U'ilULJU!. "HK SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SH AMOKIN. JOURNAL. ...J. mi.Ji i ' ARRIVAL OF THE .PACIFIC. LATEI FROM EUROPE. The steamship Pacific reached her berth ' taboul 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, in h run of eleven clayt and five hours from Liv- erpool, wiYch port she loft at 10 o'clock ot the morning of the 9th. ENGLAND. The Great Britain steamship arrived in th Mersey on the afternoon of tho 2d, from Australia, with jfS50,000 in gold dust, on freight, besides large sums in tho hands of passengers. The steamer Vulcan and ship New Or ' leans, fiem Australia, have also arrived with X J 40,000 in gold dust. The shock of an earthquako was felt at Portsmouth, on the 1st, which was also noli- ced along the west coast of France. FRANCE. The difficulties of Switzerland and Peiil mont, with Austria and Russia still threaten to cause trouble, and the part taken by France in the question is now attributed to the refusal of the Pope to visit Pari, fur it is now said he has given a pnsslive refusal. A large fire has occurred at Bercey, de stroying all the storehouses and 15,000 casks of wine. GERMANY. The conspiracy recently detected was widely developed, and extensive stores ol arms arid ammunition had been provided Ii was to have broken out between the 3d and 6 h of A pi i I. lis ramifications extended throughout German). Arrests have been made in Rojlock, in Mi ohleuburp, nud uin muniti'Ji; seized. Evidence connecting pel to is with the conspiracy has also been found at Heidelburgj Konigtburg and Bieiiirn. . AUSTRIA. The Collngnc Gazette says th .1 Laid Westmorland had presented a nolo to the Austrian gove'nment declaring that England would keen an eve on llm proceedings v: Kossuth, Mazzini, und other refugees, to pre vent them from engaging in any more plots, a -id that if they come within reach of the law, they shall bo immediately prosecuted The Loudon police are-said to have a list of nil the refugees in that city. SWITZERLAND. The right of Prussia over Neufchalel is again under discussion, causing much iiritu tion to the Swiss. The Canton of Ticino was (ltiiet. The troops quartered at Locarmo have been or dered away. Numerous desertions had taken place from the Austrian troop, along the frontiers. Theie is talk in Milan of a speedy substi tution of civil for military power throughout Lombard)'. The London advertiser says that Mazzini was expected in England within a for'uight. NAPLES. Three hundred persons have been arrested for being concerned in the attempted insur rection at Piil me io, and five were executed. Several Swiss soldiers have been found assassinated in the streets, with poignards sticking in their breasts, In hieh a piece of paper was attached, containing the words, 'Vengeance of Mazzini." The Governor of Sicily immediately had several' persons ar restod and shot, and at the same lime issued a proclamation, threatening to raze the cities of Italy to the ground. The alarm had spread throughout Naples, and all the Sicilian residents had been order ed to leave. RUSSIA. Great activity prevails in the army, and many soldiers who were on furlough had been ordered to join their regiments The Russian fleet in the black Sea had been placed under the orders of Constanline. TURKEY. Negotiations continue between the Divan md Prince Meiischikoff. The Russian couit us addressed a note to Vienna, disavowing my intention to disturb the iiilt'giily of the Ottoman Empire. ESTRt'CTIVE FIRE IN THE BROOKLYN NAVY YARD. Ntw Yons, April 16 A most destructive firo commenced this morning, at 6 o'clock, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, anil lias-been sling the whole day. . It originated, it is supposed, from spouta teout combustion in the paint loft over Ihe umbethouse. This building was 300 fuel n length, and was filled tvith timber, the vhole of which was entirely consumed. I mono the stock of lumber consumed were he frames of a seventy-four, a fiigate, a loop-of-war of Southern pine, which hail .uen stored for twelve years, and the frames f ,three other vessels, besides a large amount f other timber. During the fire, two bombshells exploited n the gunner's room ; but, luckily fiopeison vat injured. A large amount in paints and varnishes rere also destroyed. The estimate of Ihe loss is set down at milding, 820,000; timber, $60,000; paints .nd varnishes, 920,000, and the contents of h gunner's loft, 5,000. New Ea m Tyre Skttino. Tha recent (rike by the printers induced the proprietor f the Day Book to advertise for female com osilora. Hia call waa answered by about ne. hundred girls, who were all anxious to e initialed into the mysteries of setting vpe. Out of this number, he selected six, nd put them at the case, and the editot in urns us that in two days they have made teh proficiency that they will, in a "short me, earn from eight Io twelve dollars a eek. Female compositors, although new t New York, we believe have long existed I Boston and other cities, and this move tent on the part of oar neighbors of the Day ook, may lead to tha successful introduc ed of new era in type aetting in Ibi city N. Y. Dem. and Star. Pit, WrissLHaTT, lbs founder and diree r of the widely known Water Cure estab ibment at Brattleboro', Vt., is dead. The lUblishmcnt will bo continued by his wi. JW. Th Susquehanna Bridge Bill tinaily Passed. Baltimore, April 14 Tho bill uranling to the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company the right io build a bridge across the Susquehanna river at Havio de Grace, was passed by the Maryland Senate to day, by a vote of 13 yeas to 3 nays. It is now finally passed, and does not need the Governors signature to become a law. Skntk.ncs or Dkath. Wilkeslarre, Pa, April 14 Reese Evans, convicted of the murder of Lewis Reese, was to-day sentenced to be executed. New Advertisements. APPEALS. rTMIE time and place for holding appeals by tho Commissioners in tho scleral townships and boroughs in tho County of Northumberland for the year 1853, to wit : May S, at the House of F. Fryer, Low. Mahanoy, May 3, fclias Hlingor, Jordan. " Geo. Smith, Jacksou. Peter Bcisnl, Up. Mahanoy. " Peter Weikcl, Cameron. " Wid. Raker, Lit. Mahanoy. " Henry Weaver, Zcrbo. " Jacob Mowry, Coal. " C. Leiscnring, Shamokin. School House, in Rush. " Elius Emcrich, L. Augusta. Commissioners oflice Sunbury and Upper A tigusla. House of II. Haas for Aorth'd and Point. " B. Fordsman, Cliilisqusquc. " Mrs. Strieker, Milton. " Ab'in. Kissinger, Turbut. " Isaac Render, Lewis. " H. J. Header, Delaware. May 4, Moy 5, May 0, May y, May 0, May 10. May 1 1, May 12, May lit, .May I t May 10 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 30 Mav 21 Com'ssts. Office, . ) Sunbiirv, April 10, IS53. ( CHRIST. ALBERT, -'HR 1ST. ALBERT, ) HAS. WEAVER, V IOS. NICELY. ) C JO I'KfctTY & ISIHIIKTI'S Agricultural Wiirtlionsc and Seed Ster?. No. 194 i H.'arkcl Street, IhiladelpHa. T2ROUTY & MEARS' Patent Self-Sharpen-- ing Ploughs of all sizes, right and left hand ed Subsoil, Side Hill and Double-Mould, etc., with Steel Extending Points, Bar-Share, Beach, and other kinds of Castings fur repuiriug. The Emperor of Russia awarded lor the above Ploughs, a massive Gold Medal, valued $300. AUo the Gii'EAT MEDAL at the World's Fair was awarded P. & M. Plough, No. 40. Culti vators with Double-Point Polished Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Doublo Wear of the Common Teeth. Also, cultivutors of all kinds with Steel Teeth. Spain's Atmospheric Corn Planters, Churns, Turnip Drills, $1 to SO, Com Shellcrs, improved Oram's Pulcut Pan kinds, Mills, Hay and Straw Cutters, Garden Engines, Haiid Com Mills, Wheat Drills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Horse Powers and Gcdd's Improved Har- Thrashers, rows, Mowing and Reaping Square ond A Harrows, Machines, Horse Rakes, Chain Pumps, Grindstones, ready hung, Cuttle Ties, Dirt Scrapers, Bull Kings. Agricultural Furnaces, Patent Iron Snaths, Ox Yokes and Bows, Grubbing Hoes, Forks lor unloading hay, Transplanting Trowels, Man Hay Kukes, Hay & Manure Forks, Bow Bins, Shovels and Spades, Apple Purer, Garden & Field Hoes, Ox Muzzles, Garden Rakes in variety Mole Trapi, Children's Tools, Pruning Hooks & CUis- Darling Scythes, sels, fnalhs, with Patent Saws and Scissors, Fastenings, Iron Well Curbs, und Potatoe Hooks, Zinc tubing for Chain Pumps, Also, Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion.) Garden and Grass reeds, for sale ut the lowest price, at Wholesale and Retail. Phila. April 16, 1853. Sin. A CARD. El' AYIXG embarked in the Mercantile busi ness on my own account, I take this op portunity to thank the friends ol the lute firm, and the public in general for the liber n 1 patronage extended to me heretofore, and would be most huppy to sec them at my new business stand, in the house formerly occupied by John Leiseuring, opposite the Dank. MARKS B. TRIESTLEY. Koithutnherland, Murchttti, 1853. 3m SELEGTSCHOOL. rPHE undersigned informs tlic citizens of Sun bury and vicinity, that he has opened a So lect School in this place, for tho instruction of both sexes, in the various branches ol learning, viz: LnulisU Grannner, Geography, Arithtnatic, Astronomy, Philosophy, &c. Also the Latin and Greek languages. His J crins are : For Common English branches !3. " Higher " " $4. " Languages, Latin and Greek $5. Exercises in Composition and Declamation every week. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ. Sunhury, April 16, 1853. 3t. All Apprentice Wanted. FI1HE Subscriber wants an Apprentice to learn L the baddlery and Harness business. An industrious boy between 10 and 18 years of age. will find a good situation by snplyiug soon to " A. J. STROH. Buuhury, April 10, 1853. tf. NOTICS 8 hereby given that Ihe subscriber purchased ut Constable sale, on (he 2d day of April lboJ, Ilie loltowing articles, sold us tiie pro perty of Jscob Fox, by Martin E. Buchcr, Con stable of the Borough of Suubury, and that he has loaned the same to the said Jacob Fox, with the priviledge of selling the same or until he sees fit to remove them, viz : 1 Gray Horse, 2 acres Wheat in the ground, 12 acres Rye in the ground, 2 Plows, 1 Harrow, 1 HcilTcr and 1 Shoot. WILLIAM HOOVER. Sunbury, April 9, 1853. 3U List of Jurors, OF Northumberland Count), for May T., 1RS3. Sneeinl Court 1853. I TRAVERSE JURORS. Sunbury John Lyons, Thomas Robins, Beui. F. Diehl, P. B Masser. Milton John Deivel, William Heinen, Timothy Miller, Abram. Straub. Delaware David Aungst, Amos S. An derson. Turbut Joseph Deshler, Robeit Mack. Chilisquaqui Peter Voras, John Freder ick, John Beckley, sen., Andrew Killer. Poimt Henry Morgan, Adam Vandlin". Rush James Eckman, Jesse Weaver, Jos. Kenady. Shamokin David Kelly, Jamea Yocum. Upper Augusta Henry Burns, Isaac Fisher. Lower Augusta Wallet Speece, Dennis Wolverton, Jacob bhipman, fcolomon sut ler. Upper Mahonot Jacob Strasser, sen. Little Mauonoy Israel Dunkelbereer Coal Alexander Caldwell, Joseph Sny der. Jordan Samuel Wiest. Cameron Benj. F. Klock Mann's Establishment 25 SonfA Sixth Slrett, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of I'ntent Letter Copying Iretaci, Patent METALLIC DAMPENER9, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, Ac. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping In a book-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, &c Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. Notice to Contractors SEALED PR0P0AL8 will be received at the Engineers' ollice in Lewisburg until the S7th day of April next for tho Grading and Ma sonry of that part of the Susquehanna Railroad which will be between the borough of Suubury and I.ewiatiurg, a distance of about ten miles. Profiles of the lino and specifications of the man ner of extending the work will be exhibited at the said office for three days prior to that date. Tho linn will bo divided into Sections of about a mile in length, and proposals may bo made for each mile sepcrately or for tlio whole work. Proposals may state what proportion of the amount of payments, if any, will bo taken in stock of the company at par. A. B. WARFORD, Engineer. Engineers' Office, ) Hnrrisburg, April 9, 1853 tl. ) NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United Stolen, Alexander L. Ilickey Co., THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR PlilZF. MKDAL TRU N K.-M A N U FA CTO U V, iVo. 143 Chcsnul Street, Fmnt of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. .4 RE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant and Travellers one of the largest and iiion' improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever ollered for sale in this city, together with a gen eral nsso. tint nt of every kind of Trunk which cun posfil.ly be imagine. I, ranging in price iroin two tl thirty dollar. AUo, a splendid assort ment of Lames' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Gigs, oVc, eVc, all of which wc arc prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extenspe assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. H1CKEY & CO., No. 148 Chcsnut Street. Phila., April 9, 1803. 6m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad-J- ' ministration on the estate ot Isaac Minnier, sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Northum berland county, dee'il, have been granted by the Kegistcr of said county to tho undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to suid estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them to WM. V. SILVERWOOD, Adm'tor. Lower Augusta twsp., April 6, 1853 6t THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST 4XD THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, SLAYLCSKS Model Spriag Stylo Hat3, N EQUALLED bv nny others in all that can render SRtisf'nction to tho S'esrer. tiive them atrial. The Vcrv Finest Mulcski si ! H its for 3,50 ; fc'econd Qmility, very fine, 3.00 Third Quality, a capital article, 'i50. All these , are warranted. Model Hut Store, Nj. 46 North 6th Street Phil.idelphiu, l'htlit., April J, 1633. Gin. Cist of fellers ItE.MAIM-VO IN Tllli FUST Ol l llli AT feBJMJl ill', March 31, 1S53. A Samuel Adams B Robert Blaiiinore Geo W. Brewer C. Bo wit 2 John S. Biiht John M Blackrey Jacob Bailer c Mrs. Mary Campbell Joseph M Cook Henry J. Colt Geo Conrad Sam B Conrad D Sophia Donovan F Jacob Feoely Arthur Little Joseph Li be M Geo Miller John Mutts Mrs II Millay Mary Maulz Geo Pecer Jacob l'ickard E James L Randolph Henry Renn Dr John Uukor Peter Rhodes John RaUer S Josiah Slinfler Simon Snyder B D Sanders Charles San is T Teri Thompson Wm Teals C M Taylor Henry Troxel V Miss Mary Ann Van zant W Adam Wolloang Chatles Wilour John Wutidt Annanias Wynn Jacob rox 0 Win Gass Jacob Guiisar H Elias Hull Uanc Hull' Dau'l Hileman J Wm. Johnson Jacob Juniipy t A. Daniel Koi'k Isaac Keiser K.lias Kesslur John Keiifohen Miss Kate Williamson L John Lnfler Lewis Leonard Geo Wayn z Weiser W Zieglur It. B. PACKER, P. JI. List of Letters rtK.M.UMMJ IX TIIE POST OFFICE at Northumberland, March 31, 1853. B Brouso Stmuul Barrett John R Butler Samuel Bucklew Peter Burgurtt Joseph B Bower Ira c Case N P Kritier Miss Ann E Knoiis Solomon L I.oubridge Abraham Lenehan John Letenner Rubeit Lynns Misa Jane Lyman James Jtt Chief Engineer of Sun-Mitchell Barney bury and Harrisbury KMurry Jacob Road Mivicher Charles Criswell Hon Jas N F Nee Bridget Freese Geo W 0 Fitdier Adam ONaile Marks or Jas Fisher Miss ElizabelhOReiley John q r Garnett Andrew Perner Frederick Gallancher Bernard Price Thomas Gift Mary Pearson John h a. Harlev Jamea Russell Jamea & J no Harris Wyatt Smith Higby Wm S Hays Mary . Swarts John G Hamor Even Sen Smith O W Ilerty Isaao Seigel Alexander Harney Isaao Sharron John Hac?ey Miss IsabellaSafeton Samuel V V Keefer Marparett Vardgang Mra Mary Kunkleman tranklinS W Keslet Messrs E C Winchester J J Co 2 Y Kirkbridga E Young Messrs Thomas & bons MARGARET WEIMER, V. M 8 W AIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CURE OF Incipient consumption, Scorfula, General Debility, While Swelling, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Liver an I Skin, and ell Diseases arising from Jmpuititt of the Blood, and the Effects of Mercury. SW AIM'S PANACEA lis lusts for more thnn thirty years celebrated in this o-ntiitry and in Enrnpf 'for MS exlraortluuirv cures for tlic certificates of wliica reference is mmlc to tho directions and books (which limy be had gratis) neeomionyliifr. Ilia Paiiacai. Sonre of which Riva the particulais of cases too friaatltil fiir jriicralpiililiciilioii, where the patients had been alinoal eaten up with Scrofula, and were deemed incurable hy Physicians. Ill has been used in hospitals and private practice, sihI ha had the siiurular iVirtnne of beina; reeomineiit by the moat celebrated phyaiciuna and other etniurnt perais. Ainona; ntliera ny W. Gilaon, M. D., Trnf. of Smsery. Valentine M At, M. !., l'rof. of ti Pa. t'nlveraity. urf ,..!. I invar- SUV. W. P. Dewees, M. D., Prof, of Mntu P. t.'iilveniiy. N. Chapman, M. 1 , Ttot. of Physic, Pa I niversity. T. Parke, M. 1., Prei't Collrfco of Physicians, Phila. Dr. Del Vallo, Prof, of Medicine, Hnvana. Jce Uouionce de l.uz, Prof, of tunr ry, Lisbon. J. Chipmnn. Member Roynl Collrje Surgeiiis, London. O. W. Krvinir, late Minister to Cpjin. Bir Tliomus Pears-in, Ma). Gen. llriliali Army. Gilbert Kuberlson, British Consul, It., 4c. And nisi, the wonderful cures effected by 8vaiin-s Pan acea have for mnny years ninde it an iuvutunble reinedy. The Punaecn d.H-s not contain mercury in nuy foim, and being an innocent preparation, it may be given to the 111' ist tender infant. The retail price has been reduced to SI 50 per bottle, (coiituiuilur tlure half pints) or itirer bottles f..r 81. HKWAKB OF IMPOSITION. Swaim's Pauncua is in round b illies, fluted 1 ipgitudi nally, with tlic following It tiers 1)1 wn rn the qlass : "SVAIM'. PANACEA PIIII.ADA.' ' and tciviu; the mime of Jas Hwaim slnmpeil on the seat tuff wax, and written on the label civering the c irk, nnd a splendid eugrnvins for the side of the tsitlle. c imp -acd of tteanelrie lathe work, c nnprisir.e nine difteifiit dies, wliich liave ticcn furm-d for the exclasi.-c use of ilie pro prirtor, bv Draper & Co , bank note enj:rnvors, of Puilu dclphia. In the centre is u portrait of the luty Wm. eiwaiin C'ipyriulit secured. ALSO, SWAIM'S VIIRMirfCK. A valualite Family Medicine, htiiiji n hijblv approved remedy I'm all diseases ;miiiig froin d-Jiilily of the diges tive orirmts, such as Worms. Ch ilera MirMts, Dysfiitery Kever imd Affile. Itleeiling Plies, Siek llendacho, Vc., An. See the Pamphlet (which may tic had grutis) ucc;'inpsuy lug tlio Vermifuee. Prepared onlv nt SW'AI.M'S LAliOH ATORV, TIIU OLD STAND,' Sevenih slrecl, below Chestnut, Philadel phia, and a .i!d by ult tlic respectable Druggists in ttie Tin ted States. caktiox to Tin: pi;ni.to. Persons wisbinff nbtain the riuiine SWAIM'S PAN A CIC A and SWAIM'S VHHMil-'UGH, sliould bv eareful to obscive thafthe name SWAIM ii spelled correctly on the botlb a and labels, or they may be imposed on ly mcdieiurs intide in imitutiou of them by a peisnn beuring a somewhat similar itame, writ eulvulated to ueccive. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE U. S. SchieiTt-lin, Brothers & Co., 104 and inn John .St., firw York. Philadelphia, Aplil 0, lTi3 Sill Estate of THOMAS VASTINE, dee'd. THE subscriber, Administrator of tho estate of Thomas Vastinc, dee'd., hereby informs, for the last time, all persons indebted to, or having claims against said estate, to call immediately for settlement, as he is desirous of making a fi nal settlement, and is determined to close all ac counts before August Court. AMOS VASTINE, Adm'tor. ShsmoMn, April 9, 1853. 3t. Stop the Horse Thief! 83 0 KEWAltl)! 4 HORSE was Stolen from the stable of the -subscriber, residing in Venn township, licrks county, on Tuesday ni jltt the 5lh inst. The horse is a dark Chcsnut, about 13 hands high, with long rnanc?his front feet newly shod, and branded on tho left hoof with an X., on the left side of bis breast is the mark of the collar, one of the hind lea is a little cracked. Thcro was also a saddle and bridic stolen at tho same time. $20, will be paid for the recovery ol snid horse, and .$10 lor the apprehension of the thief. liC..i;Ul.l.E. IU-L.L.IV. April 9, 1S53. 3t. WILLIAM PERKINS' Ge nil tin ens I'd s ' to nabh CLOTHING- HOUSE, A'o. 231 Chcsnul. Third door Mow Eighth st rhilatelpiria. HAS on hand a full stock of French and Euslish Piece Goods, which will bo made to order at the Shortest .Notice, in the Lalct Style, FOR CASH. Phila., April B, 1833. om. Hobby Horses, Children'- Propellori, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail hy BTJSS1TET-L & T'JLL, So. 61 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders through the mail promptly executed Phila., April 0, 1853 ly. (.as Fixtures Sj Liimjis. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, Ao. 221 North 2nd st. above Vine, rillLADELI'llf A. SAVING had many years practical mceiii r.M r. in the butiiucss and as all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate super vision we are enabled to oiler to purchasers superi or articles in every, branch of our trade upon the most favorable terms. At our store may belouml in every variety and style of finish Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Sido Brackets for Hulls, Churches, &e., Inn Improved Pine Oil Lamp. Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Seriandulcs, Boquer holders, Parlor, Right and Heading Lamps on hand. Lump Ulasses, Olobcs, V lck Khailes, &c. All mail warrautfd or no sate. Factory No. 66 Noble street near 4th. Remember Store 221st 2nd street, lieit door to Stewart Dcpuy s Carpet store. Phila., April U, 1R53. 3m. Borough Ordinance. 1. Bo it ordained. Ac. That from and after the publication of this ordinance, no dog or hitch shall be suffered to run at large in any of the streets, lanesor alleys of the borough of Sunbury, unless ha or she shall be securely muzxlcd by a safe and substantial wire muzzle, sufficient to nrevent him or her from biting any person or an imal, under a psnalty of TEN DOLLARS, to be sued for and recovered from ttie owner oi ins doc. as debts of like amount are now by law re coveruble: one half to the person who sues for the same and the other to the use of the liorougli, 2. Anv dog or bitch found running- at large us any of the street, lunes or alleys of said borough, unless muzz.ed as above required, snail be killed ; md the Chief Burgess is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the sum of FIFTY CENTS in favor of any person who shall make satisfactory proof that he has killed any dog or bitch so running at large unmuzzled. V. w. Biii.-yjJiL.ij, Assist, uurgess. P. M. SHINDEL, Clk, Sunbury, April S, 1853. EDUCATION. MR. 11 USE A W. AT WELL tenders Ids acknowledgements to Parents, for the Haltering encouragement bestowed on him, and would herewith announce that be will commence j another term ot bis school, about the middle of April, uext. He respectfully solicits a comma sncs of their patronage. suubury, March i0, 1853. 3t. i 2,000 Giftgfor the People. Extraordinary Inducements X'O witnrna the movlu of tha run-tama of llis oci2an voyagl B to of JhW, '''"r'""J' eilir',,!!J"iJu .'T'' le"ve'o propose distributing to the S2i I .Md'hl1' "Itimore, New York, and th. J' milng placet .a number or VALOAULK AND COHTLY GIFTl, .,.. inclndinc tho N-wdra.iSSANORAMA K KaS'S,s, wiihin etVKtSsW PJ.ouoTICKLTS - ch purchasiT '"' i " 'I f"", thus niviu. to ins i I n a.V?m . V oTU or Hts Monkt, besides nn,,rd , " "IMKTtanuy to obtain one of the following arti. iw:;m"' : Gnki Wiuch, if 3 Gold Wutehcs, AO t.old Pens at 8S each. K QoU Pencil,, tw 'K.hi ) 1,334 Sleel Idinriivii.ei. nt as VlO.dOO ow IISJ 150 Ml 5.1 1.1-00 a.J l,on:.',rV ,'r l"l,,,!ie evcr- '( will be d. ne fairly JctJ e ?. f'.' "W"S named gentlemen have lou " " '"iiioiee, viz: V iSH VeMTy',aln Cl"'""t l fee. Art 1'nlon. F A n ,vVCi."'"; rl"""" "' , D-nruerr. itvpi.t. nut atic'ei.. Mortfhai" Tui'or, c Tner Tenth and Chest- A I,lilld. Proprietor Cilv Item. J lines f. Uee, I'roprielnr li.nly s." I-'..? L'v?at f'lueipal St .all, r.,t GnmiroCT fel,.. il.. i u ""lu superviai.inthc liif.s will be distributed in ?. v ' ! ni",""r-'" leth of April, or as .on as p .' a'.e"M dne noliecof wbieh will be given l,- ...T- L''w"Vl,:e "L':l1 "I' ' H-"0 envelopes, prwiso ij nui"1, la.nuo orders upon one kind of note paper for the .:'". ' s-al,;:l ekiiees will be lliorouirlily ...j.. all() WHI oC piUCCI1 unoer iock huii Key key V.1" "' "' presenlmien. wben Ilie holdem of the lick- els willenllnt the Odiee of the Ai.seml.ly liuikliiiB-, and 5lr' Jam's II. Pui'.and, No S6I Chestnut street, will pre sent the I4.IKJI) sealvd envelopes imliserimiimlelv. Unlets for liekcls bv mail, addiessed to i. Perhain As senibly lluililuis. will he pruinpllv ulieuded to. Tu-kels lor sle nt Ilie Assembly Itinl.linss, from 8 A.M. to 10 I'. M. Als. for stile at the tliinrd House, Washing ton II inse, Jones' Motel, Ainrri. i.n House, lTnited Stales II. del, Franklin House, Merchants' H .lei, t'uion House, nn.l oiler Hotels, and nt the principal Music flores r.XIIIUITIONS KVI'.ltY APTKHNOON and EVE NING, nt 3j and 7j nVloek. Sinelc Tickets, ns usual, 45 cents. Children half-price. Pbilu , April. 1653 4t. Hotel For Sale "lE are authorized to oiler for sale a superior " second class Hotel, eenlcritlly located in a Business (tart of the city of Philadelphia, com manding, at this time, a largo trade from Penn sylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. Tho House contains One Hundred and ten Rooms, and is capable of accommodating One Hundred and Fifty persons. The Gentlemen's Parlor, Reading rooms, Bar rooms and Cilice, are on the first floor. The House has been recently thoroughly reno vated, and in part newly furnished, and is fitted up in the most genteel manner. The furniture will be suld with the Lkask, which has over two years to run, it a Tr.ur low ittiNT witli tho privilege of renew ing for five years lomrer at the same rent. The central location of this Hotel being in the immediate vicinity of Business and places of amusement, make it an opportunity seldom to bo met with. It will be sold chenp, anu on accomodating i crins. r or lurtlter particu lars apply personally or by LuT-rtn Post Ptu nttlicKeal Estate and General agency olficc, No. 81) south fifth street, Philudclnhi.i. L'NL'EKLK H & ALLMOND. Phila., March 20, 1S53. tf. Estate of DAVID THOMPSON, dee'd, ,TOTK'E is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of David Thomson, late of Coal township, Northumberland county dee'd. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, are requested to inaKo the Fame known to Ihe undersigned w ithout de lay, and all persons indebted will make immediate payment. WILLIAM FAG1-.LY, ) , . . KIM BE It CLEAVEH, ( Al,m Shamokintown, March 20, 1853. Ct. . i tors, Estate of JOHN KRAMER, dee'd. jVOTIOE i hereby given that letters of Ad-J- ministration have been pranted to the under signed upon the estate of John Kramer, late f Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, dec' J. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make the same known to the under signed without delay, and all persons indebted will make immediate payment. WILLIAM KRAMER, Adm'tor. Upper Augusta twsp.. March 26. 18.r3. Ot. SPRING MILLINERY (JOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN French Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1 jTAVING received hy late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SriUNG MILLINERY tiOODS, are now prepared to offer their customers, at the lowest market prices lilaco ISilks lor IJonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all colors, Fancy Nets and Laces, Together with every nrliclo appertaining to tho .Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. S111. Wood Willow Ware. 20,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Dtz. Duckets, Assorted Colors, 600 Nestu Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar Churns. 500 Doz. Willow Baskets, 300 Doz, Wall und Scrub Brushes, A.c, &c. The largest Stock ever offered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. Sc 1. M. KOWE, No. Ill North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 13, 1853. 3m. Estate of WILLIAM PEItSING. Sen, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa mentary qn the above named estate, have besn granted by the Register of Northumberland County, to the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate, are requested to pre sent them, duly authenticated for settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment, without delay to E. ZIMMERMAN, ) r , PETER PERS1NG, ' "' Shatnokin twsp., March IS. IS53 Gt. Notice IS hereby given to those who held the 'office of Overseer of the Poor, Supervisors, Collector, Treasurer, etc., for the borough of Suubury, and who have not yet settled Ihcir accounts that they are to meet at II. Donnell's ollice, 011 Monday, the 16tll day of April next, lor tho purpose of having their accounts audited. By order of the Burgess P. M. SHINDEL. Cloil. Sunbury, April 2, 1653, 3t, Notice. THE COAL RUN IMPROVEMENT AND R. R. COMPANY. AN Election will be held by the stockholders of the Coal Run Improvement and Railroad Company, at the Franklin House in the city of milsdeipttia, on Tuesday, April lth, IS53, be tween the hours of I and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the Election of live Directors of said Company, rial. April 3, 3t. GEOKGE AV ZJ.MEKMAN, VENITIAN I5LIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gi Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A (iKNERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for stvlc nf finish and wrtrlctnnmliip esnnot I surfssspj. Wholessta sin) Re la If nt the lowest prices. Also TRANSTA RENT WIN 1)0 W SHADES AND REED BLIND wnoi.i:ft.vt.r., at m.vni i-'ACTunRns'pnicns. IW MERCHANTS and others arc invited to call and examine, l'hilodelphitt, August 21, 1853. ly. i'i-.'f.-,.Y-tsTfeU, CHERRY PECTORAL:- Vor Hie Cure of COU6HS, COLDS, HOAHSEWESS, BRON1 OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AITS CONSUMPTION. Of all the numerous medicines extent, (and a one of them vuluul.le) lor the cure i f .ubn..ua.y coin, hints n .. tiling lets evur been found wbieh c uU u.nupure in it's ef tects with tins Prnpemtioil. (.Itheis eule s Miietim. s, but "t sll times and in nil diseases of the lone, und throul w nero ineOieiin eun Rive relict, this will d it. It i pleasant to ttike, and peifeetly safe in aeci.rdauca with the lireetiona. We do not ndvetlise for the infortunium of those wholmve tried it but those who linvc nol. I'mnilics thut luive known its vuluo will nol be w ithout it and by its timely use, they ure secure from the dangerous conae nuenees of Coughs and Colds whiib ueglceiul, rii.en into fntnl consumption. The liepl .ins of the MnssnchusetmTiislitute wns nwurd e.1 to this preirut ion by tlieBourd of Jmlges in rtuplcinber 1MI7 also, the Medals of the three prcut Institutes of Art. in this eonnlry j also the Deploma i f the tlbio Institute tit Ctlleuniali, has been given to the CulinKY PteronAI., hy their Oovcrniitent in couciilir.itiou of its exlr.iotiliuiuy excellence and usefulness in cut ing nfl vcllons of ihe l.iuiga atitt Throat Ht-ail the rollowiiiff 0iininii fnuiulcil on tlm I 'in experi ence tn llic enuui-tit l-lijututii "I Hie I'.irt am! City nt Dr. J. C. Aver, ST. JOHNS. .Mav c. It-Si. l-ivc ye-.trj trial of your ril:KKY Pl.t'ToUAL In my practice, liaa proven wlttit I forcaaw imiii it etiiilrxuilinii, tittKl Bit triti', thai il i-radic.itca ai.tl cures tiio eokla and ci'URln to wliich we, in tlii aectiiiil, an- pveultnrly liublf. 1 think its riinil hits not yet leiMi itiac tvcrcil, nor lo I know how a Imllcr remedy can be made for ttie distem pers of the Throut and l.unps. j. j. urirrox, m. d., f. n s. See what it has done on a w isted cuinttitnti in. ,i.t tmlv in Ihe following cases, but a th jtsund more : PcDBtltv, Jan. aitlt, 18f,l. Dr. Aver : In the nniitli of July laai 1 was utiacked by a vi.ilct.t tharrhtru in mint-s of C'ulil'ornin. I rettirnrd to San rruusisco in It jpe of receiving benrlit fr nn a change of ctinutto and diet, My diatrtto.-a ec:tsed. tint waa fol lowed by a severe c Hlylt and mneti a irenrss. 1 finully tturled for It niie, but received no benefit from the voai;c. My co'.te;h continued to grow w.irsc, and when I tiriivcd ill New York. I wns tit ouee marked by my neinaititances as a yjciini of c intiutnptiuil. 1 must c 'iihn thai I saw no sudicn.'iit rcas n to it mU wl.at i:,y friends uil believed. At this time I e imnielicrd t-ikin yrur truly invalnaljle inciticine with line expectation of derivins imv benefit from its use. You w mid n t receive lliese lirnVdid 1 not regard il iny tltttv to stute to lite alilieted. tlir.inv'li you, that my healtli, in the sjiuee of eielil in.intlu, is fttllv re stored. 1 uttrtbutc it t i the use of'vour CilLltKY l'EC TOltAL, Yours'irnlv, WILLIAM W. SMITH. NVisiiiMiiox, i'u , April 1'J, Iflf. Dear sir : I'eelittp Ihttt 1 havu te-ett spared fr. rtt a pie mature fiivr, throueh vo-.ir iinitriimeiilitliiy h'v Ihe jr. -vt-dctiee ot O id, I will lake the Itbeity to cxmess to von my gratitude. A Cotitrh atitt tl.e tilitrinint: svinntinits of Cottftntiptiott had reduced mc t io low to leave ice Nttvlhiiit; like hope, when my physiciiin liroujtlit me a Ii Ulle'of v..ur Pr.cio ual." It sectmil to niTord immediate telief. and tuw m a tew weeks lime litis restored ine Io sound health. If il will do lor others Hint il has t ,,c for me, you ure cer tainly one of ihe benefuetera of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every bleasintr. I am . Vey respectfully vnnrs. JOHN J. CLARKE, Hector of St. Peter's Chore!.. V tilt such assurance and fr-tn such men, no stronger proof can bo adduced uidets it be from us ell'eet upon trial. l'reparcd and sold by JAMES C. AY EH, Practical Chemist, Lou-ell, Mass. Sold in Suubury by II MASSER, and by Drugtrists generally throusbout the fc-'late. March 19, 1833. ceow ly. Nov. 13, '52. RUFF'S ll'reinimn Essence of Cofloe- Maryl we'll pro-nj-i ' lung our livos oyn ! ustug Krupp s ; Ewencu of Cotlwe. I'm J II Y will man use that which is injurious to Ins health, wl cn he Is willinir to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost I Stranje ! that at least two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injurr ous to their health. Ki'jtpi's S'.nsi'iicc of C'oflec is, beyond doubt the best und most wholesome lireimration of Coffee ill the world. Every oousC' kcejicr should have it. Try it and be convinced i avc a!,oul 00 l'et rc"'' ''i1'1'")'0"' health, Warranted to render entire satisfaction, Manufactured aiidfor sale bv ' ELI KRL'P1, 039 North 3d slrect Philadelphia. N. B. All the ltrineitral Grocers and Druggists f have it for sale throughout the United States. For salo by the Agent, II. Ii- M asicr, Suubury. January 1, 1S53. Cm. Paper Hangings. rilllE undersigned havo just opened fresh JL and complete slock of WALL PAPERS. anions which are GOLD and VELVET, FINE SATIN, mid the LOWEST PRICED UNULA ZED PAPERS ! Also, DECORATIONS, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, &c., Ac. Which they oiler at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best workman employed to hang paper either in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &o. We have also our usual assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Blank and School Books, Stationary, Ac. PARRISH St HOUGH, No. 4 North Fifth St., 2 doovs above Market, PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Countrv rugs. rhila., March IS, 1853. 3m. Flour and Feed Store. 'rWIE subscriber respectfully informs his -L friends and Ihe public generally, that he has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, in the building formerly occupied by Esq, Bower, as his ollice, where he will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of (in .11 x. 1 101 a asu Fxtu, at the lowest market prices, for Cash or produce. EMANTEL WILVERT. Sunbury, March S, 1853 3m Notice. rfHE annual meeting of the Stockholders o the Green Rid"o Improvement Company will he held at tlio Girard House, Philadelphia, on iuesday, the 13th ol May next, when an Election for Tifb Directors will be held. WILLIAM WIsTEH. Secretary. Phila., March 56, 1853.-tm. A Blakcsinith AVunted. A JOURNEYMAN Blacksmith is wanted immediately by the subscriber, to whom steady employment and good wages will be aivsii. ' JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, March 19, l.-i- I Hilling, IfiM. yULW using Krupps Cii; i U' ' m 'fstliii i t Jiutniiaj THE ROAD TO HEALTH I HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. ciritK of a DisojtrmnF.r) uter and bid DIUKSTION. Copy of a Letter from M.: ?. W. Kttkus, Lncmtst, 7, iVwcol Street, Liverpool, dated 0th June, 1851. TVi Professor HottoWAT, fm. Your fills and ointment hare flood the highest en . our sale, list of Proprietory Medicines, for soma yaura. A custmuei, t i whom I run refer for any enquiries, deairta inelolet you know the particulars t,f her casa. 8h hti . been troubled foi yents Willi a ilistirdeteii liver and baa! digeiti ut. On the lusticiisioi, however, the virulence of Ihe attack w its ao iiNtru,itr, and the iiirlainmalion aet in so severely, thut doubts were entertained if tier not Ueuur able lu bcui up under it lonuaiitelv sha was induced l try your Pills, and she iiti.n iris me that alter the first, and eucll succeeding d.ise, she lil.il great relief. She cilltlnuaj to ttike Ihcm, and allhouiilt she usetl only three Holes, sha is noV in the enj lytnenl of perfect health. 1 could hav setil you many fuses, but Ihe nboa fnun the nvsniTr st jus attack, ami the M EKtir cure, 1 think, speaks muh nt Itivor ol your iittuuishing Pills. l0,'"-o R. VV. KIRKUS. AN l;XTHAOni)lAnV CfRK OP RIIKUMATIO H.VI.R, IN VAN DIKMUN'S LAND. Copt; of a Letter inserted in the Jlobart Town. 0U"T f i' March, 1851, by Ma, or J. II uii. Murenrct M"Coimlg.n, tdnetea,, years c.f age. residing at Jli-W I own, Imd been sitllermg from u vioacni iWtrumua lever for unwinds 01 two nv.,l i . . prtved her ot the use of her limbs ; duiiuc laia period sb was under the enre of the most eminent medical luau w II ibart lown, uml by tltetn her ease was considered bow less. A Irtend prevailed upon her to try Hulioway'a eala liraled I ills, which she consented to dj, and in an iueradi ble short smo of lima tlicjr cfTected a perfect cure. ClltH OP A PAIN AND TlrillTNKSS IN THIi CI1KST AND STOMACH OP A I'KttSON tl YKAltSOP A OF.. From Messrs Thew if Son, Vioprietors of the Lynn Advertiser, teho can vouch for th following statement. August 2nd, 1851, To Piofessor IIollowat, Sin, 1 desire to bear testimony to Ihe good effects of Hollowuy's Pills. For some years I stiflered seveiely from u iwiii auu iigiiiness in me sioituteh wntcn was aisti acc ru- punieu uy a shortness ot breath tal pieveutad ma front wulkiug ubout. I am years of age,tutd rolwithsUmdiitr my aavauced stale of life, these Pills have so leheved me, that I am desirous tntit oliiers should be nmde acauaintiwt with their virtues. I am now rendered. Uv their means. comparatively active, and can take exercise without uicou- vtiileuce or paw, which I could not do lietore. t.7iijiieo, iic.Ttitt t-WE, North sticel, I.ynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonde fully eTica- ci'oks t'n the following complaints. A cue Dropsy IitftainmatiaA Jaundice Liver Com plaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retcntiou of Urine Scorfula. or Kina's Evil Secondary Aslhtna Dysenlarv lltliotis Complaiuts Krystpeltis Itiotchcs on the Female Itreeu- Wrin larilies B iwel Complaints Feveisof all I'ohes kinds insttpiUioii of Kits the a iwcls (lout Consumption Ilcad-ueha Debility lutlicestion S ne Throats Stone ond Gravel Tit: Douloureux Tumours Symptoms l-lirers Vetejreal Affections Wormsof ail kinds eakness, front whatever cause c, Ac. the Pills should be used c'linoiutlv with Ids Ointmsut moDt of the following etises : S.il.l at the KslabliHlnueut of Professor IIoLr.nwsT. M4k Slratid, (near Temple itur, L"iidoii.) and liy all respeetatila uruettiMS anu Detilers m iMe.lietues throughout ilia untisk Ininitre. St th aeof Ilia United stales, in JJoxes at 3?Ie., fr7c., and 50c. each Wholesale hy the priitcinul Drue houses in ihe Union, ond by .Meurs. A. ti. it D. Sxsds, New Yotk, T There is a eonsidersble savins by tftkins the larger sues -N. H. Directions for tha raids, tea nf natients ua averv disorder aac allixed to euih U . October 8U, 1b53, ly. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers iu ConTectionarv of all kindi, No. 113 North Third St. below llaeo, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of .Dealers is requested to ail examination of their stock, which will las found to be at mist equal to any in this city FOREIGN FRUITS of all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1853. 6m. CARR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coinniision Merchants, 23 anti 25 Spears Wharf, BALTIMORE- RiarrtE.sx'ES. John Clark, Esq., Piesident Citizens' Bank, Dalt. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, " John Hertzlcr, Jr., Esq.. Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnicksoit Sc Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port D positc. .1. Wullowcr fV Son Harrisburg. Col. IL C. Eycr, Selinsgrovo. J. H. App Sc Co., ' Nngle, Vingate & Co., Milton. W. W. (,'ooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schux ler, Esq., " (!eori:e llodine, Hughsville. W. Weaver & Co., Montourseille. Gen. William F. Packer, W illiumtport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cishier, " J nines II. Iluling, Lewis G. Huliuir. " M'Heury & Uubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Iluling, Esq., Lock Haven. Itr C arr, Gicac & Co have the largest wharf room of any commision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in disehargins; their cargoes. March 13, 1853 Cm. C II E A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactury or G. L. aLtlLLER &, CO., S. W. corner Arch and Second Streets rX2ZZ.ABEZ.FHIA. TJ7 VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole ff2j sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and ethers are invited to give us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmings, Sec., always on hand. Remember fj. W. corner SECOND sad ARCH Street Philadelphia. February 13, 1S53. Cm. An Apprentice Wanted. Tho subscriber wants an apprentice to learn the business of a Blacksmith. A boy IT or 18 years oU, of good moral character, would find a good situation by applying soon at the old staud of George Zimmerman. SOLOMON 8TR0H. Sunbury, Feb. 13, 1853.-- For Sale. ' r ni BUSHELS or POTATOES by tha tlUU aubscribcr. CHARLES CAWLEY. Drj Valley, March 18, 1853. . rNK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con. arcs ink for sale, wbol.aU and retail by n-emlr 38. ISSO. Ii MASSER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers