SUNBUJIY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. PALESTINE MORTGAGED TO TUB ; , , , KOTIISCUILDS. - -,. It is said, abroad, that Palesliuehas been mortgaged to the Rothschilds, at security for a loan advanced to the Sultan.' The rumor further asserts that, among the possibilities of 'the future, 1 is the erection of Palestine, On the conclusion of peace, into a Jewish King ' dom under the dynasty of the Rothschilds. That serious tertitorial alterations will grov? out of the pending war, is incontestible; and this suggestion regarding Palestine," however visionary it may seem, is, therefore, not quite absurd. ! That Palestine should fall into the posses sion of some othor people than the Turks is desirable, on many accounts. Situated, as it is, at a distance from the central government, and liable continually to the' exactions of Pachas, or the indifference of Governors, it offers .no sufficient Inducements for capital in antilit there, or industry to remain. It is consequently in a elate of progressive decay. Agriculture is neulected, trade finds little to support it, and ignorance, superstition and ica domineer over the land. From the fur thest shores of Nazareth to the southern wa 4ers of the Dead Sea, a curse seems to bang over the country, blighting It like a pesll' leuce, or a'flighl of Egyptian locusts. There was a lime, however, when Pales fine was the most flourishing region, perhaps, on the face of the clobe. Its vallies rtrere filled with the low of cattle its terracod hilt-sides glowed with golden crops J the vine dotted the landscape with purple grapes; and an almost continuous lino of villages crowned the acclivities, in sight of each other, from the Desert of ldumea on the south to Mount Libanus on the north. There is reason to believe that at the beginning of the Christian era, the whole land was like a vast suburb The four gospels are Tull of alia sions which warrant this conclusion. But now desolation broods over tho entire pros- r...,.i Tho C.M.nrim. of Biini'Hssiva invaders ,,.. . ..w.. , havo deeply dented the surface of tho coun try. The round, battlement towers of the Ousuilers lise amid the ruins of old Human woiks, while modem Tuikish fortresses lift themselves above the blackened walls of Roman castles. The axe and tiro have gono over this once fair region, in repeated surges oT bloud and conflagration. Centuries of war and oppression have exhausted the spirit of the people, have destroyed the old improve ments, have turned wjiat was once a contin uous garden and vineyard into a comparative tlesort. No man can remember what Pales tine once was, and recall what it is at pres ent, without wishing that equal laws and liberal institutions might restore it to its for mer splendor. The creation of a Jewish Kingdom promi ses the speediest method of arriving at this. . There are millions of Hebrews scattered over Kuro pi), who would avail themselves of such, a tcstoration, ro return to the laud of their fathers. Poland and Russia, especially swarm with them. The oppression under which they suffer, wherever the Czar holds away, would be an additional inducement for them to emigrate to Palestine. A Jew in Russia cannot wear a beard as ho wishes, cannot appear in certain garments, cannot import even the Hebrew Scriptures, cannot enjoy the common rights of a citizen. When we consider the adventurous character of the race, and recall the great Jewish Exodus ' which is even now going on, we cannot see any difficulty in the way of a Jewish emigia tiou, such as would re-populute Palestine in a very few years. There are dilliculties in the way, however, And serious ones. A small kingdom, like Pulestine proper would be, would hardly . sustain itself against its mightier neighbors Rut if, as appearances begin to indicate, th present war will end in the re construction of Turkey; and if that re-construction should be based on a federal union, under the Sultan, of various independent provinces, then we see no ' reason why a Hebrew principality might not take its place in such a union, side by side with a Servian, a Russian, or an Albanian one. Public Ledger. : Cleveland, Zakf.sville and Cincinnati Railikiad That portion of this route sit. uuteil between Cleveland and Millersburg, 87 miles in extent, was formally opened on Saturday of last week, and a party of about 1 ,000 passenger made a pleasure excursion over it. Caution to Wharf Rats. Fugeno Car. , lier, a "longahoiemun," died on Wednesday tiint. in New York, from an overdose of bjandy, which he had sucked through a straw, fioin a cask on one of the wharves. CI CD A. A lari?o number of our enterprisinjj young gentlemen are eagerly waiting for news of the blockade of Havana by I'ncle Ham's strips, as they intend to avail themselv. s of the ojiportunify of invading the island. They are all, iu anticipation of the event, laving in larfte niinlies of summer clothing from Kockhill it Winn' cheap and fashionable clothing store. tin. Ill Chestnut street, corner ol franklin Place, Philadelphia. t'liila., Jan. 3S, 1854 csr. Il,ilhira)'l Pills, moat excellent remedy for the Cure of headache, bile, dimness ol sight, deranfei-J sloinaub, aud disoideieit liv f r ; likewise in restoring strength and vigour debilitated constitutions. The extraordinary tines rllecled daily by these wnndttilul i'llls, alier all other means have failed, have bioutiht them into the highest repute, and stamped them as the finest medicine evei .lix-ueured. All classes cladly avail I lie in- i-lvea ol them bulh at home and abroad, mi.udlv allrsiinkT their eceellent (iiialiiits, mid leuuiumemliirg them to their alllicted ieltuw-urealuies lbrwuhiut the world, hs Ihor sutiaiings fiom diopsy, iiiditftsiion, or any other irre.ulaiiiy to which tho human frame is luoie. II 4 H II I G U. In this plaea, oil the 4lh iusl., by the Kev. I'. Hum, Mr. Moo HAsrsta, lu ansa Mii as ill lUi'Hiaus, all ul Ibis place. In Ibis pUof, pu lh 'h iusl.. by theaams, M(, ' Kas, nl I'luUdtflphu, U Mi- llikktil ll w, ol tins piaie. i i i: i. I. i a. a uUis. on Tudy Ust, M lil t.liU, wile ef (1. I' Hu)ia, a,Jsbuul I . II. ..I. lusiualiiu. NuiibumUiUnJsouHiv J stwui 1 )SIS. , I)C iltavkcto. , , rMladelphia Market. . ' ' May 7, 1854. Fl.nva and Meal. The market is firm, and Flour is higher. Sales at 9 1219 93 per barrel for standard brands, and 89 12i.a 9 624 for extra. We quote Rye flour at 5 SO, and Pennsylvania Corn Meal at S3 7.1 per barrel. . , Gbaih. Wheat is scare, and holders gen erally ask 82 20 for white and 82 10 for red per bushel. Rye continues scarce. . Last sales of Pennsylvania at SI 15. Corn is scarce, nnd yellow is in demand at 84., afloat Outs are1 soaice, and in demand at 564 cts. v . i. Baltimore Market ; ' May 6, I8J4. FLOUR The Flour market is very active and firm at the closing prices of Saturday.1 Wa note sales to-day of 2400 bbls. Howard street, all for immediate delivery, at 89; and of 1100 bbls. City Mills, also for immediate delivery, at $8,75 Sales also of 600 bbls, Howard street, deliverable in all August at the oplinn of the seller, at 87,75. GRAIN. The receipts of Wheat this morning at the Corn Exchange were about 6500 bushel., and we note sales of fair to prime reds nt 20na213 cts., fair to prima whites at 212a220 cts , and of strictly prime White suitable for family flour, at 225 cts. SUNDURY PRICE CURRENT Wiiiat. - 200 Rti. .100 Ctinx. . . 80 OiTR. - . . 50 ToTATOt", . . 5n Beeswax - .12 Hkckleu Flax. "5 lllTTKB. - ?1 Eocs. ... 10 New Advertisements. ni-inr and Summer Goods ! M. Peter W. Gray YNFOKM8 his friends that he has just received J. a BOOj n,!rirtmcnt of Spring and Bummer Goods at his Storo in Whortleberry street. His luck consists of DRV GOODS, VIZ : Chillis, CasMmcrs, Siittinclts, Jeans, Drillings, .Dn rages, llarago Do I. nines, tiinghams, lawns, l.inriiH, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items ill the Drv Goods line. Also, a arge assortmet of SIlOCU for Men Women and Children. Summer Hats, Groceries of every variety- Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt, Fish, etc. ISn id ware. A cencnil assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Buckets, Wash Hoards, Brooms, Brushes, Ac. tjuKKNSWAitK a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Siiubttry, June 3, 18ul. tr. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will lie dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made ai.d provided. H. U. MASSEK, fres t Thila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. Last Notice. & I.Ii persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of George Armstrong, dee'd., or havinz cluims against him, are called upon tor the last time for settlement, for which purpose the suhserilier will attend at the office of rredenck Lazarus, Esq., in Sunbury, on Saturday, the 1st day of Julv next. JAMES SMITH, Adm'lor. June 3, 1854. 5t. lipu'ge Letting. 4 LETTING will be held at the house of He enry J. Header, in McEwensville, on the 34th dsy of June, 1854, for a Bridge across Warrior's Kun, near Watson & Vincent's mill, in Delaware townehip. Proposals will be recei ved until 1 o'clock of said day. Plans and specifications exhibited on the day of letting. CHH. WEAVEIt, 1 JOSEPH NICELY, Com'ssrs. SIMON SN'YDEU, ) Comin'ssrs Office, ) Sunbury, June 3, 1854. --i United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. THIS well-known establishment celebrated Tor its Table, and re-furnished in modern style, with Ladies' Parlors on the first floor is most centrally situated on Chestnut Street the fash- lonable promenade opposite tne lusiom House, and neir Independence Hall. CAPT. CHAS II. MILLER, Whose refutation as a Host is well known, is determined it shall lose nollnng ny mi luiure efforts, 'i'he highest degree of satisfaction guar airiiu l to all who may favor him with their eomnnnv. tjT Families can secure a suit et itooms ny telegraphing a day or two in advance. Phila.. Juno 3, 1854. NOTICE. rrMlE Venders and Holailersol foreign and -"- Domestic Merchandize in the County of Northumberland, will take uotice that they are assessed and rated by tne Appraiser ol Mercantile Taxes for Ibe year 1854 ai follow : Leunt. Knmti. Class. Lictnst Raup & Savidge, Bisel Si ll.iriel, U tio oo 13 10 00 14 A 00 12 12 50 12 12 60 13 10 00 14 10 50 14 7 00 12 12 50 13 18 75 12 Id 75 13 10 00 13 10 00 10 20 00 10 30 00 11 IS 00 14 7 DO 14 7 00 12 12 60 II 13 00 15 13 00 14 I 61 14 60 14 I 60 14 1 0 II 3 OO It 7 UO II I 60 II 3 60 II 7 00 14 I to l 7 00 It 7 ix 14 T 24 14 I 14 1 X Kamp k Culp, veiawart. Hay k McCoimick, tied. J. Piper, E. L Piper, Jouas Wolf, l.q. Ludw iy & Rank, .Milton. J. Munay ti Co , Niiule Wmt-iile Cu. liq , Chailra J. Knglo, lut It. T. Kulliuer, GiHHiiiiuu k Moodie, Maslellor k ruck, rVynuio It Stuut, liq , A. VV. Comly, John K. Ca.lnw, J.iiiaihaii ZelUi, Thomas bwenk, (taao Hi two. liq., William E. May, l" , Kawn Cbaptms, UaviJ kiausvr, John M. WihmIs, J '. Cauiiei, J. Mit'ouuivk, UK. IU-i', Juavph Ali((sldt, J (ii, ;hiii Coirey, J. and M. Yuttiit, UkUUunaam. Adam Keller, iWuma Vouy, Jr , ( bailos Mvtiiiiljr, Jamas Used, A Jain Cuma l, ' Ruth. . John B. Shipman, , 14 T 00 i 1 00 15 od 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 15 00 10 60 7 08 10 00 7 00 10 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 50 10 SO 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 CO 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 . 10 50 12 50 15 00 Northumberland. Conrad Wenok, - ' -G. 1. Tsgpart, liq., Marks B. Priestly, liq , James Denormandy, Amelia Youngman, Mary A. McCay, , , Wm.T. Forsyth, liq., ' Wm. Elliott, James Taepart, Jr , liq-, M. J. D. Withington, liq., Sunbury. S. Schntirman t Co., I. W. Tener. George Bright, Ira T. Clement, liq , Peter W. Gray, Ammermnn, Roser If Co , ; Wm. If Reuben Fagely, Friling & Grant, G. Elsberg & Co., John Younti, liq., Weiser If Bruner, liq , E. Y Briaht, John H. Danfield, S. N. Thompson, Upper Augusta. John C. Morgan, liq., , William Farrow, liq , I. F. & J. F. Kline, Lower Augusta. Jacob Krebs, J. R. Kaufman, liq., B. Heirner, liq., John Vnnznnl, Wm. A. Knnbb, liq., Jacob Wciroer, liq., Ztrbe. Edward Helfenslein, Marcus Stronp, liq., Isaac Riser, liq., - Upper Mahanoy. Gidenn W. Snyder, liq., Daniel Eisenhart, Daniel lleiin. Jackson. Wm. Cares, tin., Win. Deppin, liq., Jordan. Josiali Swortz, John Wirt, liq., Cameron. Ilennig & Iloupt, liq., Charles U.. Weikle, Coal. E. D. Cockley, liq., tiinaline & Struup, liq., Win. & Reuben Fagely, Ailolph Dtirlarher, Shnurmau & Co , 14 13 13 , 14 , 14 14 13 14 13 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 ; 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 14 14 10 50 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 50 15 00 7 00 10 60 10 50 7 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 Ammermiu. Hosser & Co., 10 00 Case & Reed, 10 00 Cochran, I'eale & Co , 7 00 7 00 Ayers, Lewis & Co , Shamokin. Bergstressor &i Iloff, liq., m 14 10 50 Jonas Stine, liq., 14 10 50 Samuel John, 14 7 00 Taggart, Barton & Co , 13 10 00 Joseph Reader, 14 7 00 Hugh Vastine. liq., 14 10 50 Zimmerman & Movrry, liq., 14 10 50 Ephraim Miller, liq., 14 10 50 Lower Mahanoy. Elias Weist, liq , 14 10 50 Benjamin Duckey, liq., 14 10 50 Andrew Ditty, liq , 14 10 50 George Biosious, 14 7 00 Point. Samuel R. Wood, 13 10 00 BEBR AND ALE HOUSES AND OYSTER CELLARS IN THE COUNTY. Milton. C. Maikes, Catharine Stine, liq., 8 8 8 8 5 00 8 50 5 00 5 00 Joseph Eckbert, Wm. Mnric, Aerbe. G. Brymire, liq , 8 8 50 Adam Schlichlich, liq., 8 8 50 Michael Raider, 8 5 00 Sunbury. Philip Brymire, liq., S 8 50 Simon Marti;, liq., 8 8 50 Northumberland. Henry Wenck, 8 5 00 acoD t-ckcrl, g 5 00 Loaf. Thos. M. Moore, 8 5 00 Charles Schmmkey, 8 5 00 PERSONS ENGAGED IN RECTIFYING AND SEL LING WHISKEY IN THE COUNTY. , . Milton. ohn Kohr, 10 5 00 BREWERS IN THE COUNTT, Milton. George Baker, 9 8 00 An Appeal will be held at the Commis sinners' Office in Sunbury, on Saturday the 17th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place those interested may attend. JAJ. V. BAKU. 71er. ApW, June 3, 1854. JAMES B'.'GGS, Jr., CEAXP. ft, S'TJP.ITITTJP.E Wai'ci'ooins, So. 82 $r 95 North Front Street, Above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. W Chairs, Settees. Bureaus. Uedsteads. Ta. rries, i.ooaiOK-isiaascs, Manila, &c. in every va riety, sou ai ma low est prices lor Uasu. rrma., May X7, 1854 4m. I j A.MS, Dried lleef. Mackerel, Codfish Cheese, Itaisins, Figs, Lemons cV Oranges, uai received and lor sale ly April , I8.M. I. W. TE.NER &. CO, rrHI'KTLU, Floor oil cloth, Table oil coy. era. Carpel chain, and Door mats, just wcci- ved aud for sale by April IB34. I. W. TENER &. CO. DK t.OODM Cloths, Casaimers, (iattiiisit, Veslinirs. Tweed. Hummer el ii.,1 emu, i likings. Check, Muslins, Ac., just recei. u iur aim sale or j. w, TEINEK A. CO. Kuuburv. April ti. 1854. fy Hi I.IVEIS OIL. SO gallons pure'pabisud brown Cod Liter Oil Iur sale at WElstEK et URL'.NKK'H. Hunbury, May 27, 1854 W AUDI.NKH for sale cheap by VKlEHVUKUNEU. Hunbury. May 27, 1854. (IL Git AI.lXGii Drop. Dlark, Raw, t sa- kwr, Uurul Terra ds Mmubs ami Vandyke Drown, slsam preHrJ rroui Die New Jsrast U-i... ....I J..l... tA' ., - . , . f aut. attMS Kfi Vfaa, sir SttSS Of WMHCK i UKC.E, ftuiibury, May 37, 14- VOUA Attll luf aaakiH an, Iur aala b Muul ury, May 31, l5r. iimlksnslHIA ( wsshiiia, tut sale tiv iy VV'EIHKK UKl .XKM Hubbury, May 37, leal irEtiKTAbi.H caiti.K pow lr:w.-so v dussa litoiHH aud Fiwm sWIJ's Callis I'nw dt, juM iMi4 at Itut Nsw tMu( uu of Vtl-lafcst DKl .NCR. Vubbuiy, May 27, laot lRlr.Ll. URINDVX-4MIW I i' llMMS.ksJ ! SsaWiy, May II, laal , , TOWER HALL. CLOTHING STORE, Market Sirscf, oppositt the Red Lion Hotel, Sunbury, Fa. I 'I'iHE substrllxr is hsppy to snnounes to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ha has just opened a large stock of CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, such as Coats of every fashion, Pants snd Vest emits or ail kinds, figured and plain, under shirts and drawers, both wooh-n and cotton, I red flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms, ' overhauls, stockings and gloves, of kit kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs, -ties and stocks, pocket handker- . chiefs, cotton snd silk i splendid ' ' collars, suspenders of all sizes ' ' I and prices. . J It has often been said of a Docket in a shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt in .ie. . Also! a fine assortment of Cloths, Csssimers and BaUmctls, Summer goods, black satin for1 Vests, at every price, and any quantity of i fancy vest patterns, which will lie made up to order to suit customers ; my maxim is i no fit no take. Ami as for cheap ; selling, I don't intend to be brat by Europe or America. Also on hand, a large assortment of Umbrellas at any pries, to suit great anil small, together with some travelling bags to carry Yankee notions in, large and smnll. Come Fanners, Mechanics, Lalmrcrs nl , Call in and see tlie Clothing at Tower Hall, AimI if yoa wnnt In lie suited to a T, Call at lire stnrs of Jolm II. D. JOHNH. DANFIELD, Agent. Sunbury May 20, 1854 3m. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. rTMiE stockholders are hereby notified that a -Sl meetinor will he held nt the lluiikiiiir llnnsn on Thursday, June 29, 1854, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to take into consideration the acceptnnco of the bill re-chartering the Rank, passed at the last session of the Legislature. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Cashier. May 57, 1853. tm. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fsttuw Citizkxs. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER a' the ensuing election. Should I he elected, I promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS DROCIOUS Sunbury. May 27, 1R54. OOQce of the Locust Coal and Iron Corrp Pin Li rtKLFni a. May 19, 1854. A MEETING of the stockholders of this Com pany, will be held at their Office, No. 88 south Fourth street, below Walnut, on Momv, the I Ulli day of Jitscs next, between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors to serve for one year, next en suing. WM. C. LUDWIG, Sec'y. Pbrla., May 27, 1654. New Clock iiml Watcli ESTABLISHMENT, Market st., 3 doors east of the lied Lion Hutil, Sunbury, Pa, RAIMOXD FEIIREKBACII RESPECTFULLY invites tho attention of the public to his Clocks, Ciold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, ic., which he will sell at moderate prices. Repairing of Clocks, W atches and Jewelry done at the shortest notice. Sunbury, May 27, 1854. tf. GREAT B1CGA1NS IN CHESTNUT STREET. MISS JANE FINNEY nAS just returned from the city willi a fresh supplv of Fancy Goods, such as Parasols, aiters, Lauics Robo Dresses, Needlework, loves, Misery, Ginghams, Straw Bonnets and lats, Gentlcinens' Utraw Hats, lloys do., Hib- bons, Laces and every variety of seasonable oods. Please call at the corner of chettuut and second street. Those of our friends in the coun try who may not know where to find us, may enquire at "Tower Hall," opposite the "Ked ion. Hunbury, May 27, 1854. 3L Tie Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, loin tho Franklin Institute, Pliilmlplphia, fium tbn Ainricuu liwtitute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in Neie England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If ICO Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Mam btreet, Springfield, Mass- and Wtstficld, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talhotyaing, in the highest state of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. .Sky-Lights used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally as well by them hi cloudy as in clear weather. Phila.. May 27, 18M- tf. SAIv2UEXi W. PEPPER, al'CCS'SOB TO HENRY J. TEiTER k SOX, Vnl lira, Jewelry & Mit er Ware, No. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the State House, PHILADELPHIA. Philu., May 27, 1S5I ly. rHIX.ASEX.FKIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 South H hunts and 34 South H'ater Street, ZIPPER fur sale on tha most reasonable terms. OILS 8penn, Whale, Molar and Miners' Oils GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. 8TAUCH Aa-euU for the Oswego Pure Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Hurch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate ol I. line. Phila., May 87, 1H51.- am. North, Chaso & North, Iron Founder! and Wholeialo Dealers IN STOVBi, HOLLOW WAKE, "1 kli UIOSS and all deseriiiliou of Foundry ) ea.luigsi WAitK KOUM No. 14) Korlk 2d Street, Philadelphia. Thirty five dollars sr tutt will be atlowsd iur Id east li u sVlivsrad at our foundry, payable is) esatiuga. Puila., May IT. HM 4t PATENT (sulvuiiized Iron Tuliiug, roa CHAIN PUMM. T Mils) TuUusJ, Hi ads tt lialtauittil ius) bf sunt luavliiiMirv, tuasrars great a4rusU, suwbiHtd (sub suiipiuiiv sad sMatueaa, aud is wsrisntrd nut Id iuoimU, U Hum wlk'ioJj tut sals at Ihe Wkiatiuuse ul the A M Kit K' AN (JAlYAMZKn IRON WORKS, Ay. II Sunk Ttutk Hiiui, s rMll.APII.fttl 4 A lull arsbtMsitl u our Aaastlraa) llal.suUad fehtwt sad staullag ! always as) baud. AU ssdsrt Mxtuytl, iiu4mI hi fc mu tn i oi tiii 4 ro Phil., Ms, V, llt.-Jiis. This Way ! ThU Way!! ' Spring and Sutnmer Goods. riULING &. GRANT. UESPECTFUl.LY Inform their enstomers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, - at their store in Market square, 8unbry. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cattimtrts. Satlinett, Vesting, Flannels, Wotlens, lc.t And all kinda of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DllKSS fc FANCY GOODS, Cofi'cots, Grin ghmiM, Chintzes, fit Laines, ' , Xeroses, Anil every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. , j Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Bait and Plaster, - ' Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Cais roa Mm and Uovs. Also a large assortment of GHOCIiUlrES, such as i 1 , ; " Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spicea i of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of 1)RIG9 AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most ceneral assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ei change at lb higlirst market price. Sunbury, May 13. 1854. "hew drutoreT- WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Drnugists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Store, SUNBURY, FA . fkFFER to tlio public the largest and best - selected stock ever opened in this section of country, coioisling of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, A'amishcs, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together wr'h a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, 'J'ooih, Nail and Mmviug lirusbes, Dressing, Hide, Neck and Pocket Combs, r nney Soaps, (Shaving Creams, Tobacco, sr'egars Tort Monias, Stutionnry, Con fectioneries, 1'UKE WIN ES AND HKANDI ES For Medicinal use, English, French aud Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Uomls of every descrip tion, in short every orticlo kept by Druggists generally. VZ " restrictions Larejully Compounded. . GEO. 1). WEISEK, WM. A. LKLNER. Sunburv, May 13, 1854. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J. F.& ISLINS, TJ ESPECTFULTjY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Aususta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Spring an. 1 .Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of ' MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting in part nt Cloths, black and fancy Lassimcrs, eattinetts, Checks, and all kinds of SPUING k SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin de Laines, Plaid Cashmeres, De beges. Lawns, Ac. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Woodon Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Slies, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats aud Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854. ATTENTION ! For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of 0. ELSBERG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. "tnCE have just rcccUcd and on hand now the ' ' most beautiful, largest and best assorted stork, of reaily-inoile Clothing adapted to Spring and summer wear ever bctoro brought into fuuhnry or any place in this section of the coun try. Cur Clothing mada by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will give entire satisfaction to buyers. Still adhering to our old motto "Cheap fur Cafi," we'll dispose of our goods reasonable and rapidly. All we say is: come, examine and price our goods and we feel sure you'll buy. We oifur you at the very lowest prices every irnn'inul le variety of Coals, Vests and pants, cut iu the last fashiun and warranted to fit. Cloths, cassiineres. sattinelts, linens, drillings, jeans, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a Iart;e assortment of Hoots and Shoes; among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, Ac. SILK HATS, Panama, Palmleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and Caps we have a great variety of. Also a great lot of Uu ills, vslisesand carpet bags for sale cheap. JEWELRY. Ws have a splendid lut of watches, and all kind of Jewelry statable fur ladies and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Kevulvera, double and single barrel Pisinla, Aeeordeoiis, Whirls, Collars and all oiher goods generally kept in our line can lie found at our store, all uf which we iulerd to sell at the tery lowest price. I'ou't forget the place, . EI.WUEIttl &. Co. Market fijunre, opposite Ihe Post UHice. Sunbury, May 6, IH5I. Totlie Voters of Northumberland County. Fmow CiTiitss! Eiicuuruged by many friends, I auiiouins luyatlf as a candidate fur the otlii e uf COUNTY Ct ).M MISSION Kit at the approaching slst-liou. Khould I be electsd I pledgH myself to discharge, th duties Ibsree with punctuality auj iiupaitiaiiiv. libllliUC UHllinr. Hunbury, April , ll.M 1)1 li st sod stbuea (nf MM, Ws and ChlUlr.u. I.sImsb' Mu(;c tikus. LaJlrs' black and ralottd liatlcrs, jul rorn.rd and lut ale by WM. A KNAUU. 1. oarer Augusts. lsv . !. IHiM'KltlKii rW-ais, Crl... Mul. h(.ua, (Ids,,l.iit, Win. Miliar, litmus and ball, iu( iiisd and ! sals l-y . M. A, k.AUU. I. unci .iiKUt4a, May I, Isll. illtHsj. kiudatsf UuUs kuai4iy! pars U tale by II. FUUKK1I A ( (. Msiktl stlvoi, ucpualla lit Pu DaU. tk)ki. (Iri, S), lafts. I -1 k m r 1 1 a u p 4 1 j :. - m . A.iT n salsav KlktH A bkl M M. atuHUil, M.; tf, ISM.- Great Arrival or SPRING GOODS! ' 1IIA T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friends and customers that hs just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Stora In MarSet Street, Ronbury, llch he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment e Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassimtrt, Cassmets, Jeans. Drying Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d Lain, Lawns, Ginghams, Derages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf snd other Summer Hats. Master. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, See. HARDWARE, Vis ! Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, $t LIQUORS, Vine. Brandy, Gin, Rom, Whiskey, it. rT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1654 ty. PLATINA POINTS roa LIGHTNING RODS. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY MCALLISTER & BROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CHESNTJT STREET, miLADELPTIIA. (At tho Old Stand, established in 1796.) Oar Mots m sit tipr! with solid Fin this snd stamped wllh our nsrae. Prlntal dlrortlotii sorompany earh point. Prion, 11 00, $1 S6, 1 00, t.1 00, $3 U0, $1 00, par point, scoordlug to tlie quantity of 1'latEs. rtjjBy lemlttina; Bis Centa In Pottage Bumps, la addition to any of the above prices, a Point can ba safely sent by mail to any part or tno Unitrt States. Phila., May 6, 1854. 3m. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11EFFNER ESPECTFULLV informs the public in gen cral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Good3 at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His Btock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, . 9Iousellne De Lalnes and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails,- &c. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. . Also an assortment of ROOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, t-c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of wliich will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in ezenangs a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1854. TOWN LOTS AT PHITATE SALE. "fIGHT of the most desirable lots, in the town of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa, can be had of the subscriber on reasonable terms. Persons who hsve money to invest in this kind of property, will never have better opportunity to make a purchase than is now olfered them.--Shamokin has, in its immediate vicinity, am ple resources to build up a first class interior town. The mining operations under way, and in contemplation, are of a character to warrant the largest expectations, for the rapid growth of the place in business and in population. It has already taken start, and each succeeding sea son will see it still more prosperous. As a eon. sequence, ground to build upon will every year become more valuable. Lots which may bt had now, at a compaiatively low rate, are not likely to be in the market at all a few years hence. Now is the time, therefore, to make purchases. For information, concerning the eight lots for sale, apply through lettcri to CHAS. M. It ALL, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. Higlily Interesting1 News,! nnHE information brought to us by tho stcairi ship Asia of the audden decline of Flour, iniiian corn, &c. in Europe, is no doubt interest ing to some, and therefore it must be also inler esting to a great many others to know that while there it so much fluctuation in the price of Urcadstuffs at home and abroad, there is nothing to cllt'ct the low price of the Large and Excellent Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOT IIIFG, just received by S. Sclmurman cV Co., and on baud at there store On the corner of Market and Fau-n Strettst directly oprrosile John Young's store, where they will lie pleased to wail upon all those who Wish tu buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, which they have purchased st a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoie can allurdto sell to their customers at the must reasonable prires 'I'hcy still, (after some experience in l uslness') cling to the good motto, "ih roa cash. Call and see fur yourselves. S.SCHNL'RMA.N & CO. Sunbury, May 0, 1854 "doctorjoseph w. cameeon RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the Uorough of Sunbury and vicinity, that hs has prrmaiiantly located himself in said Uorough and olfers his proli'ssioual services to those who msy wish to employ him. yot tus present ha can he found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March II, N54 tf. CLOCK r.Uht day and 30 hour Iron auj Wooden, fiamed, Cream Nula, (iiound Nuts, Kauins, sud Prunes, Ju.l received ami fur sal by WM. A.KNAUU. Lewes Augusta, Msy 6, 5l. HATH and Caps, Bilk, llraver, far tmi hiourk. Piuai I U..U .n.l I -a... Un m sud boys. Lsdies Umiui of all svtk-a. just leesived aud tut sale bv May!. 1SI. WM. A. KXABB. HI.ANK Psr IVvJs ami Mauk MoilaaK'S, Uuuda, tisr uliona, (Iuiiiihuik AsM ft sals hy II. U MAssKK. ' HiMibury Awl tt. ISM I uf al. auiu. I mind!.., r.i,,! woajar, iiiuis .sris suaiejar ? ol lads, juat iscaiird Slid S'f sals .f W M. A. k AUU. .wr Auj Mta, May , Si ril.rV HI IW (MMlV. Am ttcsl- but ItUHHl) tut, (uMt. I' M Mlf sl it eitwe. l-.a,ti I. is:.,. THX TAR-FAMED MEDICINE 1 IIOLLOWAV8 PILLS. Thess Pills Mag etnapoted mire)? of msriielnal hrrtia ara of a sanas naiiaiaaa sarture, whila tha rltrartfritnatjr Vir. tos taT poassaa kava rendered litem anireraMI; pnpular In Marty enry part of tha wirKl. Tlia imnaaas sutresa they KaTS saat with thmuf IshiI the thulra is mnat eilra ordinary, owinf, it is imsomxti to tharir wmlerl aieacy la tha eura of Biliuus eninplainlB and dtarmlera 04" tha I4vsr and eHomseli. IVrwa wIhi earaarv.ra in siiif tkaa in aecurilaiva WMh Iht dirastioiis, setdaiai Alii ia Deinf irakN-ad tu keaUn. WBAKMKSS ANDDEmLITTRr.fttORATtON TO HEALTH OK ACKNTI.nMAN AGED4S, W1IK.N AT DEATH'S DOOR. Copy f Letter from th Ret. Charles Smith, dated Norton, St. Philips, near Bath, Somir set shirt, ITlh August, 1853. Tn Profrssur HoLLOWAV, Bir. A Mi. Juaeph 1'nxMn, fnrnrarlr a resident of this place, had Ireen in a dneliiiiiar state of heilth Inr aWards of llirea years, frrotluslly wnstinf nwny ui a shsduw hy nifrlilly prrapimtl'sis arirl wnntof aipetita, wltieh eauafd giuitn nnpsinesa to Iris friends, as ha had enstiltad fartong medicul men In Urrlh williotit ellect. lis at la.t ntrd ruor Pills, anil nii'ler provirlenee, wns restored to healtk by their means, tlo lately einigrutrd to New Yoik. and bus in written to anv, thnl lie wns ndver lietter in health, and da iied nie tn acqiinirrt ynu wilh lire rlrratnunnce. I miIi also In mmitkni, tliiit'my wife had derived greal Imi.Sl from the into of your rills. . , . I remnin, fir. yr'Hr" resprrtfnlly, , CI1AHLF-S f.Mriil.lJissciiUng MinUter. A PERM WENT CtmB OF A DlSF.ASI'.t) IJVl.rt OF MANY YKAKS' UCH ATION. CP!) f 0 L'ttcT from Mr- Oamis, Chemist, Yeovil, to P.ofcssor Ilulloway. Doir fir- tn rhi-.distriet your Pills c imtnam amors extrn.ive anls thrill anv other prtprirtrry medicine befere tlie public. As a proof of their eflirnry in t.iverand llilious Complaints I tuny mention Uie following rose. A Wily of tliii town with whom I ampers-srallvBr-qnniiitcd, for years was a severe sufferer from dieense of tlie Liver and (litres live orrins; her meilicnl attendnnt assured her tlistt he oold do mrthiiia; to relieve her siiireninrs, and it whs not likely she could survive inniiy months. This announcement nutu'rully ennsed ureiit nlnrm among her friends and rein lions, and they Induced hut to mnke a Ural of your 1'ills, wliir'h so imptoved liei sneml henlih thnl she was indnee.1 to continue them until she received a perfect cure. Tins Is twelve mouths sen, nnd she has not experienced snv svinptoms of relapse, and often deetnres that your lMIs bovs been the uienns of snvinu her hie. 1 remain. Denr fir, yoors truly, JnlySOd, 1853. (Signed) s.OAMrS. Thcst celebrated Pills art wondei fully ejjica cions in the following complaints. , Ap-na Drosy lunnmmatioa Asthma Djsfnuiry Jnundire , Hilioua Cnmplrtints Krysipelna l.iver Com- UIoIcIigs on His Fentnla I Trego- ptainis fkiil Unities I.nniUrgo Bowel Complaints Fevers of all Piles Colics kinds Iihcuiiintum Constiixuion of Fits Ketentlonof tliu Dowels fiout . t rine CnnsuinoLioii T4Ml.ntis Scorfuln. or Debilitv Iniiiscstion Kiur's Evil , 8re Tlirosts Stone nnd Gravel Sceondnrv Tic Doaloureui Tumours Symptoms r leers . Venereal Affections Worulsol un srnua Weakneit, Oora wlmtever cause Ac., c. i Sold at the of rrofessor Hol.LnWiT, 341 Slrand, (near Temple llnr, lsiilon,) unit also nl his Ibmse in rtew t ofK. Urrlrrs Inr aieilicnn's m me i-oue., viu. sed 'T. Ilolloway New York,' will receive dne attention Sold also by all reaperUilile Diugvisls nnd llualers in Weil" icines throushout the I'liited Suites, in Hows nt 37 cents, 67 cents, and S1.SO cents eah To h had Who lewis of the principal DrugHousol ill Ihe Lnlon. J There ia a eoiuiderable saving by taking the larger s. .. l. DlreetlnnS for tlie trniilaiico cf patients in every il.rinVr are affiled to ench box. Deremlier 'J4, lsKI, ly. FAIRBANKS PATENT SCALES, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad. Itay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. Phila., April 8, 1851. Cm. Hosendalc Hydraulic Cement. j4n MceJenf article for Lining Cistcms, V aults, Spring-houses and Cellars, AND for keeping dampness from wet and exoospti walls. For salo bv CHARLES SHEPARD SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow 8ts. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 22, 1854. ly. GEORGE EAltP, JR., GENERAL Commission 3Ierclianl', FOR the sale of English and American pig Nad, Scotch and American pig Iron, Slock tin, Sheet lead, Lead aud Iron Vatcr and Gas Liberal advances made oh consignments of Pig, Bloom, Billett or Shorce Iron. No. 96 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Apfll 32, 1S54.- 2m. HOUSEHOLD GLASSWARE From the Principal Fatloriet and lut Auttion Sales. COMPRISING a Rill and desirable assort' ment at 85 rsa Csst a slow vscal iitss. Dealers and others will do well to call before jlurchaslhg elsewhere. 1,000 Packages now on hand EDWARD F. CORFIELD, i52 South Second Street, (above Spruce,) PHILADELPHIA. Apiil 22, 1854. 8m i. iv. ti:i:ic t o , SUNBURY, PA., TB"AVE just received A frrsS Supply of new H Spring OoodsJ. Their friends and the pub lie are respectfully requested to call and inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "Quick sales and small profits" is still their motto. Sunbury, Pa., April 22, ISfti. SUSdUKHAXX A WILL make regular trijis for carriage of Pas--seugers between Sunbury uud Nurthuui herlund every day, except Sunday, on and aftei Monday, April S4th. 1 he boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury,- st 8 o'clock A. M., 1 1 o'clock and HO niuMiM A M., snd 5 o'clock 80 minutes, P. M. Returning, Will leave the outlet lock at Xorth umberland, at H o'clock and IS minutes,. A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 4 minutes, A. M., and 5- o'clock sud 45 minutes, P. M. r are, 10 cents. Excursion tickets good for one day, 13 cents. SUnhiiry, April 29, 1S51. If, Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, ESPECTFL'M.Y announces to tho citizen " ef Hunbury sud vicinity, that he bus sgain 0eued Dsgurrrean Nooni, anrl is prirpareel to take likenesses. Hs warrants his pit-lurea to be safUfaclory to all wishing true reuresenutiuna of thsmwhrs mi trie nils. Piiov la! sttcirtton is paid U chlldrvw. Cipies Uksii with accuracy. In slrucliotis givesi uu ressoiiabli) Unins. ilia loutu is al llw M place, in the Grand Jury Room, (county buildings,) operating hours from 8 A. M. SMiit) P. M.. wiihotil rvgaid la the stale i.f tlie WcalUer. footra shoulj be sent iu uu clous v days.' Hunbury, April 22, 151 f. I A IIEM Uresa liiHtda. ISpriug and rlumiurr A tlbawU, Ilia. a aud fancy Ureas hilk, bilk poyTiiia, t l.siiies, Hhally. Giiighsmt and Call- great tsitly, ju.l ieriej and for salat '7 I. W. i K.Mr.K et I'll, ttuubtwy, Ajtil 21, l4t, . AUIBt' Ideas Gu.Ua. Mp.M( aud Httmmrr A Mliawk lilk.kallk, silk K.llu. Ha I tiiiib'UaiHa. Do bags. La was aud calfui, ual i. evivsd snd Ut aala by WM. A.KNAUU. Iuwrl Augusts, Msy t, J H XUV Utltllix, l'lutUs.4'eairtlT,inJrur V WHlnj-s, TSi.:., Huiuu,,, . Uh, a.-loarsl (M4. TbtM.s, 1'U.aa, Mu.ti.ia. Ae., ,u. i,"4 tad tui sale b k. A, la, MAUI. .f Au(itai, Msy , Jl- if iu a ,. lb II. a .i4 V j J., ,t W M kIDM lt I ! I..ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers