SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CITY or lIIILADKLrM1&. MASS AC At 'SETTS. All solvent tmiiks di HIIOPK ISLAND. All solvent bmiks .. i on CONNKCTlCtT. All solvent bank" . i dis NKW YORK. CITT. All solvent bunk 1 (III . I'. 8. Bank note. IS ill All solvent hunks pa: consmY. Bank of Clrsmbershurg I dis IfsnK ol Chester to. pur Mnnk of DbI. Co. Chester par' Hank of Gernrtntown prtrj t dis lP"Bk notes rfmler 5 ( (In Hank of (iettyslipra; Jtnuk of Lewistown COl-KTSY. VII srHventi banks t dll NEW J HUSKY. Hunk of Middletown 1 dm Mont.oinef y Co Hiuik par Bank of Northumberl'iul. pni Ilank of Pittsburg 1 J' flelvtdcre Dank J dll Cominercird Hank dis Far. Bank Mont Holly par F. M., Middletown Pt. par Mechanics' Hk, Newark pat Mech. Bk of llnrlimrton pnr Mech. ft Mnn. Bk Trent par , llnnk of Dtuivill. psr C.rlisle llnnk 1 li Columbia H'k ft fi'geCo par Doyelstowa Bonk par Ktiston Bank P"1 Krie Bank t '' Kxchaiifra n'kPiftuhnrg 1 tlin Kachniura B'k, Branch 1 elm Morrw Co Bank di. ) J dia J din dia Newurk Bk'g It Int. Co Oranirc Bank Farmers' B'k, Bucks Co par l'eopic's Bk Patterson Farmers' Bk, Lancastar par Fanners' Bk, Rcndintr. par Princeton Bank par pnr dis par dia Salem Bank ins Co, Farm. Bk rVhilylkill Co par F ft D. Bk Waynrali'g lidis Semcrrct Co Bank State Bank at Camden Franklin hk. vnsiru llnn-isbur. Rank IJdi State Bk KlimMhton t rlls ntate onus newm. I llmieadale Bank 1 dia State Uk, N. Bnniawick par l.oitcaster Bank Lebanon Bank pnr pnr Snaaex Bank. Newton dis par dis Trenton Banking Co Merch. ft. Man. Bank 1 disjl'iiion Bank, Dover Miners' B'k. Pottsvtllc per V aril levv'le ft Del Dr Co 1 M is Mononfmheln Bnnk I dis Tnylorsv'e Del B'it Co 13 dis Weal Brancli Hank par Wyoming Ilk, Wilkcsh'c par LV Bk nolea under ?5 J dis DI.I.A v AKb. Bank of Ilclnwnre par Bank of Smyrna par York Bank, t dis Delaware City Hnnk par ts?-Kclicf notes 1 dis Hk Wilnid'n Brunilyw. par I .irmers' Bk Si Delaware pnr MAINE. Bank of Whetkick li dis Mercantile Hit, Bangor HI dis All solvent hanks f dis I mon Bank. Wihnmiitoii par Itf- Under ff.Vs dis num. All solvent banks I dis NKW HAMI'SIIIHK. All solvent hunks dis VKRMONT. LP'Hk notes nniler S's 4 dis NOIt I II CAKUldiNA. All solvent Winks 2 dis p-L'nderS's, 5J dis Bank of St Allni 4 dis All solvent banks dis PHIIA. AND HEADING RAILROAD. NL.MMF.i; ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilrowl Co. Pluladclphia, March 29, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (rxcept Sunday.) kN and after Aprillst, 1850 two train will ' be run each way, dailv, lwlween riulodei- . plua and Pottsville' Morning Line, (Accommmhilion.) Loaves Philadelphia' at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cunnot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althousc's, Hirdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. "NOTICE. Filly pounds of hairgage will he al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the 13 oar J of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. WILLIAMS' AIXTI-DYSFEPTIC E LIXIR is, with the utmost confidence, offered to the Medical Faculty and Hie public lor the cure of Dyspep sia or Indigestion, and all disease arising from it, such Nausea, Hcadnche, Vertigo, Diuinces of Hiht, Bilious Vomiting, Burning scmuilion at the pit of the stntimeh, Liver complaint, Onim-ssion after eating. Debility 01 the ISiurvous !ys- tem. Hypochondria, Jaundice, liss of appetite, Wasting of the strength. Palpitation of the Henit, ain in the pit of the stomach Flatulence, with ireuiieni or towanls the rig or towards the right side, Itplchinir of wind. 'Sallnwnefla of comnlexion. Vitiated tiiste, jDepreMion of the spirissand Constitution and uilcaKiuessI irritability of telilr, JLc. of Uie bowels, I If a case of dyspepsia should lie neglected, most serious eflccts may ensue, for it lays the foundation for, is the in ciieiit cause of. mul very frequently terminate in consump tion. 1 would impress upon the mind tlint to tiille with tills disease may lie to sport with the reason which coiwti tutes man supereniiiient umong animal bclngw, or to em bitter existence by adding u consciousness of folly to the peinlty of pain. This medicine is neatly put up in bottles, with ample directions for use, and is sold in Sunhurv hy Join W. fkilixo. jami-.s Williams. Testimony of .Mr. Aimer F.lmes, hatter. Market street kbove Sixth, corrotioi alive of tho etiicacy of Willianul Anti-Dyspeptic lihxir. Philadelphia, October 3, 1B19. Mb. Jamrs Williams : Dcir Sii : It gives me creat pleasure to know thit yon nre ugwin prciaring you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia, for inuuy of my acquaintances have reeatedly asked me where it could he proem ed, knowing that 1 had been cured by it. As 1 think that a public acknowledgment of the great benefit 1 have received from the no of your Med icine is not only due to you, hut may he useful to others, 1 now make it. For several years I suffered from Dyspep sia, which increased to such an extent that my health and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. 1 was com pelled to restrict mvsclf to the most simple food, and even that I could not digest. 1 felt a, loss of strength, disiucli nation to exercise, and, as you have it ill your advertise ment, a general teeling of depression and indcscriloble weariness. In the vear 1st1, hearing from others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic F.lixir, i procured and used it with the most happy effect ; under it influence languor and wariness gradually pnssed nway, and my appe tite returned which I could gnillfy with impunity. Ten years have now cluised, and my confidence in the curative powers of your medicine has ol course incrensed, for it completely cured me when I tailed l" obtain relief from any other source. Very respectfully vours, AHNKB F.LMES. Testimony of Tvlward II. Howley, Wholesale Merchant of the firm of Howley, Ashhunner ft Co., No 6 Smlh Wharves, in proof of the ethcucy of Williams1 Auti-Dys-peptic Klixir. Philadelphia, flctober 20, 1S19. Mr. Jaxrs Willhms : Dear Sir : I take pleasure in roeomnieiulins your Anti Dvsnentic Klixir for the cure of DyHixaisiu. 1 have taken it myself lot the disease, and have been entirely cured. Yours respectfully, F.nwAUii 11. bowlf.y AtiRNT -JOHN W FR1L1NO, Suubiiry, Pa. . March 2, leOO. 1y IMULIDELI'IU A IvIEDIGAL HOUSE, ESTABLISUKD 15 YEARS AGO, BY Dll. K1NKELIN, N, W. Comer uf Third and Lnioit StrcctSj BETWEKN SlMa'CK ANU PINE STREETS, .PHILADELPHIA FIHTKKN YKAltS nf extensive hihI uiiintorrupled practice pent in tlm city liavc reudernd Dr. K. iho itiotU expert and nuccisiul rucUuoner far unil uutir, in tue treatment ui uli diHwiktrs ol'a private uature. l'traoua nllicietl with ulcera m UiUdy, tliront, ir Irjen, psnia in (hr head or lxiiti, mercurml rhrunuttmii. kiriclurfs, gmvel, Jitaa ariwnjt ironi ymithl'ull t'Xircaaci or iuiuiitif oi Uio ttl-xxt. wlitrelty the ciutituiiuu luia become uiUccbled, are a'.! iL"ui witli ancctia.' He wtioptnoe hnn-lf uutlcf the care Dr. K.t nmy r liginuitly confute in liia h'nr us u pciitlciiuii,aiul oouluiciit ly rely upon but aUiil uit a phvstciun. TAKK lAUTIci;Ult NOTICE. Yonnjr Mrn who have tniured tliemaclvi- hy I rertnin pi act ice nulultffti in a halut ireUtiitlv loinil from evil rompfinmna or at ttrtuMit the vtlecta H which ure nightly I'clt, evru wJn-n aitleop, anil destroy both iniiul and bofly, mil 1 1 Id aply iiimietliniely. Weuknrw and ci'iiHtitntioiuil debility Iom n' luuacubti' energy, phymrul latitude and gen eral prvntrutin. iriibibitily and ult nervoui nircctioiiat, irnli Hcsiiuu, alujruiBlinciia of the livei, und rvery dimam ui any way poiuiecitid with th dinordcr ul' the procreuuve i utic twiia cured, and lull vigor rcmored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a pruuialure death. K1NKELIN on irlf Prrsfnatiou. ONLY 25 CENTS. This B kW just published is filled with useful information da the ilitii nhui-s and diseases of the lienerative Otirtms. It addresses ilstli alike to Vol Til, MANHOOD and OLD A(ih, and shiaikl tie read nv all. The valuuide ailvicv und impressive wuniiug It (lives, will prevent years u" misery aiid turtering- aiul auvs anuuai- lv 'I'lioimaiiila of Uvea. Ihirents by reading it will leara how to prevent the des truction ol their ehiklien. . m remittance of .. cents, enclosed In s letter, ad dree.1 to lilt. K1NKKLIN. N. W. eiier ot'TlllltD I'MON Streets, lielwren Spruce k. fine, rhiiudrlphia, willeiisurea b-'k, under envelope, per return i4 niail. Persons til a dimaiice may address lr. k. by letter, (post ftio.l,) ami twcui'etl tit heiie. J'AfKAtil.S tiF MKUiriFKH, DIHF.CTIONH, 4e., f : awarded hy seiidiw; s reuutuiuce, and put uuaccuie from UAMAliK or C'l UfOSTY. ll'sik-sellcrs. New Ageuts.redlars, Canvasseis. and all others supplied with the above work ul very low rutes. 1'ebiuaiy V, lb.. ly TgThUOWX'S ESSENCE Of UlNfJER jii Si A new sulkily of this excellent article just lei'civecl and tor sale by H. U. MA6.SKK. Huiibury, March lb, 1850. QJ.TONE Ware, Eurtben Want, Kuisins, Al- moiitls, 1'runes and Lreaui Nut. Plane of all kinds. 4'alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. PKILl.NU. fc'uuburv, Tee. S'J, Itfl'J. Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity I and Trust Company. OFFICE T4 WAI.NI T PTP.F.KT, PHILADELPHIA. Camtai, 410,(1(10. CHAaTsm Pespktual. rpiIE Company are now prepared to transact bnalnesi A upon ine moat ntwral Rial aavaniageons retms. iney are authorized by their charter (sect S) "to make all ana every insurance appertaining to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive aial execute trusts, make endow ments, and to mint and purchase annuities." The Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assurancs of tlOO for the whole term of Life. Age. IPrem. I Age. Prem. Age. Prem. 16 1 SO 31 8 OR 41 0 no 17 1 R.1 84 IS 47 S 49 14 im a.1 do 4R an 19 1 611 94 7 49 3 77 90 1 (HI M id 60 3 94 lit 1 (l:t 3d S 40 61 4 1.1 W 1 an 37 S 47 R'i 4 3 S3 1 IS 3H 64 63 4 61 81 1 7 30 8(13 64 4 71 S5 1 70 40 70 M 4 91 aft i m 4 1 t (i an w 87 1 F9 44 94 67 33 28 lir4 4 3 3 01 68 6 54 29 1 US 44 3 14 69 78 30 2 01 45 3 43 60 6 03 The premiums are leas than any other company, and the poticica afford greater advantages. Tallies of half-yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rntea isf premuim, short terms, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; also, form of Applicaiiin (for which there are hlank sheets') are to he luid on application at the office, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. PL BUY, uulury. Rats for tMsimtxo 9100 on a single Life Ace. For 1 year. For 7 years. For Life. 40 f-l ol LOO , 30 on t.:J 2.14 40 1 ,4o 1.04 S,70 50 l.l-S 2,07 3.n4 69 3,48 3,g7 6,03 F.xamplk A person ageil 30 years next With day, hy paying the Coinpnny 09 cents would secure to his family or heirs 91(10 should he die in one year; or for Im.qO he cures to them .M(Kin ; or for 813 annually for seven years he secures to them stMAKi shouiit he me in seven vears; for $40.10 paid annually during life he secures $1000 to be paid when lie dies. The insurer seeming hiaown bonus, hy the difference in amount of premiums from those charged hy other 'dices. For JMq,50 the heirs would receive 80000 should he die in one yeur. Forms of application and nil particulars mny he had at t.. ..a: ,irii'i) f.iri t L-XI t...;... Vice President, Wx. M. Baird. Fraxcis W. Kawls, Secretary mid Treasurer. Coniut.tin(i Piivaiciax l)r. J. B. .Maaser, SunlHiry. J. H. Purdx, Suuhury, Agent for Northumberland coun- IV. ' Sanbury, July 23, 1819. "Cncourage Your Own!" HAAS & RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. TPHE subscribers respectfully call the attention - of the public to their large nitil splendid assort ment of every quality and price of iAIJIIYF? -WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determiner! to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. 1 heir stock consists of Mahogany Sottm, 1)1 van antl Lounges, tturcaus, Sccm.irfcs, SRictoarUs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, nciuding varieties never beloro to bo had in Sunburv, such as Miiiooaxt, Black Walsut Axn Ct'HLtD M.ii'Lt Grkciax : ASD WisnsoB CHAIRS, axdfaxct Piamo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manulactured tn tlie Uities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. !3r UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite w caver s l avcrn. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunburj'i April 28, 1849 tf ALEXANDER G. CATTELL, SUCCESSOR TO JAMES M. BOLTON, DEC P. COMMISSION It FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the talc of Grain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Lum ber &e. No. 13 North Wharves, PlIILADEM'HIA. Goods forwarded with care, to all points on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna and Juniata Canals. OT Salt, Plaster, Grindstones. &.C., for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849 ly ROUT. L. rMiTIl. TIIOS. P. B. SET1I SETII & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Near Bowly's Wharf.) BALTIMORE. Will pay particular attention to the sale ofGR.VIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 2ti, 1850 ly THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMl'IUMNU A COLLECTION OF OVER 2U0 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few (Simple aiid Curious Exprrlutruls in C1IEM1STIIY ! T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistrv - Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price 6i cut., for sale by HENRY MASSER. touubury, Dec. 8, 1849. FIRS PROOF CHESTS, (UK BUUKS, 1'Al'fcltS, JEWELRY, &C. EVANS & WATSON, No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OI'I'OMTK THE l'llILAUKl-l'IUA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-Stone Lined and Key noie lover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON C HESTS Warranted to stand more Hsat 1 1 mi I tuy CiiesU m Una Country. aiw raieni jtir-iuainuer iruu L'hesU, ltiuu now in uie. Tliey mi ctmiiime w watte ttie orunta ry r ir rrooia, at very pnert Patent combination lucka. With (iuuge Key a, which can Ue changed a; vera I tltouswnd time changea ble m feet every liine the lui-k is uaed il drauuUe. 'i'heae LtK-ka are proof against Uie iiutat exjwrt Thieves, being supplied Willi the Putcnt Key-hole Cover, mid niada very atroiur, Uiey eaiuait be blown open hy Gunpowder. These Lucks ve iuteuded lor BANKS, &TOKKH. fciAFKH. 4o. Kwlaiul Icttci oupynif presses, fire proof doors fur Banks and tStores. Patent Slate Lined Befrivsrators, warrant M superior to all others. Water Filters. IShuwer Jlutus of Uie beat quai- CW Persons wialiing to nurrhnse nv nf the ahova mr. titrles, will plMB(r;ivH theia call, M Uivy aeli vheaiwr tl..... . .... i l.u I '.ul ...I ki-S.-. DAVID KVANS. . . JOHANNES WATSON. rnnsiKipnia, novenitiei iu, imi iy F' Dills handsomely printed oncaid iiair. fur "it ai uiu uiuce. Etone ware. THE aubacriW would most respectfully In form his friends and a generous public, that he ! manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARE, In all Its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively In CHINA, GLASS AND QVEENSIVARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries aro on Bond street north of. Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVIT) PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimrk, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly HICKEY & TULXi, No ISO Chcanut street. (Opposite the Arcwlc) PHILADELPHIA, . ANL'FACTURERS of their improved style "-- Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted TKUJVKM, which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they havo now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Sinc,lo Folio Trunks, of various styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Vo lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cup Cases, Carpet Bags, and an elegant assortment ol superior en ameled Potent Lcathor Bags, with every article in their line of business. t3F Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange lor New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W.TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.- STRAW B01T1TET $ HAT MANUFACTORY, No. 30 North Second street, opposite the Madison ilottsc. r llHE subscribers would call the attention of M. Country Merchants and Milliners to their ex tensive assortment of fashionable Si'Rixo akh Summer Boskkt id Hats of tho newest styles. Also, a large and general assortment of French and American Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Crown Linings, Oil Silk, Wire, Quillings, Buckrom, &c. winch they oiler at prices that defy competition. IV. d. 1 ulm Leaf Hats by tlm ruse or dozen W. M. & J. E. MAL'LL, Bonnet and Hat Manufacturers, 30 North Sd street. Philadelphia Juno 2, 1849 Dll- J- J- UPDEGRAEF, L ESPEC TFULLY informs the citizens of Danville and the public ut large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and ourgery in all its various bran ches. He will operato on ull the various forms of blindness, cross eyes club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases, ins collection ol instruments comprises all instruments in msdern Surgery, of tho latest improvement and finest finish. He flutters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ lnm. His residence is nearly opposite the Montgome ry Building, and next door to Isaac Rosen, ba inn's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Tuble CUT LERY.ofsaleby J0H1T 1. C0LE3O.17, Nos. 32 ami 33 ARCADE, and 81. North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodcers A Sons Wostenholm 8 Grcave a W. Sr S. Butcher's and Fenncy's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, Tho American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Card Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscrilier'a chief business is importing and selling cutlery. I'liiladelphia, June 9, 1849 ly L A It D LAMPS. CORNELIUS CO. Ko. 170 Chesnul M , ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just liniKlied the most extensive asssrlnient ol LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, niiAURtia, l'f, MA.MELi LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY. in the construction of these Lamps, and such arc made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Kecent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery. enables them to sell at a very GREAT KEDITC- 1 1UA Iroin lormer prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected and are warranted pcrli-ctly tight, and to give satis- laction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849 ly EVEHY MAN HIS OWN PATENT AGENT. T TTNN c Co, puWisheni of the "SCIENTI PIC AMERICAN," have fuvoure.l us with a I'lmmphlet coiituniiiiu the Puteut I .iiws of thi Lulled 8tntes, together with ull the forms neeessu. ry for ajiplyini; for a Patent, information in regard io iiiuig cuveats, Willi reiuurks on its uses, ete., a mount ol fee required at the Patent Oilice. and every other information that is neeessary to instruct s htsoii in milking ins own apiilu-alions. Price 121 cent single, or 12 cnoics for ono dol lars sent hy mail to any partnfthe United States, AUUress JllAfl & CO, Kcw-Vurk. March 10, 1819 TICKNOR'S COLUMBIA!? SPELLINQ BOOK. BELNCJa progressive and CompreheiiKive Hys tom nf Orlhotrrnt.u B..At-.. :.. ..I . . 1 : .. . - ...... t , i.iiu vvi 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 V . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( L J 1 1 variety of definitions, adapted to the use c rvhools tn the American Kepuhhe, hy Aliiion licknor, J eaeher of twenty-live year's expert ence, and author of tho Columbian Calculators, Practical Common Kchool Mensuration, eVc, 1 lie attention ol J eachers, School Ulrcclors, parcuU, etc., is invited to this new Spelling Book which conforms to the modern spelling and usage, in Orthography aslicing oneofthe neatest.chcaiH.-sl hest arranged, and hctter adapted to tho wauls of children, than any other published in the Ignited IStats, It is what it puriurU to lie. a rim-Hino- Book and not Heading Uook, and only reiiuires n examination on the part of Instructors of youth w irimo us ii a uiiivcnau inirouucuoii into the Bchouls of the United WtaU-s. J ut jiuhlished, and lor saie oy 11 en a i AlAssKa, Muubury. n nere i eutliera and JJirectors copies for examination. can procure August 4, 18-19. TISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for covering glasses, &c, for sale at the olliec ol ine American. l?AZOHS. "pe'iur article for sale at the 01.0111 UlAOOllUi 8uubury, Feb. 16, 1850, ROSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, ic. iust received ami lor aula Dy 111SNHV MASSER. Bunbury, July 88, 1849 . irKOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price hy J. W.FKlLlNtl. Sunbury, July 7, 1719. TO MYSICUSS, DRUGGISTS ASD COUSTUY MERCHANTS. T)K. J. N. HEELER c Bro. most respectfully - solicits attention to their fresh stock of Kng lish, Froneh, German and Amtican DntRa, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stud's, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c Having opened a new store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to cxamino our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising ono and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in tho City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. Ono of tho .proprietors beino; a recular physician, affords ample guarantee of tho genuiuo quality of all articles solil at their estubhshment. We especially invite drup-gists and country merchants, w ho may wish to become atrenls for Jlr. heeler s elebraied I-ami hi Meilirttiei, (stall- lard and popular remedies.) to forword their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, N. KEELER &. BRO., Wholesale DrucgUts, No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1H19. ly. mmmm In prnwiitimr the piihlie with d mnoily fir the trfnhnnt nnd nire of Fevkr and Aur.K mul nt her liiiims tlir:i-9. in npolmry isneedwi. Vust iiiiuiIkts in the t:nitrd Statf, who siitrt-r from thvoc ntRTlitms in their vnricd fttrinn, nre compelhtUn s'k rcliut irmn tttltiT Mun i tlutn thriinmp- iliate prL-twriptioimo.' tlie rrjtulur phyficinn. It lweitmrs therefore hii nlijcct nf hunmnity. ns well imf public inter est, to briim liefnie them u remuly prepiiretl fiom inucli vx jMrieiice, uud which may nlwiiys n reliwt iixni ns fk, KFFKt TCAL, AND HARMLEM TO T1IK CON'TITt'TJO?!. Tllflt such is the true; chnrark-r nf the INDIA CHOLAf.OltrK, is amply tiltestiil liy the univerttiil success with which il has Ikjc.ii employed. lV Kxtruet from a rotnmiiiiiciitinn nf the Hon. Wir- liam WonmiRiDGK, tf the U. I. HuiHittf, laic Governor of iMichigiin, Detroit, Oct. 21, lsiu. DorTon Ciiarlkh Osgood, Dear Pi r. 1 hnve rem! with much interest, your little TR AKATinif upon the "cJiunes, tnvitinent mid cure" of the febrile discnnea which hnve so extensively prevailed iu Nmr country during the lust, tew months nu intercut increased no doubt, by the fact that I hnve individually sulTercd so much from them. Tlmih I (ret myself very incompetent to jtnlire safely upon 11 subject entirely proft-ssiousd, yt-t your theory seems to mr well rcnaoniif. and von r court u siuis iust, mid I think withal, that your pamphlet is rnleu tn! il to produce much pntctical gMd. Sp'-akinp n( the mrdieine lit- says : It fully justifi.'d your flutter iu; expectations, and us ti safe. eonvfui-nt, nml popu lar remedy, niv own experience, s i fur. indtirrs me to be lieve that it will prove a jrrct public benctit. I am pi'-as.-d to h-ain yon have reeenlly rstablishcil s-'Vcral anem-ics for its disposition ihiiii'jli 1 r'i ;;rrt that, vith n view to a more trenenu ilisseinination ot it. von should have found it necessary to remove fnn your prrncnt n . iilcuce aiuotiK us. nu iinit ii iL-prvi i nave 1 1 it noiior u nr. sir, Your obliged servant, AVIL 1.1AM WUUlUlHIDtii:. trT From Hon. Ptkpiiki V. It. TRownRitxiK. of Michi gan State Senate, to the Ap-nt at Detroit. lilTtMIVsMAM. UAKI.AXII "o., Dee. 1H, 1 -1 1 . $ir It'll Wish ine to inform von u-luil I Ltir.vtr .t" llr Osu'Msrs India ("holairoirue. or nuti-bilious medicine. I do believe that if the virtue and eil'ieaey of this medicine were ireneially known, the vvvun and agi'K would disnpiMair iu Michigan. I proi ured n txittle in the snrimr of nnd have rood reason to believe that myself and family escaped the ague last sitnson iu consequence of its use. I'erhaps in no summer sincn tlm settlement of this fine peninsula, has the fever nnd airue been so prevalent as the last. 1 have recommended this im-dieine in numerous in stances, and when tlie disease, had become fixed and Untied the skill of physicians; mid I have never known il fail. 1 Ims univerRilly produced the most happy eflccts, and I bet lieve it ha never been exceeds! by nuy medicine in remo ving the bilious diseases of the climate. l ours, respecituHv, sTKi'tiKX v. n. TROWiiRinnn. A cent for Sunburv il It IASSR : nrt,.,.i..,...r...,1 Wri'HINti THM Milton. J. il. ItASKU : Su!iHb' (jroye, MAV A: KlUSM. Alay 0, lhiy tl LIQUORS. WINES, &C. HIIE stilisrrilirr lias just rccrivt-J a new sitiiily ol Hip la-st Iiqiinra that ever came to .S'unliurv, roiiKistniK in part of SniK-nor olil pale Drutitly. Ftno Coniae I5i-amlv. 8upcrinr OKI Jaiiiaica SjiiriU". New Enclanil Kutn. Fine Holland CSin. 8M-rior Old 'liikry Common lo. Kiipr-rior Maderia Wine. I.islion do. do. .Superior Port Wine. Uurgutidy Port do. Hwect Malaira Wine. Superior Claret Wino in bottles. Champagne do. do. HEMIV MASSER. Siiulmry, May 20 1S19. JTJr,T ARRIVED. A Sew AfsKortnieiitorFieNh C.oods. I RA T. CLEMENT, Tl E5.TECTKULLV informs his friends, cits-tomi-rsand others, that ho Im s illrit reeeivi-,1 n lllllldsoine a.ssortmeiit of NKW GOODS at his store in Market. Square in iSunliury, such as Dry iioods, Groceries, Queens ware, Ilanlwnrc, ice ."unliury, June 21), lSl'J. J. J . G?.ZE1T0TJGH. (I.ule Keller & (irveiiotigli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Washington, I. C. UAWINGS HiiilpnnoM for tho Patont Dllica!. prepared ami ull tlioiieoirrwirv lui- 8iut!s.s, in n-Iittion to st'c-uiiiiy; patents, irani acteil, ami imniititlv oltettili'il lo. at th,.;,.,,!' lice ujiiiosito llto Patent Ollico. October 28, 1818. Win. (i. Cochran & Co., Wholesale and Iteluil, WIXU AND LUJLOIl MKHL'IIAN I'M, No. 72 Wulmtt Street, Philadelphia. OAVE ulways on hand a very larjre stock of Wines, Liquors und 8euars, uf their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will he supplied on the must liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819 STONE WARE, STONE milk Puns, stono Ju(rs und PiU-hers, und other articles of stone ware just received und for stile hy JOHN W. FK1I.INO. .Suiihury, June 23, 1819. 711. EV'.S COVCJI CINDY. An excel 1 lent remedy for eougjts, colds. For sale at litis oll'u e VVADD'8 eeli-Iiriited Horse and Cntlle M, f eine for sale hy HK bunhury Jan. 87th. 184'J rjOI.U PENS IX isII.VEU CASES, lot on hand and for sale hv A small H. B. MASsKK. S unliury, April 6, 1850. II AISINS, currants, citron, cheese, la-ppcr - sauce, &c. For sals hy J. W. FUU.1XU Kunhury, Dec. 2, 1818. CAPS. An assortment juBt received. Also silk HATS at $225, fur sale hy H. MA8SEK. Kunliury, Dec. 8, 1848. BLANKS. j of every deacriiition ct m . . B V ' M W -- . "MJLANKS of every description can be had by M9 applying at tlie oll'ue of the Anterisun. r' ETTEK entitle-, of al this olliu.-. various kinds, for aalo i sr i i K7?r.V.sTKri,lj, DR. TOWiNSESD'S COBrOl'ND EXTRACT FO SAltS AP AR ILLA . THIS Extniet Is put np tn qonrt bottles. It Is six tinws clieiiwr, plmsnjiter, suit warrantiil sura-rior to sny sold. It run-s dispasrs without voiniliuit. poruiiifT, sick ncn, or duliilitnting the patient, and is nartit-ularly adapted for a FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. The grsnt lioiiity snd superiority of this ftirmnarilln over otuer remwiics is, whilst it emilicatea disease, it invigorates the boily. (Jonstimption cured. Cleaiiso and tHmivtlien. , Consumption run li enri-d. Bronehitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, CoMs, Coughs, t'utarrh, Asthinii.fpittiugof IIIihhI, Moreurss in lira Ulit-ST, in-one f lusli, iNijililf wrals, Dilli. cult and Profuse Kxpi-etoniliou, and ruin in the Side, , ftp., Ac., hnve and eon lie cured. Prol-rthly t!iere never was n remiily thut 1ms been so suc cessful in (h'spi-nite cases of consumption ns this ; it elenn-si-s mid streiiKtheus the s'stem, nml upnnrs to li-iil the uU eers on the liniirs, und patients gruduully reguin their usuul health and streiu!lh. CURIt)i; CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is scarcely a dny pnsses but there are a nunilier of i.;ts-soi consumption reRrtetl as cureil liy the. Hse ol ur TnwiiKen's fiirsipmill:i. The following was reeenlly re- eeived llr. Towtsrxd Hmr 8ir: For the Iiirt throe vtmrs I hnve hwn mllictifl willi penornl dctiility, mul ihtvo'uk cihi- siilliiition of the lust stum-, und did not ksimi-1 to ever train my hrnllli nt ull. After itoiup tliniui-li n ctnosiiof iiiinlif-tue lindi-r tlm cure of sonic of ilminosl ihstiinniish-tl renular pliysii iaiis and ini nilK.-rs of the H.sird -if llinllli in .New 1 oik nml I'lsewhtTe, nud Sjicudiim thu most of my i-urnimts in utlniiptiuir to rrvain my hrnllli, and nfti-r ri-udina in sonie p:ier of yont KirKipnrilla I resolved to trv it. After usinu six botlles I found it done me ifnut Rnisl', nnd eullid to see Jim nt your otliec J With your iidviee I k--it on, and do most heartily thnnk you for your ndviee. I persevere iu Uikinir the SnrKipiirillu. and have, la-en ullle Ui ntleud to my usuul Inliorsfor the Inst four mouths, nud I li--ie liy Hie lilessiufrg of j1H nn(( ynur K-irsnpfirillu to Rontinui- my hiiillh. It helped 1110 beyond tho expeelnti.uis of all who knew my ease. CHAKUIS t(l'I.MHV Oininre, Ksni'.x eo. N. J., Alio;. 4, 11-17. Slaleof New Jersey, Kssex eiiuulv, ss. Chiirl-s IJuiin liy In inir duly sworn iieenrdinit to Inw, on his onlh snitli, tlvit the fon-Koiinr slulemeut is true neeonlina to the ln-sl of lllku'iwle,li;eiiu,lllief. (. II All 1 .1 ,S t(l'I.MIIV. Sworn mul suliserilied to liefore nu- nt (innate, the 'JJ August, IM7. CVHTS IIAI.DWIN. .lusliee of the lVace. fl'lTTIVll HI.(KII). Hi-nil the f -ItHvief:, nnd sny Hint e-insuuiplion is in ineu rulile if you ean : New York, April -JH, 117. Vr. Townkd : I vorilv Iw-lieve thai vniir S.irsunarill:! h-is turn the niimis. through Providenee, of Kivinit my lilu 1 have for seveml venrs hnd a Isid eouirh. It beeauie worse nud worse. At last I raised larire quantities of hlo-sl, had I ni'jht sweats and waseri-nlly deliilnatt'il huiI redueed. nnd j illil II--I expert to live. I have only used your Sarsiiuirillu Imt n sh'Tl time, nud there has u wonderful ehaime heeii wrouuht in me. 1 nm now nhle to walk all over the eity. I raise no IiIinnI, nud my eouuh has left me. iu ean well ima(iue that 1 mil thankful I'.ir tftesi- reBidls. Your ohetli cut servinu. VM. KI'SSKI.I., Cj Ciitlmiiiie st. I.OfT lll-R SI'KI'.CII. The niuirxeil ei-rtilieale tells a simple nnd truthful story of suireriinr mid reli.-f. There tire thousands of suiiilar ea S' S in this eity ami llrooklyu. and yet there are thousands of parents let their ehildren die lor fear of being humbugged or to save a few shillings. Hrooklvn, Sept. 1.1. 1h7. Dr. Towxsrsd: I take plensuru in sititiuv, for thu Iwiie fitof thine whom it may eoneern, thut my daiiKhter, two yiiirs nud six months old. was nlilieliil with Keneral de bility nnd loss of speech. She was iriven up us past je eovery by our family physician ; but fortunately I was re eomuieiiileil hy ll friend to try ynur Sarsapni tl'a. lb-fire liio inir used one holtle she n-eovered her speei-h and was eiuihlfil to walk alone, to the astiuishmeiit ol all wli Were iicipiaiuteil with I lie circa milliners. Slie is now ipnle well, nnd in much bdl.-r health than she has hc.-n ,r I- illis pasl. JI)Si:ill TAVI.OK. l- Y.irk Ilr..,lyu. two niii.i)l!i: s.w nu cry f-w faimlirs in.le. rl in t.e-t v h i 'e-ard of lliat HS.-.I Dr. T 'Wlii.-inlV Stra in :nln n time. I mt uav ehilrlreii the Summer, while Hi , I dnl nol. sickened and thed. Tlie e-Tcilieale we j.,il.;i!i below is Iiifin- evidence of its value, and is only tlicr inslauee of its savim.' the live-i of children : Dr. TowvKli Dear Sir: I had two children cured by your Sarnnparilla of the summer complaint unit dvseiitarv; one was only I.", inoulhold nud tha oilier H veirs. Tlii-y Were very much reduced, und we expeetiil they would -lie ; Ihey were (tiveu up by two resneel.ib;e phjuicians. When Uiecl K-ior iulorui'dus that we must lose them, wcrm..l ved to try your SarsaMirilla we had heard so much of, but had litlle confidence, there beiiur so much stnlf ndv-erliseil lhat isworlhleiis: but we nre lhaukfiil thut we did. for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b ah. I write thin Hint oth ers mny be induced to use it. Your, reipecifullv, .IIIIIV WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn. Sept. I", i(7. TO THE LA 111 F3S, fiRKAT FKMAI.K MKDICIN'i:. lln. TowvsRxn's S(Rapkiu.a isus-u'ereiu'iinnd speiily cure 0 tr iueipicnl eonsitiiiplion, and for the general prnna ti"il of the s rtti-iu no nialter whellir-T Ihe recall of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ue eiiUatt. -Nothli c can be ni -re surprism-' than its iuviu'oratiii ef firts on Ihe human frame. I'rrsons nil weakness mid las situde, from t.ikiiiir it nt once Ih.o -ine robust and fall of eneriiy Uliih-r ils lallaeuee. It iiiiincdial e! v e'liluleiuc! the lervi-iesMH-ss of li,e feliuiiv frame, whiell is the gi cat causa Imrrciitiess. It will not Us expected of us, in cases of so delicate a nil tare, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, Imt we can llssure the inflicted thut hundred of caacs have been reiii tl to us. 1)R. TowxRxn: My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, unci suifcring' e ntinuitlly by pain nud with other diliieullii s. nnd having kil'iwu ciise's where your medicine has elfecled grit cures; and nltt.t lienruitf It rccoliuiiclidcd for such euws ns I have dcfccribcd, I otiiiuncd a hotlic of your Kxtniet of SarRiNirilla und fol lowed tho directions you gave inc. In u short it rclunviil her complaints urid restored her l.i health, lleiug grejlful for the U-uetits she received. 1 take pleasure in liiusaekiiowleilging it, und reeoiiuneu.linir il to the public. M. I). .Moniti:, Alliany, Aug. 17, '41. cor. Grand A. Lydiu sis. DYSPHASIA. No fluid or meilieilia has ever been discovenil which so nenrly resembles Hi'-gastric juice oi salivu iu deC'iuiji-wuiig 1-hhI uitd si rcugl hening the ornaus ol' diiicstion ns this nie- paratiou ol Su'snpiuilla. It p.mvely cures every caw of dynpepsia, however severe or chronic. Hank Department, Allniuv, May III, ISIS. Dr. Townseiid Sir i 1 have Iieen ulilieltl'lor several years wilh ilysiH-psia in its worst form, attended with sour ness ul .toiuuch, kiss of uppetite, exlrciue heiirlbiiru, und a great uvcrsioii to ull kinds of food, nud for weeks, (wjiat I could eat) 1 hnve been iiuuhlu to return tint a small iortion on my slomacli. I tried the usuul remedies, hut, they hut hut little or no ctfeet in removing the complaint. l was in duced, al.iut two months since, to try vo ir Kxtruet of Sar sunurdln, and I must say with little confidence ; but utter using ni-urly two biltlcs, I found mv liipetite restored unit thu heartburn entirely removal; and I would earnestly re. commend the use of it to those who hnve Is en ntlhctt-d us I have been. Vours, 4 e., V. VV. VAX ZA.NDT. Aveut for Sanbury JOHN' w. I'Kll.lNr. : N..r Ihuinberhnd, 1MAIIV A. McOAV: Danville, W.M. A. Ml It It A V A Co., ' Apill-J-', l?IS. ly N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Sonlhworlh Manufactu ring CVs. Writing Papers. Ware. House, o. 3, .llluur (street PHILADELPIIIA. 100 ''' "f ,'lc ahove superior Papers now iu store, and lor sule to trade nt tlie lowest market puces, consisting in part of fine thick Flat Cans, 12, 11. 15 and 10 His. blue and while. Superfine Medium and Demi Wrilintrs, blue and white. Extrasuper and superlino Folio Posts, blue. Superfine (.'ammerioal Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Eura suia-r Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. tsupcrlinc ami Inul si ill l'iia-rH, long; and broad. SiiM'rliiii- and line Coiinting-1 louse Cajis and Posts, blue and w hite. Exlni super Cotig;ress Caps and Li tters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra suia-r Conjiress Caps and Letters, gilt. rsua-r(ine Si-rition Caps und Posts. tSuH-rlined blue Until Posts, blue und white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, '"Lawyer's" llrief PaH-rs. SiH'ilino und tine Cutis anil Posts, ruled and plain, blue und white, various iualttit-s uml prices. Also, 1U0II reams w hite end asserted eihoe Pa pers, Uounet Hoards, white and ussorled tissue. Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, ussorU d and blue Me. diiims, ( up V rapping, Hardware Papers, cVc. Philadelphia, Nov. 21, lHl'J. WINSLOW5 BALSAB1 HOHKIiOUNl) liigratllude U I lie lmt-st crime or man. ATE are not umong that class of Editors who " liar a few dollars w ill, (at tho expense oil ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article und bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility uf an nil provoincut or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect ws told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bodies of WINSLOW'S UAL8AM OF HQKEIIOCND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro alllicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leunato Tvlf giajilt. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Bunbury, by John W. Friling, Mary A. McCuy at Northunvlvorlaiid' and at wholesale by Frederick Kb it, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 83 J, ISl'J. 8 mo. LIVER COIVIPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OH NERVOUS DEUIMTY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And all diseases ariging from a disordered Liver or Stomach in bolh Mde and Female : Purh ns Constipation. Inward Piles, Fnllnessor Blood to the Heiul, Acidity of the rHomnch, Nausea, Hnirt-bunl, Disgust for Food, I'ullness or weight ill theHtiminrh, Sour Kriietntions, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit irf the Stomseh Swimming of the Ik-ml, Hurried und Dilficult Hrealhing, i- mii iviiii tn inn iif-nii, noKiiig or rnuieaiing sensations when in a lying posture Dimni js of Vision, Dots or webs before the Siulit, Fever and dull pain in the llend. Delieien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin ami Eves, Pain in the Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, ft e., Sudden flurihes of Hint, Uurniug in the Flesh, Constant Imnitinings of evil and great depression of Spirits Can bu effectually cured by SOOFLAITD'3 Crlclmitcd Herman Hitters. Tlirir pfiwcr over the nmvn diwwises I nnf ecrUi if Hii:iilctl ly biiv ntlirr prujHirntiuii ia tliP I'liih! Siiitcn UU tin rurrs Attest, in many cases ui'lvr skillful physicians hm fiiiM. Drnniiri'inriit tf the Liver mid 8tmnarli nro iirnn if In mi. y. mul will Him uvnhirp dinrnne ot the 1 1 curt, Skin, I'ih" mul Kidm-vs, unit lays the Itoily npeii to nu nttmk nf the ("h.'lera, Ilili.'ins. or Yellow Tcver, nnd is trciicnilly the nrst muse oi tlint most iKinetuI disease, (;onsuinptioH, Opinions of (lie Philadelphia rrcss. "THE DISPATCH." Dii-cinlie? Hist snvs: AN INVALnAlll.l;.M..l)lt:lf:.Wehnvcfrequently heiml the Celebmleil tiermnn Hitters, miuuilHctured by Dr IbHilllnn.l, Skcn of in terms of enmmcnitution, and we know deservedly so. It is a too common practice, in cer tuin iuarlers. to pull' all manner of uscIcks trash, but iu the nlsive Hitlers, I drcd, nre living witnesses of their great inornl nnd physical worlh. Asa medicine of the Liver (:onipluiiit, Jaundice, Nervous Debility nnd Uvsiiepsin, it has been loilud invaluable, cll'ccling cures and' thoroughly eradienling disunses. when ull oilier medicines hnve failed. We feel convinced, that in I he use of the (iermiui Hitters, the pat'ent become debilitated, but constantly gains slreiuflh nud vigor to the Inline a fact worthy of great consul, rati. in. The Hitters are pleasant in taste and smell, nnd can be administered under any circumstances, to the most delicate stomach. Indeed, they ean lie used bv ull per sons Willi the III 'St perfect safety. It would he well for th who ure much nllcc-tiil in the nervous svatem, to e nee with one Km spoonful or less, nnd gru.lually in crease. We speak from exwrieiice, nnd lire of cairsie. n proper judce. The press far nnd wide, have muled iu re- eoinineniiinr ine licriuaii Hitters, nud to the ulilieted we most eoi'diully ndvisethcir use. MM HIT OF THE TIMES," June otth sacs "IK) Ol il (If)OI) li l l.KNS who are invalids, know : ,.,- i.,L n;,v iieen iM-normen uv Dr. Ilo-illauil s Cel. braliil (termini Hitters ! If they ilo ll"t, we r.coiiiia. ini them tothe-'lienmiu Misliciua Store," nil who are nlllicled Willi Liver Comulniiit. Jaundiee. tlin. pepsia, or Nervous Debility : the Doctor hnscurcd niaiiv f our cilizens inter the ls t physicinns bad I'aih-d. We have used Iheui. und they have proved to lien mi-diriuethnt every one should know of, und we eaimot refrain giving our tes timony in their favor, und that which eives thctu grealcr cluiiu ui -il our humble cleat, they are entirely Vegetable. "TUB DAILY NEWS," Julv 1 1 li savs : "Wc s.Kiak knowingly of Dr. Iliviflnnd's Cclchrnted (lr man llittcrw, when we say it is n blessing of this u!rej and in ilisensesoi the bilmry. digest ive nud N'crvousSystrins, it nasnoi wrllnnK nil - jll.'i I. II is u Vegetable l'reiaral Ion, and mad.- without Ale .hoi, und to all invalids we would re coiniucnd it. us worthy their confidence. t'ors de. wholesale nnd retail, ut the iiriiieipnl lb-p it, IJKHMAV Ml:lll( i: STUlii:, No. l-.-il Arch Slreet, I'liiladelpNia. I", t sale by . A. MeTAV. Northumberland nnd Sail biK anil respeetiihle dealers generally throughout the Aoril 'II. --!l.y COUjMHIAX series of vHtimctfrsi. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'piIK COLr.MUI AN CALCL'LATOK. This work is already introduced into w of tlie best Acadamies and a lari'e numlier of .Schools, where iu use lias given decided and universal sa tisfaction, boil, to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based unou our own la-autil'til ttreimal yslem of currency. It contains more, me arrangements nre belter, and it is the easiest nml cheapest work of the kind now in use ; mid it is so considered by hundreds of tho most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ann riemi Hrhul.iri : Jl,i Allium Ticinor. 'I'm; Vtn -rit's Cou-miiian ('a lohtou. This volume contains !)1 pages, with about 0U0 exam ples t.r solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental littles, Compound Hubs. Simple and Compound Kcdui-lion, Single Kule of Three, 1 roiiortton, &c- Tickxiik's Tablks, is destined for the use of younger classes in tlu Schools of the I'niled Sfntes. A beautiful little book nnd pleas ing to children, and the only oneofthe kind of out value. There nre Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the (juestions are gien with mucli extra matter lor the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples ill Mensuration, Ac, for the use of tlie Teacher. All that is wanted is to have Ihe above books examined, and no teacher who is ai-iltiaiulcd with the science of Arimmetir, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works thu have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued hut a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night ' Public Schools of New York City in all tho Schools public und private, except two, iu the City of Keading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, iu the City of Lancaster, and in Ihe lioroughs of Harrisburg, York, Chainbersburg, Lebanon, Hoylestowu, Potts villc, Orwigshunr, &c., Ac. For sale by Hesht Masseb, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1818. DIAMOND POWDER. FOH RAZOR STROPS. rillllPowdor is warranted far suH-rior to any 1 thing iu itse for imparling a keen, smoothedire to Razor, Surgical instruments, nud nil kinds of line Ci Ti.Kitv j it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Ka.or, Knives, nud Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, y ALFIiEl) UKXNKTT, Agent. Depot of Fine Kazors, Strops, llruslu-s, and Cheap Fancy (ioods, No. IS South Filth street u bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PuiLAiitLcaiA, Feb. 1 5th, 1818. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNF.S MACIC DIA MON1) POWUKK, und can attest in the most unctpiivocal manner, that there is nothing can lie found that will produce the same ell'cet in my opin ion, and must say Io others, try it, and you will find it snH-rior to any hcjetoi'ore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp rumr was IsMbre. JOHN SCOTT, lion Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Piiit.Mii.i.rui a, October, 1818. A very hard In-ard and tender face has compel led inn -Io seek and tent many contrivances design, ed Io make shaving easy and pleasant, hut w ilh indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POVVHE15, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Mousscl's Shuving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power tn the Kazor to remove the most stubborn beard, tci'i irri tating the skiu ur tcuipcr of their owner. J. CON", 4!) South Fifth Street. For sale at this olliec l'riee 'io eta. ja-r Box Nueuil-r 5, 1818 Cm. Vuluuble ItooUsi, T 1FE or ('nais,T, liuudsoiuely bound, D'Ar- hlOSt's IhsTOSI ur TDK litOUATIO(, Blavk Di-boos tin LtnuicHs, full bounded. For sale at tho publishers prices by U. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. IATENT Trusses of all kinds, Hariison'i writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn anil laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FKILING. Suiihury, Dee. 8, 1818. - Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Beady made Vests, Congress KSiivcs, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by .11, MA-SSEK. ' tsuubury, Die 'i, 1818- OXYGENATED A SOVI ItKlOX REMEDY roR phthisic, AND GENERAL DEBILITT. GEORGE B. GREEN, PnopniETOR. ; Windsor, Vermont. their use has hoc,, proved In the 'rel'ief' " Zt . I the symptoms that proceed iron, a dcbihiMcd r Sc tern of the Stomach , i wm, dehimv arisinV a". fr"n ,r r,TZ1' "( Kev"r- l-rtieiilsHy F erZl Acne. I-cmnles surfer unr under nnv i,iri...'.i arising from weakness, will ,f.. ui.l.". I he history of this mnlicin. I. n...i:. i. , . .. -No ortifieinl men,,, hnve b..en used V. give it no b.rieiy,lt ,rilrt it up,.,, publie nrt.-,.ti...,. It W never m, ZZlt ht having first shown K,Z murkable ifTlniey in the funn y of the it Inr lnm n.tervtds nd,iister.,l J, hi, Hie edS, "5 .Z tendid until it is known in the most distant n.,. ,rf .1,- cni.m, ns a medicine of iinrivulM virtues in the enro of A s thu in or ' P hi I "" '""T"1 ""d al" "' " J, bus l een 'C r "" l'"n,W nnrt y I"SY ZnhS, lL!, y? w-""!'"'" effieacy, a. tLl.l frolii rv ,nsL!r w ere 'X. "T1- - lit ni-..), im . si . ,mvr ,won "Bw.ana me r m Vvly 1 C Prl,ncf thify Imve proved h ro- iNutllfntlln (rtii.fnt.. ttllS11'"'' "g"C" "5' VSstrmiy widely WINDSOR, vV, O&s1' Pr"P"et"r The fnllawlng C'ertlficnte. have recently been rneeived t , Vstll-.lTON, D. T., Jl-M! 10. lUld I .ivlnv-liwde useol u,e ( ixytn-niiteil Hitters" prcrslrerl ;i.. . :'.7"' "1 w''l"r , Vt.and from know r. r 1 . ,'o '" """T I"? '" weeheerfnlly ,i K"' '" ""II'"1'1 I'i'-vmit that they willfully I i . . r-;'"""-"'1"' 'f the Proprietor. 'V hopi r'l ho,, ",''" r'.'m,''y '""fl" Kcierally d.fli.l nllb '-ted 5 ' " '""' u"-t-''l t all the SAMI TL PIll-LPS, ) ., WILLIAM ri'HAM t Si-imtor from Vermont. J t' liinn 1 ' from It. Islna.l. or ..f Ke, !L v- ' 9- ""t wrly Govern- L. II. . AKNOIJ), Slemlwr of Congress and formerly C- vi-rnor . W.M. WotiDHKIDGi:, r ver.ior of M,rl, ' . 8. Senator and fonneriy Territ'ory.I A" I1N' rHrFltu ' Uoii(rreM from Wiscnii.iii Krou, II,,,,. H. D. Pe..TKnMe,nlWr of Congress fro,,, l'einisvlvnniu. Denr Sir -I hnve I, . AS,"iT"- .'- Ci -I"K 10, IWO. yen's nudum-, r.l ''-"Peplie snlB-rer for libout ten wi ioi sneers. S'"","" nie,l-i,., fr relief iii.,..i .i V "" "f vottr "(ivvcenuted :ers Miililnris id, ii : my I. slim .to t i t . . T -O ""- r...eil H..1. I i:iK-grcil picus.irs in n.c ,r.l ns eun.hve power: , .,ulrf a, k. Hint u liil. . mh ten , m,1 ,1 . l'ri...l i. i.i. - . .- . .. Muuiner ol mv llltllcted l r , , ' ml "" d.iru. that von '" ' '"' s "nnyen-y :.t I' itslmnr. ..r inform llleiu "'xr """ - ,1'TVesW-tr"' I) ..-,. !,. (iI!Kt.,.M-:,!w,r, vt. c.-iu i .r m rv II. It m 1KSI.-I) Airci.ts i..r -ililloii MAl'KAV A II A All. 'A-.'.eit fo I inT .Muhonov 1 ll in.-vv April I',. mi-i IMPORTANT TO THE i'UULIC. HCPsSE CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure nre within the reach of all! The undersigned litis spent several vears in tho study ol A elerinarv practice in "London und E dtiilioro ," be has also availed himself of the resear ches oi Lcibig, and i.thercelebrated men, who have contributed so ., towards a judicious treatment of animals; th,. principles of our practice consists in Ihe rejection of general bleeding and t,o total rejection of all medicines that cxpeiietice has shown to be of a dangerous tenduiicv. These re medies uet in harmony wilh the viialprinciplo, and when gicn according to (lie directions which ac company each article they nrn cupable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, bene, aro sal'cin the hands of every one. (J. H. DADD, M. B. A List uf llurse nml faille .Medicines. Physic balls-, 75c. per Ikix. Alterative ball, 7.V do. powders for bad condition, V 5r per pack age. ' r Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c do. I in ue pooler for kidneys, 75c do. 1 ome powder lor bud cnttdilion glanders, 75c do. Cordial ill ink for inllainalioii of boocls, 7oc per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the Krowlh of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls. 75c. tMr botlle. Wash for inilamcd eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment lor mange 'scratches, old sores, &c., 50c per botlle. fir sore throat, 75c ior Ikittlc. Hoof ointment for sand cruck, brittle hoof, Ac 50c K-r botlle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description. 75e & 1 iH-r bottle. Dislcmiier powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 tier packatje. Forsale.byKTIMP.sON & KEED, 2B Mer chaiits How. also at DADO'S HOKsE ND CATTLE .MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos! 1 &. Hayinurket S.iuare, Huston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can lw had gratis. Numerous Certificates arc in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by tho above Medi cincs. w.v..l.dJ'-v(iKEEN & rl-KTt'HER,No. 26 South SIX 1 H Street, Philadelphia, and by his Aiiimrs Hsxur Massib, Sunbury, February 3, 1K1U. tl' nOSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTEK lKAItl,ef...,wiir entiOeate feun dipt. Devoe, th. Aavsltar ) 'w"u"d f'P''' !rw'uHsit Captain (o- tha Philadelphia, October 31, 1A16. S.-veral ymrs since I , ttekl M ilh a hcuikiiw out mi my neck in the lorn, of -J-eller, which I n.u e.mviiico.1 l "' '"""f- " ltally eiteiKl. "lover my luce until it reach.-,! the upier isirt of th. cWk.. Harm tlm several months that it eontinu, uoidiiur, I uJ dill.-r.-nt sppheatkuis. s. .,e of which hs.l he etlca, appreully ut l, of -rei..i, the disumk- but Iron, none .a them did I perceive the least beneru ..... ,1 I Hppl.e.1 the K.aO,NkU. II) the u,T of tr t ll.T" l"!r"H'" C""'d mut l,,,V8 aainct free uf the .flu,. lies. ,s the laej. blou lies. ehupped L,sl,, i!r. With .Jer. fj-et success 1 havo no hesilutl ,11 i roeouiiueudul, 1,1 the strongest manner to the publie. . , ., JAMES DKVOE. AirentHiiMiy MAastiU, Sunbury. July M, leitl. ' PATE1TT LCEDISI1TES. Oreen'. Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tuwiiacud's Sarsaparillit. Baker's Sarsajiarilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Swayne's Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's Pain KiJIer. , Dr. Hoofland's (iermau Bitters: Indian Vegetable Pills , Horsa and Cattlo Medicines For aula by HENRY MASSER. bunlnu-y, July 14, 1849. . . ... , , . OOKS and fiold Pens. On hand several cop- ie of Ihe life of Christ, ami alto a number of gold liens which we will sell at tlie PUilttdelphia prices. For dole at tUisoUioa. , -,. KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TENINtirJ. A cheap anil excellent arli cle lor fastening soh fur sale hy J. W.FIULING Sunburv, July 7, lSl'J, t.oniiveiiess. .mi mi. ....... Piles Mil.i v... .... j T """""'lie, loss ol Amietito, 1' ah,'.K f lu " ' ""sampllon (Dyspeptio J: '. 1" '.9 o 'KLA." ?' ' !',hiic "n--d with rlerZa-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers