CALIFORNIA NEWS. .( ) LATER ritOM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE UNITED STATES. New Orleans, April 23. The steamship United States ttriej here thii morning, with dales from Asnjnwall to the 18th. ami from California to the 11, being two week later than the prev otis ad rices. The United Stutea has over oim hundred tVftaaamrTnr tliminl. 1.... I!..l ..1 .... e I e jii.iv ,un. v.t ireight. . The United State bring the sail intelli gence of the wreck of the teamship InJe pendeneo on her way to San Francico. By this sad disaster about one hundred and thirty live were lost, comprising a large portion of Iho passenger and crew. A I- t . . c. . i. .. r iiiuuiiy mem was oir. a ocnoiieiii. w renn sylrania, together with a large number of New Yorker. The remainder of the passengers and crew were rescued and carried into San Francisco. The new from California, though very Interesting, possesses no striking feature of importance; Business at the mines was improving, and the miners were in excellent health and spirits. At Sin Francisco there was not much the markets, and business was very dull. Flour was selling at S9,50 per bbl. There had been some heavy firshcts in the interior, and the town of Marysville was inundated. An immense amount of properly was destroyed. The proceedings of the Leinalatuio do not possess any general interest. Lieut Hussell has been killed by I ho In. dians. Several outrages have taken place of late by marauding bands of Indians. There is no intelligence of the capture of the famous robber Jonqnim. The town of Weaversville, recently de stroyed by fue, has been neaily rebuilt, and the town now presents quite a business like aspect. o v c i g n News. ARRIVAL OF THE HUMBOLDT. ENGLAND. The health of the Queen was rapidly iir- proving. ! Feargus O'Cunner has been declared a lunatic by the commission of inquiry. Lord John Russell stated in the House of Commons on Tuesday that the Tuscan gov. ernment had apologized for the expulsion of Mr. Cra'vford from the Tuscan territory. RUSSIAN DESIGNS AGAINST TURKEY. The correspondent of iho London Times ays tli it Russia was endeavorina to conclude a cecrel treaty with Turkey, failing in which Constantinople would bu taken by coup de main of the czar. HUNGARY. Hungary was about being divided into three districts, and a Dr-puly Governor to be appointed over each. FRANCE. The news from France is unimportant. The funds had improved INDIA. The Indian oveiland mailanivcd at Trieste on the lO'.h, with dates to the 5 h of March. There is no further intelligence fiom Bur mil). Trade in Calcutta was dull. The rebellion in China was si 111 increasing, and causing a complete pauio in Pt-kin. TURKEY. Date from Constantinople to Iho 25th of March represent that affairs between Russia and the Divan were still unsettled and shrouded in much mystery. Th Russian Envoy, Menschikoff had demanded an au dience of the Sultan, which the latter did not grant, declaring that he would not nego tiate upon certain questions unlit the French and British ambassadors had ariived. The French fleet was at iho last accounts in Sa lami's Ray. THE LATEST Accounts, still later than the foregoing) from Constantinople, state that an Englih war steamer, three Russian despatch vessels and a Fiench team frigate, were lying ai the harbor. The Turkish fleet, anchored in the Golden Horn, was apparently making ar tangernsnt for tome movement. Another Turkish lleet was anchored off Alexandria Tnu Mi'RDER ArtTiiuu Si'iiixu. Since the death sentence was passeM upon Ailhui Spring, Ihe double murderer, his demeanor, ih Philadelphia papers lay, has nltosethei changed. Instead of the air of brazen iudif frrnre that he wore duiins the tiial, hi seems to feel something of the hofrot of his situation. This change is the more marked since the manacles were put on him, which is not always done in similar cases, but which is considered necessary in his. Slost ol tin time he lies upon Ihe bed 01 on the floo .rnnniiia as if in Ereat acony of shameless n " - lies having driven from him Ihose w ho from their connection, fell some little sympatic ror him. Hi counsel, Mr. Doran, has noi been to see him since Ihe sentence, and he has said lhat he does not design to unless sent for. Spring i now the most miserable .Li.vvi 1 1 Ks-'.nfT. Wilh ihe ceiiainly lhat un ignominious death awaits him, he has no liv jug being lo commisseiale mm, noi even run ofTrnriuir. t if ... lonrer possessea any chaims for him, and he has already attempted suicide by slaeninir wilh a quantity ol loDaoco in rm.mts. a method of self destruction, not I. Ii Is said, anions the criminals of tnmn.. As soon as he was detected at Ihis all his tobacco was taken from him, and he will now be more narrowly watched than ev er. lie still stoutly denies his paiticipation in any murder, and this he will no doubt do with the last gasp upon the gallows. Dawprvi TAOEr. A man at Bowling Green, Ohio, named Valentine Sage, whose mind had become nsetlled through religious frenzy, after performiag some acts of mad nessseued one of his children by the feet, and dashed its brains out on a log. His wife, who was ill, leaped from Ihe bed, and was knocked down by bim, but the neighbors came In and secured hira. Ho is now a ra inj maniac. "12,0001 Gifts." It wilibe noticed that the time for distributing the present to the holders of 'tickets has been extended to ac commodate all who wish to see this beautiful Panorama. The committee will give due notice of the time. (Read advertisement in another column.) Ariangement are in pro gross to gicatly reduce the fares on all the Railroads at the time of distribution. Secure our tickets at once. ' Yice President Kino, it is said,' owned an estate of 8000 acres of rich land it) las county, Ala., with 130 slaves. It is also slated that he has left the bulk of his proper ly to the poorest of his relations, though all are comforably provided for. William Catino was on Friday convicted, at llackensack, N. J , of the murder of the two childien, Mary and Daniel O'Biien. Chief Justice Greene sentenced the prisouci to be hung on the 28th of June. IOR vtrTrtALiA A numlicr of enterprising young gentlemen from nil parts of the Union arc makinir preparations to start tor I lie golu re gion of .Australia. They show their good sense by purchasing a complete stock of clothing from Keckhill & Wilson's Clothing Store, No. Ill Clirsuiit street, comer of Franklin Place, IMiiladel pliia. Philadelphia, Nov. 0. 1852 ly cw. EMPOISONING. J3 Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Casloroil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear to benelil the patient, they are actually laying the founda tions for a series of desenses, such os saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hnbensack's Medicines, to which we ask ho attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from thoso of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hnben sack's Liver Pills. EM "lie uot deceived," buUisk for lloben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of Ihe Proprietor, J. N. HOUENSACK, as none else are ueiiuiue. BI A U K 1 12 !. On Ihe 14. inst , by the Rev. Daniel S'.eck, John W. Tl'CKEtt, of Lower Augusta town sliip, Noilu nberlaud co., to Miss Sarah S. lltit.NKit, of Minersville. In Hluornsburg. on the 1'Jih inst., by Rev, T. Tatin hill, Rev. William E Buckingham, to Mi-s Ann daughter of John ale Reynolds, Esq , o! Columbia county, Pa, In Rloomsbnrg, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. William J. Ever, Mr. Edmoni) Ferris of Gilford, Chenango county, New Yoik, tu Miss Avdima Thomas, of "Norlhumbeilaud, Noith'd. county Pa. In the same place, by the same, Mr. John Rupert, of Danville, to Miss Jacoiiina Heust, of Montour towimhip. I) I K D. In this place on Sunday last, Mis. MARY, wifu of George llileiiian, aged aboul .16) eat. lI)C JHavIicts. Philadelphia Market. April 27, 1853. Fi.ot'u and Mkai.. Theie is hut littln iuqniiy fur Flour. Small Sales to retailers ut ' lor mixed, and for f;oo. at 41 per bbl. Kvk Fl.oi R Last sale ut $3,8 I i. ; Corn Meal Pumia. is linn at S2 75 per : bid. Grain. There is n very limited amount ! of wheat oHcring. S.ile of while al 117c, and of Peniiu. red at 112c. I Ryf. Sells at 83 els per bn. C;iHS Is steady at 61o for yellow, niloat. and 57c for while. Oats. Sales of prime Pent'.a. nl 43 cts. WtitsKKV. Sales iii bbls. are making at -21c., and hhds. al 23c!. Baltimore Market. Apiil 25, 1353. GRAIN. Wheat is much wanted, and the lew parcels comiujj in, bring advanced prices. Niles to day ol jnu.l to prime rei!s I I I u 114 cents tnu latter lor u parcel in Xiinmerinan red; of while ut 114a 116 cunts. Corn has also improved a little. Sales to lav of white ut 53 u 51 cents, and of yellow at 58 a 59 cents. We quote Maryland Oats at 35 a 39 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of bids., to-day tit 23 ;i 23!, cts. We quote hhds. at 22 i cts. SUaNI.UK Y IMUCR Cl'RUUNT WllKAT. lit a. I'uuv. 0T, -PoTATOKS, litTTKM. Eons. PoilK, Flaxskf.ii. Tallow. IIkkswax lln ki.i.ii Flax. Dhikii Ari'Ltia. Do. PxiCIILS. Fiax 100 75 61 41 37 10 10 8 125 10 15 12 , 80 200 New Advertisements- ISentistry. A. VALLERCIUMP, Dentist, would rcsiiectfiillv announce to the inhabitants of Suubury ami tlie surrounding country, tliut he has taken rooms at the Lawrence House, kept by Mr Samuel I Uonipsoii, where he will lie hap py tu attend lo all calls in the line of his profes sion. All operations or Mechanical work war ranted to answer all the useful and ornamental purposes of the si t. Wunbury, jiuiil 23, 1853 3t. ATTENTION, DEWART GUARDS It "VOi; are commanded to meet in Mar ket Mquare, Suubury, un MONDAY, MAY 2, 1853, st 0 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. Each incnilier to tie ureuareil wuu m rounua oi Lwaiis cartridge. By order ol tlie Captaiu. GEO. OLIPHANT, O. 8, Suubury, April 83, 1853 ATTENTION, FAB1IEBS' 1D Hr.ClMMCS AUTJLLEIIISTSI! OU are commanded to meet in Market Square, Suubury, MONDAY, 2d of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, fully quippea' for drill, fcscb member lo be prepa red wilh 10 rounds of blank cartridges. Dy order of tits Captain, SOLOMON STKU1I, l. B Suubury, April 23, 1853. 1 1 SUN BURY AME1UCAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND StI.VF.R WARE, Wholeaale ana tUlail nt No. It N. SKOONI t., npprwit the Ml. Vernon llmiae, Odd Idiret Wiitehra, full jnvrelett. 18 k. nurm, tM0: Wlv-r Levers, full jeweled, SIll.OO ; Silver I-epim i. jeweled, K0,. 00 nil wnrniiitifl to keen (mat time. l)"ld fens anil Sil ver I'nae, I,SI Gold Peiieili, S)l.00 OnH l'rneila and Ten Coses Willi g khI OoM Pens ut low a (M,S.1, o. Alan, alwava un hniKl a a;oml naaortinrul of line ijold Jewelry, Until Curb, Unoid ami Fob Chniiia, Goal eat Chnina, Ijiitira' Oolri Fob Chnins null Hell Pins. Pllvur Table V"" frin I4 I" 818. Dessert, 0 In Pi I, mid Ten, (M.T.5 lo $e,ao per net, warranted niiil lo coin. All gnoila warranted to lie wluil they are ld l"r. IT Wnlehes ami Jewalrr retwired and wiirratilrd. If All onlera sent by mail or otherwise , will I punc tually nlleiulttl l'i. M. AVt!n, AyiH, No. 7S North SECOND ft reel, nopotitc the Ml. Vernon llollto. i I'hilu., Airil 4S, I8i3 ly. . F A1TKS' -T ' rintt'ui'iu Scales, Lting' Iilouni Scffrey Irtlril Afiniy right Tlt'e AcLuhH- I . nil FlullUHMi, I. Railroad, Hny, Coal, and Far mers' SC.lii.V, set In any part of the country, at short notice. .HiEJI Til, l.LO. W. t'OLUY, 210 Market St., i'hiludcliliia, E. Y. Uright, Sunhury. J'hila., 23, 1853. APPEALS. THE time and place for holilins npels hy the Commissioners in the several townships and horougli in the t'oiinly of Northumberland for Ihe year 1853, to wit : May S, at ihe House of K. Fryer, Low. Muhsnoy, May 3, " " Elian K linrjor, Jordan. May 4, " " Geo. Smith, Jarksou. Mov 5, " ' Peter Beisel, l?p. Mahanoy. May 6, " ' Peter Wcikel, Cameron. May 7, " " Will., Lit. Muhnnoy. Mv 0, " " Henry Wearer, Zerlic. May 10, ' " Jacob Mowry, Coal. May 11, " " 0. LeiscnrinK, Shamokin. May IS, " School House, in Rush. May 13, " " Klias Emerich, L. Augusta. .May 11 " Coiuniissiiiucra ollice tSuiilniry and I pper Augusla. May 16 " House of H. Haas for North'd and Point. May 17 " " B. Fordsinan, Cliilisquaquo. May IS " Mrs. S-'tricker, Milton. May 19 " " Ah'ni. Kisxinger, Tiirhut. Muv 20 " " Isaac Reader, Lewis. May "1 " II. J. Reader, Uvtaware. Coiu'ssrs. Otiit-e. ) Suiiluirv, April 111. 1853. S CHRIST. ALBERT, 1 ( HAS. WEAVEK, ComVs. JOS. NICELY. ) iMtt rri & iitR.iirri'.s Agricultural Wartliousc ami Srrd Storr. A'o. 191 i Market Street, Ihiladelphia. 11ROITY & MEAK.V Patent Self-Sharpen. -L inq Ploughs of all sizes, rilit and left hand ed Kolwoil, ide Hill and Double-Mould, Ac, with Strcl lOxtcndiiiff Points, liar-Share, Reach, and other kinds of Castings for repairing. The Emperor of Kuaaia awarded lor the above Ploughs, a massive Gold Mcdul, valued 4i30U. Also the OA EAT MEDAL at the World's Fair was awarded P. & M. Plough, No. 40. Culti vators with Doulilc-l'oint Polished Mcel lecth, whicl, can be reversed, thus getting Double Wear of tlie Common Teeth. Also, cultivators of all kinds with Steel Teeth. Spain's Atmospheric Corn Planters, I'hurns, Turnip Drills, !i4 to 6, Corn Shellers, iniproNed tiratil's 1'alent Fan ki'uls, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutlers, Garden Engines, Hand rn Mills, Wheat Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Horse Powers and Gcdd's Improved liar- Thrashers, rows, Square and A Harrowij, : Horse Rakes, Mowing and Machines, Reaping ' Chain Pumps, (irindstoncs, leady hung. Cattle Ties, Dirt Scrapers, Hull Wings. I Agricultural Furnaces, Patent Iron Snaths, Ox Yokes and Down, Grubbing Hoes, Forks for unloading hay, Transplanting 1 rowels, Man Hay Rakcf, Hav vV Manure Forks, Dow l u.s, Ap'le 1'arcrs, Ox Muzzles, Mole Traps, Pruning Hooks ft Chis scls, Saws and Scissors, Iron Well Curbs, and Shovels and Kpades, (uirdru & Field Hoes, Clarden Knkrs in variety Children's Tools, Darling Scythes, Snaths, with Patent Fastenings, Potatoc Hooka, Zinc tubing for Chain Pumps, Also. Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion,) Garden and (iiasa seeds, for sale ut Hie lowest price, st Wholesale and Retail. Phila. April 1G, 1833. Sin. 52 LEST 3CECCL. MMIK undersigned informs the citizens of Hun jl bury and vicinity, that he has opened a Se led School in this place, for the instruction of both sexes, in Ihe various branches of learning, vise i English Oranuuer, Geography, Arillimatie, Astronomy, Philosophy, &e. Also the Latin and Greek languages. His Terms are : For Common English branches $3. " Higher " " L " Languages, Latin and Greek $5. Exercises in Composition and Declamation every week. LEVI SEAfcHOLTZ. Suiiliury, April 10, 153. 3t. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. Excellence and Deuuty combined, BLaYLCCE'S Model Spring Style Hats, NEUL'ALLED bv any others in all that can render satislaclion to the v carer. Give t itvc them a trial. The Very Finest Mollshiji Hats for 3.50 : Second Oualitv, very line, 3,00 Third Uuahtv. a capital article, 2,50. All tticse arc warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 40 North 8th Street 'hiludclphia, Phila., April V, 1853 Gin. A CARD. A VINO embarked in Iho Morcsntile busi ness on inv own account. 1 take this op portunity to thank the friends of the late firm, and the public in general lor the liberal pairooi;i extended lo me heretofore, and would be moot happy to see them at my new business stand, to the house formerly occupied by John Leiscnring, opposite the Dank. M A It No II. I'lvicai ut. Notthuinlicrland, March 20, 1853. 3m List of Jurors, OF Northumberland Count), for fllay l-i 1853. Snecial Court. THAVERSE JUKORS. Sukiubv John Lyon's, Thomas Bobius, Honi V. rjiehl. V. H Masser. i ailLToN-Joliu Deivel, viuiam nciii. Timothy Miller, Abrain. Slraub. DtLAWAat UavU Aun(jst, aoios iloramv. Tl'KBUT Joseph Deshler, RobeM Mack. CiiiMsuUAQUE I'eler Voras, Joun rieuor iek, John Beckley, sen., Andrew Killer. Point Henrv Morcan. Adam Vandlin". Kubii James Evkman, Jesse Weaver, Jos. Kenad v. SiiAMokiN David Kelly, James Yocum. Upi'Ea. Avgvst Heutv Burns, Isaao Fisher. Lower Ai'custs Wallet Speece, Dennis Wulverton, Jacob ebipman, bolomon Jkiu lor. UrPEft Maiionot Jacob Strasser. sen. Little Mahonoy Israel Dunkelberijer Coal Alexander Caldwell, Joseph boy der. Joan am Samuel Wiest. Caniron Benj. F. Klock. Hobby Horses, Children'1 PropeUors, Oig. Coaches, Baronches, &c. Monnf.icturrd wboh-salc and retail hy BTJSH1TELL & TTJLL, No. 61 DOCK Sine, Philadelphia. ; Orders thruugh Iho mail promptly executed Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPonTF.RS AND DKAt.Er.S I.N Frencli 3Iilliiiepv (lool.i, No. 45 Sonlli Second Street) PHILADELPHIA. IT AVLNO received by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of prRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to oll'cr their customers, at lowest market prices -Glace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, C'racsf all colors, Fancy Nets and Laces, Together with every article appertaining lo Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. 2m. the the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- ministration no ibe eililn nf l.ur Mlniii I ministration on i the cstato ol Isaac Mil nirr, sen., late ol Lower AurusIb towns!ii, INortliuni. lierland county, dee'd, have been granted by the i Register of said county to the uitHersined.- I licnfore nil persons mdeliled to said estate will : discharge Ihe same, and those having; demands will present litem to WM. V. SILYF.RWOOl), Adm'tor. Lower Augusla twsp., April C, 1853 Ct Ettate of JOHN KRAMER, dee'd- TVOTICE i hereby given that letters of Ail niiniatraliotihavc lei'n granted to Ihe under signed upon Ihe estate of John Kramer, late f Lower Augusta township, Nortliutnberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the said deceased, are reipirsied to make the same known to the under signed without delay, and all persons indebted will make immediate payment. WILLIAM KRAMER, Adm'tor. Upper Augusta twsp.. March 20. 1853. fit. Estate of WILLIAM PERSINO. Sen, dee'd. 1OTICE is hereby given, that letters testa mentary on inr u novo nnmcii estate, nave , -i, t... c. . bean granted by tlie Krgistrr or ISorl llilln brrlaud I . . .i ' i i ,, i . lloimtV lo Hi. linil..rH(.iicl All (jtruui. 1 County, to the undersigned. All iiersona having claims against said estate, arc requested to pre sent them, duly authenticated for settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment, without delay to E.'ZIMMF.HMAN. J P , PETEK PEHSINO, $ "' Shamokin twspv March 18. 1R53 fit. Wood 5 Willow Ware. 20,000 Fancy Corn Urooins, 1,500 Dor.. Buckets, Assorted Culms, tiOO Nests Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Ccikr Churns. 500 Doi. Willow Baskets, 300 Do7 Wall and Scrub Brushes, Ac, Ac. The largest Stuck ever ollered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. V J. M. KOWE, No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1853. 3m. (ins Fixtures tSj Lamps. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North 2nd st. ubove Vine, I'llll.ADLI.I'IIIA. EE A VINO had many years practical sxr:ni- enck in the business anil as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate su)ier vision we are enabled to oiler to purchasers siiier: or articles in every branch of our trade upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be I oil nil in every variety and style of finish Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets for Halls, Churches, Ac, Tut Isruuvr.n Pias Oil La Mr, Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Seriandoles, Boipier holders, Parlor, Night and Heading Lamps un hand. Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wick Shades, &e. Ai wutl tranuntftl or tin suit. Factory No. 80 Noble street near 4th. licinciuber Store 2'ilst 2nd street, licit door lo J. Stewart Depuy's Carpet store. Phila., April a, 1853. 3m. WILLIAM PERKINS (lenllemens Fmhionable CLOTHING HOUSE, A'o. 231 Chetnul, Third door leloic i'igArA st Philadelphia. MAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will he made to order at the Shortest Notice, in Ihe Latest Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April 9, 1853. Cm. Mann's Establishment 25 SoufA Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For Ihe Manufacture and sale of Patent Letter C opying; Presses, Patent METALLIC DAMPENEKS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, Ac. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING POOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A moat valuable invention for keeping in a book-like form, Letters rsceived, Original Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Other Throughout the United States, Alexander L. lliekey 5 Co., TIlIiCBKAT WOULD' FAIR I'BIZK MI'.UAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, No. 148 Chesnut Street, ( Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to tho Merchants and Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever ottered for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price horn two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes. Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet am Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Uigs, Ac, Ac, all of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invila a call from tha Merchant or Traveller lo examine our extensivs assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. H1CKEY & CO, No. 118 Chesnut Street . rinls., Apiil 9, IS53.-8tn. 12,000 Gifts for the People. Extraordinary Inducements rpb wiliicai lb maring of tlx Pnit'itm of Iht J. OCIiAN VOYAGK to CAI.IFonNIA. Now eibibited by JtmtAII l'EKHAM, Ihs Projinel'it of Iht Keren Mile Mirror. Mr, I'K.ltlt AM lea re to propon diilribnliiiR to tha rlllaemof ;liilaitrlpl,ia. Uiilliinore, New York, ami Ihe adj ining nlarea a iiuinlier til VAI.L AU1.E AMI COSTKY 1PTS, ' ilirliiiliiia, llm MACNIflCK.NTPANonAMA if drawing riiiwileil Ikhihh nl Hie ,i AEMIM.Y HI M.DIXOSl, Mniliiiiiai of wbieli Ima rentiaeil lo il ow ners wii bill the list lliree yenrs, a rlear milit t.f XI'J.llou. !Saliliiflary r.,'".'l. "f "'' a" obtained at the uittfc trf ihe AaaoniUy Hmlilliiff. IF" The plain upon wliieh it is nroiHised to preaeiil aoina m,U00 wvrth of Arliclea ji, by the rale of 1VUHU TILKKT4 al OXi: DOLLAR KAfil each ln'.el hiailmit Ft II 'It Pt r mii In the Pairirsms al any estiibiiioa when the Ifune it n-.t lull, ihua Hiring to J-m-h juireluiaer the WoriTn or 1119 Mossi, lille iillonl Inil linn an "pp. irluuily 1 1 obtain one of Ihe l illuwitig arli. rim. via: I aii niiiin, ruino, vuliinl at fio.mio aw loo M 50 S5I I. Mm H..I.I Wn.rh. .. .1 linlil Vnt.-l,ei, Ill aela Silver T. l !, .VI (n, Pens nl 8.1 inoh, l 1 1. .1,1 Penrlln, at 8:1 enrli. I LW Si eel Kiicruvinra. at 'JS eenla. a.ta A CAHD.-Aii Hliilfil l.t- Mr 1.1 Itif. iiiiili.ia.mird nrka iwliilye Unit Ihev h:ie e inieiilitil t'i M't nan Com muter to a, nl up lioisj ontera for the li.lSO gifta ub ive luininl. Theae ontera, wlirn f itileit, jIkiII nit present prerijety Ihe the annic nppemanee in li'ipe, r ,1 tr ami bulk. Thev ah:ill then lie aeniii'ly ainlnl np in 14.1 OH ImA enreoeI nil of the iiiotl pirl'ii'i aiinilnrily, enrhi f wliieh, na m na sent. etl, nli:ill lw ilep taiteil in a atfnre Inix. with a aiinile Oj-.eil-lug, Inrgn en iiirli onlv toailniit letters The b ix will then be a i ngititeil na to iiwire n perfectly iimliflinitiiii'tiiililr nriaa o envehmea Tlie b ix li-ill I lien be preienleil by lis 1 1 Mr. JAM I'M II. KAKl.AXU, who will ii hnve been prranil nt Ihe Hrein ny. Mr. Ftirrand will tberenpon open the Ikx, and immcib ately cimm.'iH'e iii'liaeriniiiinte deliyeryol'tlie W.ISIO enre I ipm Mne envelope IW every eherk aiirrfndreil At a win na the la.imil tirketn inenl i-tiie,! in ttie ndverltie inenl ore a dd. Ihe pnlitie will he n ilitieil when mat where the nh .ye project will lie ex.i'uKd. tiaorge V. IJewi y. villi t;ki-alintt St . See. Arl Fllion. F. I) II ltii'lmnt, 17.1 Cli.-Htiint al , DngarrrRolrpist. F. A. Iloyt, Mrreliiiiit Tiilor, e imei Tenth mid (.'hcit llilt alieelM. Th iiima A. Filmrernld, Proprielur Citv Hem. Williiiin II. Sii keln, Proprietor Uiiilv Itegiatcr. Jumea S. Wnllnee, Proprietor Unity Sun. P. A. Creenr. IMnrinal Stinlli liai lironiiier Si'h'Nd. i Inleig for lieketii lv itnil. ... 1. 1 hI tu J Perlimn Aa "I",'1')' Building, will he promptly attended to. Tiekets for sale nt Ihe Asietnlilv lliiildiiica, from 8 A.M. IOn..M. Ala for ante nt the f;i,r,l L,ae, Wn.hing. ton llnnae. Jonra' Hotel, Aiiimitnii Ibuine, Failed State! ""Irl, Franklin llonae, MiTftmiita ll lel, I nion llouae, ,&.7B.tu MN(i, at HI and ;j ..Vli k. pintle Tirketa. i. nmiii.-r, eenti. rbiklren half-price. Phlfci . Aprils!. IKV) t. Hotel For Sale. WE arc authorized to oiler for sale a superior afrnll,l claaa tlntcl mnlnpnltu l,w-nl.l - Uusiness hart ofthecily of Philadelphia, com manding, at litis time, a large trade from Penn sylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. The House contains One Hundred and ten I Rooms, ami is capable of accommodating One I Hundred and Fifty persons. j The Gentlemen's Parlor, Reading rooms, I Bar rooms and Office, are on the first floor. j The House Ins lieen recently thoroughly reno vated, and in part newly furnished, and is fitted I up in the must grnterl manner. The furniture will lie sold with the Lkask, which has ovor two years to run, at a vkuv low bkt with the privilege of renew ing for five years longer at the Jiou iciiu i lie truiiirMi loviitiuii .ii una iimn ., , . . r it - i liemg in the immediate vicinity of business and n same rent, Ihe central location of tins Hotel places of amusement, make it an opportunity seldom to lie met with. It will lie sold cheap, and on accomodating Terms. For further particu lars apply personally or by l.r.rrr a Post Paid at the Keal Katatc and General agency ollice. No. 80 south fifth street, Philadelulli.l. WINDEItLlCH & ALL MONO. Phila., March 20, 1853. If. SWA 1 MS CELEBRATES PANACEA, FOil THE CUKE OF Iiitiileut C'OiiMiiiiiptlon, Senrfuta, (lenerul Debility, White Swilling, Illieumatism, Disrates of the Liver oi'I Skin, wid nil Diseases arising from Jmpuitict of the lllood. and the Effects of Mercury. SW AIM'S PANACKA Ima bee for more thaa tliirty yeara rt'M.rntcil in tliia c aintry aiift in Knropt for Us rxlru'irilnurv eures t'oi the r-(irtir1tiin-sr wine li reference la iniiile lo llie Uirectitma ami liooka (wtucb nuiy ba hud grain) ticcoinjiuiiyliia; tlie l'tiiuitvu. rvoiuc ol wliieh giro the fnarl iciibit a of ctipca too frigflitiill fr item nil publication, vvlicru the Hitienla had liefai a!nviat niteniii wilh scrotum, and were deemed incurable by I'tivsiciuna. In lias ttcrii axed m hospiuds and private practice, and haa hail I lie ainj-ular fortune of being rcroiiuticiid. d by the moMl ccleliriiteil physicians find other eminent persold. Anion? olhera by W. iiiln.Hi. M. IV. PY.'f. of Pin pert'. Pa. I'nlversily. VulenliiK Mutt, M. !., I'O'l. a Uurg , .. "l . L niver- II v. V. P. IHvvera. M. 11 . rriif. of Mid.. Pn. t'uireiaily. . Chapiimi, M. 1., Prt.of rh)ic, l'a I'mveraity. T. Parke, M. I) , Pret t tolliRc of Pliv niciani, l'biai. Dr. Hc l VnlH, i'rot.ut Mnlltinr, lluvulat. Jofc Ivillleuce du l.liz. Prof, of Slllffcrv, 1. it-lust. J. C'liiplium. MenilT Iloynl CiSlii-e Hurgeons, UmdiXI. It. W. J'.rvinic, late Allunilet ioIS(Niiii. Sir 'I'tvaiiaa Pears ,n, Maj. (ien. ttrilisti Army. (iilticrt Holiertaiai, Urilish Caisul. e Ac. Ami iita i. Itie wonderful cures clluicd hy Svvaiin's Paa- seen hnve t, ir liuuiy yistra uiutle it an iiiviilunhle remedy. The Panar-ea d'K-a nit contain mercury in any fonn, and taatifr un imiiM-eut iretwralioii, it may be given to the nioiit leuiler uifant. 'I'he retail price h.ia la-cn rcliiceil to pi 50 per liultle, Ireontiiiiuitf Unci hall plul) or lliree Iniiucm .t (m. tlKWAUK III' I.MI1!ITHN. Pwaim's Panacea ia in round IrilllcM, tinted I inititudl' ! null) . Willi Uk- follnvviiia U tlera hi iw n Hie la : j '-SWAIM'S- PANACKA PIIII.AKA.' : , and havine: Ilia laune of Ja Swaim alainpeil on Hie sent. iv,t. aiul written en the latiel civerltia Ihe crk. and l I ...l. inli.l einrritvina for Ihe ahle of the l.sile. r.snrfmil nf , n,imelric lathe vvisk, r anirisins nin dill. rent dies, VCIIICII luive lieen lumen im nirrwiiwac nr. ,' u. prieOir, liv DnijH-r A l'o , Imiik mSe eiiirnivirs, of Puilu ilclphi.n. In Ihe centre is a portrait of the late Win. riwaun cipyriiriil ai-ciireti. AIJiK. SWAIM'S Vl'llMII'IT.K A vatiiulile Kaiuity Medicine, la-ins highly approved remedy foi nil diacnxcM aii.iug fnml d.-hilily of ihe digea- tive oraana, swli na Worms, i resiira Alorisis, tiyaemery l-'ever mid Anne, llleiilmi. Plica, r-ick Headache, Ar.. An, rVe Ihe Pamphlet (vyhkh naiv u had gratia) aeeoiniaiiiy- ma the VernhtiiBe. Prewired only at SWAIM S I.AHOR ATOItV. TIIH OI.U rTAM). rVvenlh alri-el. Iielovv Chcalnut, Phitiulel phia, and a.ifcl hy uU Uia reepeclaUe Druggiala in the I ui led f-lalca. rAtrnoN to tiii: Peranus wiliinfl oltlaia ihe ecnuiue ISWAIM'H PAN ACKA and IVA1M,'8 VKItMIFl "UK, ahoukl b careful t-j observe that tlie name . SWAIM ia apellot correctly on tlie hollies and Wls, or Ihey may le imroaol on lit medicines noidc ia imiliill'Hi ' Iheni hy a peiaoii hruriuf a aoinevt hat anniUr name, will calculated ti ((t I vt. OEiNEUAI. AGENTS FOIl THE l. S. Schii fl'elin, Brothers & Co., 104 auS UHl John St., Kew York. Philndclplnn, April 9, lead 'Jin Estate of DAVID THOMPSON, dee'd, TOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad iX ministration have lieen granted to the un dersigned upon the estute of David Thomson, late of Tool township, Norlhumlicrland county dee'd. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, are req nested to make the saute known to the undersigned without de lay, and all persons indebted w ill make immediate payment. r.iur.i.i, . .. r, Mhamokintown, March GO, 185361. A Hlakcsimth AVsmted. A JOURNEYMAN DlseksiniiU is wsnteJ immediatelv by the sulavrilr, to whom stcsdy eiiiiloynteut snd good waara will he riven. jiin. i-i.Aiitv Suubury, March 19, 1863. If. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, I'OKK, HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD it CHEESR. Constantly on band anJ lor sale by J. Palme & Co., Market Street Wharf Philadelphia. Phila-, April 23. 1853 3m. For Sale. K(( BUSHELS Of POTATOES by th Ujyj subscriber. CHARLES CAW LLY. Dry Valley, Msrcli Id, 1853. ' . GEOKGinV- ZIMEliMAN. VENITIAN BLIND 31ANUFACTUREK, No. Ci Ai-cli Street, four doors nliovc Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or BLINDS, . Which for sl vie of finish slid workmanship csnnof surpassed. Wbolcanla and RrtsifT ut the low est prices. Also J K A NsPA REN'rW LMJO W KHADES AND RKED BLIJt D WIIOI.IiSAI.i:, AT M A I' CA CTl'It EI19' PRlL'M. IT" MERCHANTS and others ar invited lo rsll and staiuins. Philadelphia. August SI, 1K5S ly. inn CHERRY PECTORAL: for ihe Cure mf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROM OHZTXS, CROUP, ASTH IVTA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. Of nil the nnnieriMii moilicinfn cxlnt, (and me tf thrin viituiillt) Inr 1 lie cure I' iiiluiiii;iry t'tnii).l:iiiiii it Ihiii ever miim! w liirtt couM'ore in Us d- lY-ctM with thit l'rtptarntioii. Otliem cute uitliim,, Imt nl all tiniftt mid in till diseasm f the I mien imI tlirtKit where tiicdirine nm give relit i", tint will d i it. It i i plinKiitt t l:iki, and MTtlly fcife hi tv'1-..ntunr? with the flircciiuns. We d. n it mlvrrliw tor lh; inlriii;ilioii n" th'ise wh t hnv trit-d it hut tli who hnve tt t . l-iuilifg tint hnve kn 'WH iti value will lint hu with -ut it mid hy iti timely hhc, Ihy ur Heeurc I'miii the djiiiiirimii cuimft fHwiiftn nt' CtMinh and CuMt whii-li neglectitl, ripen into fiiiiil c.'nsoifi;ti."i). The Dt'tiltMii i oi' the MrmKM-lmfetln Institute wos tiwr! ffl t't this reKiraiin hy the Urd ut" Jtnlcfs in Suptenilier IH7 ; a is . Ihe Mrd.iU of the three preat nmtitiiiea !' Art, in tint country ; ulsu the llrph Hri the Ohin InMiliitc tit OncilllKiti, h:m heeil given tn Ihe CtiRRRV 1'EcrnK hy their Onveriitnriit in euiirieritiii )' its extr.tontiiuiir exeeltciire Ami nseriiln:M in fitting iirtectlunn it' the I simps mid Throut. Iternl the f II 'win? nphii'in rt uii'ktl m the I 'tie experi enre of the eminent I'livpicion ni the l'urt tmd Citv ! Dr. J. C. Aver, ST. JOHNS, Muv K 1MI. Five yeur triul ( 'Mtr ( Mlililt V I'lX' IMMt .Ms in my practice, lets prnvn wlcit i hireraw tr tn its emnpi'Sili n, must In; true, th:it it rmUcati'S nnd cures the vMn tmd eiifthn to wliif h we, in this TtiHi, are peculinrly liuhlc. I lliiuk its f it:l h:is not et lrrn dis- ivfnl. nor do I know li'iw n I letter rpinrdy cnii lc intidi- (jt the distem pem of the Tlirout and l.uut's. j. j. in i;t, m. d , f. n See whnt it hus d ine im n wanted eoiiNtittui mi, ii t only in the ('"llowiiig cnseii, but a IlinLsniw mure Prnm iiY, Jan. tilth, lr. Aver t lit the m nth of July lust I wns iittucked hy a viiilent diHrrliira in mines ut t';iliiuritia. I relurimt to Sun Frunsiseo in h'jw: u' receiving Item-lit Ir-tin a t-tuiiKe u' eli mute and dirt. .My duttrliu'ii rr.tst il, hut wms f lowfl hy a s,vere e nmh oimI much u ireums. I tinally tnrtiil lur li'inif, hut ri tci veil no tfu til iiuin the vntce. My eouu'h e ittinucrt tu jtmw w Tsr, tmd when I tin ived in New York. I wns tit once murke.1 hy my ncin:tinttiui'ca aa a victim uf e iisiunpiioii. I utust e u(Vs ilutt I suw no sunVieiit reus n tu d uilK whnt my friend" hII heltevetl. At this tune I r imnietierd takiim y ur truly invnluntil inedicme wilh littc ex pectin ion of deriviii!; any henefit trotn its use. on wuld it t receive tlicsc I mm did I nut reenrd it my ihitv l suite to the odln-ii d. thnuuh you thin my health, in the spnee of eieht iti ttt tr. in roily re stored. I nttnhute it ti the use l" vour t il Kit H V TKC TOUAIs, Vnnrs'trolv, WHslslA.M W. SMITH. AVasiiinuton, I'u , April !, t 1 s . Penr sir : Feeline llmt f hnve li-cu soiiretl in a nre mature ernve, throueh your iiiMtruuu'iitalitv hv ihe provi- dcnri; u' (i nI, I will tukv the liln-ily to exptesx tu you my gratitude. A Uuiieii ntui uk n inr mint? sympiums ui uuniiinptiou luid rediicctl tue t'H hw to leave me tuiNthiug like hope, when uiv physician hrunyht me n Uttle ui V'tir I'kcto- lt ai.. It sceuieti to niiom iinniwinue renei, nun u w in a Tew weeks time litis n stored me to suiiud health. It it will do for others n-hut it hnsilonc for me, you are cer tiiiuly one vf the ttiiefucters of mnulciml. Sincerely wishing you every Mesimiir, i urn Verv respeu'iiMv onrs. JtUIV J. CI.ARKi:. Hect irof St. IVter'i Chnrrti. AVith such ttsxitrnnce nnd lrin such men, nu stronger pit n if eati Ire udducetl unless it bu Iront ila tltctt itptii trial. Prepared end soU h. JJMKS C. AYER Practical Chtmirt LotrcUj Muss, SoU in Suiiliury lv II MASfEU, and liy DrucUts ptuionilly throughout the Intr. ManU 19, 1853. ccow ly. Nov. 13, '52. KRUFP'5 Premium Ussimicc of Cofit Mary! well preu T H V will man uf that which is injurious to ' lii tiealtti, wl en lie la willins to give all liia wctilth to restore it wlirn it is lost! Strange ! that nt least two Ihinla or the liunuin family will use ordinary CDKl'KE knowing it to be injuri ous lo their health. Kriii' Ussruceof ('oliec is, l ej oud dotilit the he! ami moat tvholraome ,rVKlriilioii of Collie in the tvorhl. Kvcrjr Iiouae kre)icr ahoulil have it. Try it nnil he ronvinecj it will save shout fiO jiet cent, beaiileaj our heslth. Warrauteil to render entire auliflactioii. Mauufaetured and for sale hv ei.i KKi:ri, 630 North 3d street Pliihidrlihi:i. N. U. All the irincii?al Oroeers and Oruzgials have it for salp throiiijhiiut Ihe 1'nited States. For sale by Ihe Agent, II. U. Masser, Suubury. January I, 1853 Cm. I'n per Hangings. THE undersigned have juat opened a freali and eomi.lele st.K-k of WAl.t. PAPERS. amiir.-i whieh ore CiOI.O and VELVET, PINE SATIN, mid the LOW EST Plilf 'ED l".Nil.A. ZED PAPERS : AIo. liECOIlATIONS, UOKDKKS. EIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, &c., iVc. Inch they oiler at the lowest puces. both wholesale and retail. 1 he beat workman employed to hang i.iner either in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &o., &c. We havp aUo our tiaual aaanrtment of WRIT N(S PAPERS, WHAPPIN'U PAPERS, Dlauk and ScIio jI Uookn, Stationary, &e. PARRINH & HOI l.H, No. 4 North Pillli St., 3 doors almve .Market. PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country raga. Phils., 12.1ij5:i3m. Flour and Feed Store. THE suhscrilicr reaiiectrully iiibirina bis friends and the public generally, thai he has ojiened a FLOUR AND FEED STOKE, in Fawn atreel, in the building formerly occupied by Ksi. Itower, as his office, where he will con stantly keep on limul all kuuis ai uani, run s ii r :r.n, at tlie lowest market prices, lor laU or produce. EMANTF.L WII. VERT. Suubury, Varcli 5, 1853 3in Notice. THE annual meeting of the Stockholders o tbe Oreen Rid -e Imiirovement Comnsii will lie held at the (iirsrd House, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 13th of Mat lie it, when an Election for Two Directors will be held. WILLIAM WINTER. (Secretary. rhila., March SS, 1853.-lm. anted to l'lircluue. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS-highest Cash pi ice paid, money remitted by mail or a directed. Apply or AdJieas S. BECHTOLD, Jr., No. 80 North 6ih Si reel Philadelphia. rhlU., April :3, W3 It. ' ' l"PMi!i;ii.- HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! II o 1 1 o a y Ointment. a Mt.tffT MiturriaOt's vtnv: or bad leus, AFTKU 43 YK HK' rHiFFIIfll.NO. Extract of n Lctttr from Mr, ffm, Oalpint i0. St, Marys Street f IKetmoulA, dated May JiWi, 1851. T.t PnM'essr llotLowiT, fm, Al the atte of IV mr wffs (who ft rv tfl) otmiIiI a violent eoUt, which seuM m her less, ami ever arie Hint time they have Item tu re or less sore, ami e;reYtlf iiirl-tmed. Ilrr oironies w-re iliaHrnelinft, arrd tor month together she wns deprivtri entircfy of rst and sleep F.very tcmedy that ntdluiif men advised waa tried, hut without effect ; her henlih suffered severely, and the stute of her leys wns terrible, had often read your Adver tisements, nnd udvistl her to try your Pilla and Ointment; and", ns a lusl rraotirre, after every other rsmedy hml pro ved useless, site roneetitctt to do su. She commenced sit weeks ago, and, strunpe to relnle, is now in (rood henlib . Her lets tire painless, without senm or tear, and her aleep auuud ami midisitirltcd. (NmiM you have witnessed tka ulTeriiiRS of my wife during the' kist 43 yenra. ami con trast them with tier present enjoyineul ol lieaitn, yo would iiidecil feel deliuhtfitl in havine; mn the rneint of ao greatly alkwiutiug the sutferincs felttw-erenture. (rueii.f ll.l.l.3i uvii.ri.v. A TKItSON TO Yr.AltS f-F AftU CL'RF.D OF A HAD I.F.K, OF 30 Y KAI.S STANDING Cvpy of a Letter from Mr, If'm. Abbs, Build er of Gat OvcnSj of flush thffet near Ifnd dersfleld. dated May $ 1st, 1851. To Profmsor Hoi.luwat. sir. i snrtrred lur a period of thirty yesrt from had lejj, the rcsMlt of two or thren di fit rent accidents at Oat Works ; uccomtKinicd hv ae irhutie svmntom. I hud re- c nirac ton vaiietyol' medical ml vice, willrmt der it ins; nuy lieuefit. and wns Ten told lhat the leg must hearapu- Min, m opivisnMii I i timt opinion. onr rnia ami Ointment hnve t fleeted a ouiipfetc cure in so shtrt a time,, tlutt few who had jt wiltteesetl it wokt eteilit the fuet. (SijrtnM) - Mil. I.I AM ARMS. The truth of this statement ean le verified by Mr. W. F. Klirrland. Chemist, 1.1, .Maittrt Street Ilndderafiefa. Tle Pills shim !tl be iwied eonirotly with the Ointtnaut tnosi of ihe oi.vtitir cases : llatl l,rs. Chieo.f.Htt, Fistulas, Had nretuttft, 4hiihiaiits, (uut. Itiirns, Chapped hands, Glandular fwsMinf, Itmipina. Cerns (Sfift) l.nmlnijfu Kite of Morehe- Csnci ts Pilee tH-a fc Sand-Flies, Contni.-ted and Ithctimattam C ro-Uiy, Still Joints, SenMa. Ilephnnii:isis. Sire N ipplt. Soxe-throats, SkiiiHlisetises, Scurvy, S rc-heada, Tumuiiis, Ifcfrs, WtTOmts, Yaws A DIlKADFl'l. HAD I in FAST CURED IN ONB MONTH. Extract ef aPtctttr from Mr, Frederick Turn cr, oj Venhitrstj Anf, dated December l$thf 1850. To Prnfi-fsor IIollowat, Drab Sis. My he ir .ifTrrccl from Bad Ilraaita for ni'iriMliiin nx iiiinillit, nuil rtiirinj tha whole ieriid liad Ihe lirnt iiu-iliral atlfnilaiK'u, lull till Id ihi uae. Having ba Tore lii-alml mi awful wuiml in my own Irs, 'if Tour a riviillil mciiirini. 1 (l,;ti.riiiin-Ml airimi ti uae VOlir Pilla ant Oiiiiinient. mirt llirr.'l'iru g:iva tltn a trial ill her raae. nii emuiRiie K mm i inn a, lir ,ri Naa man a innnm m priln l cure wiia riri'rlnl, and llii- latirrit lliat ranouaolh rr tirnuclica uf my i-nuily liave iV-riveit fmin thair uia is rmlly ailoiiithing I ri'iw a'.riig-lv rerminienct them I. all my fricmla (Sii-nnl) l'HK.D'K TL'ltNKR. Sikl al llu- l'.atnllialinH-ut "f rrnfraai.r lln!.r.nwT, 844, rMrainl, (near Temple liar, lnukai.) anrt liy all reaierta!ila lriii;iiRla nnit Di-ulrra tu Mnliriiu-a lliroiish.itit tbe llritiakfr l'.iliitre. Ih we if Ihe I'niteit Slnti-i, in II sra HI 3tjc., 7p.tninl)l Ala', em-ll. Wraileanle liy llie priiiripal Drug Ii Miara in die I'lii'Mi, aial by Mratra. A.D. 4 1). S.sua, -v Vmk, t7 There ta a tMifsitlrral'ta anring ty taking las larger aizra N. II. Direction. f,r the faiitaiira of patients in .ear. ilia.iril.-r are allixett to each Imiz. OctiUier V.I, IKSa, ly. C A R R . GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber C'ommision Mci-rlianls, 23 and 25 Spears Wharf, BALTIMORE r.Etxitr.Nccs. John Clark, Esq., Pieaidcnt Citizens' Bank, Ball. A. P. Oilea, Esij., Caahier Franklin lJank, " John Hertzler, Jr., Esq.. Philadelphia. Knjira, Siuuicksoii ot Co,, " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Tort Ds- posite. J. allower .v Sou Jlarriaourg. Col. II. C. Ever, Sclinasrovs. J. II. App iS: Co., Nagle, Wingnte & Co., Milton. VV. W. Cooke, Eq., Muucy. Simon Schuyler, Eaq., " Oeori;e UiHline, Huhcville. W. Weaver & Co., Moutoursvill. Oen. William F. Packer, W illiamaport. T. W. Lloyd, Eq., Cashier, " James II. ilulini!, " Lewis (i. II ulinir. " M'llenry cV Ilubh, Jersey Shore. J. P. lliilinir, Esq., Lock Haven. Carr, tiieae & Co. have Ihe largeet wharf room of any enmmision lumae in lialtimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 15, 1853. fim. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. Rl'MNCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers isj Confectionary of all kinds, No. 113 North Third St. below Raee, PHILADELPHIA. TIIHE attention of Dealers is requested to aa -- examination of their stock, which will be found to lie at l int equal loany in Ihis city FOREK'N FRUITS of all kinds in season. K. 11. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. Februar? 5, 1853. Cm. CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory or G. L. 1ILL2F. & CO., S. W. tornir Arch and StcondStrettt PHILADELPHIA. IS' "VEUY VARIETY OFSHADES, WhoU sale anil Ketail, sueli as ncroll, r lower, (iolhic. Vignette, Oil and Dry Lsudsespee, are lo be bad at tbe loweat prices for qualit of work. Orders fur (iilt. Plain Store, Lettered anil other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants snd others are invited to ie us Irish WE WILL THY TO PLEASE. Urasses, Trimmings, &.C., alwsvs on ham. Remember H. W. corner BECOND aal AltC'H Streets Philadelphia. February li, 1S53 Cm. All Apprentice Wanted. The subscriber wants an apprentice ta learn the bukiuess of a Blacksmith. A boy 17 or II years old, of good moral character, would find a i;ood situation by applying soou at the old slsnd of Ocorce Zimmerman. SOLOMON 8TROII. Sunbury, Feb. It, 1853. - An Apprentice Wanted. rilHE Subsciilicr wsnU an Apprentice to learn JL the Ssddlery and Harness business. A industrious boy between 16 and 18 years of age, will find a food situation hy applying soon to A. J. STKOJI. . Banbury, April 18, 1853 tf. TNK Doureaa'e eeU-brsleJ Uik. anJ aloe Cw gres ink for sale. wM.-eale sn.l relad b I' J8, 1150. H B MAfc.Kf
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