suNBunr AMEMcAN AND shaMokin journal. , MASTER AND PlIPIL. ,( , , Colonel James Ta'ppan, a venerable citizen of Gloucester, Massachusetts, now 84 years of age, recency addressed a loiter to the Hon. Daniel Webster, 'reminding him that more lhan sixty yenrs ago he (Mr. W.) was one of his pupils, when he taught school at "New Salisbury," The Gloucester N'ys published Mr. Webster's prompt answer to hisold friend ind early teacher. ,. Here is the letter of Mr. Webster, and its autand interest are enhanced by. I he fact that iO allusion is mado in it to an enclosed fifty ollar bank note : Washington. February 20, 1351. Master Tappan : 1 thank you for your stter, and nm rejoiced to hear that you are et among the living. I remember you per ctly well as a leiirher in my infant years, suppose my moiher must have luus'it me to sad ery enrly, as 1 have never been able ) recollect the time when 1 could not read is Biblo. I think Master Chase was my irliest schoolmaster, probably when 1 was .ree or four years old. Then came Master itppan. You boarded at our house, und imelimes t think in the family of Mr. Ben min Samborn, our neighbor, the lame man, ost of those whom you knew in "New iliabuiy" have gone to their graves. Mr. iiin Sanborn, the son of Benjamin, is yt ring, and is about your tige. Mr. John jlby, who married my eltlerl sister, Susan h, is also livimr. On the "North Unad" i r. .Benjamin llunton, and on the "South ad" is Mr. Benjamin I'elliimall. I think none efse among the living whom you told probably lemernber. You have indeed lived a chequered life. lope you have been able to bear prosperity Ih meekness, adversity wilh patience lese things lire all ordered for us, far bet- lhan we could order I hem for ourselves. b may pray for our daily bread; we tuny ly for the forgiveness of sins ; we may pray be kept from temptation, and that l lie lgdom of God may come in us, niol in all in, and his will everywhere be done. Be nil this wo hardly know for what iiood to plicate the Divine mercy. Our Ileveuly ther knouelh wliat we have need nf belter in we know ourselves, and we are sure that eye and his loving kindness are upon Ua I around us every moment. . thank yon auain, my jiwkI old muster, for ir kind letter, which has awakened many epiug recollection ; and wilh all good wUli l remain your friend and pupil, Daniki. Wi-.nsTErl. antes Tappnn. ' i ' . IIR FllKK ll.NKlN(i I. AW. whirl, lately pa."-, ihe Legislature of 1 1 1 i 1 1 i in iippusiiiuii to Governor's velo, lias now, according to constitution of that Stale, lei bo referred he people in Nuveuiber next. .NOTIIEli SCIKNTIFIC WONOl!'.! I'SIN, the True "Wigcsire Fluid, nr (instric :e ! A great Dyspepsia Carer, prepared n Beuiiel, or llitfi.iirlli Sminm-h of the Ox r directions of Baron Lit liu, the ",ii;il siolosiieal Chernisi, bv J. S llniiuhiini, D., K'o. II North Kiuhtll Street, Philailol ,l.'jH. This is a truly wonderful lemeily hutiSPRtion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver lpUinl'Conslipali'ii,, and D. bilitv, cuiina r Nature's own method, by Nature's own ut, the Gjistrie Juice. See advertisement nother col irnn. ii a a it i i: i. Tui'sdnv. the LIST OF CAUSES "KOIl trial in the Court of Common pleat TLAINTIFFS. J.Millikcn.jr.&Co Bowers Lowlier ct al same Jonns Bowman ct al Danville & Potlmillo ; Knil Bond Co. Frcdcriik Keener' Lnch Strpecker Xavlut Paulding rt nl Peter Kichlrr's ex're Ann Mvcrs HhcIircI McCarty. of Northumberland County, at April Term, A. D., 1851., DEFENDANTS. vs Frank ft Stetnhejscr. vs George Miller A ion vs Jonns 'Bowman . vs ISainuol HaulVmnn vs Haywood A Snyder vs Vm. Ayren vs Jacob Ilotrman vs J De Nornjantlie vs DoJjo A Barret I vs Dcwurt A Jordan otal vs Kli.;ilii ih Wasayclet ul Win. A K. Fctrclv A Co. vs' John Shis'slcr , Mary Snyder rtal vs Robert W. Dunn same.. .. vs Janirs. Dunn Pontius cV Thompson vs Samuel K Wood , i -, , , , n S D Jordan, S Hunter t orn, for Saml Furmnii vs , . A)cx jl)r,iv ,, John B Miller vs John B Boyd's cx'rs .Inroh Philips . vs (icoVfrc L. Weimet A Lawrenccadniof p t(.r& D Wempr c j, enirnh Letijlinu, J Clayton fur J Mc Williams v. John Uowen T O'DonncIl for Win F Nairle vs John Divers Mary Yickcry vs 1 'Wcr Fcrstcr name vs Peter Brosious Charles 11 Frick vs Eli Mili.r Titus Cuniininirs irt ril vs J Parke ADR Ruihrl Jonathan Leeilam ctal vs Wm McCuy's ailm'ra Christian Bollinger (,'liaa. A. A mlro Dnuiel Hannahac'l Mow Bower Samuel Neuinan mini'. S. A. Jordan et nl vs Charles Housel vs F. Matthews vs John Cinra.l vs Richard (ioodmau vs Philip (spayd vs (ico Bowman vs John Arnold (J recti t Hros. fot T Howard vs Henry Limit David Prrry vs Aliraham Lunger same , vs Henry Halilcrman .M onlijoint rv. A fsweny vs James ('overt Clayton for.McWilliains vs Jos Savidp8 R D Cuinininrs vs Montiromerv A Masteller Jacolt vs Samuel LBeck B K Kac . . . i vs Geo A Dixon (i P Tyson fur. Joli Tyson vs Daniel L. SSehneck Jas Carother c. til vs Kdward D Pearce Philip Billiujer vs D II Watson Jiieeli Niltiniicr vs Samuel Jarret (ieoApfiley. .. ) s orthumlierland county J.unes Dieircnhach . vs , same F Frver A Win Mover vs EliasCurmnn Win M Autcu Win MeClery Daniel P .Cniil Aaron I!epart Jicnrv C.ibel Piatt Oc Piatt P K Hollinan wife vs Joseph Nnvdi r l(ui?h Martin John MeCcrinick Martin Irwins' adm'r Melt A Shojicr rollmer Sir Caul Henry Keiscr Jra 'J', ( lenient vo. Charles Sailor ,vs Philiii Clolfi lter Vs Thomas nser vs R D Cuiiiminirs vs Deotler A Montague vs Ira T Clement vs Win McCijrty vs Henry Massi r H Kuluits, McCwty ctal vs Josfjm Diiiiiiiij vs Reulicn 'I'roxrl vs Isaac ShnlVer ... vs II Voxtheimer adm'r vs Daniel Dteishaeh vs H Stciiisui tz, ex'r. vs Henry Voxtheimer vs tieoruc Rohrliaih ( -onrail lice dy vn ILvits, Kepler A Stouirhton Win Cross for Saml (iilhert vs J. J. I'pdegrafl" .1. Uowinaii Indorsee Ae vs J C Perkins F.iij.ih B.irlo ileuj Hiunmel Thomas J Addis Lower it BarroU .lneoh Kliur. Williiie.i Weleli Thomas Siitiurt Caspar llei kart .Nicholas 1 tower (tcorcc Kckerls' adm'r Daniel 1! Diiesbach John 1. Il.ifs Ira T Clement John W Peal (ico V MeN'ec Sarah Siit.rl - Sa oic , Jacob Koi-h ct al Tiulirook for A;pli 11 1) C'limmios t-i i.'kik A Cantiuc ! John Keiter Keiiticn I'agcly .ancv. House j Jacob Keller ll h insl., F. Cimii.- .Miss Caiuii.ini: Mii.- ,, on Sir Kd wards, Mi. I! lo I Danvill the Rev. til. of Pillslou, , of Danville. it the fob ult', !y Lloyd Thomas. K!., 1'ktkk IIl-iiku. to Mi.-s Ei.iAbin n Kai b, if Montour coiitil v I Lewisburi:, 'in i:ie filll insl., by Uev. J. Marr. Mi. I'krkV Dkk.v, of Danville, lo s JiSE RlillAlii, of lie.' same place. i I i: 5i on tViti I3: in-l , Mr. agod about 4 j years. I'sie Jill lo-I , Ml. t Northumberland IKS lllLBOUUMI I Little Mahonoy, oil IAS IXJUNStll', aged 21 yeaisj 3 uiontlis 15 tluy h. 1 Mahoning tp, Montour en., on the C7lh February, l!OL?KRT BlCllAltT, mim nl u and Klialieih .loo Rishel, ugi;d 5 ycais, noultis. ami 6 days. I the same p!;ice, on the. 4th inst., VRENCC, sou of U.ivi.l and F.iuuy lio s, aifed 1 yeai, 8 months and 21 days, t Northumberland, on the l'th inst, ANNAII, wile of Geortje Sliily, ujed Oil rs. 1 month und 24 class. vs r.,ilt.ur (iarilhiirt vs Ira 1 . Clen-.clit Joseph Klines' adm'r ) s Jacob K Treco rs IS.nlFA J W.innn ys Frederick Hackart Jai'ob llowlT vs Jiihn Kohv , ,v A B Irtinan , , Lconnrd RuaUarmul ct al ve J H Punly , vs tJeoj B Yoiinginan vs Jos 'oh Lone vs Samuel S Sneddon vs Jacob 'tiU' I vs John Keite 'II vs J.iuies ltp'ss . vs Thus ,S .Mcekiy,, vs (jiv W Armsnoiig vs Charles L ri li vs Kiirshner A (.'lenient .vs David Housel iidm'r . s Bank of NorthunibcrlulHl, Raker A Co for Jacob Bloom s Henry Conrad Jacob '.iriiniin's inluiiiiistralor .lomitliau Harmaii vs Dvvid Miller Thomas Allen vs Pclur hiaup Same vs Same (leiirue K. fJehriir ct it I vs Pntcr War'y William Mct.'artv,. vs Sauiucl Hunter . . Troxel for Caul now for J;eoli Lliuc & Jos J. Porter . Klines' ndin'r Daniel Ithoads vs Jacoli Wartmau ... M.iry Jam Itruiier it ul vs M'illlam Wilson Becker A Weillcr vs R D Cunimins. JOHN FARNSWORTH, fruHi.-y. I rothonntarv s oliice, Sunhmy, March 13, A. D. 1S51. t.owEn At'ot sTA. John Shipe, John Aen dershot, Wfti. Da Wirt, John 11. Fisher. , Shamokih. John Reed, sr., Jesso Camp bell, F.lida John, Samuel Moore. Rush. William Gearhart, Joseph Sharp less. '., ,; ' CoAi..John Heim, Wm. Fegely. V proclamation. TV OT1CE ir. hereby given that the several courts of ComMon Pleas, General (Juarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer snd Terminer and (ieneruJ Jail Delivery, in and for the couiity of Norlluunlierlond, to commence st the Court 110114, in the lmrourjh ol Siiiibury, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the "111 ditv of April next, r.nd will continns TWO WF.EK6. . i The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proper per sons, wilh thejr rolls, records, imposition, slid other remembrances, to do thoso thines to .their several olliccs appcrlainim to he done. And all wilnepscs prosceuiiiiR in behalf of th Common wealth acaiust any prisoner are also retuested end commanded to be then and there .attending in their procr persons te prosecute against him, as shall Is just and not to depart without leave. t their ril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their iiltcudanec, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. ( i -i Given under nvy hands at S'inbury, the Irt, day of March, in the year of our Lord one. thou sand yight hundred and fiOy-one and th In ilepcndcncc of the L' ailed States of America the '(5th. . . , James covert, sirm God snve the Commonwealth. . New Advertisements. TO THE ELFCTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. rgIIE snliscrll'cr iesieetfully informs his friends and Icllow ciliwus ot INorlhuiulicrhiiiil eoun ty, that he will be v caniliate for County OonmiissioiiePj at the ensuing election He therefore f'oIiciIs from his friends and fellow a lilteral sui port, and promises should ho. be elected to dis charge I be duties of the olucc with fidelity and impurtialiiy. ' ' . 1 -ELIAS RROSIOUS. Siiiibury, March 15, 1651 SHERIFF'S SALE.,,, BV virtue of a Certain Writ of 7e. Fariqr o inc directed will be sold by public vendue or outerv, at one o'cloek, P. M., on Monday the 7th dav of April next, at the Court House, in the Bor on" h of Suiiburv, the fi.Iloniug Real Estate to Will That certain TWO STORY BItICK CHURCH, . situated in the Borough c'f Siiiibury, in Northiini berland county, bounded souiilhwardly by Black bcrl v street, rustwardlv bv River street, westwardlv and northwardly bv lot of J. II. Punly, containing in front on Blackberry street. lifi feet, and in depth on River street, (il) feet, and the lot of piece of ground and curtilage, and also the laud covered by said building, and so much of the land inline diatcly adjacent thereto, as may be necessary for me ordinary ami useiui purposes oi sain uiiiioing. Siczcd, taken in execution and to be sold as th? proHrty of the German Reformed Church, in Stmhurv. with notice to Jacob Scasholl7., Daniel Haas, David O. E. Maize, Philip Reno and Geo. Young, building Committee. J AMLS COVERT, Shr'IT Shrll's Oliice, Sunburv, March 15, 1S51. ' J ATTENTION, FATHERS' A.l) MECIIAXICS' Altm.LKJilSTS!!. ' OU arc commanded, to ,niet in Market Square, Sunbury, on SATURDAY, 2!th inst., ut 10 o'clock, A. M., fully e piipxd for drill. By order of the Captain, SOLOMON STROH, O. S. Si nl.urv, March 15, 1 850. HI. PUBLIC SALE .. of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. fP HE, subscriber pill expose to public sale on -i.tFiday the Sftlh day of March te5l, at his resklcnce In Sunbury, his household and other personal, property, consisting in part of , Carpets, Stowa,:icmrcaust Tablet, Lluurs, lhdii, Bedding, A'C. , snd a.Anrieiy of kitchen utensils. Alio a COW, and many articles too tedious to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o cloak, A. M, on saiu day, when the terms will lie made known by ' ... .l-lllT j. II. i unu 1 Sunburv, March 8, 1851 ts. Hcnrv Klazc A Ev'. his wife I BOOKSELLERS. COUNTRY Merchants and Teachers. , WE res'iectfullv request the attention of sll dealers .In SCHOOli, MISCELLANE OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW.tsHADES, to our supe rior facilities for supplying al unusually low rates, for cash or spptoved credit, every article pertuin iiift to oor business... A loinj and active experience warrants us in saying; that we can offer inducements to purcha sers, i. . M ; ' KQUALI.KD tT VF.W EXCKI.l.K.n DY KONK. We earnestly sk an examination of our mode of conduction tiuriilcss,. believing if nh experiment is made, it will he found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating with us. : Our stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio nod the. near trade generally. Ortffr by man vr oll tnrixr ilfspt'ivhrU powiil. ly and tit ( orr.vr rn'ct ' trtnt ttttirdt.. LV The highest price given for RAGs in cash. i PECK & BLISS. KorllfKaK Cormr of Third V Arrh Sis PHILADELPHIA. March 8, 1851. lm. , , REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is her-by given to ell Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates ,of the following named pcrs-ms, thut the Executors and Administrators of said Estates hay filed their accounts with the Register of .Northum berland, county, and that the same will be pre sented :to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 8th day of April next for conlir niation and allowance. 1851. . Solomon Swank, dce'd., settled by his Adm'r Jonathan B. Dcib.lcr. Surah Miller, ilcc'd., settled by her Adm'r Frederick. Weaver. Daniel Ffymire, dic;d., settled by his Executor W illiam H. Fryinire. Peter ,11 rosius, dce'd., settled by bis Fiecutors, Peter Brosius (iodtiey ReybucJt. John Keller, dce'd,, "ml account settled by his Adm'r Sained Keller. George Krcbs, dce'd., seltled by his din'rs dc bonis noli cum leslamciito uliiicxo, William Dcipcn and Jacob Krcbs. James Gcddcs, d, c'd., settled by his acting Executor ("liarles Gale. Frederick Tscho)p, di c'd.. settled by his Adm'rs Audj-ew Tscheiip and Philip Tschopn. Pctir Brauehcr, due'd., settled by his Executor William Saeipan. Williani Recser, dee'd., Supuleinentarv Ac'nt. settled by his Executors, Samuel and David hecscr. Abraham Dicld, dce'd., final account, settled by his Executors, John and Michael Diehl. Mary Lyon, dce'd,, settled by h-r Executor, George Lyon. Williani Lemon, dce'd,, Supplementary Acc't Ecttlcd by hM Executor, Hugh MiWilliams, t JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. ' Register'; Oliice, , . ) Sunbury, March 1, 1831 tit. J TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. fllHE snliscriliers offer to jihysicians And drug JL gists, a carefully selected S'ock of drugs and medicines, which they will guarantee trt Itc of the let quality, pure and unadulterated i'l all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs end chemicals arc such, that they are enabled to sell them upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. 1 hey have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a superior article of GMIXIV',I ma.i:mi, &c RcBcml!in'r Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon ic ocid.r.nd roughness or grittine?d, almost entirely tastclcrs, combining in an equal bulk from three to Tour times the strength of t'.'e common kind, and sold at about one half the r'uo of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluid MiiKiicsia, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of (he stomach, heartburn, nausea, iStc, at less than hull the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, A and noiind bottlas, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Seneqa, liluiluny, Ki no, Gum Arabic,, .'Scrpentaria, Ext. Glycyrrh, Ipe cac, Potassa Sulpb., Potassa Mitraa, Borax, Spii gclia, Bucliu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canclbi All Uva. Ursa. fie. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ur- iicie wiiooui in ui POST OFFICE STAMPS. TO POSTMASTERS. THs advertiser, Tost Maslrr at Pleasant Grove, A lleghsny eo., Md., is the first person in ihe Cnitc l Stales who conceived and undertook cxicnsi. 1 to publish the idea of furnishing all post olliccs in tho coun try with cheap stamps. All slump mude by him arc warranted cipial or superior to any others than cun ho procured lor the same price, and whenever any are sent out in any manner detec tive or unsatisfactory, duplicates .will bo forw ard ed, on notice, without any extra eliurge. All who order a set of stamps with a full ect of t'nnim for dales, at only ir-, lor li'.l pieces, shall be kept in stamps ml libitum. Full set with one change, SI. These stamps arc neatly made with turned handles and screw same style as the reguiar government P. O. stamps durable, efficient and warranted. Price one lo two dollars only, anu slice ial authority to send bv mail free. Address "P.'.M., Pleasant Grove, Allegheny counlv. Mnrvland." 'W Anv editor publishing the above (wilh this note') II times, and sending a copy of the pa per, shall receive credit lor 5 on wood letter, or $ 10 proof press or if preferred, a wood engraving or mi engraved newspaper head, ol llio auovc value, will be forwanlcd. March 1, H51 it. JA'OTiEIl SCIK.WIPiC U'M.VJEJ- PEPSIN! FRUIT TREES, 8IIRIBBERY. &( M'tllE subscriber will receive orders for all kinds JL of Fruit Trees, such as, Apple Trees, Pluiri Trees,. Peach Trees, Cherry Trees, Pear Trees, Apricot::, 'juince Trcs, Ornamental Trees, .Sec., Together with all kinds of Shrubbery, Bulbous Roots, Plants., GraH Vines, Ac. All of which will be skM at the lowest rates by , ; , li. B. MASTER, Agent. . C" ( rdcrs for Trees, & r., should lie scut in as early as itossihlc, to secure them in time. Sunbury March 15, 1851 EI)C ittiU'kctS; Philadclphia Market. Match 19, 1S31. LOUR. Tha market for Flour continues t, with very Iftlle inquiry for export. dard brands are hold ut S4.5U ; ami era firm. Sales fur city use limited at 12 a 34 87 Fancy biuiub are held at a 6J. Hye Flock is without inquiry at !7. Corn Mkal Is held at S3 75. 'heat Priers are steady ; .sales of prim hern and Penna. rei ut 08 cts ', prime la at $1 04. Corn. Is worth 60 a 60 io lew yellow. Jr. The last sale was at 6j els. ats. Wats are nqw steady : sales of le Penpa. from 43 to 44 els; Southern t at 434 cts. ViWey. Sales of Whiskey inbbs. at 23o hhds. at 211 cts. Xaltiihore Market. March 17, 1851. kViif" The very inclement weather to-. nas caused an enure suspension oi mi Mcti6iis fn Giatu. There is liltle oi no a i M iimikel.' , , , .. 3rV. U in demand anil sales' was al It. for white and 57 els. for yellow. TS Sales of Oats at 39a42 cts. hisket'. Sales of bills, at 23 i cts. and Cts. for hhds. LIST OF JUHORS. ,fNF Northumberland County for April Term, '4V A, h. 1851. (i'.iii(l Jurors. SfSBi'iiv. J. II. Ziinmerman, Thomas Robins, Andrew Dmst. H. V. Simpson. Mli.ToN. Jolin Lv Gehrig. ' Ciiii-tsQUstjiK. Klntnina Nifbit, William Fui'lsiuuti, Elijah Hill, Jacob '?olivir. Oklawauk. John Lis(r, (eo. V. Dixon. Tciiuut. William Fullmer. Siiamokin. Casper Adams. . . Lowr.K AiXfFTA. Jeremiah Wotzel, Caleb Elv, James Re.-uler, Pi;ttr Reilz. . Lowkii Maiionov. Joseph Spatz, Adam Lenker. Vi'i'Ka Maiionov Jonathan Smith. Point. Henry Moij.'an. Co.M.. lVler'Weikel. Litti.k Maiionov. John Ilcnsyl. Jackson. Michael Wolf. Traverse Jurorg. Srspi-RT. S. N. Thompson. Nurthi'mucrlami. Peter llunseliunu, Ja cob Kckerl, Cll.llles M ills: , Mii.ToN.-r-Sdiritiel Blair, Moses Chamber 1 i ii, James Buoy. Ciiiusih'aquk. Daniel Zeller, Joseph Frederick, Win. Maehimcr, John Kinkaid. CLOTHING!!! Wljqh'ile .t Ilclail, At the PHILADELPHIA WARDROBE, ! Sout'i r.a-. t Curnif, Market and Cttk Sis. j Clolliln? Furliiomilily tut and will Jludc. i. e: svx b: i l l v. & vo. fNVITK the atlcntiou of Wholesale and Retail , Buyers, to their extein ive and complete stock of Spring and Summcc Clothing: comprising , c:very variety of style thut can be iiroduccd. Our aim is to pleasi and accoinmodale all ; and in order to do this, we manufacture Clothing at almost every price. , Selling for cash only enables us to oll'cr cloth , ing at a verv trilling advance. , ,, i t?" Our motto is, 8iuul I'loit ami Quid ! .. We are cvnlidcnt Chut ah examination by you ! v all that iti necessary to confirm what we say, I and secure vOur custom. . i . P. R. McNEILLE & CO. i Philadelphia, March 13, 1851. lm. They have a'so a varietj- of Cht'iiiicnl & S'lsiirsatitt'iilicn! Preparations of their own ii.anufacturi', and add to the li-:t a," the valuable new remedies as thev become known. Among them may be mentioned the following : Ilyilmcyniiic .Aci,l. jPicpariM na i4 Mrrcary, i irniB ri i,,ains. " eC PnliiKS:!, t.inr Ani:n,nia, Anas. il . I'll- ippli-itc, il-i. niicwrc-l rAX3BS' TH K TRtI Jt: , BICESTiyzj FLUID, . GASTRIC JUICE ! A QBSAT CaTSPEPSIA OtTREK, , rnpiirtit frnmRKNN'r.T, or Hie fonrlh Ptomsrh rf tht IH, lifo.r diie.ll c tlAIION UY.Wn, ths fjrrl riiyi.oln'iriHil Cl.inil, by 1. H. UOt'OJITUM, M. D., No. II, Nnrih Kiuluh Preei. PhilniU-luliia. 1's. Ti.i ii n irul winil,.rlul reineily f.w.lXUIOElsTIOX, 'MSII.PSIA. J.AIMiK , l.iyKIl Cd.MI'I.Al.NT, CONSI IPATION H...I !ii;l)li.l'i-V, CnrioK siIct N tarr's o'.vi. iireili,.', bjr Nat-ire'i own nyenl, tin Uastrie tn: .. . . 1ST tlntl a t ns;xH ui'ul ,.f ,.1,1,, i.-i,, (ni-.jsoil in wati will,iiCMt nr diisalve-, M..S I'miiftls of Koan Ueel' IH 1'U. lwu li-ur, i , ol U. Mi.n-sell. MCESTION. 7 ),!.ii'i:?J!.r!iV '," rr'y ""'""' hs ,tiaeh bv lha Zi lira , 2 w. ,r,""" "'" " "'t .In lllh,i,l tl,e ( r.t X,,K- f the F.-st, th ymir. ,,5l. X,i,l,,nR An,t nf tha .i'. rnaeli au.lmle.Unes. W t it ,,e ,, "nt .VTir.""'. .",.vm" ;'V'""""i. .... ......uina nf l!ic Ii ,.,v hal ritt:-r n f. ml. .,r,i,l, ,,i,ui, nnd.lrsirne- ' ''"""' W1...IC ilii'.'st i e ii.MirMlas! A M-.nk, " r ,1 ,t ach pr,,lac... t, n,,,,, J ni's, aii.1 hriicllia clistaup, ilintrria nml iIl-UIiiv which iih-.Iv lor Khcaiic'.tisia. Ill i.- K.XtrfM'l of l.rllli n, " Ihtfjn. ' 'r.eM.-uiii. " ':.l,-ri:.a. llllill, n new anil iibcim r.-nn.ty. Iiu, ! ' Zen.. Kxtrnct f Sean. i. liiii.l. n pl.-a'.M.t form lo s'liiiiniAltr to chi'.tra. li.tiii.t of lli.ilnt Catip., n.H.i. " Spiuclin. " li S.rn!ij,irilial''tli- ih'MU I'l.liai.t. e .I,, c .. ...liil, " .1. siMipli. it... i; (,'ol,trlllll t'olllp. .1. sillllc. Oils of Copaiva, ('ilratc of Iron 'run, an antidote I'm Ac. V:i Enable PROPERTY FOR SALE. Williams. E. V. Deiriekson, John M. Smith, John C. Ifi'i.iv, John Woilc. Point. Thomas Vankiik, Daniel Lusher, J. W. St.imm, Willjam Lciuliow. Lkwis. saao Dunked, Daniel Derr. Lowea AfousT; William Kroiyhhaum,' Thomas Snydvr, Wm. Bloom,.Ileiii v Conrad, John Savide, Peter Snyder, Israel Thurston,' Davni lloiick, Levi 1 liomas. UN BURY l'HICE CUKRUNT. 'it'." IK. OEM.' ATS. CTTI1. ' set. OkE. LlXSItO. iiuv, t ta w i x . IsCKLtP Tltt. bud ArrLaa. , Do. Piicsaa. MI 100 56 60 U7 14 8 7 1 10 25 75 200 8 ! UNION HOTEL, ; SUNBURY, PA. rplIE Mt?S WEITZt'L'S1 rcfpectfully inform ! A the Public that llicy slill continue to enter i tain travellers and others at their old established Dklawabk. William Beard, William Mc.r ' stand in Market street, west of the Court House. i lieu .cog ri ;i it-iii r lib. mi. uusniiN, iuu i. iv well eshd.lished reputation of their House, will, Uiey trust, he a sufficient guarantee, that their customi ra ill lie well accommodated. March H, 1KS1 tf. LAWltKNCE HOUSE. &UNBURY, PA. Rish. Alexander Camj.he.ll, Joseph Bear. ! '3 '" fu "''"es1Hctli, ; ly intorms her friends, . - . ...... ' --. . m ami ilk., in , i. U.UI...I u .1.... ...I.... I.ittlk ftlAHONoy. v illiiim Rotliarinel Jacoh D. Ilutlman Upper Min'qNOY. Henry Mallick. f Lower Maiionov. John Hockey, Michitel Rndle, . John Messuer, jr., Geuryo Einurick, jonti none. . . i Siiamokin. Charles Leisenriiis, Asa John. Jackson. Daniel Groh. Win. Zartmun. Peler Treon. , Coal. Alexander Caldwell. Petit Jurors. Sunbury. Georga Divhl. Northumberland. James Sh'riner, Daniel Voris. . , ,. . . Milton. Simon Randolph, Wm. Wilson, Peter Irwin. Point. John Speece,' Jesse C. 1 lor ton, J. C. ltoadenbach. . Lewis. Andrew LalTerty, Peter Strouse, James Cat), Amos Klaze, , . Turbut. James Blair, Kyliao Dunklo. Delaware. David Gold, Wm. M'Guire, John Frymire. , - : Lovter Mahonov. Michael Grimm, John II,'. 1 I L It 1 C I ' wiunir, jaooo pingeman, caniuei loung l.iTlt.r Mahonov. Johi Ilensyl. a Auuusta. Moidecai Lawrence. I and like public ueiierallv. that she lias taken the ahoe well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. j, C. Per kins. Mie trusts mat tier experience jn business, and her cll'orts to niake her guests comfortable, will give t nlire satisl'uetion to those who may fa vor hit wuu lueir cusiom, . ; ... ANN U. MORRIS. March , 1851. tf. Estate pf SARAH NEWBERRY, Deq'd. "V OT1CE js hcrtby giv.?p Uiat leUcrs.of admin- 1 ut ration have been granted to the. subscri ber on th estate of 8arab Newberry dee'd., laAe of Point township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are reuuestcd to call on the sub- acrilier fur settlement. . ! . . , . . DAVID TAGGARTr Adm'r, Northumtwrland, March 8, 1851. 6U rilHE Subscriber who resides in Pliiladelpliia, L olfers for sale the following propciv in -Mil ton, Northumberland county, vet : The large , BRICK BUILBIHO m upper .Milton, formerly occupied hy Messrs Pattersons as a. Ciirruige Makers Shop The building is fill feel front on upper Market street,, and 4(1 feet oil .Front street, and is two storii a high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH. SHOP, 40 l.y.25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on th corner of upper Market and Kront Mrrcts, and is Gbi feet front, end loll feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Eouudry or oilier luiiiiuf.icturing purposes, and will on .reasonable and accoinuio.!ali'ii; terms by ap plying cither to JACOB CAKIiltiAN," Philadelphia. J. K. WOLFINGER, Es .. or , H. B. M-SSLR,. Es.p, Sci'.ury. Philadelphia, Jan K5, 1631 'f. rHEEMAH, KOD.1ES &. CO., IMPOIM'KHS M) JIMMJERS. 5 Llbrrly Street, New Yprk. (Ht'l-weeii UrtHuUvuy uixl NasKm.) A JIV. ii v rf Iviiiir a rn i mul liciutihil ntm Tlnient ol' 1. Kuiiry Silk ami M illinrry (j -nhIh, i wtiich wr vv. tt!il mrt irit In rty invitt (kit ti(tciiii.ii of ui: ":-i i I'urrii.uM'i., nitl will mjike il yu ithicct lor Ihun to iliYf lit it - ill, it r ure ttttrriiiuifil t pf nur insw riiitiii, i'ur Cur-li, li'vr tlmu ever iM-ion mlt rtM m iIur mitrkt-t. .MilliHffai cun ttieinr-flvt'ii with rcrv nnirlr in hvir li-ie, at iitiit iht fwt n" initTM mi n -r Atn-ii'ii pu ces. Mhiiv "1 Mir tMHta 11 r iiiaiiiiiui'i iin-tl - im t-Mlv tr our 4wn Kile, und cihih1 lie ltr liLumy vt lw price. Rii h lint mul Cni KiliKius, a titrgu vuriet'-. Iilk mitt Kiiiim lur Hoiiim'I. ('ruMit, C'lDiM! iJMSi'ai. Till Mini ntM HtiiHinn Ivtci 'j'riiiiuitii'.M ixr II nl , l aps mul Uirt-H. Jenny 1111(1 1'upH, I'lii'iysind Ujii'ut Head Dretns. Minlimidttrtfl I'liiu-s, Cti'liim, l ullf-, nw Clu-u is'-tln. lOinliroiHt-ri'il I Zift: ii itrn ami lnTiiui-.'f, Swisi mul Muslin. . Thread, llruM.'tit, Vuciit:it.-HtT hi Ik umJ l.iU- To read loes. l-.iKtmntlfi'ftl, Iteveiie hihI rl.iin hind ( :in lirn Hum. il)vcsuitt Main, Kil Nik. I .in It. TUrc:ul um) i-viiiii filk. i Siirfi. CnivnlB ii till tires 1 1 km. Swim. Jueouett, li wk Muhiinit. uii'I ii It p Iivm. Mini m -it tn-il, L)itimnr; ifinl IMaiii l' ihi n Ci-n c Muiwis. A Full Aks ri iiu-itt m Sirnw (i.'". . French and Ainrm-an Kl wcr. With u-lurge variety iit iiieiitionttl iitxtvu. All wit-liittt to ftvoiri iHiriuif 1 'iitr pritrs will make tnnney by rtiltiiiK utid nitisiyiiig -thtsuiielvtrs. New York, Jun. loul 3iii. VPTIKM.OOY. TH-: ri.I.T.Iilt ATKD Dlt. r. W. HOllAl'K, Pri-lea r 't Aslrob'aTv. Asinnniiiv, I'ltr.-- iK('(ry. uihI l.etnmiicy. cuiuhiinit v it U l't.Jl HA'i'lo.N', IK-Iil iSwtJLtli-ll, (-ftiee'.No. Ii KOl'I'Si' r-treel, I'lilliitlrlplnn, rtierH luss!rvH'ci tothecllizeiiM c .vruimjinrniinii county. He tuts Itft'ii eouhiilled iiy ull (he rMfnitt Utn nt Ktiript. uutl V'ijovRH higher rent tutioii its ua A him!v'r iti'in an" onu I........4 V.. I u xr.,.. ' I ... die K, (itfiilleiiuni li. l'eriiis ut u ,difiinieei cun Imve their iiulivitiesilruwn ly Sendui'i,r the tlu'eol the d;iy ul ihi ir Itlnll. AM letters ctftiuitiiHiti I lie iiinne ire win rrre.V" nn-iit-ailiitte mtrntt-m, utt Null Vitus sent l any part u( (lie work! written 4. n tluritlJr ttier ; unt lie in prt arti u jimke use of hn -Niwer ly cm j unit ion on uuy nl the lull iwH-j lo pirs : Courtship. utiviceifiveii Ut tt suctkiuI in-coii -Tit,li. ineiil nt wtnlthy m ittnii-e ; he h it tin- (xv r t ruifciii such ure -A'eit to the fret; use nl" the ltilc; amf it all ejtfics tt huan, hihI for the recovery of tft'di-n ir lts pr. erfv, ant) nun liustitt! nf lottery tirkets. TImuiviihU iff the Kubove ituuit d cities huve U'en done in this city and ii viriiH etv.nd in tha l inteti Elates to the Hill stumim'tinn ol 141 lU.HUf INuUViUfS or Iloreitcoitea ItafftiM-en ritst nuruiii Hie bitft ftiur vtrs wtule here. Ielteia will nnswur eyery ptir- Hfc4, altd will do us well as to cmi 111, nun me nmii is now so anl'e that persons need ii'rt lour tu trnttt money thrvuli thtf lost Office. li. Holwik receives troin Aim to I null letters month v. snd hus never imi-iI 01m He -win tuultif Ui name. nt OlHce, County tu.d tStnte. AH Inters will he religiously attended to, 11 prtKii(i. ror nxiru pur. ticUlitVs eat) at the nn.ueul tins ptip' r and get an AiimIii eal Alinaiuns irraiia. .... 71 Ixjtuttt street ahove i.ijn"., rtiMndeiptiia. l ; ... , c. V. UoilACK. Puikdelphta, Feb. fi, lh5I.-m. . S. JTjWr Nitron.- K. S, nml Uuiniiii', Sc-iiui-li.lp nf for nrscnii. (.'itr.itt of Manrsi.i, a new tmd plc:t8 ntit ruthnrtic niciliciius ut tip tit 1 n.. Itoltlrs. SU prr iIdx. ( 'olioilintt, r Adlic-'ivi I'lns- Icr ; a enuvenient nili.:i;ioM in iiiiiny surgical ojirrutiotiH, put tiji itt hiii;iI1 A I ho CANTI!AlMbL C(H.i.Oi")10 OU BUS TKIUNC LKAUil), A ronvpnicnt preparation of cunthuriilri in many 'ciisrs wlicrc llica in n tlillicultv of aonlvin": the onliiniry lilirteriii'4 plaster. A mating ut it HppU willt a cauit r-H linir hrush ami coven il witlioil p'llk or kopio Niiuilar t-ultt-ince, will proiluco a ttlistrr in tlrce lumrs1 time; or when exposed, lit tin uual lime ol al-out tweUr hour. IMiysiciiin:; ami ollii rn may i!,-peiitl . upon t lie faithful and prompt evecutiou of their orders at aa iow rate as tlu host quality of medicinci van m purchased. CIIAi;i.E. EMXS&CC. 5!i C'lionut street, lJulada.. . Laboratory, Gth and Monis !SU. 1 uiliwark NovemUT in, iSoi). tf. , SELLIiTG- AT I!.I)UCKI IMtlCKS... fTSIIE sulne;iln r ileairoua of Oispuiiilig of her Bl nt.iek of MILLIM'UY AND FANCY DHY GOODS, respeetfnlly iiifornm tlie. j.nlilie tluit slie will b II lier entire utiick now on h.ui.l, at vgrv reiUne.l priee. Her l.n k is mailt o. of mi a: soi tnieiit of iiislii.inalile millinery (; Als.i n lot of lie li ioiiiil.le Finny Vty (looiU, onsii.iir.. in 1'iirt, of Ribbon, Gloves, Ecsiery, H;mJkerchiefs, iintl'.i.oiue mat; rial, of uii..ii.i kiiuU, for lu tliea' .-1. KMZAHETH FOI.LMEK. f5ini.nrv, J:in. IS, IS51. tf. 'absssxcan house, POTTBVILLE, ?A. IPS. MAHY res-retfnlly vA..rmn pul,!!,. nm travelling eoti.iiiiinilv (jen.'ral Iv, tlint slie li:L .i.e:)ed this lurue mul e.iiiiu;.iliou HOTEL, liirui-lieil in a iiierior ftIe. Krum her 1 1.; i"j'eiiein r in llie lusiii"sa ol a lirHt rale lintel, anil well known reputation to iieee'.iim.i ilate, Iter enstoinern limy ilepend on Iieiini nupplie.l willi every cieiilie:ivc to lluir eonilcrt ami eoiivenii'iiee. Till. IS, 1M1 tf CAItlx AND SHTTLB. rjHE siilwi-riUi r lierel.y inl'.ir.r.K nil tlioso t'nat t ure iiiilel.tej In him, on Hook Recount or otlirvwise, lo call niirl Kettle llie si'ine on or liefiro tlm first tluy of April next. PeiKonn neijleeliii? I los notice may li,"J llieir Hceounu in llir luiiuls oi a Magistrate f.,i eolleetion. ,. CEOUCiE EOIIl.UACH. f uiiljury, March 1, 1851. It. MACKEHEL, SHAU, CODFISH, SALMON, , hekiunus, pork, ; HAM8 AMft!Vl5o, WIOJUlliEks, VfikO & CHEESE, . . . . i'l) f.:l- A !Conatantly(.QH hand nd , l ilr suie Dy J.' Calmer & Co., Market IStreet Wharf, PHILADELPHIA AN!) PHNSIOX AC.F.XCY. Tlif alL of llie jn.l.lie is eull.'.l to llie ail verlisemenl of Mr- t'lnifli (' Tuck r. Attorney iml Alien ut Wiicln'nn City. IVmoiis liav iiiK elaiins for l.ounty LiiiuIm or Pensions are in forineil lliat tin sulis, ri'oer lias made arrnmreinenla for llie riiuisi(e forms,, and elaimani., calling at his oilier, can Inive llic.r apers pr. pared and forv.nnled Ij Mr- Tuvker ut Washington, mul liy iiim he properly utiendfil to heloru llie De partment there. ; j:. is. ,iiA.t.n. Sunburv, Jun. 13,1931 TREVOSITOH HOUSE. TttEVOKTOX, PA. CHERRY PECTORAL! , For Ihe Cur. of COUGHS, COLDS, HOAHSENESS, BROW OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIIJG-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION-. 'I'l.c uniform success which lias uttendrd llie ure of this pre) nralii n il military clVcct it8 power to relieve nnd cure nllections of the I.ini'.'s. Jiave ca'm d for it u celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We oficr it to the nlllicleil with cnliris cotil':i!ence In iu virtues, and tim fulj belief tlint it w ill milUie nnd remove the severest atiacks of disease upon the thro.-.t nnd Lii'iks. 'I'h: i? results, as llicy become publicly known, vet naturally allraet the attention of in. ilica' men and pbilantropisN evervwhere. 'hat is their opinion of CUE It ''Y PEt'TOA'AL may be seen In the follir.vim; : VALENTINE MOTT.M.D., Pi'f. Stir-fry Jle. Ct I! c, jVt- Yotl snys "It (lives me pleasure to certify the value and ctlivcv of Ayer's C'll EltKY I'EtTOi AL, which I consider peculiavly iiil.tplcd to cure di.-.ia- the I Inoat and Luuss. , v THE It T. KEV. LOP.D DI.'-'HOP FIELD, ivii'.es in a letter U. his liicnd, who was siukini; under mi nli'eejion of the Liiuirs: "Try the CIlEi'ltY PECTOi'AL and if any medieiiie ciit u'ivc ou relief, w ith (he blessing of Hod Hint w-;:i." CHIEF JCSTK-'B Kl'STlS. of Louisiana, w rites "That a yoiim? danvhter of hi was cured of several severe attacks of Cuup bv the CHEr.'Y PECTO'.'AL." ASTHMA AND niiONCHITI.-s. Tit'' Cini!iint J'lntt' f Inlinil Fvitiirf Mates, "That Asthma und 1'ioii. hilis so prevalent iu this inclement cliinalv, h is iel.lcl with surpri mii,' rapidity 10 Ayer's 1 1 1 EX It V PECTllltAL, and we cannot too stronelv rivommend this skill ful preparu'.ion to the Profession and public gen orally." . . Let the relieved sntli ivr speak for liimself.1 . II wiTKiiun, Jan. 1 8-1 " Dr. J. I. . Aver -Dcarir: JlaMii1,' been res cued f.'oiii a painful and ilaii'crous disease by your medicine, Kraii'n.'.c prompts me to send you this (ii'Luowlcdumeiit. not only iu justice to vihi, but for Ihe information of others iu like A s'.icht cold upon the luii, neqlected at first, severe lhat spilling ef blood. H violent eomli und profuse iiinht sw.ats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed hy uiv i .null, nnd a pain thiMuu'h my chest, aji.l in short had ull the alarm ni'.j syiutonis of .pi'ck consumption. No medi cine seemed nt nil to reach inv case, until I provi dentially, tried your ('IIEl'.V V 1'ECTlMi AL, which soon relieved und new has cured mo. Yours with respect. E. A. M'KWAKT Alii ivy, N. V. April 17, 1S!8. Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear sir. I have for jcars ! Iveen alliivU ;l wilii Asthma iu the worst form j so that I ha' c been i.h'u-c.l to sleep in my chair for a lamer ra't of the time, being unable to breathe j on my bid. 1 had tried a incut many medicines, I to no purpose, iui,:l mv Phvsician prescrihe.l, us an experiment, y. ur C'lIEuitY PECTOK.VL. ! At lirst It si ."ui il to make me worse, but 111 less than a week I Iciran to experience the most frriitifviui; relief fro in iis i;-.' ; and now, iu four weeks, the disease is euiin ly removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, und enjoy a state of health w hich 1 had never expected to enjoy. (iEOltliE !S. 1 A It AAA 1. i' in: i' tin: n ii r J.c. tu n, ciii.mist.lowkll, mass, rr? Sold by Henry Masser. tSiuibiiry; Mary A. McCay, Nortbiimberlantl Mr. liearluirt, Se-liiis-rovi ; Dr. ISickly, Danville, and Diuggista m'nerallv. Fen. "!5, IVM ly.r:j.ii rF.l'MN' AND RlJXNET. I'l-irSI in 1l.celii,-re!nnriit, or prrut llitfesling Prinri plrol'llir (ianlnr Jiik-i, ill. iniuul ui. vn-sit itlMiiitliinen in Ihe ,.. in nl ttie 1 1 ,:' i ,l,.in:.i Ii ml. r ilw.lli r.ntl ,nif- """' c .il.-a i he i arh l iMirmt itself, or cut itself up. Il is aim f, mtiiI in tim l ,.,i, !i ,,f uniiiiali, us Ihe ox. call, Ae. Il Ik ttie maUtr.l as.-.! ly fitrmeri. in ti,,ikiuir cltri-w, Ileum!, Ih.' cli, cl nf wliirli ,,.ir In , i hr ir.-IHl ,.ihI.t ., t lifiliry. Tl.e cui'.lliinr nf limit is llie hr pro- Ci-KS nf (ItL'.-Slinll. ll.TIII-t l -SS.SSt'S llt, ,i vllill (.tVCr.--t The Mimitifh of a r;l will runllc urtitlvoiie'tlh.iisiuiil lieict n. own tf. ir.-lir of milk. Huron l,i...ijr amt.-a Unit, tin. .rm nl V,iu ,im,lvr, Bjxiv tll luillil p:.rl nf wntel, iIiitcm 1 1 .. .. t nil, I ,,ii,.r ',h." IJ.3iMi.ell Klnlimelil l.r.H Our,, n . u tinninc Jiiice. Iti'iiuul ,tt IV,mm. To afim lhat 'his -.vant may lie ..-i feclly naiuilied, vvc iiunta ill. fol I.. wing . 1 SCIENTIFIC EVIDKNCE! HAIKIN I.IMIIU!, m hi, f,.el,rat.-.l work on Auirna l.i"istty silts: An Ilia-entire riiiiiluiuih.ini.. In ihe I. .uric Juice, mj w ,,iv .rt-,:irctl I r,,in tliu'nia vim n.eir r-.iiie.,i il. -,, ., , j. j w,., variijua ou.eiri. ,, ,aa. , 5, .,,,,,1 wl w,-.nri; rKnngi fit, im,l .la.-sle.l. jiiji in the -,, manner u. titer would Le ill the hlln-t,l HI, .niri.-J,. J lr . I'KII ClltA, in his fuiiiniia Ireili., na ''KisM and !iH," laililmlinl bv Fnw-1-ra.t W.-lli. New Ynrk.-'mpa J.I. slate. Ihe K.ine t'M faet. ail.l lei ril,e-, Ihe mot'.utl of re.aratiii. Tii,..,ei,io lew h ahrr iiuilmriiiea than Dr. 1 ei en n. In. I'OMHI', in hi., iii,,. ,.,, n, ..ri Ol Uilesli..i."i.hMrv,1ltl1at I'M.iiiii.l inn. f the line enmn Jlyn the ti.-i.tiic Julee is u nmuiinent mill ilLi,rhHi.B e.-.nse nl nyni.epsia ; he atutra that "s ilnlwurni-htd pr. lesaor ,, me.iieiiie i-i I,iii1,.ii, who wnn (..-veroly iillliet lit vt-iili Una i-,.iiiiliiial.'liii,lm-' evt-rv tliinar -l.e In mil. hint rr 1' 1 'Hie 'iis'rie I uiee, nl.l.inerl Irnlll the ft'iinach of llVllllt till till lis. willeh pr.neii r-.lll.lelely s.irrr'sM'.ll." Ilr. 'illAII.VM, uulluirnf Ihe w-nrks .si. 'Vrr tahle lliet." :iya: "il i- n reuiarkii ilc li.rt iu ph -uinlcpv, II. .1 Ihe st Mnaeiis nl, tnurt rfiteri in vtlri; imfsirt to ihe li.inl ihe pmpeity nf .1 1 , -, , vnri,u"i u-liih-a nf '"si. un.l of eltn-ltinl a kiml nl urtltu-ial tlnl-nl, In ill thelll III ll-i w-ise il.lter..t i'i.mii the iialun.l .li-jentifr pro. e.-m. ' Ilr. SI.MUN'S t-i-ei). vv.Tk. the ' 1'heinisliv of tl;ui." (I. en lllan.-hai.t. I'l,' !n. -ll. pp. :r..J) .,.v.: ' e .very ,,l l'i:itl ii.nusu uetvera in the clieuiiral Malory nl lln;.s!i.,n. Ir,,ni r at rxpeiiin.'iila we knnw thut I. ..I is ili.soive.1 na nlpullr iu mi nnilieial ilirative Hi. ill, j.rrpute.1 I', us it is in tH, natural UaMrk- Juit-a ilseil.,' , ; I'l it '.r lll'Nlil.ISllV nf II,,.. l. lTe..,,.. r..lle,- I'l.iln. lphiu. in his -rent woikou Hi. man I'livamlnirr. .ieVntea iii ne Ihua Inly p-nj.-s In :,n cxuiiiiuntinii of 1mb '.nhj. et. I is .x,,eriiii.-iii!. will; lr., nn tHe'linstffd J'liee, ..l,!i!i!i.-rl ir.-iu Ihe livii...- I uinnn sr muich tuA from jiiiiimla nr.- tv.-llkiunvii. -In all ruses," he sufa, "ilijjrsl ion occur rt.l uspei l.Tlly in ihe u o. the iiatuml.lii-e,lioiia." AS A DYSPEPSIA CUliEPv, Dr. IlfilMiirrdN-Spr.-pumii,,,, f pi:J;JX er.lihein .BI niarv.-llnii. eff-els, riirlnn c-.m-A ot n-l,ility, LlllHrialioii, Nervuilf uli.l l)tS ,tir Con?iimi'lli,.l, ..v,w.t to Is-. ,ii Ihe vervverue nl the c.JVe. Il la im pnsMMe t,. Rive the .Ic.'.-.ils ..f las'ca ill tin- iTuulaof Ihiaud-v.-rliseiuenl l.ul ; . , I ( . t.u, ..,t,., . ertifirntt-s havt-hreu oven m iii,.re than TU'U II I Mill i;i" llK.vr.Mt K.XHI.K I'l lti:S. in I'liil.i.lelphin New nrk, u.nt IJ .Uil ulnne. These weie lieurly nil desperate rnaea,'au.l tl.ts cure were n, t only rapi.l ni.,1 tt',..t,lerfnl. t.ui MTiii.ii.eiit. t ' Il isui-reut NKItVdl S ANTIDUTK, ninl .-irlfetibirly il., -nil lor leiHli uev In h.linua .lis Liver l.'.niplai..l, 1-V(er un.l A mie, nr Im.llv lr.Mte.1 I'ever liu.1 Aiiie.'and the ev.i tlleets nf ((uiiiine, Merrury. mul mlier .lnip.t,ij,ii tha Ihir.slive oriraus, iil'le. u l,.nt .irkiieM. " Al,'.. for exre.a in i-uliau. mul ihe I,., fn-e use of urilcut apints. Il; reconciles Health v.-illi luteiuperuiire. OLD STOMACH QpM PLAINTS,, Tliere is ii . f-.nn of' rim STi'MAT'I coMl'LAIXTS wln.-ii it iloe. ii .1 se, .n i mi, h ami remove irf Na nu.Iler lii.w- Iv-i.l ihey ,nny he. itI.IVKS IXSI'.-NT m-".-I.ll.l-! A Kluirle .1 se reuinvea nil the llujilrasiuif. ayill an.l il nnly n.-ttls lo lr r.-pe:.t.-.l. I'.r a short ilne. to make trnl elferls ,rilKiiiei,l . 1'IHITV OF HI.IH.D ami Until til," IIDUV, inllou ul niH-e. It is rlirularly evcelleiil in eases nl .,l..s.i. ', mi 1 1 i I itr. Crumps. i'miPSB nl Ihe pit nf Ihe Si .marh ilislr.-as afler enliiiv, low, colli, slste.,1 Ihe III kI, ll.liviiiesa. lnvntsa of Spirits. Urspnn ih uey. I'.ma. lati .n, Weakness, It-iiiluicy to Insanity, Sul ci.le, ,Ve. :' I'riee. fli: Ildl.LAR p. r Ih.ltii.. Ouebittle will aflat eilect u laslintr cure. ' PKKSIN I POWDERS. For p.tnvihK'nff nf R.'iiilh'i; ui nil xtrt3 if tli tttuutrv, tl.r DKiKM'IVK MATTKU U' rtlll IT.I'SIVib put in llie I nu nt ! vi. 4-iti, willi diifctiuns lo U (tt-tSJlvrtl iu wntrr nt fvnii, i iv the .:i!imt. '1'ln no jxiwilrrn I'.intnut jct 1 tit Kiiue iimtirr ih tttt" iK'ttlcn. hut twice the qiiitiititv i'ur ih" inn-piii-f. :miiI will In- si nt liv iiiiiil. rriKK OK IM ''I'(.C i. f i ); IUHXAR n, i,t ( m Dr. J. H: IHH'i.iU TON, .V. ti North KigUlli urcet, l'liilnlelphw. Six iii'k.'i'jii t'-ir fr.v tl'll.tiJi. llie Wiittt w ig jaui are of J. imir I'r.tnrti'l'ir. hvnirfiitP nt frvt-ry t.wii in the Tinted States, ami t.v it'sjxvtnl.le (li-nkr ..iu AN-ii iC int'f gmcruliy. poitsAi.r. liv.'.ihii y. I u.r'iirv, u. .M.irv A. t.-riu- J.-lm'll. i:ir lluyt's Mi'Cruiick, H. J, t'rniisf, J')llll (i. lii'lill. William Oi'ppin, Sunluiry, Sept. Iltli, vfry piu-k-ipf nml b it tie . lluL Ull lO.N, M. 1'rilinif, and Georg-s IJrightt N ftlitunl)erulnd. Mihmi, McKweimville, S-fliiiajrri.v:, I'pprr MhtiuiitHnjo. .iiuiKi!:t; . T IHE f uWrilicr r.".. ctfull.v intorma tin pulilit new loivn ol'Trrvorton, jVortliuuiU'rlan.! county, ami thut lie if well ).rc pared to accoiuui. ttau. Iiis ucsta in tin- lirst maun, r. Ilia Iioum i located neariv opiosilo the Coinj.anv'a Store. He iaulao vyiili (rood kial.lin'r niliu-icnt for 'H) lior Ma. He UiiHta l.v ioui.t anil carrlnl atlcntion to liusi.icaa lo un i t a share of the pul.lic ),.ii a:,e. HUAliV H WKAVLK Trovorlon, Jan 11, lO It' """Hy i;im! rsHL iin.lcrHi.'iiiil licreliv notilie ull persona L A- indebted. to lier, on liooU account, &c, lliat llicy are rciiuealed to call und artllo tlicir ucvoiinU wiliuuit iloluy, longer induL'Hice cannot lie (jiveii uu account already over due. KLI'AUI'TH l'OLLMEK. Suuliury, lli. S3. 1851 tf. K-farch 8th, '51 -3in. , ..NOTICE. A8 tha tuVacxjlie? iuttwtU making new arrange ment a In hit buaineea on the lirat of Janua ry 1851. all vrauna knowing thoinaelvca indebted to hiin.'awe r.qucated to rail and make settlement up4 that time, by payment or giving their notea for the amount due. I JOHN W. FKILING. Banbury, Dee. 88, 18S0e If. Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lapa and Wadding, Cotton Outline., Ready made "Pantaloona, Kfdy mado Vaata, Oongreaa Knivea, rorrelaln lined preaervuig kettlea, juat receivid foraalaby H. MASTER. BwtawT, Pec.tJfK,, T. S. SOBST'S rif.i:pr'-'w AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT' In Selimgrove, Fa. . , . Clocka. 1Vuttlia autl JcIry, . REPAIRED in the beat manner ttiulwarruu:c l to perlorin well. , , All work intrualcd lo ui care will be strictly attended to. Seliiiagrove, Nov. 30. 1850. tf. Vttluable Llooki, LIFE ot I'naiaT, hanoVonicly bound, D'Av KiGna'a HiaroaT iir' Tii K..ronuTio, Bl.hi DaT-uooKa axe Lxudiaa, full bounded, for aal at the publishers prices by I , H. B. MASSEU. ' Sohbury, July 14, 1819. - GEEAT ATT.FvIVAL OF WrjILLIAM HOOVER relict 'fully iulonns V t . hiii friontU an 1 tMittniuc t't that he Iuih jul returned IVoiu l''lpl.ia, with an excellent itMoi'linc!it of , GOODS, which 11" oiler:; for sale at liU new store at Man ser's Mill, Hollowing 1 ' mi. These goods were selected with greut rufCj und v ill la sJld ul the lowest price. Kl'oi K CONSIST- UK V.Vi:n" VA'I'KTV, Via .Dry (lomls, Su(h n. Cloths, Cussimi rt s, Sa'tinctrt Muslins, Cultuois, Moi'fsclinc )f Lain.., -il- paccus, i i.ios, r iuhiki.-, Checks, d i ii g Ihiiiik. tVi;. ALSO: An assortment of hats, caps, cii M ami i.i-:atui:h siioi.s aUEENSWAKE, HARDWARE, IKON niulsTEl'.L, NAILS, eve A general assorlineut of Or. Series, such ua Stioar, Colit'i. 'IVa, Mola- gfs, SjllCi'S, iiC. Also uu nasorluient of Liquor, such as Drmvly, Hum, H'tikcy, Wines, X-c. llf 1'roduce of pHl kinds taken in exchange at the lii.'hcst market prices. HWIowins Run, Nov. s:l, 1850, ly. H. ZIM31IEEMAN, jrsntK or tiik ri:tE, ' - Suubury, Pa. . .. Oincc in Deer Street, immediately opposite Ihn l'uhlic School House. tV Monica colluded itnd utl lataiiKas mt.ou.tly and cue- fuli ttllrnttttl lo. April 30, 1850. xewToiTk i'iiu.iii:Lriii4 JOURNEYMEN llaltcm Assoc lallou, Cor. of 6th and Chcstmi Scet, Philadelphia. CON'l'lNl'E to make and sell a finer and more Hat line .tlu iitoney than any other eatubliobiiieiit ill. the United States standard price of Hate $3 00. (Icuta and Hoy's Cloth and (ilausd Caps, Umbrellas, Carpet Dags, Calsfy ranaina and lUuw Data at equally low pricea. May 25, ISlU. ly I Atv-aeTiJi!:TiB:.T j Eouiity Laad auJ Pension Agency, ! WASHINaTON. D. C, " , rpilK untl.-raii.. ot.l All .fi. -v mul i.i.n-ral AfiH al Ilia j X I try of W aslnni:l..ii, . licra l.u'tt.rvic-.-ui ,r,H.-iirilif I li ai. ly a. ..I I'., .na for lli,,,,. nliiltit ileiii)r p.-r-j lliani-ntly l-i-aldl nt the wvttl of liovrrauit-.S, vthh a tlior ; tai-li iiii.I familiar nc.iKiiiilan.-c well llie iicc.-snry forma, un.l i. ml nit- .a I. ii.iiii si,, mul Irit iin; ac.-.-wi to Kcni.lera and . Kolli I1I.-.I 111 lli.- I . ts. w ar orli.-c. i- pr..iM-sat-8 incililit-a for tlic mul Kiti.m..-lory u.ljus'n a.l ol C.ovorniiii'iit t'luini. ol t-v.-ry I.11..I. Hy 11 laic A.-t ,f ConurcHt. II ,111 ty lnul ia irninted lo i tlic oii'tc-i. iin.i M.lili. rii f in. vvar 01 ll. mal ,f itic vuri i ri"iiH Imlian wars, siii.-c ITjilt. To wl'o acrvt-rl inns I in.nili. hit. u.-t.-s; i. ili-,s., vtli.. acrvctl four iii..ntha ao ucr.-s; 1. nil t- Ili'.sc v!n. p,-iv.-.l .'in- ui'.ntli -III ucrt-a. Air.n.L'. iii. uta lint.. Imii iiunlc with irciiilnicn of lha I l.t-u'il .r...-.i,,i ..-.tioiij ...f llie C.mntry, fur ! tin- location .f tvarraiily, to. I (lit- suit- ,'if tl.e H.tcina, when issnt.l, 011 the lie -VI;..ili.e..u l.-.i.ta; lor tin, piitincnC i of tax. a. r.'.lem;,ll..l of Iiiii.Ii.. aol.l .r ti.vra: e...-clon uf l.-l.i.: tin.1 .r 1 lit trai.s-i. 11,-n .,1 ir.'iitpul Imw liuauieaa, in lit.- .Iill.-rt-i.l tlal. a iintl T.-rritori. II.- t.-nil.-t. Ina aert ic.-a b incliilM.ra of thn profcaaita. at a (1i:.ii.v, un.l when clioiii. iiirnln.l lli" r.'iil. are pra ', . oe.1 l.v 11 I K'al Air.-nt. vv ill nkile oott hall Ins a.aul fee.' The ncccKiry 1..1.11. ;n..l iiirnol km. 1. .pml iiiforinitliwi on ull .ni.icclK iippertiiiHin. 1 en tiii-.'1-M.liU laoaeciilion tt' thia l.usin.-sa. will 1 mrniel.t-! 1.1 rc.ilar L,rre.Hiitteiita with in, t t-ll.-OKC. ' ' t'. r. M.. ilcairinir inf f flie ata ill the army or navy, will f.iviir J ti. hiai ..I rl.e nartiriiaira I. note. 4 Iheir ..'IVI.-C. t.'C.'lll.-l u.lll a Iff of one ilollnr, H.I.I lhair ail.lll ne. will l.e to l.v r.-lnru of mnil. All eoiiiinaiuca- 11 .11. It, lit- (I'UKI-V ,) llllll Hil.lreMi'O . 1 . rflAKt.KS t. TITKKR, (It .ji If.:, T. II. Wuahiiisloii, D. C. December , 1 Tine ;rottrit'M and Teas! DAVID l'KASK. S. II' Corner vth fr Ann Street, Philadelphia. OITEK." for sale all kinds of choice Family Ciroceries aril celected articles in his line of Imaim.; lireeit and lilack Teas of all qualities and pri.'ea; U.-4.1 Mueha, Old Java and other kimls 1 1' Colli-.., Kuara, Corn ISIarch for pud dings. Farina, Fiita in small ilriima. Layer Kai mis, EYcucli Clarified Isinglass for jellies; Extra While Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia Fa mily I 'our in Whole and Half llarrela ; "Latum" Olive Oil; uasorted kinila of Sauce and Ketch up, Tickles, Olives, Preserved tiuiger, die, Ac (iooda packed for Ihe country autl sent lo Rail lioud Depot or clsi'wlicie wilhout cliare. DAV ft) rEASB, 8. W.Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. ' Feb. 1, 18.11. ly. .h. M. A. '50. 800 LAB0EERS WANTED, IMMEDIATEI.T o. the Trovorlon Rail Road to hoiu liberal wes will be paitf. KIMBER CLEAVER. Ejigmear. Jun. 1, 1851. tf. . Breast aumu, and!. A supply of thesa useful arti cle jusl received and for sale by . . ,f JOIIN.W FSIJ.ING ISunSury, Jan IS, lbSl ll XT I -RNIXU DOTTLES - ' nipi'lu luls- 1 j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers