1 ",' 1 SUNBURY AMERlCATjIOHAMOKIN JOUJUAjF (rrlUnrotttf swatter. Garibaldi tttCt k RtCIT Of ClNCIK MATt The Cincinnati Commercial say: ItmaynotbeoniniertilingtoMV''''''8" to know that Garibaldi, the leader of ihe In urrectionists of Rome, br.ee kept a public. hoW on Sixth street, between Plum and Western Row, in this city. His house was, for acme time, one of the stopping places of the celebrated Charles Hammond, as editori als from his pen will show, as any man who has a file, or who" read his paper may see. He kept liquor, but his eatables and familiar, yet gentlemanly converse, formed the prineU pal attractions for Hammond. Many a time, our old citizens inform us, did the veteran editor refer to Garibaldi as the prince of good eating and good company. From Garibaldi's industry and good management in this city, he made money, and when he left for Italy, he remarked that his 825,000 cash, that he had amassed, would make him as wealthy in Rome as Griffin Taylor and other of preat wealth, &o , were considered here. At the time he left our city, quite a large meeting of respectable persons congregated at his house, and the proceedings of the meeting were published in the city pnpr of 1338. A grand supper was prepared and partaken of, toasts drank, &c. A friend of ours, from whom we obtain this information, remembers 1 .,v offinriVialdi at the time. He said: m iemi. " t "Before long there will bo a revolution m Europe, and I wish to have a hand in it.'' By the late foreign news it will have been observed that his name has figured largely in the accounts from Rome. It will be seen by yesterday's telegraphic report that, although the French had entered the "Eternal Ciiy," Garibaldi had escaped with 10,000 men ! From many citizens we have the history of this somewhat celebrated revolutionist, while n our city. He seemed always to have a great hatred to monarchy. He will, perhaps, in his new position as leader, make some trouble and cause some blood to flow ; but the powerful armies of France, Austria, Spain and Naples, must crush him, and he will die the death of what those powers consider a frnt'for, deserve. He may be too smart, as we say in common parlance, to be caught. If he es capes he will have no other refuge than the United States, in which ho most probably learned his revolutionary principles, and per fected his ideas of self-government. LAWRENCE HOUSE, Market Square, opposite the Court Haute, . SuNBvar, P. THIS well known Hotel has jufit been reiitteu', and handsomely furnished by the undersigned. ana ne begs leave to say, that it Is hi intention to render it worthy of the liberal patronage, by which it has heretofore been iufUiwd.- ? ' ; i J. C. PERKINS. Sunbury, Msy 17, 1841W 3mo CUTLERY. AN extensive 8tock of Poekst and Tsble CUT LERY, of sal br . JOHjVT K. COLEXEA1T, iVos. 32 and S3 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Street, , Comprising 5000 doscn Penknives, Scissors and Rnzor. AIms a choice assortment of Rodger Sr Sons, AVostrnholm's Creave's W. 4 S. Ihitclicr't and Fenney's Cutlery, Also.Ppsniali. Dirk ami Hunting Knives. ,' Alto, Gun, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Kauir Strop, a superior ar ticle, wortliv the attention of Den lorn. Ctar LVrtlers in Cutlery, will find the nliovc Stock worthy their attention, n the Suhncrihcr's chief hunincM 1 importing and selling culler-, jMnlauclpliia, June , 181!) ly ' MARSH AX.X.'S Concent rated Sarsmpm Hln, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipnlns. Piles, Chronic l!lieuinntiiii and nil disorder of the IIIockI, Mercurial Disease, Ac. t T is recommended to Physicians nnd other, as ' the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely difi'ercrit from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle ot the bars. parills. but intended to deceive the public For mIc bv M. A. McCAk, orlnumucrland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls. Swellings, snd all complaint requiring an external renicily. It if highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heel, Piilints. &e. It has also been used with great surer by per ous eHUrled with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by V. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCoy, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly CABINET ; s WAKE ROOMS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that be continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branch, at hi stand in Market street in Sunbury, and that he ha now on hand a handaomo assortment of well mad and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the cm un NiKta ucsises. in all it branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well mads and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornament!. All of which he will dispose of at prices low ss at any esta blishment in the counlv. His long exponent o in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, end therefore solic its from his customers s continuance of their patronage. G" AH kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOLPT. Sunbury, March 17, 184'J tf GOf.tl & sii.vr.n WARE. J. STOCKMAN, Ko. 60 Chesnnt-st, at the sign of the Gold ThimUbelveen Id. I; Sil.tls., South $ide 1'im.ADr.LlMIIA. W AM KACTURES snd keeps constantly . 1 on hand, ot wlinlrwiic and retail, thu lol 1 jwiiiff rtic lrs, ot superior nualitr. st reduced prices : Gold anil Silver Pencil, d i Thimbles, do t mger (Shields, Silver Table. V -sert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster I, oilles, do Combs, rursc Clasps, Scissor Hooks ltd Chains, Knitting Micntlis, &c. ALSO, Jcwcllerv, Plated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, &c; Gold Diamond pom ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Superior Lvei pointed Lends, Ac, eVc. Philadelphia, May Sfi, 184!) Breach of Promise. In a trial for breach of promise of marriage, the Court laid down the following law : "If a man offers to mar ry a woman, or promises to do it, he is not bound to comply with it unless she agree to accept him. It takes two to make a mar riage contract as well as any other bargain Where a man has a contract of marriage with a woman and merely puts it off, and she be comes impatient, she cannot drag him into Court and demand damages, unless she ha formally offered to perform the contract on her part, and he honestly refused, and so puts it off, and she becomes impatient, she can not drag liim into Court and demand damages unless she has formally offered to perform the contract on her part, and he dishonestly re fused and so he puts an end to the contract; because perchance he would prefer the mar riage to the suit, and he ought to have a chance to make a choice." BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA Gl GE!t DREPARED and sold onlv, at FREDERICK 1 BROWN'S DRUG ond CHEMICAL Store, N. E. comer of Fifth and Chesxvt streets, Phi' ladclphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Ginccr, and will be found on trial an excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended as s tonic, to persons recovering Iroro fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a plow and vigor, equal to a wine glass of brandy or other stimulanu, witliout any ol the debilitating cilccU, wlucli arc sure lolollow the use of liquor of any kind : and it ia therefore especially serviceable to children and females. To thc.accd. it will prove a great comfort i to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic al'.ci tions, it gives great relief, and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach i constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent iff the cause of tem perance, (jrrull infections accompanying eacu bottle. The above article can be had at the office of the itmerieim. Philadelphia, June 5, 1849. ly V see it stated that the terms of a di vorce have been agreed upon by the counsel in the case of Pierce Butler vs Fanny Kemble Butler, satisfactory to both parties. The principal conditions are, that Mr. Butler is to allow Mrs. Butler $1,500 annually, he to re. tain possession of their children, (two daugh' ters,) excepting two months in each year, which they are to spand with their mother. The arrangement was agreed to some months ince both prefeiring it to a further contest before the courts and the daughters are now with their mother in Massachusetts, where she purposes taking up her residence TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. rw IlltleOII tmU I(' it titer More No. Ill North 2d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia riMIE subscribers olTcr to the tanners on the I most favorable term their fresh importation or Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata Caraceas, Lamiirn. Hunc-Drv, Chili, Salted Per amhuco and all kinds of fpuuish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Drv Salted, and Black Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, anil Bank oil and a general as sortment of 'Jurricr's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid fur Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIKKPATRICK. Philadelphia, Mav 20, 1843 ly d COLUMBIAN SERIES OF ' ! aritluiuttro. ... Tk Pupil I friend and Teacher's comfort. rHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This work is already introduced into some of the best Acadamic and a large number of School, where its use ha given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It i purely American in it character, based upon our own beautiful dteimal tyttm of rnrrency. It contain more, the arrangements are better, snd it is the earnest and cheaiKrst work of the kind now in use and it is so considered by hundred of the most competent teacher snd men of science in th unt' on. who have recommended it, . It is the rtoos particularly and expressly prepored for our rtran Fcholart ! Hi Almon Iirlunr. Tu Yoctii's Colu.isiss Ci.cft.ATnn. Tins volume contain 01 page, with about 000 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embrace the Fundamental Rule, Comiiound Rule, riimple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, rropnrtion, &e. TicKxnVs AtTHMtTicilTni.T.,is destined for the use of younger classes in th Schools of the United eitatcs. A beautitul little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teacher, in which the solutions of the questions are given witn much extra matter for the black board. These Key nre the most complete work of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, auout two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use nf the Teacher. All that i wanted is to have the nbove hook examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that bare ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the 8ohools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, m about twenty Acadamic in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and - in the Boroughs ot Marnsriurg York, Chamhcrshurg, Lebanon, Doylcstown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &c, cVc. For sale by Iitinr Masskii, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland Countv. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848. IMPORTANT TO THE i'UBLIC. E0P.33J A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. - Don't permit your Hot or cattle to die, when the mean of cur an within the reach f all I Notice. FTMIE partnership, heretofore existing under the JL name of Dewart & Bruner," having been dissolved, the siiliscril.cr announces to the public Unit be will continue the practice of the luw at the oflicc formerly occupied by said hrrn, in the Borough of .Sunbury. Business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. CHARLES J. BRUNER. Sunbury, April 21, 1819 3mo Pronunciation. The words Allopathy and Homeopathy, with those derived from them, are in most instances erroneously pro nounced. The following divisions show the true pronunciation the emphasis being on the italicised syllables: Al-o)-athy, Ho-mrr-op-arlhy, and Hy-dYop-a-thy. These words are now in common household use, and their correct pionunciation is therefore a matter of more than ordinary importance. Ma. Walker A report has reached us, said to be well authenticated, that Hon. R J. Walker has publicly declared his approval of the course and opinions of Mr. Benton in other words, that he is in favor of the Wilmot Proviso, and the application of "Free Soil" doctrines to the new Territories. We are not prepared to believe this, but it comes to vs from such a source as to justify the men tioning of it in our columns. Vicksburg Sen-inel. CliOLr.RA at tub Durham Flhnacc. We learn that the cholera has broken out among the laborers employed at the Durham Fur nace, and so terrible has been the ravages, that the surviving workmen, and every one connected with the furnace, have fled in ' mortal terror from this scene of death. Up to last Saturday, there had been 17 deaths there, all occurring within a very short time. . We learn that thero has been but one case of cholera in Easton, as yet Doylcttown lade ptndence Democrat. APPLETON'S CREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 Clieslnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Stcoim'i Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWING the wants of the community, the Proprietor of this Estirmshmext has fitted up a tore in the most elecant manner, having due regard to the comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feci entirely at home. HIS IIVrKBNSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the various De partments of Literature, so that visitor can find the Book they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Mock for the most part it the Act. Tins Sai.k, and being connected with one of the Lahrfst Pupi.isiiino orsr in this country besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sen all doors at LOWEB PHICVS than anv other bouse of a similar character on this continent. Hi facilities for the Importation if Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having Branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to this Country by every Stianer and racket, A C ATAICOUB of Books with the prices attached is issued nusr terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which are in all coses for sale at the LOWEST PBI0B3, or, from 2.1 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Fsw Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still lurther INDUCEMENTS to strangcra visiting the citv, evcrv one who pur chases One JJiiLija wubtu ol Books, will r ceive a copy ol the Stkamuer is I'HitAusiPHiA, an rlgant IS mo. volume, the price ot wuicb is 45 cents. I sr 1 he limits ot an advertisement are too eon- lined to enumerate the price of any of the im meuse advantage to be derived from purchasing at the Great Ci:st1ai Cheat Book Htok, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Cat logue, and buy the Book they are in want oil and wneu visiting the city, give Appleton on call, ana you will be sure to call again. STATIONERY in all it branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. 1 h Initials of thoa purchaniiii Letter sud Not rper, ueauy stamped u the comer, without usrge. Orders for ny article mav b aent br mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and th direction in all cases will I e fully carried out, with great pune Ayep's Ohfipy l'ectoral, 'for couam. colds', croup, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP ING COUHH. HROSCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. 1" 111S vnlnalilc preiviritiiia, s ast -uishiiifrly succrtflftd I in curing itiNKiscs 'I' die Lungs, ii the result i ( a skit:- fill coililiiiiuti ii ul thu known enrulivu priiiciijles t.f medicine. Its iiigruitiunui ure liurly uiuite ku wn to tiie public, uml ure limns tickn ivvlclifcl to nimlicn! men ss possesiiiif rare medi'iil virtues, which noculinr virtues are comUiwil in Hi,? "I'lll'.KUA 1'KCTllltAL" in llicirsTnil est purity uuil eiricicy, nml wliru usttt, us will be sceu from ine I 'll twin? vtuunnic rrsuni ny : I'UOFF.lOOU CI.KVEI.AXD. cf B m-d'iu College, Hcuinwick, .Maine, writes : '! have witntMscil the eflccis i f y -nr Cherry Pcclnrul in my own family mid in lhat "I mv fncnl, nml it !,: oivcu (rut suusiucu-iu in r.-i?n in i nnuiis nisi clulilrcn " A V()l K FHOM MASHACIIl SKTT. FrniDr. Hryuut, Dnnrgist Burl . si muster, Chic 'pee r unn, plitFR Db. J. c Avnt TJenr !ir : F.ncl st nlnne finil remit tnnre f -r ull ihc L'hcrry Pcetonil list sent me. 1 eun uu-ln'iit-itincJy riy. Ihut n mulicine we sell gives such s-nir-f ie:i n us y nr'sil nor have I ever sreu a uieilicii.e wliich curiTl s m'tiiy e-ihi'S "f c iu?h nn.l Inn c 'iii; bii'.'s Our Physicians urr using it extensively in ihe pruclicu, unit wall ihf hnpiucst effect. Truly y..urs. 1). M. BftVANT. Dit rrcrtuiNs. Pr'siilcutnf Verm 'lit Meilieal C liege one nf ihe m' st Icfiuieil unit in'clligeiit physicians in 'tie c .uulry. "cimi'iiters it a e nip siti m i f rare rxcelh net f. i the cure of Hut fur. miilatilc ilis-iisc, C nslunpti..,, An aim ? ini'rcli'.le uninHcr ' f cerlificiles have been received ( pi iving tint ti e Cherry P"im nil is. iu truth, a Ci It KAT It F.M KD V for Cuugh. C 'Ids. As: lirm snd all putm-Nuin rompluiuts. 1'Klt l-. 7S I r.A 1 ! I'liK 111 11 1 LI',. Preistrcd by J. C. AYKIt. Iuvell. Mm., sik! a4t br II. MAl-SUll.Sunoury, sndMAKY McCAY. .Northum- berlanrl. March 31, IMP TIIE OR AMD rUllCATlVE. FOB THS cvxib or V Measles Wt Rheam, ' " I Heart Barn, Wurms, DIAMOND POWDER FOU RAZOR STROPS. TS I IIS Powder is warranted far aupenor to any 1 thin; in use for imparting a keen, amoothedge to Raxor. Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Lt ri.r.m i it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale snd retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. l'uiLAiir.i.rHi, Feb. 1 5th, 1843. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in th moil unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you wi'.l find it superior to any heretofore in use. I can truly say that I never Knew wliat a sliarp raior was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Piiii.iiiELruii, October, 181'. A very hard beard and tender face ha compel' led me to seek and tert many contrivances design cd to make s'.iuvin; easy and pleasant, but will: inililVc.Tiit siciiss, until I ni.i.Ic use of tl.c Mui l IAV.O.Nii 1 'OWDF.!:. sn!d by Alfred Bennett, and Rous'!' Sharing Cream. Theii iiniie ! p iv cr act lil.c nia,ic, uml i-iipurt a poner tj the Razor to remove ti'.c ino't !''Lnni '.ward, uilhout ini tuting the skm or u-:ai ci ot their owner. J. COX, 40 .Sout'i Fifth Street. For sale at this oii'ue Price Si els. per Box. Novcmbtr '-5, 18It (Jin. Th undersigned has (pent wveral years in tha study of Veterinary practir in "London and B dinboro'," hs ha also availed himself of the rsar ehesof Leibig, and other celebrated aieti. whnhav contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; th principles of our practise consists in th rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicine that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony witli.the vital principle, and when given according to the direction which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increaaing the natural function, without di minishing or destroying their power, henca are afcin Ui hand of every one. U. H. UAUU, M. U. A List l Hers Cattl Medicine. Physic ball, 75c per box. Altcrativ ball, 75c do. " powder for bad condition, 75c per pack ape. Heave powder fordiseases of the lung, 75c . dc. Urine powder for " " kidney, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition slanders, 7oc do. Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, Toe per bottle. Liquid blister. 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. r bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for aand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & $ 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by 8TlMPON Ar REED, 26 Mer chant Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE UEPOT, Nos. 1 &. S Uaymarkct Square, Boston. Pamphlets dcscnhing the Uisc.vsc tor wlucli these remedies arc used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession nf the Proprietors, ot cures performed by the above Medi cines. Hold by GREEN &. FLETCHER,No.;6Soiuh SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Asksts. Hisar Musts, Sunburv, February 3, 1849. tf Trariach, OkVlineae, Rswanlwra. file, Drspensis, Acnrvey, Small Fux, Jaundic, ram in the nsea, Invrsrd Weakness. PsJpttaikjii uf the Heart, mmua. in m iiruvi, Dropsy, Asthma, revsrs m au aims, FsmaisCosspfconts, Osigh. (oinsey. Whorlrut Confti, ' Caisumptlra, File, liver Comrssiat, Krisipekis, Uaiinesa, Itehiugs the Skin, (Vj'Sils, Onut, Uravsl, r. err cms ujmpiauii, AMP k VARIETY Of OTHER DISEASES ARISIHC rao.M impurities or the blood, anb OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE OSOAJiS Of DIGESTION. Experience has rr rvcrt that nearly every Disease nrlcinsles fr an Impurities i Ihe Bl'xsl t rleraiajemeiils of the Wife. lives Orirnns ; and to seen re Henlih, we must remove those ubslrurli uisor restore the Wood u us natural suits. The avrrscn to Ink mis medicine is m st offeetnally re nt rvel hv CLiesics's VaoKTASl.s PtoTiv Pitts, heini e mrsetriy enrel peilwitha Mating 1 pure whit Sugar, wuicniSSS aiKIIMTI IT ! Iiw nircoiw, ui...wu. - snii fnim th km,n anif tmrenoione"! menicine. nuiare as maitv aimll iwert as mis ( esnar. m Tenver they neither mu'arate or pripe in the sliyhtest rleeree, hut nprmte equaltv on alt the niseused naitsiilhe aysiem, in- SALAXvIANDBIlf rtRE AKD THICr PROOF CIIESTB, FIRE-rROOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND STORES' Seal knd Letter-Copying Presses, Patent Slnte-Lined Refnjrrirators, Warrr fiU " tars, Patent Portable Water Ch ' . sets, intended for that Sick , . ;, tnd Infirm. , . EVATN8 & WATSON, ; 11 Pouts Th'rJ Strtrt, 1 OFPOSm TOE PHILADELPHIA RXOtANOl. ; Murufaetare and keepe"itsUit If mi aaiKl, a lama a irtmeat at ttn strive articles, t-ftetber wiU thslr Pntem Improved Sulamenrler MItlia)Uf.'AKIJ?, whisk r su eonatrurted as to set at rest U maimer,: d.ht as u Uiest twlnit strictly fire.pr,.H, and that ther will resist the fire of ant liuilrlin. The nuuiri .!t thase-afes srs marie of h-uter loei, the hifhle easenf soap stme, and between the nntar wise and inner ease is a apae f some three inches thick, sud is filled fn with Imlrttrue tiMe mnterinU s as t otnke it au iuirxnuhilitv tn I run, anv the contents InaMte m this meet, l hese B rwrt"ne Hav stead of r 11611111s: themselves U, nnd rucknur any noniculor I Is menders we are prepsred and d i chaHeinre Uie w ld r reanm. Tims, if Ihe l.iver Ik uTectsd me Hqrredirnt will prndnre snr nrticie in I be slmpe nf l,k Poles tint will operaierm Ih 4 nnrtirnlnr iirgim. and, by eleansinf it or an istsndas mneh heat, mwi we h 1 ouraclvci ready at aS hsn-ssisT llile rest-re it to its natmed state. Another will times to have them fairly tested by puLlie bmfire. We Operilte IHI the nrwrrf nrirftinnM.Bll Imnnrltiea in ilB rtrcn. Iiii i.in j while a third will euectuully iel whateyer imno rules iruiy have heen diacharsed into the at-njiiieh, and bene li'ey strike at the root nr disease rem ve nil Impure tin mora frnn the hody, open the p.rrrs exlemnllr snd inter nelly i arirBte all f imau and nOnosinus particle from ihe el yt an that the hi nd mnv be ih waiehly pure tbns se u rnurn free and heulthy arliontn the Heart, Luupsand l.iver nixl iherelii' they resinre hmlth even when all other means hnve ttiilcd. The entire trnili of the alrnre enn be aseertnined try the trial .f 11 sincle box j ami their virtues are si p.iiive and eertnin in ri'st'irintt Henlih, tlrat the proprietor bjnris himself v rr-iurii uir iii'niry pm lor inrro Ul all CUSCS Where U1C)' do not give uuivcrieil sutisfuetion. llelnll f'rlrc, 35 cts, per nox. Prineiml ofice No. f!S Verscy st., N.York, 8ld by JOHN Y. YOfNti, Sunburn. M. A. McCAY. Norihumlierlnnd. f Remember Dr. f. V. C'liekner is the inventor nf tha Si nr Coiled Pills, snd that imtliiuf of th" a rt mis ever mamiM nniii ne inir'STneetiinem ui June, IK11. rnreTiaaprs should, therefore alw.iys ask f ir Clirkner'a Snjnr roatal 1'ills, iud tsk others, or tlicy will lie made the vie urns of a iraun. Fe'irusry, 17, WQ ly 1 .Mnonip nETiiToiAic I AiiuncriOi-RvMsr llfxltli to the 1 VnVf r Thc True Secret for commanding a com petenoe through lift, lie in making an J keep ing iafely a little mora than one consume) Bow to keep property, and especially small urns at mechanics and day laborers receive in payment for their work, is one of the most difficult things to learn, and still more difficult to practice. HAtaiiBPio Cotto Factor. Ground was broken for the new cotton factory at Harriiburg on Monday. The contract for th Hone and brick work hu been given to Mew. McCalla and Bell, and that for the lumber and carpenter work to Messrs. Hoi man, Simons It Updegrove. all of Harrieburg. It ha recently ten discovered that gun cotton may r unej in th tiivermg 01 ioob uig glasses- nrnir ti Tin Sici! Weak ! ! A HALM ii found nr the AVh'iic Ilumaii Kact m An. drrwi FAIN KILLER. Tbii it an emirely vtgeU bl c impound, r hiptcd tf l'wrnty-Kivf iliffrrcnt mgre (liti)', and in uu interim nd Kxtenuil Iteiuedy Iir thr vn riouB illi titat human flcih ii heir u - t vcnASt Couarhi, Culda, Pain, XerwMii nw Sick Headache, nheuttiutimn, Cud, t ruim, Ppiiud Afltx-ti.itii, hummer C'lnpluiut, Cu lern Mmtsuii, r-or.iarhe, hupti-mi, Luma Pilci, Kr -xi-11 I'-irtfj, I in rim. Scu'.U, Ague in the Face oud Itrcurl, l'tiititrrV C llii. Hruim-n. K1 S (, Is ot pp tite, (mienil Uchililv, Avihma, Ac. Put up in tvtttlca ff I. si 'r 4 sViUltun per b lUc. tot tnrllier parucukira t ln:ii"MHt t ir: hud ol every agent ftrnliii, e nuiiuiiif a lirid" liiat ry l i.kj tripin. rtiac vrry nnd Mi rfloi o Aiiilrrwi' Pum Killer, Certiheoleaol Cures, directiutn. Ac LOOK OUT FOR FRAI7D. The tr'Hirirhnit auroeaa of Andrew a Pain Killer in re in viiiff l lie c uiifi tlmt tir iluee death, the uuliiiH'ly dtath ' mi III ni f wt race, hut induced tne men t wheiii it nviv tie trtilv tuid, their villain ui 'KTUisOtiona n:uiirat their villulny. t at luti it it I i ut in iircubti n turi tia and c uiiteifeil niijette called "Puin Kiiler," uainx tieiiti til uitmes t r the fireten K'J uuth r, Imced ceriilicite, Ac H Die hnve a'eaml, and "tlicr a dmlt wnl np(e;ir. Let all rciiiemiser Hint Audrcwa Oeuuiije rnm Killer tvi the UTittiu nmuture j. Andrew! in ihe hhcl T each u ti'c in hinck ink. 1) n't mmply imk f r Pnin Killer, but oak ( 1 AiHirrwv' rum niiirr, ontt nnve n titer. h lit hv M A. McCiiv. K ! A rent. Vmhumlrland : J. W, FrilitifT, tSnnlHtrv; J hu II. lumi, Milton; J hn R Myyer, HI snnuiliurjr ; Wm. A. Mnrrny C', lanvillr ; Unvemxn) k Smith. Plym uih ; Andrew Yhr, Wilke Isarre : nova AicLtinuiclf. AU--.wsiiviile : is nanie A ChniulserlHin. lwialxirtf : tie jrea McAlpiu. Jersey Shore: J. M Jitild. WilliniiiSiMtit. Otder invireecl t- I. Aunrewa. inrent'r ana nilv Ptiw prietT tit I litem TmpWuia county, N. Y. W.l receive pri'mpt ulteutim " ecjuemuer ju, jci-. it DR. TOWNSBND'S COSfOCNU EXTRACT OP SAUSAPAUILLA. THIS Extract ia put op in quart bottles. It ia six times cheaper, plenaanter, and warranted superi to any s 'Id. It cures ritseaara without vutnitinff, purfriitf . sick iieM, or debilitating tha patient, and is particularly adapted fur a FALL AND SPRING MKIMCINE. The great beauty and supert'trity of this S:ntarari!In over other remedies is, w hi lit it er.tthfutes uiscse, it invir utiles the b-ly, Coitsumpti u cured. Cleanse and rHreutrthen. Ctmauaiptin can be cured. Dronehitis, Cotisuinptitm. Liver Cuilaiiit, Colds, Ontfhs, Catarrh, Asthma, Spiltinfot lll.d, H weuess in lb Chesi. Hectic Flush,' Nnrut Sweats. Difli cult and Profuse LxperUiraUuii, and Pain in the Side Ac, Ac., have and rail be cured. Probably there never wus a remedy that hns been so suc crMi'til iu desierate case of etaumpti n us thisi it cle-ut-ses and s;renirtheiis the svklrm, sihI aiiears t bed the ul cer tu the luns, and putients grudually reditu their usual neuiin ami strength. CLHsOL CASK OF CONSCMPTiON. There in st-nrccly a day paw: but there are a number 1 e.ises .it c timun-i u rti .rtri ns rurett by the ue ot l)r Tuwntru's iSarnaiiIla. 'Die t U wttig va recently re cruet I : Ur. TowK!v Pear Sir: For the last three years I have been uiiliettxl with treucral debility, nnd nervous em sitinivi n f the lust stu-.'e. and did u t exjrtxt to ever pi in Hiv health ut all. AI'ht 'prnii!( t!ir iiiih it c luiscnl ine.iu ine utitlrr the cine ni' snte cf the in st disiinirutshed rc-nlar 'hykictaus xn-l members of t lie H Kird ( Hculth iu N- ataoeontmne to mnuufnrtnrei tarireand a-eneml aasTt mem 01 nnr i-remium Airiit;tii Mrr. I'reol Sniea of whiea there are ittcr W) n-nr in use, and iu every Instance ther nnre ptven etuiie antminction to tha purrhnners of which we will refer the public to few gentlemen who hava ihcm in iwe Ifnvw viri A miW. Pottsrillc! J krnti fl t AvtrM P tts'vilH? ; Mi. Willinm Carr, lovlestmii. Pa. N. ft O. Tayl r, 12o nrth .Td st.: A Wriffht Nephew Vine at. wharf"; Alcxtnrier Caror, Cnvemnrer, rofiir nf Filltcrl nnd Qth sts.; John M. Ford, rhl north M st.j Myers Rush, if ti 'tili 3d Pl.t Jnmrs M. Pinl, 101 ivntth 4th St.: Dr. Pnvid Jnvnr, fs smth 3d St.; Maths wT. MiUar, IV tVMith IM St.; nnd we ritld nnrnt soma hitnnreda nf others It it were nccpsnrv, nv we iimto the attention of thu pnbli". and purticulnrlr those in wint of Fire Proof Soles, to cam nt onr store iieisire rnrrnasiuir ewewmrre, and w ran sntinfr them lliey will tret a letter and clienper article at out store than at nnv other estahtihmnt in the rttv. We ats mannfnctnrc the nnlitinrv Fire Pr'of Cheats, at at very kw prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any other store in Philadelphia. iif r..t,!t, JOHANNES WATSO. PhtladflpWs, April 8, ly s. IS rsr lualitv snd tlraiiaU-b. Orders Jor Lululuguea should rrt-psi. GEO. 8. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publiiker, Importer, and Stationer lot cfteiiiui at tor. oj seventh, Strain's ijuiuine, ruuadiivnia, May, IS, 1849. 3m SUNBUnV rOUNDRV. flHE uhTiber reapectfully intorms th public X that b. ha giii brrome connected wilb Uie hot foundry, aud that kereufWr it will b con ducted solely under bis management anil rnntrnl. r roro nia lung eiperienc in the kuasiu be trusts b. will be able to give general utialaction to bia old friend and customers. The business will be cameo on m u na nrincnea. tl will eojilinue to manuCactura riougua, and all kind of elating will b don. with promptness) and in the beat mnner. CEO. UOHRBACH. Sunbury, June 9, 18493ra SILENCE 'nun dieidi'ul Cmitrli ! the Lungs ure in dan per, the work f tha Destroyer ha lieen begun, ttic cough of C'oiiaiiuiptinn hath in it n sound ol Denih, Bev. HENRY JoMCf, 103 Kishth avenue, was cared nf c ugh aud euiarrhul aSeeiiiai 6U veira suihIust. Tbe tirsl d se guv Uiai wore relief' Uuu ail the nttier niediciu be haul ever lakcu. lir. L i. Uils, IS UeuiiKy-strcet, gave ii to a sister-in-law who wus labouriiv under C u- aumpu 'iu ana v aii'ener aoreiy timteuaa wiw ut Asujnia. In b Hli eases its clccis were uiuiwduit, J0u rcsturuig Uieiu u e uu Tuinui nctnin. Mrs. I.UCBKT1A WKLI., 03 Clirbjlie-st. eufTerod fries Aulmu 4'iyairs. Hivmviu's Pulsnin relieved her st mice, aud she iso.itujMir ilively well, being, enubled t suUlue eve ry suuclt lya tiiuely use is this uiediciue. This indeed is Uie gixu reuwiy - Hiirin, ww, i- imng uhxo, uver C ui luiu:. uial all the udix-.i. us tf lbs throat, and even Asllrmimel i; eisiiiiiii". AUI 'rNietntnu'aavii-ilsMiinai naiaara, ana es that M W'it:etl B giuiture is a eucli l 411c. Iriee v reins ami ei icrixmie. Dr r''emitn's W em and Court Lo set tees, and Poor Mail's l'luauus suld as au-iv. , , ' MIEKMiVS POOR MAN'S PLASTKU . has eared more eases of Rheumatisia, Paia ut the Back, 6.de awl Chest. Luuiumw sist Weuknesa, than any appli eaiiia tluu bus iuereuawl, twiidreas I unprincipled macule haveaiteinntol ut e iierleii u. ana isiuu " upot ine eusmswaity aa the genuine. IF" Rewar id Deeeeu w. kcBMuuuar that the true and genuine fluster is spread up reddish paper mad expressly fa- the purpose and every cue the aieiwture nf Or Wieruiau is pruned area the hark nf the Piaster, and the whole ssrured by Cpy night, n eie other ar peuuiiM. Tlraret' e when y waul a real g set piieriuae's four Alan's rsisier, can ai inemucc, iuv iiaaauu street, and vita wiH aw he diaann Ulled. Itememiiar principal irtMM l m nmasau-aircet, rsw-1 "r, where all Or Obecin-ui's Usssareaara s 4d. His Atenis are Srs. Hays, :w Kullon sireet, Dr lvn; Hum u, wiiuaiusburg aial nemiiits im. Hnat"a, au Ji'lJ. i l- rtu, DiiuiHiry. M. A McCAY, NorUiaiuUrsusl Msy IS, IMS ehsSro ly In presenting the public with remedy f t the Irentment and cute nf Ftn-a un Ann and .ither bili us disRises, intamiliterT is needed. Vast numlN-ra in the I'mteil SLitea. who surter t'rotn Uieae ntTeetinns iu tbeir vaneii f.mns. are c -miiellrd ! seek relief frtn mher a airees than the iinine dmte prearripti uis d the resnikir bysician. It hec wives iiierct re an unjert m numaiuty. aa well us puwic inler- em, in nring ieiiire tnein a remefly preiaretl ttnm murh cx .erienre. ami wtiicn in.iv uiwnys lie relied invn as sirs, arrxcTcsL, axd haBmlsss to tii ciisstitutios. That such is the true ch'irucler nf the INDIA (ilttl.AOf (Gl'E. is amply attested by the universal success with which it has necn enipinyeo. . - - ry Kutrocl from s enmmuuirutinn nf the linn. W.. u am WocDeuiBol, of Ui U. S. Senate, late Giivernor n MJlCtllgUll. Dstioit, Oct. 31, 1SI0. Dorros rmsLri Osoono, lieur Mr. I lure rend with much interest, ynar little tkakatub uprni the ''causes. trentmeAt and cure'1 of tiie febrile disenses which have s extensively prevsiled ia our cnuntry duriue the list few m iiilis nn interest increasal md'MjIit, by Ihe fnct that I have innividivUly stiSereil si uineii tr to them. Itmueh I teel myself very ine inpelent tn )udse rifely iip'n a subject s entirely profe'siii aiul, yet ynur theory seems t me well re:isueil, sml ymir c iuc'Iu sicms iust, uikI I think wiihnl. that ymir un,ilil is culcu luted In pt-uluce much prarticid cmd. Spenkui)! nf the medicine he suys : It fully hwti6ed your Autteruif expeetati lis, and as a safe, nsiveuieiit. and p-inu-sir remeily, my own experience, a far, jndueea me ti be lieve Inut it will nr ne a (revt rublie benefit. I am Dieuaed ti leurn lliut y'Hl have recently estnMished several aceiK'ies f' iisdisp snin,Hthniirh I rearet timt, with a view t a nm general disaemiiiatmn of it, y iu slinuld huvs fuind it necessary to remiive tnm ywr preaeut reaulenrc am Jug us. i nu iniiui rtapvui s uuve ine n wn in ne, air, Y'"ir nhliced sen'ant, Wl! UAM WOODUHIDCR. tr Ttam Hnu. Htefhsx V. K. TsowsaiDsi, of Michi gun piaie pcivue, wi ine Agent at ueiout. UiMixaiiAM, Oaslakd Co., Pee. 13, 1MI. Fit ynu wish ine in 111 m you whnl I kii"W of Dr, Oseimd's Italia Ch'd e rue. ne aiiti.hih aia nwnliriiM 1 A believe tlutt if the virtue and clhcacy of this medicine were cenrtally known, the mux and Act; would diKipiur in M ichi);au. I procured a b-mle in tiie siring nf IS4I, and have gl reason to believe that myself ami family cacuped th agae last seasiin in eonseiiueiii'e of its use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement nf this (ne Cmiusiiki, I us the fever and ague been si prevaleut aa the st. 1 hnve rec mineuiled this meilicine iu numerous in stances, and when Hie disense hud become fixed and bullied Ihe skill nf phvtiriaus: and 1 lave never knows it fail. I. ana universally pnducot the m t happy effects, and I bet neve it tias never ueeu exceeuia ny aiiy medKuw ui nau. vuig uie oiiinu aiaeaae oi tii eutoat. 1 ours, respeririiiiv, fTEIMIKN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. A rent fie fMlllhurv H. B. MA1RR: Nnrthumberbunl WITHINGTOM 4 C. Milks, i. H. R.VSEHi bclia. grove, jua i at r,t,uDr , me u 9. AR IRON of all kind tor ai few, at the star of C, C BOGAR. unkury Jan. 0th, WIKDOW OLAS8, by 10. tor sal t HENRY MASTER uakuryju t7th. llitv. st (Ltf Keller . ftrenii;li.) PATENT ATTORNEY. JkJTD MEOHANXOAX. ElfOIZTEEB, HasbiuBtou, U.4J. W-RAWIXGS anJ pHPers for the Patent LFUIIlue, preparea ana au lite necessary u sines, m relation to securiuir naleuls, I runs acted, and promptly attamled to, at their of hce opposite tne ratent urhoe. Uclober 28, 1B8. BVAY RLMe An .irellcnt rticU (be aJ M by , . , HENRY MA88EU. 6unbury Jan. t7th, 1849 tf. . , j: LASTER, Salt and risb, just received and sbr by . j. W.FRIUNO. Bunhiirv, Dec. I, IMS. ' . . IJAI.NT8, atwfofsai. by 1 CHA8. 8.UOGAR. Sunhury, March 10, 1649. pi l i.ik nml eisewlirte. unj SK'ii.1uur tiie in si ., my e:iriunt;s ill atiein,ituut to rr;jiii my hmith, uu.l alter reiubug 111 sitiie )Aiier ot' -'iut irBUaitilla 1 res lvi-d t try it. Alter using six bKUea I found it d ue tne grtit g md', and culled see you at your umcc ; wnn yi'ur uiiciic I kept ini, ani m.ist hearuly thank vou for ru'ir advice. 1 nersevera in taking thc Snraupatillu, and have been abut to attend lo my usual labors f r the ktatfiur amilhs, audi hn by the blessings nf G d and your tarKiirilla to continue my heulih. It helped me beyond the expecuti'vui of all who knew my case. CIIAKIXS vtCI.MUY oramje, tMtx en. Pi. J., Aug. a, 1M7. Siaieof NewJersev. Essex muntv as. Charles fJuiin- by being duly aworu accmlmg to luw, hia ilh snith, thtt the foreg 'ing staiemeul is true according to the beat of hi skuowledgc and belief. CHAHUji HUl.MHY. rwwnsiKl aubacriuci to beror me at Omngc, UielM August, lb47. CYIUS UAIAjWI.N. J Usui's of lbs I'eaca. SPITTING RI.OOD. Read the f illowiiis. and anv thut cjiiauinntioH is in incu rable if y ju can : .ew vnrit, April SI, IS17. Dr. TOWNSKXI! : I verilv brlipve Ihut i-.,nr M:irMti.uirilla has been the means, through Providence, ol saving my lite I have f r aeveral yeurs hud a Isid uuigh. It liecniue w rse snd worse. AI last I raised luriie quuuiitiea of Ulol. had nicht swealsand waagreutly debiliuited aud reduced, aud did not expect to iivr. I luive only used your Ktrsuparilla Imt a sh irt time, and there hns a wiaidrriiil cliauae beeu wrought in inc. I am now able to wnlk all over the city. I raise no bkusl, and my c sigh bus left inc. You con well imagine that I aia thankful t these rcsi.lts Your nbedi ait servant. WM. Hl'SAKM- (U CaUuuuw au I.OST HER 81'KK.CH. The annexed certificate tells a simnle and truthful siorv sf snli'.'inm and relief. There are th uisanils of similar ca ses iu this city and Urnoklyu. and tet there are th aisnuiui of paretua let their chililreu die for feur of beuig huinluiggcd nr to save a few shillings. . uromiin, rept. 13, im7. Dr. TeWNBSND: I take nleasura in alnlin f. 1.... 6l isT th aw whom it niuy cuiccrn, that my daughter, two veara and six m ml lis oil, was alRicted with general de biliiy au I l-iaaof Sierh. She wua eiveil un aa nail .... e 'Very uy nut family idiysicum ; but I irtiuiaiely I wus re- c enmeuiled by a Inend to try y'Wir Kiriwnll. Hef re out ing iuku ihis notite sue reciverert her apeech aud was enuhled m walk alone, to the oat uiislinient of all wh were uc.iuiiuel with tiie ciruumstumi's. Che is now quite well, snd iu much letter henlih tluu she has been f t lo m.inlis pas.. JOSEPH TAYLOR, I) York at., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few families in leed in fuif we have a heard of ouetlutt aard Dr. T iwnaeisl's tbraparilla in time. I at any children the past Mummer, while th u that did a a, sickened aud died. The cerei&cate we publish below ia c inclusive evidence i;a v.diie,andiuulyaiesher iiunaoce if lis aiviiig the lives of children : Dr. Townsxkd Dear 8ir I I hud two ehibirm wmA k jr ur giirsanariUai'f the auinmer cwuptiuil ami dyseuury ; newus.mly IS m-Hiih old aud tha other 3 yeurs. They were very much reduced, ami we expected they would die : they were given up by tw respectable physicisus. Wbeti the doctor mf ml as Ihut we must I ae them, ws rea -ved to try ywr EVimnarillu w liad heard so much of, Ihii luul little confidence, there being s i much stag sdverused that ui worthies: Ian we are thankful thai w did, f. it and aiUedly aaved tiie lives of b ah. I write this that oth ers may be iuduced to use it. Y-vrs, reaiwcifullv, , JOHN WILBoN.Jr. Slyrluvavenue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, IK47. TO TIIE LADIES. GREAT FEMAIJB MEDICINE. Ds. Townsino's BssurABUXA is a B nrareienand inul. cure f iiR-iuient e iauuuliuu. aud for Lh ui ... tl 11 ai the system no mutter whether the rcauU id iuhe reut cause ur causes, produced by irregularity, ilbwas ot ac cideut. Nothing eaabe m ee urpriaiug than its invignratuie ef recu ou the kumau frame. Fere ma all weakness aiid las auude, from taking it at once beoane r duist aud fad of energy uuder lis uiSueuc. It itasaadiaialy eosuuaraeu the ucrvcleasues id lb fcuuua fcaiiu, wluck ts las great uauae barrauueaa. It will not be expected of us, ut eases of an delicate a na lure, to exhibit eertiacatea of cures performed, but w eau assure the auueted thut hundred of cues have beeu iCDut ted hi us. Da. ToWMsxxn: My wife weuluwss and general deuUity, paid aud wilb other difficulties, aud bavuig kuiwn ease where yiau medicine baa esTeeted great curea ; aiid aleu keaiuig 11 reimeuded fur such cases aa 1 have described, I ouiined a b dile of y.au Extract ut aaraipariU aud fid lowed Ihe direeti em you guvs me. In a short pcri'id ii removed bar euotpbuuts and reabwed bar to health. Beiug gteauul f the benefit b received, i lake else sure iu Uius ackuowUxIgiiai II, and recoauaeuiiuf it to the nurdia. a. D. MOOBE, Albany, Aug. IT, HI. cor. Orand l,)-di uv DYSPEPSIA. No luid or saediciisi ass ever kaa diaonrared which so nearly reaembka the gastrss juae or saliva ui aacaanaung food aud auenglheuing the organ nf digests as Uu pre parau a of karaapatill. it anauuaeb; ears every gas uf dyspepaia, however aavere ar civnai. . Beak Derautmeut, Albany, May IS, l4S. Dr. IWiawnd Sir i 1 hav bee articled for several yaare entk drapapcia iu Uja wnral funs, sailed wuh nr. asss of steaack, I m of appetite, exuesae haaMbam, sad a graut avarai la aU kiuda fu at, aad f weeks, (wkal I fraild eat) I have beeu aiathki lo retai bat anall pntuoa eat my auanaeh I tried the usual remedies, but Ikes' had but hula or a cdTeot ui rssnoviug tii e aauit. Iwaeuv duoad, ah n two saouik some, to try your Estreat nf Sr- HMLEY'SCOlGJ CJNDY. An sol w V km remedy tar couch, cold. For sal tthissOot SOIIUS C'A.V IIECX'HKD. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Ctrta. rpOVSKVS UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the most I e ininlete Hum Amid ne ever kn n. It insioiulv. (nnd as if by Mngic) stops ins of the m HI desperate llurnuno rvatii. ror oiii rvires, Itiuisce, c nts, Sprnms, Ac oil manor lieasl, il is the best application that ran be mude I h 'iisniins have tried and tlHiusnnils prusc it. It is the in st perfect mnster or pain ever disc ivrrrri All who use re c mmrnil it. I ) very family th luld lie pt vi led with it None can tel how anon nine of the t: iniilr irfiy need it. fv Observe each bon nf the fimine Ointniem hna the nnmrof Tovskv. written on the outside label. To unite to this is f .rgery. II itlmen, luvery Men, Farmers, snd oil who use limes. mil li nt this Oiutuient the very best thing thev ran use f r C Jlur Galls, Scratches, Kicks. Ac., Ac, on their animals Si.rely every mercy ful muu w nild keep hlsauiintds ss free fr -m pnin as p msihle. Toiiscy't tniverail Ointment is all that is required. Try It. KITES OP INSKt'TS. For the sting or bite nf poison us Insects, T luaey's OiuMnent it umivalled llutidrcitt have lrie.1 it end f mud it sn it. Pll.iaCURF.l) ! For the Piles. T maey't Cnirerrd Oint ment isnne of theliest Remedies that cm he applied. All who have trie t it f ir the Piles rec tnmeiid it. OLD SOKES f.'I RF.I). Fit ohl olsjtiuate 9 -ret, there is nuning equni to rousey t tiinimrnr. A pers.ni in Mnim us hud. f ir a numlxr of years, a s re leg that Imified the akillof ihe dort -rs. Tonsey's Ointment was rce miinended by one of the visiting phvsiciiuis, (who knew its prent vir tiien ) and tw i b xes prmluciil more lieiiefii Ihuu the pa tient h-id received from any ami all prcvi iut remedies, lrft slltrvtt. BL'UNS AND SCALPS CCRF.D. Thnisniid nf cases nf llurns and SctiMs; in all parts of the c snitry, have been cure I by T ntaey'a i.niverrd Ointment. Cerlificuleseismgh cnnld I had t till the whole of tins sheet. VIOLENT IlltnsEStTRF.D. Testinuminle on lesti m mini in far r of T uvy's Ointment f r curing Uriiises heve beni ofTered the pr.iprict as. IluiHlreila in Syrucnse wtllcertify toitsere-tt inerits relieving the pain of trie m 'St severe tlniioca. All ocrs 'lis sh 'Uid try it. St.'ALDHKAP CTHF.D. Sires f coses nf Scnld Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it sihl ru fails SALT RIII'.l'M CI'RKD. Orsll the rcnvlies ever die. e.'veren f r hs in 'st dinrreeuhle c mj l iiii', T us.'V's I'ni vereil Ointment is the in st c m.lcte. It never was ku 'Wil tif'il CH APPED II KNTS C N HF. Ct RED.-T usev'e I ni- vers 'I I li.ittiH in w : ' -.'w ivp. e.ire the w rst cisca of Chuji- t e-i iijii.is.r-' -ei i rm lis will rill nils. SoKK I.IPSCIIir.D. F t the cure "f S re Lipsthere was never iinythhig nrele eiual to Tousey's Ointment. It is sur to cure ' hem. T'V il. ll ia scientific e-tnji und, wnrrititel ni t-l c nitnineny prep 'in n of Mercury. I e Price Hi cen's per b -x. r ftiriheritir ieiiLirs c nccrii'nir this really vnl.uible tiintnient the pul.llc nre ri:;cr,-ii Ui I'aniiililcts, i be h'ul gnt'is. ' f re sieeiiiSk Dm 'pull nnd Alin h in's through at the L'mted S'ntet. Preivire'l bv S. TOtSF.Y, Druggitt, Nn. IM Narsnu Street, New York. AumTs-JOIIN YOUNG, Riiiibur.', M. A. McCAY. Northuiiilierl.itril. February 17, ISIS. ly OXYGENATED Ili 12 'O1 1X2 5S3 e A SOVEREIGN REMEDY I OR riiTin c, AND GENERAL DEBTLITT. GEORGE R. GREEN, Prophietor. lf'twlsor, Vermont. IS a sovereign remedy f r DYSPEPSIA, in mnv nf en t.irnis, such as witn in thc St much, Hvjrlburn, rtubituil C wtiveucss. Arid Sl nnnch, Jlcaiiuche, ls.u' Appetite, Piles. .Viclit Swciif. and even Cusumpti m (l !,, tic Phllusii',) and Asthma, or Phthisic intended with liersn;. nunt ot the Stomach ( Dysjwjtic Asthma.) l;icult Hreulhiue. which often results lrui iuiperiect dtgesti n (or Dy.c tie Sysinru.) is relieved bv these Unlet. Inssirt, their use hns been proved in the relief of aim st all the syinpt .ins that pr k-cciI from a debilitated or at 'uic c ni b Hon of the St iinnch ; also in general dehllitv arisinr fruin aye or from the efTeits of l ever, particularly l ever 1 Ague. Females tulierws and.T nny uterine dcrungteinit arising from weakness, will find the ''Oivui.VAri.ii ll: r tias" an excellent remedy, and n surpussrd by any iwdi cine tn uae. I he history nf this medicine ia peculiar. It has mode rs way to public inv .r s .lely by the f..n-e "I its own muiwc merits No artificiul tiieant hnve been used to give it iw tiirietyond ihrusi it apoii nuhlte aitemi u. It has never before even been advertised, but having first shown its re markahlc i-.Tiiticy in the tiuuily of the prpnctor, and b linn mterwaols iiiltnoiisierril to Ins atf.icted friruds oi,d a,'. iumutiince with a like result, its reputmiot, r rtniua, v et temled until it is known in the in at distant kirls of :r: li'ni 'ii, as a llicibcine t uurivalleil vmuet in ike nre i Dysieiia in ail us rtidVrent f .urn. and aii t luc cute t Asthma nr Phthisic. Its nnlv lie-aid eial its rnlr eUi c baa been the atory.f its w i.irrlul clhcacv, aa add leus m 'Uth to i.,i,th .r by letter Ir m in, it t . inen.1. In n e ry instance where these Hitters have len unot.oud lac re suit made knowu ti the piopriet'r, they have proved e r. niedv. ISiiincr.me eertifieatrs. attesting the siueutar eflcacv e arc in the pjasessi oi tb' nr ipriet ir ; iiuniv oi theiu sigueil by pcraoiu already wtdai LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUXOICK. DYSPEPSIA. CHUOMC OR NERYOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, jfnd all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomich in both .une and Female: Such as Cnnstipati n, Inwird Piles, FuTness or HWid in the Head, Acidity of the Sf 'livieh, Nultscu, llc.-ilt.biirii, Diecuat for Fo el. Fnllnesa or weiglit iu the Slomnch. S 'tir Krurfali us, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Slouiwh Swimniiiiit of the lleral, Hurried and DimVnli lirenthing, Fluttering at ihe llcnrt, Clinking or SntTtcuting svuaiti ns when iu a lying p attira Dimness - f Vision, Dots or wela betore tne irrit, r ever end dull reiui m the llmd, llchcien cy nf Pers.uruiion, Yd! iwiu-se .H' the alkiu and Eves. Pain the Side, Buck. The. Limbs, Ac., Sudden fluahea the "Oxvgxat Ulricas. w tu Ihe public. w.v. , CEO. B ORF.E.N, Prjprietjr. WI.NLSOR, Vl., Oct .bcr a, Ie4 j. The fullsH lug Ci rtilicul-t have recently Vera received : VAll.,:In. D. C, Jrrr IP. 1S48. Having mule nse . f the "Oxv-eualcd lliiirts" prepare by Dr. Geo. It. Green, . f Wind, r , Vt.and front ku a lolge . .btaiiied . f thrit e'Tiency ui ther eases, we cheerful recnnneisl tbetn r thepiibUr, lylirvina th.it thev w.il ru. siisliiin the rec inmciKtuti n "f U'e I"r ipriet r. ' We b -that Una vniu il.le reineilv mav 1 generally d.fTLs'. thr iifh 'lit the I'oinilr) tliut it iuay be acvessiuV ti ti alSideil. i 1 .1 .1 AMI PI I A.M . f l' S Scat. frota ens- J A MI 'S F. S..MMONS. I" S. Seu il t m R Ikon J T MORKJIEAD, V. 9 Sewt audf .rmarly Uorer or of Krntncky. L. II. ARNOLD, Memuer tf t'jiigress and f STnerlr G venir m It. I. ' WM.WfM iTinRIDGE. V. vern. ot .viicloean. M. L. MARTIN, Deiegate to C uigrrss frum TV.se Territory. From Hon. II. S . . Seuator and f irmeriy C FnsTts. Meniher ef Coaercrs fmn Pvuiisylitutui. VYsisoTi... I). C . Jrx 10. 146 Dr Sir. I have heen a dysgieplic aunerrr f r about years, ami have res rted to van us medicines fir re with 'Ut success, uuiil I nrvle use ot v. ur "On-gem Hitlers.-' I have u-d ab tit tw liottlcs, and find lav ri'storcl to ixn.-ct hcuuk The forms iu which the ', ease sh .wed itself, in my cne, w ere, f reut aridity nf si lunch, 1 ss "l api'ctite, c itreuie datiilciee. severe rie wtl m ol the Ii nveis. and viol.ju headache. Feeling d rons that a ku iwle,lg ot y ,ur lahiablr remei'.v mav r others similarly nHiiilrd. I take great pleasure lu ree iug my testnu ny i us i-smuve power : and wield rriuaik. that while mi a visit ul home a short time sin.' administered a iirt a b 'ttle 1 1 a numher m" my of! i ,,e,p,, ,eiii sai-iKS. i lev mIt uesirouB llial urr. ,M lut.irii, I where tne medicine i-.ui be "'Hauie,!. With an earnest sire for your pr sperity and liappiucss, I snlacrine iri truly your inend j p FOSTE t t. tixn. ir. GacrsYinds -r, Vt S .Id Wh lesele and Itnad bv riia A Fleteker, SSSuith Sixth Slr.1, Ph.ladelphlfi. Airent I t huuburv H. H. M ASSI'.R. Airrmsf'ir Villnn MAfKAY A IIAttt. Agent f i I'pjier Mahonov. J. G. IIENN. April 15. IMh rs being greatly distressed by y, aud staferuig euuliuually by haveaea.- Yoara. As.. W. W. VAN KANDT. Ageiu for Suauury JOHN W. FsUUNO; Nor th amber land, MaJlY A. MeCAY PeaviAU, WM A. MURRAY A Co., Atadss, ka ig Heal, Huriimg in the I'leeh, Cintatent Invigiuins of evil sh :d estal.ttHh an ni;enc' at Pittsii siui great ucpreasi 'n ol 9,urus can ue cuectituii)' cureu ny D?s. Ccltsbruted Gitiiiiui Bitters. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equulleil by any other presiruti n m the Lulled Stuti-s as the cures sttcst, iu muuy cjscs sficr skillful physicuius had failed. ' Derwareaicut of the Uver and e?tnanch ere a erect of tiuviulty, uial will ulai pr sluce disease ul the Henri, S:,iu. Luiurs and ntdneia, and lais ttie usly open to au al'uck of the Ch dcra, litis -us. nr Yell w Fever, nnd is generally tne first cause of that m iet baneful diseise, C onsuuipti m, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. "THE DISI'ATCH." December lltst aivs: AN INVALIAIILE MEDIt'lN E. We have frequently hcurd Ihe Celebrated Uctnun Ullteis. uumulucturcd bv Ll HihiDiihI, sp iken ol ui tctuu of c mineudali ii, and we know deserveilly an. Il is a loo c hiiiwoi practice, in cur tail! quarters, lo pud all manner of useless trash, but in the above Itinera. huiMtred, ure living witneoaea T their great m-nd aud physical w th. Asa inoluuie id the Liver CotupUiut, Jauialicc, Nervous Debility and Dyspciwiu, it lam been I .uial iuvaliulde, etfectiug curea and th r n?hly eradicating disc ises, wheu all other medicinee have failed. We feel ciuiviuced, llttd iu the uae of Ihe German Biiiere, the lanteiit d esn t bee eit debilituleil, but conauuitlvguma strength and vigor to the frame a fact worthy ol' great ciiisiderati si. The Hitters ure ileusuiit in mate and smell, and can be adminiatereil under any circumatunces, to the m at delicate aliauuch lndee.1, they CuU be used by all per s am with the m si perfect satety. It w old be well f Ibiuje wh are much affected in Ihe nervous avstctu. I ciaBincuce wuh otie tea saifulor lest and gradually iu crease. We apeak I'tnul ex(ierieuce, aisl are f c ilroe, pT'iper judge. Thc preee tur and wule, hnve uuitnl iu re erannirtidiug Ihe Genraui timers, and to Uie arnicted we snual cordially advise tbeir use. SPIIUT OF THE TIMES," June tilth aivs: ''DO OL'R 0OODC1 I IZl :.tj who are invelids, knnv Ihe luanv aslouishiiur cures ihut have been cif rmed bv Dr. H nTuud'a I'eleliruted German Uincrs If they d n , wa rec-no mend Iheia toihe"l.enmui Meilicine 8 ore," sU who srs slflR'ted with Liver Complaint, Juundicc, Lys pepaia, or Nervous Debility ; the Doct e hut cured uuiy of out eiliseaa after the beat nlivsirians bad failed. We Suva ueod Ihew. aud they have proved 1 1 baa asedtcwe that every nue eh aikl kn nor n', and we eunl refraui giviug out lea n's uy in their far , and tluil which gives them greater claim upon our humble esT , they ure em may VegeiaUe. , . "THE DAILY NEWS," - ,. ' . July 4th toys ' ' "We apeak kmvwiiajly nf Dr. II i dhnd'e Celebrated Car. man Bitters, when we eiy it is bleasins if Iks ags and lu dsmaee the biliary, digeative au I Nervous Systems, it kuauut we think aa equal, ll ia a Vegetable Preparation, and aside without Ale di 4. aad e all iuvalida era woukl re .anatead it as w fthy tbeir vairklenee. Fiw rue, wlKraale and retnil, a) Ike principal Depot, CEHMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 7 Rae Street, PhianMnhia. i For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland and Sun. bury auM teapecuble dealers feuerallir throughout the State. April tl, IMS If Cotton Yarn. Cotton Oarpet Chain, Cotton Lap nd Wdding, Cotton OutDrtea, Reaily inad Pantaloons, Ready mail Vests, Congrcsa KtuWas, Porcelain liner) prewnring kettles, iuat rrc4J for aale by , . , H. MASTER. Sunbury, Dec S, 1141. ,, XE8 of very superior quality for sals by." . . , H.MASSEJI, Bun wiry, irac , mi. t J1LANK BOOKS. An (asortment of Blank - Book, iuat raceivat anel aai by , , U. MASSER. Bunbury, Dae- , IMS. tYRUP M0LA88Z&iSuparhar reOned 6vtup - Mot for a by KINKY MAER. anbury. Dm. S. ISil- OAKFOIUVS LNltiVALLEI) STYLE OF H. FOK GENTLEMEN, r ii a iu. v.s u a k fo r n. No. 104 CHESTNUT STRE Philadelphia. Wculi! rrs ret fully invite attention In his snf style of Hats lor sutilinn. ISIS, whirli wl found th tnoel pet led eisr h. f.oe nlT. r.tl to coinnnit'iy. Is pt'iulinr firm render, it th id siraM , as it coiub rics sll the eeaeiiita of i hili'y aihlnestne-s, reqii site in Ihat anii'lcof wln'l his iiirreaai il firiltiies in in in -mifart ai ll all he ticul.ru impr vein. tils, rnnblcs I'll CH ALLAH Hi THK WuLII to IT lluCS S Hal. Cminsxa's Fascv Hats sn Car i I.4T1 Mun. TIick gooila have htenrr Willi grral e tc. anil will lu) f.nind nuajt bs and C' in tliftr iv. l.tniks' Him Hat as Car or E IT i'attsums. (iresi rste hss ' n b. cil in room in ni these aii' ih.-t ihey t .rtfctl) ray and f.iim graceful pr'i CHARLES OAKFOI 101 Cl rstnut si. tew door, ..bove C, n, I'htlvlfli Mer temVi 30. IRtH.t h June 2 1, Id Id I'iciorlHl lUliitoti uf il'inhlt great Hrk uu Hih llrl'isriitai OF THE SIX I'EEXTH rFXTCRT IN MAN V SWI I 2KKLA.NI, k'. inihluhe.l nr. nr ImuI Ihe Ul of Apltl. lb' JOS A bl'EF.L. Nu Cherry t shov bis splendid l imn edit too of the bov walk, aith 18 epgrsved illiislrdion fn ginal dVin; 4 vol in S. bourn! in eilrs nil library sbeep. The imblisherresielfiilly rail lb al ofthalisd and Ihe pu',, g-e"ally. wotk being the only illustrated edition pu in lb United St" H irul ibst lb of Hs embellishments, th strong and tub manner in wrnrh il is bound, in conjunctn th known popularity nf lb wnrk ilaelf, snr rswnwaitiion to public for. . J09. A SPF.F.L. M Cbeiry l ( J. A S his lo lately published, a s beautiful Edition nf Sergeant Bell's Rare sail a at batik lor children, aeally da es'rarlole). . 7 -' Philadlrbia. April I. iSdeW . PATENT Truss ot all .kind. H writln and indellibl ink. Cotton y Uiw, just racaivad and tor 1 by ... , j. w. fmj Sunbury, D& S, IKt. t'Al'Se An ftsaorttauit juat tsctk ' Uk HAT at SSA for ami b Nunbury, Psc t,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers