SUNBU11Y AMERICAN" AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. M LAMENTABLE LOVE. Oh. gosh ! my Sal has fell in love With John Augustus Kiicly ; Sim writes him every (hij i And read Ihem to him nightly. She say. ''hi eyes ara like fire flie, (They are of pea green color;) JI1.1 hair, '(is Imp, has minkins' hue, She says "bright gold is duller." Yet once I thought she did me love My heart heaved like an catlhqnake, When by John Gus she sat by Jove ! A feeding him with plum cake ; Oh ! that the lightning bright rriiuht strike, And heat that cake like ciitilfrs, So that 'twould burn his lip? and tongue, And scorch her little fiugeis. His form and step is like n. bear's She calls him "an Apollo ;" Sl:e might as well in urare compare A buzzard to a swallow ; My heart is torn, my money's gone I'm in a prespiration ; Sho left me Iiup, for n fellow who Is mean as nil creation. I'd myself chuck right off the dock, Knew I the art of swimming ; With a ten foot rope I'd hang and choke, But I never did like swinging : I'd take a gun and shoot me dead, But 1 darsent pull the Iriyeer ; Ami I'd sartain punch John Gus's head, Were 1 a little bigapr. Oh, thunder ! if I was only a little bigger ! T. B V. A STRING OF ITKMS. Tis easy to see, but hard to forsee. A man rarely deceives another but once "A-lass 1 am no more !" as the gitl said when she got marrieJ. The man who was carried away by his feelings has returned safe. To be mended broken hearts on St. Val- entine's day. Fish for no compliments, for they are gen erally caught in shallow water. Thc city of Boston carries on two-thirds of the India trade of the country. A western cotempotary, speaking of large baby, says it was four weeks old w hen it was born. The reason that a chilly day is called "raw" is because the sun doesn't give heat enough to "cook" it. A young lady remarked the other evening that she liked one comforter for sleeping in winter. A cow and a camel are frequently yoked together, at the plough, in Egvpt. The sight is extremely ludicrous. How absurd to be complaining and tor menting ourselves for what it is impossible to avoid or attain. The Somerset, (Pa.) Herald estimates that butter is annually sold in that country to th amount of 300,000 There is a house in Hudson Avenue Brooklyn, near the ferry, which is occupied by over seven hundred human beings! It is a singular fact that Sir Charles An derson, a baronet, has announced his inten tjon of delivering lectures on ''Uncle Tom'i Cabin." Alexander Dumas, the author, of Pari?, has written 50 dramas and 700 volumes of fiction ! He's the biggest story-teller in the world. Gov. Brown, of Florida, has vetoed the bill passed by the Legislature of '.hat State, providing for the removal of the Seminole Indians. Give the devil his due. Certainly, says cotemporary ; but it is better to have no deal ings with the devil, and thou there will be nothing due him. THK C.L01H3: THE OFFICIAL PATER OF CONGRESS. CONGRESS has made the Globs its organ of communication with the country. To facil itate this important object, and diminish the ex pense to ths people, tho Conoht.asios vi Glori nd Arr-Esmx, which contain the proceedings of Congress revised by the members, arc henceforth to lie conveyed through the mnils free, of postage. The approach of a new administration imparts peculiar importance to thc next session of Con gress. Throughout thc whole country there will be solicitude to know what shape Congress will endenvor to civc to tho national affairs to meet tho incoming administration. Tho debates of the nct session will, no doubt, as heretofore, fore shadow its policy. The CnN;ni.ssi'),j At Gt.ont and Atrumx are printed on a double royal sheet in royal quar to form, each number containing; sixteen pases. Thc Congressional Globe is made up of thc daily nroeeedinus of thc two houses : and thc Appen dix embraccc the Ions speeches withheld hy the mcakers lor revision, thu Messages ot Ilio 1 resi lient of the United Stales, and the Reports of ths Heads of the Executive Departments. Thc I.ans passed during a session, and an In dex to llum, are printed as soon ns possible after adjournment, and sent to all auiucrii-crs Congressional Globe and Appendix. TERMS: For one copy of the Daily Globo during tho next session For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Appendix, and Laws lor Itic next .Cation Tim ciiVrril!inn mnnrv must accompany thc nriter. else no nttcntisn will be paid to it. Subscriptions should reach hero bv .no urn of December, ot farthest to insure all wc num hers. 1 have about five hundred surplus copies of the rnnirresMinnnt Globe for thc last session, which contain, besides the proceedings of Congress laws anil joint resolutions passed uuring inc. ic sion. The proceedings and laws make2,.1.VJ pa res; and the list of appropriations and Index not yet printed, will make about fit) pases more. I will let those who subsenne tor me congressional Globe and Appendix for thc coming session have them at thc following rates: Price per copy, un bound, three dollars ; or bound in three vol umes, hacks and corneis Russia leather, live dot lars. They will he delivered to subscribers at these prices. I sell the hound volumes here fo four dollars a volume: the thrco volumes bounl for twelve dollars. Every person who takes any part in the politics of this country should possess them. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, November 11. 185?. to the $2 SO ?3 00 LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OHEKTEUFFEIi, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Rait PHILADELPHIA. INVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage of tlie wholesale market, is able to sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of thc extensive business of Mr. J. V. Hurstman, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will bo a guarantee of his ability to dojustice to his customers. His Stock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Gloves, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, ore, Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn Porte Monnaies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1S55 Cm. Valuable Properly. Late the Estate of E. P. SIIANKON.Esq., Of Nortliumltrrlnml AT PRIVATE SALE. npilE subscribers, Executors of tho Estate of Ephraim P. Shannon, late of the Bor ough of Northumberland, offer at private sale, tne following valuable Real Lstale, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and --otit Street, on which is erected a tw o story tirick building, formerly occupied by the deceased as a siore and Dwelling, and now occupied ai such. There are also on the lot two frame dwellings. &c. Lot No. 62, silualeJ in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frame Dwelling, kct., uiiinininu JuhnTaggart, Esq., occupied by Ct.ns. Knous. Lois IVos. 61), 70, 7! & 72, situate in mar ket Street, a two slnry while Frame Dwel ling, occupied oy James Donly, and a uauie is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided hnlf of Lot No. 150, situate on the corner of Duke and 4lh Mreet, on which is erected a two slory dwelling, occu nied bv Jnsnnh McCallister. Lot No. 1S8. situate in Queen Street on which is erected n two story white Frame Uuildins, occupied by John Btiikert Lot No. fill, niinntu at Norlhvvav and W8 ter Suoels, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vanilliug uud John Vaiidling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 1G6, on which is erected ntwosloiy Fiame Dwel linsi. occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, nil joining lands of John Deshay. on the East side of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two nil mining vacant town lots, situ ated mi the corner of Second una Orunae streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oiange Streets, numbered in ihe General plan ol said Borough. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212 Also lour vacant lots fronting on Market and Six'.h Streets, running East to nn Alley, numbered in the geneial plan of said Bnr ou"h, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, and numbered in thft ceneral plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 1SS. The above properly will be sum in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to jotin Cake, Esq., at Noithumbeiland, or to the subscribers. ALFI5ET) KNF.ASS. ) p , THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE, f Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. (pS500 CHALLKNGK. VI WHATEVER tmifernft tlie bwllh nnd tnppinpM of a y nit!e Ht nil liimnnf the inotl rnluuhle import finer. 1 tnke it for ftrmiteil Unit every perwm will d Ihcir pnwor, ti save t lie liven of their children, mid that every pemmi will endravor to prrtm'tflthrif own henllh nt nil wienhffs. ! feel it to ! my duty t. nnleinnly amire vou thut WOR.Mrt. neeordinir lo the nniiihm of the most iielebrnted, ar the primary rnnsi of a Irinre mnjoriiy oi iiisenaei to whicll chiliiren find nmms are im Me if yon hnve nn appetite entitiminlly ehmigenblo from one kinil of food to 11 nut her, line! Jlrenifi, I'niii in thc Hto- much, ricKinfr nt the mw, llnnuieftj nni ! uiiik'm "i mc IIHly, Dry Cmiifb, Slow Kcvt, Pullet rrefrulnr remembir thai nil I (true tlmoto WOR.MS, and yon 1 ion id ai once ap piy me remeuy : HOBF.NSACK'S WORM SVKUP. Ail nrtiele fitunrlnl unon PW-lpiilifirPrlnolntef.enmpotin'l- H with purely vtMrtaWe snhstnnpff. Iiiiiu perfectly snf wltpti Inkrn. nad mil lie niveii tri tlie inoit lender Infant Willi rteruM lienrtii iiil r.'I'.vt, wluro Hnwet CuinplninU snd Oinrvltfrn hnve nmile Ihem wriik siwl di'liilitated the Tmiiefniperties of my Worm fvrnj are such, that it klnmU wiflKinl mi irniiil in (hi inliilnMin nf IlieflictniS. Ill g vinir tone nml Mn nstli tn the Ptmniirh, Vi hirh imike it nil liil'nllililo roineil) Inr tlmap nfflirtnl with Ilysprpain, th antttliiahinff cure nerfumied ly Ihia Kyrtip nfter riiyai rinim hnvo inikil, is die beat evidence uf ila aupcrinr enV cacy ovel all otlK-ra. "JfLiu, are jou better dis morning V "No, I was butter yesterday, tut I got over it." "Am der no hopes den of your dijeovery V "Discovery ob what V "Your discovery from der convalescence which futched yer on your back." "Dat depends, Mr. Snow, altogether on de prognostications which amplify the disease; should dey terminate fatally, the doctor thinks Julius is a gone niggar ; should dev not teiminale fatally, he coluied in dividual wont die till anoder time. As I said ' before, it all depends on l he prognostics, anil till these come lo a head, it is hard telling wedder de niggar will discontinue his come or not." As the case is perfectly clear ss it i, we hall not mar its transparency with any ob servation of our own. T-XLOPJ1TG. JOHN V. MAKTIX, "REGS leave to inform his friends and the pub -J- lie in general, th?t he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the mot Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices will he as reasonable as can he had in sunliury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. Ho will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to Ins ai'knowi edged skill in cuttinc, ho will he assisted ly the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in the United States. An endeavor will be made always to have work completed when requiaed. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in tho building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will bo a pleasure to him to see his friends, and make such work for them as is within the line of his business. Sunbury August 14, 1853. tf. Fresh and Spicttl Oysters ! JAVI.'G settled ut Northumberland, I am now prepared to furnish Fresh uud spi ced Oysters during tha whole season at re duced prices. Vou can depend upon then) beins fresh, as 1 shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, 1 hey are only 1G bonis out of the shell. All persons at a distance, who are in want of thu above article, can have them sent per dozen or simile can by addressing W. II. V1CKEKV, at Dorr's Hotel. Northumberland. Oct. 16, 152. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION' MERCHANT rem the pai.i: of Ftli, Provisions, je., Vo. 9 jVorli Wharves, JOHN A. TA3TLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Mardi.k. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. rESPKCTFl"I.I.V inform the public that all work in his lino will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. Mav 15, 18.12. ly. Win. McCavty, Bookseller. RESPECTFI I.LY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed his Book Store, lo Market street, to thc house occupied by J. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite, thc Court House, on thc north side, whero keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For .''ale A large new spring waggon Ct for 2, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 24, 1S52. tf. THE TAPE WORM! Tli iii it (It a muiit ilitfiL-ult Worm tn deitrm of nil tbnt in fest the human eyilrtn, it pnnvi to nn alnm't Indefinite lpnirth beenmimr roiled nud fnntenrd in the lntrtiia and St mi inch tffeulius the health to PiwHjr nt to cmie M. V.tus Dnmc l'it, Ac. thut thorn ntiiirlrd Seldom il ever flunicrt that it ii Tnpe Wurm Imbruing them tn nn early priive. In order to uVutroy thit Worm, a very ener'tic irrntmont mtmt be purniipif, it would therefore- be propt-r to Hike (1 to m nf inv Liver Pills nann to remove nil obMrne- tionn. thut the Worinvruntiifivni t dirert ummlhe Wtmii, which must be t:ikrn hi iIoips ct' 2 Tublespoonfulli 3 timrR n ily these dtrrrliojiii followed hnve never lefn known lo tuii in curing the most obit unite case ol lape worm. IC? HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. part of Mi system Is more liable to diw:ie I linn tl:e l.i il htviii;' i;h :i iiiteror to puuiy the i.!:mhi, or civ- mil the prnprr ftcvrctmn to (he bile ; to tlint ii"v vr no tion of tlie Liver eilerls the other in;nortiuit t ' ! I(ie sysinn, nntl rt-uli8 vri"iif!v, in Liver fntTi;-. .' :. Jiiun (tire, JJvnm'psci, ftr. We eliouM. iherefore, v.-si every ympt nn tlmt tn.iihl intlieute wrouir net ion f iiu Liver. Thsc Pills beim? rotiivfnM of HOOTS & PLANTS fur iiiflhrd by nntir e to hen! (he nick: Nmrtely, tt, An I'.X PI'CTOilANT, wtiieh nnpments tiie seeretitm from the Pulmonary mut-ui niLinbnuie, or pronvtes Ilie diBchnrpe of ferreted nmlt-T. and, An ALTKIIATIVK, whirl, elinnci'i in mine inexplirnhie nnd insniKible mnriner tlif eeitiiin m -il.i l nation .f the nvstein. 3nl, A TONIC which dives tone mi l strenpih to the nervous system, re nwinr he:ih nnd vhrnr to nil parts of the IkhI)-. 4'h, A CATHARTIC, which nets in pert'eet harmony wilh the niher inrrrt'dients. nnd openttiitg on the Bowels, nnd expel ling the wh ileuinps of corrupt nnd vitinled nintter, nnd pu rifying tho Ui-xhI, which destroys disease nnd restores he.'il'Ji. to fkm7les. Vnu will fitut llirjte Pilta an invalnalilp mfilirine in matiy nmplniiiis to wliir-ll yiai are siilijiTt. In nhrti tH'ti''iaf i i tlnr IdUI ni pnrlial, Itiry liave tifca found ot' incstimnlili ifin;!!!, rcal-irmu liicir latirnnnal nrrniiprtnents lo n mnl lliy actixn, piirityiu;; l)n blood and otlifr llnida si rtTiTta nlly tn pal to tliiltt nl) complaints which may arise t'roin IVimile irriiiliirilicn, na licailni'lir, giddiness, dimness of tight, pain in the side, Lark, &c. Price, 25 cents each. None genuine nnk-ss slgacd J. N. Uuhcnsark, all othcra lii-ine ti:ir Imitminii. I f Apeata wiatiinf? new anppties. and Ptor Keepera drmrnna of tL't'oniiii'.; Aonta nnott tiil.lri'aa the Proprietor, J . Ilot,cm:i'k, rhilmlflpliia. I'a. M by .1. W. Krilmtr, Snnlviry ; Man- Mi-Coy, Nor Ihumlirrl'iiHt : lleiai't, TurlinlvilU';' Itnifr, Milton ; Ditty ,V Lenkcr, Georgetown ; t.eini'iirint; A: Wolverton, Pnxi noa; Wieal, Hickory; all dealers in Medicine ill thc Cointlv and Stute. Aiijtlt 14, l-.VJ ly. Cheap Watches ,1cm dry, lniOI.i:SAI.r. ami Retail, at the "rhila.lrl- phia Watrh anil Jewelry Store,' , ., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1S5J ly. HOW A FEMALE KIIOILD URCSS. The following extract from Tubiu's Come dy of the "Honey Moon," might be reail by some of out bellei with great advantage, pio. tided they would follow the advice given by the Duke ; Duke. I'll have no glittering gewgaws stuck about you, To rtretch the gaping eyes of idiot wondpr, And make men stare upon a piece of earth As on the star-wrought fliniamenl no fea thers To wave ns streamers lo your vanity Nor cumbrous silk, thai, wilh its rustling sound, Makes proud the flesh that bears it. She is adorned Amply, that in her huaband's eye looks love ly The truest mirror that an honest wife Can see her beauly in. Jul. 1 shall observe, sir 1 Duke. I should like to see you in the dress 1 last presented you. Jul. The blue one. sir. Duke. No, love the white. Thus mod estly attired, A half-blown rose stuck in Ihy braided hair ; With no more diamonds than those eyes are made of. No deeper tubies than compose thy lips, Nor pearls more precious than inhabit Ihem ; With ibe pure red and white, which that same hand Which blenda the uiubow mingles in tby cheeks: This well-propoitioned from (think not I flat- In graceful motion to harmonious sounds, And the tree tresses dancing in the wind, Thou'U fis as much observance at chaste dames Can meet without a blush. JOHN THILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South ll'aler Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, I Ml'OREKS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, M'inea, &c, kern constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices llaisins. Almonds, Currant, Walnuts, Citron, (iround Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla Leans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, I.itpjoriie, I.emon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Fort Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat ' Sweet Mulav ' Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. BOOKS! BOOKS!! JUST RECEIVED and for sale a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC!. ALSO, a larje assortment of Clank Cooks. WM. McCAItTV, Bookseller. Sunhury, Dec. 4, 1853 tf. 1JI.ANK DEEDS printed on the best qualitv of parchment paper, sold ut the lowest prices at this ollice. Iiy wnoiemie ami reuil A KKOLD'S WHITI.NU FLUID and Adhe- sive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. II. MASSER. 8unlury, nra 10, 1852. EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more wholesome and much cheaper than Uotlje lUell. t or salt at thu ollice. April 17 1RV fTlXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply - just received and for salt at tint ollice. Price Ko cents. Sunbury, J u.'y IS. 1851. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale Ly 11. B MASSER. Stint, wry, 1M !.' JUST 11ECK1VE1) AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV. STllOII, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, ICraNS autl Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low il" not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TraiikN, Vallt c, Carriage Whips, &.C., Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING donff on thu shoileat notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi J licnim-lvcs. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1S.V. tf. ERITTANNXA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rjllin SUBSCRIBERS having just entered -B- into the above 1 usincss in all its branches. take this mode of calling tho attention of Coun try Merchants, anil ollicrs to tbeir .iLi STYLE and PA 11 also tbc quality ol material, as we flatter ourselves not to l e best in workmanship or material. The following, in art, consist nf our assortment: LA MI'S and Lamp Screws; LADLES; Cas- lor Fr-mes ; lil.U 1 A.nS ; 11. M II l.l'.HS ; PITCH Kits with lids; COFFEE POTS and TEA POTS ; Hop llmvls i SUGAR BOWLS; CREAM CUPS; BEEIl MEASURES; Cof fee Hoppers; CANDLESTICS ; SPOONS, ol II sizes ; vc, iv c. Wc will be happy to receive orders for Sam ples, hv mail, at our place ol nusmess, .o. iuj RACE ST., or QUARRY ST., aboe Second t., PHILADELPHIA. N. U. Thc subscriber still continues to man ufacture Candle Moulds. Syringes, Surgical In struments, Ac, at his old place of business, No. tut) Kate Street, Philadelphia, to which I would call the special attention of Candle Manufactu rers. JOHN CALVF.RLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1832. 3mo. SIIKL1) HAKE'S-" 4 LLEGIIENY HOUSE, No, SS0 MARKET x- Street, above Slh, Philadt lnhia. Under the new arrangement the mr which r,iv,. from PilUburg, Harrishurif, ie., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Mmker. In oroer to accommoiltite the public we will always our v-uacn ai ine iew Depot on the arrival ' tur carry fasscngers to the Allegheny uiiii w iii inu eenir nr iii o..- old friends will please ride down, and all who 7. ., 1 M uou,ie Wllh Oood Table, I lean Beds, and sccommodatiiiff a.ii.i. .til C'. pst.w u run. 1 e rtm, One Dollar per Dau August 21, 165S. 6m. Van Loan Dagucrrcan (lallcry, 159 Chestnut Street, VT this erM.ralcd eslal.lislitnf nt yon can alwnys pro cure the newest and most improve.! styles ol' DAGl'Kltni-:OTYPE & TAI.HOTVP1-: POItTltAITS at Ir an fttl to KjO per ct. LBss cost than such jiictafcs can hr liail for clfcwhcrr. Now llint yoa cnu secnie such perfect pnrtrntls of your I'lvril ones ut a nit-re lioniiniil cogt, (t atU dclny lest yoa lose thrni. Kvrry vaiicty of fnncy cases, fraines. Ac. on hnnr! or farniphrd to onler. mill every picture inndc snlistory nnd w-iimnted to li in thf l:st style of tlie uit or No charge Call mid sec asnl 15U I'liestnut St. I.. II PI HNKI.I.. PhiLiAtlphia July 17, IMS. ly. Till: CKUiT IMtlZU MED IL tll ltITi:i ! HXCKEIT & TULIi, No. 148 ChestmO. St., above Siith, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. ( 'VS"T 5 AVE just received their Piize fv:rrt I 'It Medal, awarded M Steel Pens, Canaine Ink. North Second Sticct, corner of Quarry, Philadcl- I puia. Gold Lever Wntelies. full jexveleit. H cant cases, SJ 00 Silver do. full jeweled. Pli.lfiold Ppeetaeles, .IK) Silver lupine, jewels, 0 I'ine Silver do. I, .0,1 do do do. II lliold llrneFli ts, H ill) Snpciior llnarlteis, 7.(1 allies1 IJolil Pencils. I .(SI Imitation do. .V'Silvcr Ten spoons, set, 5.00 Gold Pear, wilh PciicTl and Silver Holder, l,fl Gold Finger l!in(;s, 37J cents to $'!s0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 1 "J i cents; Patent. 11 i Ltinet, 2r); other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. ST A I." F FEU fc HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, sonic Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than tho above prices. August 2f, 1852. ly. SOWEll fj HA11NKS, Publishers and liookscllcrs, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Bibles, Prnyeis, Tlymns, Toeticnl and HistoricalWorks, Travels, Novels, Ate., &c. SCHOOL BOOKS, Every kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elepint assortment from tlie pnss book upwards, msite of snperiiir pnper, and best of binding . WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, sad Note Papers, elegant styles and quality, anil very cheap. STATIONERY. Fonry, Plain and Adhettva r.nvelnpM, Ink, Aim., Wa-ff-Di, Stwl Pciib, Wntnn. l'l-ncits, riirle-Moimien, Wrop iiig rnpen of nil kindd, Ciirtuiu Pnpers, hc. he. Out ntK-k in nil fresh, IwHitxhtrliPiip out! wddupcordinffly. pHrtirulnr nttenlinn imid t HtHikst-IIrm, lmntry iMur clinulB niul Teni'hcrs, liowcver little tlioy niny luy. Bjwer llfirnen lire Piililifhers nf rr.!rON'5 sciici of MAGNIFICENT OUTUNK MAPS Tav mnp in nearly fr.VKV FKKT Sf J1!ARK, and tiitiwM me coniparnive ri.e tuiu romtivn pfimimii ol every coutnry on me itli. i iiry nre nuriMiPti to ie UFcmii:u in every rk-hocl Kmim, otnl not only innke a pleiHUu np pprriiire, but nre iiiuvrTMllv nrkii"wldtri'd to he. th JIKST MOUK OF n;A:iHNU OKOtillAPHY evff linmvhtout. Titcy are keyn. intended to he lined hy the si'tiitrs, ntinlHininp n (vmplete epitonie if tieogruphy, niul ciatintt terM th:m hulf the price it a licncrnphy niul Atlaft. Thu vitcm ii in mnverMl ukc in Prurwin nnd (.icrmnny, ond htn nlremty been introduced in Oirnrd Collet:!, IMiiln dolphin, l!ie puliltu rhooln of lit ip ton, Niw Y'rk. delphii!, Hnltiinore, Wrmiuiigton, nnd thnniphout New F.nirind, Nw York, Ac. Ar. Onr dunkn nr lotidt-d with rec. unmendntifMiii fr"in thennwt tnlcutcd nnd rieit lihe tcn'her in every qunrtt-r, ond wherever tlie system h:if been lifted pureiits, li acheiB ton) acholurs unite in print ing it. 1. Mnp nf tlie Weslern lleminpliere. 2. Map of the Knettrrn llemispticre. 3. M:ip of North Amrrii'.-i. 4. Mfip nf the L'liited SlulLt. 6. M.ip of Ktirofrt. 0. Man of Asm. 7. Miipt f South Amerim nnd Afrirn. FjVery imp ic brilliantly colored, varnished, ond mount ed on iniislin in ul rt'llem, We rrspfftfniU- invite the enrnest nl ten ion r.f Tfiifhem, Ptirent, nml S-hrxil Directors tt thin t'npicinnt tuff mode of teachiHff Oeournpiiy. hOWKU St IlAKNKS. M Norlh'J iiirdStieet, PliiJadi-Iphin, Anff.S9, if. HARRISBURG E00K BINDERY. V. I,. IIUTTKH & CO., Pacei ss'.rs to W. (). iliekok, and llickok A Cantine. I HOOK I!I.l)i:US, STATIONERS AND BLANK HOOK MANL"KACTI:RERS. The suliscriliers rcRpectfully inform their frienils nnil the puhhe, that they arc now carrying on ttio aliovo liusiness at the OT.l) STAND oecitiieJ hy Hieliok & Co. They flatter themselves that by careful attention to tiusincss, they will merit anil receive a continuance of thc natronugc so liber ally enjoyeJ hy the ohl firms. Particular attention will lie paiil to the ruling ami liimling of every description of Mank hooks for hanks, county oiricea, merchants nml private iniliviiluals, ami every variety of full anil half hounil Mank hooks. Olil hooks, jieriodicnls, law hnoks, muxic, newspapers, Ac, hound in any pattern and in any style required. In nildi'.ion to the above, they have, and will nt all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONARY, consisting of Knivrs, Jllll.H, liikstiuti's, M.nto Wnfcrs, ln, Sciilinff Wax, Pine Ink. Copvinc Ink, Ainold1! Writiiig Fluid, r.raures, c. $T Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war runted and done verv cheaply. " F. h. Hk'TTEIJ & CO. March 13, 1S35. If. BANK N()T1: TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. riTT or I'liinutLrin. IT. f Ilniik notes l.'idil Ail Solvent liniiks "t eoeTRV. Rank of Chnmliersbars; 1 dis Hunk of Chester Co. purl Hunk of Del. Co. Chester pari Hank of flerninntowil par Hnnk of lirttvslMIIZ 1 (lis Hank of Lewistou'll II:oik of Miildktow n 1 '6" Montgomery Co Hnnk par Hnnk of Northamlierl-nd. pal Hnnk of rittslnirfr lids MAffACAtSKTTf". All solvent banks dis ItHODK 1!I.AM). All solvent hanks dis CDNNI'.C'I'ICL'T. All solvent luniks dis NLW OltK. CITV. . . All solvent Imnks 1 dis 17'llk noles nncler Si5 1 iln corxTnv. All solvents Imnks litis Ni:V JKIISLY. , HelVhlcre Hnnk J tinmereinl Hnnk J as pnr u..,v ,.r rio..,n. n,ll'nr. Hnnk Mont tinny i'-rh.i iiu I .!, F.A Colnmhia H'k B'ge Co par Meeliniiics' Hk. Newnrk ir Iloyclstown Hank rarlMwh. Hk of Hiirlintoii par Knston Hank pur Mh. A Man. Hk Trent pi" KrieBank 3 dis : Morris Co Hnnk j ds L'ni.n... n'i.r.-H.i, ...... i Hi.'Wwnrk HkV A Ins. Co ! dis i.lOriinee Hank 1 dis Fanners' It'k, HneksCo par1 People's Hk I'attersiai Farmers' Hk, Iinenster piir',Prinnelii Hnnk Fanners' Hk, Henilin(r pnr.alein Haiikmr (., Farm. Hk Sehnvlkill Co pnrltaerret C.i It.itik FAD. Hk Wnvneslri Udislate Hank ut Ca.ndeii Franklin Hk. Wnnh'ii ijilis-flat Hk KliKiLetliton Ilnrr ftltnrw Itnnk 1 1 tnte MI1IIK IMllvars ll.memlnle Hnnk 1 Uis'ftntc Hk, N. Itriiinwick pnr I-ancnutcr Hnnk pnr.fa'S' X Hsnk. Newton dis I.elmnoii Hnnk pnr Trenton Bunking CO pnr Mrrch. A Mnn. Hnnk I dis t'nloil Bank. Dover J itis Miners' H k, Pottsvilie p-r Ynr.lieyv'leADelDrCol.'idis Mononenlirh Hr.nk I tiis I?'llk n H-w under S5 dis Tsvlorsv'e Del HV Co 15 dis PF.LA VA UK. West Hrnnrh Hnnk pnr Hnnk of Di inwaro par dis par inr dis par dis I dis H'nik of Smyrna par Delaware City linn par Hk Wi!iii"'n .1 llrnnilyw. pm t'nrniers' Hk St Delaware par I'tiioii Ibnk. Wiliiiiiigton psr III! vvynmnn ilk, WHkemre pnr York Hank, 1 dis tT'Iielicf nntrs 1 dm MAIXK. Tlankof Wliptlock !i Mercantile Hk. Hmimir lil.lif IV t. nder S.'i's All solvent luinlo I it,.! OHIO. NF.W IIAMI'SIlirtr.. Alt s .lvent Imnl s S itis All solvent Innls I ili I e" lik notes under fi's 4 (lis VCiiMONT. Nr.HTIf CAUOI.INA. Hnnk of St AILnns 5 il!'. '. 'I ilvrnl Icinks 4 dis All solvent Imnks j ilu t I'l.lerS's, S dis "AID AKD COHrOST," To Your Own .tlcclintiicft. Letter P.'iper, fnp Ifrnwinff ' No. 9B 'Vrwrfvr " Pint eg fnd Pencils. I.ra.1 PiMH'iti. I .fit or Stittnps, !f!.;i It libber t W'ilfrrjt. Ittnl Tnpe, Itlntik Curtis, 1 oitirri, LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, BKOWX STREET, c!)oi:c Fourth, rillLADELPHIA. THE ntidemigtied respectfully inform thc pti'i lie that they are in full operation nt tin ir new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They imite thc attention of 5T0VE PEAI EKS to their larco assortment uf STOVES, all of which are entirely new, nnd got up nt great j expense. Among which ore the Liberty Air j Tight Cook, Complete Cook, t-'tar Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny I.ind Im- ! proved. Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, Liases, liaro Cylinders, liar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Cas Ovens, &c., &r. AUIiOTT LAWRENCE. N. D. Country merchants arc particularly invited to call and examine our assortment, April 10, 183-J. ly. ' PHIL. AND READING RAIL ROAD SI MVIKU lltltAMM MI:M FROM I'UII.ADKI.PIIIA AND POTTSVILLK. GEOUGE BENN. MANITACTI V.r.ll OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. TIIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his lare nnd splendid assort ment of every quality nml price of c'-Viii:'i.t-wari;. which cannot fail to reiommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on art-omit of its durablo workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in tho city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with thc many improvements which are constantly being made. Ills stock consists ot Mahogany Sofa, Divans and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1MNG TABLES, and ulso VENF.TIAN UUNDS, equal to Phila delphia Manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAUDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures ull kinds and ipualities of CHAINS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such ns Maiioiiam, Duck Walji-t AMI Cl-IILKII MaI'LK OlIKl lAX ; AMI WlMISon CHAIKS, ami Kam i 1'iano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none innnulactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Thc subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about thc (ptality uud finish of his ware and Chairs. I iia articles will l e disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavincnt for work. 11T I'NDEIiTAKINO. Having provided himself with a handsome IIi iiihc, he is now prepares! for l iidcrtaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. IT? The Ware Kootu is in Market Street, below Thompson's I-'lorc and Weaver's Tavern. C.EOKOE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1SS3 tf. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS Al llic ablnct Hnrc ltoom of SEWN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al the corner of Fntrn street It the Railroai SUNBUIIY, PA. nauroa Thankful for the pntronago of his friends anj customers during the 17 years he has been in ,usj. ncss in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period ha hna endeavored lo keep up with the improvement of the tiny, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in overy brunch and variety. Thc public ar therefore invited to thc attention of the present stock of CAMNRT WARE AND CHAINS, ,11 AS'J, ACTl'Rr.D FIT SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of ths establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larqe Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and la Ii i o u n h ! c Fiii'iiilure. Having secured a Hearse and made thc neces sary arrangements for tho purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its liranchoj, in Ibis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye ninids and mistresses, and huslrands too, Here's furniture nf every style nnd hue, From side boards down to kitchen tnUes, From rocking chairs to locking cradles Should you not hnve the ready Jolix to pay, VAVII wait awhile fir a brighter belter iluy, Or take potatoes, onts, corn, whent nnd rye j linrk, hoop poles, slaves, or lumber wet and dry, Or nny thing Inn yokes nnd threshing Hulls, Fioin pits and turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, eoine one mid ull, Krep trnde a moving, so "g'tesoii thc ball. 11 P" Orders from a distance promptly attended to ond work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf B irw JT. LEATHER. Fritz, AVilliains fj Ilcndrv. Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., ' PHILADELPHIA JOROCCO Manufacturer., Curri. Import era. (.nirmiminn . .1 f. , . . ' - - . - "cuerai leattier U mess. holesale and Ruil. CF Manufactory 13 Margarella BtreeL Auj. 88, 1853. ly. U T5LANK Parchmenl Papar Deed. ,d tUnk y, Bond., Execution., Summon. Sunbury April 36, 1851. PUEtSli Vanilla licau of auparior qualitv inat ,ImJ .n.l r. ..I. k. Jil l, II.I.MAMU their bei-t 'j'ravciling tlicm for Trunks ex- hibitfd at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wilh nil the world, and they have taken TIIE PRIZE! TKUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in ihis City, and at very low prices ill nnd see. 11ICKEV & Tl IX, Trunk Manufacturers, 1 !8 Chestnut St. April 10, 1853. tf. Tlie .Joluistou Ink 1IA1IUPACT0HY REVIVED HXrt tV Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rilllE siilKCriber begs leave respectfully to ill- form PitiM-Kits generullv, that he has suc ceeded to the lluHincss of manufacturing I'riul in? Jut formerly carried on by bis grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any I'l in, but with the simple reliance upon the Ion:; established diameter it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who inav fivor liim with a call. Tin us Cash. CHARLES EN EE JOHNSTON. April 10, 185-.'. If. Fares Reduced. ! Ofice of thc Plula. rV Reading Railroad Co. ) I Philadelphia, March 20, 1851. ) ! Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) j N and nfler April 1st, 1851 two train, will j 4 j? Ie run eich way, daily, between Philadcl- I phia and Puttiiville ! MOK.XIXG T.IXK. j daily except , JA1GS BA?3EE.S Wholesale and Itclnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Comer Sicond and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found, one of the largest and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in tho l'liited State., in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a .ingle Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churche., Halls, Counting Houses, Par lots, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Uoats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp'a lately pat ented Scirutific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Hold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Good. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing ehwwhere.. JAMES HARDER, S, E. Cur. Che. tuut it 2nd St.., Phila. April 10, 1853. ly T0AP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 H'ooii St., bttveen 2d $ Zd Sts., and No. 17 North 6th Street, PHILADELPHIA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keeper., Mer chant., Ac, that they Manufacture andhav for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soap., Mould and Dipped Candle., all of good quality and at reasonable price C9" Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat April 10 1853 ly. "iLEY'S COVGH CANDY. An excel lent remedy for eouirhfc cold.. For aaia at this nice. Dem.r 4. ?M. w Leaves Philadelphia nt "J A. M Mi inlay a. Leaves Pottsvilie at ? A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTER. VOOX LIXU. Leaves Philadelphia at :) o'clock, daily, except Sniitinys. Leaves Pottsvilie at SJ o'clock, daily, except Sciiduv s. FARES, Ectwccn Philadelphia and Pottsvilie, 53.75 1st class cars and S3.t!S 2d class curs. llctvvecn Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and .Si. -15 3d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Miccts. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bacgagc will heal lovved to each passenger in these lines; and pas seugers arc expressly prohibited from laing any thing as bagsage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 19. 1851. Secretary. tJILYER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low price, by H. B. MASSFR. Sunbury. April 13, 1851. J A TENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for liar bottle. lor sale uy 11. B MASSEK. Sunhury, April, 13, 1851 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half tho usual price by J W. FAILING, Sunbury. July 7. 1849- LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for .ale ly Anril 20. 1851 H. B. MASSER. w -V DD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi I f cine for wle by HENRY MASSFR. Sunbury. Jan. 37th. 1849 17 EE BILLS. Justice, and Constable. Fee Bills handsomely printed on cars' paper for ale at this ollice. FOR .ale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 23 ct., Pure Essence of Ginger.25 cenU CHERRY PECTORAL: For itif Cure ot COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSEIISSS, BRON CHITIS, CHOUP, ASTH. XVTA, WHOOPING - COUGH JXXIJ CONSUItlPTION. I Mnny years f f trial, iiiht'il of ini;i'u iu th? jniMic r n I fi lt-iicc in lln int'Aiii'iiic, lias v it t"ir it ;.n lii'rct-iiuit'ii a'.ii ivtricty hy t'.ir cxfcfiliii l!;e in -t s.'ni)uitit fx;-cli;-ti.nid it' us Vi it.-h.i. Ni'tini: but its iii:rtiiic virtiu-s nml ' tne umiii'.:ikfaUk' lriictii ciuiUTrt-.l u t!i nisawU "i" eiitlt r 1 its, nui kl dii'iitinle niul ui;ii:il;iin hv rfpf-iti n it fiij- i W'liiif tnniiv ii.UTi r i-inr'ili- hnn ini ila! ctmumiiuty. Uiilcil'tiiiil li. i u fi.feii! It-il, li.ia i:niii'-it Ini'inln hy ' t'Vfry m.,', r -uiVrrc.l h.-iu tii-t .u lii.'alJncictl llicy r:ni li'-V-' t-r f"rfTf, nml pr'nluci-l cms I' -it ii.iituri'us ami rniKiiKa- Up id I c t. r- i:;ni j Win!,' k i, ;i iVa id on tti" pcMic to pr. t.'n'l tl.ut .'i-iy our ! mnli'Miii wiil ii.lii.l:-!.- ti.-.r in nlaiiil:int pr.n.l' ; th-it tli- I'uhiti.H Vt rii:..L il n 'I o.Hv hi a u-j.rrnl ! .hnnr,t:i! n!;ii si i;i . ,ti cure the inaJ.uii"' f r uitich il ' is cuipl vc I. i As turn- u! .k"s t'tH'T f i.-tfc i.Vr n:- l ! tiovn. , tin ! m.ii-iiif ti:i railiKiitV lutviiiir tl. l"'t ri-l:.tnce nl j altiifh'.l, h.mi nif I a c'al.nt "i tlie Aiurm-nu iV.ts-iiit, to the pnluiTi t l-:nnlf nn:l Kinc". 'l"ii;'"tiliciit tlii ciituu j rouiuiy, i,i rivry tali. city, ami jmlnul !iliti"t vrry ' liainlfl it r..utain"s, Cl'i ltUY 1'h tikai. n known as t lit I Ijl-hi ri'tiifdy t-xtant t.-r iIi'.im-r .-f tut- Tim -at ami l.irni;i, I ami in l irt-urn cuniirii', it m r -ii.iiirf lit hv rxtt-u-tivriy unfil !'' tln'ir iik'M tiitfflc.vitt riiysicians. In (iifal Itntain, l-'ram-r mut (itTinany. win-rt iiu- in 'licnl win if have rf iciirvl ilieir 'i-rict ii"M, i'iikkuy I'sctorai. ii intr.-lacttl. ami in ciifiant us nt the Aniitrs, lliRi ' tnl, A!ni M"iiSfB, Iiii!i'' I n?t inii'iis. nml in c.nnrUf! pructu-p. nn the sun-nt rfincuv incir uTiemnns i nviiciaini can rni'l for t'' in ilani i"us iinVcliflu nf luni. A'bo hi iiiiltfrr c-irtu, tn.d f-r i-liiUlim it is tviff , pleasant an t t itrclirii tcnn-. In iuct, uie nf the limit fluiteriuc ti'sinnoiiin'i wr rircivp have Item frin parent who have found it eihcau mi tu cucn particularly inciden tal tn riiildiiiNxl. Tlie Ciikbrt Pectoral i mainifarttircd hy a pmetirnl Cheinittt, and rvry 4piiiu,l nf it nndi't Iii nvn e e, with iiivaruil.lf nci'itrncy and cure. It n nculed nud protected by law from countcri'i its, coiiBcfjUf ally cun lie relied un ut genuine without adulteration. We have litre tn furuith the enmmimity with a medieiiie nf aitc-h iiilrniKic suprmriiy uud worthai iiould rtunmriid iivrli' to then C'lifidcnci a reinctly at iim sate, petfty and i flfctnul, wliii-h tlnti hut hy repealed and count iea triad pinvml i(m it to lie ; and trutl hy great rare in preparing it with chenucid ueouraey, nf uniform Mreiipth to afford IMiyii'-iaua a new npenf on which they ran rely fir the lu st reult, and the ntlii-icd with aieinedy thut will do for them ail thut medieine con do. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYE It, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. fv.lj in Sunbury ly II MASKER, and by Druggist, generullv tlirougu; tthe lutc. Novenilier 13, 1S5S. lyceJuio "sunbury ferry." ENRY W. BL'CHER inform, the public that lie ha. tuken tlie Sunbury Kerry nd a. he is now well prepared wilh good and suffi cient cralt. he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtnes. and despatch. April 10, 1852. tf. STAf.E OFFICE. WASH IXt.TOX HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, VfOl'LU respectfully announce that he ha. taken this well known stand, where he will be gratified to see and entertain his Iriends and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, Tendering it in every repcct a desirable stopping place. Xo expense has been spared in fitting up this house. I lie cliatn'.iers are well furnished and the tablo nnd bar provided with the best tho market can afford. The stable accommodations arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAtJK OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to I'ottsville, stop nl this house, where through and way tickets to 1'hilndclpliia can be obtained. 5-unbury, .March 20, 8.12. tf. EYRE & Ij ANDELL, 4 ti and Jlrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. nAVK established a tSlore where the be.t tratle now resort for I Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Miawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mills, i Cloths, l.'assiiuers and Vestings, J Muslins and Linens by thc piece, Damask Tublc I. ilium and Napkins, Patent lllack Silks for Dresses, I Full Stock of Mourning Goods. I E. cc I., arc constantly receiving Bargain, from the New York ond l'l.iladclp'nia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Net t t ash. F.invARt) E. Eviie, Washington I. Lakdell, Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. ECS TCP TCUPwSELP i oa ar cH.vrs. J MEANS OF TIIE ' I'O'JK IMPS! nr V ...... ffl w mn i'''y-'n i Tn m rt&k'; Hp' edition, will B jegf iS) wnr' f hundred i ! llLANTvS. "BLANKS of every description can be bad by applying attneonice oi lue American. WRITING FLUID and aelf aealing Enve lopes, just received and for .ale by April 19, 18.M. H. B. MA8SER. . ISSUE PAPER.--Yellow Timu paper for M. covering gtaeaea, 4c. ,for mU at the .luce of tS Awterieaa. Valuuble Hooks, LIFE of Christ, handsomely bound, D'Aw IOXe'. Hl.TURI Or TRE R KroRMSTlOR, Blarr Dat-ruur. amii I.EbciKs, full bounded. For sale at the publislter. priix. by H. D. JlAeM1." Sunbury, July 14, 1849 ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent srtid. for Tetter. 4 c., just received and for Ml. by HENKY MASStR. Sunbury. July 28. 1849. G OLD PENS with and without case., of s very .utwrior quality, just received. byAUo.U.upp.y of Writing Sunbury, Dec. S7, 1M. r--' i ne nine lias now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no nior- become tho victim iu- q.i u kkiit, r.s by the presci'iitoiis coutainetl in this book, any one nay cure liitust-If witlioul biiiilrancc to business, or the knowledge of Ilie most intimate friend, and nilli one-teiilh the usual expense. In addition to the general routine, ii fully cvpluins the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage beside, many oilier derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. IV" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a Idler will rereiva one copy of this bonk, by mail, or live copies will bo sent for one dollar. ' Address, Dtt. W. YOI.NG, No. 1 .12 SPRIX'E Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. LIT" Dr. YOUNG can be conulted on any of the Di'-cascs described in his ilitlercnt publica tions, nt his flllice. 1.12 Spruoc Street, every day between 0 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 18.12. ly. GL AS S, DRUG S, PAINTS, &c," WHOLES ti.i: AMI II IT A 1 1. nnHE Philadelphia Window Glass Tare-- house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, " il and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. East aide, ha the largest assortment o (Window, Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other 11 Ii ASS, in the city; comprising upward, of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from I be smallest size, up to 38 by 60 inches of Sheet, and as large as S by 7 feel of Plate Glass, including English Crown, French, German and America i, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a largo assortment of Very Thick Gla.i, for Sky-Lights, Hulk Windows, &c. Thc Subscriber having a heovy stock on hand i. prepared to fill order, at the .hortest notice, and on the most reasonable Uruis. Odd size, of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of r. ery description ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil, ed' and raw j Paint Mill. 1 Putty ; Brushes ; Dye Wood, ic, Ac, &c, And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. No. 33 & 35 North 4lh St., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. " YK. aMMERMANi JUSTICE OF THE 1'E.ICEj Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite th Public School House. ne Monies collected and si business piomptrr and ear. fully attended lo. April 0, 1850 STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, AW monds, P une. and Cream Nuts. Planes of sll kinds. alt and Plaster. Just received and forsal by JOHN V. FKILING, Sunbury, Dec. 59, 1849.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers