"V ''.iJRl!!!5 'in . w mpi y. sffNTUTUY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL A 311 Sorts of tcm3- v TakiSsToll. Tha St Louie Reveille i. publishing tale, purporting to giv some ad ' ventures in ttte life of young physician, from wbich we take the following extract: A snow having fallen,- tha young folks of tho village got tip a grand sleighing party to j country tavern at some distance j and the intereetiifg Widow Lambkin tot In the same leigh, under the same buflulo robe with my" "ielf. "Oh, oh don't !" she exclaimed, as we came to the first bridgp, catching me by the arm, and turning lior veiled face towards me, while hor little eyes twinkled through the gauze, in the moonlight. ' "Don't what!" I asked; "I'm not doing anything." "Well, but 1 thought you were going to toko toll," replied Mrs. Lambkin. "Toll ?" 1 rejoined. What's that 1 ' "Now do tell !" exclaimed the widow, her clear laugh ringing above tho music, of tho bells. "Dr. Mellows pretends that he don't know what toll is!" "Indeed, I don't then," 1 aid, laughing in turn. "Don't know that tho gentleman, when they go a-sleighing, claim a kiss, as toll, when they cross a bridge ! Well I never P But shall I tell it all! The struggles or .the' widow to hold tho veil were not su Hi cient to tear it, mid somehow, when thn veil was removed her face was turned directly 'towards my own, and tha snow, glittering in j the moonlight, and the horse trotting on ot o . ..... I himself, the toll was was tuken lor tho tirst time in the life of Dr. Mellows. Soon we came to a long bridge, but the widow said it was "no umj to resist," and she paid upas we reached it. "But you won't take toll for every span will you. doctor ?" she asked. To which tho "only repiy was a practical negative to tho question. Did yon ever, reader, sleiph-ride with a ' widow, and take toll at the bridges ! "Henry, love, 1 wi-h you would throw away tli;U book, and talk with nie I feel so dull." (Along silence and no reply.) "O, Henry, my font is :ileep ''Is it well, don't talk, dour, you might wake it." D.tv. Tin; F-piiit of the Times, says tho Alleghany river is so low at present, that they have to leneo it in to keep the cows from drinking it entirely dry ! Di'sstA produced, in 1S4S, according to ofli cial return 5 19,000,000 in gold, S206.000 in sil ver, 9,000,000 bounds of copper, and 1.50,000 tons of wrought iion. It is reported that Gen. Taylor has been offered $3,000 for the use of "Old Whitey" for ono year, the object being to exhibit him iu tho Eastern cities, and that the General declined. Lot'is Xafom:o.n has written a letter lo the Kmivror of Hupsia, congratulating hiia on his (access nuinst the Hungarian?. I Cincinnati. There aro 490 licensed drinking establishments in Cincinnati, of which about 1 10 are kept by Americans, and 350 by foreigners. The Medical Times says that tho use of chloroform, has now become established in medical practice. "If you say another crooked word, I'll knock your brains out," said the blacksmith to his wife. "Ram's horns, you dog. if 1 dio for it," was the very gentle reply of the af fectionate spouse." Cement tor Mending Marble. Mix the white of an egg with finely powdered quick lime. Native Wine. Mr. R. 15. Hyde, of Mo bile, has succeeded in making a really deli cious wine from the Pcupperuoiig grape. Mr. E. Brown of Boston, has succeeded in liquifying hydrogen gas. The corporation of Yazoo City, Miss., have made a contract for having its streets laid with plank. To the Toor Man poverty greater than his own never appeals in vain. A Wise Man makes moro opportunities than lie finds. Polar Beau Phot. An immense white or polar bear was lecently shot by the cap tain and crew of a fishing vessel, on tho Northeastern Coast of Labrador, lie mea sured 16 feet and weighed 2500 pounds. The 6kin was taken to Halifax to be stuffed. Pyscholory. An association has been formed in Troy, N. Y., to test tho efficacy of "E'ectrical Pyschology in tho euro of di seases." Factories Stopped. The Fhaniwillo Pioneer learns that a number of factories and mills have been stopped iu that vicinity. Taffetas and Chinese ciapes are fashiona blo articles of dress. - The first mistake in public business is the going into it. Poor Richard. It is estimated that 10,000 blaves have died of cholera in the Southern cities. j The danshter of the Qneen of Sweden, I who is about to marry Louis Napoleon, has a dowry of -1,000,0011 sterling. j Pasts Blacking. Ivory black, 60 parts; vinegar, 12 parts; and Ihe oil of vitriol 12 pans. Mix them together for 30 minutes, and then add 9 parts of India rubber oil. This is a patent blacking, and is of no small value as a receipt, Mopbstt. A lady friend thought that she should avoid a certain dry goods store, be. cause they advertised undressed linens. , :It is not what we earn, but what we save, that makes us rich. It is not what we eat, but what wa digest, that makes us. It is not what we tead, but what we remember, that makes its learned. All this is very simple, put it is wotth remembering. . Nothing but may be belter, and every bet ter Diight be best. ' Where tho world rtbuktth, lliere look thou (tit tb xcelleut. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. t ln?uir, Mechanics aud Artlutna. 'THE rahlishors of thcScii!tTiricAMie in returning their thanks to the community for tli liberal support and encouraeennt which has been extended to them durinofthe paei ,uf veurs, would respectfully give notice that til flrnj number of Volume, five, wit) be issued on tno S2d of September, aflbrdiiia; a favorable opportunity for all to milmcrilw, who may wish to avail J' elves of the valuable information always found in its column.. The new volume will be com. mcnecJ with new tvpe printed on extra Hue paper, manufactured expressly for thi publication, and embellished witli a chart and ekgiMt oonlcr It will bo publislied as lieretofore in quorto i form, thus affording at the end of ! year a BEAli 1 l VVU BOOK ofOVKK 0 vm':'1" bolwceuaand BOO OlUlilAAL, fc.l-lLU lAOsI of NEW INVENTION'S, descried by letters ol reference, besides a great amount of reading matter, valuable to every man in the country An inrreascd amount of caro and expense will to bestowed umm tliia volume, to render it more fully what it hae been termed, "The best Mechanical l'njx'r in tlie World.'' Its column iw usiml will be tilled with the must reliable and rtiirreet int'or. matioii in refute totlic proiresa of .SCIENTIFIC und MKt'HANU-'AL iinpruvcmtnts, Chemistry, Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Kail Kuud iutrlliaciifc and the weekly list of patents, pre pared expressly for Una Journal at the 1'iitviit Ollice in V ashiiiL'ton. As an evidence f ihe estimation in which the publication is held by the Scientific and Mechan ical portion of the community' it is only necessary to slate, that it circulation has increased within the lost three years to upwards of 10,000 copies, already exceeding the united circulation of all the Mci'hank al and JSeirntilic publications in this country, and ihe largest ef any ono ill the world. TEKMS: Two dollars a yem in advance, or if elesued, one dollar in advance, and the remain der in six mouths. TO ULriiS : 5 copies, $8; 10 copies. $15 ; ) copies. JS-JS. All letters iiiukI 1h; post paid and direoir,! t. Ml.ecuu. 1'iilih .ii,t- nl 111. Ki.if.ii! ido A mnrif. ll New York. N. B- Puti'iits tri-urrd anil mechanical draw ins;' executed on tlic most reasonable term", at the .SVieiitirii': American oIVht. September H, 1 W-I !. - USMIM'K OF JAMAICA lilNGElt PREPARED and sold onlv, nt FREDERICK r.KOWiVi 1)111 G and CHEMICAL ."'tore, N. K. corner of Firm and (.'iif.sni r streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to posses in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica (outer, and will be found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re cnmmer.ded as a Umic, to persons recovering from fever or other disease, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, eoual to a wine ebiss of brandy or other stimuland, willicnt any of the d-M!it:'.tin.i; ellects, which a re sure to follow the tire if li-jtior of any kind: and it is therefore cspecisi'.iy servicc;:Mo to children anil females. To the a:rcd. it will proc a c,rcat comfort ; to the dvspeptic, and to t1 i-e who nie predisposed to pout or rheumatic allectiop.s. it aives great relief; and to the inebriate who w ishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone lo the iliics tivcoteaus. and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a prcatni'cnt in the cause of tem perance, t J 'Full directions accompanying each bottle. The above article can be had al the cfliec of ihe Jmcrican. Philadelphia, June 2, IS-19. ly 77 ALL FAP2P.S. rjjMIK Subscribers have on halul the largest as 1 mitnient of Wall I'ai-vus in the city of Phi ladelphia, Whoh .inlr a mi lictail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Hitmen. Dminar Rooms, Chambers, etc., which for quality anil style cani'ioi IV surpassed. Doina a cash business we are e .al)!c.l to si 11 n belter silicic at a much lower rate than any store doini a tram: ni'sixrsa. On hand, a larye assortinent of " I ie Paplh, for Curtains, Fire Prints, U.mlcrs, Ac, which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. ii, Dealers are invited to call anil examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & IU UTON. No. MS Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May UO, 181!). ly APPLBTON'S GKKT CEXTKAL C II E A 1 OOK STO II E, 1C1 Chestnut Street, Covrifr of Seventh, Siminvs Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. TTNOWINU tlip wonts ol'tlic rommunitv, tlio Propriolor of tlits Ksta ii lisilh ut lias fitti-il up a floxe in tlio most olonnt inamirr, hnvinr duo rt'Sanl to tlic comfort ul'liis customers, so that evi-rv Str.iii?cr visiting his Hook Store, may feel entirely al liotnc. HI3 IMMENSE STOCK of Hooks is c lussilifd acrortlint! lo t'oo various Tc-j-ortmeiits of l.itt-ruturc, so ihut visitors can find the Boi V:s t'irv arc in scan li of for thcmsi lvt s. lJtiyinchis ttoi k for the most mrt at tiio Avc Tlo.N Sale, and In -iii; connected with otic of the I.iHiirsr l'i'i'Lisiun oisks in this country, l'CeiiU'4 (nil'lUhiur; largely himself, enalilo him io sell ai l Books nt LOWEH PRICES than nnv other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Imi-outation bf Hooks from Europe arc unsurpassed, having a Hi.ilH'h of his Kstalilishmeiit iu London, where orders' of private pentU tricii nic carefully executed anil forwarded lo this Country by every .Stami.k and Packet. A OATALCaUE id Hooks with tlin lirices Allneliit is UnmixI nnir. b-rlv. containing LisLs of Now Addition. .,)- t , . -,' ,, v , . , . ,, hts lare collei tun, which aro 111 all cases lor sale at tlio LOWEST TKICES, or, from 23 lo 75 per cent, below Publisher Prices. Thus in buying even a Kiw Hooks, quite a consuieramo amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to stranccrs visitintj the city, every ono who pur chases U)t Dullau'k worth of Hooks, will re ceive a copy of the Sthanoih s PiiiL.iiiEiptii, an clogant 18 nio. volume, ihe price of wliirh is"5 cvnU. IV 'I'iie limits of an advcrlisementuro too con lined tocniimerato the prices of any oftheim mensc advantages to he derived from purchasing at the ti HEAT Ci.xtH L I'iiiac Hoiik Stiibe. but let all who arc in M arch of Hooks send for a l ata lo.ie, a n.l buy the Hooks they are in want of, and when vitiiinr: lite city, give Applctou una call, and you ill he sure to cull again. STATIONERY in nil its iiranciii's, nirinsiiiii at the Lowest rncc. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and IVoto per, neatly stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders fir any article may he sent hy mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and tho directions in ull rases will l a fully curried out, with great punc tuality and despatch. OuUr.lor Catalogue should lie r-re-pa in. GEU.S. APPl.KTO.W Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Slutioner lb4 Llusmtt nt. tor. oj aevenm, airaim i Buildine, Philadelphia, May, 12, 1SJ9. 3to SUNBURY FOUNDRY". flllh sutinTitier respectfully informa the public M- tliat he has again become connected with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con ducted solely under his manatremtnl and control. From his long experience in Ihe bussiuesa he trust he will be ahle to giva (renoral satisfaction io bis old friende and customers, -phe business will be carried on in all iu branchc. Jlo will loiitiuue to manufacture Ploughs, auj oil kimU of castings will be dune with iroiu)ncs and in' tlio beat manner. UtU. KUHKaAwu. Sunbury, June 9, M 19. 8m CABINET WARE ROOMS. fllHR subscriber resprctfully informs the public, I that he continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its hrancluts, at his stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he has now on hand a handfomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, tho CII4IR II4KI lU'SlAESS, in all lis branches, and kccps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and tashionable CHA'RS, plain aud ornamental. AH of which he win dispose of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. His long experience In ttic business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to (live gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers n continuance of their patronage. tJ& All kinds of produce bikcn in exchange. rVEIJASTIAN HOL'PT. Hunbury, March 17,184'J. tf ooiAt & mi7h:r wari:. J. STOCKMAN, So. 60 Chesnul-st. at the rien of the GtAd Thimbte,btttrren '2d. If 3l.tts., South fide Plltt.AIlEt.l'HIA. AM'FACTI.'UFS and keeps constantly on hand, at wholenle and retail, Ihe fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, st reduced prices : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Fin'rr (shields. Silver Table, J)esert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and t hnniR, Kmttine Sheaths, S.c. ALSO. Jew cllcrv, Plated and lirittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, eVc; Gold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior Lvcrpouited Leads, ive, xe. Philadelphia, May 1S49. T A N N ERS TA KENOTICkT" -v Hide Oil anil Lratlior Store No. Ill North 3d St. 3 dnors below UaccSl. Philadelphia, flMlF. su'.'serdiers olli r to the tanners on the 1 most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of lluenos Avres, Laplata, Caraceas, Laeuira, Ilnnu-Dry, Chili. Salted Per mit huco anil all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry nnd sidled. Also, lirceu Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Dlack Dry Pallia iiw. Also, Straights, and Dank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They w ill fell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides. Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, (.'ash paid for Leather of all kinds. KFF..N A: Kl UK PATRICK. Philadelphia. May -.Mi, lsl'J ly Avi'r's (MllMTY IVt'tOFill, ran corans. colds. cnxi, (I7,'.s';.y:vs'. .isy iim i. hoop. iso coron. nitnsciiri is ASD COSSI Ml'TlOX. V IIW VnllL'iM 1l"0:':ir;il ittll, K ' !iV MHIilllf i V llcf f'f vi'til Hi cm inif tlistMSL-n ! ili' Lui'-'S. is tie n .u!t f :i fkili- iiii C'.'iiihMrui 'ii i r lit known cimitivi: pruii.-iiilt;?' t ni'tN.'im-. Its i!ir!ii-ii's iiiv iVr.-ly mule kn vu lo the t'iiUii an! nie tltust- m-iiii iwlfttu'tl in nfiltr:il nifii im hw.-.iiin r:irt? int'tln-'il virtnt-x. wlti'-h MTnlinr virin'M nn; wHiihiiril in tin ' v'HKH K Y PKCTuK.Vl." in theircrttii vsi purity inn) t-jficney. nntt when ufttl, uf will he st'Cii t'rom tin.- i'.'I! .wiiij; v:!n iMt- tt'iiip.uv : ritOKKSSOIt t'l'sKVIXANP, ol IJ Vtlin I'dlli", limtivirk. .Maine, wnitu: 'l lnvr wiiiifcd t)w Mf eiH f your t'hrrry Pt.iml in my ow n liimilv tintt in lh ir o mv fiifihlx. iiml ii lius eivtu grixtl Kiiisiucli-in in cn-c-lv.th i i:uIia mitt HiiMren A Voit i; ri:n iASS.rm si'.TTS. FkU, M;ts5-- ' iK .1 Afp. Ht ,ir Sir : Invl n.-.l pl.-n?.-i'm.1 r. init-t:tii'- iW it!! liic iifiry lV'fir:tl lasi nr-ii! im'. 1 rui nu-l('-:!!iit;ii;:!y s.ty. 1 ! t n iiH 'l" lt,e v ft il (rives Mil'-li n -iis-l" j 'ii as vmu ' il 'c iii ir Ihu'u I ever fci-n u liinlinjif vl iclt .-unil tf iiniiy cusi-s .-i' fv.uli iomI luni: ('iji-l;iinif (inr 'hi(.ijn.s are iiini; it cxtejifU'cIv in iln wracuce, uitil With lit" filV-i-tM. Tiu'.y yur, 1). M. UKVANT. Mt IM'KKIVS. Tffi.i!f-iit t" Yi'iiimu Mi-.'.ii..! i:.'lL't: m: t' thf pi Iraiiir.l aii.l in,f :.vr:--'.ii !,;, '.,-u:s in : a- mutrv, ., i:;,(r-r. il a f Tu,v'.iti n T r.ir- :: ncc j. r it.e cne oi il. tf (" t ni!:t1t,r tl.M.iiif1. f'i i:miii :j..ti " Altallil M i:i '"i livlf i'i r cii ifiCaTfn U:tp ;r rrcfivetl ; j r" ul: I1 ';! Om -'-v I'.ct rai i. m truth, a .kkt i:i.Mi:nv fr t'-Mijflirt. f.. M. A l nii :n:.t a!I 'iilnni'tirv p-Mnnkiuun. I'KICK To I'lATS i:U U iTTi.K. r.-cjwr.-.H..' J. r. A i:k, l...w-ll. W.s., an. M fo il. MASSr.Ii.Suit'.jiiry.aml.MAUY AK'CAY. .Nonlmin'- Leriimd. Aiareh I 1, 1-10 I. SUiiTII TO i l Hklikp to nut SkkI Hr:ill)i to Hie Weak ! A UALM i I'oitriil ittr the W hole iluuian JUi'e in An drtrwa PAIN KILLER Tlii it on entirrly vejidn Me c-iiiviMinI, ciiixfl n' Tveni-KivuJurrfiit nirr ri it'll t, inn) w un interim! umi KxtcriKil itfiuiy im ilie vn rit ill that huiuuii tk-eh in litir to fcl'CH AH, Cwi-S?1. fV.i!p, V.-iitm, Xffrvrtut nml Sifk Ui-iuIaHn, ItlH'ini.ytiKii, I'ntfj S .r-iiii, Sinul A llV-ti. it, huuiuicr Ci'iupluiiite, ( ti '.rm Mnrl.iih,'rrtttli;n-hf, Jirupii"iiK t-.rns Vilvh, I'r -t u I'tntf. Hump. S'jUls, Ai;uc iit ihe l-'ace nnd HreaM, l'.iiah rt' llif, lirui-", "Ul S Lru oi tipjie tiff, fu-iu ia! lM'iiii), Ai-tliuiu. i'ut up in Itoltlt tot 1, ti "f 4 flu-Jiimi wr li 'tllf. l'r lurtiit-r iiirlieu!ur ce P.tuipliUits t l IukI -'I ttry uuciit niitt, l'lItaimll a l-rirl liiit-rv t tin' nriin. tl -K-i-ver) timl p-hhIb tilceitt nt AiMrrwe' i'aiu Kiikr, Ccfi ln u'ttf n" ('iirt-a.ctirectionv. c LOOK OI T F(K 1'K AI D. T:ie tfiuniT'Iiniit encfiM ot" Aiulrcun Fnin Killrr in rc mnviuj; the ciiiw tit:it iiri-tinre deuli. thr iui(iii-i tl-:ifli !' iiui:i"iti ,' t-ur rue-, Kai uniticetl nine nu-n ol H'hnn it in:ty W. iruiy Ktnl, iht ir villain hi nccuputioiHt iitunifttt their villainy, t tttt'iiit ti put in rirftiUiti ii kpuri KiM unl ciHUiu-ifcit t-rtifU-i ittihil I'iiui Killer." usiinr lictiti titt nmnt'H i'r the prtln,lnl wnili'ii. lur-.'iil rcitttii-ates, Ac. K'liic Iv.tw 8picurii, unit "Uiri no Umiht wiil iiipi-.ir. l.- t ull rriiM.nihcr ikit Asiurew tieiiuuie Kiin KiIIlt hn t he wiitttu iiinatnru i" I. Amlp-wti mi tin? In he! ," each 1c title in Muck ink. I"n'l i-im!y U l""t J'uin Killer, l-ut tu-k f r Atnlrfvn1 1'nin Ki'iT, :ui Imvc 11 "titer. H.hl hy SI, A. Met 'n y, Slf At'Mit. rtliuin!ierlan-1 ; J. V, Ki ilinfi. Sunt nrv : J .Jm II. lsci, Milton ; Ji'lni It . Myycr, HI .cii:.buift ; Win. A. Murray -. Co, picivillf ; I.);tv'n)'Mi .V Smith. IMyinntth; Amlrew Vohr. Wilk'-R-htitre ; H::yt Ar .M'H'onnirk, .MeKwetisville ; Sli;tin Jfc f!i;t:ti!-rl.iiii, Uwii-hnrft ; Oe.rge .MtAljin, Jpmcy Wiorr; J. M. Jurld. W'titiiimnp rt. irl-r artIrrwM-il to I. Andrcwi. imnitr and onlv Pro- I I'tn'.-ir al Ith. -.a Toi.ipkii.a county, .. V Wil receive prompt ioimih-'ii S-,t-inlT :. 1-lP. ly CUTLERY. AXrtpnBivcM)4'kot'PotkeI nnd ToWe CIT LEKV, of sale bv JCH1T 1C. COLEIAIT, Sos. 32 ami 33 ARCADE, and 8i North THIRD Street, CoinpriMiii' 50 U0 doru PcitknivtH. Soibsors and Kazors. Also, a chnU'o ttfuortmrnt of Rodtrrr 8on. Woatenliolm (ireave'i W. 4 S, Un teller's and IVniu'v'b CutU'iy, A Spanish. Dirk and Huutjni? Knivet. A Ipo, ( iuiiri, Pidtoli, and liuuic Knives. AUo.'l'he .NniLTk'un Ka?r Strop, a ujKrior ar ticle, worthy the atti lition of De.ileiH. L'aud iJoalrm in Cmlcry, will lind the ahov ltock wortliy thoir aUeniion, an the hulcrUiers cUif husiness in imporiini? a.iti wllinir cutler), l'hiladelphiu, June 9, IS-iU ly , M A R 3 II A xTlS C'oncciUruted fetnifiapaillla For tlie rurp of 'IVtlpr.Srr.d'uIa. Kr)-ip;tug. Piles, Chionic !ih(Mini:ilii-in and all dif.rtUra of the Htuil, MiTcuii.tl Diseuw, 17' is rrcominun.liul to Ph ieiuii8 and othere, as the ntrunqft pu-paratiun now in tn?, and en tirely ilillerent from that put up in quurt Iwttles, nosM'sKin little or no urtive principle of tho tSar- parilla, hut intended to deceive tho public For sale hy M. A. McCAV. NorthuinlwrUnd. HEYL'A EMBROCATION for Hontea will cure Spruim. llrui , Cut, GalU, HwellinjrA, tH ull corniaiutJi rcquirmtf an external roitieJy. It id highly uw lul iu (Spavin, Curb, Kinifbone, utill'. new of tho Joint, cracked Heel, Kplinu, Ac. It bus aUo been tnted villi great auccesa by per to un aillutod wttli iUu'Lnouiiiu, anj other cim plaiuta. Prepared only by W. Maraliuli, Philadel phia, and for aalo by M, A. Me Cay, ISortiiuiuU; Und. ' Philadelphia, May IMUly fLDOV ULASS, 6 bv K, Tor ante kv ' HL.NKV MAWiR SuiAury, Jan C7ih, 19-19. tt. mm COLUMBIAN SERIES OF atftltmrtfrm. Thi Pupil's friend and Tracker1 tomfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. -This work is already introduced into some 01 mo best Acadaniics and a large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to tcscher nnd pupil. It is purely American iu its character, based upon our own beautiful detimal sy stem vf currency. Il contains more, the arrainrenieuts arc better, and it is tno easiest and cheaicst work of the kind now in use i and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers d men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican fr,ottirt : liij Almon Tirinor. Tim Yoi th's C01.VM n i an Calculator. This volume contains 01 paces, with about IH10 exam ples for solution on the slate, it embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. TlCKMllt's AniTHMKTICAI. TlBLKS, is destined for the use of younger classes in tho School of thn United States. A beautiful little book and pleas nig to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. 'J here are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin- 'Ac or double, tor the eoiiveinencii ol teachers, in which Ihe solutions ol the questions sre jrfven with much evtra matter for the black hoard. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, etc., tor the Use of Ihe Tocher. All that is wanted is to have tho above hool; ctainiucd. and no fcettcher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, V hesitate lo pronounce them the best works that hiivu ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Ni'ht Public Schools of New York City in all thu Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamics in ihe State of Pennsylvania in u large portion of the Schools in the City ol"'ilmiiiton, iu the City of Lancaster, and iu the lioroicrhs of liarrishurif, York, ( 'b.iinbcrsboi-L'. Lebanon, 1,'oylestow n, Putts vilie, I Irwisbitrir. iVc. For sale by HtMir Ma-skii, Sun'.mry, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. ISIS. DZAItZOND POWDER.' FOR RAZOR STROPS. Ills Powder is warranted tar superior to any thin-' in use for hnpa.timra keen, smoothediie to llti:r.. Sur-rici'l iusti nnieuts, nnd all kinds of line t'e TLta i ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior R itr.nr. Knives, and Perfu mery, whob sale and retail, bv ALi Ki:i RKNNETT. Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, strops, limshes, and Cheap Fancy Comls. n. IS South Filth street a boc Chestnut Philadelphia. 'I TIMOMAL. Pun. wi.i.i'iii i. Feb. l")th, 1S1. This inn V cerlifv that I have used one. of the Strops prepared with HANF.S' MAtiltJ 1)!A MO.M) POVDi:ii. ii ud can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can lie found that will produce the same cdect in my opin ion, aud must say to others, try it, und you will liiul it superior to any hejeloi'ore ill use. I can truly say that I never ktVw what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 4 1 S. Third st. l'.iiUDi i.i-nt i, October, 1SH. A very hard beard und tender face has compel led lue to seek and (.. many contrivances design ed to make sliavin eay und plo.isant, but with iiulillercnt success, until I made use of the Matc DIAMOND VOWDIIU, s U by Alfred Uelil.ett, and lb-u.-s 's Sliuviiii 'ream. Their united pow er net like niattic. und imparl a power to tho liav.or to remove the most stu:'h"i"n b. ird, I'-itUaut irri- i taLiu lin akiti or ti :n; cr ut' t'icir owi. r. I .1. I 'O.V. !' Son-It i'jtli Sircet. I For sale at this o.'-ce l'i;ic .) its, per llo.i N o ember ", 1iS Dm. .',M! -IK. IISHCj'lliJM In prefi-ntinc the (uihlie wilh n remMy f-rthe trentiniit ami eure ('" V t. fit A Mi A.I'E tllitl 'ther Ii!j H .tle!tit st. ii" :it L -c iv ut ettril. wli-i sutler iVoin ttiese e nipt lli'il I't week w'.l :1ft nuMi!-r ill tin l it.' i:ir' UM in their nriil t"iii. mi I if 'in I'll.t-r ti ire-.- iti.ui tin- iiiimi tin.' r j-lill' lili Mri:i:i. It Inr tun s !lnrvf rr nil I'hjrrt in hum Hiii v, unwell as t' pnMie iutrr- t-fl. I't l.riiiir lii'tore tin ill ti P-tln-iiy pit pjirril t'i-in unii-ii . p'Tiriii-f, mi i n liu li in. iy itiwa; Iw rflK.I up n tm i k, Kt'Kr.C'TI At.. AM) tlAKMLK-. lit TIIK C.T)Tl 1 Tli tl tfilt h ih tlir tun; i'!i:ir:iTir n" lilt 1MI V i'M.H.A''t)(.l'i:, tx rit t yu il l.y tlie mm emit hm-i'L-s with which it has I Urn i-uipl yvi, tV 1 'x'niet from mimiuinicnti'-ti uf th i.u. W'ij.. j Li i oiitiHiiM., fit il.e I . ir St unit:, lute (.n-vcra -r i f i .liclj;ju. ' PcrnoiT, Oct. l0. I r-tion riitttF finivn. j l)rr Sir. 1 hiive r.nl with murh iHterrst, vr littlr I ThKiT!tE upon tl!i 'iimntti, lrf:iini-iit und cure" n i tVt-rilr ritw-nwa whirh h'tve ) f x'ii)iivily previiilt) in iut j c.Miii'ry lu. inr tltehst iVw itmuhs mi itittrt ft iiierMth'tl j ti" il'nl.f. hy tlie fin-Mint 1 htive iuili ii!itnl' KtiuWi-tt . m.ir-b ffin iln-ni. Tl:rji-,'h 1 tf 1 nyf ?f very trie uipt'l-'iit ' to jui!cre f itVly mwn ;i (!.i.i"'-t iii c-i'in v tr -!"s-i. vet i your llie.ii ..riiii' t i nf wtW v i iitii, ;unl ymir v nu-iii-; M.iitfl His:, mill I think ,' il, tint y jur j juiptiltt in euU-ii-i l;it- il Ii' nli.-e inni'li prnrtifitl puitl. ! ij.e;ikmr "I' t!.p tni-(ln iiu- t : fully unl iftii i-ir t tlitiiiMinn cxpeepiti -iih, ;uit hj a iH-t't , enuvt uient, und popu lar reim-'lv. mv own vwt iru-e. ' (nr. itiiui-'- me l. U- Uvve that it will prove a ftu -t (.uiiLc t.:-n tit. 1 nni plinpr to lirn jh'it V"U havr ri.v.-iuly e-Uil ithcvl evur;il iiiri'iiciet for tu iliip"tntioh llK-iiijli ) le'it t tnai, wnii u vevv to u ni'trr uenrrnl ihfen'iiiiiititioii tu it. u sli-iiU! Imvr iuiu.1 it ue-Mi:iry to removt. i'roni y ur pn-M-ul ntmleii'T am 'ii u. With oiueh rttpeta I have tit h n i to Im, mr, our i.iih-,v.l MTViint, AviiuAM wotmiwiiuii-:. n From Hon. Sninirs V. K. TnnwaKtnor, of Michi gan State 8ervitf, In th A.'mt at Detroit. Hti(MiN'.i(A.vj. Oakland Co., V-c. l:), Ml. Sir you wibli me to int-Tiu vu wh.it J kwv u l)r. OtHtW luilia Cinl iff 'iif, or uuti-iiiiioitu if.in-me. 1 tin believe llmi u" tiit viitue aiit vilieaey of this nirtlu-me were pi-m-iully known, the i-tr'VKU anu Auua w.uiU ilibupptur in Mieluun. 1 pi vund a li tti-- in the ifpriinj of 1 v-i 1 , oinl huve gnciU reuMiu to L-eiievc tliui meli uuU family ewuped the fcyue Uiat Keaoon ill coitf'lu nf' o un like. Pc-riiaps in no Minimer kiitec tlio it ttU-inent of thu fine neuiuaii'lH, h.i the iVvt-r mul ;i;ue tieeu a prevalent an the hit. I have re -iiuiii mtttt ihm ineht ine in manurou in-siunei-M. and win u tlie ttiM u.- liuit lnHMint: tixixl and battled (he ttkiil of p!i,bi. i.m; and t huve never kn iwu it luil. 1 hu ui.iverb.iiiy prodnetxl ihe m tt hnppy rltVi'in. aud I Ik"1 lieve it li.iH nevrr U-n txettii"J by any mtdiciue iu rci.-ut-ving the bilioiui dibt-nrei of tlitt i-liuia'e. ouie, reSiiei nullv, f n.i'in: v. r. TKowuninr.K. ?t- f i Fm.!.nr It. H. AtASMlIt ; ...ri!riinUrl-ijid. A milMVruAl iV C-.j AlUiuu. J. U.HASKUi ttelmfr (jrove, MAY ic KUObK. Mnytl, tt4h tf J. J. GPwSElTOTJGH. (I. ale Keller &. (reenougli.) l'ATKNT ATTORN F.V. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, VusiliiliKluil, l. '. UWVLNCS iimt kWM for tlie Tatent t)llict, pri'Viivit ami all tin- necessary bu siness, in relation to wenrmg patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- Iiee opposite tne I'aieni uiuce. October 28, 18-8. I aAY Rt'M. An fxerllent artirle fur aula a hv IIK.NRY MAS8EU. ISunliury Jan. S7th, 1S49 tf. Halt and Pud., jut received am. for J. W. FKIUAG. I by . Sunhurv, Dec 2, IS IS, 1 AISINS, curranta, vitroii, choae, rper niice,Ac. Korsulaby J. V.fKlLLU Sunbury, Uac 3, Y lent rvmady lor cuultn. oolii. For ul mt t.ia tTiC :i.i:n,.Mtf.v,i-,i . ,iiii i.'. T ViVifKl i ki n 'a w ! i h';-2f u i ; n u ( t j '. j m IMPORTANT TO THE TUBLIC. HORSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. tont permit vonr Horses or cattle to die, when the means of euro are within the reach of ll I The Hndersiptned has spent several vesrs In the study of Veterinary practice in "London and B dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibttr, and other celebrated mcn.whohavc contributed so much towards a Judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of irencrat bleeding and tho total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a daneerons tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when riven accordini to tho directions which ac company each article they arc capable of exciting and incrcasine the natural luneuons, w union u mint shiner or dcsrrnvimr their power, hence are safcin tho hands of every one, O. H. DACH, M. D. A l.ltt of ltnrss nd Cnitls Mealclars. Thy-flic balls, T3c. per box. Alterative ball, 7flc do. powilers for hnd comlition, 73c per pack acre. Heave powder fordisenses of the luntrs, 7"c Urine powder for " " kiilneys. 75e Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 7.V Cordial drink for inlUmalion of bowels 75c bottle. Liniiid blister, 7."c rer bottle. do. do. do. per 50c Oiutmeiit for promoting the growth of hair, per not. i Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 7.r)C, per bottle. Wash for inflamed eves, 50c per bottle. Ointment for matiu'e scratches, old sores, fce., 50c per bottle, Fmliioculion for soro throat. 75c per bottle, Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 5(lc per hi it lie. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in Ihul iu-l for lameness of every description, 1 5c V $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for tho removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by STl.MPsoN A KFI'.D, 2(5 Mer chants Row,' also ut DADD'S HORsK AND CATTLK MKDICTNK DF.POT, Nos. 1 & 2 Haymarkct Square. lioston, Pamphli ts descrihiiiL; the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates tire in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the ubove Medi cines. s,,d by C.KI.KN eV FI.KTCHFR.No.SOSouth SIXTH sir.et. Philadelphia, and by his Ahf.m'-i. IIi:m:y M .isskr, Sunbury, February 3, ISt'J. tf dr. Tflw.vstMi'S rnv.riiiM) extract of SAISSA I'AUILLA. is put up in qnrtrt Kittlf-s. It in nx tini-i 1 vhr i.t-siiH'T, :m 1 v;irr;iii't'tl liir-'ri.T ! n-iv Il cur-f ili-'fiist-s wi'h.'til Viiiii'.iii, i;n Ernie, fii-'i- if Ui'liiilliillilL' ptUt'lli, UHil 1M JUltK'iLitiy U-ljjkinJ r.At.b and spiMNti Mi innxn. Tlie crent liftnity und J;tiert ritv of tltir-S.tr-np-irillrt over oilier reuiC'liet ts. win let it etiidieateu disease, it iiivijf tr.iies the b ly. l"iifiini'ii -ii rured. ClemiM and Strenizthpn. C-iiMimptiu ean l ruml. nriirhiti!. rnusumpti'iii. Liver r-Mtij.hiiut. Colda. Coujrliti, Catarrh. A'fhnia. Spittinirof tl.tK Sth!'! in the Cli-rnt. lieetie Klush, aht Swatn. DitH cult and Profusv I-xpeetoratioiit and P.ii:i in the Side, Ar.. Af., liavr nml ean hr eitrrd. Pro!oMy thcrr never w-m a remedy that lia? brt-n sue f l"iil in desperate e:isi.. of ro!iMinipii"n us this ; it e;m K'8uud KTrrnullieiiM the cveni. Hint anpr-ns to he:i tbi" nl ceri m I ho Iiiiik. -ind jkiUieiUH yradnuliy regain their imnul liejltli mid ,s!rrii'!ll. cfnini s casi: or rnxsnrrnox. T!h re is seare.vy n day (ai-r-j. but Mitre nre a inmier nf '-iik i if f. ti;s'in:i-: .on reported ;nt ,.tr, ,j ,y the n- of r T wi;S"n b Sirt.i;aiil:n. 'J'ne f"li"Winjj was rerriitty re eeivt d : I'r. 'IVeveV.,li..-.r S:r: V ' !; t',r-v v;irs I v e i . ,i :' 'I.-,.-! j i l'.-i, t-r.a ill v, ii; I ihtv.i',: e -it t-t I ever ;MM fi; : I-; i':h n iivbr t1-,- c I'i.yCi -i.rus i Voik and in nttinipt!i' e i t ?i.. ir t : t:.' ni - t:.: ;i'L'ti!--n -d ri-.-i! i nd iiitiii'irg uf (In: It-urd oi Utaitii in .New wlii ic. nml (-pending t..e in t of my c-i riiinui f m n'L'.iin iny lirillli. mi l after leadait; ii B'nii prtj in Sirttripnt ill.i I le" 'Ivitl ( try il. After 11MII", fix b 'HI' f I I Mind ii il -ne mt- 4.Teat IT il, und eallid to t e you at y.mr i..l-4-v ; Willi y -ura.it ice 1 kept on, and d nv .ft heartily thank oii im your mlvie'. I p.-rneveru in lukinc Hit- Sari. 1 1 nrnla, and have bern able r attend to my in-nal lib f -r I lo; iaM four m ,v.. and! hope by lho. ttleiuM ,f li d and your S irMpanllu l. roiiiiniiu my hral'h. Il helped mt; bevoud the expectation of nil wlm knew my rnn. filAliLKtf qUI.UilY Oiiiuue, Kw-ex en. . J , An, li, liT. Stah' of New Jersey, llnffi county, us. Chnrle Quim by beinc duly aworn iieci.rtbnif to law, on his oath aatth, thjt iln forru Hup ttiiitciueiit is true aiTordms to the bent of ii kn .wltilet-und iM-lu-f. 1'IIAKIKS ((I 1MHV. Sworn and fiubacnlted to hfforc m nt Oranee. the riil A.iguat, ItV. CVIM S BAI.IiWI.V Juatice of tha laco. spirriNi; nboon. Rfnd th following, and any llt.it tounumption ia in incu rable tf you can : Xcw Ytifk, April 93, 17. Pr. Tow.fn! : I verily K-lii-vc that ymir Snrsaparilfci ban Ik"ii I In inmniH. tlirou-; h IVovideiiec, ot Kivina my lifn t bivttitr Kevcml yenrs hud a bid roiiili. It Wiviiue wo rue fandwome. Al lit s"t 1 rai.-ed larac uuautilics i.f bio nt. had uybt Kwcatsimd wi Lrc;jtly d'-bditaled and rfiltierd, nnd lul n -I i-xpeci ii) live. 1 have onlv umiI vour San-uanrilla but u k)i il i nue, and there ban a wonderful chain; c tjcen wr out; hi in m I nui iww able to walk all over the fit, v. nn it no blinni, and mv pon-'h him kit nit. Vnu ran well miajjuip that 1 una tliaukful i t thfer reaulii. Vour ohedi cut burvuut. yl. Kl SSKM., 06 Cat bur me al. LOSTilKR SIT.r.CH. The annexrd pcriifirati: tHIs a aiinnle and truthful orv f auircrius nnd relief. 'J'hcrc on tti umiidi ot aimibr c;i- ft in thn eity nml Hrookiyn, and r-t there are iti Himmli. t pnrcuM let their etudtreu iln tor itar oi bciui: huinbuffijed tr t i twve a few fUuIiinjja. Jlrrviktvn. Sept. 1:1. IK7. Ir. Townvkvi : I take i!iasuru in a.L-niiii. t'.ir tli hn. fit of lh -in wh im it iiuy eoneern, that my daujxhier. two year und six m nih old, vaa atliietrd wt:h general d bility ami bes of i.wecli. Shu wM ffiven up ua pun 4. every bv our faniiU pbxsiciaai Imt forttiuaiely 1 waa rc v muienii-d by a friend 10 tiy your S;iriKipJintla. llef-re imvui'j utM-ti cue titHtieiitie rtfuvireii her speech and wan enal-li I to wa'k alone, to the Uht-niUlnnent nf all wh were lited With the Clli-lliIiStatt'e. hlic IB HOW (JUlle Well. nnd iu much better health than she lias been f(ir IH ni-inllit paa.. JOSl'.l'l! TAYLUK. I York at., Br.x.klyn. two ciui.nitKN kavi:o. Very tVw famine ia-lid in fait we have 11 l heard of one that iii J)r. 1 wnsend Nirwip-inlla ut time. I .i iia cbildmt tbe pnsr Summer, while t!i that tint 11 Mckeneil unJ dn-il. The erteuicate wti puhlndi bt-Unv i e.incinnie evnit iiee of ii value, mid ia only iui-'tlar uitanee 1 Kiviiii: 1 n.- nvi-s "i eiiuiren : lr. TnwKn Dear Sir: I had two rbbldren cured bv y ur Sineip-udia I Hie aanuner (inipi.oiit and d bent.irv ; .ne wa i-niy I t lit mh Ii ill mi l .'Iber :i ye-ira. They were veiv umeh redneed. and weexnertedthe'v w.tuld dif': they we're iriven up bv two ret-jx-etiihlt pliyaiciaua. When thed.H-iiir mf 'lined ia t lt.it we iiiu Uue them, we re ! ved to ti y y .tn S.irsiparu:.! wo lind heart t ao much of. but bad little confid-uce, there h-'ii-j a murh staif inlverri.i-d tnat ia worthies: pm wn are llianklut that wo did. fur it undiuiliti-illy jKiveil ibe live of both. 1 write tin that ulh. en may be induced lo ue it Youth, respeetfullv. .HH WILSO.V. Jr. Myrtle-uvenue, lintokiyn. Sept. jt lr7. TO Till: l.AUItS. CiKKAT l t:MAI.K Mt.DlCIM.. DB.TowatND,SnApAbiLLA iButivereitrnnndaneedv cure for ineipb-nt e iiutuptiou, und fur the envial pr.'Mia- u ii i ttie Myiiiem no mittei wlietiurr ihe reMdt ol inhe rent cuuac or cauaeit, pnitluccd by irregmurity, illneaa or ac- Citlt t . -othiinr can be in -re aurprisunr than iti iiiviuorititiir pi". feet a mi ibe human f.iimo. I'ei.iu all wcikiuMt and kin hltuile, from takmc ll ut once lc me r bubt and lull of emit tiiHtef un i:ill'i-iu 1. ll uuuiedijii-ly count ei act the ueiM k i-MttM of Ibe female frame, which ia Ihe grcit cuuae uuricitiiewi. It will not U exi etnt of ua. in casea of ao delicate a na ture, lo exhibit ceiiitieatf-i .f cuies pert" n nuJ, )ut we can nstire (he uitiietutl that huudnxta tf caara have Uen reKr- lirti m tin, 1)R.. TnlVKiV'vn Mv WilH Iwintf rtJttlv rliaitr.KLj. 1 In- Weikne untl uciteral i)ebilit , und auMcriiur C 'liit.iualK b' pai.uniti with uila-r iliiiicultteM. uih! luiving kifiwu eiiM wiiera ytur iiiettit-me lata etteeitsi ra curva; nnd um hejiinir it riv nuuieiidvil lor nuch cuai -a n 1 hue deaenbtit. I orituint-d n btiile of vour xtmet uf Saraaoarilla and fit- bwexl tbe direct 1 ma you tv me. In u lirt periol it rein-'Ve.) her euinpl unla mul eatoreii her to health. Urni ; leall nl (of the littiivhia Ue roeeivedu 1 take pleasure 111 tlniiaeWuowledging il, and ruconuiiemitns it to the public. Al. li. MliOHK, Albany, Aug. 17, '44. cor. Grand 4 Lydiaata. DYS1K.'SIA. No tluid or menlicina haa ever been dtaenvered which ao ritflrly reaeniblea the (ratnric juice or aaiiva in decomnoaing t'utal aud atrengtltuiuT tlio waanaiaf tlieOiuu aa tbia pro piiruiittn nl' Saiwpurillu. ll piuvely curca every vuaa ut dytipepaia, however aevcre or chrome. Hank Department, Albany. May 10t 1S40. Dr. Ttiwuaeud Sir . 1 huve been atuictc-d tor auvenil yuan with tlyapenaiu in iu worat fuiiu, ull ended wilii 'ur ueaa of alouuu li, lua of apHute, extreme heartburn, find a grwt averaion at mU kmdi if food, and for waeka, (wltal I could cut) 1 huve lw-a uiable in reuiin but amali ututiuti ot ury ainniach. 1 tried ihe uaual remeiliea, IhU they hud but little or iu etfeet m reuiovun: the oniplaiui. 1 wna in duced, about two mouths amee, u try your Kxtmrt of rio aurmritat, ami I nua4 my with bit to eatJiiViKe 1 but ail uamtf uotrl iwo l.ttiVa, I IuuimI ray appcUie reakved and tha Imii tbuin eutitcly remivei; nnd 1 would eurueatlv re eianittend the uar nf K to taoae who have aHiiHed aa 1 havo Im tt. Y'ra. e., XV NV. A fcAM'T- Aeni lor Sunbury J(ll W. FlliU.XU: .or thumberhnd, MAKY A. Me CAY ) DauviUa, WM A Ml KIIAY Co, AtMNW- lk4 tf THE GICAIX'D PtJUOATlVE. FOR TUB curb or Msaalrs Snit nhenm, Heart Burn, W'ornta, (Jhotera Murine, Coughs, Ijiiinnry. Whisipiiif tisuh, Omimnptiist, l-'iit, I.iver OMfiptaint, Kriatpelas, Deafness, ttchiuirs of the tkin. Colds, Oont, Oravel, M-jiitsclir, OiiMlnen, R heumatitm. Pile, Uvspcpsix, tJcarvey, 8mall Vox. JnuiKlice, rmualn the llnrK, limurd Wcaknrss, Pnlpiuiinn of the ll-irt, liisinU in tho Throat, I)niisy, Asthma, r evern oi su k mop, Female Complaints, rtervutta Cotnplauns, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER DISEASES ARtSlNO rno.M impuritiks or thr blood, and OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF DN1F.STION. KtiH'rienee tins proved Ihlit nenrlv every Tlinense nrteinntca ir.sn impnnties oi incnftw n-rniifff:meitia ftrnre mires lives Uiyana ; and to secure Health, we must remove those olwtrueii-iiisor restore the Hlml to its natural stntr. The aversion to Hiking medicine is must effttnally re moved hy Cl.ressSB's Vmstabls Pt,anTiv( Pitts. Iieiug cmintetelv envel .D-vi with a C.sitiiui ,ri mire white litir:ir. (wliirh is' as distinct fmtn Hie inti-runl iuprcilii-nta aaamit aliell friimlhe k'riH) and hiirenmnrteni nintieitie. Hut nre as entity iwall'twed as tills of randy. M.ireover they neiiiier n-msrute or tfrij in Ihe alijtlitirst ili-gree. Imt opernte t-qnallv on oil tile oisrased iwrtBtit the svali-m. In. atcsiltf c-mnuin? ttit-mMves in, and ruekinir nnv ntirtirntnr repi-n. 1'lius. if lite I, tver Ih: utlV-ctril one insreilient will tp.-rate on I tint particular ennui, and, tiv clean-in it of mi l-.xc-ss of Itilr- rcstiire it tn us nntninl state. Aimtlicr will os;raie on the Hnnril tutu romovettlt unptiriiics iu its circu lation j wink) n tlnrd will t ili'i'liu-lly i'X-e wltalevcr irni-il n i us may im v.- tuicii ns''.'i.ir-il into Uim st 'lu.-iclt. nn-! Ii.-is-e thy strike st thy r-M 'r ,'i..,-:tse Tftii'iv" nil Impure 1 1 n ncrs 1'r-an ttte ti.vly . op-u tla: p-.n-s eti.rit.-illy titut inter nailyj si-paoite nil r .r. i i i an.t i1hi..i-us p-irlii-lcs tnan Ihe ehvie. s itlril Ihe lit . -1 nny If th ir nchlv i nc. thus seen rbiffn frts nn-l htsi!!hn.-ti -t., the Heart. I.ii'-if.rmd I.iver and thereliy they p;st.'Oi liuul'.li even Hii.-n ml i,ii,t iiiiaus htcir nnleil. The etirire truth nf ttir nNi-n cm t.e n..c,:rtrfitrst ,y tie trial nfn atnplc Uoi : oit-J th-ttr virtu' ft are so pisirive' and eerluiii iu rest tiuii lli-atli. lint ite; pr tpriet-n- liiuds himself t-j return tlir nt-.it.- p;od l -r tii.-in iu nit eases where they do IV -I irive liaiversli s-iflsfrteti-l. llpf.til I'rlrc, tf."ts. per 1tn. f Priiiebsil oil.-.- o. rr, v.-ts-v t . . ..rk, S.I.I l.vJMH.N V. Vdl-.V'i.' Nuilnirv. .M A. McC.VV. .-".ImniVrlainl. t"" f?l'tll'-tl!"T tlr ('. V. "!i"!l-r IS the ill .-lit"! ..f ilu- Paar drilt-il pills, nn.t tti il n. ! 1 1 n- i't' Ihi- s r' ;i f v,r tit-aril nf 111 111 I In- liiiriillict-it I'ii-i n In J mi--. 1- ::t I'lir-liiisi-rs sh-tiitit. lli-Triiim iilw:is us',, l' ir I'lii-ioi.-.'s ri iu:o f iati-il l ills, ami tai.e ii'inHi-'r-s, or tl:i v ill l-i- mnCt: t!ie vicluiis.-i a fr.-m-l. l-cl.ruary, 17, IMS' 1 y SOiU.S Burnt, Srrdd: nnd ull L inda of in flamed Sores Cured. rRH'i 1 l M 1 IIMMKM, m rlir mont ii:nt, r iltv N't" H'ir'i AliMd'Ie ever kll HV:i. It tust.uitlv. (ird H" by .Millie) ht.tpM ptdiin the in- -M di sj eniii Ituninnd Sr.ild. I'.-r iM S ur. IJnii-ies. Cut, Sprains, c on manor be.ist, it i the l..-;t il;i;ln-m n that fan be made Til 'liJiutil haVet'tetlaUilth.'ti".ti!rlH;-rai!f' jt. It istheiu 'Nt perh-ct ma'- i i f p-iin eer Uihe. ivertf I. All who tl.-e iv r Mitmend it. Kvejy f;,nnly fh 'iil.l b- tov;ilct wi ll it. ,"iie ein tel h 'W s.i Ml 'im' wflilf fonity t;i:iy licfl it. (V "IwfV e!n-h Uit of (!- ir-'iiniMe ( hntia -iij lias t!ie iiruneiii S. I'mKV, wiutt n un Uiu outude tii-i i. To unite V Mns i iycry. H viltnt-i. I, i very Men. Varrif n nnd a!l whn us -. rMK, will find tbi I jii''iipit tti - verv best tbin-j they rnn m-w for Cottar f.:i!ln. STi'ehri. Kicks , e .im their nnmi.tN S;in !y every in -re;, t :il ina-i vm1.1 nnv hi :.ni.a'i,. nt- l'r- e fr-m pain ii. (. -.-. T -u s t i,jve,al Oii.'.meni i ad th;it ire.t'i ,.! 'p.v n. HITi:s t INSiifTS. (-linu or l ite of poison u In-" ety, T s I iiiriiifiit iK uutn jillt!il lluu.lrfdri have tried it at..! -t. ;,l ir , IMt.t:st-f;i:ii' .r ri!.. T .uw-vNfni v- ! Otn?. niMP i- ;,.. t'.. Li ;;,,. ,;,,.v tult ...... . A;, w'i" Irive Tie i ;t - , pj'.-jj .imiead it . OI.Il S !(i:s CI !i:iV r-.r ..Id :ium... r.. t'.ri- null,!-!..' f.jtn! f i T -iim- V 1 liniment.. A pcr n tn .Maim. I Iri f 1 a n .m'.-r . t ir.-. a ft at- lei: Uiat ti.'if i t!a- I ts.Aill t':e d tp. T. .i:-Ty't ( MtiI t n- : it v s r--,- i P i -in 1 bv one i f !l' vi'i'inif j.hvici in-., im Knew its rr.-n i r-lil-.) ai.d tw b '.-s piotlnerd i . n r b.-m-til 1 1 nt t K pa tieni h.d nvi-ived t.oui au and ;tll pn-vi 'its reniedii-K. l,'t all trv it. Itl K.S AISiI.nS cri!KI. Th .nsaud . f ease of IturuH ritt t S-ildn, iu all pitrtM of ihec Mmtry. have been rurr-t by Tuif-.V t 'ni vert- d I )intni'-nt. Ci-rtiticatt-iifiioU''h could b hi. I I - t;:i tli. wh'f. nf this -Wt. Ul,i:T Hli t ISI ;s Cl'lif :j. rfstim.-nia'-t on e.ti ru until ni fav r o T' lift.-y'ii int nif.it f r c-urtn-i ltruif-a Iteve l.n M!V..r, d ()... pr .j.riet Ilundret in Si r.u-'.tse wiilecrtify to it .Teat ineut f. relifviinrihe pam -f tbe in -ft fVi-te UnitHe-. All m-.tt i,s li-'iild trv it. SC VI. I ' UK A!) CTIi !:!. S-Te ,.f raves nf SfaM !-:ul hive turn rured by Ttnwi-yV Ointment. Try it it mM in fails. SALT IMMCr.M Cl Ki;H. (f all ih remedies ever di. c .veren f.in!m m mt disaL'reeable e niplaiii!. Tonney'i. I'ni vertrtl Ointment in them l complete. It ne;r wa.- known tofail. i ilAl'IMM) tl WPS lX UK ri'RT.I) T-uiev fin. Ver.-d t tiattt! nl will ilwayf rnre the w rst oases t If Chap ped It Ul-'S. S.Mff-H of pHi H- will fitilt tlii.l. SnliK l.ll'Ss l :i:t. J' f the enre of S -re I.ips there w.'K nt ver an tbiiiB made tijnal to Tousev' t 'inlaa nt. it :n Mire - e in- i i Trv it . 1' ! ' :'!. ti,i i".'. v:.rr "i d n' to r .I 'ai.i mr.- re:M;:- i n't Alen-U' . '-7 IVl.M: 'Ji I'l ii'. .-. .. ' '"!r;'i. r ; -tr'ie.i' i"; -iv il-.is reiillv va:.i:'' ; ( v.; II'- lit '! ft! !:r r--.-r-l t.. IVn ;.'. t'-'be hu en if. of re-f- f-:i: lo I tr iij j!!: ) and .Merliiaiis tli rout; bout ilie L'liitrl lben.,r,l .V S, Str-rt. ev Yor'; TOl'SKY, Ii.ic.:iv;, No. HO N;uwia A..rT .KUl.N Mil Nfi Sanimry, M. A. Met AY, N tr'bnm'.filrtiiil. rebjuiivir. rtly LIVHR COrvlPLAINT, j.vrxnicn, dvsi'ki'sia. ciikunic 01; NKKVCIL'S DKIill.lTV. D1SKASE OF TI1K KirXNEVS, ,lnd till diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both .Mule and Female : 5-irh aa Oniiatipati'-n. Iinvan! t'lli-ii. FiiIIhon or Itlnnil 11 (lit llrtiil. A.-I.lily if llir St .iniii-li. Nimsivi, 1 1 .-iirt-l urn. llifi-iut tor F...I. Fillings, i.r wriulit in llit-Sli.iitin'h. S nr lOriii-Uttiona, hitikiiiK t.r Fluttering at II. il " Il.e Si,.iiuit-n SwinmiiiiK "l" ihe li.-n.l, lluriml ami lliilii-nlt Hr-:illini;, Fliiltrriiie at llic ll.-urt, t-hokinf or Snlmiilini; iimli-'ii when in n Ivinj p -atnt.- Dim s o( Viaum. IMa fr ! I-I',.n- lli Smiii, Ft-i .-r nn.l ilnll !ini in the 11, ml, lli-ln-irii. i-v ,." IVn.pir.li ul, Vt l..VM,-ni nf I ii.- fikin ami Uvea, l'uill ill llif-Si.il-, Ih.rk. I'li.-.l. I.imtnt, Al-., Sii,l,l,n tl'il-h.'N i.f llent, 1 i i r i 1 1 1 ' in the Fli-i.li, Cui.lliilt Ini:iliiiiiii nf t-vil uiiilgrt-nt riiir-iiai, hi oi Sjiiritu Can bv i-it'wliuKv i-nri-il by DR. HCCPL.1TD'S Celcln-ated Cleniuiu liilters. Tbir rf-wrr over the nKtvfl difenea t not ejfeell.il -if equa'led !iy any tit-r prep.ir:iti--ii nt ibe I'm.-d r-.att aa the eu.' aiteM , in many ( .im-h ufu-r bAibf.il pit'.Mi tai bad failed. I)er.in:iiient ( the I.iver raid St-tmacli nre 'iircn nf lu.uiity, un-t w.iJ Jitwi pi kluee ilieaMe in il.e lieuii. tSmh. l.tHigt aud Kldne K, nnd l.tvt Ihe U-!y oen (. nn i.T' j-'k (.' tbe C'b item. Hi it ui-, or Yellow !vcr. and i ,.'enia;;y ibe lira: cause i tint iu Kt iMtieful dnitMae. Comtur.ipa m, Opinions of thv Vhilttih-fphia Pass. Ttir: ruspATci!." ). ei.;iib'- Mis Mis : AN IN V AM; Alii. I. .li:iU It; ehavetre-piently heard ih; ti :. ar.tu-t) (ie.iiiau Ijiitei. iaiuiiu.euiud l. i i II-ti.am1, t(i 'ijfii . i tu 111111" -f cauiiK.i Uu n. .kkI wc kn w li'S-rvdly r . ll i;it or iiiiii -u pra.'la,e, in cer tjitl tju.ii ler.-., tu puifall n.'.nnri oi u U us trufu. (nil in l lie above iii: u-i . ban.lu-d, a;e In m iln sb; i oi their hi .-.tl in -ra! and j !i h.,-,,1 w t'ii. As a tin .li.-nu' of the I. im t t'oni;d.iint. J iu.idi-'-. V.-rvotiti Del ilpy and Dv.- . ;!. it hat. l-t-n i-tun.i iioain .iMe t li -inn euro mtd t:i r . x -1 1 V era.li.-a:i:ti; .iif-.-.-M-s, V:i-n ..II l la r i: .r.i.i " luve 1-ti.e.i. e f-i 1 eoilVtaeiil, tlul in l'ie Um- ul the- t.eil'tan Jiittt-r. lue Ulu.it tl -ii it bee 'inc I'e.l.iniutetl. tint c-.itM:'Ull) pu.iK ftivuL'tb iiii'l vij-'or t liie frat.if ii tact v.Ttli of i;ie.ii c 'ii.-.. b rati mi. 'i'tie l.itlein are ple;itaut in facte and Mile;!, uud cm be athiuni.:! ed under tmv eiri-um-tiiueen, I ttte lioi4 ib 'it'ale M-iniiicli liubuil. ibey e.tu Iv lteUhynll per 'US WII h tin.' IU 1 pel feel Kltety. It W-'llli U Well for tli-'tte who nre uiinh nihvi'-d iu t!te nerv-inn t-Mfin. to C"iuiuvii.e with one tea i-p.tontnl or li-v, und urudtuilly in crease. We Hpt ak fiom expel it iu-e. and ate. f e 'ur, a proper judye. 'J'hc pns far ami wide, have mined ia re commending the 'tennan Hit tern, und to the ait.icled we m at ciili.i.ly adviw their u. Sl'liaTtiKTHETlMKS," June Jit'i ftn a ; IH OVM OOOIH I n.HNS who are iuvali.ln. kn w l!ie many astoriN nnj cures thai have been pt-rf TineJ by Dr. lliMl'i ind'e. I'iie: rated tiermnii JIiiiitm If they d: ll 't, we rivoiVmeiul ibein to the,aJet iiuui .Medicine Sore,' all who ure aiiiieted with I.iver i'umplnint. Jaundice, Dys-pept-ia, ttr Xervoua Debility ; the Loet t ban en red many 'of our citizen nfi r the Ik st pliiiei:tim batl fiil.il. We have UHt-d tbeia. and I bey half proved I be a niedieine 1 lull every mi" fchoiild kii v..f. un.) we eaiin I reirnui civim: our leu tun my in tln ir favor, und thnt which kiwi ibeiu le-iter ciami upon our bituibk ett'.irt, ihcy wie entirely Yfi!e;aUe. "THE DAILY NKWS," Julv 1 1 ti aav. MV.- ;,-il kn-iwiiiL'H- i.f Iir. 1 1 .H-uhI'" IVMralwl f!er inan Hilli-m. -lien wo any it i n M.-hmh-i "f llua nirn; nmt ia (lis,-i,iii-.,,f i lit- lulmry, ,lij., sMvf itn t ..n--'USiiii-iii,, ii h-mili't Wf thuiU an "iu:,l. l i. a V,i;il:il-I,- I'r. iKitiiti.iii, iiiv,l nn.le wii h-Hii Al.--.i-.. nn.t l i nil muili.l. i- w.niM rr. u .iniiienil il ua w-.n'iv lin-ir iMiifnli-m-f . Fi.r -ll.lHKi'e ami r.Hail. al llu- ,riii- ipal Il,'it, GKIIMAN MKI.H IM-: STOKi:, .... i'.tt ll.we Slr.a-I, I'hilutMiitiiN. F'wlrhyM. A MrCAV, .N'.irilii.mla-rluikl uiut Sun Uiry unH ri-aji'tublti dmii-ra jmieniJIy througiinut iue Stale. Apru et, mo ly otli.n Vara. Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton La)ia anil Waililum, Cotton Uutlinra, Koaily maile Patilalmni., KeuJy maJo Vrata, Cungreta Kuivea, Pon-olain Uuetl priaarving kettles, jiiht nvcived t'taalchy 11. MASSLlt. Sun'oury, IVc. 2, ISIS. XES of a very auiH-rtot quality for fcile by. H. MASSEK. Suiihury. Dec. 8, 1818. 1) LANK UOOKS A aaaortmmt of Blank Uooka, j.itt FOt-civcJ and aale liv . 11. MASSER. , 8unlnrT, 1)-. 5, 181S. S.VKI i' MuLAiisEiS. hn-rior r. liui J Syruji Molaaw-a lor aulr l.y 1IE.NKV MAS-F.K. funbiiri, Vv. 8. 148. SALAMANDER, riRE AXD THIEF FROOF llinT. FIRE-PROOF TjoottS KOil HANKS AND BTOIlKd sen nntt Lettr-M cipy.ni Presseji, Tntent Mute-Lined hefritrpmlor, Writer Fil ters, Patent Fortnble Water Clo sets, iutendcil for the Sick and Infirm. EVANS & WATSONk 78 Sonlh third Str&.l, OPPOSITE THB VH!l.Abfcl.Pr1A EVWtANOE. Manufaotilteiiidkeepoonstant t";'S?8 ii L ".nnll0i 10 ore Bssortrnenl of L'sTV ....'ifflT "Kher with l ft f.,fi ,!',', J?''?" Imtirovedt-Vilamander iii x irii !AKKP. which i . ""f I f. """wwetm as to set at mt i v -Tl, all nininipr .A a....u. . . .. U.vi Ju'it l,- . -is as to ineir Hij-Jt stneily rlre.pn.rt-, and that Imildinir. The nuiaid. JLli these 8afes are made ofUiiler iron, Hk inside r-wmf HK9. tine, and l-tvi-t-ii Ihe miierense and inner ease is a snica of some three inches thick, and is tiled in with IndeMruo. tilth- matriitl.S'i as to make it an imposnihihty to hum any of thenntents inside of tliia Chest. These S tsnst me Ski. lamanders we are prepared and do ch.-illeiur,. the w.trkl t prtstitee nny nrtiele in tbe ihape of Honk Sales that wilt tnnd as much heat, nnd we hnld oitrst-lvea ready ot all times to have theln fairly tested by piililic Ivmlir'e. V nlso eontiniie to tliantilttetltre ft litrire and ffeuerni nssort-iti-at "I iiur I'ri'iiiiiiin Air-tiilit Kire Preof tSafcs of whiob lln-ri: fire nv.rr IMI ttn- in us,. ,,,a i., -.-.-rv iiiwtni,. t.v have imrn eutiie sutisnu-Mcn to the purt'luiscrs ol whien we will refer the puhlic lo u few gentlemen who lisra tttetn In use ll.,yw.d ft fnv,ler. Pottsville: Joseph O. Lawtoa P-.ttsv i'le; Mr.Aiih:nnriirr. IV.vleft.,,, , Vn N. ft ii. T;il-,r, tit., n-rth .id si : A Wneht ft Nephew lie- st. wliari ; Alex ,-r furi-r. C..nM:vi,i,-.-r. cirner of filheit nnd rili sis.; J..,n M. Fiml. a-i north :td t.: Mrm lliolt, -.'ii ii .rltt :n t.; .Iion. s Jl. Paul, lot .nth tth at ; tlr. IVtvid Jitvn-. f- tniiult :td rt.; MrnhewT. stiller, arr a -nth :1I rl.: nnd we mnld naate nut- huudi'i-iis of otherr II it i-t-re u,-.-.-.-k;irv. ,,w -,-ii,vi!i, il tt.-itti.in "f the pntili". im.l inrtienhirly tlmse in want of l ire t'ronf Sufea. I.ici!! til , itir M-ire .-l..r,- p-ir-hasiu-r elt-where, and wa .nn s-itil'v Iheni lltr-v ill r l a leor nnd eh.-ipr-r anient nt "iir s'on- lli.-tii nt ttuv ethr stn'ili-.ii'iietit tu the city. We n's-i m-miifiieturi. the onliunrv t ire Proof Ches'tii, al nt v-tv low priees. elieaprr tliitti lliev euu be bought at any other sa-re in Philad-lj-liiu. ' ' T WII) KV ANfi, .KUIANNLS WATSON P!i b -Irlrh'S. April . P?l-ly OXYGENATED L3 OH S2. 55 A SOW Kl I, IU01I;HV I'OH I EIMBISK, AM) Gi:OR(ji: ll. CRKRN. rnormnTOR. U iti'Jsor, J'ermttnt. a novei'dim il-- -ly I'T 1 SI'KPSIA. in many of an n iu the Stoiii.u'h. ili-aribnm. habitnal oinaeh. llrndache. I.nysof Appetltn, and even Coii-unipiion (I)prptic :. or l'!;:!iiif mp tidrd itb neriiuv h I'T JJvH-e.ti,. Am bum.) l)i;ikult J. lorilis, Mtcn un p,u Cofiivt-nesv. Aeid Si I'lles. .NioU Sue.!, I'iltlil.-ie.) .! Wbu inent t Mit; M .iir"-' I'Hm!! ii.i'. .at!--!i iii .ati-'ll "Urn re- lis fr..:,i imii..-,'!. el dlj.-lli -i (-T Vf-.in.i-H.) n-nev.-l bv tl.-vp Itntfit' In short. taeir u.e i i ,-n pr.nrd in !( re.it-: nf ninMst all the i-ympt n.s it: ir proctfj fn-ni a dlithiate I ,,r at-nic cOndi tioimi M:Sr ui-e'i; alo in ti-ueml itHijluv omnint lrom tiL'e.-r lr-m i.'ie ci.-e-v ,,j I-rr. art iriiiai ly I't ver ant Atle. t'eitlrd'' l-nll'TIt !; 1!t'l- r Iil'V Uterine -eriUii;emnl ui. I-. .ii u-:.:.t . i li..d fe "(.ViKAfW BlT- II. I ee.-:,. . i.-mniy, :j,,J lV t MifpUS-e'lbv (U1V Hiwli- tl.rs i t- !ii iin is t'.-eii!ir,r. It ha in:. do iti v r ile'y hy il.i- i t.' nf its nvn intrinni '"Mti'i.d ta.-i i:- .r.-,i ut-.l t"t;icitn i. si i' pnMi,. rttt' iiti .ii. It hn m-ver Hi. u.l.a rt,ifit, hut iiavn. llrt hlmwii it re- '.nv I a v in the taunlv oi tin; pr-'priet-.r. and av bnu ii!tervaid:i :nl' imiiKttnv.1 to his aiilieh-d t rieudntinH - (iiait.tauees u ith a like result, its reputation prailuullT ex tende.1 unlil it if known iu the m m distant parts tif lb. ll- ' f iie'iiH-n f iinrivnile.l ririm-a in the oura of Jivj-pepi a in ail i: daf'Tcnt f-.ram. and a! f.-r tbe cure f AMbma ..r Plitaivn-. Itn mdy b.-rail und its only tuUgy has hf-n ;!iu e-.ry.f it w -nderful e'.Iir-aev. tm told frrw in -utM t . in itiiii .,r by letter ir.'in uifiiU t t'iriiud. In eva- I iv r.'f, vn- ie i;,fnr.t ha. bii-u tn-ed. and tha re- flMl i ni". , kit ivn t i pi- pii.-t t. 1be imve proved a ra- vii:-,'tlie finiilar cfTicae af ait ui thu pienMuu oi' tha n d bv purs n already widalf "CW'. i:. i rt iln ibl.!; pri' t i ; many "l tin in hi: i"Wii to tht public. Olv . IJ. f.HJiKX. Proprietor. AT.M;SO(. Vt.. Oet.'b, ;t, i-i.. Tin ii llow inj f ertifiente; liar reccnll) beta r.i' -ivid : Vtni:7,... 0. C, .li'NE 10. 18lfi. HnviaL' nm.'e ny .. i i ijxv nait J Kuti-iV nrenarad and from kiiotv Ii. . r e:n t- eiiftrfuilT :y will luily We hop '. lb;fllifa . to nil thu M'. tl. l.ntrv If.al it s.wn :. I'lM-.i.rs. ) 1 1.: i r : i'i' wi. ( . Si-rat r iV.ua Vfrmntii. J-;H F. .lu.. I . S S..n.ii.ir inun li. laiarat. J. T. .Mi UI .liuAIi, 1 . S. Sinui.ir aa.i i. lauiA buiora ' r "1 l,-;:nn-K- . I.. II. AKMH.Il, M,,i,l.,T,. f:. v.t.i i ,-; K. . ''"t nml f irinerly flu. VM. WiiulU!!!!! nj'. r.S iiiatnrund fannacir Ot vcni r Mi,-' i-.-;.n. .M. I- AlAil i'l.N, Pcti-jritt" in C-inprt-r-ii fiim iwjBla Tiiit-iry. Fr-'in li ui. II. 1). FoTnn, Mfinhrr of CnugrrM frtia I'.-na.i Kmiin. Wiii.v,iTox. ti. c. JcNi io. lata. Dear Sir. I ha e bi-f-n a rfy.ijwptti- anllf rcr for aboot lea y.-arn. an.! hitv.i r.-"rl,tl ti vuriuiia ni,-,Jlrlnra for rtlitf Wlllii.nl Mif-r,-Hi, until I rani!,, ust t.f y-iur -'Oxygenated llill. i.'' I liai.Mi,-.l nl. mt mi, l.itil, , nml fiii,l in.wlf n-n.ir.-ri to .---I.-, I hniltli The forma in which tin tit. aii.,v,! nn ll. in my m-r. were, great aclillly of tha l -ina.-li. I . ,. apjictitc. ,-xtrcllie llatllli-iHe, KPVert cun.U-viIl- -ii ..I 1 1,-1. .-.-l. anil violent heiuiacht. Fteling deai roiiK that a ka-'Wlcikrt of ymir valuable retne.ly mav reata .-tli i- sin,i;.,r!i nlllu -ted. I lake preat plraaiit in reeora ini! my le.liiu -mv l-i in i-uralive m.wit; oml would alw ri-mai II;-. I ii 'i:!i- nn n yimt lit home a kllort lilac einee.t n.(!iiinin-r, ,l a irl of u h-nllu to u ininilier iif my arliiclad Irn-iiiU. with ur.-at Niir-i-Kii. Tiicy uru ilekiroii. "that yua k!"Ii!,I an fi-ifiicy at l'ituiiuru', or inf irm tliew vh. r.: t!n- ni. -li- ine can Ii'.- obiaiueil. Willi an cirnoi-t a nirc fir j--.mii ,-i-o.iai-ily aii.l buiitii..a. I ieil,iwrthe niviailf, trulv v-.nr iri, tiH u j Ft't-TJR l).:t. (.K.i. li. tiiirpv.Winrlur, Vt, S.I.I WI, -Ics.le nml Ui-iail bv Green 4 Fb-iohtr, Ko. -.US -nth Simh r-ti.-i-t. l-bilnilclpbm. .twi.1 f -r Simbiiiv II. II. MAFIt. A;r.,-.-, i Aiilloii MAt'K.W A IIAAO. A.---,! f.. I'ppi-r M-.li.-ii.. J. (i. HF.N.V Ap.-il 1"., IM.- I MUVALLKr) STVI.K OF IIAT5 FOR (iKNTI.KM K. r ii a it l i:s oa ki oitn, So. 104 C1IESTSI T STREET Philadelphia, tn ci In K jo.-lH aitciiiion tn hit .iincnor . lib' -t c ,-l i-i- I r "oiioiin, IM-tK, nb cli will kn f u.iil lleui'-l icili'ii ccr Ii I .ih oil' r.-il t- ilia i- in n i . l- m'i uiiar l..rri' r. mli f- il lh m.ira .I- til il I , iIn t: i'oiitl,i:i s a!! tli:- t'-,. ilia's of dura. I 1 1 1 ' y niii iio'.ltic ., r i in tliii .Ulrl.t of 'Ire .t I i is l-i- ii i -i .1 f n'ilnii-1 iii 111 in inuracturing i h all ilie o oil, ru in ir veini nts. enalibt him To t'n.i l.m.k rui. inu n to r-iluce a belter Hit. Ciiiiiiin v' FtNrr 1It n Cr or Taa l.i risl Mom:. I I i -p t'i-nl liiivn birn rrirclrt Willi ureal i' in-, -iii.l mil l e 1 1 . . t i d in -tl lieaalilul nni clu aie in llie.r -tvlpt. l.AllIKh' UlIUMI lli'M AMI C'iPt ft EaTIRI. t r m.7 l'iTTi:tiN.. ti'rcai caiehat he. n bettow. Pil in coiikirut tn g iti-sc aitii 'tn. ih.-t llicy may fit' ci f. cliy eiy uinl tmrn a (.rai'cl'ul upiie-.r-.rca. CHA ULKS OAKFOUD, Kit Cl.i'ftmit it, a itvv u.i.-r. bI-ovb l inrd. I'luli.lelohia. S.-l tpinticr 30, 18 IS.ch June 21, IStS ly E'it lor iat IMitlou oT tl' lubiiic'a great tlorli ua I lie U( lariiiutiuii OK '1 III-. SIXTEENTH CENTL'.IY IN CER MANY, bWllZEULAND, i.tl. VtMl b published or. or about tha 1st of April, ISIS, by JOS. A SPEEI.. No 8rt t'lierry st. abova 6th, In vnleu.'.id 1hm tiiition of tha above named work, Kilt. IS cnaiavcd illiialrutiou from ori tmal it.'ij;ii; I volt in 2, bound iu fx'ra cloth' u n l library shi-cp. I ln-(inlili.li.-r rpippctfiiMy ra!! the attention ot Dip Hade nnd the public jcnprally, to this' work being the only illustrated edition published in the I'mlcd States He trusts that the beauty ol" its embellishmpnts. tha strong and substantial manner in w hich il is bound, in conjunction will) tha known poHfl,f',, of ih work """i 'H tare recoroniaudation to publie favor. . .... JOS. A. SPEF.L.90 Cherry st above 6th. J. A- S has also lately published, a new and bp jutilul Eil.tinn of SerK.-ant Boll's Kara Show, a suitable book for children, neatly don up its' ,xtra cloth. Philadelphia, April 1, 1618 ., IJAtE.NT Trusts of all kiuds. HarrisonV writing and iiuU-lllMe ink, Cotton yarn uj lap, jiul received and fur sale bV j.'av. rniuxa. Sunbury, Pec. 2. 1818. IB 0. C-'Ai'ii n aMortmrnt jui.t reooiTed. ' Alto J ilk II ATS ut for sal by H. WATERY t-nnrniry, n-e. J, 1SW. t . . ....X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers