TEMTERANCE AJIECDOTE. The Rev. T. P. Hunt, the Temperance Lecturer, tell the following story: A small tempernnoa society has been start ed In a community very much under the con trol of a rich distiller, commonly called "Bill Myers.", This man had several sons who had become drunkards on the facilities flV.r.to,l hv lltoir oiliirntinn fit hOITie. " Tho "J ...... Whole family was arrayed agatnsi m muvo- merit, and threatened to break up any meot imj called to promoto the object. Learning this Mr. Hunt went to a neighboring district for temperance volunteers for that particular occasion. He then gave out word for a meeting, and at the time found his friends and enemies about equal in numbers. This faot prevented any outbreak, but could not prevent noise, Mr. Hunt mounted his platform, and by a few sharp anecdotes and witty sayings, soon ilencod all noise except the sturdy "Bill Myers" the old Dutchman crying out, "Mishter Hunt, money makes the mare go." To every shot which seemed ready to de molish him, the old fellow presented the one hield, "Mishter Hunt, money makes the ,, .1 m sra irn." I " I At last Mr. Hunt stopped and addressed the imperturable German : "Look hero, Biil I Mvers. vou sav that mouov makes the mare , I go, ao)ous "Yes, Uat ish just what I say, Mishtor Hunt." Well, Bill Myers, you own and work a dis tillery, don't you'!" inquired Mr. Hunt. "Dat is none of your business, Mishter Hunt. But, den, I ish not ashamed of it. I has got a still, and work it, too." "And vou sav, "Money makes the mare go do you mean that I havo come here to I got the money of those people 1" "Yes, Mishter Hunt, dat ish just what I mean." "Very well ; you work' a distillery to make money, and I lecture on temperance to make money, and as you say, 'Monoy makes tho mara go,' Bill Myers, bring out your marei and I'll bring out mine, and we'll show them together." By this time the whole assembly was in a titter of delight, and oven Myers' followers could not repress their merriment at the evi dent embarrassment of their oracle. In the meantime, we must premiso that Mr. Hunt knew a large number of the drunkards pre sent, and among thum the sons of Myers himself. "Bill Myers, who is that holding himself op by that tree?" inquired Mr. Hunt, point ing to a young man so drunk that he could not stand alone. The old man started, ns if stung by an ad der, but was obliged to reply : "Dat ish my son ; but what of dat, Mishter Hunt V "Good deal of that, Bill Myers; for I guess that son has been riding your mare, and gof thrown too !" Hero thero was a perfect roar from all parts of the assembly, and, as soon as order was restored, Mr. Hunt proceeded, as ho pointed to another son : "Bill Myeis, who is that staggoring about as if his legs were as weak as potato vines after frost V "Well, I suppose dat ish my son, too," re plied the old man, with a crest-fallen look. "He has been riding your mare, too, and got a tumble." At this point tho old man put up both hands in a most imploring manner, and ex claimed : "Now Mishter Hunt, if you won't say any more, I will be still." trt, i . . xnis announcement was received wun a roar of applause and laughter, and from that moment Mi. Hunt had all the ground to him self. WOMEN IN MALE ATTIRE. Arrtong tho schemes advocated by the fo malo reformers of the present day, thero is none moro startling than that which aims at the overthrow of distinction in costumo of the sexes. As a general thing tho reformers either deny the existence of this project, or forbear to advocate it publicly ; but tho ap pearance of a pamphlet from the Brussels press, written by Miss H. M. Webber, in which tho male attire is boldly and in;o niouBiy recommendod as tho "most appio- priate vesture lor single lemales," removes all doubt upon the subject, and shows con clusively that the scheme is seriously enter tained. Miss Webber is a graceful and vig orous writer, and treats her subject witfi ap parent firmness. Mie adduces authorities to prove that, in early ages men and women dressed precisely alike; and that the distinc tion in dress which now exists, was arbitra rily drawn by tho male sex, in tho tyranni cal exercise of power which they derived solely from their greater physical superiority. 11 1 : - . . . f , . r nor pian is io restrict gins to muir trucks until the completion of their education. Upon their entrance into society they are to dress precisely like males of similar condi tion, and continue to wear male attire until ' the day of their marriage. Widows at the end of the mourning season are to resume men's apparel, uuless they have determined never to marry again. In e fleet, this is a scheme to distinguish marriageable females from married women and conlirmed widows. iteganteu in tins light it lias at least one merit, and may on that account claim the friendly countenance of the bachelor frater nity. It would save them a vast deal of trou ble in ascertaining the domestic rank of a new lady acquaintance and prevent them from committing the now common error of falling in love with married women. Hold- en's Magazine. nM,v .llv nnt. n,nU r,; U... ' . v I"-"!-" .. ..Maui- lutiM the theme of conversation. Croana and complaints are the worst possible sta ple of Social intercourse. Sympathy-fish ers, 'who bait their hooks with evil past or incurable, seldom enioy even a nimble If you go hunting let it be for smiles Losing an Infant. Those who have an infant are never, as it, were, without an infant child. The other children grow up to manhood and womanhood, and suiler al the changes of mortality ; but this one alone lal child; for death is kindlv harshness 18 Kinuiy iiarsnness, u eternal image of is rendered an immortal has arrested it with h and blessed it into an youth ami innocence. J. IE. THOMAS. Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 J Walnut st , between 3d and 4th sheet. PHILADELPHIA. T ERPECTFULLY direct tlio attention of the --V public to his superior atvloa of Plnin and Fancy Framea, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a hnndsomo Frame at a LOW TRICE. has been much deaired, he was induced soma monlh gince t0 cornrrirmco ttle manufacture of those Frames. In a short time the demand ha been so great, that he has beon obliged to Ins facilities, ami new oflor at EXCEEDINGLY LOW .PRICKH, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Pointings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c. &c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, 8tcamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, Ac decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. W Please call and see specimens, May 25, 1850 ly GEORGE J. IIENKELS, CITY CABINET WAKEROOMS, NO. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (orroitK thk statu nonsic,) ' PHILADELPHIA. ("U'FERSfor sale, low for cash or nrrroved city v-7 paper, a large and well assorted stock of . ' i . CJAUIiSKT FURNITURE, or the latest patterns and of tho best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, conv l,risinR of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose- wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture; Pa, tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Book Coses, and a great variety of plain Parlor ond Chamber r urnititrc Curtains made and put up in tho latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattresses, Hair Mattresses, ond Fca, I thrr lteds, made to order. N. B. All articles purchased at this establish. mcnt oro warranted of tho best materials ond workmanship, and will bo packed to carry safely to any part of the country. May 25, 1850. ly SPPJ1TC- GOODS I IV 1IIIL.AI12L1'III 1. rri SUA RPLESS & SONS, have just receive: .1 their supply of SPRING AND SUMMKK GOODS of Friendly ond other styles, to which they invito ottention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Gro dc Rhines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Moussc- lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FLNISIHNG GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and ull other furnish ing irnods. MEN 8 EAR Cloth, Cassimcrcs, Cashma- rotts, Drills, Vesting of all kinds, and Hoys wear. fcilOE.MAKUKS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS & SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OP THE 1'CICE, Sunhttry, Pa, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. I Monies collected and nil business momntlv and aire. fully attended to. April 20, 1850. REFORM YOUR HABITS. Come ye, with garments tare nnd seedy, Yc hach'lors, wido'era and hushuids too, If, in the outwnrd man you'r needy, We soon con make you ns good as new. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tho public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April next, tho T lXOKIXG HIS IX ESS in all its branches. He will be careful to see that his work is made up in the best manner, nnd he Hatters himself, that he will be able to give entire satisfaction in point of cut, fit and stylo, as well ns in price. He therefore respectfully solicitshis friends nnd tho public generally to call and give him a trial. His shop is a new building in Fawn street be- ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. DECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1850. Gm CHARLES W. I1EGINS, A2TCP.1TEY AT L.V", rotfsvillo, i'a. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to las care. June lfi, 1813, EDWIN HALL, (Latb of the Fibm of Watkishoh & Hall,) J o. 24 South Second Street, Philadelphia, L ESFECTFULLY informs his old friends nnd -v customers, ns well ns the public renerallv. that he has opened on entire new stock of elegant styles ot Spring & Summer Dress Goods. His assortment consists of the latest and most desi rable styles of Euulish, German, French & Anio- ricau doods. ISuch ns Delaines'. Tissue. Hem. ges, Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, I dklls, Glows, ami every variety 01 Dress nnd I ancy Uoodd. l'liilad. March 10, 1850 ly C. HENKHltT, BOOT MAKER, No. 40 South Fourth Street, rilH.AUKI.l'HlA, T? IITTtTJ ... . e , ... r.. ii iii.nu ciriv varuiv oi rrencnuaii rm ' M orocco, Patent leather, Concress ami Gui- ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, nre constantly kept on baud or manufactured to order. March 10, 1850. 0m iATEVr Trusses of all kinds. Harrison writins mid indellible ink. Cotton van, anil ii,juai received aim lor suie ny J. W. FRILING tSuiibury, Dec 2, 1848. STONE WARE. OTONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, anil inner articles ot stone wnr iusl r,.,-, ! v,.,l ana lor sale i.y JOHN W. FIULIXG. Sunbury, June 23, 1849 lLEY'S COVUll CMNDY. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this otlice Juua celctirutcd Jlorsn ami CattU Medi- cine lor sate ny HbAKX MAKtSKIi Bunbury Jan. ij'th, 1849 1 , " " "',010' A small - lot on nana aim lor salu hv JI. D.MASSKU. funbury, April 6, 1850. I?AIlSINS, currant), citron, cheese, iieiiiier ...... X- I.'- I.. 1... , lr lir.1 I w-u. ur ailiv uv rf. ritll,liljr Sunbury, Doc. 2, 1848. f j?AZOUS. A superior article for sale at tho store of 11 EN It Y MASSEK. ounuury, Feb. 16, 1850,-. 1HLL8. Justices and Constables Fee . Dills handsomely printed on card pajwr, for 1'NE"AL"WATER, from the Oak Orchard Ao"1 f I'"""- '''K1' valuuhle in chrome di- am) tonic n.mcui f , HKMHY MAftsER. Sunbury, JuueS'J, 1N50 If sunbury American and shamoiun A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware ltoom of SEIi'N IIOUP.T & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street tf the Railroad SUJNbUlli, fA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during tho 17 years he has Itcen in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public, a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the dny, ond has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public arc therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABINET WAKE AND C1IAIUS, Manufactubed by SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock f the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Dirge Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and FnhioiiniIe Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made tho neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniils ami mistresses, and husbands txi, Here's furniture of cVery style ond hue, Frnin side bnnrds down to kitchen tables, Troui rnckinit elmirs to locking crndles Plinnld ynn not have the ready JonN to pay, We'll wuit nwhilo fur a brighter better dny, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and ryc i Hark, hoop polos, staves, or lumber wet nnd dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing Hails, From pics and tarkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one nnd nil, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the bull." 'tW Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, 1850. tf . ROUT. I,. 8ETH. TIIOS. P. D. SETII SETII & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Nkr Bowly's Wharf,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particuhtr attention to the sale of GRAIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1850. ly THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVKR 200 VALUAULE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Curious Experiments in fllK.MISTUY : INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry 1 Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc. etc. Price fir cts., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1810. II 4IM1 & IIOLL'S 7JI0LESALE Commission PAPER nnd - RAG WAREHOUSE. No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment oi ull kinds of Pajier is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. , Cap, Letter and Printing Papers, &c. on Hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. " " blue " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " " bltio " nine and while Folios. White nnd colored Printing Puper Tissuo Papers. Shoe " Wrnpping " Envelope " , Hardware and 81' entiling Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will bo attended to at tho shortest notice. All goods sold will he carefully packed, and de livered at any place in tho city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Puper, as low us can bo bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 184U Hi oH ii's Essence of Jamaica Glu scr. Prepared only fcy Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, rhiladdphia. AHE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex. JL M I'cllcnco and of varied proiiertics. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate, relief) as well as to tho convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always lie found an excellent substitute fur those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dysjicpsin, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussca and sen-sickness, it is an active uiul safe as well us a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prcscrihcd by the most eminent of the medical faculty. , A supply of the above received and for sale by II. II. Mustier, Sunbury. April fi, 1850. (im JTJST ARRIVED. A Kew AfeKot t mentor 1'rt'Nli Csoodsj IRA T. CLEMENT, I 1.M l.OI r LLLV informs his friends, ens- At turners and others, that he has just received a iianusuinc assortment ni NEW GOODS at his store in Markot .Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens wnre, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June S3, 1840. Win. ti. Cochran & Co., W holesale Bud Retail, WlNE AND LIULOK nll'.UCH ANTs", No. 72 irntt Street, Philadelphia. A L always on hand a very large stock of v ines, l.ujuiii's and iscgurs, of their own importation. Sloro keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private, gentlemen, will be supplied on the must liberal lerms. ' Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Valuable Hooka, T IFE of CimiBT, handsomely laiutid, D'Au mi, nk's IliHTonr up run Rkhhi ion, dlank UAr-nuoKS iMi j.Kiio tas, lull loiunded. rorsulu ul the publishers prices by 11. fi. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. Ootton Yuru, Cotton Caret Chnin, Cotton Laps aim aiiiimg, Uotton Uutliues, Keody made i uniuioons, Keudy mudo VesU, Congress Knives. I orcclaiu luied preserving kettles, just received iur suiu ny Hi MASSiER. ISunbury, Doc. 8, 1848. CAPS An assortment just received, silk HATS at disss, for sale by Also H. MASSER. Hunbury, Dec 8, 1848. JJLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by applying at tlieotliic of the American. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVANS & WATSON, No, 90 North' Third street, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OPPOPITK THK PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-Mono Lined and Key hole cover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS, WnrrnnliHt to itjinil more Hsnt tlmn nny Chests in this Country. Aim Patent Air-Chamtier Inm Chests, 1(100 now in use. They nlso continue to make the orrlins rv Kire Proofs, nt very low prices Piitrnl eomliinntinn locks. With Onnire Keys, whinh enn Iw clumped several thoiiwim! times chmifren. hie in fact every time the Iax is liseil if riVairnlile.. These Iocks are proof nirninst the most expert Thieves, being snpplicil with the Pntent Key-hole Cover, nnd mnile very strong, they ennnot lie blown open hv (Innpnwiler. These Ieks nru intended for HANKS, fTonKS. SAFE. c. steal and letter copying presses, fire proof doors for Banks anil Siore.s, l'ntent 81nte. Lined Refrigerators, warranted superior to nil ethers. Wnter Filters, Msiwer Baths of the best qual ity. f5T" Persons wishing; ti pnrchnse any of the shove nr tieles, will please irive them a call, as they sell cheaper than any other in the United Slntes. DAVIT) EVAN'S, JOH ANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, 14U ly STONE WARE. THE subscrilicr would most respectfully In form his friends nnd a fjencrous public, that ho is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARS, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a tittle cheaper than any other manufneturer in the Union. Ho is also importing anil dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Mb Potteries are on llond street north of Fnv etle, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, K. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. liallimorc street, U.vLTi M6iiK, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly Equitable I-lfc Insurance, Anntiltj- anti a rust I omiuuiy, . OFFICE 74 WAI.NI T STHEI'.T, PHILADELPHIA, Capital 9'2(I,(KSI. Chartkk Pekcktcal. rpHE Coinpnny nre now prepared to transact business 1 noon the most liberal hikI Hdvnntiiireons terms. They nre authorised by their ehurter (sect. :i) "to mnke all nnd every insurance npperlnininK to life risks of whatever kind or nntare, anil to receive mill execute triiRts, make endow ments, nnd to irmiit and purchase niiiiuities." The Com- puny sell annuities and cuJuwineuts, and act as Trustees ior minors onu ucirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assumuco of 8100 for me venule Lena oi L,ile. Atre.lPrem. Arc. Prem.' Age. I'rem. 1 I S Dl str liT1 336 17 1 M S4 4 lfl 47 3 40 is 15" : a an 4s 3 (in ti I tail ,n a K7 . 4ii 377 2 I (Ml 3.1 a 33 60 3 ill at I iw an a in si 4 13 aa ion . ;i7 a 47 sa 4.1a 1 ! 3 a 51 S3 4 51 at 1 72 3D a 63 04 4 71 as I 4ti a 7o fv 4 ni an isi 41 a ci so a is a7 l 9 4a s na 67 s 33 I Ot 43 3 111 6S S St ail 1 If 44 3 13 S!) 6 79 30 SHI 45 3!1 (1(1 G03 Tlic premiums are less tlinn nnv otlier eommiiiv. nml Hie policies alloril cruiter nilvnntimes. Tnbl of luilt.vrli unit qunnerly preiniiuns, lialf criilit rnti s of prcinniin. short terms, joint lives, survivoisliia nml cnikiwincnlsj nlso, form of Aiplienlioii (lor whieli 11,,-ro lire Utink hurts') lire hi ou ii:ni uii iiipni'Hiion ni me oinci;, or by letter to the Agmn, j. ii. .'i, iiu t , January Kates foh insuri.no SIIKI on a single Life Aire. I Fiir 1 year. For 7 years. 2 HI 1 W 1)0 I.:I 4" " l.'Jii 1.m 80 I l.Hi a.07 S8 I U.I8 3.07 For Life. I. nn 2.04 a,7ti 3. 6,1)3 Kxamtlk A person nul 30 vears next birth ilnv. bv pnyiiur the Uomuiny 99 eenu would secure to his family or heirs f l ilu.ul.l he die in one year : or for Sn.aO lie e eares to them rHMNi ; or for fl3niiinmllyfor even yair ne swarrs totnein stiiKiosiioulil heilie in seven venrs; or for 020.40 paid niiini.iliy durbar hie he stvures SlilUII to Iw paid when he dies. Tiie insurer seenrinfr his own lviuus, by the flillereaee in nmonntof nremiuina from those chnH'eii by other olliees. For vt9,3U the heiri would receive 86(100 liouhl he die in one year. Forms ofiippiicatiou nnd nil virlieulnrs mav bo hnd at the office. PF.TF.K Cl'LLKN, President. Vice President, Wm. M. llxiun. Kbakcis W. ItAWLK, Secretary nml Trensurer. Consi'Ltixo PiivaiciAS Ur. J. H. Mnsser, Sunbury. J. H. 1'UKDV, bunl.ury, Agent for NorUiuuilwrbnd county- Sunbury, July 85, 1RI9. "Knconrase Your Own!" HAAS &HEXN. FASHION A 13 LE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. npiIE subscriliers respectfully call tho attention x of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every tpnilily and price of 3A.RI.I3T-W1KE. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry one w ho will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of tho oesi mock to tie nail 111 the city. No ctlort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany SoIuh, DIvaiiN -ami LoungcN, tturcaus, Secretaries, SftctooarDs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIXIXG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture ull kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties nover Iwforc to be had in Sunbury, such us Maiiiiiiaxt, Black Walnut AMI !l 11LKII M U'LK OllKI IAN ; AM) WlMISIIH CHAIRS, axi) FAxeir Piaso Stools, which are of the hitest styles, and warranted to lw excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Tho subscriliers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms us they cun lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment fur work. tlT UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. LIT The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, und nearly opposite Weaver's Tuvorn. DANIEL HAAS, CEORCJE KENN. Sunbury, April 2R, 1810. tf nHK mWriltf hasjiMt rerrived a now supply of llu1 Uwt Iiiun Unit ever came to tSunliury, coiinisliiit; in putt uf SuiH'rior old piilo Ilraitily, Fine Cujiuuo lirumly. tSupcrior OKI Jamuit u KpiriU. lNi'w K 1 mlii 1 ul Hum. Vino Holluiul in. HuH'rior Old Whiskey Cuinmon do. (Superior Mailrria Wine. Isittlion du. do. Nuerior Port Wiiw liur'Uiidy fort do. Kwuot Malaga W ine. Superior Claret Wine in bottle Cuuinpayuo do. do. HEMtV MASSER. .Sunbury. May 26 1849. BHOWN'8 ESSENCE OF GLNGER A new nupply of (hi excellent article jut received and fur ale by U U. MAKKEIC Kunbury, AUuU Iti, I 50. journal. TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN !I ELLIN a BOOK. TJEINO a progressive snd Comprehensive Sys tern of Orthoirrnpv nnd Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Republic, by Altnon Ticknor, a Teacher of twentv-flve year's experi ence, snd author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, Ac.'. The attention of Teachers, School Dtreetors, parents, Ac., is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern snellinir and usages in Orthography ns Iwing one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than nny other published m the Lnited Slats. It is What it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, nnd only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure lor It a universal introduction into tho Schools of tho United States. Just published, and for salo by Henht Masseh, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1840. Dll- J- JUPDEGRAFF, "RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of 1 Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and i now prepared to prac tice Medicine and ourgery in all its various hran- ches. He will operate on nil the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to tho extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in medern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will bo a sullicient guaranteo to those who may fool disposed to cmnlov hiin. His residence is nearly opposite tho Maul stoma- ry jimldtHgi, and next door to Isaac Rosen batim's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. HIC1XE3T & TULL IV o- !.' Clicsmit Mrcet, (Opposite the Arcailc) PHILADELPHIA, lAMIFACTCRERS of their improved style Llastic hteel Spring, bohd Sole Leather, and noud Kivctcd TI5UAKS, which took the only first premium, awarded by the r rankhn Institute at their last exhibition. II. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved stylo of Solid Sole Leather Trunks j Double, and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles j Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and nn elegant assortment of superior Ln articled Patent Leathnr Bags, with every article in their line ot business UlT Old Trunks Repaired or tnken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. H1CKKY. RICHARD W. TLL1 Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.- PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD, SUMMER AHKAlXGliMICNT FROM PUlLADKU'IllA AM) POTTSVII.l.K. Office of the Phila. tf Reading Railroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March M9, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON ond after April 1st, 1850 two trains will 1 run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Poltsville. Morning Line, (Accommrnlation .) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A.M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 2 J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althousc's, Birdshoro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bnggnge will be al lowed to caeh passenger in these lines ; nnd pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing ns baggage hut their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. WILLIAMS' ANTI-DYSPEPTIC El.IXlIt is. with the utmost confidence, oflereil to the Medical Faculty mid the public for the cure of i.)ynpe sia or Indigestion, and ull diseuse arising from it, such Nuuneii, Fuitilnclie, 1 Vertitro, Uimintuf Pi-rht, DHulity 4l' the Nervoim Sys tem. IlyiMK'lioiulrin, Jaumlice, iftxwof uppetitP, Wimtinj; of the utrenirtlt. Flntulueet with i'rwjueut lH-lcliiiigf wimi, Vitiatftt tiiste. Hilionn Vomit inn, Ltuniiii!; KfiirJitfitin ot the pit 111 1111' BH'IIIIK'll, I-ivercoiiiplniiit, iprt'K8,ttu utter witinp, );iliitiitinii !' ilic- II mitt. l'ttin in the pit nt' the ntninnrh or tow; i rt In the npiit sule, Sallowni'M nf coniiih'xio.i, DeprRiwi'Mi itf the upiriwt mid CotiKtitulioii nml uiiuasiueu trntumiity m teniier vc. of the bowt ls, If a case of dyspepsia ihoukl Ite tieplectrd, mntU sertnuii efiucta limy ensue, lor it lays the fouiutution for, is tli iu ripeut cause of, mid very t'requeiilly teriniiMtrs in coiisump ttn. I would iinprcni upou the mind Unit to tiifle with this diseuse may lie to spurt with the reason which consti tutes man lupertminent aniynp uniiuul Iwiiifn, ur to ein littter existence by adding u uonscuiusneu uf folly to the penalty of pnin.- This meriirine is nently put up in bottles, with ample directions fur use, and is sold in Sunlmrj- hy John V. Fhilixo. JAMKS WH.I.IAMS. Testimony of Mr. Aimer Fhms, hatter, Mnrknt street altuve Hixth, corrorutive of tho elficucy uf Willituns Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir. Piuladeli'IIIA, Octolwr 3, ISI 9. Mr. Jamss Willtams ; Dear : It gives me frreat pleasure in know that you are nfruiii preparing you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia, for many uf my aeimiuUmees have npeatMlly aukrd me where itcoutd be procuied, knowing tluit 1 had leeii cured by it. As I think that a public acknowledgment of the grreit lienefit 1 have received from the use of your Med icinc is not only due to you, hut may le useful to others, I now innku it. For several years 1 suffered from Dyspep. sin, wliii'h iucrensfd to such an extent that inv henlth and const ifiliu were rapidly sinking under it. 1 was com pelted to restrict myself to the must simple food, and even that 1 could not digest. I felt a loss of strength, disiiioh na tit ni to exercise, mid, us you have it in your advertise, nirnt, a general feeling of depression find iudearrilialile wejirinesn. In rhe year huuring from others high re eomnieiitlaticn of your Anti-Dywpeptic lllixir, I prMured and ustxl it with the most hripy effect under it in Hue nee languor and wariness gradually passed away, und my unne tite returned which 1 could gratify with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my confidence iu the curative powers of your medicine has of course increased, tor it completely cured me when 1 failed to obtain relief from uuy othet source. Very respectfully vours. Al'tNKK ET.MKS. Testimony of Flwurd H. Rowley, Wholeaide Merelumt of the firm of Kowley, Aslilmimer tc Co., No 6 South Wharves, in proof of 'the clueucy of Williams' Anti-D) s peptiu J llixir. PiiiLADKLrtttA, October 90, 1840. Mr. Jamks Wili.im : Dear Sir : I take pleasure In recommending your Anti lysHptie Klixir fir the cure of Dyspejisia. 1 have taken it myself for the disease, ami have Iwe-ii entirely cured. Yours respectfully, KDWARD II. ROWLEY Aqskt. JOHN W FHIUNU, Sunbury, l'a. March , lt-5U. ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1 EAD the following certificate from Capt. Devoe, the i well known und ppular Sluun Boat Cuplaiu (of the Traveller.) Philadelphia, October 31, 1840. Several yeurs since I was attacked with a breaking uut oil my neck in the form of Tetter, which 1 am convinced was contracted at the Harber'sShon. It graudually extend ed over my face until it reached the upper part of the cheeks. During the several months tltut it continued spreading, 1 uil didcrent applications some of which had the etluct, uppreitly at hiut, of iaerejuing the disensts but from naie of Ueiu dal 1 Hrctivo the least bejieut until I applied the Kokk Ointmrnt. Hy the use of one jar of it, 1 was perftx-tly cured and have remained free uf Uie uffuc- tloi). 1 have aiuce used the Ointment, lightly applied for mugh less ut tla fuee, blotches, ehapiKxl IuuhIs, 4te. With per feet success, 1 have no heaitatiou iu recouuueudiug U in the strtaigest uuuuier to Uic imbue. JAMUS DEVOE. ApMd Hknbt Masskr. Suubury. July 1M. R OSE OI.NTMEiS'T. A freah aupply of tbu excA'llent article for Tetter, 4 e., just received and lor sale by HEMiY MAbKK. Sunbury, July 28, 1849. KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. A ii excellent article, for mle at hull the uuul price by J. W, FRILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1719 N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the tale of Soulhteorth ManvfactU' ring Co' j. Writing Papers. Ware lionise, No. 3, Minor street PIIXX.ADEX.rHIA. 100 CASES of thfl "hove superior Papers now in store, nnd for sale to trade at tho lowost market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, IS, 14, 15 and 10 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. E"xtrstipcr and superfine Folio Posts, blur. Superfine Cammorical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Hill Patiars, long and broad Superfine and fino Counting-Houso Caps and Posts, bluo and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain i ..i. i 1 i UIIUIIIIUU, IIIIIV HUM WllltU. , Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. 8uperfinc Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfincd blue Bath Posts, bluo and white. plain and ruled. fcrnliroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawver's" Brief Patiers. . Superfine nnd fino Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, variflus qualities nnd prices, Also, 1000 reams white eud asserted hlioo l'a pers, Donnet Hoards, whito and assorted tissue Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, ossorted and blue Me (liuins, inp W rapping, Hardware ropers, etc Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. III preseiitini; the public with a remedy for the treiitment and pure ot" Fkvkh ano AurK and otlier hiltotta diaivisi-a, nonjioliitfy ia needed. Vnst nuinliera in the United Stnten, who sutfrr from these nffeetions in their varied fonna, nre comiK'lleil to seek relief from oilier sonreea thnn the iinim dinte preseriptions of the regular physiciun. It heeonies therefore nn olijeet of humanity, ns well us of pnlilie inter est, to bring liefoie them n remedy prepared fioin liineh ex pirience, nnd whieh niny nlwnys lie relied upon ns safk, ESFKrTttAL, AXD 11AMLE TO THF roMSTITt'TloS. 'Phut such is the true ehnrneter of the I.NDIA CIIOLAHOnri:, is amply attested hy the universal success with whieli it has been employed. f?" Extract from n communication of the Hon. Wit. liam WnoDURiboK, of the U. S. Senate, lute Governor nf Mieliignn. Detroit, Oct. 21, 1810. Doctor Charlks Osooon, Dear Sir, 1 have rend with much interest, your little trakatisk upon Ihe "onuses, treatment nnd cure" of the fehrile diseases which have so extensively prevniled in our country during the Inst few mouths nu interest increased no doubt, hy the fact that I have individually suirercd so much from them. Though 1 feel myself very incompetent to judge sufely upon a subject so entirely profesKioual. yet your theory seems to me well reasoned, nnd ynur eone'lu sions just, nnd 1 think withal, that your pamphlet is cnleu lated to produce much practical good. Speaking of the medicine he says : It fnllv justified your flutterin expectations, and its a nife, couvcu)"iii. and vpu lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces nie to Ih;- lieve that. It will prove u greut puhltc lietlflit. 1 nut pleased to learn ihilt you hnve recently cstttbtished several agencies for ha difp'iKilion though I regret titat. willt a view to a more general dissemination of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. With hiueh respect I have the Irmiir to U. sir, Your obliged servant, , WILLIAM WiiODBllllifiE. tV From Hon. Steciikn V. 11. 'I'nowBRioou, of Miclii gan Slate Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. Birmingham, Oakland Co., Dee. 13, 1RII. Sir vou wish me to inform you what I know of Dr. Osgood's India Cholupiigiie, or auti-bilious medicine. I do believe that if the virtue and edicacy of this iiiwlieine were generally known, the ffver and aulr womd disappear in Michigan. I procured n bottle in the spring of 1H41, nnd hnve good reason to believe tluit myself und family escaped the ligue Inst season in consequence of its use. Perhaps iu no summer aiaee the settle incut of this fmc peninsula, has the fever nnd ague been so prevalent as the last. I hnve recommended thia medicine in iminerotiH in stances, nnd when the disease had liccomc fixed nnd IntHed the skill of physicinns; Hud I have never known it tail. I hns universally produced the most happy cffirts, nnd I bet lieve it has never lieen exceed-d by uuy inedieine iu remo ving the bilious clisiraves of the climate. Yours, respeelfullv. STEi'lIEN V. R. TROWBR1DOE. Agent for Sunburv II. B. MASSKR ; Nortliniiilierltuid, WITIII()TO.I Jlf'Co.j Milton, J. II. UASIUI: SeliMS gn.ve, MAY & KLOSK. MnyO, lffS tf TO PHYSItUJR, DRCCniSTrijiD" COL'XTItY MERCHANTS. lK. J. N. KEEI.EIJ & Hro. most rotmectfulty solicits nttcnlioti to tlu'ir lrcsli stock ol Em? Iish, French, German ami Aniriean Drue, Mi'il- icincs, Clirmiciils, Paints, Oils, Dye Stull's, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pntonl Mnliriiir. &c. Having opencil a new storo Ao. 'J'J4 Market St. with t full supply of Fresh Urutrs nnd Medicines, we rc Kpectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock More purchiisinir elsewhere, promising ono and all who may leel disposed to extend to us their patronnire, to sell them Kcntiino Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. Une ol the proprietors being a regular physician. allonls ample guuranlee of the genuine quality of uu articles soui at ineir establishment. Vt o especially invito druggists and country merchants, who mav wish to become arenta for Dr. Keeler't Celebrated Family Medicines, (statl- uaru ana popular remedies,) to lorward their ud dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. N. KEELEU & BKO., Wholesale DruggisU, JNo. 9U4 IMaikct street, Philudelphia. Septemlicr 15, 18 Ii). ly. . PIIIL4UEI. 1'IIIA MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY Dlt. KINKELIN, , IV. Corner vt Third and Union Streets N, liETWKF.N Sl'Kt'CK AHD PINK STKEKTS, PIlILADELrillA ITMFTKFN VKAliS of extrusivo aiv uninterriiptf-U ii:ictu-i: apt'iit in tin city have rtmUrl lr. K. ttiu iiiobt t-xjK-rt mul cuiMVSsiul prai'tiliitutT Jar nml near, in tin irt-iiliuuil of till tliscatirs ni'u private imture. lVrsnut i-iiiirtifl with ulcers tipnii (lieli-Hty, tlinmi, nr U-ki. puiuu iti the htsuior iMtieti, inercuriiil rluMiiuatioiu, BtrirtmcH, irmvH, itiM'.ti urisii! tri'in yutliiull txt:t-jisc or iMipuiilit-n i the blwl. whtTfliy thi. fiimutuiuiu hits bccuiu I'lUcehJoil, are ul) triniti-tl with tiK'ffSB. He who I:u'tii luinm-li" innU'i tlio c:ro oi'Ilr. K., may re liiouy cnliii: iu his huimr nn n entlennn, ami contulaU Jy fcJy ukhi his skill a u pliYKician. TAKK PAUTlCLJ.Alt NOTICH. Vouncf Mr ii who have injured tliemat-twi hy ft certain pi net ire iiuttiled in it liahit froiiunitly learuetl troni evil compamoiiii or at school the eliix-ta of whu h nre uihtly felt, even when uslet'p, hiiU dcviroy b-Ui iniml und tmdy, nliiMild Hpply iuiniKtliately. Weaknran and eoiislitutioiuit Uelnhly ot' ma scalar ener, phyaicat Inwiituile und eii end pritatrntiou, irritalulily and all uervouM uiicclioni. indi Ifevtiun, sIufruifthurM of trie liver, and every diM'jist iii any way tHMiiitx-U tl with the disorder irt" the procrealivu I'une Unlit cured, ami l ull vigor reitored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. . KINKELIN on self Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Bunk jiiat puhliaherl is filled with uanful informntinii on the innriuiuca und iliaenata of the (IiMierutive Drinuis It sihlreaaua itat-li alike u VolITH.AlANHOOUaiid ol,li AtK, uisl slioukl tie rend hy all. The vuluultle advice and iiupreaaive warning; it gives, will prevent ymra of misery and suffering nnd auv uuiuui ly Tin Kiauntla of Lives. I'urenia hy reudinir it will learn how to prevent the des. triictimi of thrir chikirun. A ri'iitltuuu-e of eeiita, eiirlnaetl in a letter nd dressed to Dlt. K1.NKKL1N, N. W. c-Titer of '1111111)4. I NIO Streets, between tpruce & I'lne, l'lliliulelplnu, will ensure a Issik, Ulster envelope, or return f UHti. I'erannaata dimauee may uddresa IJr. K. by letter, (post, pnitl,) snd lie eured ul lioinu. I'ACKAtiKri DK WKliiriFI-S, UlRKCTlONS, 4e forwnnlnl liy aendnijr u reiinttauce. and put up aeiuie Irian UAMAliK or CI lllnt'TV. Book-sellera, New Aneiits,Pedbira, Canvasaors, iukI all othrra supplied with the above work at veiy low rules. February 9, lBoti. ly riLSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue pajs-r for A covering clacB, &c. for sale at tlio olliec ot the American, STONE War, Earthen Ware. Raisins, Al- nioiids. Prunes and Cream Nuts. Plauca of ull kinds. Sail and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FKIUNU Suubury, Dec. 2'J, lUitf. .'.7 .J.V. HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. MAWACAIIRRTTH . All anlvnnt Innka I dil U. 8. Brink iinti-i lft dial HHODK ISLAND. All lvmt hnnka I dla Ail solvent Irnnkl CnOMTRV. CONM-l'I'lfHT Bunk nf Chnmlirrrilmrg 1 rlin Bank of Chrfltnr Co. pur n iivmu hnnka di. INKW YORK. Bnnk of Dnl. Co. Cheater par Bonk of (iermnntowtl nnr eiTT. All advent Innka Bunk of clcUyi'l.iirrr 1 ilia VTHk iiotr-a umler S3 I dia nmiK oi iwiatown Bank of M iililk'town Id CODITHT. All Mventa Innka 1 dla NKV JKKSEY. Belvidcre Bmik dia Commerclnl Hunk I dia niMiiTimrry i;n nniiK nnr Bunk of I'lllaliiirg 1 Bnnk of Danville n:ir Knr. Bnnk Mont Holly pnr Citrlixlp Hunk f din1 Colnmliin Il'k A IVfrn Co pnr lliiytliUiwii Bunk pnr . "I .11 ., MlllillMouril l"t. MI Mwhnnica' Bk. Newark imf Merh. Bk of Biirliiijt.m pnr Meeh. Mnn. Bk 'frent pnt Morris Co Bnnk dia Newurk Bk'nfclna.Coldia Orange Bnnk riia l-,nstnn muiik pnr I'.rie Bunk I Kxrliunfff B'k Piltaliurrr 1 din r.xrnniifre ii k, nninrh 1 iIiri T'lirinera1 B k, BnckaCo ntir'I ik''a Ilk Patterson I H,. rnrmr8' Itk, linfuatcr pnr1 Fnrmel, Bk. Hiutilinir nur Prinertnn Bnnk r-r jSnlBin Bunking Co, par Fnrm. Bk rVlinvlkill Co pur1 FAD. Bk Wiiynmira H,ln i;o linnK J dia rlnte Bnnk at Cnmden nnf smte Bk F.liznliethton dia Stnte Bank Newark I dta Stnte Bk, N. Brunawick nar Frnnklni Bk. uli'n ljdi Hnrrialmrir Bnnk 1 dii. Hiinadnle Bnnk 1 ditu linrMBti-r Bunk pnr.Snwii-x Bnnk, Newton I dia iirnmmn muiik pur Trenton Banking Co par Virion Bnnk, Dover dia Vnrdlej-v'le fcDel Dr Co lAdi. lyiik note, under M J dii ITirirn. n niHJI. jintlK 1 il iiniern- ri k, 1'oir.avine rwr IMontinfruhrlu Bnnk 1 din Tnyloriv'c !! B'e Co 15 dia Went Brunch Bunk pnr Wyoniiiiu Bk, Wilkcah'c purl DFLAWARK. Bnnk of Delaware par Bnnk of Smyrna naf mum, i rl Delnwnre City Bnnk nr (TUelief nntea 1 dii MAINE, Ilk Wilmir'n Brnndvw. par Fnrmera' Ilk St Deln wnte pur Union Bnnk. Wilmington par liT Under RVa dia Bnnknf WhiMliK k Sdis1 mi'rcnntile Hk, Bnnrnr Indi All KHviMit linnka j dim OHIO. All solvent linnka 9 ilia INKW HAMl'SHinE. All solvnit Innka dla VKHMdNT. t?"Bk note, nniler S'a i dia WtiHTII CAROLINA. All solvent hnnka 9 dia Bunk of st Allmna S dia All solvent buuka J i it't'nderS'a, SI dia IMPORTANT TO TIIE TUDLIC. ZOP.SE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or entile to die, when the means of cure nre within the reach of all! The undersigned has spent several years in th itndy of etennnry practice in "Loudon and E l.uboro he has also availed himself of the resear- stud ilinl , e j ., , ""'-ii vi me resear n.es... i.n.ug, nun olliereelrl.rated men, who have contributed so much towards n judicious treatment ol animals; the principles of our practice comri.U in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejeetton of nil medicine, that experience has slmwn to be of a dangerous lendnncy. These ro "" '." 1 """nony witn the vital principle, and when given according to tho directions which ac company each article they am capable uf -,citinr nnd increasing the natural functions, without Hi. mi.. ;-!,:.. . .i .... . , . ........... ,.H , , ,.,r..v,T m(. po,.,.. h(rice af(J snleiii tho huiids of every one. CJ. H. DADD, M. B. A List of Horse nml Cuttle Me.lli ln.. Physic bnlls, T.V. per box. Alterative Imll, 75c do. " powders for L'nd condition, 75c per pack; rttrp. 1 Henvo .owder for discuses of the lunirs, 75c dci ......e,ow. erior " kitluevs. 75c dm 1 nine powder for luid ertndiii.in . j... Cordial drink lor inllaiiiatiou of bowels, 75c per bottle. ' Liquid blisler, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth ff hair, 50o per pot. Healtnir halsn m for wounds and snddlft ealls.75c per bottle. Wash lor nilbirird eves. 5(le nnr l..,nl(.. Oiiitiiient f..rni;intre'cnitclie, old sort's, Ac. 50c per Uttlle. ' Lmhrocntion for sore throat, 73c. per Itotllc Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50d per bottle. Horse Liniment, tho most celebrated nrliele known in Lnjrland lor lameness of every descriptioii. 75e oc .'! per bottle. l)istfiiiier powder for red water, ijl per Isitlle. WoyiivH.owders for Hie removal nf Worms from the intestinal eiitial, 75jht package. For sale by !TI.Ml'ON & KUBD, 26 Mer chants Row, nlso at DADD's HORIsK AD CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 & a Hayinarket Square, Uoston. Pamplilels descrihiinf the disi-asci! for which these remedies arc used can be had gratis. Numerous Ccrtillcntcs are iu possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi' cines. Sold by UREEN cc FLETCHER,No.26.Soui SIAPH Street, Philadelphia, nnd by his AriKvrs IIkmiv Mhhkii, Sunbury( Pel a tut ry a, 181!) tf COLUMBIAN SERIES OF" STrftttwctft0. The Pupil's friend and Teachers Comfort. 'f HE COLUMUIAN CALCUI.ATOIU-Tlii. - work is nlreadv ititroiluccd into some of the best Ai adamids nnd a Iarg;e miilller of Schoola( yhere its use has (riven decided and universal mt' tisfaclion, both to teacher nnd pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal ni tlcm of currency. It contain more, the arrangement are lirlter, and it Is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now lit use) and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers ttnd nisji of science in the Uni' on, who have recommended it, It is the book) particularly and expressly prepared for our Akw ricau Scholar t By Almun Tielrior. Thk Youth's Culcmman Calculator. Thi volume contains Ul pages, with aliout 000 exam ples for solution on tho slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, CoinKtund Rules, Simple nnd Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three. Proportion, ccc. '1'n Kxtnt's AniTiiMKTicAL Tahlrs, Is destined" for the use of younger classes In tho 'Schools of the Lulled States. A Iteautil'ul little hook end pleas ing to children, and tho only oncofthe kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetic! bound tin gle or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of Ihe questions are given with much extra matter for the black lioard. The Keya are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred example in Mensuration, &c, for the use oT the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who ia acquainted with the science of Arithinciic, will hesitate to pronounce them the licst work ths have ever been published in tliis or any otlier country. Although issued hut a few months, they have already Iieen introduced into the Night Public Schools of Now York City in all the School public and private, except two, jn the City of Reading. Also, in ulaiut twenty Acadamicain the .-mm oi l eniisyivania in a large portion of the School in tho City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and iu the Ilorough of Hurrisburg, rK, naiuitfrsiturg, Jjcltanon, Uo) lestown, I 'otls le, Orwigsliurg, &c, Ac For sale by Hknht M asseh, Sunbury, Agent Northumlierlaiid County. Ior iViitliuinlterliiiicI County, nuntiury, .Dec. it, 1848. PTEITT 1EIC!X1T3. ISrecn' Oxygenated Hitter, irk reducedi Old Jacob Townsoiid's Sarsaiiarilla. linker's Sarsaiarilla. Swayne' Syrup of Wild Chcrr Swayno'a Vermifuge. Ayre' Cherry Pei-toral Dr. Drake' Panacea. Dr. Cullen'i do Tibbit's Puin KUIcr. Dr. Hoofland' German Hitter; Indian Vegetable Pill Horse and Cuttle Medicines ForJoby HENRY MASSES. Sunbury, July 14, 1819. . 1 )OOKS and (Sold Pen. (Jn hand several cop-J-J io of Uio life of t'hrut, and also number of gold jien whieh we will sell at Ilia Philadelphi price.. For Kilo at thisoilice. , ENNEDYVJ TATENT SASH FAS TENINCS A cheap and excellent arti . cie lor fusteuing sash fur sale by , J. W. FRILLN0 , 6unbury, July 7, lUt'J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers