SUN WRY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Bj) ittagnctk Eclcgrap!). For the Sunbury American. DISTRESSING OCCURRENCE ! 1 I Danvime, June 18. 1851. This morning about 10 o'clock, Henry Wenck, a laborer in tho Montour Rol ing Mill, was caught by a band nnil carried round one of the wheels and horribly crush ed Tho be!t medical attendance won im mediately procured. It is very doubtful whether he survives. second dispatch. 12 o'clock, M. " Henry Wenck expired about 1 1 o'clock, tA the injuries received this morning. Pitts ntnutti, June J7. The River continues to full. There are now only four feet of water in the channel. The Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road will be completed to Brighton, for certain, by the 4th or July. Chicago, Juno 17. A dreadful storm prevailed' on Highland Prairie, Henry County, on Friday last, during which 25 buildings were blown down, and three persons killed. New York, June 17, 4 o'clock, P. M. We have as yet no tidings of the Hum boldt or Niagara, now fulling due from Liv erpool. None of the steamers expected from Chagres, Hostos, June 17. The jury on the case of Hays, one of the persons who is charged with being a partici pant in the rescue of Slmdtach, came into Court this ninriiitm and staled that thev could not agree : Whereupon the Court dis charged thorn. pHii.AtiEi.PiHA, June 17. Yesterday evening a pleasure party from here went on a moonlight excursion on a learn boat to lledbank. A disgraceful riot took place there and a number of persons in cluding women and children injured severe, ly. Individuals were stabbed and sumo of them badly wounded. Soino of them were subjected to shameful treatment. A large number of the rioters were arrested, and six teen of them locked up at Woodbury jail. The New Jersey people were outrageously ised by the rowdies, ami a party of women grossly abused. The Captain of a german volunteer company is repotted to have been shot, and dangerously injured ; and reports were iu circulation to day of two or three deaths. A bar-keeper by the name of Diver, it was rumored, died this morning of injuries received at the melee There was another Btory that a man living at Woodbury was shockingly cut in the tight, and could not survive it. A stage driver slated to a gen tleman that a citizen in Woodbury, when the coach loft this nviruiug, was lying in a dangerous condition surrounded by his fa mily. TREMENDOUS NEWS ! ! ! San Francisco in Ashes The Hotels and Custom Ihivs'. Horned Shipping Consum td Millions of 1'mpcrtii Destroyed ! ! ! New Oui.eass, June 13, 1S51. Tho steamship Alabama has arrived at this port from Chagres, with California news two weeks later than previous advices. She brings the lamentable and astonishing intel. ligence that the city of Pan Francisco has been almost entirely destroyed by one of the most destructive conflagration ever known in this or any other continent. The particulars of this lamentable disaster are too long to be transmitted by telegraph im mediately, and the fairs must be very briefly stated. The news came by way of Aeapulco. Property to the amount of fifteen millions of dollars is believed to have been destroyed. Among the buildings burned are the Custom House, the Union) Parker. National. New World, City, Del- monicoes and Exchange Hotels. Also the Roses Building, and the otlices of the steamship company. The lire spread to the hipping, consuming a large number of ves sels lying at the whaives. It was discover ed in Clay street, and ran through one dozen blocks; quickly spreading to other parts of the city a great pail of which is now a heap of ruins. Hunter, Gcoige, Main, Centre and El-Dorado streets are completely gutted. ut most consternation prevailed during the fire, and Ihousauds were tinned out of house and home, having lost llieir all. Measures were about being adopted to roiievo ihe distress of tho sufferers. It is feaied a number of lives have been lost. Business was entirely lost sight of. San Francisco presents a sorry and heart-sickening picture. Tho means of arresting ihe flames that were in possession of the authorities proved of little avail be fore this tremendous flame ; and so exten sive was tho field of labor of the fire Jepart rnent that little was produced by Iheir ef forts. The consternations of the inhabitants was very great, and of course every thing was in coufusion. The number of persons rendered houseless by this calamity is be yond calculation at present. The news from the mines continues to be of an encouraging character. New discov eries were daily being made, and the pros pects of the miners are highly favorable. The quartz crushing machine is bunging a rich reward. In some instances the average per man was from twenty to fifty dullurs per day. Lynch law is still in force and several example here have been made, New Yohk, June IS. Midnight. Tho steamship Crescent City, with two weeks later news from California, is at anchor in the bay, but as the night is ery dark, she will not probably come to the city till after daylight. New York, June 17, 1851. The steamship llumbolt, from Havre Cower, arrived thi evening, bringing Paris dates to the third, and London to the fourth inst. The propol'er Lafayette, from Philadel phia, reached Liverpool en .;e Jd inst , ing previously put hito Queenstown. Her air pumps, as has already been stated, gave way on her 4th day out. She performed the rest of the passag with engines working under high pressure. The U. S. frigate Si. Lawrence sailed from Southampton on the 3d inst.f for New York'. She was to touch at Lisbon, to land the Hon' Mr. Haddock, the American Charge d'Af fairs to Portugal, who was also the bearer of a treaty between the two countries. The commander and officers of the St. Lawrence gave a grand entertainment on the day previous to her departure, to the Mayor and corporation or Southampton, as a return for the hospitalities extended to them. The Exhibition was visited on the 2d inst. by nearly 50,000 persons. The Queen was present. FRANCE. The news from France piincipally relates to the President' visit to the Piovinces. Ho has been received at Dijon with great enthusiasm. The President made a speech at Dijon, lo which much political importance is at tached. The popularity of Louis Napoleon was on tho increase very evidently, and it was said in well informed circles, that should the election take place now, he would bo chosen President again. The Parisi an journals, however, are dis satisfied with tho speech at Dijon, and re gard it as a declaration of war against the Assembly. New Advertisements. NOTICE. rTMl E Venders Dnil Retailers of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise of Northumberland county, will take notice that they are assessed and rated liy the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes, lor the year 1831, us follows : Lower Mahtnoy. Names. Class License. IJilty and I.cnker liq George lirosious 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 13 15 00 14 7 00 11 10 50 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 8 .10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 10 50 Klias Weist liq Benjamin Hefner liq Jackson. John Worth jr liq illiam Kcarus hq Jnsiah Swartz William Deppcn liq Edward Helfenstinc agent John llorell liq Upper Mahonoy. Charles Frcese Charles Snyder liq Daniel Jleime liq Belleville Holshuc liq Little Mahonoy. William Kolliarincl Coal. II App & Dunbough 1-1 Helfenstinc agent William ct Rcubon Fagely Amincrmau & Zcm Shamohin. Lciienring & Wolvcrton liq 11 II Vastinc liq M Strnuso liq John Ynirunt Samuel John S llcrastrcsser V Kaso Tajgart iV Co John C Morgan Upper .lugusta. I Campbell (St. Co liq Sunbury. S N Thompson John Young It 14 11 14 14 13 14 14 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 00 10 50 7 00 Ceorge Bright liq John buyers S: eo Henry Masser liq John V Filling Ira T Clement liq William & Reuben Fcgely Point. Samuel Woods Lower Jiunusta. Heilncr and Knalib liq Simeon Haupt liq John Kaufman liq William Hoover liq .Yurthumberland. Forsyth and Priestley liq 13 12 50 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 li 13 12 12 12 14 14 10 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 14 It 13 14 14 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 DO 15 00 7 00 7 0C 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 12 AO 12 50 18 75 10 50 7 00 20 00 7 00 15 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 James 1 aggart jr liq Fiick and Vondling liq William Elliott liq M J D Withington liq Conrad Wenk S B Denormandy James Tairtrart and Son liq Mary McKay Chilmqunqut. James Rood Adam Conrad John H Vincent Milton. Blair and Herd Isaac Brown liq Swenk and Masteller Aaron Comly William H Frymire liq John II Baser liq John F Caslow 1 1 i iien and Brother George Corry William F Negri liq Swenv and Coldwcll Seth Cadwalader and Son B H llagg B Crauser S and D Yount M illcr and Wood William Weclen Miller and Gray Jj'wis, Ilonp and Savage liij A T Ueisel liq J Camp liij ueitiwart. Dentler and Armstrong 12 00 12 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 3 60 7 00 PATENT COUHTV Hayes and McCormick .ehring and Baker liq I.udwig and Hank liq Dalesman and idler Peter lleiino licj I uroui. Isaac Biown AM. FEH80NH KNGAGED IN kl,MNG MEDICINE IN NORTHUMBERLAND ARE ASStflSKD AS FOLLOWS J)daware, Names. Class. Liccnu. Hate and McCormick 4 5 00 Milton, John II Raser 4 5 00 John T Caslow 4 5 00 up BEER HOUSES AND OYSTER CELLARS. Sunbury. Philip Brymire 8 5 00 Milton. Joseph Eckbert 8 5 00 PERSONS ENGAGED IN DISTILLING LIQUORS. Milton. John Kohr JO 5 00 A Deuce 0 6 00 Lwer Augusta. Joseph W.iUM 00 and hav I1RKWEKS WITHIN THE UOUNTV. Milton. George Baker 9 18 00 An Appeal will ba held at the Commis sioners' Otlico in Sunbury, on tho 23d day of June next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M , at which lime and place those interested may attend. REUBEN W. ZAUTMAN, Met. Ap'r. Jackson township, June 7, 185t. 31. PURIF1IXG EXTRACT Tlic Orcittost BLOOD PURIFIER 1 Tur. WMot.R World CP Price ptr H-tHe, or Si Potttetor J. tl 1 now put up in QVAHT HOTTIK. of the turns potrer anil medical ftTcrrcv n -when in minlf hoillM. Each large ItnliUt cnutaiiu StXTY-KOni IOSKM nd the iiiHiiirNtionn art on Mrrnn jrl v (.-Ptirntt roia that only One TaMepnotfvl ! n'qtuntd'it ft lne lhrr timet a rfny thy one lioitjo Inula Twenty-One Prtyn, which 1 much Ion pur tlinn a Itoftlf of any oilier mndlrtne Ifitit, Iipcauie theru ! required of tliii a leA qumitltjr t done. The pxrpnr Superiority of rhl fllnm! Pnrlflpr over tU other medic incut ronnlmt tn a (.'rem menmire In tin pow eMln! M n jmrt of Iti rnmpnunri. llie poweral Uledtcnl Vlrturn of iome Nrnrce and It tire Indian Hoots and Barks, which no otlipr jrHvlicitif' pnMPMea. Thfe are the moil err. tain I'ni'lfli'l'ft of tho Illnnd that wvrv ever known to either ludtnn or white mmi.ntid dtfpo being compounded with the $tronyly-enneenlrtttd I'.itractt of BarsapariHa, Yellow Dock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS make thla VpffPtnblr Kxirncf, not only the grmtetl ltlnotl I'lirhlrr, hut aIoo, a rhrnprr medicine ny (Clrn( nit fin limn any fit Iter. It I cheaper, hecauan the inutility of it that miy he hftueht fur OrtP J)nllitr will laat Hi ii ell loiurcr, Hiitl will nun 'IVn Tim more Blood diffuse, than ihte Ihiflar't worth of nfiv mhr medicine, CS1" Kor undoubted proof nf the Cum of Scrofula, Fever-Sores, SefiM.Head, Krtipehin Snft-Hheum, Tihcumnthm, fyphitit, Ervpliant, Pimplet on Vtt Face, 1,1 ver-Cmtlplltlntu, Pilet, J.timhifn, Cantrrnut I'lrert, i 'owl IvrtirHN, Sort Kyet, Dynpppitn, i1""" in the Ride, Hretiat, lionet, and Jointt, and ai.i. oTiira lMri'HE-Bt.ofiD DiftFAsra, aee our PAMPHLETS mnd HandbUlt every Agent haa them to fire away. FoH sai.k hy J. "V. Frtlincr. Pniilniry ; Mnry A. Mc Coy, N"i Uiuiiibfrhiiiit ; .t lm It. Wa.t-t, Nliilnn; llnyraA: McCnrinirk, iM'-l',xv'.')icviltf. May ;i, el ly. TO THE ELKCTOKS OF NOKTII UMBER LAND COUNTV. Ftii.i.ow CiTi7.f:vs : At llic rarnrst soliritfi tion of nmiiy of my ft tends, I hcrr1y announc mysolf ns a cnndilatn for the office of Count v Commissioner nt tlin aproarliing rloctinn. UouM 1 1 clcrtpil I jtroinisc to liisclmrgo ihe dulir of t'stid oflicc with fiilrlily nnd impartiality. 1 solicit tho sup port of my fellow i-itiy.ciis. CALEB IURRET. Lower Augusta, .Time 11, IS51. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rilllE snliscrilicr rrspfi-lfully informs his fricmli X mid fellow cili.ons of Northumlwrlnud coun ty, that he olli iti himwlf a a cainlid.Ue fur Con nt v ( ' o mi n i s s i o n e r, ut the ensiiitis cleelioii. lie solicits from hi fricmls nnil fellow citizens u support, nnd promi- ses should he l e elec ted to discharge the dutio of the ollicc with fidelity. CHAR LI WEAVER. Punhury, May 21, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND UOUNTV, Frluiw Citi.ks: At the solicitation of my friends, 1 oiler inynelf as a candidate for the ollicc of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, nt the ensuing election. Should I he elected, 1 promise lo discharge the deities of said office with fidelity and impartiality. ' CEORC.E iHUUHT. Punhury, Apiil 12, 1K51. TO Til EEL ECTORS" OK NORTH UMBER- LAND COUNTY. tllE suhscrihrr respectfully informs his friends nnd fellow citizens of iSorlliumbenniHt eoun- that he will he a candiatc for County Commissioner, nt the ensuing election He therefore solicits from his friends and fellow citizens a liheral sup port, nnd promises should he he elected to (lis charge the duties of the ollicc with fidelity and impartiality ri.IAS KKOSIOL'S. Sunburv, March 1"), Estate of WILLIAM II0USEL, Dcc'd. XJOTICK. is hereby iriven that letters of ad-J-' ministration have been granted lo the sub scriber, on the estate of Win. llousel, dee'd., late of Point township, Northumberland county. All peiions indebted to said estate, or haviiiR claims asmst the same, are requested to call on ihe subscriber for settlement. M.VUV A, HOUSE!., Administratrix. Point tp., .lune 7, IS 51. "t. Estate of EDWARD G0DIN, Dec'd. TOTICK U hereby cien that letters 1 es- lanientarv have been irr.iuted to the sub- scriU'r on the estate of Kdward tiobin, dec'd., late of Sunbury, Northumberland county. All persons indebted lo said estate, or having claims asainsl Ihe. same, are requested to call on the siibsc rilier for bettleuienl. CllAKI.ES CiOUlX, Ex'r. .Sunburv, M ay 31, 1 S3 1 tit. NEW GOOES, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, "STHO respectfully informs his friends and ' customers that he has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Sprui"; Goods, which he oilers for sale at his old stand in Mar ket street. These Rood will 1 sold lit the low est prices. His ntcck consUts of every variety, vh : Dry (.nodr-, Such as Cloths, Cassimerrs, Muslins. Calicoes Ginghams, Lnirns, Chintzes nnd La dies Dress and Fancy Uuodt generally. Also an assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &e-, QUEENSVARE. Hiirilwure. Iron nml Steel, Nails, ic, A I. SO ; A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coflee, lea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Sjlici'K, Vr Produce cf all kinds taken in exchange at tlic highest market prices. rniubuiv, May 24, LSol NOTICE To the Heirs of Fred'k Raker, Dec'd. TVOTJCE is hereby ifiven lo Laviua Unkcr, A-' intermarrieil with Robert W. Ueachel, since deceased, and Conrad Raker, heirs and legal rep resentatives of the said Frederick Raker, dec'd., that by virtue of a certain writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphan' Court of iNotthuuiuorluud county, to me directed, an In quisition will be held at 10 o'clock, A. M., on TUESDAY, the ISlhday uf July next, upon the promises of the Real l'.ntate of said deceased, situate in Little Mahonoy township, Northum berland comity, at which time and place vou are hereby warned to be and appear if you think proper, JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. SUr lis Ollice, Sunbury, May 24, 185161. NURMNU BOTTLES Breast pumps, and niiiule tubes. A suimlv of these useful rii. cles just received and for sale by I JOHN W Sunbury, Jan 18, 1851 tf FRILINO LOOK HERE!!! THE Butarriber respectfully Informi his friends mid the public generally, that ho still continues tho SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Stand in Market Street, Sunbury, two doors shove Mnrkel fstjunro, where he con tnntly keeps on hand, large assortment of Iteatly Made Harness, (Double & Single.) with Silver, Drasn nA Japan ncd mounting. Also Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, Vnlices, Whips, Collars. All kinds of work in his lino mnde to order, in ns neat a style ns cn be got up in this country. Persons wishing to purchase will plcnse call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. The subscriber has just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such ns Silver, Urnss and Japanned mounting, Patent Self-Adjustin? Trees, Patent Roller Pits, liidinri Bridle Pits, Trunk and Vnlice Locks, Trunk Poard. Trunk Nails, Humes, Truces. Trim ming Lnces. Tufts, Sad dle Web. SinsleunJ Double, White Enameled Leather, Talent Leather, Oil Cloth, Rosetts. Tassels, Fancy Brow-Pands, Saddle Trees, Deer's Hair, PATENT FLY WETS of nil kinds. All of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than they can be got elsewhere, for cash or approved credit. ANDREW S. STROH. Sunbury, April SO, 1851 Cm. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THE STOKE OF rXilLINa & GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., frMIE subscribers hereby inform their old cus--"- tomers and the public generally, that they have just received a large and extensive assort ment of till kinds of .Merchandize, which they oiler to purchasers at such rates, that they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry Goods, is large, embracing all kinds of Clotlis, Cassimers, Snttinctts, iS'C. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, of all kinds, suc h as Calicoes, Mous. dc Laines, Lawns, fiinglinms, &c GROCERIES nn.l QUEENS WARE. Also an excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, riU Cii AND MK1HCINF.S. Fish, Salt and Plaster. CT" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 10, 1S51. lock ,1.1AM HOOVER respecll'ullv informs his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment ot NEW SPUING GOODS, which he offers for sale nt his new store at Mas- ser's Mill, Hollowiiur limi. These goods will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OK KVl-UtY VAIUETV, Yu: Dry floods, tV, Such as Cloths, Cussimercs, Muslins, Calluoti, Ginghams. Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress (foods generally. ALSO : An assortment of Talm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, aUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IliON and STEEL, NAII.S, etc. A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coove, Tea, Molas ses, Spiers, Sec. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, Wlihhey, Wines, S-c. fir Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. HollowiuK Run, May 10, 1851 ly. HARELE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP (liiAVK STONES. nnHE subscriber informs his friends and the A public, that be continues to carry on the Marble business in ail its branches, nt his old stand iu Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, nnd ut the lowest prices. Letter Oultini, English mid Gorman in the most modern and style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Ptoncs, etc., always on hand, N. 13. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at the ollicc of the "ISunburv American." ' ANTHONY HirP. Milton, May 10, 1851. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal History, together with a Biography of Dis tinguished Persons, to which i appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, flen eral Astronomy nnd Physiology. Adopted nnd used in the Public. Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers, S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE Ms., Phila. Teacher and School Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will lie furnished with copies for examination. IHT A Full and Complete Assortment of BOOKS nnd STATIONARY, for Sale at the Lowest J i ires. May '.!, 1851. ly. Gnat Improvements in making French Uuit Mill Stones. 1)V the use of Kbadkuuimm improve,! cart in ii I'.ye which is built into the Manner, so us to ullow lor the wear ol tho Stone, an I hus a moveuhle iHilance - ryne nml driver so os lo keep tho balance of thu stone without truio niinsf until it is worn out. Our stock of Blocks is selected In France, nnH the best quality only ul. aolM MaiT Hones irotu sum icci in uiHiiieirr won cue kiwci Slono to run, so ua to prevent the runner choking in the eye. It 'll nin ( Mliaol ull uuniiirrs, eneup lurouali, Mill Irons uiid fniui Machines furnished to order. (irinHsliNies of uMorled sizes, suituUe for Country Mer chenu, iinported sad lor sale by ... ... .... Wl,,, J,,, No, It old Yoik Read, nuur the Indian Pole, Philadelphia, April VI, 1M1. Omo. CJILVER WATCHES, A few double cases English Silver Watchc, for ale at very low price, by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12. 1851. "I NK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con A gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by H. B. MASSER. December SB, 1850. rti. "OLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summon, &.C.. for sale by 11. u. MASSER. Sunbury, April 26, 1851. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. fPIIR Attention of n.iililem mid ollirn, ore rMpecifitlly 1 inviicfl (! the fxt'-nxive otnJ v'll Bofwtod atitrk H" Hl'II,il(f HAKIWAItKASi TOOLS. nuW oflbrcd by the fliiliwnber, cuiciptiiig in arl ns fotlmvs: Amencnti I rnni hnor Uirkn, uprivhl, with night work, ploicd nr hnim t'tiniitiim, or ivirodnin nil mlori. Amerienn rnnit Duor lokn, upright, ptain, with niiiht work, plated ur brn furniture, ur puioctain all Ainrrirnn Front p-xr Loclid and Stnrc Poor. Horizpn Utl fir upripht, brum i tirniitm-, or porrelnin nil color. American Unn lH:ktuU und itialiltct. White OT bmM (Minium-, or pnwluuiDll color. Ammran Mortice lk nil sizes, with plnltd, white or brus liuniliirf, ur por.'vlnin it 11 ctiinrn. Ainerimii Murticc JaiIi'Iii, nil izen, with plated white or brnHK luiiniunnr pnrw ;iin nit coluia. Anif-ri-iui , urtiits nnd Kim Ckmel bmki, pliitcd ot brum eflt'iitt-hroMft, nr pim-rltiin nil .tmt. Americun prop, Hi -p, Thumb. Gntc, and Store Poor Lo telle. Alwi. Impiiited Tnk und I.nithcs of rvciY description, liuldwiiv'tt, Hud Aiw.ricaji lnitt iliiiKes, of nil fizts, fast or lom j.tint. fjhuttrr. Cii.ip, Strap, T.. and n.ifkflHp Hinpei, fill kindn. Shuttf-r, (u:e. Ur, KluKh, nnd Spring llnli, u wrought or c.mi iron nnd hrnm. eferv dcwripii'.n. Screws, SpriiiB, (.ituf, Smid I'apor f tho best qunlity. Americitu Axle nnd Miam Axle 1'iilkvs. of every variety. American Buttoni, plain fr on plutin. brnsi, iron, or bronzed. Amuricon ols, plnterl, white, iru. nr wood, U kinds. SiBli-Cunl, c ninn m and patent, with oliitr articles too iiitnierous to mMiii'Mi. IV NAIU uud SASri-WF.KiHTS at FACTORY PHITFS. IV All Tood delivered fiee of Charge to any part of the City nnd irtx. At tins :Rinlili!.itiu!'.it mh b f.nnd one of the Inrpcst and best as .rttnent of White and I'nnry N-.b f.-r I."ck, An., in the Citv; snp,e p:ittt-riiH, oi winch, cannot be Kue, or ol.ttiined, at nny ollu-r St.. re. TO(i,i4. tleni .ttiekS'ti's Hn.-k. I'.'iiict, l:i:ul, and Ttipp Paws, imported exprewly f-r Heinil viN'f". till n-rted with curtj. H.ih; ugeni fn the (Mikhrated IMmirn, nimb by E. W. Car penter, cf linensicr, I'n., hrin ull nmUe oi split wood, and the Ititts eroniwt nnd tried. It(:allyrs ,V WilHuins innke of Chisels, Axes. IlnU'liels, I)rawiu Knives, 9c v.. t all war ranted (Tux). I'ngtrii and Slack's make of Anger und Auger Hills, all sizes Amerienn P')nnn s nnd Hevilsof every description. American Hulc. Gaugtj-j, Jawst:tts. Compaswen, Screw driver?, A;e. Aniciicnii C. p. Ilrimtneri, Claw and Hiveting, fill sizea, Anvils and Vices, till ir.f. Hteel, lnu, and WoikIcii liruees, Willi C. Ditta, in gr'rii vnricty. W. (in-.-ivca H 'it's. pMtelier'i mid olhT celebrated makes nf Clnai'ls, Kli H, I'itine-lrous, A e.. &e, Atldis'v erlehiiited Car vine T'ols, a!! shapes. .Makiinr one of tin; 11 ami nr nt uxfenMvo use Ttmeiits of Hnil'luii! llaidwartt and Tools in tin- ritnte. At this i siahliKhuifiit it is Cin iil'Tcd a pleasure to show the Goods You are invited to r-nll and examine tho assort ment, and hear the prices asked, Lufore purchasing elue Where. rCoine nnd Her ns. Yolirs, lSMf;clf;llIv. WM. M. :Cu:re, No. Market St ., briM-een ?Ui mid cih, ittper tide, riiiladelpl.n, Aptil 1J, l-ol. ly. JOHN CALVEPLEY, rtiuntii'.K i nm- or ,o. 10'J Uace, (Siissafras.) street, Above Third, opposite the While Swan Hotel. rHILADELI'HIA. Tallow C'haudleiH and Manuricturers enn be upilied with a lirnl rate Article of Candle MouIiIh, of Superior excellence nnil finish. N. Ii. The Moulds tire made of the best Metal and polished by a new 1'utent Machine, which pivcB them an extra tin Hi. They arc after the English style the lips to screw on the pipe, and the pipe to screw liyht in the bench. t t" Wan it a n t k ii to be far superior to any other now in ne, , .' lie also inuniilacturc Surgical l'utnns and Svtiuses. April 1?, IS.'il. fimo. (rT'Ty K. h -j- ESSENCE OF J A M A 1 C A (1 1 X f 1 E II HI AM' finm the l"-t Jani:iicn Gincr. nil the vrdnable ill iiu''tu-ni;il iriperty f winch it will le tound to BtcH in n c 'iivcmt'iit oml c MK'fiitratfd (urni. It is ni tKi t'ltu icni nnd :tt the iinn: time Inrtyil'.'SK, gently Ktinint;ititiL' t nic i -r the t'-mai-h. tmd ill he funiui very lieniH-td in it'ln-vin tin' I'nmiid nnd tluircnf icnnjjg 0(-natniK'd t'V Uh' itii: airi'it tu' i 'ii tn tfnn mijU'Tlnnl ornn, l-"r tin hall tm wliU iti-j;t.ui?ti!l taken m a wine-pliuw-fnl nt' ftweeii in d wiiff wili niniK-'iuielv rf-in iyo the rlatii hmey nitilnijir-sKi"!i p'htiiting in in ir-liirit i n, nnd if taken two -.r thrr' tinn8 liaiiv, hi- u-iiiiicd. will I"! Innd highly ucot'til arniiifci lliu tacf iMhleand s.-tis tf MnWiiHT '( at h uiul tenth iU'V tn i:u -rdiTi'd net mii MffHHioncd ty the -nervatuitr llie'. it ihe Mininit t In. its, i f 11 iwintt at Ut in- diipi)siu ji, und fur urr:iMm tin- incipient Ktaqr.H uf diurr hira. .Vr. it i!it!.s i nn rrt lli'iit in'lii-im' f r th'e wh have in-jun-d tl:' t"iit' "i iheir nt itiiiM! I.y tit..- iuimixknile use ol' int icatn.L' liijii tn, by n (il:-;i(iy siimniatiup iflert upon tin Kt an i-'li ri-ni.'Vi'i tne i':r.'iii' f r titnuitnitB. whin it has n t ininri-tiiM ai'ti n mi th hrain. nnd is n't wiccertled ly fffhiiD of tli-pieMi'ii, win. h iilnyt full-iw the ue uf ale 'h lie hiiinniants. A few drops added ti niN-iii-via. rl.nharh or nther pnrfra live nit ilieiiM . w ill render th'-m in if nceeptahle to the w.airieh and p rf vent the ipirg whieh i apt luucooinpuny then uetii'ii. r:i:p.M:i:n only r:v A M 15 II OS !; SMITH, Ji.t'iifilST AMI t.MI'.MlST. jV. ". corner of th ami Chestnut Streets. Fhilndclphin. Apnl'fa. .l w t" '! Choiiner than Ever!!! 100 Half Chest? Rose Flavor Black Tea, 15 " " Olon-,' " " V " TJiiicr Vnno- " 1 IllKE Teas are belter tor the price than were ever ollercd before in Philadelphia, es pecially Ihe Rose flavor, which is of the very best quality and liuest llavur, and families that want a 11 ill l bust , r less by sending soon will get a first rate artrclr nt a very low price. They will be well packed up and scut lo Depot or cars free of charge DAVID P EASE, Tea Dealer and (irocer, S. V. Cur. tilh cc Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Mav 10, ls.r)t. Hmo. L. Y. II. (JllvSE, (.'fiif fur Henry fnrr,) LUMBER COMBISSIOX MERCHANT, IV.IN Bncl:, ir;iltlmure. W LII)I:i;AL ADVANC1:s made on Con signments. I.KTTi.ii'i and I 'onsii; n m t sts should bo ad dressed l 1.. V. II. (illJSE, Agent. Mav 10, ISM 4 mo. PHILA. AND EEA.DING RAILROAD. PII1I.A1H:1.PIHA AMI POTTSVll.LK. V ii r c s 11 c i ii re il . mmmmttm Office cf the 1'hita. iV Reading Huilroud Co, rwiauclplua, .Marcli BU, 1S51. J Two Passenger 'Plains Daily, (except Sunday.) NanduAcr April 1st, 18ol two train will M. V 1'f villi each way, daily, between Philadel phia und Pultsvilli. Mfw.xrxa i.rxi:. Leaves Philudclphiu at 7 i A. M., daily cxeopt Sundays. LeaNcs Pollsxille at 7J A. M. daily except ioun- days. AFTJCHXOUX LIXF, Leaves Philadelphia at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundaes. Leaves Potlsvillo at 3 o'clock, duily, ccept Sundays, Botween Philadelphia and Pottsville, ffS.73 1st class ears ami d class curs. Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 '-M class curs. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the curs unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will heal lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any. thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk of its ow ner. By order ul the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, ISM. Secretary. W J ATE NT BR1TTAMA STOPPERS for J bar bottles lor sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. A RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Apul G, 1851 TO rHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. rilHK fnibncriWn. oflor to physioiann nnd ilruff pwlt a carcfulty nrfrrted stork of drugs and medicine, which they will Rinrante tole of tlic bent quality, pure and unadultf rated in all case. V - UciUuon fiw imporliiiiy ffirergn hu-a and eliemicRls are such, that they are enabled to nell hem upon the best tcrnw, and at the name time to assure Ibcir cutomrra of their Rcnuinrncaa. J hey have also recently prepared and now of Icr Jot sale a suirerior article oi' Reetnblin(t Henry's lamieia, free from carboy ic acid and ronp,hne,wor Rrittiness. almoHt entirjOy tastelesn, rombinim in an equal bulk from thne to four time the otrenirth of the common kind and old at about one half the pr;ce pf Heury'i MaRnria. '1'he.y have also prepared the Fluid Miignesin, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, Ac, at U than half Ihe price of the furein arJiele, They also have on hand of their awn prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, IVently put up ml, and pound bottles, roch as Aloes, Khubari,, Senna, Scnerja, Rhatany, Ki no, (iuin Arabic, Bcrpentaria, Kxt. Glvcyrrh, Ipe cac, Potnssa Snlph., 1'otassn Nitrns, Borax, Rpi- b'va Vrm. Sce. " Grest care has been taken to have thew pro pared from the beat aelccicd druBa and in such a way to preserve the characteristica of each ar tide wilhout mjurv. Tl I. . . x ney nave also a variety of CliClllicnl A; lMiai-innrinfirnl 1 reparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following : Hydrocyanic, Acid, Preparations of bxliuft, if PoUlfiKI, Liquor Ammonia, Aqua, Uo, I'lioHphiitP, do. n'nv re PrepBrntioiiK of Mrrcim- ' Irnn, ' '.llic Exlrnct of Pcnna, fluid, n plr-mnnt loriulo adnaiiisier to chiiurnn. medy lor liheurualiuu. Jixtriict ir Gentian, Ex U act of Bncha Comn., fluid, " SpiijHia. " " Sarauiunllnroni' position fluid, " do. do. i-lid, " de simple do. " Col.icynth Comp. " do iimplc. luastna, " 'i'anixtcum, " Valfirian, rlnid. new and usciul remedy. Sps. Ether Mtros, ir. S, !., Oils of Copaivo, Cubcbs, Krsol, Tobacco, &c, Citrate qf Iron and Quinine, .Sesfjui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put Up in 13 oi. bottles, $3 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Tlas ter j a convenient application in manv aurgical operations, put up ill small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BI.IS TEIUNG LIQUID, A convenlnnt preparation of canlhnrides in mnnv cases where there is a dillicully of applying the uiuumry unsienno; piaster. A coating of it nppli cd with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as low rates as the best quality of medicines can be purchased. CHARLES ELLIS & CC. 56 (.'hesniit street, I'hilada, Laboratory, and Morris .Sts. Soulliwark. November 16, lS.r)0. tf, TTivinv TTrviT SUNBURY, PA. rjlHE MISS WETZEL'S respoctfullv Inform I. the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House, Their loner experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sufllcient t!uarantoe, that their customers will be well accommodated, March 8, 1851 tf. STOVES! STOVES! fTMJE subscribers return their sincere thanks to their customers, for liberal eiicourarjement for the last year, atid hope by strict attention in tillinj; orders to meet with the same liberal patron age. Wc have on hand the preatest variety of patterns of any other Foundry iu the United estates, nml still adding to their number. Givo us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock embraces a great variety of Cookiiifr stoves, of the most approved kinds, j'ar'sr stoves for. wood or coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates of ull kinds to repair stoves. Tor .Summer use, a small Stove, called Sum mer baker, new and superior Furnaces for burn Ins charcoal or stone coal, Gas ovens of several dilli.rcnt patterns, llakc ovens, several patterns, hitching posts, gpout irons, and a variety of arti cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4, 5, f, 7, und 8 uuart Tea kettles, at vorv low nri. ces for cash or city acccDtance. A few casks of superior Cierman black lead on hand. WAUNICK & LIBRANDT, ' Noble at. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia, April 12, 1851. finio. Journal of Hie V 11 A N K LI X INSTITUTE, OF TUE STAT or PKSNsrr.VAKIA Frejl T11R Pl!OMOTIK Of rut: mt( ii tvit aims. Fin HE oldest Mechnniciil Pcrludieal extant In America, is published on the first of each month iu tho City of Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards ol twenty-five years, anil is carelully eilitert hy a committee o scientitic gentlemen appointed for the purpose, by the Franklin Institute, The deservedly high reputation, both at homo nnd abroad, which this Journal has acquired and sustained, has given it u circulation and exchange list of the best ehaructor, which enables the Coin mitlee on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, und to jive circulation to original communication on mechanical anil set cutitic subiects. and notices of new inventions notices of all the Patent issued ut the Patent Of. tice, Washington City, are published in the Jour nal, together Willi a large amount oi mioriiiauon on Mechanics, Chemistry, end Civil Lngiuecruig, derived from the latest and best authorities. This Journal is published on the first of each month, each numlirr containing at least seventy- two pages, mid forms two volumes annually of about 432 pages each, Illustrated with engravinuH on copper and on wood ol those subjects which require tliom. The suliseription price is Five Dollars per an niun, payable on the completion of the sixth nuin 1st; and it will be forwarded free of postage when live dinars are remitted to the Actuary (postagi) paid) in advance for one year's subscrip tion. Communications and letters on business must be directed to "the Actuary of the Franklin Insti. tuto, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postage ,m' WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, F. 1. Apiil 19, 1S51. Omo. V IB R ELL A S & PARASOLS, SELLING OFF CHEAP! h'o. 104 Market Strect, FHIUDELPHIA. HAYING decided to quit the business, I pro pose to sell the stock at very low prices, Il embraces the newest and most desirable stylos, You are invited to call and examine, WM. II. RICHARDSON. April 5, 1851. 2mo. sMlTH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. HER, a fresh supply just received, anil for sale by U. B. MASSER. April IS, 1851. "OLD PENS with and without silver casus just received, and for sale by H B. MASSKR. funbury, April I?, 1851 CHERRY PECTORAL; For ihe t'nre of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, 33 HO AT CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH ZVXA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which lias attended th use of this preparation its salutary cfioct it power ta relieve and cure affection of the Luntrs, have earned for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Vt'c oiler it to the afflicted wiili entire confidence in it virtue, and the full belief that, it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philryitropists everywhere. What i their opinion of CHKltfiY PECTOf AL may be seen hi the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med. College, New fori; soys : "It gives me pleasure to certify tho value and efficacy of Aycr's CHERRY PECTOKAL, which I consider peculiarly ndapte.d to cure disea ses of the Throat nnd Lungs." THE RT. REV. LOUD BISHOP FIELD, wri'.cs in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under an affection of the Lun;s: "Trv the CHETiRY PECTOKAL and if any medicine can give you relief, with the blessing of God that will," CHIEF JUSTICE KUSTIS. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of bis wns cured of severnl severe attacks of Crovp, by the CHF.i'fiY PECTOKAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The CtiHiitlitin Journal of Hfulical Scienet states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, ha,s yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Aycr's tilKXRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation lo the Profession and pubile gen erally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:--HAim-nnn, Jan. 20, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you, this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others iu like afllici tion. A slight cold upon the lunrrs, neglected at first, became so r,evcre that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and (lis tened upon nie. I I ccaine emaciated, could pot sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, nnd in short had all tho alarm ing symtoms of quick consumption, No medi cine seemed at nil to reach my case, until I provi dentially tried your CI1EKJY PECTORAL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Your with respect. E. A. .STEWART A i. a a s t , N. V. A pril 17, 1818. Dr. Aver, Lowell Hear Sir . I have for year been afflicted with Asthma iu the worst form ; so. that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part ol the time, heme; unablo to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great many modicines, to no purpose, until my t'bvsii.ian prescribed, as an experiment, your C'HERRl PECTORAL. At lust it seemed to inako me worse, but in less than a week 1 began to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on mv bed with comfort, and enjov a state ef health which I had never expected to enjoy. OEOROE S. FAItKAJNT. prtKiMBr.ii in i. r. n:u, ciikmist, in wtti, mass. It?" Sold by llenrv Masscr, Sunburv; Mary A, McCav, Northumberland- Dr. (icaihart, Se- lins.:rove ; Dr. liicklv, Danville, and Druggist generally, Feb. 15, 1S5L lvce3i.i ArZERIGAN HOUSE, P0TTSVI1LE, PA, J1RS. MARY WEAVER respectfully inform ' the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HO ILL, lurnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate lintel, anil well known reputation to accommo date, h(,r customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. IS.")!. tf LAWJUSNCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA, PTMIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends X nnd the public generally, that she has takea the nbovo well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J.C Per kins, She trusls that her experience in business, and her efforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those, who may fa vor lu r with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS. Match 8, 1951. tf. io. vrv i.i AM) PENSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to tho ad vertisement of Mr Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washiglon City- Person hav ing cluims for bounty Lands or Pensions arc in formed (but the subscriber hus made arrangement for the requisite forms, und claimants calling at his ollice, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr Tucker nt Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 TREVORTON HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. Hniir. subscriber respectfully intorms the public. X ' that he has opened a Public House, in the new town of Trcvorton, Northumberland county, and that he is well prepared to iircoinmodntc bus guests in the best manner. His house is located) neariv opposite the Company's Store. He isalso provided with good stubluig sufficient fr 20 hor ses. lie trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patron age. HENRY B WEAVER- Trcvorton, Jan- H, 1K5U tf Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. PIMIE Subscriber who resides iu Philadelphia, JL oilers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland comity, viz. : The large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied W Mpssr Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is 60 feet front on upper Market strew), and 40 feet on Frunt slrei't, iiud is twa) stories high. Als two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The (ot is on the corner of upper Market und Fruit streets and is till feet front, and 15U feet deej,. The premises would be valuuli for a Foundry or other iiutiiufavfuting purpew, and will be sold on reasonable and aceon.aiodating terms by ap (jlviug either to 4AOOU CARRIUAN, Philadelphia. J. F. W0LF1NOF.R, Esq.. Milton or -H. 11. MASSER. Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan V5, 1451 tf LaTICES FEE BILLS. For sale by II. B. MASSER Sunbury, Aptil SB, 1S01
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers