SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL A STRING. OF lTlrIlS. A man tint Inoiiks liii won!, bids other lio fills to liim. is domctiiTiPS tlio best wny nf llCCIH'dill)'. ' , " Mi?9 Fas nt Wm.mck is playing in Bos. ton, with much success. The Boston Fust M)' that the) wliortlebe. ties are " lii? ihi nt'upon that it only takes pint and n half to make n quart. SoMTi'nn. Solilndo is swept ! lint, like the Frenchman, t wish to Iwvp a friend, to whom I can eay. ITow twett it solitude. Magnifying plasscs, to delect bank notes, lire being brot'glit into general usu in Cin cinifati. Swr.rr to Sweet. The Commit ten of the iS'ew llampsliin! Aiii ioull nrril Soriuty on Hiiney, is cmijiosf il entirely of editors. Mil. Lkacii'.tan, nf Florida, III., has n mulo liich kills ami eats every tuako that falls i;i his wny. tJl-AZtxc Sowall Short, of Baltimore, has invented a nmv and appioved niodo of insiir tingr ind'.iw glut.. No patty is med. Br. not rifiVn:itr. nt a jest. If one throw gait nt th-e, Unci wilt receive no harm uti les thou hast sup; places. A Br.ACK-Kisit, weihins tiro hundred and fourteen pounds, was caught at Pass Chi is tinn, La., Inst week. SvjjriTinzt with those in trouble. Strive every where to tlititiso around you sunshine and joy. As r--?ln!i.T? fiom r.!vdi Island wants to lsnow if fat men will not bo exempt from the lieu law. The Baron Il.iynnn has purchased in Hungary, near tho Thei??, a larae estate of near f000 acres of feitilo alluvial soil, at tho price of 4 sterling per acic. Cheat Wheat. A letter from Dj Will county, Terns, says that the wheat crop in that county is uncommonly Rood, av eraging seventy pounds to the bushel. The Pennsylvania Bail Road has been comnieted to Bolivar, ten miles east of Blairsvillo. The time fiotn Philadelphia to Pit tabu rg is thirty horns. A 'Ei.ooMi:ft;! perambulated ill streets of Brookville, Pa., Inst week. Since tho heroine set the example, the ladies of that boronah avow their determination to wear the. biecclies, Thk manitfaetnre of ale, io Albany, Pnea ges six bieweri 's, w hich consume 530(1,000 worlll of bailey annually. One hundred thohiud barrels of nle are made, and sol for half a million of dollars. Sinci' Fact. B.-tsey Oversloke, wife of A brum Overnoke, of Highland co., Ohio ag-.f seventy one years yavo birth to a child a few weeks since. She had not had one forlhirly-ono years. Sla'e Journal. Tiir. Ci;anti::!'.iiy Ci;or. Tiie Minneso' Democrat, of tho 5ili insl., says : '-Our craiibeny crop will be s::fiicieutly abumlant to supply the foreign, as well as t lie home market. Wo saw some of this delicious fruit Ver-terday ; the berries were large and neaily ripe. i " - Isn't it singular that mineral w.Vcis are only benelicial tu the wealthy. In all oui exjjei.ii'iicc, wo never knew a physician to advise a pour man to go to S.uritcga, or any other watering place. Why carbonate of lime should only operate on doubloons, we can't conceive. i:Baron Von, although a small mail born ns long as September 14, 1709 is all animation, and his conversation of the most Viiiio 1 and inleiesting ehmactcr. His face is wilh'int a wiinl'.le ; his eyes areas sparkling ns ever, and I :r.v him read w ith out "1 .iji-s'-S." So sav a late letter. Kll.MM'.!i:'. Tit" List of .i!5tist is cot'iiI"h:I ti"- b''t tiir.o to eut uhlers, for tlit!" iiv jiose of i!i.'fifi;yii!;i Mi'Tii. I'oi formoil at lliis soution, tin? opt.'iuli'in litis t;iiiuraliy boon s icei'Si-fttl. Mo'iU or Iojs will euernlly pi'o:it ;!o i.ot ' ;ii. l.ut if tin! spit. uls nie bi nisc J oil at l liu biiinu liim; i i th-i yuar tliat thu praviuiis cnt'.iiiyr wan iloui', tlii extiiju. liun will bo pretty muc!i iicemuplisheil. Tin: C'uuis in Ohio. V mi ixvpon.lont, writhiy; fiom Nuilliprn I'hio, mint iii' whrtiil I'liio i c.0"l!i'i!!, uaW, very g.iol It'Uer by oiii.'-liaii' lli.ui lust yfiir ; i'uiii, vtry uooil ; poi.itoes mo i'.jurr.l ly tliu pu- Inlo-LMis ftiipi.'.l Hy llirt'e-tpuirUTs of an inch lens ; tio-- grat-s U nim-h iujurfi! by ill-' gra!i-i'i'.T ; liu.l vory warce. ' A Hr.i.L, twouly tlnco tlinimatul pnuiuLs in weijjUt, has bei'ii cist in I!oUin for the) iron to'.ver i:i New Yoik. Foniteni tons of melal were niclteil for tlie oast in";. Tho fiiM rast was coinplfli'ly sui'eos.-.ful. Thu melal was pooreil in on Smimlay, tli 9ih insl., and tlio mmilil opoiK-tl o:i the Wmliu'Rilay mornins following, when tho bi'll was fuuml blill hissing hot. Ckowth or (iiuss. 'l'he cli-brated Span ish Botanist, Cnvniiillrs, was tho (irst who eniertuiut'il tho iilea of "seeing yrass grow," and ha iii reel oil ihe hoiizoutal iiiiciometur threaJs of a powi'iful niagnifying glass to ihit Yapiilly.giowinrtr stem of n Ainerioau aloi', jiiuci.-ely ut llm Bh'.rononier places his crofc of net work aguinst a culminating star. C'ojmoj. IHMKN'SE Fl ItaiT OV CillASllol'l'KUS. Oil Sin-J iy last ul aboul IS o'tluk. M , a fliiilit of'jjrai'.-'ooppc'i p.isstd ovur our city, cumin Inns' omo llliL'0 litiurs, and extending sumo miles lo tho insl ami vpt, wliieli, in point oPtiumbrra, ull fomp itiition. Tho sk'y viiis peifecily full, utul in the rays of tlio sun, inyrijjs coulil bo bucii, looking liko ntnv-fl.iUes, moving ubtiut in ciicles, utul ppruiinly going southwarJ. Some eiijll years Vi", a similur phonoriieuon was olier-Yt-il In this city, but thij is Mitl to have beau on a much larger scalo. Heading I'd., Pun, liA. V.'.t- -IVDY TO PLEASE. fpHI. nttr:i'i f KniN!ft tint! nlli., rrnpfft fully HI IU.; 1 1 A UWArt!: ad TOOlS, now t il ml by tlie n'll'fu'ril'cr, i,s t inc in ( Mil :tf f II. wr i . Aiucti'Mti I r i.t li'iT Is'.'... itjiri-'M, with W'tk, plntnl or tir.ivn tnniiliir-t, nr vrr'p:itii nil ti tn. Awt'u rr "lit - or I. "e. tiprilit, pl-iin, will) nierit w Tk, pLUrtl vi Itnus fu.niUirr, nr pntrrhiit nit c -I ir. Ainfrirr-n front T vr TvVs mul Pli-re P-mr, Uuriibin tnl it iiTi:;i't. Itii' p i urnl n-e. or n--! Hti i-j.irn. Aiitfic.'ii ltim !"-V--. .tl! nml nnnlilifa. AVIiiteof hum i'i"-i:itur, r mr" bin i- .li-rs. Aitvrir it M iriir p li nii-n. witli pliitctl, vrliitc or lrnt hiri,iin cr pnrfl -in rll r- Aut. r.M M-.riicc nil wilh pl-ilnl w1iil nr tims t'lirnhnri'. or p..rr. t:,m ;t v in. AMirni'jin M 'fiicr ;jm ( , ,vir- ptnlftl or brum pwnl-'ltf)!!', inn-fl;iin n'l culnti. Vw St -n, 'I'lnnnl., C,Mo, and Store VooT TrfilrhfP. A )i , Tintniti-fl hmA tiw FitrlT "f rvtv itccritlon. ITiiMwiti'f. inM Atiirnciiii Unit IliiifftH, ot'ull tizw, Inst or i in. S'imti.t. fr-tf, S!r--p, T , nr.! TI t'-Mlip !!:":r. nil ktmN. KiMtt- r. i..r. pi.:. H 'it, t f wrought vr otist 1 1' t:i-fl -.iv)f..' vxrrx iVfiit'ti.m. Screws ;:n'.H, Cl.ic, :;,! i'l.M. r ir thft Umi quality. Atm-fir-.m Axic uu I Miutn Axle l'tilW-i, of every Vnri-lv. Aiii'ii'Tn ru!tiiif. i:Vii:i rr rn fhtrs. Imir, ironf or lif'MlZt"!. Attti .-i.-Mti i1. i-htrrt. vtt'v. ir -n, or wrt. nil kind?. i-l.-Vii!, r t ii anil jn'fM.r. wi'h nlln r nrlirls too nntii'Ti m ! tit -iitt -ii. t- . tll.r a -1 ? M1-W T.lcilTf ut FACTORY r;;in:s lM;'..'nl liroi'.tl I'n'i1 of Charge t ny port of Ci'v in; I I. i'M.-:n. t Iln.i .liil)livlniH til o:ui ! f n i il i nr of tl:f hrpw nnd !.( ii"1- ;iiti uu ' W'l-iii ;in I l':n-c- t'--r lH-k. tl.f t.'iU ; s in.; ;t.! ni. ol w'tich. r:uiint lc nrfii. or .-i:o. t, : ,:: r X. ,f. Ttl'.C.r. .V Jii ' - t.V M :.-. I'-i'ii i. It. ".'1. ""I Hion uwt .;p -il-.l ' xi. i-':v f-r I'rt: ii Kt-.i-i. ( -I ti"'l wilhrrtie. S ii,';. ii'' l t i v col. i : i: ,! t'l h,'. - t- 1'V .. . v'ur- wti'- r, "I Ii. !. Ii.. I- : :' all lit.'iY it rpitt W Hi'! t c- t'l lis jjn nit! ti o t -'Ml' v P -V ill tins' maKH fClMfls, Av, JI it-.-hctK. liri'win- Kiiit, tVc, nil war- llt. :1 .1. I'i').'." m. A i"..,: Ve ui:tle uf Anfis mvl Aaircr HittR, till Ai n -if mi f-'-p! t. ft : iiil I)i v;N f ".-i tv Tii A in- i i-"'.ii !; .'.t .-, ( ijTiL' J'm'A's. (.' ini ;;..:. -n, crcw- tlrivrr.. o. AuiTii-.t!! . P. H i : pit --s, Ci iv .ii-. I JiixetiiiL', all size, Anvil." nii'l Vtr a l . Si.-I. Inn, ui..l Hr:i-rv, C. S. UiUi, in v.ri. (y. W. f'r- i" 'f ,V S lluifticr's ami othr cckhrutftl li lit ! ' F I Cliis-vs, I !. s, V ..,. -1 1 ti5. Ac. A r. A.l.Mf i ,.r: d C.r. i:tr T f'i! h::v. M if i f t ;f hep! ;iii I nr ;! rxirnft. VU ll.R 'ttllieiltH )l H . I : ' I'll;: II M .'-.v-tr" mi;l T-'!.: i.i !h- S At ('; rii ! l.;.!i:ti. j; lR i '- I a pi-t.ti'irc t t SitnW thf i !: V,:'i art- invifi ! t ;M :i't.l .:i.ulii' fir iism Tt- iri' ti'. an.! ..'jf t'; j-ii, . iiiiv f, b'ji re jjurohusiiig elee wlicrc. Cnirt nnfl Ft f uf. itUt, rcrpf''v. vm. m. !Mvcu;nr:, X . 07 ATnvV-! ft.. h'v''-n ?ih nml Sth, upper-title. Phi:u!i-!; !iia, Aj-iil 1. 1.J. ly. I"1J. IK'NTKR will f. rfrU S.-iO, il failinc to ' run rcnv c.iso of secret disease tlmt uiav cimie his care, no matter how loinj Htand iir or aliln tiuu;. llillier t-rx pre invited to his I'livntc K'iom, HS Nirtli SKVIC.N I'll Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption tiy oth er piitiruls, ftraiiL'eiK and olhers wlio Inive lieeu unfortunate in the st tei tiou of n ihysieian nre imited to rnll. 'J'hrwe who have injured thrnie!vps liv snlit;i ,-v ico :v. c iilo inviteil. UK AO AND i:i:r',I-:;T. The olllieted would do well to relleet liel'ore trusting tlieir healtli, leippiiic.i, nnd in ln-iny cases their lives, in the hands of physici;:!!, ignorant )f this class of iiiatuilu Il is eeilainlv imposilile for one man to understand all the idi the human faniilv are suhieet to. Kerv re prelalile ihysici.ui has his peculiar l-niiir'n i i whirh he i more sueeess fe.l than Ids hm! her, nnd to that he de v.U . nio-t of Ul i time m'i;1 sluily. HAWS l)f J'iJAC IK '!:, eTelusivelv (Uvo led to the tiiily nnd trcatieei.t nf diseases of the ser.ird nrLr.iiis, o '.ther . till id.-er5 upon the lu dv. tliniist. in-", i r I '. p d.ns in the head nr li.nies, mercurial :'u".!:inti:a, pravel, irvenlari tics, di-ea.-es ari.-in freri youihfiil excesses or iseprr'.ties of the li', w I.: re'.iy the rtiiistitiitiolt has t-i-.-oinc ciifeeM.. eua':i!i t'.ie Doctor to oll'rr ,-. rrli'f to hi! who nicy place thcmsclM's ui'dev his enre. MdUdelildj. April 10, Uil ly. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'lJi V. Suhsciilirr w'm resides io i'hiladeljihia, a. olVers lor sale to" lollovin ; pr.iperiy in Mil ton, Nurlhumhrrland ruuuly, viz.: '1'lie larj;s LTJILBIITG in upir olii'eti. fii'iticrlv occupied hv Me-s:-.B l:at!.r.- 'lis as a laniaL-e Makers Shop. The euiidi);;; is (.! fi et front on upper Market street, an. I 10 feet i n I'r ir.t street, and is two stories lit-;h. AI. o a two story ni'.iCK i;lci;s.mitii ?iiop, 40 l;y feet, i.n the i one prcnii.-.e. 'l'he lot in on llie eoi-ner ol tM(in"r Mrirli.-t ami Trent streets, and is ;; i'eet front, au.l loll feet deep. The premises wiedd i c s'ua! lr for a Vounihv or iittier iiiiitiul'ii'l'.i!; 1 : .1 will lie soltl on re.iHouiowe nie.1 n'vutomo'.teini'j tenoR liv nu- iuz eil'oer to .lACinl CA l!I!i(i A N," liiiliilelohi.i. .t. r. woi.riNi;':::, !:- t.. Miii.m or 11. ll. MANSI',!!. I-.- i , Suiilmry. I'oi! iiieljliia, Jan. "5, I Hot if. (Ir-ut l;:i;irociiirnts i:i iiniIviiiR Fundi IltiiT Stiinos. 1Y tlie u of KnMiFrtttinir i -.1 r-t ir n wlie-h i. Iitii!t I',,' ll'llliter, I, I I i nil v I n 1 tic r r ol Ite- St -lie. ni I lu. u in Ofuiite i i!u:ii-? I yue nml 'ri'. rt b , tu I i leii Iip IuIhii-b of (lie Mi wit ii i'.llri.m- t ir eettl it it. . rn nut. On r ii' ! el lll rks la ly only u;r,l. I .li i ,1'tlT wiih tlie ' tl'e riiu.icr i liukini.' I ,.rs, eli ip I'or eyhh. l.!r i tr L'lUin'.rf Mer- . r. mit en km,, ii-iir U;e In iiMit I'olo. j rr- rff"i . vyvcf i .J . '-.If XJ ma , r rr-. " 7T"i c f '' ''il'ieis return t! ,'ir hinerru llnniKs to I'le f eii-: ,i: i i.-, i'or lili. ml;iL!.'iiieiit e I;i' i .i ', l:.-;ie In- stii. t n.tetiiii.ii iu i. lor tl j j" j ',,:,,. lillili , i f- lo :i:f-t :':' !'je s'line III. nl j.illton n.e. V.'e uu l;::u ! li e Lit -.ile-4 of t'utten s l ni'.y ot!: r I'miii.!;, iu tl'e I'uiicil :-i::;, -. sii-! tiii ;i,l :; ":r to li eir nuiuiier. Live us it ,' !;. l.i ,oi e pan !n,M:i' 1 ewlierti. UurHtiieli eit.'.i.u e.-, a i;re.'.t ,ii'ii lv i i' l 'ookiit stove:!, of the nio- l ;i;ii,oveii Kioils, JVirlor s-lous for wooil or, eooinom i l.o. . e Itinlers of all kinils, BiiJ otl.l ('S of ull l.ite.U to lejia'r sloe '.. I'or .'i:ri:u. r u-e, ;i siuull Move, eiil'r.l film Itier, new uiul Mijuiior 1'i.roaeis lor liuiu- sa -7 i'!,:ifi or Moi.e, (i:ioeu of several ilill'oreiit p.iiteriis, li:ike ii.eiH, severtil putteins, liili liiu poits, Spout ii', uu. I u variety of nrli eles in eii.-titiv, loo ii 1 1 1 nt runs lo mention. Tlie llar.lA.ue t.-ailu ean l e supi!ie,l witli toiuinoii 4, 5, (i, 7, aiel 8 qi.uit Tea ki Hies, at very low pri ce lor cash or c ity ueecpt.inec. A ti iv easks of bujeiior liirman lilaelt lead on hull, I. WAI! MICK tc l.IHRAMJT. No'.iln st. whuri', Jiel.iware, I'lul.ulelpliia. April i'i, lfiol. limu. l. y. ii. (.ji:sE, (.thrill fur Henry rr,) LIMBER COMMISSION MERCHiST, I nlis !?(;!:, t!:ill!iiore. IT" I.KJKKAI. AliVAXl'liS maile on Con- bi.'iuiel!N. I.iTri.ns a 11.1 C'oxsKisK r.srs shuulJ bo ail- irrssc.l to I.. V.'. II. Ciir.SB, Agent. May 10, IRjl lino. MAISl.N'S, riirraiit-i, eilnti, cheese, pepper 1 sauce, A.', Tor fa!.! I y J. V. I'KII.IMi f-'uiilnii y. Dee. S, IS IS. jil l;i WIIITi: HKAMlV I'OR l'UKsi;i- 1.U, jut Kceivpi'. auJ or silr bi II 11. MAtiSER. ?ept. S, lHoO. l.AMC NOTErt, wuivinj llto axruijilion law nf :wti, for au . April SC, 1851. u. D. MASSEIt. 'V"!e.t reel . . . i !' .;,', S ' : I ! I ' : :. t. : ,' .mi .; , t i I rtv.'i : re I i t i. i. i 'i - I i J',".'' ' it, I'll' I H I! ,!! I 'l ! : l Itii IT:.: M.'! ir : ' H',. ,1 y, i ::ifi !' 'n ' i : i : ; , . - . i''.,ro'f. lit:;' 10 i! ;i:,'l I. .r , !.v J V i. '. .'.- I'.- '. CHERRY PECTORAL: For the C'nrfi mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BHON" OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIMO-OOUOH AMD CONSUMPTION. The nniforni sueerss which Jias ntlrndnl tlie nso of this preparation its salutary effert it I power to relievo nnd rnrc nfleetionj of th i : i e :. nnl..l.r:.. ... liv l.lllius, nave iinuieii no u u . . iv.m ... no oilier iiirilieine. M oll'er it to the olllieted with eulii-n conlidrnee in its virtues, mid t'no full belief that it will siilshic nnd remove the everel attacks of disease lii im the tliroat and l.itngi. These results, ns they hecome jnihliely known very naturally nltraet the atleiilion of niedienl men nnd pliilaiitropists everywhere. What i their opinion ofCllKKKV TlX'TOVAt. may U si en in the following : V.M.KNTI.Ni: Mt)TT, M. D., Vn.f. fxrriru Mi r. ('' cr, AVie Yort, unfit : -Il "ives nif. nleiiiiure to eerlil'v the value anil elii.a-v of Avei's CI1 KUliV VV.CVOUW. wiiii li 1 i oiiser peculiarly adapted to cure dibca ses of the Throat and l.uiis." Tlll'.KT. Kl; V. 1115111)1 FIE Ml. wiites in n letter lii his f. 'e nd. who was sinking under an Hl'.eelion of the l.iuig: "Try lh Clli:.'I!Y I'ECTOKAI. nnd if any Inediein run aive vou relief, wilh the blessing ol'tiod that will." CHIEF JOTICE EI STIS. I of Louisiana, writes "That n voim daughter t his was cured of several severe attacks of Crouf hy the CHEt'i V J'ECTttKAL." ASTHMA AND DUONCIIITIS. Tit Ciuiailitiit Journal nf Ittriiira! iffimct states. "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevnlnt in this inclement climate, has yielded wilh surpri sing rapidity to Aver's fllEXKV rECTOUAl., and we cannot too strongly reeniiinieiid this skill ful preparation to the l'rofession and puhilc gen erally' Let the relieved sufferer speak fir himself: II a n i t on ii, Jan. 'iCi, 1817. Dr. .1. C. Aver -Dear tir : Having been res rued from n painful nnd daieierous disease hy vour medicine, prrntiltute prompts nie to semi you this hi kliowledKiiient, not only ill juslieo to You, hut fur the information of others in like u mic tion. A siicht cold upen the luni;s, nenlected at first, heeame so severe thnt spittimr of lilood. a violent roiieh and profuse mht sweats tolloweil anil Lib tened upon me. I heeame emaciated, rould not sleep, was distressed l y my eouh, and n pain throuuh my chest, nml in short hail all toe alarm loir sMiitoms of quick, ronsiimplion. No nieili eine seeineil at nil to reach my ease, until I provi dentially tiied your C'll l'i'i V IM'.t 'TOi A L, which Miou relieM'daiid no1.' has cured me. Yours wilh respect. E. A. ' I'EW'AKT Aliiam. N. . Ajnl 17, ll!J Dr. Aver. Lowell Dear rir -I have for vears tr:1 Astlinm in w wurst farm ; no i I h.ii! Iiont o.ii.l to s't-rp in my dunr u lart-'T part of t!u litiic. .Iirint; uuuM It lirratlie mi my I rl. I lun! trii d u i;ivat many mi'iru-tni-s, l.i ti i ptirjuisp, until my !' livf-iiian inivcrilu'i!, as an i". f rinn'iit. your CliKKUY rKt.'TOUAl. At lirsl it sri-mc.l to makt im wnrso, lut in U'M tli.ui a vti'k 1 ln !ran to rxjH'riiMirc tin most latilyii;' iclii-f from l ; am! now, in four works, I lie iIImmsc is i nl irrly kmiiomnI. I can slrrp on my b willt coinliivl, nml enjay a state rf lu aitli which I hail ncvi r eAprctiMl to imjov. (iKOKiiC .-i. IWUsW.Yh 1 It K r A Tt Kll !i V J.l". 1 TKH, 11 hM 1ST, LOW KLL, M AS. tV I'M !y IltMiry Master, SniilMiry; Mary A. M"(V., Nortliiimhcilaml Ir. (ir u!iart, .v-lin-rnivi' ; Dr. Hit h!y, I).mvil!r, uiul Druy2'Rt JV... l.", I.Sol. lyi-c'im HOUSE, rOTTSVILLI, PA. MKS- M,V'V V"CAV-'-K r0S',fV"''!,' i"f,"7 i .lireeleil ,., "Ute 'a,',B,' of .lie Kraiikliii I.UVi ' 1 J ti;e iiiililie im I'lluu: eoiiiuiuuiiv i;eiierj- ,,, . , ,. ., ' , ., , '.I Ihi I. true utul eotutnoilious IIOTlil., lurtiislie.l in a superior style. From her Ion eipeiietife iu the liusiness of n first rat Hotel, at nl wi II known reiutalion to neeotnuia ila!e, her culo!iiers may depentl on iH'in supplied with every tiling couJueive lo their romforl and eonvenienee. Fell. I.'.. 1S.')1 tl LAAVlUCNCK'liOUSK. eraEUSY. PA. llli sul'-erilier respeet fully informs lier friend L nml the puhlie teneraliy, that she lias takes the u'oove will known Maud nearly opposite lli I'liurl Hoiim', lately oeeiiiied hy .Mr. j. I'. I'er kin. h-he trusts that her experience in liiMtiess and Iter elloris to noikii Iter iuests eoinfortahlo, vi!f ttive enlire satii-faelion to tho..e vvlio may fa vor willi their cle-lom. AXX C. MOUKW ?.!are!i S, 1R.11. tf. ?! 1 ) ,TsT S".T'7" ss n cat.. .: ikj , . I'UliVOlITON, I'A. rjlllf. si:!weri!ier repeeifu!ly inlorois tiis put.! . 5 t!oil lie has ot)eoe.l a 1'tiMie ilouse, in li t nee. town of Trevorloti, Mortliinnhei laud eoiiutv atnl he m well pre,are.l to his uets iii tlie lie,.l in iiiiter. His house is locate! ne .iiv iippo..ile tlie l.'o:uit:tnv's tole. He isaUo ' pro.i.'e, with good stal ling sutt'u ient for 2(1 lior i,es. lielrusts hy prompt atid eat'eful ntteulioa I t I'ltsinei's to iitiel a sleire of the puhlic patron n,;e. llKXKi It lOAVKK- 'I'revoit .in, II, I s.'ul. -if. SSISl .'S V I.A'! AM) I'.NSION AUKXCY. The nltention of the puhlie is callctl to the s i veilineineiil ol' .Mr- Chillies l". 'l'uckitr, Atlorury sml A it nt at Washilot. Ciiy I'trsons liatr iiij claims lor liouiily l.iiiuls or I'eiisions are in toi tnnl that the subscriber b is maJc iirrati:'r'iiieiiU tor liie ri-ijiiibite lorms, uiul claimants culling at his uiiiee, can have tlieir papers prepare,! and I'onvir.lcil to Mr- Tuiker ut Wushnijjton, aiul by l. ii ii he properly attended lo before the De partment llierc, II. 13. MASSEH. Siuiluny, Jan. IS, 1851 ESSENCE OF J A M A I C A (; IN (1 Kit. MADi: i'i m t'i J niiiiira timer, all th uit' liciji 1 i i i riy ni u lnt li it will be luuud to pu r iii u l -n run-ill Hiul f iit-riitrali-d i r. 1 1 i :i in. iki r;Iirim mnt at tlit tkiiiiu tuur lun mlfiw, gull st i ii ti iT r i t.iiir I r IIm l -iu.k'Ii, iitut will lie ixiunl very lien lii-ul in irlit'vinj; lin- i-iiiiilul ami iluiri'wiii Irfliiift . 't'Ciinmit il l.y the iiu;i.iiri-(l ucti u d thm ini(niUiMt orjin, l'r 'iu liiilt" ton v liol lcjHfi Hininl :iKfu in viiit?-).,lai-t'nl ot MW'ci'ti'iiril jttT will iiiiiiu tuli-ly rt'iu ve the ilutti lrnc) at i'I - n'lift fsii.ii rcnuUiii-x truin iiu!iu'r,ii n, aiil u tum two nr tinn- tiMu n duly, uu rf inrc.l, will be lmutl iiihly UmUll i.j .ins; 'In luMt llil mill MlkliO l Ml!killjil tllCk5tni ai li Hii'l ti'iiilnwy tu it tint 'iiU-re't rtim ncuiii'.iinl l.y tht rin-rviiiii' tilffi ni' ttit niiiiiiii-r In nl-. r ( 'II wiutiuiirr m ilifpu. iiinii. Hud tor eiirrectui); the iiii iiieiit Muea ul ilinrr- llii :i. sVr. It is ;iIm nn rxi'ell-'iit iiiitl.riiii? for III m wli luiv in juml tUi t 'u of tlieir tslntimrtit liy tlie hntn -drriitr uw ol ini"XiiMliii)j liiiiori, liy il nliuliily rAiiuiiUitiiiK fllrrl Uhj- tlir nl'nittn'li rciu ivitig tht cru iiii( I'wi iiiuiiiluiitt, wlnle il Inn ii'i iiijiiriniii tut i n on the )niu, and i ul iiii'fecdee) ly iVelhiffli n( ii iremiaut wbicb alwuya follow Ui ue of IIH -'H"IW l-IIUIIIsllllll. A fi-v ilr.tpi lutilcil tn muiirMiii, rluilitirli or othrr purga tive Hi'-ili.-iiii s, will rmWr tlinni in re arofptult'e to I ha H .iiiacli and rcvrut tlie gnjiing which ia ajt lo occoint any then tulit'u. PREPARfc:i) ONLY BV AMBkOSR SMITH, DUUUOIHT AU CHEMIST. .V. H. corner of 7th and Chestnut Stvtets. r..ilndtljhia, April 13, 1851 ly. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlio "nli!net U'nrc ltnom or seivx nourT & co. , Market Square, Also at the cornrr nf Fmrn ttreet tf tkt Railroad .VUNIILKY, 1'A. Thnnkfnl for the Tntronn?e of his friends nnd rllKlnmer. .Inrinir itie 17 vmm tie linn been 111 busi ness Si this rdaee. he solicits from the piili'.ie aeon tinunnee of their liivors. Durum this period he hns endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the ilav, nnu Ins nivordnut'v cteiuleit Ins Imsi ness in every branrh and vnrirtv. The public are therefore invited to the attention of tho jiresent stock of CAMXKT WAIIK AXI) CIIAl'JS, Mamt,(( rriii-n nv EEEAGTIA1I HOUPT & CO At the Old Ktund. Where in nddilion to their former stock of the establishment ihcv now manufacture Hnhogr.iiy, Walnut & Ctuie-Seat Chairs. Large Spnn Sent fiockiMt Chairs, Drvxsimr llirriiii.t, Centre Tobies, ,Miiiblc Tn Wash Sltimf!, and a variety o f other new style and F:ih;oti:ill' E'ltriiidirc. Havinir secured a Hearse nml made the neces sary HrraiiTements for the purpose, they nre now prepareil lor rndertak'uur in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids mut niislr. ss. ... nml tiosl cmiln t io, Ilrrc'a I'or oilure of cvry .rite unit line. Troll? sirti- It Kipts il ov-:i 1 i ki'diai tuMM, l'r an r if!.-i!ie cliairs l.i i.i-k!':c cra tlcs Pti M'tit y ai n-l t:ice I In' n a Ty .lellN to p., Ve'll wail awhile f ir n ttri'.'liter tictter dar, C Ir take potnlncB, cats, r .rn. wheat nml rye ; llnik. hoop p ilcs. ulnycn, or tninlir wet and dry, Or any t hi nor hut yoke, and threnhiii!; ttails, Ki"iu piirn ami tnrkiis ilown to tittle qtiaili. r-tme on thru friemts. r.-nie one and ntl. K'-p tnide a inoviiej, o -j. oti the Uill." t i' Orders from a distance promptly ntlended lo and work of ull kinds delivered with dispatch. Kutilmry, .March P, 1 (.( tt '. s."BoissT's " AND VATCn ESTABLISIIIIEjMT In Sclinsrove, Pa. ( lochs, 1sil h M :i!ul Jewelry, pEl'AIR ' to perl E1'AIRE1) in the lest inainier nnd warranted pertorm wi All work iutrusled to his care will ho strictly attended to. eiinsrove, Nov. oil. lSolh tf. .Iiiiii iial !' Hit; FKANKLIN I.XSTITl'TK. or the sTAiieor rn.NNvT.v.x!A rnn thk ritoyim n fWTIIE oldest Meehatiiea! l'eri odical extant in H America, is pnldtdicd on the first of e.icli month in the t'itv of Philadelphia. Il has been reirnlarly i--ucd for upwards of years, and is carefully edited ley a committee of scieiitilie ircntlemen appointed lor the purpose, hy the I'lanklin Institute. 'J'he ilesei vedlv hiii ri peiation, l.olh nt home and alao.i.l, wliich lids Journal has ncouiied and Itistiiinnl. ;m iru il a riivu!iiti(ii utul rxcliiitii' ii-t of thr lu st cliara; trr. which cnaHrs l!it (.'niti- tnittrr on I'uMicatiiMis tt make tin; l est selections from Kou i ;n Jot:nia.l-, ami to ciri ulatinii lo oriu' rniumuuu-a'.ion on iin'ciianicul aii'l si i rnl.lii s-.i' r. an.l unlit vs of new inventions; noli, es ul all the V I'.ents issueil at tlie l'atent Of fice, Wa-Iiin hi .'itv, aie pulilisle il in the Jour nal, (oetlh-r with a I.n r amount of infurtit ition on Mei haiiit s, Cheinitry, nml Civil Km;inerriiiE;, ilertveil fiom tin btc t .m l hct aul'ioiilien. 'J'his .I.:ii:nal is puMi-i'inl on the first of each month, tacit i-onlitiiiin at least seventy Iwo nth. forms tvt volume annually of ahont ViZ pases each, illustrate. 1 with rii:;ruvinss on copper ami uu woo.l of those t-uhjects wliicll ro inire l!ie,n. 'Vliv sii!iKiTiitioti price is Vive 1-i'lars per an limn. p.iyaUc on tiie c.nnpU'litin of the sivtii niim Iter; uml it will he I' lwjnleil free of posture when liwi aie re mit led to the Actuary (postage paid) in uthum e for one ear's liuhseiip tion. Tommnni'-atinns nnd letterw on luis'ttie:i must paid. WILLIAM II MII.TI)X, -Iitiuri, . April 12, 1S.1I. Oin.. " ' WM. MCAUTV, i; (i i K s i: 1. 1. 1; u , )V(im.'."ii, SraEUPwY, PA. J 1 AS recently receivi ,1, union'' oilier nt tides, a ' ureat variety of Mew, Cheap uiul Ktiterl.iiii ilu; pu'diealions au,'il as Coopers novels, ronipleto or separate, llerherts Do KoiKvi 11, Dtitnas do '1'iollope, Sue do Hallihurton, KeMidols do Marrvult, Cockton do lirev, Maxwell do Marsh, Jerrold do Aitiswortll, Morris tl.) Althclo'v price ol l'roin .") to Silcts per volume. Kmiliury, Sept. 'S. Ii.1t). ti". J. II. ZBIIIEIIMAN, jrsi.iE; B' thk er.ier. Sanlr.r3', Fa. Ollicc in 1'cer Street, iniinet'.i.itely opposite the I'lihite School J I oiic. I"? .Moittrs e i!:,-oti.'..t nii.l i,il ...t!.iarjx iiomptly am) cate I'lllil jct.'inl.-1 tu. April 2;t, ls.Vi. Bianv.vs kksknci; or J iWll, an ti o!lii!t mtii li. M AIL' A lil.. Iiinwii'i) Mt'iliruU'tl Nn;ip for sin i burns, tan. IoMit. r. l.ii!ua) Cirtras.-'iini l?i;!:n, t!ie li.iir tUiul ruir iVc. Ituttwuv- Iu'ady I!i'!icf for ('ratnpii, Cltolti, (,'l,o!fru Murluis, c. Tor ti.iU lv li. li. MASSEK. Hunliury, Aw. .1, IM.'itl. kilii.M-, urn, ...irmcii wart', itjisms, Al- . -1 iinHit!, I tine ami C'tv.ut. Auts. I'liilH-s f ull Uituls. 'all umJ llubtcr. Jut rrci'tvcil ami for sale lV JOHN W. I-KIUMJ. .SmWy, lrc. C?, I S I !. I IOOKN nml (ioM IVns. On liaiul srvfral mp. it s ol" the tile of ChriM, ami also u numlirr of gold H'iis whii-li vo will sell at the 1'hil.iuYljil.ia prior. For uU; at tlii ullit'c. '..M.MiS A clieiip ii ml rtocllcnt nrli ilu lur tiisletiiii; ah sale liv J. W. FKI1.I.NO Suiiliury, July 7, 1HIH. ()L: OINTMKXT. A fresh of this cxeelle nt urtielc fur 'IVlter, A c, jutt reeeived uiul Cor siilo l.y UKNUV MASSKK. Sunliury, July S3, 13-1'J. fi-nril.EV.S COI li t'lXDV. An eicel v V lent reiueily lor coughs, cuMs. Fur sale at this ollice fl' ISSUE TATKU Yellow Tissue puper fur X roveriui; luiwc'S, for sulo at tlie olliee ol the Aineriiuii. l'HsIXCi BOTTLES Breast punijis, nuj ' ni,ile tulies- A supply of these u-st-ful urti. cles just leceiveJ ttiiil for sale ly JOHN W FI1II.IXG BunLury, Jan 18. 1851 if BLANK DEEDS printeil on the lust qmiltly rf pareliincnl paper, soi l ut the lowest prices at this office, It wholesale. auJ retail. tJWtTIlKIl SCIK.VTIFIC IW.VI)EU. PEPSIN! T II I? T n It K DIG SSTIV 13 FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! rrcnTH frmn RKNKT, nr tliA fimrth Pi'imncb of ba fix. niVf iliHflinnn of B.I?ON UMIO, tlm ftrmt ifrirtil ClH'imsr. by J. H. IK M'fiUTON, M. P., N-i. 11, Nurili Kiuhtli Srert, Pliihil.-lpbin. Vn. Titiit is n tfily wni tprful rniipth' f-r ,lIfii:ST!f), 1)YS1T.PS1.. .IAI NDKTm t JVI'.ll COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION nml Iil'UIMTV. Curing nfw-r Nn ttiro iiwti im t!i (li by Naturu'i own ut'itt. llic G.intric Jtnrfl I n 1 1 n tdiiMU'iil nf lit t'luiil, iuOisril in wntir will dit-st it riimtiilt'c, F lvp Puum!s nf KtuisL Uet;f in o'lt'iit lr h ur, tmt of t!ir rfoniMcti. r.)!(JKSTlON. DIOKSTION in fliiHiy iHTlimnnl tn tl nMmiu'li by tlie niit "f ti Hiril wliifh irerly rxmlf t'n-m the inn-r tvutt h una o.tMii, wiK'ii iii n ht-itr n lit, in it, raii'-ti the ititiitiif Juii'c. Tiits Ituid is tilt; littnt S.iwni lite K'mhL iho nritvinu. VrtKiTvinir. m-l Siititiil-iinnr Aii'-nl uf (lie it-1- ni'ich mi l iiit(-inti'rt. Willi nit it tht-ri' will ii: iliir-- Iipii, nit p m t r.-i mi t r IcxhI iiitn lil mhI, iitil im iintriti ii "1 Hi:- Ii h ; Wit r.iih' r n f 'til, l.irpitl. pmunu, iiiitltl-ft!rnt- IlVf C lltllll ll " Hit' IliHr ill'r-'in-p ipff n. a WruK, tall' licad, i'f tni-irt'd nt 'lil:irll ithIih.- h i ff 'mI tiiiflrir J'lice, ami ten ico tlio lue;iHL, ilisli'tas nml ilt-'i.i.y winch ci ix nr. PKl'SIN' AND KENXKT. Pr.l'SIN is t':e i tij.'!' eLMiM-ut. or irre:il Diircslinff rrawi .tp ol I lie (ioml, Jioee. it in toninl in ureii iiloiiuloi.".' in I tie s itnl ji:o: ol I tie liinn:ei t .ninch nllcr itenlh. anil s inii tinii n r...r. ttir H .ill icit lo iticeiit itsell. or eitt !tl.-lf UV It u alv i I in il in lite nt .eiaeli i.f intimitis, iik tl.c ox. ejlt'. .V.l Il li. tlif iilelctl tl lise.1 liv I'lirnnTK III lliliklni! dices-'. e It.-iiii.-l l!i:- , tltvt ,i M-ll'iril ll.'is l.ill-J ln'.'li t ll' w.'iul.-r nt t hnluirv. 'I'tie eitntlintr nt' nit!!i is tit" lirl pro. fas i'l iii. ?ti.,,i. iti'mii't ji .r.schsi'H ast-iiiistiln t iwrr. I'V st .in '.-I, "f n en'i wilt cnriil.- iii-aili nne lii'.iis ui.llitiira its MWII weiuM of llli'k. liiir.HI l.iel.i Mate ttiat. "I'll. t Hi 1'iYMll 1 1 ." ' I ill MX1V 1 1 II Ii !-:i 1 1! t I.:irl5 -l' W'Jlt. tli it. 1 nail .ilticr l i l'.'' Ilis'-iisnl nt.iiiMi'lit. iim- liiistilc Jioi-i'. It.'inict nl ecusiii. 'I'll Mil. ov Hi. il ttns ,v. 'nt lo.ii- In ii.-iiretlv sntM'licil. w.- on -tu lie l.'I- tiiwinsj SClENTlKfC EVIDKNCE! IIAHOV LIKHIO. tu lii cclfl-rnu-il w.irV in Anliiml t,lipiiii)iiv. hivh: "An Arliiii'iiil )ijffltiv' I'luiil iin.i!:tL' n li th' (i:inlric Jnicr, in:iv ! rrrulilv iirrirtrrit irmii t mil- cm?" infitiftniiic .t" i)n'Minnir'-lii'l" ilifivilf. in whirli vnrnnm jrtictfR ol iii.l, na tn'il riiitl rtxtrf. will ! K'Hl-'iml. rh;ni il, Jiinl h.j-i;ci. tiiHi in 1 1 it- tuuitf iiiniiiKT iu ti.ev w mltl lnt ill tin.' I'lllH'MI S itll.'l !.T' IT'IU'.I It A , in h.n tMHV'ii trcatin- nil mi tnid lict,'' puiiiishc'l hv I'liwh-rn Wrllsi. Nw York, miri- nt:u-s in, s tine rmt tiirt, .inn ilffti-niH Hip iiiHIi nl ( iirfitiiiiiion. Thcic uttt tew liiln.-i iHli rii it s llmu Di. pi'rrirn. )i. COM UK, hi Sir vulmlile writ imm .tn lh' ''PIivmmI ny il lilir-f'i II, ' M'iKi-rx ! I'i:it "M illllllllMti'itl '1 t(l Htir- lit.Ml lil nl" t hi- i i.;si,-ic Jiii-r m a .r nitiu:it nii'l' (Mit"'"!' Pj st(.(j,sm and lie miiLi'R tint "11 ilifl iuy'ii-li' il lr- i- -r "i iip iiiritir in Imi lnt, vh war -vti'I ftlli't wi Ii lh'j r 'inpl itnt. hi-iliiiw rviry tliinsr ' t t : i I , Ir'il in ii:. t t i hp (r m'rii Jmci, nM.iinnl : m il ilir ft mncli ( livim: tii'i: . i-iiu. wrui'h r i1 niiirt-ly tt'ii-rfmriil.' Di. lilt II A M. Jinili Tt-f the mh w rkn "'ti 'Vni t I Dt-'f.' rvrivn: "ii n n rPiMiirkrili!.- :ict in hi l -yj , ih'M II. i' mii -ichu nt' aiiitii;i!n. tnufintrtl in wai" r. itui:nt t i ihn ll.ii'l thf ()i.ii'ily m' (Iimh l. w! vari..i.s itilirlm f j I t ll. Jt'.l i.f C'fl'i'I!!'.; ii kiti l Ml UltlttCI ll llitM :tl u t lhim in ii wii- .'I'ti-' r-nl 1 1". mi t!:r n it ur il iliyriiivi' ;in'i-i"v " Dr. ?'(i S vr-tt w-ttV. the 1'in ininlry i Man," I.a V l::n-!:.iMi, rinln. I -Itl. (p. :t-Jt-'J) p.ivs: "TiifMliK r vr- t.i Pi;p,--IN in-v i-ra m thf c!iciiii'al luM TV nl' hiri's'i"!!. l-'r'tui rcci'ul v ir inifiit kii'W.iai mo! I. ilis .!i -I im riinnttv in an nrtitirial ilr.'i-tiv! Until, prcjHi 1 fruiii Y'iiii, uu a it in tlii natural (Jastur Jun-p 1 it'ii I'i T IlI'MII.ISdN of tlie .f.-ir.'lK il "..!!. i". Plii'.l. .Ie!plii-i. 1,1 LTf.-:! w, rri oil lluiuail I'liym I -ey. ili''i. in 'I.' I'i i,l ll;' p:ii;.w t" uu .'X:iit,titiiti,iii ,.l tl.ii. Mil.i.-et 11 , X;" inients oil lr. Ili'iitnn -lit, "VI I lie'ric .1 oil'.-. ,i:,':ni,f 1 tr 'i'i lit,- ttviii.' Iniiivin it' ittiali ail ! lr":n iiiiiitiiih ar 'i !! l.ii 'V. it "In a, I riMn," lie navs. "iliz''f'l mi ,i.-,'ur-ri::l a! J" t.',r:!l i'l III-' art Oii'lul an III lite natlirtil tl.'.'i B'.IOIIH.'' AS A nVSl'KPMA crKKir, Ur. lion,!! l'itV-4 pr-piinitinii ni IM'.VSIN ten pm.lii c .iii.i in n ii;-tr ll ii- ril cts. 1'iirit! e;iH . i' I -:.: I . l.:il'Mi:iti mi, XcrV it- 1 .-- 1 i , ini.I ) gn.-i .t ic C i 'ilf nu..,i nr',1 i ni, t!.(. vi'iy Vrti;r n tin ur-iVf. It I mi j s. 1. 1 t i ' ii, Ji'LuLs i ,m..,' in tli lin;i:s ( tlii."' :nl Vr; ; ii!,- ,.t ! ti ;in' Itr'U niit'" I H (!: Ir 'uiVf 1'i-H '.vim ..t" .I....! t'.n two m nifi:i it k m h k li i.r. i'l li;:s, in I'i,.! t.!i ., Iir. .V-w Tk. iin.l It ni at. hip. 'J :;''S'- t ir 1 . i : .11! H. .-.i-r Mt ... iimi 'in: cin-H wrrc n-" .'11!) r;i iiii .1,1. 1 n .-il"iil. .vi in.tili'u' . li im .1 yjr it .K VOL S AXTIhU I t-:, tni-l j"irtiriI.Tlv i-iul 1 r I i.'.'ti -y t. .iix ilisir-t.-i, l.ivr I" mii. : ii..t. lY rr ai.l Aiif, . r tr.i;ifl Ti vt Hit-t j'i uml imp t il ril . 1 ( iiiiii'ii'. .iT.'.iry. mut iithi'r 'Inn.- iinn the l.iLrr!ic m i'i. ;i;'t.-i a m;; suinit!s. A . i'-ir fiifss ;n i ;i::m.-. m. I itn t ... ir.-- ii.- "I :ii.U-iit 8jilii;s. ll aluicsi m-mi.-i!. l.'i-iMi wild ItitfiiiiM-ruiice. 1I.D STOMACH COMIM.AINTS. Tim 1 im t "mi m (J Sl'() t'll ( (MIM.I TS Wllf'il ll llil-'S tl "I :'Clll tl ll'iU'll ill!. I l.'iuovi- rt t Mll'-l. Nil m;iMir Ii-v litl thry miv l.. it tJIVKS I.VS IVwT Hi: I. IKK' A siimlc il ritiMv' nil t!i 1111,1' (i;ii t.'iii". idi.l it t -ii i v iM-i-ils t.i In r.';n':ii'i. j'.ir :i sli .1 1 llinr. t-i 111 ik.- iIi-h- ...liH-f-r ivnii in-iit. IM'IMTV !' HI A UJ nml VH.'i't nl' , 1.11 .w yi one'.'. It i i-ariu-.ihrly rxi-t ll -nl in rusi'ji i N:niM-t. V.iiu:tii:ir. (r:iui(.. S nrmw i tin 1 r '' t'l ni ii'-i ilisiri ss Miu-r tvitim:. I-'W, t it- ..1 lit- Hlft. I1--ivm-ys. L nl itx. Di-'-v ll-'iu'v. lvn.Hi;tll- n, ;ikrn;.-s. ti'ii-li'iu-y l.i l;i.iuilv, ! ll- I'rnv. t D')I,!,.It p,.r J, ,tt(n. Oih-h tt'.i: will "i t.' 1 tiTcrt a I'Siiiw i ur I'KI'MV I I'OWDKUS. IT" iN r n s i vn., rur.i: ok I'osr.Mii; "..T ,. .i,.,,, ' si.'l:i'L t- rV -"lit i'l' tl-r ' ttli'ttV, tli. Mtil.r-TiVi: M VTI'I'.U HI" THK ri'.l'SIN m ,.nt 111 I...- lii'ia.-i I i 'Wil-'t wit'i tlirri'ti 'iii1 l-i I -Iim 'ivtil 11 w:::rr .i v 1 up, if. the 'iiii'!.i. Tlit"' p .w.ii-i. t -nl iu j;tsi il!r t niit- 111:111-1 i.n mt ImikI-m. l.ut t vvt'-r tin (ifintitv 1 .r in- vi -ii- put-. :.i.i w nt i... f,',a i.v uiul. run: or I'l I'Ai.i: 1 -i oi; 111 I!. I. Alt s.-Mi i;i' t-i Dr. J. S. liol LU TON, Nn. t V.rili Ij-liLliiHiv;!', IMnlu.klj.i.i. ';i. Sis t.vV..ri rr fivf (I !!:ir. I'vr i:if:i!"1 aiLlTi'ltlp l.'-ii s Hi.- u 1 ilJt-u ij;iwturc rt J. S. llUt'lill t).. AI. I'i (-it. 1 S : I i- nifum 111 ivrv t- 11 iii thu I'ni'p.l St.iti-K, ami l.y n'Sj i-i'i.ii.i'- i)f-ilt'imii .M-'-ln'im if i.-m-utily. roll S.K HY J .Km V. Knli.i-, uml (icrtid Hriciii Suniiiii y. I'ii. Aliiry A. M.t';iy nrMiilin!iruliii. .1 llil fl Mill .11. Hnvm M.'i'i-riiiii'k, M--1 .H-iivi!lr, H. J t'r - ty, S.'Itti-!' Vf, J 1I111 It lli-iiii, 1 (ip.T iaiiuiituiil'" ill; i-;i D-vi in. Muh .11 'j-. Suiilt.irv . Sf , t Mill. !S,'.0. nilLA. AND REABINS R1ILE0AD. M-lMlill AUK A(.LMl:M' ItlUM i'iiii.Aiii:i.i'iiiA avi) rorrsvii.i.i:. lares K c tl u c c tl . UjJUcrf tlie I'hila. tr Renting liailnml Co. riiiltiilelphiii, Mareh M, I Sol. Tv.-o PitsM tier Trains Daily, (exeept Sunilay.) N mi.1 al'er April Int. H.'il two trains will he run ea. li way, daily, lietweeu l'liila.lel plii.i u ml rlt AiIIe M' r.rxi:. I.etiMvi r'.:ilailelpl,ia ut 7J A. M., daily eieept Sllllil.lVti. I.eitMs I'uiisx ille at ?J A. ,I. iluily exeept Sun. il.ivs. .i it:: n.xutj.x r.rxi:. Leaves Philaiielpliia ut 'JJ o'eloek, daily, exeept Stjlulayii. l.eaveii ru!tsi:le at 3 oVI.iek, daily, exeept Sun, I ivs. IWKl'S, lieHveen riiiladelpliia uiul I'ntlKville, pi.7Z 1st i' lass ears and S,.C) ',1 elass eats. Kelwreii rinlailelpliia uud Heading, S 1.75 lul class ears uud 1 .1 "d elass ears. l)ep.t iu Philadelphia, Comer t,f Broad and Vine Streets. I'nsseiitjer eaiinot enter the cars unless provi ded w ilh Tii kils. .Nl) TH U. Fifty pounds of hasase will lieal lowcil toraeli passenyer in these lines ; nnd pas sengers arc ev prohiliited from taking unv ihiiu; as ba'4iiiu;' l.ul their wearing appirel, which w ill lie ut tiie risk el its owner. By order of the Board of -Maiiacers. S. llllADl'OKI). April lit, 1S.')1, Secretary. 11T2:! iit::: iiti ECUREAU'S Indeitructible and Indellibla VRITII3 0 INK FACTORY. No. 1 .S'oui Third ttreet. A EiK.'IIAXTS nnd thu Writing community are requested to call and examine I'.ns I.K, which is mirniulnl not la torroilt Mrlulhe l'tut, uor ch'tn?r. its Cuur Wliolvtiiile ami Iti-tatl, No. 1 South Third street, l'hiladelphia. A lihural discount in a Jo to .Merchants ami the Tratlo For sale hy H. B. Masser, agent fur Sunhury Xo.emlier t), I8il). ly. Valuablo ItitokM, J1FC or Ciimist, handsomely bound, D'A'J- moxt'i History ur tui 11. iiih MTiot, HllXK D.T-HOUKS IID l.EIIUKHS, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by H. B. MASSKH, July U, 1819. ANK NOTE TA1JLE. connr.CTED weekly. rr.XXSYI.VAM . M ASMACAt'PKTT. eiTt os I'liii.AiiKi.i inn. All S'lcent Imnks dm I . t. Hank tl iUh 1.1,1,. idiom; ltl,AI). All solvent Imnks put All 'Iv. itl Imnks clis i . , eoeNrnv. I j'ONM.X'I'irl'T. llnnk nf l'liiiiiilwrMi..irs 1 ilin'.MI solv nt trinks I tlis I niik ol li,.f c. ir m;v VoltK. Hank of Del. c . denier niir' r.rt lliiitk of (l.-miaiituwii p-irl.Mt .'vent lianks I rlii I auk "fliitt, xtoir I ,lis i J? 'Ilk n .US III r litis nitkof I, .!.:. l mCNTIIY. Ilank . Ml, 1,11, t,m 1 ,m, All I twiilr limil,K 1 llil;ryl'-, l!,l, mrl M;V JI'.HMI'Y. I.siik ill rlliiiiii.,ei J'ihI. pailllelviiliri- Hank j nis Man!, i f l''K I ilis I'l'lmncicial Hank j lit" llank ..f llanviilu .ar far. II ink M ml llollv par ' nrlisle Hank 1 ilis l' .V M Mi.l.,.oWii'Pl. r (' li'!, A- H'c Co .iitl.i.-liin,v Ilk. Newark far II .yelM nvii Hunk par .M, -eh. Ilk i.r llnrlint-loa par I """" ""'k t'"r M"' li. k Man. Ilk Trent ir l'.n H 'n's S ili.iMi.rris Hank I ilts l-.j-liniiue H k I'iilVinri, , Newark Hk'i. & Inn Co i ills rxc M l.. Hoinc:i ills'! Inni.;.. Hank j ilia I'linni'iV M'k. Ducks r pin I'e .pie's Ilk Patten,, a ! ilis I'lntn-ifn' Mil, Lancaster p:ir !Prinei ton Hank par runners' H Hinlltian pat Salian 11 inldin; To, par I'Hnn, M: Siitmylkill Co pariScTttcrret Htntk J ilis I' ,V i. Mk".. t (.lis State Hank at rnnilea ear rneikim MkWuslrn Ijil... S:at.' Mk Kliz'ilii'thl in .lo. llairisliiirir Hank llniirvilale llail1,- ,,"kr,rrt . .J ' I ilia Male l.k. . Ilillli K Ii par I x,. n.- .!,.; I .an.'a.-ler ll ml: S,i. a. v 11 .,,L ..,. 3 l.rliaiiiiii H...U 1 ,,I'C...,.I ...L ... Mereh. ,V Mm,. M ink 1 .Jijsl I "ni. m Kank. Hover J il l I Mimas' H'k. C .ttsvilie p.-ri 'anlleyv'le Del llr 0.. I.Vlis ! .Molt intralic a Man i I i , fir Ilk n .les inn ,-r .r. 1 ili, e. . i . i . - .1 ..... ..... i. ,. 4 , in I nvlorsv e llil H'tr To 1.5 ilisl 1)1 .1.AU AUK. '.st Crinrli M,,,k par Hank ol lielnwars purl 'vntiiinij IJ, 't!;,i'5,t,V i arl llank nl Snivinl pal 'of V .-rk Hank, 1 ,i!l'ela'.vaie Cily Hank pur I ir l.enei n.,i.- Hk Wilitiir'n Hramlvw. pin ', 1'nriiiern' Ilk Si Delaware par . I ni. i, l.'niik.W'tlininsiiinpar ; lip-1 'inter RVs d.s I MA INK. Hank of Wli-tl .,,;;.. M"re inlile Hk. Il'in?.r Itlilis All itei in lianks ; ili.i, M'.w it vMfsniitt:. llllllF. AM s itvnl tiankn ! AH U lli '.l tu'llks VCIlMliN'T Hatiti ef '!.,hib J iii.'j vtik ni.te? n,i l-r itis NOill'll rltol,IN.. All n 'li.-nl h-i J its !V?-rn.!.'rr, .'"'i.' "" -,e. S- do A ! VF.EJ'E'Sfc&J TI HAT Bounty L&nd and Pension Agency, WaSljlHUIUN, d. c. eiitr. itiiiterKiviiif I Mtnrni'y ami liearral Airem ot Uiv I 'I'heir nrlicles iil he di ;po.-ed of on ns Rood if,'.!1, "' ."'"''j;'""- ' '"' in pr.H'nrn.s . terne. as thev can I.e pttrelia-icd elsewhere. Coun- 11 iilatv IjiiiiIf int. I 1',-n.i l.,r lit ,. entille;!. Ili-ini; per. ' . ,, , 1 ma illy I e.ileil nt tl,e f,.t i. U. ,i .a niiien, , Willi lii,.t'. 1 r "ofe. Ia.ien III , ivtoent tor work. onjli anil laiiiilinr ae.ii , i,,tam .- with tlie it irv .,ini. , IT:'" I .N 1 1 1' li T A K I N ( !. I Iu villi; provided H .mLT'i niVrT V' l! '" ,!'"'--.'"""'il ! ihente!ve. v. ilh a liand.-oine Il.-.uisii. lliey are ihe wpiT'ly nml Ritinriu r iry uuhI iiifitt nf ( .v-.rnmrni "uw lrimrcl l.r I inl,rtakiii'.r, tunl aUriniiutf fn cluiiiis.M cvt kintl. j tirrals. in tbi 'u-itrtv, nr ut niiv convcuirnt din Uy a Ittr Al I C-'tia'Vfl., II mnt.' Innl jn Piutittil In ' r. !.:.. in i in war nl lvrj, mid ot Uu- van- i r. iriiit. t.i timw wh m-iv-M ! Hi .f.'' 'i srr-il i .ur in tut), mi : ii tit; In l iiii v.'ii, sii in "nil, HUt u-'ii uiT'' : atsJ t Ih sr wan I V" l'l ' 111 III I it ll 1(1 UlTf M. ! Ai'iaii-. lantt hav hen itinlf wilh l.i-i: il (..- -I'-s-i ii in 1 ti-tin- 1'H-aM ri i f w.n rani is"'ii'(!. en thi' iiM.t ttdia (if tar. rr li-i'l'i'MU i.f Ml' iir'-ll 1 nan MTtiiniji it llir t iniiry. .-r au l Mn- ml nf tin pa'i'iit', wiirn nt ij". m t' Ti!t; I I 111- r tvilirnt ii If. s .M f .r taxi's; r Ikcti 'ii (i ic!iIk; aatl t r I in-I ri'iiv t ! i mi I jjiaiiTal l-avv hnsiinnji. in tin ti ili "-i nt ia!'-p' ail Trr. i! rii n. Ilr ti-iutris I. is scrv ii'ff t i inrtnlirr ,( i!ic pp t'fnv u nt a din! lift-, win ti rlaiiu ' a tins' In- I i f-rntn- nl. arr mp. pnrril hy a I c ul. w ill a','- lul; l in iik-uI fnv Till m-r' Kai y I inn: hikI : ur: i. i:i. Diitl iiti'.iritUili.tit mi oil Hti, ;i fin :i ; rrlrn..j,i t . u f a.-'osf,!! pr i.-i-iif i -n .f tinn hafinrK.. wiil be I iriiisi-.-il I irniar I rr:y n Irnts with 1'iTt n ih-yiriri.j ii'fiiurili n i'f f'i-a.N in the nnny r liuvv. u ill I'.-i war 't ti. m nl! tin par' ;rt:i irs kit . vn ff tliir H'-lVlrr. t t'HIiei f h a I I tun ft lil'ir. nti-l thitir cariiil- in-s wilt ft piir,! ).. hy r.-f in n .if in iii. All u 'tuiu.inuM. ti ais in hi (fi.r.i'Mn.) ami u I ! t . i ',i:s TivKr.?:. (H -x U?t V. ti.) Wafclti.iiri m, I). C. 4 I M y ) - fV " mm 1 van 2; c-.. Ut v. t: 1 v s iF tu v. I'iu ket j o :' i n.ii'irs. nr. Kirrv im 1 S 1$ - liii nun i'iivs'u'i.m ! tliirii. I r ' A, ' eth Cililioo. wild tii.'.v.iriU .0' ; J .1 1 if: I V .. 1 1 .1 eiii.n in j.i. sho'.v- pi"' disejses in ee !i,iie and iir:n, and ''il ,irt:t:iii,.:is nl' (lie eueralive ''.- s stein. '- ". i:v vi. vol Nr.-. ii. n. Tiie lime has inev ariie,l ' t'uit per. inns suiierin.,' Cneii secret di e ise. need it, mure l,c:-:ne Ihe viei'nti iil'lJ:tekerv. as liy the prevripli;ms cuul.iiued iu this liu.ik any one ut iv enre liiinseir, with mt hiinl r.tnee t,i Intii.ess. or tit.' kme-vie;! re of any one, ii ii.l wilh inn tenth Ihe usual e pence. In a, Mi lieu to Ihe ruittine ut" private disease, it Cully explains tl.c cattle nf t:ia,i!iii,id's early decline, with olserviiii-iii. on n.nri'ii.u1 l,es:,es many nther d,-i:!ie.'eineuts which it would not lie pro p. r 1 1 euutiiei-aie. ly'A-ty pi rs.,n seuliter -rvi.Ti'-nvi. ei.-rs encl ise,l in a letter, will receive oae copy eC this lunik, hv itiiul, i,f l',e t'lipies w ill I.e s.-iit Cer cue i..!l .r. Ad.lri-i-t. -III;. U. Mi, N. I.V; .si'uici; sii-.vt. iMin.AiM'.i.i'iMA." iv-t-pai.i. C""' 1'K. vtl!'.N;i can lie consulted on any nt the ili-e.i descrihe-l in b'-i !i:te,eut piihliealinus. at his i:',ice. Si'UI l i'. .'-irci t, 1ery day It -tvvre'i '.I int. 1 oo'i 'u. k. (,itiil.i;. s'exeepte.l.) I'hll.i leluhia, -Nov. '.I, 1S.-U. lv. PATENT JAPAN itLACXIIIG. Mum'nr'nrn, Nn. "n) (.'III'.STM'i' Siri'i't. M E I) A L. iiw.inlel hv the FII.WKLIX IX sTi 11 i'i: nl Tiiil.tdelphia in October, ami lit.: ni:T rrcr.MirM i v ihe mauvlaxd ix- STITI'TE, al Baltiin-ire, .Nov. ls!.,n, H-I'J. I'!. .'.',. ',. r ..,', r Ii-'H. I have used J. U cliai's r.iteui Japan l.iipiid mid I'asle lilacki:i'4 far s i.ue nine inntilh, and tlio happv to t ay t'i;.t it sui p.i-ises any hlackiui. that I have use, I these twcnlv ml, I years. I liud it holds the polish and p.-e-erv -s the leather bcl tli r than any 1'I.U'kiti.r thai I have ever tried. A.XllllDM' K. t ' 11 4 M It 1' 11 s. i.i. Hi Chestnut Street, Will. CURREY, .l.i.i";;rivr Successor to .1. WFI.LAII, No. ol) Chestnut street, Sccon 1. NoM-mlvr, 'J, 1.")U. ly. AND ROOT-TREE HAKE R, .V,i. I5 I'ui'c Strict. Secon,l i! )t)r.)e!ov TliirJ, rHftADnimiA. U'HF.liE alt kinds of l.tsis, c.e., ..f the latest sUlean l he,l material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All order promptly nn 1 pttnctuallv attended to. 1'iiilidi iphi.i. Aov. 'J, I Soil ly. 'PIIE sulisciibcr has just received a new supply of the best li.pmrs that ever came to S'unbury, consisting iu part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine t ' . Superior Old Jamaica Spiili. .New II . i l: I :i 1 1. 1 Hum. Fine 11 li'.llld tliu. Superior Old Whiskey I'onuii.m do. Superior Maderu Wine. Lisbon do. do. A.'iipcrior l.ut inc. lluraundv Fort do. Sweet Malaga W ine. Superior I'larct iue in bullies. C'liunipat'ne dj. do. 1IEXUV ..'unbury, May '- lSl'.l. CIIAKLKS W. irKoiN'S, ATTCPsITST AT L.V", Iit(i.llU', Ha. Will promptly attend to colleclious and all bust liess entrusted lo his care. June Ki, Irt-l'J, STONE WAIIH, STOXE milk Fans, stone Juijs and Fitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and li sale by Jt'UN W. FlilLIXG. 6'unbury, Juno 23, 181'J. flKAS, from the New York Canton ami Pekin 1 'Fea C'oiiipany. For sule by J. XV. FKILIXO. Runbury, Dee. 8, 18 IS AY HUM An excellent article for sale 1, I11..MV), iMAOrat.IV Kunbury Jan. rU., 181VI -tf. "i:nnii ao Your Own!" IT A AS PKXX. FASHIONABLE MAKR OF FURNITURE AND ClfATRS. 'I'lIE suhserihers respectfully eall the attention of the puhlic lo their l iru-e nnd "plcndidnseorl inenl of every quality nml price nf which ennnot fail to re. nnimetid Itseff toeveiy ono who will examine it, on nceouiit nf its duiahlo workmanship nnd spletidid finish, made up nf the hest stoik lo he had in the city. Nil f flhrt i spared in tlie luHiiiifaeture of their ware, and thff subscribers nre deiermined to keep up with tlier liiany iiiiproveineiils winch are eonstanlly bcinf iniide. Their itoi k consists of .Mahogany Snl'iiM. Ivlvtu5s ntl Lounge, Jjttrrittts, rerttnvfes, stucbonvlis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AX!) IMMNC TABLES. nnd ol.-o VENETIAN EI.INDS, c(1ual to Pldls dclnhia in ami I act lire. m:t)fTBAHS. of even- pnttcni mid T -i-c, . ... .. .,, . , ,, t v r v r.1 C t IMH ). I! U,u AN D ( AN ni.iv STANDS. TOII.KI' TAUr.KS AND i:xrr,.sii)N taiilks, :.. .1 . -...:..t :.. .1 i: r t : iiini, i it o a ii. i.e in iiiif ina in loin oiismenir. . r .. . . . . ... i licy also manufacture all kinds and ijuulities I I i 1 l) , ; , , ... '"ilndiiij Mini ties never l f .re to l-.e had in Kuidmry, such nx M itto.; n r, Ijt.u k Wiisi't r X T i f TT r t M1 t lll lill M H".li (mII.CI W : IVII WlXllfKIII fin I I 11.. ... ... "ni"i t'n-:,M ooi.i, which nre ot the latent slvle. at:d w.irranii ,1 to lie cvctled hy no pe ln-tini a, tin ,,i to t . ... f ' Hies or el. c vtiere. 'J'he st.o-cii: en are ilelerviiiie.1 loat tiierr shall he no e, for per nnu to pnr, Inee furniture in the eilies, as every ' Ictee cm lie en'i'rlatlietl nltont lite ipiiilily and ft.inli of ihcir ware and (.'hairy. , 0. ' ' iir, i " Mni'ke Mrcrt;, iitt'Mwt.o J. ititiiLf'i fIiih-. uiul urati inmo-iite ,l,.1.r- 'V iii-i-M D AMiU, IT A AS, Stinlittrv, lrr. M, Is.'iO. tf. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AMI rnvsicAi, liKsi'oiiA'nvt:. THM T!X.i DZOAt. W'OZJSJ. OP TUB m J ',,'5 7 11,1. positively cure nil stages f ftir.iliia, v 'I J 1 1, !..,,;. ,.r,.,, 11.., I ........ I'l,- J I, r i. I.oci.j iw, ! I .hoplioiiia eouvuisi nis ; will j re.-m'. il to ii pie.-ii..- ii..or. inen sfter ' year,, ol i.rot,-.i:i.,n. at:, I ihe only k 'ioivn ami cer- , lain e:v I'n.' I e-. -.lii'tN or it'.eiita! ilelolty. 1 Klta.'! It en the .New V.u'U '.m, Uet! a, 1819. ! 7'..' ,'io ',,,;,, ir V.'.ii-on. when t ilkintr of the I !u" ipieiiii'in was pul to him, ', hv such a vahia !'le ri incly C.'t' all nervous ali'.'i lions was not iu im, hi, a ,1 by ti;i' itie.' i'.i 'iil'.y !" replied, "That it' ii w.-ic, lie.-ic vv mi. I ti i loii-ier he tiny use Cor a l.tciilt v . as till el -e isi s o: ii:in..ii d from a disorgan ized strie eC tiie ii,.'ve. ; the nerves are tiie main spi i 1 1 ii ..1 ihe w 'i,i!e sv .ici;i bieep this in older, alul '"ill the liilinl and I -inly uiu:-t he.'' I',e:r iiiiii, e l'J il.,. ,'s, cumuli for al! or- diuarv ca.-.s. O.Si; Dill. I. A !. - ( l;V "!:i. Met 'A ' . ilroad .vay, 'iiuhurv. yr) !i ", -si, -.'ii, li. rASzizoMASfva hats. 0. J. VALTCIvJ, 510 -Vn .','.','.' rt.. rre 7 .V 9th sl.t (You'll side.) 'T!!K Se!s.-r' le i pencil a new hitt store 1 and i.'!'. is l.i ,,i,. others wh visit the city, a l...iiiJ..,'ii!i' a-s ii".;.tt i:l ut huts, cap-i, oCcve ry varieiy, mail.- tip , -C ihe best material, and in the I, tie-: .ii.,' ie t 'e, tiiiil on terms as retisona l.le ;,s c i:i ! e !; : 1 iii a:.y i-slal i: .hment in I'hila ,1, ';,',:. i. v ..-: 1'ioe li , 1 s at .s'..)tl; (iood do i'j at vl, ,'. 1 i rso.;.s I. col l':.. e. uu, try whopur ca.i e ni i.,:;t. can n !y. a; a!i li,r. s, o,i i;ettuu5 a .',..,,1 a.ti.'.e that Am p e.t -i- i.e in, .:n.l one that is lilliV w.ii'tli lite in in. -, ti..i.l. ('. .1. WALTON. i 1 hi'.;, ,!; !.! i, X.-. . !l, 1 Soil. I v. I' (KAI. 'he M t vv .i kit v I T.aveaei.) -i-i1l1i.-:;lf'l l;i;t, l)rvm. Hie . 'j' ii..r S!i tin i-.tpiuui (nf lh ran AD! !.ri!iv. ().-t 'l.f.r III, lsltl. i-Vi r.i! (:, s .;;." 1 V is :i!l;n'.,nl V!.!l ll Irn-nUuij Mlt I'M ni ii.-c. iii ;i,r i 1. 1 I 'Hit, w In. !i I :un v .nviiu-rJ i .t'''i' I in :i',' J. ll i i'i tn '. It t.i;iii.iii;i!!y rxlend .' it rt ii lRil Ilu ll. ; t r .:irt i ill! t'Vrf i iii au ilui! it r iitiiiur(l i . ,;l :i;. !:.' iU'"i. 'III i U ItH'll liilil tin ii .'. ;i,t,n :i i ;it i ti:.i' .imi;! the i!istiiM-. Imt h.iii 'i .it. . '.!.' -i .1.1 1 ii i .' lii.i:;Al U-iirtil until 1 :!; il'V. 1 )!M ;' T. Ii li,".!-. i " . ii j;if (if It. I v.:.s ji.Tlivin. i-iiicl nml !i;iVf i riii.iuu'.l iVec nl' tut; uUer- I I nt I ti iv' mii'" iisi ! tin ( lint ni-'iit. i i u h r I v ni;lir.l i'or r-iwerV-Mi';.- . I l '' l , Ll l.-:t. . , I,.,.! .1 t. Vi. With prf- I fir! S .ir." 1 li IV. II i ' -,: '! il 1,1 ii'.Hil,Ull'ir n m ! il.i- f r ii'.ft iiri.ctt'i tit' j i!' u. j J ii;;voK. I A in I f "t; v M . - - k:. . S .n!:.irv. Jviy J. IM". 1 i rn. - .ruf...-ri I (iri'i'ii' 0 ,mmi:iV.. llitti'i', .rire ri'.Iuroil. I ( Mtl ,1 l'''' 'l'ltWil.-ii'M;!'. S,lIs.lJ.ll iiLi, ; I' i'-- S.i' vi;;,.. iii.i. S. .i t.r's Mtiji r'!.i'ti-i ! In i iits ri :ni . u.;-. re's i lu rry I'i i-h-imI j I.r. I).-;.!m''s r.ui.iivu j .r. ('i;l!i-ii'- .!. j Til'-'i.! r.iin Kiiirr. j JJr. 1 i -ini- (.fi;:i tti I'.lJi'r. ! ludhiii Vi-jTiulilr 1'iiis i 1 Iuim iin.l (';itti' .Mfitii'iiifM j lor -.ilf I-v 1 1 K.N !I V M A S!S U R. tinl'ury. July I 1, 1 K Tixn rjsiPLr'a xrAW-XTiiiwum I'o.viriusixi; a rul.i.Kc I lu.v ukuvkiI 500 YALTA ML I. 15KCI I'I'.S, In tiie I'sifid and Interesting Arts with a few Muitlc ua-t rnrt.iiis i: xerriitif nl iu 'lli:.Mif.TitV i J Xl'LI'DIXti lViliimi rv, Clieniis' Conkerv, I'arnerv, lhim;, I'oiilci ti iiiurv, 1 trv Do. mestie Ui'ouoinv, etc. etc. etc. Fi'icc li els., for sule hv linXKV MASSFH. Sunhury, Dee. S, IK III. Horn: xt:w tunm i lust received at the store of UFXKYMAS SFK, n lot of I'aps, tium shoes, Altnanucs, Jui eusw are, Li piors. c.c. All of w Inch will be sold ut the lowest price. Dec. 1 I, 1S..0. MIXF15AL WATFIl, from Ihe Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly valuulilc iu chronic di seases, uud tonic reineoies. for sale HUXKi' MASSER. Sunburv, June 51, lS.'O tf 'A Also Xy ilk HATS ut ';-), for sale hv H. MASSER Sunburv, Dec. JATEX 1' Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and iudellihle ink, Cotton yarn and laps, jut received uud lor sule hv j.'w. rniLixG. Sunhury, Dec. 2, IS IS. BLANKS. IE LAXK.5 of every description can 1 had by 01 1 lying at the ollice ol the American. "kADD't- celebrated Horse and Cattla Medi P lie for sule by HEXKY MASSER Suubury, Jan. 87th, 18l--.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers