New Advertisements. NEW Clock 5 "Watchmakers. HIRSCII & CO. TTAVE just Opened a Clock mil Watchmaker ihop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tcner & Co'e Store, in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, Silver & Gold "Watches, etc Also, Jewelry, Consisting f Gold Breast-pin, Ear and Finger Kings, Medallions, CuiT-pina. Ladies & Otitic man.' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plated Tea and Tublc spoons, salt poons, butter knives, Ac, SPECTACLES, Of all sizes, suiting every age. Spy Classes, Pocket Books, of all sizes, 'itazors, Hair Oil, Re vuImts, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap, etc., &c. Also, a largo stock of musical Instruments ! amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flutius, Kites, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. I IT Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Kings repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1853 3m. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. SUNBURY & MILTON STAGE LINE, RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH TUB Philadelphia & Sunbury Hail Road. STAGES will leave Weaver's hotel, Sunbury, on the arrival of the evening cars from Sha mukin, for Northumberland, l.cwishtirg. and Milton, arming at Milton, at about 10 o'clock, r- m. Returning, Stages will le vcaMilton at 3 o' rlock, A. M', arriving at I.ewislmrg, at 4 J o'clock, Northumberland ut5 o'clock and arrivo at Sun hury in time to Breakfast, and tuke passage in hc 7 o'clock rurs for Shamokin, where stages will he in readiness to take passengers to Potts ville, arriving in time to dine and take passage in the Heading railroad cars for 1'hilailelpliia. a i ri ving at Philadelphia at 7j o'clock, same evening. Stages both wnvs will stop ut Ettrr.s hotel, Northumberland, Wcidcnsaul's hotel, Lewisburg, and Egbert's hotel, Milton. Passengers will find this the i most tir tin nut s, and most com fo hta b ln line to, and from I'hi'.adclphia. B. MIS1II.ER. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1S."3. tf. AUDITORS' NOTICE. "sJJOTlCE is hereby given Unit the undersigned J Auditor appointed by '.he Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, to distribute the as sets in the hand of David Taggart, Esq., Ad ministrator of Win. l McCay, dee'd., will attend t his ollico in Sunbury, on Saturday the 5th November next, where all interested can attend. H. B. MASSE 11. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1S53 td. Estate of ARTIITJR HIBLER, deo'd. "TfcJOTICE is hereby given that loiters of Ad JJ ministration have been grunted to the un dersigned upon the estate of Arthur llibler, late Cincinnati!, Ohio, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested ,o present thrm, duly authenticated, fur settlement; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without dclav. SAMUEL HIHLER, Adm'tor. Dunvillo, l'a Danville, Sept. 21, 1853. Gt. " pi'PER "a A1TGI1TGS." " AV . W ILSOX, .IVo. 9 South Fourth Street, five daors below Market st. East side, PHILADELPHIA. HAS for salo every variety of WALL PAPERS, from b cents per piece upwards, including Fine Satins, Cold uud Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, Ac. Also a great variety of new stylo of Curtain Papers, Fine Board Prints, Borders, Ac. Dealers supplied at the lowest rate. Phiia., Sept. 24, 1853. 3m. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON 8c X,ANINCJ, MA.i:r.CTl'ItKI!S k IMl'OItTKItrJ, No. 121 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. "1 'INHERE may be found the largest and haud " some! assortment in the C ity. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to cull at our store, where they will he suited with a superior article, ut the low- eat prices. BURTON & LANINO. No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth. Phila., Sept. 17,- 1S53 3m. ""$3500 REWARD!! INASMUCH as there has been at sundry times, obstructions placed and confined upon the track of the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad, I do hereby offer the above reward fur the detec tion and conviction of any person or persons guilty of such offence. D-4VID LONGENECKER, President. Sqnhury, Sept. 24, 1853. 3m. iIkPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND LADIES. CONFIDENCE can be placed, to the fullriit extent, in the uae of the tSurrourKU nl'Mn IJktt ut Pliila delphiA. Ho many Ihouwiiid rate are known oi entire (lief of latches from the mint intense pam of body and anxiety of mind, anting from tne use of other Hppliwilion of uo reputation wlwtever. lkwure of ittftLal, ffluu. Hpringi of all kind, and elastic prepttraiwm, the tendency of which to injure the patient, it but too well known to many tut ferera and pliyairunta. To avoid all Comiterheta, apply personally or by letter to Mrt. U , No. tfiii Walnut Street ; XHinine her feitnatuie ou each Supporter, and her I' mted State Copyright In le It on each box. Her Suppoitcra arc aanclioiied by a tiuidiiijr uf :J0 yea rt and also by the Fucul Cy, eomiiting ot the hiRhtit n-iim-a in the United States. YgssftD v Mailvkkb, Pkicks m'PK8ate- Atldrens, wboleaalcor retail ordert, to J AS. UETTS, Agent, Mo 921 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Phila., October 1, 1863 tf. List of Jurors, OF NorlhumbeilanJ Count), for a Special Court, to commence on the 3 111 of Octo ber 1853., SvNBi'KY. Juhn E. Schmick, Northumberland D.iniel Voihis, Sam uel Cox, Jacob Paul, Charles Harris, Mii.ton Paul Mastullur, Daniel Hoalz, George Marsh, Pelevtare. JohnC. HulTinan, fewts Jacob Dunkltf, l'relerick Fox. Ti'8WT. Phlip Follmur, Koberl M'Cor iriick, CHiLijUARi-r. Wm. K. Hasher, George Kitlle, John Foul, John Sumers. PoiHT. -Thomas M'Mahan, Jacob Roden bach, Wm. Leighow, Thomas Johnson, L'fikr Aucusta John Farnsworth, Mi chael Kieffer, Lov?cr Auai'eTi. Ephraim Leitle, Levi Tknmai Hsrmam Shinman. Coal. Richajd Woolveilon, Jacob Haas, Rinu O. P. Patten. Steven Huish. Lower Mahahot. -Hugh Seasholtz, Jacob Badroan, Frederick Heckerd, Jacob Blassar, r.'ljan Djeny, giUMosiM. Eli Iieed NEW CLOTHING STOKE. A BRANCH OF THE Clothing Manufactory, OF 8. SIINTJRMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. icspeclfully announce to the citizens of ' " Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invite the attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plain over coals, Dress coats, Frock and Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain and fancy I I.incn and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Cloves, Stockings, Neck and Tockct Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk Hats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, Slippers and Carpet Bags and Trunks, Umhre.laa and everything generally kept in a well supplied clothing and gcntlcmans' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of Accordeons and Jewelry. We sell at the lowest cash prices f for our motto is, "Small Profits and Quick Sales." We have but one pries and no abatement, so that a person is sure to get the worth of his money, whether he is a judge or the goods or mot. If any article does not give satisfaction as to, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they are returned on the same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price the samo as at the Danville Manufactory. CV Call and secure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf Cheap Watches Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Ketnil, at the "Phihulel phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of (Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. GoM I .ever Watches, full jeweled, in enrnt nun. t?,(H) Gold Leiiina ek. SU ni r me Ptlver !K.taclcs. 1.50 GoM Bracelet., .1.00 I nilien' (ioltl Pencils, 1 .00 jSilvcr Tea spoons, set, 5,tH Silver lp. full jewllwt, Ml. Silver Lrpinr, Jewels, in. Suneiior Oiuirlier.. 7. li-tld Spectacles. 7.(Hll Gold Pent, wilh Tencil mid Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Kings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Classes, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 1 ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo what they arc sold for. STAL'FFER &. HARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1853 ly. Shnmokiii Town Lots. r Ml F subscriber is new prepared to exhibit and dispose of Lots iii the new Town-Plat of Shainukin. Persons desirous of purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subserilier, at Slinmnkiu. WM. AT WATER, Agent. Shamokin, Oct. 15, 1853. tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. VILL be sold ot public: sale, on the premises on Monday, the 5th of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undivided four sevenths of outlot No. 0, in the Borough of Sunhurv, as the estate of Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret and Frances M. F. Douncl, by order of said Court. AMELIA DON N EL, Guardian. Sunbu-V, Oct. 15, 1853. U. DAVIS fit CULIN, Dealers in I.AlHl'S, LANTr.UNS i t IIANDELICRX, X. E. Carnrr Fourth and Cherry Streett, FHILADLLPHIA. e.WING enlarged and improved their Store, ami having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphcnc tins and Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterus. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lnmps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and C'andeleabras, and Erittanuia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lnmps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, lleing lariie M AN l.l'A CTLItEUS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these arliclc'8 nt such prices that Merchuuts will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before coin; elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Safety I'l Ad Lamp for sale. Phila.,'Sept. 24, 1853. ly. ATS AND CAPS splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Woid and Fur Hats, also C'lwth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cups br sale low by G. EI.snERG .V CO. Market street, opposite the Post Ollico. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S53. fist of Ccttcvs KKMAlMVd IN THE POST OTIK C AT hi A Ul lt Y, 9ri)fembcr :iO, IV:J. A John Anspacli B Jon Reer Christian Bower 2 Garret l.eary Ann Loan M Richard Malone Huiii Miller Miss .M.itiMn Means 0 John O'Neill P Elizabeth Piats a Patrick Quiun R Jonathan Reilz s Sarah J 5low Tho Smith l'ler Sliafer Jacob Slouch Caroline Stewart c Jane Coldren K Iward Calwell Jnhu Clark Charity Case Jacub Deiterick F Chas P Fiher D.ivid Fisher Thos Fields O John Gazolto John Gil"an 2 . H Michael llofjman T Dr. Michea.l F Hiines-Sanil Tayler hasen I Chas A Jackson K Jacob Kern Peter Kui L Jonathan Lodge Dai.l Vail W Reuben Wyim Chambers Wynn Mariah Williams John Walsh z Henry W Zartman II. B. PACK Kit, P. M. List of Letters lllMIIVIvn IN THE POST OFFII K at Northumberland, September 30, 1853. B Backer Geo Barret Caleb Bartlet M W Burgh Lewis C Case Mer Clytner Levi L Cline P Clemson L W D Drelemlon J G II Duncan James De Muuii Joseph E Engel Juhn F Flanaaan John Flory Geo W Frost B D Foot Re Geo O I nd re Tendon JI 2 ickbotTBarbury Ann K Kennedy John Kerthiiur Susan L Lodge Jonathan Lawratice A S M Moran Anthony McBiide Catharine Marry Dennis MClura Wm Murphy Patrick N Nogel Owen 0 Oaman A a Quay John Gallager Danl Steriick & Lome I. .or fj irtliafKimnsftn A C UIIUIICI ... I J wm. .. - i Grav Newton Schoonmaker Hon Ma- Gardner L M nut Stevenson Jai C V Yeaton Go W Gundrum D J H Haymaker k May Hannii: win Wilson Geo JACOB IIP. P.M. uNbUTlTXmMIcan and shaMOkiN journal. Lumber Yard. THE subserilier would respectfully inform the citiions of Sunbury, and Northumterland and adjoining counties, that he has opened a Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he ha now a large amount of Seasonal Panntl Plaiil alto Pantul Boards, and all other Boards and Di-iLiimo Material, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Miinglcs on hand, which will be sold from f 6 up to 1 3, according to quality ond sb.o. Please give us a call and examine our price' and quality. N. D. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please rail as we will sell to vnu tow. J. E. LE1U, Sup. Sunbury, May 28, 1S53. ly. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soap fy'Ciimllo Manufacturers AND DEALERS IM Soda, Stnrch, Caslllo oap, Dec. HAVING increased facilities for manufactu ring, thev arc now prepared to oiler induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles. Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and at the lowest wholcsule prices. Call and satisfy yourselves. Our motto is "Quick Sates and Small Profits." No. 44 Filbert street, above Oth, Philadelphia. August 13, 1853 3m. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. fTHK subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has on hand for sale, a lurgc lot of yellow pine FLOORING BOARDS. He has also on hand a quantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and posts. He is also prepared to get out timber to order, wilh promptness and despatch. Farmers an i ollirrs, in Union county can he supplied with any of the above articles on the shortest notice, either on the river bank at Sunbury, or a mile below. For further pailicu lara address the subscriber or Samuel C ussier, Sunbury. CHARLES G0SSLER. Lower Augusta, August 6, 1S53. tf. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sulh Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of l'a ( c-iil I.t'tftT Copying I'rcsses, Patent METALLIC DAMPENER Urushes, Oil Papers, TJIottinj Hoards, Copying Ink, ic. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING J500KS, Superior to all others, and each pago printed. PATENT LETTER CINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a nook-like fonii, Letters received, Original Invoi ces. Ac. Phila., April U, 1853. ly. Important to Coal Dealers. fffHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered ut Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will ! ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on coiKr.ii't or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received ut Shamokin by KASK, KEED & CO. .Sunbury, June 4, 1S53. ly. I in p i o v c in c ii t s A head!! ELIAS BRGCSGUS TEREBV informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just received at his old stand, ill Market street, opposite. Weaver's hotel, yln excellent assortment of J.lWfkWVWW) F It E X C II GAL F SKINS, French Lasting, InJ all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers ane others, that hu still continues the Sliocinaking business, and is prepared to do till kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Sunbury, June II, 1853. ly. x e c u t o r s S a 1 c rFMIE subsi'ribcr. Executor of the estate of Nicholas Wolf, dee'd., will expose to Public Sale, on Friday, the llit of November next, on tho premises, the fallowing real estate, to wit: A CERTAIN' TRACT OF LAND, containing ubout '10 acres, situated in Lower Aususta township, on the Sunbury road, leading to Plum Creek, adjoining lauds of Joel Wolf, Abraham Wolf, Richard Bohuer and others, on which is erected a new two story log house a bank barn und other good out-buildings. There is also a guod spring on the premises. About 30 ucrcs is cleared, and tha whole is in good order and repair. Possession will be given immediate ly if required Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock, A. M. when the terms will b made known. JOHN WOLF, Ex'tor. Lower Augusta, Oct. 8, 1853. ts. XOTICE. JV"0 riCE is hereby given by the undersigned J-' citizens of the Common wealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will lie made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tux SuKBi-ni Sivisi.s' I.vsTiTfTX," to be located in the bnroughof Sunhurv, Northumberland countv. with discounting privileges, and with a capital of une nuuureu inousanu dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adam Shisslcr. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Fredk. Lanarus, Geo. 11. Voiinzman. Pe ter B. Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement, uenj. ilemlncks, l.eo. C. Welker, J. . Peal. Sunbury, June 25, 1853. Gm. - KOTICK rrWE stockholders of the Zerbe Run and Sha mokin Improvement Company are hereby notified that an Election for Five Directors will be held at the office of the Compsnv, No. 47 Wall street, New York, on Monday, the 24th inst., front 12 o'clock, A. M to 2 P. M, EDWARD M. DODGE, Sec'y. New York, Oct. 8, 1853. 3t. Book Agcnt9 Wanted. 4 GENTS WANTED in every town and county in the United States, to sell the most popular and suitable hooks published, many of them ttetutilully illustrated with colored engra. vings ; also the most popular works of T. 8. A R THUR, including "Arthur's Cottugs Library." Intelligent and enterprising men will find this a pleasant and prantablo business. For particulars address (post-paid,) J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. October 1, 1853 7ra. 1EWELRY. A nice assortment of Gold and " Silver Pencils and Pens, tor sale etieap by G, ELS BE EG & CO., Market street, opposite the Tost Ollice rJunbury, Oct 8, 1853. 170R sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, C sttla Medicine at 25 cts, Fuji Ewenea of Gmgtr, 'H irnt List of Causes, IOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas 4 of Northumberland County, at November T.,' A. D., 1853. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANT. George 8hiley vs Ab'm Dunkellwrger's admr x Kueben Fagely &. Co s Hugh Bellas Abijah Bowen vs Wm H Thompson George Yoxtheimer vs Daniel Kullnnrr J B Masser vs Barbara She Her s ex rs , . ! Jacob Zarlman's Henry Klaze &. Eve his wife vs ..i,,,.,!,,, William McCarly vs Samuel Hunter Donicl Rhodes vs Jacob Wertmaiv Isaac Hoira A Wife vs Henrv l.stsha Simon Snyder vs George Snyder ... . . Meyer fc Mojer's Gar- Hiti for Reiner vs ' tl-ice Wellington Mutual In- yg y Kaufmnn cl al sura nee Company State Mutual Fire InsnV Same ranee Company Daniel U. Canlieid vs Cornelias McCinlcy Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rawer Juhn Hunter vs John Haog . . ,, S Jcnks with notice D Hoats for M Sweny vs ,o lcm.tcnallt Oliver B Hilliard vs John Hartinan Jr John W Peal vs Joseph Diinmick, et. al Christ & McKaddcn vs Susanna Reid Wendel L Keller vs John F Wolfingor William Forsman et al vs John Parks Jane Dogar vs George P. Buyers et al John Rush &. Wife vs Nathaniel Sdxtons sdm'r Angelica Gehrig vs Geurge Eckerts adiu'r .1 ec A Shisslcr vs Daniel Glenn Reuben Fagely - Co vs John Rosser $- Co Jacob K Rhoads vs J Fay eV .1 Ilarinnn Daniel Gibson vs Jacob Rcnnert eV Wm Fabler J Ott Rockefeller vs Jesse C Horton Hugh Martin vs Reuben Troxel George Parfuir vs Harrison Heim Robert Hutchinson vs Henry Lonti Ex'r Samuel Dwing vs R D Cummings Joseph Wcitzcl vs Renjamin Robins Jordan 4 Wclker for Loilge No !22 vs William Fagely David McMicken vs Dennis C Caul vs Abraham Trout vs R 1) Cummings Jacob Kline Renjamin Rubins l 1) Cummings Abraham Rcubendahl James Reed Garnishee Same John S Good vs Jacob Hilbish vs Morris L Hallowcll vs Scull & Thompson vs Huructt Saztrn A- eo vs Samo Richard 1) Britten cV co vs Same JAMES HEARD, Prolhoni lary's Oll'icc. Sunbury, October 8, 1853 ( Trothy. JULIUS STERN, No. 171 Xorth 2nd Street, opposite the Canul Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Tl AS opened a full and extensive as- 8orlmenl of all kinds ol Millinery ii articles, such ns Ribbons. Laces. Illond 3 Lace, Silks, Florences, Runnet-framcs, and a lai'0 assortment of needle worked handkerchiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces, Insertions, Edgings, &e. together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. , Persons making their Fall purchases j 9 arc invited to give him e call. 5? j llhila., Sept. 14, 1853. Sin. j " BEAVER, KREMER & MOORE, HAVE received a very large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of 120 pieces Musliii-ilc-Lains at 4 to Cf cents. HI) ' 10 l!i 18J iV 85. 50 " " " iiS to 50 cents. 300 " Calicoes at 5 Ci R 10 and 12J. First rate calico, madder color at 8 and 10 cents. 30 pieces Debegc at 1SJ IS and 25 cts. 16 pieces C-4 French Merino at 100 to 137. 250 long and square Shawls, at from 1,50 to $20 30 pieces black, colored, figured and plain Silks, together with every variety of Goods suited to the I season, at as low rates as can be bad in 1 lnla- dclpma at retail. A la.-ge assortment of Carpets, Stoves of all kinds lor wood or cml. Call and see, as we will sell you goods at such prices as will give satis faction. Lewisburg, Sept. 21, 1853. Ct. 'Kureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VOW for the little ones. Why will parents X waste hours and dava in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and utter all get nothing but a poor, miserable curicatuie 1 e would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee le make you a perfect picture, by our Ei.m-tiio Ciikmicxl proccsfi, that works in from J to 3 seconds. We defy any Daguerreau in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to confpeto with us, as we are the iuventois, and the process is used only in our dif ferent establishments in New England and the Middle Slates. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received fiom the American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sullicieut proof that they are the .Ye l'ltis Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to our Talbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. C. Collins it Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' lluilding, Westficld, Mas. N. B. Our establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Hrnrssor llorsrford t bajetj Lamps ly N ight. 'Come and see. Phila., May 28, 1853. ly. C II E A V WINDOW S 11 AUK Depot and Manufactory G. L. MILLE2, & CO., S. V. corner Arch and keroiid btrerls, PHILADELPHIA. T'VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole " sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices foi quality of work. Orders lor Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial, lis wilt try to pirate. Ilrasses, Trimmings, Ac., always on hand. Remember S. W. corner SliCO.VJ) & ARCH Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1853- 6m. SHOES. All kinds of Boots Shoes and slip pers far sule hy G. ELSUERO ot CO, Market street, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 List of Causes. TTOR, Special Court of Common Pleas of BJ" Northumberland County to commence on Monday, the 31st day of October next, A. D 1853. James Graham vs Hugh Bellas et al Com'th for Wm L Heiueman vsT A Billington Com'wealth for 8. D. vs T, A. Billington & Jordan hail Mahonoy and Shamokin Abra,lam P,u, Improvement co Keiulerton Smith's ex'is. vs ' jort-u ' same vs same Jane Bogar vs George P Buyers ct al Henry Donnel at al vs Hugh Bellas Robert Philips vs Zerby Ruu and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, PiQlh'y. Piothonotafy's Office, ) Sunbury, Aug. 87, 1853 J REGISTERS' H0TICE. MOTICE is hereby Riven lo all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons Interested In the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of No vember, A. D., 1853, in the forenoon, for confir mation and a.lowance. Wm. Kase, sen., dee'd., Final account sclllod by one of his Ex'rs John Kase. Mailiti Drumhellcr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, Levi T. Drnmbellcr. Catharine Latsha, dee'd., s-ctlled by her Ex'r, Frederick Lntsha. Jacob Greiner. dee'd.. Final occount settled by his Adm'r de bonis non, fSeo. C. Welker. Geo. Philips, dee'd., settled by his Ex'is Peter Wilmer and Jacob Philips. Peter Burns, dee'd., settled by his Executor Henry Burns. t Joseph Leib, dee'd., settled by his A din tor Sumuel Logan. Robert K. Dearmond, dee'd., settled by one of his Ex'rs John Watson, Samuel Hunter, dee'd.' settled by one of his Ex'rs Win. L. Dewart. Benjamin Lose, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor Wm. Scott. Caroline Peifer, settled hy her Guardian Elias Peifcr. William Clyde Colt and Sarah N. Colt, minor children of Thomas Colt, dee'd., settled by their Guardian William A. Petriken. John Leib, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Lerch. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853.- " Estate of JOHN DIEHL, deo'd, TVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ' ministration on the estate of John Diehl, late of Point township, Norlhumlierland county, dee'd, hovo been granted to tho undersigned. I herefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them fur settlement. The Adminis trators will meet for the above purpose at the house of William Diehl, in said township, on Tuesday, Novenilier 8. 18.')3. W ILLIAM DIEHL, ? . . ., . SAMCEL DIEHL, $ AJm ,or'' Point twsp., Oct. 1, 1803. Ct. Estate of WILLIAM FARROW, deo'd. TVOTICE is hereby given, that letters teala- ineiilHrV bnvo lwn rrrttntn.l I.-, tl,M a,tl,nril ira ' on the estate ol" W in. Furrow, late of Shamokin township, dee'd. All those knowim themselves indebted to or having claims against said estate, are requested to make settlement without delay, f The Executors will meet for that purpose at ' the late residence ol the deceased, in Snydertown, on Saturduv, November 12, 1853. WILLIAM FARKOW, ) SILAS FARROW. f ' Ex'lurs. Shamokin twsp., Oct. 8, 185.1. 6t. A Farm fop Sale. ! nnil E subscriber offers for sale his farm, j A CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES ! and allowances. It is situated about three miles ! from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and is I in a good Btatc of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will Iks olfered in parts or entire to suit pur ' chasers. It can be divided to make three small I farms. The buildings ore a FARM HOUSE, a good Bank llurn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FA R.NsWORTII. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853 tf. NOTICE. 4 LI. persons indebted to the lato firm of Houpt & Schmick, are hereby notified that their books have been placed in the hands of M. L. Shindcl. Esq., for collection, und if they do not attend to this notice without delay, suits will be brought without respect to persons. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. 4t, FILL MII.UMItY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45 South Second Street, rHILADSLPHIA. ,4 RE now opening for the Fall Trade, a large and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods in grneial. Confining t'lemselvcs exclusively to this branch of the trade, und luroit riNt; the larger part of their stock, enables them to oiler ail assortment unsurpassed in extent or variety, which will be sold ou the most favorable terms. Phila.. Sept. 17, 1853. 5m. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT ! ! INKS. 31 .4 It 4. A It ET 114.4S, of Sunbury, t) ESPI'.CTFULLY informs the public that V ihc has just received and opened a new stock of FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY, such as bonnets, silks, ribbons, Ac, of the latest style and pattern, and every variety of uriiele be longing to her branch ol business, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, at her Store in 1' awn street, below John ouug s store. Suuburv, Oct. 1, 1853 It. FCB, .SALE! V Splendid llujjgv ! ! TTJERSOXS iii want of a well made bui!gv. on reasonable terms, can find one by calling ou the subscriber, in Sunbury. JAMES COVERT. Suubury, Oct. I, 1853 Im. "riU)CLAIATK)Nr- V OT1CE is hereby ghen ihnt the several Courts of Common Pleus, General Ouarter Sessions of the peace, and Opi hans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Hi day ol rsovcmltfT next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northuiulicrlaiiil, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, wilh their rolls, records, impositions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their scu-rul ollices apbcrtiiiuing to he done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute agaiust him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave al their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices. (iiven under my hand at Sunbury, the 8th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three and the In dependence of the United States of America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIP P. Sheriff. Ged save tho Commonwealth. imoclamation7 OTICE is hereby given that a Special 11 Court uf Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday lha 3 1st dav of October next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors ara requested to bs punctual in their attendance, at tha tims appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my band at Sunbury, tha 97th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and the Independence of lha United State of America the 78th. WILLIAM B. KirP, rhenff. Gns Fixtures 15 Lamps. HELD RICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street ubov Vine, PHILADELPHIA. AVING had many years prac tical experience In the business, and as all work sold by us M manufactured under our immediate supervision, ye are enabled to oiler to purchasers suprrior ar tioles, in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable term,' At our store may lie found, in very variety anJ style of finish, Gas om! Lamp Chandeliers. Pendants, Side llr.ickets, for Halls, Churches. &c., the IMPROVED PINE OH, LAMP) also, Fluid. Lar.l and Oil Lamps, Gir andoles, Uoquete Holders! Parljr, Night and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glasses. Globes. Wicks. Similes, Ac. ' ALL WORK WARRANTED, OR NO SALE. Factory No. 80 Noble St., near 4th. Remember store 2'il N. 2d St., next door to J. Stewart Dspuy's eorpet store. September 10, 18.13. 3in. WILLIAM GR0VES&C0'S Upholstery, liodiliiig j Fea ther Wa rehouse. S, Ji Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. tPRtNG BICDS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats, Husk, and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cots, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, lilankets, Ac, Ac. Constantly on hand or made to order and sold Whclcsale and Retail, on the most favor able terms. FEATHERS, I1A..R, HUSKS, ke , by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction. N. 1). Mattresses re-msde and Feathers re renovated. Phila., Sept. 10, 18S2. 3m. X. M. Xewna in's Bcalty's Row, Norwegian street, Pottsvdle, Pcnr.a. IMiiiiibing Klioi, JJAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SL'P- ply of all sizes of Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead, Rlock Tin, Bath I'jibs, Shower baths, Hjdrants, Hose, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa ter Closets ; also, all kinds of Brass C ocks for vyab-r and steam, lirass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Cuiiucr ork ond Plumbing done in tlio neatest manner at the shortest HOticC. x- n- Cash paid for old Rrass and Lead Pottsville, Aug. 27, 1853. ly THE above reward will be paid for informa tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who were guilty oi lining the axel hoses ol the passenger and coal ears of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, with sand and dirt. D. LONGENECKER, Prcst. Sunbury, Aug. 27, 1853. Live iiii'l Help Live ! ! ! Om Motto. S. N. THOMPSON a -J) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just re reived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, biiul.foins and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of l)pv (Joods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, testings, Linens, A'c. LADIES DRESS AND h'ANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Liins, Lawns, G'ingiums, Beragcs, Robrs, 4'c ; hoc Kit it:, Sugar, Teas, Cofl'cc, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, ie., &c. Ilnrriwnrc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives 4 Folks, Scc. Quecnsware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND EIIOE3 A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Resides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. t Country produce of ull Kinds taken in cxhiiiige ut the highest market prices. Suubury, 4 1110. 30, 1853. l'orte Moiinaies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riVIIE attention of lha Trade, and others, in L want f Porte Mommies. Pocket Rooks. Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Hoards. Chessmen, Pearl, .Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes. Cabas, Needle Rooks, Money Bells, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Fl.'sks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a largo variety of Faxci Guoijs, which will be sold ut the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. Stone Cutters and Laborers WANTED! 4'I'ONE cutter and laborers can have steady employ and a winters job, (and not work in the water,) at the Union and Susquehanna Uridge at Chapman, Union county, l'a, midway be tween Liverpool and Northuinlicrland. To la borers $1,25 per dav will be eiven. LEISEXIilNG & FISHER. Chapman, Sept. 17. 1S53. if. LEATHER, T 11 ITZ k II K -N I) It Y , Store, 29 N. 3d Etreet. PHILADELPHIA Morocco Manufacturers, t'uiriers, Iinpoilers, Comiiiisioii and Genera! Leather Riisiness. WHOLES A Li: & RETAIL. rj3?" Manufactory 15 Margurrtta Street. Phila., August 20, 1853. ly. OPORTSME.V A lot of double od 'inKle barrelled (funs, shot belts, powder flasks, yun cups, fiiuts, powder , shot ami trail fur sale by Sept. 11, '53. I. W.TE.VER A CO H ADICS UKi:.SS (iOOUS ur,,k, s,.i H J rieucn Aieriun, 1'eisiaii 1 will, De Laines, Uc itcrafre, eashuiores, calico, worked, eelars, shiiuezclle, cull's, c, just received slid bv iSept. 10, 1853. I. W.TKMIR & I O ' INDIAN CllOLAOOOUE.-An excellent re nieily tor tho cure of t ever and Auue, llillious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, just re- ciieu ai.u lor salt ny 1. w . i tlSEli & i(J Sunbury, Sept. 10, 3. pi 1 ACKEREL. Kcalled FUh, Herrings, Pried Uecl, Jlams and cheese, just received and for ale by I. W. TEN E It & CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1853. 4 Splendid lot of C'arpetiur, Floor Oil Cloth, Table Oil covers. Carpet chain, door mat and matting, just received and tor sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TEN E It &. CO. BOO I'd, Shoes, Hats Caps and Uum Shoes, iust laceived and fur sul hw Sept. 10. 1853. I. W. TENER & CO. LOTHS, Ctskimercs, Vestings, Sattinslts, J &c, oi various styles and colors, just retet. vej and frr s!o by Pt. :a, '. S. J. W. I FNER rn. 4To r ci cin News. ARRIVAL OF THE A T L A N T I c . I'ATP.H FltOM EtltOPK. Declaration of War hi the Turks. New YonK, Oxl. 10. The V. S. Mail Steamship, Allan ic, Capt. West, wjib aLiv. erpool dates In the 5th inet., teaihed her be 1 th ut 1 o'clock. The Atlatilic brings 200 passengt is, amoni; whom hio Lieut. Maury und the Hon. Joseph R. Ingnnull, hile Minister to the Couit if St.. Jainei. Tho Atlantic left Livc-rpoi! ut ID o'clock, P. M. im, (he fth ins!. A despatch from Vii-nmi, dated the 31 inst , i con-.eil of thu Divan, a declaration nl war against Rus-da, was reol ved i.p-m, aaainsl the advice of the four Pow. ers, ami the Declaration has been signed by the Sultan. It is ulso reported lhat hostilities hare ac tually commenced. Omir Pasha had previ ously demanded stion-ily for permission to, comni(uca the fighl before w inter set in The Russian forces weir soppo.ved to bo inoviii" towards Roustehouf, for the purpose of iitlackino the Turkish detachment posted tlieie. THE EASTERN QUESTION. The eastern question has taken anoth?r turn. Tho meeting of tho Emperors at OU mnt?. was over. A new proposition was of fered to the Poite, and Austria again put her self in accord with Franco, England and Piussia, and negotiations were again resumed between the Representatives of the Great Powers. Thinjis wcie in this train when Telegra phic despatches fiom Constantinople, dated the SC1I1 ult., were received, stating that tho Grand Council of the Ottoman Empire had recommended tho Sultan to declate war against Russia. This caused an immediate meeting of lha British Cabinet, and much apprehension exis ted among the public. The Sultan's decision was not definitely known, bill a courier was hourly expected at Marseilles, from Constantinople1. Affairs in Tutkey were represented lo bo tranquil. The Russian army in the Piincipalitiea had been officially ordered lo winter there by the Minister of War. The fleets remained in Besika Bay. SETTLEM ENT OF Til EKOSZTA AFFAIR. Martin Koszta was to embark on the 21st. on board the American barke Mimesa fur the United States, Austria assenting to the em baikation. Mr. Brown was at Smyrna, and would see him off. ENGLAND. The Cholera was increasing slowly al Liv erpool. The American packet ship Isaac Wright, wilh 600 passengers, for New York, was re ported at Liverpool to be leaking badly from having struck on the Irish coast, and a steam boat was sent in search of her. FRANCE. The term of ihe suspension of the differ ential import duties on corn and flour brought into France in foreign vessels has been ex tended to July 31st. Another decree prohibits 'he export of po tatoes and dried vegetables ftom Fiance. 1 1111: i LEWismiin. A Telegraphic despatch informs us lhat a fire broke out in Lewisburg, on Saturday night last, the 15th inst., at eleven o'clock, in the steam saw mill and boat yard ot Frick, Slifer & Co., totally destroying the mill, the new county bridge over Buffalo Creek, three or four boats, just finished lor the Delaware and Hudson Canal Compa ny, and a large quantity of boat stuff, and sawed lumber. Loss to Frick, Slifer fit Co, $20,000. t2,riOO insured in the Union County Insurance Company. Los to County on Bridge, SiOOO no insurance- Eleven boats were saved uninjured. The fire was the work of an incendiary. A discharged workman named Benjamin T. Stone, was arrested on Sunday, at North umberland, and committed to jail at New Berlin, and others are suspected. Thirty workmen, each of whom lost a chest of tools, are thrown out of employment by this fire. The Milton Engine and Hose Company were promptly on the spot, and did effec tive service, but on their return home, Mr. Henry Flick, editor ol the .Miltonian, and another fireman, were accidentally run over by an engine, aud badly injured. Their recovery is said to be doubtful. STOVES, STOVES. r''' ,,'c undesigned would respectfully call ' the attention of purchasers lu our suieiiur stock ol (Moves, Ca ildrous, A c. The superiority ofour Stoves uhove all others is so well known lhat we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail uf them. We would invite your attention to our Mat. grrgor Jlmting n,rt. As the price of coal is 011 the rise, Ibis is the most economical slme tha public can use. These stoves are of siies suilabls for healing the smallest room ; and those capable of contaimns from 40,000 to UO.000 cubic feet. Our Cook Sloves consist of the Ulohe Cook, far coal Modern Troy, for wood--Ruck's rlol,ri,l wood stove Complete Cook Yocom Cook HaRitr Cook, Ac.. Ac. Our assortment of Cook, and Parlor stoves is the he.t in the market, and person desiring to purchase will do well hy fa voring us with a call before purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN & WAP. NICK. Successors lo Potts &. Yoeoin, N. E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets. PIllLADrXI'llU Phila., .i"j. S7, 186:). 3iu. PAMPHLET LAWS. TTOTICE is hereby tWrn that the Pamphlet . .'' hva been received and ara ready for Distribution to thus legally authorized to receivo them. JAMF9 BEARD, rroihy Sunhury, Sept. S4, 1853 WM. M'CAKTT, Bookseller. ESPECTFULLY informs tha inhabitants ot " town and country, that ha has lately rerei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to bit stock of books, in every branch of Litenume, and in a graat vnety of Binding. Plea call and. ' them. i Sor.lur.-, Pep. 1?, 1SI3.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers