r ' (From the OerrtisntownTelrjrar'k. ' ' ,' ,. .. boolad. "' ' iR. Editor : It i with pleasure that I ice a new spirit oporatinir amonir our ,air- .ultnrnl friends in relation to this epocies of Ad, ' in pMKlni? throiifth a portion oi we Auntry recently, I observed several of bop and that had linen clonred and drained, and Tint in course of improvement. I would licfr , leave to Btigpest, howover, that the most ef ' fectnal and economical method of reclaiming these Valuable soils, does not, in all cases, ap pear to have been adopted. Instead of rut ting the bushes, and turning out the masses of strong, fibrous roots with the plow, ft would bo far better, and give the land a much word desirable appoarnnco, to employ the 'not puller j this does the work faithfully, tnk ink out am. the roots, and with the' expendi ture of one-half the strength and capital re quired by the former tnetilind. A, to drain ing, it should bo done in tho most thorough maimer, and indued the entire operation Is one in which thoroughness is highly essential. If the work bo not well done, it will require to be twice done, and this very few farmers can afford. . Burning tho ' bushes on the ground, after saving out all that is fit for fuel, is a judicious plan. Tho ashes, however, should be spread, and not left in heaps as 1 noticed hud been doue in ouo or two cases. , , a iioa trotti;k, ' KICKING tOWS. Hear what an old nian, who ha spent his past life and grown gray upon a farm, 'soys about kicking cows : , In tho most cases the habit of kicking is contracted during tho first month alter the cow has had her first calf. If, as it is often the cause with well-fed heifers, the udder i.s a little feverish at tho time, it ofteu becomes so sore that it is impossible for the poor crea ture to stand still while the necessary milk ing is being done. -, Following tho instinct of nature sue kicks; and unuing sn is iuiis iur tho moment freed from pain, continues to do it till the anyer of the milker is aroused, aud then a bad matter is made much worse. . It is better in the first place to tie tho lioi for bv the head, then set your left shoulder, gentlv but firmly against her. just back of her right'shoulder, grasp firmly her right fore leg below tho knee, turning her foot up backward till it touches the leg, then slip on over- tho knee a strap, or uoop, or com that wm con fine it fast in that position. While standing on three legs she will find it difficult to : kick so as to hurt you. Now take a convenient sized cloth, and wet and wash the udder thor oughly with tepid or cold w iter, after which milk her carefully and tenderly as possible, using at the same time such gentle and sooth ing language as is calculated 'to show her that you do not wish O hurt her but let her struggles be ever so violent or provoking, mind you keep control of your own temper. An outbreak on your park will us certainly be productive of a bad effect upou ' the cow, us au echo .will answer your own voice, or as your image will be reflected in. a' mirror. Kindness, combined with tho perfect control you have over her in this situation, I consid er much the best way of breaking them ; aud after a few times she will lift her foot to be tied as readily as a horse will "to be shod. Continue to milk her in this way until the soreness is gone, and she will find it a grati fication to be milked, will often meet yutt us 8ho sees you coming with the pail, and j'ou will ever'after find it easier to get along with her should her teuts by chauco get sore after wards. Old Fakmkr. In Life Illustrated. Setting Hens. In 6cttiug liens', thirteen eggs are enough to give them ; ft large hen iniirlit cover more, but a few stronger, well- iiatcliod chicks are better tliaii largo brood of weaklings that have been delayed lu tlie shell perhaps twelve hours over the time, from in sufficient warmth. - At the end of a week, n is usual, with sotting turkevs, to add two or three fowls' eggs, "to teach tho young tur keys to pick." The plan is not a bad one; the activity of their chickens stir up some emulation in 'their larger brethren. The eggs take but little room in tho nest, aud will produce two or three very fine fowls. .4 bany Cultivator. ' Soils which contain standing water within thirty inches of the surface, should be under drained. From such land, there is a contin ued draining of water to tho surface, us in a (lower pot, where the water is applied to the bottom, but soon moistens to mo top, Constant evaporation keeps tho soil and air cold, and excludes tho air from the noil. Drain oft' tho water and theairentersthe soil; as tbero is less evaporation, tho soil becomes warmer j tho oxygen decomposes the vegeta ble matter in the soil, and changes the poi sonous protoxide of irou to the beneficial 'peroxide. Ohio Farmer. . ,' A Good Soap Recipe. Have tho ley of sufficient strength to float an egg ; measure it into barrels as obtained, and to. each- gal lon add ouo pound of greaso. Stir every day until it become. thick thun; lo" sixteen gal lons of this soft soup put four gallons of ley, as strong as that above, Hoil one hour 'Vt more, until the grease entirely disappears, then dissolve six quarts of suit in fourgttllous ' of water; stir it in, and boil the wliola tifloeu minutes longer ; pour it into tubs to hardeu ; cut it out in bars and dry in tho bhude. . Cl RR FOR liOTH. William II. Duwsou, of Arkansas, gives the following remedy for the bots, in the Southern Cultivator:' "Allow me to givo you a sure and speedy cure for the bots: I'rom 40 to fit) grains of quinine in one " pint of brundy, then add one pint of water. My experience in horses has been considera ble of Into, and 1 haveeen a goodly number taken with the bots. 1 have also given the above rsraedy und in no case failed to cure." To Fatten Fowls. The best food for fat tening fowls is potatoes mixed with meal. Boil the potatoes and mash them fine, while . they are hot and mix the meal with them just before it is presented. They fatten on this diet in less than hulf the time ordinarily re quired to bring them to the same condition of excellence on coru or even meal itself. . - CoiT or Kkkpiko Shkkf. The yearly ex pense of keeping shocp in Vermont is stated by a writer in the l'uteut lteport .at $.'Mi , per head. lu Wisconsin it ia put at 00 rents a bead. In Missouri at 40 ceuU I in Maiue at $1 1 in Virginia at 45 cents. The Shaker in Kentucky rate the cost there at front SO to 75 cents per head. ... . Spirit op Tar. This is a useful applira , tioa to the feet of sheep in foot-rot. ,. H also has great effect when applied to. the parts that have been struck by the fly. It destroys the niPL'gots already formed, and no fly will deposit e her e??s where this liquid has been used. Jtandull, .,....', yttlii. Those trqublesoiof pestg limy ba Vent but of the grain by Doing suit. Sprinkle a little fine salt on the bottom and arouuj the sides of the .bin as too fill up, -and over 'the ' top when full. Wheat kept in old alt lar 'rels will never be destroyed by the weevil. M l ' ;l u 1 ; Wrm Worm. This can be entirely extir pated, by using hog manure. So says a cor. ' respondent of the Rural Xeto-Yorker. , t fcs """ . Jmprora lh rainy dar, To Officers, Soldiers, SEAMEN, &c, OP Alt "WARS : their Widows and Minor Children. . D. MASSER, Attorney for Government 1 : CVm'mciiM, " . i " " . ..!..; i Sunbury, Ta. CONTIN i:K 10 givs prompt n! personal mleiitien in tlie prosecution of Claim nf every description ansliist the Oeiicrfil Government, mid prirtiruWly to those lici'ma the Treasury lieparlwient, l"nlcwi mid Bonnlr-Laiid Bureaus, Pain and (leaum! Ismd Ollice, and Hoard of Claims Ail experience oryrurs. rihIii familiarity with tin menu! of rilitainiint the earliest aiM most fti-romhle actios on claims, Willi the facilities fuf the dispnlcli of lsines, juslilv him in assuring His Oi'Wi apondeula, C iiuneiita, and thr I'uliln EHiMHlly, t Iittt iuuriala intruated lo lin kenp tt will not 1 iifRlrdi-rt. ' ' ' ,"' K..,n. Um l.m.l,tTaTSIPt'tirlMaOl.W. Yiali-iananrlv randv f.ir nmtuiU'iu diilrilHUi.in amon hialuniica CorrMiioiiiliriila, ('", f"'c "'"? n"J' '" anMi,) a nont pnmphfc r.iil:ifiii"v W'1',.. r; iatina Pti.w, lloiuitv l-nd. l-arnil, ami Pulilia Uad Uwa, down lo Wis Olid of llio lite Uongraaa liicludllig Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855. under wlm-h nil who h-ivc IhthI" r.'fdvcd m tlinu 10 arrra nri- now niiitliil to mlitilmiial laml ; aaul Ai t rmit alao Ifltl ncrra to nH Irticera, ivMl-cou.Tniwaii-d Olfi.'era, Clinplaiin, trfiliiT, Wiir.iii .Mntifra, Tcaiiulira. mal friendly Indiana, if the Army, ini'lildlliu Plate TriH'P", Volnn'eera, mid Militia und nil timcera. rVnmrn, tinlian ry Hmhiiwi. Slnriim. Clerks, ami l.niulnel., of tlie Navy, not Iiriut'iHiie priiviilcd fur, who Imvu aervd imt less Hum fi.nrlivii iUiv (unlia ill tnltli') nt any -riiKl ima irTrtjaml to ttto'wid'iwa and miliar cliildretiof ait aurh pem'iii euliUiil, hud decenaid , i Tlie poiiihlel coniaiiia "Forina of Appllrnlton" in.ne full mid coiimlcle ll'im n,,V flewliri' t . la foulid i nil.i!trd tn tli wiinta nf cverv rliiaanf tlnrtianl Under Hie net, with ei'pi ina duomioiia ami iiialrnctiiHia uf tlie Depart-. ment. and prm-tirnl eniracaiMiiiii t"i the course lo i pur aileil in atiKjii'iuled nr rt-j-nMnl cnFrn. Parties not tvortiinc In avail llieiiwlvrt of tlie fneiliilei alfordinl hy lint Often in acriiiing irilii(it mid pers'illnl atiperintemlcitetr nf their elaiins at Hie IVpartinenlti, mil olitniii rniii'aif theiilivve pntnplilei hy remitting Ihiny ceuli In p"aine' atompa. ' . ixi)i cioiKM'ft to connufM'oxDtix ra. C'nf5),niideiila who prepure and forward c:iv fnr uniiTici'iiieni hy tiiin Agoiiry will lie dealt witli liherally i Pnpphe.1 witn atl nereMiry Wanka uRATla and kepi eon atniitly mlvicnl nf ihe eliiiiiKea that trimj Line lo uiue oc cur ill the. excculinn nt tlie hlW. li In tvilliin the tiibsciiliera power To direet hi rmre tprHRlnits to the loon lit v nf vuty manv peranna nitilled un der iIm laie Act i and havuip; itbtniiwil a hirpe aumher if l.nnd 'iirr:nil. under former laws, he la in imaseaau Ml nf data that will nialeriully ownrt In securing adiiitioiiul liountv. . ' .'.' - Kei a, lielnw the nmiul rnlus and contingent upon the DiliniBFiiin nf Cltilllia . The hiirlieat eah prlee ttiven for T.nnd War rant a, lie votulamarv terlp, and lllinuia Land Patents. ' Addresa H. B MASSKK, , duuLmry, Pa. ' March 91, IM.L It " ' 1 1 Uritish Periodicals EARLY L'OPIKS SEri'RED. . ( ItPremfitms to Nf w Subscribers ! ! .' t..WJ).RI) SCOTT CO., New York, continue lo publuh the following Hritikh Pviiuilicals, vix. ; . .1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conervalive) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) !1 ' TH E NORTH BRITISH REVI E W ( Free C'h ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) RLACKWOODS E DIN BURG MAGAZINE (Tory). ' The prfsftht rritirfiT tnt nf Kuropfnn nffru'Ts will mi'Ier thcwpiil.liwUtiimuimtivnny intfrpMiiis durinff the loith wfiiinft yMir. 'I'ney will occupy n mi nit I Uj gmumt lntvcrii (lie hitstilv writcn iit-vvs-iteuis. er title nnwiilatnti,aiii Hy liifr i u mum of the ilnity Jnni:i!, and tho pdivifTniw Tmc of thf futore hitnriun, wriileu utter the livimr inturoit mill t-Ac i lenient il iticiireut pfiliticul tiveuls of this lituo n)mll have ikim'"! iiu'itv. It is t Uimw lVrtoilic:il that itailfm must lM)k t'.r the only rofil'y intelltLMlile mJ relin I'V IvMory uf eiirrmit ovontn, und iw nucht in mlilitittii ti thi-lr Vi'!!-r(tThiit-lif it litcrurv ciitifif. iiiul thcili'iri'iil oiiiinrter, re urce (hcTn iin ni the cnHufcr(ituMi H tho reuilirir ruMic. ... . ' IV" ArruneoiiMMits tirii nrv nun nan rut ly trivia fur tho rrirnit of Hinlv Shet'ts frointlio Ilutifli PuHlmhets. bv wliiHi tve fire eimMed to plnce uil nnr Ilrprinhi in tho limiils ol inhwriliem, about as soon an they cau lieiuriiifirtd w t It tlie toreiifii e nie. Altlitxieh tins involves a very l;iric outlay oti our purl, we sli;:ll eotitimie to fuininH tho IVnoitiraiH at the wine low rate ttn heretoiore, ugetlier with the luiio'Vtiig I'teiniumi to ww 9:iiwniK-ra. TKUAtS AND 1'UEMIUMS. r See list of Premium Volumes bdom r - i ' ; ' lVrnna Tor any imc of the four Reviewinud one Prein. Vol. &i ui( I or any two t'oi nnv three " two " 7" Pur all four if the Reviews - two ' t- ott Kor I'lackwiHVPn Matrutne ' ' M rme . a (Kt For Hiackwooil ami three Review three " U tt For Riackword & the four RevtMm three " " 10 00 Payments to be made tit tttt cases in advance Money current in the State where issued will he raetvcd at pur Thv I'rt iiii'in.H roj'tiiff of (he fullowinir workf, Tkitk iuine8oi wuii-n win be 51 von 10 nnw niiiKJ,uer8 neeor tiin to the nuiuher uf pi ruMlieals ouiereit, ui ulyvo eJi pfcumvil; PREMIUM VOLUMES.-: roltrifiN titTAHTKiu.F.v Uevikw (one year ; IJLAf KVVn.t)B .MAG4ZINK (MIX IOiitllK). J.OXD N .it:KTKItLY Kkview (one jeai). F.niMiiJRo Hkvirw (uie year). " r .' Mi:tk()PolItan Mai.azixk (mi moiiths)- . r T NVk.itmiNstkk Rkvikw dnie veat). Consi rulive Fremimn volumes eaiinot in nH enset (to fnruiiilieiJ, oxoei of lU Foreiwii (.ttirtcHy Review. Ti prevent (lisipponitirieiit, Iheieforf, where that woiU i not akaie win led, Subatrilteniwill nleaie order a many diner eat worLs for premiums ui there ure vok-inei U which t.iey may be t'lititiuil. , . , ... CLTJBBIH0. A diwwiiit of twentr-iive per eriit. frmn the nhrtve nri cps will be allowed In Club nil-rinjr fair or more eopit's of any one or more of the tiUive. worJ.s. Tims: Four cipieK of R'ackwihii, or of one Ki-viVw, will be bent to one ruLlrua lur tri) j four copies of lUaious Ucviews and UiiiUA.wx'oa luf juj pnu n.i im. POiSTA(.F In nltth iitiiixjp.i! Gltieaiiml T-wn. Ih'-se work will he deliveretl, irrontth fvyuli, I'KKK DF FOSl'AiiK. When sent by umil, the Kistuiie to uuy pari of the l ailed Stales will be Imt Twenty -Four elite n yi-ar for HiackwMi," aud but Twelve t rad a yenr ur each of (he Reviews Remittances and cmrrti mention a should ahvnys be SiKtiessru, post-jtiiiu, to the rulllfcliWS, , f JLEONAltl) SCOTT & CO.,. .. .f ,41 0)l.DHTRKET,KEV'VonK N. H.-J, B. Co. have rfatntlr nulillibad, niuI Imve .iv lur mic. Ihc "l -AK.MKIIT (.1 IDK," l.v Henry Sic piuna, m biliubirrpti,- mid Pnr, Kurtun. n lnlo Cik-si New Ilin'ui.rtingtlrleiu lu.)V'la, r.vul vliv.j, coiibiiiuiis i p i!f. il 1 aiuwuj wiiutl rngnivingt. I'nco in luiiRtin hiiuljiiir. HI. 1 . . . 17" This wrkisiiOT UisoU f'B""li of the Fonn,' III I fly HEHl ri , A Tt II HIHI HID VII UJvm US .IlillKCl. Nuw Vmk. Um-eiubvr OT, lt5. - i NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS ! ' FOB THE SPRING 1855.; V.U & I.A.N DFI.L, ' S. W.i Conior t( - Fourth ft, Arch St., I'Lilaileljiliia, art) fully prcircd to, suit buyers. nni.isii.s &. Kctail will) huuus (idnpted to tlieir want and at the lw est licit rii price. . Illack tilkn, i Jlrittitlt I'riuti, , J'amy ho , . : J'luiil Uinyhumt, A vw lrc.tn Gondii, (lood J.ineus, A"ic fining .S'Anifi, Tulle Linen. Xureltie in I.nwnt, , iHtettiniin, A-, ice, N. B. liurnuiiu daily rocuived fruiu tlie Auc tiuoa, of Ncw Vork and riiiluduliiliia. 1'. Sr i III boiled lildek tiilks warraiilrd nut to cut in weariiiK Ktore-keeperg aupiilicd with . tbeao good regularly. . . " ,, . 'I l'tiilaila. March 3, 1855. w 3m 3 LAWltKNCi: HOUSK SUNBUEY, PA. FIWE nulncriber resjctfully iufurma the jiuljio I. that U still continue to keep the above named nubile house. Slie hits a!o received a now aujijily of good liquor and winch, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her uouor t ' - r MAUI A THOMPSON. , 6uuburv Marcli'4. 18S 1. If. " Front Street Wire Manufactory. f,.UMT80i 4tOX; Sieve, Luldle, Screen and Wire Cloth Jtinn. jacturert, .-o. 4d iorth Iron! St.. Corner ef Coomb's Alliy,- beliteen i Market unit - Jlnltierru Arch) Streeti, . ' ! , 1'UlUUKI.PtUA.- . 1 1 : .j , ., (CONTINUE to manufacture of superior quail J ty, Ura and Iron Wir 8ive ot all kinds, Hra and (.'oper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, eVe. CylindoMnU Dandy iVolls oovered ui tlia heit manner. ' ' A ' ' i 1 Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher, ftiete for Draaaand Iron Founder, Bcreen Wire, Window Wire, Safe, Trap, Dish Cover, jCoa ana Sand Screen, j-c, Fancy 'Wirt Vojlt,of every description." ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Phils.. Feb. U, 18S5. 3m. e ' '" ' '' KOUTS, eilioes, llaU, Cap and Gum rJhoea, lust received and for sale hy Oct T 1854." -' TKNER ICiZi nARDWAtiU and QiiMiumff la great a rielie and of sll dcriplioiM, iut roeid ud for al by ' WM.A KKABB Umr A0(Uiti, Uijf II Si. "cuoick' GROCERIES' n m BURTON A tZMOtf, S. ir.' corner ixth and Arch" tlretti, , MllI.ADKI.riIl , . . HAVING rcRtldJ their ftore anew, nm! r. fleniBheil Iheli1' stock t the hihlUioii o every tbinz wanted in a Bclccf Family OroipT Store, so M to make lip a full and moil enmntete atsordnent, how offers Tnr'aald W thetf friends ahd the ptililic on the het Wni the fnllnwina excellent Good", vlif Jellies of all kinds i Pre wrves; Fresh Fruits in bottles' and tin run While Uloyrr Honey t.atont and othef brain.' of Olive Oils ; Sperm and Slearlne f'nndles; l the best brands of GroreVies j '.Crackers, with a choice assortment or nil the slrtjiltf articles, which will be sold at the lowest' Srii-CR, ' Ticnae give us a call. ' ' ' BlTvTON A FKNTON, Faiuilv Grocern and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth nnd Arch nli. ' ., l'hili., April 7, I95S. H I'y. ' rnnNcii TRUSSES. URNIA or Ilutureeufrefully treated, and ilj romlort insured, by we of the elegant rencli Iruwics, imported by the aubsenber, anil made to order expressly. for his sales. All sullvriUK with Kuplure will be gralihcif to loarn that the occasion , now oilers to procure a frubj voinhiiiiuit extreme lichlncss,, vvilli.ease, dunibilily uiid correct construction, in lien of the cumhrour and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adap ted to every variety of Rupture in adulls and children, and fur s;ilo t a ranite of price to suit all. , Cost of Single J rucnes, iU, $3, l4, und So ; Double, 4, 5, -u, H und 10. l'erhons at a ilUtancu can have a Tnisc sent to ny address by remitting tluv ninmiiit, .Rending measure ii round the hips, and statin! vide alleeted. For sale holesalo it Itelml by the Iinporler, CALEB II. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth &. Hace streets, rililudt'lphin. Depot for Dr. Iiuniiiug.s Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector Iiracesj Patent Mioulder , Uraccs ; ffuspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and fupports. Ladies' lloonni, Willi coiiipctcnl lady allendaiils. Phila., March 31, 1855. p.tm. JAMES McCLINTOCK, M.D., ' , PKDFKSSi IR nf Amilmny mid jtnrsery in Hi Late lie I'lnl ailelplim Outline of Mwheiii, mid Aeiinir l'rifVffr nl Miilwili'rv ; fine of the CiMisultniir rilysirnur ill tin I'lnl- Ditt'lpliirt IbifinHHl, Hlix'kltiv; lute llleiiilier ul' the Niilinnul iMtillcal Ass.cuitiin ; uiriulMr '! Hie PIhUiUoIi .Miiti il lK:lety ; ineuiuur ot the .vtunic.i.v;hiriirairiu uotiego of Philiiilt'lnhin : fiu'iiierlv l'ri:mili-tit mid rrnlVna ir il AmttiHiiv an.i Huiirery in Ciikiitt-ni Mcdie.d C.Mleire. rei- iihiiii : and 11I0O. I:it ProleKN.il of Aimlniiir mid i'livtiiol. !;)' ul Jli-rkuhire .Mcihral litklitulioil, l'nUtiold, Mam., tins Inn-lv intriHlueed in a porudnr form several nf lim lav iriltt ir.n-ri'tini l-r Uhi wiik-iii tiisene 01 tn'i Llim:iii'. The 11111110 ul cnrti urliclu will imply tlie diRcufli fur w ilirh if l ititenilill to be liaift. 1iK..Mi CI.I.M' K'K I'l'.CTIIH AI. SYB1I". rnceSM UK. .M.-PI.IXTOCK'S C'Cll.tl AM) (Xll.'lill .MIX Tl'llf I'.ir Cokln. Omulii, Ac I'rire&i eis. lilt. .Mel I.I.N S AMH.MA AA1J lllHiri.Mj f fll'Gfl lll;.Mi:ilV. Price .Hie Dr. .leri.IM (ICH:S TIIMU A I.TI : K , A Tl V I: SVItrl'- fur l'iirifiiiir tbe ll'.m.l PnicVI Dll. .Mi.i'ld.STll.'li S DVSI'KPTIC KI.1X1H Tor Civlntr tone to 1 ' .t uii:m-1i n-'levinif prims uin-r nillntf hfurtliiliM, nun 'ill ilimigrceahle Hyuiplolns wiving Itoill imli4Llioii Price SI. lilt. .Mifl.lNTOCKS ttlir.l MATICM1X Tl III'. A Ptirrlv Vi-u..al.le l:itneflv l-T iiilrrnal 'ine. I'riee HI ef, l)lt. .McCM.VruCK'X IIHKU.MA Till I.IM.MKNT For Khminutuia, biaaiin, bwelhnc, Ac. Ac. l'liee Ml ('ills. , DR. MeCUNTf lOK'St ANv'DYSH MIXTl ltR-Foi Pniiis. T.ki'luu'he, Ilvniiuciie, t:Li.Hlia, ice. .Ve. Pike SO epulp' ill. M.CI.INTiK'K'i FKVi;it AM) ACI F. Sl'l CIKK' A eerlnin enrtr f.ir nil Inleriuiti'aiti. PriL-eJ?1! lilt. Mi-f'l.lNTOrK'S 1H Alt it IKK A t UU1IIAI. AND CHOI.ritA l'RKVKT VK A rsifiTeine.lv lilt. MeCI.I TOUtt S l.l) l-.TA lll.K I'l 11UA l l I-. I'll. I.S For C',stivenCiU, liilidnrlii Ac. Price il"ieli. Dll. MeCI.INTIICK S A.N TIIIII.IOI S I I I .l.r I-1 lrreaitl.'iril v in the Functions of the l.ivrr mid ll iwria the Urlt l.lver Fill made Trice, tf-i oil. a t'X 'or sile hv Jlr. J. AlcI'l.l.N TOt-'K.al liiB Medical Ue liol, N XV comer ninlli and Filhc rl . Pliilaih lahnl. ami at all DriiccisfNiuifl Oealcik in Medicines. All llnijiuislB ami Llealrin 111 Aleilieiiies vcliu wisn tn le ngtilla, will liluafuj iiHIJrus Dr. AleClnUock. turniiallul rcluicnce, mane 01 1'i.nt-t mice, cennlv iiikI lale IV V"r Sale hv Weincr A llriincr, S'liilutry and Hhn lllukin : Win. Wemu-r. N'nlhuml'erland ; O. Ilrnwii; .Mil ton; I:. P. l.ul. Illooinilntru : Jaeno Uuiris, lluokhoru un Vmilucio, l.ivlil trwt t t bliuri'k-pM rSiin, Cuu Wltwt. . i 1 . i . 1 i . . 1 . Janunry 0, 1-55. Ilia. W.M.F. POTTS, . IMPORTER .AND DEALER IN IRON fk ST3CI3I, 4G1 Market street, Mw 13i, north side,. PHILADELPHIA, riiila., Dec. 3U, IS.VJ ly. MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DON E.LY, 1,TANUP.(;TURF.R anJ inventor of Safe! Patent Sniiaro I'priulit Wood box .Malchcs .o. 100 rULK I IfStieet, (aliovo Kace,) ' ' Philadelphia. M.tlclirs haviucr become an iiidu-ix-nsil'lc aid cle in lioUM'kiTiiiii'', tlio Niiliscrllicr nflcr a preat ncrilice of time and nnMiej v in enaldel to oiler to the 1 ulilic an artii'le at once coiuiiiiiin I tility and ('heapness. ' The Inventor knowing lite iluii' 6cr niiiirt'lirmici on Account of tl.o ilmisv man tier in wliicli Mutclicsaro irencrallv packed in pa cr, lias .y llio uid of Acw Slcani Macliincry of Ins own invention, succeeded in , ceiiiliR tip fA liETY PAT EXT SQUARE FPHIGHT Wood Box t this Iiot in far vrel'eraMc, in as inucli that it occu n-s no more room that the old lotini wood liox, and contains nt Icnat Two Hundreil pe t.'cnt more M.ilclien, which to Shippers is consid rrahle advantage; it is entirely new and secure agninst moisture and spontanrotw conibunlion and di.pels all danger on trunportation by means ot Knilrnad, ctlcanihout or any othc mode oi I on voyance. ' ' ' These Matches are packed eo that one pro.- or more may. 1 Shipjied to any part of the Vorld with triH l nafcty. ! They ar the itioat Jo.n-alila article for Uoiun t'oiisuiiipiion, and the Soulhern and Western Markets that has ever hern invented. Doalers and rhlpperK, will do well to cull ami examine for ttivmuslves. , ,.,' LP 'j'hesr Mutchea are Warranteil lobe anpe. rior to anything heretofore ollcred to tlia Public. JOHN UON.NKLI.V, lOrt North FOURTH t J'UlaJ'a. Phila., Dec. 10, 18S Gio. , , IlliNRY li.. FUSSELL, - . " JHlTsCTrKKH ur Umlu'elliiM tSj l'lirasols. , IX EVK11Y VAUir.Tr, AT THE OLD STANP,' . .No. 2 JVbrM Fourth St., ' ' '' Philadelphia. ' ' , Conitautly on hand a large aksorliurn to which the attention of Dealer is reouestcj. I'hila.. WcjiU JO, 1854. , r i. iTi e van; : T SHAltCCZ:ilT HOTEL, ' ' " Shamokin Pa- riHE niiliscrflx-r bejia leave to inform his li iend 1 ' and the puMic gcnerully, that bo has tnken theaboe well kion itand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may (jive bim a call. Khamokiu, July 8,18m. . , ; : .: r flENRY D0JTNEL, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. : Ujfic opposite the Court House, -Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. ProiDfH allonliuii tw liui.i'io.8 ,u ivl joining counties. 1 NK boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con- - gres ink for sale, wholjsal ami M-lail ' ltecamtwr H. I8.MI. ' H B MAHSKH. ARAtiOLS of a), orta. Umbrella, rirpct bag, willow i baskets and cnlar . ware of ail kiid, juat received and for ale by - . -l - i ii v'.i.ti I.'. WM. A. KNAIII). Lower Augucta, May 6, le&- . . , i i.i Ml booki.ink. and all einaplete, iut reived. aud foraale by I ,m..iu. , ii, B. ilAi'SKK. Hunbury, Jun 4, 1853. tllOEHAU kind of DooU bhoe a slip. pert tor aale by i ; a A.iirii- " i rl i I IM f .liG RT.KIIKRf Jk f.C - J i Market atract, appoaita tha Port Olfioa. Sunbury, Oct. , 1IS3. . 'A A' CURBT roH -ALL 1 ! I - i 'i lloll oway's Ointment. Cilitens of the Union .'- ' -r i n.. ' i Yna hsve in tne the htaiiut, as with one foico, from one end of the Union to the other, t stmnp the eli iraeier ol my Ointment with yr sppr 'Imluiii. It ia Turcot? two your inn-! miej? It known Ihmi t'i und silently. It has obuunsd mine eelclirit than any Mlir Medicine in So ihoM a rM n. Trt()MA)HIJ.OWAY,' 1 BS, Cornet of Ann Hurt Nsiwnii fircets. New York ASTO.NIUHIN'O end', lit r"llK t.l'.GS, AFTKH ' NI.NK VKARfTANUtNe. - Cof.4 of h letter ftoiA Alt: IP. J. Langlet,, oj - Jliinlsville, Ynriktn County, Oorlh CatoinlU, 1 V. $ , dated November ist, ISi3, ' ' ITtrUKAD HI4UWN WOHDS. ' ! To lMiA.ssnr lloMoWAT, ' 't . , 1 ! .' 'I .... Hir, U isvinny wish oueMinia iiotinious, iwiths in ting letter written for the int-re sake of writing, but to say. that your tiiiitmeiit cured me of one of the most ilreadlnl fiirtdne'.ias ilisrtines Ihst Mth is heir to, mid vhieh wns aoiikidured ly all who knew mu, to ha enUreiy liev.mil the reneli of Ineilieine For nine ycnM I alltieted with eni of the mm pnhifnl and'trootilesnina re inri in n erei ten to tn im ot mna ( ami uiwr trying every ineilieine I hail ever hennl nl, I remirneil in uepuir all hope of hems cured i hut .a frinul drought me a e.iupta of lari(e p'lts of yonr Ointment, which enumil the soles. in my legs W hesl.'atitl I entirely reonui.-d my heiilth to my nurueaela snrprisn una deliiit, and to the aslouithuieut i inv iiini.il. (Hiirnc.il ' W J. t.AXt.ffV. AN KVTHAORniN'ARY CFRKtlF A HAD HltF.AfT, VH-.. INBARLY AT'fUF. TO! IST t)F VISA l. Copy of a letter from Mr 11. Durunt, Aft Orleans. Aiteinrr dtk. 1853. . T. ProCvanot Hollow-ay. 38, Comer vt Ann nnd Nmu Btfwtn, N. Y. - ' IW ftir. h in with henrtTnlt rnitttnde I hnr lo inform you llun hy (he nniiir-your Uiiitinwit uml till, the life of my wife hn hmi unveil. Fitr 'Veii yrtir Nhu hd ti lmtl hrrnrt. wfMi tfii rininfnft tvinnl. (ntit if a mii rrnmi mtluif I wtw toiil tlmt nolhitw emWmB hfri utic wnn tlien nitluced to. use your Onitinrut ntnl 1 film, wiien in ttiL iinrt simce of three in-ilis, llif)' efffcteil a wikti cure, lo in nupmintimfiiT w mi wn ' u.- A e MhiiinrU vmr MiMliPiuei from Mpwrs. '. rioht Ac km.. f l'hiirtr utre-t. Nl-w OiNiimb. I fiul thin fnn Milfl (irlnmtt, hf forr we fiwilly Mt, nt Ihnt time, wn xnnwing your mUlnw ul Now t oik. , , rMffinHii it. ul n a i, Tiir PillndlmuM he attwl ponjointly with the OnuineiH in nitisi 01 the toljowinn' mf : Hid lireiiRls. Chil!l;inii. (inuL Hnrn, ChnppwHinmls, C.!imrtiihr dwelling, Hmiimmii, (N'niB (ift) ' I.mntmgo Htf of Mti;lie- li le Imift Suud-riioB. ContniHet nnd IthpnmiftiBm Corn-tMiv. SlitT Joint. ' rnM, Ko(miiti(iitt, - 1-rT Nipple. fort.liritt. Skin-4lint;iits. (rrvy, . torc-bendi. Turnout!, , I'lrfjrs, Wound, nuii Soldnt tlirrnhdilinlniienrfif Profr!t.-TT TloLf.nwAT, Jt flrnnd, (itwir Temple Miir, finiittttn.) nnd nl nt hi House in .w otk. uraorg nr .iicnicineitn nc ciinrH, niure ikmI T. Hnllowny, .New York,' will iweivr due nttcntion 9 ld ula i 1 at: rewnccfuMe Ut nsifitU and Uelrr it. Med ici net tlinnwli'iut t tic L'nitPd Stiitcf, lit HXf nt 3 A rent. H7 cent, nud l.5t eeiitu euch T -he had Wholerde of tlio princiKtl Drug ifounca in ttiu I.'uion. ,1T Tlieru is u eonsmeraiiie laving iy niKing me mrrr rtt. V V PiiectioiiR for the guiilnurn nf pntienti in every iI;b f'ei nre nffixed eiwh Imix. . June 34, ls5i Orn. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. i7" .4 Choice Assortment if the Finest Quality tutt SAl.F. AT TUB LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM- B ELTONHEAD'S, So. 184 South Second street, between Pint and Union, west side, PHILADELPHIA. 'IM! K iiHwntm'Mit riMinwfa n Iuri;f nnd Sflert Pt'k of 1 Kin Vii(clifi. J'-wcliy, Silver Ware, Allwitu Ware, v!nicfl with fin (.K'rr, im rj-iiii( l-'niks, Unl'top, A Jit U-XJi, 1'fuf iiiul i'.i.ii.y Atiiflf tii n ta j t- r i 'i nitantv , lv.rvin tin f4!iiiini;itl n mi l)i' ( wu (troilC U jirucUtti liit Ik'i .vkIhuI the liwcxt Ounh Vru vn. ll-ii iiitr n jiDH'ticiil knnwlt-ilti (" lln titftiiuixi, mimI nil nviiiia'ili lariiilicd lir liiiHrtiu nnd .ManuiiH t'irini;, the sulxici ihur riihtiantlv inviivn puri'tiiiMr, In lie vim nft ntn nni)ly thetn rw tiTins m liiV'irnlilc ti nny ('ihei faljli iiimetil in cither ff ib Atknttir Cititn. I?" AU kui'U uf liainmliui1 IVirlJeweUyaml Hilvrr Wort nmuiifiicture'l tt nittur, vvtiniii u rtiiwnulle ttitm. tir Wiitchcs, Jwelr uml filvrf Ware luiilifiilly re nui red. ... WM. Ii l.LTOMIKADj i. 1-1 Smlli 3.1 St., a f. w Antra hLmivs lhe 'l Mmkel Iff In the SititU Wiudtnr nf the Storr, iniiy lBneii tlie f:ii)iui HIHU CLOCK, which vumuuiiiila the ad m initio it nf tlir eK ienlifi'- niul ruri'tuc. I'll. la t tct. 7, 124. ly . AVM. M'GAHTY, H o o k s r, i. L r: it , Market Street, ' '. SUNBTTHY, PA. ... 1 L'ST received and for sale, a Ircli supply nf ror Singim Schools. He i also npeiiinB at thi lime, a large assortnieiit of llouks, in every hraiich or Literature, consisliin; of , Poclry, History, Novel. Riiinuiice, Scientific Work, Law, Medicine, School and ( 'liil.lien' Hooka, Hihlcs; School. Pocket und Puinily, hotli with and without Knc;mviiiR, and every of ari. etv of liindinit. Prnvcr Hooka, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the lnwsol IVnns) luinia, edition of 1851, price only, Sfi.UO. ' , Judi;e Kcadi edition of Blnckslonc Coinmen tnrieii, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 910,0(1, ami now offered (in frcnh hindiug) at the low price ofsn.no. A Treatise on the law of Pennsylvania re specting the estate of Uecedenli, hy Thoinaa F. (liirdon, price only $1,00. ' Travel, Voyage anil Adventure, all ol which will he sold low, ctllier for cash, or coun try produce. ' ' "February, 21, 1952. tl. TO CASH BUYERS,1. . No, 252 Chestnut street, above 9lfc Philadelphia, ' ' Have now open a large sloclc of 1 '' , , .C.A BPETINO S," ' Kinkraeing the new ami leading style in Vel vet, Tapestry, ItruswU, itigruin, Suir l.'arpets, Oil Cloth, Af., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, , .WHOLESALE &. RETAIL . , k rhila., Sept. 9, H.VJ. ly. L. . rvurois r. thcs. c. iour. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. ; . COMMISSION ME RCIIANTS', . , . inii .. .. , , DFALERS IN ' Fish and Provisions crEHtLi r, . , ,'o, 17 .o'M'll7i(riM, PHILADELPHIA. ' I'hiladelpliia, 8c(,t. 16, 185 1. - NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. SIM ON. late of the linn of H. hchnunnan e t'o., respectfully inform the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, tliut ha will continue the above husiiifs in the old rtaad in Market street, with an euiiie new stock of goods, w hich are on Ilie way from the city. Ha will also be prepared to repair wan-lies, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. lie therefore rc-pct't-lully nolnils Hie putronpRe oftho public. Sunbury, Sept. 16, Itj54 tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWELUV STORF No 72 North Second Street, opposite th Mount I'ri noit House ) Philadelphia. (OLD Lever M atches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca " e, tjiatit Sil.r lver do,, d , 'I2; Sil ver Lepine, do., ir : uarlier. $5 to $7 : Uold 1 Kneel acles, 50 to 10 ) Silver do., lfcl fit) J Silver Tahle Spoons per elt, -I'U to $1S Silver Desert do.,-do,, thU to tl 1 Silver Tea do. do., 414 Ti to 7 60 t 4ioU Pan and lioid fa e. 3 J5 to 5itioldPenai.d Silver do.tl; together - with variety of fina Gold Jewelry, tiuld Curb , Uuardaad fab Chain.. .A 1) gaqd warranted I h 11 wpraaaulad. Wakhea aud Jowalrv.repairad ia thebaat raauoer 1 Abw, Ma- ( aonie AlnrV, Pins, V e., nuida to order. 1 - N. IL All Mbara. acul by suail or atherwiae, ill ba punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 18, I(ia4-,ly. ,,, , CLOCKS Eight day and 3D huur Iron yid Waodca fratned,: CraaMISuUV jGaotiud Nuts, Rauinv and Prune, juat received and for aalabT v. WM, A.KNAUB. Lower Augusta, May i4. " United States Hotel, : ' Chtftiiut Street, above' fourth. ' ' ', ' PHItADELIHlA. i C i- MacLEl.LAN, (lale of .loins Hotel.) liaa tlio pleasure lo inform his fjicndi and he traveling community, that lie ! leawd l1"" House fof a term nf yeara, and ia now prepared for the reception of Guest. 1 ',''' ' ' The Local dvantau;cof this I'avorile rslalilmh- mfltt are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rale order I the rooms are large arid well ventilated. ' The Tables will always be supplied With tho best, and the proprietor pledged himself that no effort on his part shall be wanting to Itinke the l.nited States equal in comnma to any Hotel In the Quaker City. '' Phila., July 8, 1854. . s am uelTs." feti iekston, DEALER IN ' 1 Lampv Lanlf rns, ChamkliiTspnil Candrlnlirns, No. 152 S. 2d street, ah'ovt Spruce, .l.ti.'l THM.iDEI.PUM,." naving enlarged anil improved hi store, and having 'hne of the largest' ansnrtmcnt of Lamps, in Philadelphia, Is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Cainphend, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil' Lamp, and Lantern of all patterns, Glass Lamp bv the package, at a rein II ailvnnce or auction price. : Being a Manuf.idturor arid Dealer ol rn.a Oil, burning fluid and Alcohrl, which will be furniahed to Merchants at such price that they will find it 14 llictr ndvautase to buy. Also,' Hoimeliobl (il.lisivare of all de vrip lion at the lowest market price. ' ' 1 " . P!iiladeliliia, Oct. 14,' 1834. . 'REMOVAL. - TIT U. IIYOTT & KT.XT Wo removea 1"J. 0 tlitir New Slnm nnd Fnrtrv, "iVo 74 Second Street. (Five doom below wr oM stnnil ;) Having tncrctiwd fHrilitieR, oilrr tit Mor ehanttt ant otbun,,Cait Fixtures and I.ampH of evvry 4lf4 rition. ami at the lwet . Manufac turcr'a pfu'CK, dtul unrturjiaKsed in quuilty or up pnranre hy any in the country- Our Block em braces DVOTT'S TATEXT PINE Oil LOPS. the best tn the worlil) Horning fluid and Solar l.ard Lamps, Chande. Her, for Una, Pine Oil, Solar l.ard, and Fluid, Hall and Pulcnl Sprin; II nnd Lanterns, Globes, Classen, Wick, Tine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchant and other tvi'l find it to their ad vantage to rail and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. 11?" Pcrticnlar attention Riven to fitting up Churches and other ptililic buildings. Phila. OctnlierT, 1H54. ly. Just ruMislicd. and for Sale by WM. WcCAKTV, flonkseller, eiunliury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Ueing a collection of approved dcclarst'otis, writs. rr turn mid proceeding in Ilie scvriui actiui.s now in use in tho I iiiied I. ile. Bv Coi.i.inson Pikkd, Eq., Ipsa' If is viva vox With notes' and addition, together with a hor system ot conveyancing. It y A. .lonhui. Tics ident Judge of the Kighlh .ludiciul district of I'u., and Wm. M. Koike I'diVr and M. L. Shinilel, of tlia bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of tho book, the following letter ha been received from Judge i'earson ol llarrisburg : ; . , . - . , : ' lliBnuai an, June 30, 1853. Geti.f.mkji 1 ' Alter a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleader ansistunl," I l ike pleasure ill ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedent tints offered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stand in need of a correct svslem of pleading, ml i toil In our It :i lits of bufllicix, and the practice of the courts. our form of dec arntions bem?, to a great extent, founded on the acts of .iHteiuMy will be a i living nf lahor to the ptciiilcr. nnd con duce to safel'- and brevity in our pleading. It should he in the hands ot every practising lawyer iu our state. , Your, with great respect, ! JNO.J. Pi: KS(). 1'jn. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Kockefilier and M. L. ''hindel, Ksipiire. , . . W. McU.btt, K(J., ' , Dear Sir: I received more than a jear ago a copy of Heed. Pleader' Assistant'1 improved by Judge Jordan and oilier. I examined it with some care eoon afterwards, and have had occo sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable a a lnnnuel for practiing attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were generally used il would increase tha accuracy , of the profession in natters which are often very carelessly done. "' I am very truly your, ike., ' J.8. BLACK. I also received a ropy of the Pleader' Assist, ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enaMe me to concur very heartily in the above commen dation by the Chief Justice. '' UEO. W. WOODWARD. July 10. 1854. Sunbury, July 3'!,, 1834. , . ; 17- 1 1 fc T Cheap Watches fjJewelr ATIIOLE.SAI.i: and Retail, at the "I'hiladel- T pliia Wall U and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North e'econd Street, form-rot Quarry, , , PHILADELPHIA. flold l-er Watehea, full jeweled, IK i-nrnt enses, tiS,'! ti ikl I.fiiim 1. 14 (si't-'me Silver KrexlaelfS. 1,50 Hilver l-p. full lewllnl, fjUl.tlioSI Itneelels. . U.MI Silver Lever, full jewl'd i ! ndies' U. .1.1 I'mwils, l.isl Sniienor ijiiiiriiers, , 7. Silver Tea noons, set, S.UU Gold Specim-les, 7.(H Ookl Pens, Willi Pencil and filvtr H.islsr, "1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37$ rente to IfiSO ; Watch ('.kisses, plain, 13$ cent; I'ulent. ISj; Lunet, 2A; other article iu proportion. All goods war ranted to be w hat thev are sold for. STA L'FFEII & UAKl.EV, On hand, aome lioU and Silver Lover and Lepine, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 30, 185L lv, . .' 1 1 Li(iiid Glue. , ,p,, ALWAYS ready for ue. A new article of the ureutest utility and convenience lor re pairiiiK Furniture and Household Ornament of either Porcelain or Class. It i preferable to any other cement used, a it leave no mark where the pieces join. It wilt he found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. - Neatly put up in bodies a 25 rent each, or SfS a dozen. All order promptly exerutud. 1 WM.O. MASON, i 204 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854 tf. . - i . .' J T rT"r john v. martin!"- 31EUC1IANT TA1LOIV STJNBTTRV, PA UESPEC1FL1.1.V inform hi friend and cutoinor that he ha just received from th city a uew and complete asa rtnieut of , . , JUeni Wearing w1purel, I which, he will make up to or let, or el!, aa cheap a any oilier rsiublisliinrnl in tin- tiiaif, a he is deleriutncd to permit 00 one to undrrsell him. Hi good ara choice, and carefully selected1 fmm tha beat in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up ii the best and latest style and warranted. Ill slock conaista in part of hand tome Marseilea and Silk Vealiuga, Duck and other Linen for Coat. &c. Also, a variety af Ciuth, Cinici C'vat,.N,eck Tic, anJ a variety pi plher ulkle for Meu wear. bunbury, Juwa 10, I5i.-Tif, , K ,.,''' O0TS and Sboca for Men, , Woman and MM Cbildrao. Ladic, Morocco Shoe. Idie' black and wiored Gitar. jut racrtved anJ for alaky. ,;,,.., - 'M, A. K.N ABB. f Lfwwr AtgatH, My , Ii. CHERRY PECTORAL: rr the Care of . , ' O0TJOHS, GOLDS, ' HOARSBNTJ33, BaOXT OHITIS, GROUP) ASTjrX ma, wnoopiirO'OonoB AUD OOUSUIVIPTIOIJ. TO Ct'HM A CIII.TJ) Witn babac a e'sa of the bwt)-, uke ilie (Jiitaar I'sctobai. on guing to lied, mul wriio wiirm, In sweat (luring tlie niglit. I'o s (ior.B aii CornH, InVeil ni.iniiiin, a.ioaainl eve iiinu. iicc.iiluis to diieetwii on the luaile, and tlie iliincul ty will ni Im removed. None will l nig siiffir fmm tin ll.illlile when lhe liml it can lie o readily ellieil. t'erwim altlleted Willi a sentetl eiiugh, which Lrenk lliein nf Iheir rest ul nislil, will Suit, hv wkinir the. Cherry focloral nil Mira t led, tliey niny lie sure nf aound, uiiliiokeii tleep, and cnneqiienlly rcfrefhing rem. tirait relief from MiBer lur. and nu ultimate cure, it nfTorded tn thinisand who are thun nltlicli-d, hy this invnlnnlile remwly. Fri.m in aareeahla efTnets in thete ene. many nnd theinwlvea aiiwilliiig to furego in un when tlie iieeeuiiy fur ( lnti censed From luro eminent Physician III . .... .... t . . Katttvim., Tend , April IS, ISot; Sir .We Imve aiven ynur Cherry Pectoral an cxlcimvs trinl in our iinelice, and find it to nirpnM every other re medy wc liuve for cuiiui nffctiii "f the respiratory or .. l)lt. 1)1 KM KR fc H AMI'To.N. TO SINCERE AND 11' Ul.lt: Sl'KAKWlS thin rwnedy is iiivulu:ihle,n ly its action oh the throat mid luiic', Whi n taken in aiiinllqnaiitiilcr, itrmioresall lmafawiew in a few Iioiiis. vml womlerfally inereatea Urn wer and lluiibility of the voice. ASTHMA i fjearmlly ranch relieved, nnd often wholly eure.1 l y Cherr) Pectoral. But there are som en:o ol mh nic n to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if tliey can lie cured. UHONCIIlTl!, or irriiation i.i Die thr wl ami upper portion of the tune, maybe cured hv taking Cherry Pe to. rul in siimll nnd iicijiieiii ilnici. The uncomiortnlile op predion is S'ihi relieved. Rev. Duel. l.WSlNli, of nrook1yii,New i ork. stnles: ' I have seen tlie Cherry I'ecmral euro sneli curies of As' lima nn.l Mroitcliitis ns lends me to believe it can raiely I fml to cure lliose disensea." . I KIHt CHOI.'P. tiiv an emelieof niilimony, to lie followed hy large and frequent dose3 of Ilie Cherry Peelo i ml. until i' sutnluea the disense. II laWcu inwatuu, it will not fail to cure. ' WIIOOl'lXO COt'CIt my be brolea up and soon cu i red by the u-e of Cherry Pectoral. TUK, INFI.t:KN'.A Isspeetlily retnoveil lie this reme I dy. Xnmerims instance have been iiotieed where whole lainili iln s weie prnh-etetl from any svri.ms eoiiseiiienee, while their neiitlils-rs. williout tlie Cherry rectural, wue s-illeriiip i'rom the disease. Dr. J. C. Aver: Pai.f.m. Ohio, lllh June, IWil. 1 write to inform yon "I the truly remarkable elleels of vonr I IIKRHV PKUTOKAt. in this place, and in my own family. One of niv diuiqlitcrs w eompletely eiinil in three davi of a dreadful Wuonriso I'oraH. hy taWliiR it Dr. Me.-ins. oneofoiir very liest ihyieiniis licely miles Uml he conshleis it lli liest reninly we have piilm.mnry fliiM-im-s, nml that he Iiiib cured more ensi-s of CaiitP Willi it tti ui any olher mciliciiie lie ever iiiliniiiislereil. (Illl rlerevmcll ol Ilie Unplisl I'liurch snvslhiit llllrinR the run ul Isvr.oSM -- llii sens'Si, lie hu well cures from your medieuie hecculd scureel) have believed a-ith-cml st-eiiip. Vours respectfully, J- T. SINCI.AIH, DepLiy I'nsimiisler. From the distinznifhrd Profesior of Chcmis- try and Miterta Mcdtrc, liawduin Callepe. 1 hnvc found Hie CiOJRRt 1'kctobai., s lis inaie.liei-.ts show, a powerful remedy for colds, and cnughs, uml pul inouury docuses. PaBIIF.B CLEVELiNB, M. D. Bhcx-wick. Mr, Feb. S, 1-17. U It . V A M-'.N T I M '. M OTT . 77ic tei'(rii celebrated Prof ssor of Snnyry tn the Medical Colleae, New York City, sa,s : 'lt (rives me pleuFure tn certify the v.ilue":ind elTi'-ney nf 'Ayfh' i'hki-.ry FurroKAL, whu-h I eonviiler p-uh-uily ml l.-l loi-nre .liu:-ses ol Ilie Tlirinit und l.tMias.'' l. jie ul ,.-'ete in-'les upon ine i.itniTs imve i.t-n li fecial hy Cnr.i'.sv VrcroBAt. in such extreme cn-a.-s as wsrrnnl'the belief Unit a reraeily husnl length lieen loulnl ItiHt euu ho deprtiideil on to mire the rioiihs, Colds and Consumption which rsrrv from our,iuiiUt llious-inils every yenr. It is ili'leed a medicine to which the nlliieted esil look with eonli.lence for relief, and they should not fail 10 avail thou. Pelves of it. Prepared m,d sold by JAMES C. AYEIl, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mnvs. Sold in Sunbury by II MASSEH. and hy DniRgists pencrallv thrnughont the State. July y0, 1853. ceow lv.Nov. lo. "52. It VI, Ii. KXH.UT, Surerssor to Hartley Knight. BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No, 1-S8 South Second Street, iit doors above Spruce street, PHILADELPHIA ."ITherc he keeps conslanliv on hund a , full ' assortment of evwy article iu his line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER UEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair, .Moss Corn Husk and straw Matlrcse, Velvet, Ta pestry, 'i'nistry. Urussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Kuu; and Hemp Curpetines, Oil Cloths, Cunon Ma'tings, Cocoa and Spanish Mnltinpi, Floor and Stair DrutfijeiH. Hearth Ktiir, Ihmr Mat, Table and Piano f'over. To which lie respectfully invites the attention of piy-i honer. Phila- Oct. 7, I8.V1. ly. New Goods for the Teople ! li 15N.I A M IN 11 KFFiN K I II ESPLCTFULLY inform the public in gen eral that he ha just received and opened a splri:did sloc of Snriiijr; and Suinmoi' (loods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Hi slock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. 1 ALSO s . Cnllrom, Cilngliaiitn, Lntviift, .l(tuNflliic le l.alneii and all kinds of I ndies Dress Ciood. GrorrrlvM, Also in assortment nf HariUvni'C, Il'Olt ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an execllcnl ossortmeut of QITEENSWARE, if vaiiuus sij les and patlerns. Also an assortuient of ItOOTS X SIIOi:S. - HAT & CATS, a goo.1 selrclion. Salt, Fisli, tNc And a great variety of other article such as are suit.ilile to the trade, all of which will b old at the lowest price. IT" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest pri-'au. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1855. To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. JOTICB i hereby givcu, that ail person v found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Kunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. H. H. MASmER, Prcs't . u. i-."i j Phila. and (sunbury Telegraph Co. 8unhury, June 3. 1654. tf. 1 STlLKY-'SCOrGJi- (MNDY. An excel V lent remedy for tough, cold, for sale at thi otfic. Decemlier i, 1858. JROCND and whole Pepper. Cloves, Cinna " moil. Nutmeg,. Mace, AllUpice, Cinger, Liquorice, die,, 4, at. . 1 Nov. 1, 54. ' TOCNG'a STORE. CJILVEK WATCHES. A "fe7 double ca Einrlish Silver Watchc, for sale at very low pricea by - l. B. MASSt'K. - hunbury, Apri 12, 1851 TJLANK Parthment Paper Ded and blank " Mortgage. Bond, Executions, Sutnmona Vc, for aula b. H. B. MAbSEK. .tiunhury Airi 8. 1H5I-.; , , PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottle for aale by le by H. B MAS8ER. Hui.hury, April. U, lfi.U I A DIES' Dnm flood. Spring and Summt J .hawla. Black .ilk. i!k poplin De Lain, (ingham. Do bage. Lawn and calico, just re ceived and Tor aale by WM. A,, KNABH, Lower Augusta, May , J.8M 1 1 -BLANKS;".' lANK$ favasy description caa ba hM PIf Iriag at tha affica af tk Aoanca. r ft I "AID AND fJOM JTQRT,"t c, f Tour, Own Mtrlmiici. GEOIIGEKENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ' Of tho most Fashionable Style. 'THE gulmcrilier respectfully tall the attenMoi af the public to hi lance and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of - which cannot fail to recommend itnelf t every ona who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tha best stock to lie had in tlie city. No elTort is spared in the manufacture of hi ware, and. tha subscriber ia determined to keep up with tb many improvement which are constantly being made, Hi stock consist of Mahogany rSof'uN, DlvniiM nnd Lonng Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ' SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to rhila delphia manufacture. . BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and prioa, CUPROARDS, WORK AND CANDLE : STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thin line of his busines. II alsa manufacture all kinds and qualities of CIIAIKS, including Vanetir nfvef liefhre to be had k. Sunbury, uch a Mahot, Bi.ac Wkifnr and t'l-BLrn Mrr.K (rRKriAJi 1 '?ro Wnrnsoa CHAIRS, A?rn niter Pi a no Stool, which are nf the latest atyle, and warranted to be exceed? by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there hatf be no excuse for person to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entcrtineif about, the quality and finish of his wara anu (.'hairs. His articles will he disposed of on a good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Ir LINUEKTAKINU. Having provided himself with a handsome Hrniir, ha i now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer al, in this vicinity, or at ny convenient di lance from thi place. R?" The Ware Keom ia iu Market Street, below Thompson' Store and Weaver' Tavern, GEOKGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.15. tf. DOC TOR YOIRSKXF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : On, EVERY ONE 1713 OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE EIFTIETII Edt tijn, wilh One Hundred Engraving, allowing Dis eases and Malformation of the Human Sstfin in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on tlia Diseases of Female, being of the highest importance t married people, or thus contemplating innrriaife. Ify Or Win. Voting Let no Either be arhamed to prescMt a copy the .F.fSCCLAl'H S 10 hi child. It may him from on early uravc. Let no young man or woman enter into the nccret obligation of mar ried life without reading the POCKET .fCU I.AI'ICH. Let no one sutlerim; from haeknirp Cough, Pain in tho tide, restlcp nights, nervous feelings, und the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and (riven up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .ESCl.'LAPIUS. Have the married, or those about to ba married any impediment, read thi truly useful book, it ha U'cn the mean of saving thousand of ua fortunntc creature from the verv iaws of death. KIT Any person lending TW'V.NTV-KIVB CENTS, enclosed in a letter will rcceir on copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will lis sent for one dollar. Address, De W ViiL'NO, No. 1.13 SPKLCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 35, 1834 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Fii'iO Iht Franklin Tiiitllulc, Plnlit.telphia, flvai IW American Institute, New York, ami FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fuirs in New England. City Daguerreotype Estuljliahiiieut D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 iV 160 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street, Sprtngfitld, Mass. end V'eslftcld, Mass. Portrait IVinling and Talbntyping. in th highest slate of perfection, done in all th So Establishments. ky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniature taken equally a well by then la cloudv a in clear weather. Ph'ila.,May 87, 1854 tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA or Tasteless Salts, Prepared bv WEISER& BRUNER. Thi prepaiation i recommended an ccllent laxative and purgative, il operate mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tte, r. scnibling lemonade in flavor. Thi medicine u highly boueliciul for disease peculiar to taiamcr aud hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. . DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMEKOU, IJESPECTFLLLY informs th cititen. f the Borough of Sunbury and viciuitv, that he baa permauunlly located himreif in Mid Borough ; and offers hi profesional aertices ta those who may wish to employ him. For tk present he can ba found at Weavers Hotel. Sunlniry, March II, 18.14. if. RY GOODS, Clothe, Cairacr. Sitlinitl. Vetting, Tweed. 8umn, elmh. Vslral cord. lickings, Check, Muslins, Ac, just reed and for aale b WM. A. K.NADU. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. )R. H. II. ilIGBEET8 remedy for cough, --'cold, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of thia Taluable medicine juat received and for hya , . H.B. MASTER. Sunburv. June4 . 1853 AT8 AND CAPS.A "i'ju w of fashionable Silt wi p... H.is. alo Clalh, Fur, Oilcloth. N.v. .,! Miliurt t-ap for sale low by . G. ELSBERG 4 CO. Market treet, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 1 GOLD PENS with and without esse., el very superior quality, just received. Also a fiesu supply of Writing Fluid, for mW , II. B. MASSER. Suiihury, Doc. J7. 18a rjHAIN PLMPS.- K .mall number of uW excr llcnt pump have bee a received od V oflered for (ale by v H.B. MANSER. . un' 18"3 1IATS and Caia, Silk, Bver, Fur SloucJj, Panama, Laghorn, BriJ "" for men and boys. Ladies Bonnet of ail '.v1'' jut received and fur sale by May 6.1854. 1, , WM. A. KNABB. 1 EWELUY-A nice aortmeiit of Gald 0 Silver Pencils and Pen, lor sle cheap tJ . .' ', " O.ELSUL'KG CO-. Market utreet, oppoaiu tfl ,"t r Siuibury, Oct. 185J. ' . -f SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA OflJ" GER, a fre.b aunpl; ju raceiwJ so Sanhory, Janv 10, 1831. ' ' .'' IOa aala a'l thia ofioa, Superior W Cattsa Madicina at Si e, I'ort Qinw. ti oat V .- - -s,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers