vm,-.... ; SUNBUilY AMKlllCAN AND SHAMQK1N JOURNMJ " """" . ..ZZiZZZT XlXtotrUaiuQiiff irUflttrr. l'rin tlic Nula. Weakly San. The North to the South sends Greeting. r A 11 E l I K S E. nr ntiAi.vEitn 'vilua.mson. Ronlhrrn nrrthprn- why this clamor, From your f t i r nml sunny land, 'Ti mil sound of loom or hiinimor, Or of work's iinluoliiiil liamj ; Kor the? voiiio of I,nve'n devotion, Kor of 1'rli'mlship's holy woid, Bill of 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 COMtinotinil, TliruateniiiLf war uiiU Hashing woid. Know ye not our lienrta will ne'er Tmiiors lo our Union turn ' Think yo Hint our Love shall ever For our country erase to burn 1 Or th:ii now, no iilood paternal Swell in tides through Noithem veins. Blood of Slips ! rnibiilmrvl, eternal, On our mountains, hills unit pluiui 1 Think ye, tint our hpnrts tue ctaven That 'they fear war's sternei test That no P.iVl's hiyh deed? me praven On rnoli Norlhein's fearless breast 1 Think ye, that thu trumpets callinp, Now' shall fright the sons of lli'iso Who 'mid l :ii!le's storms nppiillinir Conquei'd Freedom's fiercest foes 1 Or lint tiy your angry quarrels Willi your Northern brethren here, Ye. shall L'alher creeuer laurels, Than year bums alrnady wear ? When ve know that, Abolition, Faithful North men hate mid spurn, FrmvniiiL' mi ihal mad nrnbition, Which this Union would o'urturn ? Southern Brethren ! is it kindly In your hem Is to i-nne us all, If perchance, fanatics blindly, Serpent like, anions us crawl, Hiinur only hurling never Vainly seeking whom to stikft, 'Till their fa mis in fnil'il endeavor, Fiercely fasten. un their like ! And. for this, shall ye cVr tender, Nousjht but scorniiips. bitter threats, Ann those iMunts that must ineender I!l b'one feelings and regrets, Better far, to love and strcimthun All our Union's halanv'd ties, That it joys may live and lensthcn Uriyhi'iy t!no' its destinies ! Then O ! listen to our erecting ! II. 'ed no madman' angry cry Konnd our Conuti y's nlini meeting, l.ei u swear it shalf not die I.ivini; -LovitiLr Law and Order 1! ij'uiiL' through our Hiiiiliny; land Villa .v city loan and border, Iioiiiid in one fraternal band. F.l. Oh ! Southern Brethren, ponder 1 Else, we j art ihi'so sacred lies, A'n! our :nin proves a wonder, To all F.ailh's nstoni.-h'd eyps ; Willi each token ever chi-tii-IiM, Dear to Fiecdou dear to Fame, Broken, Met', this, i-hatter'.!, perifhM, Cuisei in bi iui; enised in name ! lir.NTI ti THE IIEN. I.N AI.OIEUS. Tho Arabs have a most tonsillar way of catching hyenas one that almost equals the wnlf-takinp; exploits of Gen. Putnam him self. We find the following account credi ted to tlu Paris Constitutional, the editor of which obtained it in a Idler from a French xiflieer in Alyieis : "A short linn) eincu tho commandment of the battalion of Tuieos, or native soldiers, was informed that a female hyena had been seen in thu neighborhood of MoMagaucm, near M.iaran, and that sbe had taken re fuse in a eavo about one hundred yards in depth. Ord us were immediately piven to catefully guard the entrance to the care. Two Tuieos, provided with a simple cord and a small chain, went into the cave with out weapons, and merely currying a candle, and in about hail an hour, to tiie great as toniidinioiit of the spectatois, an enormous hyena appeared, muzzled, and allowing itself to bo led along with tho docility of a fciioep. Accoidi:i.; to tho account given by the Aiabs. thu animal, daz7ded by the light of lha candle, allows itself to be handled and carressed like) a young dog, and during this timu the hunter takes care to mu.zlo it, and thus prevent the possibility of its doing any mischief. Two soldiers were, however, two days since, seiiutisly wounded by one of these animals, which suddenly resumed its foioeity, and, after biting through the muz zle, took to lliht after knocking down its two assailants. It is impossible or anything to equal tiie courage and terinerity shown by the natives in these pports. Ohio was t:rt settled eixty-th as years ngo. Feau of Leiug thought poor, ruins hun dreds. V.'a.ntbij A wet-Btono, for sharpening the "watei's edge.'1 M.unRNt. Hii'i "T ! 'Vers mir, Y-'U uuist l-i'ic lite faperi : Siv.oii, wiio vvoui l not i.ile woo, Y.nl in ut nd.u Ihn i:i;i.T ! Won't you taktf tin; j jjieis ! C in't y '11 lake t lie imjierr ? Love's j lieliur yu'll never know, ITuImj y 'U take u,.eis. Manmt f f ml iliwe, YoJ m.it Mle tiie piyeu, Yon s V. iiuiy la'-y lie, ll' ) n I..I.C die :iie. VV y i t i..e tiie ji:i.er ? Caii'i y ii l.te .li? juijiui ? Th''lliy v i:i -re .11 on a il Tidier grtcil." t'ul'.l y u 1ue the p:'terg. "What ldesiin;j children are!" aj the paii.-li chirk sai 1 when ho took tho fees for christening them. In Ohio, sheep killed by doy4 are paid for out of tho funds raised fium taxes on dogs. Bettkk by f ir not start an object, if iti puisuits is to bo abandoned at the fiikl ilifli culty. Isqvisitivc people are the funnels of con versaliuii. Tliey do not take in anything for their own use, but merely to pass it to another. A pretty girl was lately complaining to a friend, that she hud a cold, and was sadly plagued in her lips by chaps. Friend,' said Obadiuu, 'thee should nover sutfei the chaps to coma near thy lip!' K dandy, with a sigar in his mouth, enter ed a menagerie, when the proprietor reques ted him to take the weed from his moutb, lest ha shuull ltnra lha ether monkeys bad he.Mii Ci'.at lmnrovi-mcnts in mnking French liurr Mill Stones. 1"Y the mm nf I Knsnrani.tirs tmprnvwl rout Iron F.y which is bni't tain till- Runner, so i to nil w for the wear of the Pi "no, suit hn a nv-vealilc Isilnnce rviir nnit ttriesr K'i ns to to-,,, the hnlliirl nf the l-ne wiih-iit t-mn-niin. unlit ii is ..,rn on . Our MrV nf ttl irks is sHectiil in Frnni'e, nntl Ihe beet qunlity nnlv nsivt. H-'M Hurr Hi.nin tr in i to I) lent in ilmmeter with the ,v:l Stone t'i rim, so nit tit prevent the runner I'lmKjin. in 'he rve. It -hiiii-i;'.'i!:s of nil niiintiers, rhenp for cnsi. Mill Iron and Smut Mm-h:ii-s t'lmiislu- to nnler. tiriuustom's ci' us, nisi sizi-s, siiiuiblo for Country Mcr. chdiils, imjiuiu-d and Uir Pale by J. K. MlTftll-.f.t.. No. 1 1 iM Ynrh rtiin.l. m ur tin; Inilinn l'ule. J'liilnilolpln.'i, April to, tffll. fiino. MACKr.KKL. SHAD. CODFISH, SALMON. IlKlilil.NGS, PUHK, H AMs ANT) f-'IDEs, SHOULDERS Constantly on hand and fnr sale hv S J. PALMER Co.. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. LAUD & CHEESEJ March 8lh,'5I -3m " Ti"'S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Sclinsgrove, Pa. t'locks, tVnfclus nnd Jewelry, I ) EPAIKI'D in the bct manner and warranted "to pCifolIll will. All work intrusted to his caro will he strictly attrndrd to. Selinsiirove, Nov. SO. 1830. tf. T IKK or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ar iih.vl'h IlisToiir or thk Hi. nmMATios, Blamc Day-hooks ami I.v.ik.khs, full buuuded. For sale, ut thu puhlibhcrs prices by II. li. MASSER. Sunluiry, July 1 1, IS 19. J. II. ZIMMEE.MAN, ji stick or Tin: rmt'E. Sunbuiy,' Pa. Ofl'ice in Dicr Street, innnp.liately opposite the Public School House. ) ry M'n.esco'lufteUniid uii buhiucu lomptly and care- fuliv ntl-i'il.il to. ' April 20, 1S511. vonii & i'iiii.iii:i.riii.i JOURNEYMEN I Cor. nf G'i mid Clnslnut Srcct, riiilaihlpltia. rONTINI E to make and sell a finer and more i -'' durable Hal for the inniirv than anv other pstnbli-lunent in the I oiled States standard price of lia's "ti. Cents and Boy's Cloth and (ilav.cd Cups, I'mbrellas, Carpet Bans, Calnl'y Pannma nnd Straw Hats at equally low prices. May Co. loU.ly 800 LAEOSES VANTEDi IMMEDIATELY on the Trovortou Rail Road to whom literal wa.rjcs will bo paid. KIMBEU CLEAVER. Engineer. Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1?."1 tf. AYM. M'CAItTY, UOOKSt'.LLKIl, Tiro'iduHty, SUNBURY, PA. TTAS recently received, among other articles, a creat variety of .New, Cheap and Entertain ine iuli!icalio:is audi as Coopers novels, comiilcto or separate. Hcilicrls Do do do da do dj liudwell, Trullope, llalliliurtoii, Marryatt, Grcv, Duuian Sue Re ntlols Coektoll Mau.dl Jcrioid Mai all, do Aiusworth, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to SO cts per volume. Sunliury, Sept. 'S, lsOO. tf. r f t ."t-ssi , "s BOOT-TREE MAKER, Ao. 95 A'lifc Street. S-cond door below Third. rTTrt.ADTLI'HIA.. Y T HERE all kinds f l ists, ic, ,f t!ie latest htleiiud bet material, are iii.iiiin.n'tured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Piuladi Ipliia, Aov." 'J, 1S50. ly. M L'SICAL 1 X Si ll U SI KX I S. B U filial a, So. 007 ChcsftHt Street, front Arcane, I'm in in: Lnin. TMPOKTEK nnd Manufacturer of all kinds of Muniral Inst ruincnts, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices nve. 1 owcr than those of any other store in Philadelphia' All kinds of Musical Instru ments rep tired in tue best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 05, 1S50. ly. KOOT, E)iC;ll U(UM .4IITJST, No. 140. enriicr of Fi fth if Ck'snut s's , Philu ili.ljihia. aiid 63 ii jiiiicaiy corner 0 i'rauklin Strut, New York. CITK'-FNS AND STRANtiKHS ean have a sitting for rorlraiU or Miniuture-, and reecive them 1 eaiiitiiilly eased, in morocco, fciil; velvet, l'aiiier .M u lie. or other fancy alylea, or mU in McilaliioiiM, Lockets, A.c., in a lew iiiiiiuten. Eagiierreotypes, Fainting, Drawintjs, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniaturca of deceased pern'iim. Inl'.en at short initiic. For 1'ortraita of Adultn hv our prociaa.and Iin- I proved Insti uinentH, a c'.omhj day u quite a la I vornhle oh clear weather. ! For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) . , ri 1.. :i I.i la pi eier iin.e. ill fii'M avoiu mute, uiuc or Iliilit pink. Onr (Jalle'V with ita rtix Pri.o Medala and Work, of Art, is open at all hour., and Free. W hether visitor, wiiii piciuaa taken or not, wo ahail ul nil lime 1 he lialipy to aee them. Juno U2, l."i0. IITS! I1TZ! I1TK! EOliriEAU'S Indestmctiblo and Iudellible VEITINO INK FACTOKY. jVu. 1 South Third street. MKRC1IANTS und tlic M'ritiiiB eominuniiy are leipiesled to cull and examine thii INK, which is wariautfj m t tu cuiruile MctuUie J'tus, nur change its Cour. WlioU'Mile imd Retail, No. 1 South Third street, I'hiladelphia. A tiboral discount lnaJo to MenhuuU and lha Trade For aula by H. Tl. Masaer, agent foi Sunbury November tl, 1450. ly. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton I.apa and Waddiinr, C'ottoii Outlines, Ready muds Pantaloons. Ready niaje Vesta, Cungresa Knives, l'oreel.iin lined picsetving kettles, just received for sale by H.MASSSER. Sunbury, Dec. t, 189. TVlKf-ING BOTTLES Breaal pumpa, and i-' nipple lubes A aupjdy of thesa useful arti cle iusl iccaived and l"r aula by juhn'w- rmi.iNO PtmVury, fan IE, 15JI tf SIIOUItDS & CO'S CS3 LEa j. CP Ui CS3 LABOR AND FUEL SAV1N0 Kannfrtrltirrtl hy Mmitrih & Co. 543 Chmtnnt St., I'lnla. VOW SALE BY ALL GROCERS "IVTARR ANTED ti wash clean in hnnl, soft, ornlt wntor. cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Snappier manufactured ! thus dispensinrr vith hiiliii.r, blcuchin j, V:c. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &e. wrtRhed with this Soup will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in tlirr oriifinal soft nnd phnnl state: which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to piarnntcc its use in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thnrouibly with it, without the least injury; eivin; them a lustre equal to newly imported rooiIr. PAINT, CREASE & DIRT of nny iVsrriptiou. cm be readily removed by the use of it, wdtlinut injury to the article, whether it le the tiiiPKt ili-e -j or onlmtiry carpel. In the life of rhonrds ic Co's Soap, the nioM delicate need not fear, as it w ill not injure or chap the hands, but on llie contrary act as an emolli ent, and is not only the vi.ur iii.st wasiiinu soap ever offered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot bp excelled. V1egpv." ' '-. l.ccn used it has riven perfect atisfac'i n. .r , wan anted so to do, in all ca ses whc"" ii fi'. '. : " ill be (liven it. s!i-l! ,"!.- ' CO.. Mannfar lurers. :Co. " - ' 1 .--nut St., Philadelphia. For y d" V" e- i;enerallv. Ni-ver.iU r ! K. 1. ." -t Tr.-v. I-. t.Ull! To.. Pn. tiv attended to ill the r X-'ithumbcrland, v.i u I ,. i , '. if M i-ser, Esqrs. . . !.., aid Huuhe. &. .'M.le.-C. M. Hull, M. iCsim: r' conutie. ' !i Union, (Jolunil A . Jordan. H Sunbury Win. ! . n Solomon Shinde'. n:. Mortimer, Pollaviile. Oct. 5. IS'O Iv. FASHION A TlTuTT HATS. C. J. V ALTON, No. 210 Market at.. rWrerfU 7 If 8A tt., (Smi'Ii side,) rPI!F. Su'iscvibcr Ims opened a new hat store and oilers to trader.-, and olltcrs who visit lite city, a handsome a snvtinent of hats, capn, nf eve rv variety, nuide tip of the. best material, and in t lie late-land hc-i -1 If. and on terms as reasona ble as can be b.i 1 in nnv i stahhsiiuicnt in Phila delliliia. viz.: Pines.!', ban at ; Cood do do ut iSlliil. Per-. 'lis iioi'i the country who pur chase of him. can rely, ut all limes, ori ccttinrt a pood article that will ei-o them, and one that is fnllv worth the nn.ii.'e paid. C. .T.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. n. loll ly. c ii a i; i. r.s v . n r.r, ins, ATTcr.iTrrjr jjz lav, 5r.:f I- l S'?o, Will promptly attend lo collections and all buai liess cnti tinted to his c;tre. June lfi, D'l!i, liquoiis, AVixi:s7&c. rj"IIE subscriber has just received a new hiipply 1 of the be .t liquors that ever can to iSunlniry, consis-tiiur in part of Superior old pile Uvundy. pine Coniae lj..mdy. StiK'rior Old Ja'iiaica Sjiirils. New Enliiud Hum. Pine Holland (fin. J , Superior I IKI Wliiskcy Common do. Superior Mad.aia Wine. Lisbon do. do. fujierior Port Wine. Uuryiinily Port do. Sweet Mai.ua Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Chaiupaji.e ilo. do. HP.NKV .MAfijSKK. Sunbury, May "Ii ISlti. in vl vi)i:i.i'iii im: i.iiiiiiii vroitE niTTl.NC vV WATHltJI AX, Importeis and Doalrrs in Licjuors, A'o. 2JH MjiL : f'nrt, Pi'iilmUl pm, "JPPEI! for s;ih', the ln-i.eit and best assort- incut of I . it ; iii ii s in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Slicriics, purl, ."-leek, Claret, liur-aiube.-. S.ininrii, IJ.ir-.:ie. Madeiia, Lisbon, Tciici ide nod iei!v Wines. Draudics of the choicest brands, i. : Maulina. Otnd. Point, Hennesy, iVc, iVe. Fine Hn'd.tnd (in, Mun uiahela, bcotch and Irish Whiskey, &c, &c. HoteU and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the moot liberal term, jidv Di, lb.'.u srTr-rif .rsi PATr-T T.'PAN ELACITING. Jllllll' ''.'. M E 1) A f.. i Firr-;r -t;-.: h i I ;'i . 50 CUF.STN UTSir.'et, !y tlic FKAMiUX ...'.uli'ljiliia ill llctoljer, ) ' I1C M KYL ND r- N..v 1(5.1' .., ,.l I M-III. . .Nov. IR-l!1 and 1H1U. .. OciuUr 'JCfA, IS4S. V i'atent .lij tn Liijuid .in: iiii.c Inontlis, and r..i, i-iseii ail) hUekiiif; u Id c irs. I lind . e l-i.:.' t.:c leather bet I ii 1 ve ewv tried. , !; :.-. u i'-a. . i.f (.''.. ,t,.:t Street, '" " r facturer. : l i J. WfcU.AK. I lllivt II and I'u-le h' am In., in 1 1 that I llil'e . it luildi tit.1 ; ll.r iliau a. i'. T,'m. ( No. .r) f-'lieiii"! i-ircei, above Second. Novemher, 'J, Ib.'iO. ly. I ) ROW N'S lsFNCK OF JAMAICA Gl.N ' t.FIt, un pvielu iit article. R.mw n't Medieuted .u,ii fur UI hums, tan, letter, Vc. Kiidwuy'a Circassian IjuIiii, for the hair dand rull'iVe. lfudway'a Ready Relief fur Crainpa, Cholic, Cholera Moihus, iVc. For nalc hy 11. li. MASSEK. 8unliury, Auf. 3, lbol). AO If). Nr. are, Larlhen Ware, Raisins, At- li iiionds, 1 inn s and Cicam Nuls. riane ot nil kniils. &'all and Flasler. Jut rreeived nnd fir aalc by JOHN W. FR1I.INU. tfunbury, Dec. S'J, I -!. ROOKS and tielJ 1 r.i. On band several cop ies otthe liic ol t 'lirisl. and also a number of gold k'iis which v.u will scil al the i'luiudelphiu prices. For sale ul this ullii e. KNNF.UY'.i F.VJKN"! ,VAMf FAN TKNINti.S. A che.iii und excellent arli tic lor fustiuiir sa.-li l.r talc l v J. W. FKI1.INC unbury, July 7, 18-19. OSU OINT.MKNT A fresh .upply of this excellent article lor Jeller, Ac., ust received and lor aula hy HENRY MAiSrfEK. Buubury, July 88, 181!) UftTU.EY'S COLIi; CNDY: Ait exc7l- " v lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For nale at Una otliee. ri' ISJ6LE PAPER Yellow Tissun pui.er for 1 covering glukbcs, &c., for aule at the olliec ol the American. HADD'&i cilebraied Horse and CattU MedU J cine for aulc by HENRY MAWF.R Sunbury J.n. STtii, 1S1D A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware Itoom or SE1VN IIOIIPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fnwn street If tht Railroad SUNBURY. PA. Thankful for the patrnnapfi of his friends and customers during the" 17 years be has bpen in busi npsa in this place, lip solicits from the public apon tiuunnep of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the dav. and has accordiimlv extended his busi ness in i verv branch and vnrictv. The public are therefore invited to tho attention of the present stock of CAMXKT WAllM AM) CHAlllS, Manufactured bv SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. At the Old 5'rmi, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment tbey now manufacture Ilahog-any, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Sent Hocking Chairs, Dressing JUiremm, Centre T'ibles, Mnrble Top UWt Stands, and a variety o f other new style and Fashion: Mo I'lirnitiirc. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared fur I'ndcriiikins in ail its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ve nriiiiii aivt mistresses, and liimlianils too, lie-re's furniture of every irtyle in hue. From ii!e bnnrils down lo kitelii-n tiiblcs, Kreni r -eking elinirs 1 1 toekiin; cradles SlionUt y 'ii a I linve the reaily Joins to pnv, 'c'II w;iit nwliile fr u tiriirliter heller dny, lr tnke p'llntoi'S. tints, c Til. wlcnt unit rye: I!:trk, hop p'll'-p. staves, or IninliT wet nnd dry, Or any thing tint yekes Hint tlircsliitt? ilnits, l7rotn 'icn nnd tnrkies down to little qnadl. O'mc on tlien frienils, eonie one and nil, Keep Irmle n niovinir, so "n 'es oa the ball.' W Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of a. I kinds delivered Willi dispatch. Sunbury, March !', 1850. tf roti '2 tt:.Ms!!i 15 v Mi.Assor tub Pockit Esei LAPirs, or. Every one his own Pbvsician ! thirti- nlition, wit Ii tipwanlH ul V rrj:r-jrt- J C t.irm.ttiui.9 ul the guncrutive V Iff fij svslcni. 'SV:V?'-'-" I;Y v,!- voi;io, M 1. ;V-. '- '1 he tiiii1 han now arrivil r . - t(l ifrsitiis fsulicrin I'loni npnpt iliso.iM'K, nro 1 ii M'ro lieromt tlic victim nl'l-Jiinrkcry. ;is hy tlic pre-irri j: i:ns foniniih-d in this bonk nnv one uiav rnre !.;".-;rl(, wiilumt bind- rniii'C In iui-iiii'H-i, ur the kin vvlcJo ut' any ouv, I u mc n. I' i i.'-vi'i.i.'v. n.- l V .it- r.- i n .m insji-..--il ul itb rue truth t be usiuil c pctitT. In abb- ml v.-iiici in-u-.ii-' il t s.n-n u,i ,t: m t.i-ti iii heai l itmt tion to the irencral routine of private disrase, it ' mur.tuu -nxv.-r.. r k-Au- it. I w.xnv-uu . . , . i i- i 1 ' '''ti''t 1 t' r l.'t t It '. -f.l t ' t ; r' .it ( nt ii it nt I' hi, IliltleVt'll liill i-X l.iiMstuC eansoot imiMliood soarlv (leiMiie, ( iilut c i,i n -s- I f,-t .-. - -i str-Math, !isni.'li- wit'i obstiiit:otis on tnarri;i'.;e besides in my j ,Mn n t eM-i.-iM-. ami, ux y. n Imv il in y-nr nK---i t tli.f ,1.n-..i..rn.w.Miu n-lii.-K it tv.m!tl i.nt lr i.f... ier to fiiuiiu'iute. I' ?Auv ner.-ini senilin'r tvi:t-i ivp: i-i:ts .n.f.seJ in ti letter, will roc-ivc one coi.v .l' Ilia ' IlilOK. HV man, nr mi' eiijuea Mill ne M-iii iui mil- tL.lhir. Aililress, ' Uii. V. Vtll.MI, ..i. 13: si'iax-r. Mreet,i,mi..i)i:Lriii.-i'..st..iiiii. I V'DIJ. VOI .t! inn lie coiisiilleil on tuiv of tlio llise.ies ileserilieil In liin ililf'Teut iiil'lieuliniis, nt Ms OlKee. l.'rJ SI'lil Ci: Street, every -lay 1)C Iwrru U unil oo"elo'k. (SuiiiliiVHCXcejjtcil.) J'lii!uilel.!iiu. .Viv. II. 1S5I.. ly. r i7wwwo 1" EJ I I, 1 l i: I'M I A . MI A KW.BSS A SON'S, have just reeeive.l their vniiiv iif.si'iJi.Mi amV si:mh:h (JOODrS ul rneiully nml oilier sulci, to v.liieh tltev iu ile mieiili'iii. SilAW I. All ilenrriiitiona of .S:lk, wiullen and uoi'steil. DUKss SlI.K firoilo liliines, ("natneli'iins, iiml neat a:iJ new l'aiiey stylet InJia tSill.il anil Sillins. UKF.SS GOODS Lawns, llaregcs. Munsse linu, ( iiii';!i.nus, Aijiaeas, Moliuiis, tn.il ull thu new f.ilni-'s. FfKMfsiUNfl COOIIslilauUets.Sheetinrri Quilts. 1 1. un. i-.!;, Huttings, ui.d ull uihcr tuiiiUh iim troiiil-'. MF.N'.s V FA K Cloth, Cassimeres. Caaliina reliK. lliills. Vesiin,'s of nil kinds, nml Urns wear. SlIOFM AKKHS (JOOllS nnd Carri'a-e Ma kers artieles. 'J'. iSUAUl'l.F.SS & SU.NM, No. .T: S. Sei'oiid fStrect, l'liiladeljiliia May S., 1?:0. lv TONIC MIXIUIIE, Foit Till Cl'HE Of FllVKIt AM) Aul'E. Va KANTKD. THIS llltriAlllle. Ille.lieiiie ueiv he relieft on wlien neir ly rill I'tliel reli.etliel, lail. Iim vjIul 18 II l Mi:lii l.:nlly kieiw". ttiereliire, the pi iiriet ir (Irtiirea lit eiilnriie tliu ficlil nf Us iini luliii'H I.y iii:il,uej ku iwn iu virtue mij elfi ency in III HiMii'li. el siilf'.-iem wle'are ii l uwurc tlinl llie Call tie nj.ecililj Ull. 1 ill, lieal. y curetl uf rllYKIt AND AOl'K, with "lit llie use "i i iiv-u -ns ilms. ii-ni.e ins poti-'iis nr tin- il-'ieleri ns elleelf 'f ilii.iue. It in ' if p it 1 ' I lie n:i lle at ii Invv ; .:'' I" i'le-e II wi U.I II I lie re ieh nl :i'l. nis.r u! lliai tn ! w . ' line il iii'i'"r.liiii; tn ilireeleius will ti uil ii a ..! and jie- ly e ue l"r KtVER AND llv.l'lt. It it n-it tt itis:ieree:r.!e leiiiKealinc e 'iiiMiii'l Ivii nn a'iree. Hi ile lima- e...i tealeil I i ri:in .ve llie illseaKc anil ive Ileal I'lV , a.-ii' n 1 ' the ..111 n-'i niel 1. 'iveiu. I I'-e-iire.) ....'y l-y .l:.r.l.,ll ..., ttll'l S 'I'l VVll IrKifri Hint retail hy l:.ivv:n"l k Ji. N'. J1 N nth 6'h Slreel. I'llllriilelliill.l t'lh'V ?r I iCT hll'ij.O Lulile, Ullil C; )vt (t 'Z. June 11I ly UH.M)Y IAI)!-. E take this method to inform the renders oj ' the Sunburv Alneiiean, that, should they visit, Philudelphia, in guest of C-ood and Cheap Clothing;, and favor us wilh a call, Uiey shall not be disap pointed 111 obtaining llie hcsl ol ariuenls ut the lowest cah prices. Wv liuve now on batttl the largest assortment ever olli red in Philaiie'iphia. among which arc DRESS and FROCK COAT from !5 to IH, PANTS and VEs'J'S from 75 cts. to 5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, Ul .sl- N ESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall be sold ut such prices as to 111. me il an oliject for the people of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to extend lo us their patronage. 1'EliKV R. M'NEIU.E & '.A). South Fust corner of tilb und Muikct. July Ft, laoO AIIM'.UAI. WATia:, fn Ai-iil Spriusa, highly va "10111 the Oak Orchard pnugs, hieji.y vuiuaiue 111 clirouic di seases, and Ionic rcineiucs. for sale 1 ; I1EXRY MASSER. Sunbury, June .9, lSoU tf STONE WARE," S TONIC milk I'ans, tt-uio Ju ami 1'itdieni, nnd otlior urt'ulf-i of utone warp just recoivej m. f.r sale lv JOHN W. KKIMNO. Sunbury. June 23, 18I'J. JATKNT 'J'rus-iTu of all kimU, Harristm! writing anil imlclliMe ink, Coltou yaru aaJ li.jut retoivctl and for lialc by J. V. TKILING. tSui.Uury, Uc 2, 1S48. AV HUM. An exrrl.ent article for sale by HENKV MA-SSEK. ttunbury Jan. 57Lb, I84ti tf. LA.'K UKEUS printoJ 011 tiie bi-st qunlitv i-l i:irrlimriit iaicr, aulJ at llie lowest irice at lliia ollici', by wlinleaale and retail. IJAIsINm, currunU, citron, rhet-aa, pt'iipur aauie, &e. lor uile hy J. W. KKILINU Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848. 131LI.S. Juiticea and Conalablea Fea . Bills liandaoiurl printad on cvd paper, fur it it Una tuhoe. ISA NIC NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rr.NlYI.VAN'IA. I MASSA(At;SF:TT3. eitv or I'liiLAiKLrait. All milvent banks J di V. H. Hunk li nes 1.1 ills 1111(1111'. ISLAND. AU solvent banks pin 1 All s.lv.'iit Innks 1 ii cousrnr. Cfi.NM'.cTICL'T. rtnnll of riinmlxTslinrn 1 diAII scilvenl Imnks dis Miniknf Chester Co. pir Nl'.W YORK. Unnk nf liul. Co. Chester purl citv. Hnnk nf (t'-rniiintiiwil i:ir' AI1 i'tlveii; hunks 3 d' Hunk of (ietlralmrg 1 Iib I ? Ilk I 1, s under SS 1 du llnnk of lewilteu-n n- nthv, llnnk of .Vliildletnwil 1 riisl All Soiree's ! . s litis M'liiltti'iiierv Cn Hunk url iKV .C.I.StCY. Hunk of Northllniln.'irnd put lltrlvidere l!:i, h ! d.s think of I'iUshnrK 1 ills I '"iiun.-reiiil llnnl: j di Ihink of D.invilli! pin l"ur. Hunk M ill llnlttf liar I'urlirli! Itunk 1 dis'K. .V t . .Mill. ;. t..wn Vl. par C'llnnibia tl'k A Il'gc Co ir .Mis-hunies' Ilk. Newark pur ll.iyelst'iwn Uank imr'Meeh. Ilk nf liiirlmc bm imr r.nsten llink urMeeh. M.in. Ilk Trent jmr l-'.rie llimk 9 dis'.M nris Cn llnnk 1 dis i:.eliiince trkPiltstinrir I di!cvtirk llk'ir ,V Ins.Cu tlis l-!seliiintre ll'k. llrnnch 1 ills (lrmi(je Hunk ! thu FurmenC ll'k. Iliicks( pur I'e 'til'-'s Ilk I'uttersi'li tli farmer' Ilk, Ijln'usier pnr I'rinerl'in llnnk pur I'nrniers1 li'. lt'iiihint pnriS.ili-iii llunl tii-. C', p--r i-itiin. Hk.S'huvlkill Cn p'iretiH'rii.t C-i Hunk I dis I- .V II. Ilk Wuvii'il.'g 11 lis Slule llnnk ic ('.iiiideu pur t'r.-inklin Ilk . IVnsli'u Uills'S'nle Hk 1" 1 1 zul .i-lt.l .i '(lis llnrrishnilt Hunk l' ills Suite H ink Newark j dm llnni'Siluli' Hunk 1 dis Slule Ilk. X. Ilinnsu iek pm lrfiueinili.'r llink p:ir,Sii!i-x li.ni't. Ncwt"ii I ilis l,clmnii Hunk p-iriTrent il Hunkiiiir Co pir Mereh. A iMnn. Hmk 1 dull iieui li mk. I ver .In Mineis" li'k, I' .llsville p.-rl S tr.U: ic.fc t ;! Ilr r- 1 vtis .M ni nipdir'n Punk 1 d!s tiTUk n ( s imd. r SS tilt 'I ivl-rtv'e D.'treCo IS iVs' Ml . 'J I! H. Weal HrHin-h 1' ivk pur t' "i't ot Delaware pir Wvunii".' Hk, ilkt'sl.'e .irH-nk el Mnvrnn pm Y 'rkll iek. I ,Y-p I'. imn'r I Ov I' niV e n rpHrlitf notes 1 ill" I k Villiv.''n.V 1' aurlew. MAINK. I'linnerv' Ilk M I pu- ne (i;ir flunk nf V. hell..,. k .1 .-lis I'.'l n llnnk. Wilniint'ie f r Meieiintile Ilk. Hmie ir in dip VV Coder i'Cs J dis Al! Ivent l.nnks i ills dllO. Nt:V IIA.MI'Sllllll'.. ( A II s-lveiw luniks 2 dit AllS'lvent Imnks 3 dis ;". Ilk ie iO'3 ninlrr S's 4 (lis VK.lt MONT NOIiTIt CAUOI.INA. Hunk "f St AH'ies 9 di-lA 1 s 'Keni hunks Silis All s 'Ivent hanks j ills t7l'n.!er o's, 2J (lis 1 " MXIft is. wi'h llic utnr'M C'Mifi,lcn e. oft'ori-U ti the Lj 'MH'rfl I'lfiut) and tht (mill it- l-ir t In i.'iuenf l p-p- fid or liitlit fUoii, imd uii ihv-'tM; at i-uik; (i'-nii !, tn.cli it N.iuse.i, lli-inlai lie, Vi-rtiU'i, l)iiiiiu;kji nf liaht, Icltiliiy ut tlic iNcrv.nis fc It-m. Ilyn- icliiimlria, JaunJicc, 1 r.4il a-fpetaf, Winttin-i ! tin -slieii'-th. Ilili'illh Vnlil'tin, llurini'c sensiiiiiin ut the pit i t llie st'ilu.ieh, .ivereiiiiil.iuil, t ip; i'i-ssi n sifter eulinp, r.i!'ilull in nt 111'! Ilealt, l'.llll III ill ( It 1 the HI 'lliaeli Flainii-iirt, with lfftiiicill vt I 'Wai.ls ihe ii-ht nidi lielellllitf of W lint, 'S ill. "Wm-MI ot V MIlplfTIi -11, Vitialfil ."It-, lifttrejni j: l tltc iHrif-mniil t'i'itstuiilM'ii aiul uucnisiii'-ss. iuiiui-iiiiy i.f ("iii,!-.!, e. ni thu h 'W'-lii, I It' o raae nf ilyimi-i .it' 1 Lr n-'l'Tltil. in 'St m-ri-.ua 1 rtt '(." may t-ii-itu-. l- r it lan lh- l-iuntl.ili ii t ir, ia the lit- eiiifiil i-iin.'i'i. ii i.t J vtTj, 'i.-i,iti tit.i it-t miii iti-s in --iinutrip-II 11. 1 W-'Htil ltil;.rt ); -Il til- in:ii1 T J it I-i I llti H it h thin tll8.'.if:t- nny .if I tKji rt witltlhe n :if!"ll Wli.rh ivntl Itit'-B lll l't MTpl'It-llllllt'M1 Mil -li'.' tl'lllU.l l.'-ln.S. r t t in l.ir.er t'M.li-iU'f hy mi. ling a c mil-i 'U -nci-s i 1 lolly W lliu n'linlty f jxiui. Tlim niriiieii. i8iie:'i,y put in in Ji'-ttN-K, wttli ample tlirtfli-.iiii f- r n so, a n-1 i t-ml j:i nn!-iM v i-r .tuiiM V. l- BiLlM. li ,S NVl'l.l.lAMS. T-'Mitil iV t'f Mr. AIHT Ml: ae;. h itt .-i . ,lr ik- t Ml -( nlj'u Sixth, e -rr I) rali,t; W u.c '-...i-ny ol ' iiii.nii' A Till-i Uplj'tlf llllAll Pinr.APixntJA, Oft.il.er 3, Irll) M. Javes Willi -.mp : ltf.ir u : It l'.v s iiir1 cri-ji, pli-umi i r t: kirv thut ynu urt iiv; ii i jiiVjta' i nil y-ni nit .ii.'Hif t i" il. t! cure "I 1 oprp ma. i r many f !iv n-- - i i :-. l- icivt re, -.it' 'i.y ;:s',t H III'- Vl in ir tl i-.'H'.l ix :.r cniti'. 1. 1 1 W 1 1 'H tn:it I h:nt t'trii cafi-.l -y it. A" I tint. . I'm' ;i i ni'in i'-tn It'ilnn-nl uf i r' I Itt-nt li! j h:, t- r- V I 1 1 -ti i tin- it m i J.lll IIH.it iiM'it., a L'i-iici;u h rima ' I 'i-'l ' 1 inl littU---i itnitie i Wf:.run-ta Itii'u'vi-ir t -. In-..tin li tn i' hr-nt Iiil-Ii ft- r Mninieliil .n ..i ,,ur Ami. i :"' ie.1 it wmIi ti t- m ici . j i" 1-..IXIT. I IT- - lirtrti iN-i't ; uti.liT it inllii.'iut- i . '"'V"',", """"' "ive- hie ri : ut ii'-.l win. li 1 e -ul I i.'i..'uy W illi iiiijiiiiiey. I .-n V1. ,ri, h:ive II ei !" .1. 1111.I ill f -i, I,, l.-r,. -, im llie eiir.it ive I''W'th ! y 'in t k-i 1 .-: 1 1- i; iti .-I ciii' mi-it iiM-ii, un ll (-ptiipl'-tt'ly curt J tin wWmi I i.iil.-i. t-t 1 1 nu r in-! ir in any oih:i B'urcc. fiy it-'iPC'-.K!'''.- v '. AiiM.i; ri .M rs. T.'lim'Miy..f T:.hvir.l II I! .!-v, u -1-s.l.- .,rrclrnit oftl.e tinil nf K-'w'- v. A-'-'uinii'-i ,V ').. .t S S -ntti Wli irv-M. lit r-ul .." tlu rti.i ary .1 WIutiiiV A ilti-D , ii icrtic I liixtr. l'uiLAi.hLi'n:, ( Mi'I f-r :), 19. Mr Jamf Wim.!.m . lltVir Sh : 1 I'll,..- Ir.-pfi Ilr; i I Tl H 1 1 1 1 un. ! il v nr Atiti- I,m'iii.- J'.lixir I ri'i-c;ir- -i u-i.i. 1 invc t 'kt-ii li r.nW I'H tlic ill-..-1-"'. ."i't !i-iv I : :: in-iy t ui t-.l. '.-iirfi if- .-'"n " . i.i)t An ii. i;ivi.i;v A uf" st JOHN W I KllJSii, Minl.ui), l'a. IMan-n ii, 1-jU. ly kose oirjrx.Ti.NT, ron tettir It l A I) th rll Vil,:' rr.tlti, if l in (':.( r l)rV"f. llie i W !l Kiti.wu .tiiil p'i,ni..ir 't.itti l -at C.'luui ( -l' I tie Ti.tvt.I.cr.) ! rnii.A.":i.rinu t)t-l "L.-r HI, 1,0. Stvcr:il ytyir miw I w;t ritt'ifkr-l wMti a !u cuKiin; iinf mi my iH-i-li in i ! ii- i" -nn 1" 'l'--:i.-. , v. in ii 1 ;t.n f m hum! U:ik t IHI.trlf.l ill 1 In II il . T .t S'i-itt If .;Mi.t.::ii!- t'XIri: I- c.l -vit 1 1 1 y f-u'i mi:il i x-. i (..! ' it iit-r ).rt ( lit rti.-fl.F. lmri'i.' !'. n-, i-r.l t.i i. . t:. .1 i: c n p.nrii -r"'"'ni-.i "i'i' ' ' " i-'n ' I ie fl! ft, HIM" nil V ul I' 'I t. "I I'f'VtM; ' . .tS.-;i.', ttnl fr.-iit n..!if i-i lli'-in ili'l I ,.'iffr.-'t li.'- 1. -i. , 1 . ht iniitl I npiif-l iht; It i ink I ': r r . Itv i'.i ' '.:,- mr f,i" it, I W.;)- pentji-liy t'Uit-i! :,..! l.:iv c li .ii:t ..i-.i liL'Ci-i iuv .uii-C-ti--il I hnvf fiii'-t n-'-I r' l- Oi,:"'ii n'. I ''1.'! :i; Ut'ii i r-'uli-llfsS ul" llf t' nr. h: .-! -S. i;. i t;it,.N. .Vc. WpIi , r- Vi t jf.icffss. li.ivi- ii . h-s-,!;iti u in re- .iiiu-fiiilin n in Uc tti'''ii-n'cst ui;iiiiit.-r t-i tiit: i iil .ic. JAMi;S DKVCK. A'.Ti'iil J U:itv MAf-stH. tSantiury. July -Jf, Iflii. SUITS aCO, I m imi u t i: u s o r v n u i: i a Eooks, Friiits, Eri'avinr;s, Stationnry (IA l"i anien aiwl Mus .il I.jhIi ii- No. 78 Nortb Sml St.. brt'.r-Mi Arh A: K.icr, I'i. 1 1. A liM.l' 1 1 A Ml'O'ITt nr.Nr n 1 S -v- i::!'v -.. i !, a t'iY li'i-'O .. : i ri.l -i' : t ;u .'r.- r J n.M. iCil liiit s ul wll. ilt' -f 1 " ' 1. 1': n-.'i.iii1'; : Iii (.rrrn.i:!, l-:!lii, ( iic.'k. Ht .rtv, rrr;n b. !:'i!ia;i Sj,tii-!i ami utlirr l.iii ;ii.rfs ; ( Ma.-si-'s, littou nnrs. (IiMiiimrrs, "i)ra!iiilurii's Si luio!, .1 av njlt'. riiluiv. I r:iwiu-; ami M-nlcl Ijntiks lor Arfiiiirrts (;i!'iti- t. Ctrl i,t':t n-ul ut'itT in unifiin urt'rs. MAI'S. (M.OItKs aiul lll.u.k U.n.ks uf crry ili'srnplioii. S!ria!ii.l I.itUor.ipliic ami oilier Tiints. UM(.t INS1 KIV.IA'TK. Ari'i'rtle'tns, Iianju, littw.- for a'l l rit i nl ru nic n is, lj riil '4r ami Tailjiiorrs, ( 'I.h i-iiu ts, Tilt a, Flaiiruli'ts, rintt", (iuil irs, Ot tavo 1'liUi's, 1iilmiI llcaJufor i nitiirM iiiitl Violiiiffilfi:,-, 'I'arn'iomint's, 'I'linim; Forks mid 11 ainmcrs, 'iolin-j, lo in ami ii'mtur Vioiim-t-IIos an-l Sirni's fur all kin-Id of IiistruturiiU '!iult'salc ninl Krt-iil. Accor ileotiK ri'pjiroil, A!bt constantly on h-iml, wlio!r--,i!f nml retail, a larj; UKHtirtuiiMil of tlu- vi-iy Ih'.nI GSRMAW POWDER Iultli Metal. I'lvmliaml Flori'iuo Kiut .Mftal Tin 'nnmnt'UMS, llaii icnt iK-Tal er ami nlliiT larudpi'm-iU, Ki'il, White anJ Ulack iAui.k Cray ons, Matliemaliciil Inali uiuent.i, Seartifator. .'jirini; l.anrt'ls Poeket lreseriitioii utul UuM Si alf-i nml Weights LeMcr, Faney ruloivil anJ Kilt lij.er--1 laying CanU ami other French ami (erniaii Fancy Arru li s, i, r tlu aalo of winch liny ar Uih M AN t'FACTL illlilS AUKNTS. july ii, ISjU. PATZ1TT ItCSDICIIlTEO. (invn'a Oxycnati'J lliltcr, jiri.-a reJuced. Clil J .iroli 'ruwtisviid'b Sais.iiianlla. ll.ikn'fc Saraniiarillit, Swayne'a run of Wild Chcrr , Sway ne-' Vi riniiiitje. .yrr'a Clirrry IVt-toral Ilr. Drake'. I'unarca. Dr. Cullru. tlu Tililiit'. I'aiu Killer. Dr. lloollmiir. tMTinan Iiiiti-ra: Indian eiretalile 1'llU HorxJ and faille Medii inc. For aalc by IIE.NKV MASSER. "unliury, July 14, 18 IK. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MEClTPfl com i' hi mm; a roLi.KCTinN oi-ovr.R 200 VALUABLE KKCll'KS, n the Useful und Interesting Arts u-ith a feu Muiiil. a nil furious IxiicrliiiriiU iu I'lIll.MISTltY : I N'CI.I'DINCi Meilieiiic, I'erluim-ry, t.'lipiui.try CiMikerv, Farriery, Dying, 1'nnfeotinnarv, Do mestic Economy, ete. etc. ete. I'riee 6 et., for .ale by 11E.NUV MASSEH. fSunbury.Dec. 8, 1843. 1 AZORS A aupcrior artirle for aula at iba .tore of HEM1Y MASTER. SunbuiT, Tab- 16, 1"-j0. MAHOGANY AND MAHHLK. STEAM SAV" 1ILL, A-ITl'IrVI MHIP, Corner of Eleventh and Rulge. Road. ANH CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., PlIILAtlKl.l'IIIA. rilin snTiseriliers would call the eppcial ettpn 1 tion of Cabinet Makers and olhcrs, to their very extensive Hssortnipiit of materials in their line, consintintr of Mahogany Veneers, Pioaids and I'lank. Hair (Jlotb, Uurlrd Hair, I. Inc. Vainis,i. I.ookim (ilass l'lates, Malini-ny Knob. Ucd Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Ilardu arc 'l'ooU, &c. Cabinet Makers residimi out of thp Oily, would fun) it preatly to tlieir mlvtiutani! to call ut our store lo purchase such materials aa they want, connected wilh their Iiimiicsx. All mir cri.o.ls are U'AltU.WTKP, of the l est quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) We Kitarjutce lo pivc every man the worth uf his moticv. T. cc L. THOMPSON. N.Ti. Maliorjruiv, 'n1ll ut aul li.ni.l b'n'.l Plank, nnd Stair Pia'ln-teis for HuiVe.-s. a'., i M.iitde Mantles. aKvavs on hand, and every dc scri: ti 'ii nf tim ed work. June S, lt: lv "DEATH'S DO? JR. !l-v frt(iMMUly il v !n';ir ! is ntfiint t r-'iivt) to tin iiiiTi.' v-'' th:it a pnllPilt CM il lit TVililCf.t t . .uil i n. it iii' itiiMT nf (lie 'I' -11111. y 'mm i :'ii, wtiifli in Mt. II ir... a.- u: trx ;! IV ItlK-ll- 1 iill-.-l nf Ht" M ticrS' ll, tilMUClH il "Wll t "li-. ni..: if m nml .Nt-rv MiM H-:i ! tc.M' Hftfy, ltnttV;ty's licritfy ( iaini ami reM -ml hT t h'T I t it 'i'lit- vt-rv inM.iul II hIw.iv'i H Will' in -lll--'l I" f i !s in ..'ft h'' tit !t. ly i.i in I i n.vuf.l. 1 (f !M-ln-l:i t'tlerlft jii; U-V.I. III. . ur;.,-. yLft mill Uiriiitn; it itii:iiilly i'.l-i;. mii.i'i u. r---' i u.. l,iiimnalt:ns nml 'WfilMi'.'s. n-'n t s ll r in -.-t Jti-vnc rn rn!'jlc piiitm, pivm r.-iM' t-. I'.rni. Sf;ti.l.-, if-s, Kr.t.tti i t, 'nri'H l'.lnMini:iiinia I .nml i - li ut, l'.-n;iiv us. Sniin!, Strnint-, itiiMm'. Mill if'.. W-jiVm- in tin: SiJi- nml H.t.jk, S-lt-rj ..f till kl.i-X liall, Drtlis.-.. (.'!iri!"rM, S-ie Tlir.-al, liitlii'Mizn. I! ir'iur. 1' v..-.s. V.-IW, Tooth a i-m: ti iu;u in o. f. hico.nu. Tliis t trt iirm-i at 1 1"- t m ctn '.it- ftm-l in an ins'riiii, f ir thit in uin-iit tlic l i'.v t' I'MU-itt'S l lit- r-t vr , th-' ;..ii!t m ir.' It'Jiitftl. S i with 'li. 1 -l.-.-nx ithil I i --.iiH-f ant i , N m -tl- jji.i iiiidSifk I li-.nhii'ht' liaili'1 Hit; -:.i w'n-it- itin jkcm m hi.-M n-vfri-, nt..i in tt v niilm es y.-Mi w iv r-h.-v-'tt. T.i km int'.-rn illy it will tii-rie ttn.- m si vi h-'il ( Si-:tM!t ail"l t 'mniiiw. si ; v-mMlm- nft- tnni'li iniu-iiti: j in itll t-ari'-i it will yive i!vMi;ii t w.-i'.n. s-; I if pun, h-:tlth f-T .v.ii'ss N.i I! ra'lv 1 1 '' ti I is - ' un." im- IrsM siiiii- tl hy It .DWAV t C., H--' I'ult ui Street. i i, i;; a T I'oili:t it t;ui is ti :s. TO K.MilJII.l.iSIi AMI I.MIVM li Tiiii -,'liAKM in-' in-: v; 'i' i . R inw.w's i t:v:'A ' n S p. I:i'hvays MiMH-iti-.l 'up.-, it'.v 'i ih.y l-:nwn thrtni'Ji o It tht t".inl'H"i:t!.!f v-tir!.l I't it t i , n;i ;. t:.n I. pur. I : un,' anj u-i-itliuij- -Hi-i'iH --ii lli- irxLir. ; vlni-'i yr a-:iii tn the iv. mi. I Hit iriiiiiitf m fitttii v vi-' ,s i i-i.- ..I im; uril i'-i ir'Hii lli' s irt'ui , a!!- s cv-r; I'm I in Il uiiti:itun. nii'l flti-rtnailv titr-i i.h i r.h:-i, t..ii, .inilt". sp s. 1 1 .-.'nit- j. !(M-"i -fill us ;in t 1 1 u.-r i-ui: it. s f.n, ,i.i..i Ti-- v:..'ii;inl hi -lii H lui, r . s iic . . ' I ! .Tii.-rs ;ni l itt Ii.th'v J:);h II ll IlI in ins. it1- (-ipahiti! v in '. Iil't-; ii . i' tan-! 'Mi ilH'-i-i. I't-n-'h r tl m l.r-,-1-:. .hV t t-wrv t.ii--. vr.. i i-:u--(if iilh-iii-it til'i.-r mi.h iiii: " fi.nl ii ' " a. I in Iti n 'I .. u Hus n, n ii 1 ituilcriwi.s i 'I Hit Hkiu, a:-d r. u !i:i.i it tn t, h.ii tii aii'l I'vi'-1 pa- .s nt liuriii-j tlic lirat iiml .li;:-t .!' Ml 1 Wl-i.'s tl wilier; nr-i ltn-.i.-- ! f . 1 "in. -. . i - . n. cl'ill-l fiiis. i';kih'.'-i1 l. iii'l". t.r im i.: m .u m.i .i. .. ' m, Us Virtiit'S It f c I 'fiv: a:nl f i r.iM , t ! , It a ;u ii'n-- !. I . Itt imiU'v iim Iiml rt-i i fslii- putMfrln-.N li if . -l.i;iii.'-i i'i1 !' tiuil t'r- u' Uto tti 'Hftuiti- ni "iht-r 'ftii'--a -, h t!i 1 I t i.-i. I .1 .Mi.'wtn. utTiiMt'', tnr, l.i-1 ! .'I t;,shl til. lt.lt V"1 1.1. I' !,,,. rt-alttm th.- Iii- Ki.t-; 'I.. - a" .: v.: ; hftir lit llliml that l!:tilv.i .lef,if..".-i ? un, l 'i.r wilf rt-paiati..ii f r ll.-- hi nnv ii it-.-; f'TtlJii-l t I IV "HIT III nt ; ii "'lit : ifrit r;tt-n-i. II. . I't S i:it is I'm: I'i' in "is n n.. in:: . : i.-u an t , . - - r . 1 1 1.' i irr.-ilii iiiH. it ciin lie u.-if 1 -u Ut i -i i '. r s:..i tli. wi: ii vtu: lam" li.i')iv ri'siil"H i!S up-'a 'u a'v in is rt-iM- .ctliat t-a.! ca!.' i.s cnv-l -i .1 i i . .:, t I. ti j Jtft'l f .e'ltviii;- -"ii'l Tiirt'ifr m i ? -it1? 1r-- ; ; ; ;r ; i :, 11 It Kl A V is tip--ii caoii c.iaj. A v J c iiU. Ui ' - r.ikru. j y i in: ;isovig oitwMiNT or hi:aitv ?a i.t xnti t iikai) tn- i.r.'.ssv iiaiu. R DVA VV CII.C -l. N I f "T. Warrtinffd the h-t Juf Ti..ic ii i (.-, ! t'r ilri s-ii'-; anil J ni;,i', luy tip I ir ! It "Ifaiiv.'ft f r m) i i'r-.tn l;aa.!rnfi, l . s t: v'- r. i'"-'i S-n.'iv;., Iiri;.;n-.-j. ai-.i y.tp-s . ii Hi.- II ... s . ;..nr t ruin lallmii oni, ifii.f'-rs it pfr'H't', fintv s m ".1I1. it nv- I't-TM 'UJ l :i h it: I isl I!m ir li -a ti nicn- -s U' l' It i ul n tiii;.i.lf mm' nl- I- in l! v i 's i'i, tfi ii iiin. I', it!, t give if ,i fi.i'k .1.. i ! I'T'i,'1 . i -r. :m 1 w i.; ; -. it I p'lu tm intti cr.-v. Kr- in t ft :'U' -i; : pa; t .'. M i.- ii uiii r.iMy ttil:.iili-l t i i In- hair i . !... 'rt 'i . i la ai !i-n .t r nut. It Ih it ..I in !-irH l-.tllt s l .r J". ..:- wv , ';.'. an-: I.-, wiirrantt-ii the lu-nt Ii 'ir tirf,'n-i",! n ni us-', r wiii i t H il t nt li tl. rap, ni (li.- lia.-Mt i.itir.r S-'i- ri. il ilu- mnii. turn t.i" A ll W A V CO., it- tip a -i I., .t - I if. c atisimi liaim is g-iiuim v.-itlcui llie s aiturc ui II nl,i-.v A. r A .ex r -H I. M s.t. Sau' iry Aug 10, ls')U ci -J. lily 4lInour;i c Yo:sr Own!'5 TTAAS ,V liKXX. F A S II 1 0 N A B L 1-: M A K i: ( ) F FURS ITU RE AM) CHAIRS. HuI'S'-ril.prs rrspcctl'tillv ci!l t!u 'iitcntion of l!n (niUIic lo tlioir larm itml s;'a'ii.lu! .is-t jrt ment ofetry qnalily ami price- of i?s6: -v ti:. which r;unint fiil to rerotmncml it -tf! !' toevery nn wJhi will eaniim it. tn accopnt f v iti; iMf vvfrkiMan.-s!ii ami splcn.lii! ..:ii-!i, m t i m i'v 'O't "tick tt la? ha.l in i!ie . ity, . elf rt l ii.ieil i'i thp m.i'itil.ti tare of thctr v-.m.. u 1 i'. '.i' - . .- 1 t . aie tl'1 . .!;) it I tti i, -. . .. I 1,1.1 .1 . -M.i 1 1 ,11' .V I :-vcv.", -:- ri-rct.Ti-fr;. ::. Mil A, lli.LUil'iSi' AMI ti i'.lw.iiS. mid ui.-o VEM;1'!A.S iSl.i.MJS .' ni.il to Fiula- i!i'li!ii;i I-- ' 'it.ielure. l:r.I)S'l'EAD': of iirr .-,tti- 11 nml iiriiT. I'l'l'l'.OMiOS. Wtiii. AND rWDI.E STANDS. TOII.hT YA!I.I'S AND FATKNMuN TAi;!.l, in Kliort, every artii'Ie in l;:is l;ue nf tlii-ir buines. 'i'hev al&o inaiiu'ai lure all klin.U and i;naiitiis ot C1IA I JiS, incluilili-J varieties 111 v. r befure to be b id 1:1 Sunburv, audi as M 111.11. ir, ISlai k tVuvi r imi IViiM.n M iru Uni'.ei i ; ami Wivusmi CI I A I K-S, M' f niv I'll mi S 1 -oni s, w!iie!. are if tlic latest Hiyles, nml warranieil to be I '.ri'lii'J by none iiiHiiiiliieliire.! in t!ie f 'iiiesor elseivliere. '1'lie subsv 1 ibeis are determined lli.it there shall lie no exi -uv for persons t.i 'uriliaMi luriiiiurc in tlic cities, as every coiiti.lenee i-jii ' e.ilerlained nboiii llie iiality ami lini li of tlu ir ware anJ f 'linim. '1'lieir articles w ill be disjio.-1-il of on as good temis as tliey ran be iuivli.ii -d -Isew bcie. Coiin tiy I'rodiice liil.en in .nv iiu-ul I n work. rNDF.iM'AKI.Nli. Hiving pinviJed tlieiuselvcs willl a handsome IH.uisk, ihey are innv ireiured lor I iiilerlukiii.-, and u: leiiilin fu neruls, ill this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance Irom this ilace. I 6" The V.'aie Kooin is in Murke Sin ei. opiiosile J. Youns'a atoie, and ncarl oHKi.,ilc Weaver, iaiciii. UAXIEI, 11 A AS. l.huiiCE KK.NX. Sunbury, Dec. 11, ICI: tf. JACOB HEED'S t MllIIIAfs Kt!l, Southwest Comer uf Fifth imd Market Streets, I'lllLAUtLI'lll , HO alway. krei on bund a lnre stock of ' verv vitriety nl clothini; made tii of good material., and in the latest and lust styles. He would also inform the public, that he jyiv. consi derable attention in getting lip Mi'ilur) t'lulliiny, ill good stile and 011 reasonable term.. June 15, 1850.- ly no h u . ijTv ooi'! Just received at the store of 1IEXKY MA8 (K It, lol uf t'aps, lilllll tshocs, Allililliaes, gueen.ware, Liquor, cic. All of which will be .old at the lowest price. Dec. 14, 183U. -I A 18 An asrtnient jut received. Alio lk HATS al -5, for .ale by H. M ASSEB, Hu' J ec. W9. LIVI3R COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPF.PSIA, CHRONIC OR NKKUILS OKnt 1.11 Y. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ND all discuses nrisiiv from dis irdered lireroTtW in ieh. such ns ci ii ml i.li"ii, inwtirtl files. Kulhieu,ot bin si t thn hcid, Acnlilv "f tho tsi-'neieh, Nausea, IIrartl.ni n, ilnmst fur I'ond,' fnlliies" nr weight in th Slmini I,. snr Onelati'Mis. sinkinc nr fliillerinit stlhe pil i if lie: Sl.iiii'ii'h. swiintuiiip i if l he IkviiI, hurried and difii eult hremliinir. tbnteriinr nt Ihuln'nrt. ill 'king or tiifT.iciitiiif 'nsnli'iiK when inn Ivina posture, Dimness of vision, (1'its.ir webs l'.?f.ir,. tin- iiiuiit. I'ever und dull pain in thft head, denei.'iiey nf pirj,ira'i"li, Vcllnwness of the skin Su4 ryes, puiu in the -le , buck, chest, limbs, be, sudden fiufhes nl heut l.'iiiuiui in th,. .-k!i. couStUIlt illlBglluuga uf evil, ami trrnnt ilepn.-s-i in nt stiiriti, can in-; i:ri t;i:ri. Ai.i.Y cunuo by CP. HCCPLAlTD'a iLLLuiiAi i.i iiiiviN unrtrts, I'UKrAllKD RT ' tlt.C. JI. JACKSON, AT TIIE GT. KM AN MKDICIXE STOKE, V. CO Arch St.. IMtilu.Irlphla, Tiifir jwiwer ivt ttir altivu cIi(m:;iuj in n-ii cxccllrrl, if (; i I. -it, i.t jniy ..'!..-r i-ii'ut tt ii ni the l.'niinf St.tw, ii flu' cm ten ;tUt si, uj iii:iiiy CiSrn mur kaiU.uI vby-i'Mnl h.. i L ,1. 'J'. II :trB urt- wiriliv f hty nt 'Mition "f u.iliil. 1' i;t i Vi. 1 U' li 1 1 ' r-'fil'.r li -II I !-. if t'iirl.ii.i ! l-j,-,! r y ,r.K, t;.ii If Til' HI Mi st'li tii!'ij III v : f .... -t,.i ..''- fit.' '.'I ' ' i 'l tl lltf.J i ' r.!:'.ni TtiTTr" f t iht : ., -t- m ., Ciiiw ie r - i, ,.. ., i . tit in al ji i-i- 1 ' ' li.-- l iv i'.. i l li.-i!- hlVfi Ufll 11-M-d tt;. 'tj .Mn '. - ti 1 ,t I' J t ;)i t v k.i; l.c li Imn ;;" I " i.'1 "it '-.t '"il;l IUl! ;( inritu-n! riire lAvrt ip, mil . rt'hi l! um' .i u,,. icitt-'l . . HfC t liVlliCt-d i;rt'l. tin piit it'll! C'MUl.llltlr L I MIH STi l 'illi . I t1 I ... T::- U tl' I ' iV piTS v .'di : i hi ut.ril-) i" grent rimide !. itip 1 . ; ,ri-,; Mi-' Miiill, Hll'l run hm Ii tin- .ti i!f t i- t uuv I w 111 ! in . Mr fnr iiivii't; t'lnin tx tv, uini' r ;m ,.e. . Hint I tl.. i, il. i '1 il we if': ,r t'-eir hm " M l N" H. : iL 'ii!ii wnli print eritiitific an I .t tT'i-v a". miii. n ?. k t.' in hit l',Nt w Y rk W tckly .;.-ss'-.fri -." .1 .mi ,rv tf. 1 .-;( ; In. I i !l i i i's i i ru in llir.-i-t (lire it n pfpar.it nn v ' -ii -l-f ' i : "j in th- I. 'ii -nappe ir li ho uiwtm- II II.. "I l'-C '-tl'il- ! il.l". 11 ' : .t; Li. is "hvnHt-t. It IM in i f a;:rr :i i-h-i- i i'i -i rnv'ti I. ";ic .f tin in at rele in 't.-.l ;h si,-i ins i in .t, 1,1 ,ii.. h, t tv laip .)r. c'hr tt-phr Wiii-.'l'ti I hi M.iii I. l'i-. I--- r (-. hr Vni vrrwity nfjt-n( piiva'f- l'.n-i i:in tn tVe knit? t I' I'nipKia. iltid nne of Ih -.rt-.tt- s' nifii.c ! w. itt i s i riraitv hri I'v-t-r jinpilui.-etl. Ha wll, -in. .laii-'-ili, llie fit' n. v uf h'l'nl-Nu, nml llieief ret in--ti'-i "T vv ti'-'i lie v s ''i- i'lv. ti i an 1 and rsrr imiy I.t- c 'i.;i".l"itll . rt-;.--l -a. lie s; t'fi i!.y i' Mn HPii(l(rf itin I ,ivf C uiii ml. Dvspt.-pMti, I )i- .ilit y, ii t ttr ', At-idily of th- St Ml tell. (' l!--..:i ii, -iml Nil e"-iji mi:, 'irtaillft fftfll n (lis 'i'l.-r. il -irii' . 'ii ! Mif Mi 'inarh. t:n livr nn-1 tli I ilr: 'Wit. S i-;f I'll :.-L- d'u t p;i;n-ri v r -Kthcir .i-IIVIC-ti-n ! l!- v.-. '.lt'ii .-f. .",:;. I 11' t .1; v !:" . it ipf!" of li fit ir in 1 l..-ir i.T.t in.!i . iila-il tX;pi itfiK'p. I mler ' ..t-.' en 1't;m- t-i'-.-.t. v " 1. w irr 1 1. 1, t, 1 it,,, , i, (;illttl(- t'lC .iMi-Mtl m . ( ,,', r-.' i.li-rsi tn I1,.- nr.- 1 ,.ee,.,, nr.nrik. I I n'm il)r t' l I.-Ur ,v, ...'..', '., I. ., . r.. .a. Hi"' ail it !e tu n I :-:! ii-'i-il " , Mu. e l!t itl'i:cc. ':n .iMi-l.y o;i-i!f,'' the litrt familr ii..; i j.i I nt .il Siuti-s, luc editor ab)i T!iP 1'lii'. ifli vv,...,.! p. I. d'$ f t-'niviH Hitters. I't ?::. i:-.( t t;t 'ifl loflllPJ Pt- f-'ii.f'ii-'i'-.' n.iii nit r-naif ff our In il W Ii-' l;ii!H'N.i III. ' .. il I i ti.Kliii'-t'y Ui:rtcf- A ' MiLf l V ) KU lllll llf tll ''.l I .a iia :' ,;i'- -ij ru-t llifii for if '',.-ir i;ii,:t. ris'-tr tl liil;hlir, f. t.-.:Vi if !lv piizt-'J, ami r . 'i-"- il -l I1.-- I'at-illiy itBflf." .. ' if I tvt;.- t iu;i.tii,t m,'.' Uy. . 'i''' i' il i . ! Iki-cIi.'). It acti i n-;i ".'-a w; it ii- .reft mbla .. ( c in iMmio!iat I ' I ' C ' 1 1 ' . li ,1 J ilfu.lt Willi afcalelf in i .M. .1 . i . 't I' .11' 1! I I I il i I- i (.i n Tr:;; im; Tr, J t : : -1 T '.l-'l t-'imO'-'-fT wnrH it . i' t hhImci c .untfl reitert ' .1 lh". is'i v( tlic iiCct f T ii'" t .-, i.:m vi::.i. im i iii; i wv.if ot- T'ik CRvriNE. T-i-y l:.i-t'l- t. .: -, ...... ,: ,r... . .( f M. JACKSOS t f. an i i- v t"!t.- I-; vu ia iht b-ji'.Iu, will.- i.r v Iii. ' Vi-JTr. S.'h. (' mf . -.i thtie ilMlcrt .. i a; J l.V li- T7 a ' v.-s'-,fs it.ATr: i-.-.t: r .k c. s i1(;iv) t'uriiiiiii .tia:r. l.Miiiry anil i'alnt "TjJl'r, .Vj T.S Vi. 'i Fun, i'i Street. I'KW ll.H.KS Ali.lVf. I llC.tilV, WtSI SIUC, i u:r.AKZLr as a. 6'uii''ii!i''(i oi Ii i i l mi' hi- .':, nt reduced prtccf, i'--7 ' s r-iin- q-a'.itif, the fA I .! : at 'i. ,'., c.-j ; ( m .i. r ' .' .; . . i ' !.,.. : ri -ii VarnisSea 5 I'i-.. ' It . -t .. ::!... V.iiii.l-: M-.nvii, U'hit 1 1 '. ! ' ' l r 1 : I.'m. 1 1 1, . At.- i', li.'tisi nnit f . f :-' V '.,'.-' ,M i'.i I'l TTV IN 1(1 M i I . I'.M'i Ii 1 ' .! - . r ii v IS. I'iiV. IN (HI.. AND I'ttK ii'' ri'.. .M: T.s Vnriti.h, I' l1 .1 ; AillnsA-r il',. lor I . (. i'-, Arlisu' Cft : '. I' "! n: : ' 11 'lit. Silver, .. . k.i i ' Hi iic ; Oil. . .l:.. ,:( l'i1 r 'u iilai'i.li.g lust :r.;;.:;;r. i-i "v:ii:.s, rv . 11 . 1 r . it y. tt i i m , St) it:-. cii.:yrr street, C ."i "- -1 n-K ! i . ri- IMI -.E ) r: .r - ?; - r"-"A. 1- .'1 . f - 1 '1 -- :. 1 1 v r "ed city . ' :!! iv-.i .1- .1-1.' I flu 'k 1 '. ' I'l . 1 ' ! l!:e ' i-r-.-t "T Un .. ' . , , : . I'. - 'I ;'. .';)-M 1 1 ' . .1 ' :' .e - f ,--ru 1 -;l ' ' . . i. ! . . 1-1 1 1 : 1 r ; j1.. .- i :. I . . . ; Tc ' -. t ' ! : ".i le.ii.-J to . ' . 1 h" . . i -i '. ' ri. Kiiik I'a-c, .Hi'! 11 : li ,1: ,i. ;i Fnri.il uic. 11 i l.iin l'.ul ir nod Chamber i'i.i- i-.ii niii.'.c ami put up iii the latest Pana I.IVIlO''-.. r-;i-ti.:r '.t:r:i-- Hnir Maitrassc, anJ Fea-lllf'i- lie;',.-., iii. iile to oilier. X 1:.- A.I ail i es p, r. '-asei! at this establish-ini-lil lire arr.i'iinl ot t!-c !.et litalcrials and svoi'.m.iiiship. aiui w .11 l'- p.ukcd to carry safely to nnv p.m. ol l!r. co. nlii. May j, lsjo. ly WATTS1 KEHVOUS A1.TIDCTE AM. rnvsic al iii:sror.A'i -ivb. THa iinaicAL. ws-iDiiit or thu JCm t 'II.T. p -fiili'.i''.' cine nil s!3'r of Neuralgia, ' 'lie llilor ia. Nervous Ileailiihe, Cho lera, l.o:'k: i-v, llyilrophi'l'iit ci : ul.-ions j will re-toie in iiioood to its pitiiue vior, even afler vesrs of pr-iiiaiion. and the only known and cer lul l cure for low -.pints or mental dcoillv. Extract Irom the New York iin, Oct. 3, 1849, Tiie re.'e'.nifrj Ur V.it.ou, when t dkini; of lha Pii.ai'uloiis poiver of "Walts' .Neixoui Antidote," ihe ,pi, -li 111 h Ji put I ) lii:n ', liv su.-il a i.tua. Iile 1e111e.lv for ail nervous ud'eelions nas not m i . o.lii, ed hy llie medical faculty !'' replied, "Thai if it wire, (here would no louder be any use fur a fa. 'nilv, us alt di-.eai,'i nrUiua led fium a ihsorao. ie.l sine 1.1' the ncives ; the nerve, are the lllsitt ipriiii; of the whole sv Mem Keep Ibis in order, and boih tiie mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, i do ies enough for til or liuarv cii ei, UNE DDl.l.AK. "Dl.DUY Win. MeCAK TY, Broadway, fjunhury. .Sfl'ti'iiila-r, is, 1-jU. If. 1JLAXKS. "J JJ T.AN'K." of every description Can lie tiad fcy ini aipHing at loe olliec til thu Aiuoticmi, I DI KE WHITE llKANDY FO(i I'KESKK.' I IXli.jusl leccixej ut.J lor sale bv 11. li. MASSER. Sept. SS, 1..0, flAiOAS, liuni the New York Canton and I'ekilk A. Tea Couipany. For sale bv J. W. FK1LINQ, Sunbury, Dec. 2, 148 jrNOll AND M'KlNtJ MOKTlsE LAT I'HEM. An exclleut article, fur Ml. at hull the usual uice t y buubuiy, July T. l"H'i J W. F7ilLl.NU,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers