I SUN UUjtY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. TETE-A-TETE OF THE HIIK MAIDS- Becky, P I ho u'',, B,v,,'nP O'er Ihe lieMn M.lienee ln:ow i 'g, Gulden, purs and aieady ; Oh! itt beama illumo my "pini ! , (That' our cow bell I tlou'i jou hear it T) Tea, ur Sally, look ami listen ? Now (ha dew beRina tn jjltalen . Hark ! Iha tii"ht-lird sonne! ! What a balmy breeze i blowing ! (Hund thi briudle cow ! she' B"iny ! Run I I'll hold j our bonnet ) B.-cky, does the twiliaht hour, Bv its bland and soothing power, 'With aweet musings 3" ' Trace hane round liku nitinile--Si, now, Sukey ! come, bo pen; It-! Slop that kicking, will jou?) Eanh with mtisio is o'erflowiiip, (Tlierr, the hungiy calves are lowing! How these tins do rattle!) But I fain would wander, Sally, To mime green and oniol valley, Minus horned calilc. Becky, life' fleeting hour ! Joy bring grief, and cream will sour. Vet 'tis vain complaining. Mortals now get milk and honev, Only by hard work and money ! (Set the pans (ot atrain.tig !) LOt IS KAFOL.EO. The New York Courier speaking of the residential Emperor of the Republican Empire of France, says the talents ol Louis have been underrated, which by the way, is a very common fault with the public, when estimating the qualities of men who have never been tried in public life. Tho editor says : It so happened, that when in the wintet of 1836 he landed in this city from Brazil, where he had been exiled by Louis Phil lippe, we were the first acquaintance ho made in the country, and his first evening in the Uniffd Stales was spent at our table in company with General Scott and other guests. This circumstance was the cause of our seeing much of him white in this coun try, and we subsequently saw a great deal of him in London. The result of our inter conrse, was a conviction, that he was a man of far greater talent than tha world gave him credit for, and that considering the peculiar character of the French people, it was im possible to predict his iuture. Theie was ono man in England, however, wtio 'orctaw ami predicted the future of Louis Napoleon, and that man was the late Sir Robert Peel. tie saw more of the exilo than any of the statesmen of England ; and he not only de dared him to be a man of exlraoidinary talent, but boldly predicted, that if lie livedi he -would inevitably be at the head of the Frtnch nation. And whether it was to pro, piiiate his friendship for England, or be cause of pleasure he derived from inter course with him, it is ccitain that Sir Robert Peel was extremely kind tn Louis Napoleon and would, if living, have exercised a good influence on the relations hereafter to exist between the future Emperor of the French and tho Government of England." The Fltino Ship. Mr. Rufus Porter, of New York, the proprietor of tho proposed flying ship, reports progress, though rather low progress, aonsiilering that two years have been consumed in the enterprise. The stockholders may congratulate themselves, however, upon the fact that Mr. Porter in tends to gratify them, in two weeks' lime, with a successful demonstration of the prac ticability of navigating the air, "should no unforeseen misfortune prevent " His tdiip will sustain forty persons, and yet is only twenty-five pounds weight. The engine and boiler are so arranged as to be at any time itutanlly disconnected from the wheels, and detached from the baloon, should occasion so require, for the purpose of repair or other wise. Should Mr. P. come tip to his san guine expectations, the air lino to California will prove quite a popular and profitable route. Delicious Sardinia, such as are now prejerved in France and exported to this country, are found in great excellence and abundance, in the Bay of Monterey, Califor nia, and indeed in quiet waters all along the coast from Panama to Otegon. It they had the olive in that region, they might be pre served and exported in at great profusion as from France. The price is now exorbitent. LITTLE JOKEUM. A YtNDtR of patent nostrums has this in fjliblo specific against deceptions and coun terleits on his invaluable compound : "The patient may always know its giuuwine if it fit. if it don't, then (isn't hii'n." An Author of a love story, in describing his heroine, says: "Innocencu dwells in the rich clusters of her dark hair." A waggu-h editor suggests that a fine tooth comb would bring it out. When a Tennessee girl is slyly kissed, she puts on a ftown and says, "Now, put that article back, sir, where you stole it fiotn." A Lidy in Calcutta asked a Colonel for a mangoe, and as he rolled il along it fell into a plate of kiss-misses a species of grape. ' How natural," observed the colonel, man goes to kiss-misses." Almost Dr Now. The following anec dote, illustrative of Bailroad facility, is very pointed. A traveler inquired of a negro the di.tanca of a ceitain point. "Dat 'pend on circumstances," replied Ihe darkey. "It you gwine afoot, it'll lake Juu ooul aiy ; t you ewioe in the stage or Ihe humneybus, you make it half a day ; e' h one oi these smoke wag oos you be almost Jar ncne ." COKL'NDRIM. Why was Samson the greatest actor that vr appeared on ny stage 1 Ana. Because ne "Drought down the house" when the au dience was composed utirely of hit ene tniesl Why are men of enterprise like emetics 1 cscause you "can'i keep 'era dwa. Why is the U. 8. Treasury like an ink standi Bacause men in office are always Tr"f mai n. mmm CHERRY PECTORAL: Tor ilie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOAIISEMES3, DHOW. OIIITIS, CROUP, Asm MA, WJIOOPINO-GOUQU AND CONSUMPTION1. Ma:iv tmn rf lri.it. turtrviH nf imrmiritiL? tlw nuhlic C'MI fitleiiL-e in tint nirrticine, hna won for it an npjrwiiit.im mid ivMricty I'V f.r c.xrccliii(j this nwrt Kinffuiue expectn ti.mi of in fiirn In. .Nothing Iml id intrinsic virtue mid ibe itnmii'taki'.'ibtf Wriirfit comerreil on UnniMiidi it eiilfer rrp, uniM oriiitnte and maintain tlia reputulion it enj While m-iny tin'cri r remedies thrurt upon iImI coramtmity, h:iv In ilrrl and I wen discarded, tliii hna etiinrd trienda by very trial, conferred benefit nn thenftlicied they cnu nev er Mrpct, and produced curca t h numerous and rcmarka blc to be tinaj-ttu-u AV!e it i a frmid on the public to pretend tbat any one medicine wiU iiifuliib'y cure at ill theit? ib abundant pritni' that the Chekkv Pkctokal d . not only aa a ccnenil .liing.htit aim at invariably cure the Maladies for which it is emptied. As time mrikea theae fncta wldrr and letter known, this medicine has pT.iduully leconie the heat reliance of the afllicted, fi.jm the IdfT cibin if the American renaant, to the pnluceacf KutoI; uud Kings. Throughout this entire country, in every Htrite, city, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, CnrnnY Pkctoiul is knmvn ns the best remedy extant fur diaeaaea of the Throat and Lungs, and in many foreign oounthea, U la coming to be exten sively used by their mmt intelligent Physicians. In Great nuium, v rnuce ana uermany, wnere tne niedicni sciences have melted their highest perfect im, Chekry Pectoral ia introduced, and inconstant use in the Armies, Hospi tals, Alms Houses, Public Instiutions, and in domestic practice, as the atirest remedy their attending Physicians con einpl-iy tor the rmra dangerous nffections of the lungs. Aso in milder eases, and for children it is safe, plfHsnntand crlectual to cure. In fact, e nne of the most flattering trstitnouiala we receive have been from pnn-nts who hive found it eincacious in cases particularly inciden- The CmrftRT PecronAt is mjinnfncbirrd hv nTnimnl Chemist, and evry ounce of it under his own e e. with invariable necuriicy and care. It is scaled and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied en as gcmiinc wunnui iiuuucrauon. e nnvo emirnvoTed here to furuish the community with a medicine of tnch intrinsic superiority and worth ns should commend itself to their ennfidcnca a remedy at once safe, speedy and iffcetuul. which this has by repeated and cmntlcM Irinli proved itwlf to l ; nnd trust by great core in preparing it with chemical accuracy, of nml"trm strength to nflrd Fliysiriano a new nceut o'n which they can rely for the best results, nnd the atllclcd with a remedy tnai win uu i it uirm an uim nu-uicine can no. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.: Sold in Sunburv hv II MASSER. nnd hv Drtiegints rjcncrally throug.ut Ithe StaU?. iVovcmlicr 13, 1852. lvccJmo Dihvoi'lh, 13ranson Co. ImTORTEHS OF '& DEALERS Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. Jo. 59 Market St., I door fcroic id St, PHILADELPHIA. Whcra thfy always con on hand a large stoci of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Wm. Dilwnrth, Henry 1). Lnmlis, Samuel Dransrn, James M. Vance. October 10, 1853 ly. "CL0THiNO ON CREDIT. Notice to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, I;NN'I:T & CO. ruet alCwhn purnh;ii!(! remly mmle t'l .lhing nn crrdit, to cull in TOWEK I1A1.L CL.OTill.NU DAZAAK, and ee the grent aitvamniti'i tliey will have by purihaaing feir eimh at Uii. exlrnbivc riiililthmFiit. Thin, and tlna only, ia the principle on which Ihcy deal with all iheir uumcroua cuEtonic, who have realized that at Una limine they ipare no fifcrt in producing the beat CLOTHING, nt the Inweat noatihle pricea, and thul the gruixla made at thia houe are the ! niaile, moat fashionable, and much cheaper than any other huiiae cm afford to aell the aame quality of (toodi, nriaing from their large manufacturinK and importiitt; fncilitira, and their determination tomaiibiin Ilia principle of. large aalea anil anmll profita. Their atock ia ini-.t Binple and complete. The articuiar attention of mcrchuuta and iK uIcra ia in vilect, w ho are ruqui aird to call and jnilo for thcmselvea, as we are SHtihfit! that they caiiuot tail to ace the ailvnnt.'ifrrB they will have in purchncinir ft.i cash, nt TOWI'.Il HALL, 132 MAKKLT ,lrect, between Fifth and Sixih. BENNETT 4 CO., Proprietora. i'nTinneiiiiia, vciouer m, ibuvdm. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams j Hendry, Store, No. 29 AVr 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. jTOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import crs. Commission nnd General Leather Dus incss. Wholesale, and Retail. I f Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. Cheap Watches Jewelry, TVHOI.ESAI.E and Retail, at the "Philadct ' phia 'Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second .Street, corner of Ouarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watehea, full jeweled, IS carat catea, $Ut!,0fl Silver do. full jeweled, fl fiold Fpeetaeles, Kine Silver do. Hold HracelHa, 1 ndies' Gold 1'enetlit, Silver Tea spoons, act, 7.1X1 Silver l.epme, jewels, III do no do. 9 9itpetior Quartiera, 7 15n 3.00 1 .00 6.00 imitation io. o Gold l'ena, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to if SO ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 18; l.unet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goojs war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARI.EV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lcpincs, btill lower than the above prices. August 28, 1853 ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND CRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and Cninhed in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well lo call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. ' NEW COUNTRY STORE, At the forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpe- hocken Hoail, (near KrciUDaum's viacic Smith Shop. JACOB WEIMETi, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that lie has opened a new Storo at the above place and has jiut received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicoes, Muulin do Lalnes, lawns, (fliiigliaiiss, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tka, CorrKK, Sioab, Molasses, dc. CllOCi:UIi:S, of all kind. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of Liquors, Durdwart. Iron andfteel, Nails, it., QTJEENSWARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Pa I in leaf and other Hats, Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1852 -tf. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, a fresh supply just received, and far 7 U. O. HASSttt. Sunbury, Jau. 1, 1853. 1JLANK DEEDS muiua an thai baat oualil " of parchment Daoer. aubl mi tha, lav. uiru J v , : . . "ii.i , uj sFit.iiasuia aaa rtiait NEW STORE!. BEXJAM1N I1EFFNEU TJESPKCFFULLY Informs lh eitien of Sunbury snJ vicinity, that ho ha opened a new store in the room lately oecujiied by George Urinlit, onrosilo Uolton's Hotel. lie has jurt re ceived handsome assortment of Spring nnd Summer Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, Casslmers, Cassinsts. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i CallrocH, GluglinniM, Lawna, moiiNflellue Do I. nines and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. (JROCEKIES of every vaiioty. Also an assortment of IlnrtUvntc. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of IlOO V A. SHOTS. Palm Leaf and other H ts and Caps. Salt, Fish, i;c. Also a variety of LIQUORS sucli as BRANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a great variety of other urtirlps such aa arc suitable to tlio trade, nil of which will be sold at the lowcdt pricep. tlT Country produce taken in exchange at the highext pri?cs. Sunbury, May !, 1852 It. ynxv PAiivr ; Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. rpHE PnbecriherB are now prepnrrd to exreute nnlnrs 1 itnnyexini mr their flenutiiul while und colored Zinc Paint, nt tho rcducixi tirieen, viz ... , . warranted n i, aiie, grounn in on, v cenit per lb., pure No. 3, do. d-. H do. o No. 3, do. d. 7 d . do Brnwn m d Blnrk, d'. 5 d.i. do One hundreil pounds will nn er equnlly well as nm KLirljee ni WO II. uf White Lead; Uu-y nre i!o per ci chniner to the T 'Iifutikt. The Zinc Whits ib rapid! y tnperFfdinfr, White Lend, over which it pniwpRM mmiy ndvnntnt It is whiter, anil more lr;ituiliu timn the While lxu d:es nut turn yelbw, fven when exposed t( Bulplmrnus vupor h;ts n smell is nut injurious to health, und ia far mote du rable. Zixc Know akd TtL4cx Paint are totii Wkathkb and 1'ins I'rook. The best otvehng' for uuttide wirk ever int!diieetl, ndnpted to Imildiutis of wo.ul, brirk or static to feiieca, enrriuge b xlies, bntlges, mid machinery to the hulls "f vt'Sffls, uurh.r, -h:iiiiF, tnid nil oilier Iron, w rk on hoard ship lo stenm b tilers, smoke tnvkn nnd water tanks tn iron, tin, and other rot-fiinfF, iron uluitllcr V tors and miliuK wne feucef, bridges, ic. For Iron Surfaces this laint is esperially vnlu il.Ie as it forms n galvouic cjnurution, nnd cnlirely tncven'.a msr. These Zinc Taints having n pure Mrtalic Dase. are war ranted n t t i turn ycll' W, and will return their'nritiual brilliaiH'V inneh I 'nper than White lnd, or nnv I' lite cirtliy Msunns nnv in use. J he eritinentes frm tht so wh have tiseil these Paints, are such ns to satisfy the pul lie that they nre invaluable. The nb!et chemists nf France und thin country have testified t the superiority of Zi no over Lead Paints, n? to durability, hrtilihl'iilufss nnd beauty. They have been adapted by the French Govern ment, by the corporation f New York, ond nre n iv ex tennivrly uin! hv tht Uuite-I S:at-s Ooyrrimieul ut many of the largest Mililnry nnd Marine Depots. PiriLM.tr. rniA Gas Works. Mav 15, IML Messrs. V. V. Junks & Co. Gentleman linvimr mmle several trials of your Itrown Zinc Pnint in vori.ais meth ods caleulntrd to test its rotcctive rnuilities upon wood nnd nit;lal, I have the satisfaction to state that the resulls have been highly favorable. The point covering well, drying quirklv, and iviss'-niinff crwiter tenaeitv. coitccialiv upon imn, thnu tiny other paint with which I urn fa miliar. Yours, truly, John O. Cre-.ox. The undersigned, having used the Zinc Paints referred to concur in the foiepning opinion. Morns, Tmkr A Morris Rennet, Neafie 3c Co., Penu Works. Merrick A Son. James T. t?utVm A Cv, Franklin Iron Works. J. T. D.-nu, U. S. Dry Dock. t" Dealers supplied. on rensnuble terms by the Agents of the Company. F.C. JONKS A Co., No. 17 South Wharves. Phila. July 17. 1S53. (Jin. J. I. DITTERICH, -Va 78 Xorth 2rf St., Arficecw Arch and Race St., FHILADELPHIA. TTEREBY informs the public that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures Sr Paints, which he wilt sell at the lowest prices. II is stock, in part, consists of, Accordeons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Kootn Or gans, Mulodeons, Scrnphines, Mathematical In Btrtiments, Magnets, tpy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of ull kinds, 8nulV and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also (jilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 20, 1631. If. JUST RECEIVE!) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of g. Y. sTiion, Market Street, Sunlury, A new assortment of Silver, ItrilKS niltl Japanned Mounting, Which ho will either mnke up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not loner than can be had anvwhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks. Vallec. Slc , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING clone on the shortest notice. AU persons are invited to call and examine foi hcmsclves. All kinds of produce taken tn exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 18S2. tf. john phillips&1;6n; No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, FHIX.ikDEZ.PHXA. 1MPOREHS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &c. k.i'p eoiiKtantlv on hand the following articles, which they w ill sell at very low prices for cash. K.iUlns, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, .Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 1352 ly. JAMES BiLP.SEF.'S Wliolcdnle and llelail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Stcond and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found, one of the largest and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clucks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suituble for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and C'auul Boats, ond Kail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp'i lately pat ented Scientific Niche GolJ Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holder, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will rind it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere JAMES HARDER, S. E. Cur. Out tuut & 2nd Sts., Fhila. April 10, 1858 ly' iujjBUBY FEKEY. HENRY W. BUCHER informi tha public that ha has taken th Sunbury Ferry and aa he ia now well prepared with good nd audi cient crafta h will be enabled to accommodate tha public with protntnees aud JeapaUh. Ai.ril 10, JfrSi. rfc . . - T&l3MKNtOriS Excitewcnt ! ! ' I Cash, Steam, Electricity ! 1 The Aerial and all other linen out-dont by the IJghtnltiff M no or IIIA T. CLEMENT. '1VTHO, hariiiR groat failh in rapid aalei nnd " ' ainoll profita, haa just received and owned a large aaaortmrnt of SPUING AND Sl'MMER GOODS, At Ma Store in Market Street, Sutibury, which he ofl'cra to the jiuMic at the lowest price. His atock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Jllnslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams. Beragrs. Silk & Palm Leaf Hats. A large Assortment of Doots and 8hocs, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, ColR'e, Molasses, Chersp, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Strcl, Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENS W ARK, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, ft'c LIQUORS, Wine. Drantly, Gin, Rum, Vhiskry, &c tJF" Country produro of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. May 8, 1SS2 ly. C3-B500 ciiallens.::- 'WATEVBR roncprna the hrollh and lm,i of 11 peoplp ia at all limi-a f tile moat valuni.in iitip'Tt anue. i take it i.it granted tliat cvt-ry prra tn will dn all in Ihfir power, to a.'ivn the livoa of their children, and that every per.n will rnih'nvor to prom de. their own henllli at all wierifiecs. I feel it to ho my dntv to solemnly npimre. you that WOll MS, neconlmcj to the' opinion of the moat oelehraled Phy.ieiana, are the primary ennsea of a tortte majority of iliaenara to whieli t hildreii and adulla nre lia ble n you have an appetite continually rhnngenhle from one kind of food to nn other, Had Kreath, I'nin in the Slo marh, Piekint nt Ihe NtBe, ll:irdueaa and t'ulluesi of the Kelly. Dry Conch. Slow Pever, ln!ai- Irrrcular remember that all thrar denotu WU11.MS, mul you ahonld nt onoc np. ply the remedy : IIOBEN'SACK S WORM SYRUP. An nrtk'le fnnioVit upon fVicntilicPnnrlilis. ooir.pnuuiL eil Willi purely vi-gitalile snlistaiircs, bcini; perfectly mfe when Lnken, nnd e:in he civen to the mom tciulir infant with nVeiil.tl liencnVi:il etieer, where li.iv.-el C'omphiuls nml DiarrhnMi hnve iimile them wink nml ih liililnled the Tome properties of my Worm Svrup nre such, tli.it it m;iih!s wi:li nit nn equal in the eatnloirue of medicines, in B vinpr tone nml strength to the ftiinueli, which mnkes it mi liifnlliHe. remedy for those nlllieted with DvHpepsi.i. Ihe ailimitiiiirr curr pci formed tiy this Svrnp nfti-r PIivm ciiins hnve fiiihil, is the Lest evidence of' its supcri. r effi cacy over nil others. THE TAPE WORM ! This is the m .si dun -ntt Worm to destroy of nil that in fest the human system, it grows to uu nimort ln L linite length b-cothiiuj s i coiled nnd liiKleneil in the IntiV.luea nnd St 'mnHnlleetinu Ihe he:illli sullv ns tn cause !rt. V.tiis twin-.-. l'i!. .Ve , that those ntllieied seld 'tn il ever susticet that it is Tap... Worm In-ieuine; tltcin to an early prave. In order lo d. sir oy t Lis Worm, n very rutrsetie Ireatuient must lie pursaiil. il would therefore he prop, r lo lime i ,u my i.iver I'nls sons to remove all i.Lstmc tions, that tlie Wonn S) itii iiiavart direct nion the Woim, whieli mnH lie t i!:en in d scs .'.f 2 'J'ahlesp u nliiils a linn s n day these direeli ms foil iwed h u e never been ku .vn lo lull in curing the mosl olntm.ite ease ol Tape Worm. ft?" HOBEXSACK'S LIVER PILLS. Ni part of the system is more liable to disease than the 1.1 Vl'.li, it serving as n lillerer to puril'v the LI ml, or civ mo; the proper secretion lo Ihe bile ; so that any wrong ne llou of the I.iver ell'eets the other important parts rf the system, and resulis vari'-uslv, in I.iver Complaint, .luini dice, Ilyspepsia. fce. We sfioitlil, tlieref .re, mnrh everv syllipt in that miuht ind.ea'r n wr unr nelioli rf the I.iver. These Pills liein;' c 'tup sc.l of HDD'I'fl ,V PLANTS fur nished bv nature to Ileal the siek ! Nunielv. 1st, All l'.X-IM-X'TOHAXT, vhieh nucmeiits ihe seerelion fri'in the Pulmonary mucin iiiinlirune, or prfm .tes the di hari.'e of serrelril matter. Sad. An AI.TF.lt ATI "K, whieli cliiimrca in S'ine inexplicable nnd inseuvible manner the certain lit llud actum nf the svstcm. llrd, A TONIC winch pices lone nnd strength to' the nervous system, re newi'ij heahh nnd viiror t nil parts of the lusty. 41h. A CATHARTIC, whieli nets in perfect hnrffloi.v Willi the ouicr mijrenieiiis. nml operntiiii. on the II iwels. nnd cupil liult the wll 'ie ma.s of corrupt'untl i itialtl mailer, und pu rifying the Itlood, which dcslrovi iliacust; uii ict ire hcultli. TO FEMALES. Yon will find these PiHsnn invnluntilc medirine in many complaints to which you lire snlaJM. In nlirurli.,iis ei ther total Ol partial, Ihey have lieeH found ol ini-atiinal.le henelit, restorina their I'niietionnl irmncements to n hml tliy action, porn vmir the MimmI and other Huiils si etfeetu ally to put to llicln nil eoiii)ilninls which nmy mine from female irreBularities, ns headache, gidiliness, iliinnees of fight, nam in the side, back, Ae. E7" Price, 25 cents each. None eeimine nnli'ss signrJ J. X. Ilobcnsuek, all ollicts ti.'iiic Isisu Iniitntion. 17" Agents wisliind new supplies, mul Store Keepers tti'Hiroits of liecoiiiiiiLt Acenls must mUlrcss the Proprietor, J. . llol.ensai-k, rliila,leliliia. l'a, Sold by J. W. Friliinc, Sininiry ; Marv MeCav, Xor Ihamlierlanil ; lleiwl, Tlirbnlville ; Itaser.' Milton ; Hilly A Leaker, Oei rc;ctovii ; Lciseiirlng A Wolverton, I'uxi lios; Wicst, Hickory; all dealers ill Medicine in the County and State. August H. IMS. ly. 4th and ,-lrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1IAYD established a Store where tho best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fanry Coods, Dress Silks und IShawls, Hosiery, Cloves and Mills, Cloths, Cassimers and Yvslins, Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask. Table Linens and Napkins, I'atent Iiliick Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mounting Goods. I". & L. arc constaiilly receiving Uur-.iias from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nett Cash. Edward E. Evbk, Washington I. L xdki.i., Phihidelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. Vnii Loan JlagiicFFcan CuIIcty, 15U Chestnut Street, 4 T this celebrated estnblishment you can nlivays pro- cure the newest uud most improved st ies oi UAQrKRKKD'CVl'K TALIUJTYI'K I'OHTItAITS nt from 50 to 100 per ct. less cost tt.au such iiietutes can be bad for rlrcwhere. Now that ynu can saeuie such perfect portraits of vour loved ones ut a lucre nominal cost, don't dt-lav lest'vou lose them. Kvery vniletv of fnnev cases, frames. Sre.nii hand nr furnished to order, ami every picture made aaliatory nnd wm mured lo imi m the nest style ol the ait or no chabob Cull and see us ol 159 Chestnut St. I. H. Pl'BNKM. PhitadiHiOila July 17, IMj.ly. THE .KC IT l'KlZi: -TltO I J. AR- nivi:i I HICKEIT 8l TULL, No. 148 Chestnul St., above Sixth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. 3'1'i T) TF" rccc'v,J tlieir Prize Medal, awarded to them for ' ' ' their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1651 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TliUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &o. To be found in this City, and at very low prices Call and see. II1CKEY & TI LL, ' Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852 tf. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10th If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form Pmistei generally, that he bus suc ceeded to tike Business of manufacturing Print ing Ink formerly carried on by las grund Father, and Father, and oilers bia article to the trade, without any Purrs, but with the simple reliance upon the Jong established chat actor it has borne, feeling confident of ita giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Tiaai Cash. CHARLES EN ED JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852. tf. .1 L'STICES' FEE BILLS, For sale by H. B MASHER. Mswhury, IIM. SOWKll 11A1INKS, ruliiislicrs mul 1'ooKscllei 's, No. H Nnrth Third Street, piiiLArstrifiA. MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. Hibles, rrsyeis. Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works, Travels, Novels, Ate, fte. SCHOOL BOOKS F.vcry kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An rlrpant uwortmrnt from the pnn lo.ik upwnnl, made o stiprrior pnper, mul best of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cnp, Pott, nuit Note Tupors, elegnut l) It s nnd quality, Slid very clienp. STATIONERY. Fanny, rtnin nnd AdhrMve rnvM'fi, Ink, Pntul, Wa fern, iteol Penu, tItwi, Penritn, PttrleMonnira, Vrn ping I'll per a of nit kinds, Curtain PoperR, Ac, Ac. Our tnrk nil frnuli, iKiithUhenp nnd ld nccitrdinply. Purtiridnr ntlentimi paid ! llmikM Jli-ra, ttmtry Mer clmiita and Trm-hprn, however lillle rlicy may buy. 8;ver A nnrnra nre PnMnhcrs nf PI'.ll'ON'r nciica r-f MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS finch fn:p in nmrly HKVKN FKKT WJUAHK, nnd fthowe tlie t'onipnmtivc fiyc nnd rrliitive ivnili ni of every ounlry on tin nlobe. Tin y nre intenditl tn bo winfH-mlril in every ttliotil Hooni. nnd nut only mnke a nplciuiid ojj peitniure, but nri uiiiversfillv rickninvlrdc'd to bo the HKST MOW. f)K TKACIIl.NO (iKUtJHAPIIY ever hnmpltt out. They arc keyi iiitrmU'd t be used by the srh !;irp, iviitniuinp nenmplrlr. epitome nf Ompnijihy, nml rofitiiifT less than liulf (he price nf n (Jonaniphy nnd Alius. The syMem in in iiniver.'Jil use in Pruswio mul tiernifiny, nnii hns nlrendy been iiitriKbiffd in Uirnrd CnMepe, Pliila th'lpltin, the pn!lie nrho'dfi of HoKt'in, New York, Phila delphia, Uiiltimnre, YaMuii:t'm. nnd llironchmit New Knp'und, New York, Ac., Ae. Our drsks nre Itmleil wilh ree'nntru'ndations from tiie nmnt tnkiitl nml scion tifie tenehers in every qunrler, nnd wherever the system Iris been used par en is, teachers und scholars unite in'pmis ii.g il. 1. Mnpof the Western Hemisphere, tf. Map of the Knsterti Hemisphere. 3. Map of North Americu. 4. Mnp i if tlie United States. 5. Mnp of Ivnrop". 0. Map of Arin. 7. Mnnof SMifh Amrrien nnd Africa, Kvery map is brilliantly colored, vurnuhed, nnd meiint ed on muslin nnd roller. AVc respnetfntly invite the earnest nl lent inn of Tench err, Parctils, nnd School Directors to this fuse mating mmle of teacliiHg Geography. SOWMIl A H.ltM:S, 4 Nortli Tlfird Street, Philadelphia, 1HV2 tf. NEV STORE, Ti:rn.vi X 111 ill IV 1 . VilliV X TUF.SPKCTFn.l.Y it.forms tlie citizens rf Sunbury uud vicinity, that he has commen ced a new store ia Whortleberry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, und has just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dry flood st, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKS, 8ATTIXETTS, And a general assortment of LADIES DUESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and stylo. GKOCEUIKS of every ili'sciip'.ion. Also nn assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a p'lieral variety of other articles such as nre suitable to tlie trade, nil of which will be eoid nt Ihe biwoft pi ices. (Country produce taken in fxclintijie at the highest prices. , Sunbury, May 15, 18.')2. Om. HAESISEURG BOOK BINDERY. V. I- HU'lTKIt & CO., Sncccssi.rs to W. O. llickok, unil Ilickok ft Cnntinc. f900K IIINDKRH, STATIONKIJS AND BLANK liOOK MAN rFACTrilER.S. The subset ibers respecll'ullv inforni their friends and the public, that tliey are now carrying on the j above business at Ihe OLD .STAND occupied by i llickok & Co. Thcv flutter themselves lliat bv careful attention to business, they will merit and j receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to Ihe ruling and binding of every description of blank bonks for lanUs, comity ollices, merchants uud private j individuals, and every variety of full ntnl half i bound blank boohs. Old books, periodicals, law j books, music, newspapers, Ar, bound in any J pattern and in any style required. ; In addition to the above, they have, and will ; at all limes keep, a general assort incut of ST A- i lU.NEKi, consisting ol Letter Paper, l.'np ' Drawin; " 'I'runsfer 11 Copying " HlollUig " rteel Peas. Knives, IJilills. Iitkslniul. Motto Wafers, lllaek Ink, Sejillnj; Wax, Hlue Ink, di, viniz Ink, Si.iles an, I Pencils. Lead IVm-ils, Letter Stamps, India Itultber, Wafers, lied Tape, ltlank Cards, Carmine Iiik Hers, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Erasures, Ac. t sV Paper ruled to pattern, uud ull work war ranted and done lcrv chenilv. " F. L. 11 UTTER & CO. March 13, H52 If. STACK OFFICE. AY A S 1 1 1 X ( IT N" IIOUSK, STJNBTJRY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "I sP'OI'LL) respectfully announce that he. has ' ' taken this well known slnnd, where ho will lie gratified to see and entertain his Irioruls and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering il ill every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in filling up this house. The chambers are well furnished und Ihe table and bar proided with the best the market can alford. The stable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to Pottsvillc, stop at this house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 152. if. LIB E II T Y ST 0 V E WORKS ," tfe liUOWX STKEET, above Fourth, 'Z FZIZX.AX)BZ.FXIZA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pu' lic that they ure in full operation nt their new foundry, uud ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the most ruasonu blc terms. They invite the attention of STOVE PEAL EKS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all of which aro entirely new, and got i.,- at great expense. Among which ore tho Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny I, hid Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases. Hate Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Cas Ovens, Ac, Ae, ABBOTT if LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1652. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Buhcl, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oiunges, Lemons, Raisins, Fis. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign aud Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they ara engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the beat quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call aa they will final il to to their advantage in dealing with him for articlea in their line. E. Dl'FFY &. SON, 44 Filbert alune bin. IWraur 20, I MM tf. GLASS, DRUGS, PAI27T3, &2.t HBIOM S iUl AI UI TAlf . ffHK riiiluiMpUtit Window tilnw 'nre hourc, and lrng, Paint, YainiKh, i and Color lorrs, Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. Ent aide, 1ms the lurgett assortment of Wimiow ricturo, Coach, Case, Hot-HouMC, and other ;lass, in tlio city: comnriKintr upwnrtls of 15,000 ilif- frront sizes, rHituinii from the smiillcst size, up to J8 tiy do inrltos of fSlicot, nml ns lnri;e s it liy 7 feci of l'lnto tiltisH, iiirlinliiie; Knulisli Crown, French, ficrmnn sinl Antcrii tin, liotli Single ond Double Thick. Also, a lnrgo assortment nf Very Thick Glass, for Rky-T.ight, Hulk VYiiiilows, Ac. The Subscriber hnving a hi'tiry stock on hnnil is prcpnrcd to fill orders nt the shortest notice, nnd on the most rensnntiMo terms. Odd sizes of nny pattern rut lo order. Ground White Lead ; Faint, Varnish, of ev ery description ; Turpentine ; l.insced Oil, boil ed and raw; l'un.t Mills; Futly ( Uruslics ; Dye Woods, &c., &c, eve. A nd also, a larire supply of fresh itnpottoil DRUUS AND MEDICIiSES. ' J. II. SFHAGCK. Nos. .1.1 tc 35 Noith 4th St., K. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. "AID AND COMFORT," '! o Yocir Own i?I cell a nics. GEORGE RE MANL'FACTrnKP. OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most FashicnaWe Stylo. 'T'HK sulwriber respectfully calls the ntlention of tho public to his larqo nnd splendid assort ment of every quality and price of :.isss.r.T-WAE5 h. which cannot fail to rcLommcnd itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of tlie I best stock to be had in the city. No cllort is ' spared in the manufacture of his ware, nuJ the! subscriber is determined lo keep up willi the ! many improvements which arc constantly being ! made. Ilis stock consists of .Vaho;;atiy f?..f.a lit. nnu W Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboarls, S0F1, BiiCAKFAST AU DIM Mi TABLES, and also VLNF.TIAN I1LINDS, eiptal lo riiiij- dclphia inanufactui'i', IJEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TAI1LES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business, He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before t be had ir r-uniinrv, stu n as ,vi iiorii r, ij.-.ai k m ai.m t M I'l IILKII MAfl.K OtlKCI.lN ; AMI WlXI'S-lll CHAIRS, ami l isir Fi.txo sSrooi., which are of Ihe late.-.t styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that their shall be no excuse for persons to niuvhnn furniture in Ihe cities, as every confidence can be entertained about Ihe cjiulity and lim.Ji of his ware and Chairs. Ilis articles will he disposed of on ns good terms ns they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Froducc taken in payment for work. I tsr l -MJJ.K l .M.tj. H.iMtf' niomlcil himself with a hand me Hkai:si:, he is now prepared for Ciidcrtakiue mid attending I'uiicr- als, in thu vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from this place, f"s?" The Ware Room is In Market Street, below Thoinps jii'j Store and Weaver' Tin crn. GP.ORGU RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1R.V2 If. " -- -- 35CCTCB. TC-JF.SELP ton a.- ciis-r Y MKANS OK TIIH Po' KF.T vscri.A-1 PIl'S, or Every one his ii ovn I'livsiciati ! l uiiirr- VA ':.: (Ssi si x r ii eiiitiuii, wiiu up- 3 wards of a hundred en urn- mm villus, showing private dis- ease in every shape and form, and malformations of the generative system, :y lr Win. Vo:itiar. The time has now arri IP VSif. ved, that persons sttfleiing from secret diseases, j need no more become the victim nr o.rACK.iir. , as by the prescriptions cotil. lined in this book, , any one may cute himself without hindrance to huMiic.-s, or the knowlidue of the most intimate I fiiend, and with one tei.lh the usual expense. In ! addition lo the general roulitic of private disease, j il fully explains the cause of manhood's early de I cline, with observations on iniiriiaae b.'.ides j many other derangements which it would nut be ' proper to euutnerale in I lie public prints. I I nr" Any person sending TVENTY-FI E CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or live copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOI NO, No. I S3 SPRITE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. Ut. YOI NU can be consulted on any of the Di'C.ises described in his iltllerent publicu- lions, ut Ins tiillce, l.v hpruuc rMrcct, every nay between 'J and J o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, le.Vi. ly. Eonncts, Hat3 tmd JJ 1 1 1 1 ii c r v i o o (1 s 1 s EUCH ANTS and Milliners when in Phil adeliihia to purchase their poods, will find it to their interest lo examine our large aud fash- tunable stock of striw coins. We manufacture largely and imi'Oiit the NtWEST brvLisui' Foreign fi'aisrif in our line ; which together with other udvuuta rcs enable us to ollir liberal inducements to Bl'TKUS. R. A. CROOK ER, A CO., Nos. 47 and 4' Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, lS51.-ly.cf. Kiig'ravcr and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, IS prepared lo do ENGRAVING aud PRINT ING, in ull tlieir branches. Wodditn;, Visiting and Business Cards, Hall Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, (.becks. Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of lemperancc, Ac. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to, December 27, 1S51 ly. JOHN A. II A II It I S, Manufacturer, &. Dealer ia Imported aud Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Lrnr Si. Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar- ket prices. Comar of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December S7, 1S51. ly. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLLJD and Adhe Siva and legal envelopes, for sale by 11. U. MASSER. Buubury, nf 10, 1852. EXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article mora whoiesotiva and much cbeaiier than Coll jo itself. I or sale at this omcc. April 17 ISYr 1 HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. ri...yi.VA.IA. riTr nr fini.AiuLrui MASSAfAlTHn-i-nei !AH si.hmt Isink, Vj,. HIIUUK ISLAND' All solvent Imnks I dis U. . Ilnnk n Hrs s ills au invent ttfiiika pni cni'Mrn Hunk of C'linnilHTsliurg 1 dis Hmik if Chrstcr Co. pnr CD.N.N'KUTICfT All s.)lvnl Imnki 1 dis NKW YOHK. rir II I- r ' v-ncicr pur .."in , .M'rmntnnivil nar AH solvent Ismks Ilnnk nf Orttysliiirn dis IfUk notes uiHlcr tJ J dis iimiis in imniiLwn llmiK ft .MiislK.'iin 1 .ns Mmitciiliirry Cn Hank pur D ink nf .Niirtlinmlit'rrnd. pin All solvents kinks ' f dis NKW JKitgiEV. llelviclere Ilnnk I di Olllinereilil Ilnnk ,1,. Ilnnk or rntshnrg J dis iviiik in iinnville I'nrlisle Hunk pnilFnr. Ilnnk Mont llollv , 1 ilis K. A M.j Miililli lown PI. pnr Columliia ll'k ft II'kjCii psriMci liunii l-.IIStnil Intk I1,; iiniiuiKton pM far Mwh. At M.m. Bk 'iVent ir O .11. M..criB r.. 11.... . j: I'.rio llflllk Kj. li.iiite ll'k Pittsburg I lislNi-Murk Dk'g 4 Ins. Co 5 tlis, Ksi lmnge H'k, llrancli I His Ornnpi! Hnvk J dis . ..i.iirrs ii s, imeksun pur 1'eoplc's ilk l'nttersi.ii i di I nnncrs Hk, Ijuicustt-r pnr Princitmi Ilnnk nor J-nrnirrs' Ilk. Ili,liff n-,r'lis-in Bniikuis Co, i ju tarn i. Ilk N-hiiylkill Co p.ir!!-iiifrrrt Co Innik I di 1; ft V. Ilk Wnyiicsli'g ljilis'lati. Ilnnk nt Cuniilen nst Franklin Uk . Wasli'n llilis Sliitf Ilk Klizalicllilon I dis I arnslnirir lb,,k 1 dis Stste Ksnk cvnrk J dinl ll.mcsiliile Hank 1 dis Plate Ilk. N. Itriins l,-i n. l-anr:istcf Hank l.elnnoii Ilnnk Mi rch. ft Itlnn. Bniik par par Sussex ttiink, Newton 1 dm-. I renton IJnnkni Co pnr I'nion Hank. Dover disk, Ynnllevv'leADclDrCo lAilii, 7'lik nolrs initler ttS (lis- lll'l IIVIDL' 1 dis ..liners n k, i-niisvills per Moii'mralicln Hank I dis nylorsv'e Del HV Co IS dis West Hrtnicb Hank par Hnnk nf Delitwsr Wynmins; Hk, Wilkcsli'e pnr1 York Hank. I Hi. psp Hank of Sniyms IV ltelief notes i dis MAINK. Hank of Whetlork 8 ftis Mercantile Hk. Ilanjor 10 .lis All solvent banks dis Dclnwnre City Honk par Hk Wilmir'nA Hrnndyw. par Farmers' Uk St Delaware par t'nion Ilnnk. Wilniinslon nnr 1 17" t'udcr SiS's dis miiw. All solvent banks t dis All solvent hank -..-. ii.-i.ir.'Miiiir;. i ilis t Vllk notes under S's 4 dis, VKHMOXT. Hank of si Minn, All s ilvent banks nUKTH CAKlldis A. 9 (lis All solvent Ismks S dis I list?'L'nlerS'a, SJ dis A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Ilic Cabinet Ware Itoom of SEIVN 1IOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner nf Fawn street & th: Railroad Sl'NBUKY, PA. Thankful for the patronage, of his friends ami customers durinti the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance nf their favors. During this period lis Jias endeavored to keep up with the improvements 'of the day, and has accordingly extended his busbi ness in every branch and variety. The public ara therefore invited to the attention of tho present stock of CAlilNIST W'A UK AND CIIAIHS, MAN'JFACTl'RKD bv SEEASTIAIJ H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tha establishment ihey now manufacture Mahogany, Wchiut & Cane-Seat Chairs. L"rire Sprint Sent Hocking Cmirs, Dnsiii" Jiitretius, Centre Tables, JSkible Top Hash Stands, unl a viirhty of other new style und C '.'. tollable K'uriiitnie. 1 laving secured a Hearse and mode the rtccfv stiry ariiintrer.ients for Ihe purpose, tliey are .ow prepared for Ciu!erL,kin;i in all its branches, in this vicinity or ut uny convenient distance. Ye maids anil mistresses, and huslnnds t, Hire's furniture of every style and hue, Proia side lioarils down to kitchen tables, From rocking eliairs to locking cradles Should yon not have the remly Jons tn pay. We'll wait awhile for a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, oats, c rn, wheat and rye ; H uk, hoop poles, slnvcs, or lumber wet Builds, Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails. Flora pigs und turkies down to lillle (ilails Come on then frieiuls, come oe liud uli, Keep liade a moving, so ''.goes on the bull." ViT Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. SC,,,,,r,. Illn,nl, fl ign .f :H-' T. A AVTnNPF TlfHTSF : " err' 'rW t,T SUNBUEY, PA. j ilHE subserilwr resicetfitlly informs W irieml " !" punnc generauv, mat sue lias taken I t'le nl.o.o ...nil I ......... .1.....I .. I.. .v.. ; " ...... u,uoj uj,m,buv .uu I ('ouft House, lately occupied by .Mr. J. C. Per- ' "" She trusts that her experience in business, nun uer en. iris to nuiKC tier guests comlortalile, will Hive entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN' C. MORRIS March 8, 1831 if. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Ji'siiii: or 'i iik i'imce, Sunbury, Pa. Ollicc in Deer Street, immediately oppcuiie lii Public rclloul House. W Monies collected nnd uil buiiucss piomplly and care fully attended lo. April 20, lS.'.O. Valuable tlooIiN. r if E op Cum sr, handsomely hound, D'.-W- ltivi. s tllsroiir ok Tim KutoliMiTioy, Blank Dav-iiooks isn Lr.nr.r.iis, full bounded,. For sale at the publishers prices by IL B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 11, IS 19 I gVPONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al j moints, I' lines and Urcam Nuts, Planes of all kiid Suit ami Plaster. Just received and for sale i by JOHN W. FK1LINU. Sunbury, Per. 29. 184!). O.'E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , excellent arliilcfor Tetter, c, just received uud lor sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 2S, 1849 OLD PEN'S with and without cai,pa, of a yt very superior quality, just received. Also a liesh supply ot U mine; Fluid, for saU bv H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 27, 1851. EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this oflice. Plico 85 cents. Sunbury, Ju'y 12, 1851. tJll.VER WATCHES A few double casa Etislish Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. J A TENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS for lar Homes tor sale tiy II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 NOB AND .SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual price by J. W. FflLING, ruitburv, July 7. 1849- LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of rJiUOO, for sale by April 20, 1851 H. B. MASSER, rVAPD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi. Jf ciue for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 27th. 1849 F1 Bills handsomely printed on eats' paper for sale at tliisolhce. IOK sale at tin's office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cu, Puie Esmiu ct Ginger.25 cent liT.ANTv'S KLANKS of awry description can be had by apj rying at theofl'ica of the American. rRlTING FLUID and self sealing Envas lopes, just received and for aala by April Ii). I5I. H. B. MASEEH. fMSSl E PAPER- Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering gUsees. Ac, lor J at th t it American.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers