Until your bteeohw rejW for-betailr " if own th iu. ' , .ii.ifli ' " Word." are ilia ,OlioD8 r'e lbs Oll Of IhVsOuU. J ,y..n ' .V';.'A'.Ut-fol of CnnadV Jto.liani "liPVO been " encamped Hear AllJntown, To.; Tot a week Silier i wiid 10 ba9 been dtscovored in . (h. Hlona njinrry of IL MuMi'lnieny i'V.nj-'-Mster koA.iy,' '''' ' j The editor nt the Jackionfo.) TrbrWiV . new, my ha ' h. not -eon drunken man Hi Jackson, sine the Legislature adjourned. , ,U'". Po.tnge i.lm'rVhall.nve'boen once used "before, iboulJ not be put upon letter?, It w ery Improper, o the postmaster, says and h ought to know. ..'' : ' ;, There in a man in Boston; who, six months ngo, was in reduced circnmslnnces, but is 1 now making a not profit of 1500 pnr week by tha sale of a popular patent medicine.- u . . .' When yon eee a ynnng woman just out of ' bed at nine o'clock, leaning' with bar elbow nponfho table, gasping and sighing, "Oh ' dear, how dreadfully I feel" rely upon it she will not make a good wife. . THE GOOD OF ALL. 'Ttirth ver lovely tince the World It-gnu, " The frlvml of WowASf flncl ttie fr'm of Mam j Or high or Low or men or pnna wc entl, Thego.nl ofaAcn reslaui Uie good of All. I'lllLADKLrillA.. ' A man nt Allegheny city, Pa., baa just pat. ' cntej . a machine for making horse-shoes, which will, it is said, turn out twenty or twenty-five pel minute, perfect in every purl By this machine the price of horse-shoes wil' be reduced full 50 per cent. . ',, ; The ladies of Maysviiie, Kentucky, recent ly presented a pair of pantaloons to Miss I.ncy Stone, in due form. Miss Lucy accept, ed the nnnls. but savs she would hare 'done so with a much better will if they had a man ' in 'era, We shouldn't wonder. .:" i ' Tartar on t'hb Tbf.tII. M. L. , Baume, ,4ays the Medical Times, ascertained thnt : vinegar and a brush will, in a few days, re- taiwa 1ia fnrlnr I tins nlivin I ino- Ihp nocessitv for fileing or scraping them, which so olten injures the enamel. He recommends the use of powdered charcoal and tincture of rhataney afterwards, which cffuciually, in his opinion, prevents its formation. The Queen of the Antilles. The Van final productions of Cuba are said to compile 613,300,000 worth of sugar; $15,000,000; of tobacco; 82,310,000 worth of coffee ; 2,000, , -000 worth of corn"; and $7,000,000 worth of I other agricultural produce. : The grand tola of its productions, including dairy and do mestic animals, average $59,000,000 per an- a IPI !.: ! 1 AAAOnn llUm., , 101! pOptllUllUll 13 WVOl l,vuy uuu.. ErFECTs of Fear. Mr. James G. Lewis of Lockport, N. Y., has in his eating saloon' ' a tame robin which, until a year ago, was q beautiful singer. It was kept in the same room with a parrot at that time, when "Pol'' being out of her cage, flew across tho room and alighted upon the cage of the robin.- The robin was very much f lightened, and since that time has never 6ang a nn!e, or act. ed like the same bird; it ivas Ixefdrje. But what is still more singular, its feathers, are r gradually turning white. , . ,;..,) '.A . " " Why Woman was made of Rio.-j-A t. yound lady having asked a surgeon why wo man was made from the rib of a man'. in preference to any other bone, he gavo tho following gallant answer: "She' was not taken, from the bead i. least : she "would rulo oyer bira ; nor from bis feet lest', be should trample upon her but she was taken from his side, that she might be his equal ; from under his arm, lhat he might protect, her; from near his heart that he might eheneh and love her." ! , "President Pierce's Bust is much admired ! 'Ike,' said airs, rarungton, "ilia you read that just as it's printed t Well, I shouldn't wonder if Washington was destroyed like the wicked cities of old there is so much 'sin in high plaoes,' as our old parson says.. Presi. dent Pierce on a Ins. and the people admi ring him ! It's just what the Tribune said of LI... kr. ka . .. . . nl.mtn.l Tn . n. ' 1 thought he swore to protect bis Constitution. Perjury and drunkenness are great sins!' And the oi l lady told Ike to put up Uie paper. A military officer, of diminutive stature, was lately drilling an Irishman considerably above six feet. "Hold up your bead," said the officer, elevating the chin of ilio Irish man, with the head of his cane, to an angle of forty-five degrees. "Hold up jour head so, and throw your eyes somewhat to the right, thus" "And must I always do so, my noblo rap tain 1" asked the new recruit, with much ap parent simplicity. "Yes, always," answered the officer: "Then fare you well, my dear littlo fellow, rejoined Paddy, "I never shall coo you again." ULAIlNtV. "A blight moruiu' to you fair Ueu Mi. tress Murphy." 'Well, a good mornlu John. ' "Och! Misiiess Muiphy, wincvei 1 aeo rail shiny, Irish iiioinin' like this it puis me just in mind of the on Id eouuthry, nnd of lh lime when I lived with yer father, iet hi, ol, i daceiiter rnun liiver drew breath, and ft sons poor orayther uiver patseJ lih duor w ithout a bit of a sup." "Tiuth, he a, John." "Mi.lreis Murphy," pulling a flank out of bis pocket -"would you tiul me lor half of pint till 1 down lu the whaif. nd nuy (hu fly ay wilh the lonf of my jrk el, but I'll pay )ou bifote the sun got? la bd." Dura ibe dhitp, Juw, tdl ) p4f for the kH piul ye ol ),teij.,y". "Mi.irM Muri.bv" emrlwiii-e.lv -'-I knew ( uiuih.r, ,d ,1,, WM , uu I ho I earlier, aitj r Utttor wastdiity w.br wumsu, sua t MA u.m 14llv.. m.i - luarlu' U4 bulls la the U4!lu.. ).' ul l .1 ,l M.I ll. I 111 ' ' W 111, WIIU. ' jui.n i.u"r4 tit duuUle i.uivk limit. ml,I r.i ! istviii. Veritilatinff Furnace rl'HE iulnxrilicr would cnll the nliontion of nil pirlii I n-nolrlnp n ,!-.lrnM- I TIIN .VK, CKI.IIIIHA'F i:i) VAIt.MI.NU rt K1MTUATI.0 A The rpiiltiHi of iht Fornnc1 iinw w noil, Imvinx Ix-eii iiriruduml. tluiiiig ihe r five yews, iwo nh.nl 1100 pnl.lic linllitliig, mid ninrt-llian f"00 'i '' dwommrt; Una; trtlier - Willi the Imaim" inM'"ei rtlrs rvery yc:i, lltet.r"' frrji-nre ta cnll 1 e.Ulurcrt of it lilpi liiialvrvrt tit irlU'f niriHn.. Ilv lh nue nf CJiilnou't KiuHKce, j'ott secure tlis A lliU WSilwM"f ' ' ' ' ' ', ',. ' iPtiniWitfii.ATMn.'A ! .. '. I'lisit A'"--'''" bcuNitif nitfntcs bvirig ut a tpjnocrnturt llnil win iv! im-"!'rmr nir nir. Kr-nNv.Mian t'K nrl Ktfnu f i: 1 ' t . UneiT Odrabimtv bfiii mmle enlircly of Cn.t Troii, Ant lidtiNi TBN. Will n-nnire nortiMtmrintlitfr S'lHrtiniei; il in e-inily mvitliKeiU kifid vrili llot frxnows the hililding ill wlticli ll is pinceil to tlrmeer from lire like tlie oilier fiirnit. nw. -'. - J . We have tlie lriimoniitlnof hiinlmls of, tlie mtt irl rnlifir men, to ntlt'Kt lo tlie tnilb of llirnlvve rt:ilrinrn, all of whom pronounce H to tioilariilpillv tlir hfft Kurnace yi't inveotert, for producing pire Siiit hcflllhy ntinofl pticre. AVe hcrcwilh mincx tlie iiamca of n few well kn'rtrn mill eminent Pnifiutore, who have mcil Uiem, and kimlly furiM-lii'd u U,plr mtnica na reference" : I'rnf. .Mm S. Il.irt. Prof. I'nrker, Prof. Norton. Prcn.Win.lt. AMeij, ' T,a. ('arama, Hnif . Unna. Picf. II. fillimmi, l'Ml. Itipl.iv, ' .. NtttE sizes. ' : v ' . Wo Imve iiitMitnceit, thN aeniii, five new izc; o llnil nil laittieamuy tiv'tilltuiiiiclvciiiif this giml liiipmve iircnl nl ii very lnoilvmle rvat. We nre now prcpnreil Ui lurnif li mi nppiirntua 1 vfnv aii'glc nami, or the Uir- IM.r III ( llH fi till. (XV No. I. iNntMMe. CoinpMo; v . '2. 35 15 0U 4. a. 3. 4. 5. li. 11 ( . - , Kxlrn Hudiutor. (including lJnrn tuui Trcueh - , - , , ' i ( , ri:tr.) c v it i n - n u Tliia No. 0 is the hirt?ral nmf int (xnrrrfnl Fnrnttcc maidi' in ihf roimiry, .in t ncliuir:iirl adapted tor Cliiireli W inn? otlirr l;irce i;inF Imtl.IiiifX. Wo ttittiuitfr to rlWli uppurttus n( tltf fcimc price ns when iirst iiiUoduceil, live y our k . Allti.nnU LJic pre poiU liigb ricetf iinti lnui ihrrifxl Ih-M initt 35 per rent, nwiii'j to their prciif wviht, mil ve are ennhli-.., ty Hie jireal inenviso ii.wijen.'to funneti llicirticlj nt 1tie.l wert. pwihlt price, Ci Founnry ;ftl mu,,M(uHro. Wutnirk ,v l,f ilntiihtt. Imve Ch-utrituttNl y. ruriwJi u with rHi ion of KnnvuvB this , t lh;it ue rii; iuv prepuml to AiriNi Ihrnl 1vlt!.lewite or fH?iit.A,' MiiflteiMl the ertrli n nt all i-'umucea, when iwquirctniid war ruut litem In alt cusps.' ' - MEinoPouTsix coo wxa range. Wv lisivc.nlfci Iho ni'iBt complete C'f'Viiim l.nuirrthnt has et intrttHneed, tn which ireriill ihunttenth of ull who tmty wih tn wrrurt the most perfect utid desimhle c iking upparntus ev-c inveiilci). . . btiERSOtrs I' A TVXT rEXTiLAro ns. We are lite only Airenip in IViiFvtvnnin for the tnnnufitc tnte nittl Kale nf this VoIi4iHOf , which in ttckaawlefH:''11 1,1 be Uiu uuly puit'cct .YttiililubH evu1 -uiudu- fur conuvUn the lining lit in tmuky alinnnieH, uiid ftr vnUlntinif ljtii!'i mus nf nil kinds. VAl tlnrenro n sreM mnHy uniUitiouR of I hi vahmhle rtiH now oflurid for fvlt partien will he careful tncxainitietliiit It hfith Kmenwui Ikule iitlnehrd. tatkm ui-:(tis'n-:ua ami v jm ti ia to hs "We have the largest unit inont coinph-te uwTrtinenl f l?H Air Hiyi?terii hurt Ventiliitnrs ti he fonnrt in the Im teit Stales, I'artu-s who wt.lt to piirrljian, either for Hi viiteuscor wholcMj,., will Jiml. it grc;itly to their uUvan taijo tw tuunniiw oiir aTKflf. (;.:!' . ' tI.ATi: AM) I HON M ANTf.r.S. . ' ' AVihav1 nTwiys on fi.iiui tn 'extensive' aortmenl t iht'se heatitiful .fiintlek. in ei;iet iintUitin of KgypUliti, iiauiil (JiiUvay, tSieiuia, uiid other rurc inaihlcv. ; . . ." OPK.N GRATKS.; : , ror 'Aii.hriicite anrt !Iitiituiii"HP C miI. Alcn, nn entire new 1'iitterti of the low il wii (irate mailc (rem the Kh libh Hnnis.Tnd eutirt-ly uow htthisniMiiTtr. - SOJ,.', A OF. NTS f.TlIie Kityllfh Knesnipiie Floirinp Tile, (iarnkirk ChimmA Tofi, and U'erru CuUu Ornu- mi'llls, Kiirh :ib Ourd'-n aw-a. e. , -, Pei-noi.n nlwtnt I'lt.lflin?. m.'M)'iI (to Wt'tl ta Tnmtiir otir ptock hcl'ore pnreh;iriit ciuwlowf Vi.or, whether pnr ehaiajiir or not, njc e. rjijlly Wfle"ined nt our exieusivi: Mar'nniw,'mid ArhT'Te t-hnlrt he hnpjnlo furnish any inform:: liuii rrspecttittr rmy of mir oitln Unit nmy lie duel net I. A lfok' on Wtii mi; sr and Vt utilalinc: run lie had gratuitously tit our aloie, either per'amllyj 01 by 1a1 tcr. ; . ' . A.n.uimsoN, VrarmmjraiH Veutilatinir Wureh.-uis?, : - 140 Witlnul Jt., below tSuliv - , - . ; ritil U'J'hi:i) Phita., Htj lft"1. in. One third, cheaper than, ukite Led, and free from all poisonous qualities. The Sew Jersey Zinc Company nAVIXO preut y enliirfrcil Iheir works, and iuipi'uveit llic qunlitv of their proilueta, nrc preimted iv tacreulu onltjiH for their ' i.'.m. i SUrEIUOIl PAINTS. Dry, mid grovel iii oil, iii MJOrteil paclsuoit of from 35 tojou pnuiultifalsj ' ''. Wry, iiilrreil'S(iap'HHirtFe,lrr 'iluiir whito n.e, wbteh U naldflry or pronni Wm oil, li warranted lure uud LutKuruscd for lly and uutioriu Whitenrns. ' . A irwthivl of preparation has recenlh lieeti rtiwovercd, ivluck enable the Coiapuny to wnrrjut Un-ir i(iits tokeep frevh and 'H in the kts for any re4i8.mulile ttui. lu this respect their paints w i It bd superior to any other iu the market . Their brown ziiie paint, which isrolJat n low price, and euu only be made limn ihe Zinc ores from New - Jer sey, is now well known for its protective qualities vhen applied to inm r other mot a lift snrfntHS. ' , 'l'ltuit suitte twlar pjmtt poweHscH all (lis properties oftlic Tiriiwu, ajid is of an urcelde eoior for punitjng Cottages, Depxts, Out building, Xi i b. r. i f ,. i 4 r . " f FliKNCH & IUrilAIUtfV' d il .f Whoset ih; IVint Dealers and importers, ,v X. W. c.-i. tf huh X. Muikeitits.ji'UiUlcljUiia.' Vhilnjetiitiia, Aprils, lr-.M. Ciu. i ' V. 4 StI OCK MAN. i ' i ' r' -1 THOMAS O'fcdlX. - ': BT0CKMAN & O'NEILL, 1 ' ' ' ' GENERAL ' Commission ittcrcljcmt 05 rrpJlTH IVHABVES, '' '' -Philadelphia. REn:m;ici;t. Tlioa. Ricliardfori & Co. I'liilailt'lilu. A. U. CHttcll Sc Co. Rutter A. Patteaon, ' ' 1 C!iarlc Kllia & Co. .. . " Burgin & 8on I , riiilu., April 8, I854.t Ijr. . . ., Wall Papers ! Wall Papers ! 7J1IE iuliscribcm have now in (tore their com JL jikto Bjiring slock uf .. . ,i Paper Hangings, Curtains, &c, wliidi llicy oflcr at vory low pricf a, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL. Our akaortiiu'tit in very complete, coiiiitiing ull the qualitica, holh .. I'rcncli and Aiiici Unit. We niuiiufiiclure a lare jiroimrtiou of our giniil. ami ran rll ut the lowent rule. IV 1'iijicr Hanging done in tlie country at citv urkca. VARRLSU & iioi ca, Xo. i Xorlli FIFTH afreet, l'hilaJelj.hia. ritiln., .Van-It S5, 1851 3m " 0. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, und Dealers in Fish, Cheese l'roi.iions Not. 29 .V 30 S. trim, in. riiladduhui. HAVE t.ni.huilly on Intii'la uinlv of Mul r..t t'.uli..l. KI....I K.I ii..:..... in... Full. White Fi4i, lUihloik, Hams Si.lr, SShoul- ur. t.m.i, ji.el, l'uik, Chcew, lUaiu, UiUJ A..U-, Diu J F..i-Ik, CtaiiUnicii, 4c. I'hiU., Msrcli .5, lb5t.-rJu.. Earing and Sumuer tyl (JKHTLKMEN'S 11 ATS, fU F03TEII &GEr.iTATJT Vi South Tlui-4 Utrt l. LJuu.i-l. ....... t'lltl..lJM.flllA, HA V K uuu.iuil wiiduLtion in r.Uiixj t'n. - .. --'.v. w ui mule. am.'lJiU llotfvrr, ttttrr, 'iiih4, iut ari4 ol mi iw mi l '"I't Hut. (imlruii-ir umiiirr t "i.uf all h.-iimiJ.. i 'Until.. j r.iuiiiMiwini iihi I lain t aia bifaw llala au l t.'i, Miwn' r Ac. l1 ........lu ullriiilutt. lk.llMl I.. - VtI.-.. . .1 il . L . ...... i.-. ..I . .1.1 I i ... . . . ' - - - - " m ..nil iu1 4iLreii fi .mil F.l1 Itt, ul wuf u4 u ih lati ut. 1'UtU., Ail Is' (It A.N.N i i t: r i i:it ri!iM:j. in, If B IhhJs. ink. kiul aJI cuuipU'ie. ju.l rti.l, II. II. il.-S"tM. g i i:tit'F.itu: . Hufi, i viUo, lw, mj I. W.Tb.NtHaV uutiuiy, (til . .", a.l.- !!TtFWSHAM0KTN,t'C I l Collegiate- Institute." ! .T I : JtillLL, A. fi?, Principal I j Rev. C J. EHREHART, A. M. j Teacher of ' Morat md Mental Science, Evl " tenets of Chrirtimity, ije. : J ti THkher of Primary Department. rTHE (irt aomion of th)i Inmitution, IvcalrJ al .Shninokin, Northumhorland fotinty.rFa,, will coniinri.ee on Vt:b mu r, the loth ilov of Mit, 1 85, I V j.iiih ,, J Tlie year will he divided into three eriwirna df fourteen weeks each, thus ellowinj a vacation it four weeks in (iriinr end uutiinm, nnd one of tro weekmluring the hblidny.1" '": ' j The IiiMltBtlorl'Will romprife three departmenltj, A Piah, Acaocmic and t'-OLi.f-.nti'ra. ' , , The courm of instruction in thene will he full and thoroiiith, einhracing all the hrsnches usually taught in theso rcsjicctivo departments. , I Katks or Tottbx ! '"'''' Primnry Department, per session, S4.00 i Academic " ' $6.00 ! , C'jlletriate .' . " - ! . ; $H,00 ' A large and rpacinus room has lieen sreuret) to meet the wants of the Iiistitutiun,' until the necessary huildinga are completed. . i I . Boarding can he obtained in private families nt reasonable rates.' ' ' " " ' '- The Board nf Trustees will spare no pains of Inlinr, to mnke : Phaniokin I'olleniaW Instituta, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. t . ,. , .: j For further particulars, address Kimher Clea ver, Ksq.,, of SlnimulJn, l'residetit of Hoard of Trustees, or liev, C. J. Ehrchart of raxinos, IS'orthumhetlaiul county. Ta. ,' ' Shainokin, Mareh 4, 1S54. CIP.CUL-?.. rjlIE subscriber begs leave respectfully lo in X ' form his. friends and tho public generally that he will continue the business of a . Cabinet Makers' Finding Store, - tn all its various branches nt tho old' stand, No. 134 South Second at., below Dock at. I'liiladel phia,. and rospcclfitlly solicits a cnnliuuauco of tho very liberal, patronage bestowed upon the late firm of T. & L. Thompson, assuring his friends that every csertion will be made by himself .and those in his employ to merit a continuanco of their much esteemed favorf. -' ' ' '" -'i . TIIDAIAS TIIOMPSOX. 1 . PbiltH March 4, 1661. (im. . n ,; ,1, ,. , GUAK0 J GUANO ! . ,: , ; ! UK subscriber, toln ngent for tho sale of Peruvian (hiano in Pliilailelohiii, is now unloading the following vessels, direct from the Chincha islands i bhip ISoroeco, Hlii(i Burlington, Ship Hornet, . Ship Topaz, ' ; 1500 tons. 750 tons. SOO tons. 500 tons.1 which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest cash prices. N. J. CHMSTJAN, ' ' (Vormrrlf Olntfiug A Christian.) No. 4S North Wharves, and M'i North Water (Street,' Philadelphia. ' April 22, lHjl. !?m.: r : ' Valual)lePrbiperty for Sale in tne uorougn ol ounoury ! ' PS1 HC miliiciilier oilers for tutlc the following Ji : propurty in tho JWonrjh of funbury; h: THE IIOL'.SK '. Ami two contiguous Ijots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Sijuare, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also:' ' " ' THE STEAM GAW MILL on the rirer bank, together with ono and a half! nr...m ..C ...I A L.. . .l....l.ln . . ..... tlw: a framo l)wclin Iloueand Lot of Gronnd, in Elderberry street. Also: six , acred of ground at the Point, mljuinini; the Susqurliuuna, on which tiro erected two frame houses wagon libusot&e.I Also?' .-n.i - ..' A, H6asc and Lot of Orouud in Cranberry street, jicar tho river, on which lot are nlo erected three lime kilns. Also; A lloi'iso aud lialf Lot of C round, on the north c;irt comer of Kiver and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: ; Twcuty-Tltreo Vacant JiOt3 ' on'Elderberry street. ' ' ' IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbitrv; Jnn- 11, 1854 tf. MEXICAN GUANQ. IHE suWr.ihi'rs oficr for tralc Mexican Guuno , of Ihe l'C.t ijunlity, wll adapted to the soils of reniisylvaiua and New Jersey ; aimhys of which, bv a well known cueinbt, U in our posses sion. 'J'liU article U sold 'it a much lower price than the I'eruviun, and yvj!l he found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. ... H. S. BURLING & CO. 101 AToiU Front Street, Philadelphia. Phila., FtK S5, 1854 3m. VM.P.FOTTS, - IMPOItTKli AND DEALER IN IRON 5c STEEL, 461 Market street, helow 13(A, 'north side, ' PXXXX.ASEZ.rHXA. rhila.; Jnn. 28, 1831. ly. IJIacksmithing. , HJ1IIE subscriber hereby informs the citizrns of -- HiiiiluirT, nnd the public generally, thut he intend to carry on the ; ' lUncKKinltlilngr RunIiicks ' on his own account, aud lhat he has removed his shop from near C'lciut'iit's store, lo a new shop on Ihe premises of .Mail Scuphaiu, in Fawn street, where he will be happy t- uccouimodatc ull his customers. HE.N'RV PARTON. Sunbury, March S, 1851. if. X. M. B.lKTIIiL'lV. O. T l lfi.NV, JB. 1. S. CUASao!) IJartlndow, Tiffany 05 Co. IMI'l)i;Ti:nSADDKAI.KItSIN Foreign and loinei(ic DIXY GOODS, iSO AUKNTS FOH TlltSALK OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 263 Ualtimnrt Street, Balliinore. If our Gim1s ou exaiiiinutiou, are not as cheap as lhry can U) bought in any other inarkel they mav lw relumed loithwilli ut our eipeute. llaUiuioie, iov. 21, IHj.I. ly. r"SaTs"aND CAI'M. splendid loi o'f Q H f.iahimiiible Silk, Wmd and Fur Hats, alao CMh, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Laps I'tt sale low Uy li. KI.NUKIHi .V i n. Market atiert, opnuHlu lha 1'imI Olllre. fiinl.urv. tkl. 8, IK3J . . vn:.vr ukittama BTori'tus for bar bottle for sala by II. U MASSBIL fuuUry, ApiU, 18, I KM A" N"1 "w i:rnNu TrnTTiuTXiu. ! ilj lgaJ euuloprs, fur uie by K . ' II. U. M AhrElt. . "unbury, Jtn jo, s?lj. III.ANUS It LAN lift u4 ,. uW-llliUun n k. L..I L- I'l S l IU ulli. ul lUa AataiMMut, II J "l.. HMlly t4 0M V promptly ,tK.utoJ ,1 M , AU M.k.. ul . kiu. w mumm u.p.,, , J" h- 4- i SM.'!I! " KNCB OF JAMiCA0l. a uk u.i.i.1. ..... .k.l ...a . . Ml r a u. m t..iu . ifj-i i i i I tr tv vrem ;&3 CHERBY" PECTORAL: Ti..ni. 1 I"" tieC.ra - COUGHS OOZ.t)3y ;u . HOARSENESS, BROM. OHITIS; CROUP, ABTH. MA, WnOOPITTOAOOTTOH AND OONSUIVIPTIOKr. TO CUJIK A COXJJ, WITH HftADACNB noMKRN of the lunly, take Ihe l iiKttkit I'kctoiial n going lo heU, unfl I wmp Ui w.irni, tn weat dnring the night. Fun l Uti,ii nd Oivr.H, take ik morning, u'MintuiH e' iilntr, nrT.ndin to Am'ftioni 6n the lioille, iniri the (hnVnl ) vill aoort bo nimjvcil. None will long iuA'rr trwn tliia ir'titMe whni tTi-y Hnil it enn he no readily nueit. Vrrn w allltetetl with u Pt-aUtl conh, whirh Itrcnki tiiem of tht-ir rertot iiiirht, will funl, ly taking the Cheny IVtaoml mi (tnmg ti (icl, tlify nirty I rnrn of frmnd, nnhroltcn Bleep, and fViM3qnetit4y r-frfhitiff reftt. - Grwit rli?f froiirflii nig, and dm ylttituiiti ruro, is ttd'tntJiiJ WioiiB:iiHU who ure thus niiiicuil, hy thin imalunMi,- rcint-ly, , Friitti Its nr(Vtihlf tlTrrti tn ihfrau 'rnses, many flntl thumielvM Mnwiliiirg to forego i la itaa when the Irotcwity for it Uua cenaal "n u . From two tnimifi.t PliyHicinna In FAvfcTTKviu., Tenh i April tfl, ! fir :--We have pivi ymt Cherry Ientiml an cstfimivc trial hi our pnirticuj uutl fiial it to surpnn vcry tHher re medy we have for curing nfiVtrlinna of the reHpirntry or gan. ' lillri. DIRMKR ft HAMPTON. - TO tlXriKRs AN t) ll 111,10 tl'KAKKU9 thin rrim dy is invaliiallia. na by MR ntMiinnm tiie throat nnd Iniigf, wlu-ti tiken iti final) iiaiilitics, it remover ull hoarseness in a Vv hi tiira, ntnl WJiidertully increnseS Hie power and flexibility of the voire, ASTHMA is (reiieratly inneh relievetl, mid often wholly cured by t.'ln rry .'trt irat. Hut ttierr are aoine niBeaNi ol atiirjte na to yirld i-nlirrty t no medicine. Cherry 1'eeto ral will rare irVtti. if they can be curvd. JIKUXCUITIS, fr irritation nf the throat mid upper portion of the luni:, may Ik cured hy taking Cherry I'e t ral in ainall ami tretn-nt dotea. The uncoinfortuble op preRBion in aoon rrlmvi d. - Itev. '(. I.ANSIXO. f itrnnklyn.Ncw York, alates: l have aeen the Cherry Keei:ral cure ane'i rasia of ARUitnn atKi Uroitemtta ualeuda me to believe H cuti. rarely failt.o cure 1 hour". dipcMKuB. 11 , . FOil CKOIl. rtive nn cmeHrt of nntlnmny, t1e folKnTud by liirne Mini frwinenl doat-3 of the Churry r to ml. until i' (wiUluentlic diacuie. .1,1 tukreu inacuvou, it will not (ml to can-. j WHOOI'INrt rOHGTI mttrlie bmken np and anon cu refl by lh u?o of Cherry leeWruJ.i , , . TIIK IXFIil'F.N'A ismteedilv removal by tliia reme dy. XumrroiiB iniiiaiift-R have been noticed where wh-le famihea weio priKoclisd from mxx bthmis ennnetpiftifes, whde tlu-ir neiuhli-trit, without ibe Olierry lcebMru 'wt re anniTiiii; irom uiu iha'aae. Jr. J. C. Aver: PalUM. Ohio, 11th June. tv1. ' 1 wiile M r'nirtrm rm of the Uidr renwrkaJde Qlfecla of your CIIKUHV H;i:TOIIAI. in thin plaee, and ui my own' family': On nf mvdnahiera waa e implHely run-d in three daya of a dremi.nl WnooriNC Counii, by tnkhiKtt. Dr..,Meana onenfonr very best phyaiettiua fieely alula that ho eonsidriB il the best remedy w havti pulmonary ilt!i-ip, and that he Im eured morn casus of t iuaje with it limn any tthT nn'dieiue he ever administered, Our elerpyint'ti tri tlie Hapiist Chiueh any 8 lhat tinting the run of Tmi.vk.nz here tliia leuaon. lie has veeii rurt-8 from your medicine he could Beared) have believed K ith out nt'einp. ' Youra respectfully, " ; J. D. SIXCI.AIR, . DejAty I'oBlniaater. From the tlf.tinziri?ficd Professor of Chrmis try andl' tcrm Mcdtcct ttowdoin Collect I have found iho OviHi:tlY 1KCTonAt., fls ita incredieuta Iwiw. n pvwmiul ruiaetly (ut eulda, mid enuglit nnd pub uioiviry dtcaat.8t j i ' TATiiiFii Cleveland, M.D. ' JlRCX'WICK. Tf . Pi b. 5. IHIf t , i .i :, , Dl(. VAiaF.NTIXKAIOTT. -The tvidcltf wUbrattd Professor of Surgery in the Mcdiwl CWcsri New York Ci, satfs ... lt. ffiveki me pJiiiRine t' eiriii'y tho v;ilue rul eilicvy Of AyKH,A CltKIMtY I'tXlOKA!,,1 wlti'h ! eoiiidt-r pee.di arlv adapted lo rare d'si-tacs of the Throul and I'.nnfra. . uies of Brrritl tlit-rnK. npoti the I.uiia have In en ef feel ei I by Ciikkiiy Pei roa vL iu Buci extrnurt eiW"-R nn warrant (he belief that a reunMv has at length been found that, ean Ve depiMidfd on to eure the Coui;hR, Coldauiul Con-mum inn whielt curry from cir midst thousands every ye:tr. It la imleod a ineiiicine lu which Uie utiiteied eau I'Htk with cinG lenee for relief, and they alioukl uot t'uil to uvnil themselves of it. Prepared and sr,ld by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lovell, Muss. Sold in Sunbury by II MASSKU, and by Drusuists irencriillv throughout the Suite. July 30, 185n.-rpnv 1, Nov-; 13. '52. ' . I . 1 . DAVIS Si CULIN, . t i , Dealers in, , ,. . ,. LAMPS, I.ANTI UNS J HIADl.Lll;ltS, N. E. Corner Fourth. and Cherry Streets, ?EILABELPIUA. 'ff'H'ANG cnliirjd and iniprovtd their iNtore. uud having the largest ansoruncnt of Lamps in Philadelphia city. tbeV nrc now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAM I'HENE,' : j BURJirrTG FLUID, ! ! " ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas nud Lard Oil, Lumps, Lanterns of all paterns. Fancy Ilotrl I-if ' arr. tnec i& C'o. havo ihe larccst wharf nnd Hall Lamps, ( 'handcliers, Girandole and ! room of any eoiniuinioii house in Ualtiinore, nl Candcleahras, nud Uritlamiu Lamiis, . ut ihe 1 ways giviiig quiek dispatih to boat In disclmrg- Mauufuutnri'.rs' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by i the package, at a small udviinco over Auction! prices., lli ing laron .lA;M.i' lJ 1 ol i Pine Oil, Uuiii'iii'; Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, I nnd (ihe only tqa) Phosgene CJijs, llicy can fur-1 nUh liu'j.e. articles at such prices that Merchants ; w ill lin.l it Si tlH tr luivniilage to buy. ( all l erorc. coinir else.'.T.i re, il you Want nargaius. Al tint Safety FI -id -feninp for el.' TTO Pbila.,ipt. Mir 186:1. ly. U.i Just l'uhiishcd and for Sale by ',. WM. McCAKTr, llooksellcr, i '''''' Pimhury, Pa. The American 'PLEADEIIS' ASSISTANT': Ui'in a collection ofapprovc.d declarations, writs, returns nnd proceedings in the several actions now in use in tho United State. ; Bv Coi.i.inson Rr.r.u, Esq., t Ipsae tegis viva vox With notrs and additions, together with a shor system nt conveyancing, lly A. Jordan. 1'n s ident Jude of Ibe Eiiihth Judicial district of Pa., aud Win. M. liockelcUcr and M. L. - hhiiidel, of tlie bar of NortliumlierlanH aounty. 8iriee the publication of Ihe book, the following letter has Wcu received from Judge Pearson ol Hamsburg t . . , II AuuisiiLHU, June 30, 185U. Gkstlkmi; : After n careful examination of your "Amer iean pleadera asuistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedent tl i ll ollerej to the public. The leiral profession in Pennsylvania stands iu lici'J uf a correct U'U1 of pleading, adapted to our habits of biiMnen, nud the prselioc of Ihe courts. Your form of declarations being, U a ureal client, founded on the acls of usreuibly, Mill bo a navitiji of labor to ihe pleader, and con duce to sad I v it lid brevity iu our pleadinit. It should Im ia llio luuid of every practising lawyer iu our klale. . Your, with ureal reect, ' JNO.J. PUMiso.N. lion. A. Joidan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudel, Esquiiea. tSuiiliury, July U 1833. New Wall Paper Warehouse. 33URTON 8c LANINCr, M VNl t'Al l'l ItIJi A I.MI'Uli l lilll, No Ml Arch Street, tetond door abutt Sulh. Philadelphia, , TII F.liE may U found tha larut.i and baud ' ' oiuel auurtiurut iu Ihe my. Pure!idi'is from I lie country will llud itlJllnir adurita,;ii tn call ut our (lore, where they will lw suited with a superior article ut lh lowest prict . lil KID.N A H.V.AII, No. Vi Arch itnvl, ubove Hullt, Philadelphia. phii., F.b. sj m.M.-a.ii. ,. ...... i,-.-.-..ft-V - I KWri.RY. nil a..oitiiieni o( Gul.l and ' ller IViuil J Ptn. loi Mik. chesp by G. Ll.MILiiU & CO.. Mai L. I alitwl, oppo.lt Ui 'u.t lUlie HuiuiUiy, O.I. . Ia t. VII.Vt:i( WATCH Eat. A bar doul.U e. ' tuitluil hlM WaUlt, fu wka at vary o lu II, U. l . bJ til. ui.l.ury, April IV, MM i OI.U t't:.Nit Mttb ai.j oiiaaurf. el'a Hi ,w MipaiUM ulil(. JuM iw.a. AU a l.l atipply 4 M nun I ItuU, (wt Ma . MVutlt. Look to yoni'1 Interests !. , J ivtwiUiry topltasii! ' ' . : S. N. THOIMPSON n5 ESPr,CTFUI.T.Y inforrtia hit friend and l,l f'll'lio generally that tit htta juat re. reived nt ,'lin alore, in Market Mreet, Sunbury, Ie(ow vaver a Hotel an extensive etorK ot , ! ,'srRllsrG AND SUMMEB GOODS,- ' T 11 consisting' in part of "' " ) il li. ; f ,1. .1 -,.T l : ti Jiry li6pus, 'iz,.fl ij. Cloths, CassimcreSi CAssintts, Jeans, Drilling ) r Mifslins, Vesting Linens,, fyc.i ? ' ) LADIES DRESS AIS?D FANCY GOODS,! ! T Calidots, Muslin At Lninn, Lkrnt '. Ginghams, Iterates,-iiobrt, 1 f..l , . ' . ' ' I ll'oolcnr, Flannel, Ift. ' i 'I ' ; ; c;Rot:Emi:, - : ,feugnr. Tear, Coflc, Hire, Molaiwra, Clicosc, 1 j . jSjiicca, Salt, ic, Ac, &c. . ", ', ' , "t r IBardivnre, :. i Nails, Screws Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ac, ' .'' ftueens and Gla-iBtvare, '' ,' , ; of various styles and patterns. ; BOOTS AND SHOB3. A large nssortnicnt of l3onts and Shoes, for "' ' fiien, women nnd children. Hits ('aps, tie.., of various sir.es nnd styles. ' llesidcs1 n large nnd jeneral assortment of fiishioiiublo gooda. ' Call and exaniiuo for your solves. , . . , . WW Country jiroduce ot d kinds taken In exchange npho highest innrkct prices. ', Sunbury.Jl mo. 20 1S51. 4 in. 30, 'S3. .'', ' : 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J'AMKS Ji. FIDLKll, , No. 12 South Second Slrce', '. FHII.ADSI.rnX A. Gold 1, oyer Wnlchcs full jewelled Silver I.ever , do Silver l.ppinc do ' . 1 yiiartirr do . Gold pcjis and pencil nnd silver hnldcrs '! .j filcr Ten nnd Tuhlc Spoons , M ' 1 ,;i'l UrncelclH, ItreiiKt pine liar rings fee.. ' l All wurriuitcd nnd sold at prices aa low nancy iu the eitv. November 27. 1852 tf.' ' A Vurm lor Sale. 1 r'r'IIE subseiiber olu'rs for sale his firm, -f t CONTAINING 284 ACHES and nllowijiiees. It is situated about three miles from Sunbiiry nlnns the Shamnkin creek, nnd is in a Rood state nf cultivation. The Philadelphia nnd Sunbury Kuilroad passes through said farm. It will be nllered in parts or. entire to suit pur cliascrs. It can be divided to tnnkc three small farms, 'i'he buildings are a F.1!.I HOUSE, a good Dank Darn, nnd two tenant houses. ' 'I JOHN FA UN 8 WORT. tpn r Aii;us!a, 5cpt. 10, H.j;). tf. CA 6182,' (2IE:k & Co., ., , ' ; tiom",3raia a:ut lumber,';, ' i I ' Commisioii jMcrclistntsi ; 1 23 and 25 Cpt,r), Wharf, "" u ' 1 ! '! EaltiiKpra. .:.''. ' .' HKI'iatKNOKA John Clarli, Esq .President Citiciis' Rani;, Ball. .. I', i.iies, ',ei., lasluer llranklin llank, John JlerJer' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Roueis, hiiiiiiii kson ev t!o.. " ' , . J. ''onie, Eq., President Cecil Bank, Port Dc- positc. j i ,.,'.. J. Vallower A; Son Harrisburir. Co(. II. C. Ever, Scliusgrovo . ! J. H. App& Co., Nanle, Wlneate .V Co., Millon. ; ' '-' ' W. W. t'ooke, Esq.. Muncy. : Pinion Schuyler, Etq , ! (!ei)r5;e Doiline, llusiisville, V. WeaVcT kt Co., Moiiloursville. ' lien. A illiam F. Packer, Willinmsport.' ' 'P. XV. Lloyd. Esq., Cashier, " James 11. 11 ulilijr, , , . ' Lewis (i. 11111111?, ' - M'lleury & Itubb, Jersey Kliore. J. P. Huliiu;, Esq., Lock liaven. itf ,'"''r cargoes. February 11,11551. (int. Jortc 3IonnaieV, POCKET HOOKS, AN D FANCY GOODS. I rMIIE attention of the' Trade, and .other,, in I' JL want f Poite M.iniisies. Pocltct 11iu.1;b. ! Hanker Cases, Dressini Cilses, Portable Wri lim; Desks, llnckianimoji and Cliess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, -'hcl!, nnd silver Cord Cases, Work Uoxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Belts, Ciiinr Cases, Portfolios, Kazors and lia.or strops, Iravellini; Flasks, and line Cutlery, to gether wilU a largo variety ol riser Ooon which will be sold at the lowest rates. ,, F. H. SMITH, i Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, ' 205 Arcrst. below Sixth, Philadelphia. I fept. 17, 13.-)3. tf., Important to Coal Dealers. f"T1HE subscribers hereby inform the public, that iney nave entered into partnership under tlie firm of Kane, Iteed & Co., ftr the purpose of mining, shipping and telling coal, delivered at fcunbury, or ut any other point along the Su- rrurnaiinu. '1'hcy will bo ready to deliver coal, well prepa red. on cm 'tract or otherwise, at all limes, on tho shortest notice, nud on the uiost reasonable terms. Orders received at Shainokiu by KASK, KEEU &. CO. ' Snnhury, June 4, 1SS3. ly. Drugs, Paints, Oil, Window (lass, fjc. 5 Tuns French zinc white. 10 tun Pure White Lead. fiUOII Denes Window Glas,all size, Suinrior Pulaih,Copal, Coach, Leath er 4' iron arnuli, whits Deniar furnish for China Glos, W illi a general assorlinent of fresh and pure , ...lMUHiS AND MKD1CLNES. AImi all the Patent Medicine in general use. warranted Heiiiinie. i'oiorvd uud Enaiiiled (ila, Ae., fee, fur sale very low ut AI.FUEl) WII.TIiERGER'8 lru4 and Paint More, No. 16!) N. tnd Street PHILADELPHIA. Phvsieians and Siou keeiiers supplied Gootl sent to any of the Hotels or llcpots free ofchari;, I'lula., May SH, 1833. ly. uir.imi. WINDOW SI1ADLS. sru G.L.lVIILLEIl&CO. "l MAM'KACTl'ltKUS " ' WllOI.IAI,K AN1 1! ETA II. 1) KALE KM In N iuilow KliudcK, Soutk-irtst em tier f NVcom and Arik Street rillXyAUEX.I'HXA. I'll Goiiw's LaudM-spos, Uoidui. Vita ti ii.ua, U iuHs COLD B0SDER8, &o., Of the luo Uaul.l d dr.Miii and Jlfeili ai of llui.h in lias oiiiuy, and l uiU .tV I'iMl.l'.S, A IoiIiIUiik all I'uiuprltliuu. llutl anJ hiU) liullaud. l'iiiblic, TmU, I 'aid, Uim', Ut svwj ii4, lot I lly off t'miHliy Tia.l. S iu.it u MiiMuo !' auf !.. l lbs LH pX, ta-. tuiiui vt kevuuj aud Anb lint, 'UiU.U-l'lii). January , a VI.- iw, 1,1 U mm l iUm will., iuaiiu HU.I i'ul U. uum t tu, I'ui Ui lu U4 f C E p B R A T JE D , F a nt 1 1 y Mcdicinci. j N offering lo th nnblio tlra above lnvahmbrfl frrrpnra ttonft. the iiititorfttpr would itnte thnt in cnntultnttofl with Inn frirntH ftntl min of the mMt rct-tntle ot lli Mm lieu I facility, it wn dcrml BdviwiMe to oftrr b th pnlilir, Ow prrprntioiii nf kmrnn cfliHifiiy, lin pre pnral with tho rotl rate, and on the nwrt .ifiililic priuciplm,m mthfiiitiitri for the nuniennw wTtlJrM nr tirlf thnt nre fluodinff the ptinntry lit Ihe form nf pnnnreoi and cure alls, prfftnred by the mnst ignorant eiKi n.ereetuv ry pcrauiVj mteiuk-d (o cure all diieiwci ami gtud fur nond Read and RcjlecL . ) . ; Thai Ihe ModiHna Mennfurturi! bf V. M. CstHMr, I liM'lutlmr hie Kcie r'otornlior Ctu(rhii j. ;; ; ;,..; ! Crtnm of Ctimphor. fur KhcunmliBiu ,i ., . , Vfrm Htmp fr Worms. J ; ' ' . i j roalh Ti riRji. Mrilecnvti toetn, nitenrcn pnmn. i f uniily Tilli, or bload Tnrifyer, hnva bci-n more exlensiv ly gmi1, nnd hnv6 piveil tnoro antisfnrtion, than nny othor Mmlirhtea hrfre the puUie, lririg prepreit with irffnrd to their naeftilncnaie fully woilliy the trial of the aliiict cd. (iive them a trial. ' , A fi'W nirweittil rcuaona why the above nictiinnea nre dforrviim of Unlverml pfltionnge. (In the firrt place, thav ara preinired by n regular riiyatcinn, who nndfrBUimla the npplientiim of Medicines, to diieafo, nnd consequent I7 art oerfertr- snfa to laku. (Hecotutt-,) they Imve Iwca used with uiiivflrKitsiHTen. nitd have given more Ritisfac linn Hmui any other Medicines offered belore the puimc (ThinMy ) they nre the only med.cinca that have pi hied Uie iJitroAniTe iH iMivsicinMB. where th-V have been used i and (Touithlv,) thny are put up in larger qusutilics for the niiiiie prire, than nny other MYdiclnes offered to the pnMic nf the mine kind. An the mibscriliev han fl number of twrtitKflict in his possesaioii of tlia hirthent authority, where they hfivol;ii uanl with the limal sutisfnetory re gull. He will publish n few of them, frcliue sutiBfled that a trini win man ro their meominpimnrion. j ry tnem uuu sutiafy yuurself of tlitir superiority over ull oihvra. ;,. . , Jiead and be Convinced. We the nndersiixned litivine boeit nwle ocqnuititcd with in hnrreilints eub riinr into the Compounds known ns Hirklty's Tamily MHieines nlso ImvinK prestTribeil and kiiowu them to ire nsel. with most itniiiciory results: take phiiDiire in my inp thnt we lelievn they fully meet tUa d'isigufur which they nre recommended. , . JA?. I HAW liKIUt.li M. . C. It. KKICK, M. D. WM. M- MAIloN, !T. T. -WKSI.KYII (iKAHIlKART, M.D. " WM. II. MAfill.!., M.D. U It. (jKAIUlKAltT, M. D. Cure of pain in the svlr and cough from protected JArrr Lomylauit t Mrs. R.iliert diims, l iborinir under Chronic f.ivcr Corn- ilai'it, tu'conumniiil with n tlt irt drreouDb nuiii in the side and hren.rt, Ecnernl debility, Ions of nnpetite, after try iiin ntt the iiBUiil remedies ree. imincndeil fm roughs nnd mi'iises of the chest , who with no benefit, she was ri-eoin- mended to try the It ore Verlnnil.from which, she not only derived imniitlmto but permanent relief. John Adams, sn of Mrs. Itoherl Atl:iins, wns nfTlieted wilh a very severe cnn'h, prtin in the side, nnd soreness peslmiu4 by-' inctssmit emhme;; bt wtw litducrd titry the I lose IVctorul. To use his own Inncnajre, the first doflt enttbtoj lum to tnj'j' a gotnl night's rest. Iu the in rinii)r he f xpeoi waii a nitont ituit pint 01 rnniter. 11 ? continued to iinuiovc until hisciiuuh entirely It ft h.m, it also had tho effect of streuuheuiiisr his bicast, which wns uaturally weak, lie also suya that lo? haa U'commendeil it ton ii'imlK'rof hisfiiends for similar couipl;iiuts, uud in every enc it Ints piven entisfaetinn. The itbove persons residents of tho towu of Danville, feelinir lhat they imve derived great benefits from the use of the Roso Pert ura I ; authorize t'm nlvive stnteincnt, for the benefit of thusc who may la nfllieti d ia u eunilui man ner. GIIKA'T VXY IjOss of Voice restored iritt one lot t to of Hose lJcc- toral. Miss Susan Whit lock, of Rush township, Northumber land co,, fur a imvnber of yeasnn it valid, in the fall f ir.jti, i8i the use nl nor voice in an n si-veie com sne con trneied ; nfter tr tap a number of remedies, wiMi no bene fit, she was entirely restored by takimr one Mile f Rote Pet-tond, after whtt h. she lost Iter voice auin, from u fresli c ld filie cont meted, and wns iijriiin nrsi red by ihe use ofjiitotfaer b'Mtle ; she then iok four Ivmh-s more to strengthen her breast, from whu-h she derived tin mKt decided benefit, and has been iu the enjoyment of excellent heauu from that tunc tti tlie pretent. 1 I he ub He statement is obiaiurd from Dr rnisdl, the Phynieian win utteivIK! her, also ln;r m-'tlier who thinks that she would not he. Uvtrff ut this tinn if it had not hevit for the R.se Vectorn.' Danville, .Ian. tM. ISOri. Stiff mint her Marled Cure Jljf'tcfd Mrs Siinnel Seehlcr. beinu of a natund weak and deli- Qftte.&iKfikiLUiViiii very uscqdil.lc Lo c dds, was etflirti-i! with a vury severe eonrb. (win and soreness of the lre-nt, I088 of nnpetite ; alter utinu a number of the us:inrrrim!- dies from whi'h, stm derived iv benefit, fho wnu cured hy taking one btllenf Knse lV-etonil and is in the enjoyment 1 iM-iter iM'iirn ituin rr yeare previous. Danville, lien. 1-sVI. IJk. IJicklkv : Permit me to inform you that mv wife. who is a de licit e and weakly woman, hboritic; under a very severe Cdiiah with pain and soreness of breasu was m re ipiickly ntid efft!etnaly relieved with one bittle of your Roe Pectoral tliau any other medicme Hie had ever taken. AliNKR M'HKIlii:. Jan. 15,V. Snnnel R. Whoub' Furnace, lieil Pumt. STROo EVILECIE IS fAVOK OK TttE l!o5I! PKCTnllAL AND ' Family Pills. J'diu.PuinoT taken between t'hriftni'is und Xew Year with a very bid cold, which ended in a dry hard iiieesr-nit Cotihh, enusinp 11 great deal of pnm whenever he cou-rlietl, wan relieved veiyiiiueh; by the time lie laid taken one third of a liottle. and hy the time it was finished, was on ly cured. He ulan. snva thiiL he has taken several do?es of the Ilealtli Kestnrnth'e nr Kumilv Pitl'i, nnd that tliev ire the mildest and 111 st effwtual purgatives he has ever taken.' ' Danvilb'. Jnn 1, 1H.VJ. Dtt Uickliv t -Utiriini a visit to my brother, in Pnu- ville, I took a veiy severe CVld, which eii'ltd in a tijrht haid Cough, with soreue.-'S and pain of tlie hreasfj for whtefi I nsil yair Rot?e Peetornl. and Family Pi'. Is. nud take pleasure iu reeoniiueudinc; ihein, as the iniHeil and in st ciuclual remedy 1 have usett. 1 mir. rcK eiinny. JAH'.7 .IIOHIiAA, J in. f, tr.jJ. White Haven. Luzerne ro. Ueur rir : As a reepmmnlnllou f'-r vour Rose Pecto ral, peilnit me to suv, that I wat ellV-ctiuilly eared f n very seveie conqh with pain iu th breast, with Icfs than half u boule, and (hut I ronsidei it nivalnable. You ure at liberty to nuke this public if you please. li ri V b di.'p im Vi; r:...,., n.,..;n.. T.. Mv son Willium laboriim under a ssvero etniilt and pain ju h'm side, from nu injury received by a fall, whs e-itln ly reltevod by n Iwdtle of Itosu Peetoml fe Creitrn rf Cnni pboi. J have uiu i used your Pamdy 1'ills, and nltogethcr 1 coiiaidvT thciu the Uat, iiiedeeities 1 have ever uped. , n " r miM 'i.r niiir 17 ' Jnrf. ' i Pnsh Tp., NorlhM eo. lr. llicklev : Sir : Aa my wife who was troubled with dry. hiud Coiu-h, also snir fft mat h, tlfpendeut mi'Ui delillitS,' simitar to DispepitL waa eutirelv relieved bv mang two bottles of vour Rose Peeioral, permit me to say thut 1 consider it au exce lent remedy. tHirfe, respecliuily, liev Mr. ll.i.Al'U. 1 " 1 '' , Pustor I.athemn Church, Danville. Pa. flavin? leen cured of a pain in mvnnu (similar lo U lieu- , matisin) which deprived me ot the free use ol it for utout four mouths. IJy uiiu-r one hot lie of Cream of Camphor 1 would state tSat I consider it the ter. remedy of the kind 1 have ever used in my family, nnd 1 would freely reco id uud it to others Willi similar uffeclious. Yours, respectfully, JONAS WOfF. Rush tp., North'd co. My wife beinc efllieted with a verv severe pain iu her arm and bliuukler (the effects of cold) wiii'-h disabled her l nun using it, was cure 11 wan running 01 ireuin o, t-uin-phor. Mrs. Klflin, my sister-in-law, waa also cured of a severe pain In the head nwl face by using the Cremn of CiiM.pl. -r TtlOM A C. T.LUS, Danville, Jan. '-V,. My wife having Uheunuilisiu f (he arm for o munlier of years, which prevented her from using it in doing her work. after tmvoift spent a srtetit deal of money in trying different lemedie with im Ucnelit, wua luiltroly cured by until!? only one totne of yuiir reii:n ot i.amphor. W II.I.IAM KVKNS, Miuor, for S. R. Wood, R. Point. Dr. Hit klev : Uavuur reeeivel a veiy severe injury in mv si b? bv fallinir offn hmd of Uhv, (nnn which I was una ble to follow my work, wns rextinnneiiditl to try a b;4tlo ot Crcuui of Dunnb-tr, which aff mled iiumoibate reliei'. URIKFITII CARR. Rush tp , trth (t cr. Mv wife. aiitferina from newt excruciutiur twin. Ihrotighout hef general system, which prevented her from steepnifr (lK-i;i(r oveuMtoucd byal'-ng uud prolruetod S(wll uf siekuehs ;) tor which she lined a number of remedies without lieuent. wns entirely relieve! bv the use ot Cream of Cumphor. Uh'AK IJ. liKOWN. Suigeou Deutul, Danville. Pu. Child cured of Rowel Complaint, and Ague (of two years siaiuHng,) uy woTMTipyrup. Mv clotd beimr nliLtetid for the lat two yenrs, with H 'weJ Complaiui and Ague until it uiu reduced to & mere skeleton. I Uiett u number of luiunbua with u permanent beuebt. until I uave it a Uutle of vour orin Svrun, since which time it has been well, uud got qnite Henliy 1 umo liava reeoRiuirihii d it to a numiwr ot my iriemis. and u: e eiy cae it lias 1:1 ven KUisiactton. 1. I.r.VJ. AI iiuii iiiii- 1 icreiiiini, i'uiiviiic. f have uied your Worm Srup in my fauuly, utul con sider it not only elfivtuill. but the moil pU-aKiiil article 1 um Heairiiiitcd with. JAi'tUI LMI.IH, Pauvule. Ilavbitf aseil Vour Womi Svrup in my lumilv, it helps my children m.ire than uuy preparation of the kuid, and is tuora pleuKu4 to take. DAN MORUAV .ti an-an now, I'aiiviue. I have hail iH'eafclon to use your Worm &rup in my family, aud pieier it lo nny VeriuiftiL'e I have used. . t ICt l 111 ti, r roty alley, Montour co. Df . IlieWk-v : I Living used your womi t rup, ami I'reiiin il t'ltmphor uud Family pills in uiy fiundy, they uavtt K o sutikluclion, aifl I iiamulrr them Um iumI e( fcCtUit, ud plea mi nt retu.-ihea, we have hud iu our fumily. JtHlMI THAN K. litsHKI., Iuvih. Dtir Sir :V the utitb-rsigned Uting in the employ of Mt wts (imvi'i it 1'iHiily, ai wlioe store, you have an Agency . .r the Kile ot ynar Fttiuily Mitbi-mes, atate thnt we tiavelml hu opportunity of ku iwiuk the oumns ot uuinrnus ludividuaU who hav us-d tl. in, Uitd ih ilbey it 1 ve general itiaiu-itiv We have aUI a grtrnt iuuiiv ot your Puis, wliii lima universally likwl. bein very uuul ui then operubiHi. w i.i:im-:kiu. Dnt.tdle, Alteaj.W M KI H.K.lt, tlsvintf Scurvy nf my m uUi Very ktul, 1 mil lot) need to try b mlo your 'I'ootli W'aili, wlneb iiuttxtlikaaviaurui, b-UiUuiiij my auuia, and lein.eiuig ulldiaw.t. Jtt A I II AX K HIMli:)., Oanvilta Pi tin kle :II;iviiii( wlttt wt rultd uLrrtad sure. iit'Uth, fnf ,vIim h, I ti itl uuiiiIm r ol ft-nirlira wilb mi Ixu'in : I W4i tni uie by usiiin tiu U tile o iur 1' b-iIi w;ia My woe ati duii.aT H iiaiieHiml, threai!! Ph S'ie Itn-aalK, liiiiai MMVUm Untty iifil, I l iiu-1 take UMtl the t ir.ua tl t niHelf, mm Ii s-ltf txl ihuu, rrl-y pre:atin kef bf.nit t'"oi tHlitcimg i.tn A. IUU St r la't run fk irt h, n d, A Hi St- il tri, I all .ih umi in vry s eie 14. 4iJ at ' tU' sum. I eoiiautkrt tl u r len-tl. (vlts- T 1- it' .y. 1 .nr- utm aVt'ii Ii U mtm kul Ry tall by W M I.Uhi l.V.M D , Ptoput 1. Iai.ii.e AUk- f. a mU- h Ktf I 0 Ak'oU in MonhuotUf- UakJ l-uilV 'i:.ii. A tl-..t, KoaijiOt ( W A !" V faiii w, s..)Jni -u, i'tf u'o' 4 lait 'U, ra.tit"S ; I !.! , i.J A M4 "-, '4iia. , J-iiU mu, ISo4 , tl git sain. Pfti, kmmeimimm. Iti t ii. hi..-..., , ftl i-m UnmJ, kt , VV ,w l'M an, n !.; t wfWa A !' SUtaal A h-Ulr tt iVHig J.-4 .44 ll'S! Uf W ' .' k, .III.uiUIImIi J(4fc fc, Nayaal - . I , J t.k, I aM It , 4 W I a-1' ' l--J4 ' fci-M I aiti tike t mt a-4 , ', a tH aiaif M-IJ 4 M WMU"M i Ja. H m4 tf iaW l4- . Ii M... il. - it rut i AID AND COMFORT,"' ' 7 o Your Own 'JVlcchaiiics. ' MANUPACTOREIl OP '' ' ' '" FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. . TllE lulncrilifr rcupoctfully call the attention -- of the public lo hi larfro anil nplrnilid aseort ment of crry quality and price of CAitiAHT-WAitn. which raiinot fail to fpionifnrnd iUcif to every on who Will fcunliiilie it,' on "arTont of It durahlo workmanfihip nnd ilcndid tininh, mule tip of Ui boat (tack to be had in the cily. So elVort ia pared in the manufacture of bis ware, and tha subscriber ia determined to keep up with tha many iinprorementa which are conalantly being mailc Hia itock conninl of Mahogany ' . i Softta, Olvani and I.onnrra, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards 1 SOFd, BREAKFAST AND DIJilXG TABLED and aim VENETIAN BLINDS, r.pjnl lo Phila- dclphia manufacture. - i BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price , CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE-, STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND ' EXTENSION TABLES, Irt ahort, evpry article in this line of hi bufnem. He alao manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAIKS, including varieties never before to be had Ir. Sunbury, such ns MmiueAXT, Black Waisct a!ii Ci;Hi.r.ii Mah.k UniiciAit ; anii Wimisur CHAIRS, ajiii fixer I'iA5o Stools, which ara of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shnll be no excuse for persons to purchnnc furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his waro and Chain. .... -i His article will be disposed of on as good terms a they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ' IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided himaelf with a handsome Hkapsf., he is now prcpnrod fiat Undertaking, and blinding funer als, in tins vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. VST The Ware Room is in Market Street, lielow Thompson' Store and Weaver's Tavern. ... GEOKOE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. TIIE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OH, EVERY ONE II1S OWN PHYSICIAN. rpiIE EORTIETH Edi lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis cuses and Malformations of tile Human System in every shape and form. To which realise on the males, being porlnnrc to or thoso iVV.i. . cotil am platiiiff marriage. I.ct no fulhcr be nelinincd to proi iit ti coiiy of the '.SfULAPIUS lo his CliiUl. It may snvo I'.im fro i n nn curly crave. Let no young innn or won, an ctiteririto tliu secret obligutious of mar ried life without reading the POCKET JESCU I.APIl'S. Let no one sufli-ring from hackniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, und tlie whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, aud given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting llie .ESC UI. A PI US. Have Ihe married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as it has been the mean of saving Ui minimis of un fortunate creatures from tho very jnvvs of death. Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ono copy of tL is book, by mail, or five copies will ha sent for ono dollar. Address, Du. W. YOUNU, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1853. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE . And Tlircc Acres of llrouml FOR SALE. r TlIE subscriber olfers nl private sale, his house and three acres nf ground, on the river Bank within Ihe limit of the Borough of Sunbury, now in tlm occupancy of John Shimlcr and orig inally owned by Ciias. Gussler while engaged in bout building. The improvement aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, IVith a li'dl of good Water, and a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent finil trees on tho premises. The prop erty is handsomely located and will lie aold at a reasonable, puce and possession given in April next. Apply to Ceo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. PETER KERLIN. July 2.1, 1853 tf. Lumber Yard. IlIIE subscrilier would respectfully inform tha citizens of Sunbury, and Aortliunil crland and adjoining counties, that ha has opened a Luiiibcr Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St, a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, w here he ha now a lurge amount of Seasoned Pavntl Plant, aino launel Hoanis, and ait other Board and 11 1' i liii nu Matkuial, such as will he wanted for building purpose. AUo a largo amount of Shingle on hand, which w ill be sold from f6 up to 8, according to quality and ize. Please give u a call aud examine our prices and quality. A. II. r armor who are in want ot Shingles will please call a we will veil to vou low. J. ti. l.i:ill, Sup. Sunbury, Mjy 8S, 1S53. ly. Cheap Watches fj Jewelry, "IirilOI.ESAl.E and Retail, at the "Philud.l- phia WaUh aud Jewelry Slore," No. U6 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. . Goal lver Yatrlict lull jewvk-u, IS earai ruies, f-vful liolj lpiuo 1-1. SJl IMI Hilver l-p. lull irwll.'ri, on Hilvcf lver, lull jrwl'd VI Kini Silver SiKxtHck-s. 1..HI l.oltl Hrrim.-U. 3.I.' t miles' Ik! I'rurlla, l. Fiin-'i lor lluiirlieis. 7. .Oliver Tui spotuM, not, a.w tiolil Siwetaelfi. 7.IHI liold 1'ciw, wub Tenril ami Silver lloltlrr, I. tie Colli Finger Ring, 37 1 cents to $N0 ; Watch (Issue, plain, 1'JJ cent) Patent, I.unrt, in 1 oilier ariii ie 111 proirtinn. au goou war ranted la b w hat lliey are ld for. STALFFER i HARLEY, Successor to O. Conrd. On hand, aonia (iold and Silver Lever aaJ U pines, lil I lower tbuii the abov price. Sept 10, IS53. ly. WM. M CARTY, BookwUer, Rf.M'ECTFl LLY iiiloiin. tli ii.lml.ituiiH ol town ud rouulry, lht he hu lately Jreri vod fiuiii Philadilphia, a lain addition lu hi lock ol book, 111 tverv bnuch of Literature, ud in a Kt vaiirly ol iluidiii. Pltaw call and cc them. Sunbury, lirpl, 17, li5J. nit. II. I. UKiL'Ci: M iat.ly f rouuh. Colli. SIlJ ol...llry JlM-aM'S. A UPI'I ol till Taluahls lueduui lut fcvwurd d ! hy 11. U. MAHKEK. Suul'Uiv. Juiii-4 laiS. (HI I'l MP. . sinall liumls-ruf ihrrf J .. ll. nl pump hs Uvrf rcicorJ nd ' ullcird lot m) ly II. U. M.M!R. huuburv. Jun 4. 1.M. I N K llouu' rleliUf4 uik, aJ alw (' lm U. kw wlr. WUIjmIs J h Ull U,m.u 1. !. II U MAH- I' l!H llll.l M. . Juk ami rau.U'4r V Mai .bmly ("aiuj wuW f( bl R .,' ...i.:.l SI is added a '1 j' S oflhe highest im Vi'-'-. '"ty married people, Uiu. I. i.k.fcl .t 4 liiwultu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers