SUNBURY7 AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL: , a-- 1 It i tiir Oknchai. Co!rrr.m or th Mmhodist Protestant Church which i now in session at Baltimore. On Fricfuy last ''Tho Rev. Mr. Morrison submitted two resolution, proposing certain changes in the discipline, and as a substitute for them the Rey. Mr. Rag. moved to strikeout from the book of discipline all that part containing the articles of religion and the general rules of Charles and John Wesley. On the motion to taiso a committee to be called the "theolo gical commilteo," and to refer the subject to it, an animated discussion arose many of the speakers contending that the motion was a fatal stab to the interests of the church, and that its adoption would lend to its ulti mate disorganization. Finally the previous question was callod and sustained, and the conference proceeded to vote on the trtieslion whether the theological committee should be appointed. The yeas and nays, and the vote by orders (lay and ministerial) being called for, the result of the vote stood as follows : Ministers, 14 ayes, 17 nays; laymen, 11 yes, 9 nays. The two orders not concur rinir. the motion to appoint the committee was declared to have been lost." Ckneral Conference or the Methodist Church South. This ecclesiastical body composed of delegates from the several con ferences of the States of Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida assem bled in the Centenary Church, at St. Louis, on the 1st instant, Bishop Andrews presiding assisted by Bishop Caperas and Paine. BishpSoule, in consequence of increasing infirmities, being incapable of attending to the duties of the Episcopacy, a proposition is made in tho address of the Bishops to afford them some additional strength. The address next refers earnestly and elo quently to the missionary cause, which has greatly prospered in the Church, and the duty of interesting the young in missionary enterprises is judiciously enforced. The missions to the slave population of the South aie described as efficient and successful. The necessity of activa measures in behalf of education is also dwelt upon, and some more popular system is recommeded. The relations of tho churches North and South is referred to, and tho rejection, by tho General Conference of the Church North, of tha Rev. Dr. Pierce in liis olTlcial character, and the repudiation of the plan of separation jointly agreed upon by the North and South in the General Conference of 1844, are se verely commented upon. We do not find any allusion to the suit at law commenced by the South for the recovery of their share of the common church property. The ad dress is signed by Bishop Andrews, Capeirs and Paine. Dr. Smith announced his attention to dis cuss, on the 3d inst., tho subject of a division of the General Conference into two houses an upper and a lower. 81V YOUNGEST. DT HEV. PR. SHARP. They say my youngest is a pet, And has too much her way ; It can't be so, I think, and yet 1 would not dare say nay. For if my memory servo me right, And truth must be confessed, Each youngest that has blest my sight Has seemed to be loved best. ' Thus one by one has shared the love Of a fond father's heart The youngest tenderer thoughts could move ' Than those who had tho start. Tho oldest was to me most dear, So was the next so all ; The youngest came my age to cheer On her my love did fall. 'T is not that sho is loved the most, But sha is loved tho last ; . The youngest may my fondness boast, But so could all the past. My youngest, then, is not a pet, More than each child before; I think so, certainly and yet . They say I love her more. Post-Office Opebations. The Postmas ter General has established tho following post-offices: Blanket Hill, Armstrong, Ta., J. M. Daily; Anderson's Ms., Butler, S. M. Anderson; Lovelaud, Clinton, T. B. Bail y ; New Athens Clarion, A. Armstrong; Clara, Potter, S;ila Stevens; Turner Creek, Potter, Kulus H. Howe. Diseonlined Derry, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Harewood, Susquehanna comity, Pa., name changed to ''Urackuey." Our Devil tells a good anecdote of a cer tain Miss D., who is somewhat west of the meridian. It was well known sho wanted a beau ; also, that she none. About this time she 'came out' as they call it, at a 'big meet ing,' and none the more loathe to marry, she went to tho woods lo pray for a husband. It chanced that sha finished her prayer an owl jtting on a tree above her commenced 'hoo hu hoo u'-Zi-o,' and the supposing it coming from another source niadu the following an wer 'Any body good Lord.' Map. Parsnips for Pigs. The Sussex (Eng.) Express, says, "at our farm we have been in the habit of employing parsneps for this pnr poso for lorao time. Upon reference to our books, wo find that on the 11th of October, 1847, we put up two shoals of eleven weeks old, and fed them on skim milk and parneps lor three months, when they were killed weighing 231 ami 238 pounds. 1 hey were well fattened, firm in flesh, and the meat of excellent flavor. Tha quantity of parneps consumed by them waa nine bushel each. "You are writing tny bill on very paper," said a client to his attorney. rough "Never mind," said the lawyer, 'it hat to be filed before it come to Court." A young and beautiful damsel, near Frank fori, Ky., having tno lover and not knowing which lo prefer, settled the matter by marry ing one and eloping with the other. The Mayor of Allegheny, Ta.. fined wo- inftn 87 cents, oi Tuei.Uy last, tor prolan wearing "Fneouraffc'TToiir Own!" ITA AK & ItfiNN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE. AND CHAIRS. 'FHE suliscrttiervrsptrtfiilly eall the attention ol the public to their large and splendid assort, ment of every quality mul price of which caiinol Fntl to recommend itself toevcry Wis who will examine it, pn account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stork to bo had in tho city. No effort is spared in the msniifncture of their ware, and the subscribers ore determined to keep up with the many improvements which aro constantly being made. Their stork consists of Mahogany Sofas, IHvniisj and I.ounircs, Bureaus, Secretaries, sfteboarfcs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also mnmifucturc nil kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunhury, such as Minor.ASt, Black Waixi-t Atn Ci nLKti Mu-lk (mif.i iax ; ash Wisnsnn CHAIRS, axd fanct Pi axo Stools, which are of tho latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in tho Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entcrtiiined nbnu' the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. CP UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. Hi?" Tho Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's .store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 58, 1819. tf THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM CO.Ml'RISINO A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple ami Curious Experiments id CIIKMISTRY : INCLUDING Medicine!!, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 T ets., for sale by HENKV MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVANS & WATSON, So. 90 Sorth Third street, between Arch and Race, ami X'i Dock street, orrosrru run piiii.adixpiha kxciiaxge. Patent Soap-Sloiic Lined ami Key hole Cover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF I'll OOF IKON CHESTS, iC5SEI5tw " iifraitUtl to stand more Hvnt iTftr"T.rm tlrm anv riifsli in ting Cnmitn- Al(i l;it-ut Air-ClmmlttT lriti 1 1 : L ' "in nil"' v iimikc i lie rliu;i .- ;Tf- .,, i,.... ii.. ,-, .. ... - C ' 1 HCI n- in, IH 1CIY 'iV Itril-I-B ntion lurks. With Inch mil bt rlmntml mil t ttiien ch:iiii;en- Me in fact every time the Luck in uscJ if (t'-simUe. Thrsn I ,neks it re pru"l ne:iint the ntwt expert Tluevrs, heinir mipplietl wilh the ttnit Key-hole Cover, mul mmle wry strong, they rniinot le hlown hv Oti'iiwiwtler. The! lsoek nre intetuk-U lor HANKS, tfTOKKS. SAFKS, Ac. S';ll:iiiil luttei copying prern, firepruofUoorilor Bunks mul Stirt.-n. I'menl Sintp TjicmI Refrifferntort, wnrnintetl superior to b!1 others. Water Kilter, Siuwer Baths ol Ihc bent qual ity. iT Pers ms wishing tn jnm-hitse nny of the n hove ar ticles, will plensn (five them a rul!, as they sell cheaper 1 1 tan any other in the United State. DAVin F.VANS, Jol!Ai:s WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, ly STP.-W EOITITET 4- HAT MANUFACTORY, No. 30 North Seeond street, opposite the Miulison House. riHE subscrilicrs would call the attention of I Country Merchants Biid Milliners to their ex tensive assortment of fashionable Seiuxu ami Si'mmkh Bonnkts avii H ats of the. newest styles. Atso, a large and general assortment of French and American Artificial Flowers, Kibbons, Crown Linings, Oil Silk, Wire, (Quillings, Buckram, ic, which they offer at jirices (hat defy i'onin'lition. K. B. Palm Leaf Hats bv the case or dozen. W. M. & J.'E. M Al LL, Bonnet and Hat Manufacturers, 30 North 2d street. Philadelphia June 5, 1SI9 HICKEV & TULL, o. I'jO I liexnut afreet, (Opposite the Arcade) nilLADELPIIIA. I T ANUFAC1TUER.S of their improved style i"A Elastic Steel Soring, Solid Sule Leather, and Solid Riveted TIC It, which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their lust exhibition. II. & T. take pleasure ill iulorming the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a Im-iiii-ttful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio 1 runks, ot various styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Va- licc Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpel lings, and an elegant assortment ol su lienor En ameled Patent Leathor Bags, with every article in tueir line ol business. ly Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. TL'LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.- TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN APELLXNa BOOK. BE1-NG a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tem of ( Ini,.,,-.-.,,,,, ,..! Ir,l. i....l,,.li., , -"-fo-l-J ii..l,...lS variety of deniiiliuns, aduntt J to the use of Schools in the American Kcpulilir. hv Allium Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty -five yrar'a iieri encc, nnd author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c. 1 he atteniion ol -i eactiera, rSchool Directors, parents, 6ce., M invited to this new Spelling Book, which conform" to the modem spelling nnd usage in Orthography ashcingoiieofthe neatest. eheaiiest best nrranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the I'nited Mats. It la what it purports to he, a Hiiclling Book nnd not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States, Just published, nnd for sale by Henry Massi.u, Sunbury. here 1 earners and Directors can procure copies lor examination. August 4, I81U rr ISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, &c, fur (ale at the office ol Ike American. I RAZORS A auperior article for aale at the store of HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 1G, 1650, T ETTER envelopes, of Tsrioua kindf, for aale - nl thia ortice. H OAE OINTMENT A freali aupply of this J , exeellenl article for Tetter, A e., just received anu ior sale by 1IU.NKV MAastK. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 I7IEE BlLI.8.Justica and ConstabUig Fee . Dills liandsomaly jhnuxl on Mid paper, for sale tt tun oince. mm rtW iL-JL J-Jif i ilium- K'-ys, w Hitr iiTTT sun ii -"i-rrl llunw DIUJ. JUPDEGRAFF, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Danville and the public, at large, that he has located in Danville, and Is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in oil its various bran ches. He will operate en all lire various forma of blindness, cross eyes," club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis rates. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. Ills residence is nearly opposite the Montgome ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Koran banm's stove, In North Dunville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849 ly. TO niYSICIANS, DIMifilSTS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TR. J. N. KEELER oc Bro. most respectfully ' solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eng. lish, I'rench, German and Amcican Dnms, Mcd- irincs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, DyC 5luf)s, Ulnss ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines etc. Having ojiened a new store No. 291 Market ft. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feci disposed to extend 10 us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Mcut cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and wilh dispatch. One of the proprietors lieing a regular physiciMi, ntlimls ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Keeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Murket street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1819 ly. "7 ALL PAPERS. THE Subscrilicrs have on hand the largest as sortment of Wall I'atmis in the citv of Phi ladvlphin, Wholesale and Retail, consisting of rt ery variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dnung Itooms, ( Iminiirrs, Ac, which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Koine a cosh business we are enabled to sell a lietter article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. ' On hand, a large assortment of Wipe P.(prn for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold for Cash. Paiier Hanging done in the country at citv prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stock before puri-liasing elsewhere. KIX.V & 1H HTOX, No. M3 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 2", 1819. ly CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CL'T LEU V, of sale by J CHIT 1. C0LE1A1T, Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8i North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and liuzors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers fl- Sons, Wostenholm's Gicavc's W. i- S. Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (inns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Kazor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Caiio Dealers in Cutlery, will find tha above Stock worthy their a'ti ution, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 181!) ly . lYIAUSIIAliL'S C oiuent rated iii'N;:trill;i, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles, Chronic Klieumatism anil all ilisonlers or the Blood, Mercurial Disease, cVc. T T is reconimended to Physicians and others, as A flip slmniT.'t nri.Kir:il ion now in niijt itn.l mi. ami en- I tirelv different from that put up in quart bottles, ! possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCAV, Northumberland. HEVL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, (Jails, Swellings, and all complAits requiring an external remedy. Ii is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Kinglione, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &c. It has also been used wilh great success by per sous alllictcd with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale bv M. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1819 ly i n r v m i S. CUIIN KLIl'S : CO. No. HO besnut SI , EsrUCTFULLY announce tliut thevhave a, juKt finished the most extensive anserlincnt of LAMPS, llu-y have ever ofli red for Kale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL I.ICHTS. &c. In creat vurirtv, and of OliHiliV AL Dillj.N.S. Much atteniion hua lerii paid tu ECONOMY, in tlie consti iw-lion of iIiihw l.unios, uml such are inuilc us will produce the grt'nifst niuount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Kivcnt iniprovi-iiit-nU in the niamif.u-tory, with the inlroilui tion ul new nnd pcrli'i-ti-d lunrliinrry, i nulilca them to Hill ut a M-ry GREAT Kl'.Ol.'C TIU.N from former prices, and ull articlt-a liefore leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, nnd are warranted perfectly tight, and togive eutis- taction. l'hiludelpliia, June 2, 1819 ly STONE WARE, flIIE subscriber would most respectfully in- 1 form his friends nud a generous public, that he is manufacturing the best quulitv of STONE WARE, in all iti varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any oilier manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSIl'ARE, which he oilers on the most reasonable terms. Mm Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay ette, and I. lima store and dwelling at Io. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, UiLlixaiit, Maryland. February 2, 1830 ly EVBHY MAN IT T 3 OWN PATENT MI NN A: Co, publishers of the "SCIENTI- m FIC AMERICAN," have favoured us with a 1 liHiniililct containing the l utein Laws ol the I lilted Slates, together with all the forms necessa ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard lo tiling caveaU, with remarks on Its uses, etc., a mount of fee reouired at the Patent Ollice, and every other information that is necessary to instruct a person in making his own applications. Price 12 cents single, or 12 copies for one dol lars sent by mail to any part of the United Stales. Address ML..N &. VU., ISew-Vork. March 10, 1849 Wiu. U. Cor lira ii fc Co., Wholesale and lletall, WlNE AND Lkil'im MERCHANTS, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. B B AVE always on hand a very large stock of vy ines, Liquors ana Scgars, ol their own importation. Store Kot-peni, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most loerai terms. Philadelphia, Nov. IT, 1841, WINSLOWS BALSA1VI or IIOltEIIOUND' Ingratitude Is the basest crime of ' . man. WE ara not among thst clsss of Editors who for a fcW dollars will, (at the expens oft ruth find honesty) "crsrk up" an article and bring it into tnphl sAle t neither re we willing to remain silrnt, after hsvinst tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in rienc or art. Our renders will recollect we told them we were un well with a snre throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purohnsod two hottles of WIN8LOW8 BALSAM OF IIOKEHOLND nd so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro alllictcd, may try it upon out recommendation. Lewutou lele navh. A fresh sniinlv of the aliove vuliiahle medicine just received, and for mile in Sunhury, by John W. Frilinn, Mnry A. McCny at Northunlerland' and at wliolowle by rreuenrk hint, l.o., cor ner of 3d and Callowhill streets, rhilndclphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 1843. 8 mo. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Xtw Hide oil and Leather Store. No. Ill North 3rf St. 3 doors below KaetSt. Philadelphia. 1MIE subscribers oiler to the tanners on the most fuvoralile terms their fresh importation of Mule', consisting of Buenos Ayres, Laplata, Caraceas, I.agnirn, Huni-Ury, Chili, Sailed Pcr amhtlco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and snlled. Alsn. (Jrccn Slaimhtcn Drv Hailed', anil Bluck Dry Tiitna Kips, Also, Rtraiirhts, nnd Dank oil and a general as sortment ol'tJurricr's Tools. They will sell or tindc for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil ami Tools, on better terms, tlmn old Houses in the city, Cash paid fof Leather of all kinds. KEEN ti KlRKl'ATRICK. Philadelphia, May 20, 1810 ly In prest-nliny tlir puMie with a rt-mnly for the tf-ntnvnt aint cure of 1'kvkm ant A.5I-E niHlottier hili-lis discnsf-s. no aiwiloirv is iR-vitrd. Vast iiiurt)s?rs in the t'nitrd States, wlio iiifirr from tlif-sp nfitrliuiis in their varied forms, are C'miw'lled to seek n-tief from ollirr B uircn than the iiaine rliati presf-riptions of the ri-enlar ihvsirinu. It Is-roinrs thert-f .re an olm-rr of hlimnMllv. as welt ns of public- inter est, to tirintr b-fote thcin n mm-ily prepared from intii-h i-x-pi-rii-iii'i. nnd whirh inav nlwiivs lie r.-liit upon ns s.vk. EFKFI TCAL, AMD HARMLESS To THK CONTTTrT10N. That aixli is the true rhnnu-trr of tin. INDIA CIH H.AliOlil I:, is nmply nltrstril by the universal vucct-sa wilh which it has lieen t-uiil"ynl. I'.xlrart from a communication of the Hon. Wn.. mam WoolmKiDuK, of the L'. S. Senate, Into Uoveruur of .Michigan. Detroit, Oct. il, 1S-I0. ROCTOH CHARLES Oscioon, ' llrnr Sir. I have r.-rul wilh milch interest, your little TR KTlE iip-.n the -(Mum-s, lritiiuiit iin.l citrr" of ttic fi-hnle ilisi-;is.- wliii-h have so extensively prrvailt-il in our country ihirinir the lat few m'-nthsnit inti-rrst iarreueett no itnlt. hy the fart tint I have individually snir.-reil so imn-h fr-'in them. Thonijh I feel mysrif very' on-. niwteiit to judue safely njyin n suhjert so entirely profesviotml, yet your theory s.-rms to nie well reasoneH, and your com-iu siisis just, nisi 1 think withal, that your pamphlet is c.-ik-u lat.-d to produce nnich (iraclical (totkI. Spenkiiift of the mi-du-ine he says : It fully justified your Aalleriiijr exeelati-us. and as a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, sw far, induces ine to lie lieve that il will prove u ereut puhlie Iw-nefit. I nia plivised l-i learn that yon have n-i-eutly crtnlilished several nueueiet for its diFvisitioa thouirh I r.-irret iriat, with a view Lo a in -re i-eneiat dissemination of it, you should luive foaiwl it net-essMry to remove from yoar present reiilenee 81110113 as. With much respect 1 have the honor to lie. sir. Your obliged servant. W1I I JAM '(i(ll)llltl)nr.. I V- fiom lion. Ptephf V. R TRownnint.E. of.Mielii gan State Senate, to the Air -nl at Detroit. ItlllMINIHAM, Out AND Ck., Dec. 13, I'll. Sir von wish me to inform von what I know of Dr. One nil's India, or Hiitl-lnll'Hts I do Where that if the viruie nud etlieaey of this niedieine were eeiieiulll known, the FVVKlt AND AOI-ie would did M-'.".... piTun n a mniie m tut Pprntf or mm have fftuxl rraMiti tt brlwve riint niyH) unit iiiiiuly cscuihm! the ugue lattt Hfimoii in ronm-tjt.rurr " it use. Vrh:ip in iu unmiii-r rim-c the settlement of this 6ne p! 1 1 1111 la. hai ilie it-vwr and niriie he"ii mt pn-vtilent a the liitt. 1 U:tvrt rtoiiiiiiiinH('j this medicine in intiiicr.His in liunrt'fl, and wlin the d h ad heroine Turd ititd kiiUcd (he skill of phyfti'-iniiK: nud I hnvr nvrr kn wn ii fail. 1 has univcftvilly pndiifi-i the m l Imppy ctf ts, ami I lt lieve tt luiff uover ht-ea e.ce'tlM tiv miy inediciiiu in rc-nit-Vllig the tult'Ois diHt-aFt ul the caiiute. Yours, reperlt'nilv. sri:iMir. v. . Tnowimmfii;. Ant ff Sunhury II. H MASSKK; .rihunilM-rlniul, AViTIIINCTOM A C j Milton, J ll.HASKU: Selms-pr-.v, MAY k KI.OSK. .My G, IMv tf w s A Sew iMNortmcMit ol l'rMli (Joods. IRA T. CLEMENT, TO E5PE(.'TFrLLY informs his friends, eus A turners and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW COODS at his store in Market 5ipjare in Sunbury, such as Dry (jooUs, Groceries, Queens wnre, Hardware, cc. Sunbury, June 23, 1819. J. J. GP.ES1T0TJGH. (Late Krllrr .V. firccuwiigli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, W HKllillfMoll, .t'. DRAWINGS ami punt-M for the Patent Oll'uv, prt'part'ilainl ull the iift'essary bit- Bini'ss, in rt'latioii to si-ennnir patents, trans ncteil, and promptly uIUmiiIpiI to, nl llioir of fice opposite the Patent Ollice. October 28, 1818. LIQUORS, WINES, kC. 'T'HE aubscrila'r has just received a new supply - of the best liquors that ever came to iutnburv. consistiui; in part uf Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cofruiac Drnndy. Siiperlur Old Jamaica Spirits. New Fimlaud Ruin. Fine Holland Gin. Siia-rior (lid Whiskey Common do. 8uicrior Maderia Wine., Lislion do. do. NuiM'rior Port Wine. Hursundy Port do. Sweet Malatta Wine. StiH-rior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HEN It Y. MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1849. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for aale bv JOHN W, FUILLNO. , Sunhury, June 83, 1819. GiOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small I lot on hand and for sale by 11 B.MASSKR. Sunbury, April 0, 1850. IJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese. U--- -"-- ' I . ps-pUV( sjiice Ae For :) hv J. V Villi I Vi: i Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. CAPS An assortment just received. Also J silk HATS at $i'ii, for sale by II. MASSER. Knnhury, Dec 3, 1A48. 7 1 LEY'S COL'G CJNDY. An excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office liLANKS. of every description et 'BLANKS of every description ean be had m srsjilying at the efKca af the American. DR. TOW NSEND'S CO.TH'01'ND EXTRACT OP SAUSArAMLLA. Till? Pxtmrt in put Op m qimrt bottles. It b tit timet chenper, plenntert stiti wnrtiintrti mperlor to nny old. it cnren uismsea Wiinont vnmlunr, pirginf , sick neiw, ot debilitating the pel lent, and is paiticuWrly sJapted FALT AND ffPRINO MEDTC1NE. Ths frent bennty ntd miperinritynf thii SnTiwpnrillm vet outer Tcmenios is, wiiust it ermii coles uiseaso, H invigorntcs the Inxly, Consumption cured, rrcmse find Strenjrthen. Cn?umpMoii mn he eiired. Drmtehitis, Comniifiptiori, UVcr Conlplnint, Colfl-, C-nlghS, Caturrh, Asthma, Sititting of HUmhI, Soreness ialht Chest. HcrHc Flush, Niht Swents, lilt CUlt find Profuse Kxpw'WirHtiori, tnl Pnin fn the Side, " nnve hiuI enn he currtl. Prnliobty there nenr wns a retnedy that hns len so mift pessful in drfeperiite ensi-s of consumption us this ; it eleim seii nud strengthens the svstein, nnd tinpeur to hettl the ul cers on the limps, nnd putients gmdnnlly retrain their usiml neniiu aivi srreugwt. CI RIOI S CASE OF CONSUMPTIOf . "There is senerely t rlny pnWieft bot there nre ft number f vHBmoi consumption reporreii an cun-n iy tite use ot ur Townseu's ursipni ilia. The fllowiug wtis recently rt-cci'-ed : lr. Towshd Hear Sir: Pnr the Inst three venrs I hne bf-eu nillteteil with erenernl debility, nnd nervous con- suitiption of the lust since, nnd did ivn expect to ever cnin 1 my fu-nlth nt all. After Bmmr through n course of medicine under the enre of some of the nvst distinguished regular ihysiemns nnd mrmlers of the ltnrd of Health m New fork ond elsewhere, nnd snendmc the most of my earnings in attempting to renm my lvnHh, nnd niter tendinr tu fmie pnp-r of y.ui ISa rtuiwiriila 1 resolved to try U A tier using six tilth's I found it done m great gx, nnd culled t see you at your mVioe ; wnh your ndvire 1 kejH on, niH do niofft hvtrti!y thrtilk you for vour nilviee. 1 erspvere in Uikiug the Sftrsupiirilln, and huvc beei able tonttend lo my usunl Inliorsfor the Inst four months, audi hope by the blessings of (jod aiwl your Snrsapnnlln to Continue n'.y nejinii. it helped me beyond the cxpretuiumB of nlMVho knew my case. CIIAKMS qUIMUY Oi.inge, K.ssex eo. N. J-, Aug. 2, fc7. Plateof pv Jerst-y, lst-x enmity, ss. Charles Quim by being duly sworn 'nectirding to liiw, on his onlh saith, lint the foregoing statement Ifl true according tn th bent of hi .ktiMWr..r-.nnd Mim'. VU AHI.KS CJI'IMKY. fworrt niiii subscribed to befnro me nt Oranc. thejd August, !Bi7. CVHI S IlAl.nWIN. Justice f tho Pence. SPITTIN'T? HI.OOL. Read the ft Mowing, ami any that onsuinption is In inoit fuble if you can t New York, April M, ltt. Pr. Tmv7tit?rr : I verily lnticve that your fnrf;!pur!Hj hns bern i; nh aus. through Providence, of saving my hie I have f.r sevenil yvirs had a Uid cmgh. It beeanie wrse nnd worse. At Inst 1 raised large quantities if bloctd. hntl night sweats mul wasgrcaily debilitated n. id reduced, nud j did ntt expect to live. I have only usel your S-irKi;irilia , but n short time, nul thi-re has n wontb riul chanye been I wi'uiiht in inf. i am now able tn wilk nil ovr the city. I ruse iiD hltuxl, nnd my rough has left me. You enn well itiKuriue that I am thankful i..r thrse n-sults Ytmr ohMi clU servant. Yf. RCSKI,,, tJ Cnthrttlne St. t.OST IIT'.R SPKI.CH. The nnnexed cerithetit' tHls n simple nnd truthful story of sufTWinr nnd relief. There nre thousands of similar cn s s in this eity and Hr.v.klvn. nnd yet there are ttvnisnuds of parents lut thnr chiidrcii die torfuir ul" lieing li am bugged 4r to kivc a few shillings. nrnnklvr. f-p. 11, 1M7. Pr. ToVKEin: I take pleasure in Muling, for tli bene fit of those whom it may concern, that my dnnaliler, two years and nix months old. was alilifted with general de bility nnd loss of si-ei'eh. She wns givn up as past je covery bv our family physician; but fortunnlt ly I was re commended by a frit-ml to try your Sirfapirilin. lb-fore having used one bottle she recovered her speech nnd was enabled to walk alone, to the nHtoiiishmcnt i "11 who were aciiiiuinied with the eireumstanees. Slia is now quite well, and in much hMter health than she has fecu f'r H mduths pual. JOHKPH TAYIAHI, i2 York St., llruuklyn. TWO CIIILURHN SAVKU. Very few families indeed hi i' we have lt d hird of one that used Dr. Tnwiigeud's Sarsannrilla in lim. lost n:tv children the past Summer, while those tint did not, sickened and died. The cereiticate we publish lielnw is c uelumve evidence of its value, and is only another instance of its saving the lives of children : Dr. Towkxd Dear Sir : I had two children cured by your Sirsapariltu of the summer eiiipl.unt nud dxsentaryj cue was only 1. month old and th. t.ther 3 year's. They were verv nuieh reduced, and we exvv irl they woulrl die ; tliey were mve up by two respectable physicians. When thediH'tor inioriued us that we must lose them, we resol ved to tiy your S.iraatianlta we had h-jird t much of. but had little conn-deuce, there Itcinc so ifiaeli stutf advertised that is worthier.!, : but we nre thnuklul that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b t It. 1 write this that oth ers may be induced to u?e it Yours, respectfu'lv, JOHN WIl-tfONjJr. Mynle-avemie, Brooklyn, 5ept. 15, IH7. TO THE LADIl.S. GKKAT FKMALE .MKDICIM-;. Ds. Towssend's SsRsAr.utiLl.A is n sovereiili and spee,!y cure for iii,-iiieiil e nsiiiniitioii. anil fir tbe i.'eii.-ral proslia tion of tbe system no m.iltee wbetlier the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produce.! by irreitnlurily, illness or ac ci.blll. N'ttlurc can be more surprising than its inviiiorutbiir ef f.-etson the li'iuian fraiiii-. Persons all Wivikiics edit lat' i situile, (loin ti.l.inj: it ut one.-become r -bust anil I'nil of c:,.-, ticili-r its iiithifiicc. It iiiiiueilia'cty conuteraets the uerv -i MMir.s ol the f, iiiale name, which is the great causw Uirrenaess. It will u-'t be eniie.-teil ,,f us. iii eases ..f so ilelute a na ture, i-eitiiii-ates e,ir.-, per.'o,d, b .l we can eds ot hav e been re.Kir- the atil-etist that iiumlri I.-.I t'i lis. , Dll. ToWSsF.Nn : My wife beinir trrently dislr.-sse,l by 1 Weaklie-.s anil y.-n.-ral il. lulity. lln.l sulb-r 101; e -ntmnalU by ; wiia nn.t with oiher iluli.-iilties. ami Imvunx known ciis'-s 1 where your tin illeinc h:is l.-rleil preat eiires; mid also hearini II reei.liiiii. aileil f.-r such ear. s us 1 have iles.TlU-il, I oMaiiieit a bitlleot your l-.stmet of tars.i(cii l'n and fol-I'-wcl the directions yon arrive me. ,i u s-mrt perio.1 it rensived her fuinplaluts uml tier to hcultll. lleiuj ete.illlll for the lienetils she reeeivetl. I take pletuilit ill tJiiisackii-iwlciljfini; it, nnd rccoiuuiemliii? it to the public. m. it. mokui:, Altiauy, Aug. 17, Ml. cor. Grand & l.vdia sta. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or lllCiliciiM has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the panlnc juice or saliva la deeoiupsisln f'sxl and streiniihenimr the oriraus of diirertiou as this pre paration of Sarsaparilla. It positively cure, every casa uf dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Itank Department, Allsiiiy, May 10, 1K5. Dr. Townsenil Sir: I have lieeu ntlbete,! for sevenil years with it s,eisia tu its worst form, nttemled with sour ness of stomach, loss of appi-tite. extieme liearllinril. ami a great aversion to ull kinds of food, ami for weeks, (what I could eat) I have lieen unable to retain but a small iortion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no etTuet in rclnovii the c..liilaiut. I was in duced, iilwiut two months since, lo try vo ir Extract of Sar- - -.11.. I ..1. l... I.. D-. p... ..i.i. i.i... . m., ..iiijiivitv V.llUoeii:e , OlllllllCr ! usuiff nearly two bittles. I found my appetite restored and I tha li.-nrtl.urii entirely removed ; ami would earneslly re j couilii'-ud llie use ol it to tli.sie. wh' have!i iitltlelt-tl as I In, ve been. Voura, 4c, W. W. VAX .ANDT. Aaent for Sunbury JOHN V. KIlll.lMi; Nor M A It Y A. MeCAY I Danville, WM. A. Ml It It AY 4 Ol, Apnl WIS ly N. S. LAWRENCE, .4c:ji! for the sale of Southworth Mannfactu ring Co's. Writing Pup-rs. Ware House, !Vo. 3, Minor alreet PHILADELPHIA. 100 -''"'E''5' "f ''ie above uiei'ior Paiers now in Biua, uuu mr sale iu irauo at tno lowesi market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings', blue and while. Extrasuprr and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammcrical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and Rilt. Stipi-rline and find U ill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and lino Counting-House Cups and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Coiurresa Caps and Ia-tters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gitt. SuMTline Sermon Caps and Posts. Suiierliued blue bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Uncf Papers. SuHrline and line Caps and Pints, ruled snd plain, blue and w hite, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams while end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Honnct Hoards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted nnd blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, ic. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. &. MLVUIt W.4HH. J. STOCKMAN, So. 60 Chesnut'St, at the xin of the Gold Thimble, between id. If 3d. sts., South tidi I'liit.Anr.Lt'itu. ANITA CITRES and keeps const.inllv if sa on hand, at wholesale and retail, Ihe fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : (iold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, Jesert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Driltaunia ware, German Silver Spoons, Ac; liold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices ) Jackson' Superior Everpointed lads, Ac, ice. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. WrNOB AND 6PKINU MORTISE LAT- HV CUES Au eiceUeut arUcle, for sale at hall th usual price by Sunbury, July 7, 1749, J W. FRILINO. kADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattl Medi. 1 J? cin for aula by UENKY MASHER Suiihua) Jan. t7th, 149 LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDTCFi, DYSPEPSIA", CttROMC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. n ull diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, tn both .Male and - Fcmdt: Slleh fls Cnfistinntlnn. fnwuril Pile Piillneaa Ar IILwmI (n Oie Hend, Aeidity of the Ptomneh, Naiisen. Ilesrt-biirn, Discnsl for Food, Fullness of weight in tlrtSlomseh. font Kructatiorm, iniiini or I- UiUeriiiK nt Hie nit of the Mtomseli Swimmiinr of Ihe lli-nd, Untried and Diffieult Wreathing, Fluttering at the llenrt-, Choking or fiffii-nting iensntions when in a lying posture llnnnera of Vision-, loti or wetis before tho Night, Fever and dull mill in the Hend Ili-fieien-cy of Persplrntlon, Yellowness of the Pkin nnd Kyn, Pain in the Side, llnek, Client, Limbs, fto., Sudden (tushes of Kent, lliirning In Hie Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil ana greai uepreision 01 iirin can lie eflectuully cured b- DP.. HOOFLAITD'S Celebrated Gerinsvn Hitters. Their power over the aliove diseases Is not exreledif eiiiiailint hy any other preparation in the t'liitt-it States as the eitres atteM, in ninny cases after skillful physieinufl h:id failed. Dernngement of the l.lvcr and Stomach are "ureea of tiiKiiutv, and will also nioduee tliseiise of the Heart. Skin. Lungs and Kidneys, and luys the liody ojien to an attuek uf the i 'ii. l,-ra, or Yellow Fever, and is generally the first cause ol that most baneful disease, Consumption, Opinions o f the Philadelphia. Prcxs. "THK DISPATCH." lJ't-eiilhei ,11 st auvf: AN INVAM'AHl.F. .lf.KlrfK.Wehavefreqiieiitly heard the Celehratnl (ionium Hitters, niniinfseturcd 'iv l)r llooflbiud, SK.ken of in terms of commendation, and we know drservedly 50. It isa too common practice, ill cer tain quarters, to pun" all ninitper of ux-lcss trah, but in tha shove Itiiters-. hundred, arc living wilness.-a of great moral ariil physical wortti. Asa mi-dieme of Hie Liver omplaiul, Jauiulur, Nervous Debility ami Dvsueniia, it h;is Ikh-ii found liivalil.ilile, etr-etlng cures and thoroughly r.i,.... ..miik uin,-:m..n, wiien an oiner ineiliemes nave lullen. We feel coiiviii. ,-,1 ill llie use ol the Heirrliul Hitters. the patient d -i-sn-.t l,ee,.nle deli-litnled, hut constantly Rains atreiiutli mul vigor to th frame 11 fact worthy of great consideration 'I'lio Hitters arc pIciiNint in Uistc and smell, 1111-I e:m he adiniiiislered under any eireumstanees, lo ths 111 l 11. -lieale stoiiiaeli. Indeed, I hey Can lie used by all per- s-nis with the m .nt perleet suieiy. It Would be well for loose Who lire llllleli illl-ctcil i.l tile I'.etvoua lystem, to e piinn.-ii.-e willi one tea flnumit ul or IcsK, and gradually In-lri-ase. We speak frtatt exierienee. and are of course, a proper Indue. The pre.: tar ami wide, have uuile.1 III re. conrnieiidmg the (iennaii Hitters, and to the nlllicted w most cordmllv iidvisi-th.-ir use. SPIRIT OF THK TIMES,'' June ytth sivs: "DOOl HOf)(D(. -ny..:S who are in-nll(!i, kttaw llie many astonishing ,.,,r. s that have been performed by Dr. I!-, .ttiau.fa Celebrated liiriiian Hitlers? If they do .. -., i-ir' ini im-in ioni"uennan .teilieiua More," all who are alllieted with l.iver Complaint, Jaillldii e, l)r. pepsia. or .-n-ods Ib l.ilitv the ),H-lor haseiired tilauv'af our citizens aft-r the h. t plivsicians had failed We liave used tlirui. and tin y have proved to lieu medicine that every one should know of, uml we cannot refrain giving our tes timony in their lav.a-, nnd that wlii. h gives them greater cluun upon our liumhle ellort, lln-v ure entirely Yeg-.-tube "THE DAILY NEWS,'' .Iiilv llheavs . "We speak knowingly of Dr. I lonrjaud'. Celebrated Oer man HitteiH, when we s:iv it is a l.lessiiic ot this age; and In disea"of the biliary, 'digestive and Nervous Svslenis, it hasnot we think an equal. It is a Vegetable rreinniiion, ami made without Alcohol, and to all invalids we woukl re commend it as wonhy their nuitidciice. For sale. -li..l,-n-ito mid retail, at Ihe prineipal Depot, (iF.ltM MI-DICINK STOKK, No. Arch Street, 1 niiaMrinain. For Kile by M. A. MeCAY, bnrv and respeetiiblc dealers State. April SI, 1MU. ly Northumberland and Sun geuerally tliraughout the COLUMRIAN SERIES OF ntitluuctfro. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'PHE COLI'MUIAN CAI.CI LATOK. This work is nlreriilv introduced into some of the lst Acailaniies nnd n lar-re numlier of Schools, where iw use litis niven decided ami universal sa tisl'nctiim, lndh to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our owii beautiful decimal system of fitrreiicy. It contains more, the arrtiiiirenienlH are lietter, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in list ; nnd it is o considered ,y hundreds of the most competent teachers nnd men of science in the I'ni on. who have recommended it. It is the hook, particularly nnd expressly prepared for our Ame rican Scholars : liy Amon Tieinor. Tins Yorru's ('oi.rMiiiN('ii.eetATon. This volume contains Ul jncs, with about 000 exam pics lor solution on the slate. It embraces the I-'iitidiimeutiil littles, ( 'nnijioupd Rules, Simple and I 'oinimiiiiil Keduction. Kinrjle Knle of Tbreo j p,,,.,,,,,,, g. . ', , 1 ickmik s AniTiiMV.Tir .tr. Tvni.r.s. is destined for the use of yoninrer classe s in th. .Schools of Ihe I'liited States. A ls-aulit'ul little book and pleas ing to cltildrrn, and the only one of the kind of tiny value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sltl- ple or double, lor the convenience of teachers, w hich the solutions of the iiucsiionsarc irivcn with much extra matter for the black bortrd. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, 4r, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the aliove luniks examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the liest works tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already lieen introduced into the Niirht Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Keailinj. Also, ill about twenty Acadainies in the State of Pennsylvania ill a large portion of the Schools in the City of W iliniiiuton, in the' City of Lancaster, and ill the lloroughs of Harrislmrg, York, Chaniliersburj?, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwinsburj;, cic, etc. For sale by lltsnt NUsstH, Sunbury, Agent fur Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 18 It). DIAMOND POWDER- FOR RAZOR STROPS. rillllS Powder is warranted far superior to any I. thing in ui-e for imparting a keen, smoothedge to liuzors. Surgical instruments, and nil kinds of line Ci-1-i.tur l it may lie applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Kazor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED 13ENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, llrtishes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a hove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PiiiLAiiKi.r-Hi, Feb. 15lh, 1819. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared w'illi 1I.VYNES' MAUIC DIA- .VtlA U VOW VlAl, and ean attest in the mosW manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same elVcct in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it siiierior to nny hcietolore in use. I can truly say thai I never knew what a sharp razor was before. ' JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S, Third at. PiiiLt iiKLrnii, October, 1818. . A very hard beard and tender face lias compi led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to iiinke shaving easy and pleasant, but with iinlitVereut success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Uciiiictt, and Koussrl's Shaving Cream. Their united (sow er net like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the niont stubborn beard, witfut irri tating the akiu or temper of their owner. J. COX, 40 South Fifth Street. For sale at this ofllce Price 25 cU. per Uoi November 25, 1848 Cnii Valuable Hooks. T IFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Ac- uigxe's llisToar or ths RrrnasHTiox. rinxn. Dir-Hooas n I.eiiokhs, full bounded. For sale at llie publisher prices hy H. fl. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outline, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vest, Congre Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettle, just received for sale by H, MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1848. , . , . PATENT Trusse of n kinds, Harrison' writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and foi sale hy J. W. FRILINO. Sunhurv, Dec. !, 1818. OXYGENATED LL3 12 0? 'Q1 ESd LT1 33 M A BOYEREIO! REMEDT FOR PHTHISIC, AND QtNEftAL DBBIXITT. GEOItOE fi. GfeEEN, PRorRIETo. Windsor, Vermont. ment of ih. u. . ' ""'.'sir' attended with drraiira- nreathing, which ol en r'-.,,, '.ZTl. A""-) sJU Dvsneiitie Svsnnn.. 1 i. ...Ii...7 '".V"!""1 "igestion (or their use h... ! .'.-...-j .? '""ei'iiiers. llCOVed in Ik. ."! "e V '""""I ymptoms that proceed friim a deb lii.V. J . " lion of the tstoiLch ; 2 genen "d tlty TL"h age or from the efteeta of Fever mniJ uii ? ? T Ague. Female, suffering an.,,,, from weaklier, w,ll find the ''u".TfT;' :A rried:;"mBedV: Tim history of this medicine ts peculiar, h has mada ill . . , ' iiuve ntrcii lineo t M torietyandthrutt ,t up-ll public atlenti.m. u va it n bef. ..... ...rum ij upon public atlenti.m, ( "),,, u, even bee,, advertised, hut having first shown iU vet markal ry , ineiamily of the proprietor and b h in a tern,d, administered t.' hi. afllicted I friend! iod 1' abnf n. i IJ! k""W" ",,h" m",t tstant part, of thi J- I'm, as nmedieine ol unrivalled virtues in tha cure mt Dyspepsia an , ,,ffrren, f . J" n' " Prui""-'w. they have proved r.. ti::?- tha .iugularerncaCT af Jonrieh , m,T,v r """;" " the pi-sscs. J tit KZ Z il'bhc!''' ''S"1" f"" y wid.1, Windsor, v, M,RtX!t' The follaxvlng rertlficn'te, h, remiT be.. received : recmmeiKl t!,t., , ,,. ,, wh,,vl ,hat they "l f, III i:,:"Lr Kcneray dUTud s. vii ki, rut, i ,. Wll Mn. .,... . ..' 1 t 4. :..,- r- v 'r w. : .... '. ' I- S. Senator and fornurlr Oovara- d heulu.-k nd formerly Govari- I. Verie "om'i'.T"'"' M'm,r orC''ess snd forraerlr wm. wrtiiDiininm. Vernor of ,Mb-liL.aii. I". S. Senator and fanaeriy 0- M L. MAItTlN Det.ra, a ill Cong-ess from Wiaaaniiu i L-rriutrv. From !!ort. if. b. Trrt. Member af Canrreu fram Peniisvlvnnia. Deirir ik. ,w'""-ton. It. C, Jess 0. tats, v- ,rs i ,hT J " t-P-lne snflerer for about ts4 wl hour . , e,?'.. .','f,r"".v;"",u" medicines fo, r.lief itle." " iTnt'e l'""'''. f '"" "xvrent. e"e sh . w I ' I ' ''hh ' f"rm" in ! th. dun ""nne' l ,;V .f a ' "!:"' were, great acidity .f tha n-itioii i'h" tli. h. I1'1' est reiue llatnlenee, sever, n il. i ili k,, T'I"' ni",vl"1" headache.' Keeling dt-.i: ro is thai a knowledge o y.ulr valuable remedv mar raacli i;'.r;:.,hna'y.r',l,cw' p"- niff iii) lestim..tiy to its eurnt v power: and would mlU renl-,,k that ,,,, , ,., t KI . er " ff " r; e " wn,a iB,n."f " " Vm;xy S 1 "" """'; at I'lt'sburff. or inform them . re t Or v I '"."'""hieil. Vlth . earnest da- tru'vurTir' hn' A TZ$Z&?" ,1 S ' a'"' "-"olby rireen k rietcn.,, Md: 4!HUh i.i:t S-reet. Philadelphia. Acent r-.r .'.nibiirv II . M ASl:ft Atteuts fo, Miiu.a MACKAY A HA Q. Acent r .r I pper Mahon-.y-J. U HH-t April i.l, fS IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. A1TD C.TTLS MEDICINES. Don't permit yeiir Horses or cattle to die, waaat the menus of cure tire within the reach of all! The undersigned has spent fe'.fral years in ti" study of Veterinary practice in "London and T.i dmlmro'." he has nlso a willed himself of the resear ches of l.fll.lg, nM,l uthcrcclebrated men, who have entitrilnilcd so much towards a judicious treatment ot animals; the principles of our practice consist in the rejection if general bleeding and the total j rejection ul all mciln-tnes that experience ha shown to be ,f a d.-iiitri-rotts tendaticy. The. r--, medics act in harmony wilh the vital principle, and when given aeeording to the directions which ac j co:tip.luy ea.-h article tlicy are capable of exciting and increasing ihe natural functions, without di , minishing or destroying their nower. henra .rd ini salriu Ilia hands uf cverv one. U. H. DADD. M: . A I.isl af Iterse and t'ntll MdltiMel: Phvsic balls. 7.V. per lu'x. Altfrntlvn ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 7.Vpt,r pack' age. Heave powder fiir diseases oT the liiflgs, 75i dev t line powder 1,-r ' kidnevs, 75 dr aar 1 utile powder for bad c'rmdi ion "landers. 7S Cordial drink ftr inllamrition of bowels, 75e par iiouiei , I.iiniid blister, 7.V r-l-r bollle. Ointment for promoting the growth of fiiif, 10 i per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddl jails, 75w per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange Wrrttches, old sores, Ae., 50e per bottle. Embrix-ation for sore throat, 7fie per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ac, SOe per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description. 74 ti I per Iwttle. Disteniier powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. for sale, hy sriMPSON hekd. 56 M.r- chants l!ow. also at DADD'S HORSE AND .u ii.r,.ui.ilu.E DEPOT, Nos. 1 Itayuiaikel S-iptare, Itostou. Pamphlet describing the diseases for these remedies are used can be had gratis. vhiclt Numerous Certificates nre in possession t the Proprietors, uf cures performed by the above Msdi. cines. Hold by GREEN oV FLETCHER, SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by hi AriEsrs ll..Nm Mssskr, Sunbury, February 3, 1849. tf ROSE OINTMENT, I"0H TETTBK. 1) KAD th following certificate from Capt. Derot, tbe 1 well known ami popular Sluuu boat Captain (of la Trsveller.) Philadelphia, October 31, Several venr. linee I win nttaeke.1 with a breakinr eat ou my neck in llie torin ol Teller, which I am coionneM wns c.iitriicte.l -di ihe H-irlier'Mion. It eraiidually extvn4 ed over niy I'uee iinlil it n-ncheii the upper mrt of th cliecks. lluring the sevenil in,aith. that it eontinuad spreaibiiv. I used dideri-nt applii-atlous, ame of which had llie citeel, aipreiill)- at least, ol UK-re.-wina tbe diseaae, aat from none ol them did I M.-rceive the least benefit until I apilied tbe Koss Ointmkxt. Ily the use of una ar of il, I w,i penccll)' cured and have remained I'rea of ths affec tion. 1 have silica used the Ointment, lightly applied for roach lies, of tbe face, blotches, chapped hand.. Ac. With per fect success. 1 luivs no hesitation in recommending u la tbe sirongeat manner to the public. JAMKS DEVOJi. Aecnt IIknrt Maisei, Buuburv. July r, IrilM. ffATEITT 1EDICJI1TE3 CI recti's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend'tl Sarsaparilla. linker's Sarsspanlla. c?waync'Syfup of Wild Cherry 8wayne' Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drnke's Panacea. Dr. t,'ullen' do Tibbit'sPain K JIer. Dr. Hoofland's Uerman Ditterr Indian egetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicine ' For sale hv HU.NrtT it kSSttL Sunbury, July 14, 1849. BOOKS and Gold Pen. On band several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a ntrrrrbet of gold pens which we will sail at ilia PluUaVlafem price. For sale al thisomv. KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAJ TEN1NGS. A cheap and excellent art. cle lor fastening sash for sal by J. W. FRILINO Sunbury, Julv T, 1810.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers