orMg Corporation. . fnOCEEDINOS or COUNCIL. . . . , . ' , . Cortrcn. Chamber, ) 'v.. t Scnblrt, May 10, 1855. J Council met at tlie usual hour, it being the Stated night of meeting. r resent Wm. M. Rockefeller, Chief Bur gessj Shindel, Fry, Druckemiller, Beck. Covert, Bright, Snyder, Clnrk, Haas and Smith. ' Geo. B. Weisor, duly elect Assistant Bar gess. tiarinf been sworn according to law by the Chief Burgess, on the 16th of May, ap peared and took his seat. On motion, minutes of Inst meeting were ' read, and, on motion, adopted. Mr. Bright, from the committee to audit unsettled accounts of Supervisors, rnnnrtorl that they were not prepared to moke their report., ami asked to be continued until next meeting. On motion, it was agreed to. Mr. Haas, from the commit joe to invest i gate the financial affairs of the Borough, s'kod to bo continued until next meeting. it motion ngreed to. On motion of John Haas, Resolved, That the Clerk bo authorized to call on Ex-Chief Burgess Youngman, to ob tain all papers and documents belonging to the Borough, if any in bis possession, and present them to Council at next meeting. On motion. P. B. Masscr was duly elected Regulator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of J. B. Packer. The following propositions were laid before Council by the Chief Burgess. SrsBrnY, Jnnc 5, 1855. To the Burgess and Counrilmen of the Borough of Sunbury. Tho undersigned will pay to tho Borough of WunWy, the stun or 87.50 per annum for the 'exclusive privilofro of the Hivcr Bank, com lencinir at t'vn southern lino of tlint part of the bank that Pnrsi'l fc Zimmerman proposed to lease, thence extending 200 fuet south, said prilege to be for a Boat Yard, and to extend Trom the breadth of the batik 100 feet into the river. S. M. BOSTIAN. Rt'MCBY. June 5, 1855. To the Burgess and VcuncU of the Borough of Sunbury. The undersigned propose to lease of the Borough that part of the river bank commen cing at the southern side of his shed, opposite Cranberry street, extending 120 feet north, and to bo from the lircak of tho bank 100 feet into the river to pay five dollars per annum. CLEMENS SNYDER. On motion of J. Hass, Resolved, That the above proposit ions bo laid over until next meeting. Agreed to. Scnbcrt. June fi, 1855. To the Burgess and Council of the Borough of Sunbury. We will pav to tho Borough of Sunbury twenty-five dollars for the exclusive privilege of piling lumber on the Bank of the Itiror, -commencing south at the big tree north of Orecnongh's landing, extending north to the Telegraph post opposite or just south of P. Brymiro's new building. JOsS. E. LEIB. Sup't For Sunbury Lumber Company. On motion, tho above was also laid over until next meeting ayes 7, nays 2. On motion of J. Haas, Resolved, That tho Chief Buriress, Juo. B. Packer and Wm. 1. Ureeuough be autbori.ed to preparo and have printed. 100 copies of all the acts of incorporation, ordinances, bye jaws, rules, and regulations of the Borough, to be distributed as the Council shall direct, amongst the citizens of the Borough. On'motion of Dr. I). W Shindel, Resolved. That the Chief Burgess bo in strutted to procure the services of an Engi neer or Surveyor, for the purpose of ascer taining whether or not, that part of the Graveyard, commonly called tho "New part," can bo conveniently arranged in walks, &c, and that he report to Couucil at the next meeting. On motion, Rt solved. That tho regulators of the Bor ough oe authorized to procure a 20 foot pole for the use of the Borough, to be kept in their possession. On motion adjourned. KM'L W1LVEBT, Town Clerk. Prom the Baltimore American, June 4- A FAITI1LMS WIFE. There was quite an excitement created at one of our hotels a dny or two since in conse quence of a gentleman from Beading, Pa., finding his wife in company with' another man. It appears that the husband had been from home for some time on i business tour, and had written to his wiTe. to meet him at this city, where he would be at a certain time. lie reached Baltimore a dny or two before he expected to do so, nod the wife anticipating a dsv or two 01 pleasure Deiore ins arrival, leit he't home in the company of a friend, who wus to act as a protector uutil the arrival of the husband. . Both arrived at the same hotel without tho knowledge of each other, and tho wife took lodgings under auother name. There was an other gentleman from Beading stopping at the Mi"6 house, who saw the truant wire, and meeting the husband, inquired nfterthe health of Mrs. F.. n'hen ho was told by tho husband that he was there awaiting her" arrival. He was then surprised to learn for the first time dhat she was then in the city and stopping at -tlie came house with himself. An inquiry was at onco made, and it was also discovered that she was in tho house, and that she wag in ih same room with her pretended protector. Ie immediately went to the owner, and gain ing admission, found that they were there as man and wife. , jnsteud of inflicting merited punishment upon the wretch who thus rolAxst him of hap nin". he eoi'tnr.ted himself with seeing them urn'-d on of he t-.nnse, and relinquishing all claim to hi-r. Wit understand that the in jured husbaud is u man of ubuudaut means ,nd was devoted in his attentions to the false cresttire who had I trilled with hU limine and affections. Sim is said to lie u yuuug woman of prepossessing appearance ami of ,-,uii fam ily, and that the fact of her infidelity Iiub been mvh known to her aged parents. Thsj- hud been married but a short time, and tho bax band anticipated to himself a life of unalloyed happiness. CossrxA Dimn-LTv Mr. C. Dorwiu, the American Consul at Montreul, Canada East, has issued a notice requiring all masters of L'uited States mercantile vesseli arriving t that port to comply in future with the pro visions of an act of Congress, passed on the ogtb of February, 1853 directing every Amc icau vessel, on her arrival at a foreign port, to deposits ber register with the Consul, unl oVr penalty of $500 fine. This seems a very ordinary matter, coming solely within tho produce of the Consul ; but the Moutreal Smmercial Advertiser treats it as a crave iggrewiou uwm the dignity of Britain and of the local jnoiuroui, aim .mhwiIl in a long and intemperate diatribe. to berat the Consul for hit presumption, and Americans generally lor ineir auegea general diareirard of I Fthe rights of other nations. ' Fo Bad to Worse. Mr, Hiss, the ex jio.t nminber of the Massachusetts Legis. fTture, las been trying to get bis ease before 'l. "'..w. und had himself arrested for debt. The Court refused to hear tha case, unless affoUriV was made that the case was a true imT.nd not mad. up to get into the Courts, IliM basked ;. subsequently finding be t the Judge reused a habeas corpus, JT. n,. has to remain io Jail 1 his wi and was ao 0TJR PASTOR'S GRATE. BT MRS. Tf. A. STEVEN?. , Our castor's lowly grave, It is a dear secludod quiet spot t Tempests that o'er dwellings howl and rave, There reacheth, shriokoth not. Gracefully droops above, -The sycamore of giant storm-tried arms ; , As though the snowy tablet knew the love, That shelters us from harm. Thou art removed from strife, Few pass thy narrow home childrcus feet Quiet as eve to learn the way of lifo, Where divers footsteps meet. Perchanco a weeper comes, Clad in the garb that tokens deepest woe j Leaving uncarod life's toilsome busy hum, Deceived, deceiving show. Upon the breast of God, Thou leanest where no clamor meets thine ear; ne lovcth thee for thou hast kuown His rod. The lava-torrent tear. Thy rest of perfect dny, Bucotneth marvelous Gods vicegerent Fallen, a worrior in the thickest fray Removed his mission-tent. Thon art well sheltered there, Beneath the sacred aisles thy feet have trod i Where thou for many a wintry dny did'st bear, Tho messages of God. Time-houorcd, revered place, Thy halls rajig with the lofty eloquence j Thut legions listen to of royal race, As thou demaudest whence. Whence comes this regal crown, This diadem of more than mortal light t Tho seraphs answering echoes well nigh drown, "Thou hast well fought life's f.ght. Who would not strike the lyre, And call forth notes of holiest numbers ; Nor would we with a cadence wild desire, To break thy quiet slumbers. Lawrcnceville, Pu. S.ITIZ FEMALE SEMINARY. We clip the following item from the Lan. castor Whig, of the 5th inst : Thursday commenced the annual vacation of the Litiz Female Seminary, and in the morning one hundred and twvty-five of the young ladies, pupils belonging to it. reached Lancaster in time to tnko the different rail road and stage lines to their homes. They were all in fine spirits and glee, buoyant with life and hope ; rejoicing in the anticipation of meeting their parents, brothers, sisters anil friends. There were six large coaches in the train that brought them from Litiz, and a four horso wagon heavily loaded with baggage. The sight, was most interesting. Long may they live and prove a blessing to themselves. to society ana to the world, i no i.iuz schools have a reputation so widely and so favorably known ns constantly to increase their fame and their scholars. The "Ot.n Soldiers." A bounty land warrant of ldO acres was forwarded to the President of the I" nited States for military services rendered by him daring the Mexican war. A similar warrant was forwarded to ex President Tyler, for military services during the late war with England. Hon. William L. Marcy, Secretary of Stute, receives un 80 acre warrant for military services in the same war, he having already received a boun ty of 80 acresundcr tho act of 1850. Baltimore, June 4. A marriage party in Washington county, Maryland, were poisoned, a day or two since, by eating custard in which arsenic had been placed. Some twety-five are not expected to live. Tho bride is among tho number. It is a mystery who committed the act. The servants are all sick from eating of the custard. Baltimore, Juno 4. The official returns from Virginia reduce Wise's official majority below ten thousand. Tho election of Lewis, Item,, in the Eleventh Congressional Dis trict is in doubt. Tho llu-limond Enquirer says it is prepared to hear of his defeat. Ilnlloways' Ointment and Pills, the most efficaecons Remedies in the United States. Cure for Ulcerous Sores in the Leg. Charles Yeats, of Maiden-lane, New York, had scrof ulous sores on his legs for four or five years, attended witli a continual discharge, he suff ered considerable, and everything was tried n the nope or curing him, without success. After every other remedy had failed, he had recourse to llollowny s Umtment and 1 ills, these infalliablu medicines thoroughly cleans ed the blood and healed the sore in his leg, and he is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. The Virginia Election excitement is over aud Floiirury defeated, but it must not be understood thut Hockhill it Wilson un- run off the track. They are still ahead in the clothing business, which may be seen byculiing at their store, No. Ill Chestnut St., corner of Franklin Place. MARRIAGES, On the 31st of May last, by D. N. Lake, Esq., Mr. John Garwicii, to Miss Anna Smith, all of Sbainokin town. Iu Danville, May 23d, bv J'ev. Isaac Grier, Itev. Wll.lJAM SlMOKTON.of llllUOlSpOrt, to Miss Anna E. Gkier, of Danville. On Tuesday evening last, by ltev. Dr. Watson, Adpisox Spbaouk, of Cattara(?us County. New York, to Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. John S. Peterman, of Milton, Pa. In Milton, on Thursday last, by the Rev. C. Hepburn. Henry A. Lk'Iitkxtuai.er, M. D., to Miss J ask Html ax, all of this place. DEATH S. Ou the 30th ult.. in Kellv township. Union county, Deucon JAMES MOOUE, at a very advanced age. Cc lilavhds. Philadelphia Market June 6, 1855. GRAIN. Wheat is active. Sales of 3000 bushels of Southern and Pennsylvania red at 82. 63 per bushel, afloat, and $2.63 iu store, vt nue is worm z ,uc aHout. Kvo is selline at IWie per bushel. Corn is biirher i Doumeru ami reuna yellow usollinget HOe anoai. uais are better. Sales of l'enna, iu store at 70c. Wiimsm is in drooping sales at 38c in bar Mis, and 38c in hhds. BaiUmor Maiket - Juim 5, 1855. i wm, - m . . . uitA-iac onuringsoi vv neat UMlav embrace 500 buahels prima rad, all of which sold at 55 cts. Tbers was no whit Wheat at market, but w quota 2ibO$'l6'i cts. as tus ruliur figures for good to prime lots. Rye hs aerliuH slightly. We note a sale this morning .of 125 bushels Pennsylvania at 158 cts. Oats were in brisk demand this morning. There were some 3,500 bushels at market, most of which changed hands at G3(a 65 cts. for ordinary to good Maryland and Virginia, and a. 6 68 cts. for Penn sylvania Oats. SUNBUKY TRICE CURRENT Whiat. 8S0 Rtr. 13ft Cor. go Oats. 62 Potatox. .90 Bksswai 15 HicKitn Fias. 10 Butts. , . ?S Eons, IS Punic. 7 Flasskso. I2S Tailow. " IS WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT ARK now opening a new and very tienirable lock of Spring and Summer Good, sin hrncim an endless variety. Their stock con isti in part of Blaok & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimeres, Summer Wares for men and buys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS, SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy lire Silks t unuminlly low prire, Shcllies, Brazes. Brato Ue l.nins, Mm. De I.nins. Lawn. Ac, filNGHAMS from to 55 cent peryarj. CALICOES ' a " HJ " WHITE GOODS, Cambric. Jaronetta, 8wi. Tarltnn, Mull. BoM- nrtt, French and Swim l.aren, Eiltrinir. tee. Brown and Mem-hed Muslin. Drilling Tick, Checks, Towling, Table Diacr, 4 c. GIIOCEUIES. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Planter, Salt and Full. A lo a trmh supply of DRl'GS AND MKDICINE3. Thankful for past favor, we hope by strict attention and a desire to plcnac, still to meet with the approval of our friend. IV' Country produce of all kind taken at the highest market price Sunbury, June 8. IH?5 ly. FLEMING Se BROTHER, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DFA1.EHH !! FINE GROCERIES, Ao. 40 South Water Street, Philadelphia, IIAtB rnTANTLT OJI HASH. Chresc, JStarch, Pure Cnl. Spice. Hiitlor. I.ard. Swcrl Oil, Btsr, Caxlile onp, Uarlry, Dried Fruit, Olive Soup, Snl. Noila, Cra.ibcrric,S:ilnrlim, Es- Cofi'ee, Scaled Herrim?. Farms, Dairy Suit Srtt. Country Mrrchtnt winlina; rnilcr by mail, may rely on having the im quality of goixl tent, and at the same price, a if thry were pvr otiiilly present. Till auYlplna, Junes, IHoB. pl)7. Fin lot of Wall Tajicrjiiat rcrrivrd and for .ale by WM. M. CARTY. jtiamet street. Sunhury, June 3,1855. Great Arrival or SPRING GOODS! Ill A T. CLEMENT BNFORMS hi fricnil and customer that ha jusl rereived an elegant assortinrnt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At hi Store iu Mar.;ct Street, Sunhury, which he oiler to the public at the lowest prices. Hi itock coniut oi a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimrrs, Cast i nets, Jeans, Drillings, 1 1 r, , ' .... ' iiimiHS, L.inciis, vaiicoes, JWtslm at Lams, Lawns, Gingliams, Berages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boot and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hat. riastei. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molassea, Cheese, Spices, risii, Suit, Ac HARDWARE, Via : Iron and Steel, Naila, File, Saw, Ac QUEENSWARE. Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, l(t LIQUORS, W'inr. Brandy, Gin, Bum, WhMry, fcc C?" Country prudure of all kind Uken in ei- change at the highest maiket price. April 8. IK.-O. ly. TOBACCO, &c. Strawerrv. Cnngrrs. Eldorado Fia, Kldorado Cake, Karsnparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut, AntlersiMi " For Sale at WF.ISER& BRC.NGR. Sunbury, May ?C, I8'5. 8EGARS. Kl Dorado. Rio Hondo, La Curionidad, Canalo. Havana Cheroots. F.I Neptuno, Kl lluendo, Recreadore. La Seniiaimi, f Isolation, For Sale at WF.ISEIt 4 UHL'KER. Sunbury, May S8, 1855. TEBERINE. Veratria, Chiuordine and (Jin chiHiia, jiiKt received by May is, 1855. W'ElER & I3K17NER. nOOFLAN D'S Bitter, it Mir 10 Wl'lvLM) A. DDrVIDQ ----j - .. 1 - U 1. MIIL .1 L- Ik O. IICSBAND'S Magnesia for sale by " May 19. WEISER A BRC? NER. mRASK'S Magnetic Ointment at -- May 19. WEISER & BRUXER'S. BLACK Putty iikmI article for sale by May 19. WEISER it BKl'.NEK. ER MICK I.I.I, Maccaroni and CoinSurcU' jut received by May 19, 1855. WE1SEK &. BRUNER. FAHXESTOCK'S Veniii'uge, for sale bv May 19. WEISER4 BRL'NEF ER vsd I j) AIT of every description just rereivsd by - Mav 19. WEISER A BRCNKR nPRICOIHEROi:S- w. for sale bv J- Mav 19. WEIMER A BRIJNER. INDELLIBLK INK at Ma 19. WE1SER & BRCNER R. COMB8. Back. Children' T.ona. Sida mil fine comb j Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, for aale at YOUX U 8 bi t lli K, SunlHiry. Nov. 18. ISM. M 1, 1.UV lis. Uui-kskiii tilove ami Mitt, iln y( Glovt, wihiI lined, Ladies Glove, Cbil Uien a do., MHU, die., si Nov 18, '63. YOUNU'H STORE. GROt.'ERIEM Seaar. Coflee. Mola Spice. Oils, Brandy. Gin, Wine, Macker I. Herring and Salt, juat received and for Ml "7. V'M. A. KIM ABB. Lewer Aaguata May I8M 1 MBRELLAB Overshoe, Pocket Book J Pertmooies, Silk Pocket-hondkerchicta, Keck-tiea, Spring-Mocks, Buspebdera, at, N. , '. YOCNO S STOKB. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNCH, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Jlarel St., next door to E. Y. Brie,hV$ Stort SUNBURY, PA , OFFER to the public the largest and best selected stock ever opened in thi section of country, consisting of FRE3H AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chetnlcsls, Ground Spire, Paint, Oil, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothe, Hair, Tonih, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Comb, Fancy Soap, Shaving Crenm Tohacro, Segara, Port Mouiaa, Stationary, Con tectionaiies, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English. French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in abort every article kept by Druggist generally. C Prescriptions Carefully Compounded GEO. B. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 86, I8fi9. Estate of JACOB ALLEMAN, dee'd, TVOT'CE is hereby given that letter testamen tary upon the estate of Jacob Alleman, late of Lower Mahannv, Northumberland county. dee'd , have been granted to the ubsrriber. J herelore all persons having claim or demand against the said estate, are requested to make them known without delay, and all person in debtcd to majc pnvment forthwith. JACOB BIXGEMAX, Ex'tor. Lower Mahanoy, May 36, 1855. 6t. Estate of MASON HENRY, Dee'd. jVOTICE is hereby given, that letter of ad- ' ministration have been granted to the ulcri. ber on the estate of Mason Henry, late of Upper Augusta township. Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons haying claim asainst the estate, and such that are indebted thereW, are requcated to make an early settelment. The undersigned administrator will be present at the house of the late deceased, on Saturday, the 31st inst., to make finnl settelment. MICHAEL ARNOLD, Ad'tor. Upper Augusta, May 19, 1855 fit. Extraordinary Arrival of 53 LSI CODCLES3. Til E subscriber takes pleasure in informing hi customer and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. My motlo i "Quick Sales and Small Profits." He takes this method of presenting to the pubiic bis thanks fur the lilx-rjl p:ilnuiai;e evten ilid to hint, and bv stiict at leu i ion to imsiut'iM, be rexpertlullv nolieiia a couiiiiu.iiii c ot Hie same. It will be advinable for piirriiasers to cull and examine hi a-ortnient betine pun-basing elo where. All kind of produce ten in exchange. KDV.KL Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, May 19, 18.')5. FOR THE LADIES. WISS JANE FINNEY has received in addi tion to her stock of Fncy Good, an ele gant asaurtm'iil of Ladies' Morocco, black and fancy colored Gaiter. Children Shoe and Gai ters, of every ili-.i-riplion, which she will sell at Philadelphia prices for cash. Call and aee. P. S. Those knowing themselves to bo in debt to the subscriber will please come forward and make immediute payment, to save trouble. iuiibury. May 13, IH55. I'LATIXA POINTS FOR LIGHTNING RODS. iUR Points are made of a tapering copper bo " dy, about 6 inches long, well gilt with pure gold to prevent the action of the weather, and lipped with solid I'htina; they have been in use lur over thirty year, and have given general sit isfaction. Prires $1,00, $!,.'), .$-j.0U, 93,01 f4.0U per point, according to :he qn unity of Plalina. e also furnish glass insolalors and iron staples. Manuf n-tured by McALl.lS I En & BROTHER, (Extablished in 1796 ) 194 Chestnut St., below Eighth, Philadelphia. rnua., Mav 12, 18.13 lm. Estate of GEO. SMITH, deo'd. TACTIC E i hereby given that letter Testa- mentary upon the estate of George Smith, lale of Jackson township. Northumbrian' coun ty, dee'd.. have beea granted to the auhsrribers, residing in said towmdup. All persons having claim against said deceased, are requested to present them lor settlement, and all iiersou knowing themselves to tie indebted will make immediate payment. MAKAH r .MITII. J NO. GALEN SMITH Jackson H., May l, l55. CL Es'r. Estate of JOHN LEADER, dee'd. NOTICE ia hereby given that letter testa mentary have been granted to the siirwcri- lier Upon the ealale of John Leader, late of Jack on township, Xorthumberlard county, det'd. A II persons knowing themselve indebted to, or having claims againat said estate, will call and sen) immediately. M. HCITEJi, lix tor. Jackson tp.. May 19, 1855 fit. FIRST ARRIVAL or At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lon er Autusta township, at the Junction of the I ulpehocken and Plum creek retails. TMJK subhcriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully call the attention of Fanners, Morhamcs and other to the unit . SrillNG AND rjL'MMKU COOUS, consisting iu part of Dry tlootls, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrts, Cassinets, Jeans, I)i ilUnp, Muslins, resting, 1 weeds, and all kinds oj Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lams, Lawns, ' Gimhams, Berates, Hobts, Woolens. Flannels, tfc. GKOCKIllKft, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Rice, Molaaaea, Cheese, Spice, Hah, eke., itc, die. II aril ware, Nail, Screw, Files, Saw, Knives St Fork, &.e Queens and Glassware, of various style and patterns. BOOTS AND IHOB1. A large assortment of Boot and Shoe, for men, women and children. Hit Cira, Ac., of vaiiou sixes and ctyle. Reside a large and general assortment ol fashionable good. Call and eianune for your selves. . r? Country pio.lure nl all kinila taken in etr.halige at the highest market "i ea. . S. N. T1IOM PSON. Lower As usta. 4 mo. SH, IS55. NOTICU. TOTIt'E ia hereby given that application will ' be made to lb lie it legislature of IVnnayl vtnia. St Ibe session of l5ti, for the erealion of a eorpoial hoily, with banking and diarnuuting privilege, to be railed tha ''Saanoaia Ba.'' located at ftbamokinlown, Northumberland CaH Pa., with a eaiutal Cck of 4150,000, with th privilege of iucraaaiMf lb saws U 300,600 if necessary. ' rtbaajokia, May t. 1855. ns. HOSIER V. Mens wool and eoltoo Socks, Ladies' aad ahildrea'e stocking just opeo- da - ' . . YOUNOS fii-ost. SuuaMr Xse. II, ISM. NEW SHtlNG AND SUMMER I. W. TENER & Co , , Sunbury Pa, HAVE juat received a new and splendid as sortment of good, suited to the seasom amongst which erei Cloths. Csssiuieres and Velvets, Ready made Clothe, English, French and American Ging ham, plain and painted Challi, do. do. Lawn, Barege and Barege DeLalns, plaid and painted Tissue, Tlsaue Barege, Thibet Silk, fiinged Shawl. Em broidered and Damask Craps Shawl. Fancy Mantilla, stri ped and checked Linen,' Ta ble Covers, Moeqnitto Net, Fana, Paraaola and Um brella, together with a general assort ment of Dry Goods Hats, Cap, Boot. Shoe, Hardware. Groceries, Queemware. Fish, Salt, Nail tie., 4c, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or Country Pro duce. Sunbury, May 6, 1855. NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to the late firm of James --- Taggart &. 8on, of Northumberland, either bv note or book account, are hereby requestcj to make settlement thereof by the first day of July next, to Grantham I. Taggart, surviving partner, or the accounts wilt be placed in the hand of a Justice for collection. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, Surviving partner. Notth'd, Mav 12, 1855. 2m. Estate of JAMES TAGGART, deo'd. OTICE ia hereby given that letter testamen tarv upon the estate of James Taggart, late of the borough of Northumberland, Northumber land county, dee'd., have been granted to the subscriber. Thrrcfore all persons having claim or demand against the said estate, are requested to maku them known without delay, si.d all person indebted to make payment forthwith. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, Ex'tor, North'd. May 12. 1853. 6l. LATESTAUftlVAL Of Spring ft Summer (loods. J. T. & X.l KLINE, IJESPECTFULLY announce to their friend and the public in general, that they hive received at their Old Stand, in Upper Auguata township, Northumberland county, Pa., at Kline Grove, their Spring an J Summer Good, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, tc, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fnnri Cassimera, Sattinetls, Checks, and all kinds SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vesta and Pants, &c. Ladies Dres Goods, Calicoes, Gingham. Muvliu lie I. a i lira. Ac. Also Blai-k Silks, Ac. Also a fresh supply ol tit illri'lc of nil kinds. A Iri'sh supply ol Hardware and Queens ware', Dras and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boot and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such a Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama and Silk Hats, and all good usually kept in a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Atl of which will be sold for rash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Auguata, May 12. 1854. Furniture ! Furniture ! Ao. 15" South Second (above Sjiruce.) east tidr, PHILADELPHIA. rgiHE subscriber would respertfnlly inform the readers of the SwArj American and the public generally, that he ha on hand a constant upply of elegant, fashionable, and well made r umiture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having nil his goods manufac tured niidcr Ins own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting just such articles aa are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns of Bedstead. Those who are about going to housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BALER. 157 South Second street. X. B. All order thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 28, 1H55 w8 ly. Grocerey, Flour, Foed and Provision Store. 8EASH0LT2 & PLTERY, Broadway, between Market J Blackberry sts., ctunbury, pESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sunbury, that they have engaged the scrvi- res of a competent German baker, and are now prepared to supply the allien with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies and cakes of every kind. Sugar, coffee, (browned) green . lack teus, rice, crackers et cucese, tobacco x segara. All kinds of small beer, as well as lemon, pineapple and strawberry syrup, constantly kept for sale. Sunbury, May 5, 1855. ly TO THE LADIES Of Sunbury and Vicinity. AGMEW & CO., 106 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ARE now offering to purchasers a splendid Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantillas and Dress Goods t their assortment of Paris made Mantillas, is very extensive, comprising ona of the best selected Stock in Ibe City, and at ex tremely low price. SHAWLS Brocha, Cashmere and Gold bor dered Shawls, long and square. Also, large assortment of Rich Eiuhioidered and Plain Can ton Crape Shawl.. SILKS Particular attention is requested to our stock of Brocade, Plain, Plaid Stripe, Moran Antiuu and blk. Silks, of all qualities and prices. Wsih Silks in great variety. DREfrS GOODS Flouueed barege Robe. Grenadine. Tissues, Barege. Organdinea, Mousilen Chsllie Delaines, brilliants, French and EnRlixh Chintzes. Ac., Embrnu'eries of all description. Cullars. Sleeves, Ruffles, Insert ings, with a full Stock of Ribbons, Ladies' and Gentlemens Gloves, Hoisery, Ac, Constantly receiving f'esh supplies of Season, able Goods, per Steamers from Havre, l.iverool, New lork and Philadelphia Auction Sales' Purchasers are requested to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods before pui chasing. AGNEW it CO.. 190 Chestnut St., Philada. April 7, 1855. 3m. tImwxTntry storexeeferT" Fl'UE Sulwcriber has on hand of his own man I ufai'lure. a large aat.iitment of Ladle', Mimes', and Childreu', Leather, Kid, and Morocco BOOTS, SHOES, fljirl GAITERS, of the best workout. i-liip and muteriitla, which he will sell at as low wholesale prices as any person in the city. Buyer can gel any sites to make up assortment, without having to purchase the smaller or more un4eM sixes WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 Noun SIXTH fcttieet, below Rare. Philadelphia. N. B. Gsi -er Uppers ready for the last, sold to Country Slioenaakeru at low prices, Sunbury, A pril 14, 156. Sm. ARNOLD WRITING FLUD and Adlis aiv and legal envelopes, for sals by U. U. MAfeiSER. Sgnbury. Jaa 10. ISM AMPHINE and Fluid of tb U4 e,u.Uty. Pot sal by WEISER s) BKUNEK. SsjtlHirr, Mf l, 1S. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS 4 WATS 0ft, ' Ko, 26 &u."A Fburth St., Philadelphia.' GREAT FIRE, Chestnut h Fifth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 1854. Evan A- Watson's Salamander Safes fnum chant, as they always ste fid when put to me te PHit.tTir.iFHM, Dec. 14, 1844. Messrs. fiv-tss WitSou, Ns. SO South Fourth St- Philadelphia. Gentlemen t We taks much pleasure In re commending your Salamander Safe to Merchant and others in want of a secure means of preser- vina- their hooks. bSDers, etc., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven month ince ha preserved our hooks, papers anu cssn in a good a condition a they were when put into It. before the area! fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut snd Fifth streets. J he above sale was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire wa out. The Safe wa then removed and opened In the pres ence of at least 1000 person, who witnessed the good condition of the content. Will you please have the Safe and Lock repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, havh.g perfect confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY J- PHILIPS. Evans V Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safe in use: U. S. Mint, Philida ; Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank, Phila Samuel Allen, Esq., High SnerifT, Phila; John H. Hen derson. City Controller; Caleb Coped Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard Norri 4- Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Bancroft 4 Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James Sta.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Phila.; I.acey 4 Philip, corner fith aud Minor Sis; Sharpies Bro., Ko. 32 South Second St..; Jame Kent 6c Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 61 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams it Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. it B. Orne, No. 184 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hind (warranted to stsnd at least 10 percent more fire than any Herring' Safe now in use.) EVANS it WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vault for Banks stores, public and private building. Seal and Letter Copying Presse ; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give ua a call, at No. 20 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. HAYD0CK & PIDLER, TEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of Jame B. Fidlcr, Ao. 12 South Second Street, PHILADKU'llU, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWKLRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, Ac. X. Bj Repairing of Watches snd all kind of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. If. BOYD, BOSSES & CO., MIXERS D llll'PEHI OT Ucu Vsl) Anthracite Coal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address. Boyd, Rosser St Co., Sunbury, Pa. n. m. boid j. aossaa. jas. aotn. t. uosskr. Sunbury, April 7, 1855. tf. Watson Dr.rui. Tuqmi Dtri'T. J. S. DEPCY & SON'S, Ao. 223 Xorlh .Second Street, below Cullowhill, and S. 11'. Corner Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, riiiLADKi.riiiA, TTlOI'LU icspeetfully inform their former v customers and others, thut they have just laid in a splendid assortment ot Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Window Shade. Door Mats, Ste., Sic, at very reduced prices Wholesale Sc Retail. TAKE NOTICE We will soli our good a cheap a any other hcuse of the kind tu the city, Pn:la., April 7, 1855. w3m 3mf BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKFtACTt-BRKR, AND STATIONERS. S. II". Comer of Fourth ft R"'e Streetn, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1855. tf PETKlt OSBOltN, 311., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER it MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, Ao. 81 A'ra Second Street, Third door above Arch, East side, Philadelphia- Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters & Pillow, Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton. Flock and Husk Mattresses, Straw Palliasaee, Settee, Pew, and C hair Cushions, all kinds and col I or. Bed- tickings, Check, Moreens snd Damask by the yarj or piece, Cotts, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords, Counterpane, white and colored, Cointortaliles of ill kind and site by the single one Or doren. Cribs, Berth, Single and 9. 10,11, U and i3 quarters Blankets, Bleached and l.'nbleached Sheets, Blocked Muslin and Check pillow case, Towel of all kinds, Table Linen, Table Cover, Damrsk table cloth, Binding of all kind and colors, Thread, Ac, N. B. Benton 4" Coston's patent renovnter worked by steam power, is daily in operation for tha puroe of purifying old and new feather. All article from thia establishment warranted. Philada, March 3, 1855. cr 3 ni 3 House and Lot for Sale. T1HE sulicriler offer at private sale, hi house and lot situated in Whortlelwrry street, Sunhury. The house is a new Two Story frame dwelling, on a bt of fit) feet front. There is also, a Butcher Shop on the premises. The location is an excellent one, for any person wishing to follow that business. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury. March 17, 1855 - tf. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. flU IE subscriber having received the necessary -a- forms aud insructliona from the Department, at Waahiagton. i prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants st the shortest notice. H. B. MASSER. 5unbury, April 7, 1855. VyALL PAPER. A large and TplTndcd assortment of Wall Paer, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER it Co, 8uubury, May t6. 185V 1 ALLEN RERGER'S PILLS A eertaia curs tor Fever and Ague, for sale by WElsER cV B1U-NER. Sunbury. uly it, U54. nATS it CAPS. Silk aud Slouch Hat, Military end cloth Caps lot men and hoys, also Gum Shoes of various aiae. just received and for sale at YOL'NG'8 STORK. S anbury Nv. J5.1854. CEDA R TC B S, Hon B uckstm PaiMted B uck . Meat Tendsrera, Corn 13 ramus. fi keta, Cbildresj'a Wago. aud Yanks Clods ust received and for sal by Me A 1 I. W. TEXf R st f EH mm AN ASTOtTNMNO j?Atf5-? . Elsberg's Clothing Store A& A EL8BERO (late O. Elslwrg A wish, s to announce to the inhabita. Northnmberlsnd county, and the public In eral, that he ha removed hi elegant and ch Clothing Store a few doors east from the fora store, to a new capacious building. The remi al was necessitated by the former store being tot. small to facilitate the still increasing trade at this widely known store. Being thankful for past ptronage, I hops to deserve it for the future still more by serving you whh accustomed fideli ty snd increased alacrity, In order to suit every cms that calls, 1 have laid in s atoek of clothing, genu fonrhthing good, and all other good In my line on a most exten sive scale, also made arrangements ivith my bro ther in Philadelphia, to send etcry thing new and fashionable at socfh a produced, so that my stock will he replenished every few weeks. In extent, variety, elegance, quility and cheapness, my stock surpasses every thing "the oldest inhab itant" ever heard tell of in this part of the coun try. "To see is to believe," and a I invite eve ry body to call and see and examine my stock, tiefore purchasing elsewhere. It is a treat to see and examine such an elegant, good, cheap stuck of good. My stock consists in part of Drem, frock. Sack, Business and all other kinds of Coats, mads of cloth, cashmarette, cassimere, linen, flax and atl other stuffs of all imaginable color, plain, fancy, striped and checked. Pant and Vest of every style and pattern, low and high priced, as suited to the want of the buyer ! the largest and best assortment ever exhibited west of the mountains. A nice assortment of Boots and Shoes, gaiters and slippers, also ladies shoes, gaiters St slippers, A splendid lot of Hats and Caps, such as Pa nama, Curracoa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Son ate, Straw and Palm Leaf, different colors, fine silk hats, all colors of wool hats, etc. etc A good assortment of Shirts, collars, revolvers. single and double barreled piatolv, french and ger- min Accordeons, all kinds of cravats, storks and pockethandkerchiels, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Trunk, and all kind of notions for ladies and gentlemen. Also an assort ment of watches and Jewelry, all of which are warranted; the money paid for them, cheerfully returned if not as represented. All this stock will be sold at a smalt trdtairce on crsh, so a atill further to merit the name usually bestowed on my store, as being the cheap est in Sunbury or vicinity. So, remember the place, Market Ssjaare, nearly opposite the former Post Olhce. A. ELSBERG, Late O. Elsberg St Co, Sunbury, April 21. 1855. Spring and Summer Goods PETER W. GRAY, .N FORMS hi friend that he ha just received a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Maiket Square', His stock cn- sists of DRY GOODS, VIZ i Cloths, Cassimer, Sattinetls, Jeans, Drillings, Baragcs, Barage De Laines, Gingham, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla S'jjk, Winter Shawls, Dress Tiimmii g and all items in the Dry Good line. Also, a arge assortmet of Slioea for Men Women and Children. Hat and Cap, Groceries of every variety Tea, Coflee, Sugar, Molaases, Spice, Salt, Fisks etc. Ilardware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tub"), Bucket, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, dec. Qi'iaxswAnx a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prires. Sunbury, May 19, 1855 tf. Baltimore Card. CAIIIC, UEIMI! & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR Til It 8AI.K Of FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. ViT A gents for Newark and Roacndale Ce. Cement and Plaster. U. A. and Fine Salt, constantly for sale. N. B.- Liberal CASH advances made ou con signment on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1855, Cm. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORK, Ao. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. THE subscriber have on hand, and are con stantly manufacturing SIEVES, RIDDLES. SCREENS, WOVENWIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves f all kinds Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, die. Cylinders and DanJ Roll coy ere.l in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass snd Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wires, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal snd Sand Screen, Ac. BAYLISS, DARBV &. LINN. March 10, 1855 C 3 m 2$ COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IRA T.CLEMENT respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has been appointed agent for the sale of the eclebra. ted red ash coal, from tha Mines of Boyd Rouei St Co. All the various size prepared snd screened will be promptly delivered by leaving order with th subscriber. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhujy, Dec. 30, 1851. tf. NEW STORE. (At the old Stand of S. A". Thompson.) FIMIE Subscriber respectlully informs the peo- mv vi ouonurj snii tuimiy, mm m - ken the Store Room lately occupied by JS. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that he haa just received and oieued a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Uueenswarc, Hal 4- Caps, Boots it Shoes, Fisb, Halt, Meat. Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kioda of produce Uken in exchange at the highest market pries. r H. H. YASTINfi. Surbury, April SI, 1855 ly DAGUERREOTYPES. T. P. LEISENR1NO A J. K. ECKMAN of Danville, respectfully snnounc to the laJies and gentlemen of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened Dsguerrean rooms abov Fn ling A Grant's Store, in Sunbury, where they are ready to acc.imioo.lau those who may favor them with a call, with beautiful and lile-liks miniatures. All who deair nnniaturea will do well to call early and secure theii pictures, as w know not what a day ts ay bring forth. Thxi hutra ti oar rootus, all v people, Hrftaa ym r reHMi K (tnevs i The )' wm kisl '''". Aim! u aatiaarlion we'll givs. Sunbury, April l, 1854. 3t Itoarding! BoardingF" MRS. WHARTON can accommodate I or 10 resjiectabl boarders. Lucauon: North-west corner of Market Square, Snubury. Person wihing a comfortable bum will find thia a desirable plac. Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf -. FAMILY MEDICINES.-Brown's Fever snd Ague Powder, Fabnestock's Vermifuge. Dr. Javne's celebrated medicine, tie (pr sal st '., 't. rOl'NQ'S STORS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers