aaiira SUNJJUKY AMERICAN AJN) SJ1AMOK1N JOUltNAL. rALL or hie iron Rtumfte and uiif.au TCt CRASH, on THE eSFAV YOItK AND erie kahkoad. , Stgamrr Thomas Powell, Hudion River, Aug. 1, 1850. J Tho most frightful view I ever beheld, vras this morning, 'between 4 and 5 o'clock, at what is Called tho iron bridge, between Narrownbtfrgh and Lacka waxen, on tho New York nd Erie Railroad. - Thii bridge gave way yesterday abdu't half-past 12 o'cldck-, as Ufa tnorning Tfelglit train, going 'cast, was crossing. The express had patfscd but a short time 'before. At the loebmotivo of the freight train came on the bridge, it began to settle ; tho engineer put on all possible '-team, and by Ua increased power succeed in reaching tho "opposite stone abutment, but tho clfort threw the engino from tho track, which nlono sAved it from being drawn back into tho general Vtrin. The bridge foil immediately, precipitating the next car into tho abyss. Tho bridgo was about 60 feet in length, and the ravino aome 25 feet deep. A stream cf watit ran in a flood undor the bridge, and a saw mill just below. The disastrous occurrence pre sented somo thrilhngly afclul scenes. Ono hundred and thirteen beeves, five hundred -and thirty-one hogs, and one hundred and sixty sheep woro, by tho breaking of the bridge, precipitated into tho ravine. There wero soventcen cars beside the engine and tender. Tho scone, just after the accident had oc 'Currcd, is described, by thoso who witnessed it, ns being piteous in the extreme, ami hor rible 10 behold. There wero imhlo oxen writhing in tortures, and making tho whole mass nclivo by their throes, made in tho vain " tinilcavor to extricate themselves ; some with their 'horns 'broken off, some with their backs broken, and sumo only held fast by masses of the ruin being piled upon thr'ir limbs. their crius are represented as having been nt the same time 'heart-rending and hideous. Some, mad willi fain, their eyes starting from their -socket with rage, seemed bent on wreak inn 'vengeance- on whatever object Was iiertrfcst to tlievn. Others, subdued by their sufferings, moaned and seemed to int iloro -release. The sheep pimply bleated, itnd the few of t'iiem that happened to cs tape, went quietly In nibbling irrass by the Kiaiisiilo. Quite differently the swine. They woro belligerent, and those beneath the ruins fought with each other as lei;:; as there was life in them, while the nunc: lucky unes that escaped made for the woods, as it (lying from somo impending danger. As soon as the momentary panic had subsided, the men who had escaped injury set to xvctk to relieve their companions It was soon as certained that Randall and the brnkoman, Tico, wero neat each tstlier, and were both alivo mid by tiO means despairing. Soon' fcanAall's voice was heard. Ito called out for water and waved his hand, which was at length seen. A linen handkerchief was sat urated with water and put into his hand. He withdrew his hand, exhausted tho moisture nnd retn rnod the handkerchief to siijlit figaiu. Vt was now found that a powerful ox, foam irg xviiri rage, and throw ing his head nrotiud in agony, would prevent the men from work ing in the immediate vicinity. Tho animal r ronld not possibly be extricated, and it was necessary to shoot him to prevent him from doing mischief. The ox was. therefore, shot, and it is supposed that in his death struggle he taHised the death of Raiyiall, as it was rtibsequently found that the creature's hind foot was on his person.- The same ox lay partly tirrossTice, the brcakmun ; both were (lead when extricated. Randall was about thirty-five years of age,' and leaves a wife nnd four children. His body was coffined nnd sent to his friends in tho western part of New York; Tice, it is thought, was not married ' ho lived near 1'ort Jervis, and his body Vas also conveyed lo his friends. Mr. Bryant saw that every possible attention was paid to tho remains Of his assistant, young Clapp. He lies now in u quiet and beautiful little churchyuid near tho scene of tho acci dent. Randall behaved coolly and bravely while ho lived. Ho did not despair but conversed as well as he couldi At ouo time, when his friends wero cutting with an axe, ho said : "Bo careful, men, don't chop my head ; you're cutting too near my head." He did not murmur nor grow peevish; Tice, the brakemun, also deported himself manfully. His arm was broken, but he kept up good spirits as long as his strength remained. They died about three o'clock, but their bo dies were not released till eleven. A MOMAJi OF A TIIOlSANi). A correspondent of the New York Com mercial instances a remarkable display of genuiuo patriotism, by thu wifu of a gentle man who at one time, kept u restaurant in that city 1 "If you would liko to see a sight 'worth seeing,' gb and take your lunch at 'Gosling's American and French Restaurant,' 17 Nas sau street. You will there find behind tho Junch table, wailing on tho guests- with mo dest dignity, nnd cheerful assiduity, a lino looking rosy-checked bluck-haired leuiale, a specimen of perfect health and eheei fulness, und younger in appearance than tho vast majority of women ut forty This is the wifo of tho host thu mother of 21 children tho eldest of whom is 32, and tho young est two yeursold, 13 of whom, with 10 grand- children, are still living ; sho rises every morning at (ivo and does tho marketing for this great establishment ; and during several of thu busiest hours of tho day, sees that the guests are propel ly waited on and attended to. fcfho confesses to -IS years, but without the confession bho would not bo deemed guilty of forty. Had sho lived in tho days of ancient Rome, sho would have been entitled to, and would have received thu honors of tho Republio, and certainly it cannot bo mis placed to bestow this brief notice on one who has contributed so many citizens to her country, and whose good conduct in her daily walk in Jife, and modest demeanor and cheerful efforts to aid the partner of her lot, present so useful an example for imitation." Frederick Douclass was mobbed in Columbus, Ohio lately, and battly escaind will Lis lift. TIIRIIIOI.KRA TlinOtmilOUT THE WEST Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 6. A mooting is about to be held in this city to deviso cniia lary measures rolalivo to tho cholera, ns num. bers of cases and deaths continue to occur daily. Tho victims, however, aro mostly people who are living in a filthy and abau doncd condition. Rirminoham, Ta., Aug. '6. Several cases of cholera aro reported to have occurred here, and also along tho canal. There is consider able excitement on the subject, as last year tho disenso was quite fatal here. Louisville, Aug. 0 Alarming reports of the spreading of tho cholera throughout the country continue "lo bo received, but hero there are a but few deaths. Cincinnati, Aug. '6. Tho deaths by chole ra in this city yesterday were only 0, though there were a rrunfVr from dysentery, iliar irrtra, &c. Nrjp Pf.ve'lopments in the Case or Vno fessor Webster. .Wo have just learned of somo facts which go far to show tho litter falsity of Piofessnr Webster's confession ns to the disposition of Dr. Taxman's body, ami by which ho attempted to show his want of premeditation in tho killing. A KtTident nt tho Medical College has this morning, for the first time,-disclosed that at the time of tho murder, while ho was in tho dissecting room entry, ho distinctly heard sounds of something being dragged over the stairs leading to Professor Webster's lower labora tory which he has now no doubt were thus produced by the descent of Dr. I'arkmau's body. An examination nf (lie sink in the upper laboiatory, described by Professor Webster as tho one he used lor tho dismem berment of the body, demonstrates its posi tive incapacity for tho purpose, it being of very small size. And furthermore, the hand hose w hich Professor Webster speaks of in his letter of explanation to the Council, as used by him to convey water to the said sink was this morning measured by olliocr O, 11. Spurr, ami found to be a couple of feet loo short for that purpose. Jiostim Transcript, Juhj 31. tiii: moiitii .u!omn i:i,i:n io. liAt i'iiiii, N. ('., Aimust r. Tho returns thus fur show that Keid, the Democratic candidate fin Coventor, has Liaiit e I -71X1 votes, which places: his eleelion be you. I a doubt. The Democrats hnvu gained ci-j lit members of the Legislature. The Wliiu' vo'.o has lallen very i-hoil . The Demo crats will carry tho u lile Mate -elect llieir d'overnor and have a majoiity in the Legis lature. CIHH.DKA. ' PlTTsi;t;t!i;n, Aug. 5 The prevalence of the Cluriciu in this city is beginning to create much alarm. l'miu some unexplained cause we have no sanitary committee lo repot t a correct list of deaths, though the cholera is evidently increasing. An undertaker told mo this morning that then; wero as many ns thirty interments on Sunday, (yesterday.) This is perhaps a slight exaggeration. The fatality appears lo be confined' principally imoiig'tho Germans and poorer classes. The irttemperalo use of Vegetables isthepiinci pai cause. Thu Si'ANirii Prixce. The body of the deceased infant Prince of tpaiii was em balmed, ami placed in the royal chapel. Among the measures employed lo presoivc tho life of tho Prince wero poultice:, baths of ether, nidation by bellow's, and finally the placing of the body iii the warm skin of a sheep which was killed in the royal cham ber. Saratoga is Full. Tho Albany Atlas says, that 1-180 persons dined at tho United Slates Hotel on Sunday last, and that Con gress Hall, the Union, nnd other boarding houses, were, at the saint! time, filled to over. flowing. There nro 0,000 visiters at the place, many of w hom, ol course, aro colo nized at private houses. "What would I i.ikkto Have !" said Mrs. Winterblossom. "Why, a two bushel basket full of needles, and all of them ero needies worn clean tip lo the eyes making bags, and all of them ero bags chock full of diinur.s. You would'nt talk about Calil'orny nrter that." Thu Minutk (Jin at Sea The royal mail steamship Camilla, when ubotit lour bonis out from Liverpool, met tho Niagara, with the Hag of the United States tit half mast at the line. As the Canada appeared in siht the Niagara commenced firing min ute guns. The two vessels then approached within speaking distance, and the mournful intelligence of tho President's death was communicated lo those on board the Canada. Thu new s would bo in Loudon, probably, on tho evening of tho 20lh, only eleven days after his decease, and without any previuus warning of his illness. Tun Corn Ckoi i.st Mouth Carolina. The Norfolk lleacotl learns that the con: crop lias improved very much since the storm, und it is now thought that at least a half crop will be raised, if the weather continues favorable. Tho follow ing is tho inscription u m ti the monument on the vault owned by Prof. John W. Webster, on thu Narcissus Path, Mount Auburn : "Aucl u death ! dij lis pn iot; siliii Ainmuuii' thy cumin.;, and thy way prt pure I No wiunim; voice, no liariiiin;cr was thine Danger uiiil l'r.ir ticiiuid p.i.'.l but lllou xvct't there ! l'l'ophclic rounds ut. in..; the oailliipiakc's path run-n il Km liuur of .'saline's iiwlul tluuce ; Anil lim vi.kjiiu, r,c it lansbi in wraili, Vlllls flilltl hiilili iur:iM I'l.iMi ltd i.'iijl rIWis.i . Itnt 111. hi l..b Ki.i.-If I ... LO .....I ....I'.... ; ,,,..,..,., Cum t hko ttic liijUiniii'j's Ihsli, when licuvcu Wit Ullsc'ICUC. Loud BnouuitAM, tho English papers state, at a meeting of the Law Amendment Socie" ly, lately announced his intention to proceed lo the United States, in January or February next, with a view to co-operate with tho law reformers in this country, which had already so distinguished itself in the science of juris prudence. New Emlanu hao expended S70,OUO)000 in Railioudti in lour )tai. Tarks lit IiO-inoN. The Commissioners of tlit London Exhibition of ISM, have selected Hyde Park. Tho extent of the various Parks is given in their statement ns follows: Thu nrea of Hyde Park is 387 acres; Kensington Gardens, 2!0 ; Regent's rnrk, 403 ; St. James Park, 83 ; Green Tark, 71 ; Victoria Park, 160 Greenwich Park, 171; making; a tolal of 15G8 acres; while only twenty acres are proposed to be taken for the purpose! of this ex-h'ibition. There is a lady in Cincinnati who has lost three husbands by dealh within ten months, and is now engaged to a fourth! She seems determined to see lier way through life by tho light of Hymen's torch. The Chops in western New York nre said to have never appeared more abundant and promising. Juode Washington declines lo deliver a eulogy upon General Taylor in Lowell. Santa Anna has gone into tho brokerage business in Carlhagena, New Grenada. The attempt to light Schenectady with red head girls, has been abandoned, but the girls have not. A CAN.Mtv bird in Cincinnati whistles walt zes. Another one has been trained lo per form, and very sweetly too, the air nf "Yan kee Doodle." The generosity of Cincinnati butchers has no limit, hundreds ol dollars worth uf beef is weekly dish Hinted among the poor. 1'rowns blight yotin children, as frosty nights blight young plants. AIam! Van liritES and his sous, John And Abrah am, are at Saratoga. JiIosey is the servant of somo men, and tho master of others. Novel Importation. Half a pound of lea seed in the ship North Wend, of Calcutta, ut lioston, to Junius binilh, of New York. A Hoi'sr. von tub Royal Cmildiiev. The (Jueeii of England has recently purchased the lioekwell Hall estates, near Noiwood, Suney, for a iiursey for the young princes Hid priueesi-cs. Tut-: Lvi:t:rn Divrcr Cas! The I!o4o:t l'o:.t touches oil' this case as fol- ovs : Y liy Ibis !i."ve J Ueerti-e, m liien.l, hcnWu !.;,''.-; i;e.. ! mt so hiliom.ni, 'i'h'-s iui;i'l ; 1 1 ' v a free white 1 1 1: 1 1 Vu unity il!i a f)! ul. v-u.l it Mf.ncn.w T'.s ;.i;;i.im: mi, -it n Win thy ol special leinaik, that besides the eat and eMiaordinaiy powers in tho cine of diseases of the hoise in which its virtues first attracted tho attention of the furrirr ami farmer, and tho wonder of the public gener ally, it has been successfully employed in a great variety of the maladies which tilled the human race: and it has proved, by the wonduiful cures it has performed on the lower animals, that it is endowed with cura tive propcities not louiid in other horse oils, w hich has established its claims to geneial confidence. A pamphlet of description may bo had GKA m of tho agent. Sold by II. Masser, Sunbury, nnd other Druggists in the U. States. t i i: o. In Jackson township, mi the 13th nil., Mr. KOISKIIT WKST liKACHKL, aged i'7 years 5 months and -S days. l)c iUavkcts. Philadelphia Market. August 6, !r0. Floi p.. Flour is quiet at $5 l?ia S3 18 Extra Flour at J5 a b 00. liye Flour. Pennh. is selling at $2 UT. Corn Meal is worth 2 B7 per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand; small sales of new red fcuuthoiu ut SI 13 ; and good white at 1 lti. J!vt:. Penua Uyu is held at (Joe. per bush. Chun. Corn is in demand ulti5e. lor yel low ; While is woith 02 cents. Oats. Oals are still very scarce; sales of prime Penua. from store at 60 cts ; South ern aro woith 46 a 47c. Whisk ky. Sales of Whiskey In bbls at 2Cc and hhds at 25o cents. Baltimore Market Aug. f-, 1S50. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds weio made to-day ut 118 cts., and Peun. white at i:ts. CoiiN. White at (i.r a fid cents, and of yel low at (iti cents. Sales of Maryland ltyo at 62 a' M cents. Oats. Pi ices taiiue from 44 lo 45 cents. Whiskev. Sales of bbls wero madeut 2G cents, and of hhds tit 25 cents. SUMJUKY I'UICE CUKUl'NT. CurrcitcJlicccLly by Hang Mu'tacr. WllKAT. - It' Kih - - ! Con. .... no O.crs. - . . M7 lilTTI.ll. - - - .12 KliliS. . . . . K . 1'llllK. .... ft Ki.iXHim. .... Tallow. ' - - - 10 Hl.KSWAX. - '-- Kl.A - - - H II II k II II I'll T. ... U l)li 1 1 li A i rl.KH. .... titj lJu. J'AlHhK. - - .00 I'lxOCLAM A'ri()Nr. IV! O'l'lt.'I! is hercliy icu that the several couiis nl I 'omiiiiiu IMeas, I leueral tuarler Sessions uf the p. ai l , ami Oijiliaus' Court, Court ul'lHi i and 'J'ci miller nod I icni r.il Jail Di I'im i v, in und ti.r ihe ei'Piiiy of .iir1hutiilM'ilaud, to cnniiin-ui e at llic Court itoiise, in the Ixirou'.di ol Suulnirv, ut II) oMuik, A. M.on Miiudav, f.tli ol Aue.iU n. xt, i!t coniiiiiin o w i:i;ks. The ci.Miii'r, .lusiii'i's uf Hip I'enen nnd rnttsta hii a in and for llm county of .nrthunilH i land, tire ijui slt'd In ho iheu nod there ill their prnH'r per K.ii.s, Willi their rnlls, ieemls, iinpiisiiious, und oilier reiueiiil'iances, lo do those, tilings lo Iheir -iM-ial ollicts upn rtainiiii; lo he iluoi-. And ull witnesses pioseculiii!; ill ludialf of Ihe Coniiiion wcallli uuainst uny prisoner tire uLo ri'iiu-sti d and coloinnildi d tu be tin ll and them nHeinlma; in llieir proicr h''mhS to prosreute iiaint him, as slinll he just and not lo depart without leave ut Iheir js-ril. Jurors are rciuested tu hepunctuul in their iitU'liduiice, ut tho time appointed agrepuhlo to tlip'ir nolicps. Civeii under my lunula ut Sunhurv, the thli day uf March in the ycur of our l.nrd one llniucind ri-ht liiiinlrpd uiiil filly and Ihe liidpiieiiilrnrr ol the 1 llltld Slates of Ann lira ihe Vllb. jamcs covr.itT.fcuir. fjod iavt ihu CoinuiouviLllh LIST OF JUK0RS. V Nnrtlmmlirrliiiid County Tor August Term A, 1). 18.")0. (si'aiid Juror Namks. OrctiPATios. Hksidfnce. Win. Nesbit, Farmer, Chiliscpunpie, Kobert Campbell do . Rush en. Kuhrabach, Fonndorer, Sunbury .las. Ihichler, Curentur, Up. Augusta. Jnhn Vniiant, Farmer, Sliamokiu. Henry tlaan, Innkeeper, Coal John Voris, Farmer, Chilisuno,ue John Sehtfilel;, Tailor, Sunbiny .Hubert Les'her, IWlhuildcr, Norllinm'land Henry Shrjie, Farmer, Low. Anguslu James ('ntnetiVt, do Delawaro Jacob Weiser. do Jackson Michael Stii've, do Low. Aiigusla Samuel Jolinsoii do liusll Daniel llitrsh do do .las. Wilson, Carpenter, Lewis John Colilren, Farmer, Low. Anguslu Davhl DnnkellieiL'eiyilo Lit Mitliunoy (!eo. Yoiiiil', Kiiekmaker, Sunbiny John S Hans, F.miiei, Up Aiiyiist.t Isaac Seller, Itlavksinilli, Low Mahonoy Isnne Do Witt, Farmer, Low Augusta Win Vnstine, lo ltush John V Kliiif, do Up Augusta Travrwc .Inrorsi i'eo Miilclih.-r, Farmer, Hush, ('has Alexander, do Shamokin Andrew Ariiislroug, do Tuibiit John Seiberl, do Didawaro Ii'ii Trilesbach, iln Lewis .bilui W Miles, ('eutlemaii, Northuiub'd Win ('on rail, Faimor, Low Aumisla Peter Cobel, Tanner, Jackson Wm M Auteii, Mill'.vi ight, Chilisipiaipie Miehaid Deik, Wheelw right, Coal John Mover, Farmer, Up Mahonny Michael Wert, Miller, Low Mahouoy David Malieh, Fanner, Up Malmuoy Jacob So il, Cent , Low Mahouoy Joseph lYbiian. Fanner, Up Aniriisla John N. Oyster, ilo Didawaio Ceo Dimm, do Lewis Heui Troxel, do ChilisiiiaiiH! Jos Veitzel, do Low Anguslu John Hull, do Shamokin Jehu HiiiLNimau jr.. Itoalmau, L. Mahony Siinon Polke, Millwright, Chilisiiiapio Edward lliioy, Farmer, Point Jacob Ceise, do Up Mahouoy John Malieh, Justice. do do Jos Snyder, Cent.," Coal Hugh II Teals, Farmer, Shanlokin Jesse Teats, iln do John I'.bright do Low Angiixla Jacob Eveit, ilo Up Mahonoy Henry .laeksoii. I.alioier, Milton Jaeoli Shipman, Farmer, Low Augusta Dniiel Kaufman. do Up Mahouoy .1 it I? t ll.ii I, l;i;reksmilh, Low Augusta John DCowdcn. Shoemaker, Alillou Isaiah Miller, Fanner, Sliamokiu I' 'iij. 'J'leiiii, do Jackson D.in'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 i:t it . Cai p"iier, Low Aie.'nsla Ic id'cn S.e.dei, Wlteelwi ivlil, Sliamokiu t i'eo I'lmi, Sin. I p Ale ukia John '.ininiei man, Farmer, bow Anjii-ta I 'hi! ip Wia vei . do li'ush I'ii'ii . 'o!vi'i Ion, do Slrtmol.iii .lusi-pli W.illis, (;eiilleinan, Point Henry Kopley, I'.Liuier, Shamokin .Ins Itiirmau. boatman, Milton Alex. Cull, lilacksuiitli, Noi Ihnmbei laud Michael Looker, Justice, Low Mahonoy. I'll it Jurors Jacob Shaffer, Farmer, Low Mahouoy Dau'l llilbish, do Point John Snyder, do Low Augusta .las Smith, do Up do Anthony Watson, do Point Alex lieed, Plasterer. Cliilis(naque Adam (iilger, Farmer, Shamokin ('has (lule, do Chilisipiaipie lieneville tlolshue, Merchant, Up M.ih'ny Wm Forsythe, do Northnmberl'd C'oinly Vincent, Farmer, Lewis Jotin Hummer, do Point Solomon Folk, do Up Mahonoy A b Tioiilmaii, do Jackson ( has Mmgaii, do Point Dan'l Kraiitigain. Cent., Noilhumbeilainl Jacob Stitel, Farmer, Delawaro John Weil, do Jackson Jas Lowrey, do Delaware .las Haves, do do Elias Walton, Carpenter, Milton Ab. Lawrence, Koalinau, do Samuel Lurch, Farmer, Lewis Jas D Hair, Justice do Jos Hays. Laborer, Delawaro Uenlien (laringer, Farmer, Up Augusla Dau'l Mi-Falls, , do Tuibul Mark Slack, do Up Augusta Peter l.eil, Miller, Lew Augusta D.in'l lie Witt, farpier, do do John li Heller, do Chilis(ita(pie II. II. Knoeble, do Shamokin Jos Hoover, do do Samuel 1'veeser, do Low Ang!lta Coo Enrich sr., ilo Low Mahonoy Witi Hayes, Merchant, I)claw;tre. LIST OF CAUSES. f7Vli trial io the Court Conllriou JV:k of Nnr ' tliiiinlierlaild County alAujjust Term 1S50. I'llileinnn mlm'r. of (ico. Tin) heirs cirThos. Oriiiit, ilcc'il. (iraut lloivcrs LoivIkt ct al name Jonas llowmnu i t al vs (irnrRP Milli-r t son vh Joiiiih ItoWillii vs Samuel Kuutfuiuii Dan. llle &. 1'ott ille vs Hnywowl & Snyder vs (.porre Hcrkert Vs Win. A res . vs Win. Mid'ay'saihn'is vs Jaenh llollinuu vs lliKh'P &' llarrct vs l)i Mart ' .lordanetal -xs ldial III eila letid IMil loKlll I 'll. Win A It. Fcmly Frcdi rick Keener Henry Jl.liurr Lacli Slrneckiir l'i ler l!ii hler's ex'rs Aim Myers K.ichaei McCartv Wm. Xi li. Fccly &Cn. xs John Hhissler Jiu'iili Kureliiier vs Hiiiiiel rrymiri! ct it 1 ( -lias. W. liii liarils Mary Snyder ilul same Win II Thompsoii 1'uutius iV Thoiiipsou xs Joseph I'ellil vs iioU'il W Dunn vs James Dunn xs Jacoh I 'ahrl vs Siiintiel It Wmul S D Jordan, S lliuiU r Alex .lord in ( 'mil. for Suinl Fuiiilau vs John It Millpr vs John It Itovd's rx'rs KoU'it Mel'ay xs l'.vvard A Kiil.uer Jaeoli l'liilips vs (JeorHC 1;. Wciuicr .1 S l uwc.icc u.ln.'r of & w,Wr fl il Small l.cittlinu. J Clayton for J Me Williams vn John ltowcn F O'Doiinell I'nf in F .Mailo vs John Divers Mary Yickery vs I'l ler Fcssler sumo vs l'etsr llrosiuus tiiiiui vt John Hiilili snuih vs Daniel (iouscrt Ch.ulis II l'riik xs F.li Slif.-r Tims I'lUiimiiiiS el id Xs J I'a.ke iV I) li Ki.-lii'l J.niailtau l.ced.iin 1 1 al xs W in Mi-Oay's udui'is t'hiisliaii liu!liii;;i'r I ifall '.;p Tl OM'l I 'has. A . A mire Daniel 1 1 aililaklill M B.nw r S.::nuet Sea.'n.ol e l i 1 1 1 ' S. A. .I.iidau el al J. is ( 'niiilin t'-i i t al xs Chiulcs lllUlsl'l xs Itenj. C. Clayton vs 1". Matthews vs John I '.iiiriid s ICi'-hai.l I ioodiiiaii x. I'hiiip Sjniyd xs lie. i lion man s lolill A rnold xs John ;N Lane i l u J Dixon ly A Dixon xs lioiilmin It Kumj J llnnlcr X wile vi? Dr. J S Dninj il IS Caul iV (! l.awreiiic s 11 tV F illichu llauiiali Mi'liloiueiy xm .losi pli Klnuids Jii-eii iV Urns, lor Tlluwunl xs llcu'iy LuuU David l'criy vs Aliraliaiu I.uiijpr K1ioi xs lleinv llalderiimii Coin, liir I' Ilih iiiaii vs Thos A Itilluinl.in Klials'lli F rick's vx'tm xs Jolin Krick's ex'rs Moiilitouicry A Swuny vs James Covert Jolin Umly Win Mel h ry fleiij Hiiinmel ' .M siKHret Sumi'ii r vs Samuel lilaiu vs Samuel A Leidy vs 1'liilip Cloifcltpr vs The rx'r of H Summer W K shoPinakpr nilm'r Ti r.f John HsaK deed vt, lol.n Hiuumt l Jut, Kiik..itriik Jonathan Oliver J.i" T Siitlon Si Co vs Hnmurl Kylo J P Miller Indorsee Ac x-s J Miveny '&. Son Cliiytnn fur Alr.Williitius vx .too Wnviitre Win I. IVwnrt xs iSdrtliuinh'hiint cotinty K 1) ('iimniins vs Montirnmcrv At Miistcllcr M Miller vs If St F Willu'lm JAfob Stitzcl vs Wmnucl L Ret t II K Kimn vs Ceo A Dixon tl 1 ysnn for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Kchncrk John Ilimo nnd wife vs Nn-nn Haiienstlne Jm Ciinither ct al vs Kilvniril D IVsrrB Phllfii Hillmycr vs D II Wntsnn Jnroh NiltrAtier . vs Sioiiucl Jill ret FtVilrrrick Nlirll vs i K Kull's sihn'rs ct si I? MeCor'mick vn Join) Jtiiilev Willinm IVrniit vs IVu-r Adams ibilin Kcssh'r v ( Shiillcr John Dalesiniiit vs llullilii-n t ii'ii A psley vs JN uilliuinliertnnil ci)Utly .billies llii lli'ldiili'll vs salmi V frxcr A ni ileer vs l'ths ( lurtmn Wm M Anleu , vs Tlioiiiiis Ii'iit Win Mrt'lery Vs 11 D CinilliiilpjiS ('ciiihc I.MWTein" vs Allen Slireicr .lllllfx I'.MLNsWOin'li; Vwllfry. I'rothoiiolaty's nltiee Nllnliiiiv, July li, lSol). S rillir, lionks of Thomas A. liilliin;(iil, lali! I Hirrill'iif .Nnilliiiinlii'ihiiiil coiinlv, Iiiim- In cn I' M in my liamly lor eiillci tioii. piTsme: iuili li teil lo him for Mii'ritl' li es, urn rcipiired lo call Imiiiiiliali-ly I'm sctlli'ioi'iil, otln-rwi-ii! mitts will he brought, xvilhonl respi-i t to pi rsous. FUUDF.KICK LAAKUS, J. I'. Niiiiliury, August :t, tsriii NOTICE. A I k persiiiis iiiilrliii'il ro tln sulwiilier on ' iSolcs, lioiik Ari'oliuls noil t 'oii-talile Fees, are hrn l.y iiilorim il li:il his l-mks itr., have Ihtii pl.ircil in I In- hatiils ot' .1. II '.ii!iiii'riitan, l.si., Ini I'lilli rlioli and lit he lull inln suit with out, ilrlny il mil iiiimeih.itrly alti inleil lo. THOMAS A. lill.IdNIJTUN. Sniiliiny, Aiie.usl 1 mTiO. :it 1 i;i iw.ys i:ssi;rl: or J..MAit:A ca.x- ' (illli, ini CM i llenl loliele. Jlutwir's Medicated .Soaii for sun burns, tan, teller, iVc. Ksilwiiv's Circassian ISahu, for thu hair dand- rnll'.Ve. I.'adivav's l.'radv IMii f fi r ("raiuiis, Cliolic, Cholera .Slorhus, A c. Fur sale l y II. 1J. MASSER. Siinliiuv, I lie,. !!, IsMI. NOTICE To Judgement, CrcdKrs. ViO'l'lCt; is hereby nivu In llie .Iii'l:;tenit Creditor of lr. J'olin lt d,, r and Fin nun-1 raelieiao, In apju-.ii-i:i tin f.i.-' Mead i of An- L iel in -.1, and hn can:' v.nv lite jn.1' i-e.li iici-!- illg lipiill the lie ol'llie rent rsl le I if t lie laid K:d.rr and l.ilil;'la in, !i mi l Imi lie liai i net tie- iidiun to I'liniil', ill iX I-. Ilv nit!, r i.J ihe r i. .loil. r (iil'i'ii.Ti ,;l;'v. t 'lolli'v i'11'ii-e i -1 1 1 u 1 1 - , .lid.- I."., ts.'o. ' X i !i .L, X ." . I M en ;: r r e ,f 'n if i. m; Hit H'ii?iM-H niel ffliiilci)l M".ii' N i. 'iri Aortlt "ed St., ln'twcen Arch it Rare, I'im i. !ii li: ia. I M l'l lli'l' to order and li e.e e-n' l:eil!y on hand a erv larifi' n-iiilincnl i'1'ynml-i in llie almve lemied lines nt wholes di! it lit! retail, riinrhally : J3 CLD CO 11 ('erinan, Latin, ( I reek, 1 fcluvw, French, Ilalian Spanish nnd oilier languages; ( lapses, lli.iian- aries, (irinemers, oealiiilarie-i, Selinot, .loieinti!, I'icliire, Drauimj and Model l!ool.s for Ari hiteiis Cahiuel. t'arriaire and other m inufa-'turers. MAI'S, lil.();i:s and lilank Itonks of every (lnser'nii imi. ' Sileudid Lilhograiiliic nnd other Prints. ll sirAi. Isti'.i mi:ts. Acrorde.nis, I'aojiw, ISnws for all string intru. uirnts, Itridge and Tailpieces, ( 'l-ii-'ninel:-, Kili'S, rhezeolelM. I'lutes. (iuiliiM, Oelnvil flutes, i'alcul I leads for illilai s and Vinliiieellns, 'I'auili - Airiucs, Tuning Forks nnd Hammers, Violins, Violin smd (initar l'cgs, Violini i ilus and Strings for all kimU of liislruinrnls Imk-.-ale and Ju t.iil. Ai'ci'r iIcoiim repaired. Also constantly nu hand, wliolosnlf nnd ret'.'il, a lurgn iissiirlinenl of Ihe very Ih sI OE1TWIAW BltONZE POWDER Duti li Metnl. Frem h und Flureiire Leaf MeLd ThcrniouiHi'rs.j 1 lairpeneils,- Fidirr nnd oilier Leadpciieils, lied. While and lllaek Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical I list r nun' li Ih. Searlic.'ltiirs, .vpring l.iineets l'oeket l'resi'riplion nnd Cold Scales and Wrights Letter, Fancy mlorivl ami eilt l'iiirr Flaying Curds und oilier French and (icrniaii Fiinev Articles, for the sale of which, they arc llic MAN't'FACTCKfclM A(!C.NT.S. July B, lRoll. jM.MKXIAMV AIM) IMAlil'.LK. STEAM SAT MILL, AMTI Ill(i Midi', Corner of Eleventh nnd wif'c lload. AND CAM NET MAKERS, GENERAL Fi'llN ISII ISG STORE, Nn. 131 Siml'i S,-etvl Strrt, kloie Dock St., 1'lHI.AIIKI.l'lllA. FjIlK sutincrihers xviiuld rail llm spprial niton- lion of Cnliiuel Makers and olherx, to their very evti'iisi'e ussoilii'.i'ut of luaterinls in their li'in, poiisislint; of M.-dioe.iiiv i-nciTs, I.oards and I'lanl,, ll.m- f'l.illi. ( cried Hair, Chic. Vuiuisli, Lookiuif: (ilass l'lales. Mahogany Knotis, J'cd I'isils, Al.irhlc Tops, and cvi-ty ilescripliou of ll:u-sl-arc rI'ol, t'al'iliet Makers' ri'sidiu'"; out of the City, would liud it ttieally lo Iheir mlvalitan to ell at our slorp In purelnisp such mali rials ha they want, coniieeleil with their husine.-'s. All uur p.ods are WAUIiANTJ',!), of llic licst ipiidi'y, mid ut Very reduced prices. Our Terms are Oash, (no trade.) We ttuaranli c lo ;iio wiry Ulan llic woith of Ins money. T. V. L. 'I'llOMFSOX. N. 11 MahojaiiV, Walnut ;tnd Hand Kail I'laiA, mid S'.iir ISi'llimlers for iiuil.h rs. also Mai hlu M. miles, always un hand, und ticry dc scripti'in of turned woik. June H, IS.'ill y Ui:adv madh "K iake this iiietond to inform the readers of ' llie Sunhuiy A liiciii an, that, should Ihcy visil, Fliiludi'lphia, id uitcst i f Good aud Checip Clothing, und lavor us with a call, lin y sli dl not he disan-pnim.-d ill olilaiuiu. tile h.'.t nf i' a i men I s nl tlu: lowest cash prices. e have now on hand the laii-sl a -s nliiii nl eier nl'i'eieil in I'liil.i.lclplii.i, liiinill'. wliie'i an) ll:i;ss nail t'IMi'K roA'i'S fr.iiii ;:, to ni IWNTS a id V t:sT.s ti-.nu i.i -N. ii s.-,.i)U:t; Cii.T;s, ci.nAhs, i;i m ms s c:; ciivi-.s' ;1.t t'tA'n'Ki:s, nil nt will, ll t.h.ill l e s"l.l nl i ,ieii pi ln- l as I.i inal.o il uii nl'ji cl Inr llic ih'ooU'. of Siuiiuii v mid the sur- luiuidiu conutiy in. t ud lo let iheir pal rnii.ie fi:i;i;v i. r.i:;i.i.i: a cu. South Fasi corner of lilh and Mai Let. July Dt, 1N..U. EX EL W TORS' NOT J CE. mTOIlCn Is liereliv Slivru, Unit kllcrs tela ll liu'iilury, on the lalate of Thomas Vustine, lain of S'liiiinokni township, deed., have Ikiii Rraliled lo tlu) sulnn riheis. All S'rsons haiine, deniaiiils against Paul csl.ito, aie teipicslcil lo pre sent liiciii lor rxiiiiiinalion und u'llliiiient, und iho.-r null la. d .in- i.api. ai dto niake nni'i. .Ii.ue payment. WILLIAM VAsTINK, A Mi s VATIE. t iMII'loktU Ijlf. J, dv I I, l'i. ill. - 01 RESOLUTION Relative to an Amendment of the Consti tutioa Itrvii.vsD st Tim fiTS a-d Hor-s or Hkiti--iti TIVK HP Tim CiiJI.MiifUVKM.TII OT lKMVI.VAMA IS J.RfiK-AI. AxKMnLT MKT, '1'lliit th Cininlilutimi nt II. in i.uinin.i.iivw.111, ,m.,i , ii,,. ,eci,u i.Pti f ,he " """ il f""1 " (""'! The Jiulirim of iiiv liiimii I unrt.oi tliei.rvrml Coiirtm.r Oiuiimim V'l.-on, utid nl " i ithnr L'litinr f nlwrt na nre or 'hull Ihs etn. IIIHI..-.I hy hw, littll I r,,t by tlie qnuliHexl rl-Hon of llie liliiimiiiwtiilih in Hie nniiniT fiill.miiiir, to wil; The Juilifi-ii nt lira Aipraiu Omn l,y Urn qitiiliti.il (Win of I He Cnniiiiiiiiwiull h at Inrce. Tho Prenii-nt JihIiim oT tho snveml l.iiurl- nl Column,, I,.,M nm f m,rn mlii r Unurlti or Kiiviril ns ore or nhiill l,u emnlilmhl by Inw, unit nU nlliiT JiiiIkci rr(iiirril Ut he Imrneil in the Inw, liy lite qlinll hnl elMlur- ol tho rci eriive ilimriem ovti wliirh llu-y arc to .r.wlo or net in Juilm. A, ,),, Ameeinle Jtnlgi--nr tint Court- of Cuintlniii I'livm liy llm qmilifii.il elislnni firilinpiniiilii.il rp-irtivflv. Thn Jmlpti ni l Iir tuirenio Conrl kIiiiII hnkl lln ir nllieeii fur tlie term of Hllii-li yeitr-, il tin y oli-ill 'i l.'ini lu liiive I liinim lven well: (piil.n-i-t ti lliif nil Hiiieilt. hiTi-iimftiT prnviiliil fur, Kiilimiiiii'iit tn Ihu lirst i li-io . ii ;) The rrr-tdeiit Jii.l'K nl' lliewviTnl Ci'urlA nl riiiiinion l'tefit. mill nfunrh otlu-r rntirt- i.f Keenril uf lire nr nii.-itl be i nl ilihhii by law. nml :ili nlher JihIsmi re iiiireil tn lie li-iraeil in Iln- Inw, shall Imlil llieir ifli-.in lor tlie term nf ten Mum, il Ihi y fh ill r i Inn" ln h-'Vi! IIiimii-ln-lyiM Well ; The Asn-ei lll: .lll.lv-.ifi ..I Ihe Ourl nt (' nil. lain l'le:i lin I, ,, i.;r i,.,.w ( T . term el live yeiim, il llu-y nhiill i I nn. behiiyn lln niri'lvt" W-i-H: "II nf wh 'in 8!miII be ciiniuii'-ri I by Ihu linyernnr. but I I liny ri.-'i- imi ilili! I'Miife whieli fImiII in t be pialieii iit iir-'ii i.ln m' liiii-.-iiehnii.nl, the (inviTii.ir -h ill rem -ve imv nf Ih'-ltl "II Ihe ii.l.h-irsnl'Uvii-l'.mh. nfirieli linneli of the U'int-nuie. I he hrnt eleelinn nh-ill :i(i. nl . .rener il ' teell II nf Ihm (Jiilnmnuwenllh next iillerlli" mh.ii..n nl this iimeiiil-Iim-iiI. nml the eiininiissnins nf nil die jtlil-rep wlm luav be ' in nlli'-i.. shrill expire nil Ihu lirvl X.bma-iv of llieelii Iiit I. II iwiii;:. when the terms if Hie iipxv ')ll.le- shall """"n i The I'ersmm wh ish ill llieiibi- i-li-'einl Ji'iIti-k nt the s.iiireine O mrt sh'ill Imlil llieir mriee- or: f lh u-: nilei'l Iheltl Inr three veils, nne f..r sii ye-its, nne f i nine li no-, nne l"..r Iweive vram. nml ..tie f'tlii ell n n.i I hi- lerui nl'eneh In lie i,.e,,l,-il by I.. I bv ihef.-'i.l j 1 1 . i -2; . ns J1 ' allel thi-elei-l inn nUinin-ellli'lll. llli.l llieii-..:!l rei-nln-il by them m Ihe li,iVi ri,..r, Ibnt the ennninMiiiis luav Is' n-smil in iii.e..nluiR.B Ihi-ielo. T,n- ju.lee xv'pue l-ninieif-H 'li wilt Iii-'-.! exiii-...s,:, be Ce .1 nnOee ilin in-, his I, on, nml lli,T,-,n,.r,-,,., i,i,. Xv,....pHII,iH,i, h:, , ',: ,.x. .ire shall in turn be Ihe ( l,,.- .l,,. .,.. , if 1V , or in ire i.iiiine,...i.is Kliall expire nil tile s- , .Imv, tli" ju.l.-is Il ' I'lllit; III, in ih-lll iliviih; by ., .vhi.-i, sI.nII ,i; the flue 1 .III"! l.'... Any v:ie:ni"-iis h-lj.piiii,:i. byil.-iln, H'ii'Hill II. nr ntlier :se, in i.iiy nf tin- Kiiil e mi'ts. slmll he hln-ll'V li'P"inlui"iit by I!,.. leivvit..r, I . .i imie till the h'-l Xl"ii.l-if nl li -e. iiiUt mii i;,,.. !. M,.x .r, ,. ,1 l:tt-.. n .i,. I'll" .Imi.-. ef Ihe nnri ine Curt in.. : he l'n .-ill II' "i I I in: s.-ieril i;. iiirln.it f , . I r, ,Mi , n:,,,. ,,.. r. l-ilie I. r Iheir -eryieen I'll ti..s,... e .inniini i i, lulu.' lueil by low, u-hieh rlmll iV. be 'hii,iiii.-h,-,l ili'ii:.-.' llieir e"ii'iii!i.ini:e in . 'ili'-n. bin lh'-y sh il! n ve H" li' s nr a r- liesile n nliiee, mil ,m. iim-,- er, ii.,... .,r..it iiihI.t IIiik' I'.'iiiin siweiihh. nr uinb-i tin-i;.i ernnienl "I III.- I ni. lei Shah. s. nr any nlh'T Si i. i!,is ,.,. Tin! Jml-.iH nl the Sapieme f nml I'u.iii': llieir e.iitinu i i:i nlhre Sltall re-'ile Wllhln lllis fi I'll w-al'h tlll'l Ihe nlli.-r luil-'i-s ihu in ini'ir eniii intiam e tu nihee shi:'! ri-si.li- wil Ian Ihe ilisirict i i eiiiinl)' Inr wn.i-li liny xyuiu resnei'to".'ty .!. S. M'CAT.nlON'T Speaker cf thn House cf I'rprcsoiilativrx. V. I5KST, .Sir cf tlu Scr.i:!t: (t:.TK CH.XMJIl'I!. . niAMiit'R. ) 1, January I'-.'ja. i II "i:i.rta,o, I. P-'iriurl XT. Pi-irsnn, fln.-f fler!: nf the S.e:i!e nf Peiuisvlvalli'i.ilii li.-reiiv I', I : il v Iln! tie- f..- .In-J res .Ii'ii II I ". HI nn tin- fS. Mae nf i,,. p-es,-nl frf-'i ..,. I lilllli-'l "I'esnhilieii retalive i.i ini i-iin-nihiieii. nil lie f insl laite il !.. in". Ilie Fame res -tut .n rvhii ii -s ri-;li-il t I bv T. "Ilv nl Ihe III. Ii'li.as , : i-. , ,i e'I'll I! .1 . I ll'" (ml I , e;- ' ...lal lire "II .-t hltVill'.' I"" It .I'll'.' r-.-nei '.. n ,! rlll tliwm. 1 v.1 Ibis il ij- iiv il in bv ( in: "'III'.- i'!' I'"! lie ni'.i is '- ' I'tienl !' : In III l! i- - n-ii" i. IV h -una. t,l i'.. '"' IM S-Will !;.;..:,: ... Iheir '. .ts : ilea i II tin. Iia-iliia', n- lull a'.- f :i'v.-. X'i-: 'I If 'lie v- tn,e in layer i I i! a ie hiii ii v.-i-re. It. .1 'l" :i l: '.e. .1. I' I .-I n.'nvl.'V. W'l, A, I '. :i i .-.. J nal'i'il.l. 'I'l I -' S. I'' ra II. '',i Ill M II. I" .!,!., h-ip l-'r -i: .-. If .1 xi. F, .,!.. in t--. ,'-.'.. .1 I,, vv. ,; " i v .' ii II -i e. I..-.. I!.. .,. , Tiu-. 'iv I-..1-, .1 -'"i X . .1 -. I ' l. . . :,. ,- " - l: ...... I i 1. . I'- I- II ni' .M,i s i.':, r. I .'.,. pi r . I!..'.. 1 1 I' i-r. .Mm li. V,.l;.,:r ! Vi't-ie-iw Uert, rVf.u- -I -in--. I-- an-. II. I'. - '.-"fin- il e.e ,,f n-i!"ii nv,-i- ;; l '; Ap-jiffiii It, ...r t::il A!'.via.'.-r !...' I .xir.pt fr"intliv .1 iiirn- I. S.VATt.. V.'. rKAHtfOX, I'V.'s Inthi: fl.irri: of Hiipblskntativi:::. llnrrhlw!, March I t, IS.iO. ' J' I. Wilti-illl .I-ir-W. flii.'. T. !; ,,f !!:,. II aise nf Itepri ri'li-t-itivai "I I'eaiil-Wvrllii.-I. iln In-rel.v eerlllvllial tin- . TLT. -ill'.' r.a. ilnli.'ll. ('i. Ill nn l!i. S.-liale die'. 1111.1 Nil. 'J! I nil II, e llmini .liiiirnal ol'tlii: pn-si'ii' s'i s-i'ni.) en' ill, il '-lii'i- lnli'ili n lalivetn I In- i ii'tiiii-nl nf tlie C .nsl ittiti' mi'' it lieiii'.' Iln- i-auie res 'liilinii wl.ii'll was P'.'ri'i'il tn I'V n lil-i-.1 T'lv nl tlie iiieni'iers eleete l ! eaeh llnnse nf the last islatnie nllrr ire. im: In i ii ii'ii . e .niiiiTii1 an t iii"ens- t!iis ilav ii-ri -it In In- u iiiainrltv nf (tie ini-inliers e'ei-teil t,i -.1)1,1 servill.ir 111 tile ll-'lisenf lienri'svll!:!: i Ves nf Pennsylvania, m (itesrllt sinsi, ,u. nn wi ll :i'i'Lar liy th'ir V'.les. yivi'ii nn tliu fin il I'liis i"' ol tlio res ,luli all, us I'.'l. I 'ivs. vi:: : Tiii.si' vlite- ill favor nf Hip ppsHaeP nf Pip resnlati.Mi were, .I 'liil eker. .I 'li.i Allis.in. ilii III! llalier, it'.l.i'il Ilil.Uvin. Da'.-i l t. It.-nt. fTai:: Cl.l :ie. .t.-r, niiaii P.liek, .1 'Ini S. I! -wen. Will.Min r.niiilli'. Daniel I!, li. Unm-i r. .less,- It. Ilin-ili-ii. .I ilm l','j si,:i, henry l li'in-!i. J liii . CinyiMllriiii. Silvester CrMlain!. tteni liniil li. llavnl. Wil liam .1. Ilu l!i, as, .latui'S I. Il'iivinr, 'J'lli'lllas Dniieaii. in. Dunn, Win. Ijiey..l.i!m I!. l:ins. Williat't llviins, A.Si-'ill I'.wiu-f, Aleviii'ler S. I'.-atlu', .laln-s '.'ve:s, lleaj.iuea I. IVr'ner, Alexan ler l.ilili'll' , T'l'tin ih I', liner. .1 'Si-iil, I-: Criiiin. .1 s.'ili (iaii'.v. Jai- h S. 11-V.r-ll!an. lieiir.-e II. II art. i.e'lerl liavl. J"Imi lite -I i--r . Wil liam.!. Ileuljiiiill, .li.lui lltip, ll.-'ire llllil. t., Ij'Wis lier f nil, X"nsliiiit:t"ll J. ,l.ael;K..ti, s o-'li iLih .Lines, .l.'linW. Killile'er. ( Ii arles I J Kinke'nl, Knlii-rt Kl.il., Ilan is m 1'. i.nir.l. M arriV ITeli. .Lmatlian II. l..-ei, Ans'ii Lemrira. t J. l-ivit. Ilenrv lallle. .1 nias li XI Viai'-iel;, J, ilin I-'. MTiill's-h. .Mi'.-.aii.ier C. .XITnr.lv. . I. .ini M'tiii J Ini, .1 "Ini M'l"-a!i. Siiiin.-I .Xlari. J'.liu ll. AI. ek, XI ii-liaal 1 . -er. ,1'ilin Miller. Jns.',li C. .Xliill'v. Jnlin l. .X..n-is, Win. T. M'Tisnn, I'.Z'-kn-l XI.'Wiv. IMwanl Ni'-klesin. .laenli Nissly, i:lniil"Sieeill. .I.ilm'll. i'aeker, J,.s,-i!i f. I'"well James C. Iteiil. .I,,lm S. IJIiey. Lewis Kuli. rl.'. Stlllll.-I I! nl iis 'ii. .I.ilin 11. Itiilli-irf.ini. l,lei:ni XV. 'li.-l.l. '1 li 'in-is (V S-eiiler. Williain si.i.-iiiner. Itieli-iril Sliiips m. 1 Iii S'a a. William Smiili. William -X. Sinilli. Hani, I .Xl.s-ins;r. ' .1 liam II. S-liiler. 'I'llniilas (' Steel. II iviil Sti-warll, CluirleK Sl'-k-ll. IMxviu C. Tmne. Anilrew X a.le, le'liert I', Walker, TlinlliaH Wills in. Siitnry II. Wells. Ilirail A. X'llliaius. Ilanlel Zclliey, uuil J iliu S. .XPCnliuent. Sn:.'.i, nit X'i-iis s7. 'I'll' nn- V"1 i:l' :nriiut I He pasa"i! nf I'tr ri'S'ilttl'i''! veer-', Aii-'iisiiis Iv. I'nruMl, lliivul linaiii nail Jalil-n .11. l'.'itvr .N.-ix h :i. Ilxtrtift IViiitl tilt-J "irnal. WILLIAM JACK, Cli uk. iSiviiLi'Aitv's OiTtei;. ri'.-'l .March 15, I-.-'il. A. V. lSKVEWCT, !);';. Sec. of the Cr)iniwir:i!llh h'Kfiir.TAnv's Ori'ii i.. Pksxvi.vaxi.v ss; I nn i-Klttirv thai 111.' ill ve end f.iri"f .iie: i" n trti" -,..! e..rre.-l e.'j'l "I I lie nnjinal n s .fi,tl"li el lie-In it.nl - ein My. i iilill.-.l.'-Kesnliilii'ii ri'lalivl'i lit) riliii-nanii-iii nl lite l.'. in-1 it i :;i in,'1 an I lie saine ia ,n, ins ,in ul.- m His . :na-. III li-sliin 'lie ii'ln-re.if I liav Iii ri mil .V3v-'- rel lll ii mil, Mini eallM',1 tn lie nliie,l Ilia I J,"". ' HleS'ir.-larv't- l'!li,-e,al II ini. I'lil.-; '-kJ i """' '"' ''' ''-'V "" Jl""'- ll 'llllill fl nile III 'llKin.l e, :ill tut u 1 I nn.l ta'iy im- a. L. i;rs.''.i:i.L. Sit'rif e'o'if Cuiiiiiiuhi"i:hI ill. .Inlyfi, I-."i. :iu. NKW STOIMl! i M'.IV STOCK OV 'OOF'!, At tin: St'ure firniri i; occupied I. if Julia lluar In Market Street, Simhr.ry. rill I II mliserilii i s ii specllull'. inform the prdi I lie that tluy have jitsl received, and arc iioiv opeutii''; A 1IAX1JSO.MU ASSOKT.MKNT Dt' DliV LiOliUS (.'onsisliiiLr in part of Ci, Ccssimeres, Sallinrtls, Vesti,)?;, I'.tiila. hint sS'nr, CalictKS, Giii: 'hams, Lairun, l isliio.'S, Flannels, Cuniliriex, Lineiif, Fine Muslinr, HandUrdiufj, Gloves, of , llarilivniT, ue(tivni'o, Dm its ami M;;etciS' ".. ALSO: A l:ll'"c assilltiui lit of Grcccrics, lih, Salt tuiil I'i.ida-. Ladies Shoes au.l I iaitets, I'iuid and 1'lui.l, l..n.,; . All ot which Xvill Lo aold oil llic lllu-l Iva.Kloa I I.) lerio.-i. I i' Country 1 reduce cf all Kinds laKtil in f.i lli.nn.n ul Lie hcot piiica. jnii.N !;t v:;;'.o co. Sind iuy, Ajnil 1 !, Is. i.i.- ly 1. e t i c r s 'i'o j i i .i 1 1. . 1 1 a 1 ,Vi TV ' 'l'lCi: is hereby i;ieu. that It !lc isTcslamcu---x l.iiy nn tint I'siuie of Anna lii.u-i Kcr, l.,te ol til ' ihiinii'dl of .oiloui:o.i ll Old. died., have been :f.iulcd to llieMil.sx iiU r. I lelums und cu-d-ilom of the elate aie u .iiesi.-.l to call Inr with;, ni.ul. DAMD T.i.i!AliT, LVlm. Anrthuinlierl.iud.July I; M-'iO. Ut rilK S, IVoin llio Acw Voik Cuniou and Tckin jl Tea Comiiaiiy. r'ut ale by .1. W. FKII.LNU. tsunbiiiy, Dec. 3. liIH jI.A.h l'uiHir I'ti'iK Di.liii. jiet pun- led and for .ale ut tills nllii-p. f.Nol.iiS wi;iTi; i l. 1 iii , i r, lii.KS,x IXK taU l tins .tli'ii. J s5 CHERRY PECTORAL: For lha I'nm of COUGHS, C0LD3, HOAnSENESS, BROXT CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, wnoopiijo-oouoa AND COWSUMPTIOWT. This truly vnlnatde Xcmcdy for nil tliaortncs ot the Lttnii nnd Throat, Ims lippnmp tho chief reli niire of thp nlllietPil in it i-i tho most prrtnin euro known fur lite iihnvp enniplnintM. Vi'liilo it ia a piiH-prful rpiaedinl aTrnts in tl,ri mort desporuta und iilinosi hniet(-:.i raips of Consumption, it is tils-. i.in ilini'.nldiccl il.wrn onr nftlip mildest anil tU'Vit n:trrralip family iniitteitips for rnmmnn prinimo'i eon;lH a;id colds. Itoml lielnxv thoopiu inn of men viho nrp known In ihp xvorlJ, and tho World respect Iheir opinions. I'KO.M IMJMPKsso! nn-cTrcncK. ".lamest!. Axn Sir : I hrtvo used your 'CllltK RV JVii rntii.,' in my rv.-n rase tif dcct.i.scatcil I.'ronchilis, and inn tatj lied I'mm its chemirnl -His til nlion that il i- nn i"!n irahln pompoiind fof lliiM-elt! I of larviiuial end lironehial ditlicultics. If my opinion as to its superior rhunctpT cun bo of uny service you arc nl hhcity to uso it as Jou think primer. l',D WA1IT) HITCHCOCK, 1. 1. T)., I'lTsiiieiit of Amherst College). . I'lOlll tin! ", ,!,, l,;,ii,.pt," "A Villi's ClII'liKV rrcCToitAL is ono of die nii'stvalualile preparations Itiathas fallen un der Cur in lice. After si careful examination, wo do ii.it hesilnte to say wo have n law upprecia' tiou of its lacr'ns and llic fullest couliilence in its us'i luliieii;: 'or fuii'tliM and him; complaints." Dr. lirevvsler, nf Windham Cii., Colin., Bends us liic Inllov.in.; tiva'nttony. Dr. J. C Aypr Dear Sir! I enclose you a certificate from Mis. C.i'iiariiip K. (Judy, ft highly resppctahle lady of this village, w ife of Mr. Beth Caily. Depuly SheritV, Wimllitim Co., Connecti cct. The evre in her p up was vrry prompt, anil hasatl'ac'.cd enrr il at!entii-n, W. A. UlilJWSTER, M. D. Vi'i i-r Kn.tiNei.v, I t., Sept. US 1848. This uny certify that I was alllietrd with n very severe eou-rli ill the winter of '17-H, which threat tened to terminate in Consumption. 1 had tried many iiMvlicitios in vain, and xxas cured by tho tiaf of "Aver's Chcvrv lVej-iril." CA'I'!! I'.IM.NE K.CADV. rrom 1'-. Prvant., Urtiirisl and l'ostmastor, Ciiieope,; I'-.'Hj, ! ,:..-: Dr. .1. C. Aver I'.v.r e'i. : -Knrlosed plpao I'tut rv mili.uKi Inrall tti- CHIJIIKV I'KCTOKAL I.i .t tent me. lean uuhcsii.i. n.'.dy ray, that no ni iliei.ie vie fell !;ivc- i ii.":!i Balistaetioii ns your's dm -:; io r have I tier hvii a mrdieino which ecvid .u i.iaey ca-es of ('.t!''h nnd Ltiui Coin pl'iin's. Our i'iii -iei.iii-; arc u.-sntf it extensively ia i!a.i'. - a-iii-e, a, id v.uh tiie h -e ;iii'f-t elli'cts. Truly voius, U. M. IJIIVAiN'T. re i.r iu:.n n v j.c. wi.it, i ui;.M:sr,Lowr.LL, mass.' ' " S.i!d l.y Henry Master, Sunlniry) Mary A. MeCay, Norliuiin'tJtin.D Va iJeariiart, Se iins.:n'e; Dr. Ilc-kly, Danville, mJ. Ugists : i;cin rail;. . , " ' y ' .Inly C, I ".'(I., lyrcrtin TUNIC MIXTURE, Fun 1111; Ci iti: of Fi:vkr and Ague. War- UASTKD. rPtit:i. iti:ri-;i!le.l ineilir'iie iii-iy lie relipil on wltn neAr 1 ly nil '.!h"i rein-'.lies fail. Its vtiluc iH ivl Biillii'ivtitly lnmv.'n. tlie'e'.i.re, Ihe pinprieinr ilenirps to enlarge th Li.-l.l nf i:s usel'uliii-sf hy uiakunl knnwil Its virtui nml -(!i-eaey 10 lli.'iisainls of siii'Vrers wis inre lint uwurd thai they van l.e s;ice'!ily mi'l railiiMllycurtil nf rr.vr.it and awe, will, -at tlie me nf jviifi annnn itnijis, linu'spnun potions r pie i"leti ri' ns I'ir. ctsnf iiuinii'e.. 11 is otfereil tn thp puts. !t" :i: a I 'M n iee I.i .iape it williin Hip reaeti of nil. "Mural lint tie -se wlm us-..- il iiecriliii;; to Uireeti'ini will find it p ifc ati'l i-i'vc-ily care fnr rnvrn xd IIgvs. Il '; i'.'l n i!irafres'i;,!e ii'insi-ntin pnmfinnnit tint on iiirriMv' a! 1,- tntiii- ea'- ie in I li reiiinvu tin: itiscaffuaudgivt hnulitif nf-1 i .ii t lla-st.iinaeli rind Uiwells. I're, ari i! niilv I v Atnrslisll A: Co., pint until whotoKilod :i.l r. i.nl hy It'i'waa.l A S ni. No. !31 North lilh Slreel, I'll,' al, !,. Ina I'rli-i.-isl per -iriLlu Is'iile, ami t per doi. June!'!, l-tl ly JACOB .s'ni ,'.'t;p": Corr.cr of FiJ'th nnd Market Streeti, PiTii.Atini.einA, IT'IU) n!vrii kppp" on hand n larirH itotk of 1 every variety of clolhui! nude up of good matPri a!s, a:i.l in liic latest and best style". Ho -.voiild .il. o i 1: t u 111 the public, that he mys consi der.!1,, le nllention ill i;cttiiir up Military Clothing; iii U'""d sivle and on rrninnable trrms. June l.'i, lsoil.- Iv (I.at;: rA:tT.NJ:it or cscuuack) I iis n.sls alivii'itin tory aud I'alnt MOIT, No A North Fourth Street, A I'l'.'V pillilts Alto VI! CIIKKRY, XVBST SIDE, riliriABBLPEIA. C,n;sio:i'!ii on hand and for fnle, nt reduced pnrrs, oiid if wiprrinr tpmlitij, the foU Imping articles, viz : i: a.,-'i. r--!ii-iet. Ja'iiniem1 nml oil Ctnth Varniphpn ; 11 .1 -1 -. ai : l; -. t aa.l llanu'ss X'nril It'll ; Urowil, Whlla -m l L.'I :-', in'.. l,: 'I'rjii-'fcr ii i; ArtisU', IIihim ami i'.,a,:, I'..,,, is' unit Vtu mailers' Alalenalsj riTTV IN nr . n i'irs. i'vin iv. nitv. i 011,, AND I'Ki: i xi.rl' 1 i'i. niMi:iii.ii; isi:,- Aiiiiinpn' Vanush, i,',i,--,al i-.1-: t;l:a-k Jajiaii f ir Iri-ii ; Aillieuii'tf A for I ii"-.- W I'l.-'iu.- nml Wmil'W tilin; Anisll' Co. 1 irs. Iln I im 'I'.es-s ; N'.il's I'.'nl Oil: (inld, Isilver, -.',.1 I. , -:t,'r a l..ai ; I i 'I I. Silver, ami l'".per llrntzc Gla. : . i'i' I'.aii. 'ii'U Als , viv fa;KTi ir fli'io Uuuking and . liiii, lie.. J 11.10 I-a'.!. I Or.EAT ATTSACTI0S!! W. iY AM) ClIKAP GOOD$, W, rRILINCr, Haikofc Street, Stuibtuy, Pa., Adjust meixe.1 and opened n large ti-sortj tj ii.. nn i:l nf Mipcrior i.nd choice Fancy and finp!i l'i v (ioeds, Well adapted to the coming wa s.in, wiiii li he will sell ut the lowest price.. His stink consist.: of trencral .issoittncnt of almost nil article-; ! u: in the Dry Coods li consiating ill (Vi:! nf Clulli-, t'toisifm, Summcr.StuJf for C!oihlii" and I'csfing. :,it t'tifs Dress Goods; (dove-, Iln iery, I.aec.i, .shawls, Muslim, ShccU ius,'lVkim,K. Tine M uslins, Ciiighaina, Linens, S.o. .A I. Sl : A i;riieral nssortmpiit of GKOCEUMS. HARDWARE, QVEENSi WARE, Ll'fOUS, )RL'GS,.4ND MEDICINE, PAINTS A V I) li YES TUFF, ' and every variety of articles. " - " 'neuli y piin'urc of nil kinds taken lit ex l ana. e at ti::- hij.n-nl llial'Ket price isiu;!'i;. , April 'ii, Is'jO. PUBLIC SALE. f S Mend iv, the Dish day of Aui,uw nettj at the Cunt House in Sunlujry, at 10 o'clock A. M-, 11.il be exposed lo bale, Two I.ols vl Ui oiiud in s d I Knmueli.oii Willi r lieet, No 00 and 01 tin lot No. "J I, is ercetid, a lare Two Stor Ii:U.ixii Iloct. l.ato the estate of Marxr l.yon.dcc'd. 'l lic . loll will lie told together, or aepaialcly lo suit purcluiHem. The terms of jle, will bo made known on lha day of sulci by cr.OKliE LVON,i:1(;'r. Sunbury, July fi, lK.Ota VJgAV ti M. -An fxcellrut .rtirla for a.'. I 1ICNKY MAaiSER. ..uiiliiiv , ill, IS 1 U U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers