1 MINE HILL RAIL R MD EXTENSION We lay before our readers, thii week, the following extracts from the report the Min Hill Railroad Company, which relate to the extension of the road to Ash land, wheie the road will be connected with the Philadelphia and Sunbtiry road. Th report" contain! matters of importance to all interested in our improvements. Alter much rareful iiiveslisralion liV Board tin at length been able la bring lo . practical conclusion, ihe long ngilaled qties lion of Ihe proponed extension ncros Broad Mounlain into Hie Mahanoy Valley. As this project was 001 aidcred lo be thr most important that lias ever ensaged th' attention of the company, it baa bten Ihe desire of the Board to fortify its jti lrfrt.ini by Ihe possession of copious and accurate information relative to the lopogiaphy nml resources of the rugged district over which the road must necessarily be carried. Much time and labor have consequently been de voted to the collection of all attainable date by consulting the records of former explnr ations, three of which are known to have been made, and by directing more elaborate surveys to be made, by engineers of well known ability and experience. The fiist of the surveys under direction of tha Board, was made, as is already kno.vti to many of the slock holders, by Mr. S. W. Huberts, in 18-18, when he was actively en gaged with a large engineering corps for neatly four months in which time I n?s of exploration wete run to an agie-jale length of one hundred and nine miles, and Ihe re sults accurately plotted on a large scale with all details of the. topojjapliy carefully wotk ed in. A later survey has been in progress for more thrtti eijjht months of Ihe past year, b a still mote numerous party, undi r the di rjctio t of Mr. Edward F. Gay, by whom additional lines of location have been staked out lo the extent of nearly two huiuliei! in.I.', which in conjunction with the survey of Mr. Rubers, and those previously made by other engineers whose results have been placed in our possession, cover most com pletely this mountain region with a reticula tion of definite lines actually located on the ground, that mark with ureal particularity its entire topographical features. A careful comparison of all ihi'se different lines has demonstrated that the route origi nally located from the head of our main road near Coal Castle, pissing through ihe point of Peaked Mountain, 1 hence ascending to the summit of Broad Mountain at the head of Hauling Hun, and descending through tho gap of that stream to (he Maho nay, is better udap'.ed lor the transit of the mineral products of this region, as well as fur the eventual construction of an unbroken through line, without inclined planes, lead ing towards Ihe junction of thu two gn a' b anches of the Susquehanna, than any o'.her known route that can reach that im portant route. Thu great superiority of this over all other routes previously suggested for cgnnecting the Schuylkill region with the forks of inn Susquehnnna, has become mueh more appa rent since the completion of our latest sur vey, than it was at Ihe time of general meeting of Ihe Company, convened it Sep tember, for the consideration of the supple ment giving aulhoiity for constructing the road. Notwithstanding the incompleteness of the survey at lhat lime, a sufficiently favorable case was exhibited to justify Ihe decision then arrived at, lo accept the law and f ro ceeil to carry its pioviions into effect, and the final result of ihe surveys confirm the propriety of that decision. Under these encouraging circurr.stancrs the Board has proceeded steadily in nil the needful preliminary measures lor carrying into effect the w ishes of tho tlockholtlers as expressed at their late meeting ; and has the gratification of announcing the fmul lo cation and letting ol all the sections ut the line, at fair prices, to several coulraclois selected ltoin a lutge number of competing bidders for iho woik, in w hose ability to push it forward wilh energy and skill, there is reason to place every reliance. The bids received were much more nu merous than had been anticipated, Ihe num ber of competitois being about fifty, and of persons to whom woik has been awarded fifteen, divided into eight separate compa nies or co partnerships. It may reasonably be anticipated that this road when finished will be of incalcula ble importance to ihe pro.perly of Pollsville, fllinersville and Schuylkill Haven, and in deed of this entire mining district, as wel as of that beyond the Broad Mountain, lor it will bring their teeming population of consumers of farm and forest productions in to immediate communication with the vast lesion of ferlile farms and primitive forests lying lo the north and west, kept hitherto almost inaccessible for all purposes of con necting supply and demand, by the formi- dable bairier which our road is designed to surmount. By the route adopted the dis'nnce from the head of our present road to Ashland will be about 12 miles, and thence to the propo sed terminus near the forks of Mine Run near two miles more. There will be no inclined planes between the valley of the Schuylkill and the summit of Broad Mountain ; that point being attain ed by regular gradient, in favor of the trade, suitable for the use of locomotive power. In the valley of Mahanoy the giades are equally or more favorable, leaving only Iwo miles of road on which the continuity of travel will be interrupted. On these two miles the entire elevation of Broad Mountain will be surmounted by means of stationary power on inclined planes located in Ibe ra vine of Rattling Run, which will be so ar. ranged as to allow the loaded cars bauled up, to run by gravity from Ihe bead of the lower plain to the foot of lhat above, the re turning empty cars being drawn from plane to plane by machinery connected with the stationary engines ; thus avoiding the ne. ftssity of intermediate power between the p'anes. EIUOIS AFFRAY I WASIII SOTO. B'tween Copt. Shaumbtrg and Edward W. Fuller. Tho Washington Republic states that on Wednesday evening, about half past six o'clock, as Mr. Edward H. Fuller was about to enter the National Hotel, he was met bv James W. Schaiimberg, formerly of the U. S. Dragoon, who, without the exchange of any words, discharged a pistol at Mr. Ful ler, wounding him severely In ihe right ide. M'. Fuller immediately retreated into the slreet, passing between Ihe hackney carn'riee, and crossed lo the opposite side of the street, where ho fell, and was then con reyed into the Wavsrly House. Physicians were immediately sent for, and Drs. Hal', Miller and Holinead were soon in attend- anon. J he wound was pronounce 1, nt 10 o'clock on Wednesday pveninr, to be in all probability mortal. Mr. Fuller uas sensi ble up lo lhat hour, and his familv was in attendance upon him. Mr. Shaumberg, upon Mr. Fuller rulteat- ing, supposed that his firo had taken no efTeo', pursued Mr. Fuller nearly to the other side of ihe avenue, when, by the in terference of bystanders and others, and upon the information that Fuller had fallen, ho retraced his steps to ilia hotel, and us- cended to his room. He was arrested there shortly afier by some officeis. Much in dignation at his condujt was expressed by Ihe crowd who had congregated ut the doors and in Iho office of thu hotel. He was conveyed lo the office of B. K Morsell, Ksq., ut the Foutlh District Police Office ; and shortly ufler the Hun. John P' Hale appeared us countel. Tho facts having been detailed uud the probable death ol Mr. Fuller ascertained, Schaumberg was com mitted to jail fur further examination, an of tcr lu get bail being refused. The immediate of this unhappy event was ini appearance ol largo plucauls on Monday morning posted in thu vicinity of all the hotels, headed "James W. Scliaurn. berir, a far, a cowuid, uud a swindler," und which contained a statement ending to thow tud piove Schaumberg to be guiliy of lying cowuulice, and swindling, inleispeisvd with many other oppiobiious epiihels. It appears thai Sella u in be ig was itidebti d tu fuller, uud lhat ill feelings existed be tween them for a considerable! time, uud which on a for;, er occasion, led Schai.ui t.eig to make a publication concerning Ful ler, and Fuller tu make a peisoual assault on Schaumburg. Mr. Fuller was well known lo the ciliens of Washington, and to the travailing public. In company .with his father he un (or a long time one of the proprietor ol the City Hotel, then of the Irving House, and recently of ihe Hygeian llulul, al Old Puinl Comfort. For somu mouths past ho has been a cleik in Ihe Cei.sus Ollico. THE LATE LXLllHOX. Still Another Chapter on the Prison Life of Satd and IIoul:lt Attempt to Escape from Prison. A few days before ihe muiileicis o the unfortunate liaxter expiated their oiience under the gullow, ut tombs, Deputy-Keeper Wuud discuveieda mo.-t diabolical plot which had been formed by the prisoners lu make their escape. They proposed to regain their liberty ut Iho expense of Iho lives ol seveial of the kecpem. The plan of escape, us ue learn, was concocted as lolluws: Saul was lo get a fiicud to bring him in two pistols. Next lo Hewlett's was a dilapi dated cull, lhat was never locked nt nighli and he (llowlelt) succeeded in making a huge hole thiough Ihe solid wall, excepting the piaster on ihe other side. This was done under and even w ith the top of the bedstead, the back of which, with the bed, concealed the whole in daytime. To show what woik he had performed, it may be stated lhat one of the stones removed, is twenty inches long, and over u.fuul thick and deep. AH the stones were cuiefully icplaced in ihe day- i ......... ...i .i t...t'. ,i ..!.. . IIII1C. UUU IVIvlVU Ul LI HUM un ami.u Ml.-w.v- u ;....,. ...,.. i I iiuiiii llic hkio iv iu cm hi vlii, miu miv- c , ,. ,, ! , , . .uny lei niu.seii out, ana men -snoot me ni" lit watcli iMessrs. L.iuaeii unci r uiley : then tint Ihe kevs from iheir no.sefsiou. and free Saul and Johnson, llavin cained the arJ they were confident of l.avin success. While all this wus goiuj mi, Mi. Wood was certain there was something in ihe wind and on questioning Johnson, he owned up the whole ati'air; uud it is duo to the latter to say, that from the lii.t bo cppus ed iho whola plot, and this was lluee Uujs before iho commutation of sentence, was re ceived. Of coursj the pii.oueis weie then thoroughly secured fiom any fuith.-r at tempts; and, to span their feelings. Mr WouJ piomised not to make the uflair public until alter ihe execution X. Y. Times. Ccinmuniciition. For the Sunbury Amcrieoa. II B. Masskh, E-n, : O'jseiving thai the columns of ihs Suiibu Anierican re fieqnenlly opened lo essays oi agricultural subjects, which meets my hearty approbation and as 1 believe that Ihere are but few subjects that cun fill Ihe columns of a family newspaper lo more pio fit, than that of beating on the Sciei cj of Farming in ull it. relations. President Fill more, in one of his annual messages to Con gress, said lhat four-filths of aur active pop. ulalion were employed in the cultivation of the snl; but notwithstanding this, it Ua lamentable fact, that the spirit of apathy or lislnessness prevails, both among editois and people. Had the editors of publio journals been properly alive lo this subject, in years gone by, ere this, a different slate of things would now be witnessed. Our legislature would have been influenced, a reservation would have beeu inserted in all charters to com panics for conu..:ciii:j canals, railroads, or bridges, securing Ihe right and privilege lu the farming community, to transport ferlili zers thereon, free, or at a reduced tole. 1 have exceeded my limits, therefore I must close, but perhaps I may notice Ihe subject again. ADILE. Bhtmokin township SUNBUUY AMERICAN ANDSHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Thb General Mining Law, which the Commissioner, nppointed recently by Ihe Governor of this Slate to revise the code, have ptepared, authorizes companies inror p. naied fur coal mining and for manufactur ing lumber, to own, In foe simple, or for a term of yrars, lands nrcesary for their bu sin not exceeding 3,000 acres ; lho.e ft r melting copper, lead, tin or zinc oris, and for quarrying marble and slule, not exceed iug 1,000 acres, wilh Ihe authorily of leas ing to others the hrivilrga 0f mining and vending the prodi.cts. The siot kliold. rs of uc h companies are jo'n:ly and severally lia ble, in their individual capacities, for the debt of the company. A 8TR0I.0GY, or the Science of Iho Stars, Ins many believers, even in ihis enlightened age. Wo do not desire to increase their number., hut there is a kind of knowledge much moro sen sible and universal. We allmla to thnt which directs people to the cheap clothing store of Rockhill it Wilton, No. 111. ChcsAiit street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia which is now nocked with a splendid supply of fashiona ble fall and winter garments. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. 1852. ly. CT" POISONING. 3 Thousands of parents who usu Vermiftig.) composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c. are not aware, lhat w hile they appear lo benefit the patient, they are actually laying the founda tions lor a series of ilewjises, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found thu adver tisement of Utibeusuck's Medicines, to which we iit-k the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaint and all disorder arising lioni ihosu of a bilious type, tdiould iimke us-e of the null' genuine medicine, ll.iben ack's Liver 1'iiU. ' lie not deceived," but ask for Hoben itck'S Worm Syrup uud Liver 1'illf, and ob five lhat each him the Kintuituie of the Pioprietor, J. N. I10BENSACK, as none el.su are genuine. M A U It I K l. O.i Ihe 1 Si h uli., by ihe Rev. Mr. Hud' son, Mr. EowAnn Li.oVD. of WilliHmsporti tJ Miss F.LtABCTii Montgomery, of Money. On the iOih nil., by the Rev. S L. M. Consor, Mi. Jessk Wagnkr. of Lewisburg, to Miss Susan DtSTl.Kn, of Clulisquaque. On the 27tli lilt., t'V the Rov Mr. Cur sir, Daniel KeysEr. to Miss Margaret Bkhk Hl'.iMKIi, bxili ol Chilisquaquf. Oi thr83:h ull bv ihe 1W Geoice P.. Mo. ire. Rev Jons H. GwiEn. ol Jimm-y Shore, to Mis. Maiiuarkt SsouuhasS, sister of Ihe Rev. John Moody, ol Shippeushuig, Pa. i) a i: u. In ihis place, rm thn 9:h iust., Miss ANN REBKCCA BELL, aged abi.nl 22 yeais In Lower Aimns'a, on the 9th insl., Mr, GEORGE UAUPT, in the U2d year ol li s aiie. I i Chilisqnaque, on the 19ih nit, ELIZA RKTI1 ANN, tl.iiihter of Cornelius uud Elizabeth McCinly, uged 4 ytars and 9 u.o.iths In New U-ilin on the 27lh ult.. Mr. MO SES BOW MR, of Miliup, uged' aloul 80 ytas. In Milton, on Monday evrfuinn, Ihe 31-t ull., ALICE, tlai uii or of L. L. Ucidlemuu, t:gtd about 10 luoiilhs. II)c iUavkcts. FhiladclpLia Market. Feb 9, IS53 Floi'r ssu Meal. Tim maiket is ilull ; s.ites oi ne.'ii uioui.ti tor txpnit al ami good hi.mds ftu city eoiisnuiptuui. nt 5( a S5i iCxiiit Fluui is he hi ul S5.50 a 5.T7. Kl Ft.:il'B. Lust scales at SlJ. Corn Mlal. Last sales ol Pcni.a. at Wheat Sales of prime red al SI IS ; ami hne ni 125. Rvk Is in demand ; sales at SGols. tu us Is arriving freely, and piiees am sumeiliiiii; lower; sales of dry yellow al C5 e and of u Inie ul fi3. Oats. S.tlen of piime Soulhern at 45 m I IVnn.i. at -15 etn. Wiiiskkv. Sales of bbls al 25c. and hints nt 54 i cis. , . Baltimore Market .-.rial-- ei ri,-t .. i . . . - GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to day at llja ,,7,.. fu, ,10l, l0 prllne ri.t,S; mu, I18a l 1 C3 cis. lor lint . , Corn is in very cod supply Sales to-day of ! tt ' 68 '!' "f V11"" a'.63 8 61 cts. The laiL'p qnaiiiiiy in maiket, how ever, mused piieesto ;ive way, it ml al the close mi more ih.iu 61 els could lie ubtaiued for vd iv. Sale o Maiyland Itye tc-day at 80 c'.s. and rem, a. ul 8 1 els We niioiH Maryland Oais sells at 40a 43 et , and Pennnj Ivanin l 12 a 41 cis. WHISKEY. P.lcs or t.l. U., lo-day ut 211 Is. We quote hltds. at 31 els. SlW'Kl'KY I'ltlt'E CL'UUUNT Wll F. AT. Cortf. Oais. Potatoes, 13CTTF.II. Eli ci, I'll UK. l'i,ATH;tn. T ALLOW. Iliaiwtt HtlKI.KII FHI. lJ.ntn A rrLi.. Do. Piachis. FlA 10C 7i c: 41 37 lli IS 1SS 1(1 IS 17 e7 2C0 6 New Advertisements. PUBLIC SA LE. jf N pursuance cf an order of the Orphans Court - ol N'orthiimhcrlund couiitv, will he exposed to sale, on SATUKDA Y, Iho S6th dav of FEBRU ARY inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the house of JaniOJ Lee, in the borough of Northupihcrland, lie lullowinj deo-.n-heJ property, belonging lo tueesiaiu ol J. ii. Jjoyrj, dec d. A Lot of G round, in said Borough, numhered 45 in the plan of the U..UHUCU iiorin-eati by an alley, south-esst j icy.aouin.west by Ring street, andnorlh TWO CONTICIOUS LOTS OF nrtmrvn ... uu,OUB, oi, 237 lnd S38 , . . lot NoTiM ' n "ley, "d 0f"-"t by TWO CONTICIOUS LOTS OF nsnirvn LOG IlO USE. ClM 4 on a'y J. D. SMITH. Adip'to, North'd, Fsb. , 199.-t. SHERIFF SALE. 1 Y virtue of a certain writ of Altai Vtn. txp. to me directed, will be sold by pub ic vendue; at the Court House, in tho borough of Sunbury, at 1 o'clock, P. M. on Monday, the S8th of Feb- luurj, nisi. The undivided three-fourths parti of a certain Tract of Land, situste in Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, adjoining InnJi of John Covd, Win. Wilson, Peter Manrcr, Michael Kroll, and Frederick Krs iner, containing S67 acres, and 70 perches, with allowances, surveyed October 23, 1794, and a warrant granted to Matthias Zimmerman, dated, Augnst7, 1793. biczed taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John ttuavclv. VM. D, KIPP, SlierfiE ShnrifTs Office, Sunbury, Teb. 0, 1858.-4t. J Stniy Slieep. rf"AME to the premises of the subscriber In ' Aujusta township, about Iwo miles from Sunbury, about eight weeks since, sis stray bhecp. The owner is requested to coins forward, prove proparty, pay charges and take them away, or they will bo disposed of according to law. JACOB P1CKHART. Upper Augusta, Jan. 29, ltS3. Sf FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholetalt Manvfacturtrs and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, No. 113 North Third St. b.low Race, PHILADELPHIA. rrtHE attention of Dealers is requested to an examination of Iheir slock, which will be found to bo at Kin euual toauv in this city. FOREIGN K KU ITS ol all kinds' in season. N. IS. Orders by mail or othsrwis? promptly at tended to. February S, 1853. Cm. To the honorable ihe Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the count; of Vor tiumberlund. Tlie undersigned petitioner rcsjiecifuKy solicit! ine Ib-m. Court t'i grirnt tier u lietrntt t j kerp nil Inn ur tavei n at the li fuae she now t ct-upies, siuiate lit .Murkt:l inccl in tiiu bjrougii ul buulurr. CATHARINE BOL'l.TOX. We the timlersij-tieil citizens nl the borungh of 5nnbnrr, ill NiHttimnUeriuiiJ c.JUntv, bci iilt nciiuiliilled will) the aitj l'ctitiiMicr. ilu ctrtity lli;il blie is ul it nM repute f. r ti inesiv and tt-nipeiuncc, si.d Unit slio it we.t piovidu.1 with hutue rtH,m und oilier c nvmiieeil f.T the at'C 'litntutluliun ul" ttraiiRt-ra und tntv,-ll-rs, mid thnt an Inner imetn isncces aary T.T tlic iicc-Minti.idutioil of stranger und Iravellerl. Jim IV I'uru-I, Cc.) C Wilkcr. Wm. II. Kipp. John YtinNjr, V. T. firint, It. II. Al, I'rtil Laz'inm, Win I.. Uewnil, J II. Maner, II It. Mawr, Jalun Ueartl, Jumti C"vcrt, I. I..'i7.ui it. Sunbury .I'd) 5. ISS3. 3t. TO the Uun. A. JORDAX, Esq., Presi dent, and Ids Associates, Judges of the co:rt of Q itirt r Sessions, of tis County of JYorthum'.erl md. THE petition ef J A.M1'.S COVERT, of tin- U irnuRli or Sunt my in Kiid ci.iinlt, luiin'.ly rcprescnia, 'i'iiat he prnpci scs ikupiiif- it ul lu- h .uic er tiivcin lit the i. Ul slanil for tncrlv .'tvii, led hy him in s;iid It none li, unr) l)i:it lie n well pre'wirt'd l -r the ucc jnuiKl.it inn nl' Triivt-llcrs. A,. Ilo Ihuri-i'.ire jirnys ynur Inn 'is 1 1 print liltu n lici-nse tu kvepu T.ivcr.i, iluiui-Uig ciuuuig vcur, uud he will pray, Ac. TO TUB JUDGES ADOVI3 MENTIONED: MX. Ilie sutisfihifrs. residents nf ttie stiid II r.iiifh do riereliy ccrliiy. llmt Jjtncs CiviTt the uppln-.tnt lor the I -cene, is a nlnii oi" u nnI rapine for h nicKty ami leiniieronct and is welt pr vitl.d wi'li II' 'iie-risnn and c invenieii'-et I' iv Ihe L nlyinc mid iici-onmi' ttution'ol Straniieis and Tri vrl:,.is. tind thnt n pntilic li-nsi there is nee-Fury; liiey thcrcf ne rt'r inimsiid him usa pr.tper person t ibe li-insej lo kerp b.l'ul'lic lluuse. JAMKS HP. AliD, M. I.. FlIIVDr.I,, W. It. THOMPSON, O M OKKS, Jt'llN HA . I I). Y. llllltiHT. II. II MASSKR. C. O I1ACII.M AN, BKNJ. IIKFF.NCR, CKO. W. KKIIII, k. i.AZAitt s c. J hhi;i:ii, IIIKAM TIIICK. J. U. M.VSEU. siu iliury, Jon ISJ3. 3t. SEALED PE0P0SALS M ILL Y.V. RECEIVED until sunset of ihe Uth day ol Fchruary 1S03, at the Engineer's oli'.ee of the tSunlnirv & I.ric Railroad coinpiiiv, at il limipirt, liir the rciiNisiiive ami iiki.ivkkt of all the lhtliMuliii Cement (about RO.000 bushels.) rcijuired for the Mammry mi the line of said road from Sunlnirv to Williann-poit. !Si ceitiiTitioni. and iiifurmation on Ihe subject, can lie hud at the ullice, at any time previous to tho day ol leUni. T. IIAKI.NS UUPL Y, t:hief Enqiiicer, P. T. Eng. Tept. S. i E. R. R. Jan. 29 18.')3.-3t. Sunbury r.nl Erio Eailroad Company. rjPIIE annual Mfclin of the Stockholders of -- tlie l oinnanv, will lie neltl ut iheir Oluec, Girnrd Buildings, Third Street, Philadelphia, on Monday, thu 1 4 ill of February, 1353, at 10 o'cloek A. M. At which time there will also he an Election for President Slid Managers. The polls will be open from 10 lo 3 o clnci. P. M. CUAIU EIDUI.E, &coietury. January SD, 1Rj3 St. orpiiass' ' courYsaleT IN pursuance of an onlcr or tlic Ortii Court i- nl' tlmmiMtrliistil rrtin,e uill lm sviinGiI in uliliie sale on SATURDAY tho 12th day of FELtRUARY iieitt on the iircinii.es The follow- itrf t'.em'riiiid laud, lo wit ; a crrUi'i TRACT or uriiarl uumher ciht coi.lauuiig 115 ACHES AND 101 PERCHES. strict measure, being i!ie eastern part of the tract w hereon Samuel l.nni; resides, ulfo, puipart Ao. nine, comjiiisiii the iutcivsl of the said decedent, is loll.iw s, to wit ; J he iiimmdcd moirty or hull j.art of the piece of land in said writ of Partiliuu mentioned, cunt jiiiinir one acre and a half, more or less; Whereon are erected a SAW MILL and mall HOUSE, and the undiwdi d third pait of the tract in said will mentioned, adioiiiiiic llavid Rillinau and others, containing twenty acres, more or less; and the undivided thud part ol the tract in said writ mentioned as held by said deceased as tenant in common with the endecs of John C. Hovd. All f said lands being and Ivinc in the Township of C micron. Northumberland county. Late the es tate ot (jeorsre Lone, deed. Sale to commence at 10 o clock A. M or said day, when the terms of salo will be made known by tiEORGE DOVER, Adiu'r. Dv order nf ihe Court JNi. P. PURsEL.CIk. O. C. J Sunbury, Jan. 15, IS-3. ta. NIGHT SCHOOL. PTVIE suhseriher respectfully informs the riti. rens of Sotihury ami vicinity that ho' has opened a Night School in ihe puhlis School rooms in this pluce, for the purpose of teaching Ihe common nrnnches of an English education, hut more particularly Reading, a drouth loo much neglcctcil. His 1 erms aio ? 1 for sixteen nights, protiiletl scholars are satisfied. Fuel and Light fount! I y himself. School rommenred on Thursday nicht lat to continue every night, until tlie end of tlic quarter. HOsHA W. ATWCLL. Sunhury, Nov. S7. 1SS2. if. VATCHES, JEWLLRY, &o. JA31ES IJ. F IDLER, No. li South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do bilver I.epiue do " Quartier do Gold pen and pencil and silver balder Silver Tea and Table Spoone Braceleta, Breast tina Esr rintva Art... AU warranted and sold at price as low ty in tlie cuy, ' November 2T. 1853 tf. jLVMKKsOiV's AKITHEMEliU Horn. l. S and Porter' Hhskxioal Header, aU reeei "'" V WM. McCARTT Bunbqi-f, May 1, USJr. GEOKGK ZI MERMAN, VEN1TIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which fur stvle of finish and workmanship cannot ' surrssird. YhoIenl ond Fetal! nt the lowest prices. AIo TRANSPARENT WINDOW til ALES AND REED ULINtiS vrnoLWALn, at ma-M rACTtREns- men. MERCHANTS and others are invited to call mid cjaminc. Philadelphia, August 81, 18o2. ly. it. t'OUP.TII ARUIVAL OF at hie n v.v Toi:r. or I. Ar. TENElt k CO., Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. invite tho particular attention of our ' friends and the public to our FutRTii supply of goods just received, adapted to the winter season. We hate now a much target assortment in every department than st any time since we opened in pril last all ol' which we are deter mined Ij sell at the stuns low prices which hove hitherto secured lo us such a generous support from a discerning public, and fur which wo bpg to return our heal thanks. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hart! wro, Q urc tis wn ic, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Duldltd Uarkellf.d Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valisos, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and l'urasols, Doots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, I'l.iin and Kuncy Hams and Miinilders, Nails, Window Glass, l'niiit StulV, (lils and I'utty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. li. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange ut tho hiyhcsl market prices. I. V. TENEK&CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852. ly.c EERUPP'S Premium Kssimicc of Coffee- Miry I we'll pro-1 fi'f inin'-ili'ii1 ions our Una by. JTMI ,i'if Mil using Kraiy's I'J,:' fthij ! ill:i:l:ii.i... 7 H Y will man utc that which is injurious to bis hcallh, wi en he Is willing to give all Ids wealth lo restore it when it is lost? Strange! that at least two third of the human family uill use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Kriipi'' F.sisi'iicc of Coflec is, levond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Colli c in the world. Every house keeper should Iihvo it. Try it and le convinced il will aavc about CO pet cent, bcsidcnyour hcallh. Warranted t ) render enlire sniinfuction. MuuufucturcJ and for sale bv ' ELI KRUPP, C30 North "d street Philadelphia. N. II. All the p.iueigiil Croccrs ond Diusjisls have il fur sale throughout Ihe United Mates. For sale by the Agent, II. 15. Masscr, Sunbury. January 1, IHo'J. Cm. NSW STORE. BEN.! A 31 1 X HE FI N Eli riESl'KCFFL'I.I.Y informs the citizens of Sunlnirv and vicinity, thut he lias opened a new store in the room lately occupied hy (jcorge Uriiiht, oiMionie Ui.lton Hotel, lie has just re ceived a iiiiiidsome assortment of WIlSTEIt GOODS, consi.stiu;; in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all liiuls, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Ginghams, I,nTim, ;ouni-IIsic Uc l.;titicti and all kinds of Ladies Dress Cooi'.n. CUOCEIilLS of every vaiicty. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nml Steel, Kails. &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENGWAEE, of various stjles atid patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS &. SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. S:dt. Fish, i;c. And a gr'at variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the lowc.-t prices. t!T Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunhury, May 1, 1652. ly. Tr.Eir:xDous Excitcznt ! ! Cash, Steam, b'li'Cti icity ! ! 77ie Acriul and ull other lines out done by the IJglstiiln? 1-lnc of I1IA T. CLEMENT. SJT'lIO, having great faith in rapid sates and v small profits, has just received alio opened a largo assortment of FALL A D WINTER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.;et Street, Sunhury, which hit oilers to the pul lie at the lowest price. , His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Catsimers, Cussiiiets, Jeans. Drillings, Miiflins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berates. Sii.k Hats, A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Groroiirx, Sugar, Ti-a, Cofl'ef, Molasses, Cheesf, Spl-ct-s, Fish Sail, I'lasU r. HARDWARE, Vii: lion and Steel, Nails, l''ile, Saws, tic. QUEUNSWARK, Tea Setts, Plutes, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, e LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Hum, Wlihkry, it- tr" Country produco of all kinds taken in c.v chango at the highest maiket prices, Jan. IS, 1853 ly. 40.000 SHINGLES. A GOOD lot of 26 incbe while pine Shingles for sal at $10 per M. I. S. MASSEK. Sunbury, Jan. IS. 1853. tf. CMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, fresh upur JuU reoeived, and for al bv U. B. MASTER. ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CHiiAP GOODS. FIIILINC & GRANT. O ESPECTFULLY inform their customers anil tho public, lhat they have just receiv ed and opened the best nnd cheapest tuck of Fall find Winter Gooda that has ever been brought to Sunbury, Their stock consists of every vaiie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cas'imeres. Sattinels, Fittings, Flannels, U'Mens, And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS k FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, Bcragcs, And every tarisly of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Cats for Mln and Cots. Also a Urge assortment of GUOdEKI LS, SIC1I AS Suar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Sjiicej of all kinds. Also a largo assortment of HARDWASE and QUEEHWARS. Fish, Ealt and Plaster. Also a icli supply of DIlL'Uf AND MKDiCINLS. Resides Ihe largest uud most general assort inenl of ull kinds of goods lu bo had in ihis place. IV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prico. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 1S52. "A Penny saved is a Penny Ea-ned" MARPLE S 13 LANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Pottsviilc, Pa. TJJjLANK Rouks bound and ruled in any und j every ttyle, in the most durable and sub stantial manner, wilh or without printed Heads. Person in want of Ledgers, Dockets, Day Bonks, Minute Eoo'.;, Journals, Letter Rooks, liltitters. Receipt Rooks, Coal Ledgers, &c, &c., or any kind ol' Blank Duoks, would do well to give me a call us I pledge myself to give satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pattern desired. Par ticular attention paid to I! hiding all kinds of old Rooks, Bibles. Codes 's Lady Eooks, Giuhatii'a Mouziiic, ariuiti'n Magazine, Hymn JJooks, ..lcnsoo'a l'iclorial, Sheet Music, bluil.c.jji'aie's works, Life ol Christ, Luw l!ouls, &c. Harper's Mneuzr.ic, JoscpltUb's works, Any of the above or other hooks bound in fnli (;ilt, l.iin or fancy to suit the uishca of cusloincrs. I would again ca'l the attention of my fiends and customers, lo the fact that I hac hecna riaclical liook Binder for the U.t IS ciirs, uud they can de end on havim; their wo.k dune in the very best manner, und do the work myself; 1 use Iho best paper ei: material; please give mr a call my charge are reasonable and fair, but there is lio diiiieulty about prices whore work is done satis- lacl.irilv. N. li. Persons hainr Booslhev wantl3oui.il can send them by Ma.;e directed to me stilting, the the ktle they wish them hound in: 1 will do them as low as they can be done any where, care fully pack thrui up and return them; Also per sona can scud orders for Blank Book hy mail, wlni h will he punctually utlcndud to. All work done at shot I notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder, l'ottsville. Nov. G, lSoi Cm. GREAT EXCITEMENT. AVI LLI A 31 A. KNOIJIJ, llESPECTKL-LLY int'iim-.s the public pener ally that he ha just received and opened the best am! cheapest stuck of Tall and Winter Cozii, that has ever Iceu brought to the county, liis stock consuls of cciy variety of Dry Goods, viz : Ciofu, CWiiicrs. Saltinelts, Vcs.'incs, Dril lings, Linens, Mi'Sthis, Jeans, and ull l.indi of' Winter Guwis. AUj a splmdid variety of Ludies Dress and Fancy gotds. Culicrcs, Ginghams, Di Laincs, Shawls and every varicci of Goods suitulde for Ladies tctar. Also, on extensive assortm-'nt of Silk, Beaver, Fur if Slouch Ua-'s A Itu ue and trtll selected Assortment of Boats and Sho;s of ev ery deserip ton and size. Ahn, a lure assortment of Uroeeiics, Such us Suvnr. Cijfc: Teas, Milasscs, Siias of ull kinds. Mso a larce assortment of Hardware, r.r 1 Quennswnrc, Fifth, Salt ami LiiUor such as Gin Brandy, Rum and Whiskey, besides tho lnrpc-t and most rrourral assortment of all kind of l-'oods to he had in the county. All the above mentioned j-iods will le .M st such reduced prices as tiicy can not bo got for elsewhere. Country produce of allkiudt taken in exchange at the hijhcEt market prices. Also, For salo a two horse spring wagon and a liug?v. Augesta tw sp., October "9, 1S52. 6m. HixtioltiiliHi vf I'arltu-islilp. riIIE f'opailnrrship heictofi.rr cxi .t'1115 un.'cr 1 the uan.e of lames II. iV Win. 1'. Hart, is this day di.s.ived by the wilhilrawcl of illi.nu H Hart. The huMiicrs of the laic linn will bo settled by either of the undersigned, ut No. 2!'J, North Cu sliccU JAMES II. HART. V.'ILI.IAM B. UAIiT, THOMAS II ART, rii'.adcli hia, Jan. 1, l(ioo. The unilcirijiieil, 'nave. Ihis day fonneJ co partnership and will continue Ihe hu-iness under the name of James II. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past tavors, ihey respectfully ask the at tention of their f.iciiils and the public In iheir slock of UKOCElilE-S, uhich will be full and exujiiiive, and whicll lliry will sell at tho lowest ruarket rate, JAMES II. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, !Si3 J8.U, I NK-Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con- irres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by lWemlKir 2H. 1S.0. ( 11. MA.SKR. AN'P BILLS neatly printed on new type proroplly eiecuted at this oific. Also blanks, of ill Uads on aupetior fiw. Hunt-Ury, Feb. U, IfSJ. THE LOAD TO HEALTH I HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. ccr.n or a rrsonDr.nr uveu and ii-i DIGtSTION". Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W. Knhus, Chemist, 7, Pascal Street, Liverpool, duttd Gth June, 1951. T" Prtifcssir HoLLowif, bin uur Puis itntl niritiiiri.t Imve Ho. J the l.ijlit ui oursuta list of I'r.ipnct'iry MkIi . ints i.rs.ni ycun. A customei, to whem I enn refer for any enqul ios, dtsite nmlolel vim know the pnrlicuiiirs nl' li'.-r euse. iritv li.nl been trnulled fm yt-rtia wilh a tlisirtleieil liver uml liutl dii;t;sliuu. On tlie Inst nfftminii, Imwevi r, tlie Iruitp. t cf the uilQck wus i iilrninir. nntl tlie iiillttinmiili. u tel i i s..'vr.reiy, tli:l doulns wum enteriitiiietl if her n 't I;,.; able to'l'm up umier it ; f.iribiiiite ly site wus iu.lucctl t try your Till, unit she (in irms me lint niter Ihe lirni. u-ni e ttli su -eeitinf tl'.s-, she hurt priail rtltef. She e iii'int'iil tj twkc llinn, iniil clihnuyli she unsi nnty ll.rcs Jii xtc, Fl.t is now in the tiijnymenl "f r.,riix;t heui;lt. I g -nl'l t.iivif sent yt.u rruiiTkeii.'t'S. hnl ll.e tibove fe m tlie snvfiniTr n ins AtrACS, iW.il the ..rxirjr cure, 1 thiui:, i ouLs ilui.1i in favue tn y tir ual'.nibliii R Tills. (.'n.ci) r.. tv. Kinxts. ax LXTitAtmciNAnr crtn ok PiiKt:atAT:C keyxk, in van Lii..Mi:N a i.a.nu. Copy e.f a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of the 1st March, 1S31, by Mi-;i.r J. IVakh. Margnrct M'C mtiiui. nlir-teen yer rf npc, rcsIJiny a New Twu, hid been tnlirntg fruin a viuieitt rinuiUMtia lever lr upwarui ul' tv i .nni.Uis, which li:ul ontirrl7 li' prived hut of ihe umj oi'her iiiiii-i j during this pcriud h wus u-.it.rr the enre ur 'he tn'St muirut medical men ill Hubert 'i''wii. und b" i!eia her c. ; vs iMMaulerctl lni lera. A irici.i prcviiiled ar.m i.vr M try HollJWHy'J cele Lt;:J 1'illt. which wl.tj c iiitvittfl tit to, mid in an tucruii bits uiiurt Hjiace ul time they ttfeottd a per feet cure. CURE OK A PAIN AND TK.MTXKS3 IN THE CU1-.ST AMSTuM.Cii Of A rLUSON fc4 EAK3 Ol' AOh. From Messrs Thew Sont Ptoprietors of the Lynn Advertiser) uho can vouch for tht fvllouin? statement. Augvst 2)idt 1851, To FloiCMiT 11' T.LOWAT, Sir, 1 desire lu l-e.ii- tcatim ur t' Ine p'H d tflVcU of Hull 'Way's liU. l i t R'jiuu ytais I smtied seveicly lnm a pain mud lighincM in iht siLitiiit.-ti winch wan acrom luutHij by u hiiartiitfcs ji bruiili thai t'luvenU'd mu fruiu walking ub -ut. 1 am b-i cuis m itgc,iu.i i oUviliietumllug my uuvuiictd :ulc ( Lie, Uidtv I't. s hn e icbuved inc, '.iiat I fit u dtMir.u liml i Uicin thrtui .n iitutlc Ufjuiiintfti well their vu'wus. I uiii now rriiii.-r.t.l, Ly their mean, cuiiipafhtively aciive, cud t-iin (ibe f.-zti-tis; tvithuui it.cuu Vtiatrnct! or p.uii, t:wii 1 cju'u u i dv n-t- r?. (rjijucdj i;i:ky COK, Njrlh Utc;:, Ljun, Ncrtulk, Tluse celebrated Fills are wondci fully ejfua civus tn the following compUtinls. Agje I)r'pc Iiitl.tininouuu A "'tui a itf-.,tr, vf J ..'ti'.co Hlmu Con.p!:iul.i 1 i . s.;c.ui i-u -V v-vifl iii K'hUi vi llic l'c.iiiiie Jkcazu 1. Ii.s li wcl Cyinplaiala Fevcia ui'ull I'.ies Ct'Iirj kiiutit li:it;uiti,.-tiisii CJiistii:tli'ni uf l-'ils llctciiii'U ut tilt il 'WC'.I C.C'Ut L'llMO Cuiisuii1pi.. lie:id:icli Jrulri. nr i'tb.liiy Ii !i:;':i n Kn.u'a L.'il S i.e i :.r'ii's IS. 'iic i.ml Uravil Sccii.iLr Tic Dua'.urt;.:i Vu:in ll'rt hy.ii(iii ill iB Ulce s Vcti.ruui AiiVwirj:ii Wijn.is'ji'uJ Unn'i V'uikiit.;'.. ff'iin wb.itcviT iviiki- Vc.t Ac. S J.t ul tin' J-.h!ii!iltiiiiifut fl' I'i'.iich ir IIoi.r.nwAY, 21', Siraud. fnuiir 'IVuijili. U.ir. L iu!ui:,j by u.l rrsiptrliilnu )nigyiutsi ruiil Dclcrx nt !iicnirs tln t'h mt Ihe Brifih J !ij(nrc. Ac. ill ic t tii'j L imed fcl;iUi, in li-ixci. ut 37jc, &7c. nml o'l:. t'jtcii ''u.i'-sa!i: !jy i!i pnin-ij id U;u li'iiiNt'H in ibo L'utii, and Ly .Mg;s. A.U. X U, Saisc, Nev Vi'iK. ixT Thcru i a eJUEidcrai !u saving Ly tulii.j llic larger iiia-a . H Dirccti-ma -r l'u irniuiici; of paliuiiti ia every di9 Tdir itre :;in.ed lo ty.-li u- X. October 'JJ, 1CJ, !y. Tho ou!y Tau IJjiiraii of Vaingtoa. J 1ST I'tTiLISilED, T. 13. WKLCIi'a .MA (jNIFICLNT P0MEAIT 03? WASHIKOT02T, Enflr.ivetl (by pcr.'iisiou) lioiu Stuai t's only original ortiiit, in thu Alh 'iienin, lioalou. 'illrf stinerti nie'.iiie, t ivinM il e;,.iLr t!:u nujierintentl- eiice in Tuo.MAS ai l.l.V, li..;.. lit in. .neat i.-J tii,:lnv gnti.-a arlisl, m Uuj t i..y c irr.et li!;ii..-s .1' W'teli- nit n e t.r !Hltlilii:.l. II 1ms U-t-n .;;:r:ii'1..'i iKi-d us Ihe rialcit Wi.rU clail e-.ui ri'iiiictit in lias e.iiue.r y. A, Ki lis li.uinv, in1 r. nt I li.r k:'.-ri. i.f r-. , i. . pt, -. . son . f Wusi,tti!;V ii, uuuituK A-'-iii.i;'i.iN t'.i:;. i. Tlrr. wii t.. "i. in :t laii rt-j-ri .".-l;.:! tn .1 i n- -:c!-C'jraitu nil.;!::!'!,'-a.ut t i t..l.i-' JLl'il I'. 'i'AM.V of lln; u:.ri'ino C ..l.t ll. L" . . : .-'. M- ti:'. t l.u R i . 'As a I w.'ik "i url i; i';.ct !. i.-.-c a.al licnity h.u-t f'ri.o every one wlui .!. it ; uml 11 u IvPH aa; ,.y in 1,4 .' tj ti J";., fctnhhu wiK. ' ..enta. ee t tt i a.i . j Tne ji .1 rm ) "i I av. :..i i 'jk'. ','"', .'r.iTivn'i'u V j (". ,i liil.ii,.. i- , me to nr. .yh ' tl. !...! :e wIk-Io -.m-.i c.i l. na-.ry. , c. . j c.c l ' t ejta.it rr.-. a -. rll u -. :: Aii.l f:iypS!'A'I'(ll .li.-l! 'l llic t'..-;.' r.,: aul. .;S, "li.r ....... lit ,... as t.. ..I' ll i.n.l e. : in a- 'e lyor .MAIICI'ANT i... t tne pa-il ..f - nit, it- ...ir-ii.1- .. li. -in any 'lier M l..,:,- IIK'H i. in- .i-y't-f Ilia ll i. Lie ia..i ;!.;iiilii-il re in u ii i t-v.-r siuv In.a c"n - i i l.u iliuiiiiii us mail it ' -if i. '!) . i l'i.i:s;i;r.NT t il J J"';, Vi'u". 'a ,?!,''' j ,,, t. n, 'vm.t ;. i.e. '. n. r . ; .r j p .1; !r ai..l ir it ' s.Jirnl a ma:'..-1 t e-'inin. ia r. t- ' i-'nr I i.e V' " it nn i .Is .f tins i. ry l..v.-. .-T Wn.-Ii.iv-.. ti i i'.c i'i U..t . i':',' i.l i;! ;. 1 ' .: 1 '. 1: Ar:i, ,.y- il.s.nr i. J ., .1 ! Alt TI.- 'IS .Ma.ee.aii.- isn L. pi.-, it..:;..-r if 1. w t Ilaril.iu'. i.l H.-st..n ; Cir at. - i'i u-.re vc v.-ii,.l rirertive .rtiuit 1'. 1'. I - I t- rri n ..t .i l-i :e i s I-' I :e u-ii iwn i,' -ii ...its lu'i in; any nil; 11 . i.-i. .1 Ni-tv . ..rk : Nr. i : I'!:...n-'.,.liai : Cf..'lr -i-r. ... i '.itileie- it. S ' : mat t lae li. I- ,.n-.l s a . f U : II-'II. li.- a-e V. I'. Cus-is. li.i'.-.'li'i.a :..'l.ri. SI-ATI M!: I ! .r I It'tK-.- .Mii .a.il I'll ..11 ic. .Vmtr Hen. Wi I. -.1,1 S,i.. !! it -) lie M l.i.li .i, ii ,.i. Wil.iutti ll. li.-ie, II l-i. I. I Vv'cl.s.fi-. ll.-ii. L.a-,1 i: - it. Il :i.l.i-iil' ii.i, i! -n Wm. A. Or.'.lis..l. II. i .mi;. . i- U.-.aie.!., II n K..C. Wtnllir , i.l.. V. JL iiirt i's ii n . i t; T..ni'v, 11..11. j.-int Ii.i -r. II hi J.-ini Mi I, mi. II in- Hi.e.is i''. M'lllH. AltS. e iiarlf s l'..ia, i.i., I-..- wei! k i . ,t n I. l .-..run. ,.l" Ihe 1! st-in A'.i,. -,,i w a . ,,t, '! w.'.i'it raln-i . ivil It lii-.n liny ,-:.1i;;,-m . i i.:iv- i-v, r ltr-i-,i ;' II. 1'. Vlii. .lr, IticliaiJ ilii.irilii.'ll .!. I .!v. I veil. l.i.. !.. Jan-.l fr-'lU. I.l- I) V.'i!,i;,i ti I'iik ,t, i.i. I,., i!:ii.teii liiiLf, Util, I. W. r.n fi , Vr . l-r -,f T. C I 1 mu. J. T lie ti!!.-,-. 'iu Utceii II k. il. V I.. i'c'i-!i vv. Win. fiilmveSiiai,!.; i..li'i:t-M I if I, i il'i:. I. a, I T.ti,'. unl. T. i; .Mat-ail!.-.-, lr V-,, ,. ,11 vt.vtit. I., i.l Slav, r it I. ,i..l..n. A.,- Till: l-HI.S, t-it i'ii!h -ut H e en- tail L'ui-.it, li ;v.' wi l .1 . lie v. .ice ,r..i'taiiin J tl.i; tncnls il' lliiw s.i.Hrri) Liit-i:, i j 'I'.i I'aaMiwiii t . p .s,-r.i tiiis v.l'.uat.-ta trcnaulr, it issultl at liiu law iii.c.- ei' a ,. r f ...i-. lu..:ii,.-.i i.y i.rrittni: w. riiii.n. N. W. c.'rner el l-'iiiii ai ti A r.-i, -ri-tti., Plniuiicinlua. 1'. 1'. l.i i'. H.V, S i!e nrent f.r tl.u S.i;!.-. m li-st-rn rL-iins.'lvania and 1 - v. Tin. r-.iir.-.it en,, ,-!-,! i..- ri fmm mu. nvr.n- I. -, " t 1'r in. ins n...y iiiitifi.zcil uii.-.-.tv Airii'icim.-ti'- t.-ivt Ii.-.- i n. .-le , ill, li .' P.,t f-niee Te-, KitTiiH-n'. hy wi. u-ii tvi ., k -a' lli.1 I' rlrail can be sent t, anf r-,iat, i,-r in .i!, in i i i ci . i.l. r. I'.. s iiR tt-niirii l- I-'ivk Tel l.tr.s h D. D. BY n: l.Y, ri.i'a.l. : tn.i, w.tl nave a 1 1 l!:c lr'.rail scut t.i llinn life -l" l',ii.'a-..e. M.itr.i.fictii ti ll V'rr.T.r.. c.-t nri exrrestv fo II. c.u rorllUils, furnifeafll at I i.e 1.-V. rricc ul &a,0U sacU, JUST"T?L'Ei, a macxific;;xt rc"iiTn.:r of OEIILRAL JACK SOU, r.UTntr.I li T. P.. WF.LCU, F.SQ . after the uriiinal wriwi painted by T. SULLY, K-S. ). " Tti l-nrirait v.-it! lai s nv.'-li f r the Waa'aiiaTluii, and is ia ,'Verv r.'Pin '-fc iv,i; n-.T u:.. I', n-c 8-i-nn .;-r . . i.e-s ni abaee. I 'tiiia.lrii.il ia. Oi-i.':;;i l-.'-. CLOTIillTG CH CILE2IT. Notice to uli Dealers in Ileudy Maic Clothing, 1l:t:T !t CO. riM.iett ail v.r' ,ar.'l itf;e rrailv liintlo ri.ihii,s' .-ii I'.a.al, I i t'.nl nl THWKU llAl.l. t.'i.(,TJIiXt, IIAZAAti. Cini .,-e I :e prt-al kilt aiitiiL-cs they v.;l im'f I.y piiK liasia i.t cah :.l litis fxteii.iie tl.,t.i..i ,,;, ,,t. 'l lii. i,.,,l lii.a i..,iy, .a tlie innciiie m. v tntii 1... y ,1,-ul wii i, b a l.,t-ir iiiai.,-r..i; t-aktoiiioifc. v ho ii..f lu.it,.-: -,i lli.-il at n.ifc li-.ia.l tlity e; lire no t-ii rl ill T tl'ifll.'..' lim lii'Sl IT t) rillii, in l!i I. .west ,sil.la i ii'i s, uml tliiil I'm r .t .Is m tl? nt tins lniasu ni o ll.e Let inn It-, in -i n.t- i iial tu.il inaca i-i,..aj.i.i ll.mi tiny i.il.r 'i.u.,- fail at!':.r,l In thf t nno ija.,iy of p. ,1,, nriaii.- li-aa lii.-ir lar-.e :i.-nt.:."ac- in u cr im-.l mii..iiii.r eifilnn-s, iind ll.fir d, t.'irnai-.ii -,i I, ltl.ii.li.in iho i r.aciiiie nl IkOin Slits mat .t.tti ( ,tt!. Tim: st. t U is In '.l i.l.: If kail t-'iiii.'-'e. T..e j-.ai.ic.nai uncut . n if i.i.ti Inn's a.nt it, nn-vs is 111 ilt-,1, wli-i nre ri-rai le fall mid ...ilea fr t'lcii-t'.vrs, as vn iiro sni.a -a ll. .t tiify rami 'I lim t,i ,-u litis .l.'Mit -l . lln-i- w'll l.h-i i.i laueiaiill i; u.l r..i.li. st IDWKH HALL, 'lUI MARKUT wctt, Utmu riiVu ami K.;:i. nr.XM-.TT & CO., rrcprietois. Plthde!;.?.!, CeUVUr 10, lrCJ i.a. COIIHZECIAL HOTEL. 1 iui-ri kn -wit ut iltj Antt.icnti iit'i; tixi 8.rct, U'.vrcii MurKsrt tuiu CUfciiiUl tjtifctsi, U. clu5."4 LUc liUlwC (lit tUlfU tU THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, lis ts ltnv to inf..nn l;i. rrinuls and rhe p.ihlie, i!..t ih.a li.iue li-.s uinlrig 'in; a tlnnaglt rtfitkiaci.nik'. rrnMlili.ir, r. punning unit rerajwr.n, frum a'lic In 1-a.c nu-ttl. An en-, tire nf iv i-U'.rit ,1 furnllarti, heriitmr. Sen, Sec, has IM-ei. ir,ieaiu fiftu lu luust cekibruuki ,UaualaviutM hi llut Frmo lli. eentrnl lientlen, sn.l it. etrf pinxlinnjr mute Rs.ln.kl Deigns, flanuilral Ijiwlinr. Fluff, if Aoui. ni.nl, kklit-iiahls TI.iklL-lifarcs l1 FuUw 'Naarc, II nltkrs uulurarinnns to lh M. rflmnt viJtinf v.e cuy en ba.ni.-M.. Ihe Traeclk-r mKiii( pl..ur 1 Innillm nd fnnule. n.iln.j ll.co.lv, v.ry Ikfility will lia r.rT.ied, and oveiy enwlod rogaidud lo sui) ttotnr vistl u;ictku. kilt! plei.'uif. . A .Imi.t f ih pablis paUoau resiMtfiil'v .l.-iuo, J4COD O. I.IOtt, JAKU) IRVIN, SujKiii.iwuV.it P.fjiiioSnr. rSilaMJua. W,,t. 4. IS..S ns. MARCIACS- CBTIflUATEd b.a,laoruelv aeoutd t-r si st this oAlca, sinel ot Sun bury, Jut. 10, USX j hr ths dotsn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers