- SUNBUHY'AMEIUCAN AND SUAMOKIN JOURNAL. -r-.-.. -9n'.r-rr'jr'x-nl-9 : ,v . f tt n.fcJl;4lc 1 rtlloiV 0 ; rr Street,' ont'tf'fnr nurlh of C. J. Bruntr $ .-, , . - . Lair UJfiee, Si(iftiry. v- , 0A8'iWnWimJ from P.iilmtalilii( the If i nnil mo desirable Block of Good that has ever been brought to fc'unbury, audi as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of blaclt, brown, ertau, olive and tluo. -- . . A splendid atsorlmcnt of inch satin, velvet, Grenadiite ailka, plush vel w, eashmere, Valencia, and a tplendid article of white Grenadine for wedding vest. AUo- all description of cloth for OVERCOATS. . Art extensive variety of plain and fancy cassi mora foV cantnlcon. Common rood for conte, panta and csta, coat liindjn;i and cording ; a superior article of . NECK TIES AND STOCKS, of the latent style", plain and fancy blaclt cravats, hosiery. susfenders, ahlrt collar, ailk undershirts, drawer, men's drab buck-lined chamois and other gloves, and trimming of every description Also on hand a few Articles of ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to he equal to his customer work and su-ierior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buvi--, ready mnde clothing of mo can have tliem renpuired (iratis in case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all my artu-lcs I return my thanks to the public for their pre ions Ditronaco and respectfully solicit contin uance of the enmo. As I am determined not to be undersold, my goods will ho disposed of on the mo 't reasonable terms Tor cash. Sunbury, Not. SO, 18o3. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and .Winter Goods. J. F. & X. F. KLINB, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ll e public ingcncial, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Aurrusta township, Northumberland countv, Pa., their Foil an Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of , MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black andfancy Cassimcrs, Sattinctts, Flannels, Checks, and nil kinds of Winter Wear. . Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dres3 Gcod.3,' Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do Laincs. Fluid Cashmeres, Do beges,. Merinos, Bav stato Long Shawls, Ac. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Queenswar, a fresh supply ofDntjiaanil Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable fur Men. Women and Children. Huts nnd Cnps, such as Silk, Panama, and other ' - ' Hals. Salt, Cheese, &c. Cail and Sec. Chaipci1 than the Cheapest, . All of which will be sold for cush, or in ex change for cfu.ntvy produce, at the highostriiurket price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 18S3. ly Al 30 . : Clock 5 Watchmakers. HXRSCH & CO. CJAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker - shop in (Ho building lately occupied by J. M. bimrsoii, near lener & s Mure, in Market Street, Sunbury, 1'a., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly ,011 hand, Silver & Gold "Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consisting "f field Brcsst-pins, Ear and Finger JJiiirrs, Medallions, Cull-pins. Ladies & Gentle man' gold on? silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver ami pl.tiod 'i'ca and Table spoons, salt spoons, butler knives, &c, GPSST.fj.CLE3; Of all sizes, suilinj evcTy age. Spy Glasses, Pocket Books, of all sizes, Razors, Hair Uil, Re volvers, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap, ic, cce. Also, a large stock of Blulciil Instrument;! amongut wWli are Accordcons, Violins, Flutins, Files, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trun'.c umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirta and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunburv. (V Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Rings repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. ISuiibury, Oct. 15, 1853 3in. SELLING OFF AT COST! A Chance for Good Bargains ! TOHN BUYERS &. Co., will sell, during the '- winter, nt cost, for c-sh or country produce, their ci tensive stock, cvnsistiug of GOODS. Groceries, Hardware, QUEENS WARE, nnd tin other numerous nnd valuable articles they lu' at thsir store in Sunbury. Intending to terniiuate their mercantile business in the spring, thev aro ready to a'cnminod.te till lh.it tnn tae public in general Willi first-rate Roads at cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and spring will shortly bo here, therefore cull as soon as possible, and procure Rood bargains Country produce taken in exchange, and Jias.U" not re fuse.!, Munburv, Der. 31, 133 tf. PENNSYLVANIA COJiTECTIOJIAEY & FBUIT ST0ILE, No. 169 North 3d it , S E Vcr. of Vine, rniLADEipim. 1HE aubM-riliertai.es this method nf infjrmtin; Country Merchanls auj the public (reneially. that be has re-iuuvrd front ibti to ibo iare und raininodioiis stote ICi) .ohth Third st;,rt, st.il replenilieil il with an rilenie and wi II solrcied stotit uf t onleolioiiar y, I lia,., Ac, v. hi, a lie is conliilent lie can oil r I. ptrrcliaters, wholesale an I tcUd, at s.li.factjiy utn. W.M. 3. STILC.-, rbiUda., Fee. 17, 1SS1 a-n. CEITTODEJTS Commercial Institute, no Crroi StKit, maACEti'uiA. VI -lit. bur.. I.e. Iauc.li! i- X Ut)'K-Ki:r.l'.u. w riri.Nti. a ni t-OM MGRciM. CALClTATIOXr Cpf !..W. anj an Tueslsv. Wf.h.s.J., an J l i.d.y Lvcum rrh f ' u, ., . I'lloili t. tn.la. J4U.T, i--,.. 3., HAM l.ll pi- .M II, Ual.Vl. ill . I l: 1.. Iiuli o.uie.i ail lte l.e u.J at iu. uibte. Aim 1. wll !.., H.I i.. ,r. S....tti. ii, .M. VAIL l t).U V W... ...I m. t 'l O! I mUA. ..4 ...I lu I.. -"-.-----. Coa minor', Lsk hereU ! HEN.I AMI N I1EFFN Ell XESiECFFULLY infcrm the r.ilinene of Sunbury and vicinity, that lie haa jnt re- reived and opened at his new store, in Market street, Suiihiiry, a liandr-nrue assortment or Fall and Winter Goods consisting in part of " Cloths, Cassiaiera, ' Cassinots. . of all kinds, of liuon, cotton and worsted. , ALSO l Cu.lcors, Gi.igliatns, Laniit, . nioutiHclliic Do Ltilnca and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCEIMES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Naih, &o. , Also an excellent assortment of ftTTEEITSWA'RE, of various iyle nd p.ittntns. . AUo an assortment of BIOOT9 & SBIOE5. HATS li CAPS, a good selection. , ;. Salt, Fish, i-c. 1 And a great variety of other article such as are suihihle to the trade, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices, r v " -r y y f tSs" Country produce taken in sichangs a the highest prires. Sunbury, Nov. 19, 18C3.--ly. " Dealers in . , , , ., LAMP. I.ANTEn.S k riJAD5:MI-ns, N. E, Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PKIIADSIPHIA, ' ffTA VING enlarged and improved their ?lore. and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are nov prepared to furnith PINE OIL, CAMPHEKE, EURNIKQ FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Plmsphene Gas and Lard Oil, Lumps, Lantornsof all patcms, Fnnoy Hotel and Halt Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candoleabras, and Priltannia Lamps, at lbs Manufaclnrcra' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a sma'l advunco over Auction prices. Being larBo MANUFACTURED of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil. Alcohol, and ((he only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their ml vantage to buy. Call before Hoi n tr elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tlin Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. Philo.,Sept. !4, 1833. ly. This T7ay ! This Way ! ! This "Way ! ! I Fall and Winter Goods. rziXLixra & grant. OESPECTFULLY inform their customers w and tlie public, tliat they hare just recciv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Tail and Vinter Good3, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consiiits of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : , ,. Cloths, Cassimcrea. Haltincts, Ycslings, Flannels. IPol'.cns, tc:t And nil kinda of Full & Winter Wear. J Also n splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FAN'CY GOODS, talicocs, Ginghams, Chintzes, -De Lain a, tteragt , And every variely of goods srilubla for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of . IIAEDWARE and QT7EENSWABE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also mi extensive nsKOriiiienl of Hats and Caps for Men and Huts. AUo a lurgo assortment of GUOL'LIMIUS, SUCH A3 Sugar, Teas, CoflVf, MolSWs, Spices if all kiaili. Also a tresh supply of . . DRUGS AND MFJJICINES. Cesidi!a the bivaeel it i id niont yenernl nssorl ini'iil uf all kimU of oo.ls to be had in this plhce. Qf Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Rinibnrv.Nov. 13, 1853. The Mews of how tlie War Between the Turks ami Russians CiOS on is not of so much interest to tho Ji i..'nibtUit)!3 of fc'uubuiy and its vicinity as the fjcl ;liV. L.Y. TENER & CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a largo, beautiful and varied stock of (roods, which they will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect fully request their friends and the public to call and ace them. ounbury, l'a., Dee. 3, 1853. CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory ' G. L. 3ILLEB. &. CO., S. W. corner Arch nnd Second ktreets, PHILADELPHIA. : ' " JT'VERY VARIETY OK SHADES, Whole-"- aale and lieiuil, such as Scroll,, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscape, ate to he hud at the lowest prices foi quubty ol'woik. Orders lur Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered und other Shades executed at short notice. Mcrcltniits and others aro invKcd to give us a trial. Ills will try to please. Brasses. Trimmings, Ac., nlwnvs on hnnd. lieineinlier S. W. corner SECOND &. A11CJ1 Streets, Philadelphia Ausust 13, Ihj3.- Cm. Just Published and for S;ilc ly VM. McCABTY, Bookseller, (Sunbury, Pa. Tho American rLEADEliS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns an. I. proceeding, in tho several actions now in use in the United States. By Colmn'som Reed, E-q., Ipint tgtt viva vox With notes and additions, together jlh a ahor system ul eoineysneini;. By A. Jord.in. Pies ideul JihIk uf Ilia DiuhlU Judicial diftiict of Pa., a'id Win. M. K.kUoI. 1er ami ,l. L. Phin.lel, of l'ie bar of .Noitbiiini.ril ,;.J enuntv. Sou', the publication ol the l.n,.k, ll.e loil jwin b iter bsa l-eeu recede ! from Judje i'laison ol llitrri.burj t llianissmo, June 30, 13i3. Gis tumh : Afler a rartfnl examination of your "Ainer-u.-9'i pli s ler. n stunt," I I its plruie in e pie.. in my riilne u prov.l i f loa s li. lion and co!ii 1 .i'...'ii of the pie.rdculi thus elb cj to l.'.s ii'.1.--. 'i lie It j I rjlciou in l'emi')Kiii4 t'snds iii lie J J uf a concit st.lem uf pliM.ling, ad.p'ed lu uur btbits of bu.it. ee, and the prat lue of f i .iiii i.. Your forms ol doe'aratniii. U un, In a cir.l sjuiiI, founded ou lite l.uf ar4.Liy, uni a ii ol Ubuv Li the pleader, and itiu. ii.ua It sVety and bievity in ur pleaduig. Il slioulJ be Ui Hut bsnJs of e.ety j.rtu.Inj Uw j il i l euf state. Yowls, with, great rr.el, J.'t. jl i:iiiOX. Hj. A. J i Un. VV. M, itkitktkr and M. I,, s-t.i ..bi. i:..,.,i ,. Hiiiiry, July W ; ii.r.v t yt ini'vA.Ji Wi.l inuvj, .i suul.s, BUfc ) wlie M tliu irti. lU.e.kWt 4. AMi:UUK li. ltlt'Ul.s kasUmas '' Ut k L wh.a, M4a m CHERRY PECTORAL: '. Far the Cure of OQTJGHS, COLDS, HOAHSErjESS, BROW CHITI3, OXIOUP, ASTi r.TA, VHOOPIIIO. COUGH AMD OOKTSU3VIPTIOM'. TO CI!RK A rrit.n. uitii aumral Ann l)BIRt of His body, tuke l lie Cnsaav l'tct.iaL un Ruing to livil, and -wrtip up warm, to sweat dui nig the niglit. Koa a Uiilu Kit Covoh, tuko it mnniiiiT, iiKinsnil trr uinit, ncootdins to diiecli kh oil the b'HIIc. und Hie diliiool- y will Mini be removed. None will I nig smTcr 1'nnn lhis trouble wlicn tliry find it ciui lie so reaililv cured, l'eis .ns irii.'lrd wiih a sniletl rougli, whieli tire'nVs th'Mn of tbeir rem HI inmu, will Hi)!. 1V tllKlllff 111. UlierTV rei-lnnil on going t tiled, tliev muy be lure uf 'Uiiil, uuliMkell lrcij mid conivqiieiiily rcfiLtliijie rest. Orwit itliei'fMin mlfcr lug, and mi ultimate cure, is nil' idid 1 1 tlioujuuds wlll are IIium nlHicied, tliiH invntuuble remedy. - :' :' 1 I'ruin it. ivniciblo cffixi in the.ii cset. many && themselves unwilling to fjrego its use when ilia iiecsisirj for t lis. eeiitrd 1 ' ' ' Prom two eminent Pbyaietan in. L l''ATKTrsvii.i,, Teini , A.pril 10, 1831. Sir V, s liave given vour Cherry Tccl iral tin extensive trinl in our piaet Ice, and linn it to surpn'i every other re medy .we have fureurinn naecti ms of t!.; ri Siiriit"tv on ffin- lilts DIK.MKll IIAMI'TON. 'J'OSINOErvS AND PUBLIC SPKAKURS this reinetly is invsluol'ln.fl. by u. setiini on thclhrimtnnd lune, when ttiken in sinnil qimnlilieB, it remMVCNUII liti:us?lsi in 0 OmT h an r, and w.'ujci fully iiieivuxe. the power nud ilcijiiilily nf lh- rnir-e ASTHMA is (BMiernllv m'lrh relievM, ntvl fien wtmtlv I'dred by cherry Peutorat. Sot mere tire some canes so cb siiinte us to yield ciiiirelv 1 1 n.i medicine. Chcrijr i'eclo rid will cure l iiem, if thev e:tn he cured. UllO.WIIlTI!?, or irfitulion of the tlironl mid upper pni lion of (lie lunirw, niny be cured bv t-ikinff Cherry I:e ti ral in .mull mid irequent doses. The UiiC Jiufori.ble op prcs.ion is S'ioii relieved. Hev. Duct. LANSIMi, of TlMi-Wyn.Xiv.v York, suites: "i have -ui the lllnnv Peciimil euro Such eases "f Aslhnui Riid Bronchitis ns I'auili ino to beiievc H can rarely fail to cum thoL. diaele2.,, VOU CUOt.'P. (?ivu en enieticnr antimony, to bo followed by large nd lYciuenl dose.') of the Cherry I'eeto ml, until i- suhilues the disea.e. If taicu lit season, it will 11 ;l tail to cur. WIIUOPLNO COUt.H may ha bniken up siul soon ca red by llie use of CbiTiy I'celoial. TUt: INt-.l'i:.i; in speedily removed by this reme. dy. NuitiTotis ifisianren have been noticed where wh 'to fmiliefi wete proitcted from uny sei ious eouaiMiuenecB, while their neighbors, williout the Cherry t'eetoritl, wi to siiueriiiu trom the dUeaao. Dr. J. C. Aver: . f.t.nyi, Ohio. 1 lib Jure, 1?r,l. 1 writ to inform yon of the trnlv reinarkalile rffeetj of your CHIIRltV IMiCTOllAL in 'this place, and in nit own fuuii.'v. One of trtr d-itttrhlers W: i eoniptetely car" d in three ita'ys of s ilreudlitl Wiioonso Conmt. by Uikint n. Uf. Aluttus, one of our vety bent physician, fieely alule. Ihst he con. idem it the best remedy vc have pnlnt :i' ry disease., nnd that be has cured moro ense-i of Caote with it than any other mcdiehie lie ever udunuiRleieil.- Om clerfrymett of the Hnptinl Chnreh . iy lhat dilr'on: the run nf Isn.VKSZA here Ibi. season, ho baa Keen cine, from your medicine lie cauld .earcely liuve believed K-itlt-out seeiii-i. Yours rcipee'.fullj-, J. f. glXCI.Ain, Uoptiy l'rwtiiian.er. From the t'istins'iifhtd Profesnr of Chimis- i Irv a id Meler'ia Mudice.. tiowduitiJCMcz. 1 bllVe i' 'lit tt t!iC CHKtiSY l'RCTOUAL. ttS ii2TfUei .... . tuts , - moii'iry ili;c;iSi.. VHKim Cleveland, M. D. tccsswicit. Mp Ft'lv .. 7. J;it. VAI.nNTLNP.MOTT. The iHJdi) celebrated Frof suitor nSvrcry tn me Utetiirai tniffle, jr,w Ivtainj, w.js; 'Tt !rU(9 trip ft'?attrt tn rvrthy tbc v tlir. fl;'4!lt, cf 'Aviit: CitrittiY I'RrTOBAL,' w1im 1 cnnnMer nc.twU nrty ndaptctl in cure Ui' iHt i Ll)fl 'i'hrtuii nnti Lnuii." C'ihmj of r.iivcti' il!":.'is.'8 tiji(-u ilic i.mw.s luive bct.ii ff fcctftHiy CtmriT Varrn-ax!, in kik-Ii rNir.in riif(8:.ii v.'ST.ir.t lh y !'f tV-t n tct :i1v hn- :.; l.nrth hccn OtutirJ llial. ciui ho deotniilctl mi touuro .Ci'ii-iii, C- I.Uu.ul i C HtFdiiipt if ni wliir'li rurrv from nir tni'Vt !!:oun rvt-ry i Vcar. It in itrit'eil n ni.' ticine tf wltir?) tV; nfllirtcfl ('"i I-k with c mfi.ieiv.'S uit rici, r:iu I 'icy B!uuiJ n.it L avnil tlirini;clv'S it. Prepared ad sold by JAVES C AYEU, - n i.-.i n ,.. r.,.,..ii n. j. .ueiiuui v.einiii, unu.cn, Sold in Hunburv by II MASSRR. and bv Drugcists imiuiullv throughout tiio Hinte July 30, I S,";3. ci ow I". Nov. ill. Til J. 17. COU22, j (Successor to A. flO'i'.) . j No. 104 dies nut Street, Swuim's Building, j PmiAOELriJIA. - TXTENSIVK MU.SIC l'Ulil.ISHlOK, audi Dealer in Musical liistruiiicuts (.f every de- I sciiptiun. Kclus.lvo Ar-cit fur l!;e sale nf llallet, V&a ! oc uo s QUnt.t.111; i a i lnt bcsi'i.vsio.v L1hi1),;k yVaUun uu.j ot!i;v PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, .MeloJeons, Marlhi'r Guitars, Harps, Violins, SiiEiar Mi'aic, Mlsic Books, &.c., &e. Residents of the country w l'.ll.c supplied by mail or othcriviec with any mui-ie lliey ' may wiali, nt us low rates as if purcbatcd in person. Having one of ilia largest studs in the United Status, I feel conliilent of uatisfviug all who may , r..... ...t.i. it .. i .. " -. '-! iiip iviiu u mil ui iiroer, . Dealer in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand l'ian s fir s.ilo. Philadelphia, April II, 18."3. I v." , Porlc Moniiaics,, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY (JOOD3. it t rg1Hi3 attention of the Trade, und olhera, in Ujnsses, plain, K'J cents; Pulcnt, JHj j Lunct, M. want tf Porte Moiinaies, Pock it Books, "3; other articles in proportion. All goods war Bankers' Cass, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri- J ranted to be what thev u. sold for. tins Deslis, Baeligainmon and Chess Hoards.' S TAUWEU &. 1IAULEY, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cnsei, I Siicccssors to U. Conrad. W ork Boxes, Cabas. Needle Book.-", Money ' n hand. 1.1:110 Gold und Silver Levers and BeltM, Cijar C.ises, Portfolios, Razors und Ruior j Lepines, still lower than the ubove prices. Strops, Travelling f'lin'in, an 1 fine Cullerv. to. gether with a largo variety of Panct Cuiitis which will be sold at the lowest rates. P.' II. SlilTH, . Porte Monnaic and rocket Boulf MunnfM-turei, . 20S Arch St. hlmc Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, I8.-S. tf. Mil mi's Estahlishnu'nt 25 Sjnth Sixth Street, rhilrtdelplup. For the Manufacture and sale of E'ntciit L lit r ! Iii-y I'i x-sscn, Patent METALLIC DAMPENER", B.usl.es Od Papers, Biultin? Boards, Copying Ink, JLc. J'alent Puri bineiit Paper, LKTl'LU COJ'VINO UOOKP, 3i'perijr U ail ollicrs, and c.u Ii pai;e printed PATENT LETTER BINDER. A mo-t valusble invei.linn fi r leepio" in s uooli-like fin in, l.e'.lers received, Original Imoi. ce, Ac. PI.1I1., April U, IBS3. lr. Iiiiportniit to Coal j)t iiliiH. 'IUE tibseiiVrs hereby infiiu the publi... tl,at they luv .ulered into parlliii.lnp under the liriii of Kj, Res.1 &. Co., for Iho purp.uui u milling, s'iippun su.l .ollnijj toil, thditi-ird al Kun'iury. or al auy other poml aloof Ilia tiu Hi.sliaiiui. Tliry will be ras.lv IiJiIhh roal, well prvos-rt-l. cmi ei4rct or utliermiea, at all Lines, on I lie thofteal noiure, and an ilia tnut raasdnabla lamia. Oitlcr. leorittil hi tthamulw by KK, lltUD A CO. aulHirv, Juna 4. liiJ ly. 1 EW l.LkY. A Pti a linsnl if (iolj snj aiivai J's KlU I fu; lr ..Is 1 hu by 11, r.lHl-lili 4 tit.. M ul. t it.vil, i.j -;i las I'oat (Mi r-unl.ni, ii.i. h. l-m 1l ltltl H I III. 4 l..., I ,..m.i su4 ' Wkela Oil, W Hila I rt l, I u- I II.I, 'I or IKrnm.r, t .mJUs and atu.. )..! ,. ei,.l soJ I . mI t-y I. VV. 1 1.M Ks I ti. ui.l.ury, 14, Is.'.J. yurs'tiiTu Ti mT iTvul iTiuTu"".jI. At4 it(4 M.W. I-M M I II UAttKR. 2,5(.io Jvrcn Timber Lrvnd ' . 1?C? SALE. : CJI.VKTJAL VALUAULL TRACTS OF TIMUEll LAND, comprisinti about 2,!-00 ncrcs, part of vhirli is situated on Tobyhimna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, wilhin three mib'B of Lcliinh Kivcr, in Penn forest townnhip, Carbon County, one of (he great Coal Counties of Pcniisvlvni.ia, can be had at a bargain, if ap plication bo mrulu aoon. 'i'hcfio lauds ate thickly covered with the boot timber of that repion. While it is believed that 73,IH)0 feet of lumber to the airo, can be rut from a large portion of the land, tho balance will aver ago not much less llinn this figure. The kinds of limber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, Whito Oak, Whilo Pint? and Chestnut- but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. ' : The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large and rapid streams, vicldinir a vast amount of water power, and ara capable of driving a larfra number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which Htrcuin, with the Lehigh Canal ailin'da an outlet to tho most desirable lumber mnrkets. There it), too, ; under contemplation, a railway lending totlic ritic-s of .New York nnd Philadelphia which runs svilliin sus i7 and thru qvarlcri of the laud. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of Ike cities named, for about $7 per thmisund feet thus enabling persons en framed in the tvadc to derive grcitor profits than Btlnnd investments generally. .. In addition to tho timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, tlioio is much that will an swer for spars of vessel a sort of timber, that snip builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, nr at other ilinlaut points, Uuiilie most of the Innds on the Lehigh there has, as j et, been no culling of the timber on this property. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's uxe. Il in, therefore, tho more valuable,. Tho lumber trade nf tho Lehigh hns been curried on to such an exlcnl for years past, thiit a scarcity of good timber is beginning to bo felt. Every sen-ou necessarily increases this diflieulty. The conseqiirnre must 1 e on enchancement of tho value of timber lands. Those un-eulied tracts with the advantage of aVtuic3 to market, such as t lie lauds oll'ercd for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the source uf supply hereafter. 13 tit the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. Ii is of good quality for lariniii;;, nearly every aero being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. . Capitaiif-ti 'Icftirins to make investments, wsiihl do well to turn their attention, to these lands. For further infoi nialioii apply to CJTAf. M. IT ALL. Oflice in "Mining kegiotcr" building, Potts viilo. Pa. Aujru-t C, 1S54 tf. : Stono Cutters anil Lsihorcrs GJTONB ciillrvs ami !i.!orrri run Imvo ulna-lv i & cmiilrtv n r u inters Lib. (.in:l imt work in llic waiiT,) at t!n T'l.iur. und fuijMiifiiainia Diidac nt t'.vecn I.ivrTiMioI mil N.T.thumluu-IrtnJ. 'Ji !u. i'Oi'crs !,05 ior d-v: will lo Rivrw, i.eise:tki:vg " C'hnpni: Pept. I, Un3.tf. Dm Tuiats, Oil, W'iiidow o5- f ToMi l'lvuch xi nc white. Ii) tons Pure Whilo Lead. 000 Boiica Wimknv (.lass.nll sizes. S u pei-j iri'iilasli.toiii-.I.C'oiieh. Lentil- MM i ') "n 'imini. iu;o acinar varnisii lor V una cr i)- iron varuii .i. v,,::c Ucin.ir varnish for Cli 1 r,ln, o ld, ., ,1 i , , r I l .,...., unu pure :dhugsa:;d medicines. AUo nil the Pittci.t McJiciiios ia gtiieral use," f Wiuraiili'd i C ailurcl antt uiiamUtl Glur?si &c.( &c.t fore.ilo , ti:y low nt ! Ai.n::::) wnrncur-Kirs i riili.ADUI.lMMA. l'h hiii.ii)s and sStiirekcpncrs inipil;c.1 Gooda I acnt .0 any ol' Hie 11.., or Depot, free of charge, I ltlla., .Ilav -i. ly. - 1'..,,'. '- .-.n.' j W...-.'--..! "'hU V.CMl i.S Hi'illOU. Agents V;vnti.'d. WAN'i'RD in every town and CiGNTS county i.i the United Stulc.H, toseil the must P'iriiil.ir und sale.il.lo books pnlilie.l, mciiv of tltein bciutiiinly i.luslmliil with colored uiii.h: into lue most popular works of 'J'. S. Ail Til t il. ioi liullii "Anlmr'a C'otltgt I.ilrai i." Inti-ii irent and enterprisinj nu n wi.l tind thu n l lej.-iaiit nml r,ra(itaMe bnnitirss. i'or p.irlicui.ir a Idress (pit-p.J-.l.') J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, . No. 'IS North Four-ih street, Philadelphia, Pa. October 1, 1S53 7m. Chcup Vutches $ Jewelry, YyHOLKSALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North second Street, corner of Quarrv, j Gold I.eviT Watches, fall jerll, IS carat enees, S'.M . i. .in i.C,aio tat. OJI.Iiii. I-mr Silver HiMKiuclca. filviT Lep. full ji-w'!.-l, fc-:i.!i(,i, Hr.iedeis, I t-ilvcr Lever, mil j..-wi,d 1-J ! mtii-.s' Gold Pencils. I Sii,.mi.t ijuarlieis, 7 Slyer Tea spoons, t, I li .l.l S;.erfl.-I.-.. r,(Hl . ' ' I tiul'l with rraeil and f-ilvcr Holder, l.iO tl.lKI l.dll 5.0(1 l,no Hold 1'iiiL'er Pines. 37 cents to SIS0': IVnh-S '.'i t. 10, Iboi ly. 4 IS t'EENsWAHE.- Beautiful sets of Tea ware, In China, filono China and Dclf, Dinner and Huppt-r Dishes of nil kinds. Toilet Sits, covered DUIies, China Emit Baskets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, (i)nsswjirc in variety, nn.l Tumblers from (ij cents leowards j'.nt received nnd for sale bv Dec. 10, 113:1; I. V. TENER cV CO. IJARinV.Mi!-: Table Cullerv. A'aore, 14 Pocl.et Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Saws in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door l.eoks ond Ilint'cs Hand Bolls. Waiters, 4c., jmt received and for a! by . V. TEN Ell A CO Simliury. Dec. 10, 1S...1. OUAIN PlMPrf.. small ii'uTiTberoi' thwo - cxi e.liiit piinipj l:ae Ihhia rKiutwd and arc oiiercd fur jU by II. E. MA.ER. Sill.ln.rv, Jut.e i, la.'..1. VjM!Tir;s 1s;;n NCE OK JAMAICA fllX. supply just recrived. and for "o by n. I). Mas-seU. Siin'oiirv. Jan. 111. ISSJ. iMLVl-.K WATCIU.S. A few double ' ' llnii--h Slttr W'atchoa, for sale at very low price ly II. 11. M Asm J:' U, Houhorv, April H. H.. (l trs'l' ti..-;,t. a lot of Hams, llurdUeel, if Cheese, lUuiiitanJ J euioua. l.y Hunbuijf. Jan. ss. U4L L W.TUNKU St CO RTt.K fl II..- Jiutiees and Cun.l.M,. Fe. Il Hills l.ai,.Uuly fiittU4 un ! pj.f for ala al liil, ..il'u-e. . 4 I a a. t- i. . - li ttmumirtia rir j.j. ,nj u4l iiwt;af., Uuna,, K,,eio,., ,,. Ac, ..r .y il j. ii i.xp., jll'miv Alii C til. ni.lCiSt.il. WIHIV Alll M alid I I.Kl-lrTt " hut,' ' ' , " """l-lfi. I'.st l-rel,,.!, II. U. l JK. '".Ju.i uu , '-e-r.il. st h:, IM ...JII.ANKS. E p - s , i w ,,wy 4,.,,, Isvi - r. - . . w- v ,, pa as, s a state s-usa, a. CELEBRATED F a ni i 1 y M c d i cfi n o 8 . IN nffermg t) the pnblle the nboss niTnlnsMe nrepnm. tioii., the suhpcnhcl would fale Hint in c niultalioii with his fiirml. and Some of the most reRpeetublu ot the Medical faculty, 11 was deemed odvisable to rdier to the public, a lew prepnrali.ais of known celebrity, lieiug pre pared with the greatest enre, nnd on the most scientific principles, as submiiutcs for tile numerous worthless nr licles that ere flooding the eouutry in the form nf imuaeens hihI cure nils, prepared by the m.ist inorsut and mereeim ry persons, intended to cure nil diseases and good fur noue, Head and Reflect. . , That the Medicine. Maiinfnrtared by V. M.Bscu.ST, luciuuuur his Komi recloral for couglis. Cream of Camphor, f.ir Kheumatisin. Worm Slyrun for Worms. Tooth Wash, fordeenyed leeth, dirensed gums. Family Pills, nr IiIuihJ rurilypr, have been mors eateniivtv ly used, and Imre given m ro BiUiufHctitm. tlmii ony nlhet Medicine befurethe public, being prepared with rrviinl to their usciulneM Hie fully woitliy tlia triul uf tba utilict ed. Give them a trinl. A ft'w poweiftil reuson wlty tlie n!tove Medicinra ftre dt-RorviiiiJ of utilvcraitl ruitinivuB'P. flu the fimt pliue, Uhey arc prepnrcd by n regular Pliytirtuu wln miderwUnnia lite annHCiiiiuii ui Mcuiciues. to diffeimea, ntiu cniixequi-iKi nre ocrfrrtly aaf to t;rko. (erondly,) tbey Imve been iiaeil wilh tiiiivcrwiltijeeeM, aikJ Imve Riven more Milisfuc lion (ban nny nther Meilicinea urtercil leftrc ihe public.- (Thiplly ) they nre the ojily ineiKemea th;H have gained the pit fiiince iif lMiV8iciau wlwra tiiey ktve been iiictl ; nml (Fomlhlv.) they ora.put up iu inrpet qiiniilitiea li the same priee, tli;m nny otln-r Mcdiciuea uii'erc to tha puljlie or the wimft kinl. A the aa!aerilHr hn n nuniliff of eertifisitea In hin prtwiKiintt nf the hirhest oiithorlty, where they Imve hi-ni utl will) ihe in wt B.-itisfiietory re milts. ll will puiitiuli a fcwol tliem, tVciinsr mtiflied ihnt A ti irtl will insure their reeininendtild'ii. Try tliem anil fittiafy yourself of their anpurtority over all other. Read nnd be Convinced,- We the rmdcrsitr.ied hoviiifj been mnde aeiniinte1 with the ingrcdientR entciing into the Couipoiiiida known e IJiekli.'y's Fnniiiy Medie-inm n!so littvitife pret-cribeil nnd known tliem tn he used, with irnsl wilisfiitlnry rrsolta; tn!t; plensnre in anying thnt vn believe ihey hilly meet the U'jsin fur whieh they nre recfinmeiidt'd. J AS. STllAWHUIDOi;. M. U. C H. FKICK, M. D VM. MeMAHON. M. P. . WKSI.KY II UKAfMIUART. M.D. "V.t. I! SI niLI, II . U. B R. oeaiuii:aut, m. d. Curt of ihfiii it: tha svle awlcattgh from protected Lirtr Compinitit. - Mri. Robert Admnp, hborin,? under f'hrnnir; I.iver Com plitint, m-C'iinprinird wilh u nJinrt diy ctin:;h puin in the Btde and hruui, gcneml debility. imn m iiejietile, niter try tnit ull the tiMiiil reniedit'B r'Minnr'nilfd (ni c.nijrha and iliscjiFea of the chest . who with no hcncf.t, flie was rerom inendtd ti) try the Iltwe I'ertcriih, fp jn winch, ahe n;tonl iterivetl inmi'-tiuilc l.nf. iicrin.'.iu nt riiicf. J lm Adinim, ton of .Mra. Kobert Ad.'ttne, w:rt afiiicled with o very scirre cr:uHli, puin im the aide, nnd B'.renesa pnid'iced bv incrshiiiit. c.ni?hn:r: ; ):e y:n induced to try the liitfe Peetornl. To use hix tvn Inrifrnnfre, the first dose cu.iWcd hi.u to enjoy u tr"od niln'B rht. In the in tn.itisT ho expivjorntcd tthtmt huh" pint ol mutter, jle einiiiunetl to improve until lii3C,mph enllrrly b-ft him.it hnd the r fieri M olrenplieniitfr hi.' bieast. which wria tnunuity vc:,n . tie ti !B: (.n ya Ln.it In hun i ecuininetuled it Ion ii'iinl.crof hifiicaln f t iinii.ir vumr.liiiuia, and in every ennc it Inin L'i-n ff:uiineli"n, Tiienbive perri njn rraidents ni the town of Danville, f-'elinp that Ihey h-iio derived ifrt-ut benenta from the use ofthe lo4i; I'ee"fit!; anthniizf. ihe ab.ivc sLuteinciit, for tl;e benefit ui' t!ij?e who tuny b" nilHc trd in n Bimil.tr mtm- UtiKAT CTliK. Loss of Voter rc.-;!o,'Cft with one boUlt nf Hose Pec toral. . i rUis Pu-m Wlnil'-eU, of V. niv, town"1.'1!-, N irthumber- ' butt et.,tr ti n.t.ubrror yturs iin it valid, mthe liill of l-.Hi, l et the ti! "f her v.:c" fr on n-iteven: cold she con-tr.-iei!1!; nfh-r tryinr n nninW-Tnf r'-n'-ilien. wilh no bene U:. h'.ic e'Ht.A-i;, it nt'.reil by utUn-j: one bllle of Kose I'crtnnil, iii't'r whiJi, aim lv it -,r voice a-;iin, Trom a fr-.T-M eold nhe crinrnete'l, und n-nin restored bv the ite of mi tlicr bottle ; the then to k lour Vtilea more ro atrenrihe.n h r lin art, fr mi wli.di .!.j iI -uvmI tbamott d. 'cided bem'lif. U'-d Inn bom in Hie nji-vnent of execilt-;it ' h:;;li uoin thif time to the pri'!. v. 1 The uboie a'atcnieiit U i!'!:iinpd fr- r.i !lr Pmse!!. the j piivi:-ijtn wh j;tn!cd h(.r; rJwn Urr in niter who ihmka Hi;tt fi.ie woiif.l n 't l e lu i.'. at Iii" tm;e il il luid n t been f t the II"se iVct-.r:il. D-i;vi!le. .ln l'J frtif ftuuthtr nffir.l'- Ct:rc JyfJ'rrtM. Mr Smi'n-l Srei-U-f, h-iiiL; "T il n. t nr l wenk and iMt eate cNirH uii tn, Vi'iy E itref iib!e t e Idr. 'wan n'Meiril wilh n very severe e:mn!i. pu i i nnd win nts of tlie bnritt, I' kti - f apj,et i i j Ht'icr iiMi.g i iiiimii-. r t-f t!ie uk.ihI rt mu dies from wi'ifh. p!:e derive ! n I :u iV, -ts iMirrnt by t'lkin? ope b h !le f !(' Pi"-ro"il n;:J is in the 'Vninit of beiier Ins-ib h tlinn f r yejrr pie'.iuus. Dmivil'e. I.'ee. 1 lx;n. J it. Itic.;i.::v : pennit ire ti nn" rni yon ih-a my wife, who is n dche-ittf an I wi'iaV w.'iniii, l ib.rinn under u very ivere Coutrli wtt! tviin nnd & irenons --f l.ioist. was m re (Miic-Ulv n;i.l e.tee'jaliy r lo ved withono bottle ol' ' y nir Huku iV-ei iral than unv olln r iiiethciiie she h-nl ever fcikeu. A!M M'UliUlK. J .Ian. lr, . Sjinmel Yt. 'V.nl. ' l- iiinaee. lied l. int. ; f'-rn jnj :victM-g i, t.vo;i or -j its liusif 1'i;ji:au axd 1 Family r;i.L'. J din Fulner tiiTt-M! !v-tv.-'.v:i l ht i'lni' nnd ew Venr wilh n very bid c iht, which en le 1 in u dry hard iiieens.iit C nili. c:it-tii n j rent. de;il ;i p;m: wliemVer be ennglicd, , was itdicved very ilucii ; bv the lin.e he h.ul l;ii'ti ui.e t'nrd of :i b !!!. 'n;rA by Ihe'thm if -. Ii't'in.-I. vm cn I tireiy e:fed Fie nis niy ihi- he lias t::sen Bevcr.il i!oea j of the 1 1 n Tt ; r 1 1 KtW .r.iLive r.i.utl' i'ilU. und that liiey i;ic itHIUVM Ui;. IU '8L UlUl'Ui !l Mil !J- lives no JUIS CVv'f lakeil. I.'IIMVI...-. J-.li I. t v.v?. V,-yT'J Kl Z!! Ili-.ifl (' r.iali. iviili s .n-i.cs un.l j.-ii.i ..i'u;e lir.--o., f. t ! .which I us.:.! y.i-.ir iioie l'.vtoni!. nod Fmililv I'llls, ami ! la-i I'h-aMii-i-in r.-c aniTi.-iichnit litom. ra til. milile.t and : ni -St etfectual le.ne.lv 1 have usi-.l. V, i,.-h'mi!.- .t..Mi-:s .Muttii.w, J in. SR. t -. AVhit- ilavni. Lnzi-rne co. Urar r.r : As a rrcoinnieiivl:.l.in i r vonr H. p.; I't-eio- j V!!!!!'";' . siy, thai 1 wat rirLViiril.y niud .in 'i M-li!i ii-.iii in lue hri.-i.:. M-illi h-.-s 111:1. 1 h al.' n h .til.;, ao.l Ih .t 1 e i!Kal.:r it tiiv.ih..l..'e. Vun nitt al hhiriy t- iniiii: li-in pal, in- 11' y- tt pit -a-. .I'll: ',' M'illllllMi, (t;, ) u::tivil!.., Pa. ? .-MI1 Wll'tt.il ia'i.rir,j tlu l.-.-ti F' va- i''N;!i jiinl nnol ia hit side, fiom an initiry rciive I '.y n f:-ll. wns ealiiely r.'l.i-vi-.l hy 11 ho'ii.. i Koc l'1-.a..rai ,v t'ri-atn of t'niii p'l.i. I hoe t.'dMti-.l vo ir I'lentl;.- I'i::.s, aial ain filter I c 'iis.t.L-r liioia lliu Lent mmJc -nii-K I Ii iv' e -er usi-ii. JOAN OVi:RDOItF, Jan li-U finah Tp., N'nrlh'd cn. Hr. Rii-kley : Sir ; As n.y iv fn nlio was trouhlcd Willi dry, haul t'-niph, also s ar Stt.rcai-h, dependent upon duh. lily, tnnilai to liitpuptia. was e.ilirt-ly relieved hy uti.ie tw.. h.itlk-8 of your Itose lV-eloral, permit me to tay lliat j cooautei it an exi-e h-ut ttmeily. Vuuis,resperiiuliy, lli-y Mr. WILl.AKD. I't'Fh.r Lnlliernn ('hiin-lt, Diniville. l;i. Havins; iieeaeured of a pain in my arm (siuiilurto Kheu in ituui) ivhiuh ttuprived ine of the free use of it for nhout four months. By u.ill'j one bottle of Cicam of .'uniih ir 1 wniM state tYit I c nisider it Ihu bent remedy of tlie kind I have ever useil in ntv family, nnd I would freely rt-eaiiii.K itil it to others with biaulur I'lTi.-iioiiB. Vuttrs, rcrpcell'ully, J11.N AS WOLF. I!u-h tp., Ncriird eo. My wife l-eiiiu; e'fo'ctc.t with n verv s.-vt-te pain in her ami eiul .h..ul.K-r (th.i ra'M-si.f o-.llj whieli disabled hir fr nil uR.nr il. w aa rurrd w ith nihiaiiy of t'reuiu ..I Cuin ph.T .Mi:. I'.tilin. my ntt-r-iii-luv, wasnls i cured of u severe paia in la head and faee l.v iisiner the Cream of C:ini.hi'r 'I'llllM.WC. LI.LiS, Danville. Jan. HI), "li. .My wife h'.ivuis KlK'unniis:n of the arm fur n number of years, wiiirh prevented her from libins it in d-in her wk ; lifter hav.iiH spent a gieut deal 01 money in trying ililTereut remeilirn with no henelit, was entirely cured by iifii!? onlv one iMnrtle .if vonr t'r.urn ol" rnmph-T. WILLIAM i;vi;S, Minor. 101 . If. W00.I, It. l'nint. J)r. Ulekiev : li::Mn reeei veil a vei y severe injury in my ml" by f . t ti ir fffu I ;ul . f hay. from winch I was una. hie lof.il. nirw.hk. inn rec anmended to try a h atla ..I Cream of C'ain .li .r. whieh nlf 1rd.1l immedi'iie relief. tililr'KI i ll C.M'.U. tush tp., North 1 eo. My wile, aiiiy'iii". from in .sf exeiurialiu jmiiii, thri.tnjhoiit hoi jre-.u-r-i. tyslein, which prevenleil her Iriiui nl-cjiinir (beini: oeiajiiiinil hy n I nt und protracted spell .-.f tickings ;) for wbii-h the ti.e.l a ii'.inhcr of remtsiiet without hcaelii, was cnliiely relev.'d l.v the use nf Cleaill of Camphor. Li:t;.'U. liliiiW.N. Surgeon Jj.-ntist, llanvill.', Pu. Child cured nf n.iwet r.iuu.laiiit; ti.ul Auc (of two jcars sttiiul.tie,) by Worm Svaip. My c'iii.1 liein nl'Hete.l fn the last I wo veart, with U -wel C .inpl.'.int nnd Atrue nn il it iv,,4 retluced to n mere slielrtoa, I tn. d n niin.li.'r of t.niei'.i.i with in permanent b'-iielit, mini 1 c.iv a a b -rle if y.nir W orm siviiip, since w'hi-'h li.nc it has h.-eu well, and j?oi tjntte ll-j-hv. I also have reeommeii Jed it to n nmiil-r ol my fne'ndp, and 111 tvt'iy ruKe it hns u'lvrn R-1'ii.'ii.'ii..u. L. I.LVI. Al Loin, I.utie.sr LMereh-iiit,! lm ivnle. I have u.e.l your '..ria pip 1.1 111) fanolv. au.l eon tl.ler II not onlv cil'retual, hill Ihe 1110,1 pie irant urlirle 1 am ueiproiiliil will,. J Ml ill HfIl:.S. Lunnille. llaioiir ucd vnr W'oiiu S;rup in inv f iiu.lv, it helps my ehil.ue ic i..aa any p.epara'i .11 1.1" the kind, and 11 liurij pli.iiint to i.i!,e. DAN .MOItUAN. f ut 'tn How. I'niivtile. 1 hue lis I 1 .".i; -a n ti-yo"r Worm bvrup ia my uuiily, au.l prd.-r 11 t nny Veiunl'ne I have us.il riit:,l. Iit. il, I'roaiy tl.-y. .I in: mreo. llr l'.iel 'i : 11 tl l.-L' used y I f wolill rlvrilp, and C.tHill of (M.io.h iu.hI 1' iiiiiIv I'i'Is 111 iiiv lauiily, Ihey jue so,k. t iti,.icii.ji, ui.d le-s.siiur llnm Uie nwl rl-U-cluaT, n..d p.iv tol re. at to s, we haie hint iu .ur f.nu.ly. JoflMI I'll It ItlSIILL. Ilinville. Vfaf Hlr : W'0 the uit teisiuae I lieius ia ihe employ of Messfs. I,r.,,f4.v 4- ai.ly, ulll.iose rft. y U save au A-' i:.'y f 'f 1. 1 ai'e v .nr I'lieoly Al-'.li. nu 1, t: Ur. Ih it we hive h't.l 101 o, m. rioii.lv of in. .ivonr ll.e i.pl.ii .,s 01 it.n,!-r. ,t 1 hb t.ln ct 11 ho hive iiaet lli-m, mid llmi they Siva eeuer it H.I.K. ,ett .11. i r hive t ...I a Ijrenl lusov ol ourl'ii t, H'iii.'htlf uaor.ilj hke.l l.'i.ci.oi itnkl 111 111 or .-ii., .11. w I.I'ISKNKIM; lunville, Allcal.W M ht.l'l I'll. 1141 inri e.-ntw I f IIIV IH silt, (try tud, wna Old lee.t lo l.y a t l.U f vour I' k.l'i V a i. w'n--li uel.-l like a claim, tuideoli.g m sains, mil retuoe .it iil.tif wa. JOS A I'll N l ILellKI., Ilenii l. 111 III ',! y : II o'l m l list W, ejlletl ... artl.-O si r., mo-ilh, ft, IV 'I'll. I ll.erl ii .u'-r ! l.-titrtl,. ,'ith lio In ueo, : I .1 fel. uuisd liy IM.-i aMi I. 4'la iM f. lit Tt:ii-a Si M . 1: "I in'.s i-ef c sihartu. 1.1. ) !s;' t I j lliinalei nl Willi t 4e tJle-INt I11I1I0S II 11 hit a'- a I, I0I1114I tu-! ale HMO Mte I ira.n 4 (as,i4. l.ir, ithit a arilee- iawsul, U'lehj fat'Ut S.'t hi-ala ll-n. seCvfiua . I'll' V HIlvlVVN, ! j . sv., ! mi rn fa ins, issuiir p. tw !,.! -Hi.s. .a u,s)iiu.iiir .4 ats,i.,( I Ann ' ' s t... - lo t.i, f.t.ia . ;m,.(h,i.1I.,.i-i IruiJailssn ,,,, V.m.. tsili. ly. t.l'll U IHIIiVW j r.1" .'.' '". Vi..t,.,u. ...i I . IS., uy it n iiisiij, II U.r.V'sK, W.I Al,u..r-. a h, ,.w , , A.-....., ..,!.,,. ' '-'t I ... i..-. i .....,.. , k,,.$ i - r... w - t .. ... 4 II .1 a. I'. I'at'-t J. i -. Vl l 4 I A.t.i-iM, .. a mi s w . I , I 4- li. .t..,, I , " - a. , j ss . r , am Sl A II i ,.s, .,;,.., i. . Ia.'.4a rfM.. ki-SS .fcUM i. ' ' a . I s aso. i u ' -..t , -..il 4 .... . A. . .. . m S s . o s s vi i a . i..a, 14 a o -l I aat alj -st ' iHHsa ,sk aaaltaatssS last SaM- t 'sm H, aM. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own UlcchanicH. GEORGE 11ENN. MAfttTACTUBEIt OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rriIR subscriber rosjmctfully calls the attention of the public to liis largo and splondid assort ment or every qttnltty and price or C A II I ft liT-YV AUK. which cannot fail to retommend itself toevery ont who will examine it, on account of Its durable workmanship and aplendiil finish, made up of tlie best stock to b had In the city. No effort is sptired in the manufacture of his ware, and the itibscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being maJc His stock consists of Mahogany - , Sofas, UIvhiim nnd I.osinpc, . ' Bureang, Secretaries, Sidehoards, SQF1, BREAKFAST A5D D1NIM5 TABLES, and also VEKE'I'IAN BLINDS, equal to riiila- iclphia manufacture. , 11ED3TEAUS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In sliort, every article in this line of his business, lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAI11S, including varieties never before to be had it Sunbury, such ns Maiiooiiti, Black Walnut A!tn Cuiilkii Maplk Ghkcias ; ako Windsor CHAIKS, An fasit Piavo Stooia, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about tho quality ontf finish of his ware and C'hiiiis. His articles will bo disposed of on as good terms as Ihey can lie purchased elsewhere. Coian try Produce ta!;eif in payment for work. tie" LNDEin'AKlNU. Having provided himself with a handsome IIkaiisb, he is now prepnrcd for 1,'ridi rtaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 13" Tim Warn K oom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Ktorc and Weaver's Tavern. UEOKOE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. Eoeb7 liorscs, Childicn's Iropcllors, Gig!). Coaches, Barouches, &c. Mnnufaclurcd wholesale and retail by No. 64 DOCK Street, Pliiladelpliia. Owners thronrth the mail promptly executed Pi.ii.i,, April 'J. liio.1 lv. CHEAP VATCIIE3, JEWELBY AND , ILVi:U W.illll Wholcs-ile nnd Itrtail at No. i N. SI'.l.'O.Nl) Ml., (ippntite till! .Mt. ViTnoa Ii lilte. o .1.1 Lever , :t!c. ics. lull Kneeled. H k. cites, fcJ.-,l:U ; Silicl Lcv.-i, lull jewel,:,!. Qio.OII; Silver l.epini -s. jeweled. Stl,. UP all wariautcd to keep ij.i,iil time. (1 Id I'ri.s and Ni cer Cast;, Sl.liOj fiol.t JVueils. jrl.lill; Gold I'enciit mill I'll; Cases .with rfond Until I'ciisus I 'v us SI. Jo. A e. -Ms , always i.u lnn-1 a eood assortmcul of line eol.l Jewelry. (""Id Curb, Oaalil nml Koh Cnnint, liold Vest I'll ains, liiities' Until l-'nh Chntht and Holt Pius. Silver Table Spo,n from 1 1 to ji l H. llessert, fl to til,un.l Tea, Sri, To 1 1 S6..'U icr s-l. warranted eipial to c iin. AM e ei.ls warranted to be wlinl they are s .hi for t"7 WaieheK and .r-wt-lry repaired anil wiirrnnled. t A il orders sent hy mail or otherwise, will be mine taally ulu-iided to. M. AVISn. Aj-ent. No. -.2 N'orih PKCOXD Slrect, opp wile the Mt. Vernon II.Ki.-e. I'hlla., April 2.1, lS.-.: ly. VATCIIES, JEVELET, &o. J A.M B. FID LEI!, No. 2 South Second Slice', Gold Lever NVatchcs full jewelled feil vcr Lever do Silver Lcpine do " tuarlier do (old pens and pencil and silver haldors Silver Tea nnd Tuble Spoons lirncclets, llrcast pins Ear rings cVe.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as ary in the city. .-.... November 87. 1S32 tf. A Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for stile his furm, CONTAINING 884 ACHES and allowances. It is situated nflout three miles from Siinlit.ry alone the Shamokin creek, and is in a good state or cultivation. The Philadelphia and tStiubury Kailroad passes through said farm. It 1 ill bo ollered ia parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It tan bo divided to make three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a rj'.-od Bank Dam, ami two tenant house. JOHN FARNSWOHT. I'pper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. J?urcka, Eureka." WE IIAViS FOUND IT AT LAST. IOW for the little ones. Why will parents ' waste hours und days in fruitleas endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all irel nothing but a poar, miserable juricature ! We would auy, come to our KXCKLSOIR GALLERY amine will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, hv our Elkctho ( HrsiiciL process, that works in from i to i! second a. W e defy any Dairuerrean in Fliiludelphia or els' here, stu 'iniete with us, a we are the invenlois, and the process is utesl only in our dif ferent etu!ilihiiii'ii' in New England and Ihe Middle Mates. I'or pictures of adult., the ailver uictiiila we have receivrd fiom Ihe Ameiiesn lintitute. New York and Franklin. I'liiladtlplua, tooether with the nmneioua pieiniuins trom County l'mr, it tuilicient proof tbal Ihey are the Se I'tm fV;j ol pet f. lion. We would call particular attention la out Tulli itvpes DaKuerri otynr in Oil. U. I'. I'lit.nst ii i:u..' IUU ' Chestnut Sl.'trl I'liils'lelpliia. Mum sirn t, opposite ails llsinp '' H '"'. "priiikjfielil and Coihiis' Uuil.linu, Weal lie hi. Mai N. U. Our establishment is lttumiualr.1 ly ihe brill. am y of uur Pi, loraa by lUv, and by 1'iolnxor Jly, tHU,U't ary Lumyt ty 4tgUt "t 'oina .nit mt." I'hlla., May Iti.VI. ly. WM.'U'CARiy.'llZtUtirr " LM'i:i TFI I.I.V 11.1..1M,. il.t InhaUunM al town and euunuy, Dial I. baa lets ly nxai rd fium I'i.lU.li Ip'n. a lai.-s aibluiuu U hit altf k uf liiKil,., In etaiv toamU uf 1. 1I1 talure, slid III a liiual tout'lf tfl illllil.oj. t Is-f Call ll ato ll.e. 11, hui.lury, tU- I. It, laM. -e- PJVIT.Yr IIIIIITaN If lt lulca l..r I) IHiMTa.MA U'OI'I'MK U il. U M Alsal.'U. Nui.bi.it. A I.1. Ml I II II. Illillt f: is itiw'iy f. r .o. bs. ssl SH'I I Hl'H.M.a't dl r,s all..l, ol IUm I wuaW su.4m Jut letaitsd u I b 1 aala Wt fl H Mtinfl slhka'V Juel , I!, Hi Jk 1A1?C NOTE TABLE. . . rtoitKTBT. - ... tOMNUr rlll ink of Cheater Co. ,t All ilcnt l,nL. Hi. ii. 1 ; A. ' -neaief r mr! niiniM nermantowtt a i, . ITI. Bsnlt of lw'iM,,Wn ""S ainlv sjs nans ni 11 iUilkit(, o . . A ll ...."rnT"' M..iilB.yn8ryf!,,tal,t pnr NMV j?.,?mi. 1 II "S "r ,r?"","'""'Srl'lHl r-. B'VW. Bm,t'"BLY- , A. linnkofluul.nrg , . j' a :"lll.n,roj.l b.l. Bnnk of Dsnville oni Par. ll,,lt sr", , I " Carlisle Bank " ldis t'-A JV1 Mid iul P" C,.taml,i. B'k A B'ge Co ,r,M l,s XVt''"'"' Pi- l-.xeh.ns. B k Pittb..rg I dis Nawsrk Hk 'g Inl Co 1 j' F nrmsrs n'k, Backs Co psr' Pantile's Jlk P.tlerton 12 , Mrmers Itk, Jm,cnet 'pt Princetn,, nk J Farm. Ilk vl,uyikill Co pnrSrmBrret Co fim.k jI rni.k in Bk Wnsh'ii l)dis,Mc Ilk tli., , Hamslmrn l)k . rdiJSliits B.nk ....iT" 1 ?'! Iloiiesriala B.k i dis f tnte Ilk, N. Bra iswhV .r l.ea.tCT Bank.. par.iissexlink 5? J. Brink Mereh. Arn. rtn,.L tjiiiiin Bank. Dover t'dls ,.,.T, , i-nnsriiia per MoiKiurnliela Bank ..if die West Brsneli Bank rr 113"' Bk mien imdpT g l rtj. Bnnk of DHawars p Bank iif Pniyrns v EE "iST "",,k P" Jk WilmR'n flrondyw. par harm,Ts Bk.t belawsrs par Lnmri Bank, Wilmington par LT" Under We " i,, OHIO. ' All solvent banks f dis IV Bk notes under 6's 1 dis NOHTH CAROLINA. 1 ork Hunk, , C9"Ilelicr notes I di. MAIXR. ' Ttnnkof Whetkwk S.lin Mercantile Bk, Bangor 10 rils All solvent hanks I dig NKW HAMI-SHIRfi. AH solvent Imnls , di, . VKKMONT. B ink of St AMnns 8 dis Allsolvent hank. jjHsjty faderf., " gj aii solvent Innks s dis TrtnMKNDous Excitement .' .' Casli, Steam, Electricity!! The Aerial and all other lines out-dont by the IRA T. CLEMENT. yiIO, having great faith in rapid sales and small profits has just received ano opened a large assortment of 1 FALL AND WISTER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.tet Street, Sunburv -hi,l, he oners to the public at the lowest prices His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Good viz : Cloth. r,rr, Cachets, Jeans, Drilling, Awihns, Linens, Calieoes, MllsUn dt c ' iaius, Lawns, GinKhams, heroes. Silk Hats. A lare n.sorlmc.t of Boot, nnd Shoe,, for Men, Women and Children. CJrocrcs. St.3ar, Tea, CpiTef, Malawi, Chew ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron and Steel. Nail,, File., Saw. &e Q.UEE N SIVARE, Tea Setts, rintcs, Di,k, Cups, Saueers, t wiic. Brandy, Gin, Kniii, Wbisftrj, ic fc-i-T L Olintrv iir.l..- e ..... rbi.ir. -.-.i -iiooi an mini ukenin ine inuuet niaikct prices. Jan. 15, ls.,3 v. THE lOCKET AESCTCAPlirs : OR, r.VEI'.V ONT. OW.V PHYSICIA.V. i.f r8"ti EORT1ETH K.li. ,7 ''''. wilh Onelluiidtcd Lnrrraviturs. K-l.oi 1.:. - ........ tl, xjio . eatuaand M-ilformationa o ;jti'e lluman System in every jpbape and form. To which is added a Treaii., o., i!. : '''wases of Females, beiinj oiiiieliiijbi-ni importance to .- married ic,l,r, ,)r tUoi coiitemplatiB marria-'c. . Lr-t no father be ashamed to pic-eot a cooy o tho .E-iCU.A I'U.S lo his child. It mav '.'avo him limn an early crave. Let no young nin or woman enter into the secret oblic.itions of mar ried lilo without rending the l'OCKET .ESfl," I.AI'II'.S. Let no otto siiticritii; from harki.icp Couu'h, I'liin in tho Side, restless nii-hla. nervous feclin-s, nnd the whole t-nin of I)Vs cptic si nsa lions, ami civen up by their physician, he another moment will. nut cuRaultiii the .EiSl't'LAl'irs. Have the mnrrieil, 01 tho-e ni.out to bn married any i:n;'ci!iinii,l, rend tiii-i truly uwfut bonk, ut it has been the means of saying thousands of un fortunate Creatures fiem Ihe crv jaws uf death. Hv" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will recriie one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will b sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SI'RLX'E Street, l'llILADELFHIA." I'ost paid. June 18, 1S53 ly. A VALUABLE EOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALS. nriHE subscriber offers at private sale, hishoufe and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of fcuiibiiry, now in the occupancy of John rdiissler and orig inally owned by Chas. Gusslcr while engaged in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FEAIIE EOTJSE, H'l.'A a Well of pooil.Wuter, and a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop erty is hainUomely located and will lie sold al a reasonable price and possession given in April next. Appv t (too. c. Welker, Es.p, of Pun bury, or to the subscriber at Sclinsr-rove. I'ETEH KEULIN. July 23, 1S5H tf. llosendale Hydraulic Cement. A N excellei't article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houtes und Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wit and exposed walls. For sale bv CHARLES s-.IIKrARl) SMITH, of, and successor lo, Ihe bile tiriti of Evi Smith fc-'on. N. E. Corner of Trent and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, FeK 19, 18S3 ly. Itiimher Yard. rYl E suliserila-r would respectfully inform tU ritiiriii of Munbuiy, so l Norlhunilerlsn! and adjoining counties, liia" ht bis opeoeil I.tiuilicr Vartl in the lot ftoiitiiii on l'ra.i!rry St., a shotl dit lance L i-l of the Meant haw -Mill, nlier lie ha1 now a I ir giuoiiiit ol .s..n"r. 1'annl I'lux!' 1'jitnrl J'a.nJj. and ull other UoaiJtai'i Hi 1 An at, Mir'.n.u, such .n .ll IstKauiid 1' building I'tiipim. Also a ltri;i' amount uf Hlillijlle oil hand, whlih nil! I aoij lioin Hi Uj 10 H, a.'rii.ii.n lo ipi iulv and 'ie. I'lrate gl u a tail and eiajiioe uur pine- and ipijlav, N. II. Faiuieis silu a. a 111 waul ol nlilin't stilt phati) call aa h Mill a:! lo Von low. J. E. l.EIH. Kup. unburjr, May tU. IS33. ly. f ltlLD I'ENl wilh aaJ ithoi.t raes. ef H t"V uwiar sjiiail'.v. jutl r'tnd. A lau lie U aul 1 1 ul l iiltn 1 luiJ, far sal h li. U. M.vst:u. Vaiibiti), Iw. ti. K it J 111 . Ml 1. 1.1,1 r.", lii...nJ .Nuie. IumJi H,J IV. an uis. all ut, 1'u.iat Aula. I '-. A i.la, r ilbe. la, j aj.n.a, Fla. I IU.M1. I amMt Caiidia-s so t Tula, just iwei.ad ai J Uu aa1 tf Jlr.: III. ,.il. . , J t Ntll HI k II V.tl.Jt- 11,0. I.a. t'hllsrl ma V. Ja.M ill 1 'l a, i. ly - II... k ,,,J J to. t I'leaa kllk. 'l la.., ,,l.rl ulv' ..r Tmu'Ui""', Him4 t-'ilaia, un.lci slsaia. ,hi muiit, tuila, us4 r i.a sJs.Mltsr I W I F k ( . aMl' S IU ls t 1 '- ! ! I v. : -. , ...-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers