SUNBU11Y AMEIllCAN AND S1IAM0K1N J0U11NAL A STRING OF 1TKMS. Too much prosperity, make inoft men fool. He keeps his rorul well enough who gets rid of bad company. 1st PrcsidiMit Spnrk'a new dictionary, "a flea bitu" menng "totally inadequate. A prni.ic dinner in proposed to Hon. Jas Buchatiun, nt Pelersbur", Va. Bui.n and shameless men are masters of half llio world. Why is an attorney like a minister 1 Be. cause ho studici tho law arid the profits. A "huly of Washington" has sent $25 to the wife of "One-Kyed" Thompson. Many praise the power of godliness while Iheir ucts only evidence the godliness of power. It is pond to know a great deal, but it is belter to make a good use of whut wo do know. How Mrrn more miu'ht people accomplish if they would but make it a point to carry out whatever they undertake. It is with our judgment as with our watch es, none go just alike, yet each believes his own to be correct. Til v; haidest thing to hold in this world is nn unruly tongue. It beats a hot smooth ing iron, and a kicking horse considerably. Ouh countryman, Jlr. Baynard, tho inge nious and successful painter of the Pauoia tna of the Mississippi, is now in Egypt. Dcni.nv Pay has been sonlencd to the bouse of correction, for two months for selling liijuor at Northampton Mass. Miss Di.x having failed in hoc philanthro pic. ellurts at the scat of the National Guv eminent, is ijtiilo ill and dispirited. Tiir Washington payers say that Mr. .Sen iitor Benton is rnpidily recovering from his recent attack of illuesii. To I'hosper. Be honest, mirthful, temper. atu ; po to church, love the ladies, and play with the babies. John Thomas, tho Shropshire pedestrian) walked seven miles in six minutes under the hour. By the law ol France no priest, doctor or attorney is allowed to accept a death-bed legacy. I.N Cornwall are employed in the copper mines, about 15,C'00 persons ; tin mines. 8,000 ; and lead mines, 27,42:2. Editation in- Imiiaxa There are in llie Slate of Indiana 175.107 persons, over 20 years of age, who cannot read or write. Tiik amount of gold shipped from Cali fornia since tho first discovery is $0S,5S7, Ml. A Coi'T of the Alia Caliloruia has been printed in gold on satin, to send to the Voild"s exhibition. Uy our "devil." 'I'll.' man who is ")m Di-tli always uilveilnic. The way to get credit is to be punctual. Tho way to preserve, it is not to use it mean. Trust him, it any one, who carries but littlo on his back. Tub iullaeiiee which women, exert is silent and still, felt rallun' than seen, nut chaining the hands, but restiaiuiiig our actions by gliding into the heart.' Tiik transition fiom joy to sorrow is easiest in pure minds; as the lii.e dia mond, when moistened' by tho bifutlir recovers its io Soulier than false ones. CiiAitro.w.. Ground to powder, is one of the best things ever diseuveied to clean knives. This is a late and valuable (Iim-ov-ery. Tiiesi: Six tho peevish, the uiggaid, the dissatislied, the passionate, the suspicious, and those who live upon others' means, are forever unhappy. Sin W. T i:ipi.k says, that the first ingre. dient in conversation is truth, the next good sense, the third, good humor, and the fourth, wit. Plato, speaking of passionate persons, fays : They aio like men who stand on their head.-, they bee all tilings tho wrong way. The Poi".: claims from the British Cabinet for the useof his Chinch, one thousand aipaaiu miles of territory in Canada, heretofore the estate of tho Jesuits. In 1840, there were 386 Congregational ministers, 165 Bablists 131 Methodists, 91 I'uilarions, 74 Uuiversalists, 43 Episcopalians, and 20 Pfutnan Catholic. Effects ok Haii.aoad. It is blated that four thousand persons, who do business daily in Boston, leside out of the city. This is the natural ellects of low fare. The E lltors of the New Orleans Picayune acknowledge the receipt of a basket of line ripe strawberries grown in tho open air in the garden ol a gentlemen in that city. The venerable Judge Crunch, of Washing tun, is now in so declining a stale of health that nu hopes are entertained of his rucov. cry. CiiRi win rte sunn ami walk aiiu, rii-al ri-s I mm Aurora's luce j Hul wlu-n lliiy yuwu iu lint till u-il, Aurora Meal! litem back auiii. Thf.rk is a man in Indiana bo thin, that when the Sheriff is after him he crawls jnto hi rillu and watches his adversary thiough the tough hole. The cedar, or cheiry bird, was first noti ced West of the Geuesee river, in 1828, and now, it is so great a pest as to induce many to give up the cultivation of cherries, especi ally if near the wood. Tang At the celebration of the 22d at Martiusburg, Va., the following wai one ol (he regular toasts ; ,lThe Right of Secession. It takes two lu make a bargain it takes two to break " WM. M'CAliTY, l; ( () K ! K 1. 1. li H , 11 roadway, ST7NBTJRY, PA. HAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing iulilicnliuns mull as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herbert Do Hodwell, 1 Mimas do Trollop, Sue ilo Halliburton, Key minis do Murryatt, Cu'cktnti do , lJrp.V. Maxwell do Marsh, Jerrold do Ainsworth, Morris do A t the low price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume, tt'umbitry, Sept. 2S, 1K0 tf. SAICTSL D3WEES, BOOT-TJIEE MAKER, A'o. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, TniKlIE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the Illicit ' Rtvle and best laatcriid, are liiauufacturrd on reasonable terms. AH orders promptly nmi punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' !), 183(1 ly. M USI CAIj I N STRUM ENTS. CHAS. DU2IMIG, h'o. 207 Chcsnul Si red, front Arcade, 1'lIlLAIIl.l.l III A. VFOIiTER and Manufacturer of nil kinds of Musical Insl minimis, I'ancy Articles and Toys. His prices are 1 ower than those of any other store in Philadelphia- All kinds of Musical Instru ments in llio beet workmansnip, ana aiso taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, lBoO ly. sncimns & co's LABOR A X I) F L E L SAVING "vVi-SHSlTG- SOAP. iliimifftfttircl by Mioiirils & Co. 543 Chestnut St., Fhila. FOR SALE BY A I.T, GROCERS. TiTTrARRAXTKD to wash clean in hard, soft, or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the time of any other Soup ever manufactured; thus dint-nsiii? with boiling, bl'-achinir. &c. FI.A.NNEI.S, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Soap will never shrink or have any harsh or gummy l'ei-1. hut leave tlicin in their oriniunl soft and pliant state: which is in itself a sufficient recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. TilE FINEST FABRICS mnv lie washed thoroughly with it, without the least Injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported poods. PAINT, GREASE & DIRT of any itcsc rinllon, can he readily removed by the use of if, without injury to thy article, whether it tic tae finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use ol Minimis ii Cos ooap, liclieiite need nut fear, as il will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary net as an emolli ent, and is not only Ihc vkiiv iii:st washing mi' ever ofKri'd to the ptihlic, hut as a TOILET SOAP cannot he excelled. Wherever it has lieen used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in nil ca ses where a fair trial will he given it. Sl!()L'i:iS V CO., Manufacturers, Io. .ril:l Chesuut St., Philadelphia. For Sale hy (irocers generally. November ISotl. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llio Cabinet Ware ltooiu of SEH'N llOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street Ar the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thnnkful for the patronage of bis friends and customers durinz the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public aron- lmuanee oi uieir tavors. llunnif tins pernxi nc has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has neeoriiiutrly extended his busi ness in every branch and varietv. The public are therefore invited to the attention of tho present stock ol CA II I NET WAUK AND CHAIRS, Manukactirki) by SEBASTIAN H0UUT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment I hey now manufacture Kahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Larqc Spring Seat ockin Chairs, Dressing Jnreaun, Cent re. lablrs, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a o f other new style and F;i.uohrMc Fttriiifurc. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for I'nderlnking in nil its branches, in this vicinity or nt any convenient distance. Ye inni'ls anil milresi-. unci )ni!ttMinlK too, ller.- i'liniitari' of every rtyle. unit line, Tri'tii anle le-irtls iluu-n to kitehen tallies, I'r-.m r-eliin I t inr kinfr eni'lles Sh'-nlil ynii iMt lia-p tin- r--aily Jons to pay, VA'e'll wait awhile fir a tiriirliler l-etler ,lny, i h take vtlitlnri.. n:i!ff, e, ra, -lieat mel rye ; ttark, hoop p let. stnveH, or liiiiili.-r yt aiwl dry, Or liny thiiit; lull yokes anil threshing flails, l-'l-'in pii:s unit tnrkien ilowa t-i litlle ipiails. Cniae on ttien friemls, ctine one anil nil, Kerp trade a moving, so "i,ies on the hall.'1 ft"" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nud work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Suniiiiry, March 0, U'.VJ. tf W.U. S. ROl'KEFELLLB, AttoiTiey at Law. ?risteiKii!f. ih-liiiy!:ii:9 J'o., I'a. I J I'SlN'ESS will he promptly attended to in the enmities of Schuylkill, Northumberland, I'niou, Coiuuihia and Montour- Refer to: A . .Ionian. II-llcll is, iV If- It- Manser, Ksijrs Sniilnirs W in- Dc Haven, Kiiward lliiclies, ir. Solomon Shiialef. Miucrsvillc C. il- ll.tll, M Mortimer, 1'oltsville Oct. 5, l.-Cil! lv. 15ANK NOTETABLK. CORRECTED 'WEEKLY. rF.XNSYI.VAMA, I M AfSAO A t.'HKTT!. citi nt 1-ini.AiiKLl'iH. t A II solvent luniks j ilis t'. K. Hank lines I.'iiIik Itlllllll. ISLAND. All solvent luniks vo All -Ivent liank (lis enivrnr Hunk of I'lmniixT.nlj'irg 1 llltak ot'Cle-Ater Co. par H;ink of Pel. Co. Chester ivir CONNKCTICVT All live, it iKiiiku 1 dil m;v YORK. CITY. Ilankof lierniaiitowa parjAII s-lvent Kinks 3 lis Hark of In ttyFlnirff 1 dis f lk llnles iinitT 3 sti Honk of U-wiCfu-ii ! coi-stiiv. ISink of .Malill'-timn I (Iik1 Alt snlvenn-lianks l(li iMini'K anery Co pari NKW JKKSI'.V. Il;'nk ol N irtlininaeirnil. rtn'r.elvtilTe Hunk ! (" lliinkof PillKlnil-t I ilis 4 --tin K.-i i-in I linitk 1 it's llinikof D.-mville p, n l-'nr. Il ink ,M nit Itnllv par Cai lole li-ink 1 .li?1!-'. ,M.. .MiMl.-t uva I't. ear Cehiiiilim li!k A It'uieCii :i.- f .cliuiiir-F'' Itk. Newark par lViyclMown Jiank ' p-irl.Mi-eh. hk of Hnrlnuiloa pur r.niton It ink per' Mi-eh. ,V .Men. IlkTlent par Krie Hank a ilnl.Mnrris Co liinik ill" I '.xelianie tt'kl'iostnri! I Cue Newark lik'u ,V liis.C'o J (lis l;ehni..'e IPk. H--inei, 1 dtn ( hanfre llnnk (lis Fariiiern" H'k, ItaeksCo par te-p!eV Itk r.-ittcrmnl ' (lis l-'iiriners' Ilk, ljin--i.Kii-r par-l'iineitoil Itank p-ir Farmer1 V. Ilr-o-lios par al.-ni Il llikiil'J Co, ,nr farm. Ilk S"linylKill Co p-ir!Seinnrrel Co It-ink J (lis I' A II. Ilk V;'V!iel.' t ' .lis Siale Hank at C nnilell par Franklin Ilk. W'usl.'u 1.1,1 Siale Ilk I'.ij wiln li j l-i Itiirri-ltnri; Ifoik I'din Si-Oe ttnik Ne(v-irk litis llnliesilale Hank 1 ili-i Mat.- Ilk. N. ItiaiiHWtek (tar l.aneat.-r llnnk par.Sac-x Ivink. Newt-ni ; ill l.i-lianoii p o jTrent n Ilankini: Co par Mereh. A Man. Hank 1 iliull "ni'-ii Rnik. H oi-r J ilis Miners' H'k, t'oltsvillo per I Yar.'l.-vv'le A Del I ir Co 1 "litis Miill'illff.-tliela Itailk 1 llni'IV lll; ni!e miller S!.l J (lis Tnylow'e Hellfir C'l 13 ilis 1)1)1. AW'.Mtl;. S'est llrtnieh H-ink par Hank of Il.-l-iwara par v,Vyiinin!T Hk, W'ilkcsli'e par! Hank of Sniyriiii par 'rk llnnk, 1 ilif l.-lii-aie Ciiv Hank par fJ'-Helief notes 1 ills Itk Wllmir'n .V ll.anilvw. pn M.MNI'. 1'anti'TH- IlK SI Delaware par Itnnk of "llelMk r itil I 'nii.n ll-nik. V'iliniiirin p-ir Mereantile t:k. H ni!T'r IMili- I inter s-. ; ,hs All I -iVe-lt llMIl'.. iiF, (ItllO. Ni:V M AMPSIIllli:. All s .Ivent Lank. Sills All B 'lv.-nt L ni' J ilis ; Ilk a ii.-a iiiel-r ,V 1 (lis vi:iiivr. ! oicni cauoi.ina. P eik "f Sl Al'iann ?(''-M y .Ivi nl Links All s-ilvent Lanks j iliJtlr'lai!er ."', 5' Am " '"W fT! "T "T"" f'"1T "I I r5K ar fX 8.. j!!: TSTj'V 15 r MKASSOF TUB 1'ocKKT . -vh l'.sc C I. e 1 1 ' . or. l '.erv one :'' . his own l'livsieiun ! thiiti- f ...... , A i-.- . , Vi' y, . '-.,A W '"coiiimi, wnii tipwariM m l7 '' ' ' ' ' 'VHl a hundred eiiraiiii;.show- . ' .'y. imi peculiar diseases ill eve ifc'. 1- ry shape and form, nud mnl ''"'.'f '. '?'' formations of the generative V.y.r.'-'.'' ff system, ; v j'7 i;v "!. vol nt;, m. t. '.'-;".v'-.v'- '"be time has now arrived : that persons sulVcriu IVom secret diseases, need no more liecomc the vicliiu of tiiacl..-1-y, as by the prcscriiilions coulained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind rance to hu.-iuess, or the kiiovit-:l:;i of tiny one. and with one tenth Ibe usual (".pence, tn aildi- PHILA. AND HEABINO RAILROAD. MJA1.MI.ll AlillAN.KAli:Nr KUOnl 1'IIILADKIJ'IIIA AND POTTrfVIU.K. V I l ' ' 'iL'i i in ' I ' Vi I li Office of the Vhila. tf Jleadim llailron l Ce. ) Philadelphia, March 23, 1S50. J Two Passenger Trains llaily, (exceptSunday. OjvX and nllcr Apiillst, 1S50 two trains will S jf be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and 1'oltsville. Jorniiiir yi'iie. ((rcomiNoifdion.) Leaves Philadelphia nl Tj A. M., daily except SuudaVH. Leaves Poltsville ut 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. Aflrrnmii Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia ull'j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. , Leaves Pottsvidc at 2j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passcnncrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded villi Tickt is. 'J'he al'lcnioon, or fa -4 trains, do not stop nt Au burn, Althoiise's. ijirdsl'iir., lioi'.cr's Purd, al ley l''i.i ;c. Port KciiiKiIy. Spring .Mill or Palis. AO 1 11. r.. r il'y pounds ot will be al lowed to each passcnc; l in these hues ; and pas seni;crs are cxpre.isly prohiliiicd from taking any thinir as ha-iiraiie but. their wearing apparel, v. hicii vs ill beat tl io risk ol us owner. I Ly urder of Ibe lioard of Maiincrors. r S. PKADPOin), April la, lS.m. Secretary. YlM!.tAa3.'s' A.V8'!-JU'NSt:?.,'i,l 1-IX1K is. w iih tin- utui i ( -nili-lenee. i-a.-n-ilLi the j ,Mi-.heal I'ni-aay .-.n.l lie-1 iC'ii.-La-II:.-e,ne . f llesie-p-Eia or ln.ii..,ii nan all Ul.-e-t.-i; an;.:-' o'. r.ili-ins Yninilei'.'. li.raine- i.,-m.iiein at tho pit "i lia m .' h, I .i( .,ii ' 'l',!!' i n Jill- r ealilic, P..lpi'.lti-ni of lie- lle.itl, I'.-'ll ill lla- lilt -n' t1:'- Mi-ni;ieh as Naliwi, lien '-,... Vert:.' I -ii-nn i .if Siela. Del.ll.iJ lee .M-iVn.1.1 tmi. Il-p ia. .laii.ui;,-,-, l,iVl.-'il.,iel.-, W neliiej nl lie etrenelii. I eililieeee. Willi iriljllect. or I 'W in!.- lie- nylil. mil-.-. L- li liiit of -.vaiil, u-il' .win .-! "I e i i a. lliMle.ll.ole, tleprr." m' :. f j.o.i iai-1 Liii-ltlliiin anil uneasuiei: i,n!;,inaly , t'-.uei, ,11 'l lie li iwi l', I If a c;;K- of dy.spi pia N..i:l.l l.e neclei-leil. in- Ht tvriens etl -e!s tiny ensii.-. 1' -r ll I;ik ihe f i 1 1 1, t ili i, . i.--lie- in ei iienl eaime ol . anil ver y (reijaently i erne n it in e-Me anip. II ;ll. 1 Wi.lll.t lllip.. lip..!! llie'n I !ii (. Hide Willi llii.-i itn-e.ipe may I - hp rl lid He- r.-as .n w lil- n e.iitsll ImP .1 linn K l;ierenini. c am ai-.' aniiu il If-ines. it .i 1.111 Liller i-xiM.-nn- hy lii'ilini; a e ' hi inliy to tae pen-' a i f palil. Tl.!s nu .'.ii nie in nea-.iy pet up in L -ules. w:'h naiale (liree; i -as f I ie--e, 111..I is hi i I in SaiCiire i.v ..i!i u l'l'il.lvo. J..H- 'WII.I.IAAIS. 're-liiii'inynf Atr. ALiier r.Inn-, lr,itei, .u.i.t-.- t Mtee alii'V Siih. e ar- li aalive 01 Ine e.lieaej- 01 Williams Allli-t)pi plie Khxil. rniL.VDi'i.niiA. ();-t"!.er 3. IM'.i LIVHH conrLAiNT, JAUNDICE. DYSPRPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DKIULITY. DISEASE OF TIIK KIDNEYS, AND nil iTttr:i'nr!iiMr fm tiiin!Tr,I InrrT or nturh. mirli nt) rnimtiVi1t'n, in ward Viir.n, KullneMMK nlixxt t' ih. ImiH, Aficlrly nf ttm Stniintphf Nmiwa, Il'vutlnirj), ilttfiiit ii, fiilliifMi nr wetylrt tn tfi nxtir ',nn Jniioiiw, siitkintr "T tliTttiriiiff nt 1h? pit v( 0w St'ttivifh. Fwimnrua 'f tit- hn(I. Iturrtifliintldiiliralt bntnimr, Uitttt-rm.j nt Km-lit-iirt, rlK'kinir nr milTNtittnf ''i.t!i iih wl'-n in n Ivin? p'rtnn?t Pimwn f visi'itt, tl 'is'T w-1 l."i"..rriif mU, Vi vt imhI itull niii in lh lifi'l. ilcfn ifti-y tj pT"in j nl inn, Vf'if"vn'n n(' I lie Kk in mid 'v. :itii 1:1 tli( mill. l..i.-k, rfn'fli. litnti, Ac, miditen tlti'il'' nl l.jrniMi; in tin tl"'. diticlunt imngiiiig in iiipi f 1-11 Of-pti ni riiinti, CAN UK r.ri'j:( TI'AMA' Ct-RKD HY r?v ZCCLAITE'S i i.i.i. vtiiAiui (i m a."m uirimis, rjir.fAtti:D ut DU.C . Al . J A CMvSON, AT THE GCIIMAN MUDICINE STORE,, ,... i:o Arrli St., IMiUailplphin. T!t if J'W.T i'"i T Int. 't iV('liPiili') is in if t 1 1 I . y iiiy t'li.c'r j'i'f,i:ir:i! i.-ii in tlt I'uttix) JftiitO. ns :m ntr. iittcyi, in DKiiy i-.w iilu r ikilliul pbystt-'Hiiia ' hi :'. l:ilN A, T-H-ff liitt-m nr- wmfir tv '"''iti'Mi n inxalirlii. Vhs- s-m ;. t -tt v ;,-iii h in tite rot'i!ii...ii ,tn nl" d impawn of tlt-,i vr nml lt-.-r irl.'iiuf. i-vrrisifjt tin hi' mi Hrnirlinif p 'With ill vr;i:i!i F5 iiml ..ll.'t'Mi'M-l nl tin.' (l,j,'l'ltUVs urgaiiit , liit'y ):rv, wulial. nif, t' ritun umt pl.wint. I'lniii H e H :-i 111 Ik-u.j T!m V.-litiir Mill, Jm 'J'J I llir run; !( Lk'i 1 t'nnr.i nut. .l:uiin!icr. l)v sii'-ubih. CtiPtlllC tn- f:-viins Ij-IjiI.! , is ilint't'ViHlly inc nl" I lit moat popo !:ir lii.-.h-ijf.i ,,l' t),o' i!:iv. 'J'tliS'' ! 'uria ,;ivc Ih'cii tnwd ly tii.tus.uiilf. iM,.t n i'i ,1 n,l nt i-nr cl!i'w My tit- hnB hiin m .i i-cfiM-i .in mnl pr.i-iii;i:a"it mm of I.iver ' mi; l i ii, iV -i.i 1 1 1 . ii.s. . 1 tin? ;vui''tly. nre riiiviiirrd tl.iJ, 111 it-.- f-i" :i.w. iii't.Tit, tin' pm im it coiwtmitiy I! -v d wo li.-n- f.iv s. rr-,n:i. vlu-h il ,v.ii n. TU-.'v ;t. pi m v:- wM'mw'A. ond mn b in.- mi nviyti Hi- in, n.l t;- ! .-i ( h hin-M n-;y lv pi :is w, n I i.-in ml: hi .in:..-l.ii with rafe I'm; .1 i.i!i.-,.l .-in I..' ) In, ,;., !t,. Mf. li-rn-j I v. -l (,; , Wtrim- fpi .kllltr fmill tX- iSnil, n me i'i tli, Tnili.y Cimn-.i. W.t. :n lit' r,itr? ,.-,),...,., :r!.;;rl U v; a Iviff tl.rir lis;." I 'u.i li-i r:is il. ir. Uy Uiit-ii- I .tiin'.f .!. ."!. .N.i-.j:. i, l .tl-:ii;ni with r-it irirntifie imiiI I.'i nir,1 liiiti-.' i , mi. I in iiis '.uv Vnrk Weekly ,n s"-:r.:"i , ..;'.ni:;t v t, j ; AIAIIOOANY AM) MAHTH.E. SAW lILL, Corner of Elevtnth and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, CEXEHAL FIJHNlsmXU STORE, No. 134 Sot'th St-errnd Street, below Dock St., PltlLADKU'lllA. rCIHE pulisrrilicrK would call llic Riiecin! nttcn- J tton of (Jiiliinet inkers ntnl iiloer, to llicir very trimivc iis.ortinetit of iiinlerialH ill their line, coii-iislinii of Malionauv Veto cr, Uoardx ntnl Plunk. Hair Clotli, Cnrleil Hair, (ilnc, Vnniitli. Looliine; (Jlnss Plates, Mahogany Knolm, lied PostH, MiifTilc Tons, 11 ml every di .-eriilion of iSnrdwaie 'jj'ool, A:c. Cntiitiet Makcrn roi1inj out nl' I'm (,'ilv, wotili! flnil it prentlv to tlieir to mil nt our ftorc to iurclin!t kik-Ii matcriaU nn tlicv want, coiincctcil willi their l.niucs.-i. All our ('..(..Is arc X AMllANTj:!), of tiic liest ijiinlity, noil nt very rciUn-ed jniees. (Inr Terms arc i'a4i, (no trade.) Wc rnaraiitec to ,'i.c every man t'.-.e worlli of Iliri money. T. L. TilO.MlVON. N.l!. Mahoranv, Wnlinit mnl I fund Kail Plank, mnl Siair Ji.illustors fur littildei-s, ali Maililc .Maiil'.cs. uiwaK on liuinl, mid every d S(-riiilioii ol'tiina-il work, .l-aoi; ts ls.'ili ly "DEATH'S DOOll." lit:'! :!ii ;i:i 1 .fr M ' liiM'l 'f'if. invi, l:riin nii'ji I nt' Uii-ii'v, l;;ii'w; n I.'i t iy i! cIm I i '-!.i .1 In r - li'-r h - i re pi'! .'am1 ri't Ii-t t It.-r li' -a' -t in ;-f,r -1 li m . 'i. Tin- rl';. insirl liatiu'av'w li-i ly I i --" im iiri.lird. ttn hriii ti 'i.i! ':''. i-ls c.c riri ii-ni.iii. it h i l!ii , n ;iN. cli-an-! paiiLi': i; iiifi 'ally .t'.iii iniMitt'ti. ri'ii'if-is in. tl:llln;H M'lift aiKl h V'1 1 1 nH. P-Iit v't'. tSr 111 J Hi'V'Ti' N'-'l-vitl-.iU' piias. -.'i. re' tn Hams. S" 'i!.!-. S '. up' i mik 1'iiii'i lEiiiian iiiMiil I .'in,!' i;: li ii. I'a:ai) h. .niin. S'1-ainf. Sa-ai", flf N i -'i;, V--ar.,,.- tn i ;i Si it; ui. UtlU Willi nut IPIll l U1 IIHllUl (".pI'lH'f. Ill lilltll- I IR. .lAMK- D.LtAMf" : K li, ,.! tioil to tin '4CMH'iil Ml.tiiiC n tM'ix.itr (list-as., it i ln-nr Mi It civiv mo in-tt t. ln-w lh-:t yo i:!'vn' Alrn.i lull;.' ci lams llie ,,msc ol i.,a,,!i,.od eany decline, , , ,r Ii,.,i.' , ,;- ,,,.,...,., ,, ...U ' n m. . .:. ,i - w-.!, ! . ,-, ! h , I i ..I ir 1's ( '.'i-i'i ,t;i Hi: t its . H'Ti' n nrciiflriiiiiMi wlii 'li i!i- I' c,"i'j rf. . i- in tlic I niMiinppfiir U lit: uimni in .in in !; ha'in .! li:,.'. an.! !ii" p'iis-'il ll nlivinuu. It in in-tilf iilif'i" a j '-ipi si'ij rii!!:il hy niii-nt' thu iip-itt rrk--hr'iiti! ''ly."-!' i ta- (' i., - j 1 1 1 .', t'a- I it" I r . t:iir ftrphrr W't.iit'm h i ii.iit i. I'i i' t t'i t'u" I'liiviTftity ni'.linn, pru.'iii: I'hysif i-.n t i t'a.' '.-.'mx i-i' I'mfia. mi. I "lie oj' th r'-:'it -.' in iir ! w'il.'.'f. I ii'.'ii.'inv In ifiT tiiitc'tirill. I If Hi fli. S Ti' nf fiM kif'U. HllM':-.. I'll 'l-S. Jnie ! v- ...n a,-,:' :!',- I..,, . il, in- .f' I,.....!,,.., mul Himh'.m Thr .at. In;in. a.a. 11 .ais- n. y". f -i.n.-t. ( i ni,.,;,.;i:;. ,,t' :,-!, .v. : . j, ,r i,ihI aiilnrfr miiv TOOTH ACl!K I IMn) IN o;; ;:cii'l. h. i.ri.-sith r-U-ti -v.: rii- :-fi-.ilv m'nniiiionitfd it iii This t -rt ii r ii'ir iri'-ci im can I run tl in an ii.-i int, f -r thtr in ill- ;t l!a Hi l" I Hi );' l!i,- n- '. r, lia- at i i- ii'i-ti-j.itfil. S .i'i TV 1) i "i.. !:ii.i Urar.-raiii-i. .V.-ur..'-yt-i ati.i ..-k l-i-a.l ii-ii.'lc l!f T'.: p u U wl'- i i 11. r i-;;in i nii.f' M". iTi. an 1 in a 'rtv nr! .; mi :li hi: cist i;'i i ivlii i I. T.i'.ril Hi:' lil.tity il v.a!! a.T -l 1 In- li: ! Vt"!".iJ S.'-'-iiis .1:: I Cl'ini.'s. .! ip - r . u i i i i-rt" l:i-n' J iii J ! '.'. ill iii' t i s il wlii '.' iiv n'.rfii." !i i '! v-";i.ii""'v c i' f'ir pain, ln'al: ii t" r Mr''.M'-s. ,'vi n ' v i ti v limine mi- Ic-H MUll' i ! li'AliWAV i. K' !:-J lilil Ml Marl. I f.U'AM' Tdir. ISMf. 1-NfSTS. to ami ).,im k ru;; ciiakms I'I-' li.'A! IV. 1 1 '. i i ' '!i: y. Vn t Acidity n a. .ii. I :;;t c 'iii;i!'iiii:i-' nriinir I'-ftiii a : .-!.. if.; ci'i' ii nl ili - .,' 'in i'-ii. tl.c lu-. r mid the I in' -. nc-. .!,! ! 'n; :; i ! tvipdv.i cx;,rrss th'-ir .iivi j 1. .-a-'! itfa-'i- i:,, xi-viv.H m' tii':clihr ijrt'ak o( ! IK fl'f-i'.fi if : ri. ,- i", ) i"ilut.!-,t Vi'Ticm-e . 1'iidcl I ti - circ-iii! w.. I,. . u . -, Hi? .,!, ,) ,,i,'y jn ralinift t tin- :.iii'!itj a i " i i'i r i. . 'is in t li.' r -wi-n; pi i-si'nt nrnnri I t f- f iJr. i . Al. .1 n's; pr.-pa nfina, hi. I m loc-uiiniciid-mi Ua- aitii-ii.- in u I u; k-h-'I " h.ix tti;iti :tu.c. 1 1. i-n llir 'i TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. JVr. Toil, Xrir. Zit,, 1H50. Mr. II. 11. AWssm, Nuniiury Pa. ir: In some juirtiuiM uf tho rmintrv wlicn? wo bad advertised imr Sarsnjiarillu, in 1SIH, tbo Kdiloi'fl of Ktime of the paiicis huvp wen fit to take npmi tlirmsflvcs t!ic rcspunsiliililv of ro'ilitminir tin same after the fsrri'i'iiirNt oxpiivd, an. I iu koi;u t t f- ' k ... , rasrs have had llif pnvsunipli'iri to mid Inil TtT'- rnr ul Miiuiriifi t. l ii k oL'ttp, the most . 1 ' iT L w0 mr uic aiiiuiiiu. Aiiw nr Hir e no 0!)C(tii:i to j have all the pappM in the I nited Mates adveitUc ) t E ll t Jj A E S &a W Zl E A fur us furyears, if (!iev are pleased to do so at i fjl Sif A ' S( have jtiFt received their own expense, but Uf eamiot iillbrd to p;iv ' 1, their M:pp! ol' Si' . K A Mi SI-.M-MTJi litem unless they haw our antlmrily f.r t!ic wml i(HH)S of ri'ien.ily and ot'uer hs, lo wliieii n write to you inr Uu' purpose ot inlormuiu: tne ; they itiite iilieiiluuu 1500T, Elf;i'tUIir.AS ARTIST, So. 1-10. corner of Fifth iV Chtsnut sts., J'hila I'lljhia.n.i'l ;ili;i II road tray corner of FrvuUhi Strut, Xcw York. CiVnV.V.S AMI HTKAXia-ais rnn hnve J a Killing fur l'orlniils or .Mniinltiris, uiul rn-rivc tin-ill liriiutil'ully ni-ivl, in inoroa'o, tilk velvet, I'lipii r .Mai'lu', or ollu r l'.iiu-y htvles, or .u in Mi-il.illiuns, l.oi Ut ts, i.'. i ., in a few ininutex. Eaguerreotypcs,, Drawings, ac. uopiea. l'Milor.s tlirmiKli you, tl'iit l!i'v nro ut lilierly tn ailverli.-e as lmij us ihry i!i-nse, l.ut we. niut lint br lieiil r("iiniiihlr witlumt our written iiii'lnii'ilv. j'IIO.MI'.DX. si.Il.l.MAX A (.'()'., -No. 1 Hi, Nassau Mrei t, .Mew York. lTc:n!ier ts.'jll. tf. iiltinin ul' Sill:, wnollen M.'l. WtlU-'l T. -IJ--.1 1.1 .-li St.. )M.-.: il ut 1- -ii v.v!..- -.irii!;- y'u.. :; ,1 I.i n-virii-- i-n -.:! Wltil iiiisi-rMitlnus nil m.n I'M : lie-ules lunliv . in-- v. i--..- n ,.'.! In- in- -m. !. .imv.-ui) t.,,.1 I l,..( l ,.i-n I oilier ile.-.iiii in. ills wliiili it V..1..I1I nut lie via- I '.lr'"' ''' ' A' .' 11 '"'l l!'" i-.w;.-,l-iii ... - . n ; 1 , . 1 t'i.- I' I;-jiii -li 1 t i:i v.- r-i -1 1'.'it t n .ii. I !:i- i-.-i- i ; v iir.iiiit-' ii:i,i I ,,eM.-,ium-.-r.ite. ; .,. ,:,..;; ,., y ,,..,.,, ,,....,, :;, , :,..r'.. , ; ,,.', .y -ny J'.Txill Sll-'HM'J IV I. - . 1-; 11 t. I I. V I H ; 11 v liul,-- 11. I r y.- - r .1 I ,-. ! , . .111 l)v,ti-;;- jilui encliiseii in ti lelli-r, v, ill reci-ive one eepy nt llus ltnnk, hv iiniil, or live en. ii s v iil lie M-nt fir one ilull-ir. ' Ail.lress, '?. V. V()!'.';, X. l.VJ M'KI'CK Slreel.rilll.A iiia.l'llIA." I'osl-p.ii.l. I 1J 1. 0(.S( euii lie em 1 si 1 ll 011 i.ny of the Discuses uVserilu il in liis ililleieul iiuliliesitioim, lit liis Oilier, lri S1KI 11' f'treel, eiery li.iy i.e tvveell II ri nil I, o'e.'oek. ( illlil.l s'eveeplfil.) IMiililileljilliil, Nov. tl, l'Vi.l. 1. l.!:ill . - In- ...;, I. !.,!., v. ;.r- li 1. ." 1 ; ' I 11; 's.l r 1! lv- I . 111- l l i'W.1- I iv . Il.i- . n il i-r e h, 1 -:' ii-i' i..i . 1 u; ,':!l . ni l 1, nu.1 1 1 lriitiitm s:ii ..-In iill.l , '"'' 1-1 11T :!il 1,1 v l.v:i::li :-'.i! uii.ifi- e. 1 i-;is ruin- 1 1 -1 1 1 . - I li.'n'M,', v.:!-;.! iv : (:.- I. .a i.n ! ! I s-i ; i:,'t- 1. 11 .1. in n , . .-11 ii 1 ti ... . n 1 "1 - ,i' 'i ! .1 '.' ., f 1 1 !,.'.- ! " 1 1 . ' 1 11 i'i i .-. ',i., in - I'll. I Hull I l-i.t-M nil iI:;m..1. I liil.-i I ' , s ' 1 1' I' t I'i 1 ' j 1 . 1 , .-; ,. I- ..' ,i il intliiii in I'M-r.-is.-. in. I, im -hi Ii i.-it in ynr n-l ei-rt J i.' :i;l." Illi lll, 11 f)i-it-i'.il It-. :,, 1-.' nl' iliii'i .',ii i.'i.l. iii:l. , ni..) le al- 1 w 1 ;i in.'s. 111 u.i- yi-iir i.-.i--. ii. .ii :iu 11' ''hiriiii.ili r.-- , i..i-:.s-inl. r 'liiiiii iiil.'ilii'ii 1.1 yi.ur Aii'!-lls(.. ti.- Ivilr, jir vl I I lui i.-.i; ll.f li.-.M inl i'r.l-1 1 1' sinniM-T. nr' nii'l It!.-iK 1111. 1 llvil II Willi III.- im-l I "V .-II f I l.'nl' r it : V. i-i '-' .-I -r: -.n.l 11. 1 - ..i' .re. 1.1-n m i..- -I- l:.I.4ll il null will i:u-.-s a,';i.ii;iil .'tvs.-il lie. :i. , 1111,1 ihv iipiiu- ! I'll. !i !..i;t-. i-! ' j i ! ' i'i i'i -I. . -n! . I I' : il.ilillli It i I., l!" til- r; Inra-il w lilrl. I i- .,:!il e.i,.i,y wi'.'l '11, ;.;,'. 'I',i I I ' i: 1 -. . I i-,.J 111 ul . , .is 1 V . ;;, , :, .1. iu i.-.lji-il . II- yens !ro i- ii 1 w i l;i;-.- I. :ui ! ni'. i- ;ei 'i n-.- i,i 1 .1. ci'ia- ; .- iuv :i I vi .1:1.! r.-; I 'in..: i.r. .p.- ' .- I- i . i! iliiiui il i-.-i h--!- e . il' y -nr in, iln I,-., ni' ,- I, i.n-r.-iis.'.l. loi ll . t'-.i ir m i'.i.- iii -.i-i i'! - l 'ml. t - -m--. . li til .1' Kiir- . i- iiuiM'-i.-iy .-;nui in..- wii -ii I i;i-.l'-il : - i.i ni n r. ii,-i ir.-inunr 1' -u ;.. : -1 ''i'- i-i . t: n -. ' i !. .ii t -i. i" ;t.i : :.. i.i.'i..! f-mfi-i-. i-ty r.s,..'-;. ilia v. iry. ' .!tii- I' i i i ir.' in ' t" ' -tn ! ., i. n ini.-j li'.i.-. .t;.. AliMIl: l:l.MKS. ' l'r..-'. r - hi,-, m Hi.- ! i-i- l.iii.'. Tin. ,n .!:.- v. .H .'.:,-.' T.-utnn my iil" ".. I vv-ar.I 11 t;,.wley. W'h .1, . , A,.r..;n,,T In u: mi- .1 n.rit !-' nlv..n' ii-nt.-il s..:i,i u il..- n..y l.fll.e linn ..' It .u;.y. A-1'l.ll.u..-l I .i S -tjlli f v.l 1-r- ; -it :i i ..I t' .1 ':.- .-!;i I...V I.i li- : i ;,-v i.- ', Wli-irvi-n. l-l .r hi. l:.i) ii::,... y i.i Wijii if.s' Ai.ii-lijj. i--r,i.-i!'t - In -nr in i- . H', ii. ;,. . i ..i.-.i:.-'. it: i.e:i-. '.- li.',i-,ll- 1. 1, nr. i ?::;. i- i'.,,.-' ll '.I, . .1: ii i".i, . . :.,,,, n. .-. , I... l'nn..-.iii.i.i-iiu. ti,-t .l,i-r u:i, Icliv It-"...i -,,:-. .! ' 11 I " I -..: I',,- I -.. , . I ,ii - i.. ... Mr. .1 :r. Wii.t I-.-: a : ; w eii . i:. .- i . . i- ... - ;-s ' . , - . i - ; i ,. ' I.-.i. In, i.t ili.: , I ,t I,,.. ii : . . 1 Mi,! - e -e r ::i: , w , l, I ' : ll- :ir :-ll : I I. n.l- ,1,, ill-', Hi- In i'i-,-. -null' 1'i.;i,-.i ii- l-',i,ir l' t I-,.' i- ,n- I l.- ll lll r'.l l.'l lilC illii.'.'.S -. nil. I I::1VV ! : r mil':- r. -, ii-p.r!, 1'i'iv A'iii il. i; AepNT l"ll Y mil. I."',, .i,i'..:.- , 1 'i. l-'.e. ly 'inl::i : v mir A-ni- i '. I li i i- i;ii,i.ii i inri i, e.ii-t-i. 1 MIA U l.s All il tite I v. or.-eeii. UltLsiS II.K'S (ir.i ,!e l.liines. ('!:i;ii;-leins, Hu l iienl mul new t'liney yle.-; J;i.lia ?i!l.s anil Sa'itis. 1,'!; li(ill)S T.-.tvv ii t' nr.-j.-s. M ivtsse- CriJ "TX'TITiT''"' "''''' liii". ItindwiuB, Aluaei.s, .Mo',i.,i,.-, ai..l uil the ; , v -n ,i c r d ,., ' .. .'. new t'.ilinr. ! y w.'.u,', ,vv- !i. j...', ;, ir'f; ,'.',' i:,',',t , I'TUM.-IIIM' tiOOl' I;! i;ikets.:iei-t!:i:-s : Ti n, ::...) inilK la:u:uU, Miiiti:.:.:s, ami uil ...!-r fumub- . I'iulvwi shi,. ..-.. K-r:n, i.:c. s. . r,,e'i','"'-l I : i - : . . . .'. 1 Will, :i I.t,' il.nii? ,n,: I.;! !::il I 1 ,'., -1 l'.l,;r.,-,V -. i:ai.v, a u i 'i.l I in:: t !i.: i: ::).vi!i it.NA"ii:vr of n;:..; ; ISA I.L'M'Ki.WT lll'.AIi i !' I . .i ;-.-V Itvlii i.i ii i;; v. Di.l.T.i 'i ; t.n i ' U ll '.v. -"! :::.'-.--'-.'.1..1,.- IV, I- .p. .- :;. C Hie Nut famil) . ..':'-! :-:.ilr. llie. r.Iit'ir Sltyl '".-?;': V,itt.)S. "Nr;..:, v.lint i-i,- l.-rinwl Pn . i.-.i.v : -, ! ,i ,,..i;.i-j i. on ' ' i " " I Ul. II""f . i- P. ! .- iik.Pi lly iiikIci i'.-. ' 'ii- li si ri::i-. nl' III- i:.!t .-! i . -I -il e:i.l Ihcu fur " i . !; i:; i'i- ul' iinm-luel ',- : it.iA-' !- .11,- p.i Zftt. nni "...,'. I ., 1'..- I'n.-iilty ilx-ir." ! I . , l'',i.:,l lint ami i)y. , - n ., .- it :is iliri-i-lfil. It net 'i "nil ,,, l' tl is irt-tr-nil,l -si': t!,e rti'.vt is ilttillnlillK . I ' tn. i.e ..r l.n'iiiil Willi Billet ' ' ;'NTi::.vr.rr-!. -.i I ,. ,r ,::'ii i-n:, i,-r vvliirli i , ., i;:l , : , ' :.!,t( i- i-imtiti-IH-llri I-- .L iln- n.-k nl" tite liees i :..r.!:- cr Tin; (.i:itni . , - i. ' . '.r. j risn in ;.l -wii iiilin.- I iltle, will r !,. t ,e Si::l'.,, (l .tft i-l ! re.,, t-ctalili- ilvule ;:, -Pilmrv. n;iil M. J M I.N'S V."!: K ri-t!i, C.i-,: iiii-n i. (V'mvi- ! w:,.. .' K-lis. lllii: ., VeV.'l'l nl'iiH kill. is. nn i ' '''' M.i- I jut tloor Views, uinl Miiiiiilures of ucccased i gooil nrlii le liiat will i!eusr tin-in, unJ one tiial i M-rsons, taken ut h.iott uutiee. j 1 li 1 1 v wurlli tl;e iiinney pal l. l'or 1'ortraits of Adults In our proeess.aml I in- : ('. J. WAlI'ON. proved IpiMriinii n;-, u rhiuilij day is quitu us la- j riiila.lelp'.iia, Nov. 'J, IS.'iU. ly. vornlile as clear v.iatlier. I l'or I'liil.lren. a clear day ('uetwoeti 1 1 and 2) ! C II A U 1. 1 . S V . 1 1 K G I N S , i pr or li ii..i Works ol' Ari, is open ut nil liours, und Free. Will promjilly attend to eulli-etiona and all busi Wlii'llwr visilors wisli iiieiures taken or not. we I ' eiitiiislnl to his care. tli.ill at all times l.e li"lpy lu see tliem. C. J. WALTCII, Mo. 216 Market St., let '.ret a 7 .V 8,'A St., (Suuili h:ide.) msiAaax.p:ir a. rriir; Sil,v-ii!ier li. i.ih-iii-iI n liew lilt stare j Siki-.MAK1KS I.OlU'S -.nil ( 'an i'.ise and oil. rs l- trmlers und others who vi-it the ! I ,.r-. -tnieli s '1' Sll VKl'I.l'SS v ;-:iS city, if li.UK'.-uiiie a:iorlineiit nl tints, caps, ot'eve. j , ;( ',, s,viiil .-'licet, I'liiht.lelphia ry vaiiely, iiiade up of t!ic I e--t material, mul iu ?,!;,,- 1 . .";). ly the latest and lie;t st;. le, ami on terins as hie a i can he had in uuy e .la'.iiis'uiient iu l'hila- A3 A lii .'i Lu lu L 5 -' deljihii. viz: 1'ine silk lials ut i'ijii) ; ( do I ' T ivic' m-nVi' du at fjilHO. l'ei sons I'riiin trie eiiiin-iv who pur- H.U. JliMll.K, chase ol hini. can n iv, nt all limes, nil erttinir u 'u11 Tit': CfiiK Ll- I'i:vnn su A .ri:. VR- UAMi:i). v- rpillS ipii-iA:,!!,-,! i,:.-.i.-iii, i ly t.ii ,,1,,,-t r.'ii-.!ii-s i.i l'-r 1 HViiC llli' 1 ; , ( : nt 1 s .. -ii-i-i- I W:i- . P:i- I'Tiil ,.l T, !:.-. ".i:,:,: 1. '. :l' 1,,.' 1. ,rt- '.- ;.. II r in .' I i'-i- limn il -r- . .1 I M" i: ; I ' ,I.,JJ ii... F -Y.-r ,1 I,. IP..-: ti. ,1 1 'i i, I , , , e . i l'-,' l I. ,. ti'.i, ii ,,:,.;': i,:-, h I:,.- .-ll.-.-t. II r;il,., ,P I ...-'.',',' I, I If.i'ii li .p.-,.; iiii:.i:.i! 1 p, ixi' ..:, i:;'(llll-.! I!,i: I UN , VP I', i i I ! , i - : l : n I W:is ,,, r;. , '.iy e;i.,-i in..: i::u p i.'l ...'in I I: l,,'ll. I IpU'i- sin,-,' It .-I T'i.- l : : -: . . . i.r. li.lipv in, ii.-. s ..i't:,. t',1,'.-. i.i 'i i ii : P-i-l : I Im,- .1 -1- ', 'll i.i 1'. .:. iI.l .--i'i:;i , ;-l in ni.n .' t, l!;,' ii-ili..' Ii .I.,, r. - .', ,- .-'.'.-.-Ipi'.' . V . . fcl J-.C A." rl 1 D" t -iln e -iivii.-.-i-.I ': I ... ' , tl'tl' ;. ; ! pnl n' t;.... . I ;: ,' -n'iiiur I t' f.'lii, Ii M t : 'IP I -i' ll UiH A ', i i : I : : : - ('.'i ;'. I'AiiTNi'.'l ,:' i'. -A'III! Afii) I':,".-:::-r-'iJitilJ'.U'K.'rj- isiiil i'stlr. s;. re-, T .V. Jo-rth Street. A ,.:: i. i. ps .; ii'i: i ,i;:.i:.r. vj.;sr sJIib,'av'lH np phi ei ! , fide, nt red nt '!.', "f - the Jul- .nuc- . .V r .n-'i. i ui'. li t'i: : 1 . A I 111 f. llll.l.i ii. ii ii.' yi'iini-iti ii aiuij: v.... .,,.!..- ... .ii,. irel'i mlile. In Dlcs avoid while, blue. 171 m t T r "VP . fl T A wf hi.htpink. IX.- AW-.l.-i- -.u liS. vr, Our (iallerv with its tSix l'ri.e. Medala and l'oil!ViIlf, fit. !;:' I.t re li-- ' i-M il mar ks '..:.l.- . 11 i MVl'i-i -'lPl l.lP'W'i. 1 iii ri -.. in-, tit,- ppip.-i.-l t i'.: ,,!-. t 1 ::l:.r.'r li e ' li, 1.1 ,.l e ii-,-1,1 1,, - v p..- in;, i,,t ,is vrl 'i- ...!.! . ,i(. I -il.Miv .M ,-!,: . i-i.'. VMKS lil'.VdK. tMli,'.:.!)'. r , c June -':, ts.'il).- J. K. THOMAS, Oniiimectal and French Style Frame Ilamifactiu-er, SOf. Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. I IISPF.C'i I'I I.I.V direels Ihe attention of the pulilic to his superior styles of 1'l.iiu ami Funev Fraini s, v. liieh ure ol the latest und most heaiillful desi-iu.-:. As 11 l;aiidouie Frame nt LOW PUICE, has heen inueli ilesireil, he was induced 80111c nuinlhs since to (.niiiiieuee ll.e iiiaiiiifueture of these Fiamcs. In 11 shori lime ihe iWinunil Ims liecii n i'ic.n. tliat he ims liei 11 oliligcd to iucreuss Win facilities, and new oiler ut i:xi i:i;i)ii;i.Y t.uw n:ici:s, Minu'l v, 01 ill thousands, the must heauliful Frames, suiliihlo for Fahdiii-s, I'i-iuls, Daguerreotypes, L arils, tc., ivc. Fur Daruliitity I'nsnrpasscd. Hotels, I'nhlie liuildiiiu's, Sicamhoiils, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, ic,, decorated in imitation of earn-.! I'-ise. Wuod. I t'' I'le.i-s- i-ill and scr speciiiipus. .May -', Irtou iy iit::i :itz: iitx: BOUKEAU'S Indestructiblcs and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. AV i Sijuth 'J bird street. jVTLIK'llAXTS uiul the Writing community arc icpicsled to tall and examine thin IXK, whu li is u-Mriiuinl n-jt iu cunuilt Mrlullie X'tns, vl' ehant t.i Cuwf lYliolchulo ami Ilt'lail, Xo. 1 SoulU 'i'air 1 street, l'hiludrlplii. A lihoral discount made to Mcrchuuti and tht) 'J'rade For sale by II. 11. Masser, agunt for Sunbury Xotemlier U, 1S50 ly. Juuu 10, le LIQUOKS, WINKS, kC. rVHK suhscriU'r has just reci-ivi-d n now supply ol the Is'sl liquors l.iut ecr caum to Mlliln.ry, cons'isliiii; in part of snpeiior old p ile lit.ilnly. Fine I 'iiii'i.o- liiat.dy. Old .lainaica Spirits. Xew F.iiuland, 1'ine Holland din. j Scpi iior Old WhUkey ( 'tiiiiiu.iii ilo. Siii rior Madciia Wiee. List'iui d". '" .Vuperiur l'n.'l Wine. Fitrjun lv I'.ut rsweet Mit!:i.f in". i-n.-y tn up -;:'iii'i:- , t s. p r- rs i.'i 11 a uu .re tli.a ll. i-.i.i I.t s..c-.--i;i: ami!yi-i'.i,il ..1' i i:vi:it ami .Mii'i:, 1,, -nt '.lie li-i- 1, 1 p,,i- ,n .11. ilrii--i. 1 ti . 1 1 -. rn pi.-i' lii he- il -Irti i 11, US l-ll'Vl" nl' 11 11 iiliin-. ll iy , -IV I t 1 tlm I'll ir ni:. w (ii-.-i . ;l;-v e wi! .'V' r.-.u.MU i.'l. ;,.r,.l ",S XuiV.i M., bef.wen Areh t'.'i Wlt'i us It : Milllli: t" u;.i'i'!:..;ti V.' I II lioi! it 11 : ( u c 1 M imi t 1.: i s ok rim x 5j-::cl"s, Iliat?, ri:2'.v;c-j3, c. .r.tiir."!i.7 iilli I'l't-U'A sili.l '"': c:.f : ;i sm'tsir,. I ! '. r i' v v ce n.ii-e i.t e nil;'. tJl-' Ill- l.'l Kki :a ami I liirr. It is imt n ir.'i-'ri-.-.i1'!.' ii'ii.--ilni' i- iiip-.iiiiil ,;it -in :-.-r.v-11; .1,' 1. 1: lie - ;-('.! til I 1 :(.! ' ,- i '. :..- .1,,.: ,'e n.;,,iliy a,-:r-il t 1 I'.--s .iiii ,i-i. ii'i.l l..w '1. I .r.-.l ..tily l.y .M ewi-ll A i' ... i-il 8 M wh !-m.I.- iiii.I .-I:.i, In l: n.:.u.l .V S ,u. i. p' 1 X nl'i (I'll S r,-.-l. J'lil'n-I. V',.:i'. I'ri. i- H ,er cu;:.c ;. ,;il", a..,i $9 r il-. In (if rm .in. Latin. ( .Ini.r-ji. is.iiy ; Span'i-li ami inher I.111....1. lvs ; Clni,;.-s. l'ifii,.,i. , , 1 Hl'ii s, ( ir;ll:ir;ll-r-,. up .1 i .lit ii'i. 'S, ,:. 11, J u i:i', lll'.ADY MAli'. i', 'rawii:'iiud .Mol.-I i:..i,:. Atchiu-cts t'a'.iiiit-t, t'arriai'e und oiitcr tii,iiiiirifiiii,-,-s. .MAI'S, (.iLOIiFS and llliiii!; i:,,..ks nl' i-v.rv 1 MPOK'I'to older int. I 1..1M- e i.i-il mil .- ipi hi::ul n very l.irpe a-Mirtiiu tit n:' l'.i.hi , i.i iiieali.-xe named lines ul w ii..!f.-..i'.e and .-. ',. ul. l'iitiei; : Li CO CO k, M.t'.tvw. rr.-i, ii.ii,:i I I j V H lake this inethod to inform the render of i ' Ihe Suiihury A merieaii, that, .should they j, Fiiilaih Ipluii, in of ! Good and Cheap C'lolliii-e-, rn:r.s. iij'( ai. it:'.i mi:th, Ace,)r,it'.n, ihipjn---, liows I'm- a!l slr.n i'l-tri:- and favor usnilh a call, they .Jiull not he disap- nienls. lin t.e am! I :.i.;.e.-es, ( lart.eiets. Fifes, j pointed in oh'.iiiiiinp' the best id u-armeii's nl ihe I l'latreolets, l lu;.-.. liuitiiis. Il. ti.Mi t'm.i-,. I'aiptit I low est e.nh iirices. V.'e have u.m mi hand thr ! lie ids lor (inil i,ai.l V ielniceil. s. 'i'.iinli.i,i,'iiie. I lamest 11.1101 Im. Ill ever olieie.l in l'liiladelp'oia. aitioii-.' which arc l'Ui;--s uiul FKlM.'lv COATS i!i;A) liilliVrtl'MM l;:M',li T!iLLS, lescripiion. Si.leii.lid Litliit;ra :iio uiel oilier ami a!.-u V I..N KTIAN LL'.M'S, e,ual lo l'hila i!i ii'hi.i l'ta:ii;lti''t.i.'e. j 1; in .'S'I'iJA i 'S. of everv p.i'leiu uiul I'ri.-i' An,.. H'. - - ,' 1 ' J ., ly I.SAS kiw.ys. i r.siii(i. v.;.: mai'i: or ; rruxrri'iiE a.d cuah:s. ' si:! ''! !i .'T.' ' ; j ice 1 ft i lly r;l'l t'i. a'iriiti n il -l!,.' J 1 1 1! ..' ' 1 '1 .l'',r ;iiiit : ilcljiiitl iirt ui'L-iir-;.. ui'et':y i;;..iiily iuai jn'e iii' V.l. il ll 'li 1- V t J ri ' I 4 . A '' '.!!!)?': i.i 1 f t- 1 : t : i : l i :! i'.M !i" t .every o'ir ..'vi;l evi.tiiiite it, 011 iieeouht t il - rlii-ii! l' Ui'-.; :i -ir-iUIji ;n:.l t ; li :u!..l lis.i-'h. ma le np "1" til;1 t Vf 'I 'u rili,1 in i:" c'i, .iiie!i'rt is' '.. 1 !.; M! iii.- i.i iiii : iciVi;'.' i ;::i 'r, ;m I V: -. 't'.n'rs ;tre (1 Leiiiiiiii -1 t-i keeji i Willi t'.i n-;i.iv ini;':' erne! lis why'i sire i ti:i.iiitiy 'neiii l.i:.:V. J'acii Miieiv e. i:-i -l ul' .". .iti.ivuii V I le-t! r.w n :. ; fe Ce :.-t i r Mil ii "e.ii .i ; Kirr i':.!;'. : ( 'u;'.:iu-' I'I I ins'.',,-,-. r. ' :., .1 I -il ('I .I'i Viiriiisln i '','- inii-l, : !lri., ii. Wii ll; :- ' n'l Ti;iP.-. ..ih h :: i- -n-iis: rrrrv i I'i; . I' mi.. A vli I'll ill: I Si: ; .,.:,,i. ,',' Varm ill: n ; A,l,ii-s,e,- tl ,. . ' '.'. : iv 11' ; ,.;t' l ; . ii i.. l.i! : 'I..I.I. Sile . i: -. ii i'i i ' pt'.-r lli .iiiti. ; ti V ;.- i- ,' 14 ,r -i ,L' lj-.Ckiiis a l !i 2 17 r.ii. r. "jS, a it i: it i m Si). V.: i-iirsXCT STREET, ( i - :t: 1 i:i; .:.-, ! K ime-F..) .-, l-i'.r cii-h or :pnroveil i ra i s i I" Tuiiiii'; I'm lilptiir IV. i mnl i i .mini, is. ii. viii. l ioli.-t nud iolini-eUiii M: iliji Ji.r all kiilils PATEKT JAPAN BLACKING. Muiwfartory, No. 50 CJIESTNUT Street, MEDAL, Hwarded bv tht FKAXKLIX IX STITl.'l'K of Philadelphia in October, AND Till: FinsT PRKMII M bv tho MAHVLAX'D US'. STITLTL, t lialliinore, Xov. lS4Sand 1849. '.i;uJitiiiii, Oriulttr 'iGilt, 1848. I have used J. Wt-llitr'i Patent Julian Liquid and Paste lilaeking lor lome nine iiiuntlia, and in happy to nay (hut it auriiussea any blacking that I have used these twrnty odd year. I find It uolila llie polish uiul preserves ll( leallier tx-l thr than any black ititf thut I have ever tried. AauBKw li. CHtNSiaa. No. U7 C'heslnut tStreet, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WFLLAK. X'o. 50 ChcsUiut Mrect, above ISeconil. iovemlier, , ly. h'upi iinr Clan t Hie in hollies. vnauipayue on. ,t I Irmn ! t. ."M. PAXTS ;m.l l.S J S iVoiu 7"i ' "' iiMtruimnis i noie.-aie u:ni liet jtl. .vecor- IIUXKV MASSER. ,-ls. to -o. OVIi!! COATs, CLOAKS, lil'sl- ; iieou-repaiail. .Smbiiry, May 1S1U. ;k.s si.vci-i CMA'l'S and ( 'I I T I'l'.l'.'-', all o!' ! Also eoinliiiilly on hand, nlmj nile and ret :il, iirtLtii-.i.i'iii.v wim: k oii fn-roitf: '" l-l'l "''l' i"!''s '" " "-""""',"t ",'l" - Ill'P'PI Vf" V WMTI'IHUV un ohieel fur ihe people of SiKiiniiv and the mir- GEHTWVV.N MROKTi 1 2 HV SiTl 1111 ll.M" iV. All'iltiUrtA, I louii.iiuiciiiintiy loeiteu.l I., us their p.itronae. Dutch .Metal, French am! Florence Leaf: Metal Importers and Dealers in Liquors, I I'L'liliV !!. M'XEJI.LK iV co. 'I'lieriuoim-terit, Hairp.-iicili.- i'ai er and oiuei A'o '''tl Mm t i't street l ltlUnltliiha .oui.i i.. isi coiner in u..i aim aiaikei. i.i .lupeiu ui, ui-u, u uue aim iipick i iiiiii. i i i ' I..I.. 11 li'.., ..n T t r... .... , ..... I i,,-. . iP. ., .. I Ir I l.K lor s ue, i,io eneapeii. linn uesi ai-son- ; v ' nieiit of l.iitu..rsi:i Pliiliidelphia, such bk i X pM;: f, V.'ATLU, from llie Oal Chbinpaune, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, iitir-j Acid Si.riin:-;. I.iuli!v valuable ill c tiuudies, Sauturn, li irsae, Auileila, Lisbon, : ceases, und tonic reuie.iies. Ihrsale I of t ri'ii! a ?; i s. um;,:c and cam ilk- S'i'AXDS. T.tM.KT TAiil.KS AND i:'i'i'.NION TAlI!.l-, i i' ..I. "i-.-i a:ti.-li in line of Iheir hii- iip I..". ip i in i;.i.:..i lure all kinds and iiual.l r;ii r. a : ntnl well n smite I stork C I..N ; !' I- i ;.,-, i'i TUn. of tl.e latest patter ai:il-'l t'ie!'i-.t .-i':i.i ins ii., Ti;r iissortmr ;',--. r -. lid i-r m iiaiiieiital.eoi i .viu i! i I '.ii .piur.' iu Ko . . p . .'. ! ,- i .:i-'..--i. lhisewo -. . 1 1 v ( ii inpier i'.iniilurc; I ' " i' ies. (.i.-!,.i,w!ti.4t-i ... l: 1 i'p :i".' Il'ink' Cus m' ; '..iiu I' anil Chain! i! i i.i up iii the latest Pi, i in .- I," , , lu-a I v.'.i.';,:;..' I ' " ' '.'-' i :ra;scs, ami Fi I n. ' e.-iilili'v. ,; v i i, 1 s.,.l. lv ' :i !', . - .,1 ,-lia -.-,! ,it i. lis est.ibli- d ft I n- ii.'.t eiauiuils u '. 'ni be ) .ii k. i I.. sab ,:k Orchard 'i'eneiille and Sieilv W ines. Hraudics ol'lhe choicest lirauds, viz: Maxima, Olaid, Pom I, Hennesv, &e, See. Fine lloliiu l t ill, Moiiunguhciu, Scoleli and Irish Whiskey, Ac, iVe. IIEXKV MASS Fit. S-'uuburv, June S!l, 1 Sol) tf .spriln Lancets l,, ,el l're.i.'.i;-l; i.i ail I tiuld S. ,,..1 W. .;!,,., . ...... i-v , ... .. .i 1 . ... hronicdi- i k-ill PaK-,- l'iiiy inpr Cai'.l.-i ami o.'i, r ;.:id (eriuaii r iiuey Arlieles. l-.r ihe ale ol w!;i. h STON33 ' r . 'rivv ii ..-n. ii i i ii:, a i. . i i , ,.i t-i Tit -i ti . n.ii, ii i ii ik. i aim, ai.iiii.- aiiua uini t it. r a, Hotels and llie eouulry trade auppbed a Plula- ", . , . , . , , . .ii- ,i .ii i . - - nun iiiii-i tillieif a ul innt- , .i i n m.i n i nun dclphni prices on llio most liberal tcriin. willV'V i-'I'ltlvc July HI, iM.iil. .... - . ..,." ' .. .Suuhury, June 5.1, 1811 jOWX'S :,LNCF OF JAMAICA CIX- VApEIJ.v,,Iow ,-HMlc t J (il ll, an i eel...nt tirlicle. (V . , , , , ,. ' ,, , , , , , . 3 eoveiin ; elasees, & c, lor bale ut the olhee ot I iii t i a Mi d. fated jup lor sun burns, tan, . . . 1 ' ' ! the American. yAY Kl.'M. All iM-ellent article for tale iill by HK.NKV MASSL'K. Biuibury Jan. 27U, 1S4U U". DJULANiv DF.F.DS iiritite.l on the best quality cf iiirchment paper, uold at the lowv'at jiricea at this oliien, by whoUsale and retail. IJAISIN'S, curriitits, citron, cheese, pepper aauee,' tVe. For sale by J. W. FKlLIXCi Suuhury, Dee. 2, 1S-1-S. tetter, e. lia.lway s ( m insiuii JJalui, for the hair dand- rull'Ae. liadwav a Lehef lor I rainpa, Cholie, Cholera .Morbus, J.C For sale I y 11. li. MASSKK. Suuhury, Auj;. 3, ltloO. CITOX'K Wine, Earthen Ware, Kaisius, Al inonds, P lines mul Creuin Xuls. Pluuos of nil kinds. fiult und Plaster. Just reeeived and for sale by JOHX W. FKILIXU. Sunbury, Dee. S!l, 1849. BOOKS and Cold Pens. On baud several cop iea of the life of Christ, and also a number of gultl pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For aule at this office. EXNEDVS PATENT 8.KZH FAS TEXIX(iS A cheap and excellent arti clti lor fastening aasli tor aule by J. W. FKILIXC .Suuhury, July 7, 1649. ROSE OIXTMEXT. A fresh of thii excellent article for TctU'r, trc, jual received and for aule by HEXKV MASSEI. fcunbuiy, July 88, 1819. 11 HIT T. SI Int'u-es anil I 'filiNtulileu Fen Uilla liandsoiiicly irinted on card paper, for aalo at this oliii e. 'F'nTlLEV'S COl'O (MXDV. lu excel V 7 lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and hips, just received and lor sale hy J. W. TUILING. Kuiibury, Dec, 8, 1818. ADD'S celebrated Horse ami Cut lie Medi cine for aule by IIEXKV MASKER hvy are the MAX I'FAC'iV'iT'iS AliEX'I'S. July 6, l.-i'ili (Irfi-u's OwKcnale.l Hitler, pr;, -. reduced. Old Jacob 'i'ownsi-nd's Sais.ip.uilla. H iker's Sarsaparilla. Swayue't Sy rap of Wild Cherr r Swayue's yrniilu,'e. Ayre's Cherry Pecloi-,.1 Dr. Ihake's Punueea. Dr. Culi.-ii's iln Tihliil's Pain Killer. Dr. Hooll.ii.d's Cerinaii Eiiters: lin'.iaii Vifclahle Pills llorsr uiul Callle Mulieines For sale by ' HEXKV MASSE0. suuhury, July 14, IS 19. T11H rnOPLii'S VADE-MECUM COMl'RlStNi; A ril.I.KCTIOS OKOVKR 'JOO VALU A 15 LK K EC I PES, In the Useful und Interesting Arti with a few tluila autl Curious I'vperiuieuls lu lilK.MlCTUV : 1 XCU"DIX(i Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry (Cookery, Farriery, Dyins;, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc, etc. etc. Price li- els., for aule by " HEXKV MASSE It. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1819. 1) A.OliS. A auperior article for sale at tht store of HEXUV MASSEK. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850, . GOLD PENS IX SILVER CASES. A email lot on hand and for sale bv 11 H. MASsKR. Fuubury, April 6, 1830. li'i-'.uhi'S v.'';. :i i:cv, r ! vl'ire to be had in Sllllii'.l--. , b.i, U a-; M film; i -, , ",..u i, Wv'MT 4 Ml '( 11 l.lin V, M'l.j: (i KPI I -. V ; AMI WlMlsil'l C HA I lis, ,t n n i v IVimi .ii oiit.s, w hi.-h ure of Ihe l.i.i il t'ylcs, e'.d w anaiiti-il lo he excelled by none tni.i'.ui'i'ti.reil in llie Ciiii-s i.r f '. s-wheie. 'i'i.-.- be lin 1 Ine fill itT l Mifj- i . I.IXVG3 AICTIDOTi: AMI physic i.i, ;:i:s''(!'ivc. i . i are .b-lcruiiiied liial lae.'e shall fj-jrj 22B:i3Aij WC'i'DSS OF TI 1 -r ..i inns I.i p,.r, li.i.-e luriiiiiiie in: a . n i'.':v i..;;i'k!i :i, t- c,.ii i e i-nleitaiiied pi .mi ti.e ijiialiiy an. I I'.i.i.iii of tl nil- ware ami1 T T ILT. "-i'ivi-!v cure all slajes of Xeurali Ch.iK.i. ' i ' '1 i ll' l. i 'ov, .v,-iuiu He.idache, C 'ili. ir arl'a le;. will be i:i;;.v-. of on as oo.l ' lera. Lock -aw, ll;.-iir-,:aob:.i convulsions; tetiei ;,s tin y i-i.ii he pnr.-lias, .1 el -e where. Coun- '. re--t.,.e iii.u'.:o si lo ii; pniii:e vi.or, even a try I'i'i re t '.fi iu payicei.t I.n-work,. j ye-irs ui'pr.isii.iii.ui, uiul the only known und i C ir i XDE'M'AKlXfi. Having provided I tain cure l'or low spiitis or mental debiltv. the linchc-i Willi u haniK ape lit. wisp, liny are j KMrai-t I'roin ll.e New Vo.'k Nun, Oct! 3, 18 now pi'i-pan ,1 Inr riiilertakiour, ami alien, linvr fu- ) T:ic et ;iat.,l l'r Wiil-oii, when talking of nerals, in t'lis ieiiiity, nr at uny i oiiveuient di.-- ' niir.irul ms p i r i-f " alls' Xervous AntiJot liiii. e froi'i ihi-1 viee. ; ti e .;ii."-I;.ii wu- p,.l I i him. '.Why such a val t'i?" '1'he Vi Knout is in Market f-'I'-eei, lilernii-il. nervous alii- lions was not npp.i -ile J. i''Uii,"'i atoiv, iili.l li.-;;rly oppa.iiie tiniia .! by li e in. ,li,-al l.i uily !" replied, "T V e.iM-i Tuv.-in. if ii wtie, then' wot;!,l no I iii,-er he uuy usa fn D M1'L IIAAf, i :'i--u!iv, nil i'.iK ; ..i..:iu.iie.l from a djsorj lil'Oivp.'l' LKXX. ' i.-d f.r;e i.-f t'." unves ; thr nerves are the in Funbttrv, Dee. 11, HS0. if. sp.i.i.; ol t ie wlmle system Keep lhi in on ... ' ' ' - ! un.l Ii il the l.iiml and l.idv must be." OZisw.IXJ aswiiiuULifii ; ' "lir ot.n.e r. ilnses, euousli for all . I.OTIIlAi. liOvi.llS, i din.iry cas.s, OXE DOLLAR. (- .- j. r.i. , I Mil. I) I! oow.iiKtsi i onii -r uj r r,a ana .'iarkcl O-.'ra'.'j, . r, M.OU.TV lin. -i.U-... - - ---- - nuuuuil c-'epteni'iHT, 18CU If. FlIILAKta.PIIIA, 7H(1 always keeps on hand a lnrjie stock of every varietv of elothiuir nunle up of good materials, anil ill llie latest and best styles. He would ulso inform the public, that he pays consi derable iillentioii iu (jettim; lip Military CloUiiug, ill good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 18.HI.- ly m o s: a i; v (iooiis; Just teceived at the mo,e of HEXKY MAfj: SElt, a lot uf Cups, (iuin Shoes, Almanacs, (jueensware. Liquors Ac. All of which will he sold at the lowest price, Dec. 11, 1830. CAPs. An assortment just received, i Also J silk HATS at Witt, for sale by I BUMbury, Dee. S48. 11. MASSER. I LANK S. ELAXK.S of every ileacriplion ran lie had "i i '"iJ tlieoilica of the Auiericau. pi KE WHITE EKAXnV FOR PKESI VL(i, just received and for sale by H. 13. MASSER Sept. SS, 1SS0. fJlli.MS, from the Xew York Canton and Pe JL 'l ea Couijiuiiy, For sale bv J. W. FRILL1G Suuhury, Dec. 8, 181 "nrxo'u axd kprixo mouiise fcl'fik CUES. An excellent article, for aah hull the usual price by J- W. FKILIXU Suuhury, July 1819 buiibury Jan. 87th, 1819 i ...1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers