"jSUJNBUUY- AMERICAN. AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, NO nil .IjenriKf.-K from a li. -r.lcrc,l lj Ml A . i ,. .mi m. mwiiri Files. lMiHrtt"Mi, or X iV. " I,,, til ivml. Aridilv of ll.c tMmnnrh, Nmu., Ilrnrthnni. ilmtHrt r-"d, Inline i or weiuni hi at..,nrl,. P Mir KriMnli-wn. .nkin or thmprintr ty J P uf the tt'tiiM'l!. fwiinnumr of I h luvul. hurried nil'' "Hn piiu trtfithinir, fltitti ripx nt the heart, eh' in of nffPHtmg nun'Mii'iii when inn Ivinff pmtun-, Dimnriw nf ytirm, (j wl4 l-pfofPtho V'hl, I'cwr mid dull pnin In tn feeru!. Hi'fieinTev of peri-pirnTion, y(!lownii"f the skih mul v. pnin in the md , Imrk, chest, limbs, Ac, ndilrii flush. nf he-it burning in the Heidi, comrtunt imfignimgit of evil, nnd fjront th pn.Vii.in of epiritnv CAN BE r.rrr.CTTAM.Y Cl-RKD nv tLLi:URATEO fSERMAM HITTtRS, rVKPAUBD BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STOKE, Nt. 10 Arch St., rhUii iilpMn. Their power over the rib-vo dtrv.iss in tin excelled, if CTpM rcd. hy miy other prentr;tion in ll") I'titted Plati-tt, tin the cures attest, in uruny runes after skillm! nhyBicuuis touit-nifd. , , ... ruM itiffMv ri wnrtliv ihev attention of invmul rssiwi)ia irrent virtum m the rep'iifieutior, of iliwsiffi f the Liver nml lenser irl.indr. cTt'Teifieir the, most onrrluni power in weakness uml nllec'ticns ul tlie digestive tirgfttii, Ihoy tire, wilh.ii, mtpj pertain mul pieiemi, ' iVm the UoBt 'ii liec Th TMitrtr Biii) nt H 'I)H. llm.F aWa (vi ...uiaTPI) (iERM.S JllTTER" ff the cure of l.iwr CmrOiint. .Tanndiee. lyppeppi-i, Chrome vr Nerv nts cl.ilitv. is tU'p'TVo.1lv nun of the nvl 'P1' lirmviiciiifs)f tho n-iv. Thcsu Itinera have been nurd hw thoiimind. mtil n f.i.' ntt nt onr rlli w saVfi he hie hiin- elf root ived mi tfleetuil nnd i.rm.un -nt tureof Liver CoirvHinf. from lie itPunf thin remedy. We nre convinrnl th-it, in the nse of tiirse lti'.ti'ifl, tho p-jtient cntimantly imino atrmurtli unit vii-np n t" .ivt worthv of CTt'nt cnnsitlp- ruti'n. Thcv are nkvur tnt in tutte nml snu H. nnd can lt iini'ft liv n.rni with I lie moHt tlr!intu fil. -inat'l.S Willi Wife ty, uikIit finv circnniitruipcs. Wr re pir:iUinir from cx iiiTiencc, mul to thu rttiiit U.il we mlviin tbeir UBC.,, 'Sc.nr'a Wkkklt," one of tlie best laicmry pnperg fiUMlWHMl, KM-i, AUT. 'JJ Pn. HooPLirta's flv.nfs riTTnnn, mnnarirtuml by Ir. J.K'ka ui, nrc now rci; urnnciiilfit !y .mo "f tho moot tiroiuincnt ittumljcrR of the faculty i' at! urticle ot luncli ciTicicy in rn of fpnnlo vcnkni'88. Aa mich i tho se, wo wm! tJvin nvUhcirt to oliUon ft botih. and lha Rive UieiOMflvi inuh m-'knrr. r rH.ns of tlohihtn tetl cm1'. uvi-iiB will tnl thrw lUttprs k d van tic eon to their heiUh. rts we Iokw from xpcrienoe the ftdutary tUcct they have u;"t;i wctK pys'.ftni. More Evidence. The "Dili:: A,An S iturJjv Ofir;e;te., th bert fumilt tiQWfj&pci pablidheil in the Lnittd tufrp, tho rditr wy" Dt lioofland's German BitUrs. 'It i rcM'TO ii t( we rcc'imrnni( what are termed Pa tent McvlirhifA, to tne HifulLiiue ail palroiugie tf onr rftwerc: nno, ii,ftctr lien we rer'Muuifiio lr. Und'a Ucrnnn Hitlers. w win it to r. iliBtinrtlv unu t(nd th:it we. art n ! :ip:ikiiir f tllP tinMiriimi 4'f tli day,thiit iirr iviis-'d r.lnut frn biif period ruul tiiftn fr coiiciuit'!!.! fiev J;;ived.-iie ihvir puiify rnco of i:uUfJ. but of n inc-li'Mii'5 lwr einl.iiht:il, nmn;rffillv nrizid, nnd which Ins mi l the limviv Osinrovul i'l tlie J-'jhuIi itwlt.' Iivid.yico np.'ii nviilent-u li-in been r c-eiv ed (like llie. forcj-oiiiir) fruiu nil Fc-ri i.n ef the I'lii1'!!. tbv Uit thre ye;J8, andtlie tV"l1 teirtiniLMiy in it favr, if. fiat tiere is iicri of it hm-.I in the i.nieHeeef the re?n!nr I'iiv ritiajisot l'uiintlrh'liiti, tli.in ul! other ifBtrurus coiiliiid: a fn At !i:'t can e-oeiiy bu rfitililiHln-d. :uni fully proving th'it ft RcieulMie preprint i'ii wll meet with their quiet approval Wlu-n pro'enteit even in this l'Tin MTat this lMcJiemr? will cue i.tvrr Ctmp!:mit and pepsidj, a i uu can d.iui'l, nf:er ni'ini? it us dupfited. It nris wpeein'frK'it;"'!! thr !w.vtrli m:d "liver it in preu". - . !j to cul-unei in till billi -ns tlise;it it thu rfl-.et is i.irijr-' --Lie. They c:m be udniininterid to Poniulfl or J i if ail t witli -itiy und rehiiblu benefit, tit any time. .. WI iTUDY TO PLEASE. 'UK Bltrnli ii f nniMrr (iml tl.r, nrt rrsrcetfnlly LL'ilJllNfl I1.V.:IIWAKKa.miTIOIJ, MuW uliCTcll by Ulf fcnltwiihcr, v .-isliup ip I'lirt hb fi-li'vu,: Ami noM 1'r.nii Door l cin, nrrWA. with ntghl Wirt, plntrtl nr bruSK fumihir.', vt p-Trctitijl ult rnlors. nitf.i w.jrli, ilutrtl in imm furuiiun, nr puiccUin oil cul-wp. . , Aiiu-ticitn Front l)iir vti unit P.xr, ii.triJH- tul t upritrht, r.m furniture, or porcelain nil color. Ann ric in Kim IM.'ki, nil mul quitltties. liit ot bra) fnntituro, or porrfluinull c-ilors. Amr-rii-un Mortice I-rkF. nil izci. with rWtcu, wnn " brnm fiirnilur,-, or p.i'hin ill pl ir. , ... Ainmnnn M irtiift lAitflu-i. nil L.m. witn p""""" or hniw rtiruitriro, or tvtrcrUiut nil coIji. Ainrricuii Mori up nn.l III.,, (.I,,:t L"C, pun CH-ntrlyonn, or poroclnin l rnim,. . ,ro r,,,.,. yiuicriaiii ucon, tt,n, lliunin, juu-, At,., Imp..t1 nml l.ntc ),"or nv tr m r...... ... Ill(l iti'. ii.nl Aiurnraii Unit llingi". ' f"11 eu,!'' lul1 ur low J int. ...,,-..... itvl. Mi.mr, Hat.', frap, I ., nml u irKii .i' ..m,v... - - Bhllllrr, liate. 1 'r. I'l.uh, mid Spring IJoll, 'f wrought (r rust iron mi l t,-;, rvrrr .IcfripU ,n. Hrn'wu. Sj.ni;. Olun, l!:inil rnir ol tint lirm iu;.my. Atnoriiun Axl mul fiiutu Axlo 1'uUtr ft tf every vnrn:t Ani-ricaii Kullon, pliiin or oil pluln, l)rur, iron, or bronzi-l. ..... Ain'-ri-jn ;Sii!, plntl, wlotr. ir n. i r w.hxi, "ii in". Hx'li-Cinl, r .limi 'ii nml pat' nt. Willi otlur urtidn t.w nwm -roil to inciiti 'ii. IV N.lLi utiJ fA!?H-Vl: GUTS t KAl twi riiit:i:s. f v " All il-lircrcd fice of Charei! to mvy rn" ul Uib (Mty r.ml 1)11 rit'ti. . At rim ctnl'lislmiriit ran Im fonnd nnc of Hie mrpcni nnu hefct a..nmciitji m' White nml l'nnrv N"l.f"r Lork, aiC., in the City; .nir pnttiMii, of wliii'h. ouiiiol Le eeen, or ol'',lilifl. lit h-.,y otlur 'to. TOOl.?. SpKii ft J;ick u'j U:u k. l';i. l. ll'ii'il, mvl KipP paw, imp rtl cproR,!y l.,r Hi i:iil alr, nil wleetinl wi'h etrc. le uitfitt l"t III.; ceh'l.r.iU'il I'l.niro, nv.nl- oy . t;ir- prnt.T, f wiiiriimrr, ni.. Iifini; nil mu-.li' ol pmwi, uml the Hill (irouiul nml tii.il. JSium ' .V Willi on' mnke f Chifls, Asi, Hail-hem, Drawing Kidvij", (ec, nn ai ranteil -mmI. l'uftlrt tunl Slack nuke of Aii(;pr nml Auger um, nu Atncri'mi P plurer nnd Ut'.vils of every ilrnption. Am rie.in KiiJcb, (j;iu--iw, Suwfciu., '(.'onipnwtcs, l?creT- driv.'r. Vc. . Ai.viir.m CP. Hnmniers. Claw mid llitrtinjr. Am it ut;d Vice. lt nie. rftrel, J.ll, and Winnlrn Jlraces, witn a- ' rrr....t vtrtetv. . , . . . r ..r . . .. a. U ... - ti...-. ....I mWar rlctiratrd ..re'ivcn k r,inp, i.uicnr. n ,' " roa.k';B nl' UhiU'la, file. I'lane-lrona. e.. e. A.IiI.n rlrltnil.vl I IV!nf l H,. Ull SMMpcii. Mukln iw ol iliih. i mul ni"t i-xtniiv nrrtment of Kuilibjia- ILoilWiirrmnl 'i'..l in the fl.ite. Al tiui- oSnMliincnt it lrii lo-reu a t,ih th (J:k.iI.-. Yon are inrilnl t . call nn l rxutninr iiioawri- ni"iit, and hear the prierii naunl, aciora pnrcnawog w f hre. Come nnd K'.ui n. our, resveeuajr.. 1VJI, M. SlrCl.l.lU", N'. 17 Mtirkot t.. l,citren 7:h aud tipper aule. I'hiliiiliJrluu, AptU l-J, 1K51 ly. D S50 FORFEIT. ?. HI-.VTKT? will forfolt !?S0. if rOHnsr to curt' r.nv c.isc of eccrot ili.nne tli.it tnuy ro;ni- vmlrr liis r.irc no mutter limv lout; utanil jjitr or ull!tcliiiD. Killtcr pj-x nr itivitc.l to his VrivrttB Kooiiw, 28 North 8EYJ;NTH direct, Phi!iti!i!j'1iia, wiiliout lenr of intomiiitioti hy oth er i nticuts. SlraiitTors nntl uthcrH Ito have loon t:iil'urtuiiato in thr s'!.Uiiii of ft iiliywcian an: inviioil tu rp.Il. Tlio.c who have injured thrtnfrlvoa hy Rolitai v i. c are a!s inviuil. KK.VD AND KEr'I.KeT. The nniirtr.l wottl.l do well to rcflfrt h?fjrc tniimr their hi! iit!i, liniiiiineH, nntl ia nianv cusos tiicir livea, in tho ht'inlH of jihy;fiaii5. t of inal.nit-.'S. It i re; t lin'v man to iiniiersUinJ uii lilt' ii! A CALL TO nOTJCEKEEPERS At 1 lie C tvliluct Ware Uooru of SE1TN IIOTJPT & CO. Maikot Square, Also at the tornrr nf rutin $trrel If the Railroad .)UAlil lU, VA. niirniil ol ttns ciana iril'Oi'tililo for one llio nnwAnr. of t.oT.'NrF.nFrciT?. Thi medicine h.-ift nt.:iined thnt hi'i ehuructcr tvftc'i i? i lieceSF;,ry foruil medicines lo ntUiin to indnee couipei r'ti'.f rs to put forth n spuriuu- nrticli: at the rick of the live to tliotte are imi,ccnily ileaeivcd. LOOK WHLliTU THE MARKS OF TiTH Rrvt.'INE. They have the written sicnatiire of r. M. .1 '.f'KSON upon tin-- wr.ip, tr. nnd the tunic blown in tlie Loitle( wiih ourwliicli lliry i.rc pillions. Xor Bjle, viio!e:ile and retail, at the German Medicine Slore, No. 120 AllCH Stivef. one door bel.,w Silth, (In'a of Uncc pirn"..) rhila.iilpliia, and by respectable uuulers gonerally tliropj-h ait the country. I'UICKS KIlueCED. To en.iUe all elassea of invalids to enjoy the advantages of tneir great restorative powers. Single Bottle, 75 cen ts. Also: For mle by H. Massts, Sunbury, ami M. A. M'Cay, N'Ttlooribcrlianl. Au(;udt 3o,ld51. ly. New York Importers find Jobbtrs FKEEHAW, HOEGES & CO., Bet lean Broadway and Nassau-Street, ITcar Hie Fcst Office. WE are reeciving, by dnily arrivals from Kit rope, our Full and Winter amortment of EICH KASHIONADhE FANCY SILK AND MILLINERY tiOODS. W e respcrtfHiiy int itc nil Cash Purchaser thoroughly to examine our Stork olid Trices, and, ns is rrnv.MT oovkhns, we. foci confident our Goods and Prices will induce them to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devo ted to MILLINERY l.OODS, nv.d many nf Ihe articles arc manufactured cxnrcnsly to our order, end cannot be surpassed in beauty, etylo and cheapness. licautiful Taris Ribbon, for Hut, Cap, Neck, and Eelt. Satin aud TulTata Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Bilks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American and French Artificial riowers. Pulfintrs, and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmiuga, largn assortment. Embroideries, Caiic.s, Collars, Underslceves and CuIIa Fjno Embroidered Rcticro and HemsUtU Cambric Ilnndkerchiefs. Crapes, Li'd, Tarlctons, Illusion und Cap Lnffs. Vnleneienes, Brussels, Thread, SilU, and L'ulo Tlircad Laces. Kid, Silk, fcewinc Silit, LUle Thread, Merino Gluves nnd Mitts. Pictured and Plain Swics, Cook, Bishp Lawn, and Jaconet Muslins. ENGLISH, FRENCH, AMERICAN AND ITALIAN STRAW GOODS. August 30, lsiSl 3tuo. Jctuiaal of the FKAXKLI.V INSTITUTE, ill THE STATE OF fEN.N.VLVAKIA IOB THE rnOKOTP'S I'T int: w.vntxiv arts. THE oldest Mi'il:a:.:jiil Per'n .dical extant in America, is published on tho first of each liiunth in tho t.'ity of Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five, years, and is carefully edited by a coram'.ttie of seii iitilic gentlemen appointed for tue purpose, by Ibe Franklin Institute. Tho defoivt l!v hi.:'n repttt'.ition, 1'Oth at homo and ubroad, woich liis Jounv.l has acquire J and liutaincd, has niven it a ciretilntion and eichanxo nistof tbo best ehunicter, wluch enables tho Coui lniUeo on blieations to muke tho uel selectioits tioin Foreign Journals, and to jrive eireubttioti to oriijinal coinunuiioations on iiiei hauirul mid sci cnttfle aubjorts, nnd notices uf rijiv inventions i norjcts of all the Patents issued nt the Patent Of fico,VBjhuigt ,ii fity, are puhlb-hid in the Jour nal, totrulher with a iar,ru amottnt of ii.furmatiou on Mechanics, ClwwisUy, and Civil Einjiiiecr.g, derived from the latest and bedt authorities. Thi Journal is published on ibo first nf r-.. 'i month, each number routuininrj ut least t.'.iuiy. two patres, ami forms two volumes aiiu,:.l' ., about 43U jiae,n each, illustrated with en,.;.:i .m-.-on copper and oa wood of tUoio subjects win. I, rcouiro them. Tho bubst-riptiun price is Five ll"'isr p, r an num, Jiayablo on tho completion of vi e .iyil, num. ber and it will to-forwarded free of postao - when fcve dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) in advance for cno year's aubscrip. tion. Comrjunications and letters on buainesa must be directed to "tho Actuary of the Franklin Insti tut, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," tho poitago Oil J. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. 1. April 12, 1851 Cmu. :im: sui'jci". :o. ).:.' pccoliai ! f: lul than b'.-: b V,;I' S most (!' ' YEAII& ' V teil to the sltt.iy sexual ortrtins, I uniaii fnwiily p!iv .-i:"!:. n b;'.s t:i .ro succe?.-.-io that ho do- i in J'.;.'. .'i'JCK, exclusively duvo n. ni treatment of diseases of tho o-oiiier wilh ulcer upon the bo- dv. throat, noe, or Icl"1, pains m tho bend or boue mercurial rlicumatista, grr.vcl, irregulari ties, diseases ati.ing from youthful excesses or impurities of ton blood, whereby the constitution lias become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer tyerdy r'llrf to all who may place themselves, under Iiis earn. Philadelphia, April 19, 1851. ly. Valuable PROPERTY FOR HALE. f IHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, J. oilers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: Tho lurge ME HICK EUILEIItO in upper Milton, farmerlv occupied by Mcsrs PntlersuKS as u Carriage Makers Shop. The building is 60 feet front on upper Market street, nnd 40 feet on Tront street, and is two stories li'uh. Also a two ftorv HRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by .') feet, on the same premises, Tho lot ii on the corner of upper Market utid Front streets, and is Co feet front, and 150 feet deep. The ptisiuiftCs would be valunbto for a Foundry or other tiianulaetiivins purposes, nnd will be sold on reasonable and neconinio.latinsr terms by ap plying cither to JACOIJ CAKIUUAN, Philadelphia. J. F. "WOLFINOER, E-.p, Milton or H. U. MASTER, Esq , Kuuburv. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.'i, 1B51 tf tffttt lmprovfiufHts I;i making French IJuit Mill Stones. 1V th lire of KcM'EROlNK iinpr.-ved east iron Iye whi'di is built into the Hunner, aa hi to l!Iw I" -r the wear ol' the St.'iie, :nid lu a movejible balance - rvno nnd driver so us to keep the bat nice of the stone without tninl- linijr until it worn o n t. Our at"rx of lllocka ia seW'rd in France, nnd Ihe let niialitv only cd. 8 'ltd Hurr Kt 'iira I'r m 2 to 3 n-et ia di-imcter with the l-wii Spne to rim, a. s to prevent tl.c niaiier ehohin'j in tiic eye. 11 lt u.sr I tt' ol ull muti'.er8, eliena tor eaifli Mill Irons nn.l riioit Miielnii'. luriiwat-d to order. ijruid!'toir' ol n.- .rted M2e. suiiuble lor Country Mer- elikiili!, i,nport.c d una lor sale by No. 14 old Tork Kon l, near the Indian 1'oie. M:ih.'.lMpi.ia, April 1U, If 51. Ohio. CHERRY PECTORAL: For lbe Cure of COUOH3, COLDS, OBITZS, CaOUP, ASTH- mca, tynooriMro.oouGn AND COIJSUaiPTIOW. Tho uniform success which has ulteniled tbe use of this preparation its salutary effect it" Lower lo ndicve nn.l cure affection.! tif the Limes, hnve (rained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Y'c oiler it to the nlllicted with enliio confidence in its virtues, nnd the full belief thnt it will B'.iMuc and remove the sevfrsi attacks nf disease upon tbe throat nnd Lungs. Thivo results, ns Ihcy become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men nnd nbilantroiiists everywhere. v hnt is their opinion of CHERRY PECTOJIAL may ba aeeni n the followinjr : VALENTINE MOTT, M. T)., Frnf. Surgery Mul. Collide, AVie Yori, say: It gives I'lC pb asure to ccrtily tlie value niiu efTnacv of Avei's CHERRY PhCTtU.'AI., which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure iltuca- scs of the Throat ami l.unt;." THE RT. REV. LORD I5ISHOP FIELD, w rites in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under nn allVclioti nf the Lungs : "Try the CHERRY PKCTOKAL and if any mcdieina can eive vou relief, with the blessing of God thnt will." CHIEF JUSTICE ECSTIS. of Louisiana, writes "That n youn datbihle.r of bis wai riued i f several si-veie nltacka of Croup by tha CHliWfy PECTORAL." AfiTHMA AND HUnNOIirns. Tht CannfuM Jaunted i f M4Ual Srirtut states, "'Fbat Asthma nnd Eroticbitis so prevalent Lt Ihii inclement clinittte, loi yielded with sio-pri-sittir r.'iiidily to Aycr's CtJEXUT PECTORAL, and vc cannot l .o srrot'i-jly resommend tbi suiil ful pr paruliou to tho J'ro'cs..ioti and public gen-erallv." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:--II ti i i -111111, J. in. 20, 1817. Pr. J. C. Aver -TVnr ir : Ilavini: lieen res cued from ft p.iiiiful and (Uin-i-rous iliscnse by your medieitin, fra'i'ude prompts mc to Rend you this !c'i,iiow!e.b.:mt-nt, not only in ju-'lice to you, but for tl.c information of ethers in like aiilic tion. A tdbjlit cold tit-.'-n the lor.-s, reelected a", f rst, became so i-.i.v.-re 1'i.it -. t It 1 1 - of blood, a violent co-.Krh and profucc ni.ht sweats followed nil 1 fas tened lip-in me. 1 bee itr.o emaciated, could not sleep, was dislrcstf.1 by my couih, nn.l n pain t!-. rot: Th my c!-.i- t. and in wi.srt bad all the alarm liic" p-mt.-iion of ;;-..i r -:, tion. No medi cine seemed at all in re i, ii mv ease, until 1 provt dentially tried your CHERRY PECTORAL, which poen relieved and Iio'. ban cured me. Yours with re-peet. E. A. STEWART AuiANr, N. Y. April 17, 1818. Dr. Aycr, Low, II Dear Sir . I have for years been iiiilic.ted with Asthma in the worst form ( so that I h ive been obl'.L-ed lo sleep in my chair for irixer pnrt of the time. I cimr titia ile to lireatlie on my bed. I bad tried u frreat many medicines, to no purpose, until my 1 bvsieion prescribed, ns an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At first 11 re. ine.l to niaUe mc worae, out in less than a week I bejan to experience the most gralifyim; relief from its use ; nnd now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a stuto of health which I had never ex purled to enjoy. CEUK'.JE .S. TARRANT. PllEriTlF.tl 11T J.C. A Y K It, C II UKtST, Ml W Kt. I., MA0S. Pi?" Pold by Homy Masser, Smibury; Mary A. McCay, JXortlnnnlrf-rl.Jinl- Dr. tiearinirl, Se linsi;rore; Dr. liiekly, Danviile, and Drllei.ts generally. Feb. 15, 1851 lycc-.m Thankful fit the patronotro of bis friends and customers dtirinrf ihe 1 7 years be has lcen in busi ness ni tins place, he solicits front the public aeon- lintmnce of their favors. Ditrinti this iM'riod he has endeavored lo keep up villi the improvement ot the lnv, and lias nccord;n::lv extended bin bttsi ness In everv branch and variety. Tlie public, are therefore invited to the nUention of the present stock ot CAIHXKT WARH AM) CIIA1US, Mavi'iii inicn nv SEBASTIAN K0OTT & CO. At the Old ftimd. Where in addition lo lluir former stock of the establishment ihey now uiaiiuiiieture Mahogany, 'Walunt & Cane-Seat Chairs, Iirgc Sprint! Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and tl variety o f other neio style rind Fnthionnljlc FitFiiilnre. Having secured n Henrf-n nnd made the ncecs. sary nrrnmrcments for Ibe purpose, they tire now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity er nl any convenient distance. Ye maid nnd mifitrestcs, nnd hatt'imds too, Here's furniture nf every t le nnd hue, Trim ide hunrd down to kitei-en tnhles, From rockinir eh-tirs to tockinir cradles Plnuilil y, ,u not have the icady John to pay, We'll wait awhile f r n brighter hotter day, Or tuke p--tatoes, .vjt. com, wheat nnd rye ; Hurt, hoop poles, stave, or lumber wet ami dry, Or nny thinir but ykes nnd Ihreehimr flails, From pic raid lurlcies down to littl luails. t'ome on then friend, come one and all, K-ep tnde n moving, no "ff'w on the bull." IT" Crdcis from a distance promptly attended to nj-.d work of nil kinds ile'tiTcrcd w ith dispatch. Sunbnry, March 0, l.i.'iO. tf AITD WATCH ESTABLISHMENT Ia Seliiifjrove, Pa. CIocU", ViaKiit-s nntl Jewelry, 1 EPAI11ED in the be-t manner and warranted to perform well. A i! work intrusted to bis care will bo strictly attended to. rtaiinsrrrove, Nov. 30. ls.i(). tl. PHI IjA ta-LI'IJ I . aaairA MatUltrl STOVES! TIFE sub.cribera retnrn their sincere thanks to their customers, for liberal eiieoiirancinent for tho last year, nnd hope by strict attention in fiillnfr orders to meet willi the same liberal patron- ae;e. We have o:i hand tl.o greatest vaiiety of patterns ot nny other 1 oemlrv in the tinted Stales, nnd slid tidding lo their number. Give tu n eaii U-lbre Jiuri ha-jiu. i Ie here. Our alock eiubrieeaa g'.eat variety of Cooking stores, of the most u i.t ' roved kinds, j'urlor stoves for wood or coal, conitieoi stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates ot uli kinds tu repair stoves. For Summer use, a small Siovc, railed Sum mer baker, ne-.v nnd superior Furnaces for bum int charcoal or alone coal, tins ovens of several iliib't'lit patterns, Lake ovens, several patterns, bitiluug po.-ls, tSount irons, und a variety of uttl ties in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4 5, ti, 7, and 8 quart Tea keitles, at very low pri ces lor csn or city acceptance. A few casks of euj eriar German black lead on hand. WARNICK & MDRANDT, Noble at. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. April IS, lcjol. Cuio. TETtj OSE OINTMENT. A fresh aupply of tin fi U, excellent article fur Tetter, tVc, just received ,dTor sale by HEN l(Y MABSEK. Huubury, July 28, 189 (.ti.il i,,r ';.'.i,y I'urr u'M nun cflMv.issios mi: hcdi.it, l-i-.liH ro(!:. I'iilllmorc. C1T LI:;":.K.L ADVANCED mado on Con- sigiimeuts. Lktti.hs and C'uxsionments should bo ad- lllfa.JCj to L. XV. II. GIESE, Agent. May 10, lb51 4mo. EsTAULli-liED !' YKAKS AGO 15 Y DR. K1NJCELIX, S. W. Corner of 'Third ami L'mon Streets r roTisv.fLi,v;,iA. J-' 1 the i MARY V.'EAVKR re-.peell'ully inform public, nnd travellins conimunity generul- lv, that she has o ened this lar ce und enmiiiodioua HuTEL, fiiriii.-i.cd in a superior s'vie. From her lon;; txpericliee in Ihe business of a lirst rale Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers mav depend on being supplied rni'l.) nn.l bueut -d ....: ....,.. n,l I I'Ariv.u.i.S n Vll.ll . ll- 111. 11 lUIIUUlP J ...V.. kutltlk... convenience. Feb. 15. 1(451. tl LAVnnSNGK HOUSE. EUIT11TJIIY, PA. rjpiIE sul'crilcr n'Hptu-tfally infonn lirr fricnJ ! urn the imlilic gciioraUy. that ho lius tukun the nhove well known tsttttul noarly opionito the Court House, lately occuiiieil ly Mr. J. C. IVr Utiiff. Slie trusts t!iat her experience in but.,!!?, anil her e florin to nniko her guests comfortuhli, will give rntiro fttti.'fuctitiu to lhoe who may fu- vor her with their ciutom. AXX C. MOKKIS M.ireh 8, H951. tH DCTWF.EK Sejtl'Ct ASP JINK STHKCTS, IFT):K of t V'-'inive nn.l uninterrupted I -rnnicc Hpcnt in ttiis City tn.ve rentrrJ Dr. K. ilt tip -ft fjcpctl ittiJ Mii'cc."iul pnntiti"itcr fur hikI iirar. in tlie t'citiiiciit of nil ili).i: iscs fi n priv.tLu miiu.e. I-'crR.-iiH ntisi'l' wilh ti'cvrs ;'Ui the in tly. thf't, 'r It c;o, pmiin in the M'iA ir it-id s, m'.'ictin.'.i riHMinvii:,.iu, wnpt'ri', irc-iv iliptriF? liniii r ! -in v 'ii' (ii.nl cXfi..'H or in-ouf iltcs f tlie U'hkI, vvIit iti'V tic e 'iiMiimi'n h. litc'tiic ci.tct'blci!, ar nil trv.-tt' tt i ii.i mi":::., He wIp pi ? l.iiiiU' U' nipl'T the t'nre nf Pr. IE., inny re ligiously v. 'ill: in lii.i li-'ii'-r .in a iciitit:iiwn,uj:J c int. i cul ly rely upon ijin ns u !.;;ci:iii. TAKK l'AUTKM'I.AU NOTICE. YoMn; Mt'ii vh li'.ve ii'lurc 1 thL'inlvi? Jy n rrrtuin piurlice tiu'.iili-'i 1 in i Irt'-'t fniifiitlv leririui! from r.vA ciiii;iiii'ins t f at rh-. ! the ritVcin ! wiii'-h arc uilitly felt, even v!n il . tun! i1.-tr.jy h-th miinl ini'1 I'-'-!;", lu.ultl Hi'j-ly in. i;u it; . :!'. WeiknrM mul iuut itutt uul tirl'ility I tsVf i.-nir vii-tr .ii-TiTy, p!'j IiiftMtinlt!1 nnJ ceu r::l I'r-'sTnt'X'r. trr ? t-i j" i v m l ihtv-m:s i:.T--t iiii", in:!: ffsti'-ii, flu,' ;:ihii' sc i f i'if l.vi i, :ni i I'Vttry l!t"ii"i:i nny ry "tiiivctc' wi:d tho 'l:-TiuT nf the irH'ramvo func tiriii carvtl, mul full viijor ft.i rc i. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifo or a premature death. KINKLLIX on St!f Prrscrvatioa. ONLY 25 CEN'J'S. This H"tk jtift p'jhIiK'i'Ml la ilr, with tt"iil infftnimtion ojj Vf iiitiniiitlf'., .tn-l in:i'.i::ri ti Un ( Jfil'Tiil iv OrRUlin. It nittlp . f iif It "alik" t- Y f "ni, .MA.fI(X'lMi!i(l t'l.U AiK, mil uli-mlil In rnl I y nil. The vnluiJ.I-1 H'lvive tiw imprrufiive woniim; it pivci, will prevent yt-irs of ininjry uml BUiffrinj iiil ivive amuml ty Tit'Jit kinds ot livn. rnrfiit by rr:i-!i!a ii will Irrn lin.v la pri'Vcnt ths dus-trni'Lii-ii oflhoir K.i;.lrcn. A it'inlif :;k' 'i" y fp.., puf'iwitl in a Ifttcr. (!-r.-tnt.-.l t A'K. KiMvKJ.iW N. W.oTnT i Till lil A t'NiO.N M;ct ii, ht:tVi:Cil S;.'iic- v J'lnc. riiiht1:'jiui, will enstirr n Ii hm !-t 1 -.i" r turn ( mu!. t'l-r'itf nt it iIih nn'-f n iy ni.ttrt-sa )r. K. iy luttrr. (poat- I i.t !i.'ii c. ;wi:i)i!.-i:. iUKi-:t;TH)Ns, &p.. rw:ir b'(t hy S' l'.loifr (t'iiit:aiii r,;il put uiiBtpure from )AMA(ii:n . ( UHtVi Y. litNk-scllt'rn. New A'-iil. iV-.thm, CniiVnsMri, nu l all t!u-r -y.w .1 wa:i tl: hVivc wurk at Very lw rates. $eptfft:t!ier (3, ly. jt.voTitKn si'iKjwiiiv ioA'tun. JVHPS1N! TIIKTRIR DIGSSTXVX! rXatlZD, GASTRIC JUICE ! a cisea jvsjErriA ctrnnn, l'rnnreil from KKWKT, or the f.mrth ft itnneh of tin Or, niter directions of HAlloN l.ll.llIU, Ihe freat Physlol.'irieal Chi-mial, l.y J. K. lloriliri'flN, M. 1)., No. 11, N'rili l-aphth Freet, l'hil.Ad.-!pl,i.i, Ta. This i a truly wonderful remedy fir INDICTsiTiriN, DYfi'iTsiA, .lAirMiin;. i,ivi-:it complaint, CONSTIPATION and UMIll I.ITV, Curimr tirter Na- ture' own laelhod, hy Nature' own nrMit, the Gnftrle .lu tee VF" llnlf a teaiionnfitl of this rintd. iufuei in water will digest or diolre, Five Pounds of Koast Ileef m olRmt twrt hours, nut of the toniae!i. ik;estion. "I 1f;n.TUX if cliii'tly pcrf-irnipil m thf otomiicli by tlie J aid of a tin iit wliii'h I'rrcly psiithd iroiu tin- inner punt m thnt i'Iunii, when hi n ht.itf of ht-.'lth, r-illcil the tiiintrie .liiirp. Tins fluid in firrtit S'lvrnl of Hip F" -tl. 1li; I'lirii'yiiiir, IVcwrvinir, nntl Stiinnlntimr Accnt f tin Ho- 1 iiHi"h iiii'l iii''fiiicj', i'h ut it thi-ri will be no dicH lirn. no i"iivrt i n i f.ni1 into I.t n tl, nml n imtnii"ii ot thr both ; lni tut ii - r 11 foul. t Tjil, pnini'iii, ninhb-mrup-tiv r..ntliii"ii ff Din whole iti'ive npimminn. A wp iIc, hull" dt'ii'l, "T injnrrd ftomnfli prnliic. n (ifotnl linJ'trit Juipp, uml In'ncutho didt-uM', di:trca mvl ilel.ility which nmue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. FKI'PIN i the rhief t leinent. or irrc. it l)ip'tlni? PritK-i pic "f the (otptrie .I'oce, it i ii.un i in ej eai iihuintance in the .'!i,l pari in' the Inonan .-tni.i di niter !e:itli. mi l soine-tilll- cairn the st 'iu i'-ll to dii'i sl its' If. or eat itself np It is ul.. I imd III Ihe ati.maeli ..f uiiom.iIh, lis llio ox, ealf, Ace. I i l',e inaleil-il n.r.l Pv f.iruiers in in ikiinr pluwe, called Renin t, ll:e i ii, ,-' ,, wliii-h lias I.. nit l.-n Ihe Siceial W-'lid'T ot t he dairy. The euriilo'T ..f milk i the lilsi pro. ees of diceiti. ii. Il.'miet p. iFvrsi": le.p ,n,sli imr p,"wer, The hi 'toaeli i f n call will curdle aiai lcone llioioamdlimes if mm wei'ilit of mi-k. Itaron l.W.ii states thm, "One (Ulrt"l I'epMII dissolved ill HXly llouall.l pair of wa'rr, Will diK'"M. Ill- i aud "111, r lo mI.o Jli ..vised woiim-h pri duee II i :;o, nl ti:tx i,e. .lutee, llenact or I'c.-vin. To show that tliil v.-uilt may he perl'eelly aappli.-d, we cjuole Die f"l-lowiiar SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ! Ai:n r.lKllln, in hi e.let.rntol work i:h"miFtry, m n: "An Arnfi' i:il I itfisLi v I'lunl uiuilniruiiR lo the ti:i;.!i'ic Jui'-p. miiv hi nvidilv n r i; i r 1 1 ifim ihe mn- nfi iin.'inbrnip of tV- Rfom'!ch of tinr.ilf. in xvlm h vnrioin artirhn oi'f.ol. nn in. -it .-hk! ch-v, will ! Kfteiicl. rlnir ett nntl ifi'-pftt.-'i, j naii in tlie ft mil1 1"-: - w they w 'Uh be ill the rnmrni ncirh.'1 Di. Pi;i' hlU'A, in hi fnm '.ii- i on riil nnd Diet." publish,.:, ,y I.w!.tj .V W New York. p;iee rti.tca tli" F-'uip trc.it fid. itud ilpwrilnn the tn-ih'd of nr. .niti..ii. TliciJme tvxv iiiVr mitiioriiics than Ui. Vvn-uii, J 'i. COM UK, in bin vnlii'il-lc writ nurn on the tPhvpio, lfry of J.)iit -foit,'' ohncrvcl tlmt 'll riiniimjlii hi of tin due tU:m 1 1' y i f h' i i'i : f i i' Jn js u pr.'iiiin' nt nn I Dtl-iirt'Viiiiin? piniPf "f n-s;ipj,Mi:i j nnd hrt rlne thnt "ii ilislm;Mi:.hit pr-ifi r iii 'i'.ifict' in I, im.I'ii. who mm F-vrruIv uiiiict i! whh Ihifi p. 'in -ilni'it. i-Mu7 rvr-rv tlrn r i Is. to tsiil. luid tt'iirsr- to tin- l ;-ic J.mv, ,.:.;..!,. ,1 fr, m i!,. it..ii!:ich of living ni i 'i iK-, v.'.ilt h iT. V.'fl '!. ",h l.' : ..('i'Mul.'1 Ir. ",:t MIA M, iiipit ir.-f ihpfnn imp works on -Vr tjbh !)!':.' :ts; "if h tl r'tn:il 1. i';ip f.i-t :i phyri. li ucu in-M 'i'i:,p:is (: mi'iii--, ni it'tT:: f I in wn'rr. mii.art t" the Ihnil ti:e t ipi ny i d:)!-, iiur v iri.'iiH urii.'i'n .-f ooa. nn ! i'l .';:ivnnir n ;inl ol yrtiiic;..! h :cftl 'ii of tb'iil in no v.i: '- .!.(!: --nt tr in tin ii;iiiir-ii ;-:r ; i pr.ipp.Ti. Ir. HlMuN'S u-:i,t. w .rV. thr uiwry i.f M; (hi A J.;;'; - ud. Ti..:.. I iH. i.n. fivu: 'Ti.r ths- p.;vrv i-f IM.J-MN t.,r-;L" ii ,u V ri ':i !h' c'-ifii.-.ti hi.-! in 1 - ' ' iTiin n . - nt t-tj-ciMM-!:! wt- hn -w. at h-M' I i"..,:,? ,'i i.m'v III nil :ir:;ht'I d:-CPt:Vf H prf,t:if:il iftini i'cp.siii, I a is in ihe iiatnr.il t.uftue Juice its-:i.,' IV.i'f.-iH t W ;!,r?( IN' of thr. IV T. 'Rn C .llep. PI, :t i. d.-iphi i. in I:in':h-m1 work cn Ihmrui rii;. ''iol ".y. t't.-lr3 ni'Tt' h 'hi fDiy jv.- i ,,i,t i'.s.'iijin:'tiou . thif sibjppt. llifi j tp i'lii- i wi-'i Tr. H- iti.n-'i.;, i'n tin.- iJns'ni J-iicr, oMnhiis! If -in tjic !iviu' huiiP'n t :htm-!i . .i. I (rom p:ii:n:ilj nre n'Wii. In n, he Bayi, 'ilii;.'Si.':i nppnr reJ as pLrlret'y ni th- nrnfieial :if in ihe n inr.hlirat.iis.'t A.S A DVM'KIMA U'UKK, Pr. l!Ol'i;MTn-S pr-p.irnti.m of PKIIW h:w pn-dn-pptl the iip M m:irvi !l us t i.trb, purm,' w x ( Iie'.ilay, l-'m i' i:i!i'in, "Vrv'nis Dcfline, nn.l l) t Av- O'liMimptp iif snpp' tu-.! in he i.t4 the v ry v n;-; ( ! thu jnvi;. it w ini P' f.v.iit'- to ive tin- .i.'lails mi',- ,k. ? in tit..- !i".ns of I his ml V'rti(ii.!e;ti I n; i .",,...., , i- r b.-.ii ntvt n o in. -e tV-i TWO hl'OiiKI) 1 V.Yt '?KA lil .11 rt'Iii;S. t.i i-i-ili.!, ,'. V t'. :m I H -m.o'i aloiif. Th"FP v.tu in-.irtv ni! .!.-.,. ;a:t- ,-:.(n-st, vid :t r pans Wptc not mtiIv r-iji'I a:pl w-'ii-h-i'nl. hut in fi.t. It is a it. -nt NKiJYOl'S A I'Htt J'l':, nn 1 p:tni.-u'ir!v usrml t r T . ti-!--ii. v to ,.l,..iif ilis -r. -r, ! ,i v-r f -snplriiii. I'ever ta I A-u "i l-:.''y Ir.-'tt.-d I' ever i. i I At.r, ;u;, :hr. evil ell. ft "f (hiini'i'-, AiiTPnry, nn ! "..t drui-n npun tha MiijeHnve oruan", ;i! . a I--n:r fiiki.i-ta. A !.. Ii rcvv;: in ra1si!i, nn.l llu to.' frei iin. of ;M.Ut,t 'li.ts. It trillion rccuiiuih-F U.-ihh with Intiiupen-nieo. Ol.!) STOMACH COMrr.AINTS. There i? i: I -n: nf OM. STiWlAi'-I Wllteii i' ii-.fi n- ! hi-ftll t i a i '. ivmm matt.-r lew I 1 1 (h-y n.iv he. u lilVi.S INSTANT Ki: IJI1K! A smeje i Hi reiiiovi-rt :ul t!ir a!ip."in;'.it v:np toms. an ' it ",,y tif-t! to W reratiii, hr ii.rt time, to iiiaikp 1 1 '- .r.h.il , ,!; s perm-! anil. IM'lilT Y W lil.oi i and ICoit Ol' IHM''.'. i-V. v u( oM"f. It is partieuhrly pte.-'i-i't in emirs ! N'.itr-e.'i. '. .juit ier. Cnt::,, Sofeiieii JjANJC NOTE TAJJLE. Coil RKC'I E f) WEE KL Y. PKXXSVI.VAXIA. I MAPSACArfETTfl. eiTT or t'itii.i.r.i,.Hu. All -Ivent Imiiks J ilia H. Hnnlt n ilea 1.1 .lis ItlKIPM IM.ANP. All solvenl liaul.s p.n All lolveiit hank J ilia coiTiiv. - fONNKt TICIT. n-uik of rhioiii.ci-hiir(r 1 di All solvent hunk 5 ilia Miiiik oI CIioi.t l o. par MiV VOllK. Hank of Del. Co. t. hesler pur C ITY. Hank of flnnnantowii p-ir'Att . dvent l,n,i, J di K ink of fMnslmnj I (i'iyi!k ii"te under ajj j dia I'ailk of l'WiJteivn I eol.'MRY. H oik of Middli lown t iln All Solvenl Punli. I dis Woi'tiT'Snerv Co lt.,lc par NI.W .lliltSMY. I! uik of .Norihuinlierl'iid. pailllelvnlcre Hank ! -''" Hunk of riitrhuri; 1 di,t : niini.-rciiil lli.nk J dis ll'ink of liunvillu parl'ar. I' nili ,M ,,t Holly par l.arnl. Haul; 1 di !- ,V Middlelown 11. par Colilinliia I'.'k .V Il'ireCo ivirMM-liaiiie' Ilk, Newark nr Doyc'aown J limit p'ir'.Meeli. Ilk .f llurhu-'lon par lvii.,l, :,.( p-ir;.Meeh. A- .Man. Uk Trent par l-'.rie Hank 3 ili'Mrri l' Ihmk ? 'h f.I-h ni,- lrkri-tst n-? I din-Newark lll.-e A Inl.Co J ills I .', :ii!-,. Il k, llnnieli dio Iriin-je llauk Fanners- II I. Hii-kiCii par IN- 'pie's Ilk 1'ilttem.n farna r- Ilk, loieatcr parl'riiiertoii Hank Knrnier' Ilk. Hoadiasr oarlSiil.-ui ll.inkinu Co, farm. IP, Scl,m;i,, c ,,:,rls. mcrrct Co I'.cnk f A- IV Pk Vii'vit"sh'fr ll.di.'Htiile Hani; at Camden frailk iin 111;. Wi,.i' i.lij pllate Itk I'.lizapetliton Ilurrirhnrir Hank 1 "di Aale Hank Newark llonerl.-le Itank i ,i,. S' ,1.. III:. . Hniii.wii-k oar Uineieler Hank par,""--' X Ivoik. X.-wt"il 1 ill l.rlianoii riaid: p-'riTrrut' n Hniikiiur Co nr Mi-reh. A- Man. Il.mk 1 ,ii ( nion Look. Dover J dn Miner- IPk. foils-, ir.e per Var.ltevv'le A Del l)r C I 'idis .M"l,'iiir ihela Hank t rtilj-l!k note under ?." ili Taylor.v'e Del ll'ir Co 1.1 ilirl LIKI.A WAKK. el llmneli H-nk ivir'll-ilik of Di lawaro par ii 3-li. par .ii icr.lr 1 di 1 ibn wyimiiiiir HkjAVilket-l l o-K lirniK l?Jit:lii'f nofrn .majm: Hink.f W'D-Mofk .Merrantde Itk. i:.iii?..r umisilrW I'nder SV All S 'l-.e-it ..itt1cM ' it. ft, OHIO M;V llA.Ml'SWIi:?:. AMs-.lv-nt Kinks 4 dia Ail aolvpiit din rr"'I;k intE under JVa 4 dis VKiniONT. NOKTII C-MiOhlNA, Pantt of m. Al'- ma 2 dia All polvpul l-mka "2. dis Allaoivent b:u.k tA ioTiider .Vi, 3 dis Itnnk of Irnyrnn pur Didnwnrc t'ny Ihmk kt H'rt Wihnir'iiiV Hrundyw. pnr FnrnierFt' lik St l)ct;iwnre pur ruti n V.wM. YiImingl,Mi p-ir 3 ; Bounty LfAncl find Pension Agency, Till. ,:ndem.'n-d Ast..rnry nn.l ti.-n.-ral Arr;tit Ot the l ily of WiiKliiiiyton. (.(h rs Ida servirs in nriM-urine It .. I ... I ill..: . . ' .vuum i att i irn. hum ruKiuim nir th.'He I'lirniLii. He i iip rer mail')) IV I 'C.lH . at tlie Pent ut l.ov. rum. i.l. iv.tli i. tli ir. onyh mrd fnniii.ir ncpiaictniM'- with 'he n-.-tiry f. .mi", ami nml i'-': oi I-iimip us, i.;l havine weepf i,. Kt-'unrrs nnl Kolla lilfil m thu L. S. war miiee, it. a acaata liteihties for the p.-dy and fii i.siaclory udjurtnniit of li'vormu'-al ctiiiit.s of cvry kind. Ily :t late Act of tViprrpjtr. n. unity Ijind in prnntf-d to tin: iltetjrs and t..l.li rs o tin. wsir of I-1J. and ot iln vari rious Indian v. urn, yMic' I7'.n. To th,ve who ia:rveii nine moidiiM I'lii (I'-ius; lo i!i ist who iirvt d four up aiiis tM uerea; nml h th"H' who served one tn mth In acres. Arrairrt niruia havu l-en made with rcnih iu.ii of leal pp.fe-sion in ditV,Ti.'it f-.-ii"!!!! of thi t'onntry. for tlie h ration of wirnuii.', (m l the ntil- ot" the p it. -air', "wii'-n i-.-et d, on tin mo! ijtU'.iiitat.'on.'i t'-rne; f.r the p-ivnient of tax- f, rd -niplion of Vmaa, a.'d f..r fix.-s; p-lhei'ion ot dbts : .mi I ! .r the trans t"f!"ii of r., ,,, rtl Jiw bn dief ., in !ip dnrercnt St-, tea and Temtont-H. lb U inL .'j ln; serviei-s to n. iji! t-ra -f ihe profi fwiuu ut u dirt" i Pi'-' wh' a i l iiiti- itL-aii! t!r- ( iovrnai' it. are prp- p red by a lopal Atrenf. will aim!'- one Jtr-ii !iis iiMiial fee. Tin iH-cissaiy forms and liir-triietioiiS. und liif'iriiintioi, (tn all snbj'-1.' rippi-i laii'it'.; t j. sm-ref fftd pi'i.-ciitioii t!tii bil.l-'itie-, will !- I urn t. a-t! I-j n-n'.-ir IV. fi-p. .ad--!!; oaf ch:r'e. I i-rff ii.-.t;ri.iir i-Tonif'i n of iri.-nii-i in i!ieniniv r 'I-ncournsc Yotir Own!" HAAS &UENN. v FASmONAULB MAKR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. opiIR snbscritsTsrespectfiilly rnll tbo attention A of tbe jutblic lo tbeir lame nnd splendid assort ment of every quiitily and price of 'AX5BrVP' ': "WAIIFj. wbieb eanliol fail to reeommend itself tocvery on who will examine it, on account of its durable worl;tiiiiiisbi) and .'.;.' -nlid finish, mado tip of tba best stocli to be i n' in llio city. No effort if sjinrcd in (lie mannlai lure nf tbeir warn, and tba subscribers are ileleniiincd lo keep up with tha many improvements wbieli are coiisluntly being made. Tbeir slocb consists of Mahogany .SoTaa, DIviiiih nntl I.oiiiispi., SJtriTU.f,Srtvrtavtrs,snct)onr"i!?f SOFA, BREAKFAST ASI) PIWN'O TABLLS, , and idso VU.NK'PIAN LI.I.MIS, roitnl to Pliila ' doh'bia maiinlacoire. IJF.DSTEADS. nf .-verv pattern and V ca, CUIT.t)AIU)S. W-Miiv AND CANDLE. STANDS. TOII.K f TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in abort, every nrticle in this line of tbeir business, They a l-o manufacture nil kinds nnd qualitis CHAINS. including varieties never before to be. bad in Sunbury, such as Maiioiiant, Black WalsidT n Cfio.r.n Mai-i Ciieciax ; kun Wimaoa CHAIRS, a i it ia mc v Pi a.m. Stools, which are of Ibe latest stos, nnd warrnntcd to be excelled tjr none mnnnfaclnrcd in tbe Cities nr elsewhere. Tbo subscribers nre ib termined thnt Ibere shall be no excuse for persons to piirohn-w furniture in tbe cilies, us every eonfidencc can be entertained nbou' Ihe ipialily and fmisli uf tbeir ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of nn as (rood forms us they can ! purchased elsewhere. Coun try I'roduee taken inpayment for work. y I.NDilKTAKlNli Having provided theim-clvcs with a bnndsome Hr.tusK, 4hey ara now pre.-ired for Und. -rlukiuir, end atlendinsr fu neral, in Ibis vicinity, or ut any convenient di t.mce from this place. ft" Tbe Ware Koom is in Marlie Street, opposite .1. Yoiiini's store, and nearl opposite Weaver's Tavern. D WIIIL HAAS. CKOKCU KKN.X. Sunbury, Dec. 1 I, 13(1. tf. nevy, v, .-rvi.-e. ro wii li.'IIR to ; i. .;rt,K' : I' .- i- ar.i , h. Deeeniher i ,-i:ici to io : (I'iini'.l.i'',) (Hot le; i, l-.'si. ! I : :,e -.rt ,-... i-iiM-ii i I inaii. il ud -r-- ..i.. l . c:iaki.I ( P.O.) V' ;rs i.ooivil ot tl.-,r , l.a-1 ll.eir eacai. Ail eoiuiiiuniea- '. TtTlCr.K, irliiiiflon. 1). C w vi"rs i. w J Il'l.AlNT- ol c. of lie, S'omi HI d. 11, : i-i-iti-n, V WM. M'OAItTY, u iioks i: 1. 1, i K , Brand 'wry, STTKLURY, PA. HAS recently received, 01110115 other articles, a rreat variety of iew, Cheap und Entertain ing publications sueli as Coopi-rs novels, comph-to or aeparato, HOUSE, TUEVOliTON, PA. ri!E subscriber rcsj eclftilly inform. tha public i that bo bns opened 11 Public House, in tl.f new town of Trovorton, Northumberland county and that he is well prepared to accommodate) bis (ruest? in llio best manner. His bouse is locate nearly opposite the Company' Store, lie is also provided with good stabling sutlicicut for SU hor ses, lie tru-ds by prompt and careful attention to biisiiicus to meet a share of tbo public patron, nfrc. HU.NKY U- W13A VElt- Trevorton, Jan- 11, ISjU tf AM) PKNSIO.V AdEXUY. The attention of the pablie is called to tbo ad verlisemeut i.f Mr- Cliarlc3 C Tucker, Attorney and Agent ut V.'a lii:;t;m City. Peis.ina hay iiiK eiitimn for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that Ibo subscriber baj mado arr&nomeiits fur the re tiii;lt( forms, and claiuiauts caliing at !u. oliiee, c.ni have their papers prepared and for.vai.Ud to Mr- Tucker t.t Washington, and by bitu b. properly attended to befuro tho De partment tin re. II. D. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 13,18.)! ire- 'rJ LSfiExcx: or .1 A MAIC A GINGER. l- AISI.NS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper auec, &c. For a do by J. XV. PUIU.NG euid.ury.Dee.S, ISlrt. liviiz NvTiTrElnuNFY-KOB pkeser- VIN'U, just received and or sale by II U. MASSER. Fept. tn. 1850. fr Y) LANK NOTES, wai.inj the leinption U f) law of $30U, fur sal by . April t, U3I. H. B. MAtSER. AU!" feun the hest Jainaien Cincer, all Ih vsluaUa inc lioiii.il ( Topcriy "f wiiicti 11 will ta founu to poa- se.-'a ia a e-ao cn cut aa.l c ue. - -o.o u 1 0 nt. It !.-. a 1.1 osl e:',,-ic.i: and al t;,c s.une tiaic harndi-.f, eent!y .'.icia: e.ie.r t :..c 1 r I'"' n ia- nn 1 will 'ml u...l very I,. ,., :i -l .1 111 ri-li.-voe: tlie piiiti..: nul iii.ire.siii leciui i c.-i.i .i.'.t P.- li e lo.oair.-d aeli u 01 lloa imp ulinit orirun, I'roin ha't l'a whole tea-v 0,1111 at e.o,ti; m u waie-fcusii. fill ol a.vecteiieil wnler will iauueaiitcly reuioyc the llatii. lenev uadoelTiiaion rcsaliiiv lroin ni.liitc.tiou, and if taiica IW'or liiree tunes daily, ni re'piiicd, will he loiind till! lily uti a'al neaiiiat I he arnoudij and si-uho 01 aiiib.iijLr 01 inesioin, aeh uu,l teadency to itl ili'jderixl action iaawlonial hy ill. euerv.itn, p . ihei ol the auiuili. r henls, or followuw nlier 1 dia.uiaiiioii, und for correcting the incipient aairca 01 dtari- unt-i, c. . . Ii i.:, I, an eieellent niedieine far th oae who liava la iured ihe tone of iheir aionaieha hy tho uunklcnile uss ol inioaieuUiu; Iniuort, hy its ahyhtly atiiuulutins nU-el upo llie.loinaeh rnuoliiiB luu craving I'ol allinuliintl, wink II lui. ...1 iiiiiiri.ma nelion on Ilia hraiil. nnd ia ll t aileeeeded hy feeliiiL-H of ilepresaiou, which alwuy follow Ih us. of uleoliolic atiuiuluata. A few drop .ikle.1 to msgnesia, rhulurb or othar potva. live uiedieiu", will render litem moru ueeepiuhU, to th ft.'inaeh and prevent the griping which ia apt toaiscoroaaaj me., actiuai. mnrAEED only et A M II It O S R SMITH. UncucibT AND CIIF.M18T. N. E. comer of 7tk and ChtslmU Street. t'ailaa-.lraia, April 19, 141 if Herberts Dumas Suo Keyudol Cockton Maxwell Je.irold Da do do do do do do Hodwell, Trollope, Halliburton, Marryatt, llrey, Maisb, Abisworth, Morris do At the lor price of from 25 tofiUct perrolunie. Sunbury, Sept. 'is. Ihoi). tl. J. II. ZII2HEP.KAN, Jl STIC K OF TB1E I'K ICE, Stvnbury, Pa. OiTica in Der Street, immediately opposite tho Public School House. iTF Monies collected and u'd haiiuesa piomuttr nd care fully attended to. AprU U, IS5. 1 a -.".: -,i th rl a-.-. 1 Cide, AC. Price. 1 Nf. D' I.I elTeel a lartiei: cure. PEPSIN ry firN'P tc V"T e.-m-eiiu :.,,,. the f.lliKSTiVI: ' ill Ihe l .i 1:1 ! P v. lo h ilisir.-frrt oiler cati, ii. low. cold, viae--. I, v i, -...' , on lies",.,,. ' :k-. o a Ice.- v t I:..-.::'.. Sill- K p,-r hoitlu. Ooeholtis v.-iilo;';rn IX r-li'.VDKKS. MAIL, I'Kl-ot ()!-' I'u.-er V,F.. ' a- i j-.0.... 1 , -.TTKI. tie d-rr. v. it,, dir. i!i p- e '. ol t! lor II, puvl' A 1 s. inn , Pa. Six pa, l-earr lie I ,!e l-r , S, I.l l aine ;n le... M.i), :.,r 1. ll'i't'X, I'.IM I-I", l -:i, to I..-- ii,. T-i, a, . '."i i.t lo am. 1" -.1 u ill rei.l : tail, 1. a,.- ,e,,t (.. ., 11 ,o,-:ii filiin ir. v -d 11 d-. r contain I L.e -H:,."IV fil I J-. (if dill 10 Dr. J. I'loia Xphia. v- : - :: ctc ui.-: '-r five dollars. 1 -vi-r-.- nnelra 'e unil ! . hiaiiutiirc .-f J. . itUl oH M. aei,ti in cvi"v : .ni in the T'eiu- l Putr. and ai'fc h;.i if ia ,Mt'il;'-i;n?s !U r;d:'. Kiiirlit by C;-H Vi HI S VI. !: HV J Su.ihurv, ':-. Mur A. Met" av joh-i n. r.nwf ' II.iW. . Mi fonnii . j. UrniM,., .b !' i H. b't-nn. W liaain 'llepnin, tSunimry. S.-pt. Mth, 1-fjO. Krimi, and tjr Nrrhmnbrrabid. Mdton, Mri'.vvt -nsvi'ie, Seiia. u'i'ove, V; per .Muil.anttijn,'! Mahoin y. rft '2 CE1.-VTS1!! Br -t r.A s or Ttir. Poi Kr.-r Psi i i. a I-1 1 s, or, L'.erv one bis own Physician ! tbirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred etn-rav itic;, show imr peculiar i!bf-a-cs in eve ry sbaj-.e and firm, und mal formations of the generative system, KV V.-M. YOl Nf;, M. n. 'ilie time hits now arrived that persons sulVcring from need no more become the vieiim of tiiaeiierv. ns by tbe proscriptions coiiluine-! in this lasik any one may cure himself, wilhoui biud- ratice to l-ii.-iiies.-, or toe knovleilot. ot ::ny one, nml with one tetilh Ibe u.-nal i spence. In addi tion to the. eeneral routine of private die:i::e. it fully explains ihe caij.ie of iiiitiibood"s ecriy decline, with nhserv.itioiis on niarrini.'e besides many other deraiiL'enients wbieb it would not be pro per to enumerate. ,iiy person sep-iiuir Twr-crt-iivr ci ts rnelo.-i'd in a L iter, will receive one copy i f this 1 k, by mail, or five ooj-ics vi!l he sent for one dollar. ' A'idiess, -Di:. V. YOl NC. No. l.VJ .spin ": sircei.piiu.ADi-a.pinA." Post-paid. I"5"DU. Ytil'NC can be consulted on any of tbe. Diseases uo-mtUh:.! ill his il. detent publication.-., lit his tMiite, 15- Sl'KI.X E Street, ever;, day be tween i :.it-.i o ti'.lo-.-k. (Siiiidav V vet pfd.) Pliiludclp;.:., Nov. !), IS.",,! 'ly. AVATTS" KEB. VOL'S IillLOTE AM) IMIVSJC.U, KIlSTOl'ATIVi;. Tina Kt;acAi, vitrriia or th . rl ' 0'J-J s ij .!., poiilivclv cere all mIiv.ts n" Neural jia, 'l ie lli'!,-i,M(, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, 1 1 fdrophohia cofivubions ; v.ill restore manhood to iu pre'.iue ior, even aftar yeara ol pio-trali,;:,, atul the onlv known and cr tain cure lor ! cv -pi; Its or mental debilty. LstrucL from the Now oik:m, Oct!:!, 1849. 'J'.'-i ici'n nifii Vt W'cls-oii. when talking nf tb mirjcuiou.i power of "Watts' N-rvou Antidote,'1 tho ijiie:oi'.m -;ii put lo hint, -.Why cm-ti a valua ble renit -ly for ail m t vous alfcelious was not in troduced by the medic;. I faculty !" replied, "That if it were, there would no lonccr be any use for a faculty, nstdl dieonios ori;''iialcd from a disorgan ized .-trie ..I the nerves ; die nerves are the main sptiuc of tlie whole system Keep this in order, nnd both the mind ami body must be.' Pour ounce phial. IS dos-s. clour,-',! fur ail or dinnrv enseu, ll.Ml Mil.LAK. .-OLD BY M'ni. Mcf'AHTY, Broadway, Sunburv. .vcptetn!'cr, a-t, I r. i tl". rAsrrrcHABtiTs hats. C. J. 7ALTON, No. 24l! Market si., between 7 A- S'.fi st.; (Soul.li si'l.-.'l TH E Snlxeriber has opened a new bat store an,! oil! rs lo trailers :.nd oi'iers who visi! tha city, ;i haii :: o:pe a-.."riiueiit ol hat-., caps, of eve ry variety, lo-i'le up of i'ao list mati-rial, and in tile i.:te; r.ri'l ls-st si-.i,-. ntol on ter.r.s as ri-iiHiinu i l-,ic as can (,e had in ai.v i slahlishiuent in Phila-1 id f iue lials l trooi I Ji. t 5 eN ia si. a r-J BROWN'S ESSENCE CP JAMAICA GIN fiPli. no e,celh lit article. Iiiriwu's Medicuted Soup for sun burns, tan, tetter, rve. lladw.iy s Cireasian Baliii, for the hair dand ruff iVc. Kadwav s Keady llelief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Ac. Por salo by H. Ii. MASSEU. Sunbury, luir. 3, 1800. QlTONi: Ware, Earthen Ware, Itaisins, Al nnmds, P uues and Cream Nuts. Planes of nil kinds, Suit and Plaster. Just received and for sale l.y JOHN V.'.ntlLINO. Sunhury, Dec. 2 ), 18 1J. 1 JOOJC.S nnd (.'old Pens. l)n hand several cup. -I- its ot" tbo life i f Christ, and also a number uf gold pi ns which v.o will sell at tbe Philadelphia price. Por talc at this oibcc. KENNEDY'S PATENT JSA.1! FA.S TENINCS A cheap and excellent arti do lor fiuiteuiiiu sah for ealo by J. XV. FRILINO Suubury, July 7, 1810. "WTILEY S COCO CMNDY. excel- lent remedy fur cough, cold, r or sale at this ollico TISSUE P.VPEB. Yellow Tissue paK-r for covering yUoei, for aala at th olliec ol th American. TVJTRSINO BOTTLES Breast pumps, and nipplo tube- A uj)ply of llioso useful arti clci just received and for sale by JOHN V FP.ILING Sunbury, Jan 18, 1R51 tf LANK DEEDS printed on llio ls?t quality -at' cf unrebment paper, sold ut tbo lowest price al thi oftira, by wholeaal and retail. PKII.A. AND IlSdrntfC. EAILP.OAD. st.vm.'.ii AK:tANiiK.Mi-:.T ntovi I'HII.ADIII.PIIIA AND I'D TTSV11.LK. I'lirrs Bcducctl. Ojfice of the Vhi'a. .V Remtiua lltiilruivl Co. Pbiljdtiphiu, March -tl, lriol. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (e.eept Sunday.') N and nfler April lr.t, 1P.M two trnin will be run each v.uy, daily, between Philadel phia and Potlsville AfUW.VVf? Ll.E. Leave Philadelphia ut 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Poltsvillo nt 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTKUXnoY LI.XE. Leave Philadelphia at i o'clock, dailv, except Sundays. Leaves Poltsvillo nt 3V .. ' 1 1-. daily, except Sumlavs. Between Philadelphia and Potisvilie, $3.75 1st class ears and t -.-!5 2d class ears. Between Philadelphia nnd Heading, SI.75 1st class ears und .'.ileio d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vino Streets. Passenger cannot enter tho car unles provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Pifty pounds of baggage will heal lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas senqers aro expressly prolii'oiled from taking any thing as bagiriu'C but their wealing apparel, which will bent the risk of its owner. By order uf ulio Boaid of Malinger. S. BRADFORD, April 1 9, 1651. Secretary. IlTf IITS! mzi EOUPuEAU'S Indestructible and Inileilible WEITIKC1 IKK FACTORY. So. 1 South Third street. MERCHANTS and tho Writing conimunity are requested to cull and examine this INK, which is warranted nut to eurro.lt Metallic 1'ens, nor change Ut Color. WlioloMHle nml Retail, No. 1 South Thiid street, Philadelphia. A libor al discount made to Merchant and tbe Trade Por alo by II. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November U, 1830 ly. PATENT JAPA1I ELACKITTO. M.-mif.rrtnry, No. M CiiESTNCT Street, MEDAL, aw:;r.!-d bv t!-.e PRANK LIN IN STITUTE -f Pl.i!e.d.-!ph-:i in flctober, AMI Tilt FIRST PREMIUM ly tbe MARYLAND IN S'lTl'l TE, nt Bahimore, Nov. Ii-b-i nnd It!'). Phih,.!,! ;.!.:,:, I .!..!. -r if.;.',, 1M?S. I have used .1. ' el! ir's Patent Japan Li niid and I'asle liiae'iiug for some nine months, and nm happy to say that i' surpasses any blaekiiig that I have incl ihe.e twenty odd years, 1 lin l it holds the polisli and preserve tiie leather Ut thr tiinii e.uy blacking that I have ever tried. A.vi'iii. w R. Ctn nr ii 4. No. H7 ehestnnl Sireet, "Wm. CURHEY, Manufaflnrer. Successor t J. WEI. LA R, No. 5(1 Chestnut Street, above Second. November, 'J, 1S50. ly. AMI S0 0T-TREE HAKES, No. 05 Bm: Street. Secotit! door bt'low Third, AVHERE all kinds of lasts, c of tbe latest stylo und lest material, lire liuiuulactur.il on reisonn'iie terms. All outers promptly nnd pnnctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov." 11, 1850 ly.' ; en, ! 1 l,i!lv I ! P c .1. l-"lll.- 111 it fii.oi) ; l.'ood do i.' e.oiii'rv who pur-ti::i.-s. on cetlino, a cio, und one that i I. WALTON. -I v. KA:: 1 1 w. TRTTJJ. I lev . tb. tun ( a Ik 1'a'it t-..( I', III ' I IV. a e--.-i lie l: Vnluablo ItuoliH. JIFE or Ciiuist, handsomely bound, D'Ar uiosr'a IIistout or run Rkhuihatiow, Blank Di-Hooks ad Li iiotus, full bounded. Forsalo at the publisher price by H. B. MASSF.R ljnraa.y, July H, 1813 LKiUOliS.AVINKS.i&C. 'PHH Kulweriber Ins just received a new supply of tbe best liijuors that ever came to .Sunbury, consisting in part of Superior el l pale Brandy. Fine ttogniiH! ltiaudy. Siija-rii.r til l Jamaica spirit. New England Ruin. Fine Jloliap. l (.in. Superior t.ll.l Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. . Lbooti do. do, .Superior Port Wine. Uu."-Ji'dy Port do. Swi el .Mala wi Wine. Sup. ri. r Clurit Wine in b illies. Chainpacuo do. do. HENRY MASSER. JSunbury, Mity St) 1819. iia. '.-.ol..-r :n. is4. I v. :ii tl IceaWinn nnt i a I :nn eotivineeil i ' . eadualH cttcud- - I .vr ia. i., i n;. I u i. i, :, . ..... ,,., ' -r. of Hi. ih'.i,:,s. I', le i: ''a' s.-,.'"l r lliil il conlinuel ':,:. I e : ! e , o .-,-. i a; j. :,' ! s. m .me . ,' lacli led tNe i ae. r. i f: ', -,' I o i , r i'l,".' the iliFciise. hul ton. I. !,-i. ,il I , la- le.M lei;.M until I i ; , !!,- lo- !. . s - i !i, t: c to- of , i. ,ar of il, 1 ri'-. :i) r.'f..: .a.,l l..o'r jt ii: oiird I ree ol' lae a1M li.ai. I I j'.'e iac- us--! the I 'inl'iie 'I. tililiv npphed fi r rough nes ol ll,c l'-.,'c. id 'p ais. , l a; ;.e.l tiinii:. Ac. Willi par' tf'tP'l I have no f,e..ii:,ri-'i, jtl recoitnueudlltg III tlic.troiic'fft manner lothc pul.lic. JAM MS UI'.VOK, Aff.-iP HcM'Y MA-stR, Siiiitmry. July vs, r m. X.jJ.. i.ljM.v.i.i AaJ Crecti's Oxygeualeil Ililtcr, price reduced. Old Jacob Townst'inrsarraparilla. Bilker's Sar-'aparilla. Swayue's Syrup of Wild Ciierr, Swayne's Yennil'uge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. eullen's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. HoodiindV. (iernian Bitter- Indian 'ege(nble Pills Hiiisennd Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MAUSER. Sunbury, July M, l-40. Trxrs rnorr.cs tade-imbctji i-OMl'HtsiMi) A C'i:l.l.i:ci lo.N erortB 200 VALUABLE K EC I PES, n the r;-f:d aid lute ret in si Arti icith a feu) .Simple nml i iiriotis Ilvperiiueula in ('IIKMlSTIi V : I.0 Mcibi-ines, Perfumery, Chemislrr Furriery, I'ving, Co.ifeetioiinrv, Do' niestic Economy, etc. etc. t ie. Price fit eta., for' sale by ' HENRY MASSER. sunbury, Dec. S, 1819. I.NCI.UDI 1 Cookers, Ter . CHARLES w. ma; INS, -T7C?.2TET AT LA' rottsitUc, la. Will promptly nticnd to collcetions and all lusi lies entrusted to hi care. June 1C, 181'j, GTONS V7AXIE, STONE milk Pans, stono Jugs and Pitchers, and other article of stone ware just received and for aide by JOHN W. FRIL1NC. Sunbury, June 51, 1819. IE AS, from the New York Canton aud Pekin J. W. FRILINO. JL Tea Company. For sale bv Sunbury. Dec. 5. 1818 AY RUM An excellent article for sale l,Y HENRY M.ubSER. Sunbury Jan. tfilv, 1849 tf. Just nccived nt tbo store of HENRY MAS--c-ER, a lot of Caps, Cum siii.es, Ahuanaca, Jiiccnsware, lnpiois Ac. All of which will bet sold at the lowest price. Dec. 1 1, lH.'itl. A TINEHAI. WATER, from (he Oak Orchard O-- Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di' senses, and tonic rcmeoies, fir side HENRY MAfiSER. Sunbury, June 20, 1850 tf f APS. An assortment hist ai!k HATS at '.j, for aule by Kanburv, Die. 848. received. Alao by H. MASSER. " JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison writing and iiidellihle ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for aule by J. W. TRILING. Sunbury, Dec. ?, 1818. BLANKS. ' T J LAX US of every description can be had by E appJ)ius at tbeollice ol the American. VDD'S celebrated llorso and Cattle Medl noforsaloby HENRY MAssER ' tSunbury, Jan. 7th, 1849
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers