SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. TEE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Eaa.Ttm. The Mmeki Enigma mi composnl of tl lattars, not Amvrnt to last wsekl Enigma Tire Coustt Pt t ScRtrTicM. For Ilia Snnlinrr American. ' SIBIPTUBAL ENIGMA. Iam composed of 18 lelttn Mr 1 4 9 17 waa eMe'of lha Beiiiamites. Mr S 10 10 win Prophet. Mr 3,1 ', 14 wn rn"'t tviant " Home. Mr 4 I was tins cliiel'cilv ol' the Moabilra. Mr was a kin to the fnmily of Jacob. Mr 6 S 17 I mil K inr of lira I. My 7 is a alinilar reprwntntinn of the Cnss. My It 4 I was ilakenf.Mount Scir. Mr ' was Prophet and Preacher. My 10 17 3 tni one nt" the twelve trilwe af Israel. Mr 1 1 S 14 V4 win a Jniljre of Isreal. My 19 t 10 created front aatimi.limiiit in Pharoah'semirt. My 13 0 4 I W,,B Prophet ami Preaehet. My 14 3 was one of the oklrst ritira in the w rkl. My 15 II 10 was given to Christ as a murk. My 16 14 19 la a city often mentioned In tie liookanf Joahna ami Jurlpca. My 17 14 4 IS ' a llrhrew month Mr In I wnstliedwilliinr place of Cain. My wh ile lathe moat populirand efficient Officer in tlie thirteenth Conareaaionnl i)iatrict. A newer next week. April SI, 19.53. Poetry A RUSTIC RHYME. A bee, while lay sleeping ynuntt Doll)', Mistook her red lips forhe mse ; There honey to set k were no folly, No flower so tweet ever blows. It lickletl, nml waked her ; when, clapping Her hand on the impudent bee, It sniiio her ; and Dolly, caught napping, Came pouting and ciying to me. Said she, Take the sling out, I pray you !" What way I was puzzled to try, And a trifling wager I'd lay you, You'd have been as much puzzled as I. I'd heard about sucking out poison A sling is a poisonous dart So I kissed her Iho act was no wise one ; The sting found iis way to my heart A STRING OF ITEMS. The Lawyer. of Rochester, N. Y.,it is said, are about to strike for higher fees. Tub wheat crop in Western New York, is said lo ba very promising for a good yield The journeymen masons of Rochester are on a strike for higher wages. Delaware Shad sell in Mobile at present at four dollars each. The entire population of California is 224, 43, Hon. J. J. Crittenden has declined I public dinner tendered to him at Mobile. A young lady recently discharged her lover, because he told her that the wind had shifted The U. S. ship of war Vermont, lately detached from the Japan expedition, has been laid up in ordinary. Flags were flying in all parts of New York city, on Tuesday, in commemoration of the birthday of the lamented Henry Clay. Charles Ellet, Esq, has been appointed Chief Engineer of the Virginia Central Rail road. It is proposed in the Pittsburg papers to connect the Peoria and Oauawkwa Railrord with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Roads. The Journal of Commerce, Courier and Enquirerj Sun, Mirror, and Day Book, of New York, refuse to give the advance asked by the ,lPrinters' Union" of that Cily. Area of large Cities. The area of Ba bylon was 225 square miles; that of Nineveh was 246 square miles ; whilo that of London and its environs is but 114 square miles. The Philadelphia public can congratulate itself upon the conviction of Spring, one of the most hardened wretches that ever existed. He should be executed as soon as possible. The security of the community demand it. Eastern Penitentiary. The Supreme Court, this morning, appointed Chambers Me Kibben, an Inspector of the Eastern Peniten tiary, in place of Hugh Campbell, who re signed, Many of the Editors are now debating whether a wife is a lady. When they have arrived at a satisfactory conclusion on that point, we offer them as a subject for their gigantic intellect, whether a husband is a geritiV man. A Di'EL took place at Cincinnati a few days since between a grandson of Ex-President Harrison, and the son of an extensive banker; on the second Are the descendant of the President received a ball in the left arm. Cause, a young lady in pantalettes and short dress. The Fall River Murder. John Murphy, who killed his wife in Fall River on Satur day, by pouring vitriol down her throat, has ncl yet been arrested. He has since been seen in New Bedford. His wife, at the time she was tied in bed, was intoxicated. The children ate the chief witnesses against him. RECIPES. Hvdrophobia. An English Journal says that an old Saxon has been using, for fifty years, and with perfect success, a remedy for, the bite of mad dogs, by the agency of which he has rescued many fellow-beings, and cattle from the fearful death of hydro phobia. The remedy is to wah the wound immediately with warm vinegar or teDid water, dry it, and then apply a few drops of mutiatio ocui, wnicti wilt destroy the poison of the saliva, or neutralize it, and the cure is effected. Making Coffee The best way of ma king Coffee is to put the ground cuflee into a w ide-mouthed bottle over night, and pour . rather more than half pint of water upon eaoh ounce and a half, lo cork the bottle, in the morning to loosen the cork, put the buttle into a pan of water, and bring the water lo boiling beat : the coffee is then lo be poured off clear, and the latter portion strained; that which is not drunk immediately is kepi closely stoppered, and heated it is wanted Worth Rememserino. A small lamp, with single tubs and wick, such is used for burning fluid, if filled with chlono elber and lighted, will disinfect a sick room, ratty parlor, or 'other "odorous" place, in tery few minutes. So says the Annual ' Scientific Discovory for 1853. LIST OF CAUSES T OR Special Courl of Common Dees of held on ' Northumberland County to be (lie 4lh Mondnv of MaV. A. D.. 1853. Frederick Keener ts Wm. Ayrss Peter I'nrael s Jacob Hiblcr .nines Graham et nl vs II ugh Bcllss et si Piatt tc rintt vs Henry Mnaaer Com'tli for Win L Hcineninn vsT A Billinptoti Louis Alex. Napoleon Du Peterr Do.qttet vs punier el. .1. snmo vs Tierre tidier ct. nl. E John for W Camp vs Wolvcrton 4 Leisenr'g Eyater for Weaver vs EbVr Greenough ex't Joanna lVmlcville vs A I" Kapp Mnhonny and Shatnokin A,,railttm r.ul Improvement Co Snrnh L Keen vs Abraham Brnsiou So mo vs Samuel Savidgo Com'wcallli for 8. D. vs T, A. BiUingtoii & Jordnrl . bail Henry Dnnnel et nl vs Hugh Bellas Robert Philips vs Zcrhy Hun and Bhanwkin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Frothonntarv's Office, Suiibury, March S, 18.r2.- $ Estate of MARY MARSH, deo'd. JOTICE is hereby Riven that letters tcstnmcn- ' tnry on the estate of Mary Marsh, dee'd., late of Sliainokin township, Northumberland county, have been granted by tSc Register of said county, to thi undersigned. Therefore all persons in- dcbtiu to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them to AMOS VA8TINE. Ex'tor. Shamnkin Township, Mandi 12, 1853. fit. '10,009 SHINGLES A GOOD lot of 2G inches white pine Shingles for sale at $IOpcr.L J. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan I ft 1654 If 1,000 Men Wanted. ON the live of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har risburg) and Sunbtiry, in the StBte of Pennsylva nia. This road is fifty four miles in length' runs through a higblv improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborer for tho next twelve months. A large portion of the lino is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wages. DOUGHERTY, LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 1853 Laborers Wanted. THE subscribers want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Sclinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlum one dollar per day will pe paid. SAVIDGE. WJLVEKTON A CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853. tf. liosendale Hydraulic Cement. AN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by EVI SMITH at SON, N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. FOURTH ARRIVAL OF AT THE NEW STORE OF I. W. TENKR & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. anJE invite the particular attention of our y V friends and the public to our Fui-hth supply of goods just received, adapted to the winter season. We have now a much larger assortment in every department than at any time since wo opened in jlpril last; all of which we arc deter mined to sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured to us such a generous support fro.n a discerning public, and for which we beg iTturii our best thanks. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quccnsware, CROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doubled Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint StuIT, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852 ly.c ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP GOODS. FRILING & GRANT. FJESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Camimcres, Sutlinets, Vestings, Flannels, Votlens, tyc, And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRKSS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, 11 erases, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Caps for Men and Boys. Also a large assortment of (jllOtXUICS, Sl'CH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Alao a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of llltl'na Avr. - me, u'f .If 'arS "J -ost general assort tnent of all kind. 0f good, lo be had iu this rir t'ouiitrv nr.iilor. r -o i . . . Chang, at ,he highest nLet'pHc. " "- ounourv, rsov. 13, 1852. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON ATo. 47 South Water Strttt, below Chestnut PHILADELPHIA. MPOREH3 of Foreign Fruiu. NuU, Wie, &.C., keep constantly on hand tl.. fulowi, ' ")'cJLe"h 7 wi" ,l Te'y low S Raisins, Almonds, CurranU Walnuts, Citron, Ground NuU. Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filbert, Figs, V.nilla bear,. Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Kir. Crackers, Port Win., Madeira Win., Claret Wine.' rllierry " Muscat B wee t Malaga " Philadelphia, July a, 1852 ly. "A Penny saved is a Penny Earned." MARPLE SIS LANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Potltville, Pa, BLANK Books bound and ruled in any and every style, in the moat durable and sub stantial manner, with or without printed Heads. Person in want of l.edgera, Docket", Day Bonks, Minute Booka, Journals, Letter Booka, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, tit., &e., or any kind of Blank Booka, would do welt lo give me a call as I pledge myself to give satisfac tion, Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to Binding all kinds of old Books, Bibles, Hymn .Books, tilcason's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Sbakspcarc's works, Life ol Christ, Law Books, &e., Ac. (iodey's I.ady Bonks, Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Joscphus's works, Any of the above or other books bound in full gilt, plainer fancy to suit the wishes of customers. 1 would again call the attention of my f.iendsand customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 18 years, and they ran depend on having their work done in the very best manner, and do the work myself; I use the best paper ct matorinl ; jileant give me a call my charges arc reasonable and fair, but there is no dilliculty about prices w licro work is done satis factorily. N. B. Persons having Boosthey want Bound can scud them by slajjc directed to me staling, the the style tbey wUh tlicm bound in: I will do them as low as tbey can be done any where, care fully pack them up and return them ; Also per sons can send orders for Blank Books by mail, which will he punctually attendad to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder. Pottsvillc, Nov. C, 1852 Cm. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &c. rtillK uicrilw n iiflVr lf Curs tut Merchant, Ticach--L KitB nnrt School Oommi .tups, nnr of the In-nt tin tried st'vkRnr Sl'lHlOL HOUkS and STATIONARY to le found in the City, which they ure nble to i-flcr at fit si price. COUNTRY iMKKCHANTS Will find oil the It-ndinp School Itookf, Wnliiifr nnd Wrnp ping Ptipt-m, Curtain Pnprrs, Hlnsting l'liprrB, und nllordi imry tStiitionury, Blank liooks, Pens, Ink. Ac, on the niiwt fuvtiruble tiMiiis. SCHOOL COMMITTEES, TkU'HKR AND OTI1KHS ri'llCltASlNG IS QUANTITIES for Schools, are iliviti-d to call and examine out slock. We have had c imidernhle experience iu supplying tchnol l)is. liicls, anil being Pul-liihers of n nuniiier of extensively lined S di'iol Hooks, air I'aeilities for getting such stock otc uttfltirpnNicd. Am incut our Pnhliealions will la found the following : Cinuly 'a Spelling Jt.iok, revised edition; Primer ; Young Orntor ; (uinmiTc's Surveying. Ihe stnudrcd Tieuttse on this Sci enee : HoniivciiMle,n Mensuration : Anderson's Davenport's History of the t'niteil States, used in the Pnlilie Schools of New York and Philadelphia ; Oimuneie's Progiesnive Spelling Hook: t'ouily's tirnnmicr ; litiu Dictionary ; The R mk of Couuncicv,&c-. e., c. 1'Kl Alt Ill'NT SON, 41 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, rchrunry 2tl, IrVUl, 3m. Dissolution of Partnership. TIMIE Copartnership heretofore existing under l the name of James II. & Win. B. Hart, is this day dissolved by the withdrawcl of William R. Hart. Tho business of the late firm will be settled by cither of the undersigned, at No. 229, North 3d street. JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM B. II ART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James H. & Thomas Hart Thank ful for past lavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES II. HART, THOMAS II ART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1653 Jrt, tl. NEW STORE. 11KNJ A 31 IN 11K1TNE1I J ESPECFKl'LLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he litis opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Rright, opposite Uolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'nllcocs, Gliigliaiii, LniTiiN, MoiiNNClinc Ic I. nines and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nml Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various stylos and patlPtns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, i-c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at -.lie lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange at tlie highest pn cs. Sunbury, .May I, 1852 ly. Tremendous ExciTEstrNT ! .' Cash, Steam, Electricity!! ZVie .dentil and nil other lines out done by the Ughl nl iiff l ine of lit A T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great failh in rapid sales and small profits, hns just received ano opened a large assortment of FALL AD WINTER C00DS. At his Store in Mar:;ct Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. lus stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, C alicoes, ilusttn de Lams, Lairns, Ginfihams, Berages. Sh.k Hats. A large assortment of lioots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grocer Ion, Sugar, Tea, CoflVe, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, t ish bait, 1'laster. HARDWARE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENS WARE, Tea Sttts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, t)c LIUUKS, Vinr. Brandy, Gin, Rom, Whiskey, 4c VV Country prod ueo of all kinds taken iu ex. change at the highest market prices. jail, to, iso j. iy. mLVElt WATCHES. A few double rase English Silver Watches, for sale at very low Pices by H. D. MASbER. Banbury, April 13. 1M 1 IANU BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on suiriof paper. Sunbury, rb. U, Ubi. fiMITH'8 ESSENCE OP JAMAICA RIV t5K' fresh supply just raceivtxl, ami for "J U. U. M Bwnbury, Jan. 10, UA3. C3-S500 CHALLENGE. WH ATF.VKR eosecrna the liintlh and hnipinma of s ixvipls a at all times of tlis most vnlunlile import ance, 1 tnke it for granted that every person will do all In their power, tn save the lives of ttieir children, and that every person will endeavor In prnmotetheir own health at all sacrifices. I feel it lo ia my duty to solemnly assure you that YvoniMS, according lo tho opinion of the most oelchrnled rhysicinns, are the primary eanaea of a lonre majority of diseases to which children and adults are lia ble :if yon have an appelite continually chnitgeuhle from one kind of food to another, Had llreath, Pain in the sto mach, Picking nt the Nose, llnrdneas and Fullness of the lielly, llry Cough. Plow Fever, Pulse Irregnlnr remember thai nil these denote WORM:, and yon shoald at once ap ply the remedy HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An nrticlf f iundctl iipnn fVipntificprfiipfpleii, compound ed with tmrpty vrgotnlile fnilmtniicru, beinj( ptvfccUy afe with decided lieneheinl eifeet, where Howel Complaints anil Diarrhira have made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Si rup are such, Hint it stands without an eqnnl in the ralnlngtie of medicines, in g ving tone nnd strength to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible remedy for those ntHictcd with Dyspepsia, Ilia atoni?tiitig cures performed hy this Synip after Physi cians have fniied, is the best evidence of' its superior effi cacy oVei all others. THE TAI'K W0RM1 Thin is the mott difficult Worm to destroy of all thul In font the humnn rrystrtn, it prow to nn shnoDi Indefinite Icinrtli iMxomiiie unpolled hud fnntriiid in the Intcattiin nml St'tmtich cfTt'etiiiff the henllli to midly n to ruum St. ViliiB DiincR. Kits. Ac., Ilittl Hume nlflirtrd cldoin if ever nuppt't it is Tnpo Worm humming them to an early (Trove. In order tn destroy this Worm, a very energetic trcntmrnt munt he pursued, it would therefore he proper to inke tT to 8 of my Liver Pills sous to remove nil obstruc tion, that the Worm Sympnuiy net direct upon 1 lie Womi, wnien must ne inKcu in iMee nt y I uiiirsptroniutis d times n dny Ihene directions followed hnve never been known to fail in curing the most ohstinute ciine of Tnpo Worm. JO-. HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pnrt of the system is more liable to disense than the lilVI'.R, it serving nn n lilterer to purity Ihe MinhI, or piv uift the proper see re lion to the hih: ; so that any wrnui ac tion of the Liver niccts the oilier importnnt parts of the system, nnd results vari 'tislv, in Liver CotnpLtiut. Jnun dire. Dyspepsia. JVe. Wc should, therefore, witi'h every svmpt i'm that mitrht indiente s wrmiff netion of ihn Liver, Thrse Pills being e mip-'seil of ROOTS PLANTS fur nislietl by nnture to heal the sick : Namely. 1st, An KX PKCTORANT, which numeiits the secretion fr.m ihe Pulin nnry tnueus tnembrnne, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd, An AlsTKU ATIVK, which clmnpti iu s tine inexplicnhle nnd insensible ui:imier the certain m -ibid netion of the system. 3rd, A TONIC which gives tone und strength to' the nervous system, re newing henlth and vigor to nit parts of the lwly. 4th, A CATHARTIC, whirh nets in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, nnd operating oiilhe lt iwels. and expel Hn the whleinnss ofprrrupt and vilinteil matter, nnd pu rifying the 1 J loud, wliich duclroys discuso and restores ncHiui.- TO FEMALES. Von will find these Pills nn invaluable medicine in ninny eomplaints to which you nre subject. In obstructions ei ther tnUil oi pro-tial, they have lceii found of incatimuble henefit, restoring their fiinetionnl irrnugements to n heal thy action, purifying the LI'KhI nnd other fluids so efTcetn nlly to put to lliirlit nil complaints which may nrise from female irregularities, ns hendache, giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side, back, Ac. OCT" Price, 25 cenls each. None genuine unless signed J. X. Ilobensack, oil others bcinir base liuiUUtou, IV" Agents wishiiur new snnoltes. nn.l Stors kViwr desirous of becoming Airents must nddress the Proprietor, I. N. Solit hv J. W. Fnlinir. Sniiliurv ? M:.rv M.-rnv Vor. ll 'trciiBIt a, l IIIIIlHI'lllMIH, i n, thuiulierlnnd ; Beiscl, Turlmtville: Milton ; Ditty ft linker, Oeirgetowu j Leisenrlng ft Wolverlon, Puxi nos; Wicat Hickory; nil dealers in Medicine in the County and Slate. Ailput II, IMS ly. JUST IIECEIVEJ) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. Y. STKOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, Urns and Jsipnnned 3Iounting, Which ho will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TruiikK. VnllreH, Carriage Whips, &C, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. done on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine fot hemsolves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 18f)2. tf. EYRE & LANDELL, 4lh and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales V Fine Stock of Dry Goods, Illack and Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Drcs Goods, British, French and India Goods, Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, M. U. Wholesale Olivers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low rRiitsftit set cash. February 1?, 1853. 3m. GREAT EXCITEMENT. AVTLTJAM A. KNOI115, RESPECTFULLY informs the public gener ally that he has just received and opened he best and cheapest stock of Tall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Hoods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinrtts, Vestinsrs, Dril lings, Linens, Mustms, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter (!uo,ls. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dress and Fancy goails. Calicces, Ginghams, De Laines, Shawls, and every variecy of Goods suitable for Ladies wear. Also, an eetensive assortm'iit of Silk, Jlcavcr, Fur If Slouch Hals A large and urll selected Assortment of lioots and Shoes of ei ery Acscrip ton and size. Also, a laree assortment of Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee n. . . ... ....... -' i eas, Molasses, bpices oj all kinds. Also a large assortment of Hardwaro and Quecnswarc, Fish, Suit and Liquors such as Gin lirandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides tho largest and most general assortment of all kind of Goods to be had in the county. All the aboe mentioned goods will le sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kindi taken in exchange at the highest-market prices. Also, r or sale a two horse spring wsgon and buggy. Augesta tw sp., October 99, 1852 6m. PROCLAMATION. "OTICE is hereby civen that a Special -I-' Court of Common Pleas, in and for Ihe County of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday Ihe 23d day of May next, mid. will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at Ihe lime appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 26lh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand ei"ht hundred and flfly-threti nnd the Independence of the United Slates of America the 77lh. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. Cod save Ihe Csmmonweullh. GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very surior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal ty 11. B. MASSEK. Banbury, Dec tT, 1851. TJLANK Parchment Paper I Wis and blank Mortgages, Uontls, Eifteuliona, Summona, cVc, for sals by H. B. MASSEH. Sunbury .April 38, 15! Cheap "Watches Jewelry, yiTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel w T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 9fl North SccomVStrect, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS en rat cases, ,00 Silver do. full jeweled, BI4 Gold Spectacles, 7.00 Fine Silver do, 1.5o Oold llracelets. 8.00 Silver Ijcpmc, jewels, 111 do do do. 0. Siipeiior (Junrlicrs, 7. Imitation do. 5. ! sities' Oold Pencils, 1.IKI Silver Ten snoons. set. Oold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37 cents to $90 Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, 18j Lunct, 85 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. 8TALKFEU & 1IARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852. ly. TAILOPJ1TG-. JOHN X. MARTIN, TEG8 leave to inform his friends and the pub lie in Bcnernl, that he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the most Fashionable Stijlcs, and in tho most durablo manner, and his prices will be as-reasonable as can bo had in Sunbury or elsewhere, iucash or approved country produce, lie will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cuttinn, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rcla- tine to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in tho Ignited Mates. An endeavor will be mado always to have work completed when reqiiined. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, Dearly opposite the Post Office, in the building formerly occupied by Jai ob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him to sec his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of bis business. Sunbury August 14, 1852. tf. Fresh and Sjicctl Oysters ! TTAVING settled tit Nortfuimherlainl, I am now prepared lo furnish Fresh ami spi ced Oysters ilnrinu the w hole season nt re duced prices. Yon can depend upon them beinr; fresh, ns 1 shall receive Ihem daily. (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, they nre only 16 hours out of Ihe shell. All persons nt n distance, who nre in waul of-Ihe nbove ntiicle, can have ihem sent per dozen or single can by addressing W. II. VICKERV, at Bun's Hotel. Norltuirnberliind. Oct. 16, 1S52. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J A 31 ES Ji. FIDLKIl, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " ' Quartier do Gold pens and pencil and silver haldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Untcelcts, Breast pins Eur rings Ac. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 1852 tf. Vmt Loan DngueiTonn . Gallery, 159 Chestnut Street, VT this celebrated establishment you can nln-nys pro cure liie newest uud most improved styles of DAOI I-KKEOTVPE ft TALIIOTYPU PtlllTltAITS nt from .10 to 100 iter et. less cost than such Iiictutes can be h-id for elsewhere. Now that yu can secure such perfect portraits of your loved ones utla mere nominal cost, don't delay lest you i. .. 1 1. livery vaitety of fancy case... frames. Ac, on hand or furnished to order, and every picture, made salistory and wairanted to he iu Ihe tiest style of the ait or xo cnAROU Cull and see us at Jo!) Chestnut st. L. H. I I RNEM, riiilaitdlphia. July 17, l2. Iy. Win. McCarty, Hookseller. TlESPECTKl'LLY informs his friends and the public, that he hns removed his Book Store, to Market street, to the house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on the north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For .Sale A large new spring waggon fit for 2, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 21, 1832. tf. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams fj Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. jlTOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import ers. Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. IV Manufactory 15 Margarctta Street. Aug. 28, 1852 ly. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! Jl'ST RECEIVED and for sale a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. WM. McCARTY, Bookseller. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1K52 tf. LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices st this ollice. by wh livi!e and retail A RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal cmelopcs, for sale bv H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan 10, 1852 IT'XTRACT OF COFFEE. An excelled articlo more wholesome and much cheaper man L ltselt. r or sale at tins ollice. April 17 1S.V' T.YTRACT CF GINGER A fresh supply jut received and for sale at this ollice. Price 25 cents. Sunbury, July 12, 1S.11. IJLANKS. LANKS of every description can lie had by applying at the ollice of the American. EE BILLS Justices and .Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on cars' paper foi sale at this ollice. fkADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi LP cine for sale by HENRY MASSE If. Sunbury, Jan. 27th. 1849 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at hail the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1843- wvrE.vr BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for JL bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 IRESH Vanilla Bean of superior quality, just received and for sale by Julv 31. 185V II. B. MASSER. WXmi.EY'S COCOI" Ci4NDY. n excel- Y lent remedy for"coughs, colds. For sale atjthis oll'ioe. . December 4, 1852. IOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger.25 cent WRITING FLUID and self sealing Enve loties, just received and fur sale by April 19, ISM H. B. MASSER. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by pril 2d. 1851 H. B. MAHbCK. lUSTICES FEE BILLS For sale by H. B MASSER. 13ANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CtTT or PHILADELPHIA. MASSACAtlSETTS. All solvent hanks 1 dis V. H. Hunk notes 13 (lis ItllODK ISLAND. All solvent banks pal COUNTRY. All solvent hnnks I dis CONNECTICUT. Dnnk of Chamlierahurg 1 tlis Hank of Chester Co. mr All Solvent hnnks 1 dis NEW YORK. city. Bank of Del. Co. Chester nnr Hank of (jcrmnntown irAII solvent Uiukl Bank of (Icttyalnira; 1 dis I7'llk notes und 1 (lis under 1 1 dis. Hunt ol lwistown Kank of Middletown 1 .lis Montgomery Co Uank par1 Hank of Northumlieri'ltd pat Hank of Pittahurg 1 dis CotlSTSY. All solvents hnnks ldis NEW JEHSF.Y. nelvidere llnnk ! dn Commereiul llnnk 1 dis Hank or Uaitville par Far. Hank Mont Holly par Carlisle liauk 1 dis F. M., Middletown PI. pa' Columbia H'k ft B'ge Co r:Meehniiies' Uk, Newark par Doyelstowa Dunk imriMeeh. Ilk of Hnrliiieton par Enston llnnk pnr'Mech. A Man. Ilk Trent ir Erie Hank S dis! Morris Co Hank J dia Exchange ll'k Pittsburg I dis Newark I Ik g t Ins. Co I dis Exchange ll'k, Branch I dis'ttrnnpe Hank 1 (lis Fnrmers' Il k, Bucks Co par1 People's Ilk Patterson J dis Farmers' Ilk, linenster paril'rineeton Hank mr eormers' UK, Urn, lour pnriSalem Hinikmg co, Farm. Ilk Sehuvlkill Co parlSemerret Co Hank F ft D. Ilk Wn'vnesli'g IJdislStnte Bank nt Ciiludeil Fmtiklin Ilk.'n l,n Smtr Ilk Elisuibethtou llurrishurg Bank 1 dis'Stntc Bank Newark par (lis par I dis 1 dis Honrnlale llnnk 1 dis. Stale Ilk, N. Brunswick pnr Irflneaster Bunk par.Suwx linuk, Newton dis (.eiKinon iauK par Mcreh. ft Man. Baiik 1 disl Mineis' ll'k, Pottsville per Monongahela Hank 1 din Taylorsv'e DelB'eCo 15 dis Preuton Itnukipg Co par t'nion Bunk. Dover dis Ynnllevv'leftDelDrColSdis I f 'Uk nolcs under f3 dis lll'.I.A W AliLt. Vest Branch Bank par Bank of Delaware par Wyoming l)k, Wilkcsb'e par York Bank, 1 dis lyllclief notes 1 dis MAINE. Hank of Smyrna pnr Delaware Cily Bunk par Ilk Wiline'nA Hranilrw. pat Farmers' Itk SI Delaware par Bank of Whetlock Sd I'n ion Hank. AVilmington pnr ify Under S-Vi j dis Mercantile Ilk. Bangor 1(1 di All solvent hnnks f dis CIIIO. NEW HAMPSHIRE. All solvent Umka S dis I All solvent luniks 1 dis '.It? Ilk iio.-b under 5' 4 ilia ; VERMONT. NO l l'll CAROLINA. nank of St Allmns 8 di All s .Ivenl Inuks 2 (lis All s ilvent banks j dis.tVt inter 3 s, Sj dis "AID AND COMFORT," o Your Own .Hetiiaiiics. G EOrvG V) lilvNN. MANCFACTt RKR OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPIIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of UAKIXIsT-WAIli;.- which cannot fail to retommend itself toeverv one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Soliis, IHvntis nml I.otinp-os, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND 1)1XI.C TABLES, and alo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal tb Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CTPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufui turcs all kinds and qualities of CHAINS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as MtnonAXT, Black Walmt ami CinLKii Maplk Giuh ian ; ami WlMISOH CHAIRS, ami rAxcr Piano Stools, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as llicy can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken ill payment for work. I"5- UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hntnsi:, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance front this place. W The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. SO WE It 11A11NES, Publishers ami ook?ellers, No. 84 North Third Street, FIIU.AD'oLPHIA. MISCELLA N EO US BOOKS. Hibles, Prayers, Hymns, Poeticnl and HistorieanVorkr, Travels, Novels, Ac., Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS I. very kind in nw frum n primer upwardt. BLANK BOOKS. Ail elegant ntrirtinetit from the fy bonk upwiixdi, matlc of inner ior paper, and best of luu.ling. WRITING PAPERS. Cup, 1'iiit, mid Note Tapers, elegant styles and quality, find very cheap. .STATIONERY. Fmtcy, Thin nml A .Hit-Hive Kuvelopt'S, Ink, Sund, Wa fers, Slcel Tuns, M;Ucu, lVin-iln, P.rie-M'.nnirn, Wrap ping Tapers of all kind., Curium Tuprrs, Ac, Ac Our stock is all fresh, uouebt chrap nnd Tarticular uttniiion ihiuI li IWkrM-llrri, Ooimtry AU'r clmntsund 'Ttiiu-herv, however little they may buy. S.ivver A Ilium's are Tublinhers of TELTOX'S sciies of MAtJMFICE.VT OUTLINE MAPS Each map is m-urly tKVHX FEET tScL'AKK, and fthows the c 'inparutive sizt- nnd rrlntivt iwtiiiu ol every country mi the (jli !.. Tin y ure iiitt-inltd to lie suspenilt d in every IS-ho l Hotin, uud it t only iiiul.e a pleiulul D ptsiraiice, luit urn uni fr&illv nrkinvUtlt:t-d lo le the BEST MOIjE VV TEAilllMi CEOIiltATIIY ever br nu'lit out. Tiey are kes inlt-ndttl t' le used by Ihe sh lurs. eontaiuini; a r impute epib'ine n' tietraphy. and les tlutn lulf the pi ice nl a tieouruphy und Atlas. Tbe iv f teni is in uiiivt'fn:il use in TniN.sin nnd (jenuany. uud has nireatly been iutniliirfd in (mini 'n liege, I I i tit -ilt-Iplim, the public sw'ln si ls nf Itost-tn, cvv 'nrk, 1'hila ib lphia, lta!iim re, ariliiujrtt it, and tlirouphmit New England, New "k, e.t A. Our dnka ure laded with rcc4iiiint-ndatiuis lVm I in tift talented and Si'ien riiitr teaehers in every quarter, and wherever Ihe syMtem hi been used pineal a, teachers und Si'luilars unite in prun ing it. I. Mip of the Western Hemisphere. 2. Alapof the Eastern IKuintphrru. 3. Map of North Ainerien. 4. Mnpot'tlie l uitt'd States. ft. Map of Europe. 0. Map of Asia. 7. Map nf Smith America Hiid A Trim. Every inup is brilliantly colored, varnished, and innunt ed on muslin and rollers. We respect i ully invite Ihe earnest attention of Teaehers, Tu rents, nml School lirectors to this iHwnmtitii; mode of tearhing Geogniphy. SOWEU & HAKNES, ?l Nitrlli Thud Street, Thiludelphia, Aug. 2?, 153. tf. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs,' AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in NorthumUrland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call snd examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15. 1852 ly. The Johnston Ink MANTJFACTOBY KEVIVED lOlfc tf Lombard St., PHILADELPHIA. rWMlE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in -I- form Pkistkbs generally, that he has sue ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Punt' tug Ink formerly carried on by his grand Fftther, and Father, and olVets his article to the trade, without any Pi ris, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactcr it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who mav favor him with a call. Tisns Cisu. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1863. tf. v H.SF. OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this I M, excellent article for Tetter, & c, just received and for sale by Sunbury, July ' HENRY MASSER, 18, 1819 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS. At tho Cabinet M are Itoom of SEirN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends anj customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During this period lis has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his buti. ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CAI1INHT WARE ANT) CHAIRS, Manufactured bt SEEASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany,- Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Larire Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and rnsliionnltlc Furniture. Having secured a Hearsa-and made the neces sary arrangements for tho nurnoae. their .r. rrpi'fp for Undertaking in all its branches, in or ui any convenient distance. Ye maids nnd mistresses, and huslumdi too, Here's furnitnre of every style and hue, From side boards down to kitchen tables, From rockinir chnirs to locking cradlea Should yon not have the icndy Jonx lo pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter lietter Jar, Or take potatoes, oats, com, wheat and rya ; Bnrk, hoop poles, slaves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing nails, Florn pigs and turkiea down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep tmde a moving, so "eoea on the ball." tP' Orders from n ill . . . ' ,..ul.t..ii, MiicoucH to and work of all kinds leli.l ,;.!. .i; .-i. , " ...... UI1IIULI.U, Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf STAGE OFFICE. AVASII I N (STON II OUSE, SUNBURY, PA. . JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, ytrOULD respectfully announce that he has taken this well known stand, where ha win be grattlipd to see nnd entertain his lriends nnd the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, cemforta hie, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense hits been spared in fitting up this house. The chambers arc well furnished and tnc lame nml provided with the best tlis market can afford. The stable accommodations arc extensive snd well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The steles running from Northumberland to Pottsville, stop at this house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can lie obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 1 852. tf. ERB & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Street, 1 PHILADELPHIA. TTAVE established a Store where tlis best - trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, DrcsB Silks and Mhawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Milts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings, Muslins aiiiHl. incus by the piece, Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Black Silks for Dresses, Full Slock of Mourning (iuods. E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains from Ihe New York and PI ihidelphiu. Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett Cash. Edward E. Evre, Washinotox I. Lasdell, I hih delphia, July 3, 1S52. ly. ZCJr.SELF 25 C l-XTS. 1V MEANS OF THE POCKET. SC CLA IM UN, or Every one his own Physician! Thibti sixtii edition, with up wards of a hundred engra tings, showing private dis ease in every shape and form, and malformations of the generative system, II. v Or M ill. Yutinyr. The time has now arri 'ItJS.'l v . - :r-- ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more become tlie victim or tti icKXBT, as by the prescriptions contained in this boek, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of privtuu disesse, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not bej proper to enumerate in the public prints. t e Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed ill a letter will receive ons copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. V. YOUNG, No. 13 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. Dr. YOUNG can lie consulted on any of the Dieases described in his different publica tions, at his Office, 133 Spruoe Street, every dsy between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June S, 1853 ly. THE GIIKIT 1'KIZU MUULAR. ItlVLJf! HICKEY & TULL, No. 148 Chestnui St., above Sixth, Froid oj JONES' HOTEL. HAVE just received their Prise Medal, awarded lo them for their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 b-'ing the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, tc. To be found in this City, and at very low prices Call and see. H ICKEY & TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1853. tf. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRY W. BUCHEU inform tie public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and aa he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient crafts he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. April 10, 1852 tf. Vuluiible llooki, I" IFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Av- rigxk's Histort or THE RiroaM ATIOSI, Blask Dat-books tin Lxuoxits, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices try U. fi. MASSER Sunbury, July 14, 1819 STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, AN monds, P unes and Cream Nuts Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W, FRILINO. Sunhurr. De. 89. 1849. " ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, Ac. ,or sals at the office cf tSe American. MARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 handsomely executed for salt at this office, single a by live doien. ECCTCxL FOES Snubury, 1861 !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers