SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. BOUNTY LAND BILL. Th following is a correct copy of this bill) as it passed the House of Representatives on Tuesday evening; - Be it enacted, tfc, That each of the survi ving commissioned and non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, whether of regular, volunteers, rangers or militia who performed military service in any regiment, company, or detachment in the service of the tTnited States, in the war with Great Britain) declared by the United States on the 18th of June, 1812, or in any of the Indian wars, nince 1790, and each of the commissioned officers who were engaged in the military service of the United States in the late war with Mexico, shall be entitled for twelve months' service, to one hundred and sixty acres of land ; for six months' service to 'eighty acres of land, and for three monihs' service, to forty acres of land; provided the 'person so having been in the service, shall not receive said land, or any part thereof, if it shall appear by the muster rolls of his rrgi ment or corps, that he deserted, or was dis "honorably discharged from service, or if he has received or is entitled to any land bounty, 'under any act of Congress heretofore passed. Sec. 2. That each commissioned and non-commissioned officer, musician or pri vate, for whom provision is made by the first section hereof, shall receive a certificate or warrantJ"rom the Department of the Interior for the family of land to which he may be entitled, and which may be located by the warrantee or his assignees or heirs at law, at any land office in the United Status, in one body, and in confoimity to the legal sub-divisions of the public lands, upon any of the public lands in such distiict then subjucl to private entry : and upon the return of each certificate or warrant, with evidence of the location thereof, having been legally mnde( to the General Land Office, a patent shall be issued therefor. That in the event of the dealt of any com missioned or non-commissioned officer, musi cian or ptivate, prior or subsequent to this act, and who shall not have receivod the said certificate or warrant, it shall be in favor, and shall inure to tho benefit of his widow : Provided, she was married to such officer or foldier before'tha conclusion of his service, and is unmarried at tho lime of her applica tion. Provided further, That no land war rant issued under the provisions of this act shall be laid upon any lands of the United States to which there shall be a pre-emption right, or upon which there shall be an actual settlement and cultivation, except with the consent of such settler, to be satisfactorily proven to the proper land officers. Sec 3. That all sales, mortgages, letters of attorney or other instrument of writing, go ing lo affect tho title or claim to any warrant or certificate hereinbefore provided for, made or executed prior to the issue of such warrant or certificate, shall be null and void, to all inlents and purposes whatsoever, nor shall such certificate or warrant of iho laud ob tained thereby, be in any wise affected, or charged with or subject to the payment of any debt or claim incurred by such officer or noldier prior to the issuing of tha patent. Provided, That the beneCls of this act shall not accrue to any porson who is a member of the present Cong'css THE STATE SENATE. The following districls elect Senators the ensuing fall onder the new Apportionment Bill: Philadelphia County, 1 Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming, 1 Luzerne, Columbia and Montour, 1 Cumberland and Perry, 1 Venango, Mercor and Warren, 1 Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion, 1 Philadelphia City, 1 Adams and Franklin, 1 Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon, 1 Alleghany, 1 Buller, Beaver and Lawrences, 1 11 Tho number of Senators holding over is 22 of whom 11 are Democrats and II Whigs. Of the districts electing this fall, the first six above named will undoubtedly bo L. F. Demo cratic the other five Whigs thus securing the Senate next winter to theL. F. Democrats by a majority of oner Depott Marshals. We understand that Mr. Irvln, the Marshal fur the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania, has appointed most ol the Deputies. Thomas S. Mackey, of Milton has bee'n appointed for Northumberland bounty Charles Cook, editor of the Dnuvitle Democrat, for Montour county ; Israel Gule litis, of New Berlin, for Union county; John Knox, of Jersey Shore; for the upper end of Lycoming county; . ranufacture Fiio'xi the Cocoanut. The fibre of the cocoanut; coarsely spun by the hand, has beeri in Use for a long time for the manufacture of matting of various kinds. Latterly machinery has1 been em ployed in the preparation of the fibre, which is now obtained of three descrip tions. A light elastic fibre suitable for stuf fing furniture; a coarser fibre used for ma king mats, and a strong fibre uied for brushes and brooms; The kernel of the nut dried in the sun and subjected to powerful pressure, furnishes an oil which is sent to England in large quantities, where it is, used for the manufacture of candles and soap. It is proposed to employ the juice of the Cocoa nut palm for the making of sugar. It is estimated that each tree will produce up toairdf of one hundred weight per annum, and (hat an acre planted with cocoanut frees ttill produce twice as much sugar as an acre of sugar cane. Exchange paper; Incendiary Act. An attempt was rnade on Sunday night to bur'n the Railroad bridge, five miles west of Lewistown. The' fire was kindled id one oi the abutments, but was fortunately discovered in time to prevent serious injury to the bridge. There will be no interruption to the travel on the road, as the damage will be imme diately repaired. BARNUitf, it 'rs saidf having been encour aged by his success fn procuring Jenny Lind'i appearance in this country, it now making great efforts to bring fu"'K Vir toria and thf babies next vr,ir, From the peculiar nature of Merchant's Gargling Oil, and the unparallelled success it has met with in the hands of those who have the care of horses, it is but justice to sayi that of the great number of medicines which have been offered, none have been so well adapted to the ptompt cure of some diseases to which horses are liable; it has been very justly called a complete Pasacea for the horse. For a triflimr sum. the farmer may be in possession of a balm that will relievo him of much anxiety and expense, and rescue nis favotite animal from the jaws of deaths, or at least from unnecessary pain. For particulars, get a pamphlet of the agent. Sold by II. Masser, Sunbury, and other Druggists in the U. Slates. HI A It II 1 12 u , At Northumberland on the 16th lilt., by tho Rev. M. J. Allemnn, Jackson Carviss to Miss Elizabeth Dalb, both of that vicinity On the 19th ult., bv the Rev. T. H, Skin ner, Jr., Rev. James Ckpdes Craighead, of Northumberland, ra., and miss Harriet jv daughter of the late James Van Aukeu, Esq., of New 1 oik City. On Iho 13lh ult.. by the Rev. J P. Hudson, Mr. Andrew C. Ienbuook, to Miss Hannah Maria M'Carty, all of Delaware township, Northumberland county. On the 19th ult., by the Rev. G. Berkstres ser, Mr. Henry D. Patton, of Curwensville, lo Miss Matilda E. McEnally, of Boggs township, Clearfield county. iiiiihii ii in issi i inn mill in mi win o i i: i. Near Light Street, Columbia rnnniy, Pa , some weeks sinee, Mrs. ANN ELIZA HEIS TEK, consort of tho Rev. John P. lloister, in the 271 h year of her ago. I)C ilkrkcts. Philadelphia Market. July 4, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet and the price stea ; shipping brands are selling at S5 25o brl. Extra Flour at S6 75 brl. Rve Flour is held at S3 00. Corn Meal is worth S3 00 per brl. Wheat. There is an active demand for red Wheat at SI 20c. prime White at 81 30c. Rye. Penna Rye is held at 65c per bush. Corn. Corn is in demand at 63 c. for yel low ; White is worth 60 cents. Oats. Southern are worth 43c, and Penna 43ic. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 23 and lihils at 23 cents. Baltimore Market. July 3, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of cood to prime reds weie made to-day at 115 cts., andPenn while at 118 cts. Corn. White at CO a 61 cents, and of yel low at 63 cents. Oats Prices runs? from 42 to 43 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 25 cents, and of hhds at 24 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly bij Henry Masser. W hi:at. Rtt.. C'iiiis. Oats. Bi-tteh. Eons. 1'obk. Flaxseed. Tallow. Beeswax. Flax 108 50 60 37 12 8 5 125 10 25 8 SUPREME COI'RT OF FKKSSYLVAXIA NOKTIIERK DISTRICT. NOTICE. :! S hereby given that the Supreme Court for the Northern District of Pa., will commence its annual session on tlm 2J Monday of July next, at the court house, in Sunburv. CHA. PLEASANTS, Trothy's. Sup. Court, N. D. ProlhyV Office, Sunbury, June 11, 1850, Argument List. 1 Covil vs Maflit, Lu 13 Heinman vs Kent. zcrnc county 14 Plymouth township 2 Forties Kvan vs Sut- vs Jackson township. well t Coleman, M'- 15 Ross adm. vs Phelps. Kean. lfl Hoss adm. vs same. 3 H TCase vs Johnson 17 Shocmakervs Holland 4 Cooly 2d vs Taylor. 18 Gardner vs Davis. 5 Holden vs Cole et al 19 Moras & cd vs A vers 6 Oulick vs ParkhursL "0 Mains vs Fillman. 7 See vs Browing. 21 same vs Pelman. 8 Campbell vs Stewart 23 Sicklervs Warner. . St eo. 23 Chastellenx Vs fair- 9 Maylard vs Jones. I child. 10 Schcinerhorn vs" 24 LecvsPelgrlm. Sehermerhom ailmr. 25 Armstrong vs Hale. 1 1 Deedrick vs Wood. 26 Hackert vs Common- 12 Andres vs Evans. wealth of Pa1. Second List,' 1 Watson vs Housel 21 Rover vs S Myers. 22 same vs It Myers. 23 same vs D Myers. 24 Reed's adm. vs Reed. 25 Baldy vs Snyder. 20 Caul vs Com, Pa. 27 CasevsParnialle. 28 Fegely & co vs Bel las, 1. Northumberland en. 2 Snyder vs Bull, Ly coming. 3 Oliver's Ex vs W B Bank 2. 4 Bccckley'ex vsReed adm, 4. 5 Maun & Brown Conilv ic co. 29 Carver vs Strohecker 30 Groves vs Donaldson. 31 Kase vs Best. 32 WaggonsellervsBogs 33 Cundrum vs Kline. 34 Bull'alo tp vs White Deer 35 Daily vs Green 36 Keys vs Wit more 37 Wallis vs Snyder 38 Clement vs Reppert 3.U same vs Rohrbach 40 Weaver vs Clement 4 1 Ross vs Pleasants 42 Pleasants vs Ross 13 sfme vs same 44 Ut-lfricli vsUliennyer 1.) Maus vs Wilson 6 Dentlcr & Montague vs l am. i 7 Bacley vs Pfoutz ex. 8 Boss vs Ikhoudg. 9 Snyder vs Wilt. 10 Wi'llwr vs Bosler. 1 1 Accharta it altera vs L'nngsL, 12 King vs Kline. 13 Kasc vs Davis. 14 Danville bridge co vs Pomroy, et al. 15 Bellas et al vs Caro thers et al. 16 Moatz vs Knoi, 17 Iiearich's ex vs Iiea rich. 18 Knox vs Moats. 19 Roycr vs A Myers. , 20 same v E M vers. 40 Wingardnervs Holler 47, Thomas vs Lloyd 48 Muitroe vs Wood. TO THE VOTERS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. 17F.LLOW CITIZENS .Encouraged by a " large number of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY ('O.H3IISSIOCR at the next election, (subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.) Should J lie nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties or safd office faithfully and tri the best of my ability. PETER HOUGHAWOUT. Rush township, June 22, 1850. BOARDING. fllHE subscriber will continue to reccfv and X accommodate a few transient or permanent Boarders, at her. residence in Sunbury. The location is in Market Square, our door west of the "Sunbury American" office, a handsome and pleasant part of die town. To persons from the city, who wUli to spend a few months in the country during the summer season, Suuhury af fords delightful retreat. ANN C. MORRIS. Jniir ':'., t..n liacitig Subscription Office, 19 1'ARKPtACE, NEW-YORK. THE Proprietors bog to announce that they hava opened Classes for 8w cpstakes, upon the system which has obtained a large share of the public support in England and elsewhere, by extending as it dors to the public at large, the in teaest otherwise felt byfew only in racing events, and enabling all whether conversant with Sport ing matters or not, to participate in tho chance of gaining a large sum, by the result, ai proportion ality a small risk ! As will be seen by the subjoined Hellenic, the subscriber in Class E, may FOR O.NE HOLLAR, GAIM $.1,000 H 5 o H e o c o !h o " ei - 6 2 2 ? 3 3 r E. o irf ef h S3 5 m COCO H 5 o c o r, if) e . H 1-5 s t to irt S irf cf e to J ess 9 s J' i!5 . C Iff tfi N 10 B meitiH i. , ic fi iC c - o 3 . g cf cTtt its s m , J 3 3 H a o t1 w -3 e a w o 00 !? T 5 M o ta r-l H pi 8 n r . W fY i) i r w to C-h w in M t o I '1 to c VI w THE DRAWING. of this ."wrcpstake will take place publicly on the Slid dav of August, 1850, the day on which the race will be ruii the place and hour being first duly announced by advertisement; when the names of all the horses entered, will bo allotted amongst the subscribers in each class, and on the 20th day of September next, by which time tin result of the race will be known, the will be distributed; the holder of the name of the winning horse in Class "A." receiving a Prize of FIFTY THOUSAND DOM.AKS, that of the second, Twenty -five Thousand Dollars, &c. &c, in accordance with the above Scheme. A commission of 10 per cent, to cover expenses will be deducted on payment of all prizes. j4ny further information required. will bcolTnrd cdby Secretary, Mr. William Uarroll, at the olli ces as above to whom ull applications for Agen cies and other communications are to be addressed Post paid, md all remittnnes, either by llill or Note to be made, in return for which, numbered Certificates will lie forwarded ns directed. Lists of Hoises entered fur the above, and all other Knees of Importances may be seen, together wih Schemes of Sweepstake in the forthcoming St. I.eger, Ac. &.C.&.C Juno 29, 1850 W. F. PEDDRICK'S (LAT1-: PARTXKll OK C. SC1IKACK) XVarntsIi Manilla lory and faint Atuie, No 78 North Fourth Street, A FEW DOOH9 ABOVE CHERRY, WEST SIDE, rillLADELPUIA. Constantly on hund and for sale, at reduced pricest and of superior quality, the fal loteinz articles, vis: Coach. Cabinet, Jnmnner' and Oil Clnlh Vurni!li ; Drying Juikiii ; Hxit unit Harm's Varniptt: Hrnwn, While 011(1 Kill Spirit do; Trmisl'er ilo; Artists', Hous liivj Coach I'liimers1 ami Vnnnahers' Mxteriuls; I'l TTY IX Ql'ANTITII'.S, FAi:MT-, DRY. IX Oil. AM) l'Kl I'AREU FOR IMMEDIATE I'SK; MilliiiKi1 Vuniisli, Cilne nml Ai ids: Hlai-k Jnunn for Inn ; Acliicsivo lo. for Knncy Work; Picture and Window' lllnss ; Artist' Co. lours, Dry and in Tulws j Neat's Knot Oil: Gold. Silver, ami Oerninii l.eui" ; o.jUl, Silver, and Copper lironze ; Ulii 7.ier' Dhmomli. Also, verj' superior Sliue HlutkinJ and Writing tnk. June 29, 1SJ0. SHERIFF SALES. BY virtue of certain Writs of Vest. JZrjioua, to me directed, will lie sold by public Vendue or Outcry at 1 o'clock P. M.. on Sloiuiay the 8th day of July ncxi at the Court House in tire borough of Sunbury the following real estate to wit : A Certain Tract of Land. situate in Point township, in the County of Nor thumberland, boum'ed on the north bv lands of Thos. McMahan, on the east by lands of Joseph Wallis, on the south by land of Chas. Morgt n and on the west by lauds of Charles Cay, contain ing lbl acres more or less, whereon are erected a two story IStone Dwelling House, one other 1$ story Frame Dwelling House, a Frame Barn, a Log Barn, an Apple Orchard and other fruit trees. ALSO: A certain lot of Land situate in the Borough of Northumberland, in said county, hounded by lot No. 18 on the east, the canal on the south, King street on the west and fronting on north way, be ing CO feet in front and 130 feet in depth and known in the general plan of said Borough as lot No. 17, whereon is erected a one story stone dwel ling heuse and a one story frame building. ALSO : A certain other lot of land situate in said Bo roughbounded on the cast by lot No. 19, south by the canal, and fronting on Northway, being 60 feet in front and feet in depth and known in the general plan of said Borough as lot No. 18, whereon is erected One and a half story fraino dwelling house. ALSO : A certain other lot of land situate in said Bo rough, bounded on the esst by lot No. 20 on the south by the canal on the west by lot No. 18, and fronting on north way, being 60 feet in front and feet in depth, and known in the general plan of said Borough as lot No, 19, whereon aro erected a two story brick dwelling house and kitchen, also a frame barn and frame atcble. ALSO: Four other certain contiguous lots ef land situ ate in said Borough, hounded on the north west by 4th street, en the north-east by an Alley, on the south east by an Alley and on the south-west by Orange street, and known In the general plan of said Borough as lots No, 269, 270, 271 and 272, centaining each one-fourth of an acre more or less, whereon is erected a frame stable. ALSO: Four other certain contiguous lots of land in said Borough, bounded on the north-west by 4th street, on the north-east by Hanover street, on the south-west by an A Hey, and on the south-east by Alley, and known in the general plan of said Bo rough as-lots No. 265, lGli, 267 arid 268, contain ing each one-fourth of sn acre more or less. ALSO: Six' other certain lots of land in said Borough (called out-lots) bounded on the north west by 5th street, north east by street, on the south east by Washington street, and on south west by Sus quehanna street, each containing five acres more or leas, and known in the general plan of said Borough as lots No. 26, 37, 32, 33, 38 and 39, whereen is erected on lot No. 26, a frame Stable. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Shriner.. JAMES COVERT, Shift". Sheriff's office, Sunbury , ) June 22, 1850 Is ) MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard l'-- Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di bcascs, and tonic rcmxiics, for sale bv HEMvV MAssER. Sunbury, Jilie -"), l-TiO tf ITIAIISIIAMS TONIC MIXTURE, For tiis Cure or Fkvkr and Acuk. War ranted. THIS nnrivsIM medicine mny be relied on when near ly all other remedies fail. Its value is not milneiently known, therefore, the proprietor deeires to enlarge the field of Its usefulness hy tanking known its virtues nud elft-t-ary to thousands uf sufferers whonre nut Swsro that they can be sjieedily and radically cured of FEVER AND AGUE, without the use of poisonous drugs, nauseous polions of the deleterious elfeelsof quinine. H is offered tolhepult lie at a low price to plnee it within the reach of all, uesured thnt. those who use ii according lu directions will find it a site and speedy cure for l'XVKR AD Hot I. It is not a disagreeable nnnseating compound bnl sn naree stile tonic cnleulnted to remove the disease and give healthy action t" the stomach and howells. 1'repnred only liv Marshall A On., nisi sold wholesnlca nnd releil hy ilowluid Ac on. No. ill North Olh Slpi't, Philadelphia'. I'rfce 81 per rmgl buttle, nnd pet doe. Jinn; 2D, 1-50 ly itooi IMGUERKHAft ARTST, No. U0, corner of Fifth Chesmit sts., Philn dvlphia,and 363 Broadway corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have n sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them lienutifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Fnpicr Mache, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door Views, nnd Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a cloudy day is quite as fa vorable ns clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. K7In Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. Our Gallery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, nnd Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to sec them. June 22, 1850. LINN, SMITH & CO., No. 213J Market Street, above 5th St. Piiiniitirim, IVliolesnle Druggists, AND DEALERS IN TRUGS, Mkmcixe, Paists, Oils, Wisnow 1 '' Glass, Vahmsiils, Dtr Stitf, Patent Medicines, Medicine Chests, SeaoicAI. It STiirMKjrTs, &c, &c; and manufacturers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is unsurpassed, and we arc now prepared to furnish it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from one to three dozen each. L. S. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand a full assortment of good nnd genuine Drugs, at the lowest possible rtea. Particular attention is also paid to the manner of putting up and packing their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perfect safely. All orders by letter or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Philadelphia, June 15, 1850. Cm Northumberland County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Northumberland County, Greeting: II W illiam G. Moore make you secure of prosecu ting his claim, then summon by smmnoncrs, Chas. G. .Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac Moore and Francis Moore, late of said County so thnt they be nnd appear before the Judges of our Court of Common Plena for the county of Northumberland, at a Court of Common Pleas to be held nt Hun bury, on the first Monday of August next, to answer Win G. Moore of a plea wherefore, where as the said plff. and delta, do hold together, and undivided all that certain Tract of Land, situate in Rush tuwnship, Northtimlierland county, de scrilied as follows to wit : Ueginuing at a "pine a u corner of the line of John Gearhart, thence by tho same south 55 dcg. cast 22 perches to an Oak, thence south HO deg. east 62 arches to a Post, thence by land of Jacob Gearhart, south 4a deg. east 23 perches to a post in the edgo of the Turn pike Road ; south 29 dcg. east 9 perches to a Post; south 30 deg. west 33 perches to a small Chestnut Oak, south 55 deg. west 9 perches to a white Oak, and south 35 j deg. twelve perches to post in a line of land of Herman Gearhart, and by tho same, south 51 dcg., west 20J perches to a 'pine, south 42 dcg, west 10 perches to a chesnut Oak, south 3 dcg. east 30 perches to a white Oak, and south 17 deg. west 36 perches to a liirch, thence by land of Elizabeth Depue and Jacob Gearhart, south 70 deg. west 84 perches to a post and thence by laud of John Guliek, north 8 deg. east 209 perches to the beginning, containing 87 acres nnd 18 perches more or less, with the appurtenances, they the said Defendants deny that Partition there of lo made hetwebn them, according to the Laws and customs of this Commonwealth, and the sta tutes in case made and provided, and the samotobedono will not permit, unjustly, and contrary to the laws and customs and to tho sta tutes aforesaid, as is said, &c., and have you then there the summoners and this writ: Witness tho Hon. Joseph li. Anthony, Esq., President of our said Court at Nunbury, tho 0th day of April, A. D. 1850. JOHN FARN8WORTH, Proth'y. "All oi" which tho parties aforesaid arc hereby re quired to take notice." JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Micnll s ollice, Nmbury, June 1, 1850. MAIIOG ANY AND MARBLE. STEAM SAW 1ILLS A!V1TI ItMXCi SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., f 1IILADEI.FIIIA. THE subscribers would call the spcciul atten tion of Cabinet Makers anil others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mahoganv Veneers, Hoards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, lied Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Hardware Tools, Ac. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our poods are WARRANTED, ! of the lst quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) W e guarantee to give every man the worth of his money. T. & L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Hail Plunk, and Stair BallusUirs for Builders, also Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850 ly REFORM Y0UE HABITS. Come ye, with ptrweiiU hare iwf wftlj, Ye huch'lori, widn'en and huitiandt too, If, in the outwurd man you'r needy, , We k.ii coil nmPe you as gnnd at new rilIE sulWrihcr respectfully informal.. frit'iid .I and the public, that he will commence in this plac, on the 8th of April ncit, the t I con I x J m six ess in all its tranche. He will be careful to ?e that hia work la made up in the beat manner, and he flatters himielf. that he will be able to give entire ftati faction in point of cut, tit and style, as well at in price. He therefore respectfully solicits his friends and the public generally to call and give him a trial. His shop is a new building in Fawn blrfrt I pw Wravrr's lintel- irm; o. BUCK. Kiinburv. MsHrh :t0, I KM), Hm XI. R. R. RADWAY'fl rlKADY HKI.1KK fr pnin is tntlr Mes sing to aiiffrrint, humnnity. The Issme Hre rejuiord at in fturutivo properlicK, for tlioy cnn riinponra with their crut chr mid walk . , The Weak blf-w it n tin inatrtiment in the hendi f Providence, for bjr itt healins; TiaiheHing qiinlilir they become stioiis;. The Unl-Kiddeit welcome it MRS lilrmintf from high henvcti, ffr it relieves thrin of their pnin ami roinerv, cure their dinenm whether it I nhenmntimn, lumbago, Oout, Parnlyai. Strains, JJiirnw, Pes. its. 7orf'a, Sprains, and affection of the Spine, or con traetvd Tendon, for by it nae they are ennhled to a rise from their bd of airkneen, and enjoy I he nleniturea and htfiwi.jrunf h.wlth. The PiiAerer of Neuralgia and Tic JMtMvu.i, welcomes it n their only remedy in relieving them of the cruel pnitst, ataMing likfl i electric ahoraft through tli face, head, nud nyntrtn, paralyzing lit an inntant their energies and briphtcat hoped, for the Ready Relief la a powerful antidote for nil Nervous nnd Rheti'mnlie AfTfC litnia. and will cure thin powerful dipenae when utl other retried ica have failed 1o give relief. The sufferer of Tooth Ache in a few aeeond So quick, powerful, and cflecttinl i ft ad Way's Ready Relief in all conn where puiu id entiled by external injuries or internal dertimremeut. Hint it tins relieved the most se vere pnins of Chronic Ithtmuiulifttn during one application of the Relief. . IT.S SUPERIOR STRENGTH. RAD WAY'S RKAUY RKMKF la &lm tha most ecm mi nil nictliciiie in use, it can lw uaed with the m 'ftt hny py leault, lith intcriitilty and exteninlly. Crninps in Ihs Stnmnch, Colic, or Cholera Morbus, ore relieved in ten minuted, nnd cured entirely in fifteen or twenty. Also if vnn r widli to intike an ointment nf it, tor the cure of Sore l.tpn, OhupMd 1'k'Jth, ftNidtnltir ICruptioiid, takentee-ffxjunb ful of the Relief, and a luble-dpounfiil f Sweet Oil, rtr I o. of Istird, and yon hiive R leUer nintmeiit or salves than any other article nw in use. In fact, this hum heme, when reduced to two third it st own strength bv adding us much spirits of wine, will give yon better I.iniinent thru, any now in use. See tluit eut-h bottle bears the fac-simile Ignntnra of of Rndwuv A C'o.. n ine other is genuine price '23 cent, lurgc bottles. THE GROW I NO ORNAMENT OF BF.AVTY IS A'UKAt'TIFl'Ij I1KAUOF 1.LXI RIANT HAIR. BADWAV'fl CIRCASSIAN BAl.M. The lady or gentlcniuii who desires a beautiful attiele to dress their Iliiir. nre advised to nuiku 110 of Had way 'a Circjtssmii H.din ; it possepnes many udvnnliires over hII other hair Ionics and prepnrntiiflis. First, cleanses the svlp from rimirirufT', gives tue and viu'or to the gives to the roota nnd bullst invitrjtt; to healthy action the genn 01 lite, which gives to the Imir a healthy root, nnd forces the hair to irrrnv,it cures MuMiicsk, stops the hair from fulling out,imikeR it line, strong, mil and glussv, keep it from turning grey, or becmning discolored. Hi truly a luxury to dress the Imir with tin delicious prcpuruliou. JIKR II A1U WAS AUj OONH. RADWAY'S CIRCASSIAN I1A1.M for invigorating tlich;iir,cliunsiiig the scalp, removins Uamtrufl, uud ctuing laiduem, ia truly a valunMc nrfjutnitton, A lady who Ir.ul been sick for some time hml lost every wtrti(le of her linir prcA'iouato jicr sicklies, her huir would tall out ; she .wna recoMiiuendiHt to try the Circnsiiui B;ilui. a a huir restor er, she used six bottles with the moat happy results, her hair is now flue, soft, glossy, Ion, nnd luxuriant. Tins preKiriton makes the hair moist, hue, a ilt, and silky, and piotisiNrfv-s it to curl; ye. with baitlheada, weak hair, had hair, try u lttle of the Circassian Unlm, prepared hy Rad way & Co., k-nd you will otn have n luxuriant head of hair. Sold for 'ij cents in large bottles. Ask forKadwuy's Circuc.Hiiiu Hulm, lOi J'ulton Street. New York. M.ACK SPOTS ON Till: SKIN. During the summer we frequently meet with pers ins wh ares h-ly ann'iyeil with black spots, about the ize of a pin's head, just under the Inn t it ol the surface these apuia arc truly ainioyiug and repulsive in upiearnce; tlioy urn nothing ii'ioru or lek than dust, the skin being warm rnd the individual HirKpiring frcvly, the dust clogging up Hie duets of the ai'lvu-cous gknilK, their oily secretion aie not given otf. anil consequently a cheeity deposit i (he results; this beeonirs nineid and turn" black, disligures the complexion, nnd ot'ten inflames and suppurate. Jct Rnd way's Soap be free y used, absorption will take place, and the spots speedily disappear. Also, if Had way's Soap was made use of as u Toilet Soap through the day, these spots, and oilier annoying excrescences, would not trouble you. The extraordinary effect of Radwuy'a S-wp in removing Tan. Sun Hums, Vim pies, Hlofehes, I'uHules, Tetter. Knli. Scurvy, Morphcw. and the Hitrs snd Siiugsof inset is is truly aatomsluug ; besides, it is certain of trunM'orming a dark, discolored and repnlfive visage, to a c can and beautiful complexion. In ull cases ask for Rtulwoy1 Soup uud take none other. N. Ii. Railway's Medicated Soap in steel engravings nre 2- cents, all others are counterfeit. lk foi the rteolen grdvmg. Agknt II. H. Masser, Sunbury. June 2, ls-W. ceinly JACOB REED'S clotiii; ROOMS, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, T7"HO always krrps on hand a lnrgc stock of cvi-ry variety or clothing made up of good material!), and in the latest and best styles, lie would also inform the public, that he pays consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1S50.- ly ADMINISTRATOR'S N0TICK OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of .ar.ih Newlierry, late ol 1 omt township, A orthnnibeiland county, dee d. AH persona indebted to said estate or having de mands against tho same, nre requested to call for settlnient. DAVID TAGUAKT. -Northumberland, June 15, 1850. Gt DAVID PEASE, FAITILY GROCER & TEA DEALER, S. Ii'. Corner 6th if Arch Street Philadelphia, J 1IO was formerly in the firm has now suc- cecded Colton ci Co., ill the business and oilers for sale at the very lowest ptices, nil kinds of Family lirtortiuts of tho choicest kinds con sisting in part of Fine, 8uperior and Common Green and Black Teas. Old tr. Java Coll'ee nnd other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil nnd Candles, OJivo Oil, Ket chups, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Farmn, linkers Chocolate, Cocoa and Bronm, and every thing in the line, which he will pack up careful ly and forward to order as promptly as has been the habit of the old firm. Will the housekeepers of Sunbury and vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of tho choicest kinds please to try us once 1 DAVID PEASE, 8. W. Cor. Gth & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. May 11, 1850 ly J. IC. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80J Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. T ESPECTFl "LliY directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a 'handsome Frame nt a LOW TRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a shorl lime the demand has been so great, that he has K-en obliged to incrcass his facilities, nnd new oiler at, KXCEKDINGLY LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c., &c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Hose-Wood. ITS" Please call nnd see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly MUSICAL ixSTNUMENTS7" CHAS. DUMIVIIG, No. 207 Chesnut Street, Jront Arcade, . Philadelphia. T MPOKTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical liutnimenis, r ancy A rlieles and 1 oy s. His prices aro lower than those of .any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ment repaired in the best workmauriup, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May So, 1850 ly SPB.I31TC- GOOLS IN 1I1II,A1 KLl'llI i. f II SH A KPI.ESS t SONS, have just received 1 their supply of Sl'KIMJ AND SUMMER GOODS of FrieiuJIy and other styles, lo which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions Of ISilk, woollen and worsted. DKESS SILKS firode Rluues, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy btyles India Silks and Satins. DKE.PS. GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousso lins. Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. , . FL'UNlsHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAK Cloth, Casalmerea, Cashma retts, Drills', Vesting! of all kinds, and Boys wear, SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLEbS & SONS, No. 32 S. Second Stiret. I'liil J'trlpliu M;n -'1, HS.- - Iv Brown's Esmenre of Jamaica Gin- scr Prepared only fct Frederick Jlrown, at his , Drug and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. TUB Essence is a preparation of unusual cx cellcnre and of varied properties. In all cases whero a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To tho traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, aa a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires Immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of tint system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be fdund an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitato the stonincfy anil cause a morbid condition' of its powers. In tlyapepain, iti relsxitlioii of the bowels, in nnussea and sea-sickness, It is an active and safe ns well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, nnd is prescribed by the most eminent of tho medical faculty. A supply of tho above received nnd for sale by H. 1). Masser, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. 6m C. MENKERT, BOOT MAKER, J o. 40 South Fourth Street, PlIILAIIKLrillA, "yHERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and Gai ter hoots, of the best style and workmanship, arc constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 10, 1850 Cm JOHN C. FA Kit &, Co. IMPORTERS OF "Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, AM) r.4!VC'tr .OQIS, 112 Chesnut St., between 3d if 4th Streets. PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS keep on hand nn excellent assort ment of the above articles, which they will sell on terms as low ns any in thu city. June 15, 1850. Cm TREVEUTON. ABORERS, Miners and others who wish to purchase lots in Trevorton at private sale will find nn agent on the premises or ut the town of Shamokin. Labor on the Kail Road will 1 taken in mv meut of lots and half the wages of the laborer ad vanced in cash. D. MONTGOMERY BOYD, Agent. June 1st, 1850 tf. GEORGE J. HEXKELS, CITY V A B I N K T W A R E R O O M S , NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, (OPPOMTB THE STATE lKICSK.) PHILADELPHIA. FFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, n largo nnd well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the lalest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every nrticle, useful or ornamental, coin prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood nnd Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture j Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to bfl the best now in use);. Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor u:id Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up iu the lutest Paris fashions. Spring Mattrasses, Hair Matlrasscsi, utid Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment arc warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part of tho country. May 85, 1850. ly EW YORK & rillEADELI'IIIA, JOURNEYMEN Hatters Association, Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia. rONTINL'E to mako and sell a finer and more S durable Hat for the money than ony other establishment in the United States standard price of Hats $3 00. Gents nnd Boy's Cloth nnd Glazed Cnps, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Calafy Panama and Straw Hats at equally low prices. May 25, 1850 ly CHARLESW. HEGINS,- ATTOP.1TET AT LAV,' I'ottsYllIe, Va. Will promptly attend to collections snd alt busi ness entrusted to his rare. June 1G, 1S4R, jTHTzMMElLMAlihj Jl'STlCE OF THE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Oll'tcc in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. CV Mnnips collected and ail Imsiucn promptly awl care fuilv atlelkleil to. April 20, 1850. EDWIN 1IA.LL, (Lati or tre Fiiim of Watkissox & Hall,) Ab. 24 South Second Street, Philadelphia, 1 ESPECTFULLY informs his old fri. Ms and customers, as well aa tho public generally, that he has opened an entire new htock of elegant styles of . . Spring & Smuttier Dress Goods. H ia assortment consists of the latest nnd most desi rable styles of English, German, French & Ame rican Goods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Bera ges. Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, Hdkfls, Gloves, and every variety of Dress and Fancy Goods. l'tulail. Marcli lli, ISjo. ly JAMES COOPr.R. PRLA CAMERON COOPER & CAMERON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, rOTTSVIM.E, Seliuylliill County, Pa., WILL collect monies, attend to litigltcd cas'cs, and act as agents in the management of Estates, &c. Persons desiring their services, may refer la the following gentlemen : rHUADKLPIlU. David S Rmwu, lnnc K. Davis, fiirfeon 0. WVrtontt Henry While, Kraiioi. N. Huck. Wat II. Knl, K., Cha (iilil.n. Esq, Jiwl C ook, Ewi., U. II. lirewslcr, Kj u. i aoiitiiiuoiicB, t-BC). KEW YOUK. H'm.Mitteall. Grgiaell, Hni (ydrn U'trTiiuin, Hon. Jsiiirs Monrtitt, Iliui. Edward CaUis. Himi. Ablikill Iiwrutice, DosioN. Juhn Aikc, Esq, 1WSLL Juna II, IH4V THE CHEAP BOliK STORE. SA1TXEL3 b SMITH'S Chiip NkW tt Second UiND Koos Sims, No. 3ti N. Stxth St. between Market If Arch, Philadelphia. LaW Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL ROOKS . , BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. , Scientific and Mathematical Books. Juvenile, Books, in great variety. Hymn Hooks and Travel Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. L'ion; Books, IVi iling Paper, and Stationary, XVholetale and It, tail. Vf Oca priraa art iniifbl owr I Una tlx aaouL.s prices yy Ikioks imported to outer Iroiu L.iidou. l'hilwlelphui, June 0, IMu j rilEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin I. Tea Coinr'any. Fof sle bv J. SV. FRILISC. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1M8 nfil feE TO KENT.-The prcmisci nn Mar kel klrrct, Ulclv oerupkil bv Sunou Mari. Apply lo iii:m; m ;-:l.'. i'uiil-iuv. V pril . IM. SCROFOLA tfthfunU nf Or ,o. Vmneert, gyptflH, U ffhew impnrt ditfOMu of thn J'w -ftfirf ifthtry SMALL HUASTITY miiirk wit Htd of Mttlbin f rf Cmm of tuck ifftJf, he on proof of th petrifying nrWtVI pom tf in th$ Atrditin icklth A vubthUd anrf cotiquertd utmtk 0iemmtkm tAert it un yutawnaf'U evidmn fWf BRANT'S INDIAN mmm iixTRAcf U ouck m Medlcin, In or try tfptvt ; nd tlifm In abma dnt proul, in rrrat eurtt fHectrd. thnt ONE BOTl'LK ot it rnntnint man purilyiim, bnlinv vlrtun, mod mtdiert powtT, thiui Uwi i cuutirisd in Fo'tt Bunlt ui omj nv gttftaritla, or ntty other mediant tlmt (inr evr tifm ofibrwdl fur ! Thcrw It undoubted truol in uur pttinphlta tlint hf the u- of thi gif at Indian Purifier, ttiey thai warn Utino Trt t,ivB Uic thnt war l.ivi and Cmr rt.rn t an now W1,k ili.y itiNt wr rtirr. HcMorvLwri. and otherwiaa ditraad, liv bon liRAi.rb nnd Cbat. Hundreds Thousands wh bare ufd Kbit's I'oainwa rtr horlhg ut3 4 tentt-d all tlm tartaftarillan and other nidif'inea H)aUa) tntHdud to t-ura blood, dimaei. hnte dtciaUd ihat Brant's is the Cheapest, .(frail m Ont Ilotlte of it hn nor medical, ciinttiv ul tcr t it, and, in ctHitequfMfr. rum -more jiitftvt ia nuib itn time, than on hot tit uf any uthar ntrdirina. Ii; t lien. OXE tfottle u Haxt h PtKirita will cara FOI It TIMrs morn ditvasft thnn vu bm U i if tmrtmpo rilla, " Hmnt's PL-ainwa" would m rXeAii A flHtrdol tftrt a h(titi. aa siirmpurtMn at ont dollar. Hut BRANT 4 I'LltlKll'lt It sold lor imlf ONIt DOLI.AK aHottla; a4 n n buttle uT tt :a cured, and it rHjnbUni ruhnf, Foot Timet om much dixeaw a ont OottU uf tmrtaponUo. tharav tort. arniaHla, In ewn'tjonce ol iu it HtwttT aa4 tnrdir itl c tlicacy, aliould Lm tid at no rmtrt ibaa Ttesntit Firt ibnt y-r bjula. tu Ua aa thoop aa tba fvai vikh at Om Dollar . One Delldii's Worth! How much ('Atfrsa how nmrh MtphilH 4iow mawb Soroku'La will Ont Itollar't rirth St bra nit Pl'MFIMR run ? Head tha lolNm ing atatciuvnt. which ia a, apcV nif ii of ita power. . , , cancer ous Scrofula ! . Thia t tin caf ol a lying man wHu ft lirot. Ho woo cured ol a wnne cna of .Scrofula, by only Tmlvt bottloo of Itrant'a INirilifir, than ever wm currd by the uaa of Ttctlre fiitliontui the- beft tarropariUo that was grfr made. nr8ftpnrilia Iim not tufftrient mtdtcol yoxtr V efltrat ho urt of fiucli a reroUinjflu Mtfftriet caar. , Mr. J. B. If askin. ol 'liuMe, Oneida Co . tf. Y.. had icrof via four yeartWM routined to hia bed tba toot year-ha was to much dueled and debilitated aa to bo unable ta raite Ins hnnd to hia head, lie had the btrt medical ad ire bd used all oi tha bent rurtapariilat lo no oo4 efleet go Kortt ami wortt, and waa cunaideredj to b la a Oying State and could not live tvento fovr hour luopr, when he comimni-'J using KHANT'rt jrL'KIKlKR. liia ntck whs eaten nearly off. Iruin tar to tar a hole waa eatea through hia windpipe, under hia chin, to that bo breath ai through tlm hole hit ear was to eaten around that ii could be li fted up out ot itt place, it only holding bv a mail picci the use of ont arm was dutroyed by two Ul ccr an L L er utuler the arm. aa larpe aa a man't kand had iioHi tr eaten t)irua;li hia aide into hit body. Thee, be waa Bill it-led with Twenty such putrid, a-rid, offtnriwt W cer4, on vat iuut paits ol hia person. For farther and full particulnrs, sie our Pamphlets.., . ioct. I'hosias Williams, one of ttfe fnoit thilful phf. sli'iana of Home, wet called ft tec Uaskln theay btforo tie coiiiiiienced utiiic H rant's purifier, bott. W, exam, ined him. nnd then told him that all the medicines iu ikm vorld could not curs him that hit cae waa , Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. HAS KIN'S statement of care He tald i Mv wile procured one bottle of II HA NTS PUKlFYIiW EXTRACT of Itusell it Leonard. Urufiristt. of Rome I coiniinem-ed unim; that, and began to ((et etUer that Bottlk eunbled me tit ret off my bed, where I had hewa confined one year the bkcomo boll 1b enabled nieai out of the ho we-the third bottle enabled me to fTmtk Ttro Miles, to Rome Centre, where I procured Sir Bottles more: and when I lind HuMied uaing them, Seventeen out ot Twenty L'lcera mau iifalku VP ttud three bottlu mora enacted a I'KRFKCT XRK uf all tba Ulcert, aa4 ra ttored me to good uoltk. , FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. 1IASKIN lias iHum to the abova farra, and taa fien nre witi,ps.el ami irrlirtfil to by DOCT. T. WIL. I.IAMS Mr. (i. ft. BHuW'N. pruprmtor of the Wut.JtMM "t-Meinra. UISiKI,1. & l.KONAItU. V'liolela auat rutul XkiuigitA and KI.KVKN oilier rtsjuctabU wilnuta. We Challenge the World To 1'RiJVK a Ore of a. revolting and fcSrWy kptU$ a CRM ol .Scrofula, hy tbe ttie of 'i'KN TMK?. aa irluati tarsttpariHa, or any othf r medicine, a waa uaed of IrSal's I'urijiiT to eltret the above cure which curs ahall bs proved hy n. inuny tctll knoKn, ruptrtubU ttxtnmiu. aa la the above cure. l-'OK SAI.l' iiY J.ihn V Friling. Sunbury Pa. Mary A. .Mrc'uy NnrthuiuberaluA. J.'lin II. Kawr Milton, Hmiry J. hii'-rTtir do K.tlt:irtl A. Kutner do Ailuni Cunrhl PonagroTe. llayca ft MfCoriniik, MrEwenaville, W. P. I. Piiimer, Muney, J. 1'. .Mmm ft t.'o., KugnrariU, Kilwanl WiKm, New Berlin, Tti'trnniii ft U:i)cer, Ijewiaburg, S. J. Cnairn, SelinafrroTe, W. II. llu kley; Danville, l: I'. I,eiiz ft Jnhn It Mnyer, Iiloomahurr All li'itera and ordera mint he Sddreiaed to Wallaoa 4 C.. IIHS llr'indmv, New York. Siuilairv, July '21, ly. II4ItDI.G & IIOLL'S , ,. . "WVTT HOLES ALE Commission PAPER and ft RAO WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general aaaort ment of all kimta of Paper ia kept, and for aale at the lowest easlt prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Paper.; &c. on nana. l'lain and ruled white Capa. " ' Hue Flat Cups. 1 lam and ruled vrhito Letter. " " Muo " lline and wliito Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wrapniua " Euvelojic " . Hardware and f'leatliing Paper. lar Uoards. ftraw liourds. lionnel Hoardf. ,. , . i All ordera from the Country will bo attended to itt the. shortest notice. All goods sold wilt be carefully packed, and de livered ot any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, aa low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 184'J. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS 7 At (lie Cabinet Ware.ltoom of SEPN 1IOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at I'.e corner of Faint street If the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Th-iiikrul for the patronage of Ins friends and cUKlomcra during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period ha has endeavored lo Weep up with the iniprovcnienta of the dav, and has accordingly extended hia busi ness in every branch and variety. 1 he public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CA1UNKT WARE AND CHAIRS; Manufactured by SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former atock f tli establishment they now manufacture. Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain Lare,e Spring Seat Ijlocking Chain, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other hew style und 4 , , t r.ishioiiatjle rnrhidiriA Having aceurcd a Hearse and made the necea: aat-y arrangement for the purpose, tliey are no prepared ibr Undertaking in all i( branehea, inl thia vicinity or at any convenient Siatanee. .Ye maids and mistresses, and husbands too, Here a furniture of every style and hue. From side boards down to kitchen laWei, .Frrh rocking eliaira to locking eradl PlmuM yu imt have the ready Joti-i tri jy, We'll wait awhile f'W a brighter heller day, Or lale potatoes, oats, eorn, wheat and rye ; Bark, hoop polea, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokea and threshing Hails, Fmm pigs and turkies down to little quail. C ime oathen fiiends, coin one and all, Keep trade a moving, ao "goes oa tha ball " Ordera from a distance promptly attended! to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch Kunhury, March 9, 1850. tf ICl M An eiicllent article lor sal by HENRV MAKR. mbury J.iu. 5lh. 119 11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers