, i ,i. n i-'i i n-irm-t in r.TTH r- 1 -yi fl 1" " 1' '"' ITir","V J.- SVWBrr-en' , h , , J"? -""vr'T"'-"-"' -1 ' --- - - ' 'r ' ."; '-, - . " : t , i ; r i i 1 1 'it- J ' - T H N B . TUSH JPUZiLEU'S CORlfK. Th, 'a of I'kCtU Cn",r,c,lT kT K' R. !., of E(ytira;..j . r . ,' ,'. ' ' the Ainericart. ro Utilr Amrlon. pi.'xzlb. ' ' " S Y C U; R M N R t A R B S A R 5 H E I 0 A n u L s E O Elyjbnrg, August 6, 1853. E. R. & J S. rilEAP MODE OF FILTERINn WATF.Il. At affioieni a filter a ran possibly be con Mrocted, may bo mado in a few minulea by any person, and at the cost of a very few penca. Procure a clean flowerpot of the common kind, close the opening in the bnt torn by a piece of sponjje, thpn place in ihe inside a layer of small atones, previously well cleansed bv washing J this layer may be about two inches deep, the upper stones Wing very small ; next procure eome freshly burnt charcoal, which has not been kept in a damp foul place, at it rapidly absorbs any strong smell, and so becomes mined and onfit for auch purpose; reduce this to pow der, and mix it with twice its bulk or clear, wel'-washcd sharp sand ; with this mixture fill the pot to within a short ditfanao of the top, covering it with a layer of small stones or what is perhaps better, place a piece of thick, close flannel over it, large enough to tie rnnnd the ripn of the pot outside, and to form a hollow inside, into which the wnter to be filtered is to be poured, and which will be found to flaw out rapidly through the sponge in an exceeding pure stale. The flannel rvmoves the crnstr impmitics float ing in Ihe water, but th filter absorbs much ir th decavii'if animal nnd vegetable bodies actuary Unsolved in it; when it becomes charged wjih lhtm, it lnseg this power, htnce the necessity for a supply of fresh charcoal at inleivals THE AtLATiTt'S TREE. This tree would be a general favorite were it not for the disacreeable, nnd In some per sons sickening effluvium proceeding from il whilst in flower. The editor of the N. Y. Commercial states that ilia only the male variety of Ihe tree which is open to this ground of complin t. He says The greater part of the ailanlus trees plant ed in oui siieet-, appear lo be of those w hich bear only stamiuate flowcis sometimes called the mule plant. The ailanlus in dice cions tree that is lo say, the flowers which contain the fertilizinc principle are on differ ent trees, from those which bear the seed vessels. The trees which bear the atami nate flowers are easily distinguished by their little green starlike blossoms, such aft lay Btrewn upon the aide walks in auch abundance this morning. It ia these only thai diffuse the odor which many find so disagreeable and even unwholesome. The plants beaiing ike pistilate flowers have no perceptible Oder, and may be known by their seed-vessels resembling what are cal led maple Ice gt. At (hi season, the kegs are mall and of gieen color, but perfectly form ad ; in a short lima ib-iy will In of a icdJish hue. It is only ailantus-trces bearing the pistil late flowers, that should be planted in our treeti. At the roots of the ailanlus throw up' tuckers with an extraordinary profusion, it it most easily and naturally propagated by transplanting the suckers. Those w hich aio taken from the roots of a tree bearing pistil late flowers, will in like manner bear pistil late fljwer only, and in this manner Ihe gardeners will be able lo furnish, with the g reatetl facility, a supply of llio kind desir ed. The ailanlus is so rapid in its groivthi and to perfectly free from iusectt, that it is one ol the very best for planting in large towns, and we should be sorry lo see any attempt to extirpate il. If, however, the ordering of the matter depended upon us, we would hava the male plants cut down without remorsp, and their piace supplied with those which bear pistillate flower. Ths DeoRtEs of Sleep. Few of our rea ders, perhaps, are aware lhat the human bo. dy fallt asleep by degrees. According lo M Cabinit, a French physiologist, -The muscles of the legs and arms lose their power before those which support the head ; and these last aooner than those which support the back, and he illustrates this by cases of persons who sleep on horseback, or while they aie standing or walking." 11a conceivee that the serve of sight bleeps fimt; then the tense of taste; next the smitu of srn. ll; next that of hearing; and lastly tbm of touch. Ha maintains, also, that Ihe viscera fulls asleep, oiio after Bnoihnr, and sleep with different degrees of soundness. A Mot Kendall is buiUling ten cottage style franiH houses on hi farm, upon the oi.l. kirts of Wuidiingtou, uu the line of Ihe rail road. , The. lolal cos!, exclusive of the ground (each being on a lot of two acres) will be snnie $13,000. and they are expected to rent fur an aggregate of 25 000. OsTSlcues must be rhenp birds to keep.' Those at ihe Hippodrome live on gun-flints and ruiiy imili. A fie.-h spike is a delicious morsel, while an old binge with a Ijllle oil on it is foujht fur with aa much earnestness as a pair of aldermen would eihibil over a bowl of green lurile. That urasn't a but idea of Sam Slick's, wtieH suflmiiig from intense heal, lie said he felt a desiie to lake nff Ihe flesh and tit in till bones awhile, l tool himself. ... How MiSY fund r( ilhers and frugal house wives keep llieir -r ly daughters mid pre servts for some ext a occasion ao.Tio "b'.e Lug" or other, till b b turn anur i I improve men I A li c a tl ! ! i ! ELIAS BR.OCIOUS THEREBY informs hii friends ami the puhlie 11 generally, that he hu jut received ot hi old stand, in Market street, opposita Weaver s hotel," '"'' " ' "' An excellent assortment of lCB.OCCO, FEE NO II C A L F' SKINS, French Lastinjs, Afl ll ImJi nf l.niiiiri nnd Shot findings. m llrU he pficre to the trade at rcasonniue prieen. He also inform hie customera ane others, tliat 11a etil cnnlmlics 111 PiioemaKinc nuMnon, ana i prepared to du all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable atvle. and on renaonahle torrr.a. . Simburj, Juno 11, 1853. ly. NOTICE. NOTICE is hcrerty given by the undersigned citlrcns of Ihe rommonwralth of Pennsyl vania, that armliration will be made to the next I.egmlnture ot said Commonwealth lor tne erec tion of a body corporate to be styled 'Tun Scsbcht SiVisfiV Institute, to be located in tho borough of fsunbnry, Northumberland county, with rliscnunliiiti privileires. and wiiu a rapitol nl One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adam hh'uslcr. Tbomas Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Fredk. Lazarus, freo. B. Yoiinginan, Ve ler B Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. ('lement, Bcnj. llcndrieks, Ceo. C. Welkcr, J. V. Teal. Snnburv, June 25, ie53. Cm. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNEUHY. GELPDERG & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury l'u., opposite the Post Office, adjoininit Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in M arket Street. They are just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clotlunjj. Consisting in part of CioA.i, Catsimcrs, Salintll, Linens, Checked and J amy Cloth Vault and Couts. ALSO, A Cue supply of Silk, Satin and other Vesta. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of lluta and Caps Shirts and Collars and Centlemcn's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public may rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See j No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, lR.'ia. Just Published nnd for Sale by WM, McCARTY, Bookseller, buubury, 1'a. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United States. Bv Coi.LtxsnM Reed, Esq., Ipsae itgis viva vox Vith notes and additions, together with a short system ol conveyancing, liy A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of Ihe Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Kockefclcr and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judo Feurson of Harrisburg : Ilinnisnuno, June SO, 1S53. Gekthmej i After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thus offered to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svatcm of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, nnd the practice ofthe courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on ihe acts of astemhly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It Miould be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our stale. Yours, w ith great rcsieet, JNO. J. PKXKSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindcl, Esijuires. Sunbury, July !l 1853. Ktnnoi'ium ol' Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods- JOHN Y. MA H TIN, YTAS RECEIVED at his establishment, on JJcer street, one door iioilh of C. J. Uruncr's law-office, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been ufferej ill this place. His stork consists in a great variety of Anion which are superior JilncJe, Hroicn Green, Oli"e Claret, JSeljt'.m I'lut'i, rrenck Cfut'is, Russian W.cc, &r. DLAt'K AND HKOIVN CJASMMFJl ETS, Vlack pltii'i dne-skn Cussimivcs, Summer and U inter Cassimerts, Ifc. VESTING S, Black Satins, (a rich article.) excellent Marsriies Huff, White, (Figured and 1'lain.) Figured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIF.TIES, Tweeds, Liucns, Cravats. Hoseiiy, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars, Suspenders, & c, fa., & c. Call and sec his assortment of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest couts, paun, vests, &c, in the coun try. Kf A few journeymen tailors can find im mediute situation, at this establishment. Sunbury, May 81, 1853 3m. riSSCLTJTIOlT. rpiIE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of James Tagcari & f?on. was, on the 13th day of June, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by James Taggtirt, who holds the books. Those indebted lo the firm are requested to cull and make settlement of llieir accnuuis also all (lemons having claims sgainst the firm are requested lo send in their bills for payment. J AMES TAfitJAKT, Git AM 11 1 A M I. TACGART. North'd., June 18. 1SA3. if. - 85 It 12 WARD ! f I'MIE above reward will be paid for the diseor. 1 cry and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the property of I'niludelphis and Hunbury Railroad Company. flV ORDER OP THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, IH53. tf, II. H. HKiUEE'S remedy fur oughs. "colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable inedirine just received sud for sale by II. li. MASSER. Punbary, June i. 1853. Mann's .EstuMUIiment. , ! - NF,V;STOnE. ; ; , - QT S500 C1J AIXl,Il.I,. vhsrihmmtr " ' BENJAMIN -ll EKF1 N Eli A Vim.'i1 iriTT.'.II?' TlaZr,!? Thiladelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of t l'ntciit Letter C oij Inj rrrMd, ratent METALLIC DAM TENER", Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, StC. 1'atent rarihment l'Bier, i , LETTER COPYING HOOKS, . Superior to all others, and gich page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER; '- A most valuable invention for keeping in a bonk-like form, Letters rcceivi d, Original Invoi- ces, ivc. l'hila., April 0, 1853. ly. THE CI1GAPEST, THE 5EATUST AND TUB 'JE: T. Excellence and Datuly combined, j and Model Spring Stylo Hats, . 5J: N EQUALLED bv any others in all that can render Btitislnciion to the Wearer. Hue them a trial. The Very Finest Mni.iniin lltvs f,r 3. fill ; Second (u.ility, very fine, 3,00 Thinl Quality, a capital article, 5,fi0. All thoe are warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 48 North Sth Street Philadelphia, l'hila., April 'J, 1853. 6m. ' NEW STORE. npiIE undor'ii'ned takes (his method of thank' inc his friends for their liberal patronage, nnd informs them lie lias taken the old stand lately occupied by James Tapsjart & Son, where he will be prepared at nil times with a targe sup ply ol goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, Jfcr. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every dereriplion. ftrorrrlr-fl, JiM'ciiMTarc, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, :, e)e. Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes bv n sirirt attention to hubinc: to merit a continnunce of their patronage. G. I. TAG (5 ART. N irthM., .line 1 , I3.V1 if. lJope Mnnufiiclory. fTtUE subscrilier respectfully informs the people A of NorlbuinlM'rland and Sunbury, and llie public generally, that he has constantly on hand and manufactures lo order, all kiudsof Uoa, roies, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines of till kinds, at his establishment m IWtlium- berland. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'd., June II, 1853 3ni. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESFECTFCLLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their stoic in Market sijuare, ISunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cntrimrref. Sn'linets, Veslingi, Flannels, ll'ullcns. See., And all kinds, of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DliESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghums, Chintzes, De Laiiics, Vcrucs, Ami every variety of goodt suitable for La dies ear. Also nn extensive nsoiiincnt oT Hats and Cai's run Mus and Buys. Also a largo assortment cf CiK()CLlILS 8I;'H AS Sugar, Tea?, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Flaster. Also a trcsh supply of Pit UGH AND Mr.DlClNF.S. Besides Ihe hiim'M and most uenernl assort ment of all kinds of goods lo be had in this place. re" Country produce of nil kinds taken ill ex change at the highest market price. Sunhury, April 30. 1 S.i3. J. E. GOULD, (.Successor to A. 1TOT.) No. 1C4 dies nut Street, Swaim't Ji.iiiUing riIIL DELriUA. lXTENSIVE .MkflU I'L'ULISHEK. and "- Dealer in Musisxil InntruuieiiU of every de scription. Exclusive A rent for the sale of Hallet, Davis CV Co' (BiMtOll) I'aTS.NT bl'Sl'KXSIOJI lllllllUK Jiuuliun und oilier PIANOS, I.. Gilbert's Boudoir 1'ianos, Mi lodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, iulins, SiiktT Ml sic, Mt su UiMIKS, Ac., Ac. lietidenls of Ihe country will lie supplied by mail or iillu'7,ise with any muiic ihey may n ihil, at as low rates ns if purchased in person. Having one of tlia Inrtri'st stocks in Ihe t'nitcd States, I feel confident of sutish iug all who may feMir me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied en the most lilieral terms. I'innns to let. Second band I'iiinos for sale. l'liiladelpliia, April 14, 1853. ly. NORTIIUilBERLAND Select School for flirls. Under the Cere cf Miss E. Calvin. INSTRUCTION will be (;iven in the oidiuary r.nslih liraiichrs, I'liynical, Sciences, Alge bra. Geometry and Lunnaes. ' A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commence ou the 13th of June, 'J'l.litis. Orthography, Reading;. Writing Com position,' Geography, English Grammar and Arithmetic per quarter. 83.00 With uny addiiiooal Enalish study, If I 00 Algebra, tSeomelry, or l.anqusgcs, f5.H0 Music, l'aiiiliiig, and Drawing, each seperate and at the customary rates. y References. Dr. It. U. Mt-'ay, Northumberland. D. Tsfiirart, Esq., . . . Hon.. Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Tres. Banner Phila. H. (i. M'Guire, A, M., 1'nnfipal of Central Institute, 1'hilsdelphia. Northumberland, May SI, 1853 8m. SILVER WATC1IE8. A few double ease Ennlih fadver W atches, for sale at very low prtcej by , . ,.. U. i, MAkHER. Bunburv, April 1 2. IRS 1 , . Jf I) LANK I'srchiucni Paper Deeds and blank XJ Mortai;ca, Uouds, Etecutioiis, Bumiiioiis At., fur Mile by - H. 1J. -MAbbElt Uhl. . . ., . bunbury Ani t6 liLANKS. BLAXK5 of every description ran. be had Ijy ap ryina: at the otlice of the American, t , 4 mTtH'H EbfsENClS-olF'jA M A 1C A GIN. GER, a fresh sujiply just eveived, and for sale by U. li. M ASSER. eiunbuiy, Jsu. 10, 1 fi5 J. RESrECFFt'LLY infbrmt fhs' citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a riew More in the room latoty occupied by George Blight, opposite Bolton's Uolr. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of .Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of ' Cloth?, Cassiraers, Cassinet9. of all kinds, of linen, cotton nnd worsted.- ' ' . . ... ALSO! C'nllrocH, (iliittlttimN, .nwit, ' MonAMCtlnc l)c l.ttttict) all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. , , Also an assortment of E!rti iluaif. Iron nnd Steel, NailJ, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, rr variout styles and patli'ins. Also n assortment of II'.)OTJ At SllOr.S. II ATS & CJA Pf? , ri good selection. Halt. Fish, (-,'c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable lo the trade, all of which will he sold nt the lowest liriccs. VaT Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1S52. ly Drugs, Taints, Oil, Window Glass, ic. 5 Tu French xine white. 10 tons Puro White Lead. S00II Hexes W indow t:iass. all sizes. Su perior Potash,Coinl,( 'naeh , I ,ea til er ,y Iron varnish, white Demnr varnish for (..limn Gloss, with fl general assortment of fresh and puro DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enimiled Class, &c, &c, fur sale verv Ijw at ALFRED WIl.'l BEP.nr.irs Dru and Tait t Stoic, No. 1C;1 N. -.'nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or D, put-, tree of charge. l'hila., Mav S8, ISM ly. CHEAP VATC1IES. JEV.rLIiY AIID QjII.VKlt WAhll, Wh-.htle uini KeUnl ul N'. 7 N. O M'.i.'OM) .sr.. tpp'ite ih' Ml. rti"ti ll 'Hie. li -hl Lever Wnlrhfs. I'nU .(eweieit. k. cir.-r'. t'J''i i!ver l.event. (nil jewhrrl. I'i.t'U; Silver Le; ities. ilWi Ird. 0i all iv.nn.ntt d t.i ki-epg -il titi.t . Ci"!d 'ru etnl Sil ver Cafe. fl.t'U; .i '!) Pi'n'-i'. fcl.dti; 'f id Peur-ns and Ptti fast 8 with g ' mI O 'Id ltnsa I -w nn 9$.'23, Ac. Al nlwwytn liantln u mhI nHRtirtinent i tine P"h1 Jcwolry, ( ild Ciiih, (iii.iul nnd Ph iMminB, G ld Veal Ch lint, IKhr R' ti. till p. ih Chnnm nnd licit Pins. Snvtf T dtle SwnMi lr-m ?U t.i fcUH. l-rt. SO to ff-t. unit Ten, sjl.- t" f?fl.-0 per fl, wnrrunted e('nl t Cfin All k nmU wanaiitcd to he what thry lire wld I -r -" Watches and Jewelry repnired nnd wnrranted. r All ordfis seiit by mini or otherwise, will be punc tually nttendctl t-i. N". 72 Xnrth SKCOD Slreet, opp.wite the Ml. Venuui limine, l'hila., April 33, l&tt ly. I'lutloi in Scales, Iuvg limvyi .i rrrthi trxtrit A.'iivya ri;;i.t The Ac."oiiUit- pr,i Flali'lartt. r!nilro;ul. lliiv, Colli, nud T-ir- vi' liilin i. .1 j.i.i. ,i.i ill iiuj . ' t- . . r ,. v. . , ; rl of llie country, nt short noh 'e. AGVST.. HW. V. COLHY. J 10 Market St., 7'liihnle!phia, G, V. 13ri;!it, .b'uiilmry. i'liila., AprW lf."):3. IIolby hoibCJ, Ciraiirca's Tropelloi's, Giij's. Coaches, Barcnchoi, &c. I Manufactured wholesale ond retail by bmJKit:s:.l ?t, ttjll, No. ti I DOCK Street, rhilndclflra. Orders t1irnu;!i the mail promptly executed l'hila., April !). 1653. 1 v. KOTICK To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexuiu'iT L. llichcy cj TIM". OHKAT VOItI.D'J V A 1 It rill.F. MFU.VL TRUNK MANUFACIGiiY, i'o. 148UiMiiiiSlrt, Fr-nt of Jones' i7) Philadelphia. I!E now prepared lo exhibit to the Merchant mid Travellers one of the lartresi and mos' improved solid Sole Leather Sprint; Trunks ever olli red for sale in Ibis city, tojiiilllor with u tren cial assortment of every kind of Trunk whii h call possibly lie iniauiiicd. rani;iiif; in price from two to thirty dollars. Al-o, a splendid ussoit inent of l.ndics' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Duxes. Travcll'iin; Salrhels, Valise Trunks, Carpet mid Leather Hsss Hand Coaches, Gi, cVe., Ac., all of which we nro piepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from ihe Merchant or Traveller to examine our evteiHtve assortment before purcliasiir e!ii here. ALEX. I.. HU KI'V & CO., -No. MS Chcsnut Street. Phibi., April 9, 1353.-6r.i- : "WILLIAM PERKINS Genlh rnens FnsMonahle CLOTHING HOUSE, No, 231 Chesmit, Third dour lAow Eighth st Philadelphia. "I'l AS on linnd a full Hock of French and Il i English l'icce Goods, which will be made lo order at the shortest Notice, in the Latest Slvle. I'OU OAHH. l'hila., April 0, 1853 Cm. Iiiipoptnnt to Coal Donlers. 'fIIE suWrilwrs hereby inform the public, that -a they liuve entered inlo partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at riuiibury, or at uny other point along the .Sus quehanna. They will lie ready to deliver coal, wel' prepa fed. 011 contract or otherwise, at ull limes, on the shortcut notice, and on Ihe most reasonable terms. Oiders reccivej at bdiiiuinkin by , K.kK, REED & CO. .Suubury, June 4. 1853.- ly. t .,...,' . Laborers "Wanted. . : , THE subscriliers want immediately on the Railroad ami Bnsin, at Chnpmun, Unioo county, seven miles below Helinssrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to wham one dollar per dnv wilt pe paid. . . 8AVIDGG. WJLVEfTOX & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. id. 1853. tf. t A KNOLD'8 WRITING FLUID ajid Adhe sive and legal envelnjies, forale by II. U. MA88ER. Banbury, Jan 10. 1851 BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption Mir law of ')ti0, for tale by ft Pi April SO, 1651.- H. H. MARKER. niiiej 1 ink- It lor (tmiHeil that rf-rf pars n win no an in their power, to save Ihe lives of llieir chililn a, nml Unit every iM'ii tvillcirientfur to pr.an iteiheir nvu tieulih hi all VTinVr. I lei! il lull iny'liity lo solemnly assure ynii llmt WdltMH, aeeifiline 11 llie ojihii'mof Ihe m"rt uelelirulnl I'hvsirmiis, nrelli primary enusr. of a lame majority l diseases lo which ehiiiirrn ami aouns nr m- e'tnnmiTMiy cnaiippuino in'in II ill Hntllh. I'aiil m ll Wn- nnrh, I'lckinir nt llie Nose, Hiirihe ss unit Kulhtess ia; Ihe Hi ll. Dre Uomrli. fl v Kever. I'll e Irrmilhr reineinlier thai nil tliese iliiiote WOH.MH, omt you slionld ul once up- ply Uie remedy . , IIOIJENSACK-S WOHM SVKUP. An nrticlr t uim1ii1 urvn PrmiliRrPriiirliilri. potnnnMnfl- H with (.ufrly vom'Ul.le nnlii(ri'f. Iw.inj; HTh:ctiy rite WII'll .HKC11, HttrM-tll IrP IflVt'll It' HIP I'll 'M IHI'IIT IIII'IUI vvi'lt ! cnlr.l li-in tiri.il ull' ct. w 1irr M w C nitl Hum nml Dturhn-n hnrt innd ih-'iii wt-.k Ami ilfitilitHivd the T -i i if- iniiifrtii' tif mr Worm hvni: rc nt h. Hint IV fti.iTntf wiili Mil (in rqtvil in r itnli'pnc f im-ilicm.-, in ft Viiiff t ) run I Hri'Mirlli I'Mlipfi mtt-li. wlnrli iniki it an luluhiMn nviiwly 1 r ih n nlliifttl ui:h n,rpn:i, the am 'iiixliiit'' rim ixmI tiiicI lV line !vrup niter 'lifi- ci.iii have hitU-tl, if iliu Ural viduncu v( Us ani'tTii-r ffli- cavy over oil clliers. THK TAPK WORM! Thi is m I rfiffi -nit W nn t i ilmtr V'f I1 tlint in f(mt. ihe tHiiirm nvHlrtn. it irr 'wn tn nn tiliii'l Imh linite Itut-tlt h. r .ttitii- k i rnil.-il mti! tiu'iin-t1 in the Intcntim-i nntl St nnHi (T i!iitfr th-h'tdih tt fmily t ' nmw St Vilw L:itire. l-'itn. Arr , 'Kit t runts ulli.clr.l s-.i l in it rvi wittttxi lii'tt it is Ttr j Wo. in li.tat'f.iiiiir ti'i'm t mi crtr'y cni-t. In miliT t t th-ntr.'V Him W onn. n very rnrrirctic irrti'Jfin ii inMt he piiriH tl, ii wimiM thcrH -rt' Ih proprr ti tiikr 6 to 1 "t my hii-rr Pill 1 1 rriiiMvp nil nhsirnp. ti mi. tliMt tin1 W-'ir.i S nn. tntv :ic' ihitt nifnlli A ntin winch mn-t he MV"n ni 't W '2 TaMf";- "til'iil!? 3 tintra n Hay thrne (Itrcdi jm toll nve1 hnve never befti kn wit t lull in curing Lite )ihl ohsuunte one ul i npe y itui C7- HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS N' prrt nf Hip ayiMern is tintre ti thlp tn tli'imp thnn the l.lVI.K. it vi'minr ns :i tiltcr.-r t purity Ihe hi i ci. r piv uitf Lilt itrn.KT noert'lf'iti l lite hiie : mi ttml unv vr Miff e ii in f the l.ieer t iiW-'p ihn ether iii.i:.niiini pnrist I the vftfem, mid reiiil s viri i , in l.ivefC ni: 1. int. .fmni' i tltc-, eimi i, ttr. We !i uM. Iheref re, wrm-li eveiy Bvin, t in that tniirlil inliea;e a ii-r neti n "f th Liver, 'fhrie Pi.ls Ik'Uu f "ii ffl f'l" ItOt) I'S V Pl.AN'J S iur nit'tetl hv n iiiire t In- il Hie fn-k : Nai.tely. An P.- I'l'.C J'Olt.W T, whieh atHiineiiTs the wi-'reri n'fr.'in ihe Piihn mry mucus mcinlirtinc. or pr trn' t'i the rlitK-lmriie .f fterrrteil uiTitt. r. ami. An A t I I ilt A Ti V 1 ., whi-'h cliPiict t in tome iiH'jLplie.ihle nnd inseniti'nle ih.uhut the ci rt'titi in il itl ni titin o( (In Rvfst' iu. OhI, A 'IONIC wl'icli ctve t.me M'i-1 slre.iiiili t the iicrv.in 5yBletn, re-ih-Wtm-t hi -t'h mi'l vii.'T Id nil par's i f tlie twely. 4'h A C. TH A ICrU', w'nii'li a -I in perfeet hnrni.tny with the. ntlier inreiheiitip. lunl upcnilinK mi tl;1 H weh, nntl exi cl linc the vh -le m is cf e Trnpt ami vi'. lint ler. nil'! pn rilxiint the HI nil, which flotr-y disease and lestnei hilth. TO VKMALES. Ymi will ft:it1 these an inva'.nalile tnc-iiemi in nnnv C'tnp1aiiiLa I" whi'-h V"ii mtp H'lh't-ct. In 'itt iiti i n i ther t it:i! mi p'Ttt il, 'h'-v I. iv heeii f'tlind ot int--tiin-t'i!-? hfiM'tii. rt-stiritnT Hi'ir Minen nal nrr-ni'ienieittn to ti l.ial thy n'ti -ii. pifiiyin ic hi m-l :n, 1 n hi-r it-iiilft p i t ir-'fiti n!!y t" pn! t f' iu nt nil rin:ihinn whi'-h in iy nriite tntn fenn e irrcrrr:irilit's, aw li.-i-.' tehe, iiiiline;s, tiiuinrfs f ' . Tiain in iTie i;e, U'it'st Ac. fTJT" P u t. 25 rpiH r'JM h. N-.tie cci ti-tft I'.ileM eirncd J. . Hnhemnck. oil olhcrs heinr lufe lmm't'-n. tip Acenr wiMni'ff iu.v npplien. mi l Store Keeper th sire's nf lec unh'T Aifnt nmt addruM tlie PropricWr, J, . HoliiBnek, Philmletphin. Pn. S 'Id ly J. AV. Piiliinr. Hnnhnry : Mnry MeCnv. Nor tlmmlierlmMl : Heiw!. TiirhntviUe;' Hner." Mi It in t Titty linker, ie-Tcet'vn ; liwnrinp Wnleerfn. Pnxi niwj WirH. Ilieknry; nil dealers in Medicine in the CnunlV and STnl. AuvMt 14, 1H.VJ.-Iy. 1 CARP., GIESE & CO., riour, Grain and Lnmter Com in ision iMei chii nls, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, DALTiaiOSL- nr.Ft:r.i:N(.'F.s. John f'lnrli, Fsq., 1'iesiilonl ( 'ilizens' Bank, Unit A. I'. Ciles, 12 mi., (.'iiliier rranklin Hunk, " John llerl.!er. Jr., Kq.. l'liiladelpliia. Holers. 'iSiiiiiii'ksuii fc Co.. " J. Tome, Kn., l'rcsiJii.t Cecil Bunk, I'ort Dc- poslte. kl. Wnllower ,V Pon Harrisburg. Col. II. C. Ever, Selinsrovo. J. II. A i p A Co.. Nnu'lo, iin;nte i Co.. Milton. W. V. Cooke, Esq., Muuey. Simon Schuyler, Ewp, " Oeorce Ilodiiir, Hufrbsvil'e. W. Vi.ier Si Co.', MoutoiirsviKe. Ccn. William 1". I'a'-ker. V illiamsport. T. W. I.loyd, Kj., Cnhirr, " Jniucii II. Hilling, " Lewis (. llnlincr. ' M'ileinv & Hnbli, Jersey Phorc. J. 1. Iluliiiir. Esq.. Lock Haven. I W Carr, Gicse V Co. have the lamest wharf room of nny eomiiiision house in llaliimore, al n nysiving quick despatch toliuuts in discharging their earoes. March 15, 1SS3. Cm. tl-.l)llll-.l III I'.tl'lltOI ll). I 111. Cop:irttterliiji hcietofnre evislinr; under Ihe nnne 111 l:,nie. II. cv m. II. Hart, is Ibis day ilis-.l'c.l by t ie itlidraitcl of Willi. 1111 li. Hull. The business of ihe lale firm will, le settled by eill.er of the undcrsined, al Xo. -H, No. tli 3d street. JAVES II. II ART, MTl.l.IAM H. 1IAUT, THOMAS J1ART. Philadcliihia, Jan. 1, iKo'l. The. underhined, baio this day formed n co partnership and vs. i il co.itmne Ihe business under die nanieof .lames II. Thonins Hart. Thank ful for past lavors, they respectfully a-k tho al Iciilioii of lln-ir l'i lends an. I tin public to their slock of C.i;i(. Kl;li:s, ui,i,h will lc foil and cvleunivt', and w hich they wide!lat tlie lov. iel inaikct ruled. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1 S.')3 J. tl. 1.000 .Men Wanted. ! VX he l'"c of Ihe SU.-gL Ell ANXA RAIL ROAD betneeii Ui b'tcpoi t (opposite Hat risbur') and Punbiny.iu the Nute u JViinsylva 111a. Thin road is lilty lour miles in leut;ih' runs til rou ill a bi-lilv improved country, and mil furiiin'.i euiplov incut for ti me uun-oiu, carpeuleia and l.iU'rcib lor Ihe next twelvu niuulhs. A l.irL,'i' portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, lab ucr that arc fatuiiiar will iheicfcre find cer tain cioi l i inent and liberal w.ntes. JJO'UGilERTV. LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1H53. Fritz. "Willlanis tS' Hendry, ; Store, No. 2a North 3ii .Stmt., . . i'iui.Ai)i:i,rniA. MOROCCO Mannfacrurers. Curriers, Import ers. Cnrr.innsion and General Leather Bus iness. W holesale and Retail. ("s?" M inufaelory 15 Margarelta Street. Aug. 2(, 1852. ly. rRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RL'BINCAM AND SELLLRS, Wholesale Manufu.turert and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, Ke. 113 NorlU Third SI. brUw Race, PHILADELPHIA. riHIE attention of Dealers is requested lo an A examination of their stock, which will Is found to lie at in.T equal to any in this city FOREIG N FRUITS ol all kinds in season. N. 1). trders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, IS33. Cm. cT. s. v7e issRTi-Dr TAVING located himself prrmanantly in Sunbury, oilers his professional services to the Town and Country, oliica, corner of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph olliee.) where ha may be found unless professionally engaged. . Sunbury, April 30, 1853 0m. IOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, - ' Cattle Medicine at S5 cts, Pure Esseuce of Ginner. 55 ceut "HUSTICES' FEB UH.I.H U H. 6unbui), 1851 'V For sals br . , B MASfsER. Uank-notk table i . CUllliKCTED WEEKLY, PKXNYI.VANIA. 1 ' MAPHACAl HKTTf. frrt of KlliLUliitLrili. UU s 'Ivehl Imnks I (lit I!. X. Iliiiik mites tr. KIIOI1K ISLAM.). All solveiil Imnks pnilAll Iv. nt Imnhs du rovsrilT. . C)XM:' TICUT. .. Htink of rlmmlierstiorlf 1 fli, All solvent hniik. ilit Huns nf Chestor Co. pai . NKW YOllK. Hank of Del. Co. Chester pnr CITY. , Hnnkof Hermnntnwii pnr A It Mvrilt luniks I Hnnk of Oellvslmrs; 1 ili IF" Hk n Wn anrter Vt on Mniik of l.rwutown rotiTRT. Hnnk of.Mi(lillelov,il 1 lis All solvents Imnks 1 ! f.illr.'mervro Hunk pnr NKW JKKfLV. Hunk of XorthnmU-rl'iiil rmi Hrtrilrre Hnnk ' Hnnk of I'itnliiirg 1 ilis.t'omm.-reiiil Hnnk ' Hnnk of I km villa pnr' Knr. Hnnk Muni llnlly " Onrlisle Hnnk 1 ilis 1" A M.. .MiiliMHown I'l. nr Oiliiml.in ll'k k ll'reCn ir Metlmnn s' Hk. Newiirk per lii'velsi ivn JJuiis. ir Werii. Ilk of iinrlinTtiai lr l".nit"ii Mink p irlli-i h. A .VI in. Ilk'lrei.l r Hrir Hnnk 5 ili Morns Co Hnnk Kselumire H'liPittiiliitrs I tlis evnrk Hk'R ft Ins. C Kxehiini'e irk. Hnmrli 1 ilis'l'rnnrtf Hnnk Pnrmers' Il k. J!m-ks-, pnr l'e 'pie's Hk 1'iiitersni I'srnnrs' Ilk. l-insler pnr I'liinit n Hmk FarimTB' Hk. Hewling par f-.lem IJ-oikmr f o, I'lirm. Ilk frliitvlkill fn p-if feiaernrt :n H'"ik . K U. Hk Wn'vin'hii'a IWlis S:nte run'.; ill Cnmilell Pnink'in Ilk. W'nsli'n 1'il's Smte Hk I'.lir.nhelht -n li.,r,;.i.r ii,,,, u i s:,i! II i ik V'u nrk il ill? nV I th' par pt J h I afir ? til- I Hi0 llimesiliile Hnnk ftstf I'k. X. Hiimswlek iwr lmnisler Hnnk pnr ,Sn-'.- Hnnk. N'ni'MI I s l.el,.in"ii fiink r:r 1'n-nl-in Hnnkinp Co pnr Mi rrh. A Lin. R in't 1 ilisM ni ni llnnk. l)"Vrr J ill" Minns' irk. Vniisvilie priY orlleAv'lr A ! M'r f I VI" M i,vnc:t'i''-i r.mk I ills pf Hk- ii "i-s nii.hr fr, ills Tnvl rsee l)il!rL-Co 15 ilis' UII.A HAlli:. W'ne Kreiiel, Hnnk r n ITai f rii l nvnro pm Wv.Mlimr Hk.WnkeiihV pnrlUnnk ol lirrn P Vrk Hnnk. I ilif llel-iwnre I'll) HnliK P'll tyr.eliefrr.les I ill. Ilk Wihei-'n A l!i nm'vv.-. ,nl MVtR. h-nrniiTS'H'iWDeliiw.irepar nwkof V,rlll,lk S .li-' I ni. II IVin';. V.'ilniinfH npnr Merennlite Hk. linnp'r I't.lis IV I'mler fVn i ills All.'lvent lmnl:s ilis, Clll'l. KW II AMl'SIIlPi:. All S'tvenl links 2 ills All a 'Ivenl Inn',. j ilps !V Ilk '-s nnil-r fl's I I du Yi:i'MUNT. I XnlCI'll fAKOI.INA. Hnnk "f St All.-i.is 9 li All -Iv-itt Iniiks li Alls.lienlhaliks llii ( V LnderS's, 1 d" "aid akp conrop.T," .' o Vet it e CJiVti tlfciiaiitCM. GEOROK 1U-NN. MAXITACTl Ul'll OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the moit Fcnhionatlo Stylo. IIF, snlin'riln'r re.-n'i'Uii!l enlls llie ntlention A of llie iiiiMt.- to uis !.ir:.'o ni.il i.,i'iiiud a.sort- inent of iM-rv pui'ilv r.utl jnv-e of i :.i6B .a u.j u I. e;. , wliuli ehT?:i.i f :ii lo ret oininecil ilelf loevery one ; who will i".:itniiH' il. on mvom.'t of its diirnMe I win k niiiiisl ,ip umiI iltvii!iil I'oili, ni.iile up of the l est stork to be Iin l in llie eily. Ao effort is fi;.':ireil in l;ie t:i;'.!.::r.irti.re of Iii.-i wnre, iiipl the suliFrrilirr i ilele.-iiiiiieil to kiep up Willi the many iniprovenii'iila wliieh nre eoiiHlan'ly being maile. His stni'ii cutis;-! of .M.ilio;;any Snf.sM. OUaiiM (titd K.oiiis? cs, Bureaus, Secrctaiics, Sideboards, SOFA, BUtAKFlNT AMI DIXING TABLES, miJ also V1:.M;TI.N IU.INDS, cpinl to I'hilu- ililplii.i innnuloi tore. UEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CTPKOAUDS, WOHK .l") CANDI.R STANPS, TOII.KT TAU1.F.S AND KXTK.NSION TAHLKS, In short, every arli. le in t!:is line of his business. He uivj maimr.iclures all k'uuls ,in,l ijualitivs of CHAlliS, ri. 'uiliiii: vari tics never before to lm had ir Siinliiiiy, so, h ns M.nioo i t. IJi .u k IVnu r ami Ci ii'.i;u M.ii'i.i: (Iiili hx ; ami Wimisoii C'l I AI US, AMI lAXir I'lAMI .'roois. wliielinie of the latent Mylcs. and warinnled to be evcelleil j .y noi.c luaioifa' tiiiod in the Cities or el u'v.here. 'J'he Riibseiiber is dilcroii.icd that there shall j If " ;evrusc for pers ,i,s : to pi,r,-li furniture in Ihe eilie i evci v eoMlMcni e nn be ei,tc:ta:neil iihou' the Chairs. ijuality e.ud lininli of his ware und His ar'ic'is will be di;. posed of on ns c;ood terms as they 11:11 he p'.irchusi d elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnketi in a;. mei.t for work. t"if' I .MiKUTAKlNG. H.iviii.r provided liiniKcIf Willi a ban. Is. mho Hi. u:sr., he is now pnpari'.l for Und: rial. in.;, mid attemlini funer als, in ibis xi. inity, or tt any convcniciit dis tance from tiii-- iiliici. IV Ti e W.,re Room ii in Market Plreec, Ik'Iow ''llunip.,:.trtt .-jtnre ami We-nor's 'i'avein. ;r.(ii;(;i". renn. Snnburv, Jan. 10, IS52 tf. TKi.Mr.xDoi's ExciTr.:rT ! ! Cash. Sleam, Electricity ! ! 7 ic .icrinl nnd M other lines out done by the l.llitolnu l ine of 11JA T. Ci.KMKXT. lUTIIO. bavin j u-r. it f si'Lill prcl'ts. h.isj n birue r.s, n tnicnt of i:!i in rapid sales and st rceoixcd ami opened SPUING AM) srM.UF.K GOODS. At bis Sto e in Mar :et Street. Sfiihiirv, which be olli-rs I., the public nt the lowest pri-es. His stoi k consists of a u'i neial assortment o Dry (inods, iz : CLilhs Ciiin'it. Ctvsinrt. .Trans. Drillings jl.'.7iii. .ii.c1.1. Ctilirrfs. M"lin lie J.uiuS Luirn. (! i 1. hums. U rates. Silk Hats. A lare -is irli'ini.t i-!' I!.i..ts and Shes, for Men, Women and Chi! Iren. fJroroiit'H, Slljar, Tea. CiifP i'. M ilassoe, Cheeso, S)i ct's, I'isli Sail, Piitstrr. 11 niiv nv Viz: Ion mil Sted. Niii'i, I i 1 r - Saw. cVc. i i t r: i: xsivark, Tea Sells, Vlules. s.'i, . Ci ps, Saucers. iVi LIQI.'OKS, Wine. Bt-niuly, liin, limn. V!iiIiiy, it. Vt" Country producj i.f all kinds taken in ex chaii!;o al the hi ;l'i't niaiki t prices. Jan. 15, 1S.53. ly. i:tJ' I 93t YoritSKM'! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, I.VKI'.V i.i: HIS OWN rill(A. i-.v'lS'K ' 'pilU EOUTIETII E.li- yy"j';:'.'j, " lioiii with lluo II tiudied 0 (hi nngraviiiK. lowing Ui if ' e ;' !' '"'-d M-ilfi'iinatiuns ot :. i t ... , i .,.,'... sr. l, .......... ..... coiiti'inplaliin; marriage. - ll Ul' M IM. VotlllL" Let nn father be ashamed to present a copy of llie .l.sL l l.Aril tilo iu cbilU. U may save him from an eaily crave, l.cl no young man or woman eijer into the secret ohiiija lions of mar ried life without reading Ihn POCKET -ESCU-I.Al'll'H. Let no one suH'ering from haekuiep Cough, l'uin in the f ide, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dvsiientic sensa lions, and Riven up by their physician, he another moment without consulting the "..SCl.'LA PIES, Have the married, or those uhout to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un- lorlunate creatures from the verv jaws of death IT?" Any person sending TVEN'TY-FI E CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Du. W. YOIj'XU No. 152 SP1U CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Tost panl. . . June IS, 1833. ly. jEE BILLS. Justices and CointaMee Pe fF Dills handsomely printed oncaiV paper for sain ai unsutliosi. fARKIAGE CETK rCATES'lIanJaoiaolv Af - executed far sale at this office, sinale or wy hid uosen. I '.NIC Uour.au' celebrated ink, and also Con res ink for sale, whal.-sale and retnil hv u-.i . . If shape Hinl l inn. J o which 1? X;'t, ': "'l''1'1' a Treatise on ll.e y. 'v., t H ' Diseas-s of 1", males, bcitifj fej'. ' f -if 'fil o! the hijhi'sl importance to 'j: fC.u-. '.'f-' man icd people, or those A CALL TO IIOVSEKEEPERS At t:nllnct lTm e lloont or SE1VN 1IOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner Pmru rtet th, Railroat ' 1 cUIN HL'lll j 1A. ')' " ' ' i ' ' 1 ' ' 'i '; TlinnVfiil Tot the ralron'aga ol liis fritnds anV , l uslomrrs during the 17 ers ho Ims Wn in busi nrss In this pine. hn solicits from Ihe public scon- V tinunneeof their favors. During this pcriwl he '' hns rmlrnvore!! to keep up wjlli the iiiiprovements ' ' of llie day, anil hns aeenrdinirly cxtemlcd his busi ness in every hrniieli nnd variety. The public ire ' therefore Invited to the attrntion or the present ' stock of (ABIXKT VATtH AM) CHAIRS. MANUFACTtlUKll Br SEBASTIAN K0UPT & CO. Al the Ohl Simut, Where in ml.lition lo their former stock of thv establishment ihey now manufacture Kaliog;an7, Wakut St Cane-Seat Chairs. L'irxe Spring Seat Rochin Chain, 1 , Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wush Stnnd,, new sfij)t unyjfef F.'tslhiotr.ililc Fin iitlWrc. ITnviii! Reenroil a Hearse and mndr ;le neces sary nrrainreinents for the purple. Ihey are now prepared for l.'nderliikin? in a'l its branches, in this vicinity or at nny convenient distance. Ye uni.lr mi l mistresses, awl liuskni'ls Do, Here's fnrnilnre. of every style nml line. From ship Uinils d ovn to kilclien tnhles, l'r im r. irking ehnirs tn io.kiiii; erndles f h ni!i! y.itt n it Imve the nady .Iohs to ply. We'll wail awlnle fir n briiylitcr Iti-ticr ,ljy( s 'r tnke potatnes, oats, eom, wheat and rye; Vatk, h.Kip p .lis, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any tliinjr lint y.ikes and threshhis. fjuils, : ',. , Fiom pi and turkirs dims) ti littlsl. ; ," 1 .... dime on Uien friends, emus' one mi a' ..'.n,, ' Keep tinile a moving, so "g ii-siui the U- - ! tr?' Orders from a distance promptly to and work of u!l kinds delivered wilii dL, Muni. ury, March 0, lSoO.tf SOW Mil $ 15 A JINKS, Piihlishcrs and booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, riHLADEtPSJIA. MILKI.LANKOUS 11WKS. Hihles. rrnysis. Ilynins, Poetical and IlisMrica) YVorkl, iraveli, iN.veln, ,ve., .ve. fcCHOOL, BOOKS Kvury kind in use from n j.rimur upwards. IJLANK. BOOKS. All eli-ginil nss"rtirint fr.im the inss Look upwsr' untile of .ujici i,.r paper, nml ln'Sl iif binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cup, Pnt, ntid Note Pa pern, elfgnnt ti) ls ojk. and very chenp. STATIONERY. Fhh'-v, riniu ond Atllicive Kiivcl-j'rt, Ink. Faml, Wa fers. St:l l'ei, Mtti'P, l'rncils. l'rne-M' iiict Wrnp piinr lupemnf u',1 kindf, Curtain Piiimt. Vp.. kv. i)ir t"c:k is nil i'ifli. li niirlii rhfnn Hiitl fttld iircordincW. PiirlicuUr nupii i "ii pnitl t Ht.ksIkrji. uijtry iNUr cltnnti and JViic!u;r. Ihtwcvrr little they mijy buy. 9 liver V II;iino urc VuMinliern nf PK I .TON'S eriei of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. K:m-!i mip is neirly Si: i: FEKT fQL'ARF., tiia-l shows the c iiii.ir.iti,: siii ami relative posili"!! of eveflrf c -uniry uu tlie f:l .! o. Tiu-y nre intcnilrrt to l,e snspenilWd in ic. ly Scli.nl Itis.m, nml n n only lllaku a plcinlnl pf ppar-iiu-o, l.ti :,re mm crsnllv ncktiiiwli il'-'fil lo lie mint lilT .MiiDK i if 'IT.Al.l'll.Mi fil'.OlillAI'IIY ever In ni ht mi . Tm-y nru keys inti iulcil to he used by Ihe srti l irs, ivMriiiiiini; tic.rnplr-te epii.nne of (.ieoraphy, and enstiiif; ii tlcin liulf llie piiee of a limempliy and Atlas. TVir Kysl cm i in universal ufce in I'ruiM,ia nntl (icriiinny, iiii.I Icis n!i,-a,ly liM'ii intiniliiepil in Uirmd totge, 1'biui tl' !.:i:i. I:if i.tililic cho'ils ol ll.tni, (w York, Prola lelpliin, 11 iitiiu to, Violiii:Mii, and Ihr.iuphi.iit New Kmrlniul, New Vnrk, Ac, An. Our riesks arc lnuled Willi rre .innii'iiilati 'lis IP m liie in- st talented and seieu-lll-e teachers in eery rjiinrler, tinil whwever the svalena Ins lii-cii used i.-irents, tc.icliei. and schusirs luiut iii prata n.g ii. I. bip of the Western TTemishere. , " 'i .. '2. M;ti nf t'ie KriRtiTn lltrniii'lifro. '". 3. M.y . f X.. -tli America. 4. Map l i t!!- I'lillul Mates. 5. Mapef Knr.im. . Mi.ii of Asia. 7. .Map i-f Smith A mcrie.i i.nrt Afnm. Fverv m:i, is Itrillinnllv eol.ireil. van.i.ltKl snrt mnnnt- cil "ii eiiihlin nml r..l!ers. VV e r, si'i-r-l iitlv ineilp llie enr,ip.l nuiii,,, of Tnrl.jv.f Pnr'iits. n.nl Pclexil Uircct. ts f. tl.is fnseiiislii'r mods o, teaching Gei'itrapiiy. MlWKK A HaHNF.S, m .Virili I no i ',, Plnlnib l bin, Aiip. 9, l0ii. u". ,---.r, Clteup Va(clic8itS,.ltvolrv WHIII.ESAI K and retail, at tlle ..philadel pbla atch and Jewclrr Hk i-" v North Second .Street, corner of bonfr r. Pl.ii.'.i.i. pliia. fj M l.cver Wnt'-ries, full Jewelsrf, IS earst rives $211,00 Silver il I. fu'l iewi-liil, $! Ifli.lil Ppeetni-ir., ? M Silver lupine, jewels, 10 Fine Silver do. . do ll ' d'i. 0 TlS. .1,1 llnir-Hl,-. 1,'iu, 'M'li..r rhln'tifis. T.1! allies' tl, I.I IV-il. l ia. Imil II...U H.v R Silver Tea ..y.,,i,. let, fiM Gold I'riu. with Pencil anil Silver Holder, J,00 (old finger Kings. 31 cents to Wntch fi lasses, plain, 1 4 cents; Patent. ; l.unet, Ci ; other articles in proportion. All gauds war ranted lo be w hat they are sold for. STALTl'En & II ATiT.EY. Successors lo O. (.'onrad. On hand, tome Cold nnd Silver Levers and l.epincs, still lower than the above prices. Austin! 3. IS 53. ly. WATCHES. JEVELHY, &e. JA31 ES li. FI JM.EIt, No 12 SouthS, ennd Street, PlilLADEtrUIA. Oold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver I.eier do Kilver l.epine do " tiuarlier ilo Cold pens and pencil and hilver haldcrs silver '1'ea and Table ISpoons Uracelcls. llrcast pins Ear rings A'C. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any I the city. November C7. 1S.12. tf. C II E A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and Hanufactury p Isa LCILLEP & GO.y: S. U . comer Arch and Second Streets . -j PHILADELPHIA. W7H VERY VARIETY OK SHAPES, Wliolt.t' Ulj sale and Retail, such as ficroll, Klovssjri uuiaic, i iBocue.vm ami try Lands, as, arc to bo bad at Ihe lowest prices for quality aX work. Orders for Cilt, Plain 8lore, Lettered ans) oilier liadas executed at hort notice. k- m , . , ..... viiiiaiin aim ciners are invited to give ds trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Drasses, Triiiimiiigs, &c. iilwava on hand. Koineinbrr t W. toner tE( ND ar.dl AKUH Streela Phihidi Iphia. February IS. 1853 6m. liosciululc Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. Tor sale by EVI SMITH SON. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1858. ly. OLD PEN'S with ami without esses, of a M vrry superior qualiiy. just received. Also a fiesh supply of Wriline; Fluid, for sale by H. B. MASSEB. Sunbury, Doc. 57, 1851. . LATENT BRITTANlA STOPPERS for, uari.o..,e..ur..ieoyH b MA9gER " Sunbury, April. 12. 1851 Tilers covan casvy. a . lent remedy tor eoujiis, coios. . - a! this olTice. December 4, 1852.- ti 1 IWemher ie, lS0. h n MAs.irR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers