IA-U- SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. (Obioirai.. THE COLtMBlNt. Where frowns the dnrk rock ateppest Along the mountain it, Where yawns the chasm deepest, To meet the rushing tide, Where not green thing groweth Or flower dares to shine, In fearless beauty bloweth The graceful Columbine. No gay companions seeking Of varied smell or hue, Nitr soil with richness reeking, It seems to shun our view, ' A tremblingly it bentleth Upon its slender stem, With modesty which lendeth Charms to that mountain gem. While steadily it clingeth Fast to the rugged stone, And welcome sweetness bringeth Where it must bloom alone; As charity upholdeth The friendless and dislressM, And with true kindness foldeth The lonely to her breast. There many a truth in flowers That spangle o'er the mead, Good pregppts glow o'er bowers If man would only read ; And whosoever seeketh, Will need no magic art, Their simple beauty speaketh The language of the heart. ACRICLLTIRAL BUREAU. Senator Sturgeon, Chairman of the Com mittee en Agriculture, in the Senate of the United States, has reported the following bill. We hope to see no evasions or indefi nite postponements in this matter, but a willingness on the part of Congress to obey the will of the agricultural community by establishing the desired Bureau. A Bill to Establish an Agricultural Bureau in the Department of the Interior, Sect. 1. That there shall be established And attached to the Department of the Inte rior, an Agricultural Bureau, the head of which shall be called the Commissioner of Agriculture, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and con cent of the Senate, and shall receive the game salary as the Commissioner of Patents. Sect. 2. That it shull be the duty of said Commissioner to collect Agricultural statis tics; to procure and distribute valuable seeds ratlings buds and tubers ; to procure and put in operation a chemical laboratory, at a cost not exaeediiig two thousand dollar, and cause to be made all desirable analysis of mineral water, and such as relate to the com position and improvement of soils; the feed ing of domestic animate the preparation and preservation of bread studs; the manufac ture of sugar, and such other manufactures as may be connected wi'.h agriculture, and arise immediately out of agricultural products and to prepare and make, annually, a full re port to Congress, containing on, account of such experiments as may have been made, ami such useful information as he may have jbtained on all the subjects connected with the duties of his oftice. Sect J That there shall be appointed in laid Bureau, a chemist, whose salary shall 'hall be two thousand dollars, per annum ; a hief clerk, whose salary shall be one thou sand six hundred dollars, a recording clerk, whose salary shall be one thousand dollars; and one messenger, whose salary shall seven hundred and fifty dollars. Seot 4, That there is appropriated, to pay the salary of the commissioner, chemist, chief clerk, clerk, and messenger; to purchase the chemical apparatus, and defray the contin gent expenses of said Bureau, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, the sum of sixteen thousand dollars. LATER FROM THE EMPIRE OF IIAYTI. Boston, May 20, 1850. The brig Enoch Benner arrived here to day from Port au Prince, with dates to May 2d. The Albany, Germanrown and Vixen were in port. General Duff Green, the spe cial agent of the United States, had an inter view with the Emperor, in which he de manded the recognition of our commercial agent, and that he shall have the same privi leges as those of other natrons. He also demanded the appointment of a person to confer with him on certain claims he had to present against the Government, and General Delvio, a black, was appointed The cause of the U. S. Government com ing forward with their claims, at the present time, is unknown. The Germaritown and Albany were short of provisions, and were to have sailed imme diately for home. The latter is bound for this port. U. S. Sloo or War Marion, Rio de Ja neiro, 17th March, 1850. Whole ship's com panies have been carried off, and no less than eight ships are lying here, quite de serted. Our ship is quite healthy. No cases of yellow fever. We have had no communi cation with the shore, nor allowed any per sons from Rio to come on board. We sail from here at daylight to-morrow morning, (18th inst.,) for Anjier Point, Straits of Sunda. The Vincennes left here about three weeks ago, after a very long passage of 85 days. Passed midshipman Vanderhurst died this morning at 3 o'clock. He died on shore with no one near him, at a little village just touth of Rio, called Beta Fogo. He was buried this afternoon. We are the only ship free from yellow fe ver at Rio, and there are 130 ships in port at this time. - We sail to morrow morning at 4 o'clock." N. Y. Jour, of Com. Corning, New York, Destroyed by Fire. The village of Corning, in Steuben county, New York, on the line of the Erie Railroad, has been nearly destroyed by fire. The fire occurred on Saturday, in the Corning and Blossburg Depot, which consumed all the business portion of the village from the Clin ton House to the lower end of the village. destroying property to the amount of over thru hundred thoutand dollars. There is not a store, grocery, Dank or any other building le!t, except two public houses and what few private residences there were in the west end of the village. The Elmira fire compa- pie went to their aid, but could not save the property. The town is situate on the Che mung River, and ha a population of over a thousand persons. Ltdgrr. Th remains of the lata President Polk were removed from the City Cemetery at Nashville, to their final resting place in the giounds of his late residence, on Wdnesday last. MARRIED, In Milton, on the 1 Oh inst., bv the Iter, David Longmore, Rev. Joshua Derr, Pastor of the Herman Ketormeu Church. oelinS' grove, Union county, to Miss Janb Mart Ho bit, ol Milton. d 1 1: d. In Jackson, Louisiana, on Friday, April 26th. Mrs. MARTHA JANE SHANNON, wife of William Shannon, Esq., (formerly of ttus place) of the bouthem Mirror, in the vain year ol her age. I)C iltavkcts. Philadelphia Market May 22, 1850. Fi.ocr. Flour is quiet nnd the price stea dv: shinninn brands are selling at $5 181 brl Extra Flour at $5 75 brl. Rye Flour is held at J 2 87aS3. Corn Meal is worth $2 87 per brl. Wheat. There is an active demand for red Wheat at St 15c. prime White alSi 21c Rye. Penna Rve is held at 61c per bush Corn. Corn is in demand at 61 cts for yel low ; While is worth 58 cents. Oats. Southern are worth 3c, ana retina 41c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 23c and hlids at 22 cents. Baltimore Market May 20, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds weie made to-day at 116 cts., audPenn white at 120 cts. Corn. White at 53 a 55 cents, and of yel low at 57 cents. Oats Prices range from 38 to 40 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 24 1 cents, and of hhds at 23 J cents. SUN BURY I'llICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. Whkat. - - .100 Kik. .56 Con. .50 Oats. . . 37 BuTTKR. - .14 Enus. .... 8 Fork. .... 5 Klaxskf.ii. .... 125 Tallow. - .10 Beeswax. 35 Flax. - - - - - 8 Hki klf.h Flat. ... 10 Drum ArpLES. - - - .62 Do. Peached. ... S00 ATTENTION ! ! rrHE First Regiment of Northumlwr--1 land county Volunteers will meet at Sunbury, on TH I'RSDA V the 30th of Mav inst, for Parade and Inspection. E. A. KLTZNER, Brig. Insi.'r. Drig. Inspector s nllice , May 1, 1850. NOTICE. A X election of one President and four Mana gera of the Trcvorlon, Malionov and Susque hanna Kail Road Company will be held on Satur day, let of June next, in the town of Trevorton. Trcvorlon, May J 1 tit, 1850. 3t. DAVID PEASE, FAMILY GROCER & TEA. DEALER, S. IF. Corner 6th If Arch Street Philadelphia, f HO wa formerly in the firm has now suc- ceeilcd Colton & Co., in the business and offers for sale at the very lowest prices, all kinds of Fi. milt Groceries of the choicest kimla con sisting in part of Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Old G. Java Codec and other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, C'urrie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Farma, linkers Chocolate, Cocoa and Bronia, and every thing in the line, which he will pack up careful ly and forward to order aa promptly as has been the habit of the old firm. OCT" Will the bousekeeiH'ra of Sunhury and vi- cinity who w ish to have Groceries of the choicest kinds please to try us once 1 DAVID PEASE, S. V. Cor. 6th & Arch St. Philadelphia. May 11, 1850. ly NOTICE TO HEIRS. NOTICE to the Heirs of Henry Fetter, dee'd., is hereby give that by virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation to me directed an inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., the 26th clay of June 1850 upon the premisea in Up per Mahonoy township to enquire whether the Real Estate of the said Henry Fetter, dee'd., can be equally parted and divided to and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid heirs are horeby warned to be and appear if they think proper. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Sheriffs office, Sunbury, I May 11, 1850.-61 NOTICE TO HEIRS. NOTICE is hereby given to the Heira of John Leinbach, dee'd. to aptwar at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Sunbury in and for the coun ty of Northumberland, on the first Monday of August next, men and mere lo accept or reiuse tne Real Estate of the said dee'd., at that valuation filed upon said Real Estate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by the said Court, or shew cause why the same should not be sold, &c JAMES COVERT, Shr'tl Sheriff's office Sunhury, May 11, 1850. 6t SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a jiower in the Will of Henry Shaffer. Esq., formerly of Sunbunr, dee'd., will be exposed to sale, at the premises, on Satur. day the 25th day of May neit, at 10 o'clock A. M. ef said day, A llouNe and Lot of Ground on the corner of River and Market streets, at pre sent occupied by Mrs. Wharton, as a public house The location is a good one for business the house is a large two story brick building,' frame dining Kuom and Kitchen large and convenient stalile, Ac The terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale by JOHN FA RNS WORTH, Trustee to sell. Sunbury, May 4, 1850. 3t CENTRE TURNPIKE ROAD. THE Stockholders are hereby notified that an election will be held at the house of JAMES LEE. in the borough of Northumberland, on Monday the 3d day of June next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. snd 4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of choosing officers to serve for the " it, nmUcpf W T '. ensuemg year. j. i. rmcoi , t iw . April 27, 1860 41 J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jrSIICE OF THE I'EACE Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public school House. nr Monies eollectel sad ail business promptly sn4 ears- fully attended hi April t0, 1850 GREAT ATTRACTION 1 1 SEW AND CHEAP GOODS, JOHN W. riULING, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa,, HAS just received and opened a large assort, ment of superior and choice Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the con Ing sea son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use in the Dry Goods line, consisting in part of Clotfit, Casstmeres, Summer-Stuff for Clothing and Vetting, Ladies Dress floods. Gloves, Hosiery, Lares, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine Muslins, Ginghams, Liacns, Ac. ALSO; A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, y Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 27, 1850. NEW STORE ! . A SF.W STOCK OF GOODS, At the Store formerly occupied by John Bogar, In Market Street, Sunbury. PTV1E subscribers respectfully inform the pub A lie that they have just received, and are now opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF DRY 0001)9, Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Saltinetts, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginchams, Lawns, Vesting!, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, tfe , Hardware, Queenaware, Daces akd Msdicikes. ALSO! A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. rr Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change at the lcst prices. JOHN BUYERS fc CO. Sunhury, April 13, 1850 ly To all Whom It may Concern. VOTICE U hereby given that the following ' certificates of Shares of Stock, in the Centre Turnpike Company, have been lost or mislaid, vis; one share in the name of Samuel E. Grier, elee'd., one share in the name of Henry Fisher, dor'd., one share in the name of Jos. Hogcndohlcr, dee'd., one share in the name of Jacob Vnnderslice, dee'd., and one share in the name of William Dcwart, deceased. Application witl bs made by the sub scriber, to whom the above shares have been le gally transferred, for new certificates of stock to be issued to him. WM. L. DEW ART. Sunbury, May 11, 1850 3t PHI LA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUM.MEll ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Office of the Phila. If Reading Railroad Co. ) riuladelptua, March Sit, 1850. j Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April Ut, 1S50 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville Morning Line. (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 74 A. M., daily sxcapt Sundavs. Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Run- days. AJttrnoon Line, (tost lratn.) Leaves Philadelphia at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 21 o'clock, dailv. except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the ears unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Birdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Force, Port Kennedy, Spring, Mill or Falls. ISO! ILL. t ifty pounds of batriraee will tie al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohiliited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. Uy order of the Hoard of Managers. 8. 11 RADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. NEW A 11 HANG EM EXT And Prices Reduced. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, IS NOW PREPARED TO FORWARD Goods mid Packages, Daily from Philadelphia to Seiinsgrove, jYortfiumberland, Sunbury, Danville, Bloomsburtr, .Milton, Lewis, burg, Muncy, IVilliamsport, eVc. Bi Rail Road ab Eirnisa Cakal Boats. NEW EXPRESS Office 38 North Third St. Freight Office at CRAIG If BELLAS' Corner of Broad and I herry streets, Philadelphia. April 6, 1850 tf TO FARMERS AND ME OF BUSINESS. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. riHE subscriber offers, at the lowest rates, in X any quantity to suit purchasers. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OIL. Manufacturers, Tanner; Farmers, Dealers and Lonsumers, are invited to tall. GEO. W. RIDGWAV, No. 37 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE Mow Race street, Philadelphia. April 6, 1850. Sm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T ETTERS of Administration upon the estate late of Hon. Calvin Dlvthe, dee'd., have this day been granted to the subscrilier. AW iiersons having claims against said estate are notified to present them without delay. FREDERiCK LAZARUS, Adm'r. Sunbury, April 17, 1850. flt EST1TB OF PETER TAXDL1NG, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- niiuiMration dt bottit nun have been gran ted to the subscriber, on the estate of Peter Valid- ling, late of Upper Augusta township, Northum berland county, deed. All person indebted to said estate or having demands against the same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settle ment. WILLIAM REED. Administrator of bonit mom. Upper Augusta Uhp., April 13, 1150. 6t ROBT. L. BETH . THOS T. B. 8KTH 8ETII & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND omm(00f ou iWr rdi.tuttJ, NO. 89 PSATT TBBDT, (NBAS. BoWLY'S WHARf,) BALTIMORE,, Wil) pay particular attention to the sals of GRA!f and all other products of the farm, Baltimore, January S6, 1H0 I? XI. XI. XI. A new tml brilliant light hai lat1rriaen and now itarvda high in th horison, ihtHkling iu gulden light or hp ajwH. the dark dripniring mi nil f the beri'TKldrn end afflicted with pain, like the bitrftitvg forth of the eti ttfrdtml raya of the mm upon the cold, dismal rginna of the fria id sme. The throe lettera which head thia paragraph it the iigiuft catitin of RADWAY'S READY BELIEF. An Thfrtantflnmua Antidote for Paint of nil ilntta, the Very instant Rftdway't Ready Relief ia applied, ite pain relieving qnalitiea are realised, it will relieve the moat ad vert pnina of Rhcumntiam, Iumbagi. Guut, laroliii( Tic IVIorriix, in a few minutes. ty'rlHRUMATiftM Ita Cauaea, Treatment and Cure. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CURED BY RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. RheiimatitmnriaeifrDmdiiTereutciiuttea, hut moat gene rally prnrecri fram Cohla, exptmre to cold damp weather, and sleeping in damp apnrrmenta. Thia complaint ii divi ded tutu two clnssra j the firnt Inflamntory, ao called from Ihe swelling nnd intlnmmntion thnt attends the pains in the parts affected ; aecnd, Chronic Rheumatic, so culled from the kiig continuance of the d incuse. It ia also ltivwnaa Lumtmgo, trr pain in the hack) Hciaticia. or pams in the hip or groin f Anthrodynin, or piiitis in thejuitits. Tha Acute Rheumatism generally terminates into one of these and becoint'B a chmmc complaint. TO RELIEVE YOUR TORTURES,. Apply Railway's Rendy Relief, on ft warm flannel cloth, previously bathing the parts with warm water, also take 3d or 40 drops of the Relief internally- in some molasnes twice or thiea times a day; this will give- warmth to the stomach, ami surely relieve you from all Rheumatic pains. It isali speedy and effectual in Its operation in the cma of diseased SPINK, 8TIT( H IN THE BACK, LAME NESS, WOKENESSOF THE JOINT. Wonknesa, ami paih in tha side, Nervous Headache, Tie Dnlereux and Tooth Ache, SjuiKins, Strains, Cramps in the Stomach, Piles, S-wes, Burns. Sen Ids, Eruptions of the Skin, ?ur Stomach, Heart Burn, llourseneisand Sore Throat. Rea der, if you have the misfortune to be troubled with cither of the above distressing coniphinta, be thankful that an antidote for your pains is at hand in RADWAY'S REA DY RELIEF. It is sure to give your Infant ease, and to your joy will ensure you a sjteedy and peifect cure. See that each botttle bus the fac simile signature of Rndway & Co, upon each laliel none other is genuine. A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. ANEW LABEL STEEL ENGRAVING. To protect the public against purchasing counterfeits of Rndway's Chinese Medicated amp, R. ti Had way, the celebrated Chemist of New York, has at a great expense engaged the services of one ol the first artists of steel en graving in Americun, and will on the fust uf April, lb-'0, issue it ad way's Medicated S ap in Its new talwl. It is a beautiful steel engraving, it represents two female figures of heulth and beauty, reclinicg on a tablet and scroll work, on which are the words 'Had way 'a Medicated S an" in illuminated letters. On the opposite side of the tablet is the lac simile siguature of II. G. Radway. The design is neat, chaste, aitnttic. and eleirniitlv executed. THE VIRTUES OP THE SOAP are also improved, the high popularity winch this exceltent soap has attained for its super lority over all others for Toi let. Medicinal, and Shaving purposes, has impelled us to strive and improve upon its merits, instead ot resting sa tisfied on its ail end y gained laurels.' We have now entered into arrangements for the importation direct I'm in our cor respondents in Constantinople in Turkey, ami Canton in China, for our several oils, gums, tnlsams, and extracts of rare medicinal virtues, which we use in the manufacture of Had way's 8np, in strait of receiving them from third parlies, so that now we have the antisluction of knowing that the highly medical and balsamic properties of out Soap are pure and undnlternted. AS BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. It snrpnusva everything of the kind in the world, It re. moves lied n co", Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Tetters Rash. It cures Kilt Rheum, Ring Worm, Aire Heads. S ires, Pus ttitur Eruptions. It imparls health to the akin and beauty to the complexion. As a uurscrv and Toilet Sp, it is be yond the reach of rivalry, and for Shaving purposes it is the best in use. One cake of Rati way's Stn will htst lun ger than three cakes of the same size of any other S-mp in use, therefore it is the cheapest and best Stmp in the world. Price '25 cents. Inige cakes in engraved wrappers, and the signature of R. G. ltudwuy ud'Xicach wrapper. Now through the Harem chambers many lights Of busy shapes prorlattn the toilet rights While some bring Imltn from Circastiia's fair, To dress sail henutiiy their lovely Hair, Which makes the mrnds of Circassian sirra Within the breasts of kmc pure love inspire. TO DRESS AND BEAUTIFY THE II AIR. Rod way's Cireaxsian Ifolm is Incoming quite popular, in the course of time it will supersede all other preparation in use. cures bnldnrai, strengthens the hmr, eradicates dandruff. i; lid makes ihe hair soft. fine, ami glssy. By using the hnltu a tter direction, it will inane it curl beaut iiully, resembling unt.'irc. Price 2'iets., in large bottles. te that Radwav & Co.. tsnponejieh little. Agfst If. fl. l?aseer, Sunbury. April 0, 100 ceV'uly CHERRY PECTORAL: For I lie Cure f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, GROUP, ASTH. MA, WHOOPXZrO-COUOH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform surrrs which has attended tlx use of this preparation its salutary elVrrt its power to relieve and cure afli'ctions of the Lungs, have gained for it a eelelirily equalled by no other medicine. We orient to the alrlicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attucks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they liccnnie publicly known, very nuturally attract the attention of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERRY I'ECTOKIAL may be seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D.f Prof. Surgery Med College, Nexe York says : 'It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efTicacy of Ayer's CHERRY PEC TORI A L, which I consider iieruliarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throat and Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, writes ''That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma aaJ Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded With surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: HiaironD, Jan. 26, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, gtatitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the inlormation ot others in like ai diction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas. toned upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, snd in short had all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach my case, uutl I provi dentially tried your Chebrt Phtiiihl, which soon relieved and now haa cured me. Youra withrespect. E. A. 8TEWART. raErisiii st i.e. at, isiiiT,iow(LL,aiii. Uf Sold by Henry Maaser, Sunhury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland' l)r. (iearhart, 8e Unsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. April'6, 1850.. Iycc3m TOE CHEAP BOOK STORE. D A1TIEL3 & SMITH'S Chkss Nbw It Srcomd hjd Book Siomt. : 38 N. Sixth St. be xeeen Market if Arch, PMIadtlpkia. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS BIOGRAPHICAL if HISTOHICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematics!. Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sites ana prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, H and Hftatl. TV Oca prices ara mu hl ower than the sot'Ltt prices rr i.iuianea ana small parcels 01 duoss purcuasea. I f books iinpirteu to outer from Lunoua. Philadelphia, J ansa, IM r C. HKNKEUT, BOOT MAKER, JVo. 40 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, y HERE avery variety of French Calf Skin Mamcca, Ptcp leather, Congress and Gai ts' boots, of tha best style am workmanship, ara constantly kept on hand or manufactured Is order. MK-h IS, I8.t0 -.6iq mnniG u iiolis WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where general assort ment of all kinds of Psper is kept, and for sale at tne lowest rash prices. C'np, Letter nnd Printing Papers. &c on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. - blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled whit Letter. " blue - Bine and white Folios. White snd colored Printing Tspef Tissue Papers. Shoe Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware nnd Sheathing Psper. Tar Boards. Straw Uonrds. Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will bs attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as csn be bought else where. Please calt and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. WILLIAM' ASTI-lslSI'r.PTIC nM.lXIR is, with the utmost confidence, offered to tha XA nieuicai faculty sihi tnr ptitHic tr the cure or Dyspep sia or Indigestion, and all disease arising from it, such Nnusca, llemlarhe. Vertiao, Dimness of Siirht, Dehihty of tile Nervous Sys tem. Hynoeliondrin, Jaundice, ltssof nnnrtttc. Bilious Vomiting, Burning srnsntion at the pit oi ine m- 'mien, l.ivercompliiint, Oppression after enting, Piilnitatioii of the llemt. Wnsting of the strencth. tl'aiu in the pit of the stomseh Flstulence, with frequent or towurds the right side, helchingof vi'ilid, 'ftalloWiieni of complexion, Vitiated Uiste, Depressi' n of the spirits snd Const itntinit nnd uneasiness! irritability of temper, Ac. of the bowels, I If a ease of dyspepsia should he neglertrd, most serious effects nwiy ensue, for it Inys the foundation for, is the in eipent cause of, and very frequently terminntt-s in consump tion. 1 would impress upon the mind that to nine with this disense may he to sport with the reason which consti tutes muu supereinuirnt among animal beings, or to em bitter existence by adding a consciousness ol lolly to the penalty of pain. This medicine is neatly put up in bottles, with ample directions for use, and is sold in Sunhury by Joiii V. FaiLlxo. JAMD WILLIAM. Testimony of Mr. Aimer F.lmrs. halter, Market strest abm-e Sixth, corroborative uf tho emraey of Williams Anti-Dyspeptic Klmr run. s Delphi a, October 3, 1819. Mb. Jamk Williams : Dcnr Su It gives me great pleasure tn know that roe are ngsin prHwnng you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia, for ninny nf my acquniutanres h:ive repeatedly asked me where it could lie pmcmed, knowing thnt I had been cured by it. As t think thnt a public acknowledgment of the grout liencfit 1 have received from the use of your med icine is not only due to you, but insy le useful to others, t now make it. "For several years I suffered from Dyspep. sia. which increased to such nn extent thst my health snd eimstitution were mniillv sinking under it. I whs com pelled to rcMrict myself to the most simple fond, and even that I could not digest. I felt a loss of strength, dismeli nstlon to exercise, and, as you huve it ill your advertise ment, a general feeling of depression ana indeserilaible wenriness. In the yenr leH. hearing from others high re. eommcuiliilioii of vour Anti-Dyspeptic F.hxir. I pncured and used it with the most hrippy effect ; under it iiittuencs languor und wnriness cradunlly passed nwuy. and my appe tite returned which I could enitily with 'impunity. Ten years have now elaps.!. sad my e mtidence in the curative powers of your medicine has of course incrcasttl, for it completely cured tne when I tailed to obtain relict from Qiiy otiiet source. Very respectfully vonrs. AIINF.R F.I.MF.S. Testimony of 1-1 want II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the firm of Rowley. Astibunnet h t'n , No 5 South Wharves, in pr.Mif of the efficacy of Williams' Auti-Dys-peptic F.hxir. Philadelphia, October 80, 1849. Mr. Jams William: Ienr Sir : I take pleasure in recommending yonr Anti Dyspeptic F.hxir for the cure of Dypcwin. I have tuken it myself foi the disease, and have been entirely cured. Vurs respeetl'iillv. F.DWAltD II POWI.F.Y. Ac bnt JOHN W FR1LIXG, Sunbury, Pa. March 9, ieS0. ly A LEXAXDEIl" C CA IT F.LL." srccEsson to james m. bolton. pecd. COMMISSION If FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the sale of Gruin, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Lura-lir-r kr. No. 13 North Wharves, Philadelphia. (ioeide forwarded with care, to all points on tho Sc-hiivlkill, I'niun, (Susipiehanna and Juniata Canals. I'iT Salt, Plotter, Grindstonea. Ac, for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, Junes, 184U. ly CHARLES V. H EG (NS, ATTCP.1TEY AT LA7T, PoltNillle, i'a. Will premptly attend to collections snd alt busi" ness etitrusted to bis care. " Jane 16, 1849, JAMES COOI'F.U. Bill' A CAMERON COOPER &CAMEKON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ior r vn.i.t:. St'liuylUIII County, Pa., 1. collect monies, attend to litigated cases. and act as aiicnts in the management of Estates, Ao. Pursoua desiring their services, may refer te the following gentlemen : PHILADELPHIA. David f Brown, Isnnp R Davis, Gideon B. Westeotl Henry White, Francis X. thick. Win. II. Heed. Ksu.. Chat Uihbou. F.sq, J Cook, Hsq., H. II. Urewster, hsq. C. Tiioiiitoii Jones, F.sq. NKWT YOU. M'M.MoaeslI. Griimell, Ilon.Ogden H 'lTlnan, Hon. Junies MiHiroe, Hon. Kilwsrd Curtis. Hub. Abbott Lawrence, Uostox. John Aikes, Lsq, Iwill Jans t, 1840 IVlEDICAIs HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEAKS AGO, BY mi. KIXKKL1N, V. W. Comer of Third and Union Streets, BKTWKKN SPHtCIC AND VINE BTRtCCTS, PHILADELPHIA I" 1 FTKHN Y FA Its of fxtniiive and uiilntrrfupted pnirti; Peritt in tlni city Imv rfiMteni) lir. K. the iii tfl rxtcrt mid surremti ul prucmitiner lur antl near, in (lie lraliiiriit ! Mil tlivruM-a a nnvHte nature. Ptrna ultliclul with uicfffc iit'ii thrlxstly, thr-sut, or pHina mi the Iteudor Umei, mercurml rhfumaiwm, atrirturt'S. gravfl, iliiiraac arining lrin y-'iHhiull rxietiM ot imjMifitir o" ihe biKxi. wiirrenv ine ciihiiuiiou naa uerome ciiiwuied, are all I rented with ucreaa. He who plueei himaelf uinler the rnrv cf Dr. K may re liffiouBly coiifile m tiis )inr a a gentltriiuin.aiKl cuiihclent ly rely uj'ii bit aktll m a physioiuii. TAKK PAKTICL'IJR NOTICE. YHinf Men wli'i have Injured themnelvea by certain pi art ire iiHtuUrnd in babit freqiiemlv (mriicd tripin evil i-tHupanioii iy at 'lt4 the rlf'cta of whu h are tiirhily felt, even when lerp, nut) etr.ty th mind and tmiv, ahaiuld apply iniiiiediutely. Weukneu und tMiifttitutmtuil debility l of uiusk ular energy, phyiiml UmIiikU and f-en tral prt nit ion, irritability and all nervoua alfLTiiona. iitdi fCcftion, a!ii?trihiieM 4 the livet, and every disventeiti any way coimwtrd with the diaorder 01" the prucreativt luiie Uona cured, and full vigsr restored . YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature ileulh. KINKELIN on irlf Prumalion. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tliis D Mikjust publisbeilis fillnt with useful Informal i 41 on Uie uitirniilles und diseus.s ot the tteuerulive Organs. It stresses itiH'll'nlike to YOU'J'H, MANHtHU) ainl OIJ) AtiK, uu.1 shoukl be rentl by all. Tlie valuable lvlce ami iuiHewuv warning it gives, will prevent uirsor misery and sull'ering and Suva aiuuul. ly Tliousaists ol' l.ivca. Farems by rcailing it will learn bow to prevent the des truction of their children. A reuilttaiK-e of a.1 cents, encktsed in a letter, ad. dressed to UK. KINKF.I.IN. X. W. crner ofTIIIKU I'MOX streets, between Hpruee k Pine, Fhilsdelphla, will ensure a b sk, under enveloue, per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address lr. K. by letter, (st. paid.) snd tie cured at home. PACK AHK.S OF MEUICIFF.S, DIRF.CTION8, e , f-wanled by sending a reuiillaucc, and put up secule from DAM AtiK or Cl'RiwrV. liook-sellers, New Agents.Pedlars, Canvassers, and all ethers supplied with th above work at vary low ratsa. February a, 16jU ly TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, Prunes and Cream Nuts, rianes of all kinds. Salt anil 1'laater. Just received and for sals by JOHN W. r RILING. Sunbury, Dss. 94, 1849; f pEA8, from tha Nsw York t'tttten arid Jakii A Tea Compatiti Kdr Mia by J. W. rRILINO. feuiitmry, Pes. t, U4I tfikmutniU tf Ouru ef .tessla, Ctnrm, pkHt mi Mhrr tnpun lii.tann of IA Wees' mi iftUt sr SU 11.1. ftVASrlTT hirk BU tf a MiJt.iiu u rf,at Curm seurA IMitOMtl. bt asy nesostAr purifying tudicml pwm tr in Iht Mrilu-ine ri kat tubihui fit esnfosrsat east LHititt -lAs Hun U fttifnbU nidtnm iSat BRANT'S INDIAN PUMFTIXli EXTRACT i$ ntrh Mtrlicint, In eery retect ; and taera ia ab dnnt pnnit. in trrtml turn rftreted. that ONE BOTTIT sf tt eontaiu mr$ purityifif, hrahrtf virtue, aad mtdimt power thmn there If eontauis ii In Fit ttottlt$ uf aa? ia--rnpmrilta, nr nny pther medirint that ha wmr hrea oQVrad for iae Thera la undoubted pnmf in our patnphleta, thM by the ua of Ibii ptent Indian PurKtr. Ih.f thai er Ovine yi-t Livk the? that ware l.aua and ( aie Pi.ro tan mw Walk they ilmt wara Hick, (caortxout, and uilierie dieaed, haVa len Hr.ALKn and Cikrb. Hundreds Thousands mym hare ued BaHT't rvairtaa, after havlnf aned aad letted all tha 9riparilltu nnd other trrdirinra rvcom maadrd tu cunt blond dtiatet, he dtcidtd that- Brant's is tha Cheapest, hcauae On PottU of It haa mnrt mpd'mml. ruratlva tat tcr in it. and. in i-uneqtiinrta, rum ar diitttft ia muah iur timi, thnn one bottit uf nr other medicine. It. then, OVA1 fiottUuf haKT Puntrna will eara FOUR TIMES more diarKM thn ana bMtU uf iar$tvm eiM CaiKT'l IM-atrira" wmiM le at thrttp at four art lftr$ a Ih. Kir- at PcrtapariUa at an HoUntr. but ItRAhT 1'l.UIFltlt it tld lur oint tiNfc inil.l.Alt a hmtla ; and at a tMiitltt uf it hat rured, and it enpabU f enrinf. "aur 7Va much ditratt ttnt bottit id tmrtaparillm tbera tre, tiirifisarillN. In entcqntice uf it liii power and let medicnl ffi.-arT. tlmuld bti lutd at tie awirt that) Twenty Fir Vfif er hutUe, tu b at cam at tae i'un riaa at Ont JMlvr One Dollar's Worth! Iliw mut h :rtra h-iw mm h Stpmili -hnw raaaa Scanptxa w.il Ont pntlur't vorfAui Irani $ 1'L'KIFIEH lure? Keml the tulluwing atateinent. triiab U men nf Ita power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! - I tum n the rae (it a Ityinjt tnan who fit tirtt Ma wt enrtd of a worte cata ot Ht-rotnla. If uulT 7Wr Petti i H-atit'i 1'iinfier. than er w rurail' b? the uae ot Tiretrt Gnlltm n1 the bfft artiftirilla tlni wta aT nitrla. .Suraaprtriha hat nnt ntjkrimt mriiVa fwtr to cflect Ui cure uf mich a rrvottinjrlv h'tpeiw r.. Mr. J 11 Haskin. ol 'Rum. OntulA C9 . T T . htd Strtt la four veitra wt ennrtnt'd tn hit hed the Uttt fear - hr wat to murh diseaied and debilitated at to le unatile tu raite hit bund to hit head. He had th bet tnrdietl ad- ii-r had uiwd mil ot the at turnmpmrillat to no food efTtM't )iit worn and xtartt and wat ronaideieil to be fa a Ihintf Statt. and run Id not live twnty four houn latifer, wli n he vmninciirrd living Kit A NT'.1 Vl'H I I'l i:it. Hit leek wat tntcn nearly off from ear to ettrn hole wat vaT thnmfh hit trtaVrJie. under hit chin, tu thnt he hrrathad through the hole bit tar wat tn eaten hround that it rould be lifted up out nf itt plicr, it nnW holtlitif hj a tmall pirpi- the ute of ant nrta wat dtttrofed t.y two 11. eera an Vlrer undf-r the arm. at Itrr- at a rnan't kmnm had nearly taten through hie tide into kit body. I bat, be wat atnit-tfd with Tictnty iurh putrid arri,t, oftnrivt 1 errs, on tarhmt partt ot hit partun. Fur farther aod fuU pnrticulart. at e otir Pamphlet. l)M't. Thomas Williams, one of the mm ikllful phy. licit nt of Kume. wat railed to ae lUtbiu th day beore ne rornrnf nrrd uaina I'mnt't purifier Duct. W axaia-in-. tuts, and then told hitn that ait tha ftiftiwintj La tba world could not curt him that bit eae wut Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr HASKIN'S atatement tf eara Ha taid : Mt wite procured one bottle ol BltAX 13 PURIFYIXtl EXTRACT uf Hutell Isonetrd I Initial., of I(..m I rominencfd wini( that, and beqnn to et better that Botti.k ennbltid ine to pet off my bed, w)tre I had bar a eonfWd rmr yar -the a scon d I. utile ennlileil me i out of tht Mouse-the Till at) boltla enwbled me to atk 'two Miles, to Home Centre, where I procured Six boitlot mote : and when I had finishrd using them. Srren'een out ol 'Vrniy Clcrrt had urAi.en ve nn.l three bottlet mure 4-rWtrd a I'KltFKC I' I KE uf all the Ulcan, and re aturt'd nit' tn good health. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIAKIN hat iwnrn lo the above ftrit. and tbc ftru are wimcMed and rt-rt tiled to by Pm:T. T. Wll.-l.lAMS-Mr. G. It BROWN proprietor id the West Rome M'W-Mtn BIS5KLI.& I.K(jNAKI). Wlniletnle hm reutl DniL'iitaU-auJ tLEVKN other retpectahlt witnetMm We Challenge the World To TROVK a Curt of at revolting? and utterly koptlett a ,, .-rrufsila, by the ute of TKN TlMKS aa much tare-apaTUl. or any uthrr medicine, m wi ut-d uf Brant Purijier to eticrt the above cure winch rnra shall ha pruYt-d ly n many well known, rtsptctabit u-it not set, aa U th above cure. FOR SALE BY Juhu W. Friliur. Sunbury Pa. J illil H llairi ...-.j n. ,.mj tortiiutussraaul. Milton, llrury J. Slmetfer lhviird A. Kutznar AriamCourhd llnvfs A McCormick, W. P I. Pnimer, J. P. Msnn Co., Krtwaril VitsMi, 'l'horiiiiti A Baker, S J Cr uis... W. It. lilekler. uo ao " Pottsgrovs, Tr.KvftuSVllls, Mtiury, Hiurhesvills, New Mt-rlin, l.ewiihurg, Srlhucrovs, llmivillr. K. P l.eiiz A Jolm B. Mover. Itl'N.inslmrn. All letters ttnH ordt-rs must Its stlilretscd t.i VV.lUa A Co., ins ltr.indiiv, Nw York. SniilHiry, July 81, ltH9 ly. Kqultnblc Life Insurance, Annuity and TruNt Company. OFFICE 74 WAI.NfT STUF.KT, PHII.ADr.I.PrllA. Capital 1iU,iioO. Chaktss Pebpktval. 'I'HF, Company are now prernl to tmnsart businsa 1 upon the most litieral and ailvrtuLiceous trrms. Tbsy arr sutlviriznj liy their charter (swt. 3) 'to iruks all and every insurance appertaining to tire risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and eteeuls trusts, make endow ments, sud to grant msl puri-lmse Himuiries." 'rhs Com. puny sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trust for liiinors and heirs. Ttl'.c of rtemiums required f.r ths Assuraue uf S100 fr tha whole term of Lit. Prero. Age. Prem. Age. Prem. IS 1 SO 31 S (Ml 4S l' 3 34 17 1 &I 3V II 15 47 3 4 IS 1 50 3.1 s) '.HI 44 3 0J 19 I I 59 M V 97 49 3 77 SU 1 0 35 ii M 50 J W ai in as -m si 413 tW t H 37 8 47 5i 4.Ti 1 I 3H 8 W S3 4 SI U 174 3D -J i t M 471 ii I 7S 40 'I TO M 4 l i IU 41 SHI 60 IJ !!7 1 fc9 48 4 Oi 47 S 33 ii-l I 4 43 3 01 M lit J9 Uf 44 3 1-1 4!) S ? 30 S 0 44 3 !H 03 Tlie premiums are less than any other eompnny. and tks polu-ies uli.rd greater advantages, 'fables of I'lslt'-yenrly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium.' short terms, j. Hot lives, surviv.mhis ami rnilowinenisi also, form 01 Application (t. wln.-h there are blank sheets ) ar to lie luid on application at the oRic, or Ly letter ta th Agent, J. II. I'l ItUV, Suiihurr. Rates run m-i-siNO 81CU on a siugl Ufa Age. tut I ya SI OT 3,1S For 7 years. For I.if. l.ito t04 s.ro 6,03 w 30 40 40 St 91 l.:u 1 ,04 8,07 3' F.lAxrLE-A per m aged 30 years next birth dsv, ky pnyina the Ctuiijuiny no rents Would secure to Ins fiunlly or heirs SluO should he die in on yeurt or for Sn.gO h as cures to them tflutSI: or for 813 ailuuilly for seven years he secures to them a)H00 sliould he die in seven yesrs; tn for 890.40 paid mutually during Ills he secures 8MK1U tu h fluid wht-n lie dies. The insurer seeming Ins own Ikhius, hy the dillereiice in amount nf premiums irotul hose c)ih reed by other odii-es. Kof 8ly.40 tne heirs would receive SoOOo sh'Htld he die in onn year. Forms of application and nil pnrticiit.irs mav h had at th office. I'KTI'.lt CI l.l.KN, Wcsident. Vice President, Wji. .M. Baikd. Kbancis YV. Kawlb, Secretary and Treasurer. CoNst'LTiNu Phtkicia.h lr. J. H. -M.-isscr. Suntiury. J. H. Pi'SDY, 8uuhury, Agent for Nortliuuibsrlaad coan- ty Sunbury, July 38, IMS Itrowii's Easenre of Jamaica Cln srer. Prepared only by Frederick Rroirn, at his Drug and Chrmical Store, North East Comer of Fifth and C lust nut streets, Philadelphia. fllHE Essence is a preparation uf unusual vi al cf Hence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and aufe stimulant ia required, it is unrivalled far rllii-aey aa v. oil aa iintnediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, aa a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invulid who requires intniediute relief, aa well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a .Southern climate, where the refla tion uf the system so generally induces thirst fur stimulants, it will always he found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages vvhicb de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in rrlaxalioa of the bowels, in naussea and .ea.airsVncsa, it ia an active and aafe as well as a plcasa.it and refreshing re. medy, and is prescribed by ths roost eminent of tlie medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for sals by II. 1).. Master, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. Cm fr'HI lT Olt NAMCVI AL, TKKKS' pERSONS in want of sny Fruit or Ornamen ' tal trees can be supplied every few days from the nurseries of Mr. Perkins in New Jersey, by applying ta H. B; Masser, his agent for this place. Bunbury, April 6. I860. RRO W N'8 ESSENCE OF GINGER. A new supply of this excellent article juat ractiived and fox sade by H. B MA8PER. anhunr, Match IS, 11X0. Caution Extra. A man by the nam of Cl.APP ka enr4 kk young man of th nam nf . p. Trrwnsend, and ass kia -nsmc to put np a 8nrsparilla, which they call Dr. Tows end's Harspanlla denominsting it GE.NLI.VE Original This Town send is no dnrtor. aad never wsa ; bnt ww for-' merly a worker nn tha railnada, eansls, and th lik. Tt h assumes th till of Ir.. for the pnrpos of gsining credit deceived, and purchase none out the Genuine Origiaal Okl Dr. Jscob Townsend'a Sarins nils, having on it ik Out Dr's, likeness, his family coat of arms, ajul kis aigaatare a i Li " m. cwaiion in puouc not t a 6 OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOtTKtEJin, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERF.lt OF TH Genuine Townitiid nnaparllfait OLD Dr. Townseud is now alxnn 70 years of age, and hns long been known as the author and discoverer af the Oeuuiue Original 'Towuwnd Snrsaparilla " II. ing por, he was compelled to limit its manufacture, kr which means it has been kept out of market, and th salsa circumscribed hi those only who hav proved its worth snd known its value. It had reached th eara of nianv, never theless, as those persons who had been healed urdisass, and saved from death, proclaimed ita exeelluice aad w derful HEALING TOWER. Knowing, msny yenrs sgo, that lis psd, by kia skill, ssl ence, and experienced, devised an article which woald k ol mculcuabl advantage to nmnkind, when onca known and extensively used, h hoped and persevered, xpeetiac the time to arriv when the means would be famished u bring it into universol notice, when its inestimaU vutaas would he known and appreciated. This time his earns, tk menus are supplied ; this GRAND AND f.VEQVELLED PREPARATION, Is mnntifnctured on the largest ecnle, and ia called far throughout ths length and breadth of th land, especially aa it is f.mnd inmisible of degeneration or deterioration, i , v"ry ma" throughout the buid, that Old Dr. Jucob Townsend is now manufacturing the real 'Towns Scirsnparilla,' which never sours, never ferments, and nvr chnimcsits chnructcr. From this day forth the people shall hav th Para Osa ume Townsend 8orsmrilla, which shall never sour in tk sittlr or in tlie stomach, mid it shall yet banish from tk land all Fermenting, Souring, Exploding, Vinegary Bar sapanllas, now in use. A good 9rsarilla, purs aa4 genuine, ought to live; a poor souring, slip-slop par sap, rilla ought tu droop and die. The Old Dr'a. Sarsaparilla will keep par and asrfssa, 100 yenrs. r fnlike young 9. P. Townsend's it improves wltk ag, and never changes, but for the better; because it ia pa pnred on scientific principles by a scientific msn. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and th latest diicoysrise of the Art hnve all lieefi brought into requisition in tke manufacture of the OLD DR'S. SARSAPARILLA. The SRrsnparilla root, it is well known to medical men, con tains ninny medicinal properties, and some nropsrti which are inert or useless, ami others, which, if retain) in preiring it for use, produce fermentation and arid, which is injurious tn the svstetn. rVim nf th properties of Sarsaparilla arc so vokmle, thst they entirelv vaporat ami are lost in th preparation, it they are not preserved ky by a scientific process, known only to those experienced ia Its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, wkiek fly off in vapor, or as an exhalation, under heat, areth varil essential medical properties of th root, which giv t sll its value. Any person can lioil or stew the root till they get a dark colored liquid, which is more from th coloring nisttar ia Ihe r'l thnn f nun anything else ; they can then strain this insipid nr vapid liquid sw-etcn with sour molssses, and then call it ' Sarsapurilla Extract or Syrup." But suck a) not the nrticle known ns the GEM1NE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAB fAPAHII.LA. Tins is m prepared, that all the inert propertiea of tk SarsUiTilla root are first removed every thing capable f becoming acid or of lermentiation, is extracted and rejl eii ; then every particle of medical virtu is secured in a pure nnd concentrated form ; and thus it is rendered inca pable of losing any of its valushle and healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is mad th m it powerful agaat in the CIRE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we hear commendations en Trf side in its favor by men, women, and children. Weans' it d g wonders In the cilie of Consumption, Dyspapsis, and Liver Complaint, nnd in Rheumatism, Scrolula, Piles, C-m'.ivencss. all Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, alieickas, and all alfectlotnariims from l.MPl'MTY or THE BLOOD. It possesses a miirvollous efTicacy, in all complaints arisiag from indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, frum ea cii:il cirr-ulution, determination of bhsd l tli head, palpi tal i 'ii of the liiilrt. cold feet nnd cold hauls, cokl chills snd hot Hashes over the body. It has not its etjual in Colds snd Coughs ; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentl pr S iiatioii relaxing strictureof th lungs, throat, and rrT other part. Hut in nothing n it etcelleurs mor manifrKilr see end a-ku'vlclgcd than in all kinds and stage of Feinal Coat pUints. It works wonders in cases of Flifw Albas r Wkitta, Falling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppresied, or Psinfsl .Menses, Irregularity of themenstrusl perin1s, and the lik; and is b effectual m'curiug all ths forms nf Kidnay Disss s. by removing ulistructkHis. and regulating th geural tern, it gives tone and strength to lis whol kod? , and tkas cures all forms of NEKVOIS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, And thus prevents or relieves a great variety of othf at ladies, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vita DaaS Sw.toiitug, Epileptic Kits, Coovulsioua, Ac, And yet he would fain have it llnderibjod thst Old Dv. Jse..b Town-end's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is aa IMITATION of his interior pretaratiuu I Heaven forbid that we should deal In an articl Wkik would bear the most distant reacmblanca to 8 P. Tuwa seutl's article ! and which would bring down upon th Olg Dr. such a in. ameniu lid of complaiuls snd crimnuitioae from Atrents who have fr!d, and purchasers who lisvc as4 S. P. Towust-nd'a Kertlicnting Compound. W wisk It iniderstttod, lecaiise it is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsa parilla are hr-nveil-WMle avtrt and infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike in every particular, having not oils king la thing in common. Aa S. P. Townsend is no d'ictor, and never was, iB ne chemist, no ihanntuircutist knows no more of medicine or disentfc tliau any other common, unscientific, unprofes sional m-iii, wlmt gtlanintee can the public tutv that thf are ret-eivnia u gt-uume scientific meificitle, cmiuuninf 1 the virtues used in prewiring it, and which are incapabl of cbauires whicti might render them the sgentB of disease ia instead !' heulth ! But what else should lie expected from on who know nothing coniuiniively of medicine dneas ! It re,uirS a peis in of some ex-rineei to cook and aerv up vn a common decent meal, how tuut-h tu ire imporuint i it that the ierins whotnuuiifacture medicine, designed for wk stoniaehs and enfeebled systems, should know WU the meilicul properties of plants, the lest manner of securing and concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the vaiious diseases which sffect th haaaaa system, snd how to adapt retncdiee to these diseases ! It is not possible for this medicine to do food ; it hss Ba thing in it which can ever harm, it can never soar or spoil, and therefore, can never lo,ae its curanv proparti. It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy actlua, tones the it-iiuach, and gives giod dige-tion, rehva tke lu'wel of torpor snd constiwtiin, allays iiiflsmatlon, pari Acs the skin, equalizes the circulation of th blood, pro ducing gcuile warmth equally all over th Unly.aiid at the inieuiilile perspiration ; relaxes all olistructions, bin! iuvif -rates the entire nervous system. Is not this, then, th medi cine vou pre-euitncutly need But can any of these Uiug S be said of SP Townsend's inferior articl Tkia fa nvura liijuid is not to be COMPARED WITlI ttlE OLD DR'S. Because of one grand fact, that the on is incapabl of de terioration, his NEVF.lt SP01I, while th tMhCr doSsi it sours, ferments, aiai bkm-s the bottles eiaitainina; It inle fragments ; the sour, acid liquid exploding, and damaging oilier goods! Must not this horrible omipound b poison ous to the system ? What ! put ai-id into a system alreadf diicnsed with llcid ! What muses Dyspepaia bat acid 4 Do we not all know, that when fmnl oaira in our stomachs, what uuschicf its prsluces? ttutulence, heanhburn, palpi tation of the heiut, liver complaint, diarrho-a, drsenurf. e lic, and corruption of th hlisid t What ia Scrofula kit ait acid humor 111 the Usly t What produce all the huttiora which bring oil Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt K heum. Erysiiekis, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and al ulcerutioua interiuil and external It It nothing nndar heaven hut an acid sutvtunee, which soura and thus spoil all lite Hinds of the body, mor or less. What caueaa HIieiimntlHin, but a siair or add fluid, which insinuate it self licl ween the joints and elsewhere, irritating aist in Hauling the teiwler and delicute tissues npon which it actaf Sua nervous discuses, of impurity of th blond, of S ranged circulations. Slid nearly all th aillmeilts wkick af file! human nature. NowisitisH Horrible toinaks and sell, and ianitla worse to use this SOURING, FERMENTING. ACID "COMPOINB" OF S. P. TOWNSEND! It is hortible Ui Ihii'.V, uai 10 know how eraslly tk ef dii'teil are imniise umiii bv presmnptiatu asenfof th sake ot in aicy ! t'ortunes makeout of the afoaaes of tl-s Bisk ! and n-i eitvaleiit reislered lh despairing snlferers ! It , to arrest tcamls upon tli iilortanate, to pour hales '.iito wouuilcd humanity, to kindl hop in th despairing boisMn. to restore heanh anil lAswi, and vhriv into tke orushed aiwl broken, aisi to baaish mnrmity, that Old Dt. Jacob Townsend lias omglit aiul fouinl the opportunity ami tn-Miw to bring his Uraisl L'uivsraal Ciaieent rated Remedy within the reueh, and to the knowledge of all wlm need it, that they may lenrii and kiviW. by joyful experience, no TRANSCENDENT POWER TO HEAL, And thus to have the uniHirchaseatile satisfaction of havtae raised th 'USHmls and millions from th bed of ieknes aad deap ntleucy to hops, health, and a kaig life of vigor aaS usefuluness to themselves, their fsmiiiessnd friend. AoEnt IIENKY MASSER, Suubury. July its, 1MB ly oow aOl'SE TO RENT The premises an Mar ket street, lately occupied hi Kimon Marts. Apply to HENKV MAS8ER. Sunbury, April 8. 1650. UfHITE BRANDY for preoerviag aaaatstsi peaches of an excellent quality, use sie hy h. MAtaia. siunbory, Sept. Jid, 1149. B A'i RLM An eicelleni arttcle for sal or HEN BY MktK.SU uabxisr Jan. ITth, w r r va
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers