I BALTIMORE M. E. CONFERENCE AP POINTMENTS. The Baltimore Conference of the M. E. Church mljnurneJ at Baltimore, on Weclnes day evening, afterer a. session of thirteen days. , lhe following appointments are to churches in Pennsylvania: ' Bellefont District. John Poisnl, P. E. Fellefonte Station, Thomss Daugherty. Belle fonts Circuit, J. W. Haughawout, T. D Got. wait. Penn's Valley, Alem Biittain, E, VV Kirby. Huntingdon, Nathan S. Buckingham. Manor Hill, Elisha Butler, Samuel Creighlon Warrior's Matlc, W. L. Spotswood, F. E, Crever, George Guyer, snp. Bald Eagle, Charles Cleavern New Washington, C. G Linthicum, D. M. Giles. Clearfield, Adam Huokerbury, R. A. Balhurst. Karthaus, H. C. McDatiiel, one to be supplied. Caledonia, Nathan Shaffer, Nathaniel Colburn. Sinna (nahoning, Albert Hartman, one to be sup. plied. Liberty Valley, Jacob L. Ever. Pine Creek, Penberlon Bird. Jersey Shore, John W. Elliott. Great Island, George Warren. Lock Haven, Justus A. Melick, one to be sup plied. Kettle Creek Mission, one to be sup plied. Northumberland District. T B Sargent, P E. 1 Williamsport, John Stiue. Newberry, Joseph S Lee, Jos Y Rothrock. Muncy, T H Switzer, Samuel Barns, Edward E Allen, sup. Milton Circuit, Thos Tanyhill, Chas C Mabee. Milton Station, Jacob S McMurry. Northumberland, Thos Barnhard, one to be supplied. Lewisburg, Bon jam in B Hamliiu Sunbury, Joseph G McKeehan, Jas Cutns. Caltawissa, R Wesley Black, F M Slusser. Danville, James Brads. North Danville Mis sion, John A DeMoyer. Bloomsbnrg, Jos A "Ross, Vsbury W Guyer. Orangeville, Jushua Kelley, one to be supplied. Rloomingdnle, Franklin Dyson, B P King. Luzerne, Wm E Buckingham, J W Stout. Berwick, John Mooihead, Thomas Sherlock. Thomas Bow man, Principal of Dickinson Seminary member of Williamsport Quarterly Confer ence. Irvin II Torrence, agent of the Ame rican Bible Society member of the North Danville Mission Quarterly Conference. Carlisle Disti id Aquilla A Reese, P. E. Carlisle Station, (first charge,) S L MoConser, Carlisle Slatian, (second charge,) John M Jones. Carlisle Circuit, William Gwytm Samuel W. Pi ice, Henry W Bellman, slip. Mifflin, S H Griffish, Reuben E Wilson, H W Ewing. Newport, William R Mills, one to be supplied. Lewistown Station, Benja min H Creever. Lewistown Ciicuit, Geo Berkslreser, Joseph E Watson. Kisbacco. quillas, David C Worts. Bloomfield. Plum'f E Waters, J H McGarrah. Concord, Cam bridge Graham, one to be supplied. Ship peusburg, Andrew VV. Gibson. Newville, Alexander M Barnilz, otie to be supplied. York Spiin", James R Durborrow, David S Monroe. York, Robert S Vinton, Jas France, sup. Wiightsvflle, Washington W Welsh. Cnstlo Finn, John Anderson, one to be sup plied. Charles Collins. President of Dickinson College; Olis Henry Tiffany, Professor members of the Quarterly Conference of the second charge in Carlisle. Robert S. iMaelay, Missionary to China. Thimas M. Goodfellow transferred to the Iowa Conference ; Sylvester H. Aldridge, to the East Oenessee Conference. MlliHIAfiC. 1 saw two cioudfl at inoruiu, Tinged with ttie rising sun : And in the ttuwii lln;y flouted un, And minli-il into one. Ilullou-ay's Ointment and Pills a certain Cure lor Eruptions'atid all diseases of the Skin. Extiact of a letter dom Mr. J. Hird, draper, Krady. dated February 14, 1853 "To Professor Hollowav, Sir, My child, when three months old, was afflicted with severe eruptions all over the body; I sought every aid and the advice of surgeons and physicians, by all of whom the case was con sidered hopeless; I then tried your Ointment and Pills, a-;4 without exaggeration, the ef fect was mi:aculous, tor in a short time she was resiored to perfect health. Mr. Bowden, bookseller, Gainsborough, or myself, would, be happy to satisfy any inquirer as to the truth of this statement." IMPORTANT Legislative Proceedings. The Legislature bad adjourned for nine days, so as to afford time for all the members to prepare for and enjoy the consolidation festivitiei, and to Ittovide thaiuselvcs with suitable clothing for the occasion, from Kociiina & Wilson's cheap and fashionable clotliin; store. No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 28, 1854 cw. I)C iHiukcts. Philadelphia Market. March 22, 1851. Flour and Mel Salesof Flour forship aieut at 87 124 per hbl , for city consump tion within the range of (7 35 a 97 75, tor common ami extra brands. Kye Hour audi Corn Meal are dull. Last sales of the former at f4 871 a 85 12?i a'ul f Com Meal at S3 25. Grain. Wheat is in rather limited de mand with small sales at 11 CO for red, and SI 75 for white. Rye is worth 90e per bush. Corn is lower fair sales of yellow at 72e, afloat, and 72 cents, in sloie. Oat are inac tive. Last salesof Southern al 44 cents, and Pennsylvania at 48 a 50 cents. Whiskey. Is hotu at votaz cents, in bids , and 264 in hhJi. SUNBURY riUCE CU It KENT Whist. 150 Rv. 87 !!. ... 6? riT. . . 40 POTATOSS, ,60 Hitiwii .IS MifslidTuI. KcTTsa. .S3 K.s. ... 13 Pttasi. ... Flaissss. US TiLieV. 10 Saw AdrertiMment. BPBI50 MILLIBERY GOODS. JOIIJITOtKft.lO.'VD, fit. 43 South Stcorni St., Philadelphia, m a aye bow in Buws, of ihsif importation. M I a large and bautUwuta assoiimsni ul Rlt.boiis, Silks, FWscs, Crsiws, . i ..... ..iiU suiUbU la lb Millinery Trade, :. l aOJilioa W'U he made U.(owU- ua ssusi. Uby ssUi( Umsb WW. lbs Uiss-t a4 -s4 sVsusble mlu of SJluUs la . J.. I.... L. k LusJ ill lU tUt. Phdsda i M'a . ! - NOTICE. TVrOTICE is hereby eiven to all net-sons In. ' debted to the undersigned on notes or book account (of their store at Lower Augusta town- iiil, .voruuimnerland county, Pa.) that they have sold their stock of goods to W. A. Knabli, and must have their accounts settled. For the purpose of giving all persons indebted a chance 10 mane settlement, they have left the Books in the hands of the samo Wm. A. Knebb, until the 8lh day of April next, after which time they will Do placed in the hands of an officer for collection ' All thoas having claims against the firm will pleas present them bctore the above mentioned time, to the same Wm. A. Knabb for payment, i 8. HEILNER ic 8HAV. Minersville, March 18, 1854. 31. rilOCLAM ATION NOTICE Is hereby given that the several Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland,' to commence at the Court House, in the borough of 8unbury, at 10 o'clock, A, M. on Monday, the 3d day of April, next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oflices apbertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth acrainst any prisoner are also requested and commanded to lw then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute tttrainst him, as shnll be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed asrrccaUc to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1 8th day of jviarcti, in mo year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four and the In dependence of the United States of. America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Gael save the Commonwealth. List of Causes, trial in the Court of Common Pleas TOR of Northumberland County, at Anril T.. A. D., 1854. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. John Hunter vs John Haatr Reuben Fngelv A Ko vs John Rosscr A co P K Fisher vs Fisher V Zartman Morris L IIiillowcll vs James Reed Scull & Thompson vs Same Uun.ctt Paxton iY co vs Same Richard B Britten & Co vs Samo 5amo vs Same Peter tsheddy vs Win Augnst & H Krincr Win L Cook vs Samuel Johnson Commonwealth vs George Eckcrt adin'r Stephen Ellis nilm'r vs EL Piper I bomas M W ilhams vs Wilson Hutchinson George Eckerts adm'r vs Henry Roadcr Thomas M Watts vs Jacob Roub Jacob Stitzel vs David Gould Daniel Schroat vs D H Dreisbach el al Lewis Dewart's exr vs R 4- W Fagely Solomon Fagely v George Fagely et al L-ase for sweeny & Caldwell vs Saml A Leidv John C Mcloy vs John Weddeconib Win rnrman -vs Cbsrles Gosslcr W m Wainriqrht vs E S Trceo d- co David .Hcrhst vs G W Freeso Solomon Knouse vs Isaac Bcitllcspach Pavid H olden & wife vs Geo Yonkins admr et al Wm Tracy vs Robins & Wilhelm Wm P Marr vs John Baily David Walton vs same Whito 4 Mcr.viiie vs Rowers Gosh d co Wm H Frymire vs John Miller. Benjamin Buruhait vs J P Shullz F Jordan & co vs Dcnj Griffey Abrm Brosious admr vs Jacob Kabcl same samo John Tngirart et al vs Juincs D Harr David Walton vs David Waldron Bunk of North'd vs John M Wagoner Barbara Rower's guardian vs Chas A Kntz Jacob Kline vs McGran ec Harry R Hays ct nl for Frymire vs John Miller Jonas Weaver vs Eve Weaver James Cameron s Chas A Kulz James Covert vs James Tharn's admr JAMES HEARD, Proth'y. Prothoiu '.nry's OHice. Smihurv, Slarch 18, 134. C . List of Jurors, F Northumberland County, for April Teiin, A. D.j 1854. s ra itd Jurors. Point J C Ilorton. Jackson George Garman. Lowek Augusta Henry Fasholt, Adam Snyder Lbal lumber Cleaver. Sunbury Jackson JStioh, Beuianin Hen dricks, Peter B Masser. Northumberland Joseph W Vandyke. Delaware Jacob Hodman, Saml Luurr. Wilson Hutchison, Edwin V Dickerson. ohamokin Casper Adams, Jonas Haas, David F Fagely. Hush William U fecott. Turbut William Follmor, George Kunlz. Lewis James Young. Uppkr Mahanoy Peter Beissel Chilisqiaque Philip Ililyard. Milton Henry Heinen. Lower Mahanoy Jacob Dreibelbiss ' TRAVERSE JURORS: Milton John M Hufl, Abraham T Good man, James Montgomery, Abraham Slraub, John Heckley. Uri'Kii Auui'frTA llirasn P Cooper Nor riii'Miir.RLANU George Burr, John Heck, Joseph R Primal ley. CniLisQUAiji'K John Hockley, sr , Andrew Fetzer, William M Auton, William lleed, Michael Weaver. Dixaware Jonathan P Shultz, II S Hall- an. Dr. ft H Watson. James Armstrong. J M Oyster, D C Watson. Lower Augusta Henrv Kmier. GenrnH McCarry, Divid Houek, David Clark. Isaac i mil uuntir. kiBii James Ecktnan, Jnspph Geaihart, ben Campbell. ( SOU uf Ahn.i.nm ll..n,.. ohnson. 1 Coal Abraham O David N. Lake, Petur Yayer, William" At water. ' Cameron John Boyer. SuNsuar P M Sbind George SmiH,, Henrv Bueher. .uBuT-uavul Marr, Charles Hedell, vPPRR MaHANOV l.i...i. .... Hetrick. 7 ,unn Lowta MAHANUY-Joseph Kenstermachsr SiiAMouN-Edwartl Wilkinson. Jacksun Isaao'llein i , . Peter Fersler. ' -U"B0". l'etlt Jiirom. SuNBUBT-Beiiiamin ZotiUrnoyer, G Weiser, Reuben rBly, John tiuyers. jeorga joauAH imam onaiisii. Lowsa Mahanot Michael lbr, John Buuen, Philip Bibb. CoAL-rster ostiisr, Mephen Bitlenbender Benjamin MvLow. Poibt Robil Curry, jr., Samuel R Wood. jVlloiwil Disnim. Jtt'KsiiM Niehulas B Drumhsller. I.ittlb MAHAet Samuel S Wagner. Nobthuhssblabo Peier lluch. Miltsb William W bee land, John Snyder, John B Besid. Umi AvuvsT Joho T MoPhstson JaeoblUita. Crrtt AufclsTi Joseph Morgan, Gtoig ConraJ. ('MiLisuvtui'B William E livin. Tvaivf Hugh U. Itasiilsun, Jawb Hart- aaan. UvM Ctsrles Metier. Lewis -leoiis'd houp. P'timotiB John H irf. SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. PRICES OF HORSE AND CARRIAGE HIRE. 4 Horses, Carriage and Driver, per day, $8,00 3 a l i i 3 1 8,00 4,00 Buggy, Sulkey, Saddle, and Harness, 3,50 3,00 1,50 3,00 1,50 3,00 1,50 1,35 1,00 75 1,00 50 50 35 Two Horse Carriage, best,' ' " second best, une " Buggy, best, second best. Sulkey, 1 : Doable Harness, best, " second best, 1 Single " best, . , ' " second best, Terms cash in advance. THOMPSON & EISELY. JOHN DIEMER Sunbury, March 11, 1834. 6U 18 ITAVING embarked in the mercantile business on my account, I take the opportunity to thank the friends of the late firm, and the public in general, for the liberal patronage extended to me heretofore, and would be most happy to see them at my old stand (at Einerick's Tavern) in Lower Augusta, where they can find me at all times administering to their wants on the most liberal terms. WM. A. KNABB. Augusta twsp.. March 18, 1851. If It ttiS tUSTtlll J"5EING extensively engaged in the monufac ture of paper, vc will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rugs for sale, moro than the present .market prices Cash. JESSUP c MOORE, Paper Manufacturers. PauAiniLPiif a Nos. 24 and 2G North St. 1 1st Street below Arch, between Silt At 6th. Phila., March 18, 1854 2m. notijukT MHHE Chief Burgess requests us to notify nil persons who contomplutc erecting buildings of and kind on the line of any street or alley uf this Borough, that they are required to apply to him for a building permit, and also to have the line of the building located by tho regulators. Obedience to this erdinaiice will be strictly en forced. Sunbury, March 18, 1851 tf. NOTICE. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that the notes, bonks and accounts of Samuel Thompson, dee'd., lute of Sunbury, arc now in the hands of G. M, Yorks, Esq., for collection. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased, arc request ed to call and settle immediately if they desire to save costs. MARIA THOMPSON, Adin'rix of said deceased. Sunbury, March 18, 1854. 6t. SHERIFF'S SALES. B1 Y virtue of a certain writ of Lrv. Facial to me directed, will be sold by public sale, on Monday, the third of April, next, tit I o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in Sunbury, the fol lowing property, viz: all that messuage piece or Parcel of Land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as fol lows, to wit : Beginning at a white ouk, thence by lauds surveyed for Eother Kramer, north eighty eight degrees, cast one hundred and ninety perches to a post, thence by land surveyed for William Green and Sainuul Clark north two degrees, weat one hundred and two perches to stones, thence by lands surveyed for Thomas Hamilton, south eighty tight degrees, west two hundred and forty-live perches to stones, thence by lands surveyed lor .,. 1.. l,ecrson soutli , thirty degrees, eant one hundred mill seventeen I percues lo me pincc ui nrgiiinmg, communis one hundred and thirty acres and filly four perches und allowance, &c., being the same tract of land which was surveyed for John Carson in the year 1704, and returned as 4flti acres, but which upon re-survey by the order of the board of proprietors dated March 0th l'-4, was reduced to lot acres , , ,. and 54 perches, and which by divers conveyances Ur"to7n Fee" ' ra'lCe 1CSezed, taken in eSecution and to be sold a. ., . e i u i . the property of C bar Ira V i barton. Al.su: BY Virtue of a certain writ of Yen. ICjji. tome directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the same time and place, A Certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Joseph Gass, east by lands of George Savidgc, south by lands of Abm. Wolf, and west by land of Joseph Gass, containing 40 acres more or less, all of which is cleared, whereon are erected a small log House, a log Stable, Stc. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as he property of Valentine Hannabac1!. WILLIAM 13. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollice j , Sunbury. March 1 1, 1654.- ) Notice to Collectors. COLLECTORS in arrears arc hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their duplicates hy the April Court. Those neglecting this notice will be dealt with according to law. CHAS. WEAVER, 5 JOS. NICE L Y, Coin'ssrs. SIMON SNYDER,) Coin'ssrs. Oiiice, Suiihurv, March II, 185-1.-" Geo Martin, C'lk. ) liiitle Letting LF.T'J'ING will be held at the house of Isaac Reader, on t'ui 30lh of March, for a Hridtie across Warrior Run in Lewis toivnship, I'miioeals will be received from 10 o'clock, until 1 P. M. of said day. Plans and specifications will l.c exhibited on the day of letting, CIIS. WEAVER LU, M.Y, Corn's I'.R. ) JtiSEI'Jl .Ml 1.1. X. Com ssra. SIMON SNYD1 C'oinm'ssrs Ollice, Sunbury, March II, Hot In the mutter of Partition of the real estate of James Lemon, dee'd. IOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to make distribution ot the moneys raiseu on the sale of lbs real rsUle of Juines Lemon, lata of Point township, dee'd., to and among those legally entitled to the same, will proceed to tba dulias of his appointment, al bis utile in the Borough of Sunbury, on Monday, in oo uay oi Aliril, 1854. al 10 o clucR, J. m. oi saiu usy, i which tint and place all interested may Bttend WM. M. KOl'KEKELl.EK, Auditor. Sunbury. Manh 11, 1054 St. ORPHANS COURT SALE. IN pursuant- of an onhrt of lb Orphans Court of Nortaurabtrlsnd (ognly, will b ipd h puuiw sal at Hi Court llous m nunuury, alurdav. Ik lal s1 af Aunl la&4. Ui follow mi asKiiKtl al uuu. lu ail i IU uiiukuwu . . ' - " r - .- - fouilh part al Iwu eoiiliguous Lola of Giound, w in uutouih ol Buubury, on in soum ol UUu ktMrry aud Kivr sir!, """" " "a a Two Biorv lliuk uiinn llous au4 SIIUIM.M.4CH aowoweup-vl by 11. U. Massr, Km., 1. la il,. U '.lul.f. dc d., sudin kit.k ttB) mulam Uty ..gi,, h.4ds a III mui. x U uU lit H-pv of t.mdy J. tii.t. ,uj Nora.au at, Ku.W. tumor, snuium w iHtiiliisi rt, B.I to iu.uiw.ac at l a o'Uh.i. M. of U uay, u iu wimt iH W H,d t. UCMtV C. KVKH. . '. Oii4iB). DISKMIWIMIUIIlL j p. rt Hoti.. ti. o. c. unuiy, Mii.b II, list REGISTERS' NOTICE- TMOTICE is hereby given to' all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register- of Northumberland County, and thot the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, A. V., 1854, in tho forenoon, for confirma tion and a.lowunce. IS'atbnn Irwin, dee'd., settled .by his AJin'tor, - Thomas Pollocks Frederick Tschopp, dee'd., Final Acet. settled , j by his Adm'ra, Philip & Andrew Tschopp. Arinm Daniel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, i Jolin Adam Daniel. . Bonj. L. Vastins, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor. Lewis V. Vastine. Henry Lantz, dee'd., Final Aect. settled by his Ex'r, Simon Lants. John Schleppy, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Coprod Schleppy & Chas. A. Kulz. Baltzer Bordner, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Jonathan cV. George Bordner. Mary Sears, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs, Thos. Snyder & Robert 8. Seers. Anthony Yoder, dee'd.. settled by his Ex'rs, Peter Yoder tf Daniel Herncr. Wilson Price, dee'd., settled by his Executor, William )L Muencli. Michael Neidig, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r, Samuel S. Wagner. Daniel Lntsho, dee'd., settled by hit Adm'tors, John S. & Henry Lntsha. John Engtc, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, do bonis non, Philip Weiscr. Tliilip Helriih, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Michael, Samuel & Nicholas llelrich. John Eister, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r John H. & Jacob II. Eister. I William W. Irland, dee'd., nettled by his Adm'r, D. L. Irland. Richard Harclay, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Thos. Strawbridgn fc Robert A. Gill'en. Jane Rishel, settled by her Guuidian, Martin Rixhcl. Caroline Troxel, settled by her Guardian, George Smith. John Eislei, jr., (GiiHrdinn Acct.) ssttlcd by John Eister, sr., Adm'lor. Simon Fullmer, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, Philip and Rebecca Follincr. JOHN P. PL'HSEL, Register. Register's OHice, Sunbury, March 4, 1854.- Orphans Court Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, I will sell al pub lic sale, at Burr's Hotel in the Borough of Nor thumberland, On FRIDAY, the 31st day of MARCH, 1854, at one o'clock, P. M., 1st. A Farm adjoining the Borough of North umberland, Pa., containing 2b acres, with about 85 acres cleared,fwith house, barn, &c, on tho same. The above farm is heiyitifully situated near the canal, and the line of tho Sunbury and Erie Railroad, and within five minutes walk of the town of Noithumberland. It is excellent grain land, and has upon it a valuable sand stone quarry. 3d. Also, a Frame House and two lots on Queen street, in the Borough of Northumberland formerly occupied by the Rev. James Koy, dee'd. 3d. Also, Two and a half acres of land, lying between the canal and tho West Branch of the Susquehanna, in the Borough of Norlhumbcr laud. Teyns oss thibu down, at the time of sale, and the balauco in tlirco equal annual payments, with interest payablo yearly. " JAM.ES KAY, Acting Executor of Rev. James Kay, dee'd. By order of the Court, ) J. P. PCRSEL, C'lk. O. C. Sunbury, March 4, lt)o4 ) FOE SALE! flvt; mbscri y comiregat ilier-j, Truutces of the Lutheran ion of Sunburv, will expose to public sale on the first Monday of April Court next. Three Vae:mt Town Lots. fionting on Deer street 35 feet, and running back 110 feet, and also an adjoining lot, forty-five feet front nn Dpi., a!r.ir ami 1 IO f-f.f .li.nr, nn ' i. . , . . . i j . l , ., v.. nnui, I 19 emUl a , i ST0RY BIlICK BUILDING, ! J."0"'" " the. ,Lu,",cr"" , i the old church building. AUo the OKUAN of . . . . . .., ,..,,. ; "7 v. ..""v.',' '.'"- iiiuui, uiiu nun Huiiucu iu a cntircu. i ue icrnis and conditions will be mado known on the day ! of sale. i GKO. WEIsuit, i BEJ. H t:Dl! ICKS, j Trustees. Sunbury, March 11, 1SS4 ts. L0CT0B JOSEPH W. CAMERON, "RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of " the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has pcrinanantly located himself in said uorough ; and oilers his professional services to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. tf. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN EUROPE! The Ilus&ian 31inisters ate left Vranee un England, and the consequence v ill no -doubt be a serious war, and great rise in the price of gruin, $c, but S. SC1INUHMAX CO., rEIAKE plcasuro in informing the citizens of M. Sunbury, and vicinity, that it has not, nor will not clli-ct the low price of their excellent winter stock of clothing, but that I hey are now selling nlf all ut first cost. This is no humbug. anil the oi,ly way to find out the truth of it, is to give us a call, when every pains will! be taken to deal at low friccs and saiii'.tctory to customers. In addition to a good stock of clothing, persons will find ut our establishment a fine assortment of Watches, Jeveli7,&c., rhich we claim the right of selling cheaper than ny other store of the kind, in this section of the country. Don t lorgct thu name and place, H. Sihiiurnian t o., Market street, rniutniry, nearly opposite John Young's Stoie. We will in a short liino relieve our Spring and Summer stock, which we also intend to sell lb mod reasonable, lielieving our old motto, CASH, lo be a good one. we wiil still adhere to it. Tho ready John is always the most com fortable. B.SCHNl'RMAN & CO. Sunbury, March 4, 1854 OS If Cutinl Hoats for Sale. r""MI K subscribers having retired from the -B- lloalina and cam ilia business, offer for sat Ten Firit Class l'insylvaain CANAL HO ATS, All In coniplel order, having been thoroughly repaired, and sr new ready for us. Th Uoals ran b sn by calling on John giegler, Columbia, Laucastsr co., rs- DI-vtiH AM IIULIi, tit Market street, Philadelphia. Phila., March 4, l4 lia. For Sule! . a 1 hi t . a flMIE lluuaosad l.si al urauna in aiara.i -i eueel. new ta) ill aceupaiwy ot Ml Jen riuuey. F-iou h ia iiaodtlly. Vui leviui. Ac. apply t Ruukary, Mrh 1 1. UM.t. Notice to nuy up. LL Miauu UKlebleJ U riding 4 Oiaal are laeuecUully leSuUd I vail J HI w uasaui.1. M as UfcMa lb flat f Ap'U MSl. M (bay sbus ) I puiestae lh.hr pita (mpiIisMb Huabsjiy, M.i.h , lM BHAMOKIN . Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal - Rev. C.J. EHREHART, A. M. Teachtr of Moral and Mental Science, Eri . " dunces oj r Christianity, Ifc. ' TeatUtr tf Primary Department. r"j,UE first session of this Institution, located at - Sbamokln, Northumberland county, 'Pa., will commence on WxoxxsnsT, the 10th day of Mat, 1854. The year will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the -holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments', A I UlJIillt, ACAUCMIC and CvLltolATt. 'l he course of instruction in these will be full and tlforough, embracing all the branches usually taught in these respective departments. Rath or Tdtiox i Primary Department, per session, $4,00 Academic " $6,00 Collegiate " " $8,00 A Urge and spacious room has been secured to meet the wants of the Institution, until the necessary buildings te completed. Boarding can be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. The Board of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, to niako Shamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the putronago and confidence of tho com munity. For further particulars, address Kiinber Clea ver, Esq., of Sliiuriukin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or Rev. C. J. Ehrohart of Paxinos, Northumberland county. Pa. Shuiiiokin, March 4, 1851, LAWliENCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. TIlllE subscriber respectfully informs the public -L that she still continues to keep the above named public house, and that she has engaged Mr. Weiscr Zieglcr lo superiu'ciid the same. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be nlilo to giva satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury March 4. 1854. tf. CIRCULAR. riHE subscriber begs Icavo respectfully M. form his friends and tho public gen to in - crally that he w ill continue the business of a Cabinet Makcn' rinding Store, in all its vaiious branc'ies ut the old stand, No. 134 South Second st., below Dock st. Philadel phia, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm of T. & L. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will bo made hy himself and those in his employ to merit a continuance of their much c-tecmed lavorn. THOMAS THOMPSON. Pliilu., March 4, I(j5-I.- 6m. Estate of MARTHA G00DIIART, deo'd! JOTICE is hereby given thut letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Martha Good hart, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them for settlement. F. BUCIIE1J, Adm'tor. Sunbury, March 4, 1854. 6t. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! n3HE subscriber offers for sale tho following 3. property in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE And two contigious Lots of Ground, on the south west-corner of Market Square, now occupied by the sol b riber as a store and dwel ling. AUo: THE STEAiJI SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling House ami Lot of Ground, Elderberry street. Also: six acres of i -i .i ' it.:... .i: .1... 1 j.ruiliiu ni II1V I Ollll, a II (Ol Mill U IIIC OUSUUl-liailim, n hk.h aM rrecK.j lram(J houBM a house, Scc. Al-o : A llolWO lllld Lot of GlOltlld . . . . .... in Oranhcrsy street, near the river, on which lot are hJso erected (hree lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of Kiver and Dewberry street, or copied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry slrevt. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jam I I, 1851, tf. CLOTHI1TG AT COST I Great Bargains ! ! IN order to make room for our spring supplies we have commenced from to-day to sell olf our Stock of rcsdy made Winter Clothing, at or iginal cost and invite our customera and the pub lic in general who are in want of warm clothing, to favor us with a call. -'Old Boreas" has not quit us yet for this winter, aud in consequence we will piobubly have some cold weather yet, whereat thick Overcoats will do us signal service. Even if not needed at the moment people will Cud it advantageous to supply themselves, before hand, as we hold out a good oppertuuity now lo all. Cold blustering spring is long yet aud even through summer a thick Overcoat will come han dv sometimes. W'o havo a choice lot on bund yet and respectfully invite our patrons to call at G. ELSBERO & CO S. Cheap Clothing Store, Market Street, opposite lhe Post Office. N. 11. We will continew as heretofore to sell oil (roods ill our line as reasonable as possible still adhering to oiir old motto: cheap ron c.isir (1. Kl.SUUitO & Co. Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1851. 1,000 Book Agents Wanted, To Sell Pictorial and Useful Works for the Year IS!),. $1,000 COLLARS A YEAR. "lV'ANTUU in every section of the tutted ' ' Stales, active and ciitnrpri.iiig men, to engage in the sale ol some ol in wti dooks published Hi lhe t ountsy. 1 o Inrn ol good ad dress, puKseshing a small capital or Iroin .0 lo 1)1 100, such inducements will be ollered ss lo enable them lo make fiom $3 lo $5 a day profit. IV 'l'h Dooks publulird by us are all uselul in their character, extremely popular, and com mand lurh'e sale wuerever mey aie uucrru. For further particulars, address, (oli paid, KODKItT KEAltS. rvauaiiK. Iiil William 8lreel, New-York. N.w York. Trb. tS, IBM. 3l. EUtTof J. C7 JERKINS, deo d." V O I'lCK ta he'eby gin, Ihet setter l aiimiic i ' Ulralion dee bn grai.Uj lo Ike utwcribr, t . U-.L . . .UM.M.I I.Ulfef uoon Mi eetai n v. ...-, .e.oiluB. All tboe knowing IbemseUe la debud U said sUt, an rsUMi4 to suak pay maul, and thos having claims, ta feasant lhia, duly BUtbsnUealsJ. for siilesnBt. Buubary, March . IS4. 0U 'EtTLYlDHOUIELe deed. . ..... . . JOTU'E 1 liby gia inai ariia a V miutetialtuei tia U grnled hi la . reigu4 itpua lb eui af Ldi Houeel, Ui wl" Uisssi iowaliip, Noribua.bert.ad euuy, dew'd. AH pvrwut having clalau agauwl eaid selal ' liMMtet prswMl itutm, duls av tl.ealK-.UNl, tur sMlkMusul I 4 ins- Baewtug tkeweWvM tdble4 M eaek peyteeul wnkaul deist. rilAHTHOlEL. AJaiV Mu.hij,fi X, lll--Bi New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, MANUrACTURKRS IMPORTERS, No. 124 Arch, Street, second door above Sixth. ' Philadelphia, VlTHErtE may ba found th largest and hand someat assortment in the city, ' Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will he iTiled with a superior article at th lowest prices i BURTON & LANINO, ' No. 124 Arch Street, above Kixih, " i i . PhiladolpUa. s Phila., Feb. S5. 1854. 3ui. s Assignees. Account.. TOTICE is hereby given that J. Woods ' Brown, Esq., assignee of Corneliu. Mr:i. ley has filed his account in the Prothonotarv'e I .n;. hj .i.. . ...in i. . , . . . J ..m ... mm. win ic iircscnieo 10 the Uuurt for confirmation at April Term next. JAMES BEAKD, Pioth'y. Prothonotary's Office, ) Sunbury, Feb. SS, 1854. LEATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. 8 South Third Street, below Market, PHILADELPHIA. rtlHE attention of country htiycrs is called (o JL the extensive assortment of all kinds of Finished Leather,' Moroccos, CalfSkins, Sheep Skins, Ac, constantly on hand and for salo at reduced prices. . RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in exebnnge for goods. Phila., Feb. 4, I854- 3m. "MEXiCAlTGirANO. fTHE subscribers offer for sale Mexican Ouano of tho bestquality, well adapted to the soils of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; analsys of which, by a well known chemist, is in our posses sion. This article is sold at a much lower price than the Peruvian, and will be found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. li. S. BLKL1NU &. (JO. 101 Xortk Front Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. 25, 1854. 3m. lJliieksimlliing. jHE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Sunbury, aud tho publio generally, that hs intends to carry on tho RliicksmltUiiig Elusincss on his own account, and that lie has removed his shop 'from near ClenicntV store, to anew shop on the premises of Mark Scuphain, in Fawn street, where he will be happy to accommodate all his customers. HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, 1851. tf. B. M. BiRTllOLOW. o. TIKl'A.W, Jll. . S. ClUKHCX Bartholow, Tiflany 6j Co. IMPORTERS AND DK.At.KRS IN Foreign and Domestic DR1T GOODS, AND ACKNTS FOR THE SALE OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap as they can be bought in any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 20, 1853. ly. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT ' For Sale ! ! "TIHE subscriber oVcrs at private sale his house and lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Sunbury, on the north west comer of Fawn and. Blackberry streets, now in the occopancy of Jas. Beard, Esq. The house is a two story BRICK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For terms apply to the subscriber, at the Forks of the Flum Creek and TulpohocUcn road. JACOB WEIMER. January 7, 1854. 3m. FRUlONDCdNFECTI0NARY. RU BINCART& SELLERS, iriultsuie Manufacturers and Dccdcrs M Confectionary of all Kinds, No. 113 .North Tlilnl St , below Ilo.ce, Philadelphia. rglHE attention-of Dealers is requested to uu Jl examination of their stock, which will be found at least equal to any in this city. Foreign Frui.s of alt kinds in season. ' N. B., Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Phila., Feb. 11, 1854. 3m. Look to your Interests ! We will try to please ! ! S. N. THOMPSON KESPECTFULLY informa his friends and the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, below Wcaver'a Hotel' an extcneiv stock of FALL AND WINTER COODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : ClothSjCassimtres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Jilustms, resiings, aniens, 9c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Utimhams, Berates, Holies, Woolens, Flannels, kt. GKOCElllXS, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Kice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, dec., &c, &c. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Sawa, Knives A Forks, &e. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOT3 ASTD BHOB3. A Urge assortment of Boots run! Hioes, for meit, women and cbiMren. Hits Cir. ic of vaiious sizes and styles. Besides a large uul general utsortmeiit of fashioiublo tioods. I 'ill anil examine lor your selves. IV Country produce ol all kinds taken iit eichsng al th highest market p'it-es. Buubury, 1 1 mo. SIO 1V. 4 iu. 80, '33. LEAD, ZINC. IKO-tl IVtlXI. OH. AND COLORS, M.acetcrease t FF.ANCIS 8. LEWIS & C0-, Represented by Lewis, James if Co., 135 South Front Stud, yHXZ.ABBZ.riUA. Orders thankfully reiv.l rtuorlually attend. al ta, uarsuled lo iv eeli.fani.iii, and ollered foe eal os) lh mo hhil terms. foe sauiiilo and parliculais, please addrra ss ehav. Phil tl. US4. 8m. " S0WE ft EU8T0X. Ill .Vorlk 7ird Sir ft, Hoi Ilutt rUItADBLVUIA. Muufcturvi & Whtli U IValen in 0 lutein Oieeers, r.a(, t iksa. Wiraa, Tertaes, U ,.J.,r IMs, ' MeuM, BuiMi li.ni.ne. tlieu, haiMKM Hotels, I'eOei taje. WeeJ sad Will.ee W, ail ktsvl. t4 Ut ManolMiui te4 taeii friu J.ats tisf, Ja. H. .;. Phllt, J.B t, l4 -1 TEE RENOWNED REMEDY ! Hollo way's Ointment. To is extraordinary Unrutm Is eompoerd of th meet heel. Inf Balsams, end wtien used In accordsnoe whs: 111 directions which eeeoirifiauy each pot, wilt Insure cores when eli other ramus fed. Cases ( the most drsierei Skin diseases resriily yield to its efficacy. It Is feanoue when usrd iu eesea nr (loot, RheuinetHlin, Cotttrected ir fi'.ifl- Joiiiis. ta Astkiuas it will do woutters it well rub bed into lb Chest. A MOST ASrONlflHIXO CURE OP tCROFUI.OtJS tXt;Llt!,-A CASK CKRTIPIF.DBY TUK MAYOR. OF BOSTON, EiVGLA.ND. Co;-; of a letter from J. Noble, Esq, Mayor of Huston, Lincolnshire.' Ta Professor RnttowaT. ' - mii, lias thiedujr depnird bufure me Hint for e eunsidemlil . noilil flie evrrelysfflicted wilh Kclofulous Si.res n:J n.Ii'rIIuM ' m' f,e' S'"1 ot'1" P""' "f h body i n.id elihoueh therf mediesl edvicS was oblomed ot inJ. ,!r 1'. r" 'g. "Uln mnl,e hiiud no ebste inuit ..r suirunne, but giadueJIy grew worse. !,. .','5,,7c!'n""e",,.,!d " ,rie;"1 o rr ymir Ointment, iwsmm,.?. l'i'.Vm!""Jm "' smendnsem .ppeareo By ITe'rdf 1"ed'b" f a short ",. longer, ru?r." to d. "V1""' "rlc"r "hIn to ,..ur' Sussex, dated Jnn. toil. ,i "b""' - -' cua. To Profciior Holiowat, ...Sir.I '"red for a conei,lenible peih-d from a ern. stuick ..f . ,,., Avhich at lenqth seitlsd i" Tm, l T." J Misted all meihcal treatment. My .uflurie,,. Z,l ? tract, end I qite des,mi.ed of any perinsuu,1, ra,mtr when wo; sdviscd to have recourse to yo, Oii.tmei t snd I'd!,. 1 d,d so without delay, end em' happy toi'i Hie result vns emiiiriilly sueeraaful, for they i-tfeclrd a radiral cure of mv leg end restored ine to the enjoyment of health. I ahsll ever speak whh the utmost ennfadmee of your medicines, end haue recommended lliein to otheit in line niigliborhood similarly afflicted, who deiired equal benefit. ' lam. Sir, your obliged snd faithful Servant. (Signed) ELIZAUKTU YEATES. The Pills should be used conjointly with the OiaMnent in moat of the following esses : nan i.eir, ChieKo-fout, Hid llreests, Clnlblshie, Fistulas, Cool, Glandular welknf, Lumbago Piles Rhenmatism Ka' us, . Chapped hands, Biinions. Cnrns (Soft) Bile ol" Mosche- Caneera toes Hand- Flies, Contracted snd - icimuuv, Btlll Joints, Elepliantiusis, Sore Nipples-Skiu-diseusee, Scurvy, Tumours, lleers, Yaws Hcskls. Sore- in roe ts, 8nre-heads, Wounds, Sold at the Establishment of Professor HoLLewiv, 144 Slraiid, Qiear Temple BinyLondon,) aial also at his Huas in Nw Ynrlt. Orders for Medicines in the States, aridrel spd r. Hi,;Wny New York,' will receive due attention ild alio by nil re.peetnlile Omiata and Dealer, in Med innea throughout the United Slates, in Boxes at 97 cents, 7 cents, mid 81.50 rents each. Toh bad Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Uuion. Tliore is a considerable saving by taking the targes. ,:r f'reetions for the euidsnes ef patients ia ver d .u:,. are nflixed to eoch 6ix. December U4, 1S53, ly. ac,TocK.' WINDOW SHADES, saw .t,l... Cr. I,. MILLER & CO. .MANUFACTURERS MM- AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS In Window Shades, Suulh-wcst corner of Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. tl.'f.'II as Uothc's Landscapes, lioidera, Vases, Scrubs, Boqucts, GOLD E0HDERS, &c, Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, and at such LOW PRICES, As to challenge all competition. BurTand White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, &c, in every variety, for City or Country Trad. We invite an examination of our atock, at th Depot, South-west corner of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 28, 1854. 5m. WlfC. P. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below I3I&, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Tliila., Jan. 58, 1854 ly. H A Kit, Ac Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commision Merchants, 23 and 25 Spears Wharf, Baltimore. REFEKKNCE3. John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Branklin Bank, " John Hurtzlcr' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Koers, Siiinickson 6c Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De posito. J. allower & Son II arrisburg. Col. H. C. Eycr, Selinsgrove. J. H. App&Co., " Nagle, 'ingate 4 Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George llodine, Hughsville, , W. Weaver & Co., Montoursvilla. Gen. William F. Packer, Williamsport T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James II. Huling, r ' Lewis O. Huling, M'Heury & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huliug, Esq., Lock Haven. t7 Carr, Giese & Co. havo the largest wharf, room of any commision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick dispatch to boat lo discharg ing their cargoca. February II, 1854. 6m. 1000 TONS No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime, DEBL'RG'8 ORIGINAL AND GENUINE, warranted of superior quality, the cheapest manure in the world. 'armera and dealers sup plied at tow prices. K.VTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5000 barrels Extra Quality Land Plaster, select ed expiessly for its fertilising quality. 10,00 bushels of same in bulk. 1,00 barrels Calcined Plaster. 500 barrels Casting Plaster, 100 bands Dentist Plaster. PERUVIAN GUANO. This article we oiler in confidence to our cus tomer, as equal to any imported, and far superior to most in the market. 5,000 bas of this superior Guano, for ssle at the lowest market rates. Also, Patagnnian Guano, i'uudrette, Ground Charcoal, Ac, te. C. FKilNCH & CO. At th Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Phila. delpbia. I'bila.. Feb. 4, 1631. Sin. Front 6trect Wire Manufactory. WATSON i COX, Siive, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth MANUFACTURERS, So tB Surth Front St , Corner of Coomb's, Mlti), txtveen Maritt and Mulbtrr (.!..) Streets, PHILADELPHIA ' 4 'tl.NTIM U to manufacture, of supafii qvsk iiy. Bras and Iron WUs Smtasoi jkutds 4 Ur aud Copper W lr Cloth fur f Makwv Ac. l j l.iuU.s) aud Dandy l(4Ueovi4 114 U bc.l matiut r. . Heavy Twilled Wli t p'k OaUhee. Kirvr If Uies and iuik r-siidas, Hcru ...... . (i spa, inwt i'Mi. 1.I end send s. reB4, 4., riu U Woik of erv dra. rtjJmv. Phila. 4, Itit.ili. AT AVU C'AP K spi.BJu) U tap Nt lW ky Mark sli4, yt.i U fW 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers