irn j II. B. MASSEPt, KD1T011 AND P110PPJET0P. ' OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. l Jf.imdi) jictospapcr Drtaotrt to UolUfcs, sutrrniurc, io inlay, iFordan an& Domestic iictus, Scfcncc nnU the Slvts, Storfculturr, awiicts, Amusements, rc. NKW SEltlKS VOI.. J, AO. i2. 8UMUJKY. XOIM'II IJ.MHKRI.AN1) COUNTY. 1'A., KA'I TUDAY, AMIUBT Hit, I OLD SKKIKS VOL. f f , NO. 48 AM R CAR TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. .Till! AMKHICAN in pnlilinheil evcrv Paliinlny nt TWO DOI.I.AUS pi-r iiiiiinin In lie ii'l IiuII' t-iMly in ilvmic. No paper iliviniliniinl until ai l nrrwmgtii lire mid. All cnminiitiii-atien. or li-tleni in lnisiin'vn relating t" $' ulliee, tn insure uttfiiti'-ii, nniM lie 1'wjiT 1 1. TO CM MS. to our (KltlfTn. fi.i oil even !- I WW fit'trcit 1i D" tflimi Five ( llurn in inl;ui'' will ny ( t tlnot yi':n' uh krrtp itn tii lln Amt'i a;in. One &jti:ne of 1(1 lines. 3 lnimi, tl ( Kverv Htil'.sri)iK-rit iitci-rti"!), ii." ln inni, :j months, JJml Six moniliit, .f.ifi One ynr, f I'M llLiMinrsn Cunts of Tiff liur. per niuiiuii, UW Merrlitmtf it'nl oilier. itiUrriiMim 1 .y iliv your, with tin' pi ivikiie at inx.-itin:; tlifiWiMit :iilv(.'Uisriii"iit wi-t-kly. WW I.argi .ilvfrlisfiiifiit!i, mi jiff iirvt'intMit. ATT I) UN I1Y AT LA W, tUITUIiSV, PA. I! iisiui'ss nllcnileil In in Ihe Counties of Nor thumberland, Cnion. Incoming unit Cohuuliia. Krlrr Int P. & A. Kmi'ildl, i Lower e; l'ai'ii'ii, Key Holds, McEarlainl A Co., j sterile:, (iimil tV Co.. j NEW STORE AT HOLLOWING RUN. Jl th-: f.'iM.--. Kiuvh. m'uf .. I). Cunrtuh. L'lircr . ("'.'".''il. ,J. ti. K A I f F.M AN RFiSri-l' TFI l.I.V iiif.tnn liis IriiMiiN :itnl tin juiliiit ut'inTiilly, tli:it lit' !i;is jiisl trcciv d Ami ojMMinl ti new stuck of (root Is, which Ik Jiow otii'tK lor Kiilc nil the must rc.isti!i;ililc tonus. JIiHftnk cnnsisis in jmrt of srcil A-i CiiZi.', Ciiffimrics, Sulliii'llf. jMrriiios, iVc Siiinmrr uivir nf r.H Kimis .Muslins, Cjilifiii's, I iiliL:li;tlii. ''i i'k-:, A r. A I. SO : An nssnrliiH'iil i f 1 1 :i n I n ul' Kim!-, inn-l ii-:iri.(l; in iim1. Al,'si: (iroccrit's oi' Fvintls. iVc AI.M): (knrriiu:nv uiul CiDikiTV wurr, lull nssnrtiiiriil. ,-Mo- Silk t'!.ij H i!-. :iu.l Straw H.its. Al.X : A II iissc.iliin'iil nl' I .i.; mil's, x i. : liitAMiv. Wink. Wiiimu'.v, llsills II ;irif!V III ntlli r Illlil'll'S, tllllsl iJiMUT- nlly iimi'iI inn! in wmt !' t"n rim-i.- ihi.I ntlirr per oiis, nil .i' wliirli lir will i l! .' I'.iiri'li.isi'iH nt a aviii:; i'l' trii r i i-nl. h l ulling imi l.ini. All liiinU nl' ipi'liMT i:iki''i in csrhanr fur gooiU ii tin' liiulirst marki t prii'i'. IIiiIIiih ni linn. April '.'li. l.'i!. if. spring a iid" auiir.R clothing. EVl'.KVIHiUV sliiinl'l i mtiraii' tliis npp ii tit. iiity I'' 1'iiv I'l'TiilMi I'nr .Vni. Vnnlli anil U.ix.s. at enrli ytif i as I. im- la-it ct Ii.tii known 'in tUU I'm, at ( .' 1 :Oii i K CI'I.IN'S t'l.tVI'IIINU K'S'l'AI'.i.l.'Ml M K.N'!'. Snntli-IOast ClirmT nf Maikrl anil Sri'.m.l SI.'i'C.i. I'liilaili'l- lihia. rnilirai'ii I'lh'ii'r i.'i t'llt' I'C.-a. iihist ili-sii'a- ble, am! fusbiotiaKo DRESS AND fROCX COATS, lliihit Clulli do.. l.ini'U D.illinu' do.. Tweed 6-i, &c, lnuellier with a ureal vaiicly of Ecys' Clothing;, C.iiisistina ef .-sack ('.;, M, I'e'ka .. Mon krv Jackets, tests Mini K.111111I Jackets made of TvtFF'b l.ini'ii 1 ); ii 1 i 1 1-'. Cloth. Alpacca, Kersa (nirr. Doeskin. &.. 'V e. Pailic'ilai' car.' has Itch taken to procure the nJ-w slvhx for Men anil liovs' .-oneinor Coals, l'aiilidiions. e-l.s, iVc In which he would imile f-iill lltlelltinil. 'ill'!lilili (!;)('.;, (.oiisislniL' of J-hiits. S lin ks, il.iud'i.' icliii'fs. Ac; ell of which arc ulVernl 0 1 the Im-, ( 'i-i'Vt rash'l'rirrs. anil as cheap as any oilier Clothing Store in the I iiinu. Pnr'nts who desire liny." Ci.nTinsii arc rar nCsltv iiivitnl te 1 Meuive the Stuck. Country Miacki i-pi'is can be .11 ciar.n'oilaleil al pr? low rates. t;i:oi:;r. ci . ;. C..r,if r of S., ..:! .V Md'l S's I'h'Ui. April I'l. lx.-.l. if. 'IVas! (Mii'iiptT 1 lid 11 Kvci-!!! 100 Half Chests Ro- e Tluvcr Black Tea, 15 " " Dior:? " 13 " iil.O' 4 our ri!U:sr: T are l- il.r lor (he price tluni m;.u, . ueu, v ia,.. .. i,.t.... , u.u. ........ Mvakili- the .M.f'tar l.m- I ' . fli) ai'ercil liei'nre in IMiiiai'ckil.ia, rs- Hotel" was !l man betlel' fitted i'V nature lor "Never mind about that, Jonallnti. - -I- '"' ; ' -' . ' ' : , ., ' , , . ..... .1 ,. . , I 1 I .1 ' V..'il 1,1,,. vni. inln llalilav. and there. ' momenl III Kuiope. ll U-Kt ipialily iiinl lincsl liatoi, l.iau.i.'s taat Waul 11 Ibill hesl or Icsi hy scuilin soon will '. . .. . . 1 .1 . net 11 lirM aitn te a! a i 1 v low price. l lie .,,11 l. well uai kl'J HO al.'l sent In Heiint or cart Ire. i.l i'hai-c DAVID PP.ASK, Ti 1 Di-di-r and (iinccr. b. 'l . I or. dm A: Ar. 'a sis. l'hiiaili'lphia. May 10, ISal. tlnin. "NATION AIi HOTEL, SIIAIIOKIN, Northuiul)crb.nrl Cov.nty, To.. rlltl-' .nWrilipr icsi icctful I v iufiirius hisfrirnils A nml the public ircnerallv, thl lie lias open- 1 r,t a new Hotel in the ("vii of Mi iu.okiri, .Nnr tliunllierlaiiil cnniity, on the corner of Shainnkiii nml Criiiiiii-rii stncl arlv opposite In Ihe Hiiu' he forini rly ki-jl. Df is well prepucl to iusuiiiniiiil itn his cuests, a ml is also pi m nli'il with Kiiod Ktabliint. lid trusts his experience, anil strict atli-iiUou lo business, will induce per 1.1)1111 visiting the coal rcuioii to coiitiuiie llie lil rtul iialroiinire he has heretnl',1,1. lei'i iteil. 1 " V I I.I.I AM WEAVE It. Shaimikiu, April l'.', l.r0. 11. .JAMES il. )IA(iKH AS removed from bis ulil Mainl, .tu, lis 11 10 street, to 'o. 62 Dillt'-u.t S;., tbcl'x Ctl It'll if (!(ew.) where he lias cuimtmilly on hand, BROWN STOUT, PORTER, Ale ami Cider, TOU HOME CONSI MOTION' Oil SIlll'I'INli. !f B. Colnrinr', ltuitluii;, Wire and llotllcs, "VineiriiT, 'C' Eoc Klilp ai tdiove, Philudrlpliia, April 12, lHal.-fy. Lycoming; Matual Insurance Company. Dtt. J. H. MASEEH is the local ounit for (lie above IiKurmici' Company, in N urthunilvr land county, ami U at all time ready to tffect IiiUNiuce BBuiiist foe on real or personal j,r0. jierty, or teuewins policies lur 111c name eunliury, April '., I so I -tf. esncE.-s' pee im.i.. F,.r aie.i. H. i. MASsMiU Sunhury, Apnt 10 Hoi. . SELECT POETRY. The Wile's Appeal I'm tliinkiii'j, Clint K'K, 'lis just a yenr Oi will be. vt'iv Mum Since lirst ynii Ink! im' "f yr Ivi, Om; yldi'iuns day in June. All nature si-eiiir.l In fliaie nnr lilies 'I'lie skied linni: win in abnve The winds from iK'iiiu kjsi's bore The very bn'iilh nf lnvo. We snnuhl llie siill. ileep forest shades, Williin wlinse li'iily niimin l'ew anient simliraiiis Mule, to kiss Thi! ti : 1 1 ii bml.s into bluuin. The birds cannlil np nnr limes of love, I'l Minus mil iiah.-o sweet, And ea 1 1 h's " i ei'ii eaiprt, violet tlower'd, li i-cau'i'ly k'U our leel. But, ry'inn's nl carpels, Cliailes, I looked al sonii.' ni-dav, Which yon will pnrcli ise, won't yon, dear. Jifloiu our ne.t si'ircc f And then remember yon. how lost In love's delirious dieain. We I'miu fcino, mIciiiIv beside A jienlly ylidin slicani ! ;T-:is naliiic's iniiror ; when your jra.e No Immer I Could belli', I modestly cast down my eyes Vet but to meet ii e if. An I itpri'pi of Illinois, love. The doarnitt ol our mother, Is ipiile oM-lashioned and. to-day, I ordered home iniolher. Ah. well do 1 remember. Chalk's. When liil yo.T aim Mole lonnd me ; Yon luile dreami'il how lo:.!X your .smi l:i iiuMini chains had bound me. Hill llj'rf-lns of A l Jones' sto I Iiiuii I the sai hiiins. my own, e lasl week, lest love '. so licli, J unique : rvi tas'c'u in w o; kmanship is most supeili 'in- uoid most line and pure 1 (i!ie loii'J, haiH's. In see Unit cliain S.ispeu I your miniatuie. I h 'iird sad news while veil were out, Mv l.eives inn inurh aliecied ; You know the navy ollicer I once fur you lejecied ? Ddven to desp:iir by your success, Alade dtpeiale ti v mv seoru, lie wen! In sea. and lias been lost In passing roiinil Cape Horn. Ah, fiyi i )".s of capes, my love, I s.i w one in Hi oad ay, O: I: is line as ihnuuli 'iwas wove 1 1 inooidiyiit. by a lairy. You'll purchase the evuisile lltinsr, "l'wi.lsuil 1 1 1 1 tasle coinpleiely. Abive the hearl lliat loves y.ui. Cliailes. : T will lii) and lull so sweellv. I , 7 t)istovical uctclj. THE ENGLISHMAN'S EXPLOIT. r.v sylv.m:s conn. .in. j Miuv years ago, when we were a mere j boy, we used to sit upon a log stool, at the I feet of Cumiiiodore Sainin I Tucker, and ; hear that old veteran relate the incidents that had come uinb r his own observation I during our la.-t struggle with (iivat I'ritaiu. Among lne thousand and ohm stories that w e have heard hill Irom the lips of that ocean warrior, the following has remained Iresh in our mciuoiy : On the western shore of Penobscot Hay, between l'ellast and Camden, there was a small clubol fisherman's cot?, inhabited by a hardy set of men, w ho had, from infancy, I been brought up amid the music of the i breaking waves, and who knew no fear be ! neath the powi r ol mortal man. I'ore- 1 , , l ..... I.-..-.1 .1. '. 1. 1 ...... ..I ll... 1 jlllOSl illlii.l (llii lining 1 iiinu. 11 ul iiir ' sea, and occupying the station of a sort of I I ..' .ii t ! ruler among llictii, was a muiuie ageii man, ; named Knoch .Nightingale, or, as he was ,1 m i c ......... ; ri.,: 1... ... , 1 . . . was lie. I'ow el lul anil alliienc III His physical mould, bold and fearless as the lores! monarch, and Irank and generous in his Social lelalious, he was beloved and re spected by all who knew him. He was a j div follow too, and often, as his small grey eye.-! twinkled in his merry mood, a close otisi'i ver might hate seen a keen love of practical joking lurking in tin. ir gleam ing depths. At the lime of which we write, the fish- eiuian (hired not venture far out to sea, for a close blockade was kept up along the coast, and so they were forced to forego the advantages of tin ir best fi. hing grounds ; but a in tv idea had taketi possession of their brains, and Ihey had thought of fitting out a privateer against the Lnglisli. Tor two weeks had this mailer been lalked over, and all the arms nece sary to personal warfare had been procured, but no vessel suitable f ir the enterprise could be obtain ed, nor could they raise guns heavy enough lor sea use, even had they possessed the vessel. Of pistols and cot lasso they had enough, and that was all, unless we add one old iron six pounder, which served us a kind ol signal gun ill cases of heavy fogs and stormv nights. It was just ut nightfall that Obed Night ingale's shallop (Obed was the old man's son.) came up the bay, and as the young man came on shore, he reported that there was an English topsail schooner, a clean clipper built craft, lying oil and on be tween Manhegan and the Ledges. She was heavily urined, und seemed to play about in the water as though her heels were made for running. Now ('apt. Enoch Nightingale had said but very little about the various projects that had been set on foot with regard to tho privateering expedition, but he had thought a great deal, and as soon as his son communicated the above intelligence, liis thoughts tutne t'j a fotau. A dan ot op- oration was clearly iniirUfil out in hia mini, and he nl mite set ubotit the work of iut tiiif it into ed'ect. 'J'lie man who stood seconri to Cujit. Nilitingale, iiititr, was Jabc Hawkins. "Jiibe," said tlie captain, "did you know there was a liritish clipper just outside '." "Yes." "Well, s'puse we go out and lake her ."' "Do iri'il.'" "Take that Knglisliuiati." "W-h-e-w! 'Hut I'm in earnest." Jaht looked tit .Nighlingak' in idler ns (onisliineiit. "I can po out in my little Jvliody an' take her before sin; knows whole she is. Mow, will you help me ?"' 'I'll f dii-r yer cup'n, ef you ijo l' thun del," was Jabo's hearty response, us he saw that the old man was in earnest. ('apt. Nightingale took his mate hy the arm ami led him olK The nieht was dark, hut still there was a busy .scene m board the schooner Rbody, which was the heavi est fishing vessel in the place. Torches were gloaming to and fin all night long, hammers and saws were sending lorth their music, and when the morning dawned the libody was ready lor sea. The old iron signal gun was hoisted on board, anil pla ced on a rude sort of carriage amidships, the rod-line buckets and bait boxes had been cleared away, and, take her all in all, she bote some faint resemblance to an embryo pirate or privateer. She was manned by twelve men, of whom Jahe Ilaskins took the command. The people wondered where ("apt. Night ingale was, but Jahosct their hearts at rest hy telling them that he would get outside as soon as the schooner ('id. In an hour alter daylight the Kliody hove up her anchor and made sail, and in less than live bonis she poked !i"r blunt nose into the Waters of llie blue Atlantic. Shortly after the schooner had passed White Head light, made out about two the Kne-lishmai) was I miles distant, to the 'nl and west'rd, just oil' the Ledges, i and hauling his sheets llat aft, Jabo brought , ms vessel up to tlie wind, winch was Ircsh i Irom the norlh'rd and easl'rd, and stood oil toward the latter point. This looked ama zingly like Irving lo urn away at least, qui otly the clipper was immediately put in full chase, and though she was somewhat to Ihe leeward, still, it was evident that she would not be long in overhauling the Yaii i. Uee. About four o'clock in the afternoon, the lmglishman came almost within hailing distance, and fired a gun. As tlie shot came whizzing over the fisherman's deck, .labe Ilaskins at once hove too, and ere the clipper came up. 'Schooner ahoy !'' 'Ilello I" returni a!ic. "Do you surrender !" "Wal, of you want t' take us, s'pose I can't help myself." The clipper hove her fore-topsail to the i mast and lowered a boat, and in some five ! minutes allerwards hereon. mand'T, I ollow- j ed by fifteen men, came over the Yankee's 1 I side. 'The first object that met his gaze, as he stepped upon the deck, was the old iron gun aniid-bips, and though the ttiougni ol ; an American pirate made him feel sore. : yet he could not help laughing at the al- mosl ridiculous scene thus presented to Ins : gaze. The twelve gieeii looking fisher- I men, together with Hint gun, did present j ratner a luiucrous appeaiance. "N) you are on a piratical oxpemtion : tauntingly remarked the Urilish olhcer. "I dono," returned Jabe, will) an oll'end- od air. "I s'pose if I'd cum across one o' your cralts 'at I could 'ave took, 1 should j have done it ; but dono as I should a been'in.r .itnv iiu.r.. Venn are Meow" ' join .'..i . - , "How n any men have yon got !" .ii.. 1. 1.. . . .. ..1 t.. ..-I . "in'O' s iwem- no us, yi-.w ,r ;:ui twelve men 'al ken lick us, Id like lew . . 1 : 1 1 "... I I. pei uais, y o a in mm in.ui u. The schooner was searched fore and aft, but al that could be found were a dozen old 'i !o!s, and about as many sword;, which were in the cabin, while in the hold they discovered nothing but an array ol empty boxes and barrels. 'The Englishman left twelve ol his own men to take charge ol the prize, and took six ol the prisoner on bond his own ve cl, b ating the other 1 six uiiiti r the command of the ollicer who had been ap i'niled to the command ol th" Uhody, anil also left order that the schoon er should be kept close in his wake during the night, as he intended to fee her irately out of reach of the ankee coasters. I'ntil nine o'i Im 1; at night the I'd.ody stood 011 alter the clipper, with all sail set, w hile llie latter only carried 1 1 r mainsail anil two jibs. 'The six Yankees who had been Ii ft on board were secured in Hie long boat, while the lieutenant in command and five of his men had the first watch. When the clipper struck two bells, the vessels were not mre than two cables' length apart, the prize being a little to windward, as owing to her bad tailing, the lieutenant wished lo keep the weather-guage. The night w as quite dark and the wind, which had fallen some since sundown, had veered slightly to the northward. While the prize makers were earnestly engaged in keeping tip with the clipper, a very novel scene was being enacted in the hold. One of the hoards, which seemed to form a part of a .stationary floor, was lifted front its place, end the head of captain Enoch Nightingale appeared through the aperture. In a moment more another board was removed, and ere long forty stout fishermen, all well armed, had come up from their place of concealment. It was but a moment's work to leap on deck, and ore the thunderstruck lieutenant could see from whence came the enemy, he was i bound hand and foot, an4 tiitn, while the poor prisoners were set free from the long boat. Obed Nightingale took the helm, mid his father, pointing a cock ed pistol al the head of the Kuglish offi cer said : "Do you think wo are in earnest or not ?" "I should think you where," replied the trembling officer. "Then if you do not obey me, you will got a bullet through your head in an in stant. nw bail I he eli nllelv" Clipper. "Scorpion ahoy !" shouted the lieuten- ; language would bo spoken by millions of ant, as if for dear lile. ; person, scattered over the groat continents In the meantime the Yankee had been of ihe tiiilb, New eland to the He loft olfu little to the wind, so that she Was brides, and from the cape of storms to the not within a little more (liana cable's Arc-iin ocean, occurred to miv speculative length ol her captor, wlnle the bold fisher- . miIl) ,)llch , yy W0;iM rrbably men were nearly all crouched beneath the . , .; . ' . , , , , . ' nave been the tongue to which he would bulwarks. . , , , , v . o , , i . t ' nave assigned the marvel ous mission, let Some one from the clipper answ ered the " ca : llolhind has fallen nearly us much as the "Tell them the schooner has sprung a- ! lia" ri"''" ,ll! !t,"l,! nations. li ali, and that the cussed Yankees must j "ei idiom is now ncipiirod by few. lier have thrown the pump bleaks overboard." i merchants conduct their rorici-poudcticu and The poor lieutenant looked first at the j transact their business in 1'ieiicli or in stern face of the old man, and then al the Kugbsh. Kveu her writers have many of muzzle of the pistol, and then .stretching them clothed their genius in a loreigi. gaib his lungs to the utmost he obeyed the or- (. il,,? hand, out literature and lan l'l'r ' ni;in(. passed entirely out of this phase ilotWd.. th''m 'U'aV0 !,1Ki yU' i "'' ,,:"'-'"'' l)"U'1'' liU'' F,",,lish' ' (,rSU.'. '. , , rr. , , . Kisi:, liasiine, nnd others idioms, is doomed llie frightened officer obeyed, and on . , . ,, . i , . . ., . ... ,. ',ii. to perish as an intellectual medium, but the next moment the clipper's helm was 1 ' put hard down and her main boom shot cd " '""" '"' b,! ""; '"",re ,'l',,"-t's of 1",ef over to windward. ; VV,"KI ",,J u,"a "f v'"'l'" n"1' uf Seven of the Yankee fishermen were l5'll'" '" wtcii ever to be stationed along the lee rail, with stotil grap- '" away. No longer cuntent with mete lings in their hands-, and in less than five presei valion. it aims at universal mastery. minutes the Ulmdy's bowsprit loomed up j (Gradually it is taking possession of all the over the clipper's weather (mailer. Obed : .,,,s ..,,,i ,.;l!,is f i,u woild : isolatiii!' all shoved the helm down, and letting go th sheets lore nnd all, the Yankee schooner shot gracefully alongside. "Why in didn't you come up under our lee quarter!" shouted the Hughs!) c.ii tain, as the lide riuan thumped against the side of his vessel ; but befure he could tit- ter any more ol liis wrath, with which he was literally boiling over, he found his deck swarming .villi strangers. The w hole thing had cotne about so Hu accountably, and, wilb il, so suddenly, j hardly a blow was struck by the astounded j Kngli.-hmen, and before they Were lullv I aw ire that they had been captured by their , ."ii insignificant prize, they were securely , , bound and must ol I hem stowed away by a 1 strong guard. j Wall, capt'n," said Jabe Hawkins who ' ; had been released from durance vile as j he came all to where thai functionary stood by the side of ld Nightingale, "when dew I you think of takiu' us into M.iiiiax .'" , i The Knglishinan Ionia tl very hard at hi--1 I uncouth tormentor, but he disdained any ' i r'.v- . ' : i "1 siy, capt'n," conhiiui'.l J.ilie, in re; unfeeling manner, 1 ravtln-r guess as how I that are exploit o' voiirn wou'l amount to ' i a great d al, will it ! Hut look here, don't, for mercy's sake, go home an' tell yeour king 'at veou gont took by I'enobscot cod- fisherman, 'cause it might hurl his feelins." -plis xUl, r,,, j,,!,,,,;,,, answer was . j.,. ,,,,1;.,,., than had been ...k,. ,,r 1,,. ,,,,, ,.,,1..!,lv. but he even wished that every Yankee in Chris tendom was in the immediate king loin of that homed and hoofed individual who is fM , lvi,rl s,,lll..v..,(.Vl. I,,.,,, .,, the earth, ..,"r ,,. sll, ,a.j , ,. ,.x, ,av, tno .;n,rjs, prisoners were all landed at least, and Capt. Mnoch Nightingale lound liims.-Ii' in comman.l of as handsome a pri- 1 vatl,,.r a Houtril on American waters, and i until peace was declared and (he embargo raised, he carried on a most destructive i ; trmle among the liritish merchantmen, i l'r.ini tl.e l.n.l 11 Al In i.n-ian. Till: AM.I.O-SAVO-V It. f mt -imee millions: 1 wo ao there were not quite millions ol this race on llie lace ol llie arlll. I liete are a lint. 10:1 11:11,1: poisons el .Magyar ileseeiit, e at Hie pie- ' lheie tt eie in j En 1 1 Hid Ameiica of this couiuiei inr; and Ionising people in the lime of (.'rum. ! well. Ibnv rain, then, lor men to talk of 1 the political Ueces-ily for ; I s.n bing small laces ! Sixly yon is nan ihe Anulo-Sa xuti j nice did not o.-.eeed 1 i ,0110 Uilil i:i Kuiope and !. America. Al that time il was not iiumer i ically stronger than the Poles. Thiity 1 yea 1 s ii'o il covuted only lliiily four niil i lions ; being nlingclhcr only three millions I and a fiaeiioii mine lhan tlie population of Erancii nl thai tririe, nnd considerably less than Ihe Teutonic, population of Central Kuiope. In IS.) I it is ahead of every civili sed race in tin: win I.I. Of laces I ving w ilh- III the zme:( cl cmtiv.iiou, me roiaves ; alone nie moni iiumenais couuleil bt ! heads ; but compaialively few nf this p!as- j lie and submissive stock have yel or-aped 1 from the bai bat ism of ihe dark ages. In ; wealth, eiieigy and cultivation they sue' not to be compare. I with the I'lrud:, the ' Teuton, end the Anglo-Saxon. Number is' almost their clement cl strength Ol all races wnicn am now ninuig ior ine Iliasll'l V Ol lne win Ml 10 lO'e-esi I'll u:e :a lure ol society and tjivilisalion tho stamp o! . . 1 11 ... : . c . r . Its utvu crvaraeier aim ."emus 10 huiko ii itv, religion, iiiaiiiieis, government and opinion prevail tho Anglo-Saxon is now unquestionably the most numerous, pow erful, and active. The day when il might possiblo have been crushed, absorbed, 01 liampled out, like Hungary or Poland, by stronger hordes, is gone by fjrever. That il was possible at one time for this people to be subdued by violence or lo fall a prey to the slower agonies of decline, there can be lillle doubt. In 1G50, tho United Pio- viuces seemed more likely to make a giand figure in the world's future history than Fugland. Their wealth, activity, and luaiatime riuwer wein in most imnnaino in Kuropo. They had nil the carrying trade of the west in (heir hands. Their laii-juiiKa was epoken in every port. In the great Orient thtir empire was lixed nnd their iulluencii paianinuiit. England was then hardly known abroad. Her dillicull idiom grilled on foreign ears, mid her stormy const repelled the curiosity of more cultivated travellers. II id the thought ol a u,l "irivuii; w lieu liny miiuiu r.uiopeuii rival idioms shultiiig them up fiom inter coms! with each oilier making itself Ihe channel of eveiy communication. At a bundled points at once it plays the aggres sor. Ii contends wiih the Spanish on the lionliers of Mexico drives French and Ibissian be fine, it in Canada and in the nuitheru Archipelago supersedes Dutch at ihe (.'ape and Natal elbows (Jreek and Italian at Malta and ill the Ionian islands usiiips the liehl of Arabic at Suez and Alexandiia maintains itself supreme at I.iheii.i, llonn-Kong. Jamaica and St. He lena fights ils way against multitudinous and vaiious dialects in the tocky moun tains, in C1nt1.1l Amoiica, on the gold coast, in Ihe inteiior nf Australia, and among the cciiniles islands of the pastern seas. No other language is spreading in litis way. Kiench nnd (ieuuaii find stu dents among cultivated men ; but Kuglish pei ma 111 -1 1 1 ly destroys and supersedes the idioms with which in comes in contact. The relative yrowlh of the Iwo great A 11-elo-Saxuii stales is iiolewoilhy. In ISO! the population of (treat llrilnin was 1 0.9-1 J,- (ilii : iu isilii that of tin Tinted Slates w as o.!l lli.Tfii or not (pule half. In lSaO, ilii.- population ol llie I'liitod Slates is two nullum:' and a thud muie than of Ureal Hiilain in l5t at this moment, it piobably exceeds il by thiee millions. The lale of decoiitiial iuciease ill ibis country is less Ir.-ai! fifteen per cent while in Amoiica it is about It.i per cent. In Ihe grerrl ("Mitin etvtiil slates the rale is considerably lower than in Munlaml. Aecouliug lo the pr.-iess of the iast lillv years in 1'iance and in America, the I'niled Plates will have llie larger populatinu ill 1S7D in JSUO, they nil id l!:-o:-e of Knelam!. France. Spain. Poriugal, Denmark. Sweden nud Saiizerland combined. Pmdei.t stales, mm j rdiould N'lif these facts in mind. Many I persons now alive may see llie lime when I Ameiica will be of more iinulauee lo us, I socially, commeicially and politically, than ;.:,prt p,, tr.gether. Old divlomalic j t..,aillis for Ihlfe in the face of a j ,MllS!.llltil, power numbering 100,000.0111) o fiee and o:ierelie men of uur ow'n race llld blood. (fKotvrir or 1'ui 1 rnv. (ireat attention is now being paid in ibis vicinity to Ihe culti vation ol poultry. Scleral of our citizens, men of ouiei pi ise nnd prnpetty, are making extensive picpai.ilions for thu growth nud tiatiie in the various kinds. Experiments aie being made in iinpiu tat irn, and in cms- I sing b-ed"'. We learn Drat one gentleman, has recently made a puie'nase of a cock und ' nnd hen, lor w hich he paid Ihe nice little , sum of loily dollar.-. And of another wo j learn thai fiom one pair during ihe past I Iwelve months, ho has realized six hiiudied j and f.l'iy dollars. 'ol :i hard sluiy to j believe, when il is known the pairs : were sold at five dollais. ll is begiunini. to 1 . ... . .... .. be weil mnlorsiuotr irrai poiuiry can ue raised nud sold fully as cueiip, jf not cheaper than beef or poik. This result is nllaiued, of course, by including l!ru eggs, whicli can be had at all seasons of the year, bv a a proper selection ami cu 'llt'iihlllf 1 1 vat ion ol Ihe iiuptiv ved bierds. C Tucv cc.lii-.Mte Ihn blackberry in il. ueiehboihood of lioMiin. An old pastime I broken up, the sprouts urn planted in rows 111 October, nud kepi clear of weeds and other wise treated like raspberries. '1 ho Agricul turist says thai Ihe fiuil thus produced is of a size and llavor which surprises those who nro only acquainted with the wild black berry. Our readets may not all be aware thai the American species has a more agree able flavor than the European. There are also diiTcrent Varieties of Ihe American fruit, even in ils wild state, from which a selection mighl be made. Miss Fantdi.ino says the fust lime she locked arms with a young man she fel, like Hope leaning on her anchor. Poetie A rAt'K OF I ABDS, A nob'.ornnn in the city of London, who kept a great number of servant, reposed considerable confidence in one of ihem, which D.reiled a jealousy in the others, who, in order to prejudice their master him, accused him of being a notorious game ster. Jack, was called up and closely in terrogated ; but he denied the fact, nt the same time declaring he never played a card in his life. To be more fully convinced, the gentlemen ordered him to bo searched ; w hen behold a pack of cards was found in his pocket. Highly incensed nt Jack's fant of veiacity, the nobleman demanded, in a ra'e, how he dared persist hi an untruth 'My Lord," replied he, "1 certainly do tint know Ihe meaning of a card ; llie bundle found in my pocket is my Almanac.'' ''Your Almanac, indeed ! then I desiie you will prove it." "Well, sir, 1 will begin. There aie four soils in the pack, that inti mates the four quarters in the year ; nnd there arc thirteen cards in each suit, nmi there aro thirteen weeks in a ntiatter. There is also Ihe same number of lunations, The twelve court cards call lo my remem bianco thu twelve months that compose Ihe year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac, through which the sun steers his diurnal conrso in one year. There are fifly-two cards in a pack : that directly answers Ihn number 'of w eeks in a year. Examine them more minuloly, and you will find three hundred nnd sixty-live spots, as many as 1 here are days in the year. These multiply by ttvmly-fonr, and sixty, and you have the exact number of hours nud minutes in a year. Thus, sir, 1 hope 1 have convinced you it is my Almanac ; and by your lord ship's permission, I will prove it my Piayer Hook also. I look upon Ihe lour suits as representing the four prevailing religions ; Christianity, Judaism, Mahnmodauism, and Paganism. The twelve cnurt cards remind me of Ihe twelve patriarch"! from whom sprang tlie twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apostles, the twelve articles of the Christian faith. The King reminds me Of the allegiance due Vj hi majesty. The queen of thu same to her majesty. The Ion brings to my recollections the ten cities in the plains of Sodom and (lomorrah, destroy ed by fire and brimstone from heaven ; ihe ten plagues of Egypt ; the ten command inonls ; the ten Iribes cut olT for llieir vices. The nine reminds me of the nine muses, and the nine noble orderr? imong men. The eight reminds me of the eight beatitudes, the oiht altitudes, the eight per sons saved in Noah's aik, the eight persons mentioned in the scriptures lo be released fiom t!eMr to life. The seven reminds me of the seven adminisleriug spirits that stand before the throne of (Jod ; the seven seals wlieiewiih the book of life is sealed : ihe seven liberal arts nnd sciences given by (io.l for the inMiuction of man ; and the seven wondeis of tlie woild. The six re minds me of the six petitions contained in the Lord's prayer. The five reminds me of Ihe senses given by (!ud lo man ; hearing, I seeing, feeling, lasting, Jn'u? smelling. The lour puts me in mind of the lour Evauge. liMs ; and the four seasons of the year. The llnee reminds me of ihe Trinity ; ihe three hours our Saviour was on llie cross and the llnee days he lay eriicrred. Tho two reminds me of the two testaments ; and the Iwo contrary principles snuggling in man, virtue and vice. The ace reminds me of the only true Ood to ujore, woiship nud sei ve ; one only faith to believe ; one truth to practice ; and one good master lo serre and obey." ''so far is very well,'' said the nobleman ; '-but I believe yon have omitted one caul, the knave." ''True, my lord ; Ihe knave reminds me of your lordship's in formers.'' The nobleman became ritoie pleased Willi Jack than beloie, ireoly lor gare him, raised his wages, and discharged Ihe informer. most st 111.1 mi:. Can any one of our readers peruse the fol lowiug touching appeal, and retarn a dry oyo 1 If they cm, l.'.ey musl bo haid- heailed . Oh ! Sr!lv dear, the ev'nin's clear, 'I hick llies ihe skimmeii swaller, The skies is blue, the lields in view, All b.ded green and jailer. Como let us stray cur loibome way, And view the Ci".arins of ualer Tim bai kin dogs the squoliu hogs, And every roasted tiller. Mil. Bkcki'.t, who recently purchased Ihe Honaparln place at Bordentown, N. J., hag doir.oirshod all the old buildings, and is about erecting a splendid mansim in the rear of Ihe old buildings. Thu grounds are to be much improved. Pr.T Kit Sirs', one of tire warrior chiefs of I Ihe Ouondagas, died at Ihe Casile, 011 Mon- .1 I.... I.. . . . .1. . I 1 t luZ ...... ") ''"'i " amaiiceii ago in u ,.-.-. The deceased was a true and faithful friend to the United States. Syracuse t S. Y.) Stan' durd. A l itiTAr. teacher whipped a lillle boy for pressing the hand' cf a lillle girl who sal next lo him nt school; aflei which ho usked llie child, "why ho squeezed the (jiiTs hand?" "Because," said tho h"'" fellow, "it looked so pretty, I could nol help il." tt Dal pun ishment did the toucher deserve ? E.r. Wo would like to fix that fellow's head in a jco put lha prettiest female face we could find within six inches of his ownand strike him between ihe eyes every lima his lipl moved or his ntftn'h' watered 4rnA.J.' AMfclllCAVs AT THE (t LAT KMIIUITIn. Mr. Greeley, in his last letter to the New oik Tribune, rnyn : Viil.H tho ltlH, few , j and gratifying chango ,, ,aken pIaco jn u,ln" ' "pinion hero with regard Id American intention nnd its results" One cause of this was ihe laid formal trial of American (with mher foreign) Ploughs, m the presence of llie Agricultural Jury which trial, though partial and hurried, was followed with iinin?diale orders for Ame rican fiom men, I'loughs, lhe:i tested (Starbnck'sj L.ngli shinen, I'elgiaiis, and French including several Agricultural Socie- ties. If a hundred of these ploughs tvbre hero, they might be sold nl once, in I heir absence, Ihe full price has been paid dow n for some twenty ur thirty, lo be shipped al New Yoik nud be thenceforth at the risk and cost of tho buyers. And these orders have just commenced. The Loudon journals Which had reporters present, (some of which jour nals' ndistiled our farming implements ex- jpicssly n few weeks ngu,) now giudi;inglv admit thai loo American Plough did their woik wilh less draft lhan was 1'ocuired by their European rivals, but add that they did not do it so well. Such was not the judtr meat of other witnesses of the trial, as the purchases, n'non oilier things, attest. Mr. J. S. (Jwyiiue, of our State, whose 1:l!allancod Centrifugal Pump" made a sen sation ami obtained a gold medal at our In stitute Fair las! October, is here with il, and proposes a public trial ef ils qualities in competition with ihe rival English pumps of Appok! cc Hessimer for I,000 to be paid by the loser io the Mechanic's Society. Mr; 'jwynne claims that the English Pumps (which ha to been among the chief attrac" lions of the department of Prilish machi nery) are palpable plagiarism, from bis in vention, and not wpII done al that. Me, of comse does not claim the idea of a Centrifu gal Pump as his own, for it is much older tnan any of then', but he does claim ibnt adaptation of the id ell which has rendered it ellective and valuable. ! am reliably infor med that he has jus! sold his Scotch Patent only far lire comfoi table sum of t" 10,000 steiling, 01 nearly -b'aO.floO ; and lliis is but one of peroral inventions which he has found icady maikel for here at liberal pri oss. He is one of llie several Americans who have recently sold their Kuiopean pal-" euls here nt high lijnies. Even mj New Yoik friends, whose toady ism in exhibiting a Capital pair of Oars in scribed 'A present for the Prince of Wales," I have aheady characterized as il deserves, yesterday iuloimed me that he sold SI 5,000 worth of Oars here since the Fair opened. Ohio now sends by way of Dunkirk, over the New Yoik and Erie Itaihoad, her chick ens run! li-.ikeys lo the New Yoik city mar kets at a considerable pioflt lo the enterpri sing ow s, the prices of chickens in Ohio bring a dime, and in New- Yoik from thirty one to tiny cents. Three cents covers tho C0-1 of traiisrioitatie,!i. This is not the only profit : Ihe w estern (hickens are so elated at the diilcrent value set upon ihem in Ihe east ern cities, thai Ihey lay eggs every day on llieir journey out of latitude lo their owners- 1'ishim; kiiom viniu.s OF TIIK At.or. A St. Agir.tine, Florida, paper des cribes a beautiful specimen of fishing line, made by the fibres of the so called century plant, which abounds fheie. The line has ihe sin'fottrurss and lustre of silk, and great strength, and is well adapted for cordage of every description. The plant is grown upon the poorest soils, ami attains an immense size. The subject of introducing its cultiva tion for cordage is well worth altentic'.i. Ptsmixr.sT Sr.At r. A slave named Spen cer was arrested in New Oi leans on the -till inst. He belonged to a merchant named John It Shatv, who, confidrnrr in his hon esty, sent him to Bank wilh S4j00 'lo deposit. He inn oil w ith the money, and was not la ken for a week. In the meantime, he had sent H(H)0 of tho mcney to '-Rev. Henry Daudridge," a colored preacher of Hoslom formeily a slave in flew Oilcans. SI 155 of the money was found in Spencer's lunik, and f'JOO in tho handd of a w hile man, nam ed James IHsiin. A telegraphic despatch has been sil t to secure Ihe amount sent lo' I Vision. Tut Ci lured Convention, which recently met ut Indianapolis, passed a resolution rc coinir.endin Ihe colored population to cnii !iate to Canada or Jamaica, in pre"eren-o lo Liberia, provided the law s of Indiana becumn loo stringent to allow Ihem lo remain iiisthai Slate. To ii;-: Mxi'im-p- AiiAin. A letter front Kentucky, says ihul Sallie Ward, the queen of tvo.-te'ii beauty, w ho was once Mrs. Law rence, is soon again to be led lo the altar. The happy (!) individual who is about to' litke rweet Pallie by the hand, is Dr. Hunt, a near relative of Henry Clay. Fatat. Acciifnt from CiMpiir.NG. Mis. Kiiiiis. who resided not far from Pelersburg, Va , died night before lasl, in consequence' of iuinrres which she leceived, a short tune since, Iroin a- explosion of this most dangei. ous fluid. Tiiiau: was an eel in Cineiimr. .'. Ak , 1 . 1 v fiiurket last week as by M an in.Mr.U.i. J, soIJ fur 3, T..e n. I """.. .mr is llie title ol a new pupe.r I to La started at lUreisiown, Md.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers