. met i die Philadelphia and Cuiiluirv bad read, r r Pottrvillc, it ean bo reached by the .V.ino 11 n ' Ti.iil road to Ashland, nud from thenco to M. CV.rmrl i mile, by Omnibus. l'vcrv attendance will be paid by the jvrr.pris inr to niiil.c guests CJrnforteble. Chargjj modo rd!e. - . joef;: m. feager. Mr. Car'Yicl. runs S:3, Ti.r,. tf. U.ir?n;ES ai tie Cli Stand. PRIZsINCS- i GRAI?T , II li now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and .. ; Summer Uoode, cm bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Ttncy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Summer Wares fir men and boys, all styles anil prices. ' ' DRESS GOODSy SILKS I'lain and Figured Black. An assortment of Piaid Stripe and FiguroJ Fan cy Dress Silks at unusually low prices, fehellies, brines, Bra;o De Lcina, Mus. Da Lairis, Lawns, Ac, (ilXCH A.M.-j from i to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES, ' 3 lij " W II ITU GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetta, Swiss, Tarllon, Mull, Bobi- nelt. Frcmh nud Swiss Laces, Edjiugs, &c. Bro.vn ar.d bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, c. .uot Kitins. HAPJUWARE and QTTESSS W AB.E, Cedar-ware, liullow-wam, lion, Stejl, Plastsr ISalt end Fish, AUo a tresh supplv of DKUGS a"NI MKDICINT3. Thankful for past favors,- wo hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. . :. L's" Ciuintty pioilucc of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, June 2, 1SC5. ly. Shamoliia White Ash Anthracita CoaL T'lOin the "Old Win" i. the d'tp Vulliry. J - H. Zl.VI.ViLUMAN A.JNO. P. rUFSEL, successors t Kase, Keed cV Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the. above well known Colliery, under the firm of t Zimmerman fc I'ursel. The po.i t of shipment ! is at the lower v. barf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, ra., where nil orders lur tuverioue kinds nf coal, viz; Lump, Broken, Easu Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sytibury, July 14, 1855, Si sDt ai, Jti.r , 1855. The firrr. of Kase, l!ec,J iV Co. bavin; aolj their b ase in the Gap Colliery anil interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zi;nfierinnn it I'urrel, would take great pleasuieiu ricouiiiieud ing our customers and others to the new linn, ss tl.ty will be a!i!s to sell them prepared coal of the best quality, KAfE, BK.EDck CO. Stencil Cutter, Xn. 1 XnriJi Sijih Street, (Btieuxsr.) STE.'.'CIL BRANDS cut for Merchants, Far iners. Millers and Distillers. -Alphabets, biushes snl Inks of the very lest nnulitv. c. s 'iibs, ' a. a. riss. Phi la., June 23, 1855. Sm. NOTICE. "VOTICE is hereby given that application w ill ' be made to the next legislature nf Penneyt vuma, al tlie sessiou oi ikoo, ior ine crrauui.w a rorpnratc h jdy, with banking and dwcouirting privileges, to be celled the "tSuiMoaix WtK," located at .Miapiokintown, Norlhumberiand Co., Pa., with a caital atoik of 150,IHO, with the priulcgoof incieasiiii tho same la 300,000 if uecestary. Hhaiuolin, May it, 18.5 fta. ""tobacco, &0. Vlrav.'-eirV. Congress. Eldorado FiS. F.ldoratlo C ake, etuisapanlia Fine C", Presd r iiie t ut, " '.' V K1SE R A: B RUN Eb! fcunbury, May 3, ISSS. SEGARS' El Dorado, ldo Hondo, La CurtosidaX Csna'os. Havana Cheroots. El Neptune, El UuellJo, l(ecrrlre. La (Semiaruiis, Plantation, For Pale st V EIEIl & LKLAER. Sunbury, May S6, 1."S, TERM1CELLI, Maccaroni and Cu Burob, just leeaived by May Hi, Is AS. WEISER 4s BKUNER. IOR ssle art this effic, Supenrior Black Ink. Cattle Medicine at It cm, Tore Eieonoe tt Omcsr, It teas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers