SUNUURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUHiNAL. New Advertisement. Uotice to the Heirs of WILLIAM - SEITZ, Deo'd. "TOTICE is hereby (riven to Eliss Peits, Sarn ie ucl 8citi, Jacob Peiti, Daniel Scitt, and Catharine Seitx, heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Beits, dec l. To tho heirs of Peter Ceits, tlec'd., a brother of the said Win. Hcitz, dee'd., to Sarah Seitx, intcrninrricd with Uenrgc Daniel, now in Ohio, to Isaac Drumhcllcr, Nich olas Drumhellcr, David Drumhcllcr, Jesse Drum beller, heirs snd legal representatives of Catha rine Drumheller, tlec'd., late Cutlinrine Soil To Peter Wanner, Samuel 8. Wanner, John Wagner, David Wagner, Catharine Wagner, in termarried with Dnuirl (Sandman, Rosina Wag ner, widow of Michael IVeidiir, tlec'd., heirs and legal representatives of Elizalicth Seit., tlec'd., who was intermarried with d'eorgc Wagner. To heirs and legal representatives of Margaret Scitr., dee'd., who was intermarried with Jalioh tSninehart, now of Stark county, Ohio that by a certain writ of Partition! 1'ari tiula, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Nor thnnibcrlnnd county, to me directed, an Imposi tion will be held on the licnl Estate of said ilcc'd., in Jackson township, nt 10 o'clock, P. M., on MONDAY, tho Clh day of October, 1851, nt which time and place you ore hereby warned to be and appear, if you think proper JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Suubury, ) . Aug. S3, 1851.- ti. 5 GIiXEIAL"l;TVECTi() " PHOCL A IM ATI OX. PURSUANT to an act of the General As sembly of the Common wealth of Penusyl Tanin, entitled "An act relating to the elec tions of this Commonweullh," approved the second day of July, Anno Domino, one thou sand eight hundred and thirtv-iiirie, I, JAM ICS COVERT, High Sheriff ol the county ofNor thumbeilaud, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to Ihe electors of the connly aforesaid, that a general election will lie held m sn nl conntv f iSorthnmbeilaiKl on ihe SECOND TUESDAY (!4ih of OCTO BER. 1831, at which time, Slate and Coun ty Ollicers, its follows, nre lo be elected : One person as Governor of this Common wealth. O in p'?rs -in as Canal Commissioner of the (Co 'Ttni'iii wealth. Five peisiais as Judges of lite Supieine toutl of ibis Comnionweallti. One person ns Piesideut Judge of the Blh Judicial Dis'riol of Pennsylvania, composed id Ihe Counties of Noritiuinheitaitd, Lycoin- ig. Clinlou itntl Centre. Two persons as Associate Judges of the several Courts of Northumberland wunty. One poison Senator of Ihe I4t1i Di'lricl, composed of No: limn, bet land and Dauphin counties. , One person to fill Ihe offii'i of Member of the House fit H 'preseniutivi s. to represent the tcomily ol Xorlhuoilierland iii the Il.nisu of itepiesentativi s of Pennsylvania. One poison as Sheriil for ftie county of Xorthun.hoi l.ied One 'person a Protf.onctary for the county of Nortliii'iiii riao I. 0 ie p r-.u ... C v.fuissioner for toe ci:in ty id' Norihiimb"' t.'-.d. , One p'-i'so" m- Treasurer for liie cmttilv of Ntll I hllll! tM - II i , O le f" -( i. ner for the counly of Noithomberla1 d. " One person a Anfljler for county of Norllininbf tland. 1 :i)i le'ii !'V r.'.nk? ktinvii anil give notice thai the plan of holding the aforesaid gene ral election in the several boroughs and townships within 'he county tf Nuitliumber land are as follows; The Sui'TiMy District, composed of 111" borough ol Sin .Liu v, and Upper Augusta, nl khe county Comt llmi-v-. The Augusta District, co-inp-tsori of the t iwnship ol Lower Augusta, ..1 tbe hnu.-o of George C uund. in said lownsliip. The Nni'll'inuilvi laud District, eompn..'d of the borough of N ji lhuml'.eiland. at tin? house of Augustus Huutz. in the borough of North umberland. . The Point District, nt ine ftnnse of Henry Haas, in the b nongh of Norlhnnibetlnud TheMillon District, at the house f f ted. slii L'lii1 iti u:tl.J liirim a ll The Tuibu'l District, at u.e house cccupied J bv Abraham lvi"ii',,,er. i ,. The D -'la ware' District, at the Dense of ' llenry Header. i The ChHsqnaqnc Dislrict, nt the house oc- cupied bv B 'uiiimin Foi dsman. , The Lewis Districl, at t!.o house of Mi ictiael Header. The Shauiokin District, at tho house of Charles Lei.-enriiig. Th" Upper Mahantiy District, at the house i'f Daniel Heim. Tho Lillle Mahanoy DUliicV, at tho house of" Frederick Raker. The Lower Mahanoy District, nt the house of .Michael Spat. , . The Uush District, ut the Liberty Pole School House. The Jackson DiiitiiOl, nt the house of Peler Schwartz. The Coal District, at the knn- of Wil liam M Weaver, in ihe loan of Sh.tinokin. Section 3. Thai all Hint part of Coal town ship in lib' counly of Noi ihnmbeiland, lying ve?. hf vt line beninninR til the line between Coitl and Cameron townships, nl a point (wo thousand left westwaid of where ihe said line cmss-s the west boundary of a tract of land surveyed to Alexander Hunter lire Iwen-ty-sevenlli day of Oc.lubei, one thousand sev en hundred an i iiitd'ly-fom ', thence north fiiuilet-ll degrees west In ihe line between tile townships of Coal and Sliamvkiii, be, ami is herebv erected inio a senarala sciiuul ami i..,. '.ilul i I.O lli.. nuljliod lijlnii re. FiJing v ll h in ihe said bmindaiies shall here nfler vote nl the general elections at ihe pub lic ,hoiise of Henry B. Weaver, in the town of Trevorlou, and Edward I l.'lleiislein. shall be jntlgCj and Jeremiah Pel kins and Daniel Beckley inspeclois, of the next general elec lions, and Ihe voters thereof shall elect the Inspectors and judges of Ihe geneial elec lion for said district tit llm limu and place of hoiling llio general eleciiun ; Mrs lumeot, to clear any window or avenue The Cameron District, ut Iho House) of j to any indow. to ihe place of t't'nerjl cleo Jacob Han pt. i lion, hich shall be obstructed in such a way The election to open lielwcen Ihe hours oH s 1 pi'-venl voleis from nppioachino; ihn 6 ami 10 o'clock in the forenoon, stud shall same, and mi ni-olect or red. sal In tlo so on continue without interruption cr adjournment such leiptisiiion, s.ii.l ollicui -hal be deemed If lit i I 7 o'clock in the evening, when the ,;f niisdeineiinnr in cilice, and on con- polls shall bo closed. j vietion shall bo lined in any sum not less than The Several Inspectors nnd Judges cleclcd i "ue hundred nor more limn one thousand on the 3d fiitlay of March last, in pursuance j doHao : und it shall be tho duty of ihe re if Ihe !td. Section of llio act of Ihe 2d of Julv, ' spective ronstabh s of each witni district or 1830, will hold the t'lcclioii on Tuesday the 14th day of October fiext. "That every perron except a Justice of ihe l'eac.e, w ho shall hold any cilice m appoint rnent of profit or trust under the suveiuuiei.t of the United Slates, or of this Sltile, or of uuy f i'y or incoi pointed disliicl, whelht-r a eoinmissionetl ollicer or utrenl, wiio fhall l e employed under the l.-aislative, e.cntive t r judiciary tlepiirtmenl of this Slate, or llio. Uni ted Slates, tn of any city or inctn por.ned tlis irk't, and also that every member of t'oneiees arttl of the Stale Legislature, and tf the select uiuf coinuioii conn -il of unv city, or commis sioner of any iuco porated District, is by law, irjcapabta of liuldins or ex-'icisintr the nlTico or appofiilnienl Of Judue, I.ispi clor or Clerk, of any election of ibis c imuio.iwe.ihh, mi l that no Inspector, Jt:.l or any other oilicer of such eleclion, shall bucliy.blo to uityo.Iieo to be Hhfti toletl for. Anil the said Act of Assembly, pnliih-d "an act relating In the elections of this Com mouweahh' passed July the 2nd, 1832. furlher provide us follows, to w it : "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at lha respective places for holding the election in Hie district to which they respectively bclonj before nine o'clock in tho morning of tli8 second Tuesday of October in each hiiJ every year, anil each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who slinll be a qualified voter of such district. 1 also hereby make known und give notice that by an act of Assembly passed on the 9ih day of April, 1849, it shall be lawful for iho qualified voters of Northumberland coun ty, from and after the passu no ol said act, to vote for all the candidates lor the various of fices, to be filled at any election on one slip or ticket: Provided, That ollice for which every candidate is voted for. vlinll be designa ted, ns required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Suction 2. Tlmt nny fraud committed by any person votinir in the manner above pre scribed, shall bo punished as similar Irauds are directed to be puniflieil by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. "fn case tint person who shall have receiv ed the second highest number of voles for In spector shall not attend on th day of liny election, then the person who shall have re ceived Iho second highest lumber of voles for Judge the next preceding election, shall act us un inspector in his place, and in ease the person who shall have received the high est number of voted for Inspector, shall not attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap point an Inspector in his place; and in case It lira person elected Judge snail not atlemi, I lie inspector who received the highest number of votes, shall appoint a Judge in his place; , and if any vacancy shall continue in the I board for the spurn of no hour nfler the time lived by law for the opening of the election, llio cpialilied voters of (he township, ward or i district, for w hich such ollicers shall have ! been elected, present at the place of elec tions, shall elect one of their number to till j such vacancy. ' l,It shall be the duty of said assessors ro- spoctively to alien. I at the place of holding j eveiy general, special, or township election, i during the w hole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the iuspeclors and judge, when called on, in icl.ilinn to the rinht of any person assessed by them to vole at such election, or such oilier matters in relation to the assessment of voters, as the said inspector or judge or i ther of them, shall limn time lu time re quire. "No person shall be permilted to vntoat any election as aforesaid, oilier than a white free man of I wenty-ono tn more, who shall have resided in the state at least one year, and in tho election district wheie he olfers to vote at least ten days ininieilialely preceding such election, and wiihin two year paid stale or county lax, which shall have beuu assessed at least ten days before Hie election, But a citizen of the United Slates who had previously been n qualified voter ol (Insulate, and removed therefrom and returned, and shall have resided in the election district, ami paid tax as afntesaid. shall be entitled to vole after residing in this slate six months, Provi ded, That the w hile freemen, citizen of the I'nited Slates, between I he age of twenty-one and twen'.y-lwo yeais, and having resided in the stale one year, and in Ihe election tlis liictleu days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vote, although they shall nut have paid la. s. .u person shall be permilted to vole w hose name is not contained in live list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners as aforesaid, unit's. Fust : I In produce a receipt tor tins payment, wiihin two years, of a stale n county lax assessed agreeably to ihe constitution, and give sal i!aelory evi dence cither mi Ins own cath or allii inal ion, or on the, oalh or adiiniatinii of smother, .thai he has paid such lav, or on failnte lo produce a receipt, shall make an oath lo Ihe payment thereof : or second, if he claim a right lo vote by bring an elector between the ages of I weiily-one and I w only-two oars, he shall de pose on oath cr alii. in. ition. thai he has resid ed in ihe t.ialo in least one year next before I, is application, and make such proof of resi dence in lite district as is required by this act ; and that he does veiily believe from the accounts given him thai he is ol llie age afore said, and jive such other evidences as is re quired by this act, whereupon Ihe name ol the pin son so admitted to vole, shall be in set ted in alphabetical list by the inspectors, and a note made opposite (hereto by writing the woid Max.' if lie shall be permitted te vo" ' t;i,s,," '' having paid lax, or tho word 'age,' if he shall be permitted to vote 0,1 "econiit of his age, ami in either case the reason of such voles shall be called out to the derK, no shall make notes in llio list ol vo ! lets kepi bv them. j In all eases where Iho name of Ihe person claiming lo vole is not found on Ihe list fur- nished by the Commissioners mid Assessor, or his right to vote whether found thereon or I not, is objected lo by any qualified citizen, me inspector shall examine sncli person on j oalh as lo his qualiiic.ilious. and it he claims i lo have lesided in ihe slate one vearormore his oalh shall be u pioof I hereof, but he shall prove by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified eleclor, Itiat lie lesidt' xv 1 1 1 1 1 r i Hie district at least leu days next tin- j mediately preceding the election, and sha l also himseit swear mat tus tmna title resi- I il i i ice, in pnisuance ol Ins law ltd calling l.t I within the district, mid thai he did not iv- move mlo said district for the puiposo vf vo- iiog iitoteni. Every . person tpialili"il as nforesaid, and who shall make proof, ll icquireil, of his rest deuce and pavuieut of (axes, ns aforesaid I shall be admitted to vole in lire towushiu. waul or tlistrict in whicli he shall reside. If any peisnn not qualilicd lo vole in this Coiinneu'.t faith, agreeably lo law, (except Iho sons ol niialihcil shall appear nt any place ol election for tho purpose of issuing lii'kels, or inllueni'ing citizens qnalilied lu i Vole lie si, all, on conviction, loileit and Pay any sum not exceeding one hundred tl lor every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three monlhs. ll shall be Ihe duly of every mayor, sheriff, alderman, justice of the peace', ami constable or deputy constable, of every cily, county, township or district within this common, wealth, whenever called uixin bv anv officer j of an efT'ction. tu by any Ihreo iiialilio.l elec- j township, of ibis commonwealth lo be present l l pei.-ou or l.y uepiuv, ill llie place ot liol.l ins such elections in raid ward, tlistrict or township, fi r tho pinrsiss of preset vinj; Ihe peace as aCnit's iid. ll chnll be the duty of eveiy peace officer, as ttloief..iid, who thnll be present at any soeii lu.siuii.nnces ai an eieiliun as is tie. sciibe.l in this not, lo report the oamn to Ihe nextcuuit ol tpiaiter sehsions, and also Ihu names of the witnesses Uo can piov the saute. And by the 4th section of tl,.. act of lfiih of Apiil, IH40, it is enacted, 'Thai ,1,8 si h section of the act; as passed J,,v 2d. 1839, entitled an act relalinu' to the elections of this taiiiiin in wealth, shall not be so construed ns lo pu-venl any iniliu.t oilicer or boioogh oflicer, fiom seiving ns jiulae, inspector or cleik, ut any jreneiul or special election in Ibis commonwealth. The Judyes ore are to make their returns for llio county til Norlhuiiibnrland, at the Court House, in Stinburv, on Friday, ihe 17ih tlay of October, A. D. 1S5I. JAMES COVERT, Isheriir. rihr'ITs OlTiee, funbury, I tSept. 8, 18.11 III. f God save tub Commoswiltii. AG HICULTUE AL FAIR. According; lo appoitilment, the Executive Commillee of lh Northumberland Cunnty Agiicullurnl Society, met at Suribury, on Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. Members present. James Cameron, Jos, R. Prieslley, Jacob Seeshollz, Geo. C. Welker. Jacob llilbish, Alexander Jordan, Jesse C. Morton, Amos E. Knpp, Peter Oberdorf, Wm. L. Dewarl, Win. I. Greenoiigh, and David Tiiggarl. Alexander Jordan, Eq., was called In pre side, and Wm. 1 Greeuough, acted as Secre tary. On motion of J. U. Priestley, Esq., it was resolved Dial Ihe Agricultural Fair or Exhi bilion, be held ut Suubniy, on FRIDAY, Iho ltih tlay of October, to be opened nt 10 o' clock, A. AI. on such grounds as a Commit tee appointed for Ihe purpose shall procure. lit alval, Thai Samuel lluuler, Alexander Jordan, Geo. C. Welker, Jacob SeesholtZ, Wm. 1. Greeuough, Peler Obcrdoif, and Wm. L. Dewarl, compose that Commillee. The following premiums wete then ngreed upon, lo be awarded by the Commillee here alter named. HOUSES. For Ihe best stallion, mare or gelding, over 4 years old, $8 00 ,: second 'best, do tin 4.00 " best coll under 4 years old, 5.00 " second tlo do 3,00 CATTLE. For the best hull of uny biecd, over 2 years old, ' 8,00 " second tlo tlo 4.00 " best milch cow, 5.00 " second do 3,00 " best yoke of oxen, .00 " second do 4,00 " best bull calf under 2 years, &. over 6 monlhs, 4.00 " ,; heifer, do do tin 4,00 " " bull or heifer calf under 6 monlhs, 4,00 " " slt'er over 2 years old, ac cording lo age 5,00 SWINE. For Iho best boar, 3,00 3,00 3,00 3.00 3(00 3.00 3,00 1,50 1,00 1,50 1,00 1,50 1,00 1.50 1.00 2,00 2,00 2.00 1,00 1.00 LOO 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1,00 hog, pair of shoats lindci ci ht monlhs old, liller of pigs under 2 nio's. SHEEP. For Ihe best ram, ewe. POULTRV. For Ihe best pair of Chickens, second tlo tlo besl pair of tuikics, second tlo tlo best pair of geese, second tlo tlo beat pair of thicks, see'd do tlo best lot of Poultry, including all sons. GRAIN" AND ROOTS. For the besl bushel of wheal, 2 bushel en is of com, bushel of oids, " " potatoes, " ' turnips, it it j,,.,,,, VEGETABLES. For ihe best head ol cabbage, beet, 6 heads of celery, hall bii-lii'l of onions, peck of tomatoes, head of cauliflowers, 3 pumpkins. FRUIT. For the besl half bushel winter apples, s, l.Od 1.00 1,00 l.Otl 1.00 AND 1; p""s, " quinces, ': peaches, 5 lbs of grapes. DOMESTIC MANUFACTUUES DAIRY PRODUCTS. iho best cheese not less than 20 lbs , 2 00 " " butter " 5 lbs., 1,50 " i; home-made woolen carpet, not less linn 20 aids, 2.00 it i( eovei lid of wnol'& cotton, 2.00 " " home made linen, not less than 20 yds, 2,00 " " rag cut pet not less than 20 yards,- 2.00 " home made cloth " 10 yds, 2.00 " " " tlannel " 5 yds, 2,00 " " pair, knit woolen socks or stockings, 1.00 " tt .. it phives, 1,00 " " " " linen socks or stockings, 1.00 " " bed quill, 1,00 " " home made thread not less than I lb. 1,00 PLOWING MATCH. To tho best plowman, 3.00 " second " 2dl0 " Ihird " 1.00 AUIUCL'LTL UAL IMPLEMENTS. ' For the best threshing machine, -1,00 " " reaping do 3 00 " seed di ill, 2,00 winnow her mill. o.OO " " iiiain or liny rake, ' 1.00 " " jiltiw, 1,00 " " corn sheller, 1.00 " " sliaw cnlter. 1 00 MISCKLLAN Et IS A UTICL F.S. Under this head will be embraced, me chanical invention", loots, lurniinie, and all oilier mailers, that may be thought condu cive to the process and comfort of ihe com munity. I'rizes will be awarded, according lo ihe means of Ihe Society, and the merits of llie articles tillered The lollou ing Committees' were then ap pointed : ILiksks. Wilson Hulehinsnn, James Cam eion, A. E. Kapp, Michael ll.trnhait, Wm Is. Kipp. Catti k. Thomas Johnson, John Nixon, James Foriesler, Jesse I lenity I,. John .Voris. SnlNK Joseph Vankiik, John Moore, Wm lleppen, Win. II. Kase, Joseph Witel. Sn KM' .--J.imes Smith, Samuel Lam, lion. John Monlgoiueiy . Jesse C. Iloilou, Wm. I), Ceaihail. l'.iLTitv.--!)i. Wm. McClery, J. II Zim merman, Henry Eckberl, Wm. T. Koisylb, Robert Wilson. . Cuain and Roots. Samuel Hepburn, Jos. II. 1'iiestley, Samuel Savi.ljre, Samuel K. Wood, Jacob Leiseni ing, (Shaiiiokiu.) FitilTs Hon. James l'ullock, Alexarder Jordan, Hutaiio G. Tnggnitj George Eveiard, lion. Lieo. L, Welker. Al.lllCl'l.TlRAL bll'I.KMENTS. Wm. M. Allien, II. IS. Masser, Dr. Jos. I'rieslly, J. Weimer Li-jhon, Alexander Colt. Plowing. Jacob Painter, John B. Heller, Samuel John, Robert (iiifen, Elisha Kline. EOKTAin.l.s Jacob eeslloIlz, Win. L. Hewail. M. J D. Wilhinyton, David Mart, Dr. J. W. Peal. Daihv anu Diii:tic M ANffACTCHKas. J dm T.ifiatl. Jacob llilbish, John VVhValVy, John Flank, John P. Pursel. MiscKi.LANKoL'fl A.R in l.f.s. A m. rntsyth, David Tuu'jart, I'eler Dberdorf,' Cl.ailes Pleasants, Elijah Crawfoid, R. Flick, Geo. i. Voiiiigman, Rev. Jus. O. Ciuigheatl, J. F. Wolliiioer. Tho Commilteo regret that their limited means, for Ihe present, pievent their olfer iiiK higher preminns. They neveilheless rely on Ihe pood will and zeal of iheir fellow citizens to make this first client, w hat ft ouihl lo be, an iiitlucemeiil lo furlher proyreb, ami an honor to the County, They most tordially invite their neighbors of other counties lo come foiwartl with their slock, their products and Iheir haudiwoik, lor although b llio Cui.sliintlnu of the Socie ty, they will mil be minded to immediale pecuniary rewards, yet all will be fairly re ported in Ihe order of Iheir excellence. BT THE COAlMltTCK. i Suubury, August 23, 1851 . tf . Notice to Delinquents. A M persons knowing themselves indebted to liX. Mrs. E. Fullmer, will please call and settle their accounts, to save further trouble, as In a few weeks tho hooks will lie put in the hnnds of proper person for collection. Sunhiiry, Sept. 6, 1851.- 3t, J A IVIES J. NAILIiX?, Attorney and Counsellor at law, EUNBUEY, FA. "IVTILL sltend faithfully and promptly to all ' professional business, in Northumberland and Union counties. Ilo is Iii miliar with the Gormsn language, OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House," a lew doors from Ihe Court House. ctimliury, Aug. It!, lgjl. y. E.tate of MOSES RICHIE, Deo'd. JOTICE is hereby given Hint tellers Tea tnmciilnry have liecn granted t" the sub scribers on the estate of Moses Richie, tlec'd., lute of MuunoUn township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having rbiiins nuahisl the same, tire requested to call on the subscribers for settlement. They will meet nt tho house of the dee'd., on Nuturdity, the tilth tSepteniher, for that purpose. Isaac richie, aum:k 'jhakp.s Executors, Shamokin tp., Aug. 10, 1831. 6t. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 20 per emit saved. Country Merchant3 Euyinj llOO'l S&SIIOKS can save 20 per cent by calling on WEI. I. KING, iYo. 4G, X. 2nd St., (bdow Arch west side.) rXIII.ADI3I.PHIA, "V1711ERK can be lotiud a hirue nssorliiieut of the nl love named articles, just received from the inuiiulucturcrH. August 23, 151. 3ino. MECHANICSBUR(T INSTITUTE. A Select School for Younsr Ladie3. rjHK Alt't'hiinicsbiirg Institute is pleasantly! I located in the henllhv village of Mechanics- i burit, Cuiuberland conntv. nine miles west of j Harrisl'iim ; a vilheje. noted lbroitihout the sur rouiuling Counties for the morality of its citizens. It is accessible by railroad, the Cumberland Vl ley Railroad pussing through the place. The course of instruction is such as is pursued in Ihe best iscminnrios in the country. It is the design of Ihe Principal to instruct the intellectual powers, to eultivute becoming man ners, and to educate in such a manner, as may prove praclica'ly useful. Sessions. The school year is divided into two semi-annual sessions, each of live calendar monlhs. The summer session commences tho first week in April, and closes during the last week of An pust. Tho winter session commences Iho 1st week in October, and terminates the lust week of February. At the clne of each session there will be pub lic cxan illations. Terms: Boarding, including lights. per session 5 mo. $50,00 Tuition. " ;' 10,00 Modern languages, " " 10,00 Diawine, " " 6.00 Music, l'iiino. with use, ' ' 15,00 Or, if preferred, per session of 5 mo, including Ihe above items, 65,00 Payable in advance $35. balance at lire close of the session. Hooks, stationery, music, Ac., furnished at Philudftphin prices. j Pt.pils will be received ut any period during I the session, and charged accordingly. For further information, please address the I Principal for a circular. j F. M. L. CILLKLHN, j Principal. j Mecbanicsburg, Aug. 9, 1 S3 1. 3mo. I Alden's Condensed Reports of Penna- 3l.'!'I Published, and for sale by the subscri ber the .SVcu. Vuhtme of Alden's Con densed Pc miKvlvuiiia Reports, containing the last three volumes of Veates' Kcjrorls, and two f.rst volumes of lliuuey's Kepoits. '1'hc lirst vol ume of Alden, coiitniiiiuir llallus' Reports, 4 vol umes; nnd Veates' Reports, volume 1, is also on baud, si 1 1 1 for sale. The above two volumes arc complete within themselves, and contain all of Dallas' Reports, 4 olumes, am) all of Veates' Reports, 4 volume, liesidcs the two lirst volumes of lJinucy's Reports. The third volume is ready and will be put to press iiiiinediiitelv. H. 15. MAists'ER, Agent. Suiiliury, A us. 10. 1S."1. PATENT CORN S HELLER. I rPlll! attention of the Public is invited to this improvement in CORN SHELLERS, which I is nclvii jvvleil:;id to be for siicrior to any other, hciiiii on un entirely new principle, shelling Ihe i Corn lengthwise of the ear, the Cob passing ; slruicht through without revolving thereby re- I tpiiriug no gearing lo increase iu speed, which I adds bo materially to the cust of other machinery. ; Il turns easier und shells cleaner than any other, ' and is poilililu in sie, nod ilnrnlile in construe- ' lion. Persons in't-testeil are invited to call snd I see it ill upcrutiou. The rii 1 it ol'tii.t und other I Coniilirt lor sale. For further particulars ad dress or apply to DAVID ELDRIDGK, X. W. Cor. tld it Dock Sts., 3d stories. Philadelphia, A 11:5. 9, 1851. Smo. j 1'kr llounew Ifr's Help otttl llufebulttrs Joy J THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID T"k')ES away entirely with that laborious tusk of lub'.iiiig the Clothes upon the washboard. It contains no iutrrci'icnts whatever, injurious to the finest fuhric or ihe flesh. The proprietors wish every one to rrive it a trinl. nnd if it .1n.- I not prove' to be ns recommended, tlie money, in every ne 1 ease Wl I.f re inn Tut .lir. I lions accotiipanv each Inillle. Kelnil irice ISA j I Cents per Lottie, siilliiieiit lo tlo two ordinary I tt'iisfiiiif f, mm s-iMii- llie lollies more by not ; rubbing them, Ihun the cost of six bottles be. : tildes rcniovint! stains uf Iruit, Ac, if there he any, and the time and labor saved. Prepared only by I. P- HOYT cV CO., P. A. Fox, MclTiyensville, sole at;ent for the Counties of I'liion and Northumberland.' Philadelphia, Aug. 30 5 A TENT ISPiITTA M.V STOPPERS for 11. MAPrsEIf. liar liutlli s lor sale liy II. Si.niiuiy, April 1, KNOLD's WHI FINt; FLI 11) "iiud Adhe - oivc and le-ral cnvitloprs, for .,! bv II. 11. M A.SNER. iirv, April 2fi, H3L 1 NIC lloure. ill's ceh braied ink, and slso Con pres ink tor sale, wholesale and rct.dl ,y Deceu.lier 2S. ItJ.iO. II. JJ. MASTER. EE DILLS Justices and Constables Fee Dills handsomely prime on card nauer. for sale at litis ollice. yVHtlTlNU FLIT1) and self sealing Euve- los, .jut received anil for sale by April III, ISM II. U. MASWEIl. IOK sale st this oliice, (Superior Illack Ink, - Cattle Medicine at 25 els, Pure Luetics of Ginger, 25 lenls. IXTRACT CT niNGER. A frc.a sTij.ply - jurt rei-eired And fat sals' s( thfs oe. Piica 85ceitU. iuubury, July It, 1"51. TO THE IN DEFENDANT VOTERS OF. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. riMlE subscrilier hereby offers himself to the I electors of Northumberland Counly, at the ensuing election as a VOLUiNTEER CANDI DATE for the office of ShcrilT. Should he be elected, he promises to discharge the duties of the office, in such a manner as to give entire satisfaction to all concerned. SAMUEL 8AVIDGE. Upper Augusts, Aug. 9, 1S51. to the independant electors of ngrtiiuaiherland county. r"lfVlK subscriber hereby informs the iiidepciut ent voters of Nertbuuil'erliind eountv, that he is a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the ulfice of County Commissioner. Should he be elected he will use every effort lo discharge the duties of the office in such a man ner as will give entire satisfaction lo the commu nity. JttstlJiMI WALLIS. Noithumbcrland, Aug. '., Is51. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. riHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends 1. and fellow citizens of Nonhumlierlanil coun ty, that he oilers himself as a candidate for Counly Commissioner, nt the ensuing election. He solicits from his friends and fellow eili.ens a support, and promi ses should he I t; elected lo discharge the duties of the office with lidelitv. CHAHLES MEANER, fsuuburv. May 24, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fki t.t.V CiTiztxs: At Ihe earnest solicita tion of many tff my fiiends, I hereby announce myself as a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the ollice of County Commissioner at the npproachimr election. Should I be elected I promise lo discharge Ihe duties of said office Willi fidelity nod impartiality. I solicit the sup port of my fellow citi.ens. CALEB II ARRET. Lower Augul, June It, 1H5I. SPENCER & ELNDELL, JMAMM'ACTl r.f.HS OF Cold und Silvrr Pen nml Puicil Cases, No. 2, Maidi-n Laxe, One door from corner of Bioadwav, New York. Eery pen will be warranted for one year. N. V. The above linn were awarded Gold and Silver Mcibi!, for live consecutive years, at the I'nir of the American Institute, for tho bet Gold Pens. July 20, 18.11. Omo. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, "VTIIO respectfully informs hiit, friends and ' eiistouiers that he his returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, which be offers for sjle at his old stand in Mnr kct stiet.t. These goods will be sold nl the low est prices. His stuck couahrts of every variety, viz : Dry Coon's. .Sar'i rn Cloths, CnsAimerrs. Muslins. Cnlicots, (iiiici.if,.)., Ltrriis. (.'Iiintzrs and La di:s Dress .i 7 I'liney lluods prnerally. Also nil assortment of ralm Leaf Hat?, Cap, &t, aUEENSWARE. Hard ware. Iron ami Sled, Nails, ic, A I.fSU : A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo . lasses, Spices. Produce cf ull kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Bunbuiy, May 2t, ls.1I. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEAV GOODS! AT THE STORE OF FRIZ.ING 6c GRANT, Market Street, Siinbury; Pa.( r"IIIK suhscrilK-rs hereby inforin their old cus loiuers and the public generally, that they have just teceivetl a lnri;e ttnd extensive assort ment of ull kinds of Merrh. indue, which ihey oiler to port hitsers at such rales, that Ihey can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry (fx!.s is laryc, embracing ull kinds of Cloths, Cussiiitci s, S,:tlinclts, tC. A Reneral assortment of Summer wesr, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, ; of all kinds, such as Calicocx, Mous. Je Lainrs, LawiiH, tiiuuhnms, tvc. OROCERIKS and QI' KENS WARE. j Also nn rxt'ollrnt nhorlir.oiit of HARD-WARE AND CUTLERY. IlltlliS AMI .MI'.llICINKS. i Fish, Salt and Plaster. IV Couulry produce of ull kinds taken in ex. change, at tho highest market price. j Muiihury, May IU, I Mi I. lcck :-:s?.e, JII.LIAM IIOOVEK rcsj,eclfnlly informs his trieiids 11 ml customers Unit ho has ' "'turned '''u" Philadelphia, with uu excellent roiiuieill 01 NEW SPRING GOOES, which he oilers for sale at his new store st Mas ser's Mill, Hollowini; Hun. Thee yoods will he sold Ht the lowest prices. IMS STOCK L'!.'r-iTsui.- ;vi:itY V.Mtli:TY, Vt: Dry soo(ls, c-c, Such us Cloths, Cussimrrts, Mu.dius, Cidtitots, (iinlmms. Lnwiis, Chintzes ut Litdici Dress Hoods gencriiilv. ALSO : An assortment of Talm Leaf Hats, Cap?, &c, QUEEN2T7AUK, IIAKUVA I! E, I Ul l. and ST EEL, X A 1 L. c A general assortment of Croi eiirs, such as Sugar, Coirec, Tea, Molas ses, h'ipiltS, vX. A 1' o sn ucis.irliuetit of Li-pjurs, such as jv,(y, Hum, )ytiskq, Wine, tS'C. . Produce of all kinds taken iu exchange at tlie highest market piices, jlullowing Huh, May 10, IRol ly. (SILVER WATCHES A few double cases English feilver Watches, for ssle at very low prices by II. 11. MABSt'R. Hunhurv, April 13, 1851. SMITH'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN UE1J, a tcU supply just received, and for sale br U. U. MASSEK. April 12. 1851. JOLD TF.SH with and without sifter esses " just receier), slid for si!le bv H B.MAMKR runLury. A "ill 1 185 vi.;i:rAiJi.r: CATTLE POWDER NlKPARKI) 11V IIIIEINKS, I'ltoNKKIKMI cv CO jvo. 187 A'or;i Third Street, Philadelphia. Tlaa,ri,T,'l'!'.i.,e,l'','CT! tchn -nv of nil Tl K Mni elVT.1' ,ir" rn"k "( " CAT- " 1, -'Mf, Whlrh hivs Iki,- tleaisht pr.iro worlh for iiuiiv yturi. ,ril we rml,,.11p rnm. , ,lkefl:,,'rr", "i r,,y ' "" "t. -.m" 1,,""'""'","" h P-rr-vMy hmlthv il will either lncra.c the tnn ' of mult or . ri-m l,n, r : or the .... ...... , . ,.,. ,! rr.piMiy in Mt. II will III. rolaro ill tune lie roumili ral vc Imvn no .1. nl.i ,.,. f ihi-mnple nrti cles of every Ksnner, who koq n tlinry i n ml ef rvrrv pnrs'n owninir n hoic. It i n ,t ,, ,,r Uh- kina ,,r Mlxtl'HKft llntt iriei.'ly kwcM nn iihimiU up r.,r a .hnrt litns. hot it will I'V Ihn'capacllv which il tin, ef ciivcrliiii IIM'I'HltlC At li) (wl.i' li in ini tll'. lc nuill'.r) ii'l' ljie Tie ACin or OI I-.IM:: i-:v.if n tn-'ti-r iial 'iint of n itrili'ii,. .".'.ll-. u. i. i-xiimcv i-,i ir 111.- Pltll" in nil el I. tlmil t" calj lie, v .'.T.. ll. I.u. ..rin. hO, . .,f r.l tojmM out of the .n:rin in tltc I' Tin nf I tin Lrnr Ar:i,. t i V, lul vt p Imvc fccivtt a I'lii'ltntile i I' cvi'lcii'-e l.i pr WC linvc Kniil nh -vi rtutfi -u t-' . . : " e hsvc mix. . I ll..' nc:lv "f VK'.KTtSI.K I'lllllln nil. I I'. 'l' r v .sjl lo I..' iln. nil, itnt'i tlifr'-tfion Ot' tin- I'., ,1; ,(.;.. . ;- Iho ltto'1. fntin tvtiii . d p M i It limy l." up(l f-.r Itnr '" tnir c-oiri-' foinl :onl '; - it!' n I lltl'l l'lT use hro p r in !l: u 'Mi". ' !' . I'"iir .cf.!:. Yi'i.t.ow v .,-!:: . :..!.-. vi.iei. Blr -ys ni;my vu, - - j.. a., j u-. v. y v.-: , i! . . IV lift. 'I ntircl) enml l.y liw l.c u.' "i tins p ivnu, in nil t-jtv. ' it will prevent I lie .Iim-isp :i. ui ciliiiui; mi. Ttim itini'ii.e is. .ovniiu t n liul u.i.l nnp-iv. riched .tnte of llie hiujti wliui, d-t una, u,,,, m. tj nu.l ol nil yellow cj.'r. ' ' Tin p-iwiler l.y inipr- vii.ii Iter t.'lnlPh mi'l uivine I" Ihelilxil I. i.-iil.T ,iimitilv "l nil piutKlef. ml tiIk' the Ih.M mi'l only sot:I.Ii. u el rve.iv.-rv. II llie 1 in Inr irone, Kiv. nii,,L. mi,,t ,,'sp.H.noil in w.-t l.'el. il in tlic l.'.titiiiiu "iiei- il ut il. mo, II only l- inp vent Ihe .ll.e.11..- Uvil'l- u i -ck. M.AKIIiatl.Mi. Tl'ts it id. niinnli.ili nf iti'iiiv vntnii Itle ll-Trtci, liy .-xliiiiml lo n ei'nsi.'iiit ilewtmrj'.- nf n ili- i va wtil' h "iiL:lit I into tin- ipli I t ussisl, itlupsti n. It n n mop let ol K.iiviiln.ii ! ten pr. ihipi .l l,v Imiiis 'l'o- I Iwiceo (rowina in Ih'j i) inline 1:1. mini A 'IV.I I-. ul three lltllen 11 e. -ek v.'. II I re. . . 0 1,1 K nrn-st llie 11 .'. II it (I 'tmnt ili-pi-n.l mi llie Tiir .nu 111 Hi..-yrnw, 11ml. r sui li ciri-uinsl.'tin-' !. llie leiimnl tn.i.. l- k..-t t in Hit- HIS l'I'.MI'l:il.i 11,,. ..,Wi, r ie uolv iin.l ir,., y iirciI, 11 "thcr n ini-ily n.-e.l t.e ii.-,-il, it lui.iilu-.iily run- l I11111-.Irc-lB of HoHKt ol Uuy Ir. n! !-p..i'm.!isi-:ic t' n.-piie "I 111 '; wl" 11.. -it il. If u 1 1, .M e:irl, , trt .11, m iller hn fiinni'il in Ihe in ili il c.imi.s r. j: 1 . i!n- nniii;'l pern-rilt nnlll tin! in itti-r It il;-. ii.iiir.... use it eiirlv nnd rcvcn'l inch a ri-iull. A T;iMe!.ij.viitttl enee or twite s day is eu .ncli!. This ilirnna l,:o li:itr.-il nil I'aiihikss. love tint (lowilei n I'nir li nl mi'l it will it. 1 Vnnilirii in llii terril'le nml liilli.'rlo in. nr il k- niiiliiily. It is 11 iliMme of tin.- Kyuleiii in,,; I. i-pt up In- ini rl.Tl null men. in r-.n-li cuius 11 ml evi y it iv Iwnv: i'..-11 in -mil fr Iw '. in ei'usliuu mi,-,-.ii,in, will in iiiu.i cunt 8 eut i.f r il.'Zll ctl't-i't u i-'ir.'. it tini t.i-.-u lun ly les'rvl. C-'UtftiP nml pli-.rtn''.- .'l' tin lit tl' ili-pcii.ttii-. en wfnk hliti;!'. 11 Tiii.l,'ci,Mulul ev.:r)' ni.'iniiiEr; 11 ll nkci-x mu-e or lvif- n v,-. k. l'UtlH l.ltV-SI'll!l'l-f.l) it)llst;s, or where lln-re is nny ri'uviin.- .u' I' ntii.tcr ..r " ii,t.ys ..f ui li -11. uu-l ttit; II m: will n il Ci-leu, ,ir wh.-re Hie is r meli mi l ilnnils str.iiL'lil .'nl, t..e IoihI ttf.-iui,.... i- tl.t n.. .'l. tliy r.lvviltT pr.t.1. tees ultii, , li:ee i.iler.iveni-11! ul ttie nninril ; the tlii;e8!i.,n im eives met wait it till llie. :m-. t!lliues i.f Ihe ii.,iti, .l.i.,p. 'ii, ..i- nuinj lively Hni Atiiriteil, unit llie lutr B.niHilii i.u.t ati.-ti, C'lWS. For Mii.kino fows. we nn- fully e in ineeil llinl it mil only iuipr.ive. llie qutil.ty, hut tl-l it i:,en-:i!ies tin-uui.iunl nf Mll. l.'re;illi .in.; Duller j 'rue wli . Ii.ive Irml llie cx periiunt ty a l'ouml a At.'-i,, ..tlicra K-iy liulin .,m,it wtule.'iie p.-.b 'ii intisN- l up.m 11 O'uT he nv.ile tw pouiitU more a we. I. irein t.'own. t t think ll w.ll lie tiiuuil t" nver:is:i- tr. .m n h ill Imp nn I per week en cin-li Cow. il llie t-.t nre terl'.-clly lie .l.l.y. Ties ii4.lili..;,l am miil is ni'iile l.y liie e 'nveiBi u ol'tl',- tli.-,uie Aei I into itrn (.en.Hi.s nml t'..liy e,iiiii,.iiil,, : i,d . ,y euppnin-. die oxy gen l:i!;en in l.y llie tmi!'. vi;ti Ihe ' el re:ietion ; Without In kin;: fir, y ei' the Ulfi porlntn el' ihe feed IIOI.I.OW IltlliN r ViMI.I'-; Hfitip HIKLMSI-:. null ull ol tier .liBeriFen of nerit ctttle (lepentti'ig lip.111 n Uiti st'ile of ttie riuiiU, uro rem ve.t speemlv nml etti-etu,il!y Cows, whose milk in hlue. Ihilt end Wllleiv nml il d e.i nut yi- IH nnieh ereuin, er wlieie Covvs Kite hl.uidy i milk, er wltieli -ire llse'l t.t Klntll t ,!-4 .1. V, II Will Is. I., Lull 1 nn iilneel inf tllittle re-netlv, l.y imii..viin; ttie eondilieii nf I the 111 snI nnd creulin :i tietliiiv liiu.-sli.tu : m 'J j.! j ful every day or every other il i'v us il in.iy b,; 11e1iis.11 lltll.. Tijs 111 llie su'inner el'leu t'verli. ul llicinrelres. ret w. I. led neckM. c..itL-ii, uleeiH in liie I,iiii!s iiud l.iver. wltieti cnue lliem to die very mi Mi nly. nriv Iw prevt-itlrd eulirety l.v puUiiiL' u p"itu.t ,tr 11 t. tli into n It trrel 01" i.will j und it will nt llie name tune e 'lisnlernbly liuslen the lulleu intr proeess. . II In nn nmtml wlneh is ivnnr mi He nnrt sre desirous In l.ilteuut ttie kiiih: time, y,,ti slii.tikl ,j , ejv0 I more th'iu tl Pthiesp cinl'lll onee ;i week er ll will ret.'ml lite ' fonilulii.U "!' tut lit- ilierensiie the nui-.tlilt of Alllk. ' Let cue:. plMn try its etlefts for huilHell' ntul ha will ; sistn M Kitisli. il of its exi elleut tpltilllit-s, und that 110 Fur- inef should he wilti tut it. j For ttie purpose 1.1 Uniliuu out slid lurttier how fir ..'ir justly eeM.iMli.l fATI'l,!: roWUDU. .uliil.d t ttie . eoniid.-nee u uu iii!i-lliiri;iit pu-.p!-; we Imve fldito-ssed i I1 l'tlers I . nil ttrth i.f ll.e I 'nOetl Suueji, wlu-re nur Few-1 tier hns l,e.--i lis,'it, nnd we nre n hie n iv.' fr. uu the evi.lene thus tiromrlit U'lttrc its, to iesure every Fu.m-r, lliuiy- I iit.-iu iiud llorSL'-iu.iu. limt it hns lints fur Vi:iy n.ueli ex- ' cee.mi our in st Knuionc expi-t t,iti 'its. With ttie itd.litlotvul know Itstre lints Inr nl.tniue.1, Ws I IImI'K we will 'te runitkil 10 nrike Ihe hest untl m isl per- i feet Cvm.K Mkpicink ever vet oii' to n diseerninir I tie opt". It lets us 11 vnliiahle troin tier of dim-sliou, im. ( proves the iti:ililv ef the l.tssl und llius int rtnis.-8 the I ninolmt t-f either Fnt, .Milk und e ' ul' ilnller. Kvell ill tlie liettllliv Auimill Itt-wur.- el t'ouiaerleits ns llie extensive sate of onr 1 nn.vtler l.t.k i.,.l... ...I,, ... !-.... I ! l-lucti puck Im our wrilteii s-iiinluie 011 ttie end. l!tti:iMU, FI!IJ.KFIl:l.D 4 CO. j Phil ulitpliiM. .titty '.I',, The iiiidersionod (myo entered into Co-partnership tinder Ihe firm of HIMIJY LAWKKXCE, TO CARUV US HIK Paiicr & Raj Business, At So. 5, Minor Sticct, Philadelphia. TIH!I!1' th"y intend keeping u larire assort- incut of papers, Slc., consisiipg in j art us lollows : tiling papers ; wove and laid, American and ! English. j Until Pests nnd Xe'e p j gilt and pi aim j Folio J'o-ls. i I I sires. j H ar.liv.uc 1 .:;..! i. ..,. ; w ee nnd !..;,! 1 Puptr.-i, si' ;.-' i. i.-.'n i.i ey 1 10 '!0 !-y 4s. i wlnre li-i.e tmeeis, Arnt'iiran! I Colored and and Llliiiis'.l. Holliuswo.-th's Patent Manilla j papers. Colored and white S-hcc papers, common and extra tizes. Unit Envelope papers. ! Colored Printing und C.m-r papers. Manilla papers, all tiles, Ulaied Eoyal, all co lors. iirucitisi, nine .vie.nnui nu.l r litcruio papers, Tea, fsecrel ami Colored imiivrs lor confcclion- eis. Huff, Manilla and .''liaw wrain iii!? nutiers llomiet, liindeis, Uox, Cap and I'tiinU hoards. Wlnie und Hut Lutclopt .vote and I urd Agents for Miss, Potter ,V Cu's Frihteis' Card3 I in packs and sheets, while nnd colored odd si lees, cut to order. Abo, iheir (i!t. Figured and j Plain slaeil papers. JOSEPH HIMIiY, late of .V. Third st. N". s. LAWRENCE, late ul Xo. II Minor st. X. H. 5lt() Tons ef Kaijs wantej iu exchange lor cash. Pbiludclphi t, July SU, 1S5L Cum. "litrliH it Take XoHlfP.' JOHN' KIMDKIt. Xorth I' 'st cor. WuL.nt if Set und Sirens. j rniiftBEtniiA. , BAS ON HANI), just received, aeompli'c Assortnicnt ul Mini linns, Powder Flasks, I ; tiame Hairs, and all other Sporting App; of j I the I t-st and moat npproteil patterns. , , lie haS constantly on band sp.,; lin-.; powder of ' nil descriptions. Percussion Capi, ti'uvl, Dudrl ' Moid 1s, li.:n and Uh.iik Cartiid-c". and H'-n- , end assuitincrit i f mulci-aU l'..r (inn Makers, i".e. j Also Peictission ( apt of a superior quahly, iift.ii.ned expressly for C S. l!iles. An Aasofiuici.i of FLliing 'I'.icl.le always on ! 1 All the above, and any tuber arti. lcs in bis line, the siubscrilei' will si ll its law as any other Crtt:i'nIhoniciit in the United Mates. In testimony of his rkiil ;:s a iiianuf.uturcr, llie ' Fiaiiklin Institu'e, in the jears ISlUaud HI2, awarded to biia two -und in the years 1814, 110, ISI', IhiS nnd lri'.tl, I'm- sil- j ver medals, all of uhiih in iy be seen nt bis; place of business. JOHN KRIDEit. Philadeh.hia, Jul.' 19, 100 LABORERS V ANTED IMMEDIATELY on Ihe Trevorton Rail Road, bee lions 61 ft 5'J 1 at the Mouth of the Ma ijouoy Creek, to lioni liheral wages will be paid, III T. CLEMENT A Co. Punhnry, July 5, Irt.M. tf. ?AS50RS A suiieuor article far sulf st llio siotv ol HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. lli, I S oil, L OOK If KIUCH! frMtK Subscriber respectfully; -"- iiiforins his friends nlid lbs public irciicynlly, that ha still 'U C'lilinues Ihe SADDLERY BUSINESC, At his old StanJ in Market Street, Eimlvcry, two doors bIkivc Market fvpiinc, where ha con stantly keeps on hand, a larce assortment ot iJeiu.y Miule Harness, (Double ct SinRle.) with Silver. limns ntul .(span lied inoimtiiiK. Also fuddles, Uridlcs, Trunks, iiuces, lupi, i . Hilars, All . in'j .V.lrll in 1.1. !;.. t. . . ... !. - . .' ' ' , unier. HI a neat a style ns can lie roI up in this conn! 1'ersnliM wisobi'. lo M I roliri-e i.'.e ,se el ry. p.e .se rn.ll anJ exainnie lo.-t ft k I'l p'lrrinL -injr el.cwbeic. N. The stil ui riber ' i it just to'cncd a new a.,' .dM Asso:'.r.:rnt cf Cii-ytc:, - 1 :h silver, llnss nml J.,,,.11,,1,.,1 mouiiting, .'.' . i "'i ll'-Adjusiiii 'I'lfes, I'iUmU Holler '.-. liidiiur llrkile I'-iu. 'I'rnnk rtud idice Locks, Trunk Hoard. Trunk Na'ls, Humes. Tr.icep, Triin minir Liters, Tnll i, fatl dle Web. Sinale and Double, A liite I'namelc.l I.euther. Paleiit I.eallur, Oil Cloth, Uoselis. Tinsels, raiti-y U row-Hands, Saddle Tiers, Deer's Hair, PATENT FLY NETS of ull kinds. .Ml of which will bo sold ns cheap if not cheaper than they can Ij? rot c'.sewhcra, for cash or approved credit. ANDKL'W J. STUOII. Kuuhury, April SI, lol. loo. MARLLi: KAITTJFACTORY, C 1 1 E A 1 ( i II A V E S'J'ON ES. gMIE snl-.s",riber informs b's fiiends snd the ptd.lie, lit'.f bo eotiiiiihes lo carry on Iho Marble Tiusiuess in all i'.i hi'aii.'hctj, ut bis old stand ill .Milton, I'a., und is prrparcd tij manu facture Monuments, Toraos, Gravestones, &a of the bct tnaterials, und most rm'tbhed walk mnnship, nnd at the lowest prices. Letter Cuitins, Lntrlisli ntid Herman iu the most modern and clcmnt style. Designs for V. jiiurocnts, (J;avc Stones, &.C., always 011 hand. X. I!. Orders for the TTnst side of ll:o rivor promptly executed by leaviiu; the sums at the ollice of the "fciuiibury American." . ANTHONY IIIFP; Milton, Mny 10, lS.'.l. NE7 AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. jTOM PUE1IKXMVE Miiuiuary of Universsl History, louethcr with a Liograpby of Dig tincc.ii.licu I'cioons, to which it. appiudul an cpi-ton-.e ol' Ilc.tihcn Mythology, Xatnrid Fhiloeophy, Con eial Astronomy anJ I'hysioiopv. Adopted and used in llie Tuldic SDcUools of I'hiladclphia. U. S. JOXIW & Co., Publisher, S. V. Comer FOURTH and RACE Su., Phils. Teachers and 81I100I Coinmiltecs atldressint; letters to us po.t paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. I'd" Full and Complete Assortment of BOOK and fs'l ATIONAliY, lor Sale si tho lAitrrst 'ntn, May :i, 1SS1. ly. !am;J'.u liu-cr ol' Xo. 11)0 Iiace, (s-assafras,) street, Above Thir l, opposite th" U'ltitr Swan Hotel. rXIII.iiBEI.FHIA. 'Fallow Chandlers and Manufacturers can he supplied vt itha lirst rate Article of Candle Moulds,' of Superior excellence and finish. X. li. The Moulds are made of the best Metal and polished by n new Patent Machine, which (riven them an extra lini.di. 'Flay nre after thn Knejish style the lips lo screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw tiilit in Ihe bench. I5f" VVAitmxTKii to bo far superior to any other now in use.,.f He ulso iiiuuiilaciures Surgical Pumps &n.I SSvrinjies. April 1'.', 1 351. Ohio; New Music .Just Published. EE &. WALKER. Xo. Ilia Chesnut st Ji ore constanlly pulilishiuT and receiving, new und beaulilul nuioc bom the most distin-guis'u-d c iinjiosers. The follow iie' list contains some of their choi- I cest nnd popular tr'ongs. Waltzes, Polkas, c Xoiv. Hum art (.'onr, a beautiful sontr, words bv 'J'!-. 1. :1.1s .1. Die hi, music by Hambride. .-w England ilome. words and music by ,':r, !,. Wiido. . o s Ouiiiious; by C. G:ol.'e a collection 0'" ; ... in. "..nU from Home, piano on.l violin, by Jos. (.in.o I. Pretty Lillle Polkas for Prelty Lilllo People, by J. Liu;;. All tU Winds rue Sleeping, by A. S. Wots sey, i (iuird-aii Anofl. by tin- author of "Love Xot." 1 llouselmld Winds, wri'.u it l y Chas. The Adieu i. word., by TlioioaJ J. Diehl, mu- ' sic bv Horr. I I. EE V WAI.Kl'Il have constantly 011 hsnd. superior I'i.tnos, and a supply of Martin's Cele htaled (I'liitars, which lo'.'lhcr villi a fuio as- "of- Leijal, Letter, sortment e Muricnl Iiistrumeois and .Mercban i ili.e in (j, neial, cuinprisu a slock not to bo sur passed by that of any other estaMit-hiuont iu Ihe country.' LEE it WALK Eli, Di'J Che .-nit street, Swaiiu'c Uuildinj. Philadelphia, June 58, lsio!. fy. NO ("UttK NO PAY I Hushes' Fever and Aue PIIIj!! V PERFECT and spfedy cure for the Fever nnd Anne is iiaranUcd lo any one who I may use ihe Pills. Tl.t v tiaxe lcii used for the I la tl ;';e:i-s and hate lifter lieca known to , tail ill a siiinie in.-'lai'.r and iu es&cs, too, , where have bad loe disease for severs! ': years, wuhci.t intcrtnissioii. Tho proprietor j 'rl: tHertrrn th i'". it.t to produce an urlicie that will cine iu ::s shoil a lime, without leaving any 1 dcletciious cflccls from the use ol it. li the Pills I do not pet I'm 111 a speedy and perfect fine, the . nr. 11,111 lor tiU ictuiu the nu.iit y. For sale by Jacob S. l.-.twicnie. Minersville; L. llcllt-n- slein. Trevorlou; . U, Dixon, ts.'huylkill Ha ven; John V. Fi'iliu-', ifuiibury; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland 1 llr. lieekly, Ilanxille; John Sharplcss, I 'ailawsa ; l)i. Judd, illiams p .rt ; John R.iser, Miiton, and by respectable Hrugisls throii rhonl l!,e J. CI liTLs C. II I Oil US, Proprietor. Poltst.lie, June 2S, ls'ol. ly. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. FJ'slIE MISS WEITEI.'S respectfully inform 1. the Puhlie t hn l Ihey Milt continue to enler I uu tisvcllcrs and others kl liieir oij established sl-tii.l in Market tre. l, wel ol ihe Court House. i Their I n.ij e xit.ri.-ine m the I.usiium, snd the ! well esliiolished repuiaiion of their House, will, I they trust, lie a .uiruieut (tusisulee, Uiat their ' customers will ls well sccoiuinodaled. MarihS, 1K5I ll- -fflXOl) AND f l'liiNti MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent aiti.le, for sale ai hull il'e usual price by J W. FJJILI.NU, rjunhury, July T. lsl'J 1)LA'K I'srchmeni Pu-r Deeds snd Wsnk Mortgat;e Douds, E.eciilii,t Hiiinnions. Ac, for sale l.y (. ll. .1A;H, ' buiiln.ry, April 5f, 1M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers