r It always gives ns pleasure to notice nny aHiifla, thai confers a renl benefit on the Qmmunity, and it is with confidence we heartily commend Ajei's Cherry Pectoral to our readers, as possessing extraordinary virtues for the cure of disease incident to the Throat and Lungs. This may account fer our frequent reference to this article hich we feel fully justified in making known to the public N. Y. Tribune. O VW wpuid .call your attention to the advertisement of Swaim's l'nnncea, for the Cure of Scrofula in ano'.hcr column. p POISONING. Thousands of parenla w.!ip use Vcrmifnga Composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c. ore not aware, that while they npnenr to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the founda tions for a series of ilcsenscs, such as snliva tjon, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &e. In another culurna will be found tho ftdver tjsement of Hobensai'k's Medicines, 10 which jo afkta atlcotion orall directly interested in their c n as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of! a 'bilious, type, slyiuld make use of Iho only genu'iie medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Piils. O" "He not deceived," twit iifdt, for Uohen- ack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, anil oh serve that each has the signature of the proprietor, J. N. I10BENSACK, ns none else are genuine. u i 1: d. In Millnn. on Salnrdiiv. Inst, Miss HA V II A EL KHOADS, nged about 30 years. In Lewis township. N'orlli'd. romitv, on Jie SIM ult., CONHAD GII.TNER. aped 54 years, 3 months and 2 days. The deceased was tlie father of Di. Giliuer, the counter feiter. l(i Cicnitieul, count v. on tli" toih nit., his t?8th year, JAMES POUTER, one of J" liio pioneerit ol Ulinton cn. On Fiiday, the 3.1 insl., at Walsontown, Norlhtinibeiland cn . Pa., in the 83,1 year nf hernze, Mis ELIZA BETA. WATSON, wife of D.ivi I Watson, a fliilinj? Klder in i tie Vresbylerinn church of Warrior-run. Tlie deceased had been fur 55 ye.ns a member of Ihe Presbyterian church, and died as she had lived, in the faith of the Gospel. At his residence, Mansion House. Mt. Car bmi, below Pnttsville, on the 3d inst , JO SEPH HEAD. Eq , in the tiOth year of his aye. Mr. Head lias been most favorably known for many years lhrouiihont the United. Slates ns tlm kind, gentlemanly proprietor of the Old Mansion Ilmise, in Thiid stieet, tif low walnut, Philadelphia. Ife leaves ma ny fiiends who will truly mourn his. dt;alji. (tl).c illavkcts. Philadelphia Il-iiei. Dkc. 15, 1852. Fi.ourt and Mkai.. The maiket is firm ; sales of fresh crouiid fur export at So, and good brands for ci'y consumption, at $a'B a Extra Flour i held at ?4 37 a 53 Rvf. Fi.nrn. Last sales at 4i. Corn Mkai.. Last sides of Ponna. at $3.4 Wiif.at Sales of prime red at SI 17 ; and 1,11 a llle fur red Rve Is h demand ; sales at SScts. Corn Is ai.jnT freely, an I prices Ore something lower; sales of dry yellow at 65a 06 , and of damp at 5.5 a 5 So. Oats. Sales of piime Southern at 43 an I I'enna. at 4 It els. Whiskf.v. Sales of bbls.at 2Gc. and hhds at 26 cts. Baltimore Market. Dec. 13, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day nt 103 n 106 cts. for good to prime reds, and 10G a 112 cts. for w hiies, Corn is in very eod supply Sales to d.;y of white at 55 a 57 cts , and of yellow at 58 a 0 cts. 1 he large qnantny in market, how ever, causcil prices to give way, and at tho ruise no rr.ore l(:an 64 ctj could be obtained for yellow. ' ' ' 1 Sale of Maryland l!ye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 82 cts. ' Oats sell at 38 a 40cts., ihe latter rale for iricifv prime parcels. WHISKEY. Sales of bids., to-day at 28 ct. We quote hhds. at 27 cts. T dUNBUKY PRICE CURRENT M"h:at. Rri:: - 100 70 50 37 37 18 12 8 125 10 25 17 100 250 8 WATS. -PoTATlltS, UcTTr.n. Ecms. j'lllK. fLAXSKi;!!. X A L LOW. BeKSWAX JIkcklkii Flax. DniKii Arriis. ' Do. P:Acai.s. Flax New Advertisements. AVild Turkeys. THE subscriber will pay 5 f-.Vr price for a pair of g2,i'jine w,ld turkeys' (inalp and fe niale.) DAVID T A GO ART. Northuinlicrland, Dec II, 1852. tf. A CARD. C1 MILLER begs leave to inform the ladies ' of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has com menced his business in this place, and is now engaged in manufacturing, at Ids residence, in the new buildins; opposite J. G. Youngmsn, in Deer street, all -finds c,f Ladies boot anp shoes. Also misses and children shoe ff evefy iliffrip Jion. Jrdirs for wori promptly atfended to, and all wor warranted io give satisfaction. Sunbury, Nov. 27, 1852. if. Vlx OCL AM ATION. 3V OTICE i hereby given that the several 1 Courts of Common Plea. General Quarter pensions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northuinlicrhiiid, to -ommenceat the Court House, in the borough ol Suiiliury. at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of January next, and yiJ continue TWO WEEKS. ' The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta ble in and for the county of JJf orrliiiinljcrland, are requested to be then W114 there in .their proper per son, .with ' their roll, record, .i.sr,iiuous, and other remembrance, to do those things to their several oliW appertaining to be done. And all witiitises" prosecuting in behalf of the Common wea(tlrgaint any prisoner are also rcquetd and coui rnaiUed to be then and there attending in their ' ir'tiper person to prosecute agiir.tit him, a shall juit and not to depart v.iflioUt leave at their peril. Juror are requested, to lie punctual in their attendance, at the tim appointed agreeable to their notice. (iiven unitif my hand at Sunbury, the 4th day of Decemlier, in the yar of our Jord one thou and eight huudred and fifty-two and the In dependence of the United Stale of America Ihe 7lh. ' ' ''''' ' 'po save tho Coiunionwcalth. SHERIFF'S SALES. " Y Virtue of ccrtiin writ of Ven. V.rp. to me directed will be eold by public Vendu?, 01 outcry, at tire Court- House, in the borough of 8unlHiry, on: MONDAY the 8d day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following real' estate to wit . A CaTAI. ISLAND, situate in tlie ftusquehsnna river, opnrnile the Isle of Que. in Lower Augusta- township. Nor 'J inumnonnnu coiimv, anu Known ny ine nsnie ol. Ll.AKIvH I8I,AIU, containing twenty-six acres, more or leas. ALSO ! A Certain Other Island, situate in said river, in the township and county aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the abovo rnentioned, known lr tho name of Timothy Island, containing three acres, more or .ess. ALSO : A Certain Other Wand, iluatc in said river, ill the township and county aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above mentioned, known by the name of llustcrman's Island, containing twentveicht acres, more or less, all nf which are cleared. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Ilartman, jr. A I.SO 1 A Ce:ain Tractor Fiece of Land, situate in Lewis townhip, Northumberland county, hounded nor'h bv lands of Conrad Guiltiicr, east bv Inn'ts ' of Thomas Gal- braith and Abraham Hausr, south' hy fniids nf EIImIk-II) Ellis and west bv the same, all of ; which cleared, containing nine acres, I'jorc or less, whereon arc erected a log dwelling house ajnl n frame slulile. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Wnrtmen. AKSO:""" All th.it full, equal, 'i.iljvidcil half part, (the whole into two equal' ports to be diiild,) of and in the following ilcscribcd tract sittmtei! in Cunl township, (late .Slianmkin township.) Norlhuin berland county, bcgimiing at a jiine, thence by land of John Carson North two degrees, West two hundred and thirty nine perches to a post thence bv lands of Thomas Hamilton and hinds of Win. 1'. Urndy, 8011th eichtv ciidit ileurees. West, one hundred and sixtv six perches to a while oak, thrncn by lands of Maqilalina Lever ton 8011th sity sis degrees. West three hundred and fourteen pen-he to a white oak, thence by land of Samuel Scott, south twenty nine and a hnlf degrees, East sixty one perches and four tenth to a stone, thence North seventy i and a half degrees Easi, cc UuJred and sixty finir perches to a post tiience south two degrees Kost sixty perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of James Hepburn North, eichtv eight degrees. 1.' . . 1 1 1 'i r r. . . .. wi iu iiuiiureu anil' nny lour perencs ;o the place. of begiuing. Containing by a former sur vey three hundred and nineteen and a half Acre and allowance, and. by a re-;u;vey fj:ir Irindrcd and twenty eight Acrvs and twenty un'ic perches 11111I allowance. 1 ' ' Sic.cd, tnUrh i.j .x .yuljoij, B...I, so be sold ns fcv,iy tJ t-if orge Hei'kcvJ and Thomas feliarp. ALSO 'l'he undivided Inrcc fouiih pnrts of a certain Tract of Land, situate in Coal township, in the couty of North umberland, adjoining l:nuV of John Boyd, Win. Wilson, Peter Maurcr, Michael KfoU a:j J. Fred erick Kramer, conlaiiiiug 311? Acres and 01) per ches and allowance, Surveyed the 23d day of Oc tober IT'.lt, on a warrant to Miithias Zimmerman, dated the 2?th day August I7!):t. Sic.cd taken in exccutiuii and to be sold as the properly of John Suavely. Al.fO: A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded north by laihlii of Jol.n Kiiukle, e.ist by binds of Leonard Peucyl, south by lauds lormeily owned by Judge ItaiilC ai.d, west by other l.imls of defi'iiJent, all lyin iiorth'r'fanJ '.uu.i.l ed by the public raad leadxg I'roi.i Faxinos to .Shamokiiilown, containing?!) acres', more or less, whereon arc ere. ted a two story frame dwelling house, a bank tiiirii, and olhor outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as I the properly of Christain Kablc. I ALSO: By a writ of Alius V,. ;;. A Certain IM of Ground, si.iiulc in the boron ub of Milton, in that part of said borough, called 1'ppci Milton, in upper Mar ket street, bounded north by said upper Market stieet, cast by lot of Widow Wallis, south by an alley and west by lot ot Jacob Kraw, containing 33 feet front, 130 fret in depth, whereon is erecleJ a two story Duelling House. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold u the property of Div'nial Honts. WM. U. KIPP, UiruT. Sheritr OITice. Sunbury, ) Dec. 4, 1852.- 4t. AUDtiOR'S NOTICii!. TV'OTICI. is hereby given that the undersigned ' appointed by the Orphans' Court of Nor tciimbeiland County as Auditor i.i llu iMut.ei i.f the exceptions to the account of Jiihn 1'fouts ad niinistrntor of Leonard Pfouts dee'd., xvill attend to tlie duties of hii appoiiitmeiit, at his ollice in Sunbury, c;. MafiJ..y, the 'JUll; day of DiCi'inhcr next at'lO o'clock A. M. ' W.J. M. ROCEFFELT Ell, AuJjtpr. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1852 U. LIST OF CAUSES aOR trnil in the Court of Common Fleas of Niiithi.'r..Vtrland 'County, at' Januaiv T., A D., 1853. r 1. a 1 .nt 1 r fs. iiixEsi).. x rs. fieorge Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkellierirer's adpir'x I Hugh Bellas vs K Sc W Fagely I'culicn Fegely & Co vs Hugh Bellas Kriegtr foj it Ftgely s Furniau F Klazr Ab'i l'cwe:f ' vs Win H '1'hoinpson PK HolTihuniV wife vs II Kuhnts, McCortyetal Raker & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Co.jrad w... f a mm !.. ' ' i Win M Anion vs I hoinns lta..cr John Brown John W Peal xr John Oyster senr's ex'r is (i'jo B Vouunman Henry Kla.e &. Fvc his wife va Jacob Zartmau's administrator J B Manser Molt A Sholier Jacob Keller William McCHtty vs Barbara Shafci's ex'rs va Danid Dreisbach va Pauk cf Noithumbcrlund, y; Samuel rluntcf James T Su,ton & Co David Fisher Daniel Rhodes J W Peal Samuel L Beck Simon Snvdcr xs Samuel Ixylo v J W Friling vs Jacob Wcrtman vs Martin Irwins.' aJin'r vj Jacob Slitzel vs (ieorge Snyder V M Buebm.111 Si FMarklo Christiau Ci.lile Boueparte Thompson etal v Casjicr St Clair E Juhn for W Camp v Wolvertou Lcisenr'g (ieorge Laarenc' vs D Marr & I Brown vs Isaac Reader ys A E Kutzner vs fieorge F.o vs Daniel Weidner vs Same John Reynolds Robert M Lyon John Ron & Wife John King Same William Scchler vs Jacob lioftinan et al v(oi. t.. .urance Company vi E KTn eJ State Mutual tiro Insu rance Company vs Sknio Ballzar Garuhart's ad.-nr's vs R W Dunn's admr Jacob D. Masser v Reuben Vegcly Albin Newberry Joanna Pcndeville George Leitberger R Fagely &. Co Rcliecca Swartz Sarah L Keen Same Rudolph Duenger Henry A Lechner v 'Jhouia Rast r y A E Kapp v Robert Whiteside ys William Inch v Andrew McLanaliaii vs Abraham Brokions v Sairifael Savidgs v 'Peter Thomas ' vs Wm II Bound v George' Bright1 John L Yeager JAMES BEARD, ProuYy. Prothonotary Olbre. i Sunbury, Dec. 4,1852 BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest price at this oilke, by wh'dieule and retail SUNBUllY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. IA1 FOURTH ARRIVAL OF AT THE NEW STORK OF I. . W. TINNER & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver' Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury jwSwjntfrland County, Pa, TS7E '"vi,e the pavtiev'e.'., attention of our y friepds arid the public" to our otrani iinplv nf roods insl received. di etc J to the winter season. We haxenow rauh farjer assortment in every department than, at, any lim :.ic;AWc opened in Am last; all or winch wo aro ucicr mined tu sell at the same low price which have hitherto secured to ua such a generous support from a discerning public, and fur w hich we beg to return our best thanks. Our stock consists of y Moods, Ila rd a rc, l u ecnwa rc, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Dour.Lr.D Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, "VCes, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, 'Boots, ojid Shoes, Hats mid Caps, Looking tllnsca, ValI Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons. Nuts and" Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Ola, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cvton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kiujs of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENER iV CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852. 1,,. ; REGISTER'S NOTICE- 1,1 'all' I 1 1 Creditors and other persons interested in the Estntcq of the f.iljnYuix iiiJ.eL persons, that tb? F.xcju'tors, Administrators, and (iiinrdiiins of said Estates have Pled llieir accounts lyi.tli the Register of Northumberland, county, and that the' same will 1 presented (p. the Orihtins' Court of said County, on Tuesday ti.e 4th day of January next for confirmation and cjlowunec. IS. VS. Daniel linger, dce'd., settled by his Adm'r Frederic Lazarus. Geo. t)xs!er, dee'd., settled hy his Adm'r John N. Oyster. Abraham Kcrlin, dee'd , settled by his Adm'r James Ecma'l, Final Acct. John N. Keim. dee'd., settled by his Adm'r ueorge rx. ami .racoo i. u.iju, ' James Tharp. dee'd., settled by his Adm'r C. W. Tharp. Ad im Dcnce, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r An thony Deuce. " ' ' Henry Sleininetz, dee'd., settbd iiy hin ?0x?cu tpr, .ii"n Conrrtd. '' '. 1 ' John tteisel, dee'd., settled by his hx'r Jacob K'.miVman. Lba Dressier, dee'd., settled by his Ai"j..;"r Da ' "vid artman. Genri,. Hull, dee'd., Bellied by his ."xdin'r J. H. iuiincrniai.. lietlnicl Yinceiit, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r J0J111 N. Vincent. Hetty Maliek. Charlotte Malick, Jeremiah Malick, and Mary Maliek, children of Jacob MaliiV, dee'd., settled by their Guardian Gcorse Conrnd. Joshua F" dee'd., settled by Peter Conrad Kx'r of Joseph Fnl, dee'd-, who was Adm'r of Joshua Fo! dee'd. (ieorge Clar, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Reuben Fagely John iS'tepp, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Lns- tian Slcpp. Jacob De.diler, dee'd., settled by ,m Adm'r io- c.-pl, De-jhler. Peter f'ulp, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r David Ha u. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, ) Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852. 51. J List of Jurors, F Northumberland County for November T., A, D. 1852. ' ' ' in lid Jurors. Siwuiniv. C'ltiitit):i Lower, Ieury cher ' Rrsii. John Cbcrdorf. NoiiTUCMntiiLANn. Thomas Wiihingtnn. Point. Jeoio l. Jlattz, Jesse C. Mor ton. .' .. Di:i.:.WAnE- p C. Watson. Joseph Hays, John V.'aL'ner,' Philip McVVillinms. Low Kit NIahanov. Philip Spat.:, Phil p .M -ssner, John Siler. ' 1 Siiamokixj. Ieiij 1. Vvolyurlfi.n, perry J.ohu John ll"ll Lower Acci'sta. Caleb Barret, William K.iL'ely. I'l'i'i.H liUHANov J.unas iseiihait. Lewis Samuel Philips. ' Jackson. Uonjiimiu I lino Little Maiiamiv. Nicholas Easlon. TRAVERSE JURORS. Lower MAt.Ayoy. Benjamin Hoyer, Mi duel Giiisr, J.uiiaihau Looker, John Dinya nian. .1 .. , . U'Hi'tt " iacob Snyder, John M.'ssncr, James Campbell. Ri-sn Ifubeil C.nnpbell, Joseph Sharp less, Win. Clarke. Shamokin. Wm. Klasp, Jesse Teats, Jo seph H.inpi, Jesse Campbell, Jesse HeTusyl, j,olu( etshner. ' ' Eewis. Gi'orse A Wykoff. Ui'i'F.H Ai'i.i-STA John Haiijohawout, Ro bert 'nisei. Lower " John Smith, John D. Cotuail, I.f wis Smith. Win. Suvder. Cmi isijrAiii'E. yiPintn liarnhart, An drew l-etiBii' panics Jordan, Robert Lyon TfiiBfT. Charles Riddle, Abraham Do- not. teo Utit, aiarlin Uillinyer. Coal Valentine Fnicly, Joseph fame, i.asper ennu, jonn liosser. Point. Charles I,einict, Commodore R. Jones.' ' ' Pelawahe. Jacob Debler, Samuel Huff man, Sam. Finny, Win. B. Bryson, J. P. llackeiibeier. Milton. Joseph L Qt tin Qamuel EJair. Jordan. Georyo Geist. Sunucry. F.eter liileirian, George Rohr bach. , ' Jackson. Jeremiah Vy'o'if. Tctit J 11 r 017. Lewis. Wm. Linebaeh. Delaware. 4 Linebaeh, David Gold, John N. Oyster, Abiahain Sturner, Charles Kelchner. . Ri'sh. Luther Basset, Wm. B. Gulick, Lewis V. Vesline, Josepli Wolverlon, feter CuiTipbell, fieorge G,eaihnrY. 1 Shamokin Reuben Snyder, Aron Kelly, Ira Jones, Samuel Mooie, David Miller, Hup.h H. Vastine, Peter Kriegor, Isaao Ar nold.' ' Tt'RBtiT. J M. liouse, David L. Irelaml, David Eckert, John Haat;. ' Upper Auci'sta. Georpe Forrester. Lower " -Wm, Sears, Wm. Rij wit, David Daike. Upper Maijanov. Daniel Ileim, Charle Snyder. Lower " John Kiehl. Coal. Wm. M. Weaver Ciiilisqvaque. John Mahamer. Point. Isaiah Buidleibach, Henry Paul, John Netbit. ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the hndersigned Auditor appointed by the prphanl.' Court of Northumberland County, to mtka riistrihution of thc'asWUof the'esule'of George Mdhr dee'd., to and among the Creditors of said dee'd., will at tend to the duties of bis appotuflhent on Wednes day the i'iii day of Decemher next, at hi office in Sunbury ot 10 o'clock A. M. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Audttt'. fc'uiiluiry, Nov. 50, ISo','. II. HERE IS Y0ITR REMEDY! II olio way's Ointment. A MOST MIRA.CUI.Of8 Ct.ltK OP BAD LKCS, AFTER 43 YEARS' SUFFKni.NO. Extract et a Lettti fior Mr. Wm. flalpin, of 70, l(. Mary't Street, Weymouth, duleil May 5th, IR5l To rrorwr Ilni.i.rm-iv. !, At till) age of 18 my wil'i! (who is now SI) wiiielit " ' " wim-n seiurii in ner li-ps, nml rviT since Hint time they have liwi niurr or !.- .ir. t.ilv iiiflnmjd. Ili-r agonips w-rro ilislmelinib si si for ni.nilli T. . 0 ucpriveu f?iilircly ol rest nml slrcp KvcrV imnnly tlmt mpiliml men nilviscit was trinl, but williont isTret her hmlih mllernl vrrrlv, bik! Ihe stale 01 ner ICRs wm Icrrililf, I hud often rcnil )inir Ailver tiacmciits, and advised her to Iry yiuu IMIU nml Oiutiiieiit; ami, as a Inst resource, nflor every nlrn-r rsiiieily'lmil pro ved useless, she eonaeiiird to do so. fhe eoinnii nceil si weeks ago, uinl. stranre to relate, is now In bI lirol'h. Her !"irc are Itnililenfl. u-illmnl .miti m.r i,.l ltr iImh wtiimriiinr iiiiinsinriieil. t uiilil yoM Itajfl Vllitessrtl ilia sulTeriiis'a ot isy wife 'during 'the last 44 yenrai Mid eon traat tliem Willi her nrest-ut etiiovinent ol' lienllh, von wolltd indeed feel deliuhti'nl in hnviiitr lieen the interna or ao greatly alleviating the slitierineS of a fi-aiw-erenlnre. frifrnen,; vi ll.l.l.l.l iAl.ri.i. A PF.nSO.N 70 YEAttf OF AGKrl'RKD OF A DAD I.KO, OF DU YEARS' PTAN'UIXO. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Abhs, lluild- er of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe. near Hud tiers field, dated May 31st, 1851. To Professor Hol.toWAt, Sir. -I suffered for s period nf thirty years from a IkhI lea", the result of two or three clttU-rtnl neeitleuls nl tins Works ; aceotnpnnicd by ae'irlmtie svmptoms. 1 hint re course to a vniietyof meilieiil nilviee, without deriving any benefit, and was even Ink! Ilmt the leg niust Is- ampu tated, yet, in opposition to Ilmt opinion, vour fills nod Ointment hnve elfet-ted n complete enre in so short a lime, tlmt few who had not witnessed it would eredil Ihe fnei. (Sjjne.1) W1I.I.IAM AH US. The truth of t'l'n statement emits! vi tifieil by Mr. W. P. hnrjlmid, riiemisl, 13, Mnrkil Sheet lllliMcrshtld. A DREADFUL DAD lilt EAST CI liJ kV O.i?. MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turn er, oj Penhurst, Kent, dated December 13t. 1850. To Professor ItoI.LOWAY. Drar Sib. My wife lied tufl'i rid from Mint Iliwrts f.ir more llinu six infill.!!' find ihiriim llie whole oeriitfl hnd Jit best im-dirul nl't'eiidiiiiee. but nil to no use. Ilnving tte- lore healed nu nwl'til wouiiil in my own kg, by your nil rivnlted medieine. I determi:!-.-! nirien to Hie your Pill and flinunent. nud therelore g:ivs lieis a tii.-U in ner esse, nnd fortunate it wns I did so. for in less limn a month a peifeet enre -.i rlfeeted, nnd llil; lieuelit lli.it vnrio.r, oili er bmnebts of n;y I'riiuily huve ilci'iv.tl from their life ii reiilly nttonifliiiiij 1 n-.v stronlr renoirinend them to all ray liiewis (.rieiied) KRED'K -rt 'HXER. Tl Pills hnnld be llrr.l - l i j-.i-it ly v.'i'.tl I! J Ointment moat of the following ensep .- , -. -m " rtnd I.ec, Cliieg i-f.sit, Fisoiliis, Had tieiiits, t'Mlblain-., . oout, rtiirni, Ctiflijied. Is.uiis, liandular Swelting, Hnnionft, IJcrus (ofl) l.mnluttfo llite ot Moselie- Oneeis Piles, toes & Alua-i-'lies, Coiurr.jU-fci ajii Ille JHUiUsm Ceo-li",- SlilT Join's, Senilis, Eleplintitinsis, Sore Ninnies, S.ire-llironts, J r.kin.d-EC4'ss. . Senrvv, S re-hemls, Tunioin,- - rleers, VVouihIs, Yuws S.ild nt tlie rstnblislimeut of Professor IIol.l.owAV, 911, Ftiand, fneiir Temple Itur. l'inlon.) nnd by nil respeetnble DVjiii..a nnd Dealers in Medieines thr.ni;lioul llie Rritisti liupire. A lh"eof Ihe I'liitrd States, in lli.xesnt .ITJc., r?Tc., and fc1! 51K-. each. Wholesale Iiy the piiueiMil Drug houses in the I'tii-.n, oud ly Messrs.' A. IJ. A D. Sand, New York, IV There is a considerable saving by tiiktiig the lureer ! siz-.-s I N- I) Iireelions for tlie guiituuee of ialients in every i ilis iiilf-r nre tillixeil tfi eneli b"X. , Oelolier S3, ls.W. ly. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN j STEPP, Dee'd. T IHE Coininoiitveallli of Pennsylvania to .Sc- ; liastum Stepn, Jacoli Slrim, John 5tepp, I Uenjaniin Stepp, Michael Stepp, Peter fStepp, i Elias Htepp, lllizalieth fr'lepp, and ian'.is Stepp, j the last four of whom are minors and have5 fur I their Guardian, Abraham lilasser, heirs and legal i representatives ol Jonn .Mepp laic ol J.owtr Muhaiioy township Nortliiimlierland county .I.'c'd., and all other persons interested. GREETING : Northumberland CoTinty, SS. j You arc hereby cited to lie and appear lK"foro i the J inlaca of the Orphans' Court to he held at ' ! .Sunhui v on the first Monday of January next, I then nnd there to accept or refuse to tue the real j estate of the said John Stcpp dee'd., Bituulc in j Lower Mulianoy tow-chip Northumberland county, contuiiiiiij; One IrundrcJ. and sixty acres ' more or less, whirli was valued uiid appraised in ! p.'.l juiimc of a writ of J'urtiiiH awarded hy the Orphans' Court (V'iJ county, or to show cause why the same shall not he sold accoroiug lu law, according to the act at Assembly in such cases mudo and iro Tiled.' And hereof fail not . l)y order of the Court," J. P. Pl'REL. Cl.. O. C. ('cr'ifi.-d fio;ii the r.conhi oflt,e Court at Sun bu.Vtth'tlie l'lth duv of November 1852. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriir. !;.. 20, 1838 Ot Estate of ELIZABETH MARTZ, Dee'd. NOTICE is hereby give :i that letters t; stainen tary have lrn Kii.lfrJ to tl'ic' Subs'd'rilit'r On the estate of ElizabeTh Marlz, dee'd., Inle of S. niokin township, NAriliuinb.'iland coj..'', Al persons indebted to said estate or havirig'claiius against the eamo.. aic r.'i,u.ti;J to call on tho subscrilicr for scttlenVeot.' '"'" 1 i. e DAVID MART, Fxeculor. fti;niii (p., Nov. 13, I8S3. Ck GREAT EXCITKMENT. WILLIAM A. KNOHH, TE.SYE('TFri.LY inforrr.s the pu'.Kc rener ally that he l.as inst received aftrJ' opriied the best and clicnpei- stock of Fall and Winter Goods, till t has c. been Wought to tho county. His'sloi'k consists of eciy variety of ' floods, VIZ CJotlis, Cassimers. Satmetis, Vestitms, Dril lings, Ijintns, Muslins, Jeans, and all kufdt ' ' of Winter (loads. Also a splendid variety of Ladies Dress and Fancy goods, Calieces, Ginahana, If Lpinci, .tyc,u i.',nnd ' every variecy of. ' Goods suit able fsr Ladies xrear. Aln'ui ertenrive assortment of Vifr, Braver, Fer If Slouch Hals A ui-p-c ond well selected Assortment of Hoots and Shoe's o'ft cry descrip ton and si-r. liso, u laree assortment of Groceties. Such as Sneer, Coffee Tecs, Miilas.cs, Spices of all L.r.ds. Also a" large assortment of Hardware and Quecnstyare, Fish, Salt and Liipiors such as Gin Brandy, Rum and W hiskey, besides the largest and mu.t general assortment of all kind of Goods to l had m the county. All the above mentioned goods will le sold at such reduced prices as they can not Iss got for elsewhere. County produce of all kindt takitt in exe'uange at tlie highest mark ;t prices: Alsq, For sale a 'two h'ursc spring wagon and a buggv. 4 ''" 1 ' Augusta twsp., October 29, 1852. 6in. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAMES 1$, ;il)LKIt, No. 1$ South Second Street, ' 'rniLADELPHIA. Gold Le ver Watches full jewelled feilvcf I.ever do ' Silver Lepina do " Quarlier do Gold peris a nq pencil and silver halders Pilvcr Tea and Til hie tpoons ' Hracclcts, Breast pins Ear rings ic. All warranted and sold at prices as tow as any in the cty. November S7. 1852. tf. MERSON 8 A RITH EMETIC Nos. l.S 8. and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for sale by WM. McCARTV. 'Sunbury, May 1, 1851, .1 WILEY'S COVGJf CAHVY. lent remedy for ccugh", colds. An excel ' For sal at this olpct, ' ' '"' ' ' December 4, 1853. TARRIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely 1M- executed for sale at. this office, tingle or hv the doien GEORGE W- No. Gt- Arch Street, fouu-doors aliovc hqond, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASS'jlVTMKNT OF , BLIN'ES " Whic-h for style of finish nnd vrorkmnnship cannot 1 s.wpnssc.t. Wltnjesnlr nnd Krt ul at the lowest .rices. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW tsUAIMCS AND REED IILINDH VVIIOLESAt'E, AT'MAVt t'ACTt'RERS' Pltll.Ei. VST MERCHANTS aiid otliers aro'iiiitcd to call and examine. Philairelphia, August St, 1S.V!. 1y. "A Penny saved is a Penny Ea ned." MAliTIsK 8 ULAN K 1JOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Poltsvitle, Pa. I.A'vK TJooks.tmu'tiI and ruled in any and every style, in 'life' hiost dnralile artrl sub stantial manlier, with or wi'.lioul printed Heads. Person in want of ""' ' ' ' Ledgers, Dockets, Day Hooks, Minute Dooks, Journals, Letter Uooks, Dlotters, Receipt Uooks, Coal I.cdeers, Ac., c., or any kind of Dlniik Hooks, vou'.d do well to give me a call as I pledge myself to gi:c satisfac tion. Paper ruled to any pnttern desirtd. I'sr- 'jculnr attention p.iid to Rinding all kinds of ,A Rooks, ' i i ... . ' RiliLs. Hymn 7ooks, (ilrnson's Pictorial, ffheet Music, f'li-.ikspcare'a works, Life of Christ, Law U.oks, fee., &c. Godey's Lady Books, Graham's Muki..:. Sartain's Magaxinc, Harpers Maganne, Joscphus's works, Any of the above or other book'i "boilnd in full gilt, plninor fancy to suit the wishes Cr; customers. I wo jld as-m call the attention ot my 1. lends and ctitome'rs; to the fret that I have been a Practical Hook Binder for the last 18 vcars, and they can di'u.iiJ ou having their woik done in the very best manner, and do the work myself ; I use the liest pnper cV material; ylen.it ciie me a call my charges are reasonable and !'.i', hut there is no difficulty about prices where wi-1: is done satis factorily. N. B. Persons having Boos ihey want Bound can send them by stage directed to mo stating, the the style they wish thrin bound in: I will do them as low as they can he done any where, care fully pack them up and return thrm ; Also per sons can send orders for Blank Books by mail, which will be punctually altendad to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARPLE. Practical Book Binder, rottsvillc, No. 0, 1 852- Cm. BRITTA2TNIA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rjIHE SUBSCRIBER) having just entered into the above business in all it- brunches, take this mode of calling the attention of Conn try Merchants, and oth.is to their SEW STYLE and PATTERNS. nUij the quality of I. a r . material, as we flatter ourselves not to he hest in workmanship or liiat.rial. The following, in part, consist of our assortment : , LAMPS and Lamp Screws; I.ADI.ES; C'as tor Frames; BED PANS; TIM HI.ERS ; I'JTCIIBUS with li.ls; COFFEE POTS and TEA POTS; Slop Howls; SUGAR IJOWLSj CREAM CLPS; BEER MEAsirr.K l; X..-. C Hoppers; ,' NLLE.STICS ; SPOONS, of all sizes; &c, We will be hapfpy ta receive orde.-s for Sam ples, iymail, at our place of husinei, iv'u. 10'J RACE ST., or QI'AURV ST., above Second st., PHILADELPHIA. X. B The subscribes, si.ill continues to man ufacture Candle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical In striiments, cVc, at his old place of business, No. 109 Race Street, Philadelphia, to which I would caii the special attention of Candle Manuictu rcrs. I01IX CAI.VipRLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. 5,' VJSS.-'-fluio. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. 4. p.. OIJKUTKl FFKII, S. F. Cor.'Ninth and Maple Sts ubove Pact, " PHILADELPHIA. WNVITES the Ladies of llnC'ity iid Country to call end examine ' liis spleiuliil Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with the ut most e.itr ' " " 1 Mr. O. being cir.i! hd, fron hij experience in ti e business, lo farfccr'tylvYitaBc fif tlie-wholcsnleJ market, is able Ik sell as tow es any other estab lishment. Mr. O. vss tHmcHy principal con iluetor of the citi'iisnc business of Mr. J. W. Hurstmaii, No. "04 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. 1K stock comprises the following.-' ' Silk, Worsted and Votton Curtain F ringes, Rinding, Tassels 'aiid Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoisery, Glotcs, Combs, Ur.)slies, Soaps, Perfumery, dc. Woollen and Co.Un Kniuiit and D.'.rn'ng Yor:;, Porte MotinaicsViiriftsWd Work llJxes, Braca lets, and Fancy Articles -generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1S53. 6111. 500 AGENTS WANTED- " " S10QP J, VotV, "ITlfANTED in every County of the dated States, aC,ivi and enlerprisiug men 'to en gage in tii J' sale of sonic of the best b.okj pub lished in flie'tounlry.' To men of good adilress, posessiiig a smalt capital of from $25 lo PI 00, such inducements will be nflcred as to enable them to make from 63 to $ 10 a tl.y jirollt. ' " 17 The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popu'ar and com mand' large sales wherever they hre'oflefCd. ' For pusher par'.icul:i:s.s.l.lrss; (pnilac paid,) " ' ' DANIELS & GETZ. Successors lo W. A. Leary cV Co.; Ho. 13f"Xortlr Second Street, fhiUdelnhia. ' Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 18SS If. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 59 Jf'oo St hrltrecH'U A' 3d St; end 1 No. 17 North Klh' Street, " ' 'ri)lt.Al)F,LPl!I.. .lol.i; IJ.HU i'oLt Jr. ttiul Son, RESPECTYCI.LY fnfori l'Store -keepers, Mer chants, 47c, IhcMhtr Mannfiicturo and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reosonahle prices. - TT Cash paid for Tallow siul rough Ft. April 0 J83S ly. 1 ' " Win. 3IcCurtv, Ilookseller. RE.PECTFri.LY informs his fricn.ls and the puhl, Ihut 1.j lias rniovcd his' Book Store, to Market 'sfYe'et, o the house occupied by J. Naillc, Esi)., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on the north side, where Veep for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of ie jks and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon Ct for S, 3 or 4 horses. 8unbury, July 54, 185? tf. M- L7gHIKDL) AT T QE1TE3 -'JLT L ATT. - ' SUNpURY, P4. December 4, I85S. tf. ' ' : BOOKS I BpQKg I J TU8T. RCCjVED and fo, sale a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. ' WM. McCARTY, BoktclUr. Sunbury, Dec. 4. 1852 if. ZIMEIIAN, Fresh and -Sjiienl Qy.iurs I IIAVING eettleil nt Northumberland, I am now prepaied lo furnish Fresh and spi ced Oysti-rs durina the whole season at re duced prices. You enn depend upon ihem boinsf fresh, ns 1 shall reoeive ilium daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, Ihey ara only 16 limns out of Ihe shell. All poisons ut a distance, w ho urn in want of ihe nhovo nrli;(. can havo ihem sent per dozen or simile, can by addressing W. II. VICKERV.at Horr's Hotel. Northnmberlaiul. Oct. 18, l5it ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL Of CHEAP GOOIJS. FRILING & GRANT. O'I'TFULLY inform their rustonurs ttrwl fho jiuhlic, that they have just receiv ed andvpened the best and cheapest stock of '"''FaUani Winter Goods that has ever fiecFroughl lo Sunbury. Their sleek cuiTsusei cf every vnrio'y of Dry (.66(1;! viz : Cloths, Casnmcrcs, Sattintts, VcstiifS, Flannels, Wollens, fc.,' .e And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FA.VCV GOOD?, Calicoes. Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, llcragcs, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Caps ron Mks and Bovs. Also a large assortment of GllOCEKICS, SLtlt AS Sugar, Teas, Cofle'e, ftrohasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assnriaie.pt of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a iresh supply of Ditriis A.y. Mj:pici.ii3. Besides Ihe uirje:t uiid most general assort ment of all kiu.U of goods ta. "be hud in this place. ' - ' , " " - ":. prouuee m an khius WKen in ex. ciiaiigc at me niciicst market niic. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 1852. Tha only frjo Pprtrnit of Yr asli.-.gion. JLST PUBLISHED, T. B. WKI.CII'S MAGNineKNT PORTE AIT OF WASHINGTON, Ensrave by srmiision) from Smart's only oniiiiia! hdilY.iii,'iu the Athencnni, Boston. KCTVb nif;rn, rncrnved' muUr the siimrniieii(.- ...... nl ntlllliriU L-l'l I ( a . . 1 ' liitihly git'ti'd artlfi, in thf only c irr-t likciifjm of Wiifh- 1111. hi ever iHhiMnc.l. n h-ts ivpn rlitirm'tfimtd ns tli crt' ilet w rk nf urt ever pr-nlucc, in (hio ctHiutrv. Aa to itw tiilr-Ul'. we reiri l tin: lelCrji f tn'optcil i n of Wnnhinct..,!, (iKOlitiF. ASIUOTU. PAIMC Cl'S TIS, vh ,yp. "it inn t.iiliitil rprrjtfnt:iii nl" Hil crl-i-lmitwl original," mitt t ('till ! .n'STH'i: T.WKV of tliu rtiircmo Court of the Vttip Suies, wliu 8-iv3, A woik of iirt its excclkurc nml litnnlv Huibt itn'ke evnrv one win rvn it ; mnl it is ua h-n hajipy in it liU'iio-a to 1 11 v.-s iny iwki ii.ritine to havft ;en him in the tiny of my iMyhikxl, atil liu wh'le Hi:nv...c? ii t-t ctroiily iniiii-iiH on my liiiiuoiy '1 he p ntiutt you luive iMiitl iiijf-iiiB to nm to he nn exnet hkeiK-H, n prtPHliiir piTiW-tlv I he rxpreNBi'tn nn w-l! ua th I'n in mmfratiirm U the lat-c." An. I miyvSKN'ATOK OASS, ii is 11 liif-liki rqirt-jteiititioii m thf "iirtiit ori-innl. iK i:S!lK.T I'lt.liMOiU: av.. -ihew .rk M;p-nr to nit lo h ive liei-ii iiihiitiiiliL cir.'UleU iit.tl c-niincnlly wor thy of thr ,:nr.najri-of ihe pul.lie." S.yf M A lit H wr tin! fiiiiii'-nt n irtmit iMiintiT. iuk! lit itni-il nl' Srnnrt. y'iir riiit t' my niiml i more rcnmrknMe tl'- n ;my otlier ' 1 hnyi' tern, I t pu-H iilniu' thi whol-; mi.i. ufu'iil.iy of ihe I oriiicil p riruii, lot-.t-tltfi wiilt tin 'iuhm iiul tlicuiluil re- ! y nl air nml mj: ht .vhich hi: win i t-vt-r kiu hni: i - J" iilTtil u mnrkeil rliitr;ct!risli. nf il,, ilititri us xm it , c 'Hiiiiiriniiniti." . .t .. . . I For the tfp-nt imrila i f litis picture we viikl refer eve- j ry lover of Wnslimyioii tn Ihe ortrml iineli", to Im; seen ut the othVe. of tin paper, nml to the k-ltfrn of tlie folliwiinr ! rtiii. SiitttHNirti, J hum ami -h -Lirt nee niipanvini; it. . AirriKIS Man-hnmimd KU't ,. Vork": eit- ' plet i;h'rmt-l. and ,niiililiii. ot lUiil.Klrlpi.yi; y'ln-Ricr Hitnliiitf. of Hti.ot.iii ; Clrulri Frn-L-. ut ... h'.'ii. S. C; ' tm to ihe nilopten am of War-lit-ul",:, M n. lirorcc V. , I'liKlis. hntiwlf nn urtint. !ST A'liSMHrW UiKxr e. hiiey .Milliii.i 1'iliinor;. Major fieii. W inlit-JiJ Hentt, lit-n. (ie nT- M. Vu): Hon. William H. Kitii;, Jinn. Daniel Welmter. Hon. Hiwl. Ilmi. J xvii. fa-., Hon Wiii. A. (irnliaiii. linn. John 1. Kemiiilv. II -it. It. t. Winthrn. I). jriilS lV HfUi. It..-t 11 Taney, Hon. J,.),,, Diht. II. m. John Mi-Lim, Hon. IIiiiiiK ( h mie. Stilt AU. ( .ai'e': l-ilt m, I , the kn iwn Librarian tf tle H 'Kt ih Ainetieiiin, who "ays, "I muM rmliHt- own it than any puititfj e ipy 1 have evi-r iirn M, 1. Whip ple, ltn !i:ml IliMretli. I..n. L.lw. Kten-it, I.L. U . Jart-.l ?lrki. LL. ll.. Willbin II. 'n-ieot. LL H , Wiihhinyln living, llal,ih W. ljnerin, l-t.t rnl. T. t. I'phani. J. T. Heielley. Filz tiiven Ila'Vek. H. W. tvingu-ll w Wm. f;iliiiore Stum ; ui-( I It .i Kl I It CM' '., I i'ii'.tnnt. V. Ik aeuiiWy, Stt Mxsiiyh:' AhHont" L-ml Mav-nr uf I. union, Scr. ic. o. Till-: Titl'SS, tlir.uh nt tlte en tire I'nion, have with one vive procUimeU I lie merit of thin mpvih eitcmvui;?. To enahle ail lop semi tliis va!n:ilIa tieasute, it is soM nt the low pi ire nf P.J per eopv. PnlitiMh. tl hy (iKtHtUK W. CHI LPS. X. W. corner of Kil'ih nml Areh itrtftK, i'hil.i.lelphiu. P. P. UVKKLV, S,;.i ouc.i, for tiic of Kuf:siji reiiirylvaniu tml l'-ivaie. . Thi P-ulrait enn only lw l.Lnii-.l fr un Mil. UYLH LV, r fr tin hi duly anihurizeit am-nt. A rraitgeint-nlii have been malf will) the Post Dllire Pe pmttmi,i, i.y wh.i-ii copie of tlie 1 rli tut tuii lie n ii Ut unr point, f.r i.iriil, m perlVet oi.lert - i&' Vvitt ins I.y i-eii.iitMjy. Ki ' liM.h t tl. P. HY KHLY, IMii!adi'lhia. wilt ht,ve u i-"pj ol the i trait seal U tliem ffe of Piw'itiie. ' l" Mu'uifice.il 1 1 lit rruiiii-n, iM np ejtprrt-y ior titt.e Purtruit, f iiriiinlicd tit thet w prite ol ,iKtrucIi. Jt'STlssi'F.n, A MAGMI'ICFA'T roitTHUT O'.' GENERAL JACKSON, iKtrnwrf f.i; T. Ii. WELCH, ESQ.. after tlte original portrait painted by T. SI LLY, ES( ...' , TliiJ lVrtn.il will he a miti li l"..rlho V:,il.iut;tii, aiul is -tl PVt-rv- r-Kiet-t .-a v.ril S(l I'P J-tii . m. pei ...;.v. W.l'tiw j as al-i t. riiiiiuu-iijiiii. Oi.i. a.1 ii.vj. " COMMERCIAL HOTEL.' ' rplll SuliK-nlvr lini ng Irusnl t li.- li. I ' c- ll iuw Ii. -ixlli 1 luorly known un iLc Aimrrwaii U.ii.mAo. Jt Sirfel, lM.'twii.u AlarkiM nn.1 C'ltcKtiii Strci-'. Imj c!iini4 iiie-uauie in uie a:iiii i.i ... .... ,, the. commkrc;al jiOfki., Bega leave In iih'.tiii bii iViritii ifinl llie tl,ai tlk h-Ai.-e lum iiiidrrK.uir a tlnr... -Ii rtMu. Mli-itin . rmmiuu;, rc jniHlui); i.il(lri.inl.!.,iig. jrrtn nlllv to Ii.i.-.hiiI. An ni. tire iH-w i-iri l ijriu.urr. Iielulij!, e r.. Im lierii ir.iciul Iw'is lliH-uiuat ceteluwtrxt -Aiuuuiucliirpra in Una fily. rrmn tlie ernlml lieiition. nntl iln rlm.e prfximiiy tn tl,e tiuilr.nul 1VV.., Sl'iimUml Ijiuilina ri.ni-. ,1 Aun.M--inei.t, Fimlil.'iiulite 'rii.ir.ii.lil'iii.-a ami I'til'iu- Snurew, i nlfwa lli.lui-rniriila .i tl.a MercliHiit vuilliu; llie i-ily'ou liusmi'M. Iho Travi iUr m aking .lc.,nirr 'I',, i:,,,;,;;,., ami lemu'ra visit I lie citr, every Im-ilitv ill l ,.:, re,l, un.l tveif tmi4'l ItfciiliM lu liuilie lln-iV Vi.it un rouble nn.1 nwii&itit. A atmre of llie pnl.liv palron:.e rr i-per l'ui! ,l..itrj JACdU O. I.KI1U,. . , iAlli:U lltVIN, .... , . 8""''l'"''l'le'i'- . Pioprietnr. l'lillmlelphln, tt.'j.l. , l;j Cut. DAVID COOPER, CQMM I SSTWX- KUCJl ANT " "'jOltTlir. 8AI.KOF : Fish; Provisions, v., ' ' Ad. 'Xcrt.'t 'irtavt:, ' ' Hilt AXiiriA.: April 10, Ie5S.i-ty: . . ' : f NK Bourenu's cclebrsled ink, tnd also Con. gres ink lor sule, wholjssls and retail hv ltecember 88. 1850. H. B- MASSER. lUESH Vanilla Bvan cf a superior quality, - just received and for sale by . , July l, 185'i . h. B. MAUSER.' rS??f5?fB!5rS5E5!9B SWAIM'S CELEBRATED' PANACEA. I'OR THS CURE OK" Irlilr"nt COni'uniptlon, Scrofula, General- littiility) 'White siwiiii? ' Rheumatism, Dismser bf the Liver un l '" i'.iii, miri Diseases arising from ' Impnrilirs of the MonJi.mid (Ac , . EfferU of Me rury.. O W.MV.'S V.StT-7 Ul rfi'l,Tor, tu-a tlnrl, 1.1 ymr e.-tl.fnlcd in Utis o niiilry nnd in-Burone t ,r ilf irlunrv rur.!sf-,i n,e eaiiHente.sT which ref. r.n o ismi.li- to in- chr.-.tn,,. Ik s rwlorli may l l., n.tl.) nee--inp-im inn the Psmiewi. 8 .:ic of whirli i-ivo .' lire isirlienhia of ei.s.- tisi fri(rlitfnl f..f ftmersl .uUiei.li,Mi where :lie nlUll-lils llu.l l..-en a'.llit l entrli up with Sit full.' Sll'l Were ih-r il inrrrshle (,y Pi.yi,;. m,t, III ilflR lieen Vl..1 in iu.sui:nl. nml lim n- - 1:-.. . A 1 has li-ol llie siliifiilsr' lorliiiie iH being rei'imltilriKl Ml It' tlie , i sist rrMKtl I'liisiriniis snil oilier eiiiiuet tn.Ms. - ..niii oinrrs n W. liiU-.ti. M'. 11 , IV .1. i.l Suipirv. Pu. ti,i,-aiitr Viileiniiie Moi, M. U., Prof, uf Sutg , :;. i'. 'na si'y V' v' . P. I). wees, M. D , Trof. of Mid . 7c. Unireialtr ' V dispiumi. M. I).. Prof, of Phvsie. Pa 1Cii..:ni,t i X l"'.--- ii1' V " Vtm'' ' '""rtf "I Phtsietans, Plula. llr. Ilul Null v Pr.il. of M.-ilieiiie. Iluvana. J ire l'...iue.:i-e il l.uz. l'r..f. of Siiiifi-n , Lint.-ii. .1. hlpi.1:ni.-M.-i,:'...r R.i.tJ C,:fzr. A.-j,,,, lsn,d.,:i I.. . l-.nn.i;, bleuMiniMirr, i Spaia, t.r 'I'll mm 'irs ni. Mni. C,rn.' Rrillsh Army." (i'l .erl UolierlMiii, rinlifl, (;.sinl. A e.. A c. .AliiCuls i. Ihe wo Mieri . i! ci,ie -tli-eled .y Swaim'l Pan- "''' bave fw iiimiy yenr; lnj.o K re. cirsluHhle reinnly I he I'liim.-en d.'fc i-j.t i i.j.n wit-ri-wv-aiiv fomi, niul liemn mi iiiius't,.t, ji-.iAii, u .ii,, b: given to Ihs neist Irnilrr nifiinl. ' ' . ' , ' The reniil price hns Iweii reilncetl lo fill per liof.io ' (containing tttiee li.-ill pinte) or ll.iee Littles for tl. m:VAiti-: op imposition. Pwaiin's Psnneea is in rmnid tnttles, fluted I'tigiluili. Willy, with Ihe fullotviiig letters hi iwn ill tlie lims: 'SWAIM'." PA'Ari:A rilll.ADA." nml :..-r,'in the minie of J.13 Ph aiji cttnnpeil oiv the sen). Inc; wnx, niitl vniten on the htltel i.vivering the ork. ami a sjili-iiUii'.eiienivyi lor the aiihi cf the bottle. eiinresKd i. cn.iiuelrie Inthe V"rk, e niipri."iiig nine ditferunt ities. which luive hern Inrncd fur the exclusive use of the pro-prii-inr, bv Iiniicr ft C'.i , hunk 111. te. engnivr, of Pliila ilclphi:i. In ihe rri.tre ir. a porlrnll of the late Wio. Swaim cup) right sccurrd. .. . AI.PO, SWAIM'S VEnMIFfCi:. A valuat.le rnniity Me-ticiiie, h -injr s hiyht7 appmved rcinwly for all iliseusos ruieing from uVhihty of the digea- . live orgfms. sm-Ii on V.lrlll'. f.'h -.:rn .Murlms, Dysenlrry l-'ever nml Airne, lllerdiue; Piles, Sick tleoiliichc, VC., A:o . See Ihe Pamphlet (which may be h:l grutis) aceoinpnny- Inc tlie Vennifiigi. Prewired oulv nt PWAIM'S I.AIIORATORV, THK OLD STAND. Seventh at reel, belnv Chestnut. Philmlel- phin, nnd siM by all the respectable iJruggists iu tho L'ui till Sillies. cai.tio.n to tiik runt.ic. Per-oiis n-it'iine otioiin the eenninc SWAtM'S PAN. ACi:.v;i.J S'.MM-8 VEHXII-'UOi:. should be carelul to o!eTre-it.st the ni.me - - , ' ' SWAIM is spelled cTfctly on the bollles nnrl loliels, or they rra.y be imposed sl '.ty medicine msile in iiiiilntioii of thorn by a pet sou hearing .1 u;.x.'.vi:iit similar niiiueM-ell cnlcuiatcil to deceive. ' ' . Philmlelplua, Oetol er 2, IS5i. 2ino. 81 1 ELDi AKE'S VU.EGHENV HOCSB, Xo,280 MARKET S'tn-pt. nhnvn fith. Pliilnilriiliin. Knilpr Iia' new r.mm;empiit the cars which arrive from Pitfshuro, lliirrislitirir, &.P., will run. to tl;o New D .olj corner of .Schuylkill 5tli nml. Market. In order 1 nccommoilntc the puhlic we will alwnys. have oiir Couch nt the New Depot on the arrival of the can ta c.-rry Pnssentrers lo the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our olJ friends will plcusc ride down, nnd all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Tails, Clenn lioil", nnd acconiniodatiti! assistants, will please give us n call. .. 2'itiih, One Dollar per Day. August 21, 1S5S. fini. Ynluahle l'ropcrty. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., OTA ortliuiitberlaiul AT PP.ITATE SALS. niMlt; snbsciibcrs, Exfcntors of the Esta'.s cif Ephmim P. Sliiinnuii, late of the Uur-' oiiyh of Xurtliumbei laml. ollnr nt private sals, the following valuable lien I Et-tuuyviz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Fiont Street, on which is erected n twoslory Iliiok litiil.ling, forme; ly occupied by llie deceased as a Store nnd Dwelling, nnd now occupied na sucli. Tuero are also on lUe Ut .tvii:..& il vvollinrrs, Uc. Lot No. 52, f-il rated !.i Maiket Street, or. which is creeled a t wo 'Clcr-y white Fiamcw D.velliti!T, &c.. ndjniiiing John Tajgart, Esq. , cccupied by ('has. Kuoiis. m . "Luis X'os. Gil. 70, 7 I t 72, situate in Mar ket Street, it" two Mnry .wjle Frame Dwel liu jT, ccc-Vjiii'ii by .limes lioiilr, nud. a stable is erected an lots No. CO S: 70. ' The undivided half nl Lot No. 120, silualo on l!:o conief of Duke nnd 4th .Street, on which is erected a two stoiy dwelling, occu pied by Joseph IilcCiillisler. Lot No. 183, silftula in Queen Slreft on which is erected a two story white Frame liiiiKling, occupied by Jobn ftuikeit Lot No. CO, siinate nl'.NOilliwny nnd Wa ter Sheets, on which are erected Iwo Frame Dwelling unci Stabling, occupied by widow Vandling nnd John Vaudling. , Also the undivided foutth part of lot IGC on which-is erected a twostoiy Frame Dwe'.' ling, occupied by Jehu Vaudj ke. . .. AUo ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the East side; of ill Si:sijue!uinn;i: nb"iit three miles below Dan ville. Aho two aJjO'nI.ij vaar.t tCiVtt Lis, fili ated. "Oil liio corner of Second nnd Cranio streets, numbered in ihe general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 Sc 21o.'i Also four vncai't rota on Third and Oiancs Streets, iinmlercii ni Ihe General plan of said' Borough, Kos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant Iota fionijng. ton Market nnd Sixth Streets, running East lo nn Alley, numbered -in the general plan of said Bor oupli', Nos. 7 7, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots (routing on Orangh Street, and numbered in Ihe General plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, 1S6, 187 & "ii3. The above property will bo sold in par!?; or parcels to suit purchaser:-,, 'on reasonable terms; For further particulars npply lo John Cake, Esq., at Noiihiinibetland, or to tha subscribers. ' ALFUED KNKASS, . THOMAS STRAWBIUDGE, fx r- Northumberland, May 22, 1852., if. ' TAILCP.irfC. UN V. AlAliTIX, JOHN B KC.S Iavf ,o iitforui his friends niul the ruli :1 :..' i .i. . i , . . nv in uvnvrui, lu.n no is prcparej m ei" re.-jH'ot to make clothing niter Ihe most "" ' Fashionuble Styles, and ui the most durable maimer, t.r,."i l.U price will he ua reasonable as can be hc;l ih 'fkirrhurv. nr ciwrwiiere, ineasu or apprcvl U.t0ilry pnlur.e He will always have the a l .iiiii;es of" the laics' fashion plates, and ir. mUiilion! to his ackno.vi. ediii-il skill in euttinre.'he' will he agisted i. 'W lliri'l'lioil lifll..- lilwsl, MiH-ntll'lC llulJirilian. 'rnla. linjr. to ll'.; W.nuw isiucd fruiut'ir en.noriiiin of fjhxh in t!m I'nited fetatcj. r.A. .V,UU .'v. wi'. maiie slw.vs u Uuvr .vcic'i :t ir .':,": y In ii reipii.icd. ' i, ", -i ' ; ' 'HicstalilNhment is situated in Market Pqtnre fiiiil.ury, nearly oppoaito the Post OiUee, i.i ihe htiililini; fnriiiriv ot-rm,ip.l Kv I... ..i. n.:... . . . , -i j aiiiu-r u a hatter Miop, where it will be a pUas-na tj h ;r. lo'w'e In IrleiiiU, and niahe I'lca wns -fur as is within the line of hivhiisinisa. ' . ftunlibry, Atiguw 11, lS.Vi tf. WM.1E 110 CKEFELLETt, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dec 13, 1S81 tf. - . . . i MI UN n-MP.-i.A smai nunirn cf .he Y viU ltir tv UeA rcemeJ and . offered tor sale by . , . V" x- U' B- MASSER.' qunhuiv, Nov. C, 1852. BLmN.K ,W'1me"t Piper Deeds and Uu Morage llouda, EscuUu., SUm,u,.lls 44. for sale by U. . M ASsKr! ' Hunhury April 1RS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers