j : SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N J OUKN AL. Z)t fxtml) Affair. THE FRENCH TROtBlX. Tho following extract from a Washington letter in the New York Herald fill up some blank! in thn nocoums we have previously published : ' Soon after the inauguration of Gonrra.1 Taylor, it may be remembered that a grand entertainment was given to the foreign min ister resident iu Washington. In getting up this entertainment with proper attention to etiquette aevoral member of the cabinet yrere called into the councils of the White House. It was proposed, as usual, that nil the ministers, with thnir secretaries, includ ing their Indies, shoulJ bo invited to thn1 grand diplomatic fete with the exception of the French ambassador. It appears that M. and Madame Poussin had previously both called on the President, tho minister present ing his lady to tho fumily of the President, and everything passed ofl" lady like. This "Was a preliminary step in social diplomatic ' etiquette ; but, for other reasons, it was pro posed to give an invitation to M. Poussin without including Mndame Poussin. A cun- J siderablo debate took place in the cabinet on this point, and Mr. Clayton was of opin ion that Madaino Poussin should not, and could not be invited with the minister. The same rule was observed with regard to M. 3ario and his lady. The reasons assigned for the exclusion of these ladies," were the position which, nccnnling to rumor, they had occupied in Paris the one had been a o vemess, and the other a gristtte : but 1 for bear to mention anything else. On M. Poussin receiving his note of invi tation for the Presidential dinner at the White House, without including .l.iil;utie Poussin. he fell very indignant, but did not seem to know what course trt take. He learned that Mr. Clayton was liio person who brought about the exclusion of his lady, and his feel ing became embittered to an extraordinary extent ugninst hiin. Instead, however, of demanding an explanation, which ho inilit liave done, from the President anil his cabi net, M. Poussin swallowed the exclusion and the dinner, and very unwisely allowed his "feelings to escape in a diplomatic correspon dence with Mr. Clayton on other anil more imKir!uiit matters connected with the inter rsts of the two countries. It is probable that all these preliminary facts, including the note nf invitation, will come out in due time. The bad temper and acerbity, originating in ihnt ivnio of invitation. iiK-m-i-.od and lankled ! thrvgl.out the whole of the suliseipn.nt cor- j s . ... . .. , 1 I ...I. ,.1. tJ ....... 1, lb.. ..jiiim. , inaiuimi-iii.-i:, " " j try. Mr. Clayton has kept his temper better lli.in .1 Poussin lint lioth the American cc. j i.i v i i ,i; i n.tnrv nnd tlm h reneh minister, in their c in- lomatic intercourse, deserve, to a certain ex tent, the criticism pronounced upon it by M. He Tocquevilln, the Minister for Foreign Affairs iu Paris. Tombstones say '-Ik-re he lies," which no doubt is often the truth; and if men could see the epitaphs their friends sometimes i write, they would sutely believe they had 1 got iur hUh wrong giave. Money is the fool" wisdom, the knave's nputation, the wise man's jewel, the rich man's trouble, the poor man's desire, the I covetous man's ambition, and the. idol of all. I A !, hir'f; hciititlfnl, doulilo, yellow, cliinbint: rose, culled "Augimtii,"' has rccoiitly been produced in Ohio. It is estimated a ;reat aciluisitien To lho rose fuinily.. 'The prrispoct of heaven ilsoll'.'" says an English paper, "would havo no charm for an American of the backwoods, if he thought thorn was any plaeo further west." It II s boon ascertained by a new arithnie Tlcal piocess, that a plat of ground 000 by 400 foot, contains ten acres of ground, fin tkup. Stick I 1'ucrtvKoop Ri-ssinv.. The express train on the Central Railroad, Ga:, recently ran ut I ciioht 'Sli miles in six hours. FnEnr.iiiKX HiitMt.lt is expected to xri ive in the next steamer. IlKCISTEli !c UKCLMtOKIt, rPME (iibserilirr lissTicen solicited to olfer him self h'.'iiiu lor the olRec of HKdlsTEU & HECAittiEtt for Northumberland criunty, anrl trusts if elected, hi( enprHr'tu in said oliice will enable him to dis vhareV) Its lllltc-s sr.itif faclcrilv. JOHN P. ITRVE,. Smibho'. Iftlue V3, COUNTY COMMISSION Kit. PHE subscrilier olfcrs himself to the ejectors of Nortliumberlund county as a candidate, for COMMISSIONER. ehouW 1 be cK-cted he will faithfully discharge the duties el his olliee. WILLIAM WILSON, it township, June HII, lfl lt. TO THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY. FiLlaw 'Citittxa : Warmly ured by many of my friends, I have consented to l. t caunioalc for the oflice oV REGisTEit & Recorder &o. at the next general election. It is known to the most of you that I submitted my claims to the County Convention that SiaVmblvd in Kunbury, od Monday last, and received a mujority over any other candidate on the first foctr butlots. The means afterwards used to defeat me, I consider were unjust and dishonorable. I u;rcc to submit them now to an intelligent community, find if so fortunate as to be elected, I will endeavor to dis charge the duties incumbcut upon said oflice in good faith. Very respectfully your fellow citizen, JOHN W. MILES. Northumberland, i?op. 1 ,le4!). REGISTER &, RECORDER, fee. 'T'HE unoVrsigricd VcBpectnilly olR:ra himself as 4 Candiduto at the next general Election, for these offices. Ucing well acquainted with the duties for several years, and fully determined, if elected, to discharge them faithfully, he believe he could give iteneral satisfaction. I also pledge myself, that, if elected, I will apply the one half of tbe uett proceeds of the offices, to the support of Mrs. Irwin and her Orphan children (whoae indlieut circumsUncn greatly need it,) for two year from Deccinher next, tiie time Mr. Irwih'l term would have expired, if he had lived. 1he lupport of the electors would be greatly re membered by t)JV,iP HOf KEFELMR. funbuy, August i; i19 GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT. to an act of the Goneral As- ntnltle r f ilia rnminimnnalllt tf Pnnhll'L !, iuij KJ I 1 llf; lllls UlUll V i II 11 I lilllli vnnin, entitled "An act relalinff to the elec tions of this 'Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, Anno Domino, one thou sand eia;lit' hundred and thirty-nine, I, JAMES LUVr-.lU, Ihph Sherili ol tho county ol iNor Ihuniborland, Petinsvlvanin, do hereby make Known ami give notice to llio electors 01 ino county aforesaid, that a general election vuii be held In mm county ot iorlniimoerwmi, on the SECOND TUESDAY 9th of OCTO nm ism ... ...k:..u .ml Conn- ty Officers, as follows, are to be elected : One person ns Canal Commissioner of tho f'nmmiiiitvnriltli One person to fill tlio office of Member of the House ot Koprcfcnlalives, iu n-iim-ui mo county of XorlhumliorluiKl in tho House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. One person as Register, Recorder, and C lerk of the Orphans' Court. ne person as v-oumi One person as County Commissioner. One person as County Auditor. 1 also hereby make known and give notice to lho qualified electors of said county, that on (h lift'' day of April, Anno Domino one thousand eight hundred and fortv-nine the following Act entitled "An Act submitting it to the people of Union and Northumberland counties, to vote bv ballot for and against the erection of poor nouses in said counties," was passed by the sreneiel Assembly of this Commonwealth as follows, to wit : Wimir.As, It has been represented to the locris Inture, that the ritimns of I'nion and Northumber land counties, arc desirous of knowing the senti ments of tlic people expressed nt the ballot box. in order to nsecilnin whether a majority of said citizens are in favor of ererlmir n eomity poor house, in ench of said counties, nnd it" so, that thev niny thereafter apply for the pnasntre of law if deemed expedient, to carry out the will nnd wishes of the people thus expressed; therefore, I iSr.criiii I. IJe it enacted by the .vepistc nnd House of llcpresentalivrs of the t'onnnonwrtillh ; of IVniisylv,! in Gem-rut .ssriuhly met, nnd it is i hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That j the (pialilii d voters of the several districts of l.'nion r and Norlliiiinlairliinil counties, a'nll be permitted i to vote at the eusuine; peneral election, for nnd against the erection of a county poor house, in nnd i for said enmities resjiectivclv. j St:r rio It shall be tiie duty of the oilicers i holding the general election at tho time and places i provided bv law, to receive from everv person quali fied to vote, a written or printed ticket containing the words "for poor house," or the words "against a poor house," ami after t!ie polls shall be closed, mid up the votes thus polled, ami make return thereof in like manner as that for county commis sioners; the sheriff of said counties shall Rive no tice thereof to the qualified electors 'of said coun ties, us is provided for in the election of members ol the frencrjl assembly. I also hereby make known and cive notice I hat the places of holilinir the aforesaid gene ral election in the several boroutihs and township within the county ol Northumber- land an' as lullows: . Th;' IS,,1r- H.rict composed of" the horoieh of Niulinrv, nnd Upper Augusta, at ... . 11 ' me coutity v our! I louse Tf Anoiista District, composed of the eiwiisuip oi i.ower .vugiiKia, ui me uouse oi i . . I ... .... ...i.. i r 'ieorge Conrad, iu said township, . ' j i ne .xorlluimtierland District, composed ot the borough ot .Northumberland, at the house of Henry Haas, iu the borough of Northum berland. The Point District, at the house of James Ililbourn, iu the borough of Northumberland The Milton District, at the house of Fred crick Strieker, in said borough. The Turbut District, al the. house occupied bv Abraham Ki-Mnger. The Delaware DiMiict, tit the Huu 0r j Henry Kt ader. The Chilismiaqu-e District, at the house oc cupied by Benjamin Furdstnaii. The Lewis District, at the house of Mi chael Header. The Shamol.in District, at the house of I Charles l.eisennnff. The I'pper Muhunoy District, at the house j of lVlet Ueissel. i Thn Little Mahanoy District, at tho house ! of Frederick Baker. i The Lower Mahanoy District, at the house ! of Joseph BiiiL'eman. j The Hush District, at the Liberty Pole j School House. I Tho Jackson Disttut, at the house of Peter ! Sc h wart. The Coal District, at the house of Felix I.ereh. The election to open between the hours of 6 und 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock iu tho evening, when the polls shall be closed. The several Inspectors and Judges elected on the 3.1 Fnday of March last, in pursuance ,, ,n,, yj s.,(.M 0f (1,,. !U.t nt the 2d ot July, isai), will hold the election on Tuesday trie P'tli day ol October next. ' "That every person except a Justice of the ! P.-.-ace, who shall hold any oflice or appoint- ment of prolit or trust under tho euvernnient ! of tho I'tiilrd States, or uf this Shite, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned oflicer or nrrent, who shall be employed under llifl lecislalive, excutive or judiciary department of this Slate, or the I'ni led Stales, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, and also that every member of Congress, and of the Statu Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of hohlnio or exercising the oflice or appointment of Judge, inspector or Clerk, of aney election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judga or any other oflicer of such election, shall be eligible to any otlice to bo then voted lor. And the said Act of ssembley. entitled "an act relating to the elections of this Com monwealth,'' passed July the 2nd, 1832. further provides as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places for holding the election in the district to which th"V respectively belong before nine o'clock in llin morning of' the second Tuesday of (.letiilie'r in each and every year, and each of said inspector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualilied voter of such district. 1 also hereby mako known and give notice that the following act of Assembly as pas sod by the general Assembly of the Common wealth on the 27th day of Febtuarv, A. I). 1S49, to wit: "An Act relative to voting nt elections in the counties of Adams, Dauphin, York, Lan caster, Franklin, Cumbeiland, llrndford, Centre, fircone, and Erie. SiTTius 1. He it emu-ted by the Senate and House of Hepresentalives of ihn Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met. nnd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be' law ful for tim ipiitlilled voters of llie counties of Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and Erie, from and alter the passage of this act, to vole lor all the candidates for the various ofllces to be filled at any election on one slip or ticket: Provided, That office for which every candidate is voted for, shall be designa ted, us required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Section 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above pre scribed, shall be punished as similar frauds are directed to be punished by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. That by the Sib section of an art passed by the said nener.il Assembly on the 9ih day of April, A. V. 1849, entitled An Ant rela tive to Supervisors in Franklin county," &e., &e , it is entitled, "That the Ant pissed the present session of the l'fislstnte, approved the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, au thorizing the qtialilied voters of Adams and other counties, to vote by general ticket, be extended to Mifflin, Union, Crawford, Bedford, Monroe, Warren and Northumberland coun ties, so far as relates to voting ut tho general elect ions. 'In case the person w ho shall have toc.oir ed the second highest number of votes for In tpector shall not attend on the day. of any election, then the person who shull Lave re ceived the second highest lumber of voles fur Judge tho next preceding election, shall act as an inspector in his place, ami in case the person who shall have received the high el number of voted for Inspector, shall not attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap point an Inspector in his place; unit in case the person elected Judge shall not attend, the inspector w ho received tho highest number of votes, shall appoint n Judgo in his pliice ; iimi if any vacancy shall continue in the board lor the space of an hour alter the time fixed bylaw lor the opening of lho elect ion. i he qualified voters ot the township, ward or dis trict, for which such oliioers shall have been elected, present at tho place of elections, shall elect one of their number to till such vacancy. "It shall be the duty of said assessors re spectively to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township election" during the whole time said election is kent open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors ami judge, when called on. in relation to the ri"ht of any person assessed bv them to vote at such election, or such other matters in relation to the assessment of vo ters, as the said inspector or iuil"u or either of them, shall from time to time require. .o person snan no permuted to vole at ttiv election as aforesaid, other than n white 1 1 eomen ot the acc of twenty-one or more. who shall have resided iu the slate ut least one yenr, and m the election district where hetilleis to vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years pant state or county lux. which shall have snan nave been assessed at least ten days before the election. lint u citizen of the United States who had previonly been a ipialilieil voter of this slate, ami removed therefrom unci re turned, und shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax as aforesaid, shall lie c:. titled to Vole alter lesidin in this stale six months, Piovidi'd, That Ih'.' while freemen, citizen of the United States, between the aye of twenty-one ami twenty-two years, and having resided in the stale one year, and in the election district ten days as aforesaid. hall be entitled to a vote, although thev shall nut have paid taxes. No p ;ii.on shall be permitted to vote whose name is not contained ill the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners as aforesaid, unless, 1'iist : He produce a re ceipt for the payment, within two years, of a stale or county lax assrss'-d agreeably to t Sic constitution, and give satisfactory evidence j either on his own oath or aliirmatinn. or on the oath or allirmatioti of another, that he I has paid sui'h lax, or on failure to produce it receipt, shall make an oath to the payment theieuf ; or second, il he claim u riyht to vole by being an elector between the ages of twenty-one mid twenty-two years, he shall depose on oath or affirmation, that he has re side.! in tie.' state at least one year next before his application, nnd make such proof of resi dence in the district as is required by this act ; ond that he does verily believe from the accountsgiven him that he is of the age afore said, and give such other evidences us is ie quired by this act, w herepon the name of lho person so admitted to vole, shall be inserted in the alphabetical lit by tiie inspectors, and a nolo made opposite thereto by wriliu thn word 'lax,- if he shall be pennilied to vote by reason of haviiirr paid tax. or the word aot..'' if he shall be permitted to vote on iicconnt of Ins age. ami in either eafj the reason of such vote sha.l te calicd out to the clerk, who shall make notes in the list of voters kept by them. I in ail cases wnore llie name ol lite person I claiming to vole is not found on the list fur- iiishetl hv tlio Coinniissinnt'iM and Ae or his riiihl to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any cpialilied citien. tho Inspector shall examine such person on oath as lo his (ualilicalions. nnd il lie claims to have resided in llie slate one year or more, his oath shall bo a proof thereot, but ho shall prove by nt least one competent witness, who shall lie u qnalilieil elector, that he resided j within the district nt least ten days next im mediately prcct'dinsr the election, nnd shall also himself swear that his bona fide resi dence, in pursuance of his lawful cullinir is within the district, and that he did not re move into said district for the purpose of vo ting therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make piuol, if required, of his resi dence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid., shall be ndmillod to von? in the township,' ward or disliict in which he shall reside. If any person not qtialilied to vote in this Loiniiiiinwealtti, ujjreeuuly o law, (except the l sons of qualilieii citizens) shall appear at any plice ol election for the purpose of issiiiiirj; tickets, or influencing citieus qualified l vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit uud pay i any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars i for every such offence, and be imprisoned for t any term not exceeding three menti s. It shall be the duty of every mayor, sheiilf, '. alderman, justice of the peace, and constable ' or deputy constable, of every cit) , county, j townrnip or iiisinci wiiiim uu common. iiruuii, vmiuiicvci i-iiiru upon uv iiuv iniH'.t'r i i.i. -...i .....it.i ... . i.. ,! of nn eloclion, or by any three qualified fine- tors Ihemof, to clear any window or uVeiine tn any wiiidou-, to th place of genera! elec- tion, whicn tihull be obilrticteil in kiii'Ii a way ! as to prevent voters ftom nppronching tin; sjinie, anil on neglect or refusal to do mj on such requisition, said officer shall be ileeniPd guilty uf uiisdeiiieanor in oflice, and on con viction shall be fined in uny sum not less than one hundred not more than ono thousand dollars; and it shull be lho duly of the re spective constables of each wurd. district or township, of tlii comtnonwetillh to be present in person or by deputy, at the place of' hold iui eiick election in said ua id, district or township, for thn purjxise ol preserving the peace as aforesaid. It -shall be the duty of every peace oflicer. as aiinesaid, who shall be present at any such disturbances at mi election us is de scribed iu tliis act, to report the same to the next court of quarter sessions, and also the names of the witnesses who can prove tho same. And by the 4!b. section of the act of 6th of April, 1840, it is enacted. 'That the 15th section of lliu act, ns passed July id, 1S39, eiilil'ii'd an net relation to the elections of this commonwealth, shall tint be so const rued as to prevent any militia ollicer or borouyh oflicer, from serving ns jude, inspector or clerk, at any peiiurol or special election in this commonwealth. The Judge ate to make '.heir returns for the county of Northumberland, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on Friday, the 12th day of October, A. I). 1R-I9. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Sept. 8th, 1849. , God ivK thb Commonwealth. fTOR RALEe -A pood eow, nearly 1 aale cheap. Enquire at the oll'it freali for office of the liuencaii. feunbury, June 9, 1849; TEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin Tea Company. For aale by J. W. TRILISG. Eunbury, Pec 2, 1848 ROSE OINTMENT. A freah aupply of thii . excellent article for Tetter, 4c, juat received and for .la br HFNKY MAPf FR. PunHiry, July id, 143 J01TE3, WHOLfiSALE DEALER ft MANTFACTCRF.il OF WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. Importer of trench tlnskrta Looking Glasara, and Fancy Moods, Xo. IH North Second Street, Between Market and Arch Ris., under J. Sioxt Jukes' Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA, TTASon hsnd and is constantly receiving a AA Urge and extensive assortment or Com lis, Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Glauses of (jilt slid Mahogany frames, Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, Ac. BROOMS, Shaker's Eastern Wisp and C'ountrv Brooms, Window Blinds, Boot Mats, Tubs.' Buckets, Churns. Washboards In fact, Wooden and Wil. low Ware of every description, nil of which will be sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time and trouble, by calling anj cKauiiniflg "" stock before purchasing. N. B. Looking Glosses, are Insured against Breakage to all parts of the I'nion, without extra charge. August So, li10. .Iin SOCTC?. P.h7 AWL." XT ESPK.CTFI.T.LY informs tho churns of M QL tins place and vicinitv, that lie has perma nently located himself in '.Siitiburv. His oir.ee I is next door to Mr. Jacob Painter's hatter-shop, i where he can al nil times lie found, unless i.r.i. fessionally eticirjed. Sunbury, August 25, 1849. 3m FNtate of Jacob ;eaiiiart, (Car-ix-ntt-r) tlce'tl. NOTICE is hereby triven that letters of admin istration upon the estate of Jacob (icarhart, (Carpenter) late of Iinsh township. Nortoumbcr land county, dec'il. have been erantnl to the oh. I .ia,.. i- . . . ... 7 I . . lownsnip, yiu persons in- i7 ,T, B"1"TCW?.W ,,mm'; ,,,,,,,11, ,w, m,, I'uums iiuiufei nam estate are desired to present ahein to tlic subscrb der. without dclav. WM. I). fiK.IRII.lUT. Idinr" Avz lt, HCl'Ji. ciiaiii.es w. hegins, i A-TCPblTEY' JJS LAVA lotlvil!f, i-a. Will promptly attend to collections and all biii ncss entrusted to his care. June If!, 18-:'.i, EOS2 OIKIMENT, TOO. TETTEH , "F.An the lollnvinir ceitifionic from Coat. IVi-oe. the , ll t il iiii...wu nnd u j;.ulur hhinii ii,.al Cnptain ("!' the Trnvtli.-r.) Phil iri.LniiA. Oci ilu r at. 116. Srvrr;t! y.nirs filKrc I m, nllrirlifd with n tr-ilkitlr. fillt : oil luv neck in itm i.irm oi 'IVtf.T, wtiifh t nm e-iviiicrd M c.'iiiniclci.l in tin' llirhf-r'shop. Il isruiiilirilly culfilrt. ', p(t..v,-r iny t';u-i.' mini ii ri'iiclicl llm iipprr iari of the rlir-,.;. KuriMK tin! srrcrnl iii'im lm that it c iiitiiiiii.il j KjiiiMtlinc. I iimhI (Ijil.Tont upiii:aliiiiiM, n. nuc n' winch lr.ul j tin ell. rl. n;iirt-iilly nt Iciifft. !' lii''r.::tiiie the (tini'iiF... Imt j l'i' mi n. .hi.' ot th'-iii ilitl I prrri ivc llii! hmat trt iii hl until I i iitiplifi ih. Iok l iiTMrT. liy t!i lisp nl oiif inr 1.1 it, I t wiib pcncctly ciiimI nmt huvc ri-niuiiiril I'rcc of the oli'cr I n ii. I hove p'tnt'f nscil t!ip (litilini'iit. liphlli nppticit fiirrnnch. n of llii; fuel.. lilntcliPH. phtippi d ImivN, Ac. yVith prr. I li"ct inccfM. 1 liovr no lii.nilnti.in in rceonmiewling it in ! the rtrotmc-.tt iiuiuucr to the pulilic. JAMES I):V(i!V AcciitItfvsv M.-K, Piinliurr. I July st a, STONEWARE, STOM". milk Pans, stone Juus nnd Pitchers, nnd other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. PUILING. Sunburv, June S3. 1 Kl II. " ORPHAN S' C blUTRT SALI-, TN persnance nf an order ol" the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be ci posed to Public sale, at tho house of Michael Spatr., in ftcoi'nctown, Lower Midiouoy township, Nor thuiiilicrlund conntv. on .Suturdav the g'.ltli dav of September i:ist.. to wit: .III the interest of Daniel 2S. I.. Iieutter. (said to be llie uinliviJed li.tlt") of. j and iu a certain lot of ground, (.itunto in Lower ! Mahonoy township, near f 'cor-ctow n, bounded by j lands of Aduni liiii;ainnii, tieor,re llrusitis, Jacob j Alleinan, and the river Susquehanna, coiitninini; I one acre. Late the estate ot said Daniel N. L. i Kcutter decease il. j "a!c to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said I dav, win n the conditions Ihircef will be made I L-. ,',... K.. MAKY A. SCHNAEEI. Administratrix. Uv order of the Court, ) David Kockefeller. I'lk. O. C. ) Bunbury, .Sep. 1, 1819. J WHY wilE YnfWl IiU WHY will Von in.-eleet ' tlKae prelil .iiutiirv awuptoms j Which nre eiving you wuruict; that aonte ' tiling mual tie il .ne to aave y.u liom tiie grave of 1 the coimnuiiitive ! Why encourage llial liackiiiK eolith llie min in llie al.le nlilil aweata ruining of hliN.il or flilfieully ol breuthiiiK ? Why clierl'licd nnd l.iater the Ills:A: thai la preying uioii your aula, takin;: aw.-iy y.mr atrengtll with ench iiuM.111; riiiy, unU humcniiig y.ni to "that lamrue iroui Mlicncd no truvellvr rettir'naf" lie ia now utile to travel and alland 1 j lua lAiamcaa. Wiln.:aa the caa.a ol llev. Henry Joliea. lllfi Kiclit Ave nue, who wua eurnl ol' u eouh ol M yeara aluialing ; Mra. Altrec, o. '! C.irnelb.atreel. who liuil been given up liy lira. Moll, l(.-e uml .MeClelliul. The grandchild of y lira, .lion, itnac unit I'l...,,.,.. k l. i i ...n............. ...i... ..i-. ......... npuniw. Alia. Miiine, i.Tmeriy m liro..kiin, whom ihe uri.t I'lo-ieiana mod OMikl noc he cured ; and a lioat ol ali.-ra w ho have lieeil Ulhicla1 Willi ASTHMA. I O.NSLMI'TIUN, 1.IVKII COMPLAINT, und all tbe vni ietia lV.rmaordiacnae in the vitul orgnna. Ih uny ilouht llie eilieucy ol llilv medicine ? lt them go and couverae Willi llioae who have lieen cured liy it. l'ainphleta eonUiiuiug the llanlea und reaideiieea ol a ainull irtion Ol the in luuv be oMained, gnilia. In rmrchaanip. aurc you get me ueiiiinie, uck tor you gel llieueiiillile.uiiklor 'fllF.II.MA.N S ALL. IIFALl.Nfi UALs.X.M." nnd aee thai the written aigua. ture of A . Sherman, M . D. ia on the rupiier of each boule. SHERMAN'S POOH MAX'S PLASTEIl liuf ctm-d more of Khfiiiii'tiini, Pain in the Hack, Sit1e nnd C ht. I.uuitof ' and Vknia, titan nr ppJi ''nn ii tiKit 1ki imrui-d, l.undreil cf unprincipled rM-Mi huve attt injtird t cMUitirieit 11, ainl ilm it nil ujKm ui (iiiiminity a tlir penume. iV'Hoxiire oi Deceit tm.,J ItriiirinlMT thyt the true nnd pciimiH 1'Uirttr in uprmd ut"ii rtnUith paprr muilc rxprrmy f-r tiie ).nM pt.ie and every cute the npiuiturt of Or. hnnm in prinit-,1 upm tUe twit f the TiiutfT, und tin whole iuiMirci by i'py Hip hi. None chIkti nre puuiiic. 'VUerrfun whm y-Mi want a t1 fOd liirrniac IVnif Man't I'iuiUrr, call ui tlieuilire, 100 Naaaau wrrel, und you will n-i be iiiH.'ipiiiilnt. Kcui-mlr principal lirtire Ht Ninwuu-irtreet, New-York, where all Dr. Hhprnin'a Lnjrnirea nrr 'Id. Ill Atjrni nre Mra. Ilnva, IW Knlhm uirve-t. Hmoklyn; Huutton, Willianiahurir ; and RnUliiitr c A I1'wltnt and JnilX YOl'.tt,unUiry. M.A.McC'AY, XorLhumberland Aig. 11, 110 oh crtm Iv TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN 8FEX.X.XNG BOOK. BEING a progressive and C'ouiprclienaive t$ya Icm of' Oriliocrupy and Ortliocpy, including a variety uf dcGniliona, u.l.iiU j to lli uo of School in the Ameiicun Kepuhlic, by Almon TicWnor, a 'IVachcr of twenty. live year tvperi once, and antlior of tlio Columbian Calculators, Practical Common rVltool Mrnaurntlon, &c. TUe attention of '1'eacliera, School Utroctora, parents, 4c, ia invited to tliia new Spelling Book, which conforuia to the modern apelling and uaiges in Ortliogrupliy aaheing one of the neatest, chcajwat best arranged, and better adapted to the witnts of children, than any otlier publuhed ia the United Huts. It is what it purports to he, a fpalling Book and not Keadiug Book, and only requires an ciawiuation on tha part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Juat published, and for sale by HtNar Misssa, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure; copies for examination. August 4, 1649. BOOKS end Gold Pen. On band several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pons which will sell at th FhilsJerphis pnres. I ft sale at this rfiv). RESOLUTION. RELATIVE TO AMENDMENT of the coNSTnvTioN. flMotvED mr Tirs Ariats und lines ot ItkrUKstsTA Tims or mi hhxoswim tii or PesmyiXama is Utsi:HAi. Ahhimrlt icr.r. That the ConMitiilinn of lliin i'linitncnwealin be smr mled In the eenml jeciimi ol llie Huh Article, m. that H hnll retil tn follnwn: Thn Judpi of thi! Supremo Court, ol llie mytrsl Conns of Common I'leas, lillil nl Blieli nllier C.uluK ol ttceoril . nr hull Iu. enKi. blmlieil l.y Inw. shsll be eicrtnl hv t'n quMiBtil electors of Hi ( oimiiiinwcfllili in the nrumtf Hlowinr. to wit : The Jntt!i.s ol llie Supreme Court, hv tho oimlified eleclors of the l-.niiuinnwealih nl Inriro. The Hrasiilent Juilges nf the fevernl Ciiurts of Cmumon riei mid of buch ntlier Courts oi Itee inl u nrn or lull be entatiliriied by liw and all other .Imlccs rcquiied to bo lunrneil in the taw, liv the nuli Ged oleeliirs of tlio ronocliv UiKtricIs over whirl, ihey are to pnnMle or net on Judeus. Ami the AK-iate JnAft if the Courts of f"iiiiimni I'Icm bv llie qualified elcoforn nt the e iunlies n poeilvee. The Mg ol the Sut.reme tt 'Urt sholl holil their orlie: for tbe term nf nltrcii veers if tlirv shall r l.mj Iwti.wi- theumclves well: (nubjeot to the hII jtniciit lii n iiinfier i riiviilij for, milisequcut to the lirt oleeii.'.n :) The I'resiilent Jnrlpos ol them eernl Cutiri (!' Conine n IMcas. (out m' (neli oiher eonrts if lleenril na ore or shell M eAtaliliNheil hv law, and nil other Jnitea re qmreil to be Irnrurd in the law. vlmll h"lil their office for llie term of ten yenra, if they lOwll so loin; liehnve them aclvea well : The Aais-iap Juilrep nf the' Conrl of rntn tn m I'lesa ulitill h..il Ihfir otVe f. .r the term 01 five yenra, il they Khali i Inng behave ih inselvcA well : nil of wlnun shall be e jniniisnioiied hv the Governor, but I'or one rcn aiiinlile eauo which p)ull not be nulTieient rrnii.1 of iinpiviehineni. the tinvcrnor uliatl reninve imy of them on the srtilreiw nt tw.'t-iliirris (frar-h branch of the t,.-ci'ln'iire. The first cleeiinti shall take elaee ot the cr.neral election of tlua Couminmvenhh net niler the ailnpii .n ol lliis amend nm. and tho poninupainna if all the ju.lies who Innv be then in oiTiee ahnil expire on the limt Monday of Dreeni-b.-r I..II iwing. when the ternr nf the new jndcrs aliall r.nrmieiiee. The pers nia who ahall llien lie elneted Judaea nl the Supreme r.iurt shall lmj i,r,r f,fT,ees n followa: one of Uieini.ir three years, one f a, years, one f..r nine yenrr. one f.r twelve renra. and "ne fir fifteen veara; the term 01 each to he decided bv lot bv the said judpea. M aoon an 01 thcclcetl.iinse.mvenient,ond the result eortifud by them to tlio nnvern-r. tint the enmmiaainna may i laattnl in nee.irdnnee lherelo. The ,HCe wh" enlhmia. ainn w ill tirai expire shall bo Chief Jnaliec dnriii" hia term, and thereniier ea. h judge win no ennmiasi ni shall first ex. pire ahnll 111 turn he the ( hief Jnsiiee, and if two or 111. to iotdmirsi ina shall expire i n tho aame dav. the jn.lcea hnl.liiii! them shall decide bv lot which shall be the Thiol Justice. Any vacancies happenhnr In- deoib, leaurnntiiai, 01 ulhorwii-e. in any of the anid eviiita. shall be filie.1 bv appointment by the flu-envir. to continue till be fira't Monday of December sueeoiiliiii! the next renernl cleoiion. The Jildfea of the Cuprniio r mrt nndlho Proaii tenia of the several Omna ot C-.iiunin Tleaa aliall, at staled limra re ecn e for their service, on niicijin'e compensation, to bo fixeil by law. which ahall n.. be diminished during: their continuance in relicc. Isit thev siiali nrnvc no fra or ner. m.i.iiM 1.1' ..iri..n imr k. .1.1 mi... ml.... .,e. ..- . . r. ... V' V . ,"";' iii i i prom iniiti-r llo .oininniuv !tli. or under the e ivrriiim iii nf the t'ni. led Slntea. or any other SlMc oflliia fnuni. The Juduea of the Siipieme ivurt diirint iheir eintiiiiiauoe in office shall reside within litis Cninmoiiwerilth nnd the other .luilges during tueir eniiliiuuiiiet. u, . .Tire shall reside within Ii o liitrict i r e.jlintv for whii-h thev were rmpee'ivelv eleettsl. " ' ' WII.MA.M F PACKER, Spteker of Ih' Ihwtc of Prprrsmtatiecs. ;E0. DAIISIE. Spraker of the Senate. Is nir. Si.na i e. M uirii 1. S40. KeaiiLvr.n. That this n lutinn pans V a 21. Nava 8. fkliact fi"in the .1 .iii.-ii-d. SAML. V. PKARSOX. Clmk. l. Till". IlolSK OF Rrt RESESTATIVKS. AntlL 2, 1S4'.. nr.oi.veD. That this reflation pasa Yena.16, Nays 50, Kxlract Ir.ini the Journal. WM JACK, C'i.i:nK. Skcrktary's Oitice. A. L. RrSSEL. filed April .' IX-p. Src. of the Commvuteralth. .Skchltary:s Ofhce. Pennsylvania, ps : I DO CICKT1FV thlit theiihnve and forccoimr is a true and correct copy ol the Majlinl Iti inliili .n of the lienerul Asaenil.ly.eiltitleil "Ilea. .Intl. . relative Pi nil Anieiiiliiient ol the C.ii.stiliiti m.'' h the kiiuc ivniiiiua on tile in this olhi-e. ...... In testiiu .iiy Vhereof 1 have herennm set my hiiml. mid eaumal to Is. a:lixed Ihu V:"AiB?. f?'T S.-id..!' Hie S..r..nrv-' I IS',rt.. u. n nurir. iiim elevenili ntiv oi .lune. Ami-i cue tll' lliiatid riifhl hillidn-.l onj aiiirtL 'l'i w TOWNSEND IIAIVPS Src'ry vf the Commutnemlth. '.Illt llNAl. OK SlAATK. "Itei.)tittioti. No. 1SH. entitled .ft .. .Imi.i.i inioj onie. i in nn- rpicait .n, will llie S-icite agree I.. il,e I re .iiiii.in ; n Iwi.0. I llie l nnsutlCii " l Ka .tiema. II. Hmwlev. Cml li. riii.,,i..l,-,. I l ..rtn, llng.ia. J htixiii, Uiwreiiee. I.ia. Maa.ui, Mat- ttina, .M'Caa.i. l.'ieh. Kioiiarila. Sirtier, Sankcv, liu try ! Siiuill, Suii-Mtr. Srerrctl iiii'J Sane il. ' -Nav Meaara. Beat, Drum. Knrk. Ivea, King, Konif- I unclinr, l'olteign and I -.irie. !-ei: k r.n I ".Si llie qii.:alitni waa .t-leru:ine.i in the aliillilnlivr." ' ''JofttNAL l'i llnl K OF ttCI'UKSBNTA- 1 I 1 1 LS . I ' Sha'l llie res . tuli in pa.- The vnia pntl n-.a wi re : tal.en ajrc.-.ilj.v to t lie fi n n ol il,'.: t--:nii urlicli: ol ' t:,e ; I'.iiialllulK.n. uni! lire lis ImIIi'Wh. t : i I "Vei. Mi'M.if i. id..- ii J.llil'. lav ill .1. Itint. f"i:ii' j i IWr. l'--ter 11. IS! .:n. lL.vl.1 M. llol-. Ta .m is K. Hull. I ! Jae I on. J..:.n II. In.iii. Mlnni,. .. I-. n,.tt, .1 . I l-Iinery. llnnd li. 1:.!i!, im:iii. U iiliain Lvaiw, John Faint ,:.. I Nililll.,1 l-egely, J.-e.h V. l-"i4.er. Il.lirv M. fn:ier. i j l'n .liuia tii.'Ve, it.iherl Il::lnp n. I.rpe'l'. Ilcnaxey Til 'iiiai J. Herring. J.iaeph Higioi.a, L'harlea Ilorl.J. m-, i H. Ilower, H,.l.en Kioiz. Il:.rrij.iii 1'. j,inl, Al.raliain ! liinherton. .laiilen .1. L.-wi... Janii-n YV. Lone. Jneub M'. i I raiXS, j Nickleni. Stewart I'.-arce. Janu-a I,.rter. Henry C. 1'rntt. --'''"-' mam. i.orgc Kupiet. lhe.a)..re llvuuni, llernard S. iVhooiii iver. Samuel Snlien, J. .hn Sharp, (. hrialian Snively, Tlimnaa I.'. Steel, .lerennah 11. StuUia, Jawph J. Stutziuun, Mnraliull SwartzweMer, Sninuel Taggerl, liw. T. Thorn, .ich"h Thorn. Arunah Wultlea, Sininel Wei. rich, Al.ai7Ji I. Wile.., llmiiel .erhey und William K. Tucker, Sienker. "Na Mcaaca. Auenrtitc K. Cornvo, Dnvid M. Court, nev, David Kvuna, Henry S. Lvan. .1. .,n reul.ni. John W. ir.irr. I homaa (illeapic, J.ihn II. liordon. Win. Henry, I Jomea J. Kirk. Joneph fjuiWh, KotH-rt It. I.itlle, J,,hn S. M Calunnt. J ihn M'Kee. William .M'Sherrv.Joaiuh Miller, I William T. Morriaon. John A. tltt, Wilhn'in V. It.ihena, John W. Itoaeberry. John II. Hntlieriorrl.lt llmidleSmiih, J"hn luiyth, Ji.iin Souder, fieorgc 'utlera und tiavtd I-' 1 Williama 'JH ( S the queation wua deterniiued in the arjitniative." StcnrTiitT'a firrira. ) i Ilarriabitrg. June 1.1, 1S19. 5 I'ennsylvanu. s : ff. Inocrrmi-Y that the nbur snd forrto- ' r,, ... .. ... .. v. . .-, ui.- I en l'S4- and "Auya," taken on the Iteaniution re- J 1 r III. Ir... .... gji iaio e inaii umeneaieni "l tin I. oiinilutlon." ; ?V7i? aa llie Ktme auiwiira .hi the J,iirnln ,.i l.n JVSiilW- two H 'Uiiea ol Ih. tiriiertii A Vinl.iyol tlai I 4Kl Ciimiiiuwenltii. tor the action 01 lrln. 1 Witneaa my hand and the ecu ol aaid olliee, the fn'teei'.th ' day ol" June, one ihonaand tieht hundred and t'orlv-nine i TOVVN.SRXIJ IlAl.NKS. ! Sec'ry of the L'cmmonirralth. i Jiuy ,, lei'.e ;un. the rAiOii:ns ENCYCLOPEDIA. I'JUTLD BY Gtn'VKKNUlK KMLKHO.V IX ON E VOLUME, Royal octavo. 1 165 pares, bejutifiilly bound, ronluinlng, 17 line plates, licairlos niimrioiis Wood Cula. Sold at about one fourth the cost of the English work, without any I'istcs. "The Farmer's Encyclopedia is a real treasury of practical information, wherein tiie experience of all ages and countries is run-fully roarr.o rr to the present day, and admirahly ariimgcd for con venient reference." f Ilr. Darlington. 'We are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer ran be found in no other work iu so cheap slid convenient a form Iu fact, no Farmer who pretends to be well inform ed in his profession, should ba without this work." .New (jennessce Farmer. An excellent work, fit to be distributed in pre miiims by Agricultural tSociues J. S. Skinner. For sale at this Oitiee. price $4. Also, bv E. W'. C ARK. Third street, opposite the Exchange, Philsdelphla j and N. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. IPj(h Omni mfst b AcrcMrtiritD BT thi C.4.SH. July 14, 18-.93m PATE1TT lCaDICHTB3, Orcen'a OxysrbnaUd Bilirr, price reduced. Old Jacob Townaend'eSursupiirilla. Kukcr's Sarauparillii. Swny nc's yrup of Wild Cherry; Sway lie's VenuiHio. Ayre's Cherry I'lcloral JJr. Drake's 1'anacra. Dr. Cullcn's do Tihliit's 1'ain Killer. Dr. Hoofland'a Ciernian Bitters Indian Vegetable I'll Is Home and Cattle Medicines For aale by HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, July 14, 1849. TISSUE PAVERe Yellow Tissue paper for covering (lasses, &C-, for aale at the office ol the American. jjrN'0"BAND RPRIXG MORTISE LAT Jl CUES An exoellent article, for sale at half tiie usual pmc by J. W. fKllP.'Q. FuaViuy, Hiry T, 1 Ti9 "Kncournjfc Your Own I" t.HAAS & TIENN. TASHIONABLE MAKE OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rpiIE .'ulbern respectfully call the attention x of the ,?ubhr to their lrg0 and splendid tssort ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on accoCIt of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, m'de up of the best stock to be had in the city. Nd eflbrt ta spared in the manufacture of their were, end the subscriber ere determined to keep up with the motiy iinprovcmenta which are constantly being made. Their stock consists- of Mahogany Sofa, Dlvann nnd I.onngeii, asuVraus, Stcrctnrfcs, SttcfconrKs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXD DINING TABLES, and elft) VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phile- delphln incnnfncttire. BEDSTEADS, of every pnllern nnd price, CUPBOAnDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line cf their biieiness. They alio manufacture all kinds add qualities CIIAIKS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbiiry, such as Mmiocast, Black VAi.srT Aicn Orled Mei.i Greciax ; axd Wiirinon CIIAIKS. and rAjier Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The aulsjcrihers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase funiituro in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and j Llinirs. I Their articles will be disposed of on as good I hrms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment fur work. t CNDliKTAKINti attended to on reason ; ulile terms. i t.V" The Ware Room is in Market Street, I opposite J. Voting's aiore, and nearly opposite ; Werner's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS. ; (jK.t)K(JE RENN. Sunbury, April JS, 1641 tf CHOICE GROCERIES. II". Coi ner Arch if Cth Street FhilaMphia, H B AVE ,low "lorc a wr" "elected stock of fl H the very best Family Groceries, which they will sell at the lowest prices anil warrant to please. Cireen nnd Black Teas from 1 down to 23 tts per lb., the Black Tea 4." cents by the Box. is utiusml- ly fine. Coffee of all qualHtes and prices better tMigsr for fi ets. per lb., Ihuii any other store Maccaron't, Vermicelli, Clinton Gincer in Svrun tnive Uil of llie best brands, an assortment of the ' I richest Jellies, and every article kept in our line, j All poods sent to the country, put up neatly uud I securely Please try us once and sntiefy yourselves whether ' we ciiit suit you. t CU. l'tJN & CO. S. W. Cor. Arch & Glli St. Philadelphia, May ".ft, lt4l. -hf-iu 1 v aveisc & cij:;ii;.t, .Snrfrilc and l3Rr:ittM .K:,kcrs. f SpilE umlersiijiirilreijicctfiillv iS infjiin ihe public, that they have comnicuced the above busi ness in .'"'iiiiburv, and will con- stnntlv keep on hand uud inaiiulacturc to order, nt tiieirstand in Market street nearly opposite Youmr's store, all articles belonging to their line of bwiiuiw. AM Arliel.'B linilitif.ietiirn.1 l.c 1 ill t... 1. ' ; the best and most durable style, and 'at p.. , .v......u...i nn iiivi inn i.- huu iiiuiiy oiacr eiilaii lisiniieut in the county. Tlirj llurelore rcsja-iifullv solicit persons to call and cvaiiiinc,for themselves before purchasinc; elsewhere. All kinds of pro iluco taken in by the K'.orcs will bo taken in t.. change at the market price. UENWY WEIM-:. ACCOTCS II. CLEMENT. Suiilmry, June 23, IS CliKAT AKI5IVAL. "ryi.rf '-N FKII.INU hua just rcctivcil t his I 'sloiein .Stmliury ail extcnaivc uasortnient of I NKW (itlOlJS, Cl'cvcrv VlllielV wllicll ho la nmv I ! r"'-10 -11 for produce; and cons,,, 111 I"""' f CLOTHS, C.-1SSI.MERES, &c Linen ami Cotton drillinn, nnd summct ii-eitr f nil ki iith. Cai.icoks, Chintz, GixrituM, Lawxs, Ac. Muslins bleached and imblcaclii'il. PALM LEAF AXD OTIIEK HATS. Quecnsu-are and Hardware of all kinds. Dnucs Paints, axi Dykstti rs. FJS1I, SALT, AM) PLASTER. And a great variety of other tirticlcs u!l of whWi will he sold at the lowest terms. iSunhury, Muy 2li, 18-19. the cheap liooR stoke". Di-1TXEL3&31IT Ciikap Nkw & Second iia.M) Hook Sioiik a North West corner of fourth and Arch Streets I'Hitadfliihia. Law Boots, Theological and Classical Cocks, MEDICAL BOOKS. lilOGRA I'HlCA L ir HJSTOItWAL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS. SrilCKTIFIC AND MATHtUATlCAI. BOOKS. Juvfnile Hooks, in tn-eit rariiiv. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, ll sizes j anu prices. lilank Ronlf, Writing Paper, and Slatiunarxi, Whalimile null Itrtail, t7" Ova prieea lire ilmth! mver ll.iul the IiKorLAS priei i I ' l.ibiiinn ami small parcels of lnn.ka pmehaaeO. ty li...ka uii.irteil tn order iroiu LaiuiIhu. Pnilaileiihiu, June , lMii y LHii:ORS,AVINES, kC. l 'jHi; ktiliacrilicr lias just received a new supply -- ol Ihe first liquors lhat ever came to .Sunburx-, coimiaiiug in purt of Superior old pole Brandy. Fine Commas Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spiritl New Kmrlund Ruin. Fine Holland Gin. eSupt-riot OH Whiskey Common do. tSujierior Maderia Wine. Lialion do. do. Suerior IVrt Wine. Burttuuily I'ort do. Stveol Malaga ine. Superior Claret Wine in botilss. Champagne do. do. HEXKY MASKER, uiihury. May 26 1S49. Kotlte to Ucllmiuonta). ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, longer than six months, on nolo or book account, are requested to cull snd make settlement, or else their accounts will be left with a inacislratn for colli tion. JOHN W. FRILIXli riunhury, July 7, 1849, - Valuable Itooki, T IFE or Chbist, hamlsouiely hound, D'Ac iicxi'i HiiTusr or tub Khob.mstio, Biask Dat-iooks akp Liooaas, full bounded. For aale at the publishers prices hj H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. BLNKS. f very uWmruoa -es ' - Jaw V WBLXNK5 of e"vy tisecr.p'aoa can be aid br 1 rrlTu,l ll Hn-e of the Anenren. T'thmivrntji of Out of StrrfnU. Ctnr. JLWkdfe m1 orArf myitrr diwt tf the Jilodan4 iftmJiMi7r? iiVAXTlTY whirk td of MtdiAn ui'ttcZm Of tueh Die&'. hi dhf fr(fif of thi purifying Mrffal m cr in the Mtdidnt ritcA Am iujdwd mnd cfiMri tmk DiiriivfjiOun thtre in ?iqnrmio;ahU tftdqutt tim- BRANT'S INDiAN nwm EXTRACT u tuck MM. In evtry respect and there It abaav effected, thai ONE HOTTL.K aT II Contalna faoro mlrllrlnv. hosllnn vlrfuM. mnA mn poa'. than them Is contiitmm iu irar bul of alit aae. mtparuii. nrany ir ainrfiioe that has oer lieon nftVrM tor vale. 1'iicrg h umloubted p-tiof In our pnrabhleU, that l,v the n.e nf lh! event InJim I'urfrr, ther thi - ...ii.,, tp, i.ivk uiev tnni were i.amksiih iiarp. ei i'D ean now Wai k thev hint were .'lea. tjcaurirtnut, ami uth.n.i.e dlavaaeii. hnVe heen llntkn ana Csai. HundredsThousands-- h "I st IfairiK. alter liaviej ui'ed a4 tet. il tr. ih.i mr.njvrilln. nl (,i,tr mr.lir i.-ma tixow ineliili il to rum ,lrt di-ea. n. hnvn dtciM IhaV- Braut's i3 tha Cheapest, hecawa (Mr tlmlc uf it ete-a meilieal. eurativ aue ter in ir. anj. in r.it:i-.;iii-ne.., , .,,. fttfr; ,iu( n naeti lr. fiT, Hum nit hottit ef ai,Jr l.er in.lirtbe . If ili-. CV" r.cttk., Hraht, Kesinaa' will er Furl! TIME! tii'ir." nw Umu em boaU nf Hraw na."liniM I'l-atFirn" woiiM bt. ,h,np at four M ten a linitle. u frra;ieri.7rt nt cnt i!ol!trr. Qui bllANTB I'UlilFIKIl I- M.M lor only ONt Uubl.AU ahotlla; aa4 r n 'i.il'.le ii!' it his eniej. riel i- ripp.l,lc ,,f eiirnig. Fmm 'wtJ ui iii.ieli ili-ea-v a- one lovle nl' nar.apiirijla. Uiana I ir.i. K-ir'Kp iri"ii. in ciiii-. q'i.'in-e nf it Ir power ana iv iii'vIichI i-fii -ni-y. pIkiiiM lai auld at ne mora thaai 7Ve.;ri Jvt O per hottle, to be cKtap aa Uia Fvai ik at One 7Jdl.'.ir. Ono Dollar's Worth! Mow much Canckh hnw murli fMriiiMSi-bnw muoh Scm.rcLA-ivill O'x rjoUtr's tccrtho'i Jtmttt t VVRiritU cure t.;nl Urn tuliuwiug uUi:H:Rt, which U ft lpc men of itii power, . . CANCEROUS SCROic'ULA!. I li -i ii th- cftw oi s Iyifi man who yi Uvea. H m inrr I tA h worm chw ot .ScimIiiIh. liy only TVfiW HotUm nf lii itti'p I'urifior. tlntii hv.t wm furt-il lijr tli ua t4 Tipcat Onllont oi tiie htt' MTFaporiUa thnt wnj ewr )(!. hiritiMi.i:i,n im tnt tuj'utritt ncdicat power to effect lh rtir- uf ttich h rcrvlttnrtx hopfhtn c(mh. Mr J K IIavKin, ol' h'omt. OnciJ Co.. K Y.. .fcrqf .d four vcira-wnai rtinlnod lo hi Ud lh hut yMr-h. wa no ii itch (11-trif.ftl und i.'..iintl m tu be unaM ta Mi-! Iihi-J lo lii- i 1. He hftti flit- but biedlcl ft. v:if-md nnfJ eli ot th fre'i tUTnaporilla tft no fo4 fiV-ft - not von i. ml vrvf, nnd whs f-oni.ifrrH to be la a lyrtir Matt, vml nut y tvrntvfovr kfr$ Ion far, vtt.nn h-i'"iiMii :iM'. a umnK L It A NT's I'l' It IFI Kit. Mia t w- eaten n tarty of. tnnn tar to earn hole waa ntn throti-h hi- KinUyipr. uiiHit hits chin, an that he b ma I bad tiirmiii lbf hoits hin Mr wn no rtcn aroOttd that it could he li ted np out of it plnct tt only hntdinf by tmail itci the ufe of rrnr, arm wrk tUvtroyrd by two Ul' err nn crr undfr the arm. a larj:o m a ttlan'a 1umA bi iifitrly mten tliroticli liis id: into hit bly. 1'hut, b w AHitrt 1 witli 7V)'tf mtrb putrid, Arrirf. 6fen$iu CI err, nn vartuun part ot hi perun. For furtiii-r and full pttrliculiirf. etii our I'nmyhhti. Dtict. l'" ma ii.LiA.MR. one of llm m'x akilfnl phy .iTiana of K.ir.f. whi cHft to wp IU,kin the rf'iy I if or Uv c.it.irr.'T't'fii Mnins: T-an purifier. Duct. W. earo ini'd him. Hin', then tnitl huu tlmt nil tho mtditintM ia 1M uorll LupM ?iot ctirt hint that hi cai wnn Worse thari Hopeless Now hfif Mi HASKIN S -tntrturnt of ?nre. Ifr faiA t My nil p'ociiii'ii one ImtUt? .-I MtAjiVf Pl'KtFYlM EXTRACT ot Av-,,7 ,y Lcen.ir,L i:ru.:ji-w. of Roim coniinriicr'.l u -in tht, hoi briran to ijfl. bitter TMf &UT1LK rniibN ii nn l'i' set of vtu Urrt wpct.' 1 had been ruiifit;.-tl ore yr-th. !kcni hutll cimbkd rut'MjM p'tt of r'-y h,n .. -n,.. -nn mo Ihii1. euati)fl in to IVnJEt Tit--- Mtit.- !m itii- ' i-rpt. wh'tv I pt-'fCllwd Six JUxtltg ii.im : .-I -l h l .-ii r lm ! rm-Vi, iHinr thrm. Tcrrniem out oj Trent V i i ! iMf 1 1 1: i m rrimd thrtx bottle mora f!i.-. r,..i it fi jin.f V u! uii thu Lkiir, aud r- ioti'(1 me io i tunlth. FOURTEEN WITNESSES ! Mr. IIAHri far tu iC e ic l.l A M Mr ;.!M,.i S lm- niv.i.-ii t.i th,. nluive fiieta. and thn i-.o il fei.l e-nt'ied tc l.y HOl T. T. WILr J II. 1 ll'lli'S. ui'i'llie-liiriif 'Jie llM.RnM r llis.-l- t I. A- -:v','.K!i. Whole.ale aa4 .;i- nii-i l.l.I A ntlier rrt.fr,iabti KUncaiat. re.1.11 llntjj ' V7e Cha'Jsngo the World To I ' ill 1 I : a r''ir i.i' lii rirn.'o'f'F and r.ttrrly hoptleM a eiue ut nii.iii. i,v tii u-e nt 1'LN TI.MKS aa murk fTr.ittitr.i'.i. or any elln r tee, Heine, an wua ned of Prmntt Purif.tr tn -'..:ri tu.. i,:,ve rur.iivhieli cure ahalltHt prnv.il '.y n. xiaLy ViUkuwtt, T(mlUUU: Yt.nmu, east Ihe nl.r..-r i-nie. fill! SAI.K UV .t.i!.n " Vril'ng. Sunliurv Pa. . .Mnry A. Mel'ay N 'r'lliuiiibcnilntf. J'-iin 11. i.;i-ii M Ion. Me .I.SIia.r.-.-,- , l:.l-v..i.i A. Hi,,,;, do a-Ulrci d to Watlte'e i All let.:H ;.Ml llpl-'H lllUHt ' . . Ii ', i;...-, :wH. New v,.ik Sunlit rv. Jti'v '.'I. 1JI" Iv !:t:i(;o I jfr Ii.siu aiM C, Annlllty itiiil Ti tist t ouijiaiiy. ori iri: : wai.ntt STiir.ivr, l-itiLAiifLrHlA. 1 .e r vi !-J". ',o- u. rii..iii i:n rtkPKTc.u., rt'Ill". r mipnny an: 11..V pr.-cinil to Iranract buaipea I up. 11 l'i.-ni'.fl liU-ral and inh-antaeiaia term. Thev nr.-niita .iizeil hy tli. ir i liailer (m-i-t. Ill "to make all and evel y iii.n'.'iiiiee Hp-rl:uiiiug to lite rifka of whatever kind I nahiri . l..nt In 1, i i-ive niu! exi.rule IruMa, tiiake eadow-iiit-i'.ta. and to gr in mill purcha-e annuities." The Com. paiiy ft.-ii a!.rii"'i. .i.i.i , ud. wi-.i-nu, u:,d ait aa Trustees lor iniii. .ra mid tu ira. Tul le of I'niiLimn r xiuir.il for the Aaturucre of 810V for lae whole term ol Life. Arc. IPi-em. yse. Prcm. I Age. I'r.ni.- 1 I ' I l t 46 I1 35 7 1 "2 5 15 47 3 4 W 1 i I : 3 '.Hi 4S 3 91 It' I 1 W I HI S 27 49 3 77 '-Hl 1 !''') as s ; tn 3H '-'I 1 l tfl 11 in 61 4 13 - I W 27 K 17 64 4 Sj 1 'W IW a 51 63 4 61 SI 1 ?S 3 a ttl 64 4 71 as l ;6 in . ;o 6.1 4 si t 41 21 66 6 1 a? i ia a w 57 6 33 1 rl 11 3 ot 69 t M l 41 :i ia 59 6 78 '-'01 15 :)) CO A 03 'ti'lie i.r.-i'iiiini-i are tern ilmu anv ottier ciillpaiiv. and ihs no idea alf.ir.l jre nt r ailv:ni!iii:r 'J ablea of lull-yearly 1 ati.l qii.-.m 10 ii..iiiuini-, hull erci.r r:iic ol preniuiui, atiort terms, i.-ini liv,-.. mrviv-irs'iiiia ami enrlovvinenui ; also, I li.iiiu i-f Apiili.-uii-'ii (f r wi.n-ii lliere ore lilank alieeur) are ' l'i la. l-.U'i ..il lin-iue nun ut lue otiiee, or liv letter U the Apen!, .1. H. Vl'llUY, sunbury. IIaics i''it i.vi.-5io a-lOOon a sinjlo Lil's Tor Life. l,o a.04 8,70 3,fi4 6,03 Examn s A pr)n a-al 34 years next birth day, by liiyiiig ine i'mp:,iiy e. eeuu weulil aecure to hia fnmily or !ie;r iiw al...nM !...- Jie in ..nn veur; or for tg.tfi hs sc. cure I 1 1I1. in (SliaXi ; nr I .r l: ainiiialiv fjr seven yairs he w-iiii;. I.-. tii.-iii SluoO !i .iiM In, Hie 111 atven years: or f n Sao.ltl puiil anniiiiliy dmin- life lie aceilrea 61U0U lobe imid when he du a. 'J'he iniiier aeviiring hia own bonda, by the diil-:r..-nec in one .tint .-f nreniiiima iromttioucharsea hv other oilie. s. I' i-lg,10 tin heirs w ould receive 84000 shui.l he die 111 one year. Forms oiapjilicutii ii ui'd n'! iinrticiiiara mav hs had at tbeortfe.. I'KTlilt tl.Xl-EX, teaiMost. ica Prem.te'it. W it. M. Hairu. Krancis XV. K.WLr. Secretary and Treasurer. Co.i-l.Tixo PiiYaiuvN Hr. J. 11. Maa.er, Sunbury. J. II I'raDv. SunLur), Airent fur Northumberland cosit- ty Sniilnir;-. July 2, 1619. Is A Ii i) L AMPS lOHM'.I.II S It CO. So. 17tl heauul SI , FsriXTITLLY aniioiiiic that theyhsT. ai just tiniahetl the moat extensive assortment of LAMPS, they have ever olfered I'or aale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS. MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DEisIGX. Much attention has Wen paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of theae Lamps, and such are made as w ill produce the grcateat amount of light from the 1'cast consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new unj perfected machinery, enables them to Ml at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and arc warranted jurlt-ctly tight, and to give satis faction. Fhiladolphiu, June S, 1S49. ly A Xew AKNortnu'iitol Frettls Cioodi. IRA T. CLEMENT, r EiTECTFL LLY infonus his friends, ens- toiacrs nd others, that he has just reeeived a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such aa Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens . ware, Hardware, dtc. , Sunbury, June 13, 1849. DADD'S talebratad Horse and CattU Medi cine tot ee Vry HJNKY MAHhKR funrurj- Ja. ITth, ltt9 Ajre for I venr. rer7veaia. jo I R nl U" I ! I' I l.V'H 1 ai I l.-ii g.07 if I .'i.i- a,a7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers