MS SUNBUllY AMERICAN AND SI I AM OKIN JOURNAL. ) o C t X ) . A SON (J I'OR THE WOBl' FAIR. BT M. r. TITPKR. Hurrah ! for l.oncst Industry, hurrah for Hirrah"('frkBll the wondrous vvoiks achiuv ed by "'it and Will ! The triumph of the Artisan has come about at length, ' . And Kii.irs and Trincr flock to praise Ins comeliness rikI strength. The lime hn come, the blessed time, for brethren to agree, And rich and poor of every clime at unity to he ; When Lnbnr, honored openly, and not alone by strait li, With horny lmnd and plowing heart may greet liis brother Wealth. Aye, Wealth and Hank are Labors kin, twin brethren nil his own, For every liijih estate on earth, of labor il hath grown ; By dyty and by prudence, and by study s midnight oil, The wealth of all the world is won by Cud. rewarded toil. Then hnil ! thou pnotlly gathetinjj, thou biotheihond indeed ! Where all the sons of men can meet as hon est labois' seed ; The tribes of tuiban'd Asia, and Afric s ebon skin, ,, , . And Kuropo and America, tvita all, ttieir kith and kin ! From East to West, and North and South, to Eimland"s happy coast, By tens of thousands, lo ! they come, the great industrial host By tens of thousands welcomed for their handicraft and worth, Belmld ! they prrrt their brethren of the ' Workshop of the Earth. Righ' pladly, brother workmen, will each E.iiglich Artisan Rejoice to make you welcome all, as honest man to man ; And teach, if nnsht he has to teach, and learn the much to learn, And show to men in every land, how all the world may earn ! Whatever earth, man's heritage, of every sort can yield, From mine and mountain, sea and air, from forest and from field ; Whatever reason, (iod's jireat cift, can add or take awav, To biiiii: the worth of all the world beneath the human sway ! Whatever Science hath found out and Indus try halli earned, And taste hath delicately touched, and high-, bred Art hath learned ; Whatever Cmd'n amid handicraft, the man He made, hath made ; By man, (Jod's earnest aitisan, the best shall be displayed ! O think it not an idle show, for praise, or pride, or pelf, No man on earth who gains a good can hide it for himself ! By any thought that any thing can any how imnrovo. We help i.U.ii the cause of all, and give the world a move '. h is a crrat and "lorious end to bless the sons of man, And meet for peace, and (loins' cood, in kindness while we can ; It is a creater and ni&re blest, the Human heart to raises Vp to the Uo.l who givcth all, witi grati tude and praise ! A larci: wot.LE.s factory is now in course of erection, at Peoria, III. Gold. Wiihin the last fourteen months Capt. Wilson, the cominaniler of the Empire Citv. has bronoht into the city of New York. S12,340.00u- in gold. The HihUoii River R.iilrnad lias just enronlnii',! liotwcen Gieenbusli and Hud son. Ilc'Milar trips will begin en Monday next. Specif. Com int. Back. Harden & to. re ceived. 13,200 or 865,000 in p"ciu rcr , . i i n ,o. lcamer Aineuea, wnicu trrivcu ai naiun on Wednesday. Thkrf. are a thousand pretty, engaging little ways which every person may put on without being deemed either alTecteJ or fgppish. llev. John Pierpont, writing upon the Tel graph concludes lliiii ; A lieio l lneflain InyillR down tin pell, ('Inscj l.ii !,n Wusliin.Ttoil lit ten : The ti:liliiiii! courier kapsnljiig Hie lines And ut Si. l. aiii tells llie tale nt nine ; 1 1 ,11 ii ,7 a ilionsnnd inilei wtienee hr dejiarleil, And getting there ail h air befors lie started. Or every 100 acres of land in France, M are under cultivation ; iu Knyland 55; lieloji Uin 44 ; Denmark 40 ; Prussia 40; Italy 30 ; Tortugal 30; Germany and Spain 26 ; Swit zerland 2G ; Holland and Austria 10; in Hus eia and Poland ilia average is 18 per cent., and in Sweden and Norway 14. lrrBnr.i.?. The Hritish bri ioncrck, Capt. Fiol ler, from Cardcnao, rfpoiis that on thu 2Ut of May, in lat. 41 47, Ion 48 50, be saw eight larye icebergs, one of whioJi vas a mile in c iicutuferenco. The liritisli brig I.avinia, Walsh, from WaterforJ, Ireland, on the 8th of May, in 1t. 44 45, lun. 60 30, saw sevtiiileen ice-. bergs. h:mo.n cake. l ive ru;il of flower, while and i!ec. ; One i up of hutier Noruiso hc. Sn'l eel;,, well lieutcu up i lluoii9'b of uulW to fill one cup ; One lemon Uirue, or two il uuill ; fciugar, line cups, to sweetcu all ; A tcui""iui"ul ul s-sk rst't ; Rich Iciuil cuke vi!l liien be had. Hake it in pun" pleusc llie eye Or round, or ohl '115:, eliould you try, (if one Ihinir note, wiiliout suprisc Tli ino.e you iimWe tlic ttsstlie size ! The Famous Sr. Ciuiu-es Kpian Bueap Receipt for making the celebrated St. Charles Indian Bread as prepared at ibe St. CharW Hotel, New (-Moans:- ? Beat two es very libt, mix alternately with them one pint of our milk or butter milk and one pint of fine Indian meal, meh one table-ppoouful of butter and add to the mixture, dissolve one table-spoonful of oda or almatua, ko , in a small portion of the milk and a ll to the mixture the last thing, boat very turd and bake in a pau in a quick oven. .i.yvtTiEt t ciF..xrific wa.xvau. rjsrsiNi TIIGTtlll K DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! a gutat DYSPETSIA CTTRER, Prepared from RENNKT, or Hie fourth Plomnch of tin Ox, aft-r iliiwlinm f KARON I.1K.MO, the nrrnl riivniilogirnl Chemist, t.y 1. f. IIOUOIITON, M. V-, No. II, North Eiphtli Frret. riiilndilihi, Tn- Thu In a truly wonrirrfiil n-incly for 1NDIGKSTION, DYsrr.rsi v. jacndick, uvi:k com plaint, CONSTIPATION aiirlDKMUTY, Curing nficr Nn ture'a own ntetlioil, by Nature's own spent, the Gastric Jllirfi IT" tl'ilf ti'nioonful of this t'luiil, liifiunt in walrt wiit dttroot or dissolve, Five roinuls of Kuust Beef in lout two hour, oit of the rlnnwch. INGESTION. T"lf!r.STIO it cliirfTy performed in the stnmacli liy th J niil of n fiiiiil w hich Ircrly I xilil' S the iniuT emit of thnl of trcn. when in n stile of hi'allli, rnth-il the l. ami if Jnic. 'J'Iiik HiihI l th Urit H-.tvcnt (.f the l-'ooil. the l'liriiyin;:. rrciiTving. rintl Stiliinlatiiin: Afr.-nt of the sto nmeh'anil iiiti slim-". Wiiliout il Ih.'ie w ill he no tlipin-lin.- jio ci'iivisi'"! of fofd into lil".t. nnil lc nnliilion of tint hoik : hul nilher n f"lil. torpid, pnintul, unilili'Siriic five condition of the whole digestive iipitfimiHs. A wi'iik. imlf (h-.'til. or Inmri'd ft'iiniirti pr'iitiitvr no y 'oil (Oneiric juice, anil lieiicellie disease, distrefB oti't debility which ensue. rrcrsix and rennet. rfT.N if tlit'rlti.'f elnncnl, or prent Dip.-stinir rrnri p!c 'f liie (it.flrtf Jiiii;( it in Iniim! in pr ;ii iilniinlnnce hi tlie nol.ri -ml of Itn: linnmi Hi'mindi utt it il'iilli iuiI "ine tini'! cmiTH tlic !.nrirh in d'srcM itwlf, or r:it itfclf U;. I; it tils- fotnnl iu I In Kt''imi"ii if imini;il, tin the ox. rtilf, Kc. It in the tniitt'Mtil used ly tnrinviR in iimkum chw, cilkrt Ki-iiuPt, tht flt'ct nf wlitrh linn 1-mp hmi ttn' njurial wnnJrr of I hrthiry. The of milk is the ftrst pro p-hr i if cii''"Mi.ii. Rt-mi'-t p f''!fi'R osliii.ifliinjr pvr. The nt'iniiti'h of n ni!i will rurillr nfto ly niiy 1 in 'js-jihI limes Hh 'vn Wfiir-it rl nnk. Jiitrmi I.icl'iu Ftatrs pail nf Prpcin ilihfhilvtM) iu ni.ny tbouxund p!irm of watn, will diL'-'nt nint Mini other I'tiI.'' DificiKi'd u:i'lif prr tlnre !! g ui1 U.isUit JnU'f, Urniiet or IVpsiii. To ih v Unit tins want mny be pcifectl) mipilit.-il, we qu;'tti tliu ful liiwinj; SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! n.nn 1,n:ill0. m liin (l.-l-rnl.-.l work o Anhnnl CluMiiisity, ri : "An Afliliriiil Iiitr'live Kliml iiiuilniroiiB to lltf liniMnc Juit 'f. uny In reji'tily prniart'il fi'tin tin inn mi- itv-mlrnnr of thr ftonnr'-li nf i!i''":.)f, in vi ! i i h various nilirlt'snt I'immI, nit uiTit ninl cjir?, will la softfinvt. flnos r I, ilifTft-it.-.l, jnr in the b mic manner as thy w- aiKl (e in t'nc hiii't:i!i "i iitiai'li." )r. I'KIU.iKA, hi lti fam-'H treat in en "Foul nnil Diet." i'liMis':tl bv TowiiTs .V Vt-:N. N-'W York, r:ie j. mat es the nnie rr;tt f:tf, nvi) 'If-t'Ti'w-rt thtt iiii-thod of pr'-Ktrati'.ni. Then; me few liijilter niithoritifR than IH. I'rrritn. li. COIJUI, in liis writ i it- -n livfitI py of lip.'!i Hi,'1 oliHiTVrtl ! hat ' n d unit in1 iai o ti elm qn-ui-tit v of Hit (iastrie Juice i! n -r-im-.ii nnl im-prev:ii!infi pail ft; of I)v.;-np!Hi ;M n,iti hp it;itr that 'M (iis! liifritiwhrd pr . f. -sor of int- heme in fjoniliin, who w pi vi-Tely iitrif-t-eit with thi o -pp'l iiiit. fi'uliii" rvcrv tli.iiir vu-r to ihil, had ri-coui'S'' W the (iatiie J aire. oht:iiin-d l'rt n 1 fir t-'iiiach of li inu atiini::l. whieli pr'iv 1 pimiph'ti-lv Ftieecssinl." Ilr. (ill A1IAM. uniltorof thefiini'i workt on ''Vepn tah'p )iet," navF '-it if n rennrliiihlc f..ct in pliVKi-'l 'uy, tint the "ttom-'flip of iiuinialtt. iiiae'TatPtl in w:tter. inn art to the tliiitl the piopcrty of uish i in? various articles of fo"d. iiii t of eaVeti:!; a Uin4 oi nuiii' i d d!:rrfs:i hi of them iiino vii th tlcrent from the na'nnil .!!-! ive pin-e!.." Dr. SIMON'S prt-tt work, tae 'Chpnnmty Man." ,ra & H! H .-'tai.1. I'hila. l-il, pp. 8 ays : The dm. p-. . rvot ri J'M tonr n n'-w ra i:i t he c'l'-nucai lo ay lt.M y' n. I'r.'in f-'ent w. micnts we know th il tod i-1 i!ifi.hc. ;ip r-'ipul v in at ioi'"u'ial di -e-'tive hnid, preparetl iroin iVpsm. u it is in the natural (tirs-ne .iui 1'iofessor PF'CT.lri of tin- .1. flrsin Collec-e. I'hila Ifihia. in fo- irreal woikon lliin:an I'ln si loi;v, devotes it. ire Hunt fflv ivii-m to an e taint aation of. 1! is Mil a-a-t 11-s exo-riineiils with Dr. Heautnont. .al the flastrie .line lanieo Ir an ine livme tiunni Ploinaen ana iroin iiaiiiiam ev.'ellknown. "In nil eis.a.." hefavfl. 'aluo.ytiiai oieilr- r.Hl ns peit i 'Mly in the nrtiflei'd as in the natural rtijjestions. AS A )YirEmA t.riiKu, Pr. TTort.HTf i.rriv.r.ili.'M tf rr.lViN' Inn prolu- C i tlif in- H nuirvcil-m' cH' i-tn, rtiriniy r.i '.-"i i'l )t I'.iiiMri.ttnttj, Ncrv Ui Di-' m;iI i-ti-1" -'mwihiii i 'ii, snp;v-M(t t.) hi on (he vrv vriirt? H ine l;r',. it in iui- Vtr:iM-lMfiil I'lit !inT!i!it:i'.ti"t -rf iti(st-s luiv !'' n pi v of iiioro ihMn 'i vu iii:mm:i;d m;i uk.i;m Ct'lM'.S. in IMiiliiil.-lphii. N.-w Y-Tk, mul H k!-ui nlm-. 'i'lioH-r wt'ic luvirly nil iic.;u ni.r r.-rrn, uiid ihe cures were ii--t mlv r;i!n:! in) wox, ri'til. !nt Mcnn.uiriit. Ii is ii ur.-.-it NKItVOl AN I'lDO IT, Btul pnrtirnl-irly liH'iul I. r li-iul'-iti'v I i ..!i-Mi r.i-'tli i, I.iver C;onji:n..t, b('VTn:iii Ay i if, 'f btwllv )r:iti'(l e v'tT nml Airiic. nml rvil ftl ' "I (inuiitit1. MiT' iny, nml "llicr dnt' nitni thu ItiLTsi ive ri;:in8, uiti'i n ( 'iitr kicKim-sh. awi, t'tr ex; in i-atiui.'. "inl iltr t"i i iff use oi nnk-iiL i.pnit. Il nlmust rccuiifjilff lli-rilth wiili lati-mpc -rjiniH. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS, Ti.ere i no . .mi of OI.U S t'OM vt'H CdMl'KAlNTS w'lleti :1 d..a. not H.aan o rein h na.t r a;oa- al onta-. io rsa'vr !, e.v had thi-v innv it lilVF.S INSTANT I! K- I.II'.I'I A hi ile d -s.' rem o en nil liiu unol-usant syinp tonn. nnd It im!v needs to he repealed, for a t-h at time, to make these mi.le,7ee:s permanent. I'l till V I IF HI.OOIJ and VII. ( Hi 111' V.t 1Y. foil v al o,iee. Il is iiailunlarly excellent in eaes ol Nans,. a, Voimliia,.. Cralnj'... Soiene'"' ol lite oil ril tile SMoinach illstresM it! I or l.atlll, low. C tin, slate ol the HI 'oil. i I ea iie I. unia. ol ll-.p deney, lauaeialloii, Wtakiiess, leinlency to Insanity, Sui cide, I. c. Hriee. ( in DOLLAR per h .ale Ouclsittle wtliofttii cilect u laslinir cure. PKPtI IX POWDERS. IT PP.NT 1V MAIL, I'll IX Ol' l'OSTAOiC. For eonvenlenee of F.-aihec to al! par's of the conntiv, tlic Hlf.l.S I'l Vi: MATI'LIt ('!' "J"! 1 1 i l'l'.HSIN is put up in llieloiinol l oiters. i itli direele'iiH to lie ttiss tlveil n val;T oi ..vr'ui, ti the paln nt. 'lunu powders Contain j ii -it the same nritt'T as the I, 'tll-'S, hat twiee the iinanuly lor lie-same la lee. nnd will he seal hv mail, 1 1(1.1. (if I'l is I 'Ai.i: f r uNt: l.l il.l. AH at (: .l-iii.l) p. Dr. J. S. llOt. liHTON, No. II u:t!i Lhlhs-rccl, I'nou.lelphia. I'n. Six pneVri 'es for five d dlars. I'.verv r ielai-re nnd tjottle km Inu willleu Litnalme ol' J. S. llOLUli I'ON, M 1) , Sale IV'pnet t . S 'l-I ti-iejents in everv tov.-ii in the Tinted States, and t.y lespeetnl'ic ilealersin aledirines yt neinily. I'OK S.M.I". UVJ 'lm W. Friting, o:id Georps Ilright, Minniirv, ra. .Marv A MeCay .1 'hn'lL liafet N. atliuuiheralnd. Mill hi, Mi Kwensvillc Selni.-LT' .ve. Ilav. s K MeCorimeA, H. j. Cr ai.e, .Mai (I. 11. nil, William lleppill. Sani'liry, Sept. llth, ISoO I pper .Maltaiitango IMalionoy. ADYEKTESUHKXT Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASIIiiVGTOW, v. c. rpIIK uii'l-'r'.'iicd Atl .rm-y mul Utin-i:il Ajjunt at tlir i t ity !' Wiihiti igii'ii, oltTB ia tit.Tvu't-H in irH'urnn ji mmy iuulf iuiu 1 t hsk-iik Inr t'tnK; ciilf.lfU. neni 'u' Ui-iiit iilly I r:ili (l ut Mil scut nf 0- '.fmut nl , W illi u ttior- (U'.'li ami l.iiiil.iur Kcqtitiltttuiii'S with I In' 1'rrccs.iry Jot. ns, mill imlinf ul' littsiiH 01, uttil h: it inu ucrt to Iti j.i.'-li'te and Ki)!!k tiWA id itf I-. H vif "iY:r in- n-ist-.-ji-s I'm ilili- tht,' 0'R't-tly ii ml titmiactui y uil..u;UiiL!it oi iiuvriiiiicia ti; 'ins ul tViTy kiinl. Uy (i tit' A'-t of Cv'iirs.. mntv I.;mhI if pr-iiitpd to th.: 'lhieri n:al wtlihcra l tin- :,r it lrJ-. .mtt ! tin: ari- n 'tis linit.m w.i nt, iiue l',:K). 'J'n tlintti: v. Iii n'rvt il iiikm in- ! "t it h, lo ih'i'j w.ii stTcil t .ii r iiioiiilik b0 acrc; ti.iti t" 1'i s- wlnt m iv l i'tn. tn null Id acres. AriJU-,'iUfU1M (::i"t? In-tll lli:ilt- Vl'lil lTtltt--tl)fi ()f til' I.f;tl jiMU-ti-i ui tliilcft'itt KK ti 'iiK ul the lMintry, t'.T the i -full ll w:irnti)U. uiul .lie ,,it' ot tin ui1t-n!n, wlicn i.-v tifl, u!i tin- iii -s: ml viint.i ..iid tiTni: I r iln- .uuaul c! taxi's, ri-di-t-'jtun "I Kiin'f, -11 I t l;txn; c 'll- rti-'ii n ilt.i.ih, it nil ir lire lt.n:iciMu ul Ktiitral Iaiw lmtmta, iu the ilillfJ'-nl M::tilinu Ifnil-'lH. lie tcintcrt htK Mi-rv ires lit ni' iit t rs f Mio fr! n ut a (lii'iniicc. ii;:U whil rriim- Kiiiii-Jl (In-1 n'vTiiiiinii, urv tirv- i -:iiitt liy it I teal Aytntl. Will a::i't tilio (Hill Ihk ileum lw. I I, i ii- i rtiiy f 'linM t.nil iii-iiut'll uiH, mul ini'iriii.iiinii nil f il . ;, i-'it iiMi'ort:ii"iM-; t t tn til ir..H i-i.ll"ii ul t)ii lmiiii will b; lnraie,n-il lo r. ''titar C-r r;i -inli-i il s with IN r.-s-in ij.-j-iiine i,.t".ntriti n if fii-i.tlsi in lit ormv of haw, will I T.ti 1 1 In iu nil li.t- i-arl n-til.u a k iv.n il I lift H'-ivicc I ln-r v uh u m ii.k il'-ll ir, Hixt their riuuu uti wilt I . rt i.liiil to 1'V r.-Uini ul mill. All c-tuiiuuiiK'4fc- tlJIl U' I'C ( '. l..TA'I',) lliltl It I'lti-i-.l I t iii iua;s c. TrrKr.R. J)eiciiihcr 'J-, Iju. PTKOI.OCV TUP. CKI.r.Hl! ATKD Ml. C. "W lUMi 'r tti ns r ot Air 1 L- v, ninl tic in lin e, i'l.ia'i.ti' il wi'.l, li 'iu r Aut i il.i-e -Ni). il l.ut.1 t uuvvi, I',,tna. ittlit-rs liis m-vvii'i ii iu tin -it i ..-us ,, ..riliiiiiiitMl:in.l n unity ll' hilH iH't'll!-iiilr.t ty nil I lie iTiiwiml ht-'ultj nf Kifujif, uii'l . i a it .tiT rdpii!an-ir. u an A wln-l-ter ituu: any liviui. itivmos t ji. ulainl avert tn In l'.iu.ttn v la- tin'!--!, ('t'utUiani s. at ;t Oim.iT ran have Il.fir Hiiitviilfniiii wn uy NiKrun mr naicoi un Hay o Ihfir h.rih. Ail l'n.i r uiiuiiiii': ih.- nir.vr u-v will up. ivt- i,n. iiirili itu uiUiiU 'ti, unft .a:tviu iu uny purl uj the i-,.r.V--."' !.. nmLc ui iii. I 'll .wiiif i.i. Wi rlt writii'ii tm itui'iK-'r 'Mut'-r , imu he tifrr uf h1 ifWi'i tv r Hii'it Jii' -iii on nnv i.m-k ; inri'iit.u ivuegutu luf t'tchuvcfw-iui Ufctinij'litii, nifiit nl a w- ii('i' in n i .;.' ; l. in Hit-pnvwr t-t nil Each ii arc livi ji t Un- livi um: t.l the Ifiit.t; und di ull ciK'H'il 1.11 nil, hum i'-r un- rfi"i t-rytti hi-'ini r l"kl prui. city, iiimI pnr.-iHtmiift ol 1'itlvry llflvrti. 1 iiukiikI. .(' ihu ab'.vi: n uti il i"iffe li i c lit t'li il 'lit in tlah city uml ite vu iu eiv. aid in Iln- l iiilcil Staltn tt 'he lull a-ttit-lni tiuii nf ull IH.MHI .NalH'UU:. r li irtipc Ii iVC ta-cil (Mhl tlill'iiig the Int t'iiur yfsirn while liurc. l-etti will oniiwer veiy pur fe, .-iiiti w ill iln un well uv to lull in H-f.iiii, nnil Ihe mail iv n nv Hit ftfti: perani liol u 't tour li tnut inmn-y tliT 'ii'ii the I'l fci Dtiu-f. lU. lti'lu-.k rorivv Ir-Jin .VH) in ii0li ii r!i! . and hutt m-vcr iiisctl ouo IJc pur- lirular I ) uiiiif lV,4t C litre, C'ttunty tt.;l State. All 1-Iter will ht- u-lii iih!y'1 in, il prt-jtiiid. Kitf iuire mt. tuuliiri cull ut the "in' onf :ipt'r uud gt an Aalrul -gi cal Almtuuit'it LTuua. 71 ix;m4 strict aUJve ikmUi, rhilaiU tpli. I'liibJi-lpiiiu, Feb. InII.- Cm. NOTICE."-" A S tlio auWrilif r inteiu'.K umlini; now arrnge ineutj in i6 busiucks uu llie Crst of Janua ry 1851. ull )croii knowing thouiM lvc indolileil to liini, are n'iueUnl tu rail and' nuke settlement up to thut tiiiie, tiy payment or giving their note tor Jut amount due- JOHN W. FHILLNG. uijliury, Dec. M, 1650. if. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At flic Cabinet Ware Itoom of SE1VN IIOUPT k CO. Market Square, Also at the torner of Fawn street (t the Railroad SUNB.UKY, PA. Thnnliftil fur tlio pntronnpc of hid fricnili nil custntncrii (Uirinfr the 17 yritrn lie linn Iwn in liini limn in tlii plate, lie colitit, from tlic puMin ncon tiniinnre of tlicir favorn. Ihirititr thin period tifl linpt entlotivoriKl to keep tip with tlir improvement f the ilnv, nnil hns BrrDnliiijrly cxtendeil hi litii- rifm in every lirunch nnil vnriety. The ptililic are therefore invited to the nttention of the present Ktock of CA11INKT WAIIR AN11 CHAIRS, MNftFArTl'KF.n BV SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At ihe Ohl ftaml, Where in nddilinn to tlirir former slock of the establishment they now munufnrtitrp Mahogany, Valnv.t & Cane-Seat Chairs. Jjarsre Spring Sent Rorkiwr Chairs, Dressing Uureinm, Centre Tulilrs, Mirbh Top Wash H!nn,hy and a variety of other new style and Fashionable i tiriiilnrc. living urciirril n Ifearsc nnd mode the neves- niirj- ririiiiiBi'inrnts for the purpose, lliry Bre now prepnn d for l'nderlnkiii! in nil its hram hes, in this vicinity or at, any eonveiiient dixtnnec. Vc inni'ls mid mi-.trrwurs, ntvt hiiMmmls too, Ilfrr' rnrniliirf of cvitv ulyli- nnd tine, Trim tiitf tvinln down lo kitchen tattn, l'rm ro.-kiii(r clmirs to tockintrcrnitlcB Pli'tnlil ymi nut liavc tlic r.-nity Jotix to pny. We'll Tiil uwliilc fr il lirii!liler lUer ilay, Or take p ilntocB. nnla, c rn. v.-tieat nnd rvc ; lliirk, hiiop po,'. atuvra, or liniiticr wet ftnil itry, Or ruiy tliini: lu ykca nml itircliing ftnils, Ff"m purs unit lurkicif (town to lilltc qnnils. Conic on Iticn friend, c um: nne nnd all, Keep tnidc n tnnving, so "poes on the hiilt." I'd" Orders from a distance promtillv ntti'inlcd lo and work of all kinds delivered with dispntch. Kuiilnirv, March '.I, 1S.IJ 1 MACKF.RKT.. sir ad. coDn?ii, Constntitty on hand ad SM.MO.N. for sale bv .1. TALMKU cV fo IIKKRIXGS, l'OI'K, HAMS A.N'D SIDKS, Market Street Willi rf. PHILADELPHIA. sHOII.DKHs I.AK1) & CHKE.SR, j March 8tlt,'51 -3in. T, S. BOSST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Seliiisqrove, Pa. (IocUn, IVulc Iu-n ttml Jcwrlrj', 11 KPAIKEl) in llic best inaniur and warrantcil to lterlo-r.. wi'tl. ' I AH work intrusted to liis cure will be strictly atti'iiilial In. linsorovc, Nov. 30. 1S50 tf. Valuable IIooKn, r IFE of CiuiisT, hiiiidsomclv bound, D'Ar- 1- llMiNt's MlSTOIir OK' TIIK 1 ' 1:11111 M AT I ON, l.UNK 1) V V-I1IIOKS AMI 1 .1. III. 1. II S, full bounded. For sale ut the publishers prices by Sunhtiry, July 14, 1 10. J. H. ZIHKERMAN, JI'STU'i: OV THE I'KiCE Sunbury, Fa. Oilier, in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. F?" Monies eolleeted mid uil business piomntiy and care- fullv ntten.l. d to. April .(, ISoO. t tl l) K S f. I. LKli, EiOitdtrtiy, SUNBURY, PA. I IAS rrt'cnlly ro'.ciM'il, aiiinnir otliei nrtirlva, a great vnrirly l Na;, Clwaii and Kntertuiu- illff ulilit'lltilllS such UK Coopers novels, ruiuplete or separate. Herlierts Do K.idwell, Uiimua do Trellope, Sue do. lliilliliurtnn, Ki'.vnd'iU iln Marry utt, C'ockton do t-rey, Maxuell do Marah, Jerrold do Ainsiorih, Morris do At the low price nf from Mj to 50 ctn jier volumif. Kunliury, Sept. 2S, ISoO tf. B"-4 jsl. lar1 AMI 2 0 0 T-T II E MAKER, So. 95 Rdcc Street. Second door below Third, PHtLADSLPHIA. VT iif-nn nil kinds of lasts, &c., of the l.-.test style and liest material, are nianufaetured on rcasoiiat'le terms. All orders promptly uml punctually atU'lided to. riiiladelp'.iia, Nov.' II, Uol). ly. liOOT, ni(ai.Kltlv4 ARTIST. So. 1 if, tomcr of Fifth If Clttsnut stt., Fhila- Uiljihia. unit 3ti3 tiroaau-aij comer oj FranUiii Street, Sew York. CITIZENS AM) iSTKANUKIW caa have a Killing for I'orlraiu or Miuiuturea, and receive them licdiitil'iilly eased, in morocco, iSilk velvet, 1'apier Maclte, or other fancy style, or sets .Medallions, l.ockets, iVc, in a tew minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paiutitigs, Drawings, kc. uopieu. Out door Views, and .Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at shorl notice. ror Portraits ot Adults ny our process, anil Im proved Instrument, a ehmly day is quite as fa vorahle as rlear weather. l or Children, a clear day (hetween 1 1 and S) is prel'crnlile. CI7'1' Kress avoid white, blue or lilit pink. Our t.allery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open at ull hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures tukea or not, we ill il I at all limes te huppy to soe tliein. June li' ISoO. IITI I1TK! I1TKJ BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indcllible WRITING INK FACTORY. So. 1 South Third it reel. I " T EWl I ANTS ui.d th Writing cainmnnity I i'l ur; reijucsled to tall and examine this I.K, which is u-tirrauted tut tn cvrruu Metallic Jims, liur ehttiipf l.'ji Calor. Wlioifk-tic aiiJ Itt'lall No. 1 Sunili Third street, Philadelphia, A lilioral discount mudo to Merchants and thu Trade Knr sale by II. U. Masser, agent for Sujibury N'ovcmlicrU, 1850. ly. NOB AND SPUING MORTISE LAT CUES An excellent article, for sulo at ln.ll the usual iriri hy J, W. FAMLINO, funhury, July 7. 1649. tJMuE BILLS. Justices and dilutables Foe bills handsomely jirinte on wi J jiajier, for sale at this otlice. "I IT-KITING FLUID and self waling Enve- Lines, jusl receiv, 1 and for sale by April 19, 1HSI. II. B. MASSER. jbLANK NOTES, waiving the rieujptipn jj law of 300, for lalo hy April Sfl, 1851 li. B. MA88EK. SHOURDS & CO'S LABOR AND FUEL SATING "WAQIII1TG- !TOAP. PlanrjfHrtnrfd liy Mionrds & Co. 543 Cfcesfntii St., rhila. YOU SALE BY ATX GROCERS VITAKR ANTED lo wash elerin in hard, soft, " or nail water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Sonp ever manufactured i thus dispensing with boilinjr, hleachin?, fee, FLANNELS, CLOTHES, kc. wnslied with this Sonp will never shrink or have any harsh or (tummy fori, hut IcHve them in their ortiiinal aoft and pliptit. state: which is in itself a sufficient rccommendatiu.i to guarantee its uso in all families. THE FINEST FARHICS may he washed thoroughly with it, without the least injury; pivinj them a lustre eijuul to newly imported rjooils. PAINT,. GREASE & DIRT of any description, ean 1 e readily removed hv the use of it, without injury to the article, whether it he Ihe finest ihess or ordinary carpet. In the use of rSluninm oi ( o a bonp, the most delicate need not fear, as it w ill not injure or chap tlic hands, hut on the contrary act as an ciimlli cnt, and is not only the viiit hkst wasiiinb soap ever offered to the, public, hut as a TOILET 80 A P cannot he excelled. Wherever it has been used it has aivon perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, ill all ca ses where a fair trial will he piven it. SHOrimS & CO., Manufacturers, No. S-J3 Chesimt St., Philadelphia. For Pule by Oroccrs generally. November 1(1, 18fn V.M. SI. BOCKEFELLEn, Attorney at Law, IHIitcrsvillc. Sscluiylkill Co., I'a. O 1.:S1NE.SS will he promptly attended lo in the " conntitB of Schuylkill, Noithuinbcih'.iidj L'nion, (votuiubia nnd Montour' Ilefcr to: A. Jordan. II- P.ellas. A; II- Xi- Mns-ser, E&jrs. Snnhurv Win. Do Haven, Edward II unlirs. -Solomo'n Shindel, Mmersville C. M. Hall, M. M orlimer Ioltsville. Oct. 8, ISoO lv. FASHSONABXiT. EATS. C. J. V ALTO, No. 215 Market al.. h'lurcn 7 If !h st., (iSouiii side.) rillLADSLPIIIA. TMI Sul.sciilicr lias tiprncil u new lit store nml dlli'rs to traders uiul others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of liars, citis, oCcvp rv vurictv, made I 11 of the best material, and in tho latest and best style, nnd on terms ns rensonn- lilc nscnti bo had in any ( slablishmcnt in Pliila- Icliihia. vi7.: 1'ine silk hats ul !i'J..i() ; (iood do do at $100. Persons from the country who pur chase ofhitn, can rely, at all times, on ftcttin a Rood, article licit will please them, and one that is iullv worth the money pnnl C. J. WA1.T0X. Philadelphia, Nov. il IS.,0. ly. CIIAULKS W i.TTC?,lT2Y II KG INS, n T "7 I 5 ' Will jironi)tly attend to rollections and nil btii Hess entrusted to his rare. June 10, 1819, LIQUOliS, WINKS, kC 'J" II I' siiheriher his just received a new supply of tin; hest liquors that ever came to .Vunluuy, Ciiiisi-tiii in part of Superior old pale Ilramlv. Fine C'oniae lliatnly. Superior Old Jamaica Spirils. Mew Knl.iiid Hum. l'ine IIoM.iiul tiin. Supi lior Old ('omm in do. Superior Madeiiu Wine.. I.isiiou do. do. Superior I'ort Wine. l'urunni'v I'oit do. Sweet Malaga W ine. Superior Claret Wine iu hottl.a, . Champagne do. lo. IIEMtV masi:u. I ."unhurv, Mav 20 1S19. I 1 1 1 A I . VDII.I'ill A UIM1 i; Ml Ult MOKK HIT riN(; ifc WATKilM AX, Impoitcrs and Dealers in Liquors, A'o 220 Mirlet street, VhiUidduha. O VYYM for sjv, u hrua't anil hu-t assort- CliHinpasnc, Slici lies, I'mt, ISUvk, Claret, IUir Kun.lirs, Santiirii,, Mailciia, I.i.-:l.ii, 'JViiciilU' mul Sicily W ines. IJranilics oi 'tin' rliuieit lnaiuU, viz: Muiina, (Manl. l'nin t, llcniusy, ite., fie. I'llic I'.i'llanil tiin, M oiioiigalula, .Scutch ami Iriuli liikcv, Ac, iVr. Hulels and tin- couiitiv trade supplied a riiila- delpliia prices on tin' most lU'cml terms. July i:i, 1S.,(J PATENT "JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. 60 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded bv tlie 1'HANKt.IX IN STITUTE of l'llifadeljihia ill (, AND THE FIRST PREMIUM hy t'.ie MAUYI.AN1) IN KTITI.'TK, ut Uultimiire, Nov. IS IH nml ls l'J, i'l,il,tlI!vl,h,, Orloicr 2GM, 1S1.S. I have used J. W'ellar's Patent Japan I.i.iiid snil l'ustu Ulai Lint; l.j- siune nine months, und am liuppy to say tliat it urpat.c3 any blinking tliat I liuvo uacd tlicse twenty odd years. I find it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet thr than uny blacking that I have ecr tried. A mi 11 1: w 1!. t.' in m b t: M . . No. Or Chestnut Street, Wm. CURHEY, ,l.i.i;i.frcr. Sucii'ssur lo J. YKLIAK, No. 50 Cheitiuit Mret't, above tiooml. Novcphur, 9, 16"0. ly. )i:OWN'S EsENGE uK JAMAICA GIN (il'K, an evcellen'. uiticle. IUiiWAt's M.Jicalid ai.iaj) for sun huriis, tan, telter, Vc. KaiUvay's Cirr assi.ui Balm, for tue hair daiul rull' ite. liaihvav's ligady Kelief for Gruiniw, Cholic, Chwluru Mo.'hus, ci.c. For salo hv 11.. li. MASSER. Sunliury, Aug. 3, 1850. 1T0NE Wore, Earthen Ware, Kaisiijs, Al 3l inniiilx, 1' unci, und Cream Nuts, l'laiius uf all kiuds. i'alt and 1'Iastrr. Just received and for sale by JOHN. W. FKILING. Sunhury.Dee. 20, 18W. 1IUOK.S and (iohl 1'elis. On baud several coji- it s of th: life c f Christ, and also a iiunilier ol gold Ik'hs which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia prices.. For sale at this ollico.. KKNNEUV.S PATENT SASH FA.S TLNINCiS A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fiibtcmug sash for si Sunbury, July 7, 1819. le hy J. W. FKILINC ll 0."E OIN'I'MKNT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, d e., just received and lor sale by 1IUNKY M.ASSLK. fcuiibury, July SS, 1819. 7II.EV'. COrG C4Nin'. excel. tf lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aule at this otlice I.SSL'K TAPER Yellow Tissue paper for covering ulasst s, eke, for sale al the oiliec ol the American, BAUD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi- I.t ue for sale by HENRY MAWSER auutiur- Jan. .7th, BANK NOTE TAHLE. CO R R KC TE D 11 C. E KLY. rt'.NN!VI.VAIA. I CITT or 1'I11I.DF.1.1'1IH. U. H. Dank n 'Ira j-, dis All invent lianks pal cntsriiY. Hank of (hrlliil.erf.linrg 1 din Hank nf Chester Co. par MASPAOACfiF.TTS. All solvenl ImnkB J fill IIIIODf, INLAND. All solvenl Milks 'ti (,ONNK("l ICL'T. All solvent lirniks J (lis M:w vottK. Hank nf lie . tjo. L tester ear CITY. Ilank of (iernimitowii ir'A)l solvent lianks 3 di Hank nf lieltyslniric 1 lllf t7 ilk II .leu under M J 'I" llanll nf l.eviKtnn rne.NTIfT. Illllk ( Mld.lletoHIl 1 Ills All Solvents ,k, J dis M inlqomery Co II ink pai l Ni;w JI'.IISKY Hank of Norlhainlieirnd pal :ltetviderr Itmik Hank of I'ittfilinrif i ills Coinm-reial Hank ' t dis ll.nik of U'mvillc p:'f far. Hnik M 'nl Holly par Carlisle Hank 1 dis I- . .V M iMi.ldletown I'l. par Coii;tiil'Mi H'k . II jre Co pnrl.M lianiem' Hk, Newark far Dovelnlown Hank parMeeli. lik ill Hitrlnniton par .ar.eeli. A- Man. Ilk Trent par t'.Mlon Hank -fie liank 2 dis. .Morns Co Hank J dis Dserianire H'k fit rr;rirtt 1 ihs'Newiirk llk'ir A Ins. Co ? dis I elianae H'k, Hrnneh 1 dij'llratere Hank i di FininerH' H'k. Hnekst'o eat ' IV iple's Hk Patterson 2 dis Farmers' l!k. Laneaster pant rnaa-ion Hank par Farmersi Ilk. Headiitu parlaleiil H.lMkiin- Co, par Fnno. Hk SolmvUidl Co car ""liierret Co ll ink ft I). Hk I'd lank at Camden par ; dis i dis Frst'klin Hk Wa-li'ii llarriylair ItanK llones.lale Haak li.i I'd Ite l.k F.!i.dietldO .'a Hank Newark 1 de. Mat.- N. Hiansvviek par t-aneneter Hank l.etinion Ilank .Mereh. A Man. Hank .MineiH' H'k. l'o!".vt M ononu;dal.i Hank Taylor-v t VI HV Co West Hrnneh Hank Wvotnint' Ilk, Willies! Vo'rk Hank. rp'Kclicf notes par.Sas.'X I.Mlk. Newton pari Tri-nt -n llanll ins Co 1 dis't'ni ai l'.mk. H Her p.., oda-vvMe.'. fl.lUrd I drs .19 Hk notes ander J par ! dis . l.-idit l dis .-, ,!,. i)i;i.. At!i:. par H ink of lielawarc par e par1 Hinik ofStnana par 1 dis Pelaw.ire I uv Hank par Hk Wilm :'n A llraielyw. pal Farmers' Hk Hi 1 Vlnware par MAIM".. Hank of Wlietlu. k .-.d Merennlde Hk. IJanor Ind 1 I i. II Ilank. AVillllilll'OI par '& I nder ii-i'. I d.s All ilv. nl Imnks disj OHIO. I All s. dveisl, l.anka 2 dis I .M.V II A VH-SIIIIII-; All solvent I.miK- i:ii mi vr. Hank of St AN ans All s ilvent li-iuks His I"' k e a.-u nadr r Ti's 4 'lis ' Mil! Tit CMilHJN . i r" AM hanks i dis ills t t l.'iel. r a's, 2' ft fir & CD,, i m ho it 'i' i: it s or rottr. iiiN looks, rriiif-.s, Eng-ravinj;,, Stationary Cilit ri'iiisic nixl 3iisiril instri' No. ?S North 2nd Si., betwen Auh & Hace, I'm 1. 1 in l.rui a. 1 MPdKT to nnler nml have rotpd int!y on hand ii. v.'rv hii'tic nsortiiiciit of uo tils in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Priiieiually : U?J, CO LO ISLC C?3 111 f'.i rir.ii:., I.atln, f Jreck, Hebrew. French, Italian Sij'.niish in ul other Ian ruaircs ; (,'Iassie.s, Ilicli an-nri.-s. ( ifaiiiiiic: s, ocahtilarie, SVh aol. .Iiivcnile. I'll lure, 1 rau iie; and .Model Hunks fur Architect ( 'iibhiet, ('arri.i ;e :md otlier ln.iiiur.ielui ers. MAi'S.d'l.OllK.s ,) Dlatil; lt.ioU of every ihsii'ipliiia. jiU'iidid I.illiot;r.ii'liiv tuul other Prints. mi sk ai, isTnrMi:xT. AecordtaMis, P.aiijos, l)o-.vs for all string instrn liicnts. ) :e and Tailpieces, ( 'lat iouets, Fifes, I'la.'.i".:; ts. Flutes, (iiiil.trs. l)cli Flutes, l'.in ut Heads f.r ( 'i'liuioj: Fo (itiilar I'cu of luslruiii lint us in 1 Vi .!.,,. ;! v-. 'i'.un' our!:i' s. ;,sau.l 1 ! unnM'-r-. Vi-diu-:, Vi-iti.i ami i, loliie el! is and S'i ;n ;s bir nil kinds nts no. i s. ie mid Ac ccur- j i dciuis A Is 'paired. eonstai i ! aot.y en ban 1 e n ;s .timi'iit w !. ifth. e mil ret a la . lot Or.-.I .IAil 3RS' Dutch Metal, Freueli l'lu 1 1 in itui'lers, 1 1 air M.'.i'en. i!s,i;, d. ;,. :nl I'l.ircuce Lent ncis.-l-'ai-er nnd oilier ai..t lii.i -k t'liaik fray- i:il '!il - -." .'.l 1 :i-".l 1 . irs, I'll sivil ti m an,l l I.i M.ii.iem'ii'"sl !;. .!r ',:.. i,, i'.,. :., i l.:u ... 'e- and ' 'tcr. l":i : ;.-v eolore.l and i.- all I other I'reneU and . fir Hi" ..! which jTi'ii.::;s auk.nt.. ilt 1'aper raii'-v Ari liiev arc tin M . t j Lily (i, l.SoiJ. - W Ut -k.OJiilj 1! IU. T.l l: Pur i; I T I ww one ' r i. in i nr. i . i- m ! t'tirti- V. UjJW.! :!s of , '. ' ra .! ,-iiow- ' Ii -r.i-f.-i in rc ; I'.i. !, :,:i.l lna'. i' ihe uonrrative . U a r.v w v. vim m;, m. iv Tlit liiv i.a Uiiw ;iri i c.l lliitt Ju l - .ri- i;lU "-i!i.r IV.tin li-i.iM's, IH;-.! iiii iii iv ! i'ii;in' tin- ii-tim ' ki-ry, ;is I v l!;C J;n''rii)!i ii,s tMiilniiii'tl iii 1 any oiiiMifiv cure i.t!r. -i'l', u itiiunt liiiul o lut-uiuv-s, nr llit.' know !r.!.' in' anv ouo, SCCIft I ill tua, this li.ii raiu e I j ami v. il!i one. tioti ti the . I f ully f lain j w u!i niiM-rv ti'ii'Ji tlu ti.-iiai v i etu'e. In u Mi rotMit.r ot' y i'i- t!i-i it - t!.i' c.iti-c nl in:in!it.i..r.; v yy ikcitno, ili-'lis mi i .(.' !ic.-.i irs lli:uiv tt!icr Jt'iMi'LTonii'iils li;i It it V.Uillt i:nt 1 0 I'lo- per tti t tiUiiiiT.iV. OA'-y 'cioii pen li'iir tw i; v t v-ri v i: n:rs ')irlosi"(l in ii ! Iter, wJi li ,'i ivc n il' rojiv of tlus ItooU, v m.iil, vr vnyr ui!i In- sent for one doliar. Aililnv. -Ulf. S'. Vol N(,'. . lTii $in ci; Mr..!, imi n.Aiu:Ki'n lw-paia. S-'IU;. (KM! ran lu ri.usttltnl on ouy of iln- 1 )i-c ir t!i'.'ri!n'i! in 1,'n I'tlt'croiit pti!lu:itiin, i.t !iis (Mi-r. Mia CH Stnt evey ,!;.y U- twrcii 11 niiil :ioVi-k. (Suiul iv sVscr;.rril.) I'atl.idi'lplii-i, ..v. It, IS. "t. ly. Fon rut CfiiK ok Kk-i:h and A;;:k. War. U A NT CP. Tins 1 ly ;.tl . ini-iir 1 111" ll"l .-.ili-.ti. s. I , Hi" ll-KS I'V III. I'l' Kl.ll. r. II- III IV to ill, lis. V.I .I't'T ll"! i,li ' ik u'li-'iir" "!l"'l ml wln'ii n-"ii'-.1" is n 'l s.i:i"i"i,m nn Ii ciihiit'" liie i iii. vulit".-. itu. I ' t IMCIL L' tliat tln-v III kn iv'ii. Hi' llfl.l "1 Uh li. cin-V I'i lll"lli: lita lie Kjifjeilily unit! cnrcil ami ai.i':, wllll"itt I'm ui-c nl !-.- I. itr-'ji, ii ii ns jviti inn i.r Iln; it"trlt ri hib ctl'-cls "I itl!iiitn ll is -:t Ti-il I tin-iii!.. Iii al a I iv irii-c 1" ). cf il w illiin 111" r.-..' (l ul' :ul. iii-s. 1 1 .- I fl :,t la 'i--." ii." il in-.- 'I'li.i:; I nliu-.Mi.'iin willlimiit u Sil'e uii'l i' . 'lie I T I'i: LU ami lt-.t E. It is ii .t.s iuTi'v il l" ;i.t u. .ili i-j i- -in;i niiul I'l.J an !i',tci. nl'l" t . .in.- ciili-n; it.-'l I., rim ! v ! ili.-.'-.ii,";iii.l yivc In-attliy B "li 'II I I ill" K'"ttl:it'tl lll'il I' "Vi '.ll. I'i.-, ..not . .ii v liv .l.i:sli.-ll A I '., n i l ,., wli. .l.-s i!. K'l.l ii-: nl . I: .:ili.l S .ii. N .. SI .itli (i i flf.vt, rlilliiill'lill I'll"" !-'l I'L-r rili.c li 'ltl". l.l .,1 ti-Ji. rd- . Juiir'i'.l, l --.ll-- l ( ! A I ( .11 'WliiiT ci-itdi :ite fi'in l IVy-r. ttic ;l k ii 'Wii aiul ii ipuuir l(.,;it L. i :.iiu ( 'l Uiv Utt.) Vmi.M'l Pill .ih 1 '!)i T 31. l-r lf- i-Veriil ytur sinn- I w.-i. tnru-M-d Wii'i :t luo-kin-; nn my 1 1 1 W in ilii t" ! iii :" 'I'i "! i . It i. ii 1 .ii.i c !! . . w inii.ii'i-ii at tn- It 1 1 Ikt's li t't t ..hi t". ' ed "Vir ii y !"' mini it n c!. d th' ; i r j ill ( 'lii'i I 'iii iii j tin' xi rt! in ni iin I i. it I i' :'" i. at -.I 1- I .11 I ll..' I' i' i..ii"l I w li.. li lin.1 .1.- .. -. 1 .11 -ii' t.l mil il I in' jur ..I ii. .'I tlie aiKe- ."I'll: till' It"' fll'lll I ' ll,.,.:ie. 1 WHS ( lll'il. I u.i il .lull K ill ii'-ii'nl i.'iis. s ni.' , n;'i' . ni ; ..: i.-n-'i. "I iiicr.'.iM.i,' l .i !" I'l Il.l l.l ill. I I ."J1 I'll " Hi" I. .si I li" IwRl . ll TM1 N T. liV I ll" II"' i'l' .li-i'tl) n.ii'UiiiJ ii.ivu ri'ii:.i.iLil nw I Ii: siii' i' nsil 'lie (liiiliii"ill. Iii;l.!!y api-lii .t I' ir r "ii'!i- new. of III" lai'". I'i .l"'."', t'li:i;.p.'il li.iaiN. , ". ,.,. I.t-t lui'i'i-ss. 1 have no hi'jitii'i il in rc'iilaiucailint; it in llie lr-nicest iii.naiur to tl.i; (iiil'iic. JA'.tl:S llEYUK. At.ji;t lU'Miv MAf.JlK, Sntiury. Jal) '--, l.-l'J. A II.M'.KAL W.V'l'LK, fio.n tlie tak Onhard Acid Springs, Ititjlily valuable ia chronic di KTiti, wij tunic remeoies, fur sale 11ENKV MASSER. Suiibify, June lt5t) tf 8 TONE milk I'-an- stnnu JtHis and I'itchers, and other atticles of .stone ware hist received and fir sale by JOJ1N W. FKiLlNU. Sunbury, June 23, lSJ'J. BATE NT Truces of all kinds, Harrison s writing and indellilile ink. Cotton yarn and laps, just received and I'.ir stile bv J. W. 1'UILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 18IH. AY HUM. All excellent nrtiele for sale by 11ENUV MAsssEK. Isuuburv Jan. S7Ui, 181'J tf. 1LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality cf parcluneiil paper, sold at the lowest prices at tlii office, by wholesale and retail. 1 RAISINS, rurraiiU, citron, cheese, ppper At Sunbury, Dec. 3, I8H. "Iliiconrafjc Your Own!" HAAS &IIKNN. r A S 1 1 1 0 N A I) L E MAKR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPIIE snhseriliersresrirctfully rail the tittention of the public to their Inrtrc nnd splendid assort ment of every quality nnd price of which rnnnnt fail to retvmincnd itself lorvery one who will evninine it, on necinnit of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, mndn tip of the best stock to he hnd in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, nnd the subscribers are determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which nre constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Klf;l, DIVilllM mill I.OMIlffCM, 3JvrnHorcrctni1rs,SLaifrjctrtis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) DIMM! TABLES, and nbo VF.NF.TIAX IH.IXDS, eipml to Phila delphia iiianuf actnre. Ill . I i s i i . m is. o every pattern nnd price, (TP!!ou:ns. wouk and candi.k- STANDS. TOII.KT TA15I-.KS AND KXTKNSIOX TAHLKS, in short, every nrtirle in litis line of their business. They also manul'aclure all Kinds and (niulilies CITAT1.S, liielintiii! a'ieties never before to be hail in Sun'air.v. sneh ns M tllofi , V,i.y k Walji t in Cni'.i.n Mii't.tditnuv; xu M'iNiison CI I A IKS. iMinirrl'iivn s'tomi.s, whi ;!i are of the I. i!i si si Ii ii, and warranted to be excelled by none nianiif .clurcd iu the (.'itiesnr elsewhere. 1 he l .a 'iberM nt" determined that their shall f.r no cm awe 1 ir persons to purchase furniture ill the cilics. as every coiilidcnce can be entertained nhinii t'.ie iiua'ity nnd liuish of their wart runl Cliaiiv. 'I'hciv hiiicles v.ii! be di sposed of on c traud tciins as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken iu pavment for woik. !V I .MlilK TAlvlS't;. llaviier provided tbciiisi with n handsome Hkuisi:, they fire now preputial for t'lidertakiiiir, and nttendiiu fu nerals, in ieiii-tv, or at any convenient dis tance tVo-.n litis place. t v'Thc Ware Koom is in Mnrke Street, ii a.-.;ii' .!. Viiu:i;''s sliire, and ncarl oppo-iic Wciiu'f'.s Tavern. 1'AMF.I. HAAS, C.FOKfii; KE.N.N. Sun'iH'i", ),'c. 1 1, ISoO tf. "DEATH'S DOOR." l"ar tin i xiiri vniiii, liii-li ir I ' ' I.'! .-liici- "f sli k'I'IVi ; lac I l .. .ni,l I,,,-. M,s. M ini. I lilt ( lllllr ll. WIS. m Slir CX.U'- I IJi-iHi s il ' hy Uli.-.i- I 1-'. V'l' !l. Ill,'- ll'I lill'." '' J l r. 'irv.-t ti'T "1" Ii.t H.'wre -ul. in ;ifii. -.'t h ii It :i. ! Cr Ki ,''( is :i;.iiln-;t. I's 1 ''!. u 1 '!Imh, li.-'ils. . l. ri.i- i :t" 'i . s II I il il: 'ii. frlilf'.--. III. I lu-v." lin' HI -.1 wv.'l.. "II- ns. sir,,, l'.niiie.nh i '. 1 ' II' . I':il:i; . S.'.niiii. ll-i! :! I.'i 11 .Se W i-i;.!!' s ill tin' t ii.t l:niir. (.'u;il'rs, S-II o . r.i!!.i., r.'l.l.i, kin ! I,,: Tin It ii Arm; t i ki:u IN (INK KtlDNl). t t: ;!'t.i i-r ;"i n ii: he '-un in mi instant, fir I' .1 1.. - ti '',.'I t 'il' ti).' 1'T. , il S v ..I, r." P and U.-.j.i-r: 1 1 . -ci,. l.ntiii thu pans vi In ' . '- '. ji:: ni a fi'W :iii!m' : .a .'il 'I'. vi i; ;n:- r.t ill . ii will airr s th ; 1 t'l-i'i: --. sl-.p V- isiMMi:. nr t i 111 pain is Iiii :.. N.-nr it iln pain St VI -lent ' I'"-'-'' w. 'a i- nl,. t T ' 1 ' I 1 1 ! - h f ,ilv I ; i is uT''naini: lia- :n iii.. li I-V AY i'l).. W r.i't uMr.-.;t. IM.M' TiHI. I T III '! Mil , .'.iJii.Lisii ami iaiiwci; tiik rn.vii.M.H ul' in: i rv, P mv ' M Kin' Ti:') Soap. tv V M" r i'.- 1 iap, r,i lavurai-iy tvituwa tlnMuiili-'-''- !;::' 'It' U m M I "' lis i.!ii'ii;i''y I :ud, plM'tl ii I f ' '1 'i ' a l( t ! "i ' ' in tlit'S'iin; wli'lh hy its nrii"li p .r.--.- n ill ii iti'i'.' -, ,,yy vest ! it fXp-M. :ol i'i- ir. :;, i -'i.i' i , c--'ry iL-nK'n'-y '.o in- .ili-M. an.i I-.. ' ii. :y tii.-Matf-i 'nil ri-.liif.-i-, t.nt. ' S,i 1 -.-I . -.,:i-. '''ii'i us -I Ina riruiii' mi M" 'I .. I" 1 1 'ttt j :u. iri t . tilt rilt rk, the '''' V.: ''tit ir- .., nf !iu h:-iuls Ulld . ' ' 1 . ''' 1 ' ' ' 'i : -' ti i '' l :i at i.i ri'.ti nvl in- I Tv. I r-t s f; , i.I III 1-1 a- t.'itft. i!l 'li and 1 IV . :ir it : 'ill "f s-". :i.ui'-r. "t t'r K rii. l .!r;ik I. 'Si I llM'l'irtl, " l 1 1 J "1 Mll'Tt'" i in -i iiiilmnnt tti ti, Hi. 'M .i-'ii ri.-Un -vvI.'.'um- I. lis 'MTtirH h . V- -ilil:!!;!!1'! I! S.-li-c ' m ''. c is.ii" t.-s. li .til nl 1 '.nr . ci n.'t'. hy ! M' !i ll tmi f uil juris I 111 tlic t-illMltl'! t-i'tii' I'l I Iii: Km" Tn:- i i.'iJk will !iiihi 'k M- lie-it. .1 .:ii. ii l!.f 1'ijly -.-.n I- it,' in ii..' ; i tns Iris li.'-u il iiini'tit rii'init'., Jiidw:i s . ii -"..- i . r mil I iiri:n i "lis in i : ,r l -ii .1 tin.- inin.,1 n;i .ti Ik m hi i nrimr. . '.ml lit n -n. t:d l;d-r .! -1 ii:.,: il..- m-i.i-uiv . C It. li cm!.j. i'ric 'Ji cut'.--, lame M- n. i I'i .1 111- L'!' (V ..n i'i It- :tr II, l:i :it- pr.'t . I iltll- '..p I II i)i AV i- iiom'i u o r. ami;m o r bkaity .rii:i'i' m:iidi' t i.i.v 1- A 1 1 .'.'.4 i u:i- IAN r. W.M. ( li: lid IV t U tir 'I onic in isc, "li Ml" I ;i- r l" I k'ili'K ir ol:ni. riiri8 S in n i n t:,t. lj.vut f i pa ti'c li -i i r H it -r,-i;i!. liiu'. mil'intll, 'IT ami t tv. !. li t ir In' :,u:kni..i v i!l I l-'.ir I I: ni It mIv:i. k 'mv.-i;ni i;i!n : t in! ,'-i ir, mid iri in ii-. t- p.isiti l ri i It v. il is i 'J Ian- 1 1 in ' " li'i i-l . 11" I I III 1. .1 I',.' 1. I.. i i li.!i r the in -tit trndi'i '' a 1 t -Ji i-fiils inr It 'tMt. mn! ll i i" wnn .in .' I . M i;' ,r pr. ! :tti iti Uv, It Will iv -i . "i t ."; i.liiil S c rh:it iiie mi -:i-i. i t'i.. n; u iTii-li Imttle iii ( ir- ii il tli lt-.f. I'M. i I il t-.i m lt.,:,:i i, A. Ti. V.'!l. I'l til.- Bill. rtiturc .a Ita.t.vay II M '.a ii A'i(r, I'i, I- Mil)' CSDICIITEQ. ( in'.i 0.y;.enai, il liitlcr, price reduced. !i Tiiivn.-. ti d's Sar-iajiarilla. "aii..iii.iii!la. I'M J i. -nil l!.,',..i-..S. S v.i i.e'o Sw. i v tic's vic's CL ll'r. Iraki Dr. Ciil'ci '1',!.! 1" " nip i't i 'eri!iiti!';c. errv I'i'cl.iri 's I'att iivU. .in Kilh-r. !d C'herr ir. It. II. mil n I .miian UittCI Indian Veiela!.'.. Pills 11, us;- und Cattle .Medicines l'ur sale hy HEMtV MASEEH. flii.lmr.v, July 1 1, 1S!'J. JACOB RHED'is ( i.n ii:. noons, Su'ithuct Corner cf Fifth nnd Mnikct Streets. 1 1 1 . 1. A I I I. I'lll A. w no always keeps on Land a laro stock of v i rt. lv ot t i'illiilii' made t.p nf good in ilii i.i!-. and in llie lutes' ami last styles. He would nLo iiiii.rai i!te j. n t ! i.-, that he pays ronsi derahle atteiitinn in Lef.iiii; up .fliht.iry C'loUilug, in eood st I.' nnd o;i n .'..suiuible teiiiis. June I... 1 S.'.O.- ly tub prsnrLB's VADr-iiBCtrrvi CliMI'ltlSlNi; A ID!. MICTION OFOVKR CJO V A I.L'AllI.f. RECIPES, In the L'seffl lute, e;Jinr Arts with a few Siltiale nml I'lirii'tls i:e-ill.'Ht Iu I 1 1 KM 1ST HY : J NCI lTiIM! Me li.'iii. s, I'eifittiif iv, Chemistry I'm kerv. Farriery, Dvinc, Confectionary, Do nieslie l'.coiioinv.etr. ite. etc. I'rice d i ts., for sale by ' HENRY MAsSSEK. Suiibuiv, Dec 8, ISIS. itsoiti: i:VGiMins : Just received nt tho store of HENRY MAS. SEH, a lot nf Caps, (ium Shoes, Almanacs, I jucensware, .lo. All of which will be sold at the lowest price. Dec. It, lion. rAI'S. An assortment just received. Also si ilk HA'i'S at -ji-JSa, for aule by II. MASSER. Miinburv, Dee. 818. T EAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin 'l ea Company. For sale bv J. W FKILINCi. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1K48 1A".OUS. A superior article for salo at the .lore of IIENKV UAfSSER. store ol Sunburv, IV.'. Ifi, 18.M', LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDTCK. PYPPKI'SIA, CI1U0MC Oil NERVOUS nF.niUTY, 0ISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil rlifotiiM nrlfiiifj from a dinnnlnrfrl livrnrito-. irmnh. diirli no rnnft ipnlinn, inwnrtt Vikn. Fiillnwu. or ' McwiH ti tho lit-rifi, AriiliTy of llifl Htomnrri, Nruiqr, ITpnrtl.iirii. rWnut f ir Fowl. fiiHnrM or w-Hifht in the HtMtn:n li.s nr l .niftiti'.nn, ttikini ir flnttrriiiff at th pit "f 1 Pt-miirh. Pwiinniiiie f tlif)ipil, hnrriltinrldiffirult hrtrithitiff. fliiltcri'iii nt Hie licnrt, rh'tktnjr or rnT rrtiri)r, rti8!iti'iiiw wWh in fi 1 inn p"Finrp, Pnnnwi nf vision, rl'tor w' iHf.-roih fciht. Fpvt imrl dull rtnin in the lirml, N-t'cirnrv of wnptniiioii, vi-ownr of the skin mid twn. pnin in tlif sirlr. lnlc. rhojtt, lintlm, Ar., uuMm fiunlMf nf lifat Imrninv in tlin fl'li, cMistitnt imnginingt of evil, nnd prrat iliirr?siii of fipiritn, can m rrrixTi-AixY cvnr:n uy DP.. HCCFLA1TE3 ci;M:nRATi:n gfitma?! hitters PfiKPAKKn Y Pn.C. M. JACKSON, AT TUB ckrman Ainnicixn store. No, K'O Arch St., IMillailolpliin. Tltfir p-ivr ovr t!ie nlvive rtirnnrs in not exeetle-l. if MinMt'i, li- nnv nllu-r nrovirnf ion hi t!m l'tiilfl Htntr I n iVmr-'n ntlift, ju inniiv c;iscs uitur nkilliul plivniciana lui'l tniM. 'I'i' ' Ilitifr tiTi- vortliv lliry nttentioti of invali.l. r s't stiinj i(r-it iritp-f mi (lie ri-iific;Hinn of disenic ut" tli'- l.ivr ttnil Ii fsit pluti'li. rxiToisii ff tlic most searrhiiif V wi ri, iu wciknift rui'l firtrriir-ns of the .lirstivc organs, tln-ynri', wittml, s u rntnin nn plfwuit. ,, rrroui tlif ll 8t m Uoc j Tlif niiil, 1)f-r. 20tl '1)11. IIohFTM' fri.HfinATKn CKnMS TllTTKfTS fi if the fiirt of ,ivi-r t'unipl ntil, .Liiirtdiri", UvupfpBiii, CI iron i or .Nt-riMnt l--t.i!iiv. is il-s.-rvtullv one .,'f the inont popu hr iiK-tlifim-fi uf ihr ih.v. ' iro Hitins hnve been usr Uy tli 'tiaiinN, nil. I n ftiivtil nt onrrHmw hiivh tie hns him M'll rf-i-ivrij nn rfl"rrin:il nml ponrmm'iii cure of l.ifer l'o!ii'l iii't i in tin- ! mi' tt'i rt-mti!v. rvr cmnvincfd in tin lift- nf tlirm liittcrit. Hip prttifnt rotistantlf L'-niiti nit' ncth :nnl vi"r it fnel worthv.if yrcnt roii)iirl niii 'ii. ' :inr !.:, in i:ist nml junHI. and f:n f nril hv ptf iii.i wi'h tin- m-ist li.-lii-iiTr Ki.iitfirlnt with siife Iv, mikIt any rtn-intisifnci-s. i,re sptukine from t-pfii-i(Cf. :m.i t- tin- tilHlf-ti tl VP Iirlvi'' tlirir Uiie." .luili? yi. M. Ntnii. n iviitl'iTi-Mi wiili print scientific uii'l liit-riry ;tnnii,iiiciii?, f;url in lus "New York Veehl"f Mrvfii'i-r.M .I:iMit:irv fi, 1-."i(i : 'Pr. II nil !.!'( (mtmi im HittPifi. Hure in n prnnarntion wl.icii tin I'-itihtii; pri-fst-s in tht" 1 'nion nppi-nr to he titinni in 't.r. in ii'fiiniiM'inliiiL'. ninl the p-hb n in nhvions. It is rriiith' niter :i pi iiTipiinn m? lnnUy one of the im-nt rtle , lir-itril plivfi'M tns i 111 'd'Tii tinn s. tin- hit.- l'r. f'lir strpher WiDi'-tm Iln H:ni;l. 1 r f" r to the I'nivrrnity nfJenm, private I'hyf-irrni to the Kinif of I'rtiKriii, nnd one of thu uri iit-'sT hh'iIi'mI w-'itcr liiTiimnv has evur priKlnenl. )! was inphntii-tiMy thi eii'-iny "f hiiiiilniE;. ninl theiefore i ni'-'liciitf nf wlurl, hv v:i iln inventor and andorswr msjr i h enii'Moii'tv ri-li-'d "ii. H-' s hitiMv xf nimtendrd it in l.ivi-r t.'-mipt lini. I'. i"'piia. pi-hUiiy. Yertnjo, Aiidir of tin it'.iii.ii'h. i ' 'nM;i;.t i-in. nnd all r-otnplaints nninp from n e n.i n n n: i'; n- tnach. the liver and Hit inu-s'itu's. Nini' IMiih.i;r,dl.i.i papers fxprrsn their jonvie t'.'ii:'l !t- pi-r'!''M-. ; srvrsil of the e litor tpt(ik of iirii 'liii-if. iV'iiii ihfir own individual rxprienrp. 1'ndrr tlif?t' r-ir' -inivtati'" m. we u-! wnrnmt.-d. n't only in calline;. jhe attr-ntl n of otir ri'inli-rn n the pn-si-nt prfseiit prtprir t irH (Pr ,M. J ir-1, nf prcjiaratinn, 1ml iu recommend-", jtii! the attit-le to n I niMri'-d " More Evvfrncti Tim ' Sfitiiiiliw Cwv.t tir bent CHtnify ii'-wpiiin r pnhliMKil in ihe t ni:i.d Sutm, tho editur Suva Dr. If'tntliintVs OrrmcM Hitters. 'It in ( tent M. I -in tital w' r-'ft'i'irnehil what mc tcniifd Pu. "him. in t ir tM!i:iU n"e and iritronai'f of om : and. th -!t'i.irt't lifii w- rr niin'aid In. llif-'t'-.-nim r.ii '.i;, uv wis it t" ! ditnu'tlv limtej- 1 itld'f si. .; ih ;. v. un it ii -I Jtii-iiiii.'j i thf ii'trrums ot th tf.i ,t'.;' a;-- i: i.-.- l id, -ut l" i j i,i o f p i l -tl mid llietl for K -lu n air -i t'ji-v ln t-d .in- ir aailty raec of liliwhlnf, hut "t a Pii-dn'iin I in-- fjt ilii;.'ifi. nnu'ersalty prized, aiicl which h-s ir."-t !' nar: v appi.ivat t. the I-'ac'ully itnrlf." Thai lias ini'dii'iin" wnl rtire Ki'rr i' niiplaiiit and Dys pi-; --i , n i t-andntiht. afti-r u'uy: it i.h dtrcL'teil. It art! ,-'aaira!iy np mi tl:e r- tiri'i and li.'i-i' it in prril"erahl t" ' a! 'in ! !ii a1! hi! i nts diVt isi's tin: rfiVet in itinncdlute. Tli.-y c in li.- aa.iiiiiiftjT''d tn l'l'iii.ilc ir Infant with aufttjr und;-.' hcin-ii!, at any t m-. n;VAi:i; uf rur.T;:f;rKiTs. T ii in- id in-' t at aiin-.l that hi h rhniai-tT which is li-. a - it v i r ai! ni" !;,i 'it s to alt aii 1 1. ii.diu'r i-nniitf i fetters to pa' l ifih a -.pan .us ai'i.-ii-at thu rik vf tho lives of 1 n are inn ia ally d- ti. I.uulv WKl.l.TO 111 I. M AK!(i UK TIIK fiKNL'IVC. Th'-y havr tl.o wr.t'.'n jti.'f.inirp of . M. JACKSON up -a tin- v, -iap;M-r, n;vl iht n tan- dl-iwn in the Hrttle, with-'. c Ll r Wiiu'li tijfV nil' r;itli i.ft. I i-l . w h 'l.-sali' and '.flail, t1" (rt i,tr,, At-'ilti i'lt N v l-J't K( 'II S:r.', t, tw t ...r NVore. hr-.w Sixth, (lats tf 2T- Ha. . JO.'.'O I'hil'lphia. and Ly ut-m-ral!; i't 'iijh- n! tla- ."nnt'-v. At ni: I'or hv II. .Iai:k. f M'i'rtv.'.iM. A-iy.t 1 T . 1 V fKjK'cUihic oeitiav i.hury, mid M. A, V7. P. PSDDRICZS'S (I. A l t: I'Aii'l'.VMil HI-' r S.'Ult Ac'K) V:i! :t"-vli r3;ui!?!;if (tu y autl I'alnt. SI '. ', -V. North !'' !!, Street, A I F.'.V lliiill'.S All'iCI-: CIII'.llllV. WEST SIDE, rnii.ADEi.rru a. f'uilj.'l'.'l i ci iif.titt ni:' for snh, at reduced: , nth! i.l i'l.Kriur ivmlitu, tlte ful- mini v J.i i is' mul Oil rl .Hi Vurniiilira :. tin I nr.! Hani s.. Vnrnivli : llrmvn. Willis l..ini"r .I..; Arti.-isi, tt'iime ant I V m,iVr' M i', rials ; I't TTV I' ui c I'l ru:s. I' M I'S. 1 1 1 1 V . I Oil,. AM) VR K 1' !! 11 I'i Ut 1 1 Ml .I't lt: lt:; .Millmrrs' Varnish, i.lii"ii."l . 1. 1. : III nl, .l.'ni'i f i li.'ii ; A.lhrsire Ho. fur. I '.in. i U .., : Tir-'iir.' :.i ' V.'m.l 111. iks ; Artists' Co. Ilry ana ii. 'I ... : .-n' I'.'.'l Hit:, Silrer, mul li.-riiii.u I., .n : li ! t. Silver. n...l (' i;.,it Hmiim ; Gl.; i r' I;. ni M-t. Aim, vi-iy ijimur Sli c IllQcktiif s.i riliiri; In)-: June j". 1-"M. WATTS' ITErvVCUS ANTIDOTE AMI I'M YSK'AL UCSroliATIVE. TII2 IlrDIOAtL We-jfDBH OF THE. - . ri. 1''7I1.1. p v-iLvelv erne nil stages of Neuralgia, Tie Dolnr.iiix, Men mis Headache, C'h"-. li ra, I.ivkjaw, 1 1 Tihopliohia eonv ulsions ; will restiire iiiaiiliO'id to its pie.-tuie vimir, even aftr. v.-ars . f pru.-'iti.iii, and the only known and car-. t;iin cure t' r law spirits nr mental deliiltv, Lxtract from tlie New Vmk .-in, Oct! 3, 1840. 'J'Jif ci, :atnt l)r Watson, when talking of th niiracnl'iiis piiwer ot'" atis' Nervous Aulidot:,"' the ipicslioti was .ut to liini, '.Why such a valua-. hie remedy lor all lu nnns ali'n was not in-, tiodiiced hy the al faculty !" replied, "That il it there would no loiiiifr he uny use for a. t'.a'tii.;.'. a..ail .li.:a.-.'s otiainated froiii a diHorgan-. i.ed strte of the nerves ; tlic neries arc the main sprint! nf the whole system Keep this in ordrr, and but ti ihe mind and lu'dy must be." Four ounce phial, Vi doses, enough for all or-, diu iry cases, ONI DOLL ML f-Ol.l.) li Y W'r.i. McfAK TV, liroadway, Sunbury.. . cj't-inl'L'r, 2S, H50. tf. MAIKMSAN'Y AMI MAIillLE. AMI 11 :iic SHOP, Corner of EU ecnth and Ridze Road. AND CA 1U NET MA k'ERS, CESEKAL FURSlSHlSli STORE'. So. 134 South Si eond Street, below Dock St. k Pi:ii.AHKi.i'iii.. flHE fjli 'Ciilieis would call the special attcn-. Jl tjou uf Cabinet Makers and others, to their, very evletisive ussnrtnient of mateiials. in, tlicir, line, consisiintr of .Mahogany Veneers, Hoards audi Flunk, 11 air Cloth, Curled Hair, tilun, Varnish, Lo.'l.iii'.; tlla-i Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Dcdj 1'ost.s Msi-hlv Tups, and every descrijition of Hardware Tool, Xc. Caiiinet Makers re ijdiinr out of the City, vtoulj, find it grca'Jy to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials aa they want,, connected with their business. All our goods ate WARRANTED, of the best quality, nml t very reduced prices.. Our Terms un- Cash, (no trade.) We guarantee lo gi'C every man the worth of his money. T. & L. 'HKM,PS0N. X. 1!.. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail, Plunk, and Siuir Uallusters fur Duilders, also, Maible Mantles, always on Laud, and every At scripUoti of turned work. June 8. 1850. ly BLANKS. R9LANKS of every description can lie had by QJp applying at llie utiica of lb American. IJI RE WHITE BRANDY FOR 1'RESER VINli, just received and for sale by 11. 11. MASSER. Sept. C8, I8.S0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers