A STRING OF ITEMS Tub hf.batj sintes Hint them are 30,000 political prigonerg in the 1'apul dominion! The Chin use destroy the mojqnitona ly binning the nawing.i of tho reeinona juniper tree. Lemon nnd Arrow Root are now cultivated in South Floiidn, and font to Southern mar ket. Mij.i Viiujinia Williams, of Rforctown. T. C, who m o lmpanidl her f-ister, Mrs. Ho disco, on ft visit tu Hussm, dim! in St. Peters. on the 28th of August, nfler an illness of lfi (hijs. Tub Governor ol Ter i, in Italy, having: Mid that when there vns i.o moie (lonr tho people might eat stinw, the people threw him out of n window, nnd slidled him with straw till ho died. Ahchbisiiop IlrciiKs, of New Vork, it is snid hy the Bulletin, has brought aitHCtionof slander against the proprietor of the Episco pal Recorder of this city. The suit hassince been withdrawn, the editor having nnulngi zed Chicken Fkvk.b. V. K. (jilhnore, of Uti ca, N. V , sold last week, to a citizen of Rochester, five ''Urania Poolra." spiing chick ens for S")0. That is cnniitignp lo the ttratch, and then jumping over into Ihc bargain. Poisoning A Foi'NTAis A man, named Bonoist, in Slarcais, France, poisoned a Conn tain from which nn enemy of his was accus tomed to draw waler, confessed his crime, and was sentenced lo hard labor for twenty years. Liquor among the Indians. Gen. Gor man the new Governor of Minnesoia, has is rtied an order, in which he says the liquor traflic amnung the Indians "must and shall be stopped." The agent is ordered to search up and destroy all liquor offered for sale among them. Serious Charge A widow woman nam ed Ilarker, si.rly-five years of age, was com mitted to prison a few days since, at Hunting don, Pa., charged with causing the death of her sister, the wife of Samuel Harris, by giving hor poison The New Voik Crystal Palace is to bo closed on the 1st of December, and I he jour nals of that city are calling upon the resident citizens to visit it. as thus far, nearly all the visitors have been strangers. The stock is selling at .r'5, or 42 below par. Before tho opening it was up as high as 170. Women's Rights in New Jersey. The Newark Mercury says that single women, who were freeholders, voted in New Jersey as late as the year 1800. In a newspaper of that date is a complimentary editorial lo the female voters for unanimously supporting John Adams for Piesident, in opposition to Mr. Jefferson. Tub Reading Railioad Company are relay. lug a poition of their road with new rails, nnd some four miles of tho hack between Reading and Birdaboro' is now cupplied with newly invented rail, which requires no wooden sills, but is laid duwn on u perfectly smooth and level bed of broken stone, with iron ties at a distance of six or eight feci apart. The Sr. Lotis Ri:runi.tcAN says: -Our private despatch from Independence, induces the fear that there will be some serious dif ficulties between the Mormons, tho Traders, and Indians, in Utah Tenilury. If t'f.o Traders take a stand against the Mormons, the latter will find them troublesome custoineis. There lias not, for a long lime past, been any very cordial feeling between ihe Mormons and Mr. Ilridger, but ho is a mountain man, and mote than capablu of self defence. Cudan Affairs. The Cuban authorities are preparing to repel the statements made in our correspondence and in the Biitish Par liament concerning Iheir complicity with Ihe slave trade. Il is said, however, in the face of this, that six hundred negroes have been recently landed on the Cuban Cuast. The three American sailors still in piisou are promised a speedy trial ; steps have been ta ken to put an end tu Ihe violations, that have hitherto been fieqnent, of Amctiean docu ments transmitted by mail. AWiid Man. A man named Williams was stopping at the United Slates Hotel, at Cincinnati, on Monday, who might justly be styled a "wild man." He cats nothing that is cooked, nor drinks anything but water Ilis meat, potatoes, and all his vegetables cabbages, turnips, fee , are raw. ilo alleges that he has not eaten any rooked food for several years, and that any deviation limn his present niodo of living would most pio bably cause bis death, lie resides in Iowa, and is on his vvny to Washington tu make a purchase of IT. S. land. Si'ccEssrri. Ho.mii'.h'atiiis Tulai men r Au extract of h letter daled Sept 111, 1 S5.'J, Waterproof, I .a, says; "The yellow (ever is still making havoc at New Orleans, Natchez, amf other places along the Mississippi. Ilo nid'opaiby has been proemineiilty successful u Ihe treatment of this disease. An Allopa thic physician of this place, received letter from New Oilcans last week, staling iImI the Homumpathie. physienns of thai place, had eured 99 out of every 10(1. In Natchez they lust two nut of till y casts Dis- Davis and Holcomb aie at Natchez With other dis eases llw success is good." To Check Coi n rF.avEtrivi;. Tho Xmth American piopos.es as a remedy lor llie al most unchecked career of ountuifeilei, that all our bank should adopt sumo system of preparing their bills similar to that which has so long been in uso in Ihe bank of F.ng lamj. That institution uiauufactuie its own bills. Every step in the process of uiauufac tuie is conducted within its own walls. Tho paper is ruadt) in Ihe bank; the plates are engraved in the bank ; ihe notes are piiuled, as they are afterwards filled tip, in the bank Nothing is left l accident there. If fraud is attempted, it must be attempted in the banki How rare, in consequence, aro counteifeits upon it ! They have no Counterfeit D 'lectors in F.nfdaml none at required. Just Published nnd for Stile1 l.y WM. MuUAHTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American rLEAUKHS' ASSISTANT : Bcinrr n collection of approved declarations, writs. returns mid proceedings in the, several actions now in urc in Hie I nited States. Bv Cnt.t.iNsoN Rf.c.d, Esq., Ipsae logis viva vox With notes and additions, tnircthcr with short system ol conveyancing. l)y A. Jordan. Pres ident Judiic of lie Eighth Judicial district o( Pa., and Win. M. Hockefclfcr ami M. I' Shindcl, of the liar of Northumberland county Since the publication of the hook, the following letter has hern received from Judge Pearson ol llarrisburg i Il.iititisiuitn, June 30, 1S33. tlF.NTl.K "IE ! After a earefid examination of your "Ainrr iran pleaders assistanf," 1 take pleasure in ex pressing tnv entire approval ot the selection ami composition of the precedents thus t. Herod to the pulilic. J lie leiinl profession in j ennsyivnnia stands in need of a correct system of plciidiuir. adapted to our linbils of btiines, and the practice r.i. V - f..n ..I' .lnr!.irnt!i.tie l.rtnrr HI HIE DltlllH. 1 Hill IUIHI1UIU""" 1 to a great extent, founded on the acts of astcinbly will be a saving: ol labor to Uic pleader, ana con j,1(.0 t flletv and brevity in our pleading. It should be in tbc hands ol every practising lawyer in our slate Yours, with great respect. JNO..I. p EU5SON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M I.. Shindcl, Ksquircs. Sunbury, Julv 0 1853. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In lite Dry Goods Dusincss. J. F. Sc I. F. KLXNZ3, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends nnd tl c public in general, Ihat they hnve taken the Old Stnnd in Upper Augusta town ship, Novlluinibciliinil county, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campbell, cc Co., and hare just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A New und Splendid Assortment of Sphixc". and Summer (loons, Consistintr in pnit nf Cloths, Cnssimcrs, .Sut linclts, 1. incus, Checks, ami all kinds of Summer Wear. Also n splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, tiiogliams, Lawns, Rcragc do Laincs, Alpiicns and Sl-mwls. Ali-o a fresh supidy of GroC'Cl'Irft of all kimls, Hardware and Queensware, Drugs and Medicines. AUo a large assortment of Roots and fdiocs, suitable for .Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf ami other Hats. Sail, Cheese, oVc. Cull and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, April HO, ISSIJ. 1y LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and .Sninmer (loods. FRILING 3c GRANT. E.SPF.CTFUI.I.V inform their customers - nnd the imblic, that they h ivo just receiv ed und opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at Iheir store in Market square, SMIlibury. Their stock consiMs of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Ctisrimcrcs, Sutliiicls, Vesting!, J'laiiiiels. K'o.nis, ifc, And all kinds of ?prini & Puiniii.'r Wcnr. Also a splendid variety of LADIES 1)1! KSS & FANCY (iOODS, Calicoes, (rinIuniis, Cliintzcs, Dc Luincs, iera!:s, And every variety of goods suilubhs for La dies wea r. Also an extensive assorlmcul of ll.crs and Cats yon Mi;x AM) Hovs. Also a large assortment of O KOI Clt 1 US, SIC11 AS Sugar, Teas, Cofi'ee, Molasses, Slices ol all kinds. Also a lare assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. . Also a lienh supply of Dlil'tiS AND MIUiIClNLS. Resides Ihe largest and most L'eneial ass.nl ini'iil of all kinds of jjoods lo be had in this place. I'tf" Country produce of ill kinds taken in ex change nt the hiohest in a i Let price. feuiihurYi April:)!), J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. MOT.) .Vo. 1G4 Clus'iutt Street, Swaini's Building. PHILADELPHIA. LVYTKNMVU Ml. MO I'l.'lSI.IHIV'.K, and l'calcr in Musical Instruments of every de scriptiou. Kvclusive A?eul for Ihc sale of Jlallet, lhivis & t'o's (liostoll) 1'lTEXT Sl-SI t.VSloN LilllUI.I. sVuliiin and other PIANOS, I., tiilbcrl's lioiidoir 1'i.iiios, .Melodious, Martin's (Juilars, Harps, Viiilins, .Siim.T Mitsit, Mimc Iji.ols, c, tie. Kcidi'iil.- of Ihe country will he supplied by iiinil or oiln-iwi.se wilh any music they may wish, ul as low rates as if purchusi d in person. Ilaviu,' one of llia largest slocks in Ihc I'nitt-d stales, I feci contidciil of salislyim; all who may fevor nm with a mil or older. Dealers in Music supplied ell the most liberal terms. Tianos to let. Second-hand Pian s lor sale. Philadelphia, April 11, ISA!). ly. II.VKK WA'J'CIIKS. A few double esse KimlUh Silver Watches, for sale at vcrv low prices hy H. B, MASSfU. tSunbury, April IS, IR.")! 4 IINOI.D'S WlilTlXti 1'J.r'll) aVul Adhe- - sive and legal envelopes, for sale bv tl. 11. M AesKK. Sunlsury, Jan 10. tS.'i. IV1I. II. II. llKilll'.K'ci reined, for couKhs, 'colds, and pulinuiiury dit-cases. A supply of this raluable uiedieinu just received and for sale by H. U. MASSEK. Hiinlmry, June 4. lR."i:i IIANU UIU.S neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, nf all kinds oil superior paper. Snnburv, Feb. 14, IttSti. JJLANK8. BLANKS of every description can be had W applying at tha office, of tho American. b iEE BILL8. Justices and Constables Fo fl' Bills kandsomelv printed wu4 pr.jier for ale nt this ,.li'.. . SUNBURY AMElliCAN AND 2,5uo Acres Timber Land FOP. SALE. Several valvaulb tracts of TIM lift R LAM), cnmprtshift about S.S00 seres, part of Which is situated on Tobyhnnna (.'reck, and part on Muddy Crcpk, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Pens forest township, Carbon County, one of (lis great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can be had nt tt bargain, if ap plication lie mnile soon. These lamia are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,00(1 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of Ihe land, the balance will aver- aire not nincii less Minn Hub ficure. The kinds of timber found on the fnnd are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, W hite Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of While 1'ine and Hemlock, The Tohyhaiinn nnd Muddy Creeks arc large nnd rapid streams, yieldina n vast amount of waler power, and are capable of driving a large number ol saw mills. They empty into the Lfhitth, which strenm, with the Lchigdi Canal a fluids on onllct to tlio most desirable lumber markets There Is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading tolbe cities of New York and I'hiladeljihi I which runH within nnr mile ami thrtf. qiwrtrr of the luud. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of Ihc cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive greater profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of limber Ihat ship builders have been obliged lo purchase in Maine, or tit other distant points. Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there has, ns yet, been no culling of the limber on this property. II. stands undisturbed by the wood man's uxo. It is, therefore, the. more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such nn extent for years past, that a scarcity of good timber is beginnins to be felt. Every season necessarily increases this dillicully. The consequence mmt be an enchain cment of the value of timber lauds. J hose uii-culled tracts with the advantage of avenues to market, such as the lands off-red for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources ol' supply hereafter. Hut the land is not nlonr valuable for the tim ber il contains. Il is of good quality for farminir, nearly every sere being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well lo turn their attention to these lauds. For further information apply tu CHAN. M. HALL. Oflico in "Mining Kcgister" building, Potts ville, Pa. August C, 185.1. tf. CHEREY PECTORAL: E'er llie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOAHSEIIESS, BRON CHITIS, OHOUP, AST- MA, wiioorirjG-COUGH AaiJ COKTSUEIPTION. cel.-1 im.' v r-..i I T1. i 0 of Ihe l kIv. tal,o Ihe Ou-.bkv fi t.uiai. on a.ii.i" lo hed, Levers, tall p-weled. M-J.nu ; MK er l.e,...i.-s. jeweled. a -an I wrap up warm, lo vU du.iu llie hisht. , "- v.'airaated lo keep v.. .1 lone 1, .1. Pens and Ml- l-VBAC..U.slu:ol..l.,lHkeii; ll-miim-l eve. v.-r Case, iI.Ui (..;M aells. Hl.ofl; ...M Vm-ns unit liine. aee irilaa: to ili.ee s on the I. -llie. and Ihe diilieul- I'''" ' " with !T." r, -1.1 Puna, low as &e. IV will so .,, i;e r.-aiovecl. ,.-ae will I vs snlf-r lr nn this , Als , always on hand a nss-irUiM-lll ol ha.) B.l.l lion',',- II,,., ii,.. I h I... ... i.l' ,; I l'nrs Jewelrv. tlol.l Purti. llie, 1.1 null 1 oil 1 liaius, (.old esl Ulllleled will, a n'-al,.,le..uuh. u-lne, l.reaks ihein of lh.-lr ...... ... ,. ;,i e,...i i.. ...i-....- ,i. t ,..,......., i .... soins I .h. , I, tl ei inav I.'.- si,,-7l'.l. ,;hi,,!.,-nsl.-. ., unit .-ons.-.ei,llv'r. fiesi,,,,? r.-sl. (-, .:t leliel'li-.iia sutl'- r- mil, an I an ulii.n.ile e.or. h all'.i.l.-l I . iholisawb who are thas.-,liiiel.-.. I.v this iuvnia,'.:,- ,v, v. Kr.mi its mtre.-d.lc eii-.-is in ihes.' eases, many find Ihtni.tehes iiaw-ilhn to 1 T.-U', Its ase when the uiM-ewilv t'.aitle.ee.., ,1. ' " 1-r,.,,,..,. in, ...iin..,i.i', KwKTTl-vn.le, Tenn . A'-nltfi. tlt f-ir '.Ve hive s:i n vot.r I tnl V I'eetorai an exleinile. tl la! la oar piineic.-. aui (in I i! t nieilv we liave I -r cinietr nii.-i-i. sar1,a--s . very ll.-a re- I I he vesniratory i.r gain. Hits 1 1 I :M I -It A IIWU'TIIN. TUSlNl.r.lt-i All ITIH.ICSPKAKr.ltSlliis r.-ii.e.ly i. tn aii i. li-ie, :.s l.y us aeti n nn I In- throat and hilars, w l:i u t il,, a in sni;,;i i;.:,!ir.-, , i, -in -v. sail li .ais, ties In a .-w Il 'Uis. and v lililenally iaerea.M.. tile power ar.d liexii-llil) o; the V' 'I,-,' AS I'll t i. e,,erallv iaa. ii relieved, veil efl. a wh .Hy eared i'V l.li.-rii IVeioral. 11,11 tll.-re nre bonie .-as. SM oi. s! iaale as t . i. ea'i'ih t mi. ineilicie.e. Cheiij lVelo- Vi.l W.ll cilie H.e O. if hey e III !te riil.-d HKi;i Ili riS. or i.noili.n ni l!..- thr-'at na.t upper poilion ol the lie '".. may he .-i.e.: In t ,lvi,, i:hetr Pe to. ral in sat. ill an:! ,,i ",,.,,! do... 'I'ne n:;..' illiloH.ii.le np- preM ,,' l.i S 1 "II I'ell.'V. ,!. H.-e. 1 1 I. 1. S1 'ii. .1' l!r viklvn.New York, slates: 'I hive seen ll.e Chi-irv I'ecl-.inl en.e sne'i eas.-s , i Asrluua and 1 1, oaelii; is as U- id me to believe u can rai.-lv j fad to nit- th.-se His.--.s. s.-' I" .llov.-ed hv l-t,':,,. v 1 1 . 1 ir.-.iaee.l il .s. :l .," the l.'herrv I'.-eto- ! ml. ua'd ; n ,1 fail l sali.lues the llise.is It taken in season, it u .11 WIK M !'l VI c(if(,t may l.e hr-ken up nnd en eu- r.d l.v lie-.. -e f ( h. it v t'. el -ral. i Till'. IM-'I.I'I'A. ' is :;,.-. dill removed lo Ihisr.-me. dy. Xtimeroiis las'aiie. s ii., ve If. n li-.l ie.,1 w here wh 'le lannlles xveie pr Heeted fi-ool any serious eonsnpienees, ivlul-Iheir ueit-lils-is. wiiho ul the L'hcriy IV.lo.al, w.,e sulieriie; lr an Ihe disease. Ilr. .1. ('. Am i : Pai.c.m. Ohio. Ilih .tun.-. s.-,!, I v.'il'e I , l-it'orii, von ofthe ireiv r ui'irl.alite elleets of your I IIi:l;;V Pl'.i'TOliA I. in 'ibis da,-.-. nnd ill my own family. I ha- o my ,1 melUcrs wa" e. .niptetely cured in three .1 ivs of a dreadful noon no Cue. tu. hv tal.iu? it llr. .Me.-tes, oa.-ofour v ery l,.-t. plo sieeots fi.-elv s'uh t that he considers it Ihe Lest remedy we have pultn-.n'TV diseases, mid tlril lie 'v. e tied la , eases of l'l;ocr w.til it than any oilier ,..,li -iee he ever ndiniuiMeicd. Oui eh rtrl nt, a f the llaplis! t'hureh soslhtit dariut; lh- run of KiMT-la Itere this s.-.s -n. lie has .-en ei r fi nil your In. ila-iae lie e.ml.l seatcely have helieved fc-ith- lieii tv ptidinuwirr. Eram thr disliii'iishfil Prnfcs-oy of Clirmis- ! trv rnvf Mrfrrnt M'thrr. HowtUnu CitUrr. ! i li.'ivr ton: tl Oi-; Cuviu-.v rwrmui,, hp it 8 inn ittln-n'5 ; sh'tw. n ptiwc'i Mil u iin t!y i -r unl t'Niiglih, uiul pu!- i iii"ii:tiy tliuMMfi. I'U Tf-R .'i.K KLAI, M 1). j Hm mvh-. .M-'.. !!'. 1-1 7. V A I.KN'TI.N r. MOT'!'. I Thr wiil'ltf c'i'hnitrd f'rapssor of Surgery tti j Ihc. Mttltcnl CoUcur.j AVw York City, says: , k li aw'tt m' iilt-'N i-r h ri'itily llif v.i'up m flVn'iiV ' i I vks;' CiK;;ttv I'w roii!.,' wiin-li 1 n.ni.ler (.rriili- j Qrly ii':i.lt-f tu Cine lluviisoji t( ihr TlilMut ; 1 1 1 4.1 !lllt,Hft." I ('iiM'SiH Pi-v'ir tli!--f;iM'H Upt.it tlf l.uii-ii h:iV! been cf- , tVcinl I'tr CnKiiHY lVr roi; , i, hi a-.ich xt rm vnt-rB ;m ' wan. mi lliu Uli. i ilmi a rmiftlv lint ul Ifnirili ln-t'ii fmind lli'il can In.' !' -in). on tMciun (.nl(s, Ciil itnrl C nMjm;th"ii whirl. r:irrv fmni cur mtilj-i thuusin' every V':ir. It ih iiuirrd n int'iliciiif t' w hirh llie ttiflieieit emi ' I'ftk vvHii e inti;U-ii''t' in Mief, mvi tiu-y B!t'ul't iri lail t- 1 iivnil iIh-ium-K en ir a. Prqtrnl and nhl by JAMES C. AY Ell, Practical Chemist, Luirdl. Mass. S.. !.! in iSunUiry ly JI MAissKK, umi hy Jiniuiiisi.s (riMHTi.IIy Ihriuihoiil t!:0- Mtnto. July ail, ISoll, ccovv !-. .'ov. to.' -;. Merc Xvw i;ioils ! I WILLIAM A. KNOlllJ, rOM'i:('TFi:i.I.Y inforuis his friends and the public senciidly, that he has just received and opened a laioe and s,!entli,i stock (if SI'RINC AM) SUMMER (;00DS, nt his Store in Lower Austustn township. His stock eoneist. ol'every variety of Dry (.ooil.s, i ; Cloths, Cassimcrs, Sal linclts, Veslinss, llan. uels, Ufaslin, tee. A splendid stuck of L.i:i:s pukss and fancy coons, Such as Silts, Brrages, J)e Laincs, Mcrinoes, Lawns, (I'iui'huins, Calicoe, tfc. BOOTS AND SHOES, A line assortment for Men, Volen & Children. A large assortment of ii ItOC F-KlES, SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, Sec. Hardware and Queensware. Fifth, dial! nnd Liquors, si cn is Cia, Brandy, Cum and Wlilskry, Besides the lareest and nvost general assort ment of all kind of lionds to be had in Ihe country. All the above mentioned goods will he sold at such reduced prices as they can not bs got for elsewhere. Country produeaof all kinds taken in exchange at the hiylieM market pncon. Aiiku.,u twsp., July 2, IHftn. tin. ' NEW STOIIE. BENJAMIN IlEFFNEll RESPECTFULLY informs the ciliiens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, Hint he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposito Collon's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring und Hummer (Joods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Cnlirorft, Gingham, I.ntvns, Mousmcltnc Do liU.ue and all kinds of Ladies Dress floods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAEE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of lEOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Sill I, Fish, cc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. XV Country produce taken in exchange at tho highest prices. Snubury, May 1, 1852 ly. 500 Agents Wanted. $1000 a Year. WANTED in every county of Ihe United States, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the best Hooks, pub lished ill the country. Tu men of good address, possessing a small capital of fro in $'.!5 to ijilOO, such inducements will be uttered as to enable them to make from to $10 a day profit. IT" The Hooks published by us nre all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand lnrge sales wherever they are offered. For further particuh.rs, address, (postage paid,) T.HAHV & OK'J'5:, No. tits North Second Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription lioot.s. Phila., Aug. 20 18.):). 5m Drugs, Paints, Oil, Window CI lass, cSc. 7Z$'Pi ,r Txn FrcM'.'li zinc wliilr. Y'T""" y , i ii '!.:.. f I J wf I ""n j uiu t tutu iii iiti. flntlt) Ilexes Window ( Ilnss, all sizes. .Superior Potash, Copal, Coach (Leath er iV Iron varni.di, white lleinar vnrnir-h for ('hina (.loss, wilh a general OKsoiiinent of fresh and pure )HU(.S A"1) MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Kiianilcd Class, cVc, &c., forsnle very low at ALFKF.l) wnir.EncKR's Drnj and raint .Vloic, No. ICkI N. 2nd ISlroct, 1 PHILADELPHIA. 1 Piivsicians and Storekeepers supplied Coods j sent t.) anv of the Motels or Depots free of charge. Phila., Mav 2S, 18.1:1 ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND tll.Yr.i; W'Altf., Wholesale mid lielail nt .No. 7-J.N. O SKi'ONH st.. "ppnsite the .Ml. Vernon It ai!, (ii.d I.ever Walelies. Ian lewHeil. 1 K.eass. c.'..oii; r-nver Chains, Ladies- I iold I-'i.t, (. haias ami ll.-ll Plus. Silver 'I ;.lii.-Sn.i-.nH Irna HI to t-l Dessert. S-'l to iit.'iV Ten, St.... i., .--1. .i per set.warraat.il equal lo " " wannuled to lie wlu.l Ihey are s . ,1 l. r. t?" W inches ami Jewelrv r,-p.-,e,l :ai. warr.i-i.e.1. t?" All orders seal l.j aiii.l or otaei wie, wul l-e pane- , iaailyuin-nai.il.. ! . , , ; N .. 75 North M.UlM) Il.ve.e At. .W IS!".. Ao-cnt. opp, ile the Ml. Vernon 1 II, ila.. April -J:l, Ir.i -tv. TVT--,-n ' A V -'LL U AXliiii 1U V tiX, And 'iMircc Acres ol" Ground "lill subtri W-t-r i --tVers at private sale, hi-, house an, I three aeics of oi-ound, on Ihc river Hank within the limits of the lloiouoh of Sunbury, n. in the occupancy ol'.lohn Miiss'lcr and orio; iually owned by I .1:1 .-. (iiiasicr while cn-'acd in boat huilditu'. The iintiioveiiients nie a T70 ST011Y FRAME HOUSE, ! With a Well of gind Wtcr, ;;iul a cood fiainc .-table. There arc a number of 1 excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop- ' crtv is liaudsoiiielv located and will l-c sold nt a ' reasonable p ice and possession .;ien in April ' nest. Apply lo (!"o- ('. i-'ker, I.si., ot .Sun- 1 burv, or to the nihscrihrr nl Scliusrovc. l'HTKli IvKKMN. i July :!, IS..:!. tf. NOT ICR "JVOTICK is 1iprrlv uivrn tlmt an a ppl trillion 1 will l-o inti.lc, t the i.oxt ropular sion oi" Ihe IiOqiisinturc, to charier a eouimtiy lor bank- uz ontl iliscountin-r fiitrposrsi, wilh h enpital of , , -i i 1 ii -.1 t two hiindiL-d tlions.-ind di.lhiM. wil.i Ihc pi ivi- letrn of extending it to tour hundred lliinn-nnd il.ill.ir. lo l.e loenl.-.l in llie hnrniioh of Kinibori- K- 1. 1 1 II 1 1 II... 1 n in i ii u oi or I l.i on i 'on i , i u., .. .... i'J idiu ii Julv 2, dm. Cj - ;7"' ' -Vrf-"-:ty Hobby Horses, Ch'lOifii'j TropcllorE, Gigs. Coaches, Baicucliea, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail bv B'JDHITELL & TTJLL, So. U4 DOCK Street, riuladelphia. Orders through ihc mail promptly execuled l'hila., April It. IH..;). lv. LiilxMvrs Wanted. f 11 IK iHilnciil.crs want immediately on the - liailioad and Hnsin, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Selinsjiruvc, from 6(1 TO Hid LA HOltERS, lo wham one dollar per dav will pe paid. HAVIlXiH. W JLVKA'TON ct CO, Chapnwn, L'liiou County, Feb. 19,18.r)3 tf. 85 1!!: AHI! I irl R nllove reward will be paid for the discov- trv and conviction ol every individual louml lr of tresi.asslnir or iiinirin.' any ol the property of Philadelphia und ISuubnry Railroad Company. , BY OKUEK OK THE I'KE.SIDE.NT. June, , inyj. tf. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds end blank Mortguges, Bouds, Executions, eiumniuns for sale by H. B. MASbEU. Sunbury .Ai.ri 26.1851. ANN'S LTTER""pRESSE.?. wilh books, ink, and all complete, just received, andlorsaUby JLB.MASSER. Hunbury, June 4, 1853. CHAIN PUMPS. A small number of these excellent pumps have beea received end ere olfered for sale by H. 15. M ASSER. Suiiburv, June 4. Irt W CELEBRATED F a m i 1 y Medicines. Nt offering to tlia public the nbive invaluable proinrn. .;,,.. ii,. .,.i,.e,.,,ei woalil Unto tint in cmsnltntii.n Willi Ins filcn.ls nml some of tlie most respectable ofl It Mcilicul faculty, il win ilcetnc.t auvisniuu in rain i" i' pillilie, n few preparations ol known ceieuru., i'.-.mk ..e-par.-rt with tho urealest care, null on tho limit rii uulic priurn.li-n, n substitutes fur llie numerous wortlilcM nr ticlen tlmt are Hoo-lin the miliary in tli form of pnnncens nnd enre nils, prcpurru hy Ihe most iiruonmt uuil mercena ry persons, hilendeil lo euie mi utv s'"- Raid and Reflect. That tlie Medicine. Mnanfiietiired hy AV. M. Hkcui.kt, tacluiliity his Itnse IVeioral ( t o.nidia. Cream ol Camphor, f-r llhcninnlisiii. Worm Pvrnii f-r Vi.rni. T....II. W'n.h. C.ir rieenvnl tetll. dl"-ned rani". Family Pills, or blood i'.iriiycr, have been m ire exiensiyp Iv used, nail liavo siven m-rc sali-fuetuui, than any ot.ier .Meilicuies before Ihu pnlilie. Iii'iiiK prepMied Willi reirnnl to their usefulness are fully wmtliy Iho trial of the allliet ed. Hive Iheui a trinl. . A few noweifnl Yeasons why the n!i vc Medicines nru ib-servini of nniversnl pntionncr. (In the first place, tliev nre prepared tv n reisalar Pliysieian, who imdi-rttaiuls tlie'iinpliealion of Mislieines, to diseases, nod coneiilentl f nre iierf'ietlv safe to take, ("ccondly.) they linvo been used with universal success, mat have given nmre salistne lion thnn nnv other Medicines on'ered liel-iellie pal'lie (Tiiirtllv ) tliey nru tho only ined.elilts Ihat liavn gioneil the p-itf'onnrc of Physicians, where lh-y have been liK. it ; nnd (Konrthly.) they nre put up in larger qiinnlines for .1.. !. .-ri,. il,,:,. v ,,ll.- Medic lies offered U the public of llie same kind. As llie subscriber has n number of certificates in his possession of the Inchest millinnly, where Ihey have been ns 'il with the in isl satisfaelnry re sults. Iln will publish a fewol'lhem. feetinfr salisheil llllit n tiinl will insure their reeoininenitiition. Try them anil talisfy yourself of Iheir saperiiMity over all ol tiers. Rend and be Convinced. We llie nndersiirned havic,' been made ueiU.'iinted with Ihe iie.-redieals Kiiieriag into llie Cc.nipoan.ls known ns HieMcy's I'umily Medicines also liavieR preserilied nnd known them lo he nseil. Willi lll' Sl saiiMneiory mm", talie pleasure in fay la? I hat we believe tlicy Hilly niei-1 the d'-fciirn lor whieli ihey are r. ai.K'j.ded. .IAS. STHA'vVllltim;'., .M.. C II. I'ltlCK. M. D VV(. Vie.MAItli.N. M. I wi-:jm-:v m i;i;ai:iii:aut, M. n WM. II M vr.'Il.l.. M. I). 1! It. lll'.AHHUAIt T, M. D. Cnrr of pniii in Ihe ,tr.7c nm! rnnr.li from ofr.lrl 7. t iin,;l-rrl . o'.s. ISoberl A l.ua-.. I II. irin-v mi I -r nir-mie Liver f.'-un- pl'iiut. in aipiiaied Willi a s!i .rl drv eoneh pain in llie sl.le anil lirrasl. e.-ii.-ral d. l.illlv. loss o' ... o. lile. nller try- . ii .r nil the usual remedies iveoinineiuleii l'.-l e nitflia nail diseases of Ihe chest, who wit It n l.tnetil. nfie was rev aa llieinleit to hy the Hose reeloiid. fnna which, she nol only .leriveil ininii .llate hill eeraian'-at r. llel . John Adams, son ol .Mrs. It il.erl A. lairs, was nflbcled wilh a verv severe eolith. faiaintheK.il.-, laid soreai ss prod'i'-e.l hv incessant e .ei,n' ; lit- v,". ia.lnecl t'ltry the Itnse Pectoral. To us- Ins owa liiiejaae;", Ihe Ins .1 .sc eaahk-'l t:i,n to eniov a ''.n .1 mehi;e rot. la l!i in niiau lui e.p.-.-.oral.d id, ml hall 'pint "l' miller, lie eouli, un-,1 .i inn, rov e ui.li! Lis eo..:h .-i.tir.-ty t. il tiiin.il ills , ha. I Ihe . It.-.-t o' Kl n n-j l-eiiin-.r his hieiisl. which was inlnrallv we:.U . He all . s.os llut lie I; ,s ' cconiuieu.li it lo a leual.er "I" his i'i i.-mls I' ir similar coai.ilaial?, and in everv ease II has ei.-'U 'a! i: I't'-l i' a. Tlie id, ive , er-oas resi t' . Is of the town of Paavill f.-eliau th:.t tl.. v le.ve deny. ,1 ei ent b a. lits I'roui the use of Ihe Hos- Pectoral! nirhoiiz" ihe .-.I. .ye slat. .meet. 1 I lie l.euelit ol l!, .sc who m iv l.e Ill, '-led in a shui:;,i male ncr. iUK T ( I Hi:. Iji of Yi,-r rctorrit villi our liittlr ' i!c -e i' (' MissPasia VThitl iel;. of lias', I awns-hie. alhamher land co.. for tl number ol ve-irgnu ii valid, in the tall of l-s.,11, I .si Ihe as.' of he,- v niT fr 'in a s. vcic eoM s.ie eon traded : after tr ine a naiaher of r. ladies, with II i hem til. she was entiiYlv r. Hl.ae-t I v laKuiy one hoiile of ltose Peetni-al. after which. ! I..sl l.cr voice neain. Iromn I'r.-sli e .1,1 s!.e eoiitr;,i-leil. and wasa.iin lesloreilhy l!i use of an -thcl lioltl.- : sle- lli' il tool, ..nr h"ltl-s on. I stre-iiii.-ii herhreasl, from wlii. ii s!i (!e,icd the most leci-lcl h.-aclii. nisi lw I-. .-:! in Ihe eiijovnii:iit..'ixci-ltvul lieallh from Dial, lane to Ihe pr. s. lit. Tie- !.h iic slat. -in. nl is. i.hlaineil foil) Pr rinse!! Phi s ciaa who atle,i !n! her : els . i,-r ei rh'-r who liiml.s thai sin- would 11 t l.e llvl..-. I.L ll.n; lime if il had u -l I "-en f.. llie Ii -s l'cclol .l. I! , lie. .I.in St. 1.V2 fiif ,i:nih,r ."ir,.;. ('..-. r rjlr.-n.l. .Mis. S ,1 SecMer. hi-u-.r of a nit i, :-l v. . .k and d. li c He eoas.iiiui' n. v, ry sascc,,l,le. t , e .,!s. was alitieted Willi a veiy seyf-re e. .,,.:!,. p'tiu lili-l s .ren. ss oi the lire-lit. I. ,ss of appclitc ; ill 1 er iisiea :l mei.l.er of llie usual reme dies fr-'lll whi.-il. she .1.-1 ive.'. a l.eil- lit. she way eured hy takil," h .!!! .1' ll'Se P, eio;;.! -a , . 1 is i n 1 lie vuj . llK iit of h'-ller lie ill Ii Ih . n f.-r years pre i"US. Danville. Da.: I Jill. Ilnuiv : Permit ic lo mf .r:a y(n I'eil my wife, who is a (!e!te:ife and v.'.-il.ty w nein. Vih rinn under u vei V e ere lloiicli wilh p iiii an I s. a. anas of hrcM, was III .Vf lue:v mil ( :! .-el ily I.-'..' 1--I Mil! '. li.llle of y nir ltose Peel oral llian nnv o'.le v mc'toi-ie s!ie hud ever taken. AHNIli: M 'HI. II II'.. Jan. live'. S.iiaacl 1!. Vf,"!:' I ' ill naee. Itc.i P. int. i k inq KVia:::.cE in r.w of nirc Husi: Pla roliAl. ami fAMII.V I'iU... J aim Pnla.-r tiiken l.i-lv.'e.,l 'inis!it',s ;ul New Year Willi a Very I,..! c -ic, wt.iei. en led in il dry hard iiieess.-ul l!ou;i,.,-ilri..ecj II .i.-iil deal of pan, 'i!eiiev,-r he ( l,:ic.l. w.is lelicve t very u.ael. : l.v llu- line- le had lal.ca , in liar.! of a I. -iOe. i a ! i'V l.,e linie il w:.s f.ai.ii'-.l. v.-as ea tirclv eared, i K- ids . s i s lis. I in !.:. 1 'i-'.'u s.-'. oil il .-vs of lie- I I.-alt Ii i;..s'..r..tiv'e or i'iii.u;.' Pli:--. mel thai lli.-y are the luikl-.vt an I ins: iOiviic.1 p-n-intives tic han-scr lalo-a. L;-:,, iii.-. .I n, 1. 1 -.- i Dh Liri,LKV : iliHiii!! a iiit lo m- l.r 'II . r. in ,-n'- I ville. I l.v-'v n ve v I' l'r.r I' w l.lea ended iua Ii h ud (" whi.-h I u take pl.-.a i oi.l j-. II. I ", Ihe I. fens', 1 r r:.'. au:l I'lmtCv Pills, and t l. ill. as Ihe loii.l -sl t.l.d .1 Mi.- Ml IP...AS. II I. -.:-:' :e t vour ! I'. .1 01. I-".!. I-- ir St, : . r.,!. pe. tu : ,ti ! -VI '.' s - ' ' e ,' ' half a l-.l.l.-. an 1 a! 111,'., IV lo Itr.' . I.-IIN .My s .,i hi in itis sit!,-. I'm. it, a re!,-.ve i l.v a h .'! phot. 1 h., !, I e .nsiit-r the. n Ih .1 1 to I le p,,1' te ,i ,i'i. J rd'i:i!i!l..'. (il. I lls aiatr 1,11 h e a seven 1 ,.o,r' r- -- ; --.I 1.;. a '"' .- of Hose I'eet a il .v I ream of Ctilil- :'.- ,! v .er t'amtlv I'l'ls, a t ,....;lur lies-. lU.-.hetlfs I 1. ve ever l.s. il. JOAN' IH i:i',:lll.. IV.''lbeftey :';. ,v "il' 'i nnd '.-.! will. drv. ho, I 1' ..e... als , s ,,r Si e.tiae!,. d.-peu.'.-ut ic- n il.-l.il.lv. . nai en 10 Dis.-epsia. wis ettiiitly relieved hy eittiitly reh.-ved hy 1 '.1, pi ru.u me to sav ' ' , ll-stii'.' two Ii i!t i' K -l Vi'ltl Ivi-ii' 'r-l I th..i I iis;-!ri it ;,ti I :it It lil'-'v. Vouin, l!r'v Mr. WJIJ.Artl). 1 I'.ift ! liU'liri;". Clnir.!i. l-;iti n!:. 1'n. j ITn inu: I'ftMi ciitr.i ni ;i i iin in tm ;ti m (s:mihr i ' Kh' 'i- I Ill ltl-t:i) Will. -It llr;. i r,l nn ul thr Itf i' n.-e t l it t' T nh .(it tour tivntfut. II'.- u-'iii;v (iiir Ii -tile !" f't'ii"! ft anr-li r I w i:!'l st :itf t!i:it I c 'MHiilt r it ilie i"'M n ni' tly m tne kind 1 li:ir evrr t'K.'il in ihv lt ml' . !!;.! I ' ni l ti'Lvly j ree. M:tnfii.( ii r-n-iher? wilh ihml-.i -ti i j. I . rJnp.fN u;!',,. 1 My wire 1 ; i illlrt.' l wlV.i n .-t v s.v-.c -.tin in h.-r : Ir" ' :' V' vtiW-. t-iv iJ) win. li ts:.M.-. h r IT 'HI l l 'I it. W 't s "tl r '1 I : li 111'.; 111!, i ! t ) ft til 1 '1 t !i i ) ,,,, Al.. i:nlui. my ,.ier-i:i-law, t.s n's . cure a ; mivcic p;ua in t'.-- henl and f t.-.- .y usi, e tin- ('ream .-i i C.mitih r 'l'!ll I'd AS C. 111. 1. 1--, ll.oivii!-. .I.ui. -JU, I .My MM!! len-l.w Ullflim-lli 01 lite 1. nn I r a ,1 i.i.i :'ro;a iis.j.-j il 111 il ati.tr I ' n. ..... w'o.ti i r.-veu' ii' It 1 w ,. :. ; ai ; 1.1 o-r 1 if.-.e.it r.-:r so.-al a peal .i.al .1 l.e -n.-y ia liyuiy, well te. oett.-:... ut, - iit'ii' i, ct.itj I.v 1 ,1, I Usher '-'il ,' 1, ,1'le - f ( it, 1 're Cil ol . 'e ,;,': f. i Wll.i.lA.M I A'KNr, M.u.-r, for . It. W o ..I. it. l'oinl. j J)I. I.'l.''.,ev : II u au reeet, . tl .... seme m.taiy In ' in;, tad: lo f ill . ,1' - ad :' h ly. it Wi.te 1. 1 v. s an , hie lo I- II ov my w n .. v.-f i 'itttte', ,.'. :! t . tty a h itie ol ClC'ltu of I ' tia 'hor. w tie!, f.i'-r hd iiilliteili.ite relef. I.KII'ri'i'il f Alill. Il u--.it 1... .Sorlh'd eo. I My wife, ittl.'ei nnj fo'ia im ..t i vr.'.v.lt!!" nl, I throiietio.il, h-i j, .-ii.rat s-, s'e,,,, v l.teli i e fitt, tl tier Mom ! ule. .m.; (h' liie ,.i.iiii,l 1 v :i uuil prol i ta-led S.ell (.1 Sli-lillest :i lor w in n : :,,' ,;-,'.! i.'i .1 i.o.-.o. o Wllll.HH h. n. Il,, Wits ci.ltuU lehece lln l.if use of Cieuui of L'niiii!.or. ' dill i. II. limiW N. Sat.'.,' n ! test, ll.nifill'-, Ttl. ClulJ cured of ll .vc- l Cm. i Itoai. iat.1 As-ie (. I Iwo 5 ears s, iii.mie.) i.v W'ortu .sn;j. Mv ehi!,l liei.u .itilieo-'l' f 'I tit - lt.-t lv.-. y."irs, with II iwel lloiul.iinrau l Ak-il.- mCil il retli.e.-l lou mere l.el. l.in, I tiled a namli.-r i f r-ine.li. s with u 1 eriuaueut lieliefit. II. nil I nave " billle .'1 your . in, Syrap, Since willed lime il bus he, a well, atl.l (M qit-le II- shy. I also havu r.-e 'ianieu h d it to a iiunil er ol my li iends, and 111 tveiy ease il hasaivra satistnelion. 1.. I.KVI. At Louis l.tiutltd (Merelnnl. Dtiaville. I have used vour W orm rtynip 111 tn f.titaly. anil con sider il 1101 onlv elleeliial, hut the most i.lt uM.nt article I am uciitiuintcil wilh. JAi'CIt I. tslllll.ts. llanvillc. it;i-iiiLr used voar Wol 111 Si rup iu my taiuily, it helps my children more llian any laipartttioa of tie- kind, and is 111'ire pleasant tu lake. DAN MnltiiAX. M nit utr How. Ilauville. I Ii ive had oe.-tision l' use yo 'ir Worm St rap 111 my fundi)", and pieler 11 to u.-v Vermifiiee I have used. I'lillll. IH'il, frosty Valley, .Montour co. Dr. II, elder: llavunr used your w.uui Svrup, nnd Cream of Cainphtir ami i'nunly fills iu no' fauul, they aave poisl s-iti.liieli,gi, mid 1 cousidt-r theni the most ef feelual, iu.d ple.-.s-inl ri-iu.-ilies. we have had in oar fatutlv. JIIIIMITUAN It. lilSIIKI., Danville.' Dear pir : We llie uudersijiued lieini: in lite employ of M. Birs. (troves ,V Coolly, 11! wlu.su st .re. you have nil Aire.iey for the sale of your Family Medicines, slate that we linve lia.i an opportunity of knowing the opinions of numerous individuals who h ive used ihein, and that they sive e-euerul satidfueti .11. W'e have s .1.1 a great inauv of your Pills, which aio uiliversatly liked, h. nej verv mild in Iheir operation. W. I.KISI-;ltlaj Danville. .ltesl,W M. Klll'l.l'.H, lla liar Scurvy of tllV l.louth very b-td, 1 was induced to try s li Mile of y.uu Ttiolli Wash, whi.-l led like a L-liurul, lltodeuint,' li.y gums, anil reniovinir all disease. JONATHAN' II. HISIII'.I., Danville Di. Iliekley: Uaviutf wliat wtis ctillett ulcerated sore, mouth, for whieli, 1 Iried a nuiul.er of reuiedus Willi Iin benelit : viusnt Inst cured hy usinir one tt .tile of your T's.lhwasli. My wife also durinir la-r eoufuienieiif, wus tlirttaleued with s ire. Hicusls, luiup. huviu 11lren.lv formed, for wliiel she used liie I'n-aai of (.-aimdior, tii.-fi sealu-i-od Ihein, tlierehy preveating her lireasls froin uatherinc (li:i) A. llltOWN, Near Liiilieriiu Cli ireli, Danville, Pu. Dr. Iliekley. Utiviier an opportunity of seeinir Tour Anti-Si-orhun'e To th Wns'i used iu sonie very seven; cri ses of scurvey 01 Ihe sunis. I consider it an eieelli-nt renio dy Yours, reupcelfully, lil'.D. li. HltllWN. The nliove nieilieines nre for snle Wlioiesale un,t lie tail hy W M. IJILKI.KV. M. 1) , I'ropneior, Danville Also l-'ol sale by the IoIIoh uh Ailenls iu N'onhinnher laiitl countv. Frilinff & liruut, Suul nryj V A. Kuohli, Aiieuslu; W. Furrow, Snvilerlown ; Tat'inirl, Furtnan Jt Harum, Fnsin. 1 Kinaline Strouse, Husiuos; John Vaniant, I'uimosj Ilth Vusline, P.nuins j Amineinuni Kossei ic Co , MiHinolnn; Mri. j, 'I'liomns, bhainokiu Win. FurcIv. rilisiiuikiuj Campbell A Kline, Auciistat SHilliiel A. HeretreHnr, Peler.burs ! Jacob Ii nruie H.-iir Utin; Couriul Wenek, NuriliuinlKrlantl 1 Jereinitili (rouse. f. linsBrove ; J,.,ih i,er, lwisburg : Julia F. Casl.nv Slid Joimllmn ellers. Milton. Call on the Asenti. and fel a eirenlnr enntuiniuf s full deieripliou of the uuiuerous cures performed bv the d.lfer siil M.du-ines. Jims II, 1h.3 ly. BANK -NOTl? TABLE. con n ticTCb. wee k l y. rUNNsYlsVANIA. I CITY or rilll.AUKM'IflA. I. Hunk ti'iips M tlir All solvent Imnkfl jsu rrmxTTiT. M AS5AC At'Hr.TTS. All fr'lvnt hunk a dii HIIOPK INLAND. All ivcM limit 1 (lit ru.N.VKcTICtrT. All i 'Hvrttt tiniikti J dii iM-W VOUK, Pfinlt of C'lininlH-'TBlinrg t t1if littMK 1 l tie SWT (JO. ptll Ilinik nf PH. Co. Clifflnr hi CITY. Hunk (rtJcrinnntovn nnr: All fnlvcn Intiks dig Hunk of (iriiyftliiirrr 1 ilis'tli? Hk iMc uv.ticr $3 j lii Hank of l.ewistown CnrNTtlT Hank ofMiddleloMii 1 Js Montcnincry Co Hank par Hank of Northnmbert'nri. pin All I'.tvents luniks 1 dil NKW .IIWtflKV tlelvulrre llnnk di Coumiereial llalik 1 dil r.ankof l'illsburg 1 dis rtank of Danville p:' far. Hunk Mont Holly par Carlisle Hank 1 ilis F . .V M., Meldletowu IM. par Columliia ll'k H'geCo pnr Miehnnies' Ilk. Newark ir Iloyelslown Hunk pnr il ecu. n oi inn niiisii.il pin '.aston Hulk par. Mecn. in.ni. iicni ' rie Hank 9 di.'.Moi ris o lini.i; j ni xcli.incH'kPitlbure 1 ihsi .Newark Hk'R A Ills. Co j ilis xehmnte ll'k, Hianeh I ilisM luillgr Hank j nriners' ll'k. HncksOo pari IV. .pie's Hk PatlermMl i dis nrmers' Rk, l.aueasler par I'rineet.Ml Hank par urn.rl I1L- llti.liii.r nnr Salem II inkimr Co, par Farm. Ilk S hllvlklll Co p ir,S uierrcl Co Hank j d F I). Hk YvVvnesh'R lldis Plate Hank nt Cinnitcn lwir Franklin Hk. Wnsh'n lldis Slate Hk F.li-iah.-lhlo J . is Harrisbari Hank 1 dis Stale Hank Newark i ilis H.mes,l llank 1 (lis Stale Hk, ,N . Hrui.s" lek par .uneaslcr l.ailk nur-riivsa hum.. ..i...... t haaon Hi'ak par Trenton llm.kinir Ca par Tnion Hank. Dover J (lis Var.llevv'leA DelDrO. lo.li. IT lilt' nol. s mid.-r s5 J ibs PLLAWAItll. Mrrch. .V Man. naatt 1 (lis Minds' H'k. p.illsville per Mntcinpiliola Hank I (lis aviorsv c Del ire ijo la nis W eal Hr.-uieh Jt.u-.k par Haul: of D.-lawaro pnr rv.uninir Hk, Vi!kesh'e par llnnk of Smyrna ork llnnk, 1 flip Delaware ( ily Hank par ryitelicf notes 1 dis Hk VYlhuB'u.Y llrntiuyw. pni Parni. :rs" Ilk Si Delaware par fnion Hunk. Vihniiet:t..n pnr iy fader i.Vs 3 dis OHIO. A'l solvent hanks S ib .". Hl( nota under a 1 dis M A I A I I. n.'uknrWhellock Siti Merenntile Ilk. Hmicor to.lis All ...li'ent hanks 1 (lis. Ni:v nAMPsiitnr.. All solvent banks J dis i;k m. r. NOItTII CAHOI.INA Rank "f St Alhnas 2 (lis All solvent hanks S dis All silvent banks 3 Uisjt V'Lii'ler j , "J dis TnEMKxnofs Kciti-:scnt ! ' Cusli, Steam, V.lectricil.v ' ! The Aerial and all oilier lines out-done by the I.li.'ht:tt:isr I.lsio or ULV T. CLln.NT. "PfHO, havintr. great faith in rapid sales and ' ' small profits, has jiihI received aim opened a hirer, assortment of SrRIG AM) SUMMER GOODS. At his Slore in Market Street, Sunbury, whieli he oilers lo the public nt the lowest prices. His stock con dsts of a general iissortment i LVv Hoods', viz : Clnlhs. Cctssiwrs, Cnfrinrts, Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Calirnes. Muslin tic Trains, I.iurns. (iinilinins, Jlerages. Sh.k Hat?. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women an. I Children. fis-ocoiii'S, Sugar, Tea, Cofo'e, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, 1- th bait, 1'lasler. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron and Steel, Nails, I-"iie, Sinvs, cc. Q TT E E X S W A R E , Tea Silts, Plates, hi!:', Cups, Saucers. iV( LTQl'ORS, V.'inr. Trainly, (iiii, Hiiin, Wliishry, ,lc- J iT" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest niaikcl priced. Jan. lo, ls.j3.-ly. E:uvro:i yoi'sisrs.j'z THE TCCZ.LT AESCULAPIUS : oi. , r:vi:t;Y oni: 1:1s wv.n physician. ; . r i -n i, nut I if. I .1 l.'.li- ''SA lion, with (nn Iliiiidi-cil XV Kii.iri'a' ius. t-bowiiiT lijs. I&7 -.'.i.vA eases and M ilformatioiis of ? r'.j Ti fcj the iliiiiian Svsteio in cM-rv m ii shape and firm. To which ;M SV!. , . : 's is ui'.-le.l -A 'J'l'C.l t i.s'C on llie i . '- '-: -s , Mat uses of I'civ.alc-i. lici.i Sir1 ; ol 1 in I i rbcsl uiiorl.iiice lo m.i.ricd l-eoii'c, or those 'si- 'V'- c.ill'clllj'latlllir lll:;r:-lac. --Xi"' . j- it- "V I ll!!S! J.cl no father If nshatne.l to present a c;.y of the .USt'l'I.A I'll 'S lo h-s chilli. It n, ay save him IV-.i.-i an c.n-lv :;ii,-. la t nn nun j 1:1 in or I worn ,n c:i!er ii:lo ihc .-:,.ct , 'u-.,ii it.s of m:ir- ri.-.l hie v.ilh.uit r..di,i ; ll.c I'dCK I'.'i' .j'XT- il. M'!! l.ci tt.i .;!'r sii::;-.i,::i fr. in hacUnicn ! Copeii, i'a'in in the f-i.'c. tcsl!"f. nichls. nervous j fec!i;-...-s-, aii.l the v.lt.i!e t'.du of 1 lysj-cj.tie cnn- I lions-, a: ol .;'.ven 1: j, I ;. tl., it nhyai.-i-m. be a nol her i mom. itt without coin.t.l'i-i-., . l';,c .list ' !'l. A l'll'S. ! Huvc Ihe niisriicl. cr li s.' -..b.'tit to be married nnv iin e.li.1,1 ut. re.nl thin truly iK.-ful booh, us it litis been the men... , I stuint t'noiisanila of 1111- fortunate creatines from llie M-rv iaWK of .le itli. I H'" Any 1'cist.n scndi.n; T' KXTY-nYE 1 CK.NTS, enclosed ill a Idler will receive one rv of this book. l.v mail, or five cooii-s will be popv of this book, by limit, or five copies will be 1 1 ; , 1 11 - v 11 11 vr- .i- ,. 1 sent lor one dollar. Address. 1'n. . 1 t)l All, : No. I.V.: MMU'l'i: sine:, riilLAULll.l'llIA." I'o.-t tanl. June IS, l-r-l. l NOTH' K To llcrclia;:ts, Travellers ar.d Others Throvghul the I'oitnl States, Alcxiinilcr L. liickcv r? Co.. Tiii:iiiii'.AT woiii.ii s i'aii: rum: mkdai. THHNK MA NT 'FACTORY, No. MS Chesw.l Street, Vo, it of Joins' Jlutcl) FJulautipIiia, r.H now prc-:irc.l lo exhibit to the Mercha and 'l'iavell( rs one ol' the largest anil in ants moat initioM',l solid .Sole l.cali.er lprins; Trunks ever inli'icil for sale in thii. city, t.-oellier itli n p-n. cinl ns.-i:tincut uf every kind of Trunk which an poseioly bo i.n.iyiuc.i, r.tm;in in price troni two to thirty dollar.-.. A ho, splendid n,.i t- incut ot l.at.ics Dress 1 ru ika, ljonitct Boxes, 1 lavchiii-UcheiH, halite Trunks, Carpet und Leather Lugs, II it ml 'ohcs, Cms, Ac, .vc nllol which wc arc prepared lo sell at reduced prices. e respectlully invite a call from the Aleicliiint or J ravcl'cr to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing el. en here ALEX. L. II II K E V & ('(., No. 113 (,'hcsuut Street, riiihi., April 9, 185:1. .dm. asis.siolitUua ul fill tiM'i s.lu. rjlIE Copartner.-,hip heretofore existinrr under I the name of James H. .t Win. 1!. Hurt, is this day dissolved by the withdrawcl of William K. Hint. The business of the late (inn will be settled by cither of the undeisiijncd, at X SJil, North ad street. JAMES H. 1IAUT, W ILLIAM It. II A KT, THOMAS HAKT. 1 hiladclphia, Jan. 1, 1833. The iinderst-jned, have this dav formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James H. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful lor past tavors, they rcspecifully ask the at tention of Iheir friends and the public to their stock of CUOCEUIE.S, which will he Ml and extensive, anc? which they will sell at the lowest market rules. JAMF.s H. HART, THOMAS HAliT, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1 S.j;i.JS, tl. Pjo.i?.bait:! I'lali'orni Scales, ljing liittwii-'rrcrely trslril Away wt-Ar The AiixoultJ- ptil laiiditrd. y.T0ipihk Hailroad, liny, Coal, and Far j5jn?r'- ! SCALES, set iu any pan ofthe country', at short notice. ylCKNf. CFO. W. COLBY, -10 Market st., .Philadelphia, E. Y. Uright, JS'unbury. -Phila., ylpril 23, 1853. TI7ILEY'S COVC.1I CAWY. An excel V lent remedy for eoutjhs, cold. For sal at this oll'tee. I'cve.nbcr 4. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Caliltict W itre Itootti of SE1VN MOUPT & CO Market Square, Also n! the comer of Wit street & the Ku,7,-n SUNllUUV, l'A. ac,H","ad Thankful for the patronage of his fricn,) , riistoincrs dnrnir! Ihe 17 venrs bn 1,. i, ;. , T ncss in this place, he solicits from the n,,hic . hnuni.ro of their favor,. l)rill!f lU prt jo(1 hn' ha, endeavored o keep up with ,,P imprVvenient, of the day, and has nreordintrlv extcile,l 1,1, L, .: ncss in every branch and variety. Tin. nublie . l",f i,,viu,d 10 11,0 n,,c",i"nn of tl,e 12 UAlJIXETM'AIlKANnciIAins, Al A NV FACTUIt F.I) fty ' SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO, At the GUI Sln,r Where in addition to their forme i. establishment thev now mnni,r,.. "1 Mahognny, Walnut & Canc-Seat Chairs, inline, opiinn cent Hocking Chair,. Drcssin'fr Ihiretms, Centre Tlilrs ' Mirlh Top Wash Stands, ' und a. variety of other new sfile and rnI.ioS;atIc Furniture. HaviiiT secured Hcnrse and made tt,. sary arrnncrmenls for the ininiosc. tbev .,. .. prepared Tor Cndcrtakintr in nil its branches in this vicinity or at any convenient distance, ' Y e maids unit mistresses, and husbands too, Here's furniture of every ,t!c and hns, rr.un side boards down lo litehm tablss Trom rockip? chairs to roekiaijeradlei Should yon not have the ready .Initx to pa We'll wail invliile f it a l.riu'hter I. . Iter dilv fir take potuioeF. outs, corn, wheat nod rye Iliuk, h-iop p stav 3, or lumber Wcl , ,ry.( Cr nnj- tiling tun yokes and threshing flails, 1'roill pins und lurkies down lo little cptailf. Come on then friends, come one nnd all, Keep tiade a moving, fo --goes on the hull.' t t" Orders from n distance nromutlv ntten.le.1 to and work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. cinniurv, Aian u y, i.m. tl "AID AND CC11F0ET," : o I'otir Own Tit t:;tni(st. GKOllCiK I'ENX. MAXtTACTPr.nit OF FURNITURE AXD CHAIRS Of the most Fashior.al-le Stylo. T"IIE subscriber respectfully culls the nltcntiun of the public to hi lai u'c and splendid s.sort ment of every (pialily and price of which cannot fail to rci oninicnd itself toererv one who will exaniine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock lo be had in Ihc city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, arid llie subscriber i; determined to keep up wilh the many iiupr-iM-menls which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mulioanv f''las, IJIvmks ami I.ousis,c, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, Sfifl, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VLNKTIAN UI.INDS, cipial to rliil. dclplii.i nnnufacliirc. iniOSTHAI'S, of every pattern and price, (.TPIlOARDS. WOI1K AND CANDI.E STANDS, TOII.KT TAllI.KS AND EXTENSION TAllI.KS, In short, every article in this line of Lis business, lie also inaiiuractiii'cs nil kinds ami ipuditiri of including varielic n"vcr before to l.e had ir u.ibiirv, sii. li as .M vuioiANt. Hurt ai.m t ' ('i'in.i;n M u-i.i; tint:. : .wh A"i,(ii.on I t.ilAJKs, ami ewi v I'i.imi Si.ho, wiiulinm irftex m:,s. aot. a i . .uiit'ii to ec evceiirn ! '' ';i;'' llllllllo.t ll-retl in tl:e t il!C or clsiwla-it. j 'J'ho Ktilwcri'.t-.- is di-toriniood that there eicill j ''. no cwnse i'..,- j-ersons I . i;r. la.-e liiii.iliire in ' 'he cili.-s, a-i t . : cm. , c can be ei.ii itaiiird ' hoi;i the ii.idt!v und I'ni-h . Lis nine mid j 'hnir. I ''!' vl- l e .!:-j-...-cd of .01 a ced J ''-rins as tin y can i c s,,- !:.; , ,; 1 ! ..-u ',., re. t'oini- ' ,ry l'ioilncc ltd in j.i.y mcnl tar work. I t " ' N llKUTA KiM!. ll.iviinj .rovi.!r,l 1 hiniM-it with a ham's., me Hi (:!:, he is now ' prcjund lor I t-te.'iia!.;,!..;. er ! nt'nidins funrr- aK m this viciniry, or nl ;...y coiiM'ii.cnt Uic 1 tuner Irom this i!..cc. ! i V' I'ltC WalC Komi! is ill Market SlrrM, j M"w 'l'h"iitlsoi,'a More t,.lW,;nH''. Tavern, (d!l!lli;K 1!K.'.. : Slllilwrv, Jan. 10. lS.ri, tf. WATCHES, JEYELE.Y, &c. JAM lis tt. VI S IsKK, Ko' 12 Smith S,-ra;,d Siren, r2iiAtri:iA. (old I. ever M'atches full jewelled Silver Lev cr (' i MKcr Lcpinfi do " (jnailicr do Cold pens nnd pencil nn.l silver hahlers Silver 'J'eit and Table ;p..uis linicclcts, lin-ast pins Ear lina Ac. All u- ,.r ...... 1 ... .1.1 ... 1... .. in ilc ,.jlv. Novcinbcr Si. IS.'i. tf. 1,000 3Irn WaiWf.l. fS the lic of the SI"( jl'EH.WN A UMI. " LO. 1) between liiiiljcpoit (opposite liar risbiir;) nod .-'iiiibui v, in the Male of IVunsvlvs- oi.l. Tl.w ro..t is lillv i .nr .oilou i.i l.-ii'.tb' rtlllS . thlom;l, a ,jotv improved counlrv, and will funiUh einiilovinent f,.r stone masons', carpenters ,! laborer, 'for Ihe next twelve months. A j ur!.e portion ofthe line is hravv rock excavation, laborers that arc familiar v. ill therefore tind cer ! t,.i eionlovinent and liberal waac. LHM.untlHTY, LA L.MAN CO.. Contractors. February If, It-.Id. tiusiMidali' II Yilraulic Cement. A N excellent article for liniu; Cisterns. Viulls, fSprins houses and Cellars, and for krepinf dampness from wet and exposed walls. Tor stile bv CHAKI.F.S S1IKPAK1) SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Kvi Smith ik Son. N. E, Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 18S3. ly. AC'KKItKL, CODFISH, Cons'nnlly nn hand and lor sale by I Ptl.MKIl k Co. SALMON, HKRMNC.3, POUK, HAMS & SIDKS, SIJOFLDKKS. LAUD CIIKKSE, Klarket-Sueel Whatf Philadelphia. Au;. ST. lf5H 3m. iOLD PENS with and without eases, of verv superior (iialilv, jiwt received. Also a i'resh sui.ply of Writiui; Fluid, for sala by II. B. MASSER. ' Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1S51. t J A TENT 15KITTA NIA STOPPErvS for bar IxHtlcs lor sale l y H. O MAr, Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 S" MITIFS ESSENCE OF JAMAK;A Cl.N CEK, fiesH supply just received, and for sate by U. li. MASSER. riiinbiiry, Jan. 10, 1852. INK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and alsa Co gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December 2. ISaO. H. B- MASSEK. ARRIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely A'- executed for sale at this oflica, tingl " by the doitcii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers