t-? S UN li U 11 Y AM K K 1 C A IS A N D SI I AM OKI N J OUKNAL. From tht N-wsrk Daily Advertlaer. BEVOLt'TIOMAnV FH AGM li.T.. A MfOMAN't WIT AND ATHlOTtsM. In converiinB with hiehly intrllietMil fentlfimtn of lhi Stat, riot long oiiirp, I heard a atory of no .' int"tt't, which ought lo be lep'aleil, nllhnnh not connfoH-il with Morris Cnttnty, nor even wild New Jerey. Hi informant o Mi. Hopr-pr, who resideil (imelipre in tho reinim uf Kamarro. When the Aiiiericnn nrmy wn tationPil amonir ihn Hiuhtanila, liothini! waa more frpqnenl than for nfTirei to cinno..lo 'thin tally's house. Gen. Washim-tnii himself -n in Ihe habil of Hopping with tin) fami ly. The Americans were t.ot their only visitor, but tho enpmy, ttrnrteil by the iferliliiv of tlie (liniit, .imetimea maje foraging iueiiroiona into the region. On on oceusicin -veral otliceis of our ar my had been belated und sp"iit the niyht at .Witt. Hupner house. They had wilh them .oniaer.M money, and in thei mnrniiiu did not make '' ",rl' u"u A romPa"y of Hessian. " number about one hundred, hppeue. lhat very mom in-, to be on a for expedition, and surprised the family, whilst Itie Americans oliirera were yet in the haute. There a pU.ee in the upper part of the house where the roof came near ihe flour, and wilh the jrreatij! ilispaich Mr. H. hints' up bed quilt in -itch away lhat there wan just unn enough fur her vis itors to lie behind tt close under the tonf She then Ihrew a bed down on ihe iloor be fore the quilt, behind whieh Ihe men were t'lii.l, and pi.t a woman belon-intf to the family in it, equipped in a night cap. and ibid Iter feign siekness. This was all the woik of a minute, and the had only completed her preparations -when the unwelcome visitors bt'iMti to sack dhe house. accosted the olfieer in coui naHd, in l:::eof ininsrled entreaty mid in liSiiatioii, IcIL;.. him il" t ,! was a poor, frimililcsr. wcraiin- wilhml a man in the home, with a tv-innim jut at the point f death. She bet-j.'c! him to have the soldiers withdrawn, and tuition a ".mini to defend the boose. St would fce the death nf 'he iik woman, and h would "be an act uf need test cruelty, of which tw w oolil lo be Suill)v' Tl.e-omeer 1iTv"m2 'in.rieetert the. chamber there the American were cnnecaiM, and iutliil! thai hit l:oles U.ut aiarenuy ioi the tnulii ai'.iejt t.'ve wjn;au, U did more honor iu l.iti.ait than to his head, t.y actu ni .crli-r.iig hi nohlii-ta to leave the house, and l.itioniuj a fuurd vhi!l tha tru w re itiained tiesw. The )eeiy ikett el n fire a house not for from the place, and plundered what they could. TLey tr.en muvcA up the valley snd robbed st-vt;ra-' i ounce. h sa they arried i.fi", r rather, us we w.i'd aee, slarteil with loac: of f.u'il ailiclen Wigiil be of erv-iee t ikein i the cknip, b-dn and bed rlolbes. wearins ;e:ii'..rrel, nd pfoviniivus. They frw. ;a tied lor raii, fcnt in the Hieanwhile the ciiizen Ti-id bef-tl vniised, and as the Hessians were 'in p.i through a narrniT -phtre 'in Trie inoiii.taie, tlcv cbosed that place lo attack them. tt.e fin; vr.U lv, th-re w : n t!'in"-il nViindoi trenl of phmder -id rnnniiii for life, 'Mil 1'neir Im-iy fba-ht did not naecrrr.e ihiily of t'a-.Mii fr )'ii bein k ille I. Amn:i the ,ri lenn wlveh mav lie aien, as showing 'he emirate nod prndere of lhi winan, mnv le irhiled f itlow i"i After Vipers ha-' wi'h diawn frtmi ihe bouse, Mr. VVippei h i'p.-;."i,ed lo epy n ttes fian who had taken her ne-jr't Vov on tlie horse b'-hiod him, for ilie purpoi-e of lakina him i-3 willi the i.fl i-f 'he booty. She rilfhei) out f.f lUe hmise, ai d MM lite oiTlver that it wa a mean, cowardly net to tatie from a defcncelccs woman Ihe only help rll- . . . .i ii had to sinlaiu her, und .-he urged ln-r point wilh ra much fucce-s, that the soldier w?i. urdervd lo rtrk-.ise l-.e hoy. Tho h'V.e fel low was hihl) indiguaal nl tlie roiiLih treat ment he had received, und when the parly were returning pal ihe house, he had got a luiidcd pun poiuied o-.d of fo;r, loop hole, and wan on the point of hiinjr, when hi rnitieiis saw him She Anatcheil lh gon ul ul his hands, V irll a vvui e thai a (-hoi from ber huue would undo ull the had accom plished by her wit. A few das alieiuards, Gen. Washington, virited her, and when slo! had ichtled ihe atory about ihe black boy, tin; General ni dered him lo be called ioto ilie loom, and Stroking his woolly head, he said, l-Vou nie a fine boy'. Madam, )"'i ought lo have let him lire 1" And having received nome trifle to make the commendation woith aoinelliiiig lo him, Ihe boy was dirmissed from Ihe room, feeling thai for onrp he hail been an impnitaut character, and thai he had h -ard weirds w hieh men in the army would have been proud lo hear. A fugitive slave has been uncslej ut Bos ton for bigamy. ANOTHER SCIKNTIF1C WONDEIl! PEI'SIN. Ilie Tree Dijcsiwe Fluid, ur G'tniic Juice! A jiieat l)i-p'-pia Cmer, prepaieil from Reunel, or Ihe fnui 1 Is Sl.nin.rh ul llieClx, after iliiecliuus ol" Baton Lu tuL', lh meat PhysiiibiL'ii-..l Chemist, by J. S Honolnou, M. D. No. II Nntth Eioh h Str...-i. Ihil...l. l phia. Pa. Thi i a I i nly w-iml.-rftil rrniwly (or Inilisestion, Dys-'psia, J.iuiulice, Liver Complaint, Com.lip.nuiu, ami D. liility, eurinu after NalureV own u.elhuil. by Natuif'a own cent, Him tJntitric Juice, in an 'tlr-r ri.himu. Sc'e ml vei l istiiienl H A It It I K l. On the Sin insi., bv ihe lie J. P. MiiinVI, Hr. Kli Biti.oh. iu M16S ClintsTiAh Ci-tM-Kt.s, bulb of Milton. On Ihe At h iusf, by Ihe same, Mr. Wm. H. Reed, to Mies Mahtha PiucacK, boih of Danville. I I i: l. On Tiifatlay, tli I3ih int., at the resi. clencu of In "in lleinj S Cuhiti. t Hushes. burp, L)i'oiniua inuuty. EDVVAUD GObIN, uf lhi place, in the 7 lsi )f r ol hit age. Tha iepeaift H'1'1' PfP "lir t"08t useful and msiieilatile cili-enf, ami uei nearly all )iia l;U lesidonl of lift fW llo javca -i tidow ant a n.her or rh.ldren l rnQgiq kit uJ.ler) ilfpariiirsi. Hi Ifinain iulvrM IA P1 " Thoraday Uat. II)C illavkcts. Philadelphia Market. May 14, 1850. Ftoita AND MfiAt.. The maiket for Flour is ilntl St.imlaiil bmiuls are selling at S4 2S. Sales extra at 4 31. a 14 C2. Fancy brands are held nl jMJoSSl. Rtk Flour. Is sen ice at S3, 14. Corn Mkai.. Peimn. is held at $2 81. Whkat Sales of Pentm. red at 93 c, ami nf prime white at SI 01. Rtk. 1 in demand, sales nt 71 els. Corn. The supply about equals the de mand ; Jellow commands i2i i ts. Oat Are in demand ul 44 eta. for Pa. and 4 lie tar Southern. Whiskkv. Sales of bbls. at 23 cent. Hogsheads aie held at 22ie. Baltimore Market May 12, 1851. GRAIN. Sales of tr-io.l to st.ictly prime reds were made on Satniday nl 8 cents. e also note a sale of two loads ol Pa. white at 103 cents. . Sales of corn nt 59 cents for white, an J 57 c:s., (fir vllow We nnotp'Oiits nl 38 a 42 cts. WHISKEV. Sale of Penna. bbls. nt 23 els., and of hh.lv 22 cts. Sale of Haiti, more bbU ul 234 cts. sun in u y I'Kirr: cimirhxt. Wiii.at. It T K. (.'im.f. Oats. BlTTKU. lino. INlRK. Fljukkii. TAttOWi Tt K IIS W A X llr.t K ut' ii V'la x. U:i 1 1. ii A eri.xs. Do. r.A('u.. FtA K0 50 U7 14 8 7 ICS 10 S5 II) 75 201) 8 New Advertisements. JII.I.1AM IIOOVEU resperl fully iufornn IV his fiienils and customers tliat he has just returtifd from Philadelphia, with an excellent aftsortincnt of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale t Ins new stori t Mos r's Mill, Hollow ins Kim. Tlrni goods w ill he sold nt tlie lowest pricr-s. II1S STOCK CONSISTS OF KVIIRY VARICTY, V11: Dry (Joods, 'c, Sucho Clo'hs. Cawimrrrs. Muslins. Callitots, Cincliiinif. Lnu-vf, CAiii:r. atid Ladies Dress (Imds generally. A l.SO : An asorlment of Palm Leaf Hati. Cap?, &c, QUEENS-WARE, HARDW AUK. IKON and STEEL, NAIL?, ic' A genrral assortment of Groceries, such s Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, J.C. Also an assortment of l.upiors, such is Rrnnrly, Rum, WhUkty, Wines, cVc. IT pKxIurf of all kind taken in exchange at the hiffliest market prices. Hollow-ins l!ua, May 10, ISM ly. ORPIIAXST COURT SALE. If X pvisuinre nf n order of the Orphans' Court -.f Nnvthiinilierhiml county, will It exposed to vuli'.ic sale on SYl". 1 . Y. Ilie l-iih d iv of June rct. Hi !ie I'uMic Ilm,-e of Henry Haas, in the !: gh l N'-mln-'O1 il .n.1. A CERTAIN LCG KOl'oE i.li sod I..-'t of tJr.mn.1 sin -i'c in the Bor ough ,vf Xrt'iond'er'M ltd. ul'i.if said, mnnl'tred ji, tin- Town pl;m ot" li e sniie. und rm:l -iii- 111? mv fit! ; 1 fr r.l. i"d i- .-v Imndred and lit left ill its-t It. I .ute 0ie K-tjte i:f Andic'.v Cjii-tliti-a of .Nirthuinlnvland. deceuspj. f?jle tn eoinmeiire at If o'clock. A. M. of said day, when the term -of aide will lie made knitvo hv Al.l'.X A.NDEK t'OLT, Adm'r. Hv order of tlie t -oura. JOHN 1. 'l l!M".I., Clk. i May K, lH.il. ts. MARBLE HAN UPACTORY, c 1 1 ka r ; I. a i : s i on es. ! vulwcrilier infj.ins his fiiends and the - pul hc, llnit he coutiiiues to carry on the Marhlu liusuims 111 all its hranches, ut hn uM sliiml in Mi. ton, J'a., and is prepared to iiianu- 1 1.11'tiirc J li'ouument3, Tombs, Grave:tone3, I of the hest materials, ud uiust liniahcd woik maiisltiji, and ul ihe lowest prices. Letter t ottinE, Lnulisii and Uerman III tlie most imperii and idegnt tle. Dcsuiik for Monunciits, tira Ptoues, it., u'.W'ivs on liand. N. I!. O.deis f.jr the East aide of the river promptly executed hy leaiiii; tlie same ut the ulih-c uf Ihe "Ciuuliury Amenca i." A.M12U.M HUT. Mi'.ton, May 10, lbjl. TO THE ELECTORS 01' NOKTllL'MBEK LAND I'UW'TV. Fi.i.li.w Ciriiivs: At the solicitation nf 111 v fiiends, I oiler my sell as a candidate for Ihe ullice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, nt the ensuing election. Should I be elected, l promise lo d.s bar'e the duties uf said olliee wilh lidchlv and impartiality. GEORGE BRIGHT. Sunl.ur, April It, 1831. Estate of CONRAD KERSHNElt, Dee'd. jVOTICE is hrrcby uiven that litters of Ad- ' imniMrition have been cranted to the sub-seril-r on the estate of Conrad Keishner, dee'd., late of Siinbury, Nortbumla'il.iiiil o.uity. All I ersons indebted to said estate, or bavin-; claims sgainsl the same, are requested lo call on the siibscrilter for settlement J. II. ZIM MERMAN, Adm'r. fculibury, April IS, 1851. (it. htuteii ;ioi:o. ii n.ui r., ott .i J0T1CE is hereby piven that letters of Ad niinistralioii have Uen granted I i ihe sub so i lie r on the estate of Gideon Markle, dee'd., hit of Sunl'tiry, Norihiunls-rland county. All iersona iiulebted to said estate, or liavintt; claims osaiiisl Ilie same, arc rcijucslcd to call onllieauh scrilicr for settlement. MARV MARK LIS, Adtn trix. Sunoury, April 15, 1851 bt. TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink fur sale, wholesale and retail bv II. Ii. MASTER. Prermlter SR. 1 S50. "'OLD PENS with and without silver cases s-J insi received, aud f.ir aulp liv ' j U. U. MASSKR. funhury. Airil IS, 1851 CMrriI'8 ESSENX'E OK JAMAICA GIN tJ GEU, a frcaU supply just received, and for sal hy U. 13. MASSE R. April 12, 1851. llL.lj'K I'urchnii'ni I'aprr Deeds and blank Moitgages, Uonla, L-'cutioi.s, bunimons, fko., foi salv by II- V. MADb&K. ijiuaUury, Aj'rU 36, IcXil- L. Ar. II. G1KSE, (1,-enl Tnr Henry I it.) LUMBER COimSION !tl ERCIliNT, I nlln IKtrh. Itnlllmoro. nr LIBERAL ADVAN'CES made on Con signmenta. Lcttkhs and Co.xsiosMiaTt should he aJ- drcstcj to L. V. II. CIESE, Agent. Mny 10, 1851. 4 mo. Notice to the Heirs of LEONARD FF0UTZ, Eec'd. TV'OTIC'E is herc'iy Riven to Benjamin rfoutr, John rfittitz. liolicrt Plouir.. Mercy, inter manied wilh Joseph K. IJarus, Mnry Ann, wid ow of Win. Houscl. Isalella, intermarried With Daniel t.ntsha, Daniel Lajcock, Kehccca Pfniitz, Jneol) rurfel, Nancy Jane, Mercy K., liolicrt r. Leonard. William and Anna I'ursel, all nf whom except the suid Jacob, are minor childien of fa rnh, dee'd., wlio Was intermarried with Jonathan l'ursrl, and J. C. llorl.in. Uunnliun of Kachael I einons, heirs ol the laid Leonard i'foutz. dee'd.. thai by viriuc of a C'crtuin Writ of I'arlition olid Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court to me direc ted, nn Inqui"ition will be held upon the pre mises of the Keal Estate of the s.iid dee'd.. situ utc iu Point township, in the County aforesaid, on Thursday the 12th day of June. 18.M, ot which time and place the hens aforesaid, are heieby warned to be and appear if by ihein deemed expedient. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Olliee, Sunbuiy, I .May 3, lSfi.-Cl. J "Notice to the llcin of SUSANNAH HALL, Tec'd. " "VOTICli is hereby piven to Chai.. Hull. Ed ward Hull. Jemmiah Hall. Elizabeth Hall. Harriet Hall, intcrniarricd with Clns. Cook. Su Kaniiah Huey, iuterma ricd with Wm. Conrid. J. II. Zimiuernian. tjinrdinn nf J.imrs Hiiry. jr., l'oliy Hall, iiitcrmarried with (ico. Zimmerman, and Chas, Goss'i-r, heirs and lenal reo'Cseut itivcs of the said dee'd., that by virtue of a Cert 011 Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of Ihe Orphans Court of Xo-tlnunl crland county, to me directed, an Iiupiisiti r,n will be held ot 10 o' clock, A. M., on Monday the III h tiny of June net upon the premises nf the Real estate of the said dee'd., situate in Lower Augusta township, and County aforesaid, ut which time an J place you arc he chy warned tj be and appear if by you deemed expedient. J AMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Sunbinv, May 3d, 1851.- It. ' S Estate of ISAAC PARKS WORTH, Dee'd. VJOTICE is hereby pien lhat letters of ad ' ministration have been granted to tlie sub sciibcr on the estate of Isaac VV, 1'arnsw orth, late of Lower Augusta t wusl ip, N'oithtimbcrland county. All pcisms indcbiej to said est.ite or having cluims against the same, are n-quciicJ to call on t'ac uheri!jer for settlement. WM. V. SILVEKWOOD, Adin'i. Lower Augusta tp., May 3, 1851. Ct. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal History, together with a l!i"gr.iphy of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is cppendcJ un epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, Con- eral Astronomy and I'hvsmlogv A.l.n.ti.il nn.l iiu.-.l i. l'i PnMie Si-lmnla nf ! riiiladoinhi:! . . i i:. S. JONES & Co., rub'.Uhcrs, 3. W. Corner FOURTH and RACI'. F-ts., Philu. Teachers nnd Schonl Coininitlees nddicssiut; letters to us post sill Le lumisbcd with copies for e vaimn itiou. lV A l'ull and Coui'cte Asnortinent of HOOKS nnd ."STATIO.N'AKV, lor Sale at the Lowest J'iVe.r. May II, JSil. ly. LOOK II EKE!!! 'ylHi Subscrilier respectfully inf .nut liis fiienils and the I..'-..' .'v Uliblic i:iloinll - . - .' llml lie alill ' t'Ol.LlllUCa I lie LAU3LKHY BUSINESS, At !.:. o!J Stand in Kaik t Street, Suaitv.ry, t'.ro i1 .iti. :iloc ."!.!. l.cl Siju.ui', wlic ehe con stantly Ki-cis o;i iiand, 11 lare assortment of lit'iitJv Miidt; IliiriH'Ss, (Double A Single ) wilh ."i'ver, Hm-i und .l.ip.in- , ne J iiioiinliii'-. Also Saild'i-s. I'n.Uca, Truuka, lllices. Whips, Collars. ; , 1 1 i- 1 . 1 I All kinds ol woik in bis line inaib t 1 or.lcr. 1:1 as neat a st 'e as can he rot up in this countrv. I Persons wishum lo pur. base will p'e.sc cill'and I examine His stock Icloic purt lia.Uig elsewi.i'ie. N. 11. The subscriber has just opened a i.ew and sjileudid Assortaent of Saldlcry, Such as S'ilver. Urass ami Jap.inne.l montittnT. ratent Self-Adjustim Trees, I'nl. ul Roller Diis. Killing liridle Hits, Trunk nnd Valice l.in-ks, 'J'runk Hoard. Trunk Nails. Humes, Traces. Trim s 1 1 1 f 1 1 t.at es, Tufls. S.ul d.e Web, Single and Double. White Knntne'eil t. either. Patent I. either. Oil Cloth, Rosetts. Tussels, Fancy lJiow-l) uuls, Huddle Tiees, Deer's Hair, PATENT TLY NETS of al! MiH.H. All M' which will l e to'.J rlua; il" n.it clu'iijicr tli,.:. Ilicv cju lc got tlr-cwlicrc, lor cash or u)j'i'oMil i r- ilit. AMjRKW J. hTKOIl. Suul'Ui'V. Aj'.'il n, 131 tim. E late cf IIAHY GHAY, EcoM 1V"0'J'lt'K is hereby jiix'li lhat letteis of ad. iiiiiiislraiinii ha'c leen piauled lo the sub- wi rila-r. ,,o ll... ii.l!,t,. .it' Ytirv l.'.v .'r.-'il luln of the U..r.ii1i of.uubirv. A I 'r tons iiid.M- ctl lo said estate, cr bftin claims iiaiiiiist the siinie, are requested lo call on li e sul s lil cr fur eltleuiii.t. MAUV lilllM'.H. Adiniiiistralrix. Ptiiihiiry, April CC, IRol. I'.u Crii'TFJ- TURNPIKE E0AD. TS IIK stockholders arc hercbr nolilicd that nn year, will le he'd lit Ihe house of James I.ee. in Noilliiinilteilaiiil, on Monday Iho id day of June nest, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, 1'. M. JOfiEI'II n. I'llIE.STLKV, l'residcnt. orlhtin hcrland, April SG, 1851. It. LI5S0LUTI0N OF PARTNERSHIP. OTICE is hereby given that Ihe paitnership s ' hen-tofoic enisiui't, under ihe Ii in of A. J. i (J. W. IStroh, padtl.ers and Ila ucsa Makers, in rniulMi-y, was .lissom ed by mutual lousent on the 6th of June 1S5U. The books arc placed in Ihe hands ol'J. II. Zimmerman, Usij., who alone ia aulhoiucd lo collect the Mine. .. W. bTKOH. iunluiry, April 19, 51. 5t. N0TICE TO CONTRACTORS. pKOl'OSALS will 1 receicd at the House of Win. Weaver, in I'oal township, No.thuin Iterland county, oi: the SUtli day uf May lieu, for the building ol a bridge oer C oal Kun iu aiid township, on Ihe road leading from hb.iniokin to the I enl.e turnpike, b-peciliculiuu will be exhi bited on tlie day of letting. CHARLES WEAVER, WILLIAM WILSON, CHRISTIAN ALUEHT, CEO. MARTIN, Clk. Couiwiaaiouera. Suubuiy, Apal 19, 1651. 51. SILVER WATCHES. A few double cases s-' EuiiliaU fcllver Watches, for sale at very low prices by 11. 0. MAttot'K, bunhury, AprU 1, 1ML loui'iinl nt' Hit FRANKMN ISTITUTR, of Tin stats' or rixssrLrAKtA, roa mi SltOMoTIOH o TIIU MK( II 4MC AIMS. THE oldest Mechanical Periodical extant In America, is published on the first of each month in the City of Philadelphia. It has been regularly issued for upwards of twenty-five years, and is carefully edited by a committee of scientific centlnnicn appointed for ihe puipoae, by the Franklin Institute. The deservedly hiph reputation, both at home and abroad, which this Journal has acquired auj sustained, l.ns uiven it a circulation and evrhanpe list of the best diameter, w bicli enables the Com niillee on Publications lo make the best selection! from Eorcisn Journals, and to pice circulation to original communications on mcchanicsl and sci entific suberts, n nil notices of new inventions; notices of all the Puteuts issued nt the Patent Of fice, Washington City, aro published in the Jour nal, together with a large amount of information on Meelinnics. Chemistry, and Civil Engineering, derived from the latest and bet autlionties. 'i bis Journal is published on tha lirat of each month, each number containing at least seventy two pacs, and form! two volumes annually of about 43. pages each, illustrated with enijravinps on copper and oil wood uf those subjects which c 1 1 1 i a. them. The subscription price is Five Dollars per an num, payable on the completion of the sixth num ber! anil it will lie forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (postage paid) iu advance for one year's subscrip tion. Communications and letters on business must be due ird to -the Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the postage paid. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Atluary, F. I. Ap:il 12, 1801. Cmo. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. T II H tilini i it f U'lil.lcri I'ikI oilier, urv rcipfCtfully liiu f-aUui.tmu mi-j wxii iviu'ict.1 .'C-t i Jl l..ii.(i UAiii vv At.K am Tool.?-, 11 av iUurudny tin. 11a .it., in ci, u n" iii 111 1 uri .id 1 i tti , 1 1.( i I t lit I'u i i. (., tii tii;lti. w.iii utlu wjrk, Lit.i r hr in tuiiiitu: , t-r vn c.:iiu till I r. Auit.ric.iii I r nt i vc L i- vi, u, nhi, j 1 with iiilit w u, j IjIcJ vt L. u luriuturc, vt jxutvsuiii uli c I A'nLTiciti l-'r 'nt V it I. Ceis am! St re 1) -t, H Tizon lal i-r u. niiiv l-i .shi'Mii;.iic, "r fr-xliai ;.u e 1 rs Aiiiwric ut KtMi ia :; nil i''D aiiJ 411 ill i u. W Wile k'I Lr S.- tu, liltltli: r j (-. t:t: Hull c I is. Aiiifiic.tu .'Ijiii -c 1 rnn. till n rv&, with i'U!cl, while "f br.tw . iu nit i r-, .t ji. 'icI - in ;ui c I ra. A?n'-r.-nn M .riiCc Lat' li'.-!, uli mt-i, wilh fJaled white ct Ih jkh luniiiiiif. r p -reel un ull c I A nit i lean M iuco Mn-I linn t'l el LucK, j lalhl A i.r;i PSt-uicfit: 'ii!, -r ,i.rc.'l tin uli c -t xt. Anirric'jii I'l.'i', M Vi Thuiuh, Gate, and Store Dojr Lau li. . A i.t , inii"iteJ h.'-V4 find f,aic'K.i "f c rv dcK-ri( ti n. J1 iMwin'v, and Amcilluii Uutt llillgt'8, t'l -l.i HilcS, luil Ol I' " H J lilt. rMi'iitt.r. (i:jtt't Sir if, T.. rivI Ii ickfl ip II ngs. ti!I kuidn. SJiHiltf, Li i l-'Jiuh, mi-! Sru b it, t" wi'uiit cr r.i-i if n .u l i,r;if", tvery itCHiii'ti-'ii S'-rews. S, rii', Ci'ai, Si 1 1 I'ai't:"' r ih? 1'-ft qu-ility. A'uvi iciu A a c und ium AXlc i'alicjt ul' ever) Vira: A.m'-icati Butt.uin, jliiii or .-u fi.aios, brucs- in-n, -r It n r.l. Arii-.: i n:i N"1. pi ind, viiff, ir n, wvd. n!l kiu 'i. j?.i-(.' r I. c itita it uiiJ l utnif, w ith oimr uiliCi- I'W ii ii ti i - r. mi in uiciiU u. IV N llLtf uuJ SASlI-WUIGiITi at FACTORY IIt n'i;s Liy Al! C Ut lii'ercd ftce of Charge t.y any purl of tin- i.'iry tni l Jiiii r.r:. At ilin est.il'iiJh:K'iit cm le f. jii ml ne f thi l.ugst :ul !i!-it riuifirs W'i.itc .ui'l l-'jun'V .N bs I r I. A.C , in tin-1 ity; s inu ii.t'.t'jiiiS, ul Win it. cjuiMt be wti, ir .i t n. ."' -t tv idj? S.'imi .1 t. i.'s u'e- Uif':, I'utal. I.u!. w Hipp Snv, ini,i r'vtl t Xi'Ti-K.: t r K?'!iil nil utitfictT wiMi rare. S -It- if i i tl'if eclcratcJ i laiH i. in tJ l-V 1.. W. Car rr :f''r. ( I -iiiptiiT. Vn . b-in? nil uri'ie m "flii w nun I lif 1(11 S .Ii'i'i .tir I li i.d Jlti.illv's V l! i nil' ni'lke .. i". ...I A .... liii. .I..' I in.u..i . j Iv ... i. . . .V.. nil vi-i.r. r iti--. 1 c .!. I'a,lt'.s ni. .1 Slnik't make of Angcre and Anger B.tii, all si'- A iiU'ri'Tiu S purva Tinft B'-vilf "f every (lcn;.ti n A iii-.ti llut'S; Ciiui;., cawstUa, C.nl.'ui.st.a, 5crcw (hive.. .VC. Auii-n.-.iii 7 S II I'n'iiiTa, Ciaw anJ Kivciinij, al: ai2ca, Am i:., iliiil lei-. 1.11 ! a. !i.-c'. Ir ii, and V.i.tei Braces, with C. 3. Bins, in gre-n vui' t'. V lir.-nvrn S .n's. Bntrher'a and oiher ccli-bratud m"V . i l t'ln-'-is. File. I'l inc-lroia. Ac . Ac. A-U,8 ffivl.r l I'arviitir T nil i-.-r es M iKi-t!! .ie tlie tit-tr rind m B! - i-umvc asa 'itmenia of lt'til ttrc tl .idwaic n:d T- tn tlie St.ire. Al tin. ul.ili!-....ti'.til ii it cm i.lcrH it ( le .t'l-e t) the Ii . Y"U lire iif.MU.l t . ell on I exr.minr theita Tt iiirns ai-ti liu.ir ''.e prict-a aaUeil, bei.'ia uurrt.usii.g else wiierc Cuinc Hiid pee n Y -i.a, rifvcifvil'y, v i . .ti .ti -t. 1 .1 i. j ., "V V 'J7 Mi.rtirt . h-twet'll Jill and Mh, u, i er H'le. rt.it.i.;..-.! I la, A III 1--', 1-51. ly. j.; -. -i y r' lf 'ti c r s j LfaSLHCE of J A M .VU:.V UiNG K II . IT A HI: 1- in t';u la JilKi'Oa Gi5T, l:!l t lie VihlliMe t .1 1 in. - ,k 01 l 11 , my . 1 w lii.ii 11 wu: ..c luui.d to i a- eo. 111 u c iiiMi-i .i; tn.it- i.ct n: t-iii-o 1 tin. j .u,,,,,. t , , r ti,,.- ,1 , w,, :,.: ! 1 ui..: y '. t-.: o -i i in r. .i.ti,.0 tilt aoaul ;n..l i.i.-.:i-.ct-ln" c H m.-.: ' tt.c in. 1 r. d ac I II '! lh is ihi, 1 Il.inl o -. .Ii, p, , ,j ..,.. ,C,.H , ,,i. : t ;c,, 1,. a :-,e-;'i"--s- 1 ful 1 n in.l w.iiwr wl. inline tji.-;.. re. a ve n. .1 .in 1 '';'1 I ...a.-i.r.su.-.n- ir. m .ii.iw.-Hi i..nU .1 I m-'-iUl ;rs .. lire 1 : .n il ."i 1 ii n i 1 Mltl.S Jil'l tn 11M; I hi nn itm nl- r'l ncii n ..tupul Un If i;..n(-i! Itv tin :ut fv i it t 'i tin." mj mi ht lit: it Va t f il wniir.itir. i.i- lltl IUI V ilK-.itU tut. Ilti-li'll-llV i.ti-a in uinii- Ii 'is at nn rvrSitit ni'.t c ine ( i tli . wli 1 live in- jar. .1 -ur i nr ,.i ii.e.i r tunnel i.y iae uinii. !. m't: utc ..f I it 'I il'.lllll-.. II ,11 IS. lO IIS .1 t'llllj' Sl.llllll.'ltltty t ll' CI Ut.Hl I !lC Si HI "''I I'. 'II "V lilS I'T IV 11'. 1 t t.' I .... HI'S, t.ll.l." If Ii is ii i iiiiiiii-ins acti ii in flic bruin, unit is 11 t 'ut-ci i-.ti'.l by l"i tinns ':, rt sMii, wi.K'll iiits'ii;. a foiUov lilt lc uf utc Ii In ..r i mo t.iii' A ( w ilr ) F a.t !. .t Ut nrir.i-f in, rl.uturli . r tlicr eitri'a nct: in.-. In-ill'.', wilt r it'tt r iV.-iti in r- ne't-'la! 'r to tl: M in .'' an ! j rcvc.l tin- g rij.u ig wiucli ii a, 1 1 i.e-r ii'( :ii.y ill'.. i ..-U .ii. rr.t:i'Ai;r.u only cy A M Ii II OS V. S M ITU, HiUiiuiF-T ami ciii:.m:st. .V. II. iter of 7 lh ami Ch'stnv.1 Streets. I'li.UMj.laj, April li. li-il ly. PIIILA. AliD H2ADING IIAII110AD. m mii ii ,uiHAM..-.Mi:vr i iumi l'illl.Aljl.I.) ill. AND 1'oT'l'SVlLl.. F a r e s 11 c u1 u c i d . iftft OJict of the Fhi'a. le Tea (mi r.'-itrwl Vo. l'iiiiuili-Uihia, Martli'.ti, lsol Two Pn-seuircr Trains Ilaily, (exci'i't Sunday.') rKN a. id after April Ut, l.Jl two trains will p be run each v.av, daily, between rhila.Ul plua and I'otuv ilie trORXIXG l.v;. Leaves Philadelphia at 7j A.M., daily except Sundays. Leaves TuHax-ille at 7J A. M. daily excrjit Pun days. AFTERXOOX t.Y'. Leaves Philadelphia utyj o'clock, daily, except .Suntlays. Leaves Pottsvi'.Ic at 3J o'clock, ilaily, except Sundavs. FARES, Between Philadelphia ami Poltsvillc, $!.tj' 1st class ears anil f iX5 'iii class ears. lift ween I'liiladelphia and Kcolinj, Sl.1 J 1st cla-s cais and $1.4.1 d class cars. pepot iu I'hilailelpliia, comer of Droad and Vice Sire.-ts. Passengers cannot enter the cars uiilcas provi ded with Tickets. NO TICE. Fifty pounds nf bar rage, will beal lowed loeaeli pas-eiier in these lii.es; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thins; as baiisaae but tlieir wearing spparel, which will lie al the risk of lis owner, Dv older uf the Hoard of Manacers. 8. UKADFORD, April 19. 1451. Secretary. J ATE. NT 11RITTANIA STOPPERS for bar hollies for aula hy 11. U. MAbStll, Siinbury. April 19, 1851. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLU ID ud AdUo sie and legal unclopcs, for wir uv Sunbury, April 2C, '.a51. I "ViLANK NOTES, waiving tha exemption I 1 9 law of $:iU0, for le by AprU 10, lMiss. li. D. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. riHE subscribers olTer to physicians and drug l gists, a carefully selected stock of drugs and medicine, which Uicy will guarantee to be of the best quality, puro and unadulterated In all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and chemicals are such, tbat they are enabled to sell them upon the best terms, and at the tame time to asHurc ttioir customers uf their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a sujieriur article of "cam im .Mi(;.i:8l, &r.. Resembling Henry's Mairiicsia. free from carbon ic acid and roughness or itriltiness. almost entirely tasteless, vemhiniin in an equal bulk from three to tour limes ihe streiiKtli ol' tho common kind, and sold t about ouo half the price of Henry's Mnqnesiu. 'I hey have also pre red the Fluid Mngiicsin, Which la a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stouitti'h, heartburn, nmisca, &c., at leas than half tlie iri a of the foreign article. '1'hey alsn huvc on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of 1'uiv. Drills in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, and k pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, enua. Senega, RUotany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpentaria, Kxt. Clyeyrrh, Ipe cac, Totassa Sulph., Tutasaa Nitras. borax, Spi r-clis. Biirhu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba, LA a Ursa. Sir. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the beat selected drufrs and ifl audi a way as to prtstne Ihe characteristics of each ar ticle wiiliout injury. They have also a variety of Ci-fiiiH'-'t- A: Pliitriimccuf icnl Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to (he liit nil the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among thcin may be mentioned tlie following i Hydrocynuic Acid, l're,'nruii 1118 01 I Hline. " f P.ith.ja, l.lqu r Alum -niu, iPrepaMtioha kf Mercury, I " lr n, I " Kmc. rtrict i'f Scmiu', fliuit. a I olinsint fji rri v.t adiuiuiatcr VT', n i. l'h hate, ii.. an-wre I c'.ildifn. 'v f r Kneumaiiam. Exif&ct of Pnha Comn.. T1I.I" A'liiss. nine, Esrraet uf Geiniin, " Oiv;.-'l, " Tir:.xirum, " V:,l.-T"iii. ltaid, a new and usl.uI rt.uj. Jy Sinuclia, Sart;tiiaril!uCt:rri pL'Siti ni fluid. d. d. i l.d, do simple do. Col cynih Comp. d simple. Sjis. 'Ether Nitros, U. S. P., Oils of Copaiva, t'uliela. llrot. 'lol'iece, A.c. Citrate of Iron and Quinine, Pc-qui-Oudo of Iron, un antidote for arsenic. Citrate ol Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 m. bottles, "S. per do. Collodion, or Liquid Adhc.ive Pias ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put u i in "mail vials. AUo CANTIIARID T. (.'OLI.oniOX OR I5LIS TCuiNc; i.muiD, A convenient preparation of cautharioYs in many cases whore there in a diificulty of applying the ordinary Uistei 1114 planter. A coating of it Bpiili cd Willi a eamel's liuir brush and covered uitlioil silk or so.ne similar substance, will produce a blister in t.ircc hoius' tunc; or when exposed, iu Ilie ii-iihI lime of about twelve hours. Physicians and otliers in.ty depend upon the fa it Mul and prompt execution of their Older at as low r ites us tlie Lent quality of medicine can he purchased. CHARLES EI.I.W& CC. oO C'liCKiiut street, Philada. Laboratory, f.th und Morris tMs. i'outhwrk. .November' 16, 1S3II. if. UNION HOTEL, ETTKBUHY, VA. r'-IIE MISS WLTTZn.'S respectfully inform I the Pol lie tli.it they ntill continue lo enter ttin trnvellcrs and others at their old established stand in MurUet street, west nf the Court House. Their lonir experience iu the business, and tlie well established reputation of their House, will, they tiut, be a suiTi.-icnt guarantee, tli.t tlieir cusionirr will I c well accommodate J. Mimh S. IS51 tf. STOVES! STOVES! nj'lIK ubscrilris rrlirn tlieir sincere thanks to -- toiir cusin fur tin Ut M ir, rttul hov by strict aliention iu lllling "r-lrr- to inrct with tho s:iti.e liVcral potron uii.e. We !i.ivf 0:1 lur.J V.c prriitrst ;iittv ot Mt;irn-i 'f :ui oi!;iT Krunlrv iu the Unilc-J -Maic. oi:il stnl mhliiiT iu thc.r iiiiini'tr. Give a t nil hrlo.c puri'lidinirT rl-ewhcre. Our stock cmhiaccsa ir rt.it MincU of L CuUw Iq04, ot the niftrit niipruvoJ 1 iiiii. i'ui iur rtuc lor wood or cu.il, conuiicn r: fwiiiiic'i oi ail Klli-ls, Olia oilit j'l.itt-s uf nil V.iin!s t i ri'j Jir 6t.it8, n ."runiinor u.. a stmail ft'ivc, called Sum mer tM.uT, i.i'w ni.d supi'iiin ruruaiV-j tor buru in'; i halt o.i! or i.t, c Gas owni uf vi ral u:!tbriut p.tttcrnA. U.tle ovens, vcral pnUcins, liitihiut; p v-ts. pout iroii. nnd a vanrty cf arti clci iu rasiiuti, tuJ ii'irnerons to mciiticn. l!:c . I uiil wa re trade eat. It nuniilird Will, eouution l. ' r l ? 5, U, 7, and S tjiiart lea Uettles, at cry low on ! cos for cash or city uccCitance. . fcw tASl,s 0f ti"i;.'ior German Uack lead on hand. WAR NICK .V LinRAND'f. Noble tt. w harf, Lelawarc, l'liiladcljdiia. Aptil l. IsjI. tmo. JOHX CAIArEIOaEYr itlitititl'tivltirfr ol' CA1TDLE KO'JLLS, No. lll'J Race, (Sassafras.) street, Almve Third, oj p isie le While X teen ilohl. rHLfiOELPIilA. Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturers can be supplied W ith a fiistrate Article of Candle Moulds, ol Superior e(ct'cncc and liniib. N. U. 'The Mould', .urniatle of the heal Metal and polished by a new Patent Machine, which iriv.s them nil extra finish. They aro after the English btyle tin' lips to screw on the June, and I ll.c i e to screw tsu'.il in lot' ncnch. I IV" WiiiinTi.i. to It far superior to any j otln i now in use..i Tic also iiiaiiufaclui'vs S'urjical Pumps and Svruif;es. April V2, lRSL Cmo. L.MHiKM.S I'AI.ASOLS, r.r.LLING OFF CHEAP J .Vo. I'M MurUt Street, P1IIX..ADET.PHIA. AVINt! .let i'led to quit the husiiirss. I pro pose to sell the slock ut very low prices. Il ctnlna' t s the newest uud most desirable styles. Vou are invited to call mid examine. WM. II. RICHARDSON. April 5, IS.SI "mo. ToWli KLKCTORS OF NOUTUU.MlitH LAND COUNTY. TIIE subscriber repecll'ull) inl'iifms his friends and fello-T ci'.ijens of Northumbeilaiid couil. ly, that he will be a camlutc for County ('omniissioner, nt Ihe cnsiiiuat election lie therefore solicits from his fuci.,1 and fellow citireus a liberal sup port, and iironiises should he he eleeicd to dis charge ihe duties of the otlic wilh fidelity and iuipai'lialiiY. El IAS BKOoIOUS. Sunbury, March 15, 1S5L FRUIT TREES, Mllil CBLIiY. tc. -C flUIE subscriber will receive orjars for all kinds 1 of Fruit Trees, such o, Apple Trees, Jium Treea. Peacli Uu, Cherry Trees, 1'eur T;01 A pricots, 'Quince Trees, Oruaiucnlal Trees, icc Together with all kinds of Shrubbery, Bulbous Root, Plant. Gripe Vims, Ac. All of which will be it'll! t the lowest rates by II. 11. MASTER, Agent. 17 Oidera for Tress, Ac, shauld be seal 1)1 as early as posailds ta secure then, is time. thiuls-re timtyh ht ia6i- sTATSK'Sa CHERRY PECTORAL: Pe ihe Cam r COUGHS, COX.DS, HOARSENESS, BHOH. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH IVTA, WHOOPING. COUOH AND CONSUIVIPTION. The umlorm success which has attended tho use of this preparation Its salutary effect its power to relieve and cure a flections of the Lunes, have earned for It a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Y"c olTer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that It will luhduc and remove the fovercst attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of nicdica' men oud philnntropiits everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERRY TECTOiAL may he seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Snrrrrt Med. Colrgc, jVte Yorl, says . ' It gives me pleasure to certify the value and cITicocy of Ayer'a CHEKRY PECTORAL, which I consider peculiarly ad tptcd to cure disea scs of the Throat and Luu-s." THE RT. REV. LOUD IHSIIOP FIELD, wriies in a letter to bis friend, who was sinking under nn afl'e-tion of the Lunys: "Trv the Llir.ti; Pi.CIOiAL and if nnv medicine can civc you relief, with the blessing "ol God laat will." CHIEF JTsTICE ECSTIS. of Louisiana, wiites "That a vouii'i diiuihter of 1 lu u ,"lri Juioe, may ou reaJiiv prtpiired from the 11m his was cured of scvcinl severe attacks of Crou.- ! '."..".."r.'.";"". '! 'l'"""I1V"l,"f '"J vi.ich various by the CUERRY PECT07? AL." ASTHMA AND P RON C H 'TIS. Hit Lanaihan Journal of Mtihral exuvr states. "That Asthma and Krone tiiliij ,0 prevalent in tins inclement ruinate lias vicbled with surpri sinr-rapiditv to Avei-'a CIIEXRV PECTORAL, sud we cannot too ..,,', recommend this skill lal preparation to the Proicssion and puhilc gen crully." Let tho relieved sufferer-sPe,lc for himself: II 1111 ronii, Jan. 2G, 1S47. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear fir : Ilavin? been res- cued from a uainl'ul mal daiurrious d.s.!a.;a bv ! vour mediiine, cratiluile oruiunts ne to send vou I iUim ar. ..tnr.,n,.t ,.i.. :.. : . .... .v.. .1.1 iui..ii iivi wiiit 111 jitntitt; to uu, but for the inf'uiiiiation of others in l.Lc uiilic tion. A slight cold upon the lunr-s, neclectcd at first, liesiimc no severe Ihnt spittinc; of blood, a violent couijh and profuse ) 1 i 1; 1 1 1 sweats followed and fas tened upon tne. I berime ein.icialt.d, could not sleep, was Uisires-ed by my t ouvU, ami a pain through my chest, nnd iu short had all the alarm mi swe.toms nf ijiiick consumption. No mcdi cine seemed at nil to reach rnv case, until I provi dentiiihy tried your ;ilKA'r rEOTOi.AL, which soon relievidand lio'C has cured inc. Youra with rcsjjcci. E. A. .STEWART Ai hant, N. V. April 17, 1 S 13. Dr. Ayer, Lowell Dear Sir I have for years been afllicted with Asthma in the worst form ; so that 1 have been ehliged to sleep i:i my chair for a larger part of the tune, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had trivd a gn at niany medicines, to no purpose, until mv I'hssioiati prescribed, as an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it sccnictl lo in il;c me worse, but in less than a week I bejan to experience the most gratifying relief from its use ; and now, iu lour weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I ran sleep on my bed tvith comfort, niul enjoy a state el health which I had new r expected to cniov. Cl-ORliE S. I'A RIAN 1'. rarrsnrn itT j.r. ri. 1:, en i mist, uwiu, mass. CT" Fold by Henry Masscr, Suubury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland Dr. Ilotiliait, Se linsgrovc; Dr. Eitkly, Danville, and DrugiK.ts generally. Feb. 15, 1S31. lvcein Ar.2EHICAN IIOUSEJ, rOTTSVILLL, PA. RS. MARY Vi:.YI R ri'spectfully informs 1 the public and tr.ie'li lv. that she has opciied toi- in in unit v general larrre nnd commodious l IIOTKI,. liiriiislu'.l in a sui r style. From sa nf a firs, rate j irr tx rcnct iu ihe bu.-iii Hotel, auu well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may dcji, nd on bcinp supjilicil wtiii every iiiinr; coiuiucivu to tlieir cjuiloil anil convenience. Feb. 1.1. lfJ.-.l. if laavim:nck house. SUNBURY, PA. JPIIE niihseviher retpcc'I'ullv inf. inns hot friends, t 1 mul the public c,cncriiiiv, tl:,.' she has taken i the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, Intely occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that ber experience in business, and her efforts to make her jjoests comfortable, will irive entire sitistaetiou to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS. March ., 1S51 tf. HOIATV AM) Pl.XSIOX AliKXCY. The atttntinn nf the public is called to the ad- veiusenieiil ol .til- t-liailes 1 ucker, Attoiiuy and Airtnt ut Wasiiilon City. Persons hav ing c!.i'i!i" forbountv Lands or Pi nsioi.s a rv iu- lorincd llial the subscriber has made arianeemenls for the requisite tonus, nil.! cl.itni.uu euliinu nt olliee, can have Ibeir pntrs prepared und forwarded to Mr. Tucker nt asbiie-ii.t.. ami by hiin be properly ullcuded lo UlJic the Vt- ii .rlii.ri.l il, , . partlllClit llule II. C. MA Si-Eli. Putihurv, Jan. 13, lol TREVORTON HOUSE, TUEVOliluX, PA. flIIU subscriber respcctfullv intorms the public I that he bas opened a Public House, in the new town of Trev orton, Xtirllitinibetlaiid eountv, uud llial lie is well prepared to uceomiiiod ate his guests in ilie !s iiiatiuer. His bouse is located uciriy i.pposile the t 'oinpaiiv 's ."tote. He is also pru.i.leil witli good Kt.'.bliiig nili'u leui f,r 2U hor ses, lie trusts by prompt and care fill attention to business to meet a sln.io of the public pat'ou ase. 1IENRV 1). M:aUK' Trevorton, Jan 11, Isotl tf a HT1 A Hi Kntni.iiny Tut; ct;i.i:uit.'ri;i) Pit c. w, IB VCK, Froleas r ol Asti.s itrv, Afltrot; mo . I'i.rc- iK'l'rv, nll.l lie 'UK.iicy, coiu'nii'-tl t ah C'U.NJt It.V'ni'.S, II iu SWcjUvii, i llivc N. 71 LOL L S I itrcvt, F.H...1- I. Ilia, olftcrs Ins sci viees to ttiee.tizt-.i. . -f . .ini:itii:rlair : c.'nly. lie Uas rtcen eoiisat.t'd l y id: llic cr 'Wiled hentls of l.urope, uinl rnjoaa higher re-utnl. itub uu AsiroK'cr ihuu any one lit .ng NallvuiLS c.'l' uld'.-.l ;te.--i-liiig lo lic-'li.Jiiei Ua diva jr'J, Ijrntlcni.nl Sa Per na ul a llistanct s can l.ava their uirit ii lehtli.iwn hy si-naini. il"- tt.ttt: oi the d i incii Itirlh. All Itllvii c 'iiuoniii l!o: sh ne fee will rvcvlte i.u iuotrtte aitculi u, and Nanviiita sent lo uny .urt "I ll.c tv -rid wiil'vi. "li darul'le paper ; uud he is l.--, in.tvti lo taaks uaeoi Ilia sivvt'i I.,- e .tij.iroti't.i on an;- oi ii,u . u -wna to pics i Court. nip, ad vice i;i veil IT llicsu.-e. sjoil at-eomi'ish-nirni ol a Weill hy in.iri.u'e ; he l.s ihe .war to m.lecn' ties as are irivcn to the for. oW ,. oottir; uud lor ail cases "I laiiird, and for '.',. r. .very of st "leu or In prop. tity, and piir. hasie f ,,,,ry tic.cia. Th -usnmls of Ilia above umiie eal , ,.,Ve be. ti il me in ihla city and il vieui. '' ".ni III the lanltd Stall lo the lull aalifucll"ii of ah .0.000 Nuiivitica or llorcacipea nava Detn east ntiriu me L.at f ur yettrs while l.er. Leu. it wtll anavter ever) pur. rvise, ami wilt d aa well as to e .tl iu pcaoua, and lliu mail la a iW so a. fa (hit rtc-rt us liet-l n t fear t.. trust n. .u-y ihr -Uiih iho I'oat urSec. In. It.'hnelt rcc. iv. ( fmui u lisleiieis iii'iiil ly. ami li-m never inistl o.i lie r tieuUir to name FoSl (irnic, Comity sud 8utla. Altlttttars will rw rel.irio.ialy a.iislol l, l prtraod. Foe nioie ir. iieulurs cull si the uuus ol llus p-s. and (t uu Aairoli f i eal Aliaauaessrana II Locust strut sbovo I'.ijh'l., FhMadtlp'. a, C. V. JlyUACH Philadelphia. Fsk a, b-M.- ('a. W KITING PLU1D and ae f acaUnS tn lopes, just receivesl and for aal bv April 10, W0 le. U. Q. MACH- a.wiunit iMinnv uo.uMti PEPSIN! IHE TRUE DiansTlyn tltjid, GASTRIC JUICE ! a great nvspcrsiA ountn. Prepared fromRKNXnT, nr ttie fourth Stomach of tl Ox, alt-T dtiectiMiis nf BARON 1.11:1310, tin gr Physiciloieol Cheniiit, Ly S. 9. HOUGHTON, M. P , No. II, North Eighth Srcet. Philadelphia, Pa. Tan is a truly w m-t-rful reraHy fir IN01GF.ST1ON, DYSPEl-MIA. JAUNDICE, I.lVF.tl COMPLALNT, CONSTIPATJON and DEBILITY, Curing aftsr Na. lure's own nitUiod, by Nature's owu agent, lbs Gastria Juice VT Half a tes.pinnful of this Fluirt, lnfuteJ In watsr will digest or Jim,.!v-, Five Houii'ia of Hout mI w ln.ut two haura, out of the itomm li. DIGESTION. Dt'iFSTION la chteUy perfinned in the stomach by tha ai.i ur u flnM wlmli ii. i cxiuto ircm the innsr cK 01 that oi-t 111, when 111 s stitte of heallh, enlted tlie Uaatris ... , wiicn in a -tiile ol nealin, oiled tlis Uaatris lliiMlind i the ui,-t Silviiii of Ute Food, tks 'v. V'"V rv,ng, ami StimnliUMia: Agent (4 tht I'ui nyiii' m. i, a nitrstme.. v,il,.,nl il tlier. will bs no dine.. II Oil . -as-.il! l fb n VtT a a. 11 ... ,1 1 1 1 . . i" i lino e:."si, aim no iiutriU'w v, I I. ;'. 1t;,,!"r torpid. intui.aiidaeKiye i h ,a ; .' 'u.w ,;iv. arianatna. A weas, In., Heart, . minnd -t .uiuel. ,,,.-(,.:, .. u,ri. Juic, and heiicclno diaut-c, dialress and dtbdlty u.is PEPSIN AND RENNET. PMT'SI V ia the t hief element, nr great liir.nin, Prms, pie 01 tlieGuMiic.liii-.-e. it ip louiid in -,et tm,"lm,ea iu Ihe solid paria ot the Iniiniia .toi,ra( h mter death, and aonia tlniim enu-es the stoma.' h t f.-.t it..'. r eul llulf up It n also found 111 the 110111111 h i f animal, us tha ox, onlf, Ac. It is Ihe inutcitiil 1 1 hy farmers 111 mukina cheeas! c-llli.d Kennel, tli- .-liecl nl winch has I .nir been the ajecia. w indtr ot t heilairy. Tlie cii,,llip ,,f rnilk is the first prt cess if di.sii..n. Pcnn l p '..t-eii n-t' -iishin(r power l'hc st..'in..eii o 11 can' wit. eunlie li'.'ii'-, . lie tlioti-'ind tunes its own Wt -it-lit 01 mi . li ir -u l.iei'iff atates lhat, "One purl ot Pcpsiu lisoireil in nxlv tiionstiud parts of ivatei, will dijje-t me n ami other i-.-d."' Diseas-d sumaeh pr """ " ' n ""' li'.s'.nc Jmee, lleiinet or l'cfim. To ah .w ili.e Hra tfvuut may he peifxtly annplieil, ws oa-jla lbs Iki lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ! BARON l.ll-.IIIC, i ee.lrated work 011 Aairas' wll'' li."ir. B.i'S; "An Arllhcil llit'Plo.e I'hoit nimlfiwr, Ui. a.,.t , Lc,." iXywoi'S f,m, ,re.ie , ..FtwJ an. 1'iei," imbiisln-d by Piw!.tk ,v Wi-lls New York page '1 1 o'"" ' , ..V.' '(;l!!;:' j" w v-:u-i,r wriiines-m tlie'TlivsiologT ! t,,v m it.. Wr.TJ 'Xt&VC. c;u'?p I'y'i'ti ' ;" rml l. ti,.,t dmnngui,!,! I ,,r, ' Ss'1i'" """'"V"" '"'" who mi severely afflict. I riwsVt'!" Iivmp aiu.iials. whieh pro..! c irHt!v soee. sand." , V'; 'VVi V' " f - wwks . "Vsfe. tt.-u the ' .m.,.'.i, .',., .,, 1 '....,"' !'.'.' l'.le p"ifity niai'cialtu 111 water, impart il:s "l- uiir varii tu articles tif .1 artilicinl itiireati.in ol iheta I ,,'r'. "I c'tcnnnj a It 111 n 1 v. i.e onicrciil in. in tne not unit ditfentive prweFa." Ur. SIMUV'S yre-.f w.i'k. the CI.einitrv of Man," (I.cni Ulr.-i,-l,-,,.t. Phih. it. p., j.i.o) ,.1V.: -Tnedis- C 'for 01 PF.PSIN hiniit a ii -,i-.r;i i,.tliefl....nienl h,.l,,r of Dit-esiion. l-'coiu rc-nt espniinenu we know than I'Sfl is i..tlvvl .is r.i)i.ily in nn nrlificinl iliisnve fluij. prriinri itself ,' preiinreu iroui I'eusui, as u li in :l,e natural Gastric Juics l'i "i"Sr Dt NO 1.1 SOS of '.is .Istr. r-,'t.n Pkiu. tliiil:t, 111 li- jr.KI work on Hoiiiaa ri.ysi 'I 'By, devotes in 'i- than Inly nnt'e t . an exn, intuition of lloa subject. Ili .Xierlii,eiit. with Ilr. I i.-miliiont, on the finstfie Juice, i.ii'ouio.l lr nn iho living tmni in t muirh oud from snimsla nrc WeM k'lown. "in a, I ,.-,.-.' lc .,.. t.dicniy,, ocenr rcJ u. jicrifllv in t!te arlifi. i:,las in tire natural dijcsilous " AS A DVSI'KPSIA CUKES, Dr. IIOl;c;HTOVS (i-ci nration of PI'.l'SIN has prM. c.-.l tne in il uiurvellons .-ft, r:innR eosea t f lehi.iiy, l .in.ici.itio, ., rvons Oceline. and llyie.tic C.m-uiiipti. u, aiiij)"ed to he on Ilie vry veree ol the jrrtve. Il is tin. p issi'Jr ti, (rnv the ilel.nl of casea in the limits of thu atl vtirtiNruiritl bal tt-tthL-utic lie t rsilific.iles nave been trtvea of i..rc thin Two Ml.'NllltKIJ KI.M AHKAIILB Itr.S. n. I'hilaJvl ehi.-i, .V.-w York, and I! al in alone 'l ie ae wete nearly ai; tltsi r.ne c;t,-, ami Ilie carta ware n.'t i.uly ra id I w u-i.., i'.iJ. tmt t.rm.int-ut. It is a ir.-.l MOKVtn X A V I'llKn i:, nnd particularly n.-,iil ,,r luiiitunev to l....0s ilis -i.tn, I.iver Complain, 1 ever awl A je.r. ,.r l..v!'... irat.te.1 Fever and Airne, and ihs e.il efl. els o . .in Mv.vary, mul other drugs upon lh llities'lvc omaiis. nlir: n I 'i-c "-icknrn. Also, for cleans in i-atii'.?. :'ii -I the t . iri.e tiv ..f anient sum's. It aim rcvoneli. Jleiitli with liio-injieruiiee. OM) STOMACH COMPLAINTS. TI.t. it in r .nn of (ILL) STOMACH COM PLAINTS wliii-h i: iI.h s ii a a-'i in lo lotcl. unit rinov- at onre. Na n..'.. i bwl..tl they may I, itt.lVKr ISSTANT RE l.llii ! A nii..eil ss rem .yea nil the Ulilileaanul avaip t-'ti.s. Hat, it . nly iif-iM !a he repent,'.!, for a short time, t mukf Hi. too,.,ff '.ni jievtna.ienl. PlItlTV OF IILOOO mul l.jliu Ul' 1HHH . f ii w ai once. Il is iMrlicularlf . .xe- Il.-nt ii. eas-MK oi .Vims'.., Voniiliiie. Crump, Soieueas ol li.e po of the St m e-li ni.rri-SH nficr entitle, low, eakl, s'lteofll, III ..J, II. nn!,-,,. I. nvee-s of Sr-trill, Ueapon dem y. laiKiei.ili.-u, Witness, tcudtuC)' to insanity, slut 'nl", A c IV.-e. ONH PolX Ait ii U:C. Oisebjttls wiU otm lu'.-ct a ijiiinf. en re PKI'SIN IX POWDERS. it- sr.NT hy mail, i hi:i; ok postage. F' i eijiiv.-iii..., l . -i -.t. .-v.. f r.'l part of tha untr-, Ihe t'llll.MIVh V ATI'LII I F THi; PF.PSIN I. fill u in tltvi .nil": r"a.k'!, tvitii ilimeti-.i.s lo !. dissolved ia wao." or '"-rue. i.cVn' jut'iuit. 'I'h-'se powd-ra cutltaua lest ti'" i'. it- .n o-, r i . i ,i:.:i, i,at twice the quautit- fr tie s. ...... i . ., . ... ,:i L... .t ,y nn.il. I'ltlil-: OF I'. I'At.l .. i r t.; in H.I.H .-Mi (iv.si...i.il t l)r J. j j,u S. IRlL'iiiriVX, S... !i N ,t', Lialitasircet. I'lnUldeluhia. lx p'-K I'sai. tiir o, fcoi l'i -(.r; S -id lo r-l-y ! rp. eta .'. I u'lt .. I t i tie. .) -:-.irs I'.verv pftcksre and bnttta oi; .a.uie of J. s. lloruilTON, M. D , L'-..fa mi vrr.-. ovn in tlie I'liitt'l Stalea, au4 ne ! .i.-ia iii .IeOii-ii.i-i uv'tviaily . FlillMAl.i: Ui'J.hn V. l'luuig, m,J Gc.rrs Dr.aal. S.iii n.r' , I'.-i. fa. ,1 ir,- .. .Mf-f.'.y Northumberaliid. M.ifon, Mel-'.weutvi.s, Slni.prove, IVt.er Malianianfe Matitmo) . J ihi: tl Il i-ei It i". ..-a MrCvtlluca, K J. l'i .. . J ti tj. Inn. I'le.m P-.'i m, Saiibary, Sc.t. Mth, ISM . a s v i: iti i s t Uouaty Land and Pension Agency, WAalUNGTON, D. C. 'JIU: nnlet Miied Att .rnry and General Arent al tks X c i.y ol VV s-hitietuii, i'H.ts his services in nr'Vuriuf UMii. i.ily ( -Cii'.Mf m thr Ff.tt - l ft vriimifni, w.iii a itior-t-iicii un) t..::.i.i;n :icu.iiiii.iiicc wiih Urn U'Trfktry hrn-i, 'rl fun if i-t !..inHt , uii.t 1ti mi: uit-rits to Hrcif'n ai4 Koiif iil'.l in tit,- I . S war '.ir,.r, in it,iks. i..ciiiiita tut ! 'i .SfJiT1 aiJ"4"",tUl u Oovorume.. Uy ii laie Act I i'"iiiire, II uniiy J.nnd ia granted le lb,: in -ti. niul s il tiers .it in.- war of Qt and of ihr vsri II ma I i la. . M.ira. binee lllsj. T" those wilj served inn in ntl. a Its. acres; lo tli se who a-rvctl I w n...ui!i. a ' ucr.-s, and t ih e wv. s.-.ve.l i ' , ArMiifeiiieu's l.oe l.e.-n .nude -ne in nth 411 acrea. with r. iiti,. iiii-.i .f th-t l.e-.'.il pr-lniiti m il.tti-M iit M'l-iinii. oi tj,e Cuuntiv. l,t ; I s-ali 'ii of w irnu and the .,! ,,) the palenla, whea . l-s.ied, mi the m .i i.l"uitie. s I. Tina; for ihe ayt.lenl J '' m''o ' ' """"' 1,1 f" ''r: e 'll'-eiion ' , ""' 1 ' lU " 11 " "' 'eueraj U LuslncM, n.e .'el .te il S-a.e. mm 1', rut trie. II.- tendi-rf nut .n vi..,. to ini'intsrrs nf the nrnfrasion al a .Iist.in".-, unit wiien elaimv ii una' tlipi, iv-miiieni. are prs-n-irt-it t-y ii I eal Atrcnt. will n'm.-out: hall hit iisu.il fee The nee. ;:: I rin unit iilsrr..i'li.nH, and liilorn):e.iwii oa ali .n!.:st-l iO!'.:rl;o.'iii t" a suvt-essliil pros.t'ui ion of llos tun ni.-i-i. will bv liirmrlied to regular Curr-sptindeiita wilfc. o'.l eh trire 1'ers 'ii. dfciraii; ii.f .iiii'tti ni of f.itniiia in the army r navy, will f ir-.vu It i Inn. nil ihe pr.rlieuL.rs knovvnof t'htlr aen lee. lopi-lh.-r Willi i fee ol one ilolhr, and their enqui ri.' Mil! tn ii ;ii.ril t -i I.y reiiini of iniiil. All eoniiuuiucr. li 'i.fe to tv ilr.l-Ain,; q.hI fi't-tir...,.,! I . i II VIIL1.S l'. Tl'CKF.R, (It -l l'ir, IV O VaJiinktua u f , li-ccir.lirr Cs, lsol'. :i lua hit' PROPERTY FOR SALE. rillli: Subscriber ho resi.les ia PlUi4elphia. 1 ..lit is for sale Ihe foll.minc peoHTiy i.i Mil Ion, 'SorthuiiilH.rljntl county, 'J'JSe large p?S ERICK BUILDINQ J Li in upper Milton, formerly occupied bf Messrs Pattersons us a Curria'-e Mak. r Shop The building is till feel front on upper Market street, and 4U f. et cn Front slreet, and is two. stoiiea high. Also a two siory MUCK ULACKSMITII SHOP, -10 hy C5 fict, on tho same prcniises, The lot ia on the comer of upper Market and From street, aud is Cli lect front, and KiO fuel dee)). 'I lie premises would be valuable for a Fo-jnAjr or other mamifacUuiug purpose, aiul will bsol4 on reuaoiiabl and acoiniiirsJatiuM terms by ap. pivins eutict to JACOB CAKKIGAN, Philadelphia. J. Y. VOLFINfiFn. l- Milton or II. U. MAsAfK. tso. , Sauhury. VuJla.lvll.hia. Juu- SS. 16&1- if NOTICE. AS the suMerther Intends making new arrant, tncul m bis business on the first of Janus ry ISM. all persons knowing thnmselvea indebted to hirs. are lequested to call and make settlement uu to tbat tniis, by pay maul or (iviug UaaU uhs for kae amount due' joaN w-. rRiiavw. Puabvry. Duo. . IW1 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers